Unrevised Hansard-4th Sitting (2017-2021)

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The House met at 1.40 p.m. PRAYERS [MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER in the Chair] PAPERS LAID (i)

Tobago House of Assembly Monthly Budget Report as at the end of March, 2017 [Secretary of Finance and the Economy (Hon. J. Jack)]. MEMBERS OF THE MINORITY ABSENT


Members of the Minority are not

present to either ask questions or move the Motion of adjournment, therefore, I suggest that we proceed with the normal proceedings.

2 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Motion








Development, Enterprise Development and Labour. SECRETARY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR (Hon. Marslyn Melville-Jack): [Desk thumping] Thank you, Madam Presiding Officer. Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House, I greet you in the Blessed name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! It gives me great pleasure as Secretary of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour to bring this Motion to the House to garner the support of all its Members at a time when the people of Tobago are looking for solutions to the social and economic challenges that we face within the context of our limited financial resources. At this time, I will read the Motion:

3 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Request to Support Collaboration Among Stakeholders to bring about Change in Society (Cont’d) HON. M. MELVILLE-JACK


“WHEREAS strong families, self-sustaining communities and a healthy, productive workforce are inextricably linked to the development of Tobago; AND WHEREAS there is a need to enhance our values and work ethics, as these relate to productivity within the context of our limited financial resources; AND WHEREAS the Tobago House of Assembly proposes to place greater focus on the development of communities, as a strategy to accelerate social and economic growth; BE IT RESOLVED that this House support the strategies and initiatives which facilitate greater collaboration and partnership amongst the THA, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Private Enterprises and Communities throughout Tobago; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Council take all necessary steps to implement those strategies and initiatives.” Madam Presiding Officer, this Motion seeks to identify strategies and to promote values that bring about change in our attitudes and behaviour pattern in the areas of: 


Equality; and

4 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Request to Support Collaboration Among Stakeholders to bring about Change in Society (Cont’d) HON. M. MELVILLE-JACK


 Competitiveness; 

These strategies will also assist the Tobago House of Assembly in the formulation of guidelines; and

The developing and adopting key indicators of productivity in Tobago.

Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House, this Motion also forces us as Tobagonians, to do some reflection and soulsearching as we examine our individual contributions towards nation building. Permit me at this time Madam Presiding Officer, to focus on the family. The family as we all know, is the nucleus of civilization. It is the basic unit of society, and for any civilization to succeed, it is important that the family succeeds.

Right now, in the context of Trinidad and Tobago,

many families are not succeeding. At this time, I would just like to share a short anecdote which helps us to understand how important the family is, and why it is important for us to ensure that we promote strong families. The story is told of a Corn Farmer, (I will bring it into the local context) who for many years would enter competitions within his

5 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Request to Support Collaboration Among Stakeholders to bring about Change in Society (Cont’d) HON. M. MELVILLE-JACK


community and his corn would normally win the first prize because it was of such excellent quality. Over the years, the judges of this Competition came to realize that this farmer was sharing his seeds with the people who lived around him, and they could not understand why he would do something like that because they were all in competition for the same prize. The farmer said something that was very instructive. He said: “I share my corn with my neighbours because of the process of cross pollination. I understand that when the wind blows, the seeds of my neighbours, planters who are around me would inevitably end up in my garden. If their seed is of an inferior quality, then it will have a negative impact upon my crop. So, as a result, it is important that I take care of the farmers who are around me”. Ladies and Gentlemen, the moral of this story is that, whatever happens around us in the community, the families that are around us, that lives around us, are important because whatever affects them, will eventually affect us directly or indirectly. Madam Presiding Officer, we have realized over the years, that the family structure has been disintegrating all over the world. Here in Tobago, a multiplicity of social ills has given rise to increased delinquents especially among our boys.

6 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Request to Support Collaboration Among Stakeholders to bring about Change in Society (Cont’d) HON. M. MELVILLE-JACK


As Secretary in the Division of Community Development Enterprise Development and Labour, I have visited thirteen (13) communities over the past month. The issues that I have listened to coming from the persons in the community, community leaders and families are the same. They lament the fact that so many of our young men are disengaged within the community.This gives us an opportunity not just to ensure that they are employed, not just to give them a fish but to teach them how to fish. So this Motion also seeks to ensure that the people within our communities are well trained and that their capacity is built-up in such a way that they are able to feed themselves for life. So, Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this noble House, if we employ mechanisms to develop stronger families we will have stronger schools, churches and stronger communities with less poverty and less crime. The family can be seen as the corner stone of society, both socially and economically. Madam Presiding Officer, allow me to quote from an article: "Stronger Families, Stronger Societies” by William Bennett, the former United States (US) Secretary of Education. He suggest that:

7 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. “Sustainable societies depend upon strong families. Nations that seek to remain economically and politically viable must reproduce themselves. Children are most likely to thrive socially, emotionally and

economically when they enjoy the shelter, love and stability of an

intact family and families are most likely to flourish when they can be built upon strong economic foundations.” The wise philosopher Confucius reminds us that, “The strength of a nation is derived from the integrity of the home.”

Madam Presiding Officer, an article that was recently published by the Trinidad and Tobago Chamber of Commerce and Industry dated June 9th, 2016 states that: "Much has been said about the need to transform Trinidad and Tobago into a society that is more economically diversified and productive in order to become more internationally competitive." Productivity is critical to any effort to drive our economy towards sustainable growth. And in the last competitiveness report, poor work ethics in the labour force was sighted as the number one impediment to doing business in Trinidad and Tobago. Permit me also to quote from the Guardian Newspaper of May 22nd, 2017. This is an article written by the well known Political Analyst Derek Ramsamooj and he has quoted as saying:

8 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

"We can never emerge as a strong economy if our people refuse to adhere to programmes which will improve our national productivity level. He said the challenge for administration was to lead the transition out of patronage into productivity ‌ He stressed that: It was the responsibility of the present Government to change the societal value systems and to do what was in the best interest of the country." So, Madam Presiding Officer, at this point in time, if we wish to bring about the kind of change and transformation that would change the work ethos in our society, then leadership must be a no nonsense approach to productive work and one that engenders national patriotism. This kind of leadership, Madam Presiding Officer, is what our Honourable Chief Secretary, Mr. Kelvin Charles offers when he proposes that, "It is business as unusual." Madam Presiding Officer, the Chairman of the newly appointed National Productivity Council also lamented the fact that Trinidad and Tobago has not had a good showing on the global competitive index for some time.

This was partly due to the country's low productivity levels.

So in my humble view, it is critical, almost urgent, a matter of national concern for both sides of this House that we come together and agree on this

9 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Motion that calls for collaboration among the stakeholders in our society to bring about the kind of change that we are hoping to see. Madam Presiding Officer, the work ethic is something that every citizen in Trinidad and Tobago is concerned about. And if we are to improve the work ethic among our people in Tobago, I wish to propose five (5) basic areas of concern, five (5) areas in which we can have our people seek to develop themselves. The first and most critical where I stand, (I guess it is my education background) is that we should practice punctuality. Developing the habit of being on time for work and for all appointments is something that will redound to the benefit of all of society. When I think of productivity or should I say, "punctuality" the person that comes to mind is our esteemed Dr. Eastlyn Mc Kenzie.

We are all

acquainted with what we would call her “idiosyncrasies” but what I consider to be an excellent practice. If you are late for a function and there are two persons there Dr. Mc Kenzie will start the function and everything follows after. Madam Presiding Officer, here in Trinidad and Tobago we have come to coin the phrase that “anytime is Trinidad and Tobago time." We see late coming as a kind of culture. But I wish to say categorically this afternoon that late coming is not a culture, it is a bad habit. We remember the famous saying, "Bad habits are gathered in slow degrees like streams into rivers and rivers into seas." At this time in Trinidad and Tobago we are actually

10 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. swimming in a sea. However, it is not too late for us to turn back and try to practice punctuality.

