2016 South Florida's Top Black Healthcare Professionals -Legacy South Florida

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South Florida

Broward & Palm Beach

"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"

Meet South Florida’s Top Black Healthcare Professionals of 2016

Beverly Kuykendall, President of American Medical Depot Shatters the Glass Ceiling Carla Hill, A Two tme Cancer Survivor Shares Her Story of Fortutude Broward County Public Schools Ensuring Equity in Educational Access And More...





"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek." – President Barack Obama In this issue we honor and acknowledge our leaders in the field of medicine and healthcare. As we do, we would be remiss if we did not address the state of health care for Black/African Americans.

According to Robert Pearl, MD, CEO of the Permenante Medical Group, African-Americans, La�nos and the economically disadvantaged experience poorer healthcare access and lower quality of care than white Americans. He goes on to say that this gap in services and access is growing.

In addi�on, the debate over the moral responsibili�es and the rising cost of healthcare con�nues to be one of the biggest challenges facing our country today. In some cases, crea�ng blurred lines between poli�cal issues and healthcare needs and concerns. As you engage this issue and read the ar�cles, we hope this informa�on will empower you to take control of your healthcare needs and provide some resources to help you accomplish your healthcare goals. As you do, please be mindful that how we exercise our healthcare op�ons creates a legacy for the next genera�on. If changes are needed, the responsibility for demanding and securing those changes is in our hands. Be well. Kervin L. Clenance Group Publisher Legacy South Florida Legacy Miami

Here in South Florida, medical tourism, the prac�ce of traveling to other ci�es or even other countries, to secure quality healthcare, is a growing sector in healthcare services. Compe��on for healthcare dollars, especially healthcare insurance dollars, is at an all-�me high.

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#BeInformed #BeInfluen�al #LegacyTopBlackHealth CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS An independent supplement by "The Black Press believes that America can MIA MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, LLC. best lead the world away from racial and Dexter A. Bridgman CEO & Founder na�onal antagonisms when it accords to “Providing News/Informa�on and every person, regardless of race, color or Connec�on Florida’s Black Affluencers creed, full human and legal rights. Ha�ng no and Influencers” person, fearing no person, the Black Press Contact: dab@miamediagrp.com strives to help every person in the firm belief Kervin L. Clenance that all hurt as long as anyone is held back." Group Publisher, Legacy Magazine

Member of the Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA)

Le� to right, Beverly Kuykendall, Anthony Blake Hall, Annie Neasman, Keith Tribble and Shana Cri�enden

Denise St. Patrick-Bell PhD Copy Editor Zachary Rinkins Editor at Large Nordene Bartley Marke�ng Manager Toni Harrigan Intern Md Shahidullah Art Director



South Florida's Top Black Healthcare Professionals of 2016

Lucien Alexandre, MD, Ph.D Interven�onal Pain Management Specialist/Neurologist Mount Sinai Medical Center

Bernard Ashby, MD, MPP Vascular Cardiologist Columbia University Division of Cardiology at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Patricia Aurelien D.O Family Medicine Physician Holy Cross Hospital

Dr. George Ba�le OB-GYN Bap�st South Miami Hospital

Luther Brewster, Ph.D Chief, Division of Policy, Research & Community Development FIU Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Sheri Brown Regional Director/Health Coach Take Shape for Life

Marcia Derby-Davis, Ph.D., RN Associate Professor Nova Southeastern University, College of Nursing

Dr. Maina Gatonye Physician Chen Medical

Shrusan Gray, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Women To Women OB - GYN Care

Anthony Blake Hall COO Community Health of South Florida Inc.

Armen Henderson, MD Internal Medicine Jackson Memorial Hospital

Nicole Henry-DaCosta, DO Obstetrician Gynecologist Mount Sinai Medical Center

Dr. Teresa Jackson Nurse Prac��oner Jessie Trice Community Health Centers

Guy C. Jeanty, Ph.D CEO Dr. J Family Therapy

Sonjia Kanya, PhD, M.S., M.A. Director of Community Health Programs University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Roderick King MD, MPH, Professor University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Florida Ins�tute for Health Innova�on

Deborah Mizell, RN, BS Beverly Kuykendall, M.B.A. Dr. Joycelyn Lawrence Pierre Richard Limousin, Winnifred McPherson, Ed.D Community Liaison for the President of Government Chief Medical Officer MD CEO African American and Jessie Trice Community Business Medical Doctor Caribbean Health Centers American Medical Depot Sunset OB-GYN Associates, Virture Medical Staffing VITAS Healthcare (AMD) LLC, Bap�st Health South Florida

Jeff Moise, M.D.q Gynecologist Mount Sinai Medical Center

Keith R. Tribble Shirley Thimothee-Paul Patricia Rosenberg Marcus St. John, President & CEO RN, MSN, CORN RN MSN MD, FACC, FSCAI Chief Nursing Officer Clinical and Interven�onal Community and Clinical Jackson Health Founda�on Educator Florida Medical Center Cardiologist VITAS Healthcare HeartWell LLP

Dr. Linda Washington-Brown Associate Dean of RN-BSN Broward College

Alysse Richardson, DC Chiroprac�c Physician Comprehensive Health Center

Martha Pearson, MSN-ED, Dr. Ajibola Odunmbaku Jean Sergot Raphael, MBA, RN A�ending Radiologist R.T (R) ARRT, LSSBB RN, Assistant Nurse Mount Sinai Medical Regional Manager Manager Center Radiology South Miami Hospital Broward Health Imperial Point

Ann-Karen Weller, RN, BSN, ICCE Director, Office of Community Health and Planning Florida Department of Health in Miami Dade County

Ebony Whisenant , MD Family Medicine Physician Florida Interna�onal University, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

