2017 40 Under 40 Issue -Legacy Miami

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"Providing News/Information and Connecting Florida’s Black Affluencers and Influencers"




Editor's Note

Ah, to be young, influen�al and Black. It’s a powerful combina�on. This issue of Legacy magazine celebrates a talented group of professionals who are leading the way in Miami-Dade. They are poli�cians, entertainers, designers, chefs, journalists, entrepreneurs

and tech experts, to name a few—all of them 40 or younger. Each of them has a remarkable story of challenges, personal growth, triumph, success. Take Richard Way III, 28, a financial adviser at Merrill Lynch. As a kid, he thought football would be his meal �cket. A few sports-related injuries while playing at Miami Carol City Senior High School, however, nixed that plan. Enter the Black Male College Explorers program for high schoolers at Florida Memorial University (FMU). It showed him what his future, through academics and hard work, would look like. A�er gradua�ng from FMU with a business degree, Way said something resonated with him


while a�ending the MBA program at Florida A&M University. He described it as a movement of young, hungry Black business students who opened his eyes to a mul�tude of op�ons and possibili�es. “Not only is it possible, but it’s possible at a young age,” said Way, a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., which he credits for helping reach manhood. As a millennial, Way is taking charge. He’s founder of Urban Miami, an online directory connec�ng Black professionals with local cultural and entertainment events. If that’s not enough, Way is now forming a music produc�on company, Wisemen Music Group, to discover diverse new talent in

South Florida. Now he’s proudly one of Legacy’s 2017 “40 Under 40.” “If you’re not in the right circle, you’re not in the circle of progression,” said Way. This is the spirit we hope to evoke with this pres�gious award. The spirit of innova�on. Empowerment. Entrepreneurism. As the parable goes, “To whom much is given, much will be required.” We have high expecta�ons for this year’s honorees. And we’re certain this won’t be the last �me you hear about them. Russell Motley Editor-in-Chief Legacy Magazine


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Legacy Miami’s 40 Under 40 Black Leaders of Today and Tomorrow for 2017

Kodra Ables, R.N. Senior Registered Nurse UM-Miller School of Business

Sarah Gracel Anderson CEO The Candy Girls Gourmet Sweets

Loreal Arsco�, J.D. Assistant City A�orney City of Miami Gardens

Petra Brennan Mul�cultural Tourism & Development Sr. Manager Program Development GMVCB

Juana Bethel Crea�ve Director Jali Crea�ves, LLC

Christopher Caines Interim Program Director/Miami John S. and James L. Knight Founda�on

Dionne Cargill Director of Marke�ng Miss Jessie’s

Quincy Cohen Administra�ve Officer Miami-Dade County-CAHSD

Derrick Corker Director, Parks & Recrea�on City of North Miami

Shawn Davis, MBA Director, Black Male College Explorers, FMU

Sommer Celeste Davis President/Assoc. Publisher Synergy Marke�ng & Outreach The Gospel Truth Magazine

Juan Diasgranados Public Affairs Manager Miami-Dade County Correc�ons & Rehabilita�on

Ashley L. Eubanks Founder The Beauty Ini�a�ve Inc. Help Her, period

Pedro Gassant, J.D. A�orney Holland & Knight, LLP

Hon. Andreana Jackson Commissioner North Bay Village

Joshua R. Jones, J.D. A�orney The Florida Personal Injury Firm

Erica Knowles Execu�ve Director Invest: Miami & Invest: Greater Ft. Lauderdale

Reginald Laroche Director, Community Development South Miami Hospital - Bap�st Health South Florida

Myya Passmore, M.S. Marke�ng Strategist Rubenstein Law, P.A. AYYM Consul�ng LLC

Bruno Phanord, Jr. Assoc. Execu�ve Director CEG of South Florida

Kenyona Pierre, MBA President U.S. Green Building Council Miami Branch

Hon. Ma�hew A. Piga� Commissioner City of Opa-locka

Lenora Porter Product Designer Live Ninga

Lee "Freezy" Prince CEO Interna�onal Music Group Strong Arm Management

Joaklin Raphael, MPA Sr. Development Officer Florida Interna�onal University

Shirley Plan�n, J.D. Director Miami-Dade County Community Rela�ons Board

Alexia Q. Rolle, Ed.D. Chairperson, Student Services Dept. Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Cisely Sco�, M.Ed. Assistant Principal, MDCPS Lenora B. Smith Elementary

Janeen Smith, M.S. Cer�fied Speech Language Pathologist Speechland Therapy Services, LLC/Owner

Jenifer Smith Marriage & Family Therapist Sex Solu�ons

Starex Smith, MPA CEO Hungry Black Man

Stephanie Smith Senior Public Policy Manager Uber Technologies

Rashad Thomas Assistant to the Deputy Mayor Miami-Dade County

Shannon Thomas CEO Miami Slush, Inc.

Toni M. Thompson Execu�ve Projects & Marke�ng Jessie Trice Community Health System, Inc.

Volma Volcy Execu�ve Director The Ring of Democracy

Nicole Washington Florida Educa�on Policy Consultant Lumina Founda�on

Richard Way III Financial Solu�ons Advisor Merrill Lynch

Elijah Wells Filmmaker & CEO Elijah Wells Films, LLC

RonChadd Wilkins Mechanical General Foreman Amtrak



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Politics By Chris Norwood


Andrew Gillum and Dream Team to Energize Florida’s Democratic Base

In 2018, we will have the opportunity to elect the first African-American governor of Florida. Andrew Gillum, mayor of Tallahassee, is our only hope. Now is also the �me to have an African American at the top of the �cket so we can energize the base of the party and carry Democrats into the Florida Cabinet. The governor does not run Florida. It is run by the Florida Cabinet, which includes the: governor, a�orney general, chief financial officer, and agriculture commissioner. This is the only state in the union that governs this way. This is a ves�ge

Arbitration/Mediation By Stanley Zamor

Client: “Greg, if you would have be�er advised me of the extensive cost of this li�ga�on I might not have let it go this far, but now I am so financially commi�ed I have to see it through, even though it may bankrupt me.” A�orney: “Although you are heavily engaged in li�ga�on, now that you are at media�on you have a real opportunity to reduce further expenses while reaching an resolu�on you create.”

of Florida’s Reconstruc�on era when delegates of the 1885 Cons�tu�onal Conven�on were convinced that an outsider could be elected governor, so they weakened the execu�ve office by co-sharing execu�ve powers with a Cabinet of state elected officials. In 2017, we have an opportunity to achieve what these men hoped to avoid, elec�ng Florida’s first Black governor. It’s only achieved, however, as a team. We need others to run for the Cabinet to help energize the core cons�tuencies of Florida Democra�c voters. Imagine this for a moment: Gwen Graham for a�orney general, Jeremy Ring for chief financial officer, and Darren Soto as commissioner for Agriculture and Consumer Services. Imagine that? The Democra�c candidates for the Florida Cabinet actually looking like the Florida Democra�c Party. Do we think that half of our party who are women would be excited about Gwen Graham being the chief law enforcement officer in the State of Florida? She is a former congresswoman from the panhandle, a place where we need more Democra�c ac�vism. She’s the daughter of former governor and U.S. Senator Bob