I also wish to suggest that we develop attitudes of professionalism and when we talk about professionalism, that goes beyond just looking good. It has to do with our attitudes and our values, our demeanour, the way we carry ourselves. We know that Tobago used to be touted as a community that can boast of customer service and we get regrettably even now we cannot say that the same is true. So I want to encourage all of us as Tobagonians to practice being positive and cordial. Let us try to refrain from gossip and become respectful of others. Let us develop a reputation of integrity which means that we are honest, just and we are consistent in what we say and do. Let us also cultivate self-discipline, staying focus on our long term goals and not being sidetracked by instant gratification. Madam Presiding Officer, we live now in a society where everyone expects everything right away. Madam Presiding Officer, we know that the process of development is something that takes time.

So, even as we

cultivate self-discipline within ourselves, we in turn are preparing ourselves for the long road of development. Let us continue to do the right thing because it is right thing to do. Let us use time wisely, because it is not just a cliché that “time waits on no man and time is money.” But in doing all that Madam Presiding Officer, we must ensure that we maintain balance. A strong work ethic does not mean that you have to be working 24/07; it means that you must know how to take care of yourself. You must know

11 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. how to prioritize your activities in such a way that you can still accomplish the things that you want to do at work, but you still have time to get enough rest and to eat right, to relax and to recharge your batteries. So, Madam Presiding Officer, people who possess strong works ethics would embody the principles that we want to see within our workforce in Trinidad and Tobago:  Reliability;  Dedication;  Cooperation;  Teamwork;  Character; and most important  Productivity. In the words of the Honourable Chief Secretary, Mr. Kelvin Charles and I quote: “The best approach to community prosperity and to achieve an enhance quality of life, involves giving to individual families, businesses and community groups the freedom opportunity and encouragement to build and secure their own future. So, as a result, any strategy to be considered must be one that is community driven and productivity focussed.” Madam Presiding Officer, the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour, is strategically poised to take this

12 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. aspiration to the next level, to ensure that as we go into communities we recognize the need for identifying the challenges that face communities and getting from them what they would like to see done within their communities. Now, this idea of Community Development is not a new one. The United Nation defines Community Development and I quote: “As a process, where community members come together, to take collective action and to generate solutions to common problems. It is a broad term that is given to the practice of Leaders within civic society; activists; citizens; and professionals to improve various aspects of communities typically aiming to build stronger and more resilient local communities.� Madam Presiding Officer, these types of Community Development Initiatives are recognized internationally. They are recognized by the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Union to name a few. But, we do not have to look far afield to see examples of this in action. I would like at this time to laud the community of Castara.


community that has come together, and they have used their NGOs (NonGovernmental Organizations), their FBOs (Faith Based Organizations) and citizens within the community, and they have decided that they would go on a tourism thrust. So, as a result, they are now in many instances successfully promoting the kinds of activities and may I say, income generating activities within the community of Castara to take their aspirations and their dreams to another level.

13 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

Madam Presiding Officer, as pressures on Faith Based Organizations increased and the issues we face as an island become more complex, the idea of partnerships hold much promise. I personally, being a member of a Faith Based Organization, I encourage all Faith Based Organizations to see the community as their mission field, and to take the message of Christianity outside the walls of the structures and to practice love in action right there inside the communities.

So, this is the kinds of partnerships that we are

agitating for at this point in time.

We recognize, that partnerships can

contribute in a small part to what we hope to reap and together everyone’s effort can redound to the development of Tobago. Within communities, we can accelerate learning, we can distribute skills and knowledges and we can act depth and breadth to the impact of a community. Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House were privileged a few days ago to attend a “Prayer Breakfast” in the Community of Buccoo, which was hosted by the Tobago Council of Churches. Their theme at that Prayer Breakfast was “Reconciliation, reclaiming our communities.” So, they too have recognized the importance of partnerships in ensuring that what we get out of communities would be what we put in. I am pleased Madam Presiding Officer, to mention that the Members of this Organization were passionate in their dedication and willingness to partner with the Leaders not just to prayer for them, but to voluntarily support any Programme that would restore the Family Unit and the communities on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.

14 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

A Trinidad based Governmental Organization, “WAND” that stands for, Women Against the Needy and Destitute is currently poised at this time to deliver computers to a community within Tobago and to provide free Literacy Training and that also includes free Internet access for persons within that community for a period of twelve (12) weeks. The graduates of this Programme would then be expected to transfer that learning that they received freely into the other communities. This again, Ladies and Gentlemen, Members of this Honourable House, is the kind of partnerships that we wish to promote. So, let me take this opportunity to laud the efforts of those NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs); Faith Based Organizations (FBOS); who are already engaged in providing the kind of service that we hope to generate. But to those persons who are not yet on board, I want to make a clarion call this afternoon, the Book of Matthew 9: 37 remind us: “That the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few”; So, Madam Presiding Officer, while they are already internationally recognized, benefits and advantages the partnerships, the answer to why we would seek to established partnerships is a simple one and that is to add value. So, by working with other organizations, everybody brings their own little bit to the mix and what we do is we establish effective and all inclusive partnerships.

As we established these partnerships Madam Presiding

Officer, it is important for us to note a few things.

15 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. We must ensure that we create the right kind of framework from the beginning. This framework is one that must be reviewed and assessed continually. There must be monitoring and evaluation built into the process so that it is easy to measure its success or failure. Madam Presiding Officer, human capital is integral to the development of Tobago. It is also integral to economic growth and it can affect economic growth. It can also help to develop our economy through the knowledge and skills of people. So one author chose to define human capital as this and I quote: "The knowledge skills sets and motivation that people have which provide economic value. Human capital realizes that not everyone has the same skill sets or knowledge and that quality of work can be improved by investing in people's education." In developing countries such as Trinidad and Tobago our challenges are profound and they are complex. So as policy makers it is critical for us to understand the role of the human resource in complimenting the other kinds of investments in which we may be engaged. We must also recognize the importance of the human resource in policy development so that we can boost our productivity and economic progress.

16 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. So, we at this time are in urgent need of strategies and any kind of approach that will focus us on the linkages and the coherence between our investments, skills development, employment and productivity. Madam Presiding Officer, we have become a reactionary population rather than one which seeks to implement strategies to effect positive change. In the words of George De Pena, General Secretary of CCL who made a presentation at the Financial Outlook Conference in 2016: "If we do not swim together we will sink separately." Madam Presiding Officer, with these words, I wish to present the Motion at hand for contributions to the other Members of this Assembly and I trust that at the end of the afternoon's proceedings that the entire House will unanimously vote to adopt the Motion as stated. Thank you, Madam Presiding Officer. [Desk thumping] Question proposed. MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER: Minority Leader. MR. WATSON DUKE (Minority Leader): Thank you, Madam Presiding Officer. Today is a critical day in the lives of Tobagonians. As I read the Motion placed before the House by the Executive Council, I was almost moved to tears, to think that we are speaking about development, to think that we are speaking about sustaining communities, to think that we are talking about families, Madam Presiding Officer, and nothing at all is been mentioned about the A, B, C of families.

17 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

Based on Maslow needs of hierarchy anybody will know that (unless you skip school) fundamental, rudimentary to developing families, sustaining economies is the need for food and security and I thought the Motion would have been about that. We cannot support this Motion and we will not be supporting this Motion. I thought if you are talking about strong families, we are talking about food. We are talking about a man being able to go to Trinidad and visit his family down there and your family coming up and visit you - strong families. Families are stronger when they are together and if you have been to at least Church School (like my good brother there Councillor Des Vignes he certainly did not go beyond Church School) one would agree that you must learn that, “The family that prays together stays together."

So from

time after time, you would want to meet your family whether they are in Trinidad or they are in Tobago, Charlotteville or Icarcas and what makes that possible is the freedom of movement.