David Zambrana CEO Jackson Memorial Hospital






By: Jasmine M. Jones, MPA, MCA

If you are one of the more than 45,000 small businesses in Broward County, you owe it to yourself to get acquainted with the County’s Office of Economic and Small Business Development (OESBD). As its name suggests, OESBD is both an economic development engine, responsible for recrui�ng and retaining new industry and promo�ng interna�onal trade, and a small business advocate, suppor�ng new and exis�ng small businesses and promo�ng contrac�ng opportuni�es available through the County’s procurement of goods and services. Last year, Broward purchased

more than $600M in goods and services, with $57M going to local small businesses. However, it’s not enough, so OESBD staff are rolling up their sleeves and doing more. Educate OESBD provides free training opportuni�es and workshops to support businesses throughout the development lifecycle: start-up, growth, maturity and beyond. “We’ve been helping local businesses for years, but now we are taking a fresh look at our approach to providing services,” said Sandy-Michael E. McDonald, OESBD Director. By expanding the size and scope of training offered and incorpora�ng social media, OESBD is reaching more businesses. Training programs such as the Kauffman FastTrac curriculum target entrepreneurs, and business development workshops promote access to Broward County agencies, resources, and contrac�ng opportuni�es. OESBD cer�fies small businesses in local and Federal programs that ul�mately afford firms access to greater opportuni�es through government contrac�ng. The Technical Assistance Training Program focuses on providing businesses with the

tools they need to get cer�fied and to do business with Broward and other buyers in the marketplace. Engage OESBD is working to engage small businesses directly by providing one-on-one technical assistance, and promo�ng new trends and ac�vi�es via Twi�er, FaceBook and YouTube. The office’s Business Assistance Weekly e-bulle�n, which publicizes events and open solicita�ons from Broward County and other public agencies, connects OESBD to more than 6,000 subscribers. OESBD also facilitates meet and greet networking events to connect primes and subcontractors with targeted contrac�ng opportuni�es. “Yet, it’s s�ll not enough,” McDonald points out. “We want to hear from the business community so we can be�er address their needs.” Empower OESBD’s inaugural “Broward is Listening” public forum debuted last month as a series of guided and open discussions to garner feedback. The community is invited to share concerns, challenges and

successes in business. Upcoming “Broward is Listening” public forums are scheduled as follows: • Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:00 PM - North Regional/Broward College Library, Auditorium, Room 154, Bldg. 62, Coconut Creek, FL • Thursday, August 3, 2017| 5:30 to 7:30 PM – City of Miramar Mul�-Services Complex, Banquet Hall, Miramar, FL A�endees are encouraged to bring their ques�ons and comments. McDonald will be joined by key office staff and members of the Broward County Small Business Development Advisory Board. “We will present the topics, listen to the comments and compile the feedback, to allow us to provide answers to ques�ons, and ul�mately provide resolu�ons,” said McDonald. To learn more about OESBD and to register for a “Broward is Listening” forum, visit Broward.org/EconDev or call 954-357-6400. Jasmine M. Jones, MPA, MCA is the Pulic Infromation Officer for the Community Relations and Outreach Section of the Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development.

BROWARD IS LISTENING Thursday, April 20, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:00 PM North Regional / Broward College Library, 1100 Coconut Creek Blvd., Coconut Creek, FL

Thursday, August 3, 2017 | 5:30 to 7:30 PM

Banquet Hall at the City of Miramar Multi-Services Complex, 6700 Miramar Parkway, Miramar, FL

BE HEARD | DIALOGUE | NETWORK Meet with key representatives of Broward County’s Office of Economic and Small Business Development and Small Business Development Advisory Board.


• Business owners with an office located in Broward County who are NOT currently certified with the County • Business owners who want to increase their revenue • Anyone with questions about business initiatives • Entrepreneurs with plans to start or expand a business ŷ¯ʩOs Ÿ¯ rOŸŘŸŎÞO Ř_ ǢŎ ĶĶ DȖǣÞŘsǣǣ ^sɚsĶŸƼŎsŘǼ

115 S. Andrews Ave., Room A680, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 | 954-357-6400 | Broward.org/EconDev We’re Social! Follow and Like Us: @BCOESBD Broward County OESBD

TOPICS OF DISCUSSION: • Challenges associated with getting SBE & CBE certified • Removing myths and addressing realities • Multi-million dollar contracts that are available • Expectations, experiences and needs

To learn more and to register online, visit Broward.org/EconDev.

Registration is strongly encouraged. This event is subject to change. Individuals requiring accommodations to participate must notify us in advance.




Why Every Business Needs a Small Business Checkup

By: Beatrice Louissaint

Beatrice Louissaint Just like regular health exams and tests are cri�cal to good health, each business needs a regular Small Business Checkup to grow and build capacity to be more profitable and to scale up for more opportuni�es. Many entrepreneurs work so much in their business; they forget to work on their business. Also, many fail to strategize on how to develop sustainable businesses that are built to last and that are profitable. When was the last �me that you had a professional assessment of the health of your company, its plans for growth and financial health? How do you iden�fy problems before they start and fix them? Do you have an exit strategy for your company? All businesses must have short and long range plans for growth and the improvement of the company’s delivery of services to customers. Below are some ques�ons to gauge the health of your company: Do you have a business plan? Every company needs a business plan. A well-developed plan is focused on growth opportuni�es, financing, marke�ng, human capital and the overall improvement of the company. The plan should be reviewed and updated regularly as factors change in the business. A plan does not have to a lengthy document, it can simply be one page that outlines key goals, strategies for growth and measurements for success. What is your succession plan? Business owners need to develop an exit strategy for their businesses – whether it is a decision to sell, pass it on to a family member or employee(s) or even wind down a company. Who is the current customer base and what is the market? A business owner must know who the company’s customers are, what those

