2022 2023 Mi ddl e SchoolAcademi c Offer i ngs 1
Mar ch111,2022.
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Mar ch18,2022. Mar ch1418,2022.
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202223Regi s t r at i on& Schedul i ngT i mel i ne
Mi ddl eSchool202223Cour s eCat al ogue
Academi cChangesf orMi ddl eSchooli n202223 Semes t erorF ul l yearEl ect i veOpt i ons !Mi ddl eSchool s t udent scannow enr ol l i ns emes t erorf ul l yearel ect i vecour s es . T hi spr ovi desmi ddl es chool s t udent swi t hmor eoppor t uni t i est oex pl or edi f f er entar easanddi s covert hei rpas s i ons ! New MSChi nes eL anguages equence.Bui l di ngont hes ucces soft heMSChi nes eMul t i agecour s e,i n202223,s t udent s ent er i ng6t hgr adecanenr ol l i nChi nes eNLast hef i r s tyearofat hr eeyearmi ddl es chool Chi nes es equence.Ri s i ng7t h gr ades t udent swhot ookChi nes eMul t i agewi l l enr ol l i nChi nes eNM. 8t hGr adecr edi t st ocountt owar dshi ghs chool cr edi t sandt r ans cr i pt .St udent senr ol l i ngi nanyoft hef ol l owi ngcour s es wi l l havet hecour s eandt hef i nal ,endoft er m gr adesaut omat i cal l ycountt owar dst hei rhi ghs chool cr edi t s ,t r ans cr i pt and,hi ghs chool Gr adePoi ntAver age( G. P. A)
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Def i ned Gr adi ngScal e Mi ddl eSchool &UpperSchool
Cont i nued> 6
Cor eCour s e Requi r ement s
Cont i nued> 8
Engl i s h6Foundat i onsf orNewcomer s( ESOL )
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MSChi nes e( El ect i ve)
MSChi nes e( El ect i ve)
Mi ddl eSchool El ect i ves
Cont i nued> 10
Onef ul l yearofar tasei t heronef ul l yearar tcour s eort wos emes t erar tel ect i ves
Concer tJ az zBand
Cour s eRegi s t r at i on Schedul e& Pr ocedur es
Mi ddl eSchoolHonor sGui del i nes
L or em I ps um
St udentL i f e+ Offer i ngs
Cour s e Des cr i pt i ons
T hef ol l owi ngi st hecour s edes cr i pt i onsf ort he f ul lmi ddl e/ uppers choolcur r i cul um l i s t ed by depar t ment s .I neachdepar t ment ,cour s esar e l i s t ed asf ol l ows : ·Cour s eT i t l e–A;t hi si st hefir s ts emes t erofaf ul l yearcour s e ·Cour s eT i t l e–B;t hi si st hes econd s emes t erof af ul lyearcour s es ·Cour s eT i t l e( noA orB)-t hi si sas i ngl es emes t er cour s e. Us eoft heA/ Bnami ngs ys t em r eflect st he changet ot er m bas ed gr adi ngf ort he202223 s chool .Des cr i pt i onshavebeenwr i t t enf orbot h t er mst opr ovi det hemos ti nf or mat i onpos s i bl e aboutt hecour s eand mat er i albei ngt aught overt hecour s eoft hes choolyear .
Chorus - A
This course enables students to develop basic vocal performance techniques in a small ensemble setting through the study of varied choral literature. In the first semester, basic understanding of music theory will be gained through daily rehearsals. Students will learn and improve on music reading ability during daily sight-reading exercises and periodic sightreading assessments. Students in grades 7-12 will have the opportunity to audition for the Florida All-State Choirs, as well as participate in the Florida Vocal Association’s Solo and Ensemble Festival in the Spring. After school and evening performances are part of the course requirements.
Chorus - B
This course enables students to develop basic vocal performance techniques in a small ensemble setting through the study of varied choral literature. In the second semester, emphasis will be placed on vocal independence, expressiveness, and stylistic authenticity. Students will learn and improve on music reading ability during daily sight-reading exercises and periodic sight-reading assessments. Students in grades 7-12 will have the opportunity to audition for the Florida All-State Choirs, as well as participate in the Florida Vocal Association’s Solo and Ensemble Festival in the Spring. After school and evening performances are part of the course requirements.
Concert Band - A
Middle School Concert Band is a music ensemble class designed for second and third-year instrumental students. Participants will continue to refine their instrumental technique in the areas of tone production, rhythm, ensemble skills - blend and balance, precision, interpretation, and intonation. When playing symphonic repertoire, students are required to play a concert band instrument—pianists will play a mallet instrument, guitarists and bassists will double on a woodwind or brass instrument, drummers will play orchestral percussion. Topics covered in the first semester include sight reading, the vocabulary of music symbols, and development of ensemble balance and blend.
Concert Band - B
Middle School Concert Band is a music ensemble class designed for second and third-year instrumental students. Participants will continue to refine their instrumental technique in the areas of tone production, rhythm, ensemble skills - blend and balance, precision, interpretation, and intonation. When playing symphonic repertoire, students are required to play a concert band instrument—pianists will play a mallet instrument, guitarists and bassists will double on a woodwind or brass instrument, drummers will play orchestral percussion.
Topics covered in the second semester include soloing, participation in District Solo & Ensemble, and repertoire building.
Concert Jazz Band - A
This class will serve as an introduction to the rich history and performance of jazz music. Through ensemble rehearsal, individual practice, and a variety of performance opportunities, the student will gain an understanding and appreciation for this great art form. No prior experience in jazz is necessary but band experience on a jazz instrument is required. In the first semester, emphasis will be placed on learning swing-feel, straight-time and rudimentary improvisational skills. Each student is expected to show musical and technical growth through participation in this ensemble.
Concert Jazz Band - B
This class will serve as an introduction to the rich history and performance of jazz music. Through ensemble rehearsal, individual practice, and a variety of performance opportunities, the student will gain an understanding and appreciation for this great art form. No prior experience in jazz is necessary but band experience on a jazz instrument is required. In the second semester, emphasis will be placed on developing practice techniques, a sense of personal accountability and musicianship, and the study of different forms of music including, bossa nova, funk, rock and blues. Each student is expected to show musical and technical growth through participation in this ensemble.
Dance 1 - A
Students will work to develop body awareness and kinesthetic awareness as we build flexibility, stamina, and muscle tone. Students will also have an understanding of various dance genres, history, elements, and cultures while exploring dance as a means of expression.
Dance 1 - B
Students will work to develop body awareness and kinesthetic awareness as we build flexibility, stamina, and muscle tone. Students will also have an understanding of various dance genres, history, elements, and cultures while exploring dance as a means of expression. During the semester, students will present a Spring dance production.
Dance 2 - A
This course includes rhythmic, isolated, and expressive movement with further focus on proper technique including alignment, balance, multiple turns, leaps, and more complex combinations. Concepts of space, time, and force as related to dance will be discussed. Various cultural and contemporary dances will be explored. This course is for students who have successfully completed Dance I, or have one or more years of previous dance training.
Dance 2 - B
This course includes rhythmic, isolated, and expressive movement with further focus on proper technique including alignment, balance, multiple turns, leaps, and more complex combinations. Concepts of space, time, and force as related to dance will be discussed. Various cultural and contemporary dances will be explored. This course is for students who have successfully completed Dance I, or have one or more years of previous dance training. During the semester, students will present a Spring dance production.
Drama 1 - A
Drama 1 is a course designed to give students an in-depth introduction to theatre, and build their acting skills in a creative and supportive environment. While exploring acting techniques through various theatre games, performances, and drama activities, students will build their confidence as performers and deepen their understanding of working together as an ensemble to create theatre. Topics explored in the first semester include ensemble building, auditioning, improvisation, and monologues.
Drama 1 - B
Drama 1 is a course designed to give students an in-depth introduction to theatre, and build their acting skills in a creative and supportive environment. While exploring acting techniques through various theatre games, performances, and drama activities, students will build their confidence as performers and deepen their understanding of working together as an ensemble to create theatre. Topics explored in the second semester include scenes, backstage elements, movement, and stage combat.
Drama 2
Drama 2 is a course designed to give students a more in-depth exploration of acting techniques and styles used in theatre and allow students to further cultivate their acting vocabulary. Students will explore various acting techniques through drama exercises and performances both individually and in groups. Topics explored in this course include monologues, scenes, and viewpoints.
EB Orchestra - Advanced - A
Advanced Orchestra rehearses before school from 7:30-8:15 daily, and pre-requisite for membership is prior participation in Intermediate Orchestra, or by director approval. In the first semester, students receive exposure to music history and basic theory, along with training in the fundamental techniques of string orchestra playing for violin, viola, cello and bass: bowing technique, scale fingerings, articulations, and ensemble blending . We offer a variety of performing experiences in which to apply these skills. Members will have the opportunity to audition for All-State and Divisional festivals. All members are required to participate in schoolrelated concerts, and members in their third year can audition for the select Chamber Ensemble.
