MIB 30 - Integrated Report

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Integrated Report MIB Trieste School Management of

7 — Presentation 11— 30 years of MIB Trieste School of Management


15 — Mission & Vision


19 — The Stakeholders 20 — The students: the real protagonists 21 — The graduates: the School’s assets 22 — The team: the School’s soul 24 — The faculty: the School’s core 30 — The members of the Consortium: the School’s foundations 31 — The sponsors: the School’s support


35 — The Governance bodies 36 — The Board of Directors 2018-2020 37 — The Presidents 38 — The Scientific Committee 2015 – 2019 39 — The Steering Committees


41 — The business model 43 — MBAs & Master’s courses 49 — Corporate Masters 51 — Executive Training 55 — Customized training


63 — Valuing our contribution 66 — Human Capital 83 — Intellectual Capital 84 — Social and Relationship Capital 100 — Manufactured Capital 103 — Natural Capital 104 — Financial Capital


113 — Future challenges


6 – 7


Dear friends of MIB Trieste School of Management, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the School’s foundation, I am pleased to present this Report to all of you. Starting from a brief description of what MIB is like, this review wants to assess the impact of the School’s activities on our stakeholders as a whole. The objective goals MIB Trieste School of Management has achieved in its (first) thirty years allowed it to be steadily included in the list of the best Italian Business Schools and to be firmly present internationally. Moreover, its success as an academic institution of high education has certainly also been proved by the value it created for all the people involved and ultimately for the socio-economic environment in which it operates. With the aim of fully grasping the nature and impact of our activities without being self-referential, we decided to follow the principles and practices of the International Integrated Reporting Council, as well as the "6 Capitals" conceptual model (human, intellectual, social and relationship, manufactured, natural and financial), a model increasingly adopted by large organizations that relate to the Council’s principles. The European Union itself has issued a Directive that requires all listed companies to prepare, in addition to the usual financial statement, a non-financial statement containing information about the environment, the employees, the management of the staff, respect for human rights standards, anti-corruption and bribery measures. With this in mind, we have issued this Report to explain, though in general terms, how MIB Trieste is currently developing its "Capitals", emphasizing its effects both inside

and outside our institution. Starting from the assumption that the development of the Human Capital is an integral part of our mission, in that section we wanted to emphasize our ability, on the one hand, to train talents and make them available to productive organizations and, on the other, to update the knowledge and skills of managers, entrepreneurs and executives of different business sectors. The development of the Intellectual Capital is a necessary condition to carry out our main activity: training people. The research activities on different management topics and issues inside companies performed by our team of teachers, the production of original teaching materials, the continuous updating of programs and processes, the experimentation of innovative ways of learning: these are the basis for offering high-level training that can meet the emerging needs of companies and other organizations. As far as the Social and Relationship Capital is concerned, we are aware of the role MIB Trieste plays and can play in fostering the development of economic and social relations at different levels: local, national and international. A Business School is in fact a natural bridge between the Research and Business worlds, a knowledge transfer agent able to communicate effectively with academic institutions, managers and entrepreneurs, as well as with representatives of non-economic institutions. Besides, our School has always shown great sensitivity in offering cultural activities and the ability to promote initiatives inspired by values of high social responsibility.

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MIB Trieste School of Management is also the keeper of a precious heritage of material goods that must be protected, preserved and expanded. The symbol of the Manufactured Capital is the prestigious Palazzo Ferdinandeo, which has been our home for almost twenty years. Not only is Palazzo Ferdinandeo the headquarters of our activities, it is an ever-changing place always ready for decorating interventions, practical improvements and technological innovations. In this Report we also wanted to underline our attention to the Natural Capital by highlighting some of the choices that have been inspired by the principles of environmental sustainability. For a non-profit institution like MIB Trieste, whose main purpose is to encourage the development of human capital and knowledge that can promote both economic and social growth, the Financial Statement (Balance Sheet, Income Statement) is mainly an obligation to its members and the fiscal authorities, rather than a way to inform and communicate exhaustively to the communities (academic, entrepreneurial, social) involved with the School. However, even though the Financial Capital is not our main concern, it is also true that it is an essential condition for supporting our activities, our investment plans and our operating model. Consequently, the analysis of both its composing elements and its processes is an essential requirement for the development of the other capitals which have been discussed here. As I said in the beginning, this Report does not claim to give a detailed and comprehensive account of what the School has achieved in its thirty years of activity. Its aim is rather to chart a course to

integrated reporting and to offer new criteria that the School and its Stakeholders can use to better grasp the meaning of their activities and fully assess the results. We hope those elements too can contribute to a greater awareness of the role MIB Trieste School of Management plays in the development of the economic and social system in which it is involved. At the same time, with this Report we want to highlight the potential our organization can further express if its Stakeholders support it properly in its initiatives. Enjoy the reading.

Vladimir Nanut Founder and Scientific Director MIB Trieste School of Management

30 years of MIB Trieste School of Management


10 – 1 1

Over 30 years, a courageous idea took shape and developed into a recognized and internationally respected institution. The School’s constant growth and daily commitment confirm and strengthen an international position reached with work and passion.



MIB School of Management Consortium was created.

1990 The first edition of our Masters in International Business began.

1994 MIB Master in International Business received ASFOR (Italian Association for Management Development) accreditation.

–MIB joined EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development. 1 Inauguration of the first School’s headquarters at BIC (Business Innovation Center) in Trieste. 2 Palazzo Ferdinandeo, an imperial palace built in 1858 in honor of Ferdinand I of Hapsburg, became the premises of the School. 3 Enrico Tomaso Cucchiani, the President who marked the history of MIB Trieste School


of Management (2003-2015).


4 Mario Draghi, the future Governor of the

MIB moved to Palazzo Ferdinandeo.

ECB receives the MBA Honorary Degree Diploma in 2004. 5 Origini Italia Graduation Ceremony in 2016.

12 – 1 3



Master in Insurance & Risk Management – MIRM's first edition.

AMBA accreditation (Association of MBAs) for the MBA in International Business and the Executive MBA.

2001 Origini Program’s first edition - aimed at the descendants of those who emigrated from Friuli Venezia Giulia

–EPAS Accreditation (EFMD

Program Accreditation System) for the Master in Insurance & Risk Management.

2009 The first Corporate Master in Insurance & Risk Management began.

The Origini program became Origini Italia, allowing the descendants of the emigrants from the whole Italy to enroll.

Insurance & Finance - EMIF was launched.

activities in collaboration with S.S. Anna, Simulware and Knauf Group.



Prof. Vladimir Nanut became ASFOR’s president.

MIB became partner with the Generali Group Academy in the GATE project - Generali Advanced Technical Education.

was inagurated.


–The first Executive Master in 2003


Executive MBA – EMBA’s first edition.

–MIRM received ASFOR

–The new multi-purpose Pavilion


2014 The MBA and EMBA programs were accredited by AMBA for another 5 years.

2015 4



MIB signed a strategic partnership with Generali Group.

–MIB expanded its distance learning

MIB celebrated its 30th anniversary and changed its name to MIB Trieste School of Management.

Mission & Vision


MIB Trieste’s Mission & Vision: to be recognized as a center of excellence for managerial training, as well as a knowledge factory and an engine of innovation and social and economic development, both in Italy and worldwide. 14 – 1 5

MIB Trieste aims to strengthen its role as: — A leading Business School for large insurance groups operating in Europe and an advanced international center for studies, training and research in the insurance sector. — A prominent management school both for graduates looking for an international MBA accredited in Italy and for middle managers looking for an Executive MBA which is practical, flexible, career-oriented and valid as an academic qualification. — A bridge between universities, research centers, scientific institutions, technology parks, incubators and the financial world; an institution that supports start-ups and promotes the regeneration of existing ones.

16 – 17

Values – Recta Tueri MIB Trieste School of Management has always supported talents and treasured the values of commitment and of the most rigorous meritocracy. In accordance with those values, the School offers those who are motivated and willing to work hard the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to gain leadership roles with merit and passion. MIB Trieste School of Management believes and supports the growth of new leaders of society who are able to discuss ideas, design projects and come up with concrete solutions; people who cherish the values of dedication and courage and have a sense of common good and long-term benefits.

The Stakeholders


18 – 1 9

The students: the real protagonists Students enrolled for 2017 – 2018 academic year Degree Level Programs (Master’s courses): 218 students Certificate Level Programs (long courses): 47 students Executive Training: 1925 partecipants

20 – 2 1

The graduates: the School’s assets

1988 – 2018 2306 Master's degree diploma from the hands of the Director over the past 30 years; in addition, MIB Trieste has conferred 900 certificates of higher education (of which 252 were granted to students of the Origini Course). Over 30 years, a great variety of people mounted the podium on Graduation Day: young graduates, professionals at the beginning of their career, middle and senior managers, entrepreneurs and C-level from over 90 countries. This incredible mixture of backgrounds, cultures, experiences and ambitions is one of the most valuable treasures the School can offer and benefits from.

