2017 40 Under 40 Issue -Legacy South Florida

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South Florida

"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"





Editor’s Note

Ah, to be young, influen�al and Black. It’s a powerful combina�on. This issue of Legacy magazine celebrates a talented group of professionals who are leading the way in Broward and Palm Beach coun�es. They are poli�cians, entertainers, designers, chefs, journalists, entrepreneurs and tech experts, to name a few—all

of them 40 or younger. Each has a remarkable story of challenges, personal growth, triumph, success. Take George Odom, 35, who runs a private law prac�ce in Pompano. He grew up in a housing project in Jacksonville, never knowing his father. As he describes it, his mentors were thugs who sold drugs and stole cars. Of course, Odom’s childhood associa�on with criminals led to nothing good: juvenile arrests, school suspensions, poor grades. Thank goodness for second chances. A Black judge in Duval County, Florida gave a 17-year-old Odom an ul�matum: stay out of trouble or face �me in a youth deten�on facility. “A light went off that I had to do something different,” said

Odom, who’s now married with two children. Odom graduated high school, joined the Marine Corps (to learn discipline), then later a�ended the University of North Florida and the Florida Coastal School of Law. Now he’s proudly one of Legacy’s 2017 “40 Under 40”. “I’m just trying to change somebody’s life like the many people who changed mine,” said Odom, a recent member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., which he now turns to for mentors and role models. A�er receiving Legacy’s congratulatory le�er, many of the honorees (Odom included) reached out to me with pure excitement and humbleness. Ann Charleus, 37, founder of SheroRising.org wrote to me:

“I am passionate and commi�ed to empowering to leap and land on a founda�on in business. Entrepreneurship is the bread basket of innova�on and economic empowerment. I am privileged to be able to help entrepreneurs rise in business, break free and rise.” And that is the spirit we hope to evoke with this pres�gious award. The spirit of innova�on. Empowerment. Entrepreneurism. As the parable goes, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” We have high expecta�ons for this year’s honorees. And we’re certain this won’t be the last �me you hear about them. Russell Motley Editor-in-Chief Legacy Magazine


THAT SUPPORT US: BB&T Bank www.bbt.com Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development www.broward.org/econdev Broward County Public Schools www.browardschools.com/sdop City of Fort Lauderdale www.fortlauderdale.gov Florida Lottery flalottery.com Guardian ad Litem www.guardianadlitem.org Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino www.seminolehardrockhollywood.com Miramar Cultural Center www.miramarculturalcenter.org Wells Fargo www.wellsfargo.com On the cover and centerfold: This property is located on 7311 Meade Island Dr., Miami. New construction on Biscayne Bay with views of Miami Beach and downtown Miami. The property is 7,171 square feet, featuring seven bedrooms and six-and-a-half bathrooms. For more info, contact Chad Carroll, Executive Director of Luxury Sales of the Carroll Group, 305-400-9507.

Subscribe to and view the digital version of Legacy Magazine Facebook: Facebook.com/TheMIAMagazine Twitter and Instagram: @TheMIAMagazine #BeInformed #BeInfluential #Educa�onIssue CREDO OF THE BLACK PRESS "The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world away from racial and na�onal antagonisms when it accords to every person, regardless of race, color or creed, full human and legal rights. Ha�ng no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all hurt as long as anyone is held back."

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Dexter A. Bridgeman CEO & Founder Russell Motley Editor-in-Chief Zachary Rinkins Editor-at-Large Yanela G. McLeod Copy Editor Shannel Escoffery Associate Editor Md Shahidullah Art Director



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Legacy Florida’s 40 Under 40 Black Leaders of Today and Tomorrow for 2017 !""#$"%&'()*'#+#,%*"#!"%-#.()*)/0%1(231&4 5%6"&#*)#70)18)9#:#;</#=>#?@AB>#CDCE#;F Powered by SmugMug

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! " # ! " 2017 Work

% Vee Headshots


Lisa Lee Arneaud TV Host/ Community Outreach Programs Director Lisa Lee, Inc. State A�orney's Office 17th Judicial Circuit

Caleine Ajusma, M.Ed School Counselor The School District of Palm Beach County

Vania Bredy Owner/COO Bredy Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab, LLC

Horace Buddoo Mathema�cs Educator Gulliver Schools

Lorin Burke Financial Advisor Merrill Lynch

Ann Charleus, J.D. Founder SheroRising.org

Krystle Coleman CEO Midori Star Media Group

LaToya Davenport, MPA Director, Program Support Services Boys Town South Florida

Marcellus "Chello" Davis Host/Actor/Comedian Chello Works Inc.

Victor Demesmin, Jr., J.D. A�orney/Real Estate Associate/Mortgage Loan Originator/ Insurance Agent The Law Firm of Anidjar and Levine Demesmin Power Team

Santra Denis V.P. of Community Prosperity Catalyst Miami

Stephane Elias Founder & CEO E-nnova�ve Health

Basil E. Farrington II Chair, Adult Ed. Dept. Whiddon Rogers Educa�on Center SBBC

Darryl Forges Reporter NBC 6

Jimmy Haynie Branch Manager Wells Fargo

Ashleigh Hue Interior Designer GL Homes / Huesang Design Group

Rolanda Joanice, J.D. Senior Best Interest A�orney Guardian Ad Litem Program -Miami Dade

Vanessa Joseph, J.D. A�orney Catholic Chari�es Legal Services, Inc.

Peggy Laguerre, MS Community Liaison Sequel Youth and Family Services

Alain Lemaire Execu�ve Chef/Co-Owner Sensory Delights

Debbie Origho Manigat, M.S. Family Therapist Coach Debbie Meditates

Crystal Channel Mathis CEO/ Marke�ng Account Rep Press Release Marke�ng

Yolande McCray, MSN Execu�ve Director Julias Kids, Inc.

Bryant McKinnie Former NFL Star & President B Major Founda�on

Elizee Milhomme V.P. of Administra�on Na�onal Black MBA Associa�on - South Florida Chapter

Gregoire Narcisse Financial Advisor Northwestern Mutual

Angelita Nicolas Business Mogul The Hot Spot 813 Fashion Bou�que Physician Family Pharmacy & Mini Clinic

George Odom, Jr., J.D. Managing A�orney Law Office of George Odom Jr. P.L.

Andrew Palmer, MBA Managing Director Jencare Skin Farm & Day Spa

Jamala Pa�erson Health Engagement Partner Cigna

Adam Ramsey, O.D. Optometric Physician Iconic Eye Care

Sharna Reece Marke�ng Associate Mosaic Group

Gabriel Sheffield CEO & Owner Perspec�x Produc�ons

Stephanie Singleton-Williams, M.Ed. CEO/ Managing Member Superb Care, Inc. Trio Property Buyers/Trio Holdings LLC

Lasana Smith Digital Sales Manager Miami Herald excelerate Digital

Kristy Taylor, DHSc President & CEO Heka Healthcare Consul�ng, LLC

Jaunai Walker, M.B.A. Sales & Leadership Speaker/Trainer The John Maxwell Team

Eric Yutzy Anchor WPLG-Local 10

Joshua Fredenburg, M.Ed. Leslie Anne Frye-Thomas President / Na�onal Speaker Senior Execu�ve Crea�ve Director Vision XY / Circle of Change Leadership Reel Stories Crea�ve Conference






BCPS Offers Innovative Programs to Enhance Student Engagement and Learning

Education By Robert Runcie

As Superintendent of Broward County Public Schools (BCPS), it is with great pride and enthusiasm that I welcome you to the 2017/18 school year. We were excited for the first day of classes on August 21. Our innova�ve District schools offer incredible learning opportuni�es, and focus on ensuring all students are college and career ready. BCPS offers a wide variety of

