Michigan AEYC 2023 Infant Toddler Conference

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2023 Infant Toddler Conference

November 10, 2023

Riverfront Conference Center

1 Riverfront Plaza, Flint

The Michigan AEYC Infant Toddler Conference is back! The 2023 Infant Toddler Conference will take place in person on November 10 at the Riverfront Conference Center in Flint, Michigan with continued on demand access for select sessions for an additional 30 days. See individual session descriptions for on demand availability.

Infant and toddler caregivers, home based caregivers, Early Head Start, Early On, Even Start, First Families, administrators, and all who touch the lives of Michigan’s infant and toddler population are invited to network, engage with your peers and learn from the best at this year’s conference.

Schedule At-A-Glance

8:00am Registration & Check-In

8:45-10:00am Keynote: Nurturing Relationships and Belonging within the Infant Toddler Field

10:15-11:30am Breakout Sessions

11:30am-12:30pm Lunch

12:30pm-1:45pm Breakout Sessions

2:00pm-2:30pm Afternoon Snack Break

2:30pm-3:45pm Breakout Sessions



Registration ends October 27, 2023. Lunch is included with registration. Register at https://bit.ly/2023ITC

Michigan AEYC Member (StandardorPremiumLevel) $109 Non-Member PLUS Standard Level Membership $178 Entry Level or Non-member $178 Student/T.E.A.C.H. Recipient $89

Keynote: Nurturing Relationships and Belonging within the Infant and Toddler Field


Together, we’ll explore the experiences and needs of both very young children and educators in the early childhood field across Michigan. We will lift up voices and stories of infant/toddler educators who are the forefront of supporting young children’s mental health. Ways to nurture emotional well-being and mental health within the classroom will be explored. Danie has been working to ensure professionals in the field feel supported, valued, empowered, heard and seen and will lift up that message throughout the presentation. We’ll explore ways that center directors and staff can co-create a nurturing and inclusive work environment so that providers feel rejuvenated and inspired to continue the important work with infants and toddlers.


Give Them A Hand; Assisting in Fine Motor Development


Participants will learn ways to assist infants and toddlers fine motor skills. We will touch base on age appropriate milestones and which materials can be utilized to encourage reaching, grasp, grip.


Take Me Outside! The Importance of Outside Time and Engaging Play Spaces for Infants and Toddlers


The benefits of being outdoors are overwhelmingly positive. It affects every aspect of infant-toddler learning and physical development. In this session, participants will learn the importance of outside time for infants and toddlers and how to actively support their outdoor explorations as well as plan for more engaging play spaces.


Individual Responses: Determining the Meaning of Infant Toddler Challenging Behaviors


This session will explore challenging behavior in infants and toddlers; and how caregivers can work to understand why these behaviors happen. Using Pyramid Model strategies, we will discuss how to gather information to respond individually to each child, and prevent challenging behavior.


How Children Develop


Knowing about child development gives parents and caregivers the skills to best nurture children and Identify potential developmental delays. In this workshop, participants will explore active learning, child development domains, and characteristics of typical development birth-5. This workshop will also explore techniques for observing children and the unique characteristics of multi-age care settings.


Literacy Essentials B-3: Writing


Learning to write is an essential skill that begins in our infant and toddler classrooms. Come join us as we delve deeper into how we, as infant and toddler teachers, can promote writing skills in our classrooms and by doing so support language development and emergent literacy.


MAIMH Endorsement Workshop


The Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health (MI-AIMH) works to equip and support professionals across Michigan who serve infants, young children and their families through specialized in-service training and Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive, Relationship-focused Practice Promoting Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health®. Learn more about the endorsement process and discover which endorsement category is right for you.



Sessions, cont.

Active Supervision in Early Childhood


In this course participants will discuss strategies to create a culture of safety in the classroom. Participants will grow an understanding of their role in supporting children to explore their environments safely. Participants will reflect on their current supervision practices and create a Zoning Chart to ensure no children is left unattended at any time throughout the day.


When Push Comes to Shove - Conflict Resolution with Infants and Toddlers


As infants and toddlers start to develop the ability to regulate themselves, they often express intense emotions during conflict. Explore HighScope's six steps to problem-solving that can help children grow as independent, confident, problem-solvers.


Infant and Toddlers Learning Two Languages


In this session you will learn about the foundations for supporting multilingual learners. How children develop first and second languages will be discussed. The presentation will be through an asset-based lens of the strengths that multilanguage learners possess and how teachers and caregivers can grow upon those strengths. Additional topics to be covered are how to set up your classroom to support multilingual learners, making connections between home language and culture and engaging multilanguage learners through music and movement.


Everyday Opportunities for Math


Children are born knowers and doers of math. What does math have in common with putting your blanket away after a nap? Everything! Join us to discover how you can support children's math learning through daily routines and activities when they're with you - and when they're at home!