Graham. Would Darren Soto leave Congress to become commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services? Well Adam Putnam did? Putnam rose to the third ranking posi�on in the U.S. Congress and resigned to run for agriculture commissioner in 2010. Darren Soto is Puerto Rican and loved by Democrats of Central Florida – a ba�leground area of our state. He should do as Putnam did, see the power and pres�ge of a Cabinet posi�on and go for it. Jeremy Ring is a former state senator, businessman, investor and one of the founding members of Yahoo. Ring is a Broward County Democrat from voter-rich South Florida. That sounds like a resume for chief financial officer for the State of Florida. Andrew Gillum is mayor of Tallahassee. He already knows his way around the capital. He is from Miami, was raised in Gainesville, and became a man, father and mayor in Tallahassee. This is the Dream Team that can excite the base of the party. Our governor and Cabinet race is less about the issues and more about voter outreach. Democrats historically have lost these elec�ons 16 out 17 �mes. Going forward, we should run

candidates for governor and the Cabinet that actually look like the Florida Democra�c Party. If we want to bring out our base (crucial in non-presiden�al elec�ons), let’s see its diversity in our candidates. Take a page out of the Republican playbook where their Cabinet represents specific cons�tuencies within their party. Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam is a fi�h-genera�on ca�le rancher and citrus grower from Polk County (represen�ng the tradi�onal agricultural community of his party). CFO Jeff Atwater is a former banker (finance industry). A�orney General Pam Bondi is a former state prosecutor (law enforcement and a woman). These are key cons�tuency groups for any party. Gov. Rick Sco� represents business — Big Business! Meanwhile, 58 percent of Florida Democrats are women, 30 percent are Black, and 20 percent are Hispanic. One-third are from South Florida. If we want to turn the �de in Florida, Democrats simply need to be ourselves. We have a Dream Team in Gillum, Graham, Ring and Soto. We should be convincing our party that this is the only way to shi� the dynamic. That is my challenge and should be yours too.

Why Mediation May Cost Less Than Litigation Unfortunately, this was a real statement made by a plain�ff expressing his frustra�on to his a�orney. The media�on ended and resulted in a se�lement three hours later. The Real Cost of Li�ga�on We live in a great country where our legal system, although not perfect, is available to those who choose to use it. So how expensive is li�ga�on anyway? Um, although the ini�al cost of a civil suit varies depending on the lawyer you choose and the type of case, it is not unusual for either party to spend nearly $100,000 in a conten�ous business law suit. How? Well, a brief example can be illustrated based on taking the deposi�on of five people who are poten�al witnesses: ● A�orney’s replenishable retainer of $5,000 - Used for ini�al costs, filing, and commencing discovery of the lawsuit ● A�orney’s fee of $300 per hour: Charged for research and prepara�on related to five, eight-hour witness deposi�ons: ○ $300 x 8 = $2,4000 ○ $2,400 x 5 = $12,000

Further consider the cost of travel and deposi�on transcripts, usually $1,000 each ○ $1,000 x 5 = $5,000 Other basics li�ga�on costs include (but are not limited to) hiring expert witnesses; research and study of reports, analysis or other projects ordered by the court; a�orney hourly fees; copy fees; computer legal research services; secretarial and paralegal fees; external consultants and specialist fees; private inves�gator; electronic discovery maintenance; trial demonstra�ve aids, and more. The Truth Is Real Unfortunately, even though our civil li�ga�on system is considered to be the best in the world, it is costly. The rewards, if any, are some�mes too far delayed to enjoy the benefits. This is why media�on is available and courts encourage par�es toward media�on early as an alterna�ve to trial. In many areas of the law, such as Condo & Home Owners Associa�on cases, you must mediate before you li�gate. The Cost of Media�on Contrary to li�ga�on, media�on cost

frac�ons less. Media�ng before you file a lawsuit can save you tens of thousands of dollars. The compara�ve math is: ● Typical mediator fee: $300 per hour for five hours ● Cost is shared between involved par�es That means $1,500 and you are done! If you have an a�orney, add the cost of their �me too. Regardless, your cost can be under $3,000 and you would have reached a resolu�on that you created and controlled. When you li�gate you triple that cost for an uncertain outcome. Hmmmm…Make a business decision. You have op�ons. Stanley Zamor is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit/Family/County Mediator & Primary Trainer and Qualified Arbitrator. Zamor serves on several federal and state mediation/arbitration rosters and has a private mediation and ADR consulting company. He regularly lectures on a variety of topics from ethics, cross-cultural issues, diversity, bullying and family/business relationships. szamor@i-mediateconsulting.com www.i-mediateconsulting.com www.LinkedIn.com/in/stanleyzamoradr (954) 261-8600




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Miami-Dade Country Vice-Chairwoman’s Report

Affordable Housing: High Priority for Miami-Dade County Commission By Audrey M. Edmonson

government are met with challenges. Eachyear, dollars for homeless opera�ons and subsidies for building housing are further reduced, leaving local governments to think crea�vely and strategically plan for housing solu�ons. It is no secret that Miami-Dade County is one of the most cost-burdened places to live in this country. I have worked extremely hard to set the atmosphere for affordable housing to be built in my district so current and future residents can have new and reasonably priced places to live in both rentals and homeownership.

Crea�ng affordable housing opportuni�es in Miami-Dade County is one of my earnest goals. In well documented reports, the need for housing s�ll exists na�onwide. As homelessness soars and public housing wai�ng lists become overloaded, policymakers in our state and federal

It is no secret that Miami-Dade County is one of the most cost-burdened places to live in this country. Addi�onally, through Miami-Dade County’s infill housing programs we have an

I have worked extremely hard to set the atmosphere for affordable housing to be built in my district so current and future residents can have new and reasonably priced places to live in both rentals and homeownership. approved pool of developers building housing for homeownership throughout the county, crea�ng new, livable spaces for families. Through other contractual rela�onships with the County, we have worked with affordable housing developers to make apartment living seem less congested, more family friendly with many ameni�es, and close to viable modes of transporta�on. However, I realize there is

s�ll more to do. My colleagues and I are working toward including workforce housing in our efforts to address the housing concerns for those incomes somewhere in the middle. The County has added incen�ves and addi�onal funding to a�ract developers to build for this popula�on. There are no stones we will leave unturned while making sure there are reasonable next steps for developing an almost “ladder-system” to provide housing op�ons for all income levels and needs.

