2018 Black History Month Issue Legacy Miami

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"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"



Dana A. Dorsey







Editor's Note

Traveling back in �me is absolutely fascina�ng. While recently diving into documents at the Black Archives History and Research Founda�on in Historic Overtown, I was quickly transported to 1896. That is the year Dana A. Dorsey, the son of Georgia sharecroppers, arrived in South

Florida to build a real estate fortune. Imagine an African-American building his por�olio by owning 30 acres of breathtaking waterfront property on what is now known as Fisher Island. And this happened during the tumultuous period of segrega�on that followed the na�on’s Reconstruc�on Era. That transac�on helped catapult Dorsey into Miami's elite club of millionaires – the first African-American businessman to achieve such wealth in this area at that �me. Later that day, I stopped by the Historic Hampton House in Brownsville, a former motel where the likes of the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X lodged during the segregated 1960s. I was greeted by historian Dr. Enid C. Pinckney, 86, who shared stories


of her father, Bishop Henry Cur�s, who led one of the first churches in a small southeast Broward County community ini�ally established for Black families in the early 1900s. It is now known as the City of West Park. It is a thriving incorporated city with a rich history of working-class Black Americans who se�led there seeking homeownership and self-sufficiency. These inspira�onal anecdotes celebra�ng Black progress and success in South Florida are o�en ignored or overlooked in mainstream history books and media. We, here at Legacy magazine, take pride in repor�ng these stories, not just during Black History Month, but throughout the year. Just ask archivist and historian Dr. Dorothy Jenkins Fields, 75,

founder of the Black Archives. "How proud I am," said Fields in an email to Legacy a�er offering her exper�se for the February issue. “Legacy magazine adds to my personal and professional mission to document the Black experience in Miami-Dade County from 1896 to the present. [Legacy CEO and President] Dexter [Bridgeman] and his associates con�nue to make an important contribu�on to recording, preserving and promo�ng Black history year round. Thank you!" Passing down rich stories of struggle and triumph from one genera�on to the next is our mission, too. Let’s never forget from whence we came so we’ll have a be�er idea than our ancestors did about the path we’re des�ned take

Russell Motley

Editor-in-Chief, Legacy Magazine


THAT SUPPORT US: Alvin Ailey www.alvinailey.org City of Miami Gardens www.miamigardens-fl.gov Florida Lottery www.flalottery.com Jackson Health System www.jacksonhealth.org Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust www.miamidade.gov/economicadvocacytrust/ Miami International Airport www.miami-airport.com Pérez Art Museum Miami www.pamm.org VITAS Healthcare www.vitas.com

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Member of the Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA)

Dexter A. Bridgeman CEO & Founder Russell Motley Editor-in-Chief Zachary Rinkins Editor-at-Large Yanela G. McLeod Copy Editor Shannel Escoffery Associate Editor Md Shahidullah Art Director







Congresswoman’s Report

Educating African-American Children Continues Dr. King’s Legacy

By U.S. Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson

What began as Negro History Week established by Dr. Carter G. Woodson in February 1926, evolved into Black History Month and was officially recognized na�onally in 1976, when President Gerald Ford emboldened our na�on to honor the contribu�ons and achievements of black Americans in every area of endeavor. The story of the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr. fits into this narra�ve as one of

Vice Chairwoman’s Report By Vice Chairwoman Audrey M. Edmonson

Reflec�ng on the many contribu�ons of Blacks in our society, I am wri�ng on the eve of the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. As a public servant represen�ng a very diverse group of people, today I can’t help but think about the residents of Miami-Dade County’s urban core. Dr. King, in many of his wri�ngs, sermons, and speeches described his

the most prolific accounts in the struggle for black equality. As this year marks the 50-year anniversary of Dr. King’s assassina�on, it is impera�ve that we reflect on his legacy, which has served as an enduring testament of the Civil Rights Movement. This milestone also begs the ques�on – what would Dr. King think of the progress we have made since the Civil Rights Movement? In present day, the rights won by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Vo�ng Rights Act of 1965 are being severely limited by voter suppression laws, travel bans, vows to build walls instead of bridges, and many other divisive policies. Dr. King paid the ul�mate price as one of the brave soldiers on the front lines in the ba�le to ensure that all children have the same access to opportunity. It is up to us to carry that mantle forward. To that end, each year the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project hosts an

U.S. Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson, Tyler Perry, and 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project Wilson Scholars Annual Scholarship Breakfast. As the founder of the 5000 Role Models program, I believed it was important to bring members of South Florida’s diverse community together in solidarity to commemorate the life of Dr. King, upon whose teachings I have pa�erned my life. The breakfast, which has raised more than $10 million to date, provides the community with a meaningful way to raise scholarship funds for deserving young men. This year, 58 “Wilson Scholars” in the Class of 2018 were awarded scholarships. I am extremely proud of the determina�on to succeed

Addressing Gun Violence Key to Fulfilling King’s Dream

hope for a na�on of equality among people, equal jus�ce and fair play in our court system, an educa�onal system that levels playing fields and the eradica�on of senseless violence. His most notable speech, “I Have a Dream,” encompassed his life’s work. Today, however, the eloquence of his words has been sha�ered by broken promises of those who are in posi�on to help but won’t, and by our own hands with violence in our communi�es. I have o�en asked, “What more can we do?” I serve as chairwoman of the Building Safer Neighborhoods sub-commi�ee of the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners. I also convene a mee�ng of clergy, civic leaders and community leaders called “Opera�on Restora�on” to address solu�ons to combat crime in our community. I believe in solici�ng input and I believe we are achieving some posi�ve outcomes. Notwithstanding, there is s�ll work to be done and it is evidenced by the senseless gun violence that s�ll plagues our communi�es. As I searched for answers, I concluded that we must move away from the focus

on poverty. Criminalizing certain areas or groups makes it harder for people to actually coexist, and the emphasis on poverty is a misleading one. There is a long history of studies that show poverty and violence do not have a direct correla�on. Whereas, Miami-Dade County has taken a two-prong approach by addressing both economics and crime, I agree there are other factors that may be driving those crime sta�s�cs. Some experts and advocates say focus on gun control. There is a welldocumented theory that suggests where there are no guns, there are no gun deaths. I’ve read that a simple and prac�cal way to start impac�ng armed violence is to try to stem the flow of illegal guns. I believe the gun control approach is a first step, although, most of these crimes are being commi�ed by illegal gun carriers. So now what is the answer? In the meanwhile, I remain a strong supporter of background checks that include mental health status. I also believe there should be an age limit to purchase certain types of guns.

demonstrated by these deserving young men who never dreamed that college would be a part of their por�olio. These scholarships help young men realize their dreams, and as we approach the anniversary of Dr. King’s death it is impera�ve that all Americans embody his dream. Dr. King believed that all Americans, regardless of race, are guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as promised by the Declara�on of Independence. It is up to Americans – from the Baby Boomers to Genera�on X, the Millennials, and Genera�on Z to ensure that Dr. King’s legacy, and that of all of the revered leaders and par�cipants of the Civil Rights Movement, is not relegated to a policy of the past.