Broward Mayor Report

By Barbara Sharief


programs to meet students’ interests and to help them develop a lifelong love of learning. We are engaging students in ways that mo�vate them to learn and excel including: rigorous academic courses, award-winning magnet and innova�ve programs, dual language programs to promote biliteracy and academic achievement, and chess for second grade students to develop their cri�cal thinking skills. We are reimagining educa�on with an emphasis on offering a variety of academic enrichment programs and elec�ve courses at every level. We know that technology is a cri�cal part of 21st-century learning. Our schools now have more computers and technology resources to support our students’ educa�on. Through the District’s SMART bond technology ini�a�ve, more than 83,300 new computer devices are now installed in our schools, bringing the District’s student-to-computer ra�o to an average of 2:1, an even lower ra�o than the original goal of 3.5:1. The installa�on of the new computers was completed ahead

of schedule and under budget – and the new computers are ready for students in 2017/18. BCPS con�nues to focus on technology in the classroom to support instruc�on by: ● Expanding our Digital Classrooms ini�a�ve, which provides personalized, blended learning environments with a one-to-one student-to-computer ra�o. Across BCPS, schools par�cipa�ng in this unique program will reach more students as the program grows to include addi�onal grade levels and classrooms. ● Increasing the number of schools offering the Global Scholars program to 19. This program connects BCPS students with their peers around the world as they share informa�on and learn about cultures and important global issues. ● Launching new opportuni�es for students to par�cipate in computer science courses. Beginning this year, middle school students at 24 schools can now take a high school level computer science course through our partnership with Code.org. Computer science courses, curriculum and

ac�vi�es con�nue to be offered at all of our schools. We are also honored to be selected for a grant valued at approximately $227,000 from the Robo�cs Educa�on & Compe��on Founda�on, and NASA. This grant will provide robo�cs equipment, materials, and teacher professional development for ALL District schools. During the 2017/18 school year, new robo�cs equipment and resources will enhance STEM+Computer Science (STEM+C) opportuni�es currently offered at 56 schools across the District, including elementary, middle and high schools. Students will have more opportuni�es to put their robo�cs skills to the test during local robo�cs compe��ons, with the grant funding their registra�on fees. This opens doors for students to use their computer science knowledge as they solve challenges, collaborate, and become cri�cal thinkers. I encourage you to learn more about our District and all that our schools offer by visi�ng our website at browardschools.com.

Entrepreneurship Provides Lessons in Business and Life

As aspiring entrepreneurs, we spend countless hours planning our strategy for entering the market in which we want to succeed. I entered the healthcare arena as a registered nurse in 1992 and set out on my own path to become self-employed. I had my fair share of ups and downs while working my way to true financial freedom. Many �mes, new entrepreneurs forget that unexpected swings can end their dream of success. When I started my home health company in 2001, I never imagined that both a hurricane and growing a business too quickly could jeopardize my success. The thing that pushed me through

was the amount of prepara�on I had done, and the rela�onships I built along the way. So, in wri�ng this column for Legacy Magazine, I wanted to impart a few insights to readers that may be of help as they move along their path. First, never underes�mate the power of believing in yourself! When people say you can’t, take a step back and figure out how you can. To help small businesses reach the road to success, I created and supported the Broward Means Business Ini�a�ve. We are determined to help aspiring entrepreneurs. If you have an idea, an exis�ng business, or are looking to reinvent a previous business, we can help. Also, the Broward County Office of Economic and Small Business Development offers seminars and classes that cover everything from business plans to budgeting and obtaining financing. We know that small business drives the economy. That is why Broward has an unemployment rate of 4.0 percent. Second, once your business plan and five-year projec�ons are out of the way, start thinking about how to reach your customer base. You can’t grow your business unless people know you exist! This is one of the main pi�alls I have seen for startups and many small businesses out there. When budgets are �ght, adver�sing

is o�en the first thing that gets cut. However, focused adver�sing is the key to growing your business. Entrepreneurs should spend �me figuring out what works best to build their clientele. Remember that rela�onships are important! All of my nurse colleagues and friends helped me when I started out. The reputa�on I made while working for others propelled me along the way. Third, expect the unexpected. Maintain your property and contents insurance because the� and hurricanes can strike at any �me. Fourth, once your business is up and doing well, remember re�rement. All too o�en, small business owners live off business profits and never invest in their own future. Think about inves�ng in your future and ensuring that a�er you sell your business or pass it down to your children or employees, you will be prepared for whatever you want to do next in life. Fi�h, everyone makes mistakes in business, so try not to be too hard on yourself. The key to making mistakes is not making too many of them. If you do, figure out a way to recover quickly. I know that may sound easier than it is, but it truly is that simple. Lastly, take �me for yourself, even if it’s one hour per day to read a book so you

can take your mind off the stress of running a business. This is important, so please do it! Take one day per week to regroup and rejuvenate. Working nonstop in a stressful situa�on may lead to poor choices and mistakes from which you may not be able to recover. Once you have gone the distance, reflect on where you have been so you can appreciate where you are. I know entrepreneurs can be their own biggest cri�c, but really appreciate yourself and pat yourself on the back for each milestone of success you reach. Also, never forget the sacrifices your family makes too as they support you. My children watched me struggle. They have also seen that when you combine hard work with perseverance, you will achieve success. I thank them every day for taking the ride of entrepreneurship with me. I am eternally grateful for my mother and my father who gave me the entrepreneurial bug and the founda�on to make good decisions. I wish each of you the greatest success and happiness in all that you do. I hope when you decide to start your own business that you choose to establish it in the very best County there is – Broward! Wri�en with the Spirit of Hope, Faith and Love!




Business Report

Black Community Needs More Millionaires; More Black Entrepreneurs Required

By Beatrice Louissaint

Entrepreneurship is the fastest way to build wealth in the black community. As children and young adults, most children hear from their parents, “Go to college and get a great job with benefits.” If 76 percent of self-made millionaires in the U.S. are entrepreneurs, why are parents encouraging kids to go work for someone else instead of becoming an employer? In

Politics By Chris Norwood

order for the black community to solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, crime, and inequality we need more black businesses. The wealthiest individuals in the world – people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet – are entrepreneurs who are changing our world. Rags to riches billionaires Oprah Winfrey and Bob Johnson are black entrepreneurs who have made their marks in entertainment. Johnson, the founder of BET, is now changing the hospitality landscape and inves�ng in businesses with his equity fund. Oprah is a mul�billionaire, philanthropist, and owner of several companies. Throughout black history, we have had examples of black millionaires. Most people know of America’s first black millionaire, Madame C.J. Walker, who made her millions selling hair products she developed in her kitchen. Lesser known is William Leidesdorff Jr., San Francisco’s wealthiest resident. In the 1880s, his holdings were

worth $1.5 million and would be worth $30 million today. He established one of the city’s first hotels, opened a general store and a lumberyard, and ran the first steamboat in San Francisco Bay. To be an entrepreneur, you need to be a risk taker and a visionary, to see opportuni�es where others do not. I want to encourage more black people to take the risk and think about innova�ve and crea�ve entrepreneurial endeavors they can start. The value of having more black-owned businesses cannot be overstated. Entrepreneurs create jobs, pay taxes, support charitable organiza�ons, change lives and upli� our communi�es in so many ways. Some do become millionaires. If you are thinking about star�ng a business or if you are already an entrepreneur who needs addi�onal resources or technical assistance, make an appointment with the Miami MBDA Center for a free 30-minute consulta�on session.

Whether you need access to capital, technical exper�se, advanced business consul�ng resources or innova�ve management services, the Miami MBDA Center can meet your needs. To schedule an appointment with a business consultant, visit www.mbdamiamicenter.com or call 305.751.2907. Beatrice Louissaint is president and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC), one of 23 regional councils affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and Minority Business Enterprises in the state of Florida. The organization is also the operator of the U.S. Department of Commerce Miami and Orlando Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Centers, which serve southern and central Florida. FSMSDC’s goal is to increase purchasing from minority businesses by government entities and corporations while increasing the operating capacity of minority businesses through hands-on business assistance, training and access to technology and capital resources. To learn more about the FSMSDC, visit fsmsdc.org. Learn about the Miami and Orlando MBDA Business Centers at www.mbdamiamicenter.com or www.mbdaorlandocenter.com, or call 305.762.6151.