The Importance of Music and Movement in Early Childhood with Zumbini


Music and movement are powerful tools that can be used both in home and in the classroom! In this interactive workshop, we'll learn about the cognitive, social, emotional and physical development that occurs when using music and movement in your curriculum.


Promoting and Supporting Inclusive Care of Infants and Toddlers


This session provides information and resources on creating a climate of individualized support to meet high expectations for children with disabilities in infant and toddler education programs. An introduction to free online inclusion modules, which are available to promote and support high-quality inclusive care, will also be provided in this session.


Supporting Toddler’s Early Math and Science Skills Through Active Learning Experiences


Toddlers are naturally curious and drawn to open-ended materials that they can actively engage with. Come see how to create different learning experiences that will encourage inquiry and enhance early math and science skills.



How to Succeed and Communicate Effectively with the Most Challenging Personalities– How to Get Along When You Don’t Get Along


True family and school collaboration is what we all strive to accomplish, but sometimes personalities and disagreements over how best to educate children create roadblocks to our success. How do you rebuild a trusting relationship when that trust has been broken? What are the most common barriers to collaboration? What is our role, and how do we move forward successfully? While this presentation has been created with school/family relationships in mind, the principals extend beyond to all relationships.


Referring Children to Early Intervention in Child Care Settings


Do you know what to do if a child in your care is not meeting their developmental milestones or has a pre-existing health condition? Early On Michigan offers early intervention services for families who have infants and toddlers, birth to three years of age, with developmental delay(s) and/or disabilities. This session will allow you to learn helpful tips and language to discuss developmental concerns with parents/caregivers, and teach you how to partner so that children are supported, safe and meaningfully included in child care settings.


On-Demand Only

Love of Literacy


This training will inspire a love of literacy in children by equipping early childhood educators and parents with the tools to bring classic children's books to life through an event called Book Days: an event combining a theatrical experience with themed activities. The characters and plots are lifted off the pages and create physical elements that the children experience through multiple senses.


The Significance of Professionalism in Early Education: Cultivating the Future with Excellence


This presentation aims to emphasize professionalism's critical role in early education and the positive outcomes it generates. By examining the key components of professionalism, such as ethical conduct, continuous learning, and effective communication, we aim to highlight the significance of fostering a professional environment that empowers educators to excel in their roles.


Supporting Social and Emotional Development


Together we will explore the stages of social and emotional development for infants and toddlers. We will discuss how to foster and support the development of social and emotional skills and provide tips and techniques regarding self-regulation. Bringing it all together, we'll dive into the correlation between social and emotional development and the behaviors we see in the classroom.


Raising the COVID Generation: The Top 5 Executive Functioning Skills for Recovering Lost Milestones and Becoming Kindergarten Ready


Explore studies indicating learning outcomes of the Pandemic on kids born between 2017-2021. Define four key indicators of Kindergarten readiness, identify 5 executive functioning skills that develop readiness areas, and practice classroom management scenarios to overcome challenges.


www.miaeyc.org Sessions, cont.

On Demand Only, cont.

I’m Trying to be Okay: Learning Emotional Development


Emotions begin to show in infancy and develop through childhood. Young children experience a lot of new emotions and feelings that they don't understand nor know how to explain or regulate. We're going to learn what stress is and looks like for infants and toddlers, strategies to encourage emotional development and correlation between self-regulation and school readiness.


Wear Your C.A.P.E.


This session focuses on difficult behaviors and how to handle and plan for those tough situations in the classroom and in the center as a whole. The content expresses the importance of finding your calm as an educator and never defining the child by the difficult behavior. All behavior is communication and being the calm you want to see is imperative for children in your class to find theirs. This session is a practical path to diffusing those difficult behaviors short term as well as long term and ultimately changing the perception of those challenging behaviors.


Supporting the Personal-Emotional Development of Infants and Toddlers


Before toddlers can develop Social-Emotional skills, they have to develop Personal-Emotional skills first. In this session, we will explore strategies and activities to promote PEL in the classroom and home environment.


Creating a Climate of Trust with Infants and Toddlers


Establishing trust in the classroom and helping infants and toddlers build positive relationships with others supports children’s development and sets they up for future success. So how do caregivers create this climate of trust? What techniques can be used with the youngest of children? In this session we will look at the stages of attachment and provide strategies caregivers can use to build trust with the infants and toddlers in their care.


www.miaeyc.org Save the Date for these upcoming Michigan AEYC Conferences and Events! Michigan AEYC Public Policy Forum, LansingMichigan AEYC Annual Early Childhood Conference, Grand Rapids - April 18-20, 2023 Michigan AEYC 2024 Infant Toddler Conference, Location TBD - November 15, 2024 VisittheMichiganAEYCEventsCalendarforallupcomingtrainingandeventsatwww.miaeyc.org.

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