My colleagues and I are working toward including workforce housing in our efforts to address the housing concerns for those incomes somewhere in the middle.

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Profiles in Leadership

Miami Hip Hop Executive Provides Opportunities Through Youth Foundation

By Kallan Louis

“Freezy" Prince encourages the Miami Gardens Chiefs 7U football team of the Florida Youth Football League during a championship game. Lee "Freezy" Prince loves old-school rap. So much so, the manager of one of the world's most popular rappers on tour quoted another rap icon to describe his own humble upbringing. "I can't say birthdays were the worst days because then I'll be lying,” Prince paraphrased the Notorious B.I.G.'s classic song "Juicy." "Growing up on the streets of Miami, everyday was a fun day.” Prince, 39, is a music execu�ve who also manages rap star Tramar Dillard – be�er known as Flo Rida. The Miami na�ves’ rela�onship spans more than 15 years. From their days of unloading freight trucks full of

T-shirts, Prince recognized the rapper’s talent early on. In fact, Prince convinced Dillard to move back to Miami from the West Coast in pursuit of his goal of securing a record deal. A�er performing around the world and with more than 80 million digital music downloads, the duo formed the independent record label, Interna�onal Music Group Strong Arm. Their accomplishments include seven “Top 5 Billboard” singles – three of which reached No. 1: “Low,” “Right Round,” and “Whistle.” The music success alone makes Prince worthy to be named one of Legacy Magazine’s “40 Under 40,” but it is his commitment to youth locally and around the country that makes him stand out. IMG Strong Arm’s charitable work operates under the label’s founda�on Big Dreams for Kids Inc. According to an IMG Strong Arm rep, the founda�on serves 10,000 children in Florida, Texas, and California. Big Dreams for Kids is commi�ed to ins�lling honesty, loyalty, integrity, teamwork, discipline, sportsmanship, respect, leadership, trust and commitment in all par�cipants. Through Big Dreams for

South Miami Hospital congratulates the honorees of 40 Under 40 Leaders of Today and Tomorrow!

Kids Inc., Prince said he challenges young people to be be�er than he was at their age. Prince admits he was not always the most well behaved student, but growing up in Liberty City, he understood the importance of educa�on, which he felt was an escape for him. “Educa�on was an outlet for me,” Prince said in a statement to Legacy Magazine. “It was a place where I would learn tools for life.” With resources at his disposal, Prince said he is trying to make a difference in the lives of young people. The founda�on provides leadership programs for students who excel academically in the classroom and has hosted free local gospel concerts featuring the genre’s top ar�sts. Its most notable contribu�on is the Florida Youth Football League, which provides South Florida and California youth ages 5-15 the opportunity to par�cipate in youth football and cheerleading. The league’s objec�ves are to promote physical fitness, moral well-being, educa�on, American football fundamentals, gymnas�cs, dancing, and track and field in a compe��ve atmosphere. Established in 2011, FYFL is one of the more popular leagues in South Florida and

has gained support from music ar�sts and celebri�es including Luther Campbell, DJ Khaled, Kodak Black, Trina, Chris�na Milian, Be�y Wright and Snoop Dogg, who in 2014 partnered with the FYFL to host a charity game versus his league in Los Angeles. The FYFL has supported other youth football leagues as well. In 2016, it donated 120 uniforms to a Houston area youth football league that was allegedly scammed by a jersey vendor and never received their new uniforms. Prince’s involvement in FYFL is not only philanthropic. His son plays in the league as well. Prince’s passion is authen�c. The proud father can be seen before and a�er games mo�va�ng teams. Prince recalls not receiving the most posi�ve comments from teachers growing up. “At �mes my teachers (elementary and high school) would think they had Godlike abili�es and would tell me, ‘Lee you will be dead or behind bars before you turn 20.’ I'm thankful the powerful God I knew proved them wrong.” Visit http://site1560.goalline.ca/ to learn more about the FYFL.

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Cover Story


Introducing Miami's Black Leaders of Today and Tomorrow

By Russell Motley, Legacy Editor-in-Chief Legacy Miami’s 2017 “40 Under 40” honorees represent a broad range of experience, professions and backgrounds. From managing the fast-paced career of Grammy-nominated rapper Flo Rida (Lee “Freezy” Prince, 39) to offering folks professional sex therapy (Jenifer Smith, 32), these young men and women are making a notable difference in their respec�ve communi�es. Filmmaker Elijah Wells, 20, is this year’s youngest honoree. Although he’s entering his second year at the New York Film Academy in Manha�an, he has already wri�en, directed and produced four projects, including his latest short film “Se7en.” The drama�c comedy debuted at the Urban Film Fes�val in Historic Overtown in September. “It’s a blessing to know you don’t have to be older to do great things,” says Wells, who is working on several projects including rewri�ng a play and direc�ng a music video for rapper Romeo Miller. “Honestly, it’s a humbling experience to know my work is paying off.” Only two honorees mark their last poten�al year on this this ranking: Quincy Cohen, 40, an administra�ve officer with Miami-Dade County and Commissioner Andreana Jackson, 40, of North Bay Village. Jackson is the first Black elected to public office east of Biscayne Boulevard in Dade County. Now in her second term as commissioner, she says she’s pondering her future in poli�cs. In the mean�me, she takes pride in serving her community with projects such as ArtTech, an annual event that exposes children to art and technology. “I want to con�nue with my community service and build upon what I have done in my last two years as commissioner,” says Jackson. Cohen manages emergency-funded programs for residents in need of shelter, food and employment. In fact, during his interview with Legacy, he was in Miami Gardens working with FEMA as it helped people apply for assistance following Hurricane Irma’s devasta�on. Cohen says, as he enters his 40s, he has even higher ambi�ons. “I’m at a place in my life where I’m asking myself what’s next?” says Cohen, an ordained minister, recently named youth and young adult minister at Mount Sinai Bap�st Church in Miami. “How can I have a larger impact in the community I serve?” Legacy’s list of the most influen�al Blacks under the age of 40 includes familiar names, like food blogger Starex Smith, 34, who is also known as The Hungry Black Man, and lesser known influencers like Christopher Caines, 23, interim program director at the Knight Founda�on. As the saying goes, age ain’t nothing but a number. And that par�cularly holds true when it comes to how much this exclusive list of professionals has achieved in such a short �me.