EB Orchestra - Advanced - B
Advanced Orchestra rehearses before school from 7:30-8:15 daily, and pre-requisite for membership is prior participation in Intermediate Orchestra, or by director approval. In the second semester, students will learn to develop an appreciation of music, build skills for efficient practicing, and increase music literacy - including more challenging music reading, and ear training exercises. We offer a variety of performing experiences in which to apply these skills, including the opportunity to audition for All-State and Divisional festivals. All members are required to participate in school-related concerts, and members in their third year can audition for the select Chamber Ensemble.
EB Orchestra - Beginner - A
Beginning EBO is a course designed to teach students the orchestral string instrument of their choice. No previous musical experience is required. During the first semester, students will develop a working knowledge of the proper posture and technique necessary to play a string instrument. Students will learn how to read and play music with special emphasis placed on music notation and rhythm, posture, proper playing position, and care and maintenance of the instrument.
EB Orchestra - Beginner - B
Beginning EBO is a course designed to teach students the orchestral string instrument of their choice. No previous musical experience is required. During the second semester, students will continue to develop a working knowledge of the proper posture and technique necessary to play a string instrument. Students will develop the ability to play a string instrument from notation at the grade I level. In addition, students will experience the performance of musical literature at the grade I level in preparation for public performances.
EB Orchestra-Intermediate - A
Intermediate Early Bird Orchestra is a string ensemble designed to grow students as string instrumentalists and ensemble musicians. Playing music of a variety of genre and time periods, students cultivate their ability on their instrument, analyze music and deepen their understanding of ensemble musicianship. Topics explored in the first semester include sight reading, the vocabulary of music symbols and ensemble balance.
EB Orchestra-Intermediate - B
Intermediate Early Bird Orchestra is a string ensemble designed to grow students as string instrumentalists and ensemble musicians. Playing music of a variety of genre and time periods, students cultivate their ability on their instrument, analyze music and deepen their understanding of ensemble musicianship. Topics explored in the second semester include performance in districts, repertoire building and preparing for concerts.
Film Acting
This course takes a deep dive into the exciting world of acting on camera! This course expands on the acting skills developed by students during Drama 1 and teaches students how to adapt their acting vocabulary for the camera. Throughout the course students will study various film and television acting performances and develop techniques that will be applied through scene work filmed during class. This class is great for anyone who loves to act, or anyone who’s ever dreamed of being in a TV show or movie!
In Guitar Class you will learn fundamentals such as chords, simple strums, and tuning in a fun, relaxed group setting. We will focus on building basic guitar skills step-by-step with the help of hands-on exercises, audio and video recordings, and detailed illustrations. You’ll be introduced to the basic elements of rhythm and harmony that will have you making music in no time. Intermediate guitarists and second and third year students will work on more advanced content as assigned by the instructor.
Instruments - Beginner - A
Beginning Band is an ensemble class for students with little or no previous instrumental experience. Students who participate in the Beginning Band will learn the fundamentals of playing music on a woodwind or brass instrument. The goal of Beginning Band is for each student to grow as a young musician and develop a deeper appreciation for the art form. Topics covered in the first semester include the fundamentals of sound production, sight reading, the vocabulary of music symbols, ensemble balance and blend.
Instruments - Beginner - B
Beginning Band is an ensemble class for students with little or no previous instrumental experience. Students who participate in the Beginning Band will learn the fundamentals of playing music on a woodwind or brass instrument. The goal of Beginning Band is for each student to grow as a young musician and develop a deeper appreciation for the art form. Topics covered in the second semester include furthering your instrumental skills and sound, repertoire building, and preparation for concerts.
Stagecraft - A
Stagecraft is a course designed to give students an in-depth introduction to the various jobs in backstage theatre! Through various projects students will explore each of the major disciplines of backstage theatre and flex their creativity and curiosity through hands-on activities. Topics explored in the first semester include producing & marketing, scenic design, and theatre vocabulary.
Stagecraft - B
Stagecraft is a course designed to give students an in-depth introduction to the various jobs in backstage theatre! Through various projects students will explore each of the major disciplines of backstage theatre and flex their creativity and curiosity through hands-on activities. Topics explored in the second semester include sound design, lighting design, stage management, and costume design.
Art Foundations
This course is an introduction to art. Students will investigate the elements and principles of art through the exploration of a variety of materials and techniques. Sketchbooks will be used for creative assignments and technique practice. Through the semester, students will explore art history from cave art to contemporary artists who are pushing the boundaries of art and design. Through these explorations in art, students will work toward developing their artistic voice.
Mixed Media
In this course, students will explore creative thinking regarding material and concept. Students will problem-solve and learn to hone their artistic voice through different materials. Students will use their sketchbooks to think creatively and plan their projects. Students need to have taken Art Foundations in order to take this course.
Open Studio
This class allows for advanced students who have taken Art Foundations and either Painting and Drawing or Sculpture and Mixed Media to continue in their art studies. Open Studio is a pathway toward High School AP Art. In this course, students will begin putting together a portfolio of work. They will work independently on areas of interest. Classes will have monthly critiques and students will choose artists to research and study as inspiration for their art practice.
Painting & Drawing Explorations - A
In this course, students will learn more advanced techniques in painting and drawing. Students will gain skills in technique and creative expression. Students will use their sketchbooks both for daily assignments and for research. Projects in the first semester include learning to shade and depict value with acrylic paint, color theory with oil pastel, learning to enlarge with the grid technique with colored pencil.
Painting & Drawing Explorations - B
In this course, students will learn more advanced techniques in painting and drawing. Students will gain skills in technique and creative expression. Students will use their sketchbooks both for daily assignments and for research. The class will have regular discussions about artists and current issues in art around the world. Projects in the second semester include learning the basics of oil paint, collage techniques, and a series based on student choice.
In this course, students will explore three-dimensional art and design using a variety of materials and techniques. Students will use their sketchbooks both for daily assignments and for research. The class will have regular discussions about art and artists and explore current issues in art around the world. Students need to have taken Art Foundations in order to take this course.
COEP 6 & 7 - A
In this course, 6th and 7th graders, also known as Rangers (6thgraders) and Navigators (7th graders) engage in exciting adventure-based learning program. Starting in the classroom where students are introduced to new and outstanding skills based on fun activities such as survival skills, paddling and canoeing techniques, fishing skills, archery, map and compass usage, wilderness first aid, base camping, outdoor cooking, and wildlife appreciation. Throughout the school year COEP students will be offered weekend treks to various Florida State Parks and four Friday treks where students will participate in indoor rock climbing, paintball, fishing on a chartered boat, and kayaking at Oleta State Park. All treks are exceptional and attendance is strongly encouraged however, this is not always possible and for that reason only one weekend trek will be graded throughout the entire school year. The trek grade will be applied towards the second semester grade. The four Friday treks are optional and are not graded. COEP does not interfere with your sports, fine arts, or your social life commitments.
COEP 6 & 7 - B
In this course, 6th and 7th graders, also known as Rangers (6thgraders) and Navigators (7th graders) engage in exciting adventure-based learning program. Starting in the classroom where students are introduced to new and outstanding skills based on fun activities such as survival skills, paddling and canoeing techniques, fishing skills, archery, map and compass usage, wilderness first aid, base camping, outdoor cooking, and wildlife appreciation. Throughout the school year COEP students will be offered weekend treks to various Florida State Parks and four Friday treks where students will participate in indoor rock climbing, paintball, fishing on a chartered boat, and kayaking at Oleta State Park. All treks are exceptional and attendance is strongly encouraged however, this is not always possible and for that reason only one weekend trek will be graded throughout the entire school year. The trek grade will be applied towards the second semester grade. The four Friday treks are optional and are not graded. COEP does not interfere with your sports, fine arts, or your social life commitments.
COEP 7 & 8 - A
COEP 7 & 8 - B
The Navigators (7Th graders) and Pathfinders (8th graders) class offers a sense of fun and adventure that begins in the classroom each and every day. Imagine leaving your math, science, or language class and changing into outdoor clothes to learn paddling techniques, or learning how to spin cast fish, cook a camp meal, learn about wildlife, experiment with map and compass usage, camping skills, study national parks and wilderness areas, learn knife, ax, and fire building skills, wilderness first aid, and archery as well as much more. If you are part of this great adventure-based learning you will be offered weekend treks to various Florida State Parks and four Friday day treks where students will participate in indoor rock climbing, paintball, fishing on a chartered boat, and kayaking at Oleta State Park. All treks are exceptional and strongly encouraged to attend, however, this is not always possible and for that reason only one weekend trek will be graded throughout the entire school year. The trek grade will be applied towards the second semester grade. The four Friday treks are optional and are not graded. COEP does not interfere with your sports, fine arts, or social life commitments.