Andrew Gillum and Dream Team to Energize Florida’s Democratic Base

In 2018, we will have the opportunity to elect the first African-American governor of Florida. Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee, is our only hope. Now is also the �me to have an African American at the top of the �cket so we can energize the base of the party and carry Democrats into the Florida Cabinet. The governor does not run Florida. It is run by the Florida Cabinet, which includes the: governor, a�orney general, chief financial officer, and agriculture commissioner. This is the only state in the union that governs this way. This is a ves�ge of Florida’s Reconstruc�on era

when delegates of the 1885 Cons�tu�onal Conven�on were convinced that an outsider could be elected governor, so they weakened the execu�ve office by co-sharing execu�ve powers with a Cabinet of state elected officials. In 2017, we have an opportunity to achieve what these men hoped to avoid, elec�ng Florida’s first Black governor. It’s only achieved, however, as a team. We need others to run for the Cabinet to help energize the core cons�tuencies of Florida Democra�c voters. Imagine this for a moment: Gwen Graham for a�orney general, Jeremy Ring for chief financial officer, and Darren Soto as commissioner for Agriculture and Consumer Services. Imagine that? The Democra�c candidates for the Florida Cabinet actually looking like the Florida Democra�c Party. Do we think that half of our party who are women would be excited about Gwen Graham being the chief law enforcement officer in the State of Florida? She is a former congresswoman from the panhandle, a place where we need more Democra�c ac�vism. She’s the daughter of former governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham.

Would Darren Soto leave Congress to become commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services? Well Adam Putnam did? Putnam rose to the third ranking posi�on in the U.S. Congress and resigned to run for agriculture commissioner in 2010. Darren Soto is Puerto Rican and loved by Democrats of Central Florida – a ba�leground area of our state. He should do as Putnam did, see the power and pres�ge of a Cabinet posi�on and go for it. Jeremy Ring is a former state senator, businessman, investor and one of the founding members of Yahoo. Ring is a Broward County Democrat from voter-rich South Florida. That sounds like a resume for chief financial officer for the State of Florida. Andrew Gillum is mayor of Tallahassee. He already knows his way around the capital. He is from Miami, was raised in Gainesville, and became a man, father and mayor in Tallahassee. This is the Dream Team that can excite the base of the party. Our governor and Cabinet race is less about the issues and more about voter outreach. Democrats historically have lost these elec�ons 16 out 17 �mes. Going forward, we should run candidates for governor and the Cabinet

that actually look like the Florida Democra�c Party. If we want to bring out our base (crucial in non-presiden�al elec�ons), let’s see its diversity in our candidates. Take a page out of the Republican playbook where their Cabinet represents specific cons�tuencies within their party. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam is a fi�h-genera�on ca�le rancher and citrus grower from Polk County (represen�ng the tradi�onal agricultural community of his party). CFO Jeff Atwater is a former banker (finance industry). A�orney General Pam Bondi is a former state prosecutor (law enforcement and a woman). These are key cons�tuency groups for any party. Gov. Rick Sco� represents business — Big Business! Meanwhile, 58 percent of Florida Democrats are women, 30 percent are Black, and 20 percent are Hispanic. One-third are from South Florida. If we want to turn the �de in Florida, Democrats simply need to be ourselves. We have a Dream Team in Gillum, Graham, Ring and Soto. We should be convincing our party that this is the only way to shi� the dynamic. That is my challenge and should be yours too.




The Baugh Report

Young Professionals Can Help in Fight to Prevent Spread of HIV

By Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh

Many of today’s young professionals are not just looking for rewarding jobs or to make a good living. They are also seeking opportuni�es to volunteer, serve in posi�ons of leadership, and get involved in

Fort Lauderdale CRA By Ann Marie Sorrell

meaningful causes. Here’s one cause that especially needs their a�en�on: pu�ng an end to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which has made an unfortunate comeback in recent years, par�cularly among racial and ethnic minori�es as well as gay and bisexual men. I hope our up-and-coming young leaders will join the Urban League of Broward County and the many other organiza�ons working with us to fight the various misconcep�ons about the disease – one being that the epidemic is over. In case you didn’t know, Florida has led the na�on in new HIV infec�ons in recent years. In fact, Miami-Dade and Broward were Nos. 1 and 2 in the U.S. in new HIV infec�ons per 100,000 residents in 2014, according to state and federal data. Since hi�ng a low of 4,512 new HIV cases in 2012, the number of new cases in Florida rose 18 percent in 2013 and 11 percent in 2014. According to experts, the reasons for the rate increase include a decreased fear

of dying from AIDS, rise in use of injected drugs such as heroin, and limited funding for safe-sex educa�on and disease preven�on programs. Let’s focus on awareness efforts, especially on this fact: 13 percent of those infected with HIV are unaware they are infected. The first step in reducing these numbers is to know your status. There are clinics in many areas, including Broward County, offering free tes�ng. HIV tests are also sold at drug stores, allowing anyone to take the test in the privacy of his or her home, with results available in just 20 minutes. For those who are not fond of needles, to prevent the need to draw blood this test uses a mouth swab to extract oral fluid in order to conduct the test. Those who are sexually ac�ve should be tested at least once a year. If you are engaging in any type of risky behavior, test more o�en. Also, stop engaging in risky behavior! This is where young professionals can play a big role.

From volunteering at community events to leading discussions on social media, young leaders can raise awareness about HIV and the importance of tes�ng. They can share their stories about tes�ng and open the conversa�on about safe sex. The more we as a community talk about HIV as part of wellness, the less in�midating it will be. So let’s tap the poten�al of our young professionals and raise our voices on this issue. As a community working together, we can put an end to HIV. The Baughtom Line: There are many ways we can fight back against the recent spread of HIV. One of them is ge�ng our young professionals involved. Encourage them to raise awareness about HIV by educa�ng their peers and colleagues about the importance of tes�ng and understanding that the disease is s�ll ac�vely being spread, especially here in South Florida.


Shoppes on Arts Avenue Trendy bars, art walks, co-working spaces, mul�-cultural tourism, and new development underway – all happening in the newly branded Fort Lauderdale Village District, which includes the Historic Sistrunk, Progresso Village, and Flagler Village neighborhoods. Young professionals and budding entrepreneurs can find plenty of reasons to drop anchor in the Fort Lauderdale Village District thanks to the efforts of the City of Fort Lauderdale Northwest-Progresso-Flagler Community Redevelopment Agency (NPFCRA). The agency has invested more than $10 million in new projects within the past 12 months, including $7 million in funding to Affiliated

Development for the SIX13 — a mixed-use development project featuring 142 apartment units and 8,300 square feet of ground-level retail space in Historic Sistrunk. Young Professionals can be inspired by the rich history of the area with a tour of the Old Dillard Museum; indulge at local eateries as new as Mellow Mushroom and The Brass Tap or legendary favorites Be�y’s Soul Food and Ivory’s Takeout; and par�cipate in signature events that include Flagler Art Walk, Sistrunk Fes�val, Food in Mo�on, Light up Sistrunk and more. The Fort Lauderdale Village District is just north of downtown Fort Lauderdale and has proximity to I-95, Florida’s Turnpike, the all new express train Brightline, cultural centers (Broward Center for the Performing Arts, NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, African American Research Library and Cultural Center), shopping, beaches, the Fort Lauderdale Interna�onal Airport, and more. In addi�on, young professionals will find that the Fort Lauderdale Village District is ripe for start-up companies and business expansion opportuni�es. Move-in ready spaces include:

Midtown Commerce Center, located at 033 Sistrunk Blvd, offers execu�ve office space from 500-700 square feet and retail bays with 1,100 square feet, ample parking, and secured access to the building. FATVillage (Flagler Arts & Technology Village), a 4-block art district located in Flagler Village, caters specifically to crea�ve businesses such as ar�st studios and galleries. It promotes emerging contemporary ar�sts and programming including exhibi�ons, performances and monthly art walks. Incorporated into the art district is FATVillage Venues, a more than 10,000 square foot indoor and outdoor space, perfect for hos�ng events. Avenue Execu�ve, located at 405 North Avenue of the Arts, offers office space at a frac�on of the cost of tradi�onal office or mee�ng space. Ameni�es include a professional business center recep�on area, private mee�ng rooms and furnished offices, conference rooms for small or large mee�ngs, state of the art audio, video, and teleconferencing, as well as free parking. General Provision, is a hip, co-working, produc�vity and innova�on space that inspires crea�ve professionals in an inclusive space of community, cra�, and

commerce. The design of five dis�nct sea�ng areas: The Commune, Coffee Bar, The Residency, The Hideaway, and The War Room, provides the community and general public with a collabora�ve and open-space concept they can call home. Shoppes on Arts Avenue, located at 540 N Avenue of the Arts (NW 7th Avenue), offers retail space for small and large retailers. Current retailers include Save-A-Lot, Family Dollar and Bank of America. Co-founders Phil Gillis, Josh Levi�, and brothers Chris and Jordan Bellus, all of whom are young professionals under the age of 40, will open Invasive Species Brewing, LLC, which will offer cra� beer on tap. The brewery, located at 726 NE 2nd Ave., recently received approval of $110,353 from the Fort Lauderdale CRA Board to renovate some of the 2,800 square foot interior and exterior, doing a li�le landscaping and comple�ng the five-barrel brewery system that will allow them to have unique, experimental and rota�ng styles of their ar�san beer cra�ing efforts. Visit www.fortlauderdalecra.com or call 954-828-6130.






Cover Story By Russell Motley, Legacy Editor-in-Chief Legacy South Florida’s 2017 “40 Under 40” honorees represent a broad range of experience, professions and backgrounds. From anchoring a local morning newscast (Eric Yutzy, 37) to teaching grade-school students how to solve algebraic equa�ons (Horace Buddoo, 38), these young men and women are making a notable difference in their respec�ve communi�es. Gregoire Narcisse, 22, is this year’s youngest honoree. The financial adviser at Northwestern Mutual in Fort Lauderdale is already strategizing his next career move. He ul�mately sees himself becoming an angel investor, providing capital for individuals establishing start-ups, and later becoming a venture capitalist. Narcisse wants to empower others to


Introducing South Florida's Black Leaders of Today and Tomorrow succeed. “I get such a spiritual high seeing other people succeed,” says Narcisse, who describes himself as a sports buff and a thrill seeker. “I’d be making money while helping people move their dream to reality.” Only one honoree marks their last poten�al year on this this ranking. Jaunai Walker, of West Palm Beach, turned 40 in August. The sales professional is introducing new challenges to the second half of her career. “I spent all of my 30s building other companies, so I will spend my 40s building my own company,” says Walker. Walker has launched Success Group, Inc., a personal and professional

development firm that helps revive start-ups and failing businesses. She is also a leadership coach and trainer with the John Maxwell Team, an interna�onally recognized organiza�on that specializes in leadership development, public speaking and life coaching. “When it comes to the corporate level, I feel I’ve been to the top,” says Walker. “I just want to reach back and help others to be successful.” Scanning the list of honorees, Adam Ramsey stands out, not just because he stands 6 foot 4. He’s a 31-year-old o ptometrist in Palm Beach Gardens who not only runs his own prac�ce, but designs his own eyewear line. “It’s not easy, but there’s a lot of passion

that goes into it,” says Ramsey. “I’ve curated a collec�on of frames that have so much charisma, style and funk.” Legacy’s list of the most influen�al Blacks under the age of 40 includes familiar names, like comedian Marcellus “Chello” Davis, 34, who hosts Lyric Live at the Historic Lyric Theater, and lesser known influencers like Rolanda Joanice, 32, a senior “best interest” a�orney who represents the interests children in contested family law proceedings. As the saying goes, age ain’t nothing but a number. And that par�cularly holds true when taking a closer look at how much this exclusive list of professionals has achieved in such a short �me in their lives.






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Entrepreneur By Cristin Wilson


Krystle Coleman Finds Life as Celebrity Publicist Rewarding

31-year-old Krystle Coleman, who has worked with an impressive mix of celebrities, says the majority of her business is due to referrals. Thirty-one-year-old Krystle Coleman, owner of Midori Star Media Group, s�ll remembers the look on the face of her roommate who overheard the then 20-something Coleman say something unexpected to their boss. “On Friday, I couldn’t enjoy my weekend because I knew Monday was coming,” Coleman said. She and her roommate were both working at an Atlanta PR firm cranking out

press releases when their boss called Coleman in and threatened to decrease her pay. Before she realized it, Coleman said she had quit her job. Thinking back, Coleman recalls she only had enough money in the bank at the �me to cover one month’s rent. She immediately shi�ed into hustle mode. While in college at Florida Memorial University, Coleman interned with Slip and Slide Records, home to Miami mega rap stars Trina and Trick Daddy. A�er gradua�on, she worked part �me for the rap duo, which is what she credits for her start in celebrity public rela�ons. “I studied a lot,” Coleman explained. “During my spare �me I was always researching celebri�es and agencies.” But that was not the hallmark to her success. Coleman says she never stops working. Her day starts as early as 5:45 a.m. Before the sun is up, Coleman reaches out to editors she wants to target for her clients, and reads and returns emails. “I keep it moving,” Coleman interjected. “I just do the work. I emailed every cast member of ‘Love & Hip Hop-Atlanta’ one night. I didn’t go to sleep un�l the next morning.”

She admits her success comes at a price, but says she loves it. “I’m out the shower half wet because I’m afraid I’m going to miss a call,” shared Coleman, who jokingly said she “doesn’t have a life.” Coleman’s father, A�y. Kenneth Coleman, said he never worries about his daughter who he described as driven and an entrepreneur at heart, just like him. “I’m surprised at the speed that she’s going,” her father said. “She’s remarkable and I love it. I tell her to keep going.” And she says she has no plans to slow down. Coleman has worked with an impressive list of celebrity clients including Jagged Edge and Rick Ross. She has also had success with star athletes such as Carmelo Anthony and Thomas Jones, whom she helped with branding she said translated into huge payoffs. “Ninety-nine percent of my business is referral,” Coleman explained. “I know it’s not me. I just have faith.” Coleman currently represents reality television star Lil’ Scrappy, who is featured on VH1’s “Love & Hip Hop-Atlanta.” “There are literally no two days that are the

same,” she added. Kenneth Coleman praised his daughter saying, “She’s dedicated to what she’s doing. She is a very unique, if I can say that, young lady.” As far as what’s next, Coleman said she plans to open an event warehouse in Detroit, which is where she calls home. She is also looking forward to hiring more people to work in the various segments of her company. Coleman added she would love to work with the Own Network or Queen La�fah’s Flava Unit.

31-year-old Krystle Coleman said she anticipates expanding her business in the near future.