I also read a study that suggests that we remember the details. It concluded that too o�en programs are sca�ered across a wide geographic area and the indicators for success are based on outcomes and not reducing violence. The study indicated as an example, that a workforce development program to employ young people in a middle-income neighborhood should be quite different from a workforce development program targeted at young men who have been in conflict with the law. The la�er will require so� skills, cogni�ve behavioral therapy and trauma counseling in addi�on to the job component. As we celebrate Black accomplishments in our history, we have to remain vigilant in doing what’s in our power to preserve our future for our great history to con�nue. We’ve made too many strides and made too many gains to have young boys and girls wiped out by senseless gun violence. As we celebrate Black History Month, the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr.’s voice s�ll rings today and is echoed by those who share his vision for our country.






Millennial By Kenasha Paul


College Is Still the Golden Ticket, We’re Just Doing It Wrong

Lately there has been a growing campaign within our community to accept that “college isn’t for everyone.” In the grand scheme of things, the learning style adopted across many colleges and universi�es is not compa�ble with everyone. Lectures, extensive reading and wri�ng may not aide with informa�on reten�on among students who are hands-on or visual learners. It doesn’t help that college students are gradua�ng with steep debt and few job prospects, so the sen�ment seems warranted. However, what if I told you we only

Politics By Christopher Norwood, J.D.

At the �me of this wri�ng, it is the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. I'm si�ng in the lobby bar of the Marrio� Hotel, ironically located on Mar�n Luther King Ave. The lobby is cool, no different than any one of the 6,000 Marrio� Hotels worldwide. The only difference is the

feel this way because we are entering college with the wrong mindset about its true purpose, with educa�on not being at its core. There is a reason that despite trust funds and guaranteed jobs, the top earners in our country push their children to a�end college. For them, college is the most comprehensive country club-like membership achievable. This is where they meet with thousands of like minded individuals who at minimum have shared interests over university offerings, sports programs, and access to pres�gious faculty and alumni. The name of the game is to u�lize the school to leverage up – network with the right people and have a fun �me. Trailing down in priori�es – classes. It is not saying educa�on is unimportant to them, but they know most of what is taught early on is the founda�onal principles and theory around the subject ma�er – tools to expand their cri�cal and analy�cal thinking skills. However, many are coming from super high schools that have prepared them already in this way. College at this point is to keep those skills sharpened. Thus, strategically focusing more on the internships or externships, to nab

fellowships to pursue, but most importantly connec�ng with the right people for their goals. From Bill Gates to Mark Zuckerberg, we can name all the people who have enormous success but did not earn a college degree. What we overlook is that they both s�ll a�ended college and all their business partners were people they met at their universi�es. Professors can be used as mentors for ideas, dorm rooms as first co-working spaces, and depending on the school and resources a market space for that next million-dollar idea. For the poor and middle class, especially people of color, we enter college focused on ge�ng the top grades and figuring out what career to adopt. If we do get involved, we underu�lize those opportuni�es. Then you have many of us working several jobs to pay for school, not allowing the free �me to take that unpaid internship or fellowship – i.e., field experience. When you consider that companies generally hire people either within the company, referral, or a stellar candidate – simply having work experience from that service or clerk job is not going to cut it. You might have graduated with a great GPA but may be

under skilled in your field or didn’t network effec�vely to get referred into a job, all of which makes your school debt pointless. It’s not too late to recreate the experience. You’ll just have to work harder, come out your comfort zone, and develop those much-needed employable skills. I serve as CEO of the Black Professionals Network. Our organiza�on’s mission is directly �ed to reducing the career achievement gap for professionals of color by providing them access to resources and opportuni�es for their professional success in order to catch up. Our programs are geared toward ge�ng the professional and personal development skills you need to thrive. Visit www.mybpnetwork.org to learn more. Overall, get involved. Connect with your university alumni associa�ons, professional associa�ons, and prac�ce how to effec�vely network. Kenasha Paul, J.D. serves as CEO and president of the Black Professionals Network, a 501C3 non-profit organiza�on based in South Florida. Follow her as @Kenasha on Twi�er, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

America Is an Idea, Not a Race. food. It’s laced with Creole cuisine such as Lanbi Boukannen, Woma Boukannen (grilled conch, grilled lobster) and Diri Djon Djon (rice with black mushrooms) or Kalalou Djondjon (okra and black mushroom stew). I arrived in Port Au Prince a few days a�er our president u�ered another racist sen�ment at a small bi-par�san White House mee�ng. While discussing immigra�on reform, he called Hai�, El Salvador, and other African na�ons "shithole countries" and said the United States needed more immigrants from places like Norway. These words have shaken our na�on's moral compass and our rela�onships abroad. The a�ermath of his ridiculous remarks have been a spectacle, even more so since I'm in Hai� living through it. I'm ge�ng text messages that Conan O'Brien in coming to Hai� to do his show because of a “very nega�ve Yelp review” by Trump as he puts it. Conan believes that if Trump hates something then “that

means I'll love it.” So here he comes to Hai� save the day. All of this is entertaining, but this media frenzy on both sides of the spectrum may truly miss the point. The real revela�on is that Trump wants Norwegians to have immigra�on priority. This is an interes�ng policy statement that deserves real analysis. Norway is a developed European na�on, listed as No. 1 on the Human Development Index, which is a composite index of life expectancy, educa�on and per capita income indicators. The U.S. is ranked No. 10. El Salvador is ranked No. 117, while Hai� is ranked No. 163. We all should want to live in a country with universal healthcare. I want to live in a place with a robust social welfare system where higher educa�on is free. Don't we all want high schools where the student-teacher ra�o is 7 to 1. In Florida it took a cons�tu�onal amendment to get the high school student teacher ra�o to 25 to 1, less than a third of Norway's.