The Navigators (7Th graders) and Pathfinders (8th graders) class offers a sense of fun and adventure that begins in the classroom each and every day. Imagine leaving your math, science, or language class and changing into outdoor clothes to learn paddling techniques, or learning how to spin cast fish, cook a camp meal, learn about wildlife, experiment with map and compass usage, camping skills, study national parks and wilderness areas, learn knife, ax, and fire building skills, wilderness first aid, and archery as well as much more. If you are part of this great adventure-based learning you will be offered weekend treks to various Florida State Parks and four Friday day treks where students will participate in indoor rock climbing, paintball, fishing on a chartered boat, and kayaking at Oleta State Park. All treks are exceptional and strongly encouraged to attend, however, this is not always possible and for that reason only one weekend trek will be graded throughout the entire school year. The trek grade will be applied towards the second semester grade. The four Friday treks are optional and are not graded. COEP does not interfere with your sports, fine arts, or social life commitments.
English 6 - A
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - B
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. Emphasis is placed on proofreading and writing descriptively. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - Foundations - A
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - Foundations - B
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. Emphasis is placed on proofreading and writing descriptively. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - Foundations for Newcomers - A
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving writing mechanics, enriching vocabulary, grammar, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skills of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation and the parts of speech. Emphases placed on proofreading and writing descriptively. A variety of literary genres are covered, including fiction, non-fiction, Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - Foundations for Newcomers - B
This course will continue developing reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving writing mechanics, enriching vocabulary, grammar, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skills of writing. Emphasis is also placed on accuracy in writing English in a variety of contexts, as well as reading speed and comprehension. A variety of literary genres are covered, including fiction, non-fiction, Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - L - A
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 6 - L - B
This course develops reading, writing, and oral expression, with a strong emphasis on improving mechanics, enriching vocabulary, and enhancing organizational skills which help with both the analysis of literature and the skill of writing. Students are exposed to fundamentals of punctuation, the parts of speech and basic paragraph structure as a means of enhancing their own writing skills. Students practice annotating and learn to find appropriate evidence to support their analyses of text. Additionally, students learn to embed evidence effectively in writing. Students gain exposure to a range of literary devices and analyze writers' stylistic choices in order to employ these techniques in their own writing. Emphasis is placed on proofreading and writing descriptively. A variety of literary genres are explored, including fiction, non-fiction, and Multicultural literature, short stories, biographies, and poetry.
English 7 - A
In English 7, students are introduced to a variety of literary genres. In the first semester, students will expand their knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature through the implementation of our choice book program. Students practice annotating and identifying and analyzing literary elements. Students move beyond simple summarization and practice comparative, narrative, and persuasive writing.
English 7 - B
In the second semester of English 7, students will further their study of varying literary genres, and further develop their annotation skills. Students will gain greater sophistication in writing and editing. Students will continue to practice and gain knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature.
English 7 - H - A
In English 7, students are introduced to a variety of literary genres. In the first semester, students will expand their knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature through the implementation of our choice book program. Students practice annotating and identifying and analyzing literary elements. Students move beyond simple summarization and practice comparative, narrative, and persuasive writing.
English 7 - H - B
In the second semester of English 7, students will further their study of varying literary genres, and further develop their annotation skills. Students will gain greater sophistication in writing and editing. Students will continue to practice and gain knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature.
English 7 - L - A
In English 7, students are introduced to a variety of literary genres. In the first semester, students will expand their knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature through the implementation of our choice book program. Students practice annotating and identifying and analyzing literary elements. Students move beyond simple summarization and practice comparative, narrative, and persuasive writing.
English 7 - L - B
In the second semester of English 7, students will further their study of varying literary genres, and further develop their annotation skills. Students will gain greater sophistication in writing and editing. Students will continue to practice and gain knowledge in four areas: improving study/reading skills, gaining fluency in writing, increasing vocabulary, and developing a greater appreciation of literature.
English 8 - A
The journey through English 8 will enable all students to better understand relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will investigate the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and determine the author’s purpose for each text. All students will learn the basics of analytical writing for various audiences while furthering their understanding and application of grammatical rules and mechanics. Finally, students will practice participating positively in discussion, actively listening, and forming relevant questions.
English 8 - B
Students will further analyze the journeys of complex characters and deeply explore relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will carefully examine the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and analyze the connection between author’s craft, author’s purpose, and overall message. All students will master both analytical and persuasive writing skills while furthering their knowledge of grammatical rules and mechanics as well as vocabulary. Finally, students will continue to work on good discussion habits, contributing meaningful thoughts and connections to group discussions, actively listening to and validating peers, and generating thoughtful questions.
English 8 - H - A
The journey through English 8 will enable all students to better understand relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will investigate the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and determine the author’s purpose for each text. All students will learn the basics of analytical writing for various audiences while furthering their understanding and application of grammatical rules and mechanics. Finally, students will practice participating positively in discussion, actively listening, and forming relevant questions.
English 8 - H - B
Students will further analyze the journeys of complex characters and deeply explore relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will carefully examine the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and analyze the connection between author’s craft, author’s purpose, and overall message. All students will master both analytical and persuasive writing skills while furthering their knowledge of grammatical rules and mechanics as well as vocabulary. Finally, students will continue to work on good discussion habits, contributing meaningful thoughts and connections to group discussions, actively listening to and validating peers, and generating thoughtful questions.
English 8 - L - A
The journey through English 8 will enable all students to better understand relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will investigate the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and determine the author’s purpose for each text. All students will learn the basics of analytical writing for various audiences while furthering their understanding and application of grammatical rules and mechanics. Finally, students will practice participating positively in discussion, actively listening, and forming relevant questions.
English 8 - L - B
Students will further analyze the journeys of complex characters and deeply explore relationships, motivations, and consequences of actions as demonstrated through selected literary works of fiction and non-fiction. Students will carefully examine the use of literary devices, tone, mood, and theme in these works and analyze the connection between author’s craft, author’s purpose, and overall message. All students will master both analytical and persuasive writing skills while furthering their knowledge of grammatical rules and mechanics as well as vocabulary. Finally, students will continue to work on good discussion habits, contributing meaningful thoughts and connections to group discussions, actively listening to and validating peers, and generating thoughtful questions.
Language Arts 6 - L - A
The LAS class is committed to creating readers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, executive functioning skills, and habits of mind. The LRP reading program utilizes data from diagnostic tools that foster literacy and are designed to meet the individual needs of each student. During the first semester, online interactive programs introduce fundamental reading and language skills, including reading comprehension, oral fluency, and vocabulary.
Language Arts 6 - L - B
The LAS class is committed to creating readers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, executive functioning skills, and habits of mind. The LRP reading program utilizes data from diagnostic tools to meet the individual needs of each student. During the second semester, students will further develop fundamental reading and language skills, including reading comprehension, oral fluency, and vocabulary, using online interactive programs. Emphasis is placed on learning to actively read, annotate, and discuss grade-level literature of varying types and genres. Students learn multi-sensory strategies and practice test-taking skills to aid in comprehension.
Language Arts 7 - L - A
The LAS class is committed to creating readers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, executive functioning skills, and habits of mind. This course is progressive in nature and builds on fundamental reading skills introduced in sixth grade, utilizing previous and current data from diagnostic tools to meet the individual needs of each student. During the first semester, online interactive programs strengthen fundamental reading and language skills, including reading comprehension, oral fluency, and vocabulary.
Language Arts 7 - L - B
The LAS class is committed to creating readers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, executive functioning skills, and habits of mind. This course is progressive in nature and builds on fundamental reading skills introduced in sixth grade, utilizing previous and current data from diagnostic tools to meet the individual needs of each student. During the second semester, online interactive programs strengthen fundamental reading and language skills, including reading comprehension, oral fluency, and vocabulary. Students learn twelve core reading comprehension strategies through the Strategies to Achieve Reading Success (STARS) series.
Language Arts 8 - L - A
The LAS class is committed to creating readers and writers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, and executive functioning skills. Students expand their reading, writing, listening, speaking and organizational skills by using different tools that will examine how they learn, how they read, and their personal affinities. Students develop and work towards individual and shared goals for success in each of these areas.
Language Arts 8 - L - B
The LAS class is committed to creating readers through its focus on developing receptive and expressive language skills, critical reading skills, executive functioning skills, and habits of mind. During the second semester, students will further develop fundamental reading, writing, and language skills. Emphasis is placed on learning to actively read, annotate, discuss and write about grade-level literature of varying types and genres. Time will also be used to provide personalized academic assistance, in which students apply what they are learning to a variety of content areas.
