2016 Top Black Educators Issue -Legacy South Florida

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South Florida

Broward & Palm Beach

"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"

Top Black Educators of 2016 Issue Dr. Larry Rice Brings Passion and Experience to the Presidency of Johnson & Wales

Broward County School Superintendent Robert W. Runcie Says Students are His First Priority Broward County School Board President Dr. Roslind Osgood invites the Community to Help Students Reach for the Stars Antonio Coley South Florida President of BBT Bank Returns Home Marketing Pro Tony Wallace Gives his Food for Thought on Education And More...




October17th & 18th, 2016 Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino Hollywood, FL B U I L D I N G , E L E VAT I N G A N D S U S TA I N I N G T H E M I D D L E C L A S S BUILDING, ELEVATING & SUSTAINING THE MIDDLE CLASS - TOWN HALL FORUM

The Distinguished Panelists include Representatives from: The U. S. Department of Labor, Leaders in Education, OIC Executives from across the Country, College Presidents, Workforce Boards, Business Development Alliances, Employers, Faith Based and Community Leaders.



The Education and Employment Ecosystem

8:30 am - 4:30 pm


Is the transitional pipeline from education to employment leaking? What are key strategies that can serve to further insulate this pipeline, and support the upskilling of youth and adults?


Rick Beasley Exec. Dir. Career Source South Florida

Bob Crawford Director, Atlantic Technical College & Technical High School

Dr. Henry Fernandez Chancellor, Univ. of Ft. Lauderdale Senior Pastor, The Faith Center


Culture, Workplace Diversity and Teaming

Does culture impact career choices, access to information and work values? How are our cultural lenses formed, and how do they inform our workplace habits and behaviors?


J. David Armstrong, Jr. President Broward College

What are the essential skills employers want from employees of today and tomorrow? What are the most prevalent skill gaps noted as employers work to fill vacancies?

Taking Care of Business

James Donnelly Board Chair, Broward Workshop - Founder & CEO, Castle Group

Larry Williams Dr. Penny Shaffer Market President at Florida President & CEO Blue, Board Chair of Greater The Beacon Council Fort Lauderdale Alliance

James Allen Seminole Gaming CEO

Quality of Life and Human Development

What are the issues and barriers that contribute to difficulties in creating and maintaining a middle class lifestyle? Beatrice Louissaint Jean Monestime President & CEO Chairman Miami Dade Florida State Minority County Commission Supplier Development Council

Leroy Jones Jose F. Diaz President of Neighbors and State Representative Neighbors Association Dist.116 Miami Dade C. Akerman LLP Esq

Jacqueline Freeman Unit Chief, Reintegration of Ex-Offenders, U.S. Department of Labor

Cindy Arenberg-Seltzer President & CEO Children’s Services Council of Broward

Nan Rich Chair, Coordinating Council of Broward (CCB)

Pastor Wayne Lomax The Fountain of New Life Ministries - Miami

Who Should Attend?: Educators, Workforce and Economic Development Practitioners, Emerging Leaders, Employers, Faith Based and Community Members, Youth, College Students, Businesses, Nonprofits, Human and Community Development Stakeholders.

Alcee L. Hastings Congressman Florida’s 20st District

Ted Deutch Congressman Florida’s 21st District


Oscar Braynon II State Senator Florida’s 36th District

Frederica S. Wilson Congresswoman Florida’s 24th District


Eric M. Seleznow Deputy Assistant Secretary of Employment and Training Admin. U.S. Depart of Labor

Why Should You Attend?: Deriving solutions that address the challenges facing the middle class is critical because (1) we need a vibrant middle class that produces high-skilled workers who can generate a higher per capita gross development product, (2) the middle class contributes tax dollars that allow for services beyond the mere “basics”, (3) a strong middle class ensures maximum opportunity for social and financial mobility.


Opportunities Industrialization Centers of South Florida An Affiliate of OIC of America, Inc. Est. 1964 3407 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 100Oakland Park, FL 33309 Phone: (954) 563-3535 | Fax: (954) 563-5225 OICSouthfl OICSFL OICSouthFlorida OICofSouthFlorida #OICSFLmiddleclasssummit

inspiring today’s youth





As we prepared the 2016 Top Educators issue, the 2016 elec�on was a looming backdrop. Over and over, references to educated and non-educated voters, and which will control the elec�on, are debated by poli�cal news anchors, reporters and analysts. The vote for who will elect America’s next president is overwhelmingly in favor of educated voters, including Black men and women. This na�onal poli�cal clout is evidence of the power and impact of educa�on in the Black

central tool for growth and success. They exemplify, through their own success, that educa�on provides the most viable access to upward mobility. Educa�on is a legacy from our ancestors, an anchor to our present standing and condi�on, and a path from which the Black community must never stray. As you review this issue and read about the 2016 Top Educators, let us not forget the words of W. E. B Dubois

It’s Been Great!

"influencers and affluencers" of South Florida's Black community. I went from being Legacy's project manager to being its editor-in-chief and re-launching MIA magazine. And I have gained an insurmountable amount of knowledge of the media industry. This experience has been challenging and even more so rewarding. All good things must come to an end; our 2016 Legacy 40 Under 40 issue was my last issue. Since then I’ve joined Capital Analy�cs Associates as the Execu�ve Director of Invest: Miami 2017. I am excited about this new opportunity and hope that you will wish me well. Furthermore, please stay tuned as I will be launching Collec�ve Dri�: Celebra�ng Interna�onal Women + Culture + Travel on www.collec�vedri�.com within the upcoming year! I wish MIA Media Group con�nued success as they con�nue to be a Legacy in South Florida. It has been my honor and privilege to have you as a reader.

“Education is that whole system of human training, within and without, the school house walls, which molds and develops men” Here at Legacy, we will con�nue to educate the community about the success and achievements of people of color and the role we play in a larger society. All the best, Kervin L. Clenance Group Publisher Legacy South Florida Legacy Miami

community. In this issue, we li� up those leaders in our communi�es who make this educa�on possible. Those who encourage us to keep educa�on as a

Over the past two years, I've had the pleasure of being a part of MIA Media Group. When I moved back to Miami from Thailand, Dexter asked that I join the Legacy temporarily to assist with the "25 Most Prominent and Influen�al Women of 2014" issue. Since then, I have had the opportunity to work with Legacy's team including Dexter Bridgeman, Kervin Clenance, Denise St. Patrick Bell, Toni Harrigan, Olisa Adger, our writers, photographers, designers, make-up ar�sts and more. The Miami Herald's and the Sun Sen�nel's amazing teams have been great to me. I've go�en to work with our wonderful sponsors, adver�sers, and publicists. I've had the chance to honor and get to know wonderful people who are the

CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS "The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and na�onal antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Ha�ng no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all hurt as long as anyone is held back."

Signing off for now! Erica

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Member of the Black Owned Media Alliance (BOMA)

Erica Knowles Immediate Past Editor-in-Chief Legacy and MIA magazines An independent supplement by MIA MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, LLC. Dexter A. Bridgman CEO & Founder “Providing News/Informa�on and Connec�on Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers” Contact: dab@miamediagrp.com Kervin L. Clenance Group Publisher, Legacy Magazine Denise St. Patrick-Bell PhD Copy Editor Toni Harrigan Intern Md Shahidullah Art Director




South Florida's Top Black Educators for 2016

I'Tita-Nefartari Alexander

Curriculum Support Specialist & Instruc�onal Coach, Director of Opera�ons & Programming, Co-Founder & Lead ACTivator Miami-Dade County Public Schools, DIBIA Dream, Inc., ACT Na�on, Inc.