customers’ needs are and have plans to fulfill those needs efficiently, cost-effec�vely, and in a �mely manner. Every business must also have a differen�ator – a reason why a customer should hire or contract with it. Also, every company must iden�fy poten�al new clients. To con�nue to grow an enterprise, a business owner should know where the growth opportuni�es are and if they are with exis�ng customers or new ones, as well as whether they are regional, na�onal, interna�onal or online. I encourage all business owners to get a Small Business Checkup and to engage a CPA, a�orney, banker or other key advisor(s) in the process of evalua�ng the health of their businesses. These professionals are important consultants when developing a plan for the growth of a company. The goal of a business is to make money. Focusing on the health of your company will allow you to more quickly achieve the goals you have set for the business and build a fast-growing company that creates jobs, is innova�ve and helps build our economy. Are you a minority business owner that is in need of a Small Business Checkup? Make an appointment with the Miami MBDA Center to get a free 30-minute assessment of your company’s health and needs. Whether you need access to capital, technical exper�se, advanced business consul�ng resources or innova�ve management services, the Miami MBDA Center can meet your needs. To schedule an appointment with a business consultant, visit www.mbdamiamicenter.com or call (305) 751-2907.

Beatrice Louissaint is president and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC). The organization is the operator of the U.S. Department of Commerce Miami Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center, which serves southern Florida. FSMSDC’s goal is to increase purchasing from minority businesses by government entities and corporations, while increasing minority business’s operating capacity through hands-on business assistance, training and access to technology and capital resources. Founded in 1975 in southern Florida (formerly named the Southern Florida Minority Supplier Development Council – SFMSDC) and expanded to cover all of Florida in January 2016, FSMSDC is one of 23 regional councils affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and Minority Business Enterprises in the state of Florida. To learn more about the FSMSDC, visit fsmsdc.org or call (305) 762-6151.

“...two so very important words...thank you.” Celebrate 25 years of community achievements by nominating an inspiring individual for the 2017 African-American Achiever Awards. An independent panel of judges from Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties selects honorees in the following categories:

Arts & Culture + Business & Entrepreneurism Community Service + Education

Thank someone today and nominate a future achiever.

AfricanAmericanAchievers.com Deadline is December 2, 2016 Sponsored by

Save the Date

African-American Achievers Awards

April 26, 2017

Broward County Convention Center For more information, visit AfricanAmericanAchievers.com, call 866-516-2497 or join us on Facebook.com/AfricanAmericanAchievers.





Kuykendall Sha�ers Ceilings and Exceeds Expecta�ons

Beverly Kuykendall Beverly Kuykendall is a noted business leader with a passion for doing well and doing good. As president of American Medical Depot’s (AMD) Government Business sec�on, she gets to do that on a

PINNACLE By: Zach Rinkins


regular basis. “AMD is a solu�ons-oriented company that is commi�ed to ge�ng close to the customer,” says Kuykendall, who leads AMD’s largest sec�on. “We serve a lot of Veteran Affairs hospitals. That means we are servicing our veterans, who have given the ul�mate sacrifice. We want to give them the best and most innova�ve products that will help improve their quality of life.” In her role, Kuykendall leads the firm’s expansion into key strategic areas and has profit-and-loss responsibility. She has demonstrated her exper�se throughout her career. Her formerFortune 500 listed employers include Proctor & Gamble, American Hospital Supply, Xerox, and Herman Miller. She also served as president and CEO of Federal and Commercial Contracts, Incorporated (FCCI).Addi�onally, the proud California na�ve a�ributes her success to, “knowing how to conduct business.” “Selling yourself and your services are key to business success,” she reveals. “For people to do business with you, you have to deliver three things.” “First, you have to give your customers

a strategic market advantage. Second, you have to help them increase market share. And, last you have to give your customers a return on investment,” she notes. “When you’re partnering with a customer, �me and resources are invested. You have to deliver a solid return on those investments and a mutually agreed result.” The award-winning execu�ve earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Cal Poly University and an MBA from Pepperdine University. She encourages ambi�ous employees to align themselves with their companies fully. “In a career, some people get off track because they view what they do as a job,” she explains. “But, you must ask yourself, what can I do today to move projects forward?” Kuykendall offers three steps to help you reach your professional pinnacle. Give It Your All- “I love public policy and analyzing the way the government buys things. Find something that is your passion and something you want to do every day. Then, give it your all.” Buy-In: “Many people see themselves

apart from their companies. I see myself as an integral part of the company. That way I am very important to its growth. It is my responsibility to help move the company forward. To do that, you must develop a full grasp of your company’s mission, goals, and objec�ves. Some�mesan opportunity comes through to help move the company forward, but you can’t see it because you don’t know your goals and objec�ves.” Develop Rela�onships With Everyone: “I used to sell IV equipment, and I would walk through the morgue to get to a client. While walking, I always spoke to the mor�cians, janitors, and assistants. Eventually, they would give me insights about people in the facili�es and my compe�tors. This informa�on helped me move my business forward. Never think that someone can’t help you. I have had some rela�onships for 20 years, and we didn’t do business un�l the tenth year. You never know when a rela�onship can turn into business. So, be genuine, give respect, and give yourself to people.” Find out more about AMD at www.AMDnext.com.