Civics 8 - A
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. By studying the philosophical and historical evolution of democracy, and by drawing contrasts with other forms of government, students will appreciate the importance of representation and how their choices can impact their community. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will understand the foundations of the American experiment. During the first semester, topics to be studied include foundations of democracy, the creation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, civil liberties and civil rights and the creation of our modern day government.
Civics 8 - B
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will expand their understandings of the machinery of government and their role in a democratic society. They will explore the current state of American politics, be exposed to current events, and learn to apply their understandings to the issues of the day. During the second semester, topics to be studied include the different branches of government, the role of the country in foreign policy and economics, and a citizen’s role in the political process.
Civics 8 - H - A
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. By studying the philosophical and historical evolution of democracy, and by drawing contrasts with other forms of government, students will appreciate the importance of representation and how their choices can impact their community. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will understand the foundations of the American experiment.During the first semester, topics to be studied include foundations of democracy, the creation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, civil liberties and civil rights and the creation of our modern day government.
Civics 8 - H - B
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will expand their understandings of the machinery of government and their role in a democratic society. They will explore the current state of American politics, be exposed to current events, and learn to apply their understandings to the issues of the day. During the second semester, topics to be studied include the different branches of government, the role of the country in foreign policy and economics, and a citizen’s role in the political process.
Civics 8 - L - A
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. By studying the philosophical and historical evolution of democracy, and by drawing contrasts with other forms of government, students will appreciate the importance of representation and how their choices can impact their community. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will understand the foundations of the American experiment.During the first semester, topics to be studied include foundations of democracy, the creation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, civil liberties and civil rights and the creation of our modern day government.
Civics 8 - L - B
Students will learn the basics of government and the responsibilities of citizenship. Through research, writing, debate and experiential learning, students will expand their understandings of the machinery of government and their role in a democratic society. They will explore the current state of American politics, be exposed to current events, and learn to apply their understandings to the issues of the day. During the second semester, topics to be studied include the different branches of government, the role of the country in foreign policy and economics, and a citizen’s role in the political process.
Social Studies 6 - A
Sixth grade students explore the Earth through World and Human Geography, current events, and the development of social studies skills, building on and reinforcing foundational skills that need strengthening. Throughout this course students develop familiarity with geographic, political, social, cultural, and intellectual forces and issues that shaped the world from its beginnings up to today. Topics explored in the first semester include basic geography and map skills. The semester will also include the study of the cultures, geography, and history of Central Africa and Southern Africa.
Social Studies 6 - B
Sixth grade students will further explore the Earth through World and Human Geography, current events, and the development of social studies skills, building on and reinforcing foundational skills that need strengthening. Throughout this course students develop familiarity with geographic, political, social, cultural, and intellectual forces and issues that shaped the world from its beginnings up to today. Topics explored in the second semester include the continued study of the cultures, geography, and history of West Africa, North Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Social Studies 6 - L - A
Sixth grade students explore the Earth through World and Human Geography, current events, and the development of social studies skills, building on and reinforcing foundational skills that need strengthening. Throughout this course students develop familiarity with geographic, political, social, cultural, and intellectual forces and issues that shaped the world from its beginnings up to today. Topics explored in the first semester include basic geography and map skills. The semester will also include the study of the cultures, geography, and history of Central Africa and Southern Africa.
Social Studies 6 - L - B
Sixth grade students will further explore the Earth through World and Human Geography, current events, and the development of social studies skills, building on and reinforcing foundational skills that need strengthening. Throughout this course students develop familiarity with geographic, political, social, cultural, and intellectual forces and issues that shaped the world from its beginnings up to today. Topics explored in the second semester include the continued study of the cultures, geography, and history of West Africa, North Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Social Studies 7 - A
The purpose of the seventh-grade social studies is to create learning experiences that foster intellectual curiosity based on historical events in American History. Students will develop an understanding of the environmental, social, cultural, and political forces that have affected America throughout its history. Analysis of past events will teach students to ask probing questions, challenge preconceived assumptions, and recognize that humans’ actions have consequences. By examining historical documents, students will strengthen reading comprehension skills, consider perspectives, and recognize their own biases. In Semester 1, students will explore indigenous history of the Americas, exploration, colonization, foundations of a new nation, and development of American identity.
Social Studies 7 - B
The purpose of the seventh-grade social studies is to create learning experiences that foster intellectual curiosity based on historical events in American History. Students will develop an understanding of the environmental, social, cultural, and political forces that have affected America throughout its history. Analysis of past events will teach students to ask probing questions, challenge preconceived assumptions, and recognize that humans’ actions have consequences. By examining historical documents, students will strengthen reading comprehension skills, consider perspectives, and recognize their own biases. In Semester 2, students will consider how expansion, conflict, compromise, and innovation have shaped American history.
Social Studies 7 - L - A
The purpose of the seventh-grade social studies is to create learning experiences that foster intellectual curiosity based on historical events in American History. Students will develop an understanding of the environmental, social, cultural, and political forces that have affected America throughout its history. Analysis of past events will teach students to ask probing questions, challenge preconceived assumptions, and recognize that humans’ actions have consequences. By examining historical documents, students will strengthen reading comprehension skills, consider perspectives, and recognize their own biases. In Semester 1, students will explore indigenous history of the Americas, exploration, colonization, foundations of a new nation, and development of American identity.
Social Studies 7 - L - B
The purpose of the seventh-grade social studies is to create learning experiences that foster intellectual curiosity based on historical events in American History. Students will develop an understanding of the environmental, social, cultural, and political forces that have affected America throughout its history. Analysis of past events will teach students to ask probing questions, challenge preconceived assumptions, and recognize that humans’ actions have consequences. By examining historical documents, students will strengthen reading comprehension skills, consider perspectives, and recognize their own biases. In Semester 2, students will consider how expansion, conflict, compromise, and innovation have shaped American history.
Broadcast Journalism 1
Students will study the principles of broadcast journalism to create digital media for online platforms, specifically SpartanTV and The Spartacus website. Students will gather information, conduct interviews, write scripts, record video and edit footage to produce and publish news stories and public service announcements. Additionally, students will critique their own work and perform peer reviews to assess the validity, quality and originality of content for publication. Topics explored in the first semester include what is newsworthy, news values, first amendment rights, the purpose and production of podcasts, and how to create an effective news package.
Broadcast Journalism 2
Students will further their understanding of the principles of broadcast journalism to create digital media for SpartanTV and The Spartacus website. Students will investigate news stories, conduct interviews, write scripts, record video and edit footage to produce and publish a news broadcast and a documentary film. Additionally, students will critique their own work and perform peer reviews to assess the validity, quality and originality of content for publication. Topics explored in the second semester include the purpose and production of vox pops, how to create an effective news package, and documentary filmmaking.
Journalism 1
Students will explore the tenets of journalism to gather evidence, and transform this information into newsworthy stories that are fair, honest, and unbiased. Students will develop research, interpreting, writing and communication skills to write news and feature stories for a print publication, The Spartan Chronicle. Topics explored in the semester include why journalism matters, the first amendment, the art of the interview, news values, news story structure, the writing process, and the role journalism and a free press plays in a democratic society.
Journalism 2
Students will further explore the tenets of journalism to gather evidence, and transform this information into newsworthy stories that are fair, honest, and unbiased. Students will continue to develop research, interpreting, and communication skills to write news and feature stories for a print publication, The Spartan Chronicle. Additionally, students will create and publish a podcast. Topics explored in the second semester will expand on the writing process, news and feature story writing, and the role journalism and a free press plays in a democratic society,
Chess - A
This course is for chess players who already know chess basics and want to raise their level to compete socially, online or in actual physical US Chess Federation rated events. Learning openings and tactics leads to the most immediate and rapid improvement in competitive chess performance. Students will also learn how to analyze their own games and develop proper endgame technique. The course will be taught by FIDE International Grandmaster Ron W Henley who was Chief Trainer for the Twelfth World Champion Anatoly Karpov for nine world championships matches.
Cryptology & Secret Codes
This class will engage students to learn how to make and break secret codes! You will explore the math behind codebreaking with traditional codes such as Caesar ciphers, vigenere ciphers, and explore some famous examples of hard to break codes. You will also learn some of the principles of modern encryption, including RSA and steganography. You will learn and apply math skills in meaningful ways to send secret messages, ending with a final project where you design a code-breaking experience for your classmates.
Fitness & Wellness
Middle School students will develop a strong foundation of strength training, cardiovascular fitness and basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Students will perform exercises with body weight, bands, med balls, kettlebells and free weights.
In the first semester of Introduction to the Law and Mock Trial, students are given an introduction to the basic fields of law: Criminal Law; Constitutional Law; Contract Law; Introduction to Law and Mock Trial - A Property Law; and Tort Law. Students will understand the workings of our legal system, address public speaking skills, and develop useful knowledge about the legal system.
