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Yearboo k

a note from the EDITOR Hello, my fellow Key Clubbers, and welcome to the first newsletter of the new term. This service year has been a rough start for all of us. With the rise of this pandemic, and the implementation of quarantine, all of us have had to make the best of this sudden transition into remote learning. It is now June, and a new issue has surfaced involving the death of a black man named George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer named Derek Chauvin. The crime that has been committed here is unforgivable and cannot be ignored. I encourage you to do what you can to support the #blacklivesmatter movement whether that means protesting for BLM, donating to organizations supporting BLM, or spreading awareness about the situation.

It has been difficult for everyone, not being able interact with friends and acquaintances for the past 2 + months, but we are all making the best of it and will (hopefully) be able to see one another again when September comes. COVID-19 in New York City seems to be on the decline as of right now but some say that it may strike back when summer passes, but I hope that is not the case.

yours in SERVICE, Nancy Huang Millennium High School Key Club Bulletin Editor 2020 - 2021

Board of 2020 - 2021


Past Events


Club Q&A School








Current Events


Future Events


#BLM Resources


Contact Information





WHY MARCH? “It's not fine that the U.S. is among the most dangerous developed nations in which to give birth. But together we can do something about it. When you March for Babies you stand with thousands of people across the country who share your commitment to be there for every family those who had first-hand hardships, those celebrating their health and those just trying to start their families. You raise funds and awareness to help us research to find solutions and advocate for policies that prioritize mom and baby health. And you enable us to expand programs like Supportive Pregnancy Care to more than 40 sites in 19 states so more women will get the support services they need.�



SCHOOL & REMOTE LEARNING “I know many people are complaining about remote learning, but I'm adapting to it just fine. In fact, I find it easier to keep up with school then being in the school building physically. The reason being that I can sleep whenever I want because I can wake up anytime in the morning to check in for attendance and then fall right back to sleep. School work also isn't due until the next day, so I can plan out my own schedule of when to do what work. As for lockdown browsers, I don't hate it and I don't like it because it doesn't impact how I do on tests. But I do find it annoying that by installing it, it took up some storage space which could have been used for other apps. ” Cyan Bark “I don’t like remote learning anymore” Jonathan Zheng “I wish we had less work and the test for certain subjects had curves because some of them are just too hard and I don’t think learning Spanish remotely isn’t possible (evid, the last spanish test).” Laisum Chong “The workload is insane! During school, time is taken away when traveling to and from school and we had to stay in school for seven hours plus the homework we would get and I would usually end up sleeping at 11 or midnight. But now, even during quarantine when I don't have to travel between school and home and our classwork is our homework, but I'm still barely able to get the work done. I hate remote learning! It sucks! Tests and quizzes administered through junopods have actual time limits and you won't have those extra one or two minutes usually given during class to make final corrections. I also think lockdown browsers are total trash! It sucks too! Downloading it was a total waste of storage space on my laptop which could have been used to install other more useful softwares.” Xin Huang


SCHOOL & REMOTE LEARNING “I thought I would enjoy remote learning at first but then when it started, I hated it so much. It’s very stressful trying to keep everything together and making sure I’m actually doing my work.” Ziying Lin “For the first couple of weeks, the workload was beyond the roof. I got kind of nauseous from it, but thankfully, it's gotten better now. I would enjoy physically going to school, but remote learning isn't thattt bad. I get to sleep late and wake up early since I don't have to commute to school.” Vicki Mai “I want to go to school but I guess taking tests online isn’t that bad.” Bonnie Qi “The workload is a hefty amount! I honestly feel like there's more work to be done compared to a normal school day. I wouldn't say I enjoy going to school virtually since I lose motivation being in my home and my resources are limited. I am someone who tends to work best with physical copies of things and I don't really like staring at the computer all day. And the thing about lockdown browsers-- I don't like them. I had some bad experiences with them and it took me quite some time to troubleshoot through it.” Kelsey Wong “The workload seems more than what I would normally have in school. I’d much rather go to school physically because it allows me to learn, pace myself in class, and be sociable all at the same time. Lockdown browsers are DUMB, we have other devices.” Theresa Zheng


