2018 Minimester Catalog

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2018 Minimester Course Catalogue

Minimester is a one-week program for all Miami Country Day Upper School students. Minimester affords our students the opportunity to explore exciting and innovative courses that are not part of the regular curriculum, and are courses that we recognize as vehicles to provide them with the necessary skills to be competitive as 21st century learners. They are rich educational opportunities that will leave them with lasting learning experiences and memories. This catalogue contains the course descriptions for Minimester, which will run for four days during the week of March 19-22, 2018 (with some traveling experiences commencing the weekend before and/or extending into the weekend after). Please read each course description carefully, as you make your list of top choices. Registration this year will be completed through My Country Day. Using this platform students will see what is available to them in real time. The registration capabilities will go live in order of grade – first to seniors, then juniors, sophomores and freshmen. Please see the calendar at the end of this catalogue for the important dates. Parents will need to complete an approval form through the My Country Day portal PRIOR to registration in order for students to access the registration links. It is a requirement that parents provide consent for their child to sign up for Minimester courses. The form is due on September 11th by 5pm. Varsity athletes must keep in mind that they should not participate in courses that require leaving town on overnight excursions. Please note: Students are required to complete a Minimester each year you attend the Upper School. Attendance is required and any unexcused absences during that week will result in not having sufficient credits to graduate. Enjoy! Wonder! Explore! Minimester courses have been developed to help you truly become the Whole Child. Take advantage of the expertise of your teachers and the fantastic educational opportunities they are providing. Minimester is here for you…go for it!



ARTS / DESIGN A Survey of Visual Art Faculty: Ms. Schultz and Mr. Scott Brennan Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES To expose and enhance the student's experience with visual art and to encourage them to think critically about the artworks that they encounter both within and beyond the museum setting. Course Description: Interested in video art, photography, painting, drawing and other forms of the visual arts!? Look no further! This class will visit various galleries and public museums right here in South Florida. We will tour a broad spectrum of private and public art collections which house priceless artworks. Be prepared to be immersed in a wide array of intriguing art that will challenge and inspire you to look at the world in new and unique ways. Anticipated cost: $50 Cost Includes: Entrance to museums and galleries Cost Does Not Include: Food and drinks An Immersion in South Florida Theater (Because theaters are dark on Monday nights, one performance will be on Friday 3/23) Faculty: Mr. D’Angelo and Mrs. Pla Class Size: 15 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO To become enthusiastic patrons of the South Florida arts community and lifelong theater-goers. Course Description: This course introduces students to the fine cultural institutions that South Florida has to offer and provides them with an immersion experience in theatre and live performance. Students will watch performances either during the day or the evening (based on performance availability). Students will also be given an introduction to acting and have the opportunity to perform monologues, scenes, or songs in their own culminating showcase. The show choices could include Slow Burn's Big River, the Broward Center's Something Rotten, The Florida Grand Opera's Before Night Falls, and Actors Playhouse's All the Way, as well as a guided tour of the Arsht Center. Anticipated cost: $250 Cost Includes: Tickets to performances. If ticket prices are below collected funds, a pre-show dinner or souvenirs may be arranged. Cost Does Not Include: Food or souvenirs at the events unless otherwise specified Potter’s Wheel Faculty: Ms. Mistor and Ms. Veve Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Students will learn the basics of throwing, trimming, and glazing functional pottery created on the potter's wheel. Course Description: The Pottery Mini-“Mistor” course offers students a week-long immersion into all aspects of wheel-throwing pottery: centering the clay, pulling the wall, throwing various forms (such as cylinders, vases, plates and bowls), exposure to the trimming process in order to create a “foot” for a finished piece of pottery, learning about the firing process, making creative glaze choices, pulling handles for cups, mugs and pitchers, etc. Students will take turns on/off the wheel, on a rotational basis, and will have plenty of hands-on time to hone their skills and create a variety of decorative and functional ware. When not actively throwing pottery on the wheel, students will be completing other tasks and activities related to the process of pottery-making. The instruction will be individualized, with each student progressing at his/her own pace. A mandatory post-Minimester commitment from each student will be required, since pieces produced on the last two days will need to be glazed and fired the following week. Note: the size of the class is determined by studio space/constraints. Anticipated cost: $50 Cost Includes: Clay, glazes, use of equipment. Lunch is provided in the cafeteria since it is on campus.

*Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



COMMUNITY SERVICE Give Back to Miami Faculty: Ms. Pesce and Dr. Sealey Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Students will engage in a variety of meaningful community service projects. Course Description: Miami is a large and diverse city with a wide array of needs. At MCDS, we encourage students to find different ways to serve our community, at large. Give Back Miami is a community service Minimester that addresses the different areas of concentration, including; environment, people, animals, health. Each day we will leave from campus to complete a new activity, working with the elderly in a senior center, feeding the homeless, working with animals and helping children in underserved communities and in a state park. Over the course of the week students will get to explore different service options earning approximately 20 service hours and have the satisfaction of giving back to Miami. Anticipated cost: $0 Cost Does Not Include: Snacks and beverages

GASTRONOMY / LIFE SKILLS A Taste of Miami* Faculty: Mr. Miguez and Ms. Vargas Class Size: 25 Course Objective: Students will have a gastronomic discovery of the world without leaving Miami. Course Description: “A Taste of Miami” will explore the wealth of world cultures found in Miami, while educating the students’ palates. Students will have the opportunity to hear and learn about the historical background and language of the different countries that are represented in our surrounding community as they taste various cuisines. Think culinary adventure and you have the essence of this Minimester. Anticipated cost: $150 Cost Includes: Everything College Prep: Cooking and Real Life 101 Faculty: Ms. Charles and Ms. Kelly Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES To prepare students with the knowledge and skills on how to prepare for college with emphasis on cooking skills. Course Description: Starting life alone for the first time can be a challenge on multiple fronts – educational, financial, social, and more. With safety nets gone, college freshmen have to figure it out alone. This Minimester will teach you the skills to be better prepared for college! Join us as we blend fun, food, and real-life learning into making you into a prepared citizen of everyday life. We will start each morning focusing on life-skills, and then spend each afternoon in the kitchen creating simple dishes full of flavor that you will make easily in your own college dorm room! You don’t want to miss out on the on the college culinary fun! Anticipated Cost: $130 Cost Includes: apron, chef hat, instruction book, cook book, utensils to cook, food prep Desperately Seeking Chocolate Faculty: Mrs. Aronson Class Size: 12 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Explore the cultural, culinary, and agricultural roots of cacao. Course Description: Enjoy everything chocolate during four interesting and yummy days. We will unravel the agricultural, cultural and culinary roots of chocolate through local travel, recipes and of course tasting! Join us as we explore all things chocolate: bitter, dark, white and milk. Anticipated cost: $200 Cost Includes: All supplies, food, admission Cost Does Not Include: extra snacks at locations *Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



JOURNALISM Miami Video Shooting Safari Faculty: Ms. Davis and Mr. Brown Class Size: 12 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES We will enjoy learning how to create a short documentary using digital broadcasting equipment in the field and in the studio. Course Description: Uncover secrets that lie in our own backyard, right here in Miami, using a video camera, an interview, and some computer editing skills. Two of the days will be spent on campus, two out in the community and by the end of the fourth day, we'll have a short documentary letting people know how unique Miami can be. No prior experience needed. Anticipated cost: $90 Cost Includes: food, admission fees, prizes, equipment Cost Does Not Include: personal snacks, water

LAW Our Courts in Action Faculty: Ms. Allen and Mrs. Dorn Class Size: 10 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES To familiarize students with the different phases of our judicial system through observation of and interaction with judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, and corrections officers in the Miami-Dade court system. Course Description: If you are an aspiring attorney or have an interest in the court system, this Minimester is for you! “Our Court System in Action” will give students the chance to experience the legal system from the perspective of our local county and circuit judges as well as prosecuting and defense attorneys. Over the course of four days, you will have the opportunity to spend time in court with judges and attorneys from the criminal, civil, family, juvenile, and dependency courts. Students will observe trials, hearings, and other proceedings that take place on a daily basis within our court system. On occasion students will have the opportunity to sit with the judge on the bench while the trial or hearing is taking place. The students will not only have the opportunity to observe the hearings, but will also have the opportunity to speak with judges and attorneys about what has taken place in court, ask questions, and learn the different aspects of law practiced within our legal system. During some of our lunch breaks, the students will eat with judges, public defenders, and prosecuting attorneys to gather insight only a few have the opportunity to experience. By the end of the week you will have a greater understanding of our legal system, the law, and what it takes to be a practicing attorney or judge. Anticipated cost: $80 Cost Includes: lunch