Introduction to Law and Mock Trial - B
In the second semester of Introduction to the Law and Mock Trial, students will be introduced to Civil and Criminal Procedure as well as given the basics of trial procedure, and then each student will play a role in a mock trial chosen for the class (lawyers, witnesses, jurors, officers of the court, etc.). Students will develop useful knowledge about the legal system, valuable questioning techniques, and critical thinking and oral advocacy skills.
Introduction to Portuguese Language & Culture
This is an introductory course that explores the foundations of the Portuguese language and its culture, through a thematic approach. While the linguistic aspect of this course is selfpaced through the use of the Rosetta Stone and other platforms and resources, the monitoring of language progress and the exploration of the Portuguese culture is led by a WL faculty member. This course is not part of the middle school language sequence and does not fulfill the MS language requirement.
Leadership - A
Students will have the opportunity to develop their effectiveness as a leader throughout this course. All activities are designed to enhance a student’s communication skills, time and stress management skills, human relation skills and overall self-awareness. In addition to examining and analyzing important leadership skills, students will be expected to demonstrate their own leadership abilities through team building exercises, engaging with other students in Middle School and working closely with Student Government. The goal of this elective is to have students leave the classroom as leaders, ready to make an impact in our school and community for years to come!
Leadership - B
Students will have the opportunity to develop their effectiveness as a leader throughout this course. All activities are designed to enhance a student’s communication skills, time and stress management skills, human relation skills and overall self-awareness. In addition to examining and analyzing important leadership skills, students will be expected to demonstrate their own leadership abilities through team building exercises, engaging with other students in Middle School and working closely with Student Government. The goal of this elective is to have students leave the classroom as leaders, ready to make an impact in our school and community for years to come!
Math Cubed
Albert Einstein understood that creativity was intelligence having fun. In this MathCubed course you will go beyond recall and solutions, instead you will experience math in a creative and playful way. Using communicative and creative activities, you will begin to break down your own limitations caused by your preconceived notations about your math abilities and potential. MathCubed is steeped in investigations, visualizations, and play! The lessons you learn in MathCubed will go beyond the realm of math and your increased confidence will follow you into any situation!
Model UN - A
Students will learn about the foundation and historical significance of the creation of the United Nations. Through their studies, they will understand the role the UN has played in peacekeeping, human rights and economic globalization. They will be able to identify the 17 Sustainable Goals and apply them to the current situation of the world. Students will learn how to research and present a topic – both through oral and written methods. They will gain an understanding of how delegates in the United Nations must work together, strategize and compromise possible solutions to world problems. Through their research, they will gain knowledge in history, geography, math, culture, economics and science of their particular country.
Model UN - B
Students will examine their country’s role in a particular issue assigned to them for competition. They will research and write a position paper based on the research of their country’s position on that topic as well as a possible solution to their issue. Students will practice debate skills and resolution writing in response to preparation for Model UN conferences. Resolution writing will also be emphasized. Lastly, the students will use their skills to participate in several Model UN conferences.
MS Chinese (Elective) - A
MS Chinese (Elective)-A is an introductory course designed to provide an initial foundation for the learning of Chinese language and culture. Students will be able to receive instruction through the self-directed Rosetta Stone platform, while an in-class instructor provides opportunities to develop students' proficiency and Chinese cultural appreciation and understanding.
MS Chinese (Elective) - B
MS Chinese (Elective)-B course is designed to develop students’ basic Chinese proficiency in the four modalities of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this multigrade class, students will continue to receive instruction through the self-directed Rosetta Stone platform, while an in-class instructor provides opportunities to develop students' proficiency and Chinese cultural appreciation and understanding.
This course is designed to introduce students, safely and accessibly, to the basic postures, breathing techniques, and relaxation methods of yoga. Students will begin to experience the benefits of stretching, moving, and breathing freely as they relieve built up stress, learn to relax, and ultimately get more out of day to-day life. The aim of this course is to promote vibrant health and to tap the body's latent energy reserves.
Introduction to American Sign Language - ON A & B This course is an introduction to the basics of American Sign Language (ASL) and its place in Deaf Culture for Middle School students. It provides students essential groundwork in the basics of ASL grammar, a core of key vocabulary, and confidence and facility in ASL communication, in preparation for success in the standard Upper School ASL sequence. Middle School students who complete Introduction to American Sign Language may advance to American Sign Language 1. This online course meets OUTSIDE of the MCDS school day once a week for one hour during an evening time. Attendance to live class times is required. Students should expect 2-4 hours of outside class time each week in support of the learning experience.
Game Design & Coding - ON - A
Have you ever used a website before? Of course, you have! Have you ever found yourself wondering what it takes to make something like this? Let’s dive into the basics of HTML and CSS, the front-end languages that make up the web. Learn to create a basic, interactive website that will demonstrate your coding skills and express your creativity. With the basics of web design under your belt, we will then take a look at some advanced content layouts and user interactions. Students will learn how to have full control over where and how their content is displayed on their web pages. Learn to create an advanced, interactive website that will demonstrate your coding skills and express your creativity. This
online course meets OUTSIDE of the MCDS school day once a week for one hour during an evening time. Attendance to live class times is required. Students should expect 2-4 hours of outside class time each week in support of the learning experience. Note: This course uses the online resource CodePen.io, which is available on all devices. However, due to the need to type out code, a device with a keyboard is highly recommended.
Game Design & Coding - ON - B
Have you ever used a website before? Of course, you have! Have you ever found yourself wondering what it takes to make something like this? Let’s dive into the basics of HTML and CSS, the front-end languages that make up the web. Learn to create a basic, interactive website that will demonstrate your coding skills and express your creativity. With the basics of web design under your belt, we will then take a look at some advanced content layouts and user interactions. Students will learn how to have full control over where and how their content is displayed on their web pages. Learn to create an advanced, interactive website that will demonstrate your coding skills and express your creativity. This online course meets OUTSIDE of the MCDS school day once a week for one hour during an evening time. Attendance to live class times is required. Students should expect 2-4 hours of outside class time each week in support of the learning experience. Note: This course uses the online resource CodePen.io, which is available on all devices. However, due to the need to type out code, a device with a keyboard is highly recommended.
Physical Education 6 - A
Physical Education 6 - B
Physical Education 7 - A
6th grade physical education and seminar provides a foundation of knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the development of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to a 6th grade student to maintain and continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum.
6th grade physical education and seminar (B) is a continuation of knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the development of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to a 6th grade student to maintain and continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum.
7th grade physical education and seminar provides a foundation of knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the development of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to a 7th grade student to maintain and continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. progress.
Physical Education 7 - B
Physical Education 8 - A
Physical Education 8 - B
7th grade physical education and seminar (B) is a continuation of knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the development of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to a 7th grade student to maintain and continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. progress.
8th grade physical education and seminar builds on previously acquired knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the implementation and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to an 8th grade student to continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. progress.
8th grade physical education and seminar (B) continues to build on previously acquired knowledge, skills, and values necessary for the implementation and maintenance of a physically active lifestyle. The course content provides exposure to a variety of movement opportunities and experiences that develop and maintain physical fitness. In Seminar, students will discuss topics relative to an 8th grade student to continue to develop wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. progress.
Seminar 6 - A
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Seminar 6 - B
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Seminar 7 - A
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Seminar 7 - B
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Seminar 8 - A
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Seminar 8 - B
The seminar class meets once weekly for each grade level, this is not a graded class and all work is done within the class time. The goal of this class is to have students learn about and prepare for issues that deal with everyday life. The format of the class allows students to talk to each other about social and emotional issues relative to their grade level. The seminar teacher serves as the group facilitator. It is the goal of the Guidance Department to maintain and continue to develop proactive programs of prevention and wellness within the Life Skills curriculum. During Life Skills students learn and apply to everyday life the six potentials upon which the MCDS Mission Statement is based: Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Aesthetic, Physical, and Emotional.
Integrated Math I - 7 - A
Integrated Math 1 A is the first semester of a six-semester sequence of high school mathematics that integrates algebra, geometry and statistics. This course covers linear equations, linear functions in multiple representations, and applications of equations and lines including modeling with linear regression. Students will develop abstract reasoning to model relationships and draw conclusions, including making sense of authentic and constructed scenarios. They will apply flexible strategies to solve complex problems and communicate their reasoning.
Integrated Math I - 7 - B
Integrated Math 1 B is the second semester of a six-semester sequence of high school mathematics that integrates algebra, geometry and statistics. This course covers linear systems in multiple representations and applications of equations with a focus on figures in the coordinate plane and algebraic manipulation of formulas. Students will develop abstract reasoning to model relationships and draw conclusions, including making sense of authentic and constructed scenarios. They will apply flexible strategies to solve complex problems and communicate their reasoning.