Alexandra Davis

Raoul Amstelveen, EdD Professor Johnson & Wales University

Peter Clarke Associate Professor Florida Interna�onal University

Marie Florent-Carre


Jade Donaldson

President of CATAF & Computer Technology Teacher Caribbean American Teachers Associa�on of Florida (CATAF)/ Somerset Academy Miramar

Co-founder of United Mentors, LLC, Founder and Coordinator of S.O.A.R., LLC, K-8 ESE Support Facilitator United Mentors, LLC, S.O.A.R., LLC and Broward County Charter School

Thomas Harrison Social Studies Teacher & Head Wrestling Coach Stranahan High School

Michelle Hicks-Levy Execu�ve Director Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Reginald Miller, M.S. Administra�ve Dean Wekiva High School/ Jeaga Middle School

Sarah Ruff 6th - 12th grade music director Arthur and Polly Mays Conservatory of the Arts

Wallace Aris�de Nicole L. Brown M.Ed. Dr. Sacha T. Challenger, Ed.D. Josya-Gony Charles MD, MS Webber J. Charles Assistant Professor, Family Medicine Senior Site Director, Breakthrough Assistant Principal Principal Middle School Reading Florida Interna�onal University North Miami Beach Senior High Miami Ransom Everglades School Miami Northwestern Senior Teacher Herbert Wertheim College of Breakthrough Miami Medicine High School Deerfield Beach Middle School School -Miami Dade County Public

Orkisha Edmond, M.Ed District Literacy Coach Florida Virtual School

David Edwards

Associate Professor & Lead Faculty Sports, Entertainment & Event Management Johnson & Wales University

Dr. Tameka Bradley Hobbs,

Belinda Hope Principal Pine Ridge Educa�on Center

Angela L. Mumford President A.L.M Elite Enterprises, Inc.

Norman Munroe, Eng.Sc.D. Professor & Director, Office of Student Access and Success College of Engineering & Compu�ng, FIU

Richard Ruffin, EdD

Ebony Whisenant, MD

3rd Grade Teacher, Adult Educa�on ESL Instructor & Director Dr. Robert B. Ingram Elementary, Miami Dade College & Marlon Eason Jr. Violence Awareness and Preven�on Founda�on

Course Director, Community Engaged Physician Florida Interna�onal University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

NSU assistant professor of Family Medicine and Public Health and Director of the Department of Rural and Urban Underserved Medicine at NSU's College of Osteopathic Medicine Nova Southeastern University (NSU)

Reginald J. Fox

Teacher of Reading & English. Campus Life Sponsor, Ambassador Mentorship Program Director Royal Palm Beach Higj School

Derrick Gilbert

Brenda Gillis Senior Director of Administra�on Seminole Tribe of Florida

Associate Dean of Opera�ons and Enrollment Management and Assitant Professor of Informa�on Technology Barry University

Associate Professor, Public Administra�on/Law and Government degree program Florida Memorial University

Excep�onal Student Educa�on Specialist & Youth Development Program Facilitator Olsen Middle School

Shaundas Knighton, M.Ed

Camelon Lamb- Pope Principal/Director Regina T. Lamb Athle�cs & Arts Academy

Carolyn Nesbi� Founding President/CEO CONCERNED AFRICAN WOMEN, INC.

Valerie L. Pa�erson, PhD Clinical Associate Professor, Public Administra�on Florida Interna�onal University

Estella Pyfrom Educator Estella's Brilliant Bus

Heather D. Russell Professor and Chairperson of the English Department Florida Interna�onal University

Craig K. Skilling Professor, Sports, Entertainment & Event Management Johnson & Wales University

9th-12th Grade Crea�ve Teacher/ 2017 MDCPS Teacher of the Year Miami Norland Senior High School/ Miami-Dade Public Schools

Precious Symone�e


Dr.Chanadra Young Whi�ng,

Veronica J. Williams, ED. S. Assistant Principal Miami Jackson Sr. High School

Kyla Williams, PhD Mathema�cs Professor Broward College

Ph.D. Interim Chair, Department of Social Sciences, Assistant Professor of History Florida Memorial University

Ed.D, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor ,Department of Health Services Administra�on Florida Interna�onal University /Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing and Health Sciences

Olivia Jackson, PhD

Principal Robert Morgan Educa�onal Center/Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Mr. Paul V. Wilson

Administra�ve Director, School Opera�ons Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Karlene Cousins, J.D./PhD

Associate Professor, Faculty Director MS IS Program & Director ATOM Think Tank, Florida Interna�onal University

Yhovana Gordon, EdD, DNP, ARNP, FNP-BC

Chair, Graduate Nursing - Advanced Prac�ce Nursing Programs; Director, Doctor of Nursing Prac�ce Program; Clinical Asst Professor Florida Interna�onal University

Pamela Lucke�, PhD

Bridget McKinney, M.S. ED School Administrator-Principal Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Andrea Queeley, PhD Associate Professor Florida Interna�onal University

Norris Redding Adjucnt Professor Union Ins�tute & University

Rosheika Y. H. Rolle Magnet Coordinator Lauderdale Lakes IB World School

Tsitsi Wakhisi Associate Professor, professional prac�ce, University of Miami

Tony Wallace VP, Marke�ng and Admissions Florida Technical College

La-Shanda West, Ed.M. Social Studies Department Chair and iPrep Academy Leader Cutler Bay Senior High

Dr. Ron Winston Vernicca Beard Wynter, M.Ed. Professor Intern Principal Miami Dade College Medical William Dandy Middle School Campus





Deadline is October 24th http://bit.ly/2e4vkKJ




By: Isheka N. Harrison

Robert W. Runcie Says Students are His First Priority

Children come first always. That’s the philosophy of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) Superintendent Robert W. Runcie. As the leader of Robert W. Runcie the na�on’s sixth largest school district, Runcie is no stranger to the importance of inves�ng in youth. During his tenure, he has worked diligently to provide students with a high quality educa�onal experience that will prepare them for future success. This commitment to excellence has earned Runcie many honors, including being named “Florida’s Superintendent of The Year” in December 2015. “The number one priority is con�nuing to improve this district so we can do what’s best for students, raise student achievement and close achievement gaps,” Runcie said. As a testament to this sen�ment, BCPS has introduced and expanded several

By: Zach Rinkins


experien�al learning programs. They include digital classrooms, college and career readiness, early literacy, dual language, industry cer�fica�ons, financial literacy, a SMART (Safety, Music & Art, Athle�cs, Renova�on and Technology) Ini�a�ve, the largest debate and scholas�c chess programs in the country, etc. Calling students and families the ul�mate customer,’ Runcie said the district creates innova�ons by working with the community to create relevant programs that personalize things as much as possible. “I want to provide the right kind of interven�ons for the most vulnerable students,” Runcie said. “For so many of our kids who come from struggling environments, on any given day we can be a child’s best hope.” Under Runcie’s leadership, BCPS has made con�nual gains in scholas�c achievement. Last year, the district boasted its highest gradua�on rate in six years with 13,000 seniors walking across the stage, earning over 90 million in scholarships, being accepted into over 600 colleges and universi�es and earning over 660 industry cer�fica�ons. BCPS also recorded its highest reading