They cannot start talking families

until we have cleared the air on the freedom of movement. How can I access my family, how can we be stronger if we are apart - we talking families. I was moved to tears when we talk about a healthy productive workforce. How could a workforce be healthy, Madam Presiding Officer, if you can only eat what is available and not necessarily what is healthy for you. How could you eat what is healthy if you are not making it here, you are not producing it here, you are not manufacturing it here but you depend

18 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. on the accessibility of those nutritious foods, fruits whatever from the Sister isles that is under threat. I am wondering here today, are we in the right Chamber? How could we talk the development of Tobago when truckers must now spend three (3) days before they get one truck across in Tobago. Infrastructure overall development is an all time low but we are talking Developing Tobago. How could we talk developing Tobago when necessary drugs cannot come to Tobago. We are talking families. Someone gave a nice quote. The sister gave a nice quote here - my dear friend, Marslyn Melville-Jack the Representative for Calder Hall area. She gave a nice quote, sweet in her mouth – she said, “Stronger families, stronger societies.” The reverse is truth. Weak families a weak society. We cannot and we will not support this Motion. It is untimely. Madam Presiding Officer, why is it necessary to come to this House – this Honourable House that has more urgent and pressing issues to deal with, to ask us permission to meet with Faith Based Organization? Why? Why do you come to this House to ask us permission to vote on that, to go and meet with the Baptist Community; the Adventist Community; the Pentecostal Community; the Catholic; the Anglican; the Ethiopian Orthodox Community? Why are you coming to us with that? Why do you not just go? Why is that so important? There are other more important things than that. I ask myself the question, why do you want to come to us to meet NonGovernmental Organizations? Why must we give you permission for that?

19 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Why is it necessary? Since when we are opposed to that? Since when we must legislate for that? I thought that upon a man’s free will, you make a phone call and talk to who you want to talk to, there is freedom of movement, freedom of speech. Why are you burdening the House with these flippant motions?

I certainly understand now, why their Leader on

that side there in the “orange shirt”, why he refused to speak. You refused to speak. [Laughter] Why do you refuse to speak? The only type of talk that he could make, is little jokes because it is a “yangatang tent” for them. When they come here this is a yangatang tent. Madam Presiding Officer, it is indeed remarkable that as the Bible says, Solomon is speaking, he said, I have kept others vineyards but their own they have not kept. They could not see this Motion does not make sense, but I will tell you why. They want us to give them permission to speak to Private Enterprises and Communities throughout Tobago.


weren’t they doing that all the time? Weren’t they doing that all along for sixteen (16) years, weren’t they meeting the communities? Who is building the bridge at Lambeau? Is it the public sector or a private person - twentythree million dollars ($23m.). How was the arrangement made? Why do you want to talk to us now? Why are you burdening the House with that? While a man today (and help me with that brother Kwesi) with a hundred sheep or sheeps. I know you like them petty points. A man came to me with tears in his eyes; he came to do business with Tobagonians and to leave money here.

He bought one hundred (100) sheep, when he

approached the Port for some reasons unknown to him and unknown to all of

20 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. us here in particular on the Minority Council, he was left behind with those one hundred (100) sheep. These are the things that would worry me after he would have spent scores of thousands of dollars, purchasing these livestock, he must now fight to keep them alive till the next day sailing and hopes that he gets on board to make it they “giggle”.

to Trinidad while the other side across there

They engage in “semantics” and they try to teach us

linguistics. That is what they do. I have been listening to my good friend there, the Assemblyman for Scarborough/Calder Hall, Hon. Marslyn Jack and I have been listening and playing the tape over and over. What steps do you want to take? I am asking myself let us say we give you permission to meet the Church based, (because you do not need our permission) to meet the NGOs, to meet communities and the private sectors which you are already meeting in all different kind of back doors meetings and whatever - those are your friends, Morshead House all kind of places on a Sunday evening, locking out the Media, you know those are your friends. Let us say you go ahead and you meet them anyway, what steps will you take? You are asking us that you will now take steps to implement strategies and initiatives. What steps would you take? Apart from taking Morshead steps to getting up to his house. What steps would you take? I am not imputing anything to anyone. What strategies will you use? What is your objective? Productivity! You are asking about people coming to work late, these are the kinds of things you are talking about, late coming is a bad habit. Is there a EAP – the Employee Assistant Programme here? Does the Tobago House of Assembly

21 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. endorses, promotes and invites persons to attend Employee Assistant Programme (EAP) whenever they are habitually unpunctual? What is the plan? How do you get such a person on the straight and the narrow?

I want to say this, on behalf of the Minority Council. We have been here for four (4) sittings, only one of the sittings was impressive, the last one. We think that Tobagonians on a daily basis are faced with a lot of struggles to sustain their families and their communities and we have the Minority Council not deeming those things to be urgent - the air bridge and the sea bridge. We want to say now and have it recorded that the Minority Council will not be supporting this Motion. Furthermore, we deemed this kind of fiasco where people are begging and fighting and struggling to get their goods up on a day by day basis as unacceptable. It is unacceptable to us and it must be unacceptable to you on that side Madam Presiding Officer. Having said that, we on this side are not prepared to sit and engage them any further in this debate. We will not be participating in this debate. It is flippant, untimely, vexatious [Crosstalk] I want to hear my Chief Secretary talk on this, but he would not.

He is not a supporter of this motion,

generally, he does not speak when he is not in support of something – as the Tobago issue with the boat.

22 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Madam Presiding Officer, I thank you for the time we on the Minority Council as you would say in Spanish, Vamos! [Crosstalk] [Laughter] 2.29 p.m.: Members of the Minority walked out. MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER: Councillor Dr. Agatha Carrington. SECRETARY






DEVELOPMENT: [Hon Dr. Agatha Carrington]: [Desk thumping] Thank you Madam Presiding Officer. I rise in support of this Motion presented by my Colleague, the Secretary of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour. Contrary to the previous Speaker, this Motion indeed very timely. Hence the reason I stand to engaged in this discourse to provide the support to this Motion. Madam Presiding Officer, the narrow definition of “Health” addresses the absence of disease and infirmities, but we must consider the extent to which the determinants of health are part of that discourse. Madam Presiding Officer, so, as I support this Motion to the extent that the determinance of Health, addresses our social environment and prosperity or physical environment or genetic endowment. As Secretary for Health, Wellness and Family Development, I add my support to this Motion. So with respect to the social environment, it is important that we address the matters of family structure; the matters with respect to health

23 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. services; matters with respect to social class; matters with respect to our households; with respect to our physical environment; we must be concerned with our housing and with our physical design of our environment. These are areas which must concern us. We must be concerned as well in terms of those conditions that affect us mentally and so in the circumstances where our genetic endowment impact us, we may find the stresses of life create for us - mental disorders, heart diseases and the like.

Therefore, Madam

Presiding Officer, I would in some parts of my discourse address the environmental factors that affect our health and well-being through some of the relationships we enjoy. In communities where we live, work and play it is important that those be part of the discourse. So, Madam Presiding Officer, our physical and mental health, or social emotional or psychological well-being - those are important. The public spaces in which we live and work our essential community resources where our population, where our communities come together.

So, our

communities, environment is critical and the call for communities to work together is indeed urgent. It is the same community that shapes and makes us who we are. It is the same community in which we all grow, went to school and be the persons who we are at present. So, where there is poverty it will affect us, where the community does not have the resources it will affect us. Equally, where we have our children in which population we have high rates of obesity, where in our adults we have high rates of diabetes those will affect us.

24 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

So, Madam Presiding Officer, collaboration is important between and among us – all sectors whether they be Non-Government Organizations (NGOs),





Organizations (FBOs) they all must work together. And the call for us to work together is a call such that we can engage in those discussions and come up with decisions that affect us all. So Community Health is an area which must improve.