Math 6 - A
This class builds upon concepts learned in the lower school. Through deeper study and practice, students gain a solid foundation on which to build for the rest of their middle school math and science years. All topics are taught in such a way that the student can see how it applies to their own lives and activities in the real world. Students work independently and cooperatively with peers on a regular basis. Topics include integers and rational numbers, numeric and algebraic equations, and representing and solving equations and inequalities.
Math 6 - B
This class will continue to build foundational skills students need for the rest of their middle school math and science years. All topics are taught in such a way that the student can see how it applies to their own lives and activities in the real world. Students work independently and cooperatively with peers on a regular basis. Topics include ratio, rates, percentages, area and volume and data description and display.
Math 6 - Foundations - A
This course provides a bridge for students who require additional scaffolding in the development and application of basic math operations. The class is more tailored to individual and specific student needs with a focus on math fluency and core foundational skills. Students deepen their understanding of the order of operations, math operations using decimals and fractions, explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percent, work with the primary rules of exponents, explore number theory, geometry, and graphing. The goal is for students to gain increasing academic independence and confidence as they begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. A key component is working on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both written and verbal form.
Math 6 - Foundations - B
This course continues to provide a bridge for students who require additional scaffolding in the development and application of basic math operations. The class is more tailored to individual and specific student needs with a focus on math fluency and core foundational skills. Students deepen their understanding of the order of operations, math operations using decimals and fractions, explore the relationship between fractions, decimals and percent, work with the primary rules of exponents, explore number theory, geometry, and graphing. The goal is for students to gain increasing academic independence and confidence as they begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. A key component is working on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both written and verbal form.
Math 6 - L - A
This class builds upon concepts learned in the lower school. Through deeper study and practice, students gain a solid foundation on which to build for the rest of their middle school math and science years. All topics are taught in such a way that the student can see how it applies to their own lives and activities in the real world. Students work independently and cooperatively with peers on a regular basis. Topics include integers and rational numbers, numeric and algebraic equations, and representing and solving equations and inequalities.
Math 6 - L - B
This class will continue to build foundational skills students need for the rest of their middle school math and science years. All topics are taught in such a way that the student can see how it applies to their own lives and activities in the real world. Students work independently and cooperatively with peers on a regular basis. Topics include ratio, rates, percentages, area and volume and data description and display.
Math 7 - A
This course is designed to bolster previously learned math concepts and extending mathematical skills to pave the way for algebraic thinking. The course will imbed previously learned skills into new concepts as a way to revise and become more fluent in the foundational skills of mathematics. Students will extend their mathematical skills and begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. Learning is centered on mastering skills and concepts, inquisitive thinking, accuracy, and reallife application. Students continue to work on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both verbal and written form. Topics include using positive and negative rational numbers, algebraic expressions, and representing and solving equations and inequalities.
Math 7 - B
This course will continue to bolster previously learned math concepts and extending mathematical skills to pave the way for algebraic thinking. The course will imbed previously learned skills into new concepts as a way to revise and become more fluent in the foundational skills of mathematics. Students will extend their mathematical skills and begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. Learning is centered on mastering skills and concepts, inquisitive thinking, accuracy, and real-life application. Students continue to work on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both verbal and written form. Topics include exploring ratio and rate, percentages, circles and triangles, and statistical studies.
Math 7 - L - A
This course is designed to bolster previously learned math concepts and extending mathematical skills to pave the way for algebraic thinking. The course will imbed previously learned skills into new concepts as a way to revise and become more fluent in the foundational skills of mathematics. Students will extend their mathematical skills and begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. Learning is centered on mastering skills and concepts, inquisitive thinking, accuracy, and reallife application. Students continue to work on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both verbal and written form. Topics include using positive and negative rational numbers, algebraic expressions, and representing and solving equations and inequalities.
Math 7 - L - B
This course will continue to bolster previously learned math concepts and extending mathematical skills to pave the way for algebraic thinking. The course will imbed previously learned skills into new concepts as a way to revise and become more fluent in the foundational skills of mathematics. Students will extend their mathematical skills and begin to learn algebraic concepts that serve as a transition into more formal algebra and geometry. Learning is centered on mastering skills and concepts, inquisitive thinking, accuracy, and real-life application. Students continue to work on developing and expressing mathematical ideas and connections in both verbal and written form. Topics include exploring ratio and rate, percentages, circles and triangles, and statistical studies.
Pre-Algebra 6 - A
Pre-Algebra A covers a wide range of topics in geometry and number theory, including the Pythagorean Theorem, exponents, properties of circles, and probability. Students will build fluency with rational numbers, then apply this knowledge in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 6 - B
Pre-Algebra B covers topics in algebra and linear relationships, including working with expressions, equations and inequalities as well as exploring angle relationships. Students will begin to build fluency manipulating basic algebraic structures, then apply this knowledge to proportional relationships in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 7 - A
Pre-Algebra A covers a wide range of topics in geometry and number theory, including the Pythagorean Theorem, exponents, properties of circles, and probability. Students will build fluency with rational numbers, then apply this knowledge in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 7 - B
Pre-Algebra B covers topics in algebra and linear relationships, including working with expressions, equations and inequalities as well as exploring angle relationships. Students will begin to build fluency manipulating basic algebraic structures, then apply this knowledge to proportional relationships in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 8 - A
Pre-Algebra A covers a wide range of topics in geometry and number theory, including the Pythagorean Theorem, exponents, properties of circles, and probability. Students will build fluency with rational numbers, then apply this knowledge in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 8 - B
Pre-Algebra B covers topics in algebra and linear relationships, including working with expressions, equations and inequalities as well as exploring angle relationships. Students will begin to build fluency manipulating basic algebraic structures, then apply this knowledge to proportional relationships in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 8 - L - A
Pre-Algebra A covers a wide range of topics in geometry and number theory, include operations with rational numbers, the real number system, writing and evaluating algebraic expressions, and probability. Students will build fluency with rational numbers, then apply this knowledge in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate, and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Pre-Algebra 8 - L - B
Pre-Algebra B covers topics in algebra and linear relationships, including working with expressions, equations and inequalities as well as exploring angle relationships. analyzing and solving linear equations, congruence and similarity, solving problems involving geometry, and the Pythagorean Theorem. Students will begin to build fluency manipulating basic algebraic structures, then apply this knowledge to proportional relationships in a variety of mathematical and authentic contexts. Students will make deeper connections to mathematical concepts, investigate and explore mathematical ideas, and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations. They will become skilled communicators, making predictions and explaining conclusions in both verbal and written forms.
Physical Science 8 - A
Students will start the term by learning and applying the scientific method and scientific measurement – skills that they will practice throughout the remainder of the course in the lab and in hypothetical scenarios. Students will explore the motion of objects and how a net force will change their motion. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on learning in the lab and through authentic projects and problems.
Physical Science 8 - B
Students will utilize scientific skills to develop an understanding of the materials that make up the universe and how they can change. Expanding upon previous knowledge, students will explore mechanical work and energy. Emphasis will shift to the physical makeup of matter, including its structure and ways that it can be combined, and the interaction of atoms in compounds during chemical reactions. Emphasis will be placed on theory with practical demonstrations and lab work to illustrate principles.
Physical Science 8 - H - A
Students will start the term by learning and applying the scientific method and scientific measurement – skills that they will practice throughout the remainder of the course in the lab and in hypothetical scenarios. Students will explore the motion of objects and how a net force will change their motion. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on learning in the lab and through authentic projects and problems. Consistent with an honors level course, there is an expectation of independent learning with an accelerated pace and depth of content covered.
Physical Science 8 - H - B
Students will utilize scientific skills to develop an understanding of the materials that make up the universe and how they can change. Expanding upon previous knowledge, students will explore mechanical work and energy. Emphasis will shift to the physical makeup of matter, including its structure and ways that it can be combined, and the interaction of atoms in compounds during chemical reactions. Emphasis will be placed on theory with practical demonstrations and lab work to illustrate principles. Consistent with an honors level course, there is an expectation of independent learning with an accelerated pace and depth of content covered.
Physical Science 8 - L - A
Students will start the term by learning and applying the scientific method and scientific measurement – skills that they will practice throughout the remainder of the course in the lab and in hypothetical scenarios. Students will explore the motion of objects and how a net force will change their motion. Emphasis will be placed on hands-on learning in the lab and through authentic projects and problems.
Physical Science 8 - L - B
Students will utilize scientific skills to develop an understanding of the materials that make up the universe and how they can change. Expanding upon previous knowledge, students will explore mechanical work and energy. Emphasis will shift to the physical makeup of matter, including its structure and ways that it can be combined, and the interaction of atoms in compounds during chemical reactions. Emphasis will be placed on theory with practical demonstrations and lab work to illustrate principles.