If Trump was really serious about his Norway comments, then he would promote policies that use the Nordic model and “Make America Great Again” by crea�ng the environment that will produce the outcome he seeks. I'm down with America first, but we must agree first that America is an “idea” and not a race. Our country has no race. It's an idea comprised of four elements: that all people are created equal, that all possess unalienable rights, all should have the opportunity to develop and enjoy those rights; and lastly, that securing them requires “a government of all the people, by all the people, for all the people.” This is America's gi� to the world. This is the “idea” for which people rush our shores. This is why we celebrate MLK's Birthday and why we applaud the contribu�ons of African Americans during Black History Month, because African Americans moved the “idea” of America along to higher levels of self-actualiza�on.







Career Leadership Development By Mary V. Davids

5 Leadership Skills You Absolutely Must Have To Get Ahead

To get ahead at work, having technical skills is necessary but having so� skills, referred to as “people skills,” is crucial. Most believe that if they keep their head down, work hard and deliver results, it guarantees their access to promo�ons or other work opportuni�es. Unfortunately, that isn’t o�en the case. So, if hard work doesn’t guarantee success, then what does? 1. Killer Communica�on Skills. What you say and how you say it has

implica�ons for how you are perceived in your workplace. Communica�ng with confidence, clarity, and doing so consistently will prove valuable while moving ahead in your career. Take �me to invest in developing good rhetoric. Volunteer to speak outside the workplace in your community, at your church or simply in front of your mirror. Having the ability to draw people in and influence their thinking is a treasured leadership characteris�c. 2. Conflict Resolu�on Skills. In his book Ge�ng Through to People, Dr. Gerald S. Nirenberg commented: “Coopera�veness in conversa�on is achieved when you show that you consider the other person’s ideas and feelings as important as your own.” Most people just want to be heard. In �mes of conflict, if you acknowledge you have heard them and can show empathy for them, you will quickly gain their ear when it’s �me to compromise. 3. Powerful Nego�a�on Techniques. Everyone has the skill to convince others to move or act on something. You may

not realize it, but you do. We spend our en�re lives convincing others of our perspec�ve, gaining support, and nego�a�ng for our benefit. The same strategy we use to get a discount at a store, get a new job, or convince our loved ones to do something for us is exactly how I know you have everything you need to get others to change the way they respond to you. Leaders have mastered this ability by taking those same natural techniques and applying them when in nego�a�ons. Instead of ge�ng the win for yourself, you must, as Harvey Robbins says: “Place a higher priority on discovering what a win looks like for the other person.” 4. Ability to Develop Others. Success as a leader means you have helped someone accomplish something that ma�ers to them. I’ve always felt the ul�mate compliment as a leader is being able to see someone whom you have trained and invested in reach their goals. The development of others goes beyond the training of basic func�ons. You must be able to mo�vate others and empower

them so they can really shine in areas in which they once struggled. 5. Trustworthiness and Integrity. In her book The Key Trait Successful Leaders Have, And How To Get It, author Heidi Grant Halverson says: “When your team trusts you as a leader, it increases commitment to team goals. Communica�on improves, and ideas flow more freely, increasing crea�vity and produc�vity.” A major fail most managers and supervisors make is not showing up for their team when problems arise. Instead of placing blame, focus on fixing the problem at hand. Keep your promises, too. Some�mes your word is the only thing others can rely on to give them the confidence and security they need to effec�vely do their jobs. Mary V. Davids is an executive career and leadership development coach and owner of D&M Consulting Services, LLC. For career tips and advice visit www.marydavids.com or email info@marydavids.com.

Small Business Development

SBE Construction Firms Serve as Protégés in Jackson Signature Projects

By Gary T. Hartield

Miami-Dade County’s Small Business Development Division u�lizes a varia�on of resources and programs to create and to access avenues of opportuni�es for businesses cer�fied in its race and gender-neutral Small Business Enterprise Cer�fica�on Programs. One such avenue includes the six “Signature” contracts issued by Jackson Health System. Via a compe��ve process, qualified Small Business Enterprise-Construc�on firms can acquire subcontrac�ng opportuni�es and addi�onal construc�on

management experience through a mentorship-rela�onship with established prime contractors in the healthcare construc�on management services industry. Through six signature projects in its Miracle Building Plan, five black-owned firms (Foster Construc�on of South Florida Inc., IGWT Construc�on Inc., MCO Construc�on & Services Inc., Messam Construc�on, and Sagoma Construc�on Services Inc.) were awarded opportuni�es with leading prime contractors. Each has a 6.31 percent protégé goal on these projects, which have Guaranteed Maximum Prices ranging from $27 million to $121 million. Foster Construc�on of South Florida, Inc., a woman-owned company founded in 1997, is under the mentorship of Turner Construc�on Company in the Jackson Rehabilita�on Hospital Project. Foster Construc�on made history as the first African-American owned construc�on company to build a Burger

King restaurant. The provider of a range of construc�on services for decades, IGWT Construc�on Inc. is the protégé for Skanska USA in the Jackson Memorial Medical Center Emergency Department Project. IGWT has provided services on a host of projects across the country including Disney’s Animal Kingdom, the 1996 Olympic Equestrian Venue, and major expansions to several interna�onal airports. Founded in the early 1980s, MCO Construc�on & Services Inc. has provided services on a variety of projects since its incep�on, including American Airlines Arena and Marlins Park. During Small Business Week 2017, SBD recognized the company as the recipient of the inaugural Marsha E. Jackman Small Business Award. MCO is the protégé for Turner Construc�on in the Jackson South Medical Center Project. Messam Construc�on was founded in 2003 by its owners, both of whom are holders of the LEED Accredited

Professional designa�on. Currently, Messam is building and managing more than 1 million square feet of construc�on seeking LEED cer�fica�ons. Messam will par�cipate in the Jackson North Medical Center Project under the mentorship of OHL-Arellano Construc�on. Sagoma Construc�on Services, incorporated in 2010, provides design build services, pre-construc�on, general contrac�ng, and construc�on management. Sagoma has provided services to several clients, including Habitat for Humanity, Bap�st Hospital, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood Interna�onal Airport. This hybrid contrac�ng opportunity and mentor-protégé rela�onship will provide SBEs with an excep�onal prospect to expand their por�olios while gaining invaluable experience under the leadership of industry influencers. SBD is commi�ed to suppor�ng our cer�fied firms and looks forward to other success stories such as these in the future.