Sometime later, I will point to those areas that we

have been attending to. The conversation around the food and the absence of food and whether or not we have sufficient food, we are concerned with respect to the quality of food yes, we are concerned about that. We are also concerned about the affordability of food as well. So, this Assembly is seeking to bring organizations together and this has been done before as we seek to shape and reshape the agenda as we respond to the needs of our population. Madam Presiding Officer, as we build communities we want to build healthier communities and so, as we look at our sector and I am speaking to the health sector at present where at times it may be a turbulent climb. We recognize as well that we can plateau such that we can embrace division of our communities because the collaboration with our communities will provide the information required for planning. Many proponents have pointed and they have argued that there is need for more collaborative, cooperative approach such that we can have a sector

25 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. that is much more accountable, accountable moreso for the health status of our population and that is part of our agenda. But as we navigate these matters as an Assembly, as an organization, we must pursue the vision that provides our population with a model that addresses the needs of the population and indeed the discourse earlier by my colleague is pointing to a framework that we must pursue such that we can capture those needs. So, we note that we must bring those on board. I had the opportunity to read a paper written and this is a Journal of Leisure Research and in this journal article written by Rea et al. They pointed to the need to deal with some of these matters where we must embrace and must consider a much more holistic approach to delivery of care where we must include the individual, the social, the environmental determinance of health as we seek to address those concerns in our communities. So earlier where I spoke to the matters concerning the narrow definition of health, what we are seeking to do is to embrace all sectors including the one I have had the privilege to lead. So, one would recognize that we are pursuing greater participation. We are allowing and encouraging persons to participate in those matters that concern them. My colleague is pointing to matters with respect to community engagement in all those matters. In the case of health, to infuse those areas in health as a critical component of the model we are pursuing.

26 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

Madam Presiding Officer, we at a time when life in our community is not what it used to be. So in our earlier life we relied on our midwives, our community midwife, we relied on our herbalist, we relied on the massage the masseur person so when we had a damaged joint or so, or a sprain as we call it, those persons provide the care for us. But now we have moved from the traditional approaches and we have embraced a much more modern model. But there is still opportunity for us to embrace those ideas, those suggestions coming from our community persons. Madam Presiding Officer, and my colleagues in this House, we are on course. We are on course working towards a model that will focus and will include health as important as it is; where we will look at health promotion disease prevention and for those persons who are already ill, we look at Curative and Rehabilitative Care.

So you would note that whereas my

colleagues spoke to some of those habits that we have, we are plotting against that, some areas that are also important, the areas that will address persons in our population who are already ill that they will have some access to the care. So, Madam Presiding Officer, I want to support the area my colleague pointed to in terms of families especially because family development is an important part of the Division that I lead. So, as we pursue the agenda of Family Development and as we seek to build healthier communities, we are indeed building healthier families. So, let me just share some of the areas

27 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. that we have been focusing on, as we seek to address those behaviours in family. I pointed earlier that we may have to consider some of the stresses of life, and how we treat with those. So, for those persons that may require support in terms of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, there is a Programme that supports not just treatment and care, but prevention. So that is in place. For the areas that concerns our men, women boys and girls, we have a Programme that is addressing matters with respect to gender. But I think the big one is, our Community Social Services that fits snugly into the framework being shaped by my Colleague with the direction of our Honourable Chief Secretary, where we are addressing the needs of our community, that place where we live, work and play.

These supports that

are in place are important as we address those behaviours that are brought to work. The behaviours with respect to absenteeism; punctuality, work ethic and the like where we work, live and play those are important for us to address. Madam Presiding Officer, we are painfully aware that our communities usually come together sometimes when we have disasters; when we have matters addressing. So, we may have a critical situation occurring they come together, but we know that they can also come together to address matters that affect them and will affect them in the places where they live. So the neighbourhood issues, matters in our families, our villages; our towns; our workplaces; we know that our communities can come together to address those. So, this Assembly is working towards a common purpose.

It is common because we are looking at those needs of our

28 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. population in this island.

The needs of our community, and as the

programmes and services unfold, our people will benefit from those. So, we are not just addressing any narrow agenda, we are addressing a holistic approach to delivery. An approach that will address the physical; mental; and social well-being of our population. As I said earlier Madam Presiding Officer, we are concerned about the well-being of the people in our community, our children; our adolescence; our adults, older persons, the poor; the vulnerable and indeed these form parts of the Manifesto and we encourage all to become much more acquainted with it. Madam Presiding Officer, community health is important, community social well-being is important; the physical well-being indeed the extent to which we have addressed:  Domestic Violence;  Nutrition;  Teen-aged pregnancy;  Heart disease; All of these are important. 

Our mental wellness is also important.

So, areas where there is depression, substance abuse, we are responding to that, our social well-being is important. So, we have been addressing and we continue to do so to provide the support to our families.

29 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. So as an Assembly Madam Presiding Officer, we promote those strategies that helps our population to make healthy choices. We encouraged them to embrace healthy spaces where they work, learn and play. We point them to the areas where there is a risk for disease with the Prevention Programmes that we have and how they can improve those areas. So our Primary Care Centres have been focusing on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. With respect to our Nutrition Madam Presiding Officer, our schools will soon benefit from our Healthy Eating in Schools Programme and Projects. I know as well in cases of Food and Food Security, our Secretary of Agriculture has an agenda that speaks to community focusing on in those spaces in communities being used for Agriculture. So, many efforts are in trained and in progress to minimize the challenges that we face. In the case of our children, we are seeking to minimize the access to meals that are high in fat and sugars. Work has already been done in terms of smoking and so the Tobacco Control Act, “Smoking in Public Places” that has already been implemented. So, what happens in our communities where we work, live and play are important to this Assembly. As a Division, we are re–examining on a regular basis what we do.

We know that this

population requires great improvement in terms of the delivery of care and we will make no excuses in terms of what has not been done. But we focus in terms of our responses. So our non-communicable diseases that are within our population, we are giving focus to care for those persons with:  Diabetes;

30 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.  Hypertension; and  Obesity Our response is that we focus on health promotion, disease prevention such that we can monitor and track what is happening. In this regard, we will be collaborating and have started to in some areas with NGOs with respect to health promotion. I spoke earlier to the healthy eating in schools and that is in collaboration with the Division of Education. Madam Presiding Officer, building Social Network that support behaviour change is important. My colleague pointed earlier to the need to address behaviour change, and that indeed is a call that I too made from this House.

Those behaviours that will improve the delivery of care, we must

address, the behaviours that will improve the delivery of service, we must address because we all stand to benefit. So, as we progress, in the case of Health we will focus on those determinants of health, because they relate to how we can build our communities. With respect to those professionals who are in the social work area, they will continue to focus on building strong communities that we see.

So, we understand the problems in our

community. But because they are closer to those areas, they live there, they work there, they are critical and are critical partner in terms of our planning process.

We understand that community wide engagement and

reengagement is important as we respond to their needs, and so that indeed is our commitment. I commit as well, along with my Colleagues to work

31 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. towards improving those areas, to work towards developing strategies that help the population to make healthy choices - to make those choices where they live, work and play. These are key factors since these areas will improve the risk that we face, in the case of health disease, physical inactivity and so on. Therefore, the value of assessing and improving our community health response, is critical as we go forward. Madam Presiding Officer, I wholeheartedly support the Motion brought by my Colleague, Secretary of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour because such a Motion creates a framework for us. A framework that incorporates the views; the ideas; the suggestions such that we can provide for our population a service that is much more holistic, a service that responds to the needs of our population. I thank you. [Desk thumping]


The next speaker on the list was

supposed to be the Minority Councillor, Dr. Faith B. Yisrael. In her absence we move next to the Representative for Bethel/Mt. Irvine. [Desk thumping] ASSISTANT SECRETARY IN THE DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT AND LABOUR (Mr. Shomari Hector): Thank you, Madam Presiding Officer. In this, my maiden address to this august Assembly please permit me to put on record as would have been done by my colleagues when they

32 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. would have had an opportunity to speak, how delighted I am that you are presiding over this august Assembly so as to preserve the intellectual history of this Chamber. Permit me also Madam Presiding Officer, to extend heartfelt and sincere condolences to the relatives and love ones of the late, Rennie “Stretch” Dumas.