Millennial By Gregoire Carter Narcisse

Loyalty. The dic�onary defini�on of the word is “giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or ins�tu�on.” I am 22 years old and when I look at my parents’ genera�on, the genera�on before them, and all the ones that preceded, loyalty remains one of the strongest moral concepts to which we cling with relentlessness. Loyalty to your loved ones, loyalty to your preferred brands,

Career and Leadership By Mary V. Davids

When feeling undervalued at work is frustra�ng, looking elsewhere for employment is a reasonable op�on to consider. However, star�ng over can be stressful too, especially if you like where you work. Studies show most people quit before


Millennials’ Professional Mobility Suggests Sign of Potential, Not Instability

loyalty to the company for which you work – wait let’s examine that last one. We have all at some point heard of how work used to transpire. You get hired as an entry-level employee at a company. Thirty years later you would have risen through every division, every rank, and later earned your beau�ful gold Rolex before you set out into the sunset. That was, simply put, the way it was. Allow me to be one who vehemently opposes this view point. I recognize it won’t be the most popular opinion, yet hear me out. Today, my genera�on has access to more opportuni�es than ever before, more connec�ons than imaginable, and an ability to acquire informa�on faster than anyone could have dreamt – let us not forget that informa�on is the most valuable commodity. Life today no longer has the same archaic rigid constructs. Look around and realize how quickly everything changes (the next iPhone might come out when this is published). Our contemporary environment preys on this no�on. We are encountered with a barrage of ques�ons that range from “Are you happy where you are?” to “How long do you see yourself

working there?” Have we not once stopped to instead ask two meaningful ques�ons as we advance in our professional lives: “What steps are you taking towards your personal growth?” and “Is the work you are currently doing impac�ul and helping you move closer towards your goals?” Is the func�on of our professional lives not to grow in all aspects? For some, perhaps that means remaining with a company for 40 years, which gives them fulfillment. For others, that sense of accomplishment may reside in a resume that has them with seven different organiza�ons in 10 years. The la�er should not invoke a sense of fear. We have lost sight of the beauty that is human growth and poten�al. Should we not foster curiosity and the pursuit of greatness with today’s genera�on rather than conformity and rigidness? Change happens. It is how society advances and how mavericks are born. The longer we resist, the more we s�fle our growth. Today’s world fosters mobility. Why do we then vilify those who decide to be professionally mobile. Is not the acquisi�on of new skills and experiences more a�rac�ve than someone whose work

experience is monotonous? Millennials get a bad rap in the workplace – one that screams we aren’t stable. I would cau�on against this thinking. Instead, celebrate how diversified the skill sets are of those in today’s job market. Next �me a resume slides over your desk and you see mul�ple jobs in a short amount of �me, before you shred it ask yourself a simple ques�on, “Can we provide an environment that fosters growth in this individual that they will stay with us long term?” Perhaps then we will alter our perspec�ve on mobility. Gregoire Carter Narcisse 954-881-6335 gregoirenarcisse@gmail.com Gregoire Narcisse attended Florida State University where he became the youngest student to graduate from FSU with a bachelor’s degree, doing so at age 18. Narcisse then went on to pursue his Master of Science in education at the University of Miami, earning it at age 19. He is currently a financial representative with Northwestern Mutual.

Asking for a Raise Requires Confidence, Strategy and Preparation even a�emp�ng to ask for a raise because asking makes them feel uncomfortable. Instead of spending the next six months at your new company a�emp�ng to prove you were a good hire, here is what you can do: Focus on the company. It is never a good idea to compare the difference between what you and your co-workers earn. Instead, focus on how the company can benefit from your experience and the quality of your work. When you start discussing what is fair and unfair, condi�ons can quickly turn nega�ve with you ending up on the losing end. Make sure the �me is right. Even if you think you are worth it, try not to ask for a raise when your company is downsizing or laying-off employees. If you work for a larger organiza�on, avoid asking for a raise around performance review �me because they tend to have a pre-planned ceiling in place. Asking for a raise is easiest to do a�er you have finished a successful project or increased revenue somehow for the

company, such as improved sales or landing a new client account.

Even if you think you are worth it, try not to ask for a raise when your company is downsizing or laying-off employees. Iden�fy your value, and then tell the story. If you do not know how to clearly ar�culate your value, it cannot be measured in compensa�on. Finding out what the industry pay rate is for your posi�on is important, but it is equally important to explain how you have contributed to the organiza�on while in your posi�on. The best way to get your boss to listen is to talk in terms of Return on Investment (ROI) when asking for a pay increase. Your boss wants to

know why you deserve more pay and what they should expect to get in return if they decide to grant your request. Get your qualita�ve and quan�ta�ve data in order before you set the mee�ng. Rehearse! Do not let the mee�ng with your boss be the first �me you are asking for a raise. Even though you cannot predict what he or she will say, knowing your talking points are important to keep you focused on delivering the right message. Stumbling over your words can be disastrous and interfere with your ability to clearly ar�culate your worth. Nego�a�ng your salary confidently means you need to deliver a clear and concise message when providing informa�on to support your argument. Mary V. Davids is an executive Career & Leadership Development Coach and Owner of D&M Consulting Services, LLC. For career tips and advice visit www.marydavids.com or email info@marydavids.com.




Guardian Ad Litem Volunteers Empower Abused, Abandoned, Neglected Youth By Zach Rinkins

Imagine yourself as a child waking one night to a domes�c alterca�on between your parents. You leave your bed to inves�gate the details. Your father is throwing an object at your mother. You jump in the way to protect her. She runs for cover. The object hits then cuts you. This situa�on was not fic�on for Natasha Minzie. “I was in the foster system since I was four-years old and aged out of it when I was 18,” shared Minzie, now 32. Minzie was one of the more than 33,000 children who, according to Court Appointed

Special Advocates for Children (CASA) data, are in Florida’s foster care and family court system. Minzie explained that during her childhood she endured many challenges including surviving an unstable household, coping with a sibling’s death from AIDS complica�ons, and finding another sibling’s body inside a pool. “As I grew older, I no�ced that I did not have a normal childhood,” she remembered. “I was the oldest child. I had to be more responsible, compassionate and nurturing. I went through 13 different foster homes.” Minzie says having a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteer brought hope and support to her life. “Having a guardian made a difference in my life,” Minzie reveals. “They helped by assis�ng my case worker. My mother died and my father was not consistently following the case plan. My guardian helped terminate his rights. They made sure I a�ended school and got the proper treatment through counseling and services.” There are 21 GAL programs across the state aimed at empowering voiceless children. Florida’s GAL program is a network

of professional staff and volunteers. “GAL was established 36 years ago to create a support system through the children’s court,” shared Rona Sco�, GAL’s volunteer recruiter with the 11th Judicial Circuit (Miami-Dade). “It advocates for the best interests of children who are removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect.” According to CASA, 25,000 abused and neglected children benefi�ed from having an advocate last year. Conversely, 6,700 children are wai�ng for a GAL volunteer to help them find a suppor�ve permanent home. Sco� said this disparity fuels her and her Broward County counterpart’s recruitment efforts. “Nearly 50 percent of our children have a guardian,” explained Kerry-Ann Brown, GAL’s volunteer recruiter with the 17th Judicial Circuit (Broward). “We would like to see 100 percent representa�on.” Brown noted that children with guardians earn higher grades, are less likely to be moved to different foster homes, and benefit from having consistent champions advoca�ng on their behalf.