St. Mary’s Medical Center and Delray Medical Center Reflect on More Than 25 Years of Lifesaving Trauma Care in Palm Beach County

Gabrielle Finley-Hazle Since 1991, St. Mary’s Medical Center and Delray Medical Center have proudly

formed served as the only two trauma centers in Palm Beach County. In partnership with the Healthcare District of Palm Beach County, the two centers have treated more than 64,000 people, which includes providing rapid-response care to more than 3,700 trauma�cally injured adults and pediatric pa�ents each year. Both St. Mary’s Medical Center and Delray Medical Center are classified as Level I Trauma Centers, the highest level designated by the state. The trauma teams include paramedics, emergency medical technicians and specially trained doctors and nurses who work together to ensure that severely injured pa�ents quickly receive the specialized care they need. Hospitals with trauma center designa�ons also offer advanced surgical capabili�es and cri�cal care units that provide constant treatment and monitoring of severely injured pa�ents. “On a daily basis, our remarkable staff sees vic�ms of motor vehicle accidents, falls and workplace trauma, among other injuries,” said Mark Bryan, CEO of Delray Medical Center. “As a Level I center, we

also provide leadership in trauma educa�on, research, disaster management and system planning.” The hospitals con�nue to make significant investments in technology and facility renova�ons to ensure pa�ents receive the highest level of care possible and have the best chance of recovering from their injuries. St. Mary’s Medical Center is planning a $10 million project to renovate and expand its trauma department with four private rooms and new technology. Delray Medical Center has almost completed the construc�on of its new four-story pa�ent tower and four-level parking garage. The roof of the tower, which will consist of 96 pa�ent rooms, will have a helipad with direct elevator access to the emergency department to expedite care for incoming trauma pa�ents. “It is a privilege to provide members of the Palm Beach County community with the highest level of trauma care,” said Gabrielle Finley-Hazle, CEO of St. Mary’s Medical Center and the Palm Beach Children’s Hospital. “We are extremely proud of our dedicated trauma surgeons, nurses and

support teams who offer their life-saving care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.” Professional skier and kite boarder, Damien Leroy, is one of the 64,000 individuals who can a�est to the program’s value. While paragliding in Jupiter, his engine stalled as he prepared to make a turn, causing the aircra� to spin out of control. As it spiraled downward, he waited un�l he was above the trees away from other people before jumping out of the glider at about 150 feet in the air. Leroy was airli�ed to St. Mary’s Medical Center, suffering a broken femur and tailbone, a fractured spine, a punctured lung and other injuries. A�er undergoing surgery and an extensive hospital stay, he is expected to make a full recovery and is thankful for a second chance at life. Ryan Lieber is the Public Relations Manager at St. Mary’s Hospital. To learn more about the trauma services at St. Mary’s Medical Center and/or Delray Medical Center, please visit www.tenetflorida.com/en-US/ medicalspecialties/Pages/TraumaCare .aspx.




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By: Zach Rinkins


Dr. James W. Bridges: Willing Servant, Reluctant Icon

Dr. James W. Bridges Obstetrics-gynecology (OBGYN) is one of the most challenging, demanding, and busiest medical special�es among physicians. Babies don’t schedule appointments. In many cases, they come whenever they are ready, regardless of the hour. For James W. Bridges, M.D., one of Miami’s pioneering Black cer�fied OBGYNs, the ministry of delivering babies is thrilling. “Obstetricians are trained to wake up at two and three o’clock in the morning. You

By: Zach Rinkins

Dr. James W. Bridges

If you met Carla Hill, you might get enveloped by her frank demeanor, undeniable humanity, and profound apprecia�on for life. She gained tremendous faith and perspec�ve by overcoming what the Centers for Disease

can be at birthday par�es or other social events and get called out for deliveries,” Dr. Bridges beams. “That was really a part of the excitement and fun of being an OBGYN. I enjoyed every bit of my prac�ce. I never regre�ed ge�ng up in the morning or leaving my office to perform a delivery.” Bridges made history in 1960 when he graduated from Meharry Medical College and become the first Black resident at the formally segregated Jackson Memorial Hospital. “That was the first year that they integrated the hospital,” he discloses “They did away with the black wards and the white wards. I don’t know what it was like before I got there, but there was not any problem. The staff was helpful and I s�ll keep in contact with many of them.” The U.S. Census bureau notes Blacks comprise 4-percent of the na�on’s

physicians. Addi�onally, an Associa�on of American Medical Colleges study revealed that more Black men applied for medical school in 1978 than in 2015. Inspired by his dad, the Bridges family is doing its part to reverse that trend. “My father only went to the eighth grade. He was a great believer that the best way to serve the community was to become a physician,” he shares. “I am pleased to say that we have seven physicians that came from the roots of my father.” The first genera�on of Bridges physicians is James and sister, Ouida, a local pediatrician. The second genera�on includes a a son, Lloyd a University of Miami-educated family physician prac�cing in North Carolina; younger son Mark is a University of Pennsylvania-trained Miami-based orthopedic surgeon; and nephew, Khari H. Bridges prac�ces Dermatology in South Florida, in addi�on to a niece and a daughter-in-law in medicine. Bridges later became a first black fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Florida and first black president of the Dade County Medical

Associa�on. He says his four-decade career was dedicated to loving his pa�ents and providing the best care possible. “I am most proud of my ac�vi�es with star�ng and working with the community health centers because they helped a lot of poor people,” he reflects. “I’m especially proud of my work as a board member of Chris�an Hospital, the only Black hospital in Miami. We worked liked mad trying to save that hospital. We were not successful, and it finally closed. But, I enjoyed the work. I also loved working with the local Na�onal Medical Associa�on chapter.” The trailblazing physician was honored when the chapter renamed itself the James Wilson Bridges, M.D. Medical Society in 2007. A�er many years in private prac�ce, he con�nued to serve greatly in the local community health movement. These days the re�red octogenarian enjoys visi�ng his family (which includes his wife, daughter, and several grandchildren) and on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, you can find him on the golf course. He a�ributes his success to his father’s guidance and the work and encouragement of Drs. George and Dazelle Simpson, J.O. Brown, William Pa�erson, and others.