We know with certainty that his contribution by all

measures and by all standards are without peer and without equal. I do hope that as an Administration we will continue to think highly of his contribution and that we may be able to lead by his example everywhere we go because he was a man who recognizing the service of his fellowmen, his greatest and noblest life achievement. For that it must be noted that we will continue to honour him and think highly of his work and of his sacrifice.


thumping] Madam Presiding Officer, let the record also show that I am pleased to be a part of this Administration under the auspices and the leadership of the Honourable Kelvin V. Charles. [Desk thumping] You see, Madam Presiding Officer, I find delight in the fact that in an age where violence is reduced to entertainment and where evil has a “blockbuster audience and goodness is made to lurk in the background” as the poet would have said, “assuming that evil has an invitation to the show.” When we turn on our televisions we recognize that our media is full of instances where abuse and violence and the ills of human society captures the attention of its viewing and listening audiences.

33 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

I am very pleased to be able to stand with an Administration of integrity, an Administration whose sense of self speak to an understanding and appreciation of their sense of worth and their usefulness in impacting positively on the Tobago landscape of which we are ... [Desk thumping] Madam Presiding Officer, I had not wish to comment on the fact that the Minority bench walked out of the Chamber but I think it would be unfair to our viewing and listening audience to not comment and say that God in fact does has a hand in history and it perhaps serves us best.

You see, as an Administration, we would have hoped that both sides of the Chamber would have been united in its fact that we have an opportunity to make an indelible impression and to serve our people with distinction and with dignity. I am a little grieved that they will wish to politicize this and walk out and go parading themselves up and down but I am still confident that our contributions here today will accede the blessing of the Tobagonian people simply, because, Madam Presiding Officer, we are prepared to serve and we are prepared to serve. [Desk thumping] So, I stand in support of this Motion as intimated and as laid before this House by my colleague simply because from my research and from my studying, I have been able to develop an appreciation for the fact that a model which supports Community Action Network continued to shape human civilizations and societies the world over.

34 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. In education, we continue to look to Singapore for a model of excellence in the teaching and learning processes that continue to drive the twenty-first century learning experience.

But also, we must have an

appreciation for the fact that even Singapore whose model we continue to adopt uses a community action network in order to build and strengthen their societies and their communities. In addition to which my research has reveal to me Madam Presiding Officer, that the Washington Hall County of Michigan too utilizes this model and has been doing so consecutively with success for the past thirty (30) years








neighbourhoods and delights in order to strengthen their bond of affection and give hope to people whose circumstances may have left them in some measure of despair. Madam Presiding Officer, today I am very pleased to report to this august Assembly the work which has been done by the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour. With the help and support of all of the other Divisions here in Tobago to ensure that we can deliver to our people something worthy of their potentials and something from which they can benefit in all their entirety. Madam Presiding Officer, for us a Community Action Network Model or strategy affords us the opportunity as a people as an Administration to respond to the felt needs of communities, to respond to the felt needs of societies, to respond to the felt needs of the individual in an attempt to

35 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. provide them with hope of a brighter day and some kind of programme worthy of their promise. Madam Presiding Officer, you see, one ought not to look so far to Singapore and to Michigan and the likes in order to develop an appreciation for a Community Action Model.

Even here in the Caribbean territory we

have countries which continue to utilize this Model as a framework for community development and for the upliftment and enhancement of their people. Leaders, organizations and governments alike continues to work handin-hand partnering and collaborating on initiatives which afford them the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of those whom they have been called to serve and by whose behest they stand in leadership. Madam Presiding Officer, when it comes to the Tobago context, a strategy for the adoption of the community action network speaks to four (4) major successes. The pillars of which would stand as the benchmark for an empowered people and a strengthened and rehabilitated economy. Madam Presiding Officer, the first is “empowerment� and I can say with certainty that through awareness; through education and through skills training, we have the opportunity through this kind of adoption of model to empower our people to be able to recognize and realize their full potentials. I can say to you also, Madam Presiding Officer, with certainty, that we have already began as an Assembly through the various Divisions to respond

36 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. to the felt needs of families and of societies so as to ensure that our people are empowered to meet, and face and treat with the challenges of today. Through partnerships with Health and Wellness, Education, Sports, Youth Affairs, Tourism and the likes, we were able to conduct a series of consultation meetings across the lengths and breaths of Tobago to share with our people our plans and our proposals towards improving the qualities of their lives.

But more importantly, Madam Presiding Officer, such

consultation exercises afforded us an opportunity to hear from our people and plus develop an appreciation for those things which concerns them the most. I am saying to us today, Madam Presiding Officer, that this gives us all the more an opportunity to ensure that we bring awareness to the fact that there are good things happening in communities across the length and breadth of Tobago. [Desk thumping] You see, as I would have opened and stated that even as a “blockbuster audience” we somehow are made to believe by dissenting voices that Tobago is only characterized by a set of “foul play and foolishness” and I beg privilege for Parliamentary language. [Laughter] The truth is this Madam Presiding Officer, having gone to these twelve (12) Electoral Districts and visited thirteen (13) communities with countless Community Centres that allow for discussions and deliberations for Tobagonian people, I am able as a young man to engender an appreciation for the fact that the Tobagonian people still are the best of all the peoples in the Caribbean.

[Desk thumping] That there is good happening within

37 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. communities still and if given an opportunity to bring awareness to these goods, to these truths, then we will proud ourselves in knowing that we are a peculiar people and of a royal priesthood and of an excellent standard. But more importantly Madam Presiding Officer, our consultations with our fellowmen afforded us an opportunity to recognize the need to educate our people.

Not because of share ignorance, but in order to give rise to

opportunities which can be afforded them. It gives us an opportunity to deliver at the level of the community; Skills Training Programme to ensure that someone who does not succeed at school does not fail his or her community. [Desk thumping] It gives us an opportunity Madam Presiding Officer, as I would have said, to ensure that someone who did not advance academically does not continue to injure his or her society. So, in addition to empowering through the various partnership and the various stakeholder initiatives which we will wish to pursue with Faith Based Organizations, NGOs, community group, sporting fraternities and the likes. We are prepared Madam Presiding Officer, to adopt this model for a Community Action Network to secondly and more fundamentally deliver support at the level of the community. You see because our Motion opens with a profound statement. A statement which suggests that strong families, self-sustaining communities are the healthy productive workforce are linked to our development. That statement is profound Madam Presiding Officer, because it speaks to the heart of the fact that Tobago’s development is concern with people’s development. It speaks to the heart of the fact that as we provide support,

38 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. we are now given an avenue to deliver at the level of the community and therefore, closer to the family and closer to homes mentorship and volunteerism exercises and Service Programmes from which our people can benefit. You see, this is important to us Madam Presiding Officer, I sat here and I listened to a Member, go on and on and on about the disappointment felt with the presentation of this Motion today. I was a little saddened and a little bit discouraged and I had to whisper a silent secret prayer, one which afforded me an opportunity to reinforce my own conviction, but secondly, to repent on behalf of the fellowman. [Desk thumping] [Laughter] You see Madam Presiding Officer, it must be a sin to have such a narrow view on things. [Desk thumping] It must be a sin to be so myopic and so insensible, it must be an insult to the God who created us, uncharacteristic of his genius and of his brilliance. It must be. By absolute necessity, be odious and sinful. But it gave me the opportunity to affirm my own belief and my own conviction in the matter. I am confident Madam Presiding Officer, that the kind of society in which we live today is in dire need of mentorship. The kind of society in which we live today, is in dire need of a person recognizing as Rennie would have recognized that his or her greatest contribution is in service to his fellowman and not in his unsearchable attempt at generating wealth to which he or she did not really earn by conscious effort of the will and productive labour. You see Madam Presiding Officer, it gives us an opportunity to deliver services at the level of the community from which persons could access the