Cover Story By Isheka N. Harrison


Miami’s First Black Millionaire Continues to Inspire

Students at Dorsey at D.A. Dorsey Technical College in Miami admire his mural. It was painted at the school's Northwest 17th Avenue entrance in 2017. The story of Dana Albert Dorsey, Miami’s first black millionaire, is a story residents of Miami say deserves to be told for genera�ons to come. O�en heralded for once owning Fisher Island, now one of the world’s wealthiest zip codes, Dorsey’s phenomenal life’s work con�nues to have an impact almost 80 years a�er his death. Barron Channer and Kevin Smith, both young, black real estate entrepreneurs with roots in Miami, credit knowing Dorsey’s legacy with giving them hope for success. “His legacy inspires me by le�ng me know that it’s possible to not only be successful in real estate but to also give back to your community through real estate,” said Smith, president of Miami Millennial Investment Firm whose goal is to counter gentrifica�on of black communi�es by offering affordable housing to Miami na�ves. “If that’s something he could do then, there’s no excuse for me now to not thrive and be the best that I can be.” Channer, founder of Woodwater Investments who has experienced much success in commercial real estate through mul�ple ventures, said, “Hearing the story of D.A. Dorsey and coming to understand the �me in which he did it and what he was doing leads you to understand folks have had the same struggle and folks have surmounted those struggles in marvelous ways. There’s no reason why I couldn’t have a shot.” A Man of the People To many locals, it is no secret that Dorsey, affec�onately remembered as

D.A. Dorsey, was an astute businessman who became wealthy through real estate, banking, and other financial endeavors. He used his fortune to make life be�er for Miami’s black popula�on. Born in 1872 to former slaves, Dorsey

Eventually, he had amassed such a large por�olio of property that he sold land to the City of Miami during the period of segrega�on to be used as a park for black residents, donated large amounts of land for schools for black

Fisher Island migrated from Quitman, Georgia to Miami in search of a be�er life. Though he only had a formal fourth-grade educa�on, he was self-taught and his brilliant business acumen began to show itself when he recognized the need to develop housing for black railroad workers. Armed with income he gained by using his carpentry skills, Dorsey bought one parcel of land in Overtown, on which he built housing, rented it, and reinvested his earnings to repeat the process over and over again.

students, and built a library that black Miamians could call their own. He was also the first black owner of a hotel in Miami, Dorsey Hotel, and owner of the Negro Savings Bank. According to the ar�cle, “D.A. Dorsey Returns to Fisher Island,” wri�en by Black Archives of South Florida founder Dr. Dorothy Jenkins Fields, the Miami Daily Metropolis reported in 1918 that Dorsey had purchased Fisher Island “to form a company for the development of the tract as a high-class colored resort and

subdivision with a hotel, co�ages for well-to-do men of his own race and boats to convey them back and forth between the mainland and the island so there will be no conflict of the races in the project.” Eventually, Dorsey sold the island to Carl Fisher who was developing Miami Beach, but he con�nued using his business endeavors to fund his philanthropic efforts to improve life for black people throughout the course of his life. Inspiring Current Genera�ons Though he died in 1940, today there is a street, park, schools and a Tunnel Boring Machine named a�er Dorsey. His original home in Overtown and Dorsey Library have been designated historic landmarks with restora�ve plans. “He’s an inspira�on because with him being a pioneer, it shows us where we can go,” said Smith, who also owns Smith Capital Investments. “It was definitely an accomplishment for him to do what he did back in his era.” Channer, who is heavily invested in sharing his knowledge of real estate and finance to increase the amount of black professionals successfully working at high levels in the industry, added: “The thought that someone like me – an immigrant and Miami-Dade public school kid – could come back to Miami to play at a very significant level in real estate requires a certain level of belief above and beyond what you see on a day-to-day basis.” Both men said it is cri�cal that Dorsey’s legacy be kept alive. “It’s vitally important that we as a community keep our heroes and our legends alive because if we don’t do it no one else will and they’re just going to fade with �me,” Smith said. “My children know about D.A. Dorsey.” Channer con�nued: “If you’re looking at D.A. Dorsey’s legacy, one key thing for anyone to take away from it, whether you’re a professional in real estate or your profession is otherwise, anyone can start anywhere and you can make money in your neighborhood as well. It’s not all about the big stuff. D.A. Dorsey started with one lot. He was a carpenter and he saw an opportunity, with some extra dollars that he amassed, to fill a need by building one home. Anyone can do that.”







Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Returns to South Florida for 10th Season

By Darrell Canty

The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater performs "Member Don't Get Weary." The brilliance of the Alvin Ailey American Theater is that its choreography captures the state of Black America. Not since the 1960s has our collec�ve will as a people faced a more audacious challenge to civil rights. The challenge, explicit and yet surreal, is a formidable opponent of humanity. However, Alvin Ailey American Theater always inspires through art and

By Zach Rinkins

we are reminded through its new produc�on “Members Don’t Get Weary” – they move on. Robert Ba�le, Alvin Ailey ar�s�c director and a son of Liberty City, expressed years ago for Legacy Magazine, “I definitely want to do work that has to do with social jus�ce – something to do with holding that mirror to society,” Ba�le

said. “Dance is one of our most primal forms of expression, so using that expression to shine a light on some of the issues of the day is something that is very important to me – and to the future of this company.” Miami can view the grandeur of Alvin Ailey at the Arsht Center from February 22-25. This is the only South Florida stop during a 21-city na�onal tour, which began January 30 and will run through May 13. Ailey will also offer free performances to public middle and high school youth in South Florida. Jamar Roberts, the company star of Alvin Ailey, makes his debut in choreography for the dance theatre on a na�onal scale. His work is a treat to those who have witnessed his majesty filled with an unrivaled passion. “It means a lot for me now,” Roberts said about his new work, “because I never thought the response would be this big. That’s been surprising and awesome at the same �me. It really makes me feel

that hard work and the nature of this career has really paid off.” Roberts’ said the �tle of his debut piece, “Members Don’t Get Weary,” was meant to be encouraging during America’s troubling �mes of today. “I chose to use (John) Coltrane because it was music from during the �me of the Civil Rights movement,” Roberts said. “I thought through his music he wanted to spread joy and peace. The �mes that we’re in now, although different, are not too far away from the issues that we were figh�ng for.”