South Florida Author’s Suspenseful Novel Makes Amazon's Bestseller List By William Hobbs Spirits, sex, and secrets – novelist Simone Kelly of Hollywood, Florida brings all three together for the suspenseful novel Like a Fly on the Wall. “I love finding connec�ons between things most people shy away from," says Kelly, a former Legacy Magazine “40 Under 40” honoree. “The result always reveals things we tend to take for granted.” Kelly’s debut novel recently made Amazon’s bestseller list to rave reviews. Deco Drive anchor Lynn Mar�nez said she struggled to pull away from Like a Fly. “I can't put this book down,” she wrote. “It's intriguing!” During a 10-city book tour, Kelly gushed over the news of the Amazon.com designa�on. She said what she finds most sa�sfying is the humorous and steamy novel’s effect on its readers. “It’s opening up the minds of people in regards to intui�on, demys�fying thoughts on being psychic,” she explained. “Many people can relate. A�er reading the book people are not afraid of their own intui�ve gi�s.” Like a Fly revolves around Jacques, a

penned books for handsome, which she drew all of Moroccan-born, the illustra�ons. Her mindreading intui�ve mother then made who uses his talents to copies for her to sell steer clients to clarity at school. in their lives as he Such insight has struggles for the same developed into the in his own. The novel visual medium as well is set primarily among for Kelly who the pastel, directed a steamy picturesque, palm promo�onal video tree-lined locales of South Florida. In fact, Legacy Editor-in-Chief Russell Motley purchases for the novel that is making quite a s�r on Miami becomes a an autographed copy of Simone Kelly's latest social media. “I’ve character itself along novel at the South Florida Book Festival at the enjoyed ge�ng my with Kylie, one of a African American Research Library and Cultural feet wet with the Jacque’s gorgeous and Center, July 22, 2017. project as a director,” sharp clients. Both she shared. “This helps with the transi�on Jacque and Kylie find themselves of ge�ng the story to unraveling mysteries that threaten not television.” only their love lives, but their very The disparate elements of Like a Fly are iden��es as well. reflec�ve of Kelly’s wide array of interests. A marke�ng guru who has worked with In addi�on to wri�ng novels, she is CEO of HBO and dot-com startups, Kelly said she Own Your Power Communica�ons, Inc., an believes she was des�ned to be a Internet radio host and producer, and successful writer. As a third grader, she

intui�ve life coach. Best-selling novelist Donna Hill, author of My Love at Last, and What Mother Never Told Me, admired Kelly’s approach, saying, “She has cra�ed a modern-day hero who breaks the mold of the tradi�onal archetype and a heroine that is sure to be his match.” Although Like A Fly is as humorous and fast-paced as the author, it simmers with enough sensual heat to knock out the power in downtown Miami. Rela�onships are tested at every turn with the danger and excitement of the possibility of another. The big take away in Kelly’s Like a Fly is that no ma�er how a person may meditate, pray, or hide in their apartment, the heart’s demand for passion will s�ll find ways to surprise and astound even the most intui�ve and well-inten�oned. “The spiritual side of Jacques is a lot of things that I have experienced,” says Kelly, who likens the narra�ve to her intui�ve talents. “The story, like all of my work, celebrates how complicated, connected and gi�ed we all are.”


Riviera Beach CRA By Ann Marie Sorrell


Riviera Beach CRA Offers $40,000 in Grant Funds for Commercial Property Improvements

The Riviera Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (RB CRA) is introducing a new Commercial Grant Program that supports two enhancement ini�a�ves: the Property Improvement Incen�ve Program, and the Beau�fica�on Incen�ve Program. Both programs are focused on elimina�ng blighted structures within the CRA boundary and incen�vizing commercial property owners to make improvements, which will improve the

By Zach Rinkins


overall aesthe�cs and value of commercial proper�es in Riviera Beach. “These programs are an important tool for helping our local property owners to upgrade and make improvements to their commercial proper�es, enhance their small business opera�ons, and provide addi�onal local jobs” said Sco� Evans, interim execu�ve director. The Property Improvement Grant Program provides commercial property owners financial assistance to improve the external appearance of their proper�es. Commercial property owners can receive up to $40,000 in grant funds, based on a $1 private for every $4 in public match criteria, for the exterior renova�ons, restora�ons, and rehabilita�on, as well as the landscaping of their property. Eligible improvements include: paint, shu�ers, signage, awnings, canopies, fencing, pa�o, deck restora�on, parking restora�on, ADA enhancements, and more. The Beau�fica�on Grant Program provides commercial property owners up to $4,000 in grant funds for the property’s

external improvements. This program allows owners to receive 100% funds toward the cost of pain�ng, landscaping, and/or pressure cleaning of an exis�ng building. The Commercial Grant Program is for commercial proper�es located in the RB CRA district, excluding residen�ally zoned proper�es. All work must be done in compliance with applicable City of Riviera Beach Building Codes and Land Development Regula�ons. Commercial property owners can apply for financial assistance in the first round of applica�on review if they submit completed applica�ons by October 31, 2017 to Riviera Beach CRA, located at 2001 Broadway, Suite 300, Riviera Beach, FL 33404. The RB CRA will launch the Commercial Grant Program with two informa�onal sessions scheduled for August 23, 2017 and September 9, 2017. Both sessions will be held at the Marina Event Center, located at 190 13th Street, Riviera Beach, FL 33404 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The RB CRA, mul�ple winner of state

awards by the Florida Redevelopment Associa�on, seeks to promote redevelopment by providing capital investment funding and programs that help improve property values, enhance the city, and improve residents’ quality of life. The RB CRA, located at the heart of the transforming district, has also been able to provide funding and finance assistance to a wide variety of new and improved real estate projects. In previous years, the RB CRA’s Grant Incen�ve Program has provided nearly $1 million to more than 24 local businesses. These grants allowed for more than 87,000 square feet in building renova�ons, created more than 120 Full Time Equivalent (FTEs) jobs, including approximately 44 FTEs jobs by small businesses grantees, and provided financial counseling to businesses through the agency’s outreach efforts. For more information about the Commercial Grant Program or to learn about the Riviera Beach Community Redevelopment Agency, visit www.rbcra.com or call 561.844.3408.

New Book Equips Students with Tools to Maximize College Experience

A recent Georgetown University study, �tled “What’s It Worth? The Economic Value of College Majors,” affirmed something several of us already knew. Many students are gradua�ng from college with crippling debt and are not achieving the economic security or upward mobility they hoped for. “Many people are frustrated with the fact that they go to college and nothing seems to happen,” observed Anthony Carnevale, Ph.D., a GU economist and lead author of the study. “They don’t appear to do much be�er economically than people that didn’t go to college.” I Am College Material! Your Guide to Unlimited College, Career, and Life Success (Australia Publishing) was wri�en to help reverse this trend by empowering college

students with informa�on to help them avoid becoming one of the 22 million Americans who Wall Street Journal reveals cannot repay their student loans. This life skills manual includes insight from several experts who weigh in about prevalent challenges college students face during their academic pursuits. The comprehensive guide, designed to equip students with tools to maximize their college experience, covers everything from registra�on to gradua�on. Three of several topics featured in the book include: selec�ng majors with growing economic prospects, a need for parental support, and rela�onship management. The Georgetown University study provided median salaries of popular majors pursued by African-American college students: Early Childhood Educa�on ($36,000), Human and Community Services ($38,000), and Public Administra�on ($42,000). Conversely, African-American students’ Asian counterparts were more likely to pursue fields such as Computer Engineering ($80,000), Electrical Engineering ($90,000), and Pharmacy Pharmaceu�cal Sciences ($108,000). This reality, coupled with the number of

African-American students who stay in college longer and finance their educa�on using student loans, contributes to growing economic dispari�es and cultural wealth gaps prevalent in the United States. “Being in the wrong fields can cause you to make much less money,” offered Carnevale. “The fact that discrimina�on exists is not debatable. In the end, one way you can beat it [discrimina�on] is by choice of major.” CEO of the United Negro College Fund, Michael Lomax, Ph.D., added that parental support can also make the difference between student frustra�on and gradua�on. The former Dillard University president explained that many of our children have been underserved by the public educa�on system, leaving some students underprepared for college success. “Parent can’t drive up, drop their child off, drive away, and expect to pick up a college graduate four years later,” Lomax said. “There is a myth that the college experience is one that students must navigate on their own. That is not the case. Parents must be ac�vely engaged in the experience of their college students.” Mental health experts also contribute to

the book’s focus on life success by explaining that psychological and mental stability are key factors that affect students’ achievement throughout their college journey. For example, they maintain some freshmen cannot contend with losing their sense of place, may experience brain-chemistry and hormonal changes, and may o�en use roman�c rela�onships to create new iden��es, which can have adverse implica�ons. Makola Abdullah, Ph.D., president of Virginia State University, agrees with the mental health experts’ assessment of the impact roman�c rela�onships can have on students. “This, hands down, is the No. 1 complica�on for college students,” emphasized Abdullah, who explained a failed rela�onship can be devasta�ng for some students, causing physiological and academic challenges. “I think students invest too much �me and energy into rela�onship management and trying to change themselves to meet someone else’s expecta�ons,” he con�nued. “Students are here to learn what they may like or prefer from a rela�onship perspec�ve, but not to necessarily get married or to have an incredible rela�onship.”