With nearly 50 percent of the 3,000 children removed from Miami homes being African American, Sco� emphasized the importance of having more Black volunteers to help children coming from the city’s Black community. “The court appointed GAL with the responsibility for 80 percent of those cases,” Brown explained. “Unfortunately, in Miami, we only have 17 percent Black volunteers, with 13 percent being women and 4 percent men.” Minzie, now a celebrity stylist and GAL volunteer, said giving back to the program that made a difference in her life is a priority. “Self-esteem affects children,” said Minzie, who offers free back-to-school and prom services to children in the GAL program who meet grade and conduct requirements. “I was once in their situa�on. I wanted to help build their self-esteem. I wanted to give back." GAL offers many service opportuni�es including non-case support, case-based volunteers, financial and in-kind dona�ons. Discover more about the program at www.GuardianadLitem.org.

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On behalf of Rubenstein Law, P.A., we salute you for your unwavering commitment to the community. We’ve Got Your Back! Congratulations Myya Passmore 2017 Legacy Magazine 40 Under 40 from Robert Rubenstein and the Rubenstein Law family



By William Hobbs Spirits, sex, and secrets – novelist Simone Kelly of Hollywood, Florida brings all three together for the suspenseful novel Like a Fly on the Wall. “I love finding connec�ons between things most people shy away from," says Kelly, a former Legacy Magazine “40 Under 40” honoree. “The result always reveals things we tend to take for granted.” Kelly’s debut novel recently made Amazon’s bestseller list to rave reviews. Deco Drive anchor Lynn Mar�nez said she struggled to pull away from Like a Fly. “I can't put this book down,” she wrote. “It's intriguing!” During a 10-city book tour, Kelly gushed over the news of the Amazon.com designa�on. She said what she finds most sa�sfying is the humorous and steamy novel’s effect on its readers. “It’s opening up the minds of people in regards to intui�on, demys�fying thoughts on being psychic,” she explained. “Many people can relate. A�er reading the book people are not afraid of their own intui�ve gi�s.” Like a Fly revolves around Jacques, a


South Florida Author’s Suspenseful Novel Makes Amazon's Bestseller List writer. As a third handsome, grader, she penned Moroccan-born, books for which she mindreading drew all of the intui�ve who uses illustra�ons. Her his talents to steer mother then made clients to clarity in copies for her to sell their lives as he at school. struggles for the Such insight has same in his own. The developed into the novel is set primarily visual medium as among the pastel, well for Kelly who picturesque, palm directed a steamy tree-lined locales of promo�onal video South Florida. In for the novel that is fact, Miami becomes Legacy Editor-in-Chief Russell Motley purchases an making quite a s�r a character itself autographed copy of Simone Kelly's latest novel at the on social media. along with South Florida Book Festival at the African American “I’ve enjoyed ge�ng Kylie, one of a Research Library and Cultural Center, July 22, 2017. my feet wet with Jacque’s gorgeous and sharp clients. Both Jacque and Kylie find the project as a director,” she shared. “This helps with the transi�on of ge�ng the story themselves unraveling mysteries that to television.” threaten not only their love lives, but their The disparate elements of Like a Fly are very iden��es as well. reflec�ve of Kelly’s wide array of interests. In A marke�ng guru who has worked with addi�on to wri�ng novels, she is CEO of Own HBO and dot-com startups, Kelly said she Your Power Communica�ons, Inc., an believes she was des�ned to be a successful

Internet radio host and producer, and intui�ve life coach. Best-selling novelist Donna Hill, author of My Love at Last, and What Mother Never Told Me, admired Kelly’s approach, saying, “She has cra�ed a modern-day hero who breaks the mold of the tradi�onal archetype and a heroine that is sure to be his match.” Although Like A Fly is as humorous and fast-paced as the author, it simmers with enough sensual heat to knock out the power in downtown Miami. Rela�onships are tested at every turn with the danger and excitement of the possibility of another. The big take away in Kelly’s Like a Fly is that no ma�er how a person may meditate, pray, or hide in their apartment, the heart’s demand for passion will s�ll find ways to surprise and astound even the most intui�ve and well-inten�oned. “The spiritual side of Jacques is a lot of things that I have experienced,” says Kelly, who likens the narra�ve to her intui�ve talents. “The story, like all of my work, celebrates how complicated, connected and gi�ed we all are.”




A Real Democrat. A Real Fighter. Trusted by Leaders in Our Community.

From left to right: Pastor Anthony Reed, Pastor Theo Johnson, Pastor Carlos Malone, Sr., Pastor Alphonso Jackson, Sr., Pastor Chauncey Brown

Leaders in our community know that Annette Taddeo is a real Democrat and a real fighter for our values. She’s been endorsed by: • • • •

Coalition of Pastors Former Senator Dwight Bullard Chester E. Fair, Jr., President of the South Dade Democratic Black Caucus Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida


Annette and her daughter, Sofia, with Michelle Obama. The former First Lady is holding a drawing Sofia gave her.

Coral Reef Library

West Dade Regional Library

Kendale Lakes Library

September 16 – 24,

9211 SW 152nd St, Palmetto Bay

9445 Coral Way, Miami

15205 SW 88th St, Miami

Hours extended to 6:00PM on September 18 – 22


September 26, 2017

8:00AM – 4:00PM


Pd. pol. adv. Paid for by the Florida Democratic Party, 214 S Bronough St, Tallahassee, FL 32301. The Florida Democratic Party endorses Annette Taddeo, Democrat, for Senate District 40, Victor Torres, Democrat, for Senate District 15, and Bobby Powell, Democrat, for Senate District 30.




Profiles in Leadership By Zach Rinkins


Councilwoman Davis Looks Forward to Continuing Service to Community After Term Ends

Councilwoman Davis (center right) poses with participants of a past MGWFE.

Davis with Miami Gardens residents.