MATH / SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY Safari Adventure South FL Faculty: Mr. Sverkounos, Ms. Lucchi, and Mr. Rizvi Class Size: 30 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES To gain an appreciation for biodiversity, and discover the issues facing endangered or threatened animals and plants through interactive hands-on experiences, presentations, and personal encounters with nature’s fascinating creatures. Course Description: This is a local expedition throughout South Florida where you will be able to enjoy a new level of comfort with nature, and explore animals and plants like you never have before! We will visit zoos, animal farms, botanical gardens, science museums, aquariums, and even go on safari. Our trips will also include airboat rides, an IMAX movie, and the best part of our adventure: hands-on interactions with wild animals and plants. Possibilities: Pet a sloth, hug a kangaroo, feed a camel, hold an alligator, and private time with a wolf pack. It promises to be an unforgettable experience! Anticipated cost: $180 Cost Includes: entrance fees to museums, zoos, botanical gardens, wildlife centers, etc. Cost Does Not Include: lunch on certain days

*Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



Wetworks Faculty: Mr. Konen, Dr. Bernstein, and Mr. Steve Brennan Class Size: 21 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES To see the world of marine biology from a field and lab perspective. Course Description: This Minimester will go snorkeling twice in the Keys to observe coral reef habitats. In addition, we will spend a day kayaking at Oleta to a spot where we will use dip nets to sample some of the benthic fauna. Finally, we will tour the University of Miami aquaculture facility on Virginia Key. Some experience snorkeling is required for this Minimester. Depending on the weather in March, the ocean is not necessarily a great place to learn "on the job." Anticipated cost: $145 (depends upon enrollment) Cost Includes: everything except food (students will need to bring lunch each day) Unlock the Mysteries of Microsoft Excel Faculty: Mr. Hutsko Class Size: 15 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Students will spend the week exploring the capabilities of Microsoft Excel, the most ubiquitous spreadsheet program used today. Course Description: This course will unlock the powerful secrets of Microsoft Excel using its functions, mathematical modelling capabilities, and data analysis tools in various applied settings. Coverage includes spreadsheet modeling, finding optimal solutions, decision analysis, data capture, hypothesizing, simulation, and game creation. This course is recommended for those students who enjoy applying mathematics & technology to solve problems and should be considered by future business majors. Anticipated Cost: $40 Cost Includes: Books & Professional Consultation Cost Does Not Include: Labor

WELLNESS / ATHLETICS / RECREATIONAL Born to Run! Faculty: Ms. Paciorek and Ms. Long Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Students will learn how to train like a pro for their next road race. Course Description: Run, don’t walk to this Minimester! In this course, you will learn the three key workouts that will help you nail your racing goals, whether you wish to tackle a 5K or a half-marathon. You learn how cross-training techniques (strength training, swimming, yoga, aqua-jogging) and meditation can help you become a stronger, more efficient runner, and you will also learn about the importance of recovery and proper nutrition to prevent injuries and burnout. You will visit a local running store where you will receive a personalized gait analysis to help you better understand your shoe needs as a runner, and you will leave with a “goody bag” that is sure to make your next run more fun! Anticipated cost: $140 Cost Includes: Snacks, drinks, two days of lunch (on-campus), and goody bag. Cost Does Not Include: lunch for two days Chess Faculty: Mr. Henley and Ms. Pearson Class Size: 34 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES The Spartan Chess 2017 Minimester offers participants an opportunity to learn the history, culture and basic tactics and strategy of the royal game and play in competitions such as simultaneous exhibitions, blitz and bughouse tournaments. Course Description: The Spartan Chess 2017 Minimester will feature a combination of activities that can be beneficial to beginners as well as advanced players. The history and culture of chess presentations can be enjoyed by all. Technical instruction such as tactics and strategy will be adjusted to players levels. There will be a review of the Magnus Carlsen – Sergey Karjakin World Championship Match to be played at the Fulton Market, South Street Seaport in NYC during the month of November. Other special events will include a screening and discussion of Hollywood produced chess themed movies such as “Pawn Sacrifice” – the story of Bobby Fischer, starring Toby McGuire. “Magnus, The Movie” is expected to be *Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