QUARANTINE “The last time I was outside was when I had a blood checkup. At first my parents didn't allow me to visit the doctor for a checkup because they were keen on keeping my siblings and I at home for various reasons. Since I wouldn't be allowed to leave for a long time, they decided to allow me to visit the doctor for the last time until this whole pandemic is over. I know that sounds kind of extreme, but it's also a great measure on our part to prevent the spread.” “Of course! Once quarantine is lifted, the first thing on my bucket list is to visit the mall. I haven't been to the mall in so long since quarantine started and it's summer, so I plan on getting some new clothes for the season. I'm also looking forward to the yearly fairs that open in various neighborhoods because there are many different foods that you don't see in New York.” Cyan Bark “:)” “NO” “Eating” Bonnie Qi “When quarantine was announced I remember my first initial thoughts were: I really saw this coming. Especially since many teachers and students were petitioning for schools to close down and were really arguing for it. But what I didn't appreciate was how inconsistent some of the news was since they kept telling different things. ” “The last time I was outside was just yesterday since I tend to take a walk around the park near my house after I eat dinner. Note to everyone: It is important to still get some sunlight so at the very least it's best to sit by the window and sun bathe that way!” “I mainly look forward to seeing my friends, hanging out and freely able to move around the city. Though, it's likely that transitioning back into the pre-lockdown time would be difficult for society.” Kelsey Wong


QUARANTINE “Before: Tired. When announced: Tired yet Excited” “Not allowed out” “Being able to go outside” Jonathan Zheng “I felt scared, I knew I wasn’t going to school anyways because my parent were also afraid. After quarantine, I felt less scared because I’m Containing myself from other on trains or the streets that could have it.” “Last time was the Sunday it was announced that schools were closed” “I look forward to greeting my friends with a big ass hug and hanging out with them until it’s dark outside.” Laisum Chong “terrible :((( I really dislike the idea of not being able to go outside. At first I thought it would be nice to get a break from school but that doesn’t seem like it’s happening either.” “Two weeks ago to my groceries, now they won’t allow me to go out” “eating cheese” Theresa Zheng “To be honest, before quarantine, school was stressful and I kinda hoped for school to close. But, now, I just want to go out and have a good summer.” “The last time I was outside was the weekend when schools were announced closed. I am allowed to go to the backyard.” “I’m looking forward to going out to restaurants to eat, and having a good summer.” Tiffany Sze


QUARANTINE “I haven't been outside since quarantine started till May 29th. The only reason why I was outside was because I fell and twisted my left foot. I went to outside to go to a clinic, and I wore a face mask as well as gloves. I also made sure that I showered and washed my clothes to avoid chances of contacting the virus.” “I'm looking forward to finally seeing my friends and family in person once quarantine is lifted, and I'll make sure to spend a lot of quality time with them because it's been so long since I've seen them. Also, I'm going to eat a lot of takeouts as well as drink a lot of bobaa because I crave them so so much.” Vicki Mai “I felt the same. In fact, I love staying home all day. The only complaint I have is that I’m staring at a screen all day.” “The last time I was outside was when I left four weeks ago on Thursday to pick up materials from school. But of course I didn't tell my parents I left home, or else they're going to have to spray all my clothes again with that annoying germ spray.” “I'm looking forward to breathing in the fresh air, the nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.” Xin Huang “I felt free” “Last time I was outside was like two weeks ago? I went out to buy groceries and nope I’m not allowed to leave the house unless my house runs out of food.” “Hangout with my friends, eat different foods and drink bubble tea, shop, and go to the hair salon to fix my hair.” Ziying Lin


QUARANTINE BIRTHDAYS? “Yes, it was kind of sad but it’s alright.” Bonnie Qi “Before the quarantine got worse (this was on May 3) my best friend had a hotpot at her place but many of her friend’s parents didn’t let them go so it was just two of her best friends and her family.” Laisum Chong “Bland” Jonathan Zheng “My family and friends :( the day before quarantine became serious, my friends and i celebrated.” Theresa Zheng “I had my sweet sixteen during quarantine. I wanted my birthday to be really special, I wanted to spend it with my family and friends. My parents tried to throw me the best birthday ever, and it was a good birthday, definitely a memorable one.” Tiffany Sze “Yea, my friends had their birthdays during quarantine, and I wrote little notes of appreciation for them to wish them a Happy Birthday. That's about it, and I feel bad that they can't spend it outside with their families and friends.” Vicky Mai “I think there was a friend who had her birthday during quarantine, but can't remember who. But it must have sucked.” Xin Huang “It was hard for them because they didn’t get to celebrate it with their friends and family. They also felt trapped at home.” Ziying Lin


ENTERTAINMENT “Tiktok has impacted my life in quarantine tremendously. I made an account on tiktok before quarantine because one of my friends introduced this cool app and told me you can create your own videos and see what others create. Since quarantine, I've been on tiktok 24/7 because I'm often bored with school work and need an outlet to refresh myself. Tiktok has been this outlet that helps me lift my spirit and gives me a moral boost to work harder and be happier.” Cyan Bark Bonnie Qi Laisum Chong Jonathan Zheng Theresa Zheng Tiffany Sze

“I spend a lot of time on it” “Entertainment/ keeping me from going loco” “I’ve probably developed an unhealthy addiction” “it’s been my go-to app since i’m drowning in boredom” “TikTok has definitely kept me entertained.”