Carla Hill Conquers Cancer Twice Control and Preven�on (CDC) call the second leading cause of death among cancer pa�ents. Hill is one of the 3.1 million American women who’ve experienced breast cancer, per the American Cancer Society (ACS). “Before my diagnosis, I was healthy. I exercised, ate right, and didn’t drink or smoke,” reveals Hill, who had a kidney transplant in 2000 and first felt a lump in her breast five years later. “I had the lump biopsied. I went through chemotherapy, and it was horrible.” “The en�re process was very scary. There are moments where you cry and scream. You don’t have to live up to a superwoman image.” For decades, Black women were ge�ng breast cancer at slower rates than white women, per CDC records. ACS data shows the gap is now closing due to an up�ck in Black women diagnosed. Despite fewer cases; Black women have a grimmer prognosis. As Susan G. Komen informa�on notes, they are 39-percent more likely to die from the disease than their white counterparts. Two years a�er Hill’s first mastectomy (surgery to remove all breast �ssue), her doctors discovered another

mass on her remaining breast while she was having a precau�onary mammogram. “I had a recurrence. I choose mastectomy the second �me, as well,” she shares. “I felt that breasts were not as important as being alive and on the earth.” “I refer to myself as the breast-less beauty because I am one of the rare people who choose double mastectomy without reconstruc�on.” Hill says she overcame the deadly disease by picking the right facility and building a support system. “The University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center was the best op�on for me because of its heavy emphasis on research,” she discloses. “We wanted to beat the cancer, but we wanted to make sure my kidney was accounted for in the medical regimen. UM hospitals handled my kidney transplant. The doctors being connected was helpful.” Mental toughness and support were also cri�cal. “Having a strong mental game and faith are necessary to overcome cancer,” she says. “I remember sharing my diagnosis with some people. Some of them said, ‘I know someone who died from breast cancer.’ I didn’t want to hear that. I wanted

to live through my experience. So, being posi�ve, limi�ng your circle, and giving yourself permission to feel like crap is a good thing.” These days, Hill is unapologe�cally living her truth out loud. “I told my husband that I am living my second adolescence. Sure, there are challenges and bad days, but I have to distract myself,” she admits. “I have a kidney that’s 16 years old; I am 11 years cancer-free from the first experience. And, almost 10 years cancer-free from the second �me. I do more things that I enjoy like hos�ng, gigs and traveling. This helps keep my mind off of things.”

“Before my diagnosis, I was healthy. I exercised, ate right, and didn’t drink or smoke."




DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY, RESPONSIBILITY EXCELLENCE, COMPASSION, CREATIVITY, AND TEAMWORK. These are core values we uphold every day at the University of Miami Health System. On behalf of our more than 10,000 employees and medical faculty, we salute all of the extraordinary Legacy Miami Top Black Healthcare Professionals honorees, including Carla Hill, Sonjia Kenya, Ed.D., and Roderick K. King, M.D., M.P.H. Uhealthsystem.com

Your impressive work and example pave the way for tomorrow’s leaders and a stronger South Florida community.





Broward County Public Schools Ensuring Equity in Educa�onal Access

By: Isheka N. Harrison

Robert W. Runcie, Superintendent Now more than ever, we need a posi�ve vision of educa�on with real choices and be�er outcomes, today and for genera�ons to come. As the late civil rights ac�vist and South African president Nelson Mandela said, “Educa�on is the most


powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Indeed, the purpose of educa�on is to develop persons who are able to look at the world cri�cally, examine structures of his or her society, and muster the courage to change things for the be�er. This is why in Broward County, we strive to “educate today’s students to succeed in tomorrow’s world,” and is in fact, the most important work we do as a community and a na�on. Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) is a leader in high-quality educa�on choices. The District offers a rich por�olio of choices – over 100 magnet and innova�ve programs. More than 40,000 students are enrolled in magnet programs including computer technology, interna�onal affairs, entrepreneurship, communica�ons and broadcast arts, Montessori, pre-law and public affairs, performing and visual arts to name a few. The District also offers the largest and most compe��ve Speech & Debate program in the country. More than 12,000 students in 90 schools par�cipate in this program. We offer Speech & Debate in every high school and middle school.

Addi�onally, students now have access to computer science courses in all high schools. I encourage you to explore all that our schools have to offer. As a reminder, the school choice applica�on window is open for magnet, Nova and reassignments now through February 8, 2017. Visit www.browardschools.com/schoolchoice to learn more. To ensure equity in access to safe and modern schools in every community, the District is making progress implemen�ng the SMART capital bond program (the $800 million General Obliga�on Bond). 772 school facility projects are in various phases of procurement, design and construc�on. This represents an overall investment of $515 million as of November 30, 2016. We are also inves�ng in music, the arts and athle�cs. The technology component of the SMART program is making great progress. At the end of October 2016, 55,000 devices had been delivered to 133 schools, represen�ng a $52 million investment. I am proud of the work we’re doing and there is much more to come in 2017. The SMART program

remains on track to be completed within five to seven years, as originally promised. Improved student outcomes reflect the impact of our choice programs and capital investments. The District achieved its highest gradua�on rate in six years. BCPS third grade reading scores (English Language Arts), an important benchmark for long-term academic success, are the highest among the five largest districts in the state. The District’s pass rate for Advanced Placement (AP) college level courses is the highest in 10 years. Finally, BCPS has become a na�onally recognized leader in elimina�ng the school-to-prison pipeline. Changes to our discipline prac�ces have resulted in a 65% reduc�on in student-related arrests over the past four years. Every child has the right to a high-quality educa�on and an engaging learning environment. We must invest in our public schools and teachers to make certain that, regardless of the income or level of educa�on a�ained by their parents, every child has access to an equitable, high-quality public school. This is the way to truly make America great.

Importance of Suppor�ng Health Care Reforms

By: Germaine Smith-Baugh, Ed.D.

Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh President and CEO Urban League of Broward County In the past three years, the rate of African American without health insurance has dropped by nearly 50 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. That amounted to

about three million adults gaining medical coverage -- many for the first �me in many years. Those are astounding figures. They are largely the result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA, or Obamacare as it has come to be known). More specifically, key ACA provisions paved the way for the coverage, including: Medicaid expansion; crea�on of the Health Insurance Marketplace; changes in private insurance that allow young adults to stay on their parents’ health insurance plans; and requiring plans to cover people with pre-exis�ng health condi�ons. Again, these are all great accomplishments. But the fact remains that, right now, close to 20 percent of African-Americans popula�on na�onwide remains uninsured, many of them living in the Southeast, including Florida. In all, the number of uninsured Americans stood at 28.5 million in 2015. Many African-Americans and other uninsured people cite the high cost of insurance as the main reason they lack coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Founda�on. Other reasons are that many people do not

have access to coverage through a job, and some people, par�cularly poor adults in states that did not expand Medicaid (including Florida), remain ineligible for financial assistance for coverage. We need to do be�er in ge�ng many more people covered. The ACA, as we know, needs some fixes, and I hope there’s enough poli�cal will to make the necessary adjustments to add more people. I hope the progress started will con�nue. The consequences of not having health insurance are severe. Na�onwide, the number of preventable deaths due to lack of insurance is about 48,000 a year, based on the American Journal of Public Health studies. Furthermore, other studies found that the uninsured are less likely than those with insurance to receive preven�ve care and services for major health condi�ons and chronic diseases. In Broward County, we know the dire implica�ons of what happens when people are sick and can’t get medical treatment. Our last State of Black Broward: Health Report (which was produced by Sunshine Health) found troubling data about the health of our residents. One major finding:

chronic diseases such as diabetes, stroke and respiratory illnesses affect the minority community at significantly higher rates than other popula�ons. The Urban League of Broward County is addressing these challenges. We have provided access to vital health care resources for families, which include helping adults navigate the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace and by connec�ng close to 300 pregnant women to safe and reliable prenatal care each year. Yet, we can only do so much. The ACA has helped many people get access to quality health care, and so we need to make sure it survives the rough seas that it has entered. By combining our local resources with the con�nued expansion of the ACA, we can expand health services for all residents, level dispari�es in the healthcare system, and address chronic illnesses that have plagued our community for so long. The Baughtom Line is this: We need to keep supporting our nation’s health care reforms, which have helped millions of people access medical care, some for the first time in many years.




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By: Clarice Redding


Team NoSleep: Why Stress Isn’t the Road to Success

Clarice C. Redding Vic�m Services Program Coordinator Palm Beach County Ahhhh, those good old 20’s and 30’s. For past genera�ons, these two decades were an opportunity to explore one’s interests, obtain an educa�on and career experience, save and build wealth, travel and of course – marry and begin one’s family. However, for the modern day millennial, our 20’s and 30’s are dedicated

to obtaining as many degrees as possible, digging our way out of debt from pursuing said degrees, dealing with an inflated housing market, gaining mul�ple streams of income and trying to keep up with Joneses – who we only know via Instagram. The young professional is postponing marriage and family, and instead marrying career tracks and birthing businesses. As opposed to saving to purchase a home, they are paying back the government for college credits that cost more than their degrees are actually worth. Not to men�on, there is the actual wan�ng to fit in with other young professionals – even if it means living above one’s financial means. With that being said, it is no secret that maintaining this lifestyle is taxing – financially, physically and mentally. Taking on mul�ple jobs, leadership roles, and maintaining a social façade has become a full-�me endeavor for the young millennial. This has awarded them the astute �tle of #TeamNoSleep. While the hashtag may seem harmless at first; this philosophy of being a workaholic is yielding unhealthy results.

According to the American Psychological Associa�on (APA), millennials are experiencing more stress -- and are less capable of managing it – as compared to any other genera�on. Millennials have also proven to be more anxious, with nearly 12% being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder; twice the percentage of Baby Boomers. On top of that, all of that stress isn’t necessarily aiding in produc�vity. Millennials have actually been proven to perform less effec�vely under stress. The APA has also found that stress and anxiety plague over 60% of American college students.Anxiety harms the physical and behavioral func�ons of the body, and contributes to the causes of death by suicide, and drug and alcohol abuse. High levels of stress may lead to high blood pressure and heart issues over �me, which may shorten the millennial life span. While #TeamNoSleep may sound appealing at first, the long-term effects are detrimental. It is wise that young professionals adopt the following healthy habits for a less stressful and more produc�ve life:

-Sleep at least 8 hours per night -Walk, run, or jog for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 �mes per week -Develop healthier ea�ng habits and pa�erns -For every ounce of coffee, drink an equal or greater amount of water -Put your phone on Airplane Mode at night -Read a new book (for leisure) every month -Set a reasonable �meline for your goals -Forfeit perfec�onism and nit-picking -Meet people…in real life


Media�on/Arbitra�on: An Alterna�ve to Li�ga�on: “Business Divorce? Separa�ng Amicably Through Media�on”