released into theaters very soon as well. There will be a review of online chess resources and playing sites with each participant receiving a tournament regulation Staunton design chess set and vinyl chessboard as well as an online www.chesskid.com or Internet Chess Club membership. Anticipated cost: $50 Cost Includes: Everything D3: Discover, Design, and Dance Faculty: Ms. Martinez and Ms. Lara Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Students explore activities that help develop their physical and creative potential. Course Description: Discovery drives the dynamic of this Minimester as we explore design through painting and pottery, nature through kayaking, and movement through rhythm and dance. We will be thinking about perspective and dimensions, light and shadow as we work with brushes and a blank canvas. Another day puts us in touch with nature as we navigate the waters in Oleta State Park. Finally, we tap into exotic rhythms as we practice dance styles from different cultures. Anticipated cost: $270 Cost Includes: classes, instructors, entrance fees Cost Does Not Include: lunch Get Fit! Stay Fit! Faculty: Ms. Sennett and Ms. Pierce Class Size: 24 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Get Fit Stay Fit will get you to move your body in new ways! Course Description: Ever thought about being the next "America Ninja Warrior" or maximizing your physical potential through innovative and exciting training. Join us and participate in creative workouts that challenge your mind, body, and soul. Activities to be included indoor skydiving, aerial yoga, cable water skiing, and extreme daily workouts just to name a few. "Get Fit Stay Fit" emphasizes the importance of wellness with a focus on physical fitness and nutrition. Anticipated cost: $280 Cost Includes: Everything Cost Does Not Include: Personal purchases Salsa & Sweat Faculty: Mr. Turf and Ms. Gomez Class Size: 30 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Working the body and soul by learning the fundamentals of salsa, while cross-training through intense physical activity to inspire lifelong health and wellness. Course Description: Getting in shape has never been more intense, more diverse, or more fun! In Salsa & Sweat, you will not only learn how to dance salsa, but you will also work your body through intense and popular cross-training exercises. We begin every morning by learning the basics of the dance that is so fundamental to any social gathering in Miami--salsa! With guidance from expert instructors, you will perfect the "rueda," a group-danced salsa. Every afternoon, we head to the gym...but not any old gym! Barry's Bootcamp, Orangetheory, and Flywheel are some of the hottest exercises around! These intense physical activities will help you learn how to truly cross-train and keep your body and soul healthy for life. Whether you are an avid exerciser or somebody who is looking to explore new exercise regimes, Salsa & Sweat is waiting! Anticipated cost: $230 Cost Includes: All salsa and workout classes, daily snacks Cost Does Not Include: Any lunch purchased off campus

*Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



The Whole Child Faculty: Dr. Lightfoot and Ms. Furth Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Activities and performances assist students in developing the intellectual, physical, aesthetic, social, emotional, and spiritual "Whole Child" potentials in order to appreciate and interact with the world around them. Course Description: Spend a week exploring the six potentials that define the whole child at Miami Country Day! We want to honor Miami Country Day School’s mission to educate the “whole child.” Each day of the four-day Minimester will focus on one of the six potentials. For a focus on the physical, we will spend a day at Oleta River State Park where we can enjoy kayaking or mountain biking. Our social element of the day will be a picnic. For the aesthetic, we will take in a show and, perhaps, visit an art museum. We’ll combine the intellectual and emotional for a day of community service at a local shelter. Our week will end with spiritual bliss – think ultimate relaxation with yoga and meditation. Join us on the journey of discovering the whole you. Anticipated cost: $240 Cost Includes: Daily activity fees, admissions fees, lunch/dinner, transportation Cost Does Not Include: Any additional personal on-site purchases Yoga and Mindfulness Faculty: Ms. Sardina and Mrs. Marra Smith Class Size: 30 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES Exercise, yoga, and nutrition — the ultimate Minimester for active people. Tone your body and spirit while learning to live a healthier life. Course Description: This class will explore how the confluence of yoga, mindfulness and nutrition can promote personal growth and inner peace. Through twice daily yoga classes and classes on nutritional healing, meditation, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy, students will be guided into various levels of awareness, and ultimately take home the tools, knowledge and inspiration they need to make yoga a regular part of their lives. Anticipated cost: $360 Cost Includes: All experiences and lunch for two days Cost Does Not Include: Lunch on two days Living Green* Faculty: TBD Class Size: 20 Course Objective: The objective of the course is to provide students with engaging, fun, hands-on, environmentally conscious activities in the Miami area. Course Description: Students will take a cooking class, tour local green-certified buildings, visit an organic farm, and dine in a greencertified, 5-star resort. They will also learn how businesses and organizations in Miami are trying to reduce their impact on the environment and adapt to minimize the effects of climate change. Anticipated cost: $200 Cost Includes: Everything South Florida- See It Like a Native* Faculty: Mr. Wicker and Ms. Maxwell Class Size: 20 Course Objective: To gain an understanding of the history and environment of South Florida; Learn why the Everglades are important to our area and why they are unique to South Florida; See and learn about different species of plants and animals that can only be found in the Miami area. Course Description: Spend four days exploring parts of South Florida off the beaten path, go kayaking in the Keys, fishing off Key Biscayne, a Boat Tour of the 10,000 islands in the Everglades. Ride a bike for 13 miles in Shark Valley with alligators up close and see beautiful birds fly overhead and wade in the water right next to the bike trail. It is a chance to see sights in your own area that you would probably never get a chance to see unless you go on this Minimester. Anticipated Cost: $225 Cost Includes: transportation, food, admission to Parks, bike rentals, kayak rentals, and boat tours *Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



WORLD CULTURE / TRAVEL Argentina: From Patagonia to Buenos Aires (departs Saturday, March 17th and returns Sunday, March 25th) Faculty: Mr. Miguez and Ms. Vargas Class Size: 21 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO Students will learn about the southernmost part of the Americas and its different terrains from glaciers to urban living. Course Description: 9 day-trip to Patagonia and Buenos Aires. Visit the southernmost tip of Argentina. Explore breathtaking nature, learn about glaciology and walk on a pristine glacier! Bike around the European atmosphere of Buenos Aires and row in the widest river in the world! Anticipated cost: $3,600 Cost Includes: Travel, hotels, some meals, entrance fees, tips, etc. Anticipated cost: $3,600 Cost Includes: Airfare, hotels, tours, admission fees, tips, some meals Cost Does Not Include: Trip insurance, some meals Costa Rica Eco Adventure (departs Sunday, March 18h and returns Friday, March 23rd) Faculty: Ms. DeBlasio and Mr. Pineda Class Size: 20 Course Objective: To have an eco-adventure in Costa Rica. Good for Spring Athletes?: NO Course Description: One of the top eco-tourism destinations in a top eco-tourism country. Enjoy snorkeling in the Atlantic Ocean, whitewater rafting and zip lining in the beautiful Pacuare river. Pura Vida! Anticipated cost: $2,600 Cost Includes: Everything Cost Does Not Include: Souvenirs, personal snacks Discover Iceland (departs Saturday, March 17th and returns Sunday, March 25th) Faculty: Dr. Conea and Mr. Lovett Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO Students will experience the uniqueness of this country and learn about its culture. Course Description: The Discover Iceland Minimester offers a 7 days/6 nights experience in one of the most fascinating countries in the world with black sand beaches, 10 percent of its territory covered by glaciers which includes Vatnajökull, the largest glacier in the world. Iceland is beautiful and uncanny, a place where visitors will be able to encounter a “land of fire ice and elves,” as a beacon of “nature’s majesty” the island displays Earth’s most raw and active geological features. During the trip, students will stay in Reykjavik (3 days), and three (3 days) in the countryside where they will participate in various activities at Blue Lagoon, Whale Watching, Eyjafjallokull Visitors Centre, Hellisheidi Power Station and Walk on a Glacier. Anticipated cost: $2,700 Cost Includes: airfare, land transportation, accommodation, meals, guide and insurance Cost Does Not Include: Tips and personal spending Discover the Silk Road - China (departs Saturday, March 17th and returns Sunday, March 25th) Faculty: Mr. Rosas, Ms. Xu, and Mr. Hernandez Class Size: 25 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO The focus of this trip is to introduce our children to the rich vibrant culture of China, from the early dynasties to China in the 21st century. Course Description: Students will travel to China to experience and discover the beauty of China's rich 5000-year-old culture. We will travel and see the vast regional and cultural differences between Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Students will be able to practice their Chinese language skills, while experience firsthand the diverse cuisine, language and history of each region. Anticipated cost: $3,550 Cost Includes: Travel, hotel, most meals (lunch and dinner), entrance fees and Visa cost Cost Does Not Include: Some meals *Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.