I chose to use (John) Coltrane because it was music from during the time of the Civil Rights movement, Roberts said. I thought through his music he wanted to spread joy and peace.

African-American Committee of the Dade Heritage Trust Celebrates Miami’s ‘Black Incorporators’

Some of Miami’s 162 Black incorporators are buried here at the Miami City Cemetery. The City of Miami formally came into existence 33 years a�er the signing of the Emancipa�on proclama�on. According to the Black Archives of South Florida (Black Archives) website, Black male laborers were advised to report to a place on Avenue D (now Miami Avenue) instead of repor�ng to work. On July 28, 1896, those men made a significant contribu�on to crea�on of a world-class city. “The significance is knowing that we have a stake in this community. We helped to make this community. We are a

part of this community,” said Dr. Enid C. Pinkney, a re�red educator and historian. “What is happening now is everybody who comes here thinks they made Miami. And we are not given credit for what we did because we are not celebra�ng it ourselves.” Archive documents reveal Black laborers were counted with other white men un�l it was determined that two-thirds of the qualified electors needed for the city’s incorpora�on were present. In fact, the Black men present that day compromised more than one-third of the state-required quorum. Out of the 368 men who signed Miami’s charter, 162 of them were Black. “I started with the Dade Heritage Trust,” said Pinkney. “They dealt mostly with historical preserva�on of the white community. I didn’t see too much historic preserva�on going on in the Black community. So, I organized the African-American commi�ee of the Dade Heritage Trust. And, we started celebra�ng the African-Americans who were buried in the [Miami] City

Cemetery.” Pinkney credits late commi�ee member Roberta Thompson with discovering research revealing the Black incorporators buried in the cemetery. “We realized that there was nothing—a headstone or anything—in the cemetery that gave them credit for doing that,” Pinkney disclosed. “We started out 25 years ago giving them recogni�on by placing a headstone at their gravesite saying that they were African-American incorporators of the City of Miami.” Among the Black incorporators was the late Rev. Amaziah M. Cohen. Cohen has two living children: Jacob, a son who followed him into ministry, and Mamie, his youngest daughter. “My father was a proud man. But, he didn’t like a lot of publicity,” recalled Mamie Cohen, now 83-years old. “He would give his last to help others. My father used to drive a jitney from Miami all the way down to Goulds. He made sure we went to church. Our clothes were clean and we never went hungry.” When Bishop Cohen died in 1959, the

Church of God in Christ (COGIC) renamed his church A.M. Cohen COGIC in his honor. His son Jacob became pastor and recently re�red as prelate of the church’s Eastern Florida Ecclesias�cal Jurisdic�on. “We have to support the people who are trying to preserve our history. A lot of people are making money off of our history,” Pinkney proclaimed. “They hit a gold mine telling our story. Many of us don’t know what our story is.” For the past two decades, Pinkney and the commi�ee has progressively done their part to preserve and recognize the history or the city’s Black incorporators. Many of their descendants serve Miami as entrepreneurs, community ac�vists, educators and ministers. “We have completed that job by placing one headshot a year,” said Pinkney. “This year, we are going to honor all of them and their families.” The commi�ee is hos�ng a celebra�on and essay contest on February 18 at 3 p.m. at the City of Miami Cemetery, located at 1800 NE 2nd Ave. For more informa�on, call 305-638-5800.








Workplace Sexual Harassment, #MeToo: Finding a Resolution Proces

By Stanley Zamor

In the past few months social media and every industry has been flooded with allega�ons of sexual harassment. The silence has been broken and the once considered “too powerful” and untouchable are being “handled” and striped of their posi�ons and power. Sexual harassment is not industry specific. It is not new and the skeletons in the Walmart-size closets are bus�ng out. According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and recent

Business Report By Beatrice Louissaint

Small businesses, par�cularly minority businesses, are fueling South Florida’s economy. As we celebrate Black History Month, let us applaud the successes of these black-owned businesses that are making history and support black-owned companies by doing business and partnering with them. Courtney Newell is president and Chief Crea�ve Officer of Crowned Marke�ng & Communica�ons, which offers mul�media marke�ng solu�ons to reach more mul�cultural consumers.

polls: ● 75 percent of all workplace harassment goes unreported. ● 30 percent of individuals who were harassed spoke immediately to their supervisor, union representa�ve, managers or the Human Resource department. ● “Sexual harassment training is easily mocked – and o�en brushed off.” No industry is safe from sexual predatory behavior, and the behavior has been allowed to permeate the business and entertainment culture. Even the EEOC states that yearly training is not enough and is usually only focused on avoiding legal liability. A�er conduc�ng many EEOC media�ons, which led to reviewing thousands of employment manual pages, state and federal rules, regula�ons, and policies, I am comfortable saying there remains a lot of work to be done if we wish to change the sexual harassment culture. Finding a Resolu�on Process We know that vic�ms are ignored and o�en paid off. Addi�onally, li�ga�on and

he�y se�lements have not prevented predatory behavior. So what is the answer and what should be considered when seeking arbitra�on and media�on as alterna�ves? Honesty, I am not sure, but I am certain the vic�m-shaming, fear, and industry-cultural norms that allowed sexual harassment to go unchecked and underreported need deeper and broader systemic solu�ons. The following are brief points when considering other resolu�on op�ons: Arbitra�on, Akin to Li�ga�on: ● Engaged as per employment contract provision(s), due process paranoia is a challenge. ● Awards are usually confiden�al. ● Vic�ms o�en relive the incident as they did at trial. ● There is no appeals process. Media�on: Pros & Cons ● Pro: Empowerment – Many vic�ms want an opportunity to face their abuser to ask “Why?” ● Pro: Confiden�ality – Vic�ms are o�en ashamed and do not want to have to relive the event mul�ple �mes.

