The Grand Gathering (2014)

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The Grand Gathering of Enlightened Beings「 海 會 應 真 」 佛 教 藝 術 專 場

7 A P RIL 2014 H KS 2 81 4 -2

香港金鐘金鐘道 88 號太古廣場 1 期 7 樓 | + 852 2303 9899 7/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong

Hong Kong 7 April 2014 香港   2014 年 4 月 7 日



保利香港 拍賣日程

Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Sale Calendar

中國古代書畫 編號:HKS9014 2014 年 4 月 6 日星期日 上午 10:00

Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Sale: HKS9014 Sunday 6 April 2014 10:00 am

中國近現代書畫 編號:HKS3014 2014 年 4 月 6 日星期日 下午 2:00

Fine Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Sale: HKS3014 Sunday 6 April 2014 2:00 pm

璀璨珠寶 編號︰ HKS2114-1 2014 年 4 月 6 日星期日 下午 2:00

Important Jewels Sale: HKS2114-1 Sunday 6 April 2014 2:00 pm

中國及亞洲現當代藝術 編號:HKS1014 2014 年 4 月 6 日星期日 下午 7:00

Chinese and Asian Modern & Contemporary Art Sale: HKS1014 Sunday 6 April 2014 7:00 pm

珍貴鐘錶 編號:HKS2114-2 2014 年 4 月 6 日星期日 下午 7:00

Important Watches Sale: HKS2114-2 Sunday 6 April 2014 7:00 pm

「豹變」— 東亞百年風雲遺藏 編號:HKS2814-1 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 上午 10:00

A Historical Collection of East Asian Politics and Arts in Early 20th Century Sale: HKS2814-1 Monday 7 April 2014 10:00 am

「海會應真」佛教藝術專場 編號:HKS2814-2 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 1:30

The Grand Gathering of Enlightened Beings Sale: HKS2814-2 Monday 7 April 2014 1:30 pm

中國古董珍玩 編號:HKS2814-3 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 2:00

Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Sale: HKS2814-3 Monday 7 April 2014 2:00 pm

中西名酒珍釀 編號:HKS1214 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 3:00

Chinese and Western Wine Sale: HKS1214 Monday 7 April 2014 3:00 pm

中國當代水墨 [I] — 中國當代經典水墨 編號:HKS1814-1 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 7:00

Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings (I) - Contemporary Chinese Classical Paintings Sale: HKS1814-1 Monday 7 April 2014 7:00 pm

太璞如琢 — 崔如琢精品專場 [II] 編號:HKS1814-3 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 7:00

Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - Special Auction of Cui Ruzhuo (II) Sale: HKS1814-3 Monday 7 April 2014 7:00 pm

中國當代水墨 [II] — 中國當代新水墨 編號:HKS1814-2 2014 年 4 月 7 日星期一 下午 7:00

Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings (II) - New Chinese Ink Paintings Sale: HKS1814-2 Monday 7 April 2014 7:00 pm

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Lot 3343


Treasures of Chinese Buddhist Art The Grand Gathering of Enlightened Beings Ping Fine Chinese Art Collection

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2014 年 4 月 7 日 星期一 下午 1:30(拍品 3301-3343) 拍賣編號:HKS2814-2 AUCTION Monday 7 April 2014

AUCTION VENUE Hong Kong, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2303 9899 Fax: + 852 2303 9888 VIEWING Hong Kong, Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 1 Harbor Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 4-7 April* 10:00 am – 6:00 pm *Preview of each sale starts from 4 April until one day prior to its auction. TRAVELLING VIEWINGS Beijing, 10/F New Poly Plaza No. 1 Chaoyangmen Beidajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 8-9 March 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Shanghai, Jing An Shangri-La, Lotus Chamber No. 1218 Middle Yan’an Road, Jing’an District, Shanghai 15-16 March 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Taipei, 5/F Xinyi 105 Building No. 105, SongRen Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City 22-23 March 10:00 am – 6:00 pm

LOT 3317

1:30 pm (Lots 3301-3343) Sale Number: HKS2814-2


DIRECTOR OF POLY INTERNATIONAL AUCTION, BEIJING & HONG KONG 保利香港拍賣 董事 Zhao Xu 趙旭 POLY AUCTION (HONG KONG) Managing Director & HEAD OF Chinese and Asian Modern & Contemporary Art 保利香港拍賣 執行董事及 中國及亞洲現當代藝術部門主管 Alex Chang 張益修

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Lot 3335

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Lot 3340

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Treasures of Chinese Buddhist Art The Grand Gathering of Enlightened Beings Ping Fine Chinese Art Collection

海會應真——佛教藝術專場 目 錄 CONTENTS 6 專家及服務查詢 Specialists and Services enquiries 12 拍品 Property for Sale 108 重要通告及目錄編列方法之說明 Important Notices and explanation of Cataloguing Practice 110 業務規則 Condition of Business 120 競投登記須知 Important Notice about Bidding Registration 121 財務付款須知 Important Notice about Payment 123 競投牌登記表格 Bidding Registration Form 125 委託競投表格 Absentee Bid Registration 127 裝運委託 Shipping Instructions

Lot 3308

3301 Late Ming Dynasty Seated Blanc-de-Chine Guanyin H 18.3 cm. Provenance: The Chinese Porcelain Company, New York, 2006.

HK$ 60,000-80,000 US$ 7,700-10,300 明晚期  德化观音坐像 回溯明清之际的福建省,是处处有能手神匠。瓷塑首推德化,铜塑则有「石 叟」作坊名闻天下,永春或沙县木雕百处开花,在当今的收藏界极获青睐; 三者在造型风格上,既是相互影响,也是各有魅力。 德化瓷土品质一绝,因杂质较少而细致皙白,瓷坯施予透明釉后烧制出的白 瓷,具有如玉器般温润纯净的质感,莹亮光滑。明代德化白瓷之「象牙白」 不仅是工艺上的突破,更让中国瓷塑艺术在世界上大放异彩。德化窑出产的 白瓷品项繁多,如香炉、烛台、花瓶、日常器皿或文房等,但以瓷塑艺术最 为精采。晚明时期的塑像造型则是别外雅致而脱俗。 此尊德化白瓷观音坐像,胎骨坚致,白而通透。白衣大士结双盘禅定姿於基 石上,身侧有一书以绳捆住,面上阴刻「心经」二字。观音呈闭目沉思状, 鼻挺,脸型圆长,髮梳整於后,饰以头巾。衣饰流畅,胸前有一缨络,全身 素白,沉心静修。尺寸精小,工艺精湛,虽无款铭,但工艺有大师风范。 出处:The Chinese Porcelain Company, New York, 2006.

3302 Qing Dynasty Standing Blanc-de-Chine Figure of Guanyin Holding a Ruyi H 48.2 cm. Mark: “Boji Yuren”

HK$ 200,000-250,000 US$ 25,700-32,000 清  德化持如意观音立像 款识:「博及渔人」 德化窑因位於福建德化县而得此名,创烧於宋代。宋代擅长烧制青白瓷,明 代盛烧白瓷,到了清代,除了继续将白瓷推向高峰,还烧制了青花与彩绘瓷器。 宋元时期所烧制之青白瓷釉色偏白,明代白瓷胎质致密,透光度极好,釉面 为纯白色,略带黄或乳白,故称为猪油白,釉面感觉较硬。德化瓷於明清之 际闻名海外,主要有杯、炉壶、碗壶、碗及瓷塑,其中又以瓷塑最具观赏性 及收藏性。德化窑址位於福建中部戴云山腹,此处瓷土丰,水源足,交通便 利,自宋代起至明清巅峰时期外销至欧洲,十分受到贵族的赏识,其中又以 各式白瓷人物造像最吸引欧美藏家。明代中晚期,瓷塑名家何朝宗、何朝春、 张寿山、林朝景等人塑了一批美瓷,如观音、达摩、弥勒、如来、寿星翁、 关公等,使得来自中国沿海的德化瓷器在当时正处於文艺复兴时期的欧洲得 到了很高的评价。德化窑的象牙白瓷及其工艺之美为世人公认,在中国陶瓷 史及世界陶瓷工艺中皆占有一席之地。 「博及渔人」乃是乾隆时代德化瓷塑著名款识,风格承袭何氏,作品在十八 世纪流行中外。广东博物馆藏有四件博及渔人款藏品,其中亦包括了一件高 50 厘米的观音造像。此展品持如意观音立像高 48 厘米,胎厚且细密,釉白 且浓,表面净滑无瑕,观音高髮髻,戴华冠,冠中有一化佛,脸长圆似蛋型, 髮辫垂双肩,宛若双下弦弯月,面部表情肃目庄严,带有一丝愉悦,服装柔 顺自然。观音左手持一如意,右手拾起衣带,身形修长,比例适中,衣饰及 开脸皆充分表现出清代白瓷之顶尖工艺水准。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司, 2013)展品28,160-165页。

3303 Early Qing Dynasty Standing Bronze Figure of Guanyin with Silver Inlay H 48 cm. Mark: “Yutang Shisou” Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples - The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 26, pp 150-155.

HK$ 220,000-300,000 US$ 28,200-38,500 清早期  铜嵌银丝观音立像 款识:「玉堂石叟」 佛教源起於印度,於两汉之际西传至中亚新疆地区,由丝

路进入中国。根据考据及文献,最早的汉土佛像作於西元 338年,而最早的纪年款观音造像则位於甘肃永靖炳灵寺第 169窟,无量寿佛龛主尊两旁为大势至与观世音菩萨,并有 题记「建弘元年岁在玄枵三月廿四日造」,即西元420年。 观音信仰盛行於五代及北宋时期,敦煌石窟所发现的绢画 即为最佳佐证,另外,五代宋初画家如王齐翰、曹仲元相 传皆绘过白衣观音;宋代秦再思《洛中记异录》中记载: 「契丹主德光尝昼寝,梦一神人,花冠,美姿容,辎軿甚 盛,忽自天而下,衣白衣,佩金带,执骨朵,有异兽十二 随其后…」,其文字生动地描绘了白衣观音当时於民间之 形象。 此尊铜制嵌银丝立姿观音像,身着天衣,椭圆形脸庞,高 髻隐於头巾之下,髮丝细长成束,额头中心有一银点,双 月眉,双眼半闭,鼻挺俊,嘴部微微翘。天衣线条流畅柔 顺,遍体嵌入银丝云纹,工艺精细,铜质极佳,表面包浆 陈旧,背后有古篆体四字款铭「玉堂石叟」,是一件完整 大型石叟佳作。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品26,150-155页。

3304 early Qing Dynasty Seated Bronze Guanyin with Silver Inlay H 36 cm. Mark: “Yutang Shisou” Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 23, pp. 138-141.