Jazz, Food and History in New Orleans (departs Monday, March 19th and returns Friday, March 23rd) Faculty: Mr. Wicker and Ms. Maxwell Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO To gain an appreciation for the culture and History of New Orleans; Discover why New Orleans is considered to be the birthplace of Jazz and the role it plays in the city at the present; To sample the cuisine of NOLA and understand why it is unique to New Orleans. Course Description: Enjoy the wonderful Jazz, food and electrifying history of New Orleans in this stimulating, activity packed trip. Anticipated Cost: $1,850 Cost Includes: Everything Service and Safari: South Africa! (departs Saturday, March 17th and returns Sunday, March 25th) Faculty: Ms. Jackie Smith and Mr. Slotnick Class Size: 15 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: NO An amazing opportunity to enjoy the beauty of South Africa and see all the wildlife on a unique Safari, while at the same time giving back to those less fortunate. Course Description: First part of the trip will be in the Drakensberg area of South Africa where we will stay at the resort called Little Switzerland. The Little Switzerland Resort is on the slopes of the mighty Drakensberg is a jewel set in a 3,000-acre private reserve of rolling hills, indigenous forest, mountain streams and breath-taking views. Sporting amenities include: tennis, swimming, hiking and leisurely strolls. They also offer horse riding, mini-golf , volleyball, mountain bikes, quad biking and fishing. While in the Drakensberg the kids will be visiting the Village of Langkloof where they will be helping out at the kindergarten and orphanage. They will be involved in activities with the kids, which will include teaching , playing sports and in some cases planting crops with the kids. The second part of the trip will be a Safari where we will be travelling in open jeeps to experience the call of the wild. Nambiti Big 5 Game Reserve is home to elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo and rhino, as well as over 30 other animal species. Anticipated cost: $3,500 Cost Includes: Meals, activities, transportation, lodging Cost Does Not Include: Personal purchases Water Polo Team Training in Southern California (departs Friday, March 16th and returns Friday, March 23rd) Faculty: Stephanie Ragheb and Ingrid Palmisano Class Size: 20 Course Objective: Good for Spring Athletes?: YES (water polo athletes) Water polo athletes will train with other schools in California, tour colleges, and experience the culture of the West Coast. Course Description: While this is a water polo focused training trip involving intense workouts, fitness, and exposure to some of the best water polo in the nation, this trip includes many educational opportunites and other learning experiences like the Grifith Observatory, where we will explore exhibits, see live shows in the Samuel Oschin Planetarium, while also enjoying spectacular views of Los Angeles. Also, the trip will include a college tour. We will take time to walk along Venice beach, hike the Hollywood sign, run Runyon Canyon Park, and stroll along Hollywoods' Walk of Fame. We will go behind the scenes of some iconic TV/Movie sets. And what would be a trip to the West coast without some waves? Between morning and night sessions of water polo practice, we will enjoy surfing lessons along Huntington Beach! Anticipated cost: $2,350 Cost Includes: Airfare, transportation, hotels, all admission fees, surf lessons, pool practice fees, one group dinner Cost Does Not Include: Most meals, personal purchases

*Courses marked with an asterisk will not be offered unless trips are canceled due to inadequate enrollment.


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