39 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. decentralize services of the government, and of the THA in order to improve their own self and to build the individual and collective capacities. Whereas some are not prepared to admit it Madam Presiding Officer, we are in trouble. We are in trouble not just as a people and not just as a nation, but of the world. We are in trouble because we continue to see how values are compromised for valuables. We continue to see how a man’s conviction is replaced by what he thinks he can get away with in confidence. [Desk thumping] That is scary. I am standing as a young man Madam Presiding Officer, as my colleague would have done sending out a call to all peoples everywhere especially here in Tobago, to begin to imbibe and take unto themselves a sense of social and civic and collective responsibility from which they will be able to lend of their own potential from of their own service to the buildup of their fellowman. The truth be told Madam Presiding Officer, is that a good grain dispersed amongst ones colleague as would have stated by our colleague will impact directly on the quality of your own crop. If we were to have a serious appreciation for that, then we will also have an appreciation for the fact that God really does have a hand in history. [Laughter] But more importantly Madam Presiding Officer, what this model or the adoption of such a strategy affords us, is the opportunity for our own advancement as a people. You see the decentralization of governmental and Tobago House of Assembly Services within communities to accelerate the works of social and economic growth by lending certain kinds of information and service and

40 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. committed unto our people, will only allow for our people to utilize the opportunities to develop themselves and to engender an appreciation for the fact that we can become better versions of who we are day by day. You see, I was privileged as a young man to have the M2. Everybody knows what is the M2. Oh gosh [Laughter] as is privileged, Jomo, I wish you had not done that. [Laughter] You see Madam Presiding Officer, I do not have that phone now, unlike my colleague. But the phone that I has, give me an opportunity to reflect on where I have been and where I have come from, it gives me an opportunity to appreciate the changing scenes of life that allows one to lend conscious efforts and determine actions towards to what improvement and enhancement. If a device though important as it may be but simple in its structure) as simple as a handset could trigger the processes of business and competitors to ensure that it becomes a better version over time, then what hinders us an Administration for providing the policy framework for our people to become better versions of themselves. [Desk thumping] But instead the approach taken here today is one that suggest some kind of unionized approach in which you shut down after coming late, leaving early, and you pack up and turn over and walk out. [Desk thumping] Well, if you do not hear me say it before, let me put it on the record, that I thank God for my Leader, a man of vision [Desk thumping] and a man of moral fortitude. You see Madam Presiding Officer, it was the poet and Philosopher who stated and his name I submit to the record Oliver Wendell Holmes (Senior), he said and I quote:

41 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

“I find that the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving. He continues, he says: …to reach the port of heaven one must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but you must sail and not drift or lie abanka”. Madam Presiding Officer, if we are to extrapolate the words and the principles enshrined herein, we will have an appreciation for the fact that under the astute leadership and with the collaboration of my colleagues, we will be sailing because we are not prepared to drift or lie abanka. [Desk thumping]

That we will afford the Tobagonian people an opportunity to envision the kind of haven that they can access; that we will give them an opportunity to move beyond the circumstances of their birth, to dream their dreams larger than the truth of their present realities in order to pursue something through the worthy of their human potential. That is leadership by design and success by definition. Madam Presiding Officer, but more importantly, I think what the adoption of this model does for us above all else is that it gives us an opportunity to speak to the heart of participation. You see, the fact that we must operate in a landscape and in an environment where we would have received in excess of six hundred million dollars ($600m) less than the last

42 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. allocation we must now ensure that we do what is necessary to afford our men an opportunity to put their hands on deck. You see, Madam Presiding Officer, participation here is what is necessary to revive the spirit of voluntarism that characterizes the Tobagonian people. various


Because I can tell you this, when we engage the





Organizations (FBOs), Sporting Organizations, the Village Councils, the local businesses and the entrepreneurs and everybody, uncle, nenen, thing, thing, poor boy, poor sheep, when we engage them all the message we are sending is a clear and deliberate one that we are willing to partner and collaborate with any man who sees in the service of his fellowman his highest and noblest life achievement. That we are prepared to ensure that we walk hand-in-hand joined by a common interest and by a common bond to deliver to a people something worthy of their promise and something worthy of their potentials. Madam Presiding Officer, I had the privilege of representing my Secretary at a Graduation Ceremony held by the Police Service, I think it is Tobago in which twelve Officers were able to go through rigorous training towards mediation. And one (1) of the things they were eager for Madam Presiding Officer, is an opportunity to work with the Division of Community Development, Enterprise Development and Labour and any other Division in the Tobago House of Assembly to ensure that they can deliver mediation services that allows for a people to appreciate that violence is not the only way to resolve the conflicts of human society.

43 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.

Madam Presiding Officer, I wish to put on record that the Tobago or the Webcam Model which we wish to engender in Tobago gives us Madam Presiding Officer, that sacred opportunity to improve the social, health, educational and economic circumstances through the various partnerships and collaborations which we are prepared to have. Madam Presiding Officer, not only have we met with communities and had consultation meetings but we went a little further. You see because for us, leadership is concerned with semantics. So we went a little further to ensure that we take all the necessary steps and all the necessary actions to ensure that this programme or project does not come to an ignoble end. One of the things which we have considered and which we are yet to obtain or perhaps by some measure or whatever is the establishment of a Community Consultative Planning Unit that will continue to provide for research and innovation to meet the needs of communities across the length and breadth of Tobago. Because for us, Madam Presiding Officer, the acceleration of the rate of social and economic growth is important. You see, I wish to end, Madam Presiding Officer, by stating and submitting into the record and to the conscious of our listening and viewing audience that there and our support of this model or of this strategy will redound to us being a people characterized by a safe land space through Mediation Services, good security and good relationships.

44 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. That Tobago will be characterized as a place that is thrust through the equitable distribution of our resources that Tobago will be characterized as a people or Tobagonians will be characterized as a people who are engaged in meaningful developmental activities. More importantly, we will have the right to say that our needs are met, that our people are healthy and that we have achieved our full potentials.

You see, Madam Presiding Officer,

creating a strong society through Community Development must be the pillar of a progressive people. I wish to end by stating as has been said by the late Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Junior. He said and I quote: "When evil men plot, good men must plan. When evil men burn and bomb good men build and bind.� When evil men shout ugly words of hatred good men commit themselves to the glories of love and when evil men will seek to perpetuate evil in James Park and unjust statesco, good men must seek to bring into being a real order of justice." [Desk thumping] And when we would have done that, Madam Presiding Officer, then like my colleague, Councillor Des Vignes we will be able to pride ourselves in the fact that we would have had Christian education and truthfully saying, "We are children of the King.� Thank you. [Desk thumping]

45 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER: Next on the list to speak would have been the Member for Parlatuvier/L'Anse Fourmi/Speyside in his absence we would have the Representative for Plymouth/Golden Lane. [Desk thumping] ASSISTANT SECRETARY IN THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Ms. Marisha Osmond): Officer.

Thank you, Madam Presiding

Good evening to the Members of this Honourable House and for

those of you who are listening in the gallery good evening to you. Just like my colleague am been a barrick girl as we say, I am from the village of Plymouth.

I too would like to join with my colleague in

expressing condolences to my brother, my villager, Mr. Rennie Dumas and to share that whatever we can do in the Village of Plymouth and in my electoral district to ensure that his memory lives on. We are indeed going to do so. Madam Presiding Officer, this Motion that was tabled by my colleague - the Area Representative for Scarborough/Calder Hall has found great favour with me. And unlike the Minority Leader, I truly believe that this Motion is very, very timely. Members of this House, this Administration in its quest to advance this island and its people realizes more than ever that all stakeholders must play an integral part. When I say all stakeholders as mentioned before, our Non-Governmental Organizations, our Faith-Based organizations, the

46 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. private sector, our Community-Based Organizations and of course, the Tobago House of Assembly. Madam Presiding Officer, it was mentioned to speak to these organizations but that is not so. We do not want to speak to them, we want to join hands and we want to formulate activities. We want all of these organizations to speak to and with each other with a common goal in mind of the advancement of the people of this island. [Desk thumping] Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this Honourable House, this Motion that was tabled today, begs of us to support strategies and initiatives which facilitate greater collaborations of these entities. As a Teacher, there is a Poem that I recalled while I was researching this Motion, and it said: “If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that will be”. Therefore, Madam Presiding Officer, Members listening, if all of these entities work hand-in-hand in a positive and a strategic and meaningful way, therefore, what a great and mighty Tobago we can all be. [Desk thumping] The Member for Scarborough/Calder Hall said, we have an example right here in Tobago, the village of Castara. Once we do as we are supposed to do, we have many Castara’s all over this island.