HK$ 480,000-600,000 US$ 61,600-76,900 清早期  石叟款铜嵌银丝观音坐像 款识:「玉堂石叟」 观世音三字,「观」,即能观之智,所谓一心三观,「世 音」,所观之境,所谓一境三谛,圆观圆证,自在无碍, 得名观世音自在。观世音即是观自在,在《大悲心陀罗尼

经》中,世尊别名则为观世音自在。 展品观音双手藏於袖中,抱膝弓起,姿态似三十三观音中 之普悲观音,即《法华经观世音菩萨普门品》所载「应以 大自在天身得度者,即现大自在天身而为说法」之观音化 身,其法相为双手交叠藏於法衣之内,立於山上。大自在 天乃三界之最高神,以其威德殊胜,而配以观音平等普遍 之慈悲,故称普悲观音。 此尊清代玉堂石叟款铜胎嵌银丝自在式观音坐像,总高36 公分,无华冠,髮式高耸盘结,脸型似蛋,弯月眉,挺直 鼻梁,额头中心嵌入一圆点、微露银光,胸前缨络珠链亦 嵌入银点,与铜形成对比。开脸端庄悲悯,慈悲满怀,天 衣外披,长袖宽衣,双手隐於袖中且环抱右膝弓起,左脚 屈藏於衣饰之内。身形略显修长,双肩斜,衣饰服贴,并 有银丝构成的云纹布於前后。观音盘坐於蒲团之上,右边 有一小铜瓶,底部有刻款「靖康元年制」(宋代纪年,靖 康元年即为西年1126年)──此像应非出自北宋时期,推 测是个吉祥纪年。整体铜质精炼,身形比例甚佳,衣身线 条流畅柔顺,嵌银工艺细致,背有嵌银丝款古篆体「玉堂 石叟」。此观音自在坐像为清初石叟款佳作。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品23,138-141页。

3305 Ming Dynasty Seated Gilt Wood Figure of Sakyamuni H 36.5 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 13, pp. 82-85.

HK$ 180,000-250,000 US$ 23,100-32,100 明  木胎金漆释迦牟尼佛坐像 京造宫廷工艺 此件作品为木胎上披麻灰,再施予厚金漆,全身金相,髮 髻施蓝色矿物彩,嘴唇朱红彩。释迦牟尼左披棉帛,右肩 袒露,右手施触地印(又称降魔印,是佛成道时所结印

相),左手施禅定印,双足结跏趺坐,身型健硕饱满,双 目半闭如下弦月,鼻子高而直挺,下巴圆润,大眼,耳垂 及肩。开光时留下两个长方型口,分别位於头与后背。虽 然样式属於藏传风格,但此件木雕却是在帝都所作,为 十五世纪、明代中早期宫廷样式。这样的造型及印契在佛 教艺术中很常见。印契在密宗有着重要的地位,修行者以 双手手指结各种手势,目的在於产生与佛相应的力量及意 念。佛菩萨及本尊的手印,象征其特殊的愿力与因缘,也 成为我们判断佛本尊的一个基本依据。 明代时,汉族再次统治中土,虽然改朝换代,但信奉密教 的元代与明代对佛教之重视是一致的。明代不仅有了新的 汉藏融合风格,从永乐皇帝开始,与藏地高僧之间的关系 亦更为和睦、紧密,史书及留下来的佛教文物中皆可为 证。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品13,82-85页。

3306 Yuan to Ming dynasty Wood Figure of a Seated Guanyin Bodhisattva H 45 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 12, pp. 78-81.

HK$ 150,000-250,000 US$ 19,300-32,100 元-明  木雕观音菩萨坐像 要判断佛陀相或观音相,最直接的方式就是从头髮及头饰 来分辨。佛陀:短髮,卷髮;观音长髮,有髮冠。这是佛

与菩萨造像最明显的差别。观音之多相、多化身,如《法 华经普门品》所云,「观音现身为佛以下弟子、声闻、四 众、天龙八部等各阶层之三十二应化身,为众生说示生灭 无常的佛法真理。」 展品木雕观音坐像,高髮髻,髮披双肩而下,唯华冠佚 失,而配之银冠暂替。衣帛贴身,腹中有衣结带,胸前挂 双珠链。双耳垂大,有耳环。眼型立体,凤眼半闭,眼轮 较大。鼻线长且挺立,嘴角微扬,神情悲悯。双手已佚 失,原本可能结禅定印,手掌朝外置於腹前,右手覆於左 手上,两拇指相接,双盘跏趺坐。天衣盖於双足之上,衣 䙓自然垂放两旁,线条流畅。双层莲花台,厚实饱满, 刻工讲究。开脸端正,神韵绝佳,身形富於厚度,腰直胸 挺,有禅定之势。背部及头部后方有开光时留下之洞口, 推测年代皆较早。此尊形、气、神近似元代影青观音像, 因此断其为元代或明早期之作。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品12,78-81页。

3307 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Reign Maitreya Buddha Thangka, with Vidradhaka (Holding a Sword) and Dhrita-rastra (Holding a Qin) Dharmatala Thangka, with Virapaksa (Holding a Red Dragon) and Vaisravana (Holding a Rat) Hanging Scroll; Distemper on Cloth 71.5×46.6 cm. without mounting 71×46.2 cm. without mounting Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat. 7, pp. 60-63. Provenance: American Collector, Los Angeles.

HK$ 500,000-800,000 US$ 64,100-102,600 清乾隆  布袋和尚与南方增长天王(持剑)东方持国天王(持琴)         达摩多罗尊者与西方广目天王(持赤龙)北方多闻天王(持神鼠) 棉布胶彩


左幅之主角布袋和尚又名契此和尚,五代后 梁时期(约10世纪)明州奉化(今浙江宁波 奉化)人。因常背负一布袋,故得此名。日 本民间将布袋和尚视为七福神之一(七福神 分别是:大黑天、惠比寿、毗沙门天、弁财 天、福禄寿、寿老人及布袋。) 布袋和尚通俗造型为大肚、光头、笑口,并 背着一只布袋。梁贞明三年(西元917年), 布袋和尚盘坐於明州岳林寺东廊下一块磐石 上,在将入灭前留下一偈:「弥勒真弥勒, 分身千百亿,时时示时人,时人自不识」。 布袋和尚和蔼可亲、易於亲近,与凡人没有 距离,充份表现出其救苦救难之慈悲心,所 以广受民间爱戴。 布袋右手持珠,左手握持白色贝壳,端坐於 画面上 方 , 下 方 则 是南 方 增 长 天 王 ( 持 剑 者)与东方持国天王(持琴者)。整幅作品 设色浓郁饱和,施描金线,红色为主色调, 绿色为辅,可能为藏中或藏东风格。刺绣拼 贴软裱,应为旧时流传至今。表面颜彩有些 许脱落,装裱完整。 右幅为达摩多罗尊者与二护法众。达摩多罗 尊者为六世纪印度达罗毗荼国大都建志补罗 城人,为该国大臣之子,自幼即崇信佛法, 是大乘佛教瑜伽行宗的巨匠,及印度佛教中 十大论师之首。 达摩多 罗 尊 者 左 手 持拂 子 , 右 手 持 金 铜 宝 瓶,头罩华盖,行於云中,身旁猛虎回首望 向尊者 。 画 面 下 方 左右 分 别 为 西 方 广 目 天 王(持 赤 龙 者 ) 及 北方 多 闻 天 王 ( 持 神 鼠 者)。整幅重彩设色,主调亦为红色,以金 泥细笔描绘,深浅绿色为辅调,线条灵动。 同样是十分讲究的织锦旧裱,工艺优秀,协 调得宜,为唐卡增彩。 布袋与达摩多罗尊者各据一幅,配合象征风调 雨顺的东南西北四大天王,二幅应供於一堂。 出 版 : 《 中 国 佛 教 寺 庙 宝 藏 —— 自 在 妙 菩 提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司, 2012)展品7,60-63页。 出处:美国旧金山地区

3308 Ming Dynasty, jiajing period Sakyamuni and Lokapala Vairocana, Indra and Mahabrahman 108×226 cm. Multi-colored on silk; hanging scroll Inscription The 2nd year of Jiajing Reign, Taiyuan Prefecture , presented by the Lu clan. (Second from the left) Left: Sakyamuni and Lokapala Right: Vairocana, Indra and Mahabrahman Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Boundless Wisdom of Buddhism (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2009) Cat. 7, pp. 54-57. Reference: Two paintings depicting Vairochana, Yuan Dynasty, Collection of National Palace Museum.Published in Illustrated Catalogue of Painting and Calligraphy in the National Palace Museum, vol. 5 (Taipei: Natoinal Palace Museum, 1990), pp. 175-176 and 377-378

HK$ 580,000-650,000 US$ 74,400-83,300 明嘉靖   释迦牟尼与四大护法神将         毗卢遮那与帝释天、大梵天 重彩设色绢本