758 441 430 138 14 124 19 293 89 252 648 3206

MBA in International Business Executive MBA Master in Insurance & Risk Management Executive Master in Insurance & Finance Executive Master in Innovation Technology & ICT Management Corporate Master in Insurance & Risk Management Corporate Master in Insurance Management International Master in Tourism Executive Master in Wine Management Origini Course Other certificates of higher education

The team: the School’s soul

Think and act like owners This is the motto that inspires the daily work of the MIB Team, the beating heart of the School. Every day, our team of 34 professionals engage in different activities: working in the offices, entering the classrooms, meeting companies and institutions, joining conferences, fairs and meetings around the world; designing new training content, developing teaching methods, discussing with students, entrepreneurs, managers to understand needs and find solutions.

account department

master area


Edna Cosina Renata Faccio Maria Humar Sabrina Marini

Maria Antonietta Barone Laura Peressin Ermanno Pitacco Victoria Plez Federica Seganti Andrea Tracogna

Lodovico Bonini Igor Šcurek

international admissions

Barbara Sepic

Gabriella Iacono Pierpaolo Penco Maddalena Sepin Alessandra Szoldatics Giorgio Valentinuz Diego Vendramini Francesco Venier

Andrea Ampò project management

career service executive education area

learning technologies

Fabia Radetti Barbara Vidotto communication

& marketing

Daria Longo Carolina Meucci Valentina Savino Rita Zonta

Antonella Boscolo Maria Cristina Cesaro Stefano Pilotto general services

Giuseppe Iorio Mario Vianelli Maurizio Zangrando Giuseppe Zampini

22 – 2 3

The faculty: the School’s core Our teaching staff includes a selected and qualified core faculty; an international visiting faculty; an adjunct faculty with extensive business and professional experience; numerous testimonials chosen among academics, business leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals.

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Core Faculty

Andrea Ampò

Bruno De Rosa

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Marketing and Strategy

and Management Control

Leadership Dynamics

Timothy Baxter

Alberto Dreassi

Pietro Millossovich

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Leadership Dynamics

Risk Management

and Management Control

Michele Bertoni

Valeria Forzano

Guido Modugno

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Leadership Dynamics

and Management Control

Guido Bortoluzzi

Chiara Furlan

Vladimir Nanut

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Marketing and Strategy

Risk Management

disciplinary area

Finance, Accounting

and Management Control

Finance, Accounting

Insurance and

Insurance and

Gabriella Iacono disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Finance, Accounting

Finance, Accounting

disciplinary area

Strategy and Organization

26 – 2 7

Annamaria Olivieri disciplinary area

Insurance and

Claudio Sambri

Francesco Venier

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Risk Management

Marketing Management

and Technology

Laura Peressin

Federica Seganti

disciplinary area

Finance, Insurance

disciplinary area

Finance, Accounting

and Risk Management

and Management Control

Stefano Pilotto

Andrea Tracogna

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

International Business

Strategy and Organization

Ermanno Pitacco disciplinary area


Insurance and Risk

Giorgio Valentinuz disciplinary area


Strategy, Organization

Visiting Faculty 2017 – 2018

Yusaf Akbar

Alberto Di Minin

Associate Professor, Central European

Associate Professor, Scuola Superiore

University Business School, Hungary

Sant’Anna, Italy

disciplinary area

International Business

disciplinary area

Strategy and Innovation

Management and Emerging Markets


Ilan Alon

Martina Gianecchini

Professor, University of Agder, Norway

Associate Professor, University of Padova, Italy

disciplinary area

International Franchising

disciplinary area

Human Resource


João Amaro De Matos Professor, Universidad Nova de Lisboa,

Christopher Parsons


Professor, Cass Business School, City

disciplinary area

Advanced Finance,

University, UK Strategy and Insurance

Derivates and Options

disciplinary area

Franco Bruni

Nino Savelli

Professor, Bocconi University, Italy

Professor, Cattolica University, Italy

disciplinary area

International Political

disciplinary area

Risk Management and


Insurance Techniques

Cristiano Busco

Irena Vida

Professor, University of Siena, Italy

Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

disciplinary area

and Control

Management Accounting

disciplinary area


International Consumer

28 – 2 9

Adjunct Faculty 2017 – 2018

Elena Bortolan

Roberto Pugliese

Carlo Stagnaro

Business consultant at J.L. Larco &

Deputy General Coordinator, Elettra–

Director Digital Economy Observatory,

Associates, Inc., USA

Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A., Italy

Istituto Bruno Leoni, Italy

disciplinary area

Lean Thinking

disciplinary area

Project Management

Marco Dell'Antonia

Nicola Redi

Partner, Orrick Milan, Italy

Founder, Innovation Factory, Italy

disciplinary area

Commercial and Corporate

Law, M&A, Competition Law and Corporate

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Energy Management

Barbara Stampf New Product Development

Founder and CEO, HR Management, Projects and Ideas, Austria

Business Planning for New Venture Start–Up

disciplinary area

HR Management


Massimo Romano

Federico Turco

Andrea Furlanetto

Head of Group Integrated Reporting,

Purchasing and Logistics Manager,

Executive, Business Development Southern

Generali Group, Italy

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A., Italy

Europe Ticontract GmbH, Germany

disciplinary area

disciplinary area

Integrated Reporting

disciplinary area

Operations and Supply

Chain Management

Operations Management

Carlo Rossi Alessandra Gruppi

Chief Sales, Nest2 S.p.A., Italy

Owner Strategia e Controllo Srl, Italy

disciplinary area

disciplinary area


Information Security


Aldo Salcioli

President, J.L. Larco & Associates Inc., USA

Senior Manager (retired), Assicurazioni

Lean Thinking

Generali S.p.A., Italy disciplinary area

Pierpaolo Penco

Marine Insurance and


Consultant in Wine Business, Italy disciplinary area

Wine Business Management

Anna Spanò Special Counsel, Orrick Milan, Italy

Claudio Pitilino

disciplinary area

Co–Founder and Partner Apricot Srl, Italy

Law, M&A, Competition Law and Corporate

disciplinary area

Marketing Management


CFO, Eniservizi S.p.a., Eni group, Italy disciplinary area

Jorge L. Larco disciplinary area

Mario Antonio Vinzia

Commercial and Corporate


The Members of the Consortium: the foundations

The School’s legal status is that ofa non-profit making Consortium, whose members are Universities, Chambers of Commerce, government agencies, professional associations and businesses.The structure of the Consortium reflects the diverse composition and the different souls of the School. The legal status of ‘Consortium’ creates the basis for an effective interaction between private and public organizations. Allianz S.p.A. sector


BIC Incubatori FVG S.r.l. sector

Business services

Biovalley Investments S.p.A. sector


BNL – Gruppo BNP Paribas sector

Banking services

Calligaris S.p.A. sector


Camera di Commercio Venezia Giulia sector

Finest S.p.A. sector


Generali Italia S.p.A. sector


Hera S.p.A. sector


illycaffè S.p.A. sector


Metecno Italia S.r.l sector


Chamber of Commerce

Modiano S.p.A. Area Science Park sector

Business incubation and

technology transfer

Cassa di Risparmio del F.V.G. – Gruppo Intesa SanPaolo sector

Banking services


Orion S.p.A. sector

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. sector



International logistics


Industrial Association

Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A. sector

Banca Popolare di Cividale S.C.p.A. sector

Banking services

Benetton Group S.r.l. sector



Confindustria Venezia Giulia Reale Mutua Assicurazioni sector

B. Pacorini S.r.l.



Ferriere Nord S.p.A. sector


Fincantieri S.p.A. sector



Sigea S.r.l. sector


Simulware S.r.l. sector

Learning technologies

Snaidero R. S.p.A. sector


3 0 – 31

The sponsors: the School’s support

Trieste Marine Terminal S.p.A. sector


UnipolSai Assicurazioni S.p.A. sector


Università degli Studi di Trieste sector


Università degli Studi di Udine sector


Every year, many companies show their trust in MIB Trieste School of Management by sponsoring educational activities with scholarships and by supporting the structural and infrastructural interventions necessary to maintain the quality standards of the School. It is also thanks to the Sponsors who have supported the School over the years that MIB Trieste has been able to cement its growth.

BDO Italia S.p.A.

Course Sponsorships 2015 – 2018

Fondazione Ernesto Illy – illycaffè S.p.A.

Fondazione Mario Gasbarri – Alleanza Assicurazioni S.p.A.

Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.

Business Integration Partners S.p.A. Crenca & Associati Ernst&Young Financial Business Advisor S.p.A. Generali Business Solutions S.C.p.A.

Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A. sector


KPMG Advisory S.p.A. Allianz S.p.A. Lidl Italia S.r.l. ANIA – Associazione Nazionale fra le Imprese Assicuratrici

Reconta Ernst&Young S.p.A.

Aon S.p.A. Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. Avantage Business Unit di Iriscube Reply S.p.A. Banca Popolare di Cividale S.C.p.A.

CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE VENUE’S MAINTENANCE 2015–2018 Fondazione CRTrieste Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

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The Governance bodies


3 4 – 35

Board of Directors 2018 – 2020

Aldo Minucci

Camilla Benedetti

Michela Del Piero


Executive Vice President,


Member of the Board of Fondazione Generali.

