We’re waiting for tomorrow but tomorrow never comes, Our last breath is right upon our heels, yet we still refuse to run. 86,400 seconds, and we’re in another day, All slipping through our fingers, as we look the other way. Days, weeks, months and years, are made up of right now, A string of fleeting moments, that we never can pin down. We gaze into the future, as though it’s where we’re meant to be, Always planning for that day, when we can say that we’re happy. We spend so long looking forward, that we may as well be blind, Since we don’t see until the very end, all the things we’ve left behind.
“Taking a Mental Picture” by IC Mending Art Artist, Joseph C.
Now I know it’s just a theory, but I think I’ve worked out how, The only way to happiness is to love what we have now.
“With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope”. This was part of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech on August 28,1963. This speech was about unity, faith and the love for each other. It was a speech of hope. A hope that can sometimes be lost during difficult times in our lives. We all at some point took the walk up that mountain of despair and on that same walk we can bring back hope. Dr. King spoke on equality, something that Mental Health CT practices with staff and program participants. We all know the importance of being treated fairly. Just being treated as a person can be so important to our mental health. If you’re dealing with mental health or not, just being treated like a person is essential to mental health. When we practice faith, hope, unity and love it’s like feeding our thoughts vitamins and nourishments. Without it we can become weak and prone to negative things around us and thoughts. Dr. King saw hope and good in all men. We have to learn to see good and hope within ourselves. Find something positive and good to believe in within yourself. Don’t ever doubt it, even at times when it seems impossible. There will be times when you feel like you’re walking up that mountain of despair it is no hope, remember all those broken stones around you are hope. Pick one up. In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day which is observed this month, we invite you to join us for our workshop on Friday, January 15 at 10:00 entitled “I Have a Dream” to discuss more about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his inspirational messages. -Derrick W.
It is hard to believe that winter is already upon us. Here are some tips to keep you safe through the winter season: IC member Victor B. shared his favorite quote “...books are the greatest gift one person can give to another” (Bono). We would like to know - what are YOU reading? What books or quotes have inspired you? We would love to hear from you. Email Trista at tgenova@mhconn.org.
Keep an emergency kit in your home. Some winter
storms cause power outages, so be prepared. Have things like bottled water, a flashlight, extra batteries, extra medication and emergency phone numbers. Also be sure to keep your cell phone charged. Wear appropriate clothing when going out. Wear layers under your coat, keep
your hands covered and wear a hat. Keep your feet dry and don’t spend too much time outdoors when temperatures get below freezing. Watch where you walk. Streets and walkways can be very slippery either due
to snow or even black ice. Be mindful when you step out and use caution to avoid falls. Be careful of snowbanks when crossing the road. As snowbanks pile up, cars
and busses may not be able to see you behind them. Proceed slowly when crossing the road and always look both ways before stepping out.
2020 has been a challenge for all of us! There was a life-changing event that affected all of us but we need to look to the future. Let’s find new and improved ways to make our 2021 a little brighter despite what may be going on around us. Here are 5 ways to start your New Year with a smile. 1. Find a hobby- What is it that you enjoy doing? I know a lot of us have been feeling isolated and there is only so much we can do when we find ourselves cooped up in our house or apartment. But everyone is good at something (knitting, baking, painting, etc…) Think of something you like to do to pass the time and stick with it! 2. Breathing/Meditating- Anxiety has been building for most of us because of 2020 events but it doesn’t mean that anxiety has to follow you to 2021. Practice helpful and soothing breathing exercises (Deep breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 2 seconds and breath out for 4 more seconds.) Repeat these breathing exercises while listening to calming music or even sitting in silence. It’s a great way to start the day and clear your mind. 3. Avoid the news- I know we all would like to be well informed of what’s going on around us but the news can have a negative impact on your mind and cause more worry and anxiety by listening. Maybe limit how much time you spend watching the news and watch something more positive instead. 4. Get up and move! Another great way to relieve some stress, anxiety and depression is to exercise. Not everyone can go to the gym or do yoga but even getting up off the couch and walking around your house or apartment will help increase those serotonin levels. When I feel blah or lethargic, I force myself to get up and walk around; walk up the stairs, a quick walk around the block just to get the blood flowing. 5. Cook a healthy meal- let’s face it, we don’t always want to eat healthy (pizza, cookies, chips…they all taste so good but they are so bad for our bodies!) Even if you chose one day a week to cook yourself a healthy meal you will feel better. A healthier diet change can help lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of high-blood pressure, manage diabetes and even help with fibromyalgia pain. A healthy, well balanced diet is the key to feeling better. Even better, get the meal delivery from the IC and the healthy meals will be prepared for you! All these changes may not happen right away but if we chose to do even 1 out of 5 of these helpful tips in the New Year it will sure to put a smile on your face. We will be talking about this and more at our workshops “Begin a Healthy New Year” on Monday, January 4 at 10:00am, “Welcoming 2021 With a Smile!” on Thursday, January 6 at 10:00am and “Goal Setting” on Monday, January 11 at 10:00am. We hope you can join us!
As the months go by and we still face all of the challenges associated with Covid-19, we want you to remember that there are resources that are available. Below is a list of programs that can help. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 1-888-628-9454 (Español) www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org Alcohol and Drug Recovery/ Substance Abuse Treatment Access Line for Referrals & Detoxification 860-714-3700 and 800-563-4086 Sexual Assault Crisis Services English 888-999-5545 Spanish 888-568-8332 CT 211 call 2-1-1, www.211ct.org CT Quitline (Tobacco) 1-800-QUIT-NOW www.quitnow.net/connecticut CT Council on Problem Gambling 1-888-789-7777 (Helpline) www.ccpg.org Mobile Crisis 1-866-794-0021 Regional Hotline: 1-888-447-3339
NAMI CT 860-882-0236 Helpline: 1-800-950-6264 www.namict.org Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) CT 1-866-783-7712 Anywhere USA 1-800-344-2666 www.ct-aa.org Narcotics Anonymous (NA) CT 1-800-627-3543 National Information 1-800-447-6291 www.ctna.org
-Jessica Mc.
Disclaimer: Articles which show “submitted by” are not written by an IC member. They are articles that our members came across, were inspired by, and brought in to the Center to inspire and encourage other members. Often the authors of these articles are unknown. The opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of the Independence Center’s members, the staff, or the Editor.
We at the IC would like to wish you an amazing New Year, filled with health and happiness. We are grateful for you and we wish you all the best. Keep your eyes out for our “Be Well” bags that will be distributed this month. If you are interested in receiving one, reach out to staff and we will be sure you get on the list!