levels for 3rd grade students; had the highest pass rate for Advanced Placement (AP) courses in a decade; closed the achievement gap with Black students gaining six percentage points more than their white counterparts; outscored the top five school districts in Florida with the highest achievement on the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA); and won state championships in football, basketball, baseball and cheerleading. While proud of these accomplishments, Runcie said his work is far from being done. “I’ll never be sa�sfied with where we are because I’ll always feel like we can get be�er. I’m not a status quo type of person. I always believe and hope the future can be be�er than today,” Runcie said. Commi�ed to crea�ng a culture of con�nuous improvement, Runcie makes it clear that he is not an island. He credits all BCPS employees with contribu�ng to the district’s current upward trajectory. “I recognize that you cannot accomplish anything by yourself. We have well over 25,000 employees in the district that show up every day to make sure we deliver a high quality educa�on experience for each and every child that shows up on our

doorstep,” Runcie said. Runcie said the district is finalizing its new strategic plan which focuses on improving early literacy and increased family counseling opportuni�es among other items. He challenges all BCPS employees to con�nue making decisions focused on what’s best for the student. “The students are my inspira�on and mo�va�on to con�nue to do this work. In many ways, it’s personal for me. I see in many students myself when I was younger. I had caring teachers and adults who pushed me. We’re not here because of where our students are today, but rather where we can take them tomorrow,” Runcie said. To those who aspire to follow in his footsteps Runcie cau�ons against selfish ambi�on. “I don’t think you should necessarily aspire to be a superintendent for the sake of being a superintendent. I believe it’s about having a mission, a purpose and a drive to impact public educa�on to have a legacy of doing something great for our kids and our community. That should be the focus,” Runcie said.

Broward County School Board President Dr. Rosalind Osgood Invites Community to Help Students Reach for the Stars

Dr. Rosalind Osgood Many people send their children to school with hopes that they will become compe��ve and produc�ve ci�zens. For Rosalind Osgood, D.B.A, the promise of a more empowered community inspired her professional career as a minister, social worker, and educator. The Broward County na�ve is not a person who likes to do much talking. She prefers to create solu�ons that obliterate debilita�ng obstacles. “A�er teaching leadership and public policy on the college level for several years, I realized that the only way you can make systema�c change in the public sector is by

being in a posi�on where you can influence policy and make decisions,” says Dr. Osgood, chair of the School Board of Broward County (SBBC). “I was going to school while simultaneously raising my children. I began to understand that some Black students, par�cularly males, have a different experience than other students.” Osgood experienced that difference first hand when her son was a�ending high school. She recalls a teacher calling a security guard on her son because he was asking too many ques�ons. This occurrence inspired a solu�on, “I promised myself that once I got my children through college, I would posi�on myself to be able to help children have a more posi�ve educa�onal experience.” Originally elected in 2012, Osgood is now SBBC’s chair. As chair, she presides over a nine member governing body that sets policies, manages a roughly $3.7 billion budget, and writes statutes for the na�on’s sixth largest school district. Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) serves over 271,000 students and approximately 175,000 adult students in 236 schools, centers, technical colleges, and 101 charter schools. The Nova Southeastern University

graduate serves BCPS’s fi�h district with schools spanning from Fort Lauderdale to Planta�on. Her diverse district has given her a broad perspec�ve. “Some of the biggest challenges for some students are massive social-economic problems. Not just poverty,” notes Dr. Osgood. “Some of these children have parents and even siblings that are incarcerated.” She con�nues, “And, many of these parents, including myself, have these children before they are mentally, financially, emo�onally, and spiritually prepared to raise them.” Osgood says the community must solve this challenge. “We need the community to help us raise our children,” she asserts. “I tell all parents, the best thing you can do for your child’s educa�on is to build rela�onships with their school and with their teachers.” The school board chair says the district and the individual schools have resources and professional development programs aimed at giving students mentors and exposing them to the so� skills required for a produc�ve life. Despite the challenges, Osgood encourages the community to help

kids reach for the stars. “It is our job to help our children compete in a globalized economy. We must have high expecta�ons for them,” she implores. “We must tell them that we expect them to become doctors, lawyers, company presidents, and produc�ve ci�zens. If we hold them to high expecta�ons, they will rise to the occasion.” The JM Family African Achievers Award winning leader iden�fies these BCPS resources for adults, parents, and students. ADULTS/PARENTS: Broward Technical Colleges are SBBC ins�tu�ons that provide affordable voca�onal-technical instruc�on. Successful graduates earn state accredited professional cer�ficates. Most programs can be completed within a year. www.BrowardTechnicalColleges.com STUDENT: The BCPS (www.Broward Schools.com) website offers a plethora of informa�on on available reading, math, tes�ng, mentoring, and learning support. Dr. Osgood prides herself in being accessible and responsive to her constituents. Give her office a call at 754-321-2005 or log on to www.District5.BrowardSchools.com







By: Zach Rinkins

Former UM Linebacker Named BBT Bank Florida President

Antonio Coley From 1992 through 1997, Antonio “Tony” Coley was a member of the University of Miami linebacker core once known for terrifying Division I offenses. As president of BBT South Florida, the Miami Gardens-na�ve traded the locker room for the execu�ve suite. He has not, however, forfeited his compe��ve spirit. “I saw how coaches mo�vated people to perform and held them accountable. I also saw how we had fun when we were

EXECUTIVE SUITE By: Richard McCulloch

Tony Wallace


successful,” Coley shares. “I use that playbook. I see myself as a coach. I work hard running the play and crea�ng an environment for my team to succeed.” A�er gradua�ng from UM, Coley started a progressive banking career that included two years at SunTrust Bank, eight years with Wells Fargo banking en��es, more than two years leading Colonial Bank’s commercial business, and over seven years with his current employer, BB&T Bank. He spent most of his career serving South Florida’s business banking clients, except for a two-year s�nt in Sarasota. Unlimited growth opportuni�es a�racted him to banking. “Banking is an industry where you can be as successful as you want to be. I encourage people of color to consider jobs in this industry,” he offers. During his nearly two-decade career, Coley developed a reputa�on for intercep�ng low-performing environments and transforming them into marquee areas. The former Academic All-Star a�ributes his team’s success to ten principles he calls the 10 P’s, featuring quali�es from performance to passion. “You have to surround yourself with the

right people and you have to make sure you are networking and prospec�ng so you can grow your business,” he reveals. “It is important to have a posi�ve a�tude if you want to perform at a high level. I also hold my leadership team accountable for having posi�ve interac�ons with clients and employees.” Coley emphasizes, “Processes are cri�cal. Every successful team that I have seen has consistent processes that they execute regularly.” Tips to make your business a�rac�ve to banks The Miami-na�ve addressed one of the biggest challenges facing Black-owned business: lack of access to capital. “People must understand that we, as banks are not investors,” Coley asserts. “We are financiers.” He explains the difference: “An investor invests in an idea. A financier finances a business that is already running. Banks finance your next acquisi�on or help you buy a piece of equipment for an already proven idea.” Coley con�nues, “Investors own a piece of your company and par�cipate in the upside of your business. As bankers, we

don’t have equity. We only rent you the money at an interest rate.” The long�me bank execu�ve offers these �ps to make your business bankable. Develop a Track Record: “History is the best predictor of future results. Banks seldom finance ideas. If you have been successful for two years, then we have something to build on and possibly finance. But, you must demonstrate an ability to perform.” Record Business Developments: “Handle your business. Track your finances, income statements, and progress. Now, you are bankable.” Maximize Credit: “Unfortunately some of us have not managed our credit properly. If you have poor credit it is much harder to get over that hump.” Develop Banking Rela�onships “Bankers are people just like everybody else. We want to help people and lend money a�er you meet certain requirements. I like to help people get to the next step. So, if you don’t meet the requirements, find out what you can do to get there. Then, keep in touch and try again as you progress.” For more information, www.BBT.com.