款识:「嘉靖二年太原府陆氏一门敬奉 左二」 款识:「嘉靖二年太原府陆氏一门敬奉 右二」 左幅释尊呈中性偏女柔相,头戴宝冠,冠上有五尊小化佛,宝座靠背华丽,衬有吉祥 兽与多尊小化佛,祥云满布。画幅左上及右上各有一飞天女神。释尊执说法印;此为 释迦牟尼常结的手印。宝座靠背与六角台座相互映衬,台座前有四大护法随侍,台座 下方有一透明水晶球,似从红莲花中升起。靠近台座下方处铭记:「嘉靖二年太原府 陆氏一门敬奉 左二」。 右幅毗卢遮那佛(密教称大日如来),为释尊三身之一,意为光明通照。毗卢遮那佛 持智拳印,为其常结的手印,宝冠於顶,头部及背部有白、蓝、红三层光圈,背光后 方透出密布的祥云,底色靛蓝,让主尊毗卢遮那佛与帝释天、大梵天呈现出前、中、 后的层次感。上方有宝伞盖,台座下前方之透明水晶球内有一镶满宝石的狮首台座, 台座上有莲花,最上层有十余朵灵芝,状似牛首,栩栩如生。画幅右侧衣着似皇后的 应是大梵天王,似帝王装束的为帝释天王,侍於大日如来佛左右。画作左下角处有楷 书铭记「嘉靖二年太原府陆氏一门敬奉 右二」。 此组画作工艺精细繁复,设色饱和分明,充满宫廷氛围。皆有款识说明年代及陈设位 置,推测原为三幅或五幅一堂,其他画作佚失。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—弥靡之音》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2009)展品 7,54-57页。 参考:故宫博物院藏〈元人毗卢遮那佛像〉及 〈元人佛像〉。出版:於《故宫书画 图录—第五卷》(台北:故宫博物院,1990年),175-176页、377-378页。

3309 Qing Dynasty, Kangxi Reign Amitayus with Two Disciples and Four Dharma Guardians Multi-colors on silk, hanging scroll 212×103 cm. Inscription 1. Written by Changjing: May the nation always enjoy lasting peace. An assiduous student of Buddhist dharma and wisdom for ten years, with reverence towards all precious things in the Buddhist Realm. 2. Commissioned by Buddhist follower Changjing, 8th year of the Kangxi Reign, as an act of reverence for the Bai-Nian Temple. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 6, pp. 44-47.

HK$ 220,000-350,000 US$ 28,200-44,900 清康熙  无量寿佛、二弟子与四大护法 重彩设色绢本 立轴 款识:常净书 永保家国平安 佛传十载法慧 敬佛天域万宝 弟子常净 康熙八年百年寺供养 此幅上层为无量寿佛(Amitayus),亦称无量光佛、长寿佛、无量清净,掌管西方世界之阿弥陀佛。主尊结禅定姿, 左侧为阿难一手持杖,一手持钵,右侧迦叶尊者则持一拂尘。佛的正下方有七层宝塔,宝塔左右两旁有四大天王镇守 东、南、西、北四方,塔底座旁有两只瑞兽,一白一蓝,蹲坐於葵花台上,张口吐出七彩祥云,云朵布满画心。 此件单构图的直幅式佛画,主尊佛与周围其他配置皆很齐全。画作重点为四大护法及七层宝塔,采用满幅布局,工艺 精致,设色饱和、华丽且具庄严感,尺幅巨大。陈设时佛光普照、气韵慑人。画中佛塔第一层上有墨书铭「常净书康 熙八年(西元1669年)百年寺供养佛传十载法慧敬佛天域万宝」。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品6,44-47页。

3310 early qing Dynasty Three Saints of Hua-yan and Four Heavenly Kings Multi-colors on silk, mounted 96×167 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 7, pp. 48-51.

HK$ 180,000-250,000 US$ 23,100-32,100 清早期  华严三圣与四大天王组画 重彩设色绢本 镜片 此华严三圣图为少见的横幅式,镜片装裱,应为清早期康熙 年代的作品,依然保有汉风的构图,却也带有清代盛世的华 丽感。主尊为释迦牟尼佛,持说法印,结跏跌坐,身披红 帛,着绿色衬衣,头上有宝盖,底下有水晶球,球内各式珠 宝满盘,身后则有双层背光。画面左下方是骑乘六牙白象的 普贤大士,右方是骑狮的文殊菩萨,并有四大天王相侍,东 南西北各据一方。左上及右上的四大菩萨,可能是八大菩萨 中的四名,但因特征不多,较难辨识。此作尺幅适中,工艺 精湛,设色明亮饱润,线条细致灵动,构图层次丰富,以主 角、辅角、随侍众来呈现。主色调为珠红相间,搭配暗绿色 系来对比并凸显出红色之华美。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺 术有限公司,2013)展品7,48-51页。 注:释迦牟尼佛的法身为毗卢遮那佛(密宗称「大日如 来」),所以华严三圣亦指毗卢遮那佛、普贤菩萨 与文殊菩萨。这样的组合在汉传佛寺中是常见的。 华岩三圣有几幅重要的作品藏於北京的法源寺的大 雄宝殿、山西大同的善化寺三圣殿内;闻名中外的 龙门石窟的主尊即是毗卢遮那佛,亦有文殊与普贤 菩萨随侍。

3311 Northern Dynasties Limestone Figure of Maitreya Buddha in Virtuous Lotus Position H 34.5 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples - Treasures of Buddhist Art, (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2011) Cat.14, pp.76-81.

HK$ 250,000-350,000 US$ 32,100-44,900 北朝  石灰岩製弥勒菩萨坐像 弥勒菩萨,梵名Maitreya意译为慈氏,为佛教八大菩萨之 一,在大乘佛教中又称等觉菩萨、妙觉菩萨或阿逸多菩 萨;祂被视为释迦牟尼佛的继任者,将在未来娑婆世界降

生成佛。代表其思想之著作为《瑜伽师地论》,相传为无 着(Asanga) 从弥勒处习得并传述后世,深受道安和玄奘 等大师推崇。 佛教艺术在北魏就已十分繁盛,兴寺庙,并开凿了著名的 云冈石窟。此时期的佛像造型多着重於正面表现,并讲究 对称性;纽约大都会美术馆藏之交脚菩萨石雕即为一例。 到了北周(西元557~581年),佛像造型亦与当时人文背景 相称,脸型略方,额头及双颊饱满,身形较丰盈,在六朝 中独树一格。 此件石灰岩制菩萨为带冠造型,头冠两侧有饰带垂肩,脸 方、饱额、颊丰,眼半闭,嘴角扬,面相喜悦、平和。左 手高抬,手心中捧一朵丰美宝花,右手低放,手中亦有宝 花在握。胸前有大片缨络长而及膝,双足踏莲,坐於石 台。台座下方两侧有护法狮镇守於前。且缝隙中有少量色 彩残留。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——佛印辉宝》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2011)展品14,76-81页

3312 Tang to Five Dynasties Standing White Stone Figure of a Bodhisattva H 76.5 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 30, pp. 170-173.

HK$ 200,000-300,000 US$ 25,700-38,500 唐-五代  白石菩萨立像 唐代曾建都两处,北为长安,南为洛阳,相隔不远, 分别位於今陜西与河南,两城比邻而立。唐朝国教为 道教,但中原道教与早期佛教有密切关系,并受到道 家理论之影响。 盛唐时期石窟作品极为兴盛,精彩首推河南洛阳龙门 石窟奉先寺。据石碑记载,奉先洞始於唐代武周时 期,历时三年,洞中佛像明显体现了唐代佛像的特 点,面颊圆润丰厚,两耳大,容貌端严安祥,雍容华 贵,气宇轩昂,反映了当时的审美观,这点从唐代绘 画中及陶俑即可一窥端倪。 此件唐代晚期白石刻菩萨立像,身着天衣,胸挂珠 链,双手环抱於腹前,双足并,身形丰盈,立姿优 雅。由侧面看,可见胸腹曲线,肩形宽厚,双层衣䙓 自然垂落於小腹和膝盖前,深具时代典型之美。婉 约、雅容、大度白衣立姿菩萨像,展现出唐至五代时 期石雕艺术之美。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北: 藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品30,170-173 页。

3313 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Reign White Conch L 16 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat. 40, pp. 172-175.

HK$ 300,000-400,000 US$ 38,500-51,300 清乾隆  白法螺 款铭:「普乐寺旭光阁恭供,大清乾隆丙戌年秋月」 「 」读音「吽」,以兰札体梵文写成。 白法螺是以一级白色海螺制成之佛教法器,通体净白,形硕重饱 满,质地坚。整器经匠师打磨,后部呈现为工整流畅的螺面, 剔线,阴刻一正一反的黑色「 」吽字,普乐寺旭光阁於乾隆 三十一年恭供。 「嗡嘛呢叭咪吽(om mani padme hum)」为观自在菩萨心咒,能 封闭六道之门,使众生从痛苦中解脱,前往清净乐土。六字真言 中,「 」代表黑色、精进,亦象征诸佛悲心,及成就一切的境 界。 承德避暑山庄普乐寺始建於乾隆三十一年(西元1766年),为 承上八庙之一。旭光阁为其主体建筑,重檐黄琉璃圆顶,亭阁结 构,底直径21米,高24米。「旭光阁」意为面向东方旭日的佛 阁。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术 有限公司,2012)展品40,172-175页。

3314 QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG REIGN 1. Nanmu Seal with Six Syllable Mantra in Ranjana Script H 6.8 cm.

QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG REIGN 2. Ivory Seal with Scorpion Image H 6 cm.

YUAN DYNASTY 3. Gilt-Iron Seal H 6.5 cm.

YUAN DYNASTY 4. Zitan Seal with Phags-pa Inscription: “Seal of the Great Yuan State Preceptor; Leader of the Shi Religion” H 7.5 cm.

ming DYNASTY 5. Ivory A-sa Seal H 9.3 cm.