Councilwoman Lisa C. Davis has lived more than 40 years in the area that became Miami Gardens. Both of her children graduated from area schools. She said she has dedicated her personal and professional career to helping build a community where children thrive and eventually lead the city to greater heights. “I’ve always had the heart to help people in a big way,” exclaimed Davis, a former Legacy Miami 25 “Most Influen�al and Prominent Black Women in Business and Leadership” honoree. “I was asked by our current State Representa�ve Barbara Watson (District 107) to consider running for council,” recalled Davis, who said she

ini�ally refused Watson’s recommenda�on. “I went to my mom and she encouraged me to serve in a bigger way.” In 2010, the voters of Miami Gardens Residen�al Area Seat 2 elected Davis to represent them on the Miami Gardens City Council. Bordering County Line Road, Area 2 consists of the city’s northern boundary and includes the Andover and Norwood neighborhoods, among others. Her district notwithstanding, Davis envisions herself as an inclusive leader. “I love my district, but my events and ini�a�ves are for the en�re city. It’s about service to the en�re community.” For Davis, leadership is about mee�ng

needs and making difficult decisions. “People look at what you do and not what you say,” she said. “You have to be able to make the decision and withstand the heat, even when it is unpopular.” Davis is nearing the end of her second and final term – a tenure she said she is proud of for several reasons. In 2016, Davis started the Young Commission for Women. Both she and members of the commission mentor 15 young ladies from area high schools through service opportuni�es as well as personal and leadership development workshops. She said she hopes to equip girls with tools to succeed in the city. “I want our young people to get more knowledge about what’s going on in the world,” Davis noted. “I want to see how we can mold and shape them to be and do be�er. I want them to see more op�ons for themselves. I want to see them lead and eventually run for office.” Senior ci�zens are another treasured group for Davis. “Seniors are very important to me,” she added. “I want them to be able to enjoy the city and feel safe and secure when they walk out of the door.” Davis said she uses events and ini�a�ves to raise awareness about cri�cal issues

aimed at increasing the quality of life for city residents. Her signature contribu�on is the Miami Gardens Wine and Food Experience, which she established five years ago. "I wanted to create an event that brought celebri�es and residents together in our city,” Davis said. “We've a�racted actors Omari Hardwick and Lamman Rucker, and famous chefs like Marcus Samuelsson. This event is going to grow and con�nue to showcase our city. It is not a fes�val. It is an experience." MGWFE is scheduled for November 11, at 6 p.m. at the Miami Gardens City Hall Roo�op located at 18605 N.W. 27th Avenue. Tickets are $85. Visit www.miami gardenswineandfood.com for more details. Although Davis is unable able to seek re-elec�on for her council seat because of term limits, she said residents should not be surprised if they see her campaigning for another opportunity to serve their community. “I would never call myself a poli�cian,” Davis shared. “I am a public servant.” To learn more about Davis and the Miami Gardens community, log on to www.miamigardens-fl.gov for more information.

Hard Rock Stadium Welcomes 2 Black-owned Restaurants to Roster By Novice Johnson

Jackson Soul Food and Grown Add Flavor to Stadium Options

Stadium in Miami Gardens. For Dolphins fans yearning for an alterna�ve to the tradi�onal hotdogs, cheesy nachos and so� pretzels, there’s now an expanded menu including soul food and healthy op�ons, courtesy of two black-owned restaurants. Jackson Soul Food and Grown are literally adding Customers eat samples of Jackson Soul Food at Hard Rock Stadium flavor to the newly renovated stadium, Collard greens, macaroni and cheese, which is gearing up to host the Super Bowl smothered pork chops and a slice of sweet in 2020. potato pie. Sounds like Sunday dinner at Jackson Soul Food—located at Level 100, Grandma’s house, but it’s actually game-day Sec�on 134 inside the stadium—serves cuisine at Hard Rock everything from pork chops, macaroni and

cheese and collard greens to fried conch for a li�le Caribbean flair. Jackson management is excited to add the Hard Rock to their roster of loca�ons, which includes the flagship restaurant at 950 NW Third Street in Overtown, and Jackson Soul Food II at 14511 NW 27th Ave. in Opa-Locka. “With any business loca�on is key,” says Ayesha Ingraham, the restaurant chain’s director of administra�on and property management. “Having a loca�on in the stadium has a major impact on sales and gives us the opportunity to direct stadium guests to our other two community loca�ons.” Gluten-free chicken fingers, wild-caught salmon burgers, grass-fed beef sandwiches, organic juices and smoothies. That’s just a sample of what customers can expect to order at Grown, an organic fast-food restaurant owned by former NBA Miami Heat player Ray Allen and his wife, Shannon. Their flagship restaurant is located at 8211 S. Dixie Highway in South Miami, but at the

Hard Rock Stadium customers will find it in two loca�ons, including the Club Level. “We’re really excited to bring healthy foods where there aren’t always health choices,” says Shari Franklin, Grown’s director of marke�ng. Franklin maintains that Grown’s menu items are all made from scratch, never frozen or cooked in a fryer or microwave. “It’s something that’s really important to us that people are ea�ng not just healthy, but healthful,” says Franklin. For both restaurants, the exposure at the stadium is helping to expand their brand, introducing new customers to their menu while keeping their regular customers there happy—and full. “There is only one reason why you should eat at Jacksons next �me you are at the stadium,” said Ingraham. “We are simply the best soul food restaurant in South Florida. Period.”






Black Community Needs More Millionaires; More Black Entrepreneurs Required

Business Report By Beatrice Louissaint

Entrepreneurship is the fastest way to build wealth in the black community. As children and young adults, most children hear from their parents, “Go to college and get a great job with benefits.” If 76 percent of self-made millionaires in the U.S. are entrepreneurs, why are parents

By Cristin Wilson


encouraging kids to go work for someone else instead of becoming an employer? In order for the black community to solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, crime, and inequality we need more black businesses. The wealthiest individuals in the world – people like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet – are entrepreneurs who are changing our world. Rags to riches billionaires Oprah Winfrey and Bob Johnson are black entrepreneurs who have made their marks in entertainment. Johnson, the founder of BET, is now changing the hospitality landscape and inves�ng in businesses with his equity fund. Oprah is a mul�billionaire, philanthropist, and owner of several companies. Throughout black history, we have had examples of black millionaires. Most people know of America’s first black millionaire, Madame C.J. Walker, who made her millions selling hair products she developed in her kitchen. Lesser known is William Leidesdorff

Jr., San Francisco’s wealthiest resident. In the 1880s, his holdings were worth $1.5 million and would be worth $30 million today. He established one of the city’s first hotels, opened a general store and a lumberyard, and ran the first steamboat in San Francisco Bay. To be an entrepreneur, you need to be a risk taker and a visionary, to see opportuni�es where others do not. I want to encourage more black people to take the risk and think about innova�ve and crea�ve entrepreneurial endeavors they can start. The value of having more black-owned businesses cannot be overstated. Entrepreneurs create jobs, pay taxes, support charitable organiza�ons, change lives and upli� our communi�es in so many ways. Some do become millionaires. If you are thinking about star�ng a business or if you are already an entrepreneur who needs addi�onal resources or technical assistance, make an appointment with the Miami MBDA Center

for a free 30-minute consulta�on session. Whether you need access to capital, technical exper�se, advanced business consul�ng resources or innova�ve management services, the Miami MBDA Center can meet your needs. To schedule an appointment with a business consultant, visit www.mbdamiamicenter.com or call 305.751.2907. Beatrice Louissaint is president and CEO of the Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC), one of 23 regional councils affiliated with the National Minority Supplier Development Council. The FSMSDC acts as a liaison between corporate America and Minority Business Enterprises in the state of Florida. The organization is also the operator of the U.S. Department of Commerce Miami and Orlando Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Business Centers, which serve southern and central Florida. FSMSDC’s goal is to increase purchasing from minority businesses by government entities and corporations while increasing the operating capacity of minority businesses through hands-on business assistance, training and access to technology and capital resources. To learn more about the FSMSDC, visit fsmsdc.org. Learn about the Miami and Orlando MBDA Business Centers at www.mbdamiamicenter.com or www.mbdaorlandocenter.com, or call 305.762.6151.