Tony Wallace: Food for Thought on Educa�on

Growing up in the Bronx, NY can either break you or make you. The Tony Wallace story shows that the difference between vic�miza�on and victory is all about drive and a work ethic founded on the concept: “Success

is the only op�on.” Born and raised in a bicultural household which blended Jamaican and Puerto Rican heritages, Wallace’s earliest influences were his Catholic faith and educa�on. The authority and discipline offered in church and school were supplemented by a loving and hands-on grandmother who required excellence and ambi�on from all genera�ons that succeeded her. As Wallace fondly remembers; “You never wanted to be the one at our dinner table that was not achieving something in your life.” These standards and expecta�ons were nurtured

by his ac�ve involvement in the Boy Scouts; and their mo�o “Be Prepared” served as a compass to navigate the unpredictability that life o�en presents. Life’s unpredictability brought Tony and his family to St. Augus�ne, Florida in 1972. As his father began to cra� a career in foodservice and hospitality, the younger Wallace got involved as well. The introduc�on to Culinary Arts prompted Wallace to head further south to Miami, and eventually serve as an execu�ve chef and part owner of a restaurant in South Beach. The seasonality of tourism and compe��on forced Wallace to seek a supplemental living. When a friend solicited his help in student recruitment for a Cosmetology-based voca�onal school, Wallace discovered that he had a gi� for mo�va�ng students and immediately saw the value in voca�onal educa�on and skills training. “Years ago, the government sponsored more technical schools. High School programs featured lots of trades” observes Wallace. Trade and skills training filled a workforce gap in the country. As Wallace points out “Not everyone is suited for a

four year college.” This educa�on reality helped focus his career as a student recruitment and admissions specialist for career-focused postsecondary educa�on ins�tu�ons around the country. As his career in educa�on evolved, so did his a�en�on to the importance of connec�ng educa�on programs to career paths. With career op�ons changing with the frequency of advancing technology, Wallace worked with ins�tu�ons to ensure that they were mee�ng the needs that prepared students for viable employment opportuni�es. “We needed to focus on programs that met labor demand” according to Wallace. It would not be long before Florida Technical College recognized his exper�se and brought him back to the state that had become his second home. As the Vice President of Marke�ng and Admissions for Florida Technical College, Wallace has leveraged his experience and passion for educa�on to provide oversight for the student recruitment efforts at the six Florida campuses, including loca�ons in Cutler Bay and Pembroke Pines. Back in the Sunshine State, Wallace has spent much of his �me evalua�ng the needs of today’s college students and guidance is at the top

of his list. No�ng the diminished involvement of parents in primary and secondary educa�on, Wallace offers this; “Young people, especially in minority communi�es need mentors.” These are not just words to Wallace, but an impera�ve that he prac�ces as the proprietor of the Wallace Grill in Clermont, Florida and Gavioto, his new restaurant opening in downtown Orlando. Maintaining balance between his leadership role at Florida Technical College and running a successful restaurant requires that he rely on people. “I have managers that never managed before but they had people skills and I was able to teach them the business skills. You spot talent and mentor that talent.” From Educa�on to Entrepreneurship, Tony Wallace has leveraged his past to forge a present that balances two careers, while offering opportuni�es to success-driven individuals focused on building a future in which they are prepared to do more in an effort to become more. Richard McCulloch is the VP of Client Services at Tribeca Marketing Group and former Higher Education administrator.







Johnson & Wales' Rice Brings Passion and Experience to Presidency

By: Isheka N. Harrison

Dr. Larry Rice Dr. Larry Rice is the first black president in the history of Johnson and Wales University (JWU) and it’s an honor he’s more than qualified to have. The veteran educator brings more than 20 years of experience to the role – having held posi�ons ranging from faculty member and dean to interim president at the North Miami Campus. Now as the official commander-in-chief, Rice is on a mission to ensure those under his leadership have an educa�onal experience they will never

forget. “I see Johnson & Wales as an incredible ins�tu�on and when I think of the level of responsibility that has been placed in my hands I don’t take it lightly,” Rice said. Known for its experien�al educa�on model, JWU has a range of programs in culinary arts, business, hospitality and arts and sciences. It is home to over 1,700 students and almost 250 faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds – and Rice wants them all to thrive. “I want to create an environment where there is caring, sharing, interac�ng and valuing the role of each role player. It’s not just about how employees interact with students, but how they interact with each other,” Rice said. His philosophy on educa�on includes addressing student needs, enhancing the student experience, promo�ng high order thinking and having faculty and staff be as warm and welcoming to each other as they are to students. “The bea�ng heart of an ins�tu�on is the people. It’s not the brick & mortar. A strength of our campus has been its warmth, people feeling included and a

heightened level of authen�c friendliness,” Rice said To maintain a student-centered learning environment that blends theory with prac�ce, JWU launched two new bachelor degree programs in Interna�onal Business and Entrepreneurship. Classes will be taught by industry professionals and students will study abroad and build businesses from concept to frui�on, respec�vely. Rice said student and industry demand, market satura�on, employability and bureau of labor sta�s�cs are considered when adding new programs. He is committed to innova�on, engagement and ensuring students master essen�al learning competencies. His biggest challenge: finding ways to retain students who leave school due to life’s obstacles. As a JWU alum who was the first in his family to a�end college, Rice fully understands these students’ plights. “I have not personally met a student who comes to campus desiring to fail. Whether affordability, family challenges or industry changes, there is always a reason why a student decides to leave,” Rice

explained. To address these issues, Rice was instrumental in crea�ng more support for students. In addi�on to awarding over $22 million dollars in student aid, JWU offers 1Gen and Talent Advancement Programs to ease the transi�on of first genera�on college students and pair vulnerable students with faculty mentors to equip them with tools to avoid pi�alls and be successful. The campus plans to add more programs designed to enhance the curriculum during its 25th anniversary year in 2017. Un�l then, Rice con�nues working to inspire everyone at his campus. “No one person can accomplish greatness. It’s really a team effort. I want to create and sustain an environment where people truly love working here because students are going to feel that and love being here too,” Rice said. “In four years, magic occurs. Students transform right before our eyes. It’s an honor for us to be par�cipants in wri�ng one of the most meaningful chapters in their lives. I want that to be a great chapter.”


Recognizing $6 Billion in Sales and $30 Billion in Transfers to Education

The Florida Lottery announces its fifth consecutive record-breaking sales year with an estimated $6.06 billion in annual sales during fiscal year 2015-16. In addition, the Lottery anticipates reaching $30 billion in transfers to education since 1988. Governor Rick Scott said, “We are working each day to ensure that Florida’s students have the resources and opportunities they need to get a great education so they can succeed in their future careers. I applaud the Lottery for their commitment to investing in education and look forward to seeing Florida’s students become the leaders of tomorrow.” “The Florida Lottery’s mission is to maximize revenues for the enhancement of public education. We are extremely proud to be able to transfer $1.66 billion to education this year as a result of having reached $6 billion in sales. This represents a 10.9% increase in transfers to education over the previous year, something all Florida students and teachers can celebrate,” said Florida Lottery Secretary Tom Delacenserie. “I want to thank our retail partners, loyal players and dedicated employees who work hard every day to ensure the Florida Lottery continues to be among the very best in the nation.” Over the past 28 years, the Florida Lottery has firmly established itself as a dependable funding source for public education, contributing more than $1 billion annually for each of the past 13 consecutive fiscal years. The Lottery’s commitment to corporate outreach and its effective business model focuses on the development of new revenue streams, creating a win-win partnership with its retailers and vendors, and benefitting Florida’s overall economy. Lottery transfers to education represent approximately six percent of the state’s total education budget, and are appropriated by the Florida Legislature and administered by the Florida Department of Education. flalottery.com

Must be 18 or older to play. Play responsibly. © 2016 Florida Lottery



Better Leaders. Better World.