Danieli Group

Banca Popolare di Cividale

Luca Bonansea

Sergio Paoletti

Commercial Director,


BNL - BNP Paribas

Area Science Park

Diego Bravar

Stefano Venier


Chief Executive Officer,

Confindustria Venezia Giulia

HERA Group

Former Central Director and Vice Managing Director of Assicurazioni Generali, President of Genertel, ANIA, Telecom and Telco.

Giacomo Campora vice-president

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Allianz S.p.A.

Claudio Sambri executive officer

Former Professor of Marketing

Vladimir Nanut founder and scientific director

MIB Trieste School of Management

3 6 – 37

The Presidents

1988 – 1989

2003 – 2015

Gianni Cogolo

Enrico Tomaso Cucchiani

MIB Trieste School of Management was founded. The first President.

MIB became one of the first schools in Italy and grew in importance in Europe. During his presidency MIB became one of the top business schools in Italy and in Europe.

1989 – 1995 Carlo Burgi MIB started to take shape. During his presidency the first Master’s course began. The School started to win its first national awards.

1995 – 1997 Giorgio Tombesi The School began to grow. During his presidency the School’s role in the Region grew in importance. The first international projects were launched.

1997 – 2003 Dietrich Karner The School finally found its perfect venue. During his presidency MIB moved to Palazzo Ferdinandeo.

2015 – 2018 Philippe Donnet The Corporate and Executive training sector was strengthen. During his presidency the School shifted its focus on Executive Education, as an additional sector to the existing Master’s courses.

The Scientific Committee 2015 – 2019

Established in 2015, it is the Advisory Board of MIB Trieste School of Management. It supports the Governance in the supervision of all the scientific, research and training activities.

Vladimir Nanut President Scientific Director, MIB Trieste School of Management

Maurizio Fermeglia Rector, University of Trieste

Alberto De Toni Rector, University of Udine

Letizia Barbi Head of Development and Resource Management, Recruitment, Allianz S.p.A.

Corrado Biumi HR Director, Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A.

Carlo Giordani HR Vice Director, Fincantieri S.p.A.

Monica Alessandra Possa HR Group Chief & Organization Officer, Generali Group

Luca Tiepolo Corporate HR, Organization, Processes & IT Director, illycaffè S.p.A.

3 8 – 39

The Steering Committees

The steering Committees are advisory boards that support the managing teams of two courses: the Master in Insurance & Risk Management and the Executive Master in Insurance & Finance. Thanks to the presence of managers from leading companies, the training contents can meet the actual needs of the business world.

Master in Insurance & Risk Management – MIRM Steering Committee

Executive Master in Insurance & Finance – EMIF Steering Committee

Vladimir Nanut

Vladimir Nanut

Scientific Director,

Scientific Director,

MIB Trieste School of Management

MIB Trieste School of Management

Ermanno Pitacco

Giorgio Valentinuz

MIRM Academic Director,

EMIF Academic Director,

MIB Trieste School of Management

MIB Trieste School of Management

Federica Seganti

Alessandra Szoldatics

MIRM Program Director,

EMIF Program Manager,

MIB Trieste School of Management

MIB Trieste School of Management

Maria Antonietta Barone

Laura Pavani

MIRM Program Manager,

Head of Talent Management,

MIB Trieste School of Management

Allianz S.p.A.

Antonia Di Bella

Chiara Della Noce

Member of the Board of Statutory Auditors,

People Value & Engagement,

Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

HR Department, Generali Italia S.p.A.

Benito Rocco

Marcello Bugari

Consultant, former Chairman, Genertel S.p.A.

Head of Academy,

and DG, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

Società Reale Mutua Assicurazioni

Letizia Barbi

Roberto Petrini

Head of Development and Resource

Head of Personnel Service, Insurance

Management, Recruitment, Allianz S.p.A.

Division, Intesa Sanpaolo Vita S.p.A.

Andrea Pezzotta

Luigi Di Falco

Recruitment & Personnel Selection,

Director of Life Service, Welfare and

Generali Group

Damage, ANIA

The business model


MIB Trieste School of Management offers MBAs, specialized Master’s courses in English, Corporate Masters and Executive programs; moreover, it develops training projects for companies and organizations. With its large choice of Master’s degrees accredited in Italy and abroad, the School has trained young talents from all over the world and qualified and updated managers, entrepreneurs and executives from 40 – 4 1

both local and multinational companies for 30 years. The School's Master’s programs focus on management and business topics; they have a close link with the corporate world and meet strict criteria as far as entry requirements, work placement and career growth are concerned According to the collaboration agreement with the partner universities of Trieste and Udine, the School does not offer university-level degrees, but only post-graduate Master’s programs. With regard to companies, MIB Trieste offers customized solutions that take account of their specific needs by designing tailormade training programs that can adapt to diverse requirements. For companies aiming to achieve new strategic goals and to benefit from more qualified resources, MIB Trieste School of Management is a partner that can design and implement interventions suitable to different contexts.

42 – 4 3

MBA & Master's Programs Full–time

Participant profile**

MBA in International Business In-class lectures The International MBA focuses on International Business, entrepreneurship and innovation. The course offers 2 additional specializations: Advanced Finance & Risk Management and Emerging Markets. It is also thanks to the AMBA international accreditation that the course attracts junior managers and young professionals from all over the world.

32 years 57% Average age

International students

7 years

Average professional experience






12 months / 24 months


full–time / part–time





Professional experience required

at least 3 years

ECTS Credits*


*European Credit Transfer System

Area of origin**

43% Italy 32% South America 9% Eastern Europe 8% Far East and Middle East 8% Other

**data from the last 3 editions

Master in Insurance & Risk Management – MIRM

Participant profile**

In-class lectures A unique specialized Master's degree in Europe for its blend of technical preparation and managerial approach on the topics of Insurance and Risk Management. It is designed and sponsored by leading insurance groups and can rely on the collaboration of over 40 partner companies. It is attended by young people from all over the world who have usually graduated in technical or legal subjects.

27 years 43%



Area of origin**




12 months







Professional experience required


ECTS Credits*


*European Credit Transfer System

Average age

International students

3 years

Average professional experience

57% Italy 11% South America 10% Eastern Europe 11% Far East 5% Western Europe 6% Other

**data from the last 3 editions

44 – 4 5

Insurance is an essential support to avoid the possible negative consequences linked to risk, both for companies and families. Much has changed in regulations: on the one hand, to protect policyholders more effectively; on the other hand, to adjust both communication and accounting standards to the international environment in which insurance companies operate. Every innovation creates needs and opportunities, and this is particularly evident when we talk about training people. MIB Trieste School of Management was prompt in perceiving and seizing such needs and opportunities. Consequently, in 2000 a new Master’s degree called MIRM - Master in Insurance and Risk Management – was introduced to address certain topics. The city of Trieste, already home to some of the most important and historical insurance companies and, from the end of the seventies, of a degree course in Statistical and Actuarial Sciences, has been thus enriched by a new advanced training course in insurance and risk management. Originally the course was held in Italian, but, after some editions, MIRM adopted English as the official language of teaching and communication, in line with its international vocation. The initiative, now well established, can boast numerous and prestigious national and international awards and accreditations. What is more, MIRM, the result of a long and passionate preparatory work, has also been the starting point of other successful initiatives in the field of insurance training and risk management such as the EMIF (Executive Master in Insurance and Finance); some Master’s programs

specifically commissioned by insurance companies; "on demand" training; short recurring courses like for instance "ERM - Enterprise Risk Management" and "IFRS17" (held in Milan); conferences, seminars and workshops. It is therefore also thanks to MIRM, and the numerous initiatives which originated from it, that Trieste can confirm itself as a lively city with an international outlook.

Ermanno Pitacco MIRM Accademic Director, MIB Trieste School of Management

International Master in Tourism and Leisure – IMTL

Participant profile**

In-class lectures An accredited, specialized Master's degree with an international approach, designed to teach young managers technical, managerial and leadership skills. The program aims to train students to play management roles in structured companies in the field of international tourism. The project has been designed in partnership with numerous companies in the sector. Having lately focused on different topics and projects, the course is not currently delivered by the School.

27 years 56%



Area of origin**




12 months







Professional experience required


ECTS Credits*


*European Credit Transfer System

Average age

International students

3 years

Average professional experience

44% Italy 26% Eastern Europe 15% Asia and Middle East 10% Far East 5% Africa

**data from the last 3 editions

46 – 47

MBA & Master's Programs Part–time

Participant profile**

Executive MBA – EMBA In-class lectures/Online tutoring This part-time MBA is held during the weekend and has been created to support the needs of managers, entrepreneurs and professionals from all over Italy. The course offers a flexible format and a customizable program, with distance tutoring available to all the students. With its factual approach, its focus on the most current topics (from Digital Transformation to the Intrapreneurship) and the care given to each single students thanks to individual coaching, our Master’s degree has become a landmark for other Italian EMBAs.




Pordenone / Trieste


22 months







Professional experience required

at least 3 years

ECTS Credits*


*European Credit Transfer System

39 years 5% Average age

International students

15 years

Average professional experience

Area of origin**

62% North-East Italy 33% Other regions 5% Foreign countries

**data from the last 3 editions

Executive Master in Insurance & Finance – EMIF

Participant profile**

In-class lectures/Online tutoring Originally designed for the Allianz Group only, this Master’s degree is now open to the public and has been held in Milan for 4 years. Conceived for high potentials and officers working in insurance, banking and consulting companies, the program is part-time and offers an integrated view on insurance-financial techniques and on companies’ organizational and management processes.