34th Annual Miami Book Fair Set for Nov. 12-19

More than 500 authors from around the world are scheduled to a�end the 34th Annual Miami Book Fair hosted by Miami Dade College on November 12-19. “I think there is a lot of great material that will be part of the many discussions that we’ll have,” said Lisse�e Mendez, director of programs for the Miami Book Fair. Set in downtown Miami, the literary renaissance celebra�ng cultures, stories, and the words used to create them will feature Black authors including: romance novelist Simone Kelly of Hollywood, Georgetown University sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson, American Simone Kelly University law professor Angela J. Davis, and civil rights ac�vist the Rev. Dr. William Barber. In addi�on to reading excerpts from their latest works, the renowned authors will also par�cipate in intellectual discussions related to a wide range of topics. Mendez said one of the features she loves most about the annual event is that it

provides an opportunity for the community to be involved. “There’s a period that includes ques�ons with audience members,” she said. “Everyone has a chance to be involved in the conversa�on.” Author Jacob Katel said he will be onsite with three of the books he has wri�en: Inside The Music Biz with Henry Stone; A

University, recently published Before the Pioneers: Indians, Se�lers, Slaves, and the Founding of Miami. “Any opportunity to speak with readers is priceless,” Frank said. “The Miami Book Fair is par�cularly exci�ng. To discuss the forgo�en early history of Florida with its residents will be exci�ng.” According to Frank, most people have no idea that Miami’s vibrant and illumina�ng

professional kitchen featuring culinary discussions and cooking demos by top chefs, will be an exci�ng highlight, as well as “The Porch,” the ul�mate urban community hangout complete with a beer bar, comfy outdoor sea�ng stacked with board games and a stage for live music and performances. “Seven pop up venues reflect the art scene and music with lots of hands-on learning ac�vi�es,” Mendez said. Marking the book fair’s 34th year, more than 150,000 people are expected to a�end. 34th Annual Miami Book Fair

Angela J. Davis People's History of Overtown, vol.1; and Cuban Coffee Windows of Miami. “It's the biggest book fair in North America and a great opportunity for a local author to interact with the community as well as visitors and publishers from around the world,” Katel explained. Andrew Frank, an author and associate professor of history at Florida State

Rev. Dr. William Barber

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson

history actually dates back 2,000 years. Organizers added during the closing weekend of Nov. 17-19, there will be a street fair to compliment the book exhibi�on. It will include bookseller and publisher booths such as “Children's Alley,” a pop-up children's learning ac�vi�es village that boasts a live performance stage. “Kitchen Stadium,” an outdoor pavilion equipped with a

● Nov. 12 - Nov. 19 10 a.m. – Dusk ● Accessible by Public

Transporta�on: train, bus, MetroMover ● Free parking: Building No. 7; Between NE 1 & 2nd Avenues, Between NE 5 & 6th Streets. ● Tickets: 12 & under: Free 13-18 and seniors: $5 Adults: $8




About Town

The Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association hosted the inaugural Florida Women Lawyers of Color Leaders Summit at the Eau Palm Beach Resort and Spa on July 14-16, 2017.

Linda Bond Edwards (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell), Alison Smith (Broward County Bar Association), Stefanie C. Moon (Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association)

Cynthia Everett (City of Fort Lauderdale), Nikki Simon (GSCBWLA President), Yolanda Cash Jackson (Becker & Poliakoff), the Honorable Ilona Holmes (17th Judicial Circuit Court); Evett L. Simmons (Greenspoon Marder)

Cynthia Henry Duval (GSCBWLA), Dotie Joseph (Haitian Lawyers Association), Nikki Simon (GSCBWLA President), Altanese P. Phenelus (Haitian Lawyers Association)

Janeia Daniels Ingram (FL Public Employees Relations Commission), Karusha Sharpe (Greenberg Traurig), Linda Bond Edwards (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell), Angela Felecia Epps (FAMU College of Law)

Unidentified, Sen. Arthenia Joyner (Florida Senate), Rep. Cynthia Stafford (Florida House of Representatives), Lody Jean (Haitian Lawyers Association)

Loreal Arscott (GSCBWLA Immediate Past President), Dotie Joseph (HLA), Devona Reynolds Perez (Caribbean Bar Association President), Cherine Smith Valbrun (Kim Vaughan Lerner PA)

Janeia Daniels Ingram (FL Public Employees Relations Commission), Dotie Joseph (Haitian Lawyers Association), Karusha Sharpe (Greenberg Traurig), Linda Bond Edwards (Rumberger, Kirk & Caldwell)

Adeline Johnson, Victoria Worship, Stephanie Johnson

MDCC Women's Business Council's Little Black Dress & Pearls luncheon, Hyatt Regency Downtown Hotel, Miami, July 22, 2017.

Dr. Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, Connie Kinnard

Miko Branch, Legacy Editor-in-Chief Russell Motley

Legacy CEO and President Dexter Bridgeman, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson

Reception honoring Yvette Miley, Senior VP of MSNBC and NBC News for receiving the 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Black Journalists, New Orleans, LA, Aug. 12, 2017.

Suzan McDowell, CEO and president of Circle of One Marketing; Jawan Strader, NBC6 anchor; Russell Motley, Legacy Editor-in-Chief.

Yvette Miley, Miami Gardens Mayor Oliver Gilbert

Beverly White, KNBC; Craig Robinson, NBC Universal Chief Diversity Officer; Rehema Ellis, NBC News correspondent.

Trina Robinson, NBC6 Anchor




About Town

Champions for Children luncheon at the Jungle Island Treetop Ballroom, Miami, August 25, 2017

Children’s Trust President and CEO James Haj with Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson

(L-R) John Richard, CEO, Adrienne Arsht Center; Andrea Fletcher, Children of Inmates; Makeesha Coleman, United Community Options; Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson; Rocio Leiva, owner, A.B.F. Learning Center; State Sen. René García; Children’s Trust President and CEO James Haj

Young Talent Big Dreams finalist Ayannah Ciceron, vocalist

Young Talent Big Dreams finalist Jeremiel Sylne, pianist

Welcome reception for Miss Jessie's founder Miko Branch, Well Fargo Center, Downtown Miami, July 24, 2017.