“Like many others, I got tik tok as a joke, but it became an addition... I spent god knows how many hours on that app, so I guess it impacted my time positively in quarantine because it passes time. Also, recently, tik tok has been a great platform to gain knowledge on the Black Lives Matter movement, so I think that's another plus from the app.” Vicki Mai “I don't have tik tok... but I did see the interesting video Ms. Kushner sent and it was quite entertaining to see people do things like running on all fours and jumping over a stack of pillows. It increased my longing to leave home.” Xin Huang “Before quarantine I didn’t have tik tok. And now that I don’t really have much to do, I started to go on it quite often.” Ziying Lin



THOUGHTS ON CURRENT EVENTS “I feel like this world is falling apart. Starting with the coronavirus and self quarantine we've been in for so long, many people are being driven insane. The death of George Floyd sparked so many protests all over Brooklyn, the Manhattan Bridge, and other parts in Manhattan. Although I do understand these people's feelings, but at the same time I don't think it's right for them to smash display windows and vandalize stores. I also just came to the realization that the people who were putting out firecrackers last time and making loud noises which kept me up all night might have been the protesters.” Cyan Bark “Chaotic” Jonathan Zheng “Everything is really just a mess and right now there's just so much going on that I feel like a lot of people are solely focusing on the negative aspects of life. I'm not saying that it should be ignored or overlooked, but people should also focus on all the good things that have happened too. ” Kelsey Wong “A lot of mixed feelings.” Ziying Lin


EFFORTS FOR #BLM Key Club will be making efforts to support the Black Lives Matter movement by creating posters and fundraising to contribute to the Bail Fund.

HOW CAN I HELP? Petition ?sc_src=email_721568&sc_lid=48921568&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid= 89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2 F2020&sc_customer=6625326

Protest STAY SAFE DURING PROTESTS 721568&sc_lid=48921576&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_ source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_cust omer=6625326 ALTERNATIVES TO PROTESTING eEZO3z68DwPFDQidbI/edit?sc_src=email_721568&sc_lid=48921577&sc_ uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&sc_customer=6625326


DONATE BLACK LIVES MATTER ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183 MINNESOTA FREEDOM FUND _uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoN YC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326 NATIONWIDE BAIL FUND &sc_lid=48921571&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email &utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326 AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION hXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC%20D aily%3A%206%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326 THE MARSHALL PROJECT _uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoN YC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326 CENTER FOR RACIAL JUSTICE ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+ Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326 CAMPAIGN ZERO _uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoN YC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326


GET EDUCATED WHAT IS SYSTEMIC RACISM? 21578&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium= DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326

“HISTORY OF RACIST US LAWS” =48921579&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_mediu m=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326#gaagreement

“THE CASE FOR REPARATIONS” 1/?sc_src=email_721568&sc_lid=48921580&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&& utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer =6625326

THE ROAD NOT TAKEN ner_publish_may_2019.pdf?sc_src=email_721568&sc_lid=48921581&sc_uid=ZhXgM DYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2 F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326

"SOCIAL EXCLUSION: THE DECISIONS AND DYNAMICS THAT DRIVE RACISM" c_src=email_721568&sc_lid=48921582&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&ut m_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6 625326

"LYNCHING IN AMERICA: CONFRONTING THE LEGACY OF RACIAL TERROR" c_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+ Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326

HOW TO STOP POLICE VIOLENCE id=48921584&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_med ium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326


EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES VIA BLACK LIVES MATTER XgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A +6%2F1%2F2020&sc_customer=6625326#educate

VIRTUAL EVENTS FOR RACIAL EQUITY & SOLIDARITY sc_lid=49071572&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=58617&&utm_source=email &utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F3%2F20&sc_customer=6625326 DR. JASON OTTLEY'S I CAN'T BREATHE SERIES | 6/3 - 6/5 at 8pm XgMDYfGr&sc_llid=89183&&

HOW COVID-19 HAS EXACERBATED RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA | 6/4 at 7pm ted-racism-and-xenophobia-tickets?sc_src=email_724794&sc_lid=49071574&sc_u id=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=58617&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNY C+Daily%3A+6%2F3%2F20&sc_customer=6625326 RACIAL EQUITY FOUNDATIONS [COVID EDITION] | 6/4 at 4pm ts?sc_src=email_724794&sc_lid=49071575&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=586 17&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F3%2F20&sc _customer=6625326 ANTI-RACISM BOOKCLUB | 6/5 at 12pm 24794&sc_lid=49071576&sc_uid=ZhXgMDYfGr&sc_llid=58617&&utm_source =email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F3%2F20&sc_customer=662532 6 RACISM & MENTAL HEALTH: HOW CAN AMERICA HEAL | 6/5 at 6:30pm _llid=58617&&utm_source=email&utm_medium=DoNYC+Daily%3A+6%2F3% 2F20&sc_customer=6625326













Yearboo k

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