STEM 6 - A
By understanding energy and the relationship with the Earth’s processes, students will recognize that energy flows and matter cycles within and among the planet’s systems. Students will derive that Earth's materials are continually recycled and how energy from Earth’s hot interior affects our ever-changing planet. These interactions have shaped Earth’s history and will determine its future. Students will incorporate the scientific method and the engineering design process to further explore the relationship between energy and the Earth’s processes. Topics explored during the first semester, with a focus on Florida, are sturdy structures, severe weather, geological history, structure of the Earth and our atmosphere, forces that shape the Earth, and the rock cycle.
STEM 6 - B
Students will continue their understanding of energy and the relationship with the Earth’s processes, students will recognize that energy flows and matter cycles within and among the planet’s systems. Students will derive that Earth's materials are continually recycled and how energy from Earth’s hot interior affects our ever-changing planet. These interactions have shaped Earth’s history and will determine its future. Students will incorporate the scientific method and the engineering design process to further explore the relationship between energy and the Earth’s processes. Topics explored during the second semester, with a focus on Florida, are karst features, mountains, The Ring of Fire, Theory of Plate Tectonics, space, traditional vs. alternative energy sources, and the effects of climate change.
STEM 6 - L - A
By understanding energy and the relationship with the Earth’s processes, students will recognize that energy flows and matter cycles within and among the planet’s systems. Students will derive that Earth's materials are continually recycled and how energy from Earth’s hot interior affects our ever-changing planet. These interactions have shaped Earth’s history and will determine its future. Students will incorporate the scientific method and the engineering design process to further explore the relationship between energy and the Earth’s processes. Topics explored during the first semester, with a focus on Florida, are sturdy structures, severe weather, geological history, structure of the Earth and our atmosphere, forces that shape the Earth, and the rock cycle.
STEM 6 - L - B
Students will continue their understanding of energy and the relationship with the Earth’s processes, students will recognize that energy flows and matter cycles within and among the planet’s systems. Students will derive that Earth's materials are continually recycled and how energy from Earth’s hot interior affects our ever-changing planet. These interactions have shaped Earth’s history and will determine its future. Students will incorporate the scientific method and the engineering design process to further explore the relationship between energy and the Earth’s processes. Topics explored during the second semester, with a focus on Florida, are karst features, mountains, The Ring of Fire, Theory of Plate Tectonics, space, traditional vs. alternative energy sources, and the effects of climate change.
STEM 7 - A
In seventh grade life science, students discover the living world within and around them. Through reading, researching, experimenting, presenting reports and creating projects, students practice scientific inquiry while learning about nature and the human body. Skills included in this course are designed to improve independent learning, reading comprehension, critical thinking and cooperative learning. Topics explored this first semester include: the scientific method, characteristics of living things, classifying life, cycles of life, cycles of energy, biomes as well as the scientists who discovered/created or introduced these ideas.
STEM 7 - B
Students in seventh grade will further their understanding of the interaction between the world within and around them.Through reading, researching, experimenting, presenting reports and creating projects, students practice scientific inquiry while learning about nature and the human body. Skills included in this course are designed to improve independent learning, reading comprehension, critical thinking and cooperative learning.Topics explored this second semester include: genetics, DNA and heredity, microscope use, cells, human body systems as well as the scientists who discovered, created or introduced these ideas.
STEM 7 - L - A
In seventh grade life science, students discover the living world within and around them. Through reading, researching, experimenting, presenting reports and creating projects, students practice scientific inquiry while learning about nature and the human body. Skills included in this course are designed to improve independent learning, reading comprehension, critical thinking and cooperative learning. Topics explored this first semester include: the scientific method, characteristics of living things, classifying life, cycles of life, cycles of energy, biomes as well as the scientists who discovered/created or introduced these ideas.
STEM 7 - L - B
Students in seventh grade will further their understanding of the interaction between the world within and around them.Through reading, researching, experimenting, presenting reports and creating projects, students practice scientific inquiry while learning about nature and the human body. Skills included in this course are designed to improve independent learning, reading comprehension, critical thinking and cooperative learning.Topics explored this second semester include: genetics, DNA and heredity, microscope use, cells, human body systems as well as the scientists who discovered, created or introduced these ideas.
Digital Savvy - B
Students will further their digital experience by learning the basics of web page development and coding. By using a variety of programming languages, students will problem solve, collaborate, and investigate coding. Topics explored include HTML, Python, and JavaScript. Students will solve a real-world problem applying their coding skills and expertise with technology use.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence In online program, students build AI apps using block-based programming tools like Scratch and Thunkable and machine learning tools like Google’s Teachable Machine. As students learn about the concepts and ethical challenges behind AI and the basics of programming, they train and deploy machine learning models for self-driving cars, chatbots, classification problems, and more! This program is operated by Inspirit Scholars; a group of PhD students from Stanford, MIT, and Harvard universities. It comprises 25-hours of live, online class time and then 2-5 hours of outside classwork each week.
Spartansoft - A
Students in SpartanSoft discover what it takes to become software developers by learning how to design video games. Students describe games using standard terminology learned early in class. They outline the rules and procedures before they construct prototype versions of their original games. In first semester, students focus on learning fundamental coding concepts such as variables, functions, and loops.
Spartansoft - B
In the second semester, students put the coding skills acquired in semester one to work as they learn to build a game from scratch. Students act not only as creators, but also as analysts as they investigate each other’s work and recommend improvements. Through these activities, students learn the process of iterative design: imagine, create, evaluate, refine. They also acquire skills in all the various fields involved in the production of a video game including system development, plot writing, sound editing, digital image creation/manipulation, coding, character design, world design, and more!
Underwater Robotics - A
In Underwater Robotics semester 1, students will get a deep dive into the engineering design process which will lead them to create and evolve their own Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). Throughout the semester, students will engage in hands-on activities that help them understand the principles that guide the operation of an ROV, from buoyancy and thrust to electrical current and switches. Underwater Robotics term 1 is essentially a course that combines elements of electrical and mechanical engineering with the end goal of creating a working submersible robot.
Underwater Robotics - B
In Underwater Robotics semester 2, students will build on the groundwork they did in semester 1, literally and metaphorically. In semester 2, students will engage in activities that demonstrate the principles of electronic circuits and upgrade their Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) with circuit boards that go beyond the simple switches from semester 1. Additionally, students will upgrade their ROV frames with tools that will facilitate the completion of challenges in the end of year competition sponsored by MATE. Lastly, students will spend a substantial amount of time driving ROVs in the Aquatic Center to practice the actions they will perform at the MATE competition. Underwater Robotics term 2 is essentially a chance for students to prepare their robots to take part in a competition that involves engineering and piloting skills.
ESOL for Middle School - Beginner - A
This course introduces the language and culture of the English-speaking world. This class allows students to develop English vocabulary and grammatical structures so that students can communicate efficiently. In addition, students develop literary and analytical skills which enable them to be successful in future courses. By the end of the course, they will have acquired a command of key vocabulary, structures, and functions necessary to make academic progress.
ESOL for Middle School - Beginner - B
This course will continue focusing on increasing listening, reading, and writing skills and strategies with an intensive emphasis on vocabulary and grammar development. Students should be able to write paragraph(s) on familiar topics with few grammatical or spelling errors in a well-organized manner. Students will continue practicing new vocabulary in writing.
ESOL for Middle School - Intermediate -A
This course will continue developing the language skills needed to achieve academic proficiency, to participate successfully in the school and classroom setting, and to continue adjusting socially to the culture of the United States. Emphasis is placed on developing language in the four skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, using methods specifically designed for culturally and linguistically diverse students.
ESOL for Middle School - Intermediate -B
This course continues developing the language skills needed to achieve academic expertise. This class focusses on accuracy in writing English in a variety of community and basic academic contexts. At the end of this course, students should be able to write a basic process and informative essay with few grammatical or spelling errors.
French 6 - A
French 6 - A is an introductory course designed to provide an initial foundation for the learning of French language and culture. Students will acquire basic speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as being exposed to the francophone culture.
French 6 - B
In French 6 -B students will continue building a foundation for the learning of French language and culture. Students will start analyzing the nature of the target language using grammar, conjugation and syntax. Units in this section of the course will allow students to reflect on their identity and life at school.
French 7 - A
French 7 - A gives students the opportunity to reinforce and improve previously learned French skills. Students will learn how to communicate with the intention of answering concrete aspects of their social life. They will learn how to use and analyze visual documents and data related to daily life in the target language.
French 7 - B
French 7 - B Students will continue exploring the French language and culture using more grammatical concepts and syntax. They will focus on writing and communicating about themselves as well as asking and giving services to somebody.
French 8 - A
This course is designed to perfect and solidify the study of French language at middle school level. Students are introduced to irregular verbs and verbs of the second group. Past tense is also introduced and applied to the narration of personal facts and current events. Themes connected to our world such as press and media, friendship and social media and leadership in the history and political world are presented to the students to help them debating and communicating in the target language.