HK$ 350,000-400,000 US$ 44,900-51,300 1. 清乾隆  楠木草花纹兰札体梵书真言印 2. 清乾隆  象牙如意文蝎印 3. 元  铁鎏金印 4. 元  紫檀木草纹八思巴文「统领释教大元国师印」 5. 明  象牙法轮「阿萨」印

3314-2 3314-1


3314-4 3314-5

印或玺,中外自从创字后,即有印「玺」,后人对印有许多称呼,「印 章」、「印信」、「记」、「朱记」、「合同」、「关防」、「图章」、 「符」、「契」、「押」、「戳子」;秦朝统一全国后也统称皇帝的印称为 「玺」,臣民的只能称作「印」。制印材质种类繁多,常见者如铜、银、 金、玉、琉璃,牙、角、木、水晶,元代则盛行以石刻印。 五件印信包含了象牙、木及铁三种材质,分别说明如下: 一、楠木草花纹兰札体梵书真言印:楠木质方正硕大,印钮刻出立体流畅的 草花纹,表面已有一层深色皮壳,包浆醇厚,应是经常使用所形成。印面为 兰札体梵书真言,四边草纹配饰,且印面四角有弧度向上,用印时能蘸匀印 泥,钤盖出清晰的印面。 二、象牙如意文蝎印:象牙质地,细腻温润,有几道细表的裂纹,面方正, 钮长二等分,上半部刻制大朵如意纹饰,下半部素白无工,印面阴刻蝎子图 腾。在埃及和西藏地区,「蝎子」可用於护身及避邪。 三、铁鎏金印:铁质精炼,细滑不藏锈。印钮局部鎏金,印面方正,阴篆六 字。藏系铁印常见,如此硕大则属罕见。 四、紫檀木质,印钮大如意纹,立体刻功,象牙印面嵌於紫檀木上,印文为 八思巴文,意为「统领释教大元国师」。释教即佛教。元代,统领全国佛教 的大元国师多来自萨迦派宗教首领,因萨迦派巩固西藏地方直辖於中央之行 政体制有功,此枚印信应为当时所封绶。 五、象牙方形,双面刻有圆形法轮图,象征法轮常转。阴面阴刻「阿萨」, 为萨迦派官方用印,应是歌颂、赞扬萨派之意,质黄地滑润,表面有细裂纹 路。象牙材质之印信常会出现这样的裂纹。长方形印面,钮亦为长形。

3315 Mid-Ming Dynasty Gilt-Bronze Figure of Manjusri riding a Lion. H 22 cm.

HK$ 420,000-500,000 US$ 53,900-64,100 明中期  铜鎏金文殊菩萨骑狮像

文殊菩萨是智慧的化身,以多种形象普及於民间。在各式 菩萨造像中,识别度最高的即是身旁伴有威猛狮子的造 型;无论狮子是坐骑或随侍,往往一眼即可认出是文殊大 士。以石雕、木雕、金铜造像或平面佛画、唐卡而言,文 殊菩萨大都是以较女性化的形象出现,男相菩萨是相对而 言较少见的造型。 此尊铜鎏金文殊菩萨,开脸男相,胡须卷翘,长髮往后梳 起,分两髮辫,圆箍头饰有一叶心形小化佛於中央。双眼 呈半闭合状,鼻尖且挺俊,是俊美的应真形象。双手承捧 一如意,此为文殊常持的法器。菩萨於狮子背上结轮王 式自在坐姿,狮子则顺服的蹲伏,头部昂起,双目炯炯直 视,鬃髮卷曲、细密排序於脑后。

3316 Yuan to Early Ming dynasty Gilt-Bronze Figure of Seated Ksitigarbha H 30 cm.

HK$ 580,000-650,000 US$ 74,400-83,400 元-明早期  铜鎏金男相地藏王菩萨自在坐像 地藏王菩萨梵文名音译为「乞叉底蘗沙」,得名「地藏」因 其「安忍不动如大地静虑深密如秘藏」。为四大菩萨之一, 因发愿「地狱不空、誓不成佛」而受赞颂并被称为大愿地藏 王菩萨。 相传地藏确有其人,生为新罗国王族,俗名金乔觉(公元 630~729年),相貌奇特、高大而强壮,并且天资聪颖,心 地善良,於24岁时出家为僧。当时唐代佛教如日中天,金 乔觉渡海来到中国,选择了安徽九华山东崖作为道场,并

被后人视为地藏王之化身。 地藏王菩萨掌管十王及地狱界,在世间以多种面相造型出 现,大多为圆顶无髮、包头巾,或是慈目美丽的女相菩 萨,此尊地藏王菩萨像英俊挺秀的男相造型则是不常见 的。地藏王头部饰以精致的圆箍,髮向后梳理成双束,垂 於两肩。双目闭起,鼻高挺俊,坚实双唇,方圆脸部,胸 膛壮实宽厚,腰部却很纤细。双肩有袖,双臂有饰带环 绕,左手持摩尼宝珠,右手持说法印,双腿呈自在轮王坐 姿(应是坐於基石上),右脚掌踏一莲花,通体鎏金,色 泽澄黄浓郁。从男相结合宽胸束腰的造型来推断,有可能 出自元代,或明早期。

3317 Mid-Ming Dynasty Gilt-Bronze Figure of Cundhi Guanyin H 35.5 cm.

HK$ 950,000-1,200,000 US$ 121,800-153,900 明中期  铜鎏金准提观音 准提经曰:「准字门者,於一切法是无等觉义;提字门 者,於一切法是无取舍义」。藏名拉嫫准提,译为清静或 明觉,含有七亿佛母,三世诸佛之母的意思,密号为最胜 金刚,亦是在观音中法力武功最强的。

准提佛母(Cundhi),又译为准胝或尊提佛母,行於显 密、禅宗、东密、藏密之四大派系中,亦是观世音菩萨之 化身。准提观音有多种造型:有一首、二首、三首,或多 首,及六臂、八臂、十二臂或多臂,手中持有莲花、利 剑、绢索法器等。最普遍的为三目十八臂的造型;三目分 别代表佛眼、法眼、慧眼。 此尊准提观音像共有七面,其中六面为菩萨,每面有三 眼,最顶上为一佛首。共有十二只手臂,持各式宝物,其 中二臂禅定托钵,二臂合十於胸前。菩萨开脸肃目端正, 闭目沉思,胸前有缨络,腕上配戴手环,臂上有钏带,双 腿结金刚跏趺坐,通身鎏金。细致衣纹以阴线刻画,天衣 彩带绕於腕臂之间,造型比例甚佳,曲线流畅,宽肩平 腰,身形壮硕稳重。这样七面十二臂的准提观音造像并不 常见,为一件汉藏风格之珍品。

3318 Early Ming dynasty Seated Gilt-Bronze Vajrasattva H 24 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples - Treasures of Buddhist Art, (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2011) Cat. 21, pp.114-119

HK$ 550,000-650,000 US$ 70,500-83,400 明早期  铜鎏金金刚萨埵坐像 金刚萨埵(Vajrasattva)又名执金刚、持金刚、金刚手、金 刚总持、秘密主、萨埵者、有情有义、有勇者等。祂是真 言宗八祖中的第二祖(第一祖为大日如来金刚),是佛教 密宗极为推崇的圣尊,亦是法身普贤原始佛。 展品金刚手菩萨怒目瞪眼,眉毛如火焰,脸圆方满,充满 力量之美。金刚萨埵造像大多为女相,慈眉善目,而此尊

金刚手呈怒目相,姿态孔武有力,充分展露出金刚手之 「坚固不坏之菩提心」。2013年11月首都博物馆《佛韵 ──造像艺术集粹》展览中有两件梵天造像,与此尊金刚 总持像脸部极为相似,皆是双目怒凸、眉毛似火焰卷起, 极富力感。《佛韵》展中之梵天与帝释天皆为永乐时期宫 廷御制,笔者认为此件金刚萨埵应晚於永乐时期,可能为 宣德时期宫廷御制作品。另外可比对古董商A & J Speelman一 件三眼四臂观音之造型(详见下方参考资料),两者的工 艺、鎏金、比例等如出一辙,判断应属於同一时期,皆为 十五世纪宣德时期之佳品。此件金刚萨埵充分的将怒相转 化为力相,体现了明早期藏密注入於中原地区的想像力及 创造力。 出版:《佛印辉宝》(台北市:藏新艺术有限公司,2011 年)展品21,114-119页。 参考资料:《佛韵──造像艺术集粹》(北京:文物出 版:社,2013年),216-219页。 A & J Speelman, Chinese sculpture and works of art( London : A & J Speelman, 2002) 展品10。和此件展品应 为同一组。

3319 11th ~ 13th Century Kingdom of Dali, Gilt-Bronze Figures of Buddhas of Three Times (Past, Present, Future). H Approximately 26 cm. A Set of Three Figures The existence of the Kingdom of Dali (913~1253) approximately parallels in time of China’s Five Dynasties, Southern Song, to the Yuan Dynasty.Buddhism was practiced throughout the Kingdom, a political unit of the Bai people, an aboriginal ethnic group along China’s southern border. Preceded by the Nanzhao Dynasty, Dali was founded by Duan Siping, and was located in present day Yunnan and Guizhou. The Kingdom of Dali continued to flourish until the mid-13th century when Kublai Khan of the Mongol Empire, made use of “sheep skin rafts” to successfully cross the Jinsha River, and utterly defeat the Dali Kingdom. Following the destruction of Dali, the Yuan Dynasty government continued to recognize Duan as hereditary Native Chieftain to administer the area on their behalf. Buddhism was first introduced to the Erhai Lake area in the 8th century, and became very popular during the mid- and lateNanzhao Dynasty. By the time the Kingdom of Dali was established, the practice of Buddhism had reached its zenith. Not only was Buddhism revered as the state religion, the faith of the populace was strengthened because royal family members, too, were devoted Buddhists. The verse, “YeYu has 360 temples; each night at midnight, the bells of every temple sound; 3000 monasteries and 800 prajna halls”. YeYu refers to Dali and this passage perfectly depicts the degree to which Buddhism flourished at that time. In the history of crafting Buddhist statues,it is difficult to distinguish the various regional styles fashioned during the Song, Jin, Liao and the

two centuries of Dali, which is to say from the 10th to 13th centuries. However, the Song style from China proper served as the principal influence in the craft of Buddhist sculpture. Although the Song Dynasty was weak and surrounded by powerful enemies such as Liao and Jin, the latter were Buddhist countries. Therefore, even though they were located in the remote southwest, the Kingdom of Dali was permeated by a strong Buddhist influence, with the result that their Buddhist statues were crafted in such a manner as to resemble those of the Song Dynasty. However, the difficulty of determining the origins of Buddhist statues was eased considerably during the 1980s and ‘90s because of joint comparative studies conducted by foreign museums. Today, criteria has been established enabling scholars to distinguish with certainty whether a Buddhist statue is a Song, Jin, or Liao, or Dali Buddhist statue. This set of Buddhas of Three Times, currently on display, was first cast in bronze, after which a primer of vivid red lacquer was applied, and for the final step, the entire set was then coated with gold lacquer. Although the bronze substrate is thin, the workmanship is exquisite. The expressions of all three statues are composed and compassionate and their right shoulders are bared. However, their hand gestures differ and Sakyamuni, the main deity, is slighter larger than the other two. Unfortunately, owing to their long history and the fact that over the years they have been bumped about in their passage through different hands, some of the surfaces are slightly uneven. Even so, such minor blemishes have not in the least affected the frontal view. It is the writer’s opinion that the figures to either side of Sakyamuni represent Dipamkara and Maitrey, although there is no documentary evidence to confirm this view. This set of statues is defined by “time” and is known as the “Buddhas of Three Times”. It is very possible this set that has come down to us is the only set of Dali bronze Buddhas in existence. Publication: Splendor of Chinese Buddhist Paintings -Indefinite Radiance Buddha

(Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2006), pp. 136-137. Reference: Adorned with an arm band on his right arm, this Dali Sakyamuni Buddha, comes from the Shanghai Museum collection and is approximately 45cm. in height. It was purchased from Christian Deydier, a French antique dealer. Readers may also consult the illustration in his book, L’Art et La Matier, published in 1998 for reference.

HK$ 1,700,000-2,800,000 US$ 218,000-359,000 11-13世纪  大理国铜制漆金三世佛  三件一组 大理国(913~1253)相当於中原地区的五代至南宋元时期, 以白蛮族为政治主权,盛行佛教。大理国的疆域涵盖了现今 的云南、贵州省,位处中国领土西南,建国者为段思平,前 朝为南诏。大理国之盛世持续至13世纪中叶,直到元朝大蒙 古国忽必烈皇帝「革囊渡江」,将之消灭。灭国之后,当地 仍然由被元朝任命为大理世袭总管的段氏所管理。 佛教传入洱海地区约是在公元8世纪,南韶中后期十分盛行, 并於大理时期达到鼎盛。不仅被推崇为国教,更因皇室信奉 佛教,全民兴佛。「叶榆三百六十寺,寺寺半夜皆鸣钟。伽 蓝殿阁三千堂,般若宫室八百处」,叶榆指的即是大理;此 诗充分地描述了当时佛教的盛况。 在佛教造像历史中,宋、金、辽、大理国这两百年,也就是 10~13世纪,各地区造型较易混淆,然而大多仍以宋代之中 原风格为依归。虽然宋朝强国环伺,国力式微,但辽、金等 国亦信奉佛教,因此,即便是远在西南地区的大理,也都深 受到来自中原的佛教文化所滋养,而出现近似於宋代风格的

造型。佛像之制作地区不易分辨的情况,因1980、90年代逐 渐有许多国外博物馆合并研究而改善,对於宋代、金代、辽 代或大理等造像已有清楚的识别标准。 在目前国内外公私收藏中,大理地区的金铜造像多以阿嵯耶 观音、立姿观音比较常见,不僅佛像這種題材比較少見,三 尊一组的则更为难得。 此三尊大理三世佛以铜为体,朱红底漆,最后在表面施予金 漆,铜胎较薄但铸造精美。三尊共同点在於皆袒露右肩,面 相雍容慈悯,手势则各异。主尊释迦牟尼佛身型略大於其他 两件。虽无文字纪录佐证,推测释尊左右可能为燃灯佛与弥 勒佛;此三尊合称「竖三世佛」。此传世之大理国三世佛铜 造像应是目前仅存的一组至宝。 出版:《中国佛画之美——善缘无量》(台北:藏新艺术有 限公司,2006)136-137页。 参考资料:上海博物馆藏大理国释迦牟尼佛高约45公分,右 臂上饰有臂环,原购自法国古董商戴迪尔(Christian Deydier),可参阅其於1998年出版:之图录《L’Art et La Matier》。 注:佛教里的「三世佛」有两种说法:「竖三世佛」以时间 区分为过去佛、现在佛与未来佛,分别是释迦牟尼 佛、燃灯佛(迦叶佛)与弥勒佛;以空间区分则称 「横三佛」,指的是宇宙世界三位教主,分别是掌管 东方净琉璃世界的药师佛(药师琉璃光如来)、婆娑 世界的释迦牟尼佛,以及掌管西方极乐世界的阿弥陀 佛。

3320 early Qing Dynasty Bronze Figure of Fasting Sakyamuni H 20.3 cm. Provenance: Dr. Joseph Chandler Battaile, Sr.,Tennessee, the USA.

HK$ 150,000-200,000 US$ 19,200-25,700 清早期  铜製苦修像 金刚经讲应无所依而生其心,不住于人相、我相、众生

相、寿茗相,诸相非相,则近菩提。在佛教中白骨观是佛 教五门禅法之一,此修持使人观想白骨延及无量无数无边 白骨,这也便是观诸相非相,色即是空,空即是色,禅理 所在。 此尊修行者,姿态如释尊苦修之坐态,却周身上下皆为白 骨,右手持念珠,左手搭于右手上,下身有衣裙避体,是 一尊极为罕见的佛教题材铜雕塑。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——自在妙菩提》(台北:藏 新艺术有限公司,2012)展品20,112-113页。 来源:美国约瑟夫·钱德勒·巴塔耶博士旧藏

3321 early Qing Dynasty Gilt Bronze Luduan Incense Burner H 27.3 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples - Absolute Enlightenment, (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2011) Cat.21, pp.114-115.

HK$ 190,000-250,000 US$ 24,400-32,000 清早期  铜鎏金甪端香炉 中国香的文化,应可推至战国时期,东汉时兴於宫廷中。汉代蔡质所著的 《汉官仪》中,曾提到:「女侍吏絜被服,执香炉烧熏」;已出土的汉代铜 器中,以博山炉为古香炉的经典类型。 焚香料以草本为主,亦有些许矿物辅用,《周礼·秋官·翦氏》:「掌除蠹 物,以攻禜攻之,以莽草熏之。凡庶蛊之事。」古人室内薰香为净化环境, 提神醒悟之用,并也引申有雅士风采之意,如所谓的「令君香」。习凿齿 《襄阳记》载刘季和云:「荀令君至人家坐幕,三日香气不歇」记录了东汉 政治家荀彧对焚香之爱。至宋代,品香文化盛行於宫中,在书斋或厅堂中陈 设香具及举办香席成为贵族及文人生活中不可少的享受。明代香学更兴,宣 德年间所制之铜制炉具各色各样。后人有幸可赏汉至明代之百种香薰器具, 置於案上、室内一隅或掌上,不甚乐乎。 甪端为中国古代传说中的瑞兽,能日行万里,能言四方语,好生恶杀。相传 成吉思汗驻师西印度,忽有大兽,其高数十丈,一角如犀牛,然能作人语, 云:「此非帝世界,宜速还。」耶律楚材进言以甪端好生恶杀劝其退兵,成 吉思汗随即回驭。后甪端造型香薰常陈设於明清内廷,表圣主在位。《上 林赋》:「其兽则麒麟、甪端。」郭璞注:「甪端似貊,甪在鼻上,中作 弓。」状似狮又似彘,独角如弓。四足似踏於蛇,蛇形为底托,双耳、独 角、双眼怒凸张大口,卷云鼻,背鬃扬起,身布流火纹,局部鎏金。铜色泛 黑,鎏金灿然,明色对比,尊贵喜气,高有27公分余,为品香佳器。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司, 2012)展品21,114-115页。

3322 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong reign An Embroidered Thangka of Sadaksharilokeshvara 52×40 cm. without mounting Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 8, pp.52-55.

HK$ 380,000-450,000 US$ 48,800-57,700 清乾隆  御製贴绣四臂观音 四臂观音为观世音菩萨的应化身之一,亦是雪域西藏守护神,与文殊菩萨、金刚手 菩萨合称「三族姓尊」,三尊分别代表大悲、大智、大力。此幅御製贴绣唐卡灵活 运用了手绘设色、刺绣及堆绣等技巧及织锦、花片、缎、缂丝、各色拼布等材质来 描绘四臂观音。「贴绣」指的是局部裁剪老织锦绣片,并用线缝於面上,贴花为 主,绣为辅,用以固定或增添多元多彩的效果及细部完整性。 主角四臂观音为寂静相,造型端正优美,肤色白皙如玉,黑髮结顶髻,头冠花蔓, 唐卡顶部有一无量寿佛为顶严。观音耳朵配戴大耳环,四臂均配手环,脚上亦有饰 品,胸前缨络,各式珠宝满布於身。胸前双手合十,后方双手则右手持一串水晶念 珠,代表持续不断地帮助众生从轮回中解脱,左手则持一白莲(藏名乌巴拉花), 代表的是净化一切烦恼。四臂代表了息、增、怀、诛四种佛行,双盘的金刚坐姿则 代表稳固禅定的境界。 此件四臂观音唐卡尺幅虽小,但端正华丽,工艺之精美仅能出现於清代宫廷中。四 边原装裱应为同时期所配,相当罕见。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展 品8,52-55页。

3323 Yuan Dynasty Lion-Riding Manjusri 84×63 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Mutiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 1, pp.18-23.