Madam Presiding

Officer, this Administration in its Manifesto stated and I quote: “Through the engagement of the Tobago House of Assembly, individuals; families, community representatives, NGOs, FBOs and CBOs activities would be generated to accelerate the rate at which

47 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. various communities can attain a status of sustainable and developed community”.

Madam Presiding Officer, this is our goal. This is what we want to achieve by the implementation of this model. The Motion today Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this august House reminds us all that this Administration means business and as is said and my Political Leader and Chief Secretary, “It is business as unusual”. [Desk thumping] This Administration is here to stay and we are here to deliver to the people of this island. [Desk thumping] Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House and those listening, this Administration is on a drive to empower the people of Tobago, this must be done in an effort for us to achieve what we stated in our Manifesto. Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House, we are, “talking the talk and we are walking the walk”. It is imperative, Members of this House for the people living in the twelve (12) Electoral Districts to have control over their lives. The men and women living in every single village on this island must be so empowered that in the process they would seek to increase their assets whether it is fixed assets or current assets. They must be so empowered to increase their power whether it is:  Physical power;  Physiological power; and

48 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.  Economical power. Finally Madam Presiding Officer, they must be so empowered that they would like or seek to increase their capabilities, the things that they can do and contribute to their communities. Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House, this majority side recognizes more than ever, that Community Empowerment is not a one off experience.

It is ongoing! It is an ongoing process which involves

continual learning and a constant building of a community’s ability and capacity to take on new responsibilities. May I say, that when this model is adopted and these communities are given these responsibilities with time, these responsibilities would increase?

Madam Presiding Officer, and

members of this House, Community Empowerment as I mentioned before, has no finite end. As I sit in the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy, we realize more than ever that we need to make the people of this island, the young people of Tobago confident and we need to make them very organized. Madam Presiding Officer, we understand our Division, that our people on this island must be equipped with the knowledge and skills that are necessary to take this island further. [Desk thumping] Madam Presiding Officer, there is a need to prepare our people, hence our Division, the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy has partnered with the Division of Community Development, Enterprise and

49 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Labour and also with the Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development. Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House, this partnership or this alliance has been done to (1) bring education, information services and training closer to the people. It has been done to developing our people a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation and has also been done to energize our people to awake them from their slumber to equip them with the necessary skills to edify them.

My Chief always talk about

“Methanoyer�, a change of the mind and of course elevate them and lift them up. Madam Presiding Officer, the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy has invested in its citizens through programmes such as HYPE (Helping Youths Prepare for Employment), programmes at National Energy Skill Centre (NESC); MIC (Metal Industries Companies); YTEPP (Youth Training Employment Partnership Programme); and of course, MUST (Multi-sector Skills Training) and there are many other Programmes that I can mention.

But Madam Presiding Officer, what is fundamental, is that

when we train these persons they return into the very communities which they live with this newly grasp knowledge and skill. The question that I am about to ask is, how do we as a community, as an Assembly and as a people tap into these resources, or these new trainees and maximize the talents of these persons so that they can begin to develop their communities? How do we ensure that they contribute to the social and economic growth of their communities? Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House, we must find those people. We must engage them as mentioned in our:

50 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m.  Village Councils;  Community groups;  Churches;  Sports groups; In all the groups that we have in our communities. Madam Presiding Officer, and Members of this House, this Division, the Division of Education, Innovation and Energy, as was made by my colleague for Scarborough/Calder Hall and my Colleague who just spoke, we at the Division, we make a clarion call, we make a call, my fellow brothers and sisters, my fellow colleagues, members who are listening, we are saying to you, if ever as a people, we need to be:  Innovative;  Creative; and  Cooperative; The time is now. Madam Presiding Officer, a Community Development approach will facilitate all the attributes I mentioned before. It will encourage us to be innovative, be creative, and we will work with each other.

This Model, the

Community Network Action Model and as was mentioned before, this is not something new. This Model, would allow us as an Administration and as a people and as a community to focus on these important pillars or issues. (1) Through this Model we can create confident skilled, active and influential

51 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. communities through the use of this Model, we can have effective and inclusive communities.

Through the use of this Model, Madam Presiding Officer, we can engender effective relationships between the community organizations, private organizations and their services. Madam Presiding Officer, we know the issue of productivity on this island and through the use of such a model, the Community Action Network Model we can and will improve productivity on this island. But, more importantly, Madam Presiding Officer, with the use of the Community Action Network Model we can engender in our people once again – “A fair day's work for a fair day's pay.” Also, Madam Presiding Officer, through the use of the Community Action Network Model we can and we can begin to strengthen delivery of services to self, to clients and of course, to the citizens of the island of Tobago. Madam Presiding Officer, in the words of a very famous calypsonian, long gone, Mr. Richard Nappy Myers, it says, "Bring back the old time days, bring back them old time ways, I know everything must change but I still love the old time days."

52 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Madam Presiding Officer, there is an urgency and there is a growing sense to return to the basics, to a time where core values such as integrity, respect, accountability, fairness and compassion rule the day. Madam Presiding Officer, with the use of a Community Action Network Model, we can engender in our people these core values and we can once again bring back the society that existed many years ago. Madam Presiding Officer, it is only through collaboration, close collaboration and meaningful collaboration that this island can progress in a positive direction. Madam Presiding Officer, all these entities, all these organizations in our communities, we need each other, we need to work together, we need to hold, walk hand-in-hand to ensure that we have a Tobago that all of us can one day say we are proud of. Thank you. [Desk thumping] MADAM






Development, Enterprise and Labour. [Desk thumping]

HON. M. MELVILLE-JACK: Thank you very much, Madam Presiding Officer. Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House, I wish to thank my colleagues for their passionate contributions and support to

53 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. what I consider to be a very noble Motion. I must too, like my colleagues on the other side express my disappointment with the walk-out of the Opposition during this debate. Madam Presiding Officer, grand-charging, disrespect and walk-out will not improve the minds of our citizens nor will it engender investors confidence in doing business within Trinidad and Tobago. We need to invest in and fix our internal issues relating to people's development before we can even try to wholesalely achieve Tobago or Trinidad and Tobago's development. I listened to the Minority Leader in his very short debate and what came over was the fact that the Motion was described as flippant, untimely and vexatious. Madam Presiding Officer, I wish to disagree, but more importantly, I want to suggest that the behaviour of the Opposition is what I consider to be untimely and vexatious. What it does is that it promotes the very qualities within our community that we are hoping to change. But what it does for us is that it gives us the opportunity to leave the Chamber early and for that I must thank him. Madam Presiding Officer, we have listened to arguments for this Motion and one against. A Motion that seeks to garner support for the

54 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. implementation of strategies and initiatives which are geared towards greater collaboration among stakeholders. The Government of the day in this case, the Executive Council has a responsibility to provide the kinds of services to alleviate hardship on its citizens. But more importantly, Madam Presiding Officer, our citizens have an even greater responsibility to ensure that the services that are provided through collaboration with these stakeholders help them to become productive, self-sufficient Members of society. It should also help them to voluntarily assist those around them who are less fortunate than themselves. As I listened to the contributions from my colleagues, the contribution from the Division of Health, Education and the role out of the Community Development Programme, what struck me more than anything else is the urgency of this new Motion or should I say this new strategy that we are engaging in? Now more than anytime, Madam Presiding Officer, we need to ensure that we could effectively weather the storm of an unpredictable economic future and the strategies and initiatives that we are proposing would do just that. As I proceed to wrap up this Debate or this Motion, I am reminded of an excerpt from my maiden speech on the political platform which Madam Presiding Officer, seems quite relevant and timely at this time. Permit me to quote from this speech: "I believe that I was called into Public Politics for such a time like this. A time when as a people we seem to be losing the soul of our nation.