French 8 - B
In French 8 - B students continue analyzing the language and culture through reading, speaking, and listening practice. Students are introduced to the use of conditional mood and future tense as well as direct and indirect object. Themes are focusing on societal challenges such as pollution of our planet, the job market and its evolution in the future, money and economy in France and the USA.
French II - A
In this course students will continue to develop novice level interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural skills. A larger vocabulary base will allow students to express their preferences, thoughts, and feelings through simple sentence structures on familiar topics while also showing cultural sensitivity and understanding.
French II - B
French II- B Students will continue to develop novice level interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural skills. A larger vocabulary will allow students to compare and contrast cultural perspectives and products with their own personal interests and studies.
French III - A
In this course students will continue to develop intermediate interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural skills. More complex verb conjugations along with a larger vocabulary base allow students to express their thoughts and feelings to inform, persuade, and give advice in writing, speaking, and formulating follow-up questions on familiar topics
French III - B
In French III - B students will continue to develop their intermediate interpersonal, interpretive, presentational, and intercultural skills. By interacting with various sources from diverse perspectives, students will produce more developed written and oral work, displaying cultural sensitivity and understanding.
MS Chinese NL - A
Part A of this Novice Low course is an introductory course designed to provide an initial foundation for the learning of Chinese language and culture. Students will be able to receive instruction through the self-directed Rosetta Stone platform, while an in-class instructor provides opportunities to develop students' proficiency and Chinese cultural appreciation and understanding.
MS Chinese NL - B
Part B of this Novice Low course is designed to develop student’s basic Chinese proficiency in the four modalities of language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. In this multigrade class, students will continue to receive instruction through the self-directed Rosetta Stone platform, while an in-class instructor provides opportunities to develop students' proficiency and Chinese cultural appreciation and understanding.
MS Chinese NM - A
Part A of this Novice-Mid course introduces students to the structure of Chinese characters while continuing to develop their oral accuracy in pronunciation. Students will continue to receive instruction through the self-directed Rosetta Stone Platform while an in-person instructor provides opportunities for practice. Students will explore Chinese traditions, holidays, and life.
MS Chinese NM - B
Part B of this Novice-Mid course focuses on listening, speaking, radicals, phonetic components and grammatical structures through thematic units as presented by the Rosetta Stone platform. Students also explore in depth the rich diversity of the Chinese culture.
Nativos 1 - A
Nativos 1 - A is a course designed for native or heritage learners of Spanish. In this course students are introduced to elements of Spanish grammar, as they learn to refine their reading and writing skills through literary pieces written by Spanish and Latin American authors. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Nativos 1 - B
Nativos 1 - B continues to develop students' understanding of Spanish grammar, as well as reading comprehension and writing skills. Students continue analyzing a variety of literary pieces, written by Spanish and Latin American authors. This course will also expand students’ knowledge and appreciation for the Spanish-speaking world. This course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Nativos 2 - A
Nativos 2 - A enables native or heritage language speakers of Spanish to develop, maintain, and enhance proficiency in their language by reinforcing and expanding skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as Spanish grammar skills acquired in the Nativos 1 course. Students are exposed to a variety of Spanish literary genres and authors. The course content reflects the cultural values of Spanish language and societies.
Nativos 2 - B
Nativos 2 - B continues developing and reinforcing the necessary skills to make learners more proficient in reading, writing, listening and speaking in their heritage language, Spanish. Students will continue to be exposed to different literary genres and will read a novel by a Latin American author.
Nativos 3 - A
Nativos 3 - A is the culminating course of the Middle School Native Speaker Program. This course does a thorough review of all indicative tenses. Simultaneously, this course expands the reading and writing skills of native/heritage Spanish-speaking students. Students read, discuss, and write about various genres of literature, focusing on improving reading comprehension, critical thinking, and analytical skills. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Nativos 3 - B
Nativos 3 - B helps students increase the complexity of their linguistic production, by using perfect tenses and studying the subjunctive mood. The program continues expanding students’ reading and writing skills, as well as improving the grammar, spelling, and mechanisms of formal language use. This course includes cultural, sociological, and literary insights into the Spanish-speaking world. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish.
Spanish 6 - A
Spanish 6 - A is a Novice level course that introduces students to the basic of language and culture and gives them the foundation for all further study of the Spanish language. This course is also planned to initiate the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies in the Spanish language with an appropriate level of accuracy. Students learn new vocabulary, present tense of regular verbs, how to tell the time, how to describe themselves and others, and how to express their likes and dislikes.
Spanish 6 - B
Spanish 6 - B continues developing the listening, speaking, reading, and writing competencies in the Spanish language. Students also continue to learn new vocabulary, how to express their feelings and emotions, describe classes and places in the school, stem-changing verbs, and preterite of regular verbs. Students are introduced to the study the culture to better understand the Spanish speaking people and their customs
Spanish 6 - H - A
This is the first in a series of courses designed to equip students with the necessary skills, both academic as well as in terms of responsibility to go far in the study of the Spanish language. Students will be introduced to the fundamental components of the language. While the oral component will be stressed, students will begin to focus on proper writing and spelling. Students will learn how to conjugate regular verbs in the present tense, and they will be able to express their likes and dislikes.
Spanish 6 - H - B
This course continues preparing students at the Novice level by stressing the oral skills and refining writing, listening and comprehension abilities. Students will be able to describe themselves and others, use verb expressions, discuss class schedules and places in the school. Students are expected to acquire the fundamentals of the language, to engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. This course is conducted almost entirely in Spanish.
Spanish 7 - A
This course is designed to enhance students' oral and written skills in Spanish. Students improve their public speaking skills and reinforce basic grammar previously learned. This course develops students’ ability to use language for real world purposes in culturally appropriate ways. Basic historical facts from Spanish-speaking countries are introduced through activities that lead students to thoughtful observation and understanding of Hispanic cultures.
Spanish 7 - B
In this section students will continue to meet the grammar requirements needed to advance to the next level by being introduced to the past tense. Students will continue using the language in real world situations while making use of technology to monito their progress. At this level, students are expected to communicate primarily in Spanish.
Spanish 7 - H - A
This course is designed to enhance the students’ oral and written skills in Spanish as they move through the Novice proficiency level. This course develops students' ability to use language for real world purposes in culturally appropriate ways. As students advance in the language, topics of research and opportunities to experience the language outside of the class will occur. Students will have the opportunity to employ Spanish through other areas of study such as art and technology among others.
Spanish 7 - H - B
In this section students will continue advancing their knowledge of Spanish grammar and they will begin to use the past tense. Students will become more engaged with their own language acquisition process as they apply self-reflect and create a variety of projects that will showcase their skills and their interests. At this level, students are expected to communicate primarily in Spanish.
Spanish 8 - A
Spanish 8 - A is a course designed to culminate the 3-year sequence of intense study of the Spanish language at the Middle School levels. This course is designed to successfully prepare students for entry into an Upper School course at an Intermediate Low level of proficiency. Through thematic units, students review simple verb forms in the indicative mood previously studied, and they learn to narrate events in the past.
Spanish 8 - B
Spanish 8 - B continues covering thematic units and students are introduced to more complex verb structures such as reflexive, progressive tense and irregular forms in past tenses. By the end of the year, students will be able to read and comprehend simplified literary texts. Students will develop and increase their vocabulary in order to discuss almost any aspect of the world as it relates to them.
Spanish 8 - H - A
Spanish 8 Honors A is a course in which conversation and writing skills are emphasized and applied to real world situations. These skills are advanced through the use of thematic units where new vocabulary will be introduced and the present and preterit tenses will be used. This course is designed to successfully prepare students for entry into an Upper School course at an Intermediate Low level of proficiency.
Spanish 8 - H - B
Spanish 8 – H - B continues strengthening communication skills through more thematic units. Narration of past events is done by comparing and contrasting the preterit and imperfect tenses, and they will also acquire reflexive and progressive structures. Students also expand the analysis of Spanish-speaking cultures and how they relate to their own community. This course is conducted fully in Spanish.
Exploration of World Languages & Culture - A
This course is a self-contained, non-sequential elective course that aims to introduce students to the languages currently taught in the Upper School curriculum of the World Languages Department: Spanish, French and Chinese. Although fluency development in each target language is limited to a variety of introductory expressions, students obtain knowledge and an appreciation for each culture, as well as the basic foundations for subsequent language acquisition strategies. Each language and culture will be studied for approximately 12 weeks and will be instructed primarily in English.
Exploration of World Languages & Culture - B
This course will continue as an introductory course for students to experience Spanish, French and Chinese language and culture through hands-on projects. Students will be provided with themes that require self-reflection and increasing independence as they research topics within the cultures of study that interest them. As students advance in cultural knowledge and use of language, they will begin focusing on a language of choice in preparation for the Upper School required credits.