● Pro: Time – Media�on is much faster than li�ga�on and arbitra�on. ● Con: Confiden�ality – Media�on and the possible agreement are confiden�al. The abuser o�en gets a chance to silence the incident and vic�m and is not truly held accountable. ● Con: Se�ling – Should a vic�m compromise and se�le with the abuser? Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit/Family/County Mediator and Primary Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/ arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company. He regularly lectures about a variety of topics ranging from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying, and family/ business relationships. szamor@effectivemediationconsultants .com www.effectivemediationconsultants.com www.LinkedIn.com/in/stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600

Black-Owned Businesses Making History Crowned becomes an expert in each client’s brand, products, services, industry, compe�tors and audiences, then creates a compelling strategy to engage with more customers around the globe. More than 130 media outlets in more than 100 countries have featured its award-winning work. Newell has been featured on “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and HLN, and profiled in the Huffington Post and Black Enterprise. The company’s clients include Verizon Wireless, Humana, Bacardi and Hilton (www.crownedmc.com). Benefits Outsource Inc. is a state-approved, third-party benefits administra�ve firm established in 1995 by Jackson Obasogie who immigrated to the United States more than 40 years ago from sub-Saharan Africa. A state-licensed insurance agency, BOI sells and brokers products such as property and casualty insurance, life insurance, and health insurance as well as ancillary services such as open enrollment, premium collec�on, re�ree billing and claims audit. BOI’s clients include Broward County

Public Schools, Palm Beach County Public Schools, Bacardi, Coventry/Aetna, United Healthcare, the city of Lauderdale Lakes, Hillsborough County, Humana Health Plan, Broward County Government and CIGNA Health Plan (www.boibenefits.com). Joe Louissaint is president of Show Technology Inc., an audio-visual rental and staging company with experience in providing clients solu�ons for successful conferences, corporate mee�ngs, awards dinners, concerts, events, product launches, press conferences and more. STI’s services include stage design, touring services and management, ligh�ng control, teleconference services and image magnifica�on. Its clients include the University of Miami, Bascom Palmer Eye Ins�tute, Jungle Island, the Greek Fes�val, and Morton’s Steakhouse. The company has provided audiovisual services for presidents Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush (www.showtechinc.com). James Champion is president and Chief Execu�ve Officer of Champion Services

Group, an HR consul�ng firm. Champion is a forward-thinking human resources professional with more than 40 years of experience in corporate HR prac�ce and administra�ve management. CSG designs training and educa�onal processes for subjects including change management, conflict management, cultural competency, and diversity. CSG has worked with clients including Burger King, Florida Power & Light, the University of Miami, Kra� Foods, Interna�onal Longshore & Warehouse Union and Miami Dade College (www.championservicesgroupway.com). To meet these and many other minority entrepreneurs, a�end the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council’s 33rd Annual Business Expo, April 5-6 at the Broward County Conven�on Center. Learn more about the Business Expo at www.fsmsdc.org or call (305) 762-6151. Beatrice Louissaint is president and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council.




Miami Dolphins Accepting Applications for Project Change Scholarship Miami Dolphins Chairman Stephen Ross knows the power of inves�ng in educa�on. That is why Ross, who has donated more than $1 billion to educa�on, partnered with the Miami Dolphins to con�nue funding the educa�on of others through the Project Change Scholarship, a program that will iden�fy one high school student each year and pay for the student’s tui�on to college over a four-year period. “We wanted to create a transforma�onal program that would target local students to change their lives so they can make a change in our community,” said Jason Jenkins, Miami Dolphins senior vice president of Communica�ons and Community Affairs. “The goal is to have youth excited about community engagement, educa�on and jus�ce reform so they can become be�er equipped to be leaders and advocates for change when they finish their collegiate careers.” To be eligible for the Project Change Scholarship, students must:

community college or university Scholarship applica�ons are due February 28, and can be submi�ed through www.Dolphins.com/SocialJus�ce.

We wanted to create a transformational program that would target local students to change their lives so they can make a change in our community.

• Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher • Complete at least 40 hours of community service a semester through social jus�ce programs • Write an essay about change they want to see in their community and how the scholarship will achieve that change • Have been accepted into a

The goal is to have youth excited about community engagement, education and justice reform so they can become better equipped to be leaders and advocates for change when they finish their collegiate careers.


Little Haiti Book Festival presented by Sosyete Koukouy & Miami Book Fair at Miami Dade College

MAY 5, 6-10 P.M. & MAY 6, 11 A.M. -7 P.M. L I T T L E H A I T I C U L T U R A L C O M P L E X (N.E. 2ND AVENUE & 59TH TERRACE)






Florida Memorial University Celebrates 50 Years in South Florida

By Tameka Bradley Hobbs, Ph.D.

An early plan for the campus of Florida Normal and Industrial Institute in St. Augustine, c. 1918. Courtesy the FMU Archives. The fall of 2018 will mark the 50th anniversary of the reloca�on of Florida Memorial University to South Florida. The historically black college, founded in Live Oak in North Florida in 1879, is one of the oldest ins�tu�ons of higher learning in the state. Its alumni include luminaries such as Harry T. Moore, Howard Thurman, and Eartha M.M. White. FMU’s migratory history is an essen�al part of its ins�tu�onal heritage. Its antecedent ins�tu�ons split, merged, and moved between Live Oak, Jacksonville, and St. Augus�ne before se�ling in Miami-Dade County. Racial violence, actual and threatened, sparked two of these moves. This 50th anniversary offers an opportunity for reflec�on and apprecia�on of FMU’s unique history. It all began 14 years a�er the end of the U.S. Civil War and the end of cha�el slavery, when the Black Bap�st Associa�on in Florida, with the support of the American Bap�st Home Mission Society, sought to create “a college of instruc�on for our ministers and children.” Despite a promising start, racial tensions soon cast a shadow over the ins�tute. In April 1892, a�er unknown persons fired shots into one of the campus buildings, the school’s leaders fled Live Oak for Jacksonville, where they founded the Florida Bap�st Academy in the basement of Bethel Bap�st Church. The school in Live Oak, however, con�nued to operate even a�er this splintering. In 1918, finding themselves landlocked and unable to expand, the school purchased the 400-acre “Old Hansen

Photograph of the entrance to Florida Memorial College in Opa-locka, 1968. Courtesy the FMU Archives.