Stanley Zamor,Florida Supreme Court Cer�fied Civil/Family/County Mediator /Trainer & Qualified Arbitrator In a business dispute, conflict occurs over vague contract provisions, verbal agreements/promises, issues with or within the labor force or business partners no longer able to coexist. Similarly, to a family divorce, where once commi�ed partners find themselves separate and apart; shared life visions change, commitments wean and trust is lost, business partners can also find themselves needing to end their business rela�onship (i.e. divorce). Oh yes, business partners can go through an emo�onal arduous separa�on and breakup just like a married couple. Some contend that

business disputes are less emo�onal than personal disputes; I beg to differ. The following is a condensed look at a business divorce and how media�ng resolved varying unspoken issues that yielded an amicable resolu�on. An Introduc�on I recently mediated a case between business partners severing their short-term business rela�onship and long term friendship. The once friends entered an informal agreement to build and operate a trendy restaurant-lounge. The wealthy Plain�ff agreed to fund and facilitate the construc�on, while the Defendant (a foreign restaurateur) was the named owner, and would run/control the restaurant-lounge. The construc�on was never fully completed, as random changes/upgrades by the Defendant led to permit issues and massive delays. The landlord subsequently evicted the Defendant for not opening on �me and released whatever bond to the Defendant. The Plain�ff, sued for the $200,000.00 he paid as the construc�on “factoring” company. Factoring is a financial

transac�on and a type of debtor finance whereby a business sells its invoices (i.e. accounts receivable) to a third party (called a factor) at a discount. It is common business prac�ce to factor receivable assets to meet present and immediate cash needs. The Posi�ons The Plain�ff’s tone/posi�on was, “I thought I was helping a friend start a new business. All the changes and addi�ons were bound to hurt him, but he would not listen. I just want to recoup what I put in, as agreed, and end this.” The Defendant’s tone/posi�on was, "You hurt me more than you helped me. So, I owe you nothing more than what you’ve already received. The rest of the bond money is mine…" Although they were exhausted from three years of liga�on, they refused to yield. The Resolve The par�es grew to hate each other while deep family �es were torn. My approach/technique was simple; I had each party tell me “their story” … Their a�orneys looked bewildered as the Plain�ff and Defendant offered perspec�ves never

shared, broken friendship �es, and ideas of how to move beyond li�ga�on. Five hours later, there was a signed agreement. Media�on worked because the par�es used their own voice to express themselves, thereby accepted the other’s perspec�ve. Although a trial offers the opportunity to claim their legal rights, media�on provided them with what they needed, the opportunity to created value in a self-created resolu�on and have closure. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit/Family/County Mediator & Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator. Mr. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company where he mediates/arbitrates and facilitates workshops. He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying, and Family/Business relationships. szamor@i-mediateconsulting.com www.i-mediateconsulting.com www.LinkedIn.com/in/stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600




Legacy Recognizes Black Execu�ves Leading the way in Healthcare By: Zach Rinkins is a four-decade healthcare industry veteran well known for her commitment, passion, and advocacy to help improve healthcare outcomes of underserved popula�ons. Under her leadership, JTCHC con�nues to set trends and standards for primary care services in South Florida. Neasman is a graduate of Florida A&M University School of Nursing, the former Deputy Secretary of Health, former Chief Public Health Nurse of the Florida Department of Health, and also served as the execu�ve administrator of the Miami-Dade County Health Department.

South Florida’s healthcare sector contributes billions of dollars to the regional economy while employing thousands of workers and trea�ng millions of pa�ents annually. Legacy South Florida is proud to recognize the industry execu�ves who help lead profitable organiza�ons that consistently help pa�ents enjoy a higher quality of life.

Shana Cri�enden is chief opera�ng officer of North Shore Hospital. The long�me hospital execu�ve previously served as COO at Westside Regional Medical Center and Planta�on General Hospital. She has also served as associate administrator at Henrico Doctors’ Hospital in Richmond, Virginia, and JFK Medical Center in Atlan�s, Florida. Cri�enden is an ac�ve member of the healthcare community and is affiliated with the American College of Healthcare Execu�ves and the South Florida Health Execu�ve Forum. Cri�enden earned a bachelor’s degree in Biology (Pre-Medicine) from the University of Illinois and her masters of Public Health, Health Policy and Administra�on from Emory University. Anthony Blake-Hall is chief opera�ng officer of Community Health of South Florida (CHSF), a nonprofit health care

organiza�on that provides affordable quality primary and behavioral health care services to South Florida residents. Blake Hall leads the organiza�on’s yearly strategic planning, culture improvement, and grant management efforts, among other du�es. He also has oversight of several departments including performance improvement, MIS, HR & risk management, government rela�ons, internal audi�ng, and security. Addi�onally, he serves as the administrator of the organiza�on’s Founda�on. Blake Hall earned a bachelor’s degree in Communica�ons from Georgia Southern University and an MBA from Clark Atlanta University. Beverly Kuykendall is the president of Government Business with American Medical Depot (AMD), a Miramar-based emergency medical distribu�on company. Kuykendall leads expansion into key areas aligned with the firm’s long-term strategic goals. She has a background in rela�onship development and government contrac�ng, and brings a facilita�ve approach to understanding and proposing solu�ons to economic issues. She’s the recipient of numerous awards, including the 50 Most Powerful Minority Women in Business, and Supplier of the Year by the Southern

California Minority Supplier Development Council, among others. The California na�ve earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Management from Cal Poly University and an MBA from Pepperdine University.

Annie Neasman is the chief execu�ve officer of Jessie Trice Community Health Centers, Inc. (JTCHC), a preeminent federally qualified community health care centers based in Miami-Dade County. She

Keith Tribble is president and chief execu�ve officer of Jackson Hospital Founda�on (JHF), a founda�on dedicated to raising funds to support Jackson Health System. Tribble is a long�me South Florida execu�ve serving 13 years at the helm of the Orange Bowl Commi�ee. During his tenure, the Orange Bowl landed a game in the Bowl Championship Series leading to today’s College Football Playoff rota�on. The Miami na�ve is a former college football player and earned a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from the University of Florida. The former Miami Killian offensive lineman was inducted into the UF Athle�c Hall of Fame as a Dis�nguished Le�erwinner.