35 years



Employing company**




24 months







Professional experience required

at least 3 years

ECTS Credits*


*European Credit Transfer System

Average age

9 years

Average professional experience

37% Allianz Group 33% Generali Group 6% Poste Italiane Group 6% Intesa Sanpaolo Group 6% Reale Mutua Group 3% Itas Group 2% Unipol Group 1% Cattolica Assicurazioni 6% Other **data from all 8 editions

48 – 4 9

Corporate Masters

Corporate Master in Insurance & Risk Management

Participant profile**

In-class lectures/E-learning MIB Trieste School of Management has designed this Corporate project for Allianz S.p.A.: a part-time Master’s degree partly delivered online (blended e-learning), aiming to the develop the skills of highpotential new hires. The program analyzes, from a managerial viewpoint, the topics regarding insurance business and risk management.

26 years



Employing company**


Milano – Trieste / on–line


24 months







ECTS Credits*


Average age

100% Allianz Group

*European Credit Transfer System

**data from all editions

Corporate Master In Insurance Management

Participant profile

In-class lectures/E-learning This program aims to develop management skills and has been designed for the Generali Group as part of the Generali Global Graduate Program, a project that focuses on training young international talents to place them in the right position within the Group. The Master’s course is taught in English and delivered in blended e-learning mode; it is addressed to 20 young newlyhired talents and provides attendees with technical knowledge in insurance as well as leadership and management skills.

25 years



Employing company


Trieste / on–line


18 months





ECTS Credits*


Average age

100% Generali Group

*European Credit Transfer System

50 – 51

Executive Training Long courses – Certificate level

Origini Italia Course in Export Management and Entrepreneurship Development

Participant profile**

In-class lectures The course, organized in collaboration with ICE, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and other regional organizations, is aimed at young graduates descending from Italian emigrants and living abroad. Origini Italia Course aims to strengthen the bond between these young foreign students and their Italian roots, at the same time providing them with managerial tools and technical skills to develop new business projects, in collaboration with Italian companies too.

29 years



Area of origin**


Trieste / Roma


5 months





Professional experience required

at least 1 year

ECTS Credits*

*European Credit Transfer System

Average age

7 years

Average professional experience

36% Brazil 27% Argentina 9% Chile 6% USA 5% Paraguay 4% South Africa 4% Australia 9% Other countries


**data from the last 3 editions

Wine Business Management

Participant profile**

In-class lectures Created in 2003 as Executive Master in Wine Business, the program has been renewed and compressed, and is now a part-time specialization course offered in long weekend format. It is aimed at supporting the needs of managers, entrepreneurs and experts from all over Italy who work in the wine and enotourism industry. The program is customizable and divided into 9 courses that can also be attended singularly. The credits acquired can be integrated into other programs of the School, such as the Executive MBA.






9 months





Professional experience required

at least 3 year

ECTS Credits*

*European Credit Transfer System

35 years Average age

10 years

Average professional experience

Area of origin**

60% North-East Italy 40% Other regions


**data from the last 3 editions

52 – 53

54 – 55

Customized training

MIB Trieste School of Management offers numerous solutions for companies who are seeking to update the skills or qualifications of their management team. The solutions are customized and flexible; the objectives, contents, format and methodologies are chosen together with the companies and tailored to different needs. If we consider residential and distance education programs together, over 9,000 training days were delivered in 2017. According to current trends - since the demand for distance education programs has been growing the School has been engaged in developing a specific expertise in the field. In 2017 e-learning days/man exceeded those of traditional training for the first time.

Customized training Residential programs

Distance e-learning programs

2015 6255 day/man 2016 6975 day/man 2017 4484 day/man

2015 1867 day/man 2016 2407 day/man 2017 4772 day/man

days/man 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2015


Residential Distance


Some Case Histories


Bosch Group Program name

Lead Program Held from

2012 – 2017 Total number of participants

200+ new Bosch managers Topic area

Management Development – Leadership In-class lectures/Online tutoring In close collaboration with the Bosch Group management, MIB Trieste School of Management designed the Bosch Lead Program, a project aimed at developing managerial skills and leadership attitude in people who had just been appointed in a management role within the Bosch Group.

In evidence The project, launched in 2012 for the Italian companies of the Group (Milan and Modena offices), was so highly appreciated that it was subsequently exported to the Bosch Group offices both in Greece and the United Arab Emirates.

56 – 57


Danieli Group Program name

Danieli Academy Held from

2015 – 2018 Total number of participants

300+ top and middle manager Topic area

Organization – Management Development – Leadership In-class lectures/Online tutoring MIB Trieste plays an important role in designing training courses for the Danieli Academy, the group Corporate University created by Danieli in 2015. Some of the programs delivered by MIB Trieste School of Management: — Zero-One program for Top Managers — KAM-UP program for Key Accounts Global — Sales Task Force Program - Outdoor — Sales Task Force Program – Communication and Leadership — Lean Thinking and Lean Transformation Program — Team-Up program for HR management

In evidence Innovation and change were the principles that guided MIB Trieste in the arrangement of its training contents, which consistently helped to develop a renewed organizational culture of the Group, reinforcing new values and common objectives for a better corporate identity.


Fincantieri S.p.A. Program name

New Management Program Held from

2015 – 2016 Total number of participants

23 new managers Topic area

Management Development – Leadership In-class lectures/Online tutoring MIB Trieste School of Management planned a program to provide new Fincantieri managers with the key concepts to be effective in their job; the course also aimed to develop skills in those areas that are crucial to the company management: from strategy to customer care, from leadership to intrapreneurship.

In evidence Thanks to the close collaboration and perfect tune with the company, MIB Trieste was able to accurately meet the needs expressed by Fincantieri. Not only was the School assigned to train managers on different skills, but also and above all to transmit corporate role models and Fincantieri values.

58 – 59


Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A. Program name

GATE (Generali Advanced Technical Education) Held from

2017 – 2018 Total number of participants

500+ Assicurazioni Generali’s collaborators Topic area

Management Development and Insurance Technique In-class lectures/E–learning MIB Trieste School of Management was a partner of Assicurazioni Generali in the 2017 GATE program. GATE - Generali Advanced Technical Education - is an international training program by Generali Group Academy. The program was launched in 2014 with the aim of updating and renewing the technical and business skills of Generali Group’s employees in over 40 countries.

In evidence MIB Trieste’s project managers and faculty were engaged in arranging a wide and diversified variety of topics, all strategic for the Group and presented from an international viewpoint; subjects ranged from insurance techniques to marketing, from statistics to information security, from integrated communication to actuarial analysis.


Knauf Group Program name

K–Socrates Held from

2015 – 2017 Total number of participants

400+ Knauf’s collaborators Topic area

Marketing & Sales E–learning Knauf, one of the world leaders in the production of materials, equipment and tools for house building, assigned the international project K-Socrates to MIB Trieste School of Management. MIB Trieste designed and implemented a multimedia program focused on the topics of Marketing & Sales and innovation. K-Socrates was managed using a special e-learning platform based on video contents. The implementation of the project involved more than 10 people including programmers, IT and audio / video technicians, program managers, teachers and translators.

In evidence The international character and the global value of the project designed by MIB Trieste School of Management convinced Knauf to distribute its contents in over 60 countries, to over 400 employees. The training materials, originally released in English, were translated into German, French, Turkish, Chinese, Russian and Spanish.

60 – 61

Valuing our contribution


According to the Framework provided by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), value created by an organization over time manifests itself in increases, decreases or transformations of the capitals caused by the organization’s business activities and outputs. 62 – 63

The IIRC categorizes the capitals into 6 categories and describes them as follows: 1. Human Capital – People’s skills, abilities and experience as well as their motivation to innovate. 2. Intellectual Capital – Organizational, knowledge-based intangibles. 3. Social and Relational Capital – The institutions and the relationships within and between communities, groups of stakeholders and other networks, and the ability to share information in order to enhance individual and collective well-being. 4. Manufactured Capital - Manufactured physical objects (as distinct from natural physical objects) that are available to an organization for use in the production of goods or the provision of services. 5. Natural Capital - All renewable and non-renewable environmental resources and processes that provide goods or

64 – 65

services that support the past, current or future prosperity of an organization. 6. Financial Capital – The pool of funds that is available to an organization for use in the production of goods or the provision of services.

External environment Mission & Vision


Risk and opportutities

Manufactured Intellectual


Strategy and resource allocation

Manufactured Intellectual

Business model Input

Business activities



Human Social and Relationship



Performance Governance


Social and Relationship Natural

Value creation over time

The value creation process The external environment (including economic conditions, technical change, societal issues and environmental challenges) sets the context within which the organization operates; the mission and vision encompass the whole organization, identifying its purpose and intention; those charged with governance

are responsible for creating an appropriate oversight structure to support the ability of the organization to create value, identifying risks and opportunities and allocating resources. At the core of the organization is its business model, which draws on various capitals as inputs and, through its business activities, converts them to outputs. The organization’s

activities and its outputs lead to outcomes (which can be positive or negative and internal and external) in term of effects on the capitals. Copyright © december 2013 International Integrated Reporting Council ("IIRC"). All rights reserved.