Congratulates Bridget McKinney District Administrator, Miami-Dade County Public Schools Alumna, FIU Center for Leadership Principals Leadership Development Program, Class of 2015

2016 Top Black


The Center for Leadership at Florida International University congratulates Ms. Bridget McKinney on being named among Legacy Magazine’s Top Black Educator for 2016. Ms. McKinney is an alumna of The Center’s Principals Leadership Development Program and an outstanding champion for young people in our community. With and through her, The Center continues to equip Better Leaders for a Better World.


Executive Leadership Development by Leadership Excellence and HR.com






By: Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh


The Need for More African-American Male Teachers

Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh President and CEO Urban League of Broward County Educa�on is a key component of social-economic success in our na�on. However, gaining a quality educa�on isn’t so easy for many African-American children who end up in some of our lowestperforming schools. One way to change that is to a�ract more diverse, empathic teachers into our

school system so they can serve as good role models to our children and make educa�on more engaging, fun and prac�cal to daily life. More specifically, we need to recruit more African-American male teachers who can relate to our boys and girls and bring out the best in them in the classroom. The trouble is, only about 3 percent of America's public school teachers are African-American men. It’s a shortage well-documented by our na�on’s top educators, including former U.S. Secretary of Educa�on Arne Dunca through the Teach.org ini�a�ve. Duncan decried the lack of African-American educators, no�ng that when he was in charge of Chicago Public Schools, most of the students were African-American, but many schools lacked a single African-American male teacher. Na�onally, close to 16 percent of public-school students are AfricanAmerican, but the number of AfricanAmerican teachers, both male and female, is only 7 percent of the na�on’s teaching force. One study found that nearly 40 percent of public schools lack even a single

minority teacher. Many believe African-American male teachers can be more effec�ve at teaching young African-American men, who are more likely to struggle at school and are significantly less likely than their white counterparts to graduate from high school and college. A�er all, it makes sense that men who grew up in tough environments are likely to connect with youth who face similar challenges in school systems. Research conducted a decade ago found a connec�on between a teacher’s race and student performance. One study determined that African-American children randomly placed with African-American teachers showed more improvement than African-American children taught by white teachers. What researchers also found interes�ng is that African-American teachers educa�ng African-American children create bonds that resemble family connec�ons, support and common experiences. In Broward County, we could use many of these teachers for our schools and educa�onal programs. The Urban League of

Broward County’s School is Cool program could certainly benefit. It’s a school-based program designed to address the ABC’s (a�endance, behavior and coursework performance) for struggling middle school youth. Our program offers life skills, academic remedia�on, course correc�on, parent engagement and enrichment ac�vi�es with the intent of ge�ng the students back on track for gradua�on. While we have plenty of teachers capable of nurturing students in this and many other programs, African-American male teachers can offer empathy to students that is o�en based on their own first-hand experience. So let’s work to increase teacher diversity and create more opportunity for our students to succeed. The Baughtom Line: Our na�on needs to more African-American men leading our classrooms. They represent just 3 percent of teachers. African-American teachers can serve as indispensable male role models and offer unique insights into the challenges experienced by students of color.


By: Dr. Denise St. Patrick-Bell

The Importance of Non - Profits in our Economy

Dr. Denise St. Patrick-Bell To be tax-exempt under sec�on 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, “an organiza�on must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual.” The exempt purposes are charitable, religious, educa�onal, scien�fic, literary, tes�ng for public safety, fostering na�onal or interna�onal amateur sports compe��on and preven�ng cruelty to children or animals. The term charitable includes relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged; advancement of religion; advancement of educa�on or science;

erec�ng or maintaining public buildings, monuments, or works; lessening the burdens of government; lessening neighborhood tensions; elimina�ng prejudice and discrimina�on; defending human and civil rights secured by law; and comba�ng community deteriora�on and juvenile delinquency. Non-profit organiza�ons have always been a part of the landscape of the Black community. We benefit from the many social, educa�onal, and religious services they provide to improve our communi�es. However, I don’t think it occurs to many people how integral these organiza�ons can be to the overall func�oning of the economy. Several economic impact studies affirm the indispensable value of non-profit organiza�ons in any economy. Non-profit organiza�ons are businesses which in terms of day-to-day opera�ons run very similarly to for-profit corpora�ons. The jobs they provide help sustain the economy in the same way a for-profit organiza�on does. The nonprofit sector employs over 10.9 million people, or 10 percent of the workforce. Nonprofits’’ vast economic contribu�ons account for $805

billion, about 5.5% of the Gross Domes�c Product (GDP). Non-profits provide a source of employment for their employees. They require supplies, computers, internet and phone services, building materials, and u�li�es in order to operate. This generates revenue for the companies that manufacture and distribute these goods and services, thereby providing added economic s�mula�on. According to a report by John Hopkins University, employment in the nonprofit sector had an average annual growth rate of 2.1 percent from 2000-2010, a period in which the United States experienced two separate recessions. Conversely, for-profits saw employment reduced by 0.6 percent annually across those 10 years. The economic downturn “increased the demand for many of the goods and services provided by charitable organiza�ons.” Under President Obama funding opportuni�es for non-profits have increased significantly. As one who has spent over 20 years in the nonprofit sector, I recognize their social and economic value. I was also very happy

when the nomenclature changed from non-profit to not-for-profit, because so many, both inside and outside the nonprofit sector, believed that their businesses should not make a profit. All businesses need a profit stream to promote growth and innova�on. Star�ng a not-for-profit is �me-consuming but not difficult. Finding the resources to sustain it can be daun�ng without professional help but the resources do exist. Are you a changemaker? Do you have a voice for the people? If you have the passion, a vision, and a desire to make a difference, now is an excellent �me to be “Open for Business” as a not-for-profit organiza�on. We can help - from incorpora�on to capacity building to capitaliza�on and beyond. Are you ready to join the over 1.5 million organiza�ons of the not-for-profit community? Dr. Bell is the owner of GAICON LLC and a Principal in Global Strategic Partners Alliance, companies dedicated to the growth of the non-profit and small business sectors from concept to capitalization. For more information call 754.779-2204 or visit www.gaicon.net






BUSINESS REPORT By: Beatrice Louissaint


What Does It Take to be a Successful Entrepreneur? People, Partnerships, Performance and Profits

Beatrice Louissaint Having worked in economic development and with minority entrepreneurs for over 20 years, I have gained tremendous respect for business owners. They are the risk takers, innovators and job creators. Every day, I see firsthand the vital role that minority businesses play in shaping our economy. The most successful business owners focus on four core areas: people, partnerships, performance and profits. People – Smart business owners hire the right people who can help them achieve their business goals. They know