Arbitration/Mediation By Stanley Zamor

Client: “Greg, if you would have be�er advised me of the extensive cost of this li�ga�on I might not have let it go this far, but now I am so financially commi�ed I have to see it through, even though it may bankrupt me.” A�orney: “Although you are heavily engaged in li�ga�on, now that you are at media�on you have a real opportunity to reduce further expenses while reaching an resolu�on you create.” Unfortunately, this was a real statement made by a plain�ff expressing


Why Mediation May Cost Less Than Litigation his frustra�on to his a�orney. The media�on ended and resulted in a se�lement three hours later. The Real Cost of Li�ga�on We live in a great country where our legal system, although not perfect, is available to those who choose to use it. So how expensive is li�ga�on anyway? Um, although the ini�al cost of a civil suit varies depending on the lawyer you choose and the type of case, it is not unusual for either party to spend nearly $100,000 in a conten�ous business law suit. How? Well, a brief example can be illustrated based on taking the deposi�on of five people who are poten�al witnesses: ● A�orney’s replenishable retainer of $5,000 - Used for ini�al costs, filing, and commencing discovery of the lawsuit ● A�orney’s fee of $300 per hour: Charged for research and prepara�on related to five, eight-hour witness deposi�ons: ○ $300 x 8 = $2,4000 ○ $2,400 x 5 = $12,000 Further consider the cost of travel and deposi�on transcripts, usually $1,000 each

○ $1,000 x 5 = $5,000 Other basics li�ga�on costs include (but are not limited to) hiring expert witnesses; research and study of reports, analysis or other projects ordered by the court; a�orney hourly fees; copy fees; computer legal research services; secretarial and paralegal fees; external consultants and specialist fees; private inves�gator; electronic discovery maintenance; trial demonstra�ve aids, and more. The Truth Is Real Unfortunately, even though our civil li�ga�on system is considered to be the best in the world, it is costly. The rewards, if any, are some�mes too far delayed to enjoy the benefits. This is why media�on is available and courts encourage par�es toward media�on early as an alterna�ve to trial. In many areas of the law, such as Condo & Home Owners Associa�on cases, you must mediate before you li�gate. The Cost of Media�on Contrary to li�ga�on, media�on cost frac�ons less. Media�ng before you file a lawsuit can save you tens of thousands of dollars. The compara�ve math is:

● Typical mediator fee: $300 per hour for five hours ● Cost is shared between involved par�es That means $1,500 and you are done! If you have an a�orney, add the cost of their �me too. Regardless, your cost can be under $3,000 and you would have reached a resolu�on that you created and controlled. When you li�gate you triple that cost for an uncertain outcome. Hmmmm…Make a business decision. You have op�ons. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit/Family/County Mediator & Primary Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company. He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying and family/business relationships. szamor@i-mediateconsulting.com www.i-mediateconsulting.com www.LinkedIn.com/in/stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600

Career Leadership Development By Mary V. Davids

When feeling undervalued at work is frustra�ng, looking elsewhere for employment is a reasonable op�on to consider. However, star�ng over can be stressful too, especially if you like where you work. Studies show most people quit before

Asking for a Raise Requires Confidence, Strategy and Preparation even a�emp�ng to ask for a raise because asking makes them feel uncomfortable. Instead of spending the next six months at your new company a�emp�ng to prove you were a good hire, here is what you can do: Focus on the company. It is never a good idea to compare the difference between what you and your co-workers earn. Instead, focus on how the company can benefit from your experience and the quality of your work. When you start discussing what is fair and unfair, condi�ons can quickly turn nega�ve with you ending up on the losing end. Make sure the �me is right. Even if you think you are worth it, try not to ask for a raise when your company is downsizing or laying-off employees. If you work for a larger organiza�on, avoid asking for a raise around performance review �me because they tend to have a pre-planned ceiling in place. Asking for a raise is easiest to do a�er you have finished a successful project

or increased revenue somehow for the company, such as improved sales or landing a new client account.

Even if you think you are worth it, try not to ask for a raise when your company is downsizing or laying-off employees. Iden�fy your value, and then tell the story. If you do not know how to clearly ar�culate your value, it cannot be measured in compensa�on. Finding out what the industry pay rate is for your posi�on is important, but it is equally important to explain how you have contributed to the organiza�on while in your posi�on. The best way to get your boss to listen is to talk in terms of Return on Investment (ROI) when asking for a pay increase. Your boss wants to know why you

deserve more pay and what they should expect to get in return if they decide to grant your request. Get your qualita�ve and quan�ta�ve data in order before you set the mee�ng. Rehearse! Do not let the mee�ng with your boss be the first �me you are asking for a raise. Even though you cannot predict what he or she will say, knowing your talking points are important to keep you focused on delivering the right message. Stumbling over your words can be disastrous and interfere with your ability to clearly ar�culate your worth. Nego�a�ng your salary confidently means you need to deliver a clear and concise message when providing informa�on to support your argument. Mary V. Davids is an executive Career & Leadership Development Coach and Owner of D&M Consulting Services, LLC. For career tips and advice visit www.marydavids.com or email info@marydavids.com.



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Millennial By Clarice C. Redding

Community Service: The Cost for Breaking Into Black Leadership

Palm Beach County is ever-growing into a popular hub for budding Black professionals and Black-owned businesses. Within the decade, we have seen the rise of companies such as Trindy Gourmet, Suits for Seniors, The Mosaic Group, and E-nnova�ve Health Solu�ons – all begun and sustained by ambi�ous owners of color – half of whom are Millennials. We have also seen the birth and evolu�on of various member organiza�ons and community groups designed to nurture

By Zach Rinkins


and develop a Black entrepreneurial spirit. The Urban League Young Professionals (ULYP) of Palm Beach, led by Peggy Laguerre of Sequel Youth Services, has emerged as the organiza�on of choice for many African-American Millennials, ages 21-40, who are seeking to not only build their professional network and sharpen their skills, but to serve their community as well. Palm Beach Young Black Progressives, led by Jervonte Edmonds of Suits for Seniors, is set to premier in December 2017 with the intent of keeping our communi�es of color informed about hot-bu�on legisla�ve issues, as well as to train and promote Black progressive leaders who may have an interest in serving through public office. With the help of these businesses and groups, along with independent social entrepreneurs such as Adam Ramsey of Kings & Queens Socialites, Palm Beach County is now crea�ng spaces for young professionals to flourish, placing them in the same arena as their sister coun�es – Broward and Miami-Dade – in terms of professional growth and urban enrichment. Palm Beach County’s professionals of

color are also unique in the sense that they double as agents of change in their local communi�es. The Urban League Young Professionals of Palm Beach logged more than 230 community service hours for the 2016-2017 calendar year – hours that were accumulated by members who perform acts of service on a local level for non-profits and charitable organiza�ons within the community. Aside from that, ULYP also hosts their own service opportuni�es to support youth, educa�on, and financial empowerment. “Our goal is to make sure that our outreach projects are serving the needs of our community first before we branch out and assist other organiza�ons,” said LaToya Davenport, second vice president of ULYP Palm Beach. So it appears that there is no shortage of leadership and leadership poten�al among young professionals in Palm Beach County. The age-old ques�on is how does one enter into this environment? It is no secret that in every social group there is a ve�ng process for gaining entry. In this group of entrepreneurs, socialites, and professionals entry comes with a price – a sincere and dedicated commitment to