55 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. We are fast becoming an uncaring, indiscipline society where even now as the appearance of good and good now seems to be evil. The pride that we once enjoyed in giving an honest day's work for an honest day's pay seems to be a thing of the past. Customer service is at an all-time low. The concept of a village raring a child has been eroded by disrespect selfishness, isolation and greed." I am here to tell you this afternoon that there is hope for our people. 3.40 p.m.: Members of the Minority walked in. This time of recession and limited financial resources may not be a bad thing for us here in Tobago. This time may force us to return to those values of caring, sharing, respect for others, hard work and sacrifice which made us stand out as Tobagonians.

This time may renew our creative and

entrepreneurial spirits which have remain dormant for far too long. It is time that we use our gifts to provide a responsible predictable income for ourselves and our families. It tends to build on a strong foundation of the last Administration by partnering with people within the communities to improve the quality of life for all. We proposed government of the people, for the people, by the people, people of Tobago, the Tobago House of Assembly cannot do this alone. We need your support. Ladies and gentlemen, the sentiments that is expressed in that speech, is exactly the sentiments that we wish to express to everyone in the House at this time. Let me take the opportunity to welcome back, the Members from the Minority bench, it is a pleasure that you are here as we wind up the debate. So, Madam Presiding Officer, despite the disrespect, we as a people

56 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. are responsible for modelling the change that we expect to see in others. I propose that each Member of this noble House leads the charge in enhancing our values and work ethics, to engender greater participation in the change process within our communities throughout Tobago. Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House, Tobago has always led the charge for change within the unitary state of Trinidad and Tobago, and today should be no different. The structure and operations of our established Tobago House of Assembly, is being considered for replication at the Local Government level in Trinidad. What our small size does for us, is that it helps us to pilot strategies like the one being discussed today, which when monitored effectively and implemented successfully, would eventually become national policy.

Hence our reason

for bringing it to this noble House. Madam Presiding Officer, I believe that we can, “Tobago can”, Tobago can once again promote the core values of respect, patriotism; discipline integrity; equity; accountability and productivity. My colleague a while ago, took the wind out of my sail when she started talking about bringing back the old time days, because I want to endorse that very sentiment. Madam Presiding Officer, we need to understand that we cannot “throw out the baby with the bath water”. I know that many people would say that was in your days, but values and ethics are things that never change in time. So, I propose Madam Presiding Officer, that we need to rekindle the spirit of volunteerism, mentorship, apprenticeship; pride in ourselves and in our communities that were once part of our Tobago society. I want to

57 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. endorse that it still takes a village or a community to raise a child. Sou sou and lend hand were ways in which we supported each other, and we bonded as family within our communities. These days can come back. Let us truly bring back the old time days. Madam Presiding Officer, at the Third Annual A.N.R. Robinson Lecture Series which was held at the Library Auditorium on Thursday 04, May, 2017, Guest Speaker Mr. Ewart Williams, and former Governor of the Central Bank lamented on the fact that Tobago’s economy had become unsustainable.

He cited one reason as the high level of employment

currently facilitated by the Tobago House of Assembly which contributes to job shortages within the private sector. He urged the future job seekers to consider alternative careers, like agriculture, niche marketing and the private sector. Madam Presiding Officer, our whole thrust within the community is to get our Members of communities to the place where they see themselves as entrepreneurs without having to depend on the Tobago House of Assembly for gainful employment. Our worthy Minority Leader, would have said that we have to import food from Trinidad and we need the services of the ferry. I wish to state that as we go into communities, we want to suggest to the people of Tobago, that we need to grow our own food, and once again become the bread basket of Trinidad. [Desk thumping] Our guest Speaker at that lecture series Mr. Ewart Williams, also reminded us that Tobagonians were outstanding for their exemplary work

58 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. ethics.

He suggested that we were now suffering from low labour

productivity. He suggested that the only way that we could get out of this situation that we are presently in, is if we all put our “shoulders to the wheel� and he admonish all of us to work for the salary we get. Madam Presiding Officer, the Tobago House of Assembly with all good intentions, cannot accomplish this task of reformation. We need the support of all the stakeholders that have been described in this Motion to participate in the process that would facilitate a more caring community; service to humanity; entrepreneurship, job creation, and a reduction in poverty levels. As we seek to improve the standard of living and the quality of life for all, we in the Tobago House of Assembly propose to organize and mobilize human financial and technical resources in ways that will address the varying and individual needs of the communities. This kind of change necessitates our individual and collective responsibilities and speak to increase productivity in all sectors of society. Madam Presiding Officer, I want to suggest that the Tobagonian of the future needs to rethink, retool and repossession himself to the place where the Tobago landscape feels the positive impact of a people who are purpose driven, solutions oriented and catalyst of change. We need to take our potential to the next level. So Madam Presiding Officer, as I said, it is going to be an early day for all of us, and I really want to thank the Opposition bench. I want to restate the Motion for emphasis and the consideration that is required at this

59 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. time. I want to urge all the Members of this House including the Members of the Opposition Bench to support the Motion as stated: “WHEREAS strong families, self-sustaining communities and a healthy, productive workforce are inextricably linked to the development of Tobago; AND WHEREAS there is a need to enhance our values and work ethics, as these relate to productivity within the context of our limited financial resources; AND WHEREAS the Tobago House of Assembly proposes to place greater focus on the development of communities, as a strategy to accelerate social and economic growth; BE IT RESOLVED that this House support the strategies and initiatives which facilitate greater collaboration and partnership amongst the THA, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Private Enterprises and Communities throughout Tobago; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Council take all necessary steps to implement those strategies and initiatives”.

Madam Presiding Officer, it is a well-known fact that Tobagonians have always been seen as strong, creative, resilient people who have faced challenges head on in the past and we can do it again. To do this we need to unite and collaborate, to reconcile, restore and reclaim our heritage by hard work and sacrifice.

60 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Supporting this Motion today will in turn assist in recreating a Tobago that is an ideal place to live, work and to recreate. For all of us as citizens and to our visitors alike. So, Madam Presiding Officer, I wish to conclude this debate with a simple yet profound statement by Myer Angelo: "Nothing will work unless you do." Madam Presiding Officer, Members of this Honourable House, I hereby move that this Motion be adopted in its entirety. [Desk thumping] Question put and agreed to. HON. K. DES VIGNES: Madam Presiding Officer, I beg to call for a division of votes.

MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER: We will have a division of votes at this time. The House divided: AYES: 13 ABSENTEEISMS: 0 AYES: Des Vignes, Hon. K. Charles, Hon. K. Jack, Hon. J. Stewart-Phillips, Hon. N.


61 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. Spencer, Hon. H. Pitt, Hon. J. Melville-Jack, Hon. M. Jacob, Hon. C. Carrington, Hon. Dr. A. Cunningham, Mr. S. Osmond, Ms. M. Hector, Mr. S. Dennis, Mr. A.

NOES: Augustine, Mr. F. Duke, Mr. W. Yisrael, Dr. F. B. MADAM PRESIDING OFFICER: Thirteen (13) for, three (3) against. The Motion is now carried. [Desk thumping] MOTION OF ADJOURNMENT

Members, earlier today the Motion for adjournment was submitted by the Minority Leader, that Motion satisfied the criteria for being “Urgent and of Public Importance.” However, the Minority Leader was not present when there was a call for the Motion to be read.

62 2017.05.25 ES 1.40 – 1.50 p.m. At this time, I am asking Leader of Assembly Business to rise to move the Motion to adjournment. ADJOURNMENT

Motion made: That the House do now adjourn to a date to be fixed. [Hon. K. Des Vignes] Question put and agreed to. House adjourned accordingly. Adjourned at 3.57 p.m.

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