HK$ 520,000-650,000 US$ 66,700-83,400 元  文殊菩萨骑狮像 重彩设色麻布


西夏风格 西夏王朝(1038~1227)共187年,以党项族为主体,位处黄河以西,建都兴庆府(今宁夏银川),於 1227年被蒙古大军所灭。蒙古军二十余年中共六次征讨西夏,其中多次由成吉思汗亲军。但成吉思汗生 前未能如愿,一直到他死后,蒙古才得以灭夏。西夏王朝灭亡了700多年,成为一个世人难得一窥、蒙 上神秘面纱的国度,甚至二十四史中也从未提及西夏史。为何这个存在近两百年的王朝、有文字、有领 土、有城镇、有法律等的王朝会消失於历史中?当然,这与后来统一大漠及汉土近百年,由蒙古大军所 建的元朝有很大的关连。成吉思汗死前曾嘱咐一定要灭了西夏王朝,或许也是原因之一。 元朝(1271~1368)由蒙古族建立,为首度征服中国汉土的外来王朝,定都大都(今北京)。在元朝之 前,铁木真先於1206年建立了蒙古汗国,忽必烈则於1260年即位。1271年,忽必烈取《易经》中「大哉 乾元」之意,改国号为元,并於1279年灭南宋统一中国,在1310年时国力、国土达到高峰。 西夏与蒙古国(元朝)皆以佛教为国教。西夏建国后,推行国教,规定每个孟朔日(每个季度第一个月 的十五日)皇族必须特别虔敬礼佛。《丝路上消失的王国》这本研究西夏文化的重要著作,源自於1908 年一支俄罗斯探险队,领队的海军中校科兹洛夫(Pyotr Kozlov)至我国西北部巴丹吉林沙漠深处,寻求一 处叫黑水城的地方,传说此地藏有许多珍宝。科兹洛夫1909年重返黑水城,发现位於古城西约400米处左 岸的大佛塔,打开后,西夏时期佛教遗珍尽收眼底,大量的佛画、佛经、经典、文献等以万件计,其中 以一件双头佛祖最为珍贵、稀有。这些藏品皆妥善保存於今天的俄罗斯圣彼得堡,并不断地衍生新的研 究与发现。后续出版的《俄藏黑水城文献》中亦有详细的记载及整理。 现今俄、英、宁夏回族自治区博物馆等皆藏有西夏文物,可供深入了解、研究,进一步窥见西夏佛教多 地区、多种族、多风格的集存样貌。最为突出的是西夏国地理条件与姜族民族特色下所产生的佛教美术 风格。西夏地理位置处西北黄河以西,黄河以东即为中原汉土,也就是佛教的发源地,因当时浓郁的汉 土风扩散至海内外,西夏王国当然也深受滋养。另外,银川以西北,也有来自新疆地域的影响。黑水城 是丝路上的一处驿站,贸易交流的同时亦引入了新疆多风格的异域文化冲击,喀什米尔及中亚的佛教风 格,因而流入离青海、西藏不远的西夏西南地区。藏系佛教兴盛之地也给了西夏佛教更多养分,多姿、 多采、多样成了西夏地区特色。 若仔细翻阅《丝路上消失的王国》,即可看出黑水城出土的佛教遗珍中融合了西藏、中亚及汉土的视觉 元素。举例而言,有些画作中,虽然穿戴西夏衣物及头饰,但可能是属於中亚地区的人物;有些作品虽 然线条较为拙笨,但却具有西藏色彩的鲜明特色。这样的例子都可以归类为西夏风格。当然,西夏地区 的作品也有部分是明确而纯粹的藏式、汉式、中亚式风格,应是当时来自各地的旅人所留下的产物。 此幅文殊菩萨唐卡可能即是西夏晚期或元代统治下西夏地域之产物。主尊女相文殊菩萨为中原风格,以 轮王式乘於狮子坐骑上。狮子为绿身,怒目凸出,四足踏於白色祥云之上;来自西域的驯兽师昆仑奴力 挽狮子。文殊右侧有一僧人,左侧有一老者,白须、持一拐杖,坐骑正下方有五座宝塔,意为文殊菩萨 道场五台山,上方左右有黄教教主宗喀巴呈端坐姿。汉式主角与藏式布局结合了西夏时期的绘画工艺, 橘红深绿、浓郁对比的色彩,粗犷有力的线条,充分展现了西域风格。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品1,18-23页。

3324 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong reign A Thangka of Sakyamuni Commissioned by the Imperial Court 143.5×83.5 cm. without mounting Xumi Fushou Temple, Chengde Multi-colors on cotton Written by Emperor Qianlong himself, the stone memorial tablet engraved with the words, “Records of Xumi Fushou Temple” reveals the degree of reverence accorded Buddhism by the Qing imperial court, and the amiable relationship between Emperor Qianlong and the high monks of Tibet. In 1780, after a journey lasting one year, Lobsang Palden Yeshe, the Sixth Panchen Lama, arrived in Beijing to celebrate the 70th birthday of Qianlong . In order to honor and welcome Panchen Lama, Qianlong had commissioned the construction of the Xumi Fushou Temple in Chengde (Temple of Happiness and Longevity of the Sumeru Mountain), afacsimile in the style of theTashilhunpo Monastery in Tibet. The Panchen Lama and his retinue were put up in the Wan-Fa-Zong-Yuan Hall. The Primal Buddha Samantabhadra, in the collection of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, is well preserved and a clear inscription can be found on the back of the Thangka, stating:“Six hanging scrolls, on the east-west wall of the five-bay room,third-courtyard compound, in the North Building of Wan-Fa-Zong-Yuan Hall”. These words describe the exact place where this scroll once hung in the temple. In this Thangka, the fair complexioned Samantabhadra is seated on an elaborate throne, with two lions crouched in recesses beneath the throne. Before him are five objects for the pleasure of the five senses: a mirror (body), cymbals (sound), conch with curd (fragrance), fruit (taste), and silk (tatile). In the lower part of the composition are the White Tara, symbolizing longevity, and the Green Tara, known for her generosity in granting her follower’s wishes. In the upper part of the Thangka is Amitabhah, also known as Amitayus (Buddha of Infinite Life), holding a vase. These symbols were means of wishing Emperor Qianlong a long life. Commissioned by the imperial court during the Qianlong Reign, this large Thangka of Sakyamuni is a combination of both Chinese and Tibetan styles. Red and blue are the predominant colors throughout the entire Thanka, with complementary dashes of blue and white colors. The painter embellished the patterns of Sakyamuni’s robe with gold, and lavishly applied the color red to objects above the throne, thereby enhancing the brilliance and splendor of the composition. In the top center of this painting, surrounded by a scattering of clouds, is an Amitayus with red complexion. Green clusters of auspicious clouds surround this deity. To each side four bodhisattvas may be seen amidst white auspicious clouds, holding various implements of worship, auspicious objects, or banners. To each side of Sakyamuni are layers upon layers of mountains, covered with lush green vegetation.Garbed in a vermilion robe embellished with gold trim, the palms of Sakyamuni’s hands and the bottoms of his feet are marked by a roseate color. His left hand forms a Dhyana-Mudra, while his right thumb and index finger touch to form the Vitarka-Mudra. He is seated in the lotus position on a lotus pedestal of bluish-hue, placed atop a hexagonal throne. Two matching auspicious white lions, one to the right and one to the left, can be seen in recesses below the throne. In the lower center of the composition is a small pool where a large pink lotus, with two outward branching lotus blossoms, rises above the surface. A conch rests on the left blossom, while to the right are a pair of cymbals. In the lower left corner of the painting is a White Tara, and to the right a Green Tara. The entire composition is symmetrically arranged, the color scheme is rich and dignified, and the craftsmanship is exquisite. The style and workmanship suggest it was executed by a Han Chinese painter. This Thangka, commissioned by the imperial court during the Qianlong period, may serve as a classic example for viewer reference. Provenance: American Private Collection. Note: In the 45th year of the Qianlong Reign (1780), besides the two major events of the year: the 70th birthday celebration of Emperor Qianlong, and the visit of LobsangPaldenYeshe, the Sixth Panchen Lama, to Beijing to celebrate the Emperor’s birthday, Emperor Qianlong made his fifth journey to the southern regions for the purpose of “observing the customs of the common people in order to improve the methods of governing.” He started out on the 12th day of the first lunar month and did not return to Beijing until the 9th day of the fifth lunar month.

Altogether, he made six journeys to the south, traveling each time with a vast retinue and entailing enormous expenses. 2. The Rubin Museum of Art is located at West 17th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenue in the Chelsea neighborhood, New York. The private art collection of Donald and Shelley Rubin forms the basis of this Museum, which was officially opened to the public in 2004. The museum is dedicated to the preservation and display of art from the Himalayas and nearby regions, with an emphasis on Tibetan art.