Planta�on” near St. Augus�ne, which, Later, Dr. Robert B. Hayling, head of ironically, had been the largest sugar the youth chapter of the local branch of planta�on in the state during the the Na�onal Associa�on for the Antebellum period. Leaving its previous Advancement of Colored People, home in Jacksonville, the Florida Bap�st organized demonstra�ons against Academy began sessions at its new home segrega�on in the city in 1963 and 1964. in St. Augus�ne on September 24, 1918 as The conflict reached a new level of the Florida Normal and Industrial Ins�tute intensity when Dr. Hayling appealed to (FNII). the Rev. Dr. Mar�n Luther King Jr. and the In 1942, unable to jus�fy the con�nued Southern Chris�an Leadership Conference support of two separate schools, the for their assistance in the fight. Bap�st Conven�on voted to merger the Students from Florida Memorial Florida Memorial College at Live Oak, as it con�nued their ac�vism. In 1964, for was then called, with FNII in St. Augus�ne. example, men wearing brass knuckles The a�acked combined FMC school was student renamed John the Florida Phillips Normal a�er he Industrial ordered and coffee and Memorial a College in hamburger Photograph of students in front of Florida Memorial College in St. at a local Live Oak, date unknown. Courtesy the FMU Archives Augus�ne. segregated Acclaimed writer Zora Neale Hurston restaurant. Another student, Maude briefly taught at the school during these Burroughs, was arrested three �mes years. during the protests. The campus and its The advent of the Civil Rights students were a part of the resistance in Movement in the 1950s and 1960s St. Augus�ne’s civil rights struggle, which brought about a whirlwind of challenges contributed to the passage of the Civil and change to the na�on and St. Right Act of 1964. Augus�ne was not immune. The Rev. While blacks residents in St. Augus�ne Thomas Wright, an alum of the ins�tu�on won the ba�le over integra�on in the city and a faculty member, coordinated a and na�on, Florida Memorial College series of student-led sit-ins on March found itself engaged in a war for its 15-17, 1960, at St. Augus�ne’s downtown survival. In 1963, the board of trustees Woolworth’s. This would be the first voted to relocate the ins�tu�on to South ripples of civil rights ac�vity in the city. Florida because of declining enrollment

and St. Augus�ne’s lack of ameni�es. Further, during and a�er the movement, FMC was subject to a�acks that necessitated armed self-defense. A�er local law enforcement declined to provide protec�on, male students were depu�zed and armed to patrol the campus. A�er the assassina�on of Rev. King on April 4, 1968, nightriders burned crosses on the front lawn of the school. This direct threat of violence accelerated plans for the school’s exodus from St. Augus�ne. As a result, Florida Memorial College opened its fall 1968 term at its Opa-locka campus, even though there were only three buildings completed and no housing on campus for female students. In retrospect, but for the violence and racial an�pathy in the city during the Civil Rights Movement, Florida Memorial might have remained in St. Augus�ne. Instead, the hasty exodus of the ins�tu�on was a terrible and drama�c end to a rela�onship that spanned five decades. Nevertheless, since 1968, FMU has thrived in its adopted home in South Florida as the only historically black university in the region, carrying forward its legacy of resilience, survival, and a commitment of educa�on as upli� for genera�ons of Black Floridians. Tameka Bradley Hobbs, Ph.D. serves as university historian and interim chairwoman of the Department of Social Sciences at Florida Memorial University. Hobbs is author of Democracy Abroad, Lynching at Home: Racial Violence in Florida, published in August 2015.




About Town

The 7th Annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Symposium “A Conversation on Race”presented by the W.I.S.H. Foundation in Partnership with the Gamma Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., Jan. 14, Universal Truth Center for Better Living, Miami Gardens.

Bacardi Jackson, Esq.

Dr. Steve Gallon III

Event Committee -Jacquelle Sconiers, Cynthia Clarke, H. Leigh Toney, Michael Mason, Sandra L. Jackson, Karen Ingraham and Lori Bailey

Honorable Mayor Oliver Gilbert, Miami Gardens and H. Leigh Toney

Black Girl Power Gospel Brunch at Beth David Congregation Dec 3rd

Lynda V. Harris Board of Director (BOD) member for Girl Power, Misty Brown former BOD member, Victoria Worship current BOD member for Girl Power

Thema Campbell, left 2nd row, with members of Girls Choir or Miami.

Danni Washington, Thema Campbell, CEO of Girl Power; Miko Branch, CEO of Miss Jessie's hair products; Kalyn James, event host.

Thema Campbell, CEO of Girl Power; Chef Irie Sinclair, Danni Washington.

Miami Dolphins Invest in New Generation of Social Justice Champions

By Zachary Rinkins

Dolphins Grant In an effort to encourage unity and service, the Miami Dolphins recently announced the crea�on of a social jus�ce

grant program. The grants, which range from $5,000-$25,000, are designed to help 501-c-3 organiza�ons increase

capacity, impact, and service to others. “When we launched these programs last November, the goal was to iden�fy and recognize groups focused on community engagement, educa�on and jus�ce reform,” said Jason Jenkins, Miami Dolphins senior vice president of Communica�ons and Community Affairs. The grant ini�a�ve is supported by a yearly fund for advocacy and social jus�ce programs launched by Miami Dolphins Chairman Stephen Ross and Dolphins players. An advisory commi�ee of players and staff will guide the program. “It was important to Stephen Ross, our players and members of the organiza�on to use sports as a way to drive social progress and make substan�al change in our community,” Jenkins con�nued. These ini�a�ves will be in addi�on to the team’s previous social impact collabora�ons with the Ross Ini�a�ve in

Sports for Equality. Founded by Ross in 2015, RISE harnesses the unifying power of sports to improve race rela�ons and drive social progress. RISE programs have reached more than 30,000 students, coaches and athle�c staff at the high school, collegiate and professional level. To learn more about RISE, visit risetowin.org. Applica�ons for the social jus�ce grant program are due February 28 and can be submi�ed through www.Dolphins.com/SocialJus�ce.

It was important to [Miami Dolphins Chairman] Stephen Ross, our players and members of the organization to use sports as a way to drive social progress and make substantial change in our community.




About Town

Legacy magazine awards luncheon, saluting South Florida's Top Teachers and the 25 Most Influential and Prominent Black Women in Business and Industry, Jan. 27, 2018, Morton's The Steakhouse, downtown Fort Lauderdale.