Human Capital An organization whose main activity is training people, necessarily lays its foundation on human capital. Human capital, which can be identified in the community of students and graduates, receives and preserves the knowledge, skills, abilities, experiences acquired through the School and represents its values. Over 2300 people graduated from the School's Master Courses from 1988 till today, with a growth that has recently reached 150 graduates a year.

66 – 67

The Graduates

The Master’s students (From full-time and part-time courses, in Italian and English) who graduated from the foundation of the School until April 2018 are 2306.

Geographical origin of the graduates and students of the international Master’s programs* In 2003 the School chose to transform its full-time Master’s courses bearing an international perspective in mind: new contents were developed, the faculty was expanded, the English language was adopted and classes were opened to foreign participants. This change involved the MBA in International Business first; then the Master in Insurance & Risk Management and the International Master in Tourism. Since 2003, almost one thousand students have attended these international classes, bringing different backgrounds, cultures and experiences to Trieste from all 5 continents.

919 graduates and international students*

47% Italy

47% Italy 26% Europe 13% Asia 11% America 2% Africa 1% Oceania

* Full-time master in English (MBA, MIRM, IMTL)

53% Abroad

Graduates and students’ countries of origin

68 – 69

11 Albania, 1 Algeria, 96 Argentina, 27 Australia,5 Austria, 1 Azerbaijan, 1 Bangladesh, 4 Belgium, 1 Bolivia, 11 Bosnia and Herzegovina, 71 Brazil, 18 Bulgaria, 2 Cameroon, 33 Canada, 12 Chile, 29 China, 7 Colombia, 1 Congo, 4 Costa Rica, 61 Croatia, 7 Czech Republic, 1 Denmark, 2 Ecuador, 1 Egypt, 3 El Salvador, 2 Estonia, 1 Finland, 12 France, 4 Georgia, 7 Germany, 2 Ghana, 13 Hungary, 1 Jamaica, 1 Japan, 5 Jordan, 5 Greece, 2 Guatemala, 1 Honduras, 28 India, 3 Indonesia, 2 Iran, 1 Ireland, 1 Israel, 1703 Italy, 7 Kazakhstan, 1 Kenya, 1 Kyrgyzstan, 2 Kuwait, 4 Latvia, 3 Lebanon, 3 Lithuania, 4 Macedonia, 1 Malaysia, 1 Mauritius, 11 Mexico, 3 Moldavia, 8 Mongolia, 7 Montenegro, 1 New Zealand, 1 Netherlands, 2 Paraguay, 8 Peru, 2 Philippines, 9 Poland, 1 Portugal, 37 Romania, 1 Rwanda, 19 Russia, 1 Saudi Arabia, 35 Serbia, 2 Singapore, 1 Syria, 36 Slovenia, 8 Spain, 1 Sri Lanka, 16 South Africa, 3 Switzerland, 1 Tajikistan, 2 Thailand, 2 Taiwan, 4 Tanzania, 1 Tunisia, 16 Turkey, 4 United Kingdom, 24 United States, 8 Ukraine, 6 Uruguay, 1 Uzbekistan, 1 Venezuela, 8 Vietnam, 1 Zambia, 1 Zimbabwe.

Academic Background

MBA in International Business* Analyzing the university degrees of those who chose one of the Master’s degrees or MBAs at MIB Trieste School of Management, the prevailing common denominator is the economic background. The only exception is the Executive MBA program, in which the prevailing characteristic among students is a degree in Engineering: those people are technical profiles who choose the EMBA to apply for transversal manager jobs.

* data from the last three editions.

38% Economics 34% Engineering 11% Sciences (physical, natural, etc.) 10% Law/ Political Sciences 5% Humanities 2% Other faculties

Master in Insurance & Risk Management*

45% Economics 17% Statistical & Actuarial Sciences / Mathematics 17% Law/ Political Sciences 7% Engineering 6% Humanities 5% Sciences (physical, natural, etc.) 3% Other faculties

70 – 7 1

Functional Background

Executive MBA*

42% Engineering 25% Economics 8% Humanities 7% Sciences (physical, natural, etc.) 5% Psychology 3% Law/ Political Sciences 10% Other faculties

Executive Master in Insurance & Finance*

39% Economics 18% Law 16% Engineering 13% Statistical & Actuarial Sc. 6% Political Sciences 8% Other faculties

Executive MBA*

21% Operations & Supply Chain 21% Business Development 19% Sales & Marketing 12% General Management / Entrepreneurship 10% Finance and Control 9% Freelance jobs 6% Legal Area 2% ICT


MBA in International Business

Job Placement within 6 months from graduation*



The job placement statistics for the last editions of the School's full-time masters (MBA and MIRM) are high. In both programs, over 90% of the graduates gained a steady job within 6 months of graduation. Job opportunities for MBA graduates includes different countries and sectors, reflecting the very quality of the course; on the contrary, job opportunities for the Master in Insurance & Risk Management are naturally more specific and specialized.

* data from the last three editions.

46% Italy 30% Europe 24% Rest of the world

Job Sectors*

20% Finance/ Insurance / Banking / Consulting 16% ICT 13% Manufacturing industry 11% Goods and services for consumption / Food 10% Energy and oil sectors 9% Pharmaceutical/Health sector 8% Transports/ Commerce 13% Other

72 – 73

Master in Insurance & Risk Management

Job Placement within 6 months from graduation*


Jobs in the insurance sector*

31% Final Analyst 25% Underwriter 12% Actuary 8% Controller 6% Risk Officer 4% Compliance Officer 3% Broker 11% Other jobs

* data from the last three editions.

Job Sectors*

69% Insurance 18% Consulting 8% Banking / Financial services 5% Other

Executive MBA Change and growth are the watchwords of the Executive MBA: professional, salary and personal growth. EMBA participants are encouraged not to simply improve their expertise, but to acquire managerial skills, manage complex business situations, or start up new business activities.

Career development* Before the MBA

2 years after graduation





Executive management



Middle management







* data from 2014 – 2015 – 2016 EMBA editions.


Office worker Freelancer Other jobs

74 – 75

Students’ testimonials

MBA in International Business, second edition, the School was like the Earth in its Paleozoic Era... the resources were limited, yet the teachers, who had just started working in a Business School, showed great enthusiasm. It was a very constructive experience for us, during which we learned teamwork and analyzed the activities necessary to manage a company. The international character of the School was of great importance for me: the legacy it left behind has helped me to perform better and more effectively in the international context in which I’ve worked in the last 25 years. Giorgio Davidoni

I remember my classmates at MBA 15 were ‘hotheads’: they had strong personalities and impressive energy. That year at Trieste MBA has always been one of the most intense and rich experiences in my life. After my degree in Law, there were two aspects that made MIB Trieste interesting for me: my desire to work abroad - particularly in London - and the ambition to be more competitive on the global labor market. After almost 15 years, I can say that MBA 15 at MIB Trieste did not simply help me to achieve both those goals; it also gave me something that probably I would not have expected: a sense of personal growth, a much clearer vision of myself and close friendships.

MBA in International Business 2 Senior HR Director for South Asia,

Tommaso Todesca

Middle East, Turkey, Africa

MBA in International Business 15

Eli Lilly – Dubai, Arab Emirates

Executive Director, International Product Specialist JPMorgan Chase & Co. – Los Angeles, USA

Having attended the first edition of the EMIF when I moved from Milan to Trieste in 2009, I can consider myself one of the pioneers of a Master's degree that is now unique in Italy, and one of the best in the insurance field in Europe. It was an experience full of challenges and debates, new friendships and projects, often freshened by a drink before dinner with the sea and the Molo Audace in the background. Today, being part of this family means I can share both professional and personal experiences with real experts. Yes, because at the Ferdinandeo I also learned to turn my work into a passion. That’s what drives my life in Munich today, in the headquarters of the largest European insurance group. My experience at MIB has been crucial in my career as a manager and, no matter where I go, I will always keep what many of us call the "MIB Spirit".

I had worked in Hong Kong for several years before joining the MBA in International Business at MIB Trieste: I was interested in combining my business experience with formal education. At the end of the course, the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly hired me and I worked in their Florence offices for 4 years. Later I was hired by GE. I also made the contact with GE while I was studying at MIB. I worked for GE for 7 years, in Florence first, and then in London. A few months ago I joined the Senior Management Team of Reckitt Benckiser, a group known for brands such as Nurofen, Scholl, Woolite and Finish. My experience at MIB was like "Sliding Doors" for my career, helping me in the professional transition from Asia to Europe and opening new important opportunities. During my year of MBA I also built great friendships which have made my life definitely more pleasant.