Stanley Zamor,Florida Supreme Court Cer�fied Civil/Family/County Mediator /Trainer & Qualified Arbitrator I was contacted by an individual who wanted to know how to pursue a claim against her former a�orney. She stated, “Last year I hired an a�orney to assist me with a sensi�ve business financial ma�er. We were in constant contact before I executed the retainer/fee agreement; and I paid a he�y retainer that would automa�cally replenish monthly. But a�er

that without an efficient, effec�ve and hardworking team they cannot achieve their entrepreneurial dreams and grow a great business. Partnerships – Partnerships are key to business success, whether they are with suppliers, bankers, business service providers, joint venture associates or strategic alliance partners. Partnerships allow companies to draw on exper�se they may not have – or need – in-house. A company can maximize its investment into its core competencies, while drawing on the best of other’s experience and exper�se. And, small businesses that grow exponen�ally are able to draw from the right partnerships in order to bid on and win larger projects. Performance – Well-run companies review their performance and evaluate how well they are mee�ng their clients’ needs. Also, they have a plan for growth and a strategy for long-term sustainability in the marketplace. When it makes sense, they invest in tools to improve that performance, and they con�nue to research what clients need and how the market may change. Profits – Companies measure success by

profitability. They have a clear, up-to-date, picture of pricing, expenses and sales – all of which are important factors in determining profitability. There is no greater measure of a company’s success than profits and its ability to con�nue to gain market share. A company that is not profitable is not sustainable. For a business owner to be successful, he or she must never stop learning and adap�ng. Successful entrepreneurs review their strategy at each stage of development and, when necessary, iden�fy the right advisors to help them map out their business growth. Are you a minority business owner looking to improve your people, partnerships, performance and profits? Make an appointment with the Miami MBDA Center to get access to capital, technical exper�se, advanced business consul�ng resources and innova�ve management services. October 3–7, the Center will celebrate Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week by hos�ng a series of workshops to help companies grow. To learn more about the services of the Miami MBDA Business Center, to a�end MED Week or to schedule an

“A�orney Fee Arbitra�ons: From Trusted Counsel to Lawyer-Client Fee Adversaries” the case was filed in court, I could not get a return phone call. I felt abandoned. I was only contacted, or assisted in court by paralegals, associates or hired “coverage a�orneys”. This went on for 6 to 8 months. When the lack of contact and a�en�on triggered a series of nega�ve hearings, I fired her and hired another a�orney. Now that my case is over, I want to recoup my ini�al retainer and the tens of thousands of dollars paid to my first a�orney. What are my op�ons?” Not being sa�sfied with an a�orney’s service is a common complaint and there are various op�ons. I inquired if she sought the advice of an a�orney so they can evaluate her damages and legal remedies. She refused; and stated that she does not trust a�orneys and contacted me for op�ons and alterna�ves. In response I told her a few of many op�ons are 1) file a case and li�gate, 2) private media�on, 3) contact the bar and if the other party agrees, apply to the Florida Bar Fee Arbitra�on Program. The following are highlighted excerpts from the “Consumer Guide to the Legal Fee

Arbitra�on Program” (contact the Florida Bar for the complete consumer guide): What is the Florida Bar Fee Arbitra�on Program? On April 6, 1989, in an effort to encourage the amicable resolu�on of growing lawyer-client fee disputes, The Florida Bar established a statewide fee arbitra�on program. The sole purpose of the arbitra�on program is to decide the fair and reasonable fees charged by an a�orney. Par�cipa�on in the program is voluntary. Consent by both par�es is required in order to par�cipate in the fee arbitra�on program. How Does Binding Fee Arbitra�on Work? Binding arbitra�on means that the involved par�es agree to accept the decision of the arbitrators who follow specific rules that are less restric�ve than the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. And depending on certain factors including the amount in controversy, the arbitra�on hearing will be either heard by a panel of three appointed arbiters or a single arbiter (contact the Florida Bar for specifics about the process).

appointment with a business consultant, visit www.mbdamiamicenter.com or call (305) 751-2907. Beatrice Louissaint is president and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC). The organization is the operator of the U.S. Department of Commerce Miami Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Center, which serves southern Florida. FSMSDC’s goal is to increase purchasing from minority businesses by government entities and corporations, while increasing minority business’s operating capacity through hands-on business assistance, training and access to technology and capital resources. Founded in 1975 in southern Florida (formerly named the Southern Florida Minority Supplier Development Council – SFMSDC) and expanded to cover all of Florida in January 2016, FSMSDC is one of 23 regional councils affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and Minority Business Enterprises in the state of Florida. To learn more about the FSMSDC, visit fsmsdc.org or call (305) 762-6151.

The arbitrator(s) will hear tes�mony from both sides and take evidence from which they will make a decision and issue an award. The only ques�on the arbitrator(s) will address is the “fair and reasonable value” of the lawyer’s services. Complaints about an a�orney’s conduct or possible ethical viola�ons should be filed through The Florida Bar’s Lawyer Regula�on Department. Is Retaining an A�orney for the Hearing Necessary? No. The goal and purpose of this arbitra�on forum is to resolve legal fee disputes quickly and inexpensively without having to hire an a�orney. If you have any questions, please contact the Florida Bar Fee Arbitration Program administrator at (850) 561-5719. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Civil/Family/County Mediator/ Trainer & Qualified Arbitrator. szamor@i-mediateconsulting.com www.i-mediateconsulting.com (954) 261-8600



By: Clarice C. Redding

Clarice Redding The year was 1996, and a�er another year of sub-par state tes�ng scores, peeling paint on the walls, and less than stellar learning materials, and a school at risk of losing its magnet accredita�on -- faculty and staff at West Riviera Magnet


The Gap

Elementary in Riviera Beach, FL didn't lose hope. This meant that we the students, didn't lose hope either. With a dedicated team of Black educators, administrators, parents, and community advocates -- the school eventually prevailed. My fondest memory at West Riviera is my first-grade teacher Mrs. Dorris Dennard. She had been teaching for over 25 years by the �me I was her student; and to my surprise -- she is s�ll teaching at West Riviera today -- almost two decades later. She embodied the strength, resilience, and dedica�on that goes into making a successful educator. Even more endearing, she was dedicated to upli�ing and empowering Black students from urban communi�es; students like me, students like her. As the years went by, I graduated from West Riviera, and have since then completed high school, college, and graduate school -- successfully. While I have had dozens of teachers, professors, and educators since Mrs. Dennard, I can honestly say that she le� the greatest imprint on my educa�onal journey thus far.

I'm sure that many of us have met a Mrs. Dennard somewhere on our educa�onal �meline, and s�ll value their wisdom, encouragements, and push to thrive. But with that being said, I wonder if the next genera�on will have the same experience? The public school landscape is star�ng to look a lot different than it did twenty -- or even ten -- years ago. Inner-city students are now coming face-to-face with educators from outside of their communi�es. While this in and of itself isn't an issue, it begs the ques�on: where have the Black teachers gone? In a study conducted by the ACT, the number of high school students planning to become educators has significantly diminished within the last four years. The study states that in Florida, 81% of high school students took the ACT in 2015; but only 3% of those students were pursuing a degree in educa�on. Among those surveyed, less than 5% of those students were African American. What's responsible for the shi�? It could be the emergence of lucra�ve careers in the STEAM field and the push for


more African Americans to grab hold of these careers, or it could be that students have lost confidence in Florida's public educa�on system. Or, it could be the fact that a large majority of students who obtain degrees in the state of Florida, take their talents out of state, where they may have chances of making more money. Whatever the reason, the trend of more students of color op�ng out of teaching jobs, means that there is an increasing gap between Black educators and Black students. Less than 1/3 of Palm Beach County's educators are African American, while it is projected that nearly 45% of Palm Beach County students are Black. With the projected loss of Black educators entering the field, it is uncertain whether or not predominantly Black schools will have predominantly Black teachers within the next decade. While we are uncertain as to what the future of inner-city educa�on will be tomorrow, we can take �me today to celebrate and honor the legacy of our Black educators.