HK$ 2,600,000-3,500,000 US$ 333,400-448,800

清乾隆 承德须弥福寿庙 御製释迦牟尼本尊唐卡 重彩棉布

HK$ 2,600,000-3,500,000 US$ 333,400-448,800 从乾隆御笔撰写的〈须弥福寿之庙碑记〉中,可以看出清代宫廷对佛教的重视,以及乾隆皇帝与藏区高僧之间的良善关系。乾 隆四十五年(西元1780年),班禅六世历经一年的旅程抵达中国,以庆祝乾隆皇帝的七十大寿,乾隆因而特此在承德修建了 仿扎什伦布寺风格的须弥福寿庙来盛大迎接班禅喇嘛,并将这一行人安顿於万法宗源殿。旧金山亚洲美术馆所收藏的普贤菩萨 唐卡,保存状况良好,背后即可看见清楚的铭文:「万法宗源见人正所北楼下第三进明五间内东西板墙上六轴」,说明了当时 画所摆设的位置。在这幅唐卡中,白色普贤菩萨坐於精致的宝座上,下方是两只狮子。祂前方有五根受用之供品,包括镜子 (色)、钹(声),盛着凝乳的海螺(香)、水果(味)及丝绸(触)。画面下方是象征长寿的白度母和有求必应的绿度母两 位女神,最上方则是手持甘露瓶的阿弥陀佛,或称无量寿佛,皆有为乾隆皇帝祝寿之意。旧金山亚洲美术馆所藏另一件宝生佛 唐卡、Christopher Bruckner藏品中这幅蓝肤萨挞拉陀菩萨唐卡、鲁宾美术馆的日光菩萨唐卡及此幅释迦牟尼唐卡,皆有同样的 特征:下方也出现白度母及绿度母,上方同样是红肤色的无量寿佛。 此件乾隆御製释迦牟尼本尊像,尺幅较大,为汉藏风格。整幅作品以绿及红为主,相间少许蓝与白,并以金泥施描於释尊衣 纹。台座之上多是以红彩描绘,显得金碧辉煌,宫廷氛围浓郁。正中央上缘是一尊红身的无量寿佛,旁有绿色祥云,左右两旁 各有四位菩萨乘着白祥云,手持各式法器、吉物、旗帜等。在释迦牟尼两旁是层层山峦,青苍郁郁。释迦本尊着绘以金漆之朱 红外袍,双手、双足底都示出红印记;左手作禅定印,右手姆指食指相捻成环,结安慰印,结跏趺坐於蓝色系六角莲花台座 上,台座左右两旁有白色瑞狮,左右相衬,中央则有水池,一只粉红色大莲花升出水面,有两小朵分支:右莲上有一法螺,左 边是一对钹。画幅右下为白度母,左下则有绿度母菩萨相侍。整幅布局有序,设色华丽端庄,工艺极精。观此风格及工艺,推 测为汉人画师所为。此幅经典乾隆时期唐卡,可为供世人参考之范本。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品9,56-63页。 出处: 美国私人旧藏 注: 1.乾隆四十五年(1780),除了乾隆七旬大寿与六世班禅额尔德尼进京祝寿两件盛事之外,乾隆皇帝还在同年初开始了他 的第五次南巡,称其目的是「省方观民、勤求治理」。正月十二日出发,五月初九返回京师。乾隆共六次南巡,皆规 模庞大,开支浩繁。 2.美国鲁宾美术馆位於纽约西十七街,介於雀儿喜区的第六及第七大道之间。鲁宾美术馆始於唐诺·鲁宾及雪莉·鲁宾的 艺术收藏,2004年起正式对外开放,致力於保存及展示喜马拉雅及周边地区的艺术,尤以西藏艺术为重。

3325 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong reign Soapstone Figure of Guanyin H 13 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat.29, pp. 140-141. Provenance: American private collection.

HK$ 180,000-250,000 US$ 23,100-32,100 清乾隆  寿山石製自在观音像 寿山村位於福建省福州市晋安区,与连江县及罗源县相 接,构成以寿山石矿知名的金三角。寿山矿种类繁多,色 彩多样,知名的有田黄石、芙蓉石、鸡血石,三者并称为 中国的「印石三宝」,其中芙蓉石为一大品种,以色分 类,有黄芙蓉、白芙蓉、红芙蓉、青芙蓉、红花冻等。寿 山石雕领域中有句名言「一相抵九工」,强调充分运用石

材本身特质来设计造型的重要性,在技法上,则有高浮 雕、透花雕、圆雕、薄意等。 寿山石刻雕品最早可推至六世纪,始见南朝石俑,但雕工 较粗。宋代福建人梁克家所撰的地方志《三山志》中提 到,寿山石自宋代开始被大量开采并用於雕刻,精美者进 献宫中,供室内陈设或赏玩。 此件圆雕的寿山石作品,石材似为红花芙蓉,油乳白色如 凝脂通透,红花纹理散落其间。这种巧妙运用天然色彩的 技法,生动表现了观音之神态。此件石雕为白衣大士自在 式坐姿造型,双手收於衣袖内,开脸明显是福建地区风 格,与当地出品的白瓷像、石叟铜像及木雕极为相似,说 明了同一时期,同一地区的工艺是相互影响的。芙蓉石造 观音造像仅高13公分,可於手中把玩,亦可置於桌前观 赏,石质温润,工艺精细,在衣饰上还嵌有红色小宝石加 以点缀,这样的工艺常见於十七或十八世纪的造像中,例 如「尚均」、「子秀」等名家製款。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2012)展品29,140-141页。 出处:美国私人收藏

3326 Liao Dynasty Sandstone Seated Lion H 29 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples - The Flame of Buddhism Burns Stronger Than Ever (Taipei, Cangxin Art Company Ltd, 2011) Cat. 35, pp.174-177

HK$ 60,000-100,000 US$ 7,700-12,800 辽  砂石狮子坐像 可能出自山西地区 中国本地不产狮子,是在西汉张骞通西域之后,被视为珍兽 的狮子才作为活贡品从印度、伊朗地区传入。据《后汉书·西 域传》纪载,「章帝章和元年,遣使献师子、符拔。…(永元) 十三年,安息王满屈复献师子及条支大鸟 ...」;安息帝国即

是现今的伊朗地区。两千年前东传入中国之后,狮子被视为 祥瑞及守护者。东汉到魏晋南北朝,陵墓前可见石刻守护狮; 到了唐代,狮子随着佛教而盛行民间,宋代狮子造型则更加 秀美。《佛说太子瑞应经》中记载,「佛初出时,有五百狮 子从雪山来,侍到门前,故狮子乃为护法者。」;在佛教中, 狮子象征无畏无敌,可避邪降魔;佛陀说法就如同狮王吼声 般具有力量。在各种不同的材质的狮像中,可能以石刻最能 表现狮子刚毅之本性,与其守护者之精神。 辽代是一个统治中国北部草原的封建王朝,为契丹族所建, 除了自身文化外,亦广纳勃海国、西夏、西域各国文化及中 原的汉文化。辽人所崇尚之佛教承自盛唐佛教遗绪,而佛教 艺术则大多从宋代汲取养分。辽代造像与北宋汉风造型极为 相似,山西北部应县古塔中所陈设的泥塑佛像即是典型的例 子。然而依据脸部造型特征和材质来断代仍是可能的。此件 砂石狮子坐像在风格上很接近宋代,唯独狮头较为修长、嘴 部略带异域风情,推测应为辽代山西地区作品。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—普世炽初》(台北:藏新艺 术有限公司,2010)展品35,174-177页。

3327 Song Dynasty Polychrome Red Sandstone Buddha Head H 34 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples –Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat. 36, pp. 178- 181.

HK$ 150,000-250,000 US$ 19,200-32,100 宋  红砂石带彩佛首 宋朝结束了五代十国的纷争局面,使得沉寂了数十年的佛教 活动,又开始兴盛起来。宋太祖致力於护佑佛教,不仅雕印 佛经,也修建破旧的佛寺。北宋时期相继兴建的佛寺有十七 处,如唐河县的菩提寺、南阳县的兴国寺及郑州城内的龙兴

寺等。佛教造像则位於山西天龙山、云岗、甘肃、河南、四 川等著名石窟中。北朝至唐的佛教盛世,已在佛教造型艺术 方面耕耘了六百年,留下许多宏伟、华丽且工艺精湛的作品, 因此宋代佛像造型可说是承自唐人遗风,并融入了宋人的美 学而成。 川蜀地区是各朝佛教兴旺之地,名列中国四大石窟之一的大 足石刻即位於四川重庆,另外还有远近驰名,立於长江边上 的乐山大佛——这都是重要的佛教遗珍。四川的佛像造型带 有华北造像的威仪,但更为慈悯,且都使用当地出产的红砂 石,这些特质形成了独特而明确的蜀地风格。 此展品为红砂石製,带彩。佛首正中央有一肉髻,大耳及肩, 双眼半闭,向下俯视,双眼与唇皆以双线刻,双颊丰盈,下 巴凸起立体。虽有些许缺损及掉彩情形,整件佛首让人感到 宁静、安详、感动,为蜀地石刻精品。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2012)展品36,178-181页。

3328 northern dynasties A Pair of Soapstone Lion Figures H 14.5 cm./15.3 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 33, pp 178 – 181.

HK$ 180,000-250,000 US$ 23,100-32,100 北朝  滑石狮镇一对 狮子造像自东汉后至明清遍布於中原土地上,或巨大,或 小巧;巨大的狮子有如同南朝陵道上长度约4~5米的,小巧 的则小至可放置案上握赏。 现实生活中狮子为百兽之王,纵横非洲草原,食物炼上排

第一,除了人类可能没有天敌。为何汉土没有狮子,却受 世人爱戴呢?汉代时狮子被引进宫廷,造成一时轰动,但 民间无法一睹狮子面貌,只闻西域进贡一头金黄巨兽, 头型硕大,鬃毛甚密蓬松,口大有力,狮吼震耳,四足雄 健,体态健敏伟岸,此瑞兽形象因而於民间一传千年! 展品北齐石狮镇仅约15公分高,非传世品,特殊石质── 软地石,无沁,容易刻磨。两只一张口、一闭口,耳朵亦 有相左之处:一高立前倾,一挺立向后,鬃髮向后卷叠蓬 起,二足撑立,坐於方形石台上。狮身以阴刻线来表现身 形、狮鬃与火焰图腾。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品33,178-181页。