Ivan Fazzari

Joanna Osborn

Executive Master in Insurance & Finance 1

MBA in International Business 17

Head of non Motor Retail and SME in Global P&C

Vice President Internal Communications

Allianz SE – Munich, Germany

Reckitt Benckiser Group – London, UK

76 – 7 7

MIB Trieste attracts both high-profile academic professors and experts from leading companies, offering a unique learning experience in the insurance sector, which really focuses on companies. Attending MIRM was an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge in insurance and broaden my horizons, both in technical and managerial matters. More importantly, it has developed an international network of motivated and energetic colleagues, who are now friends for life. Having worked for the Generali Group before attending the Master’s course, it was very interesting to get acquainted with the area where the Group was founded, as well as with a unique city like Trieste. Kevin Angelini Master in Insurance & Risk Management 10 Regional Head of Insurance Strategy Practice Willis Towers Watson – Hong Kong

MIB Trieste Alumni Association

The Association was founded in 2005 with the aim of encouraging, developing and consolidating the relations among the Alumni of the various programs and between the Alumni and the School itself. Today, the Association has a pivotal role in organizing networking, training and leisure activities. Together, they contribute to keeping a community distributed in more than 90 countries unite.The networking initiatives are among the main occasions for MIB Trieste graduates to increase their chances of finding a job. Coordinated by a Governing Council of 10 members elected by the Assembly, the Association is divided into 15 Chapters, which organize local initiatives. No membership fee is required for the Alumni to join and take part in the activities, which are in fact mainly supported by MIB Trieste School of Management or, with regard to some specific projects, by the Alumni themselves.

chapters in italy

chapter around the world

Bologna Milan Northeastern Italy Rome/Florence Southern Italy/Main islands Trieste

Central Eastern Europe Western Europe Far East London Middle East/Africa Monaco Slovenia South America USA/Canada/Australia

People are the soul of MIB Trieste Alumni Association. A wonderful and diverse community dedicated to creating a real sense of belonging among the members and, at the same time, busy in contributing with projects, collaborations and continuing education to the growth of the Association, the School and society in general. Dorina Stanculescu President, MIB Trieste Alumni Association

78 – 79

The Governing Council (2017–2020) Luca Bossi

Carlo Rossi



System Engineer, Segula Techonologies Italia

Chief Sales Officer, Nest2 S.p.A.

Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

Francesca Bruni

Maria Paula Sartori

MBA 14

MBA 26

Senior Advisor, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

Environmental Engineer, Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A.

Rome, Italy

Trieste, Italy

Marco Buttazzi

Francesca Soglian



Consultant, BP Associati S.r.l.

Consultant, Università degli Studi di Udine

Pordenone, Italy

Gorizia, Italy

Emanuele D'Arrigo

Dorina Stanculescu – PRESIDENT


MBA 21

Marketing & Business Advisor, Laser Design S.r.l.

Project Manager, Sissa Medialab S.r.l.

Florence, Italy

Trieste, Italy

Fabio Neri

Maria Trimarchi



Consultant in Digital Marketing

Program Management P&C, Generali Italia S.p.A.

Conegliano, Italy

Rome, Italy

Valentino Ricciardi

Pietro Zancai – VICE PRESIDENT



Insurance & InsurTech Consultant, Mc Kinsey & Co.

Strategic Purchasing Manager, Wärtsilä Italia S.p.A.

Milan, Italy

Trieste, Italy

80 – 81

82 – 83

Intellectual Capital

MIB Trieste has defined and pursues a strategy of research and development of innovation; such an approach allows the School to constantly create new teaching material and to update and apply new learning technologies in accordance with its corporate objectives. The research activities implemented by the School's faculty and collaborators are mainly intended for the stakeholders and, generally, for the network of partner companies. In the last few years, MIB has especially invested in research regarding insurance and Risk Management, areas in which the School can claim consolidated partnerships with various leading groups and institutions such as Assicurazioni Generali, Allianz Group, ANIA and many others. The School’s goal is to strengthen its reputation as a research center in those fields, to consolidate existing partnerships and to develop new relationships, especially at an international level.

Research activities The faculty members of MIB Trieste have always been strongly interested in research. However, since a remarkable number of them work for University too, their research has mostly been conducted in the academic environment, which notably helped them to advance in their careers as scholars. That is why both the areas and the objectives of the research activities have not been completely determined by the School itself. However, in recent years, MIB Trieste has decided to concentrate its research particularly on the insurance industry, with the aim of both consolidating the School’s reputation in that field and meeting companies’ specific requests.

2,5 articles per teacher published in scientific journals and peer-reviewed in the last 3 years*. *To scientifically evaluate the quality of MIB faculty, it was decided to consider the average number of articles published by the teachers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Those publications include an independent external editorial board which consists of professionals such as university professors, researchers, etc. This independent review and control process assures the scientific validity of the published contents and certifies their quality.

Social and Relationship Capital MIB Trieste in international relations

International openness has always been considered an integral part of MIB’s mission and identity. From a didactic point of view, all full-time Master’s courses are taught in English. Moreover, 53% of the students come from abroad, representing 92 different countries. From an academic point of view, the School is in partnership with several Business Schools and International Universities such as, just to mention the most relevant ones, the Lingnan College - Sun Yat-Sen University of Guangzhou (China) and the Rollins College - Crummer Graduate School of Business, Florida (USA). Students at MIB Trieste can join exchange programs and thus strengthen their international experience. The School’s network of international relations has also encouraged the exchange of teachers and allowed the implementation of several joint research projects. What is more, MIB organizes various international Study Tours (most recent destinations: Munich, London, Barcelona; Silicon Valley, China), which allow students to become familiar with the most recent international business topics. From an institutional point of view, the School is an active member of some of the main Business School networks in Europe (EFMD - CEEMAN) and worldwide (Executive MBA Council). Moreover, MIB has obtained some of the best international accreditations (AMBA - EPAS).

2016 - MIB Trieste School of Management hosted a meeting with the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Italy, Li Ruiyu, who explained the audience the economic development strategies of China and illustrated the available business opportunities for Italian companies.

8 4 – 85

During the academic year, the School organizes some international Study Tours, open to students, graduates and representatives of partner companies. In such tours, students follow workshops and consolidation seminars and visit organizations, institutions and companies during which they meet members of the management staff and discuss with them about business topics.

The School has been running the Origini Program for 18 years, thus consolidating its position in the communities of Italian emigrants abroad. For the students, the course means much more than a simple training program: it was the first project designed to actively involve the younger members of those communities in the rediscovery of their Italian roots. And for that reason, MIB Trieste School of Management has gained a key role in training young managers and entrepreneurs of Italian descent around the world.

MIB Trieste in the Business School Community



National and international accreditations are proof of the School's excellence and innovation standards. MIB Trieste School of Management has been awarded some of the most prestigious national and international accreditations; the School is therefore one of the most certified institutions in Italy. To confirm the high reputation acquired by the School in the Italian management training system, the Scientific Director Prof. Vladimir Nanut was President of ASFOR, the Italian Association for Managerial Training, for three consecutive times.

The updating of teaching methods and contents, the innovation of programs, the sharing of best practices: all these aspects are also the result of a continuous dialogue with the best Business Schools in the world. For this reason MIB Trieste School of Management has joined and contributed to the most important networks that assemble international management training institutions. In some Associations, such as CEEMAN, the School is also represented in the Board of Directors by its Scientific Director, Prof. Nanut.

Since 2006 AMBA – Association of MBAs MBA in International Business Executive MBA

EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development

Executive MBA Council

Since 1994 ASFOR – Italian Association for Managerial Training MBA in International Business Executive MBA Master in Insurance & Risk Management Executive Master in Insurance & Finance Corporate Master in Insurance & Risk Management

Since 2006 EFMD – Programme Accreditation System Master in Insurance & Risk Management

CEEMAN – International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies

86 – 87

International collaborations with other Business Schools MIB Trieste organizes exchanges of teachers and students, develops joint research and consulting projects (also in collaboration with its network of partner companies), arranges and hosts international Study Tours with an organization of selected Business Schools. — Lingnan College, Sun Yat–sen University (Canton, China) — Crummer Graduate School of Business Rollins College (Winter Park – Florida, USA) — KEDGE School of Management (Bordeaux and Marseilles, France) — EADA – Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración (Barcelona, Spain) — EOI – Escuela de Negocios (Madrid, Spain) — IBS – Institute for Business Studies (Moscow, Russia) — IEDC – Bled School of Management (Bled, Slovenia)

MIB Trieste in the Business Community

MIB Trieste School of Management considers the corporate world as both the starting and the finishing point of its activities. The School can count on a wide and diverse group of companies of different sizes, sectors, nationalities and characteristics: these companies cooperate in designing the managerial training programs and transferring know-how. Besides, they financially support the various programs of the School. Over the years, MIB Trieste has built a solid network of business relations and set up a specific Office to manage and develop them.

From an operational point of view, the partner companies: — Contribute to the development and innovation of programs with classroom talks, on-field experiences, and visits to companies. — Assign students or professors research projects or consulting interventions. — Take part in the selection process of candidates before they start a program. — Support the most talented students with scholarships and select candidates according to company needs. — Host students for internships programs according to their requirements and potentials. — Recruit the best candidates in case of job vacancies. — Request tailor-made training courses and join MBA and Master’s programs. — Organize joints events on topics of mutual interest. MIB Trieste can also rely on strategic and organized partnerships, mainly with the Allianz Group and the Generali Group. Together they organize Corporate Master’s programs for internal staff and allocate scholarships.