Academic Solu�ons Academy Charter High School -A College Preparatory School Making a Difference in the Lives of At-Risk Youth

By: Soulan Johnson

“These doors are always open to those who wish to learn.” president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. According to the Florida Department of Educa�on since 1996, the number of charter schools in Florida has grown to more than 652 schools with an enrollment topping 269,000 students during the 2015-2016 academic school year. The charter school movement is built on the premise that lower-income parents have a choice to send their children to academically stronger schools instead of under-resourced and underperforming schools just because it is the closest one to

them geographically according to Anya Kamenetez, npred: Learning and Tech. Charter schools are very popular and among the fastest growing school choice op�ons in Florida. Largely because they are free to innovate and o�en provide more effec�ve programming for more diverse groups of students. For these aforemen�oned reasons, Academic Solu�ons Academy (ASA), an Accredited Charter High School, was established in Fort Lauderdale, FL in 2011. Their goal is to provide students ages 15-21, with an innova�ve alterna�ve op�on of obtaining a high school diploma, while becoming self-mo�vated individuals, compe�ng in secondary or postsecondary educa�onal opportuni�es. What Does ASA DO? Diagnose Instruct – Monitor Academic Solu�ons Academy (ASA), acts as a net to reach those students who have previously been unsuccessful throughout their high school years. Diagnose -ASA screens all students and pinpoints needs down to their sub-skill level.

Instruc�on - ASA Teachers create an ac�on plan and deliver individualized instruc�on for all students. Monitor- ASA monitors the progress of each student in all grade levels and classes. They use real-�me data for frequent student assessment as an essen�al part of the process. Students receive blended instruc�on u�lizing individualized one-on-one, small group, whole group and direct instruc�on which allows students to work at their own pace for a faster track to gradua�on. Students can prepare for a barrage of tes�ng/assessments including: FCAT, FSA, EOC’s, ACT and SAT. Over the past few years, ASA has helped students earn credits they lacked and return to their home school for gradua�on. Nevertheless, some students remain and graduate with ASA. ASA maintains a gradua�on rate which far exceeds the rate of the alterna�ve school’s industry gradua�on average of 7%. Furthermore, all of ASA graduates are a�ending colleges, in the military or part of a voca�on/trade school. ASA has partnered with the Infinite Scholarship

Program, a Na�onal Scholarship Fair. ASA students have received more than $106,000 in scholarship funds. ASA also hosts an annual fundraiser to provide all our graduates with scholarships upon gradua�on. ASA prides itself on crea�ng partnerships in the community to provide our students with ample opportuni�es for college admission, scholarships, voca�onal cer�fica�ons and employment. According to Principal Andrew Kinlock, “I am passionate about the young adults we serve. And it is my job as an educator to afford students a be�er quality of life through educa�on, college and career prepara�on.” Here at ASA we make that happen for our Phenomenal students. If parents are looking for a more structured, controlled environment and a quality education, ASA has open enrollment Mondays - Fridays at its Sunrise and Commercial Campuses. Call today for a tour at (954)572-6600 or visit ASA’s website at WWW.ASACharterSchools.org. “Where Tomorrow’s Dreams begin Today”




BlackPagesMiami.com aims to Strengthen South Florida’s Black Economy

By: Zach Rinkins

Fabiola Fleuranvil When Fabiola Fleuranvil le� South Florida, she was a 17-year-old student seeking a college educa�on and her piece of the America Dream. Upon returning nearly a decade later, the Miami-na�ve was armed with an MBA and experience in Tallahassee and Atlanta, but, says she felt an important element missing. “Like many others who return home, felt a disconnect and a lack of a social and cultural fit,” recalls Fleuranvil, CEO of Blueprint Crea�ve Group, a marke�ng and branding agency. “I wanted to make Miami

Iwork, and I knew that if I wanted to be successful here both in my professional and personal life, there would have to be an effort to organize and connect other Black professionals and entrepreneurs.” Fleuranvil and fellow FAMU alumnus Edwin Sylvain created the South Florida HBCU Alumni Alliance and launched the monthly 1st Wednesdays HBCU/Black Alumni Networking Social as a pla�orm to organize Black professionals from various local HBCU alumni chapters, Greek sorori�es and fraterni�es, and professional organiza�ons for purposeful networking and to increase visibility and influence. “I’ve seen people meet their spouses through First Wednesdays. People have developed friendships, business rela�onships, and professional contacts,” she says. "And, even if it is just once a month, Black professionals can come to get support and realize that there are other Black professionals in South Florida just like them." She coupled these efforts and leveraged technology to create BlackPagesMiami.com along with Miami-Dade Black Affairs Advisory Board (BAAB) and Miami-Dade Economic Advocacy Trust (MDEAT) in collabora�on with the South Florida HBCU Alumni Alliance, Miami-Dade Chamber of

Commerce, and the Young Professionals Network of Miami. The site emphasizes collec�ve empowerment and the importance of s�mula�ng the local Black economy. "First you have to organize people, and then you can mobilize them to support Black-owned businesses," she reveals. "In South Florida, we don't have many specially designated places for Black entrepreneurs and professionals. With this free pla�orm, we can organize beyond boundaries, geography, and diaspora." Flueranvil gave Legacy Magazine an exclusive interview to highlight the value of BlackPagesMiami.com LM: Why now? FF: “We've needed this for a while, and this is nothing new since the BAAB has been prin�ng its Black World Guide for years. The tagline for BlackPagesMiami.com explains the guiding principle – ‘Suppor�ng our own, expanding our wealth, and growing our community.’ Within the Black community, we need to support our businesses even more, as our businesses tend to be under-resourced and with significant dispari�es in contrac�ng opportuni�es. It’s up to us to s�mulate the Black economy so that we do more than survive, but to also thrive.”

LM: What's the best way to use this directory? FF: “It's easy to use the directory to search for Black-owned businesses throughout the tri-county area - Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach - and also to search by keyword and category. As a community pla�orm, we're also crowdsourcing submissions from the public. Anyone can submit, at no cost, any Black business that you know of at www.BlackPagesMiami.com/submit. Each lis�ng provides business informa�on, social media page links, contact informa�on, and customer reviews. LM: What's the process for becoming listed? FF: The owner or the public can submit businesses as long as at least one of the owners is a member of the Black Diaspora (i.e. African-American, Hai�an, Jamaican, Bahamian, Trinidadian, African, Afro-La�n, etc.). This is about suppor�ng the cultural fabric of the Black community, and we want representa�on from the en�re Diaspora. You only need to register and create a login or submit by logging in via Facebook. Discover more at www.BlackPagesMiami.com

Northeastern Nigeria: The World’s Most Neglected Humanitarian Crisis

By: Audrey Jaynes

Almost two and a half years have passed, and the majority of the 276 girls abducted from a school in Chibok, northern Nigeria, by the ISIS-allegiant terrorist group, Boko Haram—spurring the #bringbackourgirls hashtag and short-lived interna�onal outrage—are s�ll missing. “Many people don’t know that,” says Emmanuel Ogebe, partner at the