Tina Teague

Group picture with Honorees

Jane Cross

Andrea Pelt-Thornton

Jessica Garrett Modkins

Russell Motley with Kerry-Ann Royes

Dexter Bridgeman & Russell Motley with Mayor Barbara Sharief

Denise Albritton with her husband

The 5000 Role Models of Excellence Project hosted its 25th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unity Scholarship Breakfast on Jan. 15 at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel in Miami, featuring guest speaker filmmaker and actor Tyler Perry.

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson and Tyler Perry

Mayor Oliver Gilbert, Jo Marie Payton, Commissioner Barbara Jordan

Rep. Charles B. Rangel

Tyler Perry

Project 12 2018 calendar unveiling reception, Dec. 7, 2017, Zara's Restaurant and Lounge, West Palm Beach.

Ramon Barber, 1st Award Recipient for Project 12

Recipient Edrick E. Barnes, Esq.

Recipient Mike Albritton II, Bus One LLC

Attorney Saleshia Smith Gordon and Lawrence Gordon




Legacy Briefs members of the county DEC Steering Commi�ee, the county’s DEC Campaign Commi�ee, and other commi�ees as designated by the DEC Charter and Bylaws. A past Miami-Dade Young Democrats president, McKinney hopes to advance, “progressive values,” ensure local “interests are properly represented,” and to constantly challenge the party to evolve. Find out more at www.MiamiDadeDems.org. SEOPW CRA board promotes Shiver to execu�ve director The Southeast Overtown/ Park West Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Board recently appointed Cornelius “Neil” Shiver execu�ve director. Formerly the agency’s assistant director, Shiver brings more than two decades of legal, government, and community development experience to the role. As execu�ve director, the Coconut Grove na�ve is responsible for implemen�ng the board’s policies on redevelopment ac�vi�es for a designated boundary that includes por�ons of the Overtown and Park West neighborhoods.Shiver graduated from the University of Miami and St. Thomas University School of Law. He says his priori�es are comple�ng on-going projects like the Town Parks rehabilita�on and expanding homeownership opportuni�es for residents. For more informa�on, log on to www.MiamiCRA.com.

Miami-Dade Democrats Elect Aaron McKinney DEC State Commi�eeman Miami-Dade Democra�c Execu�ve Commi�ee (DEC) members elected Aaron McKinney as the organiza�on's State Commi�eeman. McKinney is one of the two members represen�ng Miami-Dade County in the Florida Democra�c Party's State Execu�ve Commi�ee, for a four-year term. Commi�eemen are

Founda�on. Hall worked in various execu�ve posi�ons at IBM, treasure of Texaco, Inc., and is a past president and CEO of UBM, L.P. Discover the Arsht Center’s offerings at www.Arsht Center.org.

In Memoriam: Noted humanitarian and educator Melton Mustafa succumbs to prostate cancer Legendary trumpeter Melton Mustafa, Sr. recently passed away at the age of 70. Mustafa was a noted humanitarian and served as the founding director of the Jazz Studies program at Florida Memorial University. He helmed an annual jazz fes�val bearing his name and performed with some of the top names in Jazz including the Duke Ellington and Count Basie orchestras among other acts. The Florida A&M University graduate leaves his wife, Zakiyyah; sons Melton Jr., Yamin and Jihad; daughter Tricia; and his older brother, saxophonist Jesse Jones Jr., and a host of rela�ves, colleagues, and students to cherish his memory. Explore his legacy at www.meltonmustafa.com

Wynwood-based AXS Law Group hires a�orneys Brandon Rose and Mamie Joeveer AXS Law Group recently hired a�orneys Brandon Rose and Mamie Joeveer. Joeveer was formerly with the law firm of Hogan Lovells and Rose was employed with Bilzin Sumberg. Joeveer, who served as a captain in the U.S. Marines, will specialize in commercial li�ga�on, health law, criminal, and media/entertainment li�ga�on. The University of Memphis and FIU law school alumna regularly offers legal commentary in na�onal media. Rose will focus on complex commercial disputes and li�ga�on ma�ers. He is graduate of Yale University and earned his law degree at the University of Florida. Discover the AXS difference at www.AXSLawGroup.com

Ira Hall becomes Arsht Center PACT board chairman A�er nearly four years of board service, civil rights leader and corporate �tan Ira Hall was elected chairman of the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County Performing Arts Center Trust (PACT) board of directors. An accomplished board and enterprise leader, Hall is trustee emeritus at his alma mater, Stanford University; previously served as chairman of the Execu�ve Leadership Council; and recently completed a 20-year tenure on the board of the Jackie Robinson

Jackson Health System taps Hawkins to lead north medical center Jackson Health System (JHS) recently hired Roy L. Hawkins, Jr. as CEO of

Jackson North Medical Center in North Miami Beach. A long�me hospital administrator, Hawkins most recently worked as COO of Johnston-Willis Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. JHS CEO Carlos A. Migoya noted: “We are so proud to have recruited Roy, a Miami na�ve who not only knows but understands the medical needs of our community.” Hawkins added: “It is a privilege to be part of this organiza�on that impacts the lives of hundreds of people every day.” Hawkins is a graduate of Howard University and Florida Interna�onal University a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Execu�ves. Learn more about JHS at www.jacksonhealth.org.

Honey Shines welcomes Wendy Ellis as execu�ve director Honey Shine's Board of Directors appointed Dr. Wendy Ellis as the new Vice President of Opera�ons and Execu�ve Director for Honey Shine, Inc., a girls mentoring organiza�on founded by Tracy Wilson Mourning, wife of NBA Hall of Famer Alonzo Mourning. Dr. Ellis will oversee and manage all day to day opera�onal and ac�vi�es programs including membership, fundraising, marke�ng, and board development. A seasoned non-profit execu�ve, Ellis previously lead the largest YMCA on Chicago's South Side, Northwestern University, the WNBA's Chicago Sky, and the Women's Sports Founda�on. For more informa�on on how you can become a Corporate Partner or an Individual Lady Bug sponsor, visit www.HoneyShine.org. To be considered for Legacy Briefs, email your job promotions, appointments and announcements to Editor-In-Chief Russell Motley, rm@miamediagrp.com.




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