The Cherenfant Group: A New Resource for Entrepreneurs

By: Denise St. Patrick-Bell, PhD

Andy Cherenfant, Pres The Cherenfant Group The Millennials, those born 1982 -2004, are the biggest genera�on in American history, an es�mated 81.1 million. Millennials already comprise the largest share of the American workforce. Sociologists purport that they are the first genera�on to really prac�ce the concept of work/life balance. So, it is not surprising that when polled, 66% of them said they want to own their business. But while they are being touted as the most

entrepreneurial genera�on, the reality is that millennials, as well as many other minority entrepreneurial hopefuls, are not following through on their entrepreneurial dreams. The big ques�on of course is “Why?” Of course, there are many varied reasons, but one that has a solu�on is capitaliza�on. Start-ups whether they are for-profit or not-for-profit need several components. The first steps include deciding your small business concept, product, or service and choose the legal structure that best suits your business. Then create your business plan which will include your ideas, strategies and financial outlook. Then take it to the bank and get your funding. Right? Not usually. For the average African American, whether a millennial or any expectant entrepreneur, the biggest obstacle is access to capital. It was for that very reason that Andy Cherenfant opened for business in 2014. The Cherenfant Group (TCG), Inc is a business development consul�ng group that works with small businesses, government and established financial ins�tu�ons to promote economic

development in low income and blighted communi�es. TCG is a company that provides technical assistance and access to capital for those entrepreneurs who are considered “unbankable” by the tradi�onal lending sources. Even Community Development Financial Ins�tu�ons (CDFI’s), which play a key role in wealth building, cannot assist you if you have a low credit score. This company’s president is a service oriented strategic thinker and crea�ve problem solver who has been integral in the startup, technical assistance and growth of minority businesses throughout South Florida. Andy Cherenfant is a cer�fied business incuba�on manager, one of few na�onwide who hold this status from the Interna�onal Business Innova�on Associa�on. He is a south Florida na�ve who grew up in Miami, and who except for his �me away for college, has remained in South Florida. According to Cherenfant, “TCG’s mission is to empower people economically while ensuring that those who live in poverty, par�cularly vulnerable black men, women and veterans have access to the services, support and capital

to start or stabilize their businesses.” Mr. Cherenfant has assisted in securing over $1.5 in loans to small businesses. The loans range from $3,000 to $245,000 which earned him the mantra of “The Money Man.” Ninety-eight percent of the loans were awarded to a black-owned business. Andy explains, “A primary objec�ve for TCG is to assist South Florida in building a stronger more diverse business community. In order to do this, we need to improve the market share/compe��ve posi�on for minority entrepreneurs. And I have posi�oned my company to do just that.” So, millennials and others are you ready to take that first step to business ownership? Andy can be reached directly through his email andy@cherenfantgroup.com or a call 754.900-1066 . Dr. St. Patrick-Bell is the owner of GAICON LLC and a Principal in Global Strategic Partners Alliance, companies dedicated to the growth of the non-profit and small business sectors from concept to capitalization. For more information www.gaicon.net or call 754.779-2204.

Get your next issue of Legacy magazine on

February 3rd 2017 in your Sun Sen�nel Newspaper We are excited to provide to our readers another Black History Month Issue, featuring the most comprehensive lis�ng of Black History events and recognizing the people, places and things that are historically significant in South Florida.


By: Lillian Tamayo, President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida

As the na�on’s largest reproduc�ve health care provider, Planned Parenthood provides high-quality, aordable health care in our communi�es, empowering women and men to make informed decisions and build healthy lives. We are proud to oer health care in Miami-Dade, a county that unfortunately con�nues to be challenged by some of the state’s poorest


Planned Parenthood Provides Prevenďż˝ve Services in Miami-Dade Communiďż˝es health outcomes. While HIV cases are becoming less frequent naďż˝onwide, Miami conďż˝nues to have the highest rate of newly reported HIV infecďż˝ons in the state; the highest rate of sexually transmiďż˝ed infecďż˝ons; an increased risk of unintended teen pregnancies for blacks and Hispanics; and the highest rate of underinsured individuals. This is why Planned Parenthood’s role in the community is more important than ever. Inside our state-of- the art health centers, our highly trained medical professionals provide compassionate health care in a friendly, conďŹ denďż˝al, and non-judgmental environment. We care for anyone who needs access to these services regardless of race, religion, sexual orientaďż˝on, gender, income, or country of origin. In addiďż˝on, we are engaging young people in the community by providing educaďż˝on through our Teen Outreach ProgramÂŽ. This October, Planned Parenthood turned 100 years old. For the past century,

Planned Parenthood has transformed women’s health and empowered millions of people worldwide, forever changing the way they live, love, learn and work. From a single clinic in Brooklyn, Planned Parenthood has now grown to approximately 650 health centers across the country and is part of the fabric of American society in all 50 states. We are proud of our con�nually expanding health care oerings in this community and throughout North, East, and South Florida. We are also working to make informa�on more accessible with our website in English and Spanish, a recent Zika educa�onal canvass in Miami neighborhoods, and our na�onal chat/text program. A�er a century of challenging and changing laws, innova�ng and leveraging the best medicine and technology, and constantly learning and ge�ng be�er at serving all people – no ma�er who they are or where they’re from – everything has changed. And we’re just ge�ng started. There is s�ll so much to do.

We will not rest unďż˝l access to health care and rights is a reality for all people. We will build on our proud legacy to launch our second century with as much passion, courage and convicďż˝on as our ďŹ rst. Our audacious goal is build the healthiest generaďż˝on ever; and we are commiďż˝ed to working in and with South Florida communiďż˝es to make this happen.

"We are proud of our con�nually expanding health care oerings in this community and throughout North, East, and South Florida."

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Nominate someone today for the Legacy 2017 Power Issue If you would like to nominate someone for the 50 Most Powerful and Infuential Black Professionals in Business and Industry for 2017 please log on to the link below. http://bit.ly/2hJKqGb

Deadline to submit your nomination is March 10th, 2017

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