US-Nigeria Law Group, a DC-based firm working to galvanize awareness and ul�mately create a roadmap for nego�a�ons for their return. Many people also don’t know that, for every one of the 276 abducted Chibok girls, hundreds of other Nigerian women and children have been kidnapped with almost no media a�en�on. Or that, just 7 months a�er the Chibok abduc�on, more than 400 mostly elementary school-age children were taken from a school in Damasak. Hundreds were killed in the crossfire, but there was no press conference, no release of names, no interna�onal outrage or even acknowledgement from the Nigerian government. Once kidnapped—the Wall Street Journal reports—children are taken to Boko Haram boot camps, where they learn to wield guns and machetes. They are o�en drugged before being sent in to kill the innocent. Girls are raped, their offspring indoctrinated with jihadist propaganda videos from birth. Toddlers are taught to play ‘suicide bomber,’ laughing and squealing as they rip open the bags of sand

strapped to their �ny bodies. Escape isn’t always a be�er op�on. A recent United Na�ons statement called the situa�on in the surrounding Lake Chad Basin “the world’s most neglected humanitarian crisis.” An es�mated 20,000 have been killed since the violence began in 2009, and a resul�ng 2.6 million have been displaced due to the total destruc�on of their villages and communi�es . Many of those displaced are living in camps, where the only access to food, clean water and healthcare must come through humanitarian aid. Doctors without Borders es�mates that 500,000 Nigerians are in need of food, and the World Health Organiza�on places the rate of severe acute malnutri�on at 14%. An es�mated 134 children in Borno state will die every day if the humanitarian response isn’t scaled up quickly. A Google image search loads a photograph of a starving toddler, his skin taught over protruding bones; another shows people scrambling, bowls raised, for a ladleful of food; in another we see crowds of somber faces which seem to

suggest a painful truth: that no one knows when the nightmare will end. But most of those affected by Boko Haram’s brutality remain faceless to us. There is an unfortunate discrepancy between the numbers—millions displaced; thousands upon thousands killed, kidnapped, raped, or starving—and the media response. To put it in perspec�ve: last January, when the news outlets were full of reports of the 17 killed in a terrorist a�ack in Paris, 2,000 had also been killed by Boko Haram in Baga, Nigeria. But there is also a danger hidden in these numbers—a danger of forge�ng the sacredness of just one life. We are reminded of that sacredness in a video of Esther, the mother of one of the kidnapped Chibok girls, which was recently released by Emmanuel Ogebe’s firm. In a dim room, speaking to a photograph of her daughter, Esther doesn’t bother to wipe away her tears: “Maida, you are my life. Maida, I want to see you. You should never forget that even if you die or are alive, you will never come out of my heart.”






ARTS & CULTURE By: Dr. Denise St. Patrick-Bell


The Old Dillard Museum: The Educa�on Con�nues

Staff and Board of Directors at Cannonball Adderley Birthday Concert Lifelong learning includes gaining knowledge about a people, their heritage, memories, culture and even buildings of historical significance. The Old Dillard Museum, built in 1924, was the first public school built for black children in Broward County. Prior to that �me “colored schools” held classes in private buildings provided by members of the community. When it opened, in 1925, the 10-room two-story building at the corner of NW 4th St and NW 10th Ave, had an inscrip�on over the front door that read “Colored School”. Black children were only allowed a par�al and split term school year so that they could be available to provide low cost child labor to local farmers by working in the fields harves�ng the crops. In the late 1980s, the building was boarded up and slated for demoli�on but

was saved and renovated through community ac�vism. In 1991, the building was listed on the Na�onal Register of Historic Sites and subsequently developed into a museum and cultural center. It is a historical landmark and an educa�on center operated by Broward County Public Schools. This year the Old Dillard Museum celebrates its 25th year on the Na�onal Historical Register. In commemora�on, Legacy interviewed Mr. Derek Davis, Museum Curator and noted African American Historian. Legacy: What is the Museum’s mission and what type of programming is developed to achieve it? Davis: The people of Fort Lauderdale were very proud of their contribu�on to the county and they believe they are s�ll contribu�ng. Their contribu�ons, talents, and pride are showcased at the Museum. We provide a mul�disciplinary venue for music, art, literature, history, and dance through enriching exhibi�ons, cultural ac�vi�es, and educa�onal opportuni�es to keep Black history alive for all genera�ons. Legacy: What value do you feel the Museum contributes to the community? Davis: The Black community is o�en

described as underserved but I see it more as underu�lized. One of my favorite quotes is from D. A. Dorsey. He felt that America was was�ng one of its greatest natural resources, by systema�cally not involving the black youth in mainstream ac�vi�es. The Museum allows them to see how their ancestors overcame this systema�c exclusion and found ways to get involved and make a difference as produc�ve and influen�al ci�zens. The Museum not only serves the African-American community in which it resides, but it provides a valuable educa�onal resource to all races and cultures so they can develop an understanding and apprecia�on for this rich heritage. Legacy: How does the Museum maintain its posi�on of influence in the community?

Kids Room and African Village at Museum

Davis: As our ancestors did, we collaborate with other resources and form key partnerships with other organiza�ons, ar�sts, and writers which support and promote the African American and Caribbean communi�es. We are a village. In celebra�on, several community events are planned by the staff and the Board of Directors. “We celebrate a legacy of love and commitment to the past, present and the future. The Old Dillard Museum allows our children to learn about and embrace the success that we achieved during the fight for our Civil Rights and beyond.” says Patricia West, President of the Board. Events include: The recent Cannonball Jazz Concert Series with legendary drummer Louis Hayes November 5 African Wardrobe Fes�val December 15 Pre-Kwanza Concert February 4, 2017 Cannonball Jazz Series: guest ar�st with Chris Dorsey and the DCA Jazz Ensemble AND MORE! The Museum is open daily and admission is free. For more information, call 754-322-8828 or visit www.broward.k12.fl.us/olddillardmuseum

What’s Happening in the City of Beauty and Progress!

It’s Right Here In Miramar™ is the perfect phrase to describe everything that’s happening in our City and why you’ll want to be a part of it! Comple�on of an�cipated projects like the Miramar Amphitheater at Regional Park, a 5,000 capacity outdoor music, art, fes�val and fair venue, Adult Day Care and Fire Sta�on 107 are sure to add to Miramar’s livability and boost economic development. Miramar is a city rich in diversity where cultural essence is represented from

around the world and celebrated! The City of Miramar’s Parks and Recrea�on department will present as part of its Culture in the Night Concert Series, the 4th Annual La�n Heritage Celebra�on in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Saturday, October 8, 2016 from 6pm-10pm at Miramar Regional Park located at 16801 Miramar Parkway. In conjunc�on with Na�onal Hispanic Heritage Month, the City of Miramar recognizes the contribu�ons and important presence of Hispanic and

La�no Americans to the United States. This is our fourth year of presen�ng this event and it gets bigger and be�er every year! You’re encouraged to come, meet, socialize and experience the sounds of La�n America with your families at this FREE event, Saturday, October 8th! Plans are in development for the return of Miami Funk Fest to Miramar Regional Park! Last year, Miramar Regional Park was host to more than 12,000 event a�endees for the first ever Miami Funk Fest. This year, a�endees will enjoy two (2) days of music from ar�sts such as R&B pla�num recording group Jodeci, Grammy Award winners TLC, Guy featuring Teddy Riley, Bell Biv Devoe, SWV and more Friday, December 9th and Saturday, December 10th. Visit www.funfes�our.com for more informa�on and updates. The holiday season is a special �me here in the city of Miramar. It’s the �me of year when we come together and share that which makes Miramar so “Right” for you and your family. The always an�cipated annual Holiday Ligh�ng at Town Center never disappoints. Each year

thousands gather to count down the ligh�ng of a 26� tree in front of City Hall. It’s FREE to the community and we look forward to ringing in this holiday season with you! For more informa�on, visit www.miramarfl.gov or call 954-602-3319. There’s so much more we have in store for you but you have to stay connected for all the latest happenings. Find out more by going to www.miramarfl.gov, click on “Community”, then About Our City and you will find our Calendar of Events or click on “Community Involvement” and you can see all of our Community News to find out what’s happening Right Here in Miramar!® Follow us on @ City of Miramar and @ ItsRightHereInMiramar on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!






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