Advanced Manufacturing Expo Magazine: August 2021

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MECHANICAL—— ——MECHANICAL 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

”REAL-WORLD ENERGY EFFICIENCY” ”SYTRONIX: NEW DEMANDS REQUIRE NEW ”REAL-WORLD ENERGY EFFICIENCY” ”SYTRONIX: NEW DEMANDS REQUIRE NEW SMALL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGY” SMALL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGY” CAILE RICHARDS MORRELL GROUP - TIMOTHY WILSON CAILEJoin RICHARDS MORRELL GROUP - TIMOTHY WILSON SBAM Energy Solutions’ Caile Richards for a converHistorically, machine systems have been designed to operJoin SBAM Solutions’ Caile Richards forcan a converHistorically, machineatsystems have been designed to opersationEnergy on practical ways small businesses implement ate continuously maximum performance capacity, even sation on practical ways small businesses can implement ate continuously at maximum performance capacity, scalable energy efficiency updates. Caile will be joined by though it was required for only a portion of each cycle. even Today, Caile Richards Timothy Wilson scalable energy efficiency Caile will be joinedto bywalk Timothy Wilson though it was required for only a portion of each cycle. Today, Caile Richards Consumers Energy andupdates. DTE Energy representatives increasing energy prices and workplace environmental regConsumers Energy and DTE Energy representatives to walk increasing energy prices and workplace environmental regthrough their most popular small business programs, as well as Michigan ulations have engineers rethinking their designs and focusing on systems through their most popular smallwill business programs, as well as Michigan have engineers rethinking their designsnoise. and focusing systems small business owners who share their experiences, savings, and more. ulations that reduce energy consumption and factory Sytronix on servo-driven small business owners who will share their experiences, savings, and more. thatpump reduce energy consumption and factory noise.Sytronix Sytronixvariable-speed servo-driven drive systems address these challenges. pump drive systems address these challenges. Sytronix variable-speed 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM pump drives combine the reliability of high-performance hydraulics and 9:30”HOW AM -SOLAR 10:30ENERGY AM WORKS AND HOW IT APPLIES TO pump drives combine the reliability of high-performance hydraulics and the energy efficiency of powerful drives and electronics systems. ”HOWMANUFACTURERS” SOLAR ENERGY WORKS AND HOW IT APPLIES TO the energy efficiency of powerful drives and electronics systems. Join us to learn how one manufacturer: MANUFACTURERS” HARVEST SOLAR - KEN ZEBARAH Join us• to Saved learn how manufacturer: 93%one on Cycle Energy Costs HARVEST SOLAR - KEN ZEBARAH In this enlightening segment, Ken Zebarah will lead an 93% on Cycle Energy Reduced Noise and Floor Costs Space In this enlightening segment, Ken Zebarah willenergy lead an informative discussion regarding how solar works • •Saved Improved Machine Performance Noise and Floor Space by 15% in Michigan, the beneficial application of solar forworks manufac- • •Reduced informative discussion regarding how solar energy Ken Zebarah turers,the andbeneficial the recentapplication updates andofchanges the industry. • Improved Machine Performance by 15% in Michigan, solar forinmanufacKen Zebarah

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Since a solar investment provides brand and a return on turers, and thealso recent updates andenhancement changes in the industry. HECO SYSTEMS 12:30 PM- ALL - 1:30 PM GO Ken willalso alsoprovides discuss how manufacturers canand gain competitive Since investment, a solar investment brand enhancement a areturn on HECO ALL SYSTEMS GO industry advantage by strengthening consumer, supply chain, and employee investment, Ken will also discuss how manufacturers can gain a competitive 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM relationships while highlightingconsumer, your business forchain, the 88% consumers industry advantage by strengthening supply andof employee “RECOVERING looking for sustainable brands. manyfor variables apply to each unique 2:00 PM - 3:00VALUE PM OUT OF IDLE OR SURPLUS relationships while highlighting yourSince business the 88% of consumers INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY” situation, Ken will outline the various factors that identify if solar energy “RECOVERING VALUE OUT OF IDLE OR SURPLUS looking for sustainable brands. Since many variables apply to each unique BTM INDUSTRIAL - DALE WATKOSKI might work your facility. INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY” situation, Ken willfor outline the various factors that identify if solar energy Tired of trying to- figure out what to do with idle or no longer BTM INDUSTRIAL DALE WATKOSKI might work for your facility. needed machinery equipment? Industrial - Asset Tired of trying to figureor out what to do BTM with idle or no longer Recovery Partners specializes in assisting companies Dale Watkoski needed machinery or equipment? BTM Industrial - Assetto recover value out of decommissioned or idle industrial Recovery Partners specializes in assisting companies to Dale Watkoski machinery. We offer asset recovery experience that offers multiple options recover value out of decommissioned or idle industrial that depend on what your definition of “value” is on the project or certain machinery. We offer asset recovery experience that offers multiple options pieces of machinery. Come listen and ask questions on how BTM Industrial that depend on what your definition of “value” is on the project or certain Asset Recovery Partners can help be a partner in recovering “value” out of pieces of machinery. Come listen and ask questions on how BTM Industrial your surplus industrial machinery for your organization. Asset Recovery Partners can help be a partner in recovering “value” out of your surplus industrial machinery for your organization.




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