88 – 89

MBA Honoris Causa



On a regular basis, the School Faculty Council awards the Honoris Causa MBA to people of international standing that work in the corporate world. The MBAs have always been granted to leaders of extraordinary professional and personal stature who embody the values and qualities the School aspires to transmit to its students.

Franco Viezzoli

Chang Yung–Fa

President, ENEL

President, Evergreen Group



Pietro Marzotto

Corrado Passera

President, Marzotto

CEO, Poste Italiane



Jody Vender

Gilberto Benetton

President, PASFIN

President, Edizioni Holding Benetton Group



Marco Tronchetti Provera

Mario Draghi

President & CEO, Pirelli

Governor of Bank of Italy



Corrado Antonini

Alessandro Profumo

President, Fincantieri

CEO, Unicredit



Cecilia Danieli

Rijkman Groenink

President, Danieli & C.

President, ABN Amro



Renato Ruggiero

Paolo Scaroni

General Director, WTO




Leonardo Del Vecchio

Giuseppe Bono

President, Luxottica Group

CEO, Fincantieri

2018 Gianpietro Benedetti CEO, Danieli Group

90 – 91

MIB Trieste in the Scientific Community

AREA Science Park Camera di Commercio Venezia Giulia CBM Collegio del Mondo Unito dell’Adriatico Comune di Trieste Conservatorio Tartini The Memorandum of Understanding With its universities, research bodies and high education institutions, the Trieste area has one of the highest concentration of research organizations in Europe. The Memorandum of Understanding between the City, the University and the Research and Training Institutes was signed in 2007 to unite the different organizations, promote collaboration and strengthen the position of Trieste as a leading scientific center in Europe. MIB Trieste School of Management is one of the founding members of the Protocol and, with its activity, plays an important role in attracting an ever increasing number of international students and researchers to Trieste and in developing collaborations with the business world.

Elettra Sincrotrone Fondazione Internazionale Trieste ICGEB Trieste ICTP

92 – 93

Immaginario Scientifico INFN MIB Trieste School of Management OGS Osservatorio Astronomico SISSA Teatro Verdi TWAS Università degli Studi di Trieste

ESOF 2020 Trieste European Capital of Science Trieste was chosen to host and organize the EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF - in 2020. It is the most significant European event that focuses on the interrelations of science, technology, society and politics. As part of the planned activities, MIB Trieste School of Management is member of the "Science to Business" roundtable, which will discuss one of the 5 central topics of the 2020 Forum. Moreover, MIB coordinates the working group that is developing the "Science to Business Manifesto" project, therefore actively contributing to the consolidation of the network of relationships between companies and research organizations.

MIB Trieste and the local Business Community

Local job placement

Impacts on the labor market of North-East Italy



Alumni recruited by Allianz Group (Allianz S.p.A., Allianz SE, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty)

Graduates who work in the eastern regions of northern Italy



Alumni recruited by Generali Group (Generali, Generali Italia, Generali Employee Benefits)

of the total number of MIB Trieste graduates

94 – 95

Training programs for local organizations: some examples:

Università degli Studi di Trieste, Università degli Studi di Udine, Sissa di Trieste

Roncadin S.p.A.

New Managers in Friuli Venezia Giulia Universities 2016 – 2017: 90 participants | 46 days

Meduno (PN) Strategic Leadership 2016 – 2017: 35 participants | 10 days The project hasn’t ended yet: a new term started in May 2018. The program aimed to strengthen the critical aspects of teamwork and to develop leadership skills.

Banca Popolare di Cividale S.c.p.A. Cividale Del Friuli (UD) Training for branch directors 2016 – 2017: 35 participants | 10 days MIB Trieste School of Management created a training program for Branch Directors to teach new business analysis approaches as well as new human resources management approaches.

The 3 Universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia have assigned MIB Trieste the task of designing a course to: a. Redefine the strategies and actions of I and II level managers in order to strengthen their presence in managing both tangible (economic, structural) and intangible (skills, time, reputation) resources, in developing and maintaining them over time and in managing them according to the strategic objectives of the organization. b. Redefine the underlying mechanisms behind their actions, especially as far as lean thinking and customer satisfaction are concerned.

Regional Health Service, CRO – Oncological Center Aviano (PN) Training Course for Chief Executives in the Regional Health Service Consultancy service on course planning. MIB Trieste School of Management supported the Aviano CRO, where the course was delivered, in planning and organizing the first manager training program aimed at Chief Executives working in the Regional Health Service.

MIB Trieste and the world of culture

At first glance it might seem curious that a Business School can also be interested in art. The ultimate expression of human creativity, art seems to have little in common with the world of business management, dominated by the strict, often harsh laws of economics. But today, in a time of complex relationships and rapid changes, art is a key point in the strategies of business management too. Managers, much more than in the past, must possess creative intelligence, innovation ability, intuition and imagination. For this reason, the School has long introduced, as fundamental aspects of the training process, modules dealing with creativity development, imagination, creative problem solving and flexibility. The lessons also include activities such as theater, painting, games and sports. Moreover, among the projects supporting creativity in business, MIB Trieste School of Management has for years organized the "MIB Art" initiatives, during which classical music concerts or painting and visual art exhibitions are held in the School’s venues. Thanks to MIB ART, the Palazzo Ferdinandeo’s ballroom has been

often turned into a Hall where entire orchestras were hosted, whereas the rooms of the new Pavilion have been enriched by the colors and brush strokes of various contemporary artists. MIB Art - Exhibitions Artists who exhibited at MIB Trieste Franca Morandi Francesco Modigo Fulvia Spizzo Giuliano Comelli Patrizia Bigarella Franco Vecchiet Paolo Bonifacio Alessandra Spigai Roberto Del Frate MIB Art – Concerts In cooperation with Associazione Mozart Sonatas for violin and piano Concert by Daniel Auner and Luca Delle Donne A violin for a child prodigy Concert by Teofil Milenkovic Amadeus at the Cotton Club Concert by Valeria Kukushkina and Andrea Zullian

Matinée with Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms Concert by Francesca Temporin and Kim Fabbri Spring Concert String set from Padua with two violins from Fondazione Teatro Lirico Sinfonico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste Opening Concert Amadeus Adriatic Orchestra Christmas Concert Recital by Jasna Corrado Merlak Homage to Toscanini Symphony Orchestra “Thomas Schippers”

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MIB Trieste and social responsibility

MIB Trieste School of Management gives central importance to the concept of Social Responsibility in many of its activities. The School's commitment in this field focuses on four areas: – Social: involving the student and Alumni network in social cooperation and volunteer work supporting the local community and in fundraising for charitable purposes. – Environmental: environmental sustainability has been the leading criterion in all the recent structural investments of the School (such as the new pavilion or the new thermal heating system). – Educational: scholarships are not exclusively granted on merit basis; the School’s goal is also to make training accessible for less-favored categories and for those coming from disadvantaged countries or contexts, and therefore to open new opportunities for them. – Corporate: organizing welfare initiatives for employees.

Scholarships MIB Trieste School of Management, also thanks to the support of its sponsors, is able to award several scholarships to students of full-time Master’s courses every year. The scholarships also aim to balance the differences in opportunities for students who come from countries with extremely different purchasing powers.

Total amount of Scholarships*

€ 700.000

MBA in International Business

€ 1.122.000

Master in Insurance & Risk Management

The Executive Masters also include scholarships to help disadvantaged groups join the courses or to support companies that decide to invest considerably in training.

€ 405.000 Executive MBA

€ 240.000

Executive Master in Insurance & Finance

*data collected in the last 3 editions.

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MIB in the Community "MIB in the Community" is a project designed and implemented collectively every year by the students of the MBA in International Business as part of the Leadership Dynamics course. The idea took shape in 2013 with "MIB DNA", an initiative conceived by Vedran Boškić, a Croatian student of the MBA who planned and organized a collective blood donation involving MIB students, alumni, staff and teachers in favor of ADS, a blood donors association. "This act of solidarity towards the host community will allow us to leave our indelible DNA footprint in a region that has welcomed us so warmly". That is how Vedran explained the value of the initiative, which was then repeated in 2014.

Since then, MBA students organize various volunteer activities supporting the local community. 2014 – food and clothing were collected to help the victims of the floods that hit the Balkans in May 2014. 2015 – MBA 25 students helped with reception and other volunteer activities at the centers of San Martino al Campo community. 2016 – students collected medicines for the Pharmaceutical Bank, prepared and distributed meals for the Diocesan Caritas and organized computer courses for refugees hosted by Caritas. 2017 – volunteer activities focused on the organizational and operational support at the Food Collection Day promoted by the Diocesan Caritas.

Manufactured capital

MIB is located at Palazzo Ferdinandeo, one of the most prestigious historic buildings in Trieste: thanks to its charm, Ferdinandeo has become an integral part of the School’s identity. The Palace, surrounded by the trees of the Farneto wood, was erected in 1858 according to the plan by the Berlin architect Friedrich Hitzig, and was built in honor of the Emperor Ferdinand I of Hapsburg, who in 1844 donated the wood to the city of Trieste, opening it to the public. Over the decades, the building has served different functions, from time to time changing the internal distribution of the rooms, but substantially preserving the original floor plan. After several decades during which it was used as a hotel, the building was occupied by a German command during the Second World War and later became an operating base for partisans first, and then for the Anglo-American troops. After World War II Ferdinandeo offered shelter to families of Julian and Dalmatian refugees and later accommodated some nursery and primary school classrooms. In 1997 refurbishment was started by the MIB Consortium, following an agreement with the Municipality of Trieste signed in 1994 that established Palazzo Ferdinandeo as MIB’s premises. The state of conservation of the property was strongly compromised. The refurbishment aimed to both restore the original architectural features and to create a series of spaces not exclusively designed for the training and research activities of the School, but also for public events of various kinds, such as conferences, exhibitions, concerts, debates; the idea was to offer the citizens of Trieste the use of a building which was previously unused and degraded.