Erica Knowles and Bridgette Lumpkins

(Left to right) Eric Knowles, Bill Diggs, Miko Branch, Jaret Davis, Dexter Bridgeman and Russell Benford

Carol Ann Taylor and Reeves Carter

Dr. Wendy Ellis and Russell Benford

Robbie Bell, Elijah Wells and Martha Wells

Bill Diggs and Felecia Hatcher

Debra Toomer, Miko Branch and Jessica Garrett Modkins

Dexter Bridgeman, LaTiesha Rivera and Russell Motley

Sheri Colas-Gervais and David Wilson

Suzan McDowell, Miko Branch and Jaret Davis

Jaret Davis

Miko Branch, Lynda V. Harris




Legacy Briefs FMU taps Hobbs as chairman of Humani�es Department Florida Memorial University recently appointed William Hobbs, Ph.D. to chair its Humani�es Department William Hobbs, Ph.D. within the School of Arts and Sciences. The department confers undergraduate degrees in literature, communica�ons, languages, religion, and philosophy. A McKnight Fellowship recipient, Hobbs earned a bachelor’s degree at Florida A&M University and his master’s and doctorate degrees from Florida State University. The new chairman said he aims to, “promote literature of the Diaspora,” and help “make FMU more of an integral part of the highly compe��ve educa�onal landscape in South Florida.” Hobbs is author of North of the Grove, a novel about a young black male and his mentor. YWCA of Greater Miami-Dade names Kerry-Ann Royes CEO The Board of Directors of YWCA of Greater Miami-Dade, an organiza�on that focuses on racial jus�ce and Kerry-Ann Royes civil rights, women’s empowerment and security, and women’s health issues, concluded an execu�ve search process that resulted in the eleva�on of a familiar leader. Kerry-Ann Royes, a 20-year social sector veteran, rose to the top of the pack and was named chief execu�ve officer. The Florida Atlan�c University MBA alumna served in various senior management roles within YMCA of Broward County and YMCA of South Florida. Royes also founded Arrow Consul�ng. She is a member of the Na�onal Nau�lus Advisory Board Ocean Explora�on Trust. Black PR Wire’s new online church directory promotes ministries Calling all churches and ministries! Black PR Wire, one of the na�on’s largest Black

news distribu�on wire services, is launching a church directory and wants to include you. An online resource booklet, the church directory will allow churches throughout the na�on to promote their ministries and services. Black PR Wire touts the directory as “a great opportunity for churches to increase visibility.” It also enables faith-believers to discover a church home online. The directory will be available star�ng October 2017. All lis�ngs are free of charge. For more informa�on, visit blackprwire.com or call 1-877-BLACKPR. Cupcake Galleria opens second loca�on in Broward Mall

Cupcake Galleria launched its second eatery inside the food court of Broward Mall located at 8000 W. Broward Boulevard in Fort Lauderdale. A�er a two-year run in its flagship store at 6947 S�rling Road in Davie, owner Chair Flanders said the expansion was prompted by a desire to open doors of opportunity. The new loca�on will offer exclusive flavors such as Strawberry Moscato and cupcake a la mode, as well as gluten free and vegan cupcake op�ons. It will also feature galleria staples like Smores cupcakes, Blue Velvet, Pink Lemonade, Lemon Blackberry, White Chocolate Coconut, Orange Creamsicle, Chocolate Nutella, and Monkey Business (banana/ chocolate) among others. For more informa�on, log on to www.thecupcakegalleria.com. Sonshine Communica�ons promotes from within Erica Brown is the newly appointed associate crea�ve director and senior graphic designer at Sonshine Communica�ons, a leading na�onal public rela�ons firm. In this new role, Brown is responsible for managing crea�ve design, graphic design services, and crea�ve packaging. Sonshine Chief Bernade�e

Morris notes, “Erica o�en veers away from the norm and strives to develop products that are extremely innova�ve and out of the box. Erica Brown She is a valuable asset to our team.” A graduate of the New York Ins�tute of Technology where she earned her master’s degree, Brown is a 15-year Sonshine staffer who receive recogni�on from the American Adver�sing Federa�on and the Academy of Interac�ve and Visual Arts. Palm Beach County Bar Associa�on elects A�orney Baker-Barnes 95th president The members of the Palm Beach County Bar Associa�on recently elected Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes as its 95th Rosalyn Sia Baker-Barnes president. A�orney Baker-Barnes is the first African-American female to serve in this role. The Florida State University College of Law-trained barrister prac�ces personal injury, medical negligence, and product liability case law as a shareholder of Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, PA. One of her signature accomplishments was a $20 million verdict against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. She served as an intern in Florida governor Lawton Chiles’ Execu�ve Office of Communica�on and is a recipient of the Na�onal Bar Associa�on’s Presiden�al Award. Kemp appointed Miami-Dade Deputy Mayor as Benford steps down

Chief Maurice Kemp

Former City of Miami Fire Chief Maurice Kemp has been appointed Miami-Dade County Deputy Mayor. He will oversee Public Safety, Public Housing and

Community Development, and Community 10 Ac�on and Human Services departments. Former City of Miami Fire Chief Maurice Kemp has been appointed Miami-Dade County Deputy Mayor. He will oversee Public Russell Benford Safety, Public Housing and Community Development, and Community Ac�on and Human Services departments. “Maurice has all the a�ributes that make up a great Deputy Mayor,” said Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez, who appointed Kemp. “He is kind, honest, intelligent, and a team player. I had the honor of being one of Maurice’s mentors when I was the Fire Chief for the City of Miami and I can personally a�est to his qualifica�ons.” Kemp joined the Miami Fire Department in 1985, and in 2009 he was appointed the city’s first African-American Chief of Fire-Rescue. Kemp will assume his new role as Deputy Mayor on October 11. The current Deputy Mayor, Russell Benford, has accepted a posi�on as Vice President of Government Rela�ons with Royal Caribbean Cruises. He steps down from his role in October. “I couldn’t be happier for Russell,” said Gimenez. “I have known Russell for years and consider him to be a personal friend. He is an extraordinary public servant and has served Miami-Dade County very well for 6 years.”

To be considered for Legacy Briefs, please email your professional promo�ons, appointments and announcements to Editor-in-Chief Russell Motley at rm@miamediagrp.com.







Helping grow your business

We offer tools and resources that may help you reach your financial goals. With Wells Fargo small business resources, you’ll have access to: • Online tools and resources at wellsfargoworks.com to help you understand business and credit life cycles, grow your customer base, tap into new markets, and more. • Information and support from a banker in your community. • Innovative products, services, and programs. Stop by and speak to a local banker today, or go to wellsfargo.com/appointments to schedule an appointment at a time that’s most convenient for you.

© 2017 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. IHA-21257

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