community service. “Character will take you where greed can’t,” said Chauncey Graham, legisla�ve liaison to ULYP Palm Beach and aide to Florida Sen. Jeff Clemens (D-Lake Worth). It is true that many Black leaders in this county paid their dues by pu�ng in countless hours of unselfish service, o�en with very li�le recogni�on for their efforts. The volunteering, however, does eventually pay off when current leaders begin to recognize these familiar and eager young faces. These leaders then take them under their wing to groom for leadership. But what becomes of those young individuals with demanding jobs and inflexible schedules; those who do not have the �me or energy to dedicate to service projects? Not assuming a leadership role is impossible in the future, but it will be much more difficult for an “unknown” to step into the scene, especially when community trust has not yet been built. Breaking into Black leadership in Palm Beach County will cost �me and service, but as Sen. Bobby Powell, Jr. (D-Palm Beach) – member of ULYP Palm Beach – always says, “A life of service is the life that counts.”

Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers Empower Abused, Abandoned, Neglected Youth

Imagine yourself as a child waking one night to a domes�c alterca�on between your parents. You leave your bed to inves�gate the details. Your father is throwing an object at your mother. You jump in the way to protect her. She runs for cover. The object hits then cuts you. This situa�on was not fic�on for Natasha Minzie. “I was in the foster system since I was four-years old and aged out of it when I was 18,” shared Minzie, now 32. Minzie was one of the more than 33,000 children who, according to Court

Appointed Special Advocates for Children (CASA) data, are in Florida’s foster care and family court system. Minzie explained that during her childhood she endured many challenges including surviving an unstable household, coping with a sibling’s death from AIDS complica�ons, and finding another sibling’s body inside a pool. “As I grew older, I no�ced that I did not have a normal childhood,” she remembered. “I was the oldest child. I had to be more responsible, compassionate and nurturing. I went through 13 different foster homes.” Minzie says having a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteer brought hope and support to her life. “Having a guardian made a difference in my life,” Minzie reveals. “They helped by assis�ng my case worker. My mother died and my father was not consistently following the case plan. My guardian helped terminate his rights. They made sure I a�ended school and got the proper treatment through counseling and services.” There are 21 GAL programs across the state aimed at empowering voiceless

children. Florida’s GAL program is a network of professional staff and volunteers. “GAL was established 36 years ago to create a support system through the children’s court,” shared Rona Sco�, GAL’s volunteer recruiter with the 11th Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade). “It advocates for the best interests of children who are removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect.” According to CASA, 25,000 abused and neglected children benefi�ed from having an advocate last year. Conversely, 6,700 children are wai�ng for a GAL volunteer to help them find a suppor�ve permanent home. Sco� said this disparity fuels her and her Broward County counterpart’s recruitment efforts. “Nearly 50 percent of our children have a guardian,” explained Kerry-Ann Brown, GAL’s volunteer recruiter with the 17th Judicial Circuit (Broward). “We would like to see 100 percent representa�on.” Brown noted that children with guardians earn higher grades, are less likely to be moved to different foster homes, and benefit from having consistent champions

advoca�ng on their behalf. With nearly 50 percent of the 3,000 children removed from Miami homes being African American, Sco� emphasized the importance of having more Black volunteers to help children coming from the city’s Black community. “The court appointed GAL with the responsibility for 80 percent of those cases,” Brown explained. “Unfortunately, in Miami, we only have 17 percent Black volunteers, with 13 percent being women and 4 percent men.” Minzie, now a celebrity stylist and GAL volunteer, said giving back to the program that made a difference in her life is a priority. “Self-esteem affects children,” said Minzie, who offers free back-to-school and prom services to children in the GAL program who meet grade and conduct requirements. “I was once in their situa�on. I wanted to help build their self-esteem. I wanted to give back." GAL offers many service opportuni�es including non-case support, case-based volunteers, financial and in-kind dona�ons. Discover more about the program at www.GuardianadLitem.org.



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Profiles in Leadership By Cristin Wilson

Miami Interior Designer Set to Launch Home Décor Line

Ashleigh Hue said she is excited to soon launch her own home decor line. Now 31, the successful interior designer is set to release a line of home décor products this year. “It’s always been a passion of mine,” she said. Huesang Home Collec�on will have a dis�nct look, which Hue describes as exo�c and in demand. The vegan collec�on features custom décor of faux animal skins

Forget endless posters of pop stars and boy bands. When Ashleigh Hue was a kid, her bedroom featured artwork on the walls, an eclec�c array of mirrors, and a design theme. “I was very up-to-date with the home décor,” remembers Hue, who recalls frequently upda�ng the design of her adolescent space.

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and furs. A graduate of the Art Ins�tute of Ft. Lauderdale, Hue also has a day job in addi�on to her business. She spends several days designing between four to five spec homes a week on the West Coast for GL Homes. “It’s like a dream job,” she explained. The Sunrise resident said her job is a lot of work, but she loves it. Hue spends her free �me in and out of fabric stores on both coasts, primarily in Miami and Los Angeles. She puts on a comfy pair of shoes, laces up, grabs a coffee and gets to it. She knows what she wants. “Any room can be saved,” Hue advised. “If you don’t know what to do, get some throw pillows and a rug.” Hue’s best friend Mimi Pericles sees firsthand how hard she works. “She can take an empty home and with her touch turn it into a palace,” Pericles admired. About a decade ago the two met when Hue was modeling pieces from Pericles’ swimsuit line.

Any room can be saved,” Hue advised. “If you don’t know what to do, get some throw pillows and a rug.” “Knowing her throughout the years and how she put her heart and soul into it, I knew it was going to happen for her,” added Pericles who said she plans to be one of Hue’s first customers when the home décor line goes live online. Pericles has her eye on a navy blue suede pillow she said is a must have. “I tried to steal it, but she caught me,” she said of the pillow that is part of Hue’s spring collec�on. Hue said it has all been very exci�ng, flying between both costs and working with a manufacturer in New York. “I was scared at first,” the designer shared. “It was very nerve wrecking, but I’m doing it now.”

FITCE Offers Passport to Business Possibilities

The Greater Fort Lauderdale/Broward County Conven�on Center will transform into an interna�onal marketplace designed to fuel economic growth and promote cultural exchange during the 2017 Florida Interna�onal Trade and Cultural Expo (FITCE). This marks the third �me Broward County will welcome local and interna�onal companies for a unique opportunity to engage high level government leaders, interna�onal trade experts, and foreign delega�ons to par�cipate in dialogues rela�ng to interna�onal trade, foreign direct investment, and culture. FITCE is scheduled for October 17-18. Admission is free and you can register online at www.eventbrite.com. FITCE 2017 expects to a�ract 200 interna�onal businesses, 400 local businesses, mul�-cultural global trade representa�ves from over 35 countries and government leaders from around the globe. The organizers a few confirmed prizes for par�cipants who check in by 8 a.m. on both days. Day 1 Prizes Skyview Airport Lounge & VIP Club is sponsoring a free one-year membership (covers the member and one guest) for

Travelers Concierge Services to the Bahamas via Skyview VIP Travelers Club. The package includes roundtrip chauffeur airport transfers, discounted accommoda�ons, dining and ground tours at selected accommoda�ons, restaurants and sites throughout the Bahamas. It also features full access for one year to selected VIP airport Lounges throughout the Bahamas. The drawing �me is 2:40 p.m. in the Presenta�on Room. The Belize American Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a four day, three night stay for up to four people at Belize Resort. The drawing �me is 3:55 p.m. in the Presenta�on Room. Day 2 Prize Emirates Airlines is sponsoring two economy round trip �ckets from Fort Lauderdale to Dubai. The drawing �me is 2:40 p.m. in the Presenta�on Room.