Thanks to the regeneration project implemented by MIB Trieste, Palazzo Ferdinandeo has once again become an integral part of the city's cultural and architectural heritage and its preservation is maintained through its extensive use for the city’s activities. In 1999 the refurbishment was completed and the venue was officially inaugurated. Today the building is supplied with all the equipment and services necessary for a cutting-edge Business School and includes: – six classrooms (from 15 to 60 seats) – one Conference Room (200 seats), formerly Salone delle Feste, today Sala Generali – one library – one meeting room – one computer classroom – one media room for e-learning projects – one living room – one coffee bar – one self-service restaurant – support and service offices (student’s office, photocopies, etc.)

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Today the School continues to invest to protect and promote the important historical and cultural heritage represented by this prestigious building. Recently, the external plasters subject to deterioration have been completely renovated, the main entrance has been regenerated and the functional part (platform, podium and electrical facilities) of the Conference Room has been refurbished. To meet the need for new spaces for an expanding school, a new and modern pavilion was inaugurated in 2010. The building has two classrooms with 50 and 60 seats respectively and a large multi-purpose hall of 200 square meters: a contemporary work of art, with a simple structure, designed not to overshadow the strong historical-architectural value of the neighboring Ferdinandeo. The project was completed thanks to the financial help of public institutions and the participation of important private sponsors such as Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Trieste, Allianz SpA. and Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

Technology for training activities To support both classroom learning and e-learning, MIB Trieste has invested in the best Social & Learning Technologies, including full Wi-Fi coverage, several e-Learning platforms, simultaneous translation facilities, an internal video streaming system, to name but a few. Among the most recent investments, we want to mention the connection to the GARR fiber-optic network, which will be completed by 2019, the setting up of a technical room for audio-video recordings and the renovation of all the technological appliances and audio-video equipment in the Conference Hall.

New Multifunctional Pavilion. Functional building that fits into the environment in dialogue with the surrounding park. An essential construction, covered with wooden cladding and full-length windows. The choice of materials and finishing is determined by respect for the environment (low impact materials and "class A" electrical equipment), including the surrounding planting and the roofing, conceived as a hanging garden.

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Natural Capital

Respecting the environment according to the principle of sustainability is one of the fundamental values that guide the choices and both the structural and infrastructural investments of MIB Trieste School of Management. The most evident example of this approach is the new Pavilion: it has been built following all the criteria for limiting energy dispersion; furthermore, the choice of materials and finishes has been made by respect for the environment and the landscape. These principles have been followed in all the maintenance operations completed in recent years or still under way: the refurbishment of the thermal heating system (which resulted in significant energy savings and considerable environmental pollution reduction), the energy efficiency of the electrical system, the photovoltaic panel system, the replacement of the heating and plumbing system control unit in order to obtain greater energy efficiency, the upcoming installation of a revolving door at the entrance of the building aimed at limiting the heat loss and therefore at saving energy.

Financial Capital

After a long period of crisis at global level, but even worse at national level, which began in 2008 and lasted for several years, the volume of training activity carried out by MIB Trieste School of Management has remained essentially stable. The year 2017 marked a significant progress in the main areas of activity, also thanks to a greater dynamism in the demand for training courses, particularly Master’s degree programs and training initiatives for managers and entrepreneurs. Notably, the 2017 financial year shows a total value of production of € 3,424,412, with an increase of € 323,925 compared to 2016 (+ 10.5%). Total production costs, on the other hand, amounted to € 3,374,324, with an increase of € 296,996 (+ 9.7%). Consequently, the pre-tax result is positive for € 42,702. After deducting taxes for a total amount of € 23,270 (IRES 13,221 and IRAP 10,049), the balance is positive and amounts to € 19,432; in 2016 was positive too and amounted to € 476. That result made it possible to thoroughly offset previous losses as recorded in the financial statements.

Generally speaking, it should be noted that MIB Trieste School of Management is still far from having achieved total revenues and a size able to surely maintain excellent standards of training and to permanently ensure a prestigious position at national as well as international level. The School is not able to generate the financial resources necessary to invest in those activities that are strategic for its competitiveness and its development, such as a more diverse product portfolio; a larger teaching staff and an increased research activity; more technological investments in new distance teaching methods as well as in communication and marketing.

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Balance Sheet: Activities 2013-2017 2013





Intangible fixed assets






Tangible fixed assets






Financial fixed assets






Total fixed assets






Trade receivables











Other receivables






Total circulating assets (other than cash)


























Tax credits

Cash and cash equivalents Total active circulation

Accrued income and prepaid expenses Total activities

Balance Sheet: Liabilities and Net Capital 2013 -2017 2013










Fondo T.F.R.






Total assets and financing to M.L.T.






Payables to suppliers






Tax payables






Payables to social security institutions






Other payables






Total financing to B.T.
















Shareholders' equity

Accrued expenses and deferred income Total liability and net

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Income Statement 2013 - 2017 2013















Total value of production






Service costs






Costs for personnel






Other costs of production






Gross operating margin






Depreciation, amortization, provisions and write-downs






Net operating margin


























Revenues from sales and services Other revenues and income

Financial income and expenses Result before taxes

Taxes Net result for the year

Value of production 2013 - 2017 2014



















Revenues from sales and services Other revenues and income Total value of production








2.600.000 2013





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Future challenges


The School is fully aware that it is necessary to pursue a development and growth strategy in the years to come. Having substantially consolidated its position at a national level, MIB Trieste believes it is now decisive to fully develop its role internationally too. A further expansion and a better balance between training and research activities will be some of the basic concepts behind this strategy.

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From a competitive point of view, the School intends to position itself as an advanced training center, which offers only high quality products in all areas of management training, though with a distinctive specialization in insurance and finance. With this goal in mind, MIB Trieste is strengthening its relations with the leading partner companies in the field (basically the Allianz Group and the Generali Group), introducing a series of new activities and projects: Corporate Master’s degrees, tailor-made Executive programs, research projects, sponsorships and joint investments in the infrastructures. However, the School must carefully adjust its growth strategy to the reality of the training market, which has been characterized by a weak economic situation in recent years and which has only recently shown signs of recovery. It is precisely for these reasons that MIB Trieste has not been able to fully accelerate its growth strategy and had to partially shift its focus on a careful management of both economic and financial aspects.

Signs of a mild market recovery, however, offers a glimmer of hope in reigniting a market development process, which includes the following goals: 1. Increasing the size of the organization (enlarging the faculty and expanding the number of students) Talking about increasing the size of the organization, MIB is aware that the limited number of teachers can be an obstacle to the achievement of the ambitious objectives of the School, particularly if the aim is to the increase the research output and consequently to move up in international rankings. 2. Developing the product portfolio Another important aspect of strategic development is the expansion of the program portfolio both in the full-time area (benefiting from the long experience in the management of degree-level programs) and in the Executive area. In the latter area the School works closely with the companies of its network to explore the possible development of tailormade programs that can satisfy

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different organizational needs, particularly concerning: – the integration of different corporate cultures; – how to attract, develop and retain young talents; – the development of leadership skills and the support for succession plans. 3. Further internationalization As far as internationalization is concerned, it must be recognized that local markets have never fully guaranteed the conditions to economically sustain the School, and MIB Trieste had therefore to move from local to international markets. This required (and will continue to require) substantial investments in international marketing campaigns and the creation and strengthening of international corporate and academic networks. 4. Growth of brand awareness Management training has become global and brand recognizability and reputation are absolutely essential. It is therefore important to further invest in communication and marketing and, at the same time, to acquire additional

international accreditations and try to enter some of the most recognized university Ranking. 5. Infrastructure upgrades Further structure and infrastructure investments are necessary so that the School can continue to offer high standard and innovative services. Although huge investments have already been made recently (the new Pavilion, high-speed Internet - GARR, access to online commercial data - Ebsco and Amadeus, regular updates of information technology, etc.), further important refurbishments are underway (restoration of the Conference Hall and installation of a glass revolving door at the entrance of the building) and others are being planned. 6. Consolidation of the school governance To secure the resources necessary to implement those investments (considering that most of the School’s income comes directly from the market), MIB Trieste has made a considerable effort to consolidate its Governance by increasing the number of members (there are currently 32 members in

the Consortium) and by exploring advanced forms of collaboration with its main stakeholders.

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MIB Trieste School of Management Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1 34142 Trieste, Italy t +39 040 9188111 f +39 040 9188112 info@mib.edu www.mib.edu

Printed by Riccigraf May 2018 Photo Š Giuliano Koren Graphic Design Roberto Duse (obliquestudio.it) Daria Longo

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