In addi�on to the incredible sponsored prizes, the valuable connec�ons, insights, and opportuni�es FITCE affords par�cipants are the ul�mate assets. Expo programming will consist of two days of panels, workshops, networking and special events focusing on explora�on of new economic opportuni�es around the world with interna�onal businesses, government officials, consuls general, bi-na�onal chambers of commerce, and key speakers from other countries. FITCE Programming includes Panel Discussions and Seminars - such as the '11 Steps to Expor�ng - A Roadmap to your Expor�ng Success' and 'How to Import' Doing Business with the World! Business opportuni�es presented by foreign government officials, ambassadors,

consuls general, trade commissioners and/or leaders of bi-na�onal chambers of commerce represen�ng over 35 countries NEW! Speed Matchmaking with Country Representa�ves - Meet one-on-one with governmental officials, ambassadors, consul generals, trade commissioners and/or leaders of bi-na�onal chambers of commerce for over 35 countries The World Expo - visit and network with local and interna�onal exhibitors B2B Matchmaking Services - service offered by the Global Trade Chamber to match your business with buyers and suppliers Former Presidents Luncheon and Economic Engines Panel & Interna�onal Trade Awards - organized by the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce Networking Cocktail Recep�ons / Cultural Experiences, and much more!

FITCE aims to help entrepreneurs sell products and services to international businesses from over 35 countries; network with international delegations, consulates, trade commissioners and bi-national chambers at Doing Business World (World Expo); and learn about the 11 Steps to Exporting, How to Import, How to Get Financing and more! Find out more information at www.fitcExpo.com




Legacy Briefs FMU taps Hobbs as chairman of Humani�es Department Florida Memorial University recently appointed William Hobbs, Ph.D. to chair its Humani�es Department William Hobbs, Ph.D. within the School of Arts and Sciences. The department confers undergraduate degrees in literature, communica�ons, languages, religion, and philosophy. A McKnight Fellowship recipient, Hobbs earned a bachelor’s degree at Florida A&M University and his master’s and doctorate degrees from Florida State University. The new chairman said he aims to, “promote literature of the Diaspora,” and help “make FMU more of an integral part of the highly compe��ve educa�onal landscape in South Florida.” Hobbs is author of North of the Grove, a novel about a young black male and his mentor. YWCA of Greater Miami-Dade names Kerry-Ann Royes CEO The Board of Directors of YWCA of Greater Miami-Dade, an organiza�on that focuses on racial jus�ce and Kerry-Ann Royes civil rights, women’s empowerment and security, and women’s health issues, concluded an execu�ve search process that resulted in the eleva�on of a familiar leader. Kerry-Ann Royes, a 20-year social sector veteran, rose to the top of the pack and was named chief execu�ve officer. The Florida Atlan�c University MBA alumna served in various senior management roles within YMCA of Broward County and YMCA of South Florida. Royes also founded Arrow Consul�ng. She is a member of the Na�onal Nau�lus Advisory Board Ocean Explora�on Trust. Black PR Wire’s new online church directory promotes ministries Calling all churches and ministries! Black PR Wire, one of the na�on’s largest Black news distribu�on wire services, is

launching a church directory and wants to include you. An online resource booklet, the church directory will allow churches throughout the na�on to promote their ministries and services. Black PR Wire touts the directory as “a great opportunity for churches to increase visibility.” It also enables faith-believers to discover a church home online. The directory will be available star�ng October 2017. All lis�ngs are free of charge. For more informa�on, visit blackprwire.com or call 1-877-BLACKPR. Cupcake Galleria opens second loca�on in Broward Mall

Cupcake Galleria launched its second eatery inside the food court of Broward Mall located at 8000 W. Broward Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. A�er a two-year run in its flagship store at 6947 S�rling Road in Davie, owner Chair Flanders said the expansion was prompted by a desire to open doors of opportunity. The new loca�on will offer exclusive flavors such as Strawberry Moscato and cupcake a la mode, as well as gluten free and vegan cupcake op�ons. It will also feature galleria staples like Smores cupcakes, Blue Velvet, Pink Lemonade, Lemon Blackberry, White Chocolate Coconut, Orange Creamsicle, Chocolate Nutella, and Monkey Business (banana/ chocolate) among others. For more informa�on, log on to www.thecupcakegalleria.com. Sonshine Communica�ons promotes from within Erica Brown is the newly appointed associate crea�ve director and senior graphic designer at Erica Brown Sonshine Communica�ons, a leading na�onal public rela�ons firm. In this new role, Brown is responsible for managing crea�ve design,

graphic design services, and crea�ve packaging. Sonshine Chief Bernade�e Morris notes, “Erica o�en veers away from the norm and strives to develop products that are extremely innova�ve and out of the box. She is a valuable asset to our team.” A graduate of the New York Ins�tute of Technology where she earned her master’s degree, Brown is a 15-year Sonshine staffer who receive recogni�on from the American Adver�sing Federa�on and the Academy of Interac�ve and Visual Arts. Palm Beach County Bar Associa�on elects A�orney Baker-Barnes 95th president The members of the Palm Beach County Bar Associa�on recently elected Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes as its 95th president. A�orney Baker-Barnes is the first African-American female to serve in this role. The Florida State University College of Law-trained barrister prac�ces personal injury, medical negligence, and product liability case law as a shareholder of Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, PA. One of her signature accomplishments was a $20 million verdict against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. She served as an intern in Florida governor Lawton Chiles’ Execu�ve Office of Communica�on and is a recipient of the Na�onal Bar Associa�on’s Presiden�al Award. AARLCC pilots $1.1 million STEM-oriented youth project The Na�onal Science Founda�on awarded a $1.1 million-grant to a collabora�on that includes Space Science Ins�tute's Na�onal Center for Interac�ve Learning (NCIL), the University of Virginia, and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).The collaborators will use the grant to develop and implement a three-year study called Project BUILD (Building Using

an Interac�ve Learning Design). The African-American Research Library & Cultural Center (AARLCC) will serve as one of two pilot sites. The project team will engage youth (grades 2-5) and their families with librarians and professional engineers in an informal learning environment with age-appropriate, technology-rich STEM learning experiences fundamental to the engineering design process. AARLCC’s Lisa Jackson says, "Project BUILD will enable young people in our community to realize that STEM is indeed within their reach." Meet Jayda Washington-Boothe, emerging magazine mogul, and community servant At just nine-yearsold, Jayda Washington-Boothe of Weston is on pace to be a future Legacy Magazine “40 Jayda Washington-Boothe Under 40” honoree. The 4th grader at Manatee Bay Elementary is the founder of JAWmazing Kids, a non-profit organiza�on that encourages children to be more produc�ve and successful instead of spending hours at home playing video games. The outspoken Jayda spreads her message everywhere to kids, from schools to churches. The honor roll student is involved with the Miami chapter of Black Girls Code. In addi�on, she’s one of the youngest members of her school’s robo�cs team, where she has trained to code robots to perform specific tasks. “I want to build a super cool robot that could transform into things like cars, boats, or airplanes,” says Jayda. Currently, Jayda is working on several apps including one called PandaPad, which will offer kids mo�va�onal �ps. Jayda is a chess champion who also enjoys dancing, coding games and wri�ng children’s books. She says thanks to her mother, Annejeane�e Washington; she has learned the importance of volunteering. Jayda assists at a local food bank as part of the Dare to Care Ministries at the Faith Center in Sunrise. Follow Washington on Twi�er @JAWmazingKids. To be considered for Legacy Briefs, please email your professional promotions, appointments and announcements to Editor-in-Chief Russell Motley at rm@miamediagrp.com.




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