3329 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Reign A White Marble Scholars’ Rock Carved in the Form of Flames, Commissioned by the Imperial Court Original Ruyi Base Carved with the Motif of Ocean and Mountain H 82 cm.  W 54 cm.  L 83 cm. The Song Emperor Huizong’s love for exotic-shaped boulders is world renowned. In the 4th year of the Chongning Reign (1105), Cai Jing’s second year as premier, the imperial court established a Provision Bureau in Suzhou and placed Zhu Mian, a henchman of Cai Jin, in charge. The function of the Bureau was to collect rarities, strangely shaped boulders, and exotic flowers, found in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, and ship them to the capital. This, in turn, triggered the historic event of “fleets loaded with flowers and rocks (Hua Shi Gang)”. The term, gang, in this context means fleets that transport unusualshaped boulders. In 1123, the 5th year of the Xuanhe Reign, an enormous boulder from Taihu was shipped to the capital. At a height of 68 feet and of such large girth that one hundred men joining hands were required to encircle it, a special ship had to be built just to transport it to the capital. Emperor Huizong was overjoyed the minute he laid eyes on it. He ordered that every boatman be rewarded with a gold bowl, and conferred official rank on Zhu Mian’s four servants. Zhu Mian himself was promoted to “Military Commissioner of Weiyuan”, equivalent to today’s commander of a military region, or the chief administrator of more than one province. This gigantic boulder was also awarded the rank of, “Marquis of Solidness”. Emperor Huizong was so besotted with boulders that in an ecstasy of joy over this single rock, he generously rewarded all related personnel. From this, one can see that he had adiscerning eye for the aesthetic qualities of stones that differed from the emperors who had preceded him. Not only did Emperor Huizong prize boulders, he loved exotic flowers, delighted in the art of drawing, and had an aesthete’s appreciation of painting. He was the first emperor to establish a painting studio in court and his artistic skill was unmatched. He was known for his skill in a number of artistic fields. Scholars’ rocks, or boulders for admiration, are a motif often seen in Buddhist paintings. Smaller boulders resemble unmovable mountains that are either downscaled to a size suitable for placing on a plate, or worshipped in the large courtyard of a temple or royal gardens, rendering them important objects for display. With the arrival of the Qing Dynasty, although it meant a change in regimes, with the Manchurians now the rulers, the three brilliant Qing emperors, Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, had been deeply influenced by Han scholars as well as Han habits and customs. The enthusiastic admiration of boulders in the imperial gardens of the Forbidden City was taken to another level. Significant temple and high officials of the Qing Dynasty competed to seek boulders of extraordinary form to be placed in their courtyards or homes. Abstract and three-dimensional boulder collections therefore reflect the elegant taste and scholastic traits of the home owner. This item is a white marble carved in the form of flames commissioned by the imperial court during the Qianlong period. The dimensions of this scholars’ rock, together with the original white stone Ruyi base,with a carved motif of ocean and mountains, are 82 cm. x 83 cm. x 54 cm. The boulder and the fitted base are two separate pieces. The base of the present item is covered with contours of ocean waves and mountains (mountains stand for good fortune and the ocean

symbolizes longevity). Asymmetrical in shape,with indentations and protuberances, there is an empty space in the center. On all four sides of the base is a simplified motif of Ruyi derived from its original complicated form.

HK$ 2,100,000-2,800,000 US$ 269,300-359,000 清乾隆  御製白大理石变体火焰形山子 底座:原配海水江崖如意足座 宋徽宗的爱石情结中外皆知。崇宁四年(西元1105年)是蔡京当上宰相第二年,朝廷在苏州增设应奉局, 由蔡京心腹朱勔主持,专门在江浙一带搜罗珍奇之物与奇石异花,送到京师,因此有了史上著名的「花石 纲」,「纲」所指的就是运送奇石的船队。宣和五年(西元1123年),有一太湖巨石,高六仞,阔需百人合 抱,造巨舰送京城,宋徽宗一见心生喜悯,赏赐船夫每人一只金碗,朱勔的四个侍仆皆封官,朱勔本人晋升 为「威远军节度使」,相当於今天大军区司令或一省以上的行政长官,此巨石则封「磐固侯」。这位皇帝爱 石成痴,狂热有余,竟为了一块奇石而如此厚赏属下,可见其鉴赏眼光亦有别於所有前朝皇帝。不仅爱石, 更爱奇花,喜爱绘画、赏画,徽宗更是首任成立宫廷画院之皇帝,文采令人望尘莫及,文功显世。 供石、赏石,在佛教绘画题材中亦是常客。这小石似山形,可置於盘中,或陈设於寺庙大院中或皇家园林 中。清代康、雍、乾时期皇家园林建筑成就极高,虽是满人称帝,但汉人文风及习性早已深植宫廷,使这门 赏石之趣得以在紫禁城院内花园中发扬光大。清室的重要寺庙及王公大臣家中,无不争相搜奇;抽象立体的 赏石收藏,显现出主人的高品味与人文风骨。 乾隆时期御製白大理石变体火焰形石供,配原座白石之海水江崖如意足座,总高82公分,长度83公分,宽厚 54公分,供石与随形式底座可分离。类似物件可参考《御苑赏石》所收录的第一件(44页),现藏西苑团 城之内,刻工手法相同,不同处在於西苑赏石供为褐色矿石,此件石供材质则为一级白大理石。海水江崖纹 (福山寿海)为山石之底座,底座外形不规整,自然凹凸,中间空,底为四边如意头纹,繁复后收为简练。 这是壹件非常典型的宫廷赏石,山石为清宫特有的形式,在优质的材质上塑造了这种形式感颇强的宫廷赏 石;下部承托原配大理石海水纹石座,海水纹雕刻生动细致,底座下端近组处的线条又显示出清宫紫檀家具 的线条纹饰。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品33,184-187页。

3330 Early Qing Dynasty Natural-shaped Huang Yang Wood Root Stand H 98 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat. 38, pp. 166-167.

HK$ 80,000-120,000 US$ 10,300-15,400 清早期  黄杨木随形香几 禅宗於中国晚唐后成为汉传佛教主流,盛於宋代,并传至日本及韩国。禅宗 的「减法」,由实物、空间、人事乃至心灵皆是修行的道场,旨在静其思 虑、静中思虑。既能看穿「本来无一物」,亦能在一花一草中照见圆满世 界。 独处一室坐禅时,以正念观照生活空间中的事物,接受其本然的面貌。 「道」就在生活中,喝茶时、写字读书时,都是定境,很简单,很方便。禅 意可以存在於书房、卧房、客厅任一隅,或许是一小垫、小花台、一净白 处,可喝茶闻香,可阅读静思,在简单的空间中做简单的事。 此件随形整木盘绕成台,古人巧思依其天然样貌,简练几刀修饰成器,可作 供香具之用,造型浑然天成而大器,色润温和,手感甚佳,置放书房一隅, 禅意十足,充满简单自然之趣。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司, 2012)展品38,166-167页。

3331 Ming Dynasty, Wanli Period Red Lacquer Table with Gold Trim H 102.5 cm. L 86.6 cm. W 67 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 39, pp.168-171. Provenance: French private collection

HK$ 250,000-350,000 US$ 32,100-44,900 明万曆  官造朱漆描金供案 明永乐元年(西元1403年),明成祖朱棣下诏,将北平升为北京,称「行在」。永 乐十四年(1416)公布迁都计划,隔年便於旧殿基址大兴土木,花费四年时间,至 西元1420年宫殿落成,正式由南京迁都北京。西元1644年,清朝满族接收了这座 富丽皇城,延续前朝将首府定於北京,康、雍、乾三代,也对紫禁城做了一定的扩 建增设。西元1924年,满清最后一个皇帝溥仪被逐出紫禁城,翌年成立了故宫博物 院,藏有百万件文物,建筑面积达72万平方公尺,堪称世界第一。想像辽阔宫殿中 数千殿室中留下了多少家具陈设及实用工艺品,或许有上万件之多。 这件万曆年间红漆描金供案,显然属於宫廷家具陈设。「朱」既是明代皇姓,也有 红色之意,红色代表了吉祥喜庆。清宫家具中,类似的供案有红黑等色,也包括 「大明万曆年製」纪年款。此件供案之案形结构为四腿两侧缩进安装,单层桌面, 面上有一正面龙图腾,饰以海水江涯纹,足端为单翻马蹄,上、下、左、右则共有 六只小龙。底部厚漆,麻灰多层,满布描金线。因年代久远,表面形成似瓷器开片 之纹路,别有古趣。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2012)展 品39,168-171页。 出处:法国私人收藏

3332 early Qing Dynasty Black Lacquered Incense Stand Inlaid with Mother-Of-Pearl H: 72 cm., W: 44.5 cm., Shoulder: 51x51 cm., Base Stand: 52x52 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 34, pp 198-203. Provenance: Collection of an Italian family

HK$ 450,000-600,000 US$ 57,700-76,900 清早期  黑漆镶螺钿香几 香几,顾名思义是放香具、香炉用的几,为书房或佛堂中重 要的家具陈设之一。一般为圆形、方形、八角形或梅花形, 台面较高,腿足大幅弯曲,且多为三弯脚足,足下有托泥为 衬。焚香本是中国古人所举行的一种祭祀仪式,隋唐时期发

展出丰富的用香文化,到了宋代,举办香席被视为是精致的 享受。焚香读书、抚琴,是古代文人贵族对於居家生活的讲 究;香几超越了实用性,而代表着一种生活情趣,更是文人 高尚气质的陈设佳器之一。 古书中对香几有详尽的描述:「芍室中香几之製有二,高者 二尺八寸,几面或大理石、玛瑙石...或漆、或水磨,诸木成 造者…用以阁蒲石,或单玩美石,或置香橼盘,或置花尊以 插多花,或单置一炉焚香,此高几也。」可见香几不仅用於 放置香器,也是文人用以点缀雅室之陈设艺品。此件清初大 黑漆镶螺钿香几,面四方,方宽各44.5公分,有拦水线,四 边角收口。几面上祥云环绕,飞龙在天,腾云而来,束腰 丰肩,肩宽纵起后下缩至底托,卷起小足,三弯形式优美大 器,肩四面则有葡萄及藤蔓围绕。七彩螺钿嵌入漆木,工艺 细致,龙形生动,似大师所为,图像布局雅气,托泥带四底 足更为别致,托底面绘有亭台楼阁,好比一幅文人山水。整 体香几以黑漆为主,高贵有余,表面镶有七彩螺细,远望时 银光彩光夺目,是书斋、佛堂重要陈设品。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺 术有限公司,2013)展品34,198-203页。 出处:义大利家族收藏

3333 Yuan to Early Ming Dynasty Gilt Lacquered Wood Figure of Fasting Buddha H 63.5 cm. Born as Prince Siddha ttha, not long after his birth Sakyamuni’s father, King Suddhodana, invited the renowned wise sageAsita to divine the prince’s future. Asita praised the prince’s outstanding appearance, predicting that when he reached maturity he would possess unusual abilities. He is certain to become the Wheel-rolling King. Should he choose to become a monk he will become the master of wisdom and benefit all of mankind.Upon hearing these words the king was of mixed feelings. He feared his son might become a monk and abandon his position as princely heir. After a few years had passed and the prince was more mature, here quested permission to travel beyond the city on a journey of inspection. He saw the vast difference between the court and those who lived outside; the many aspects of life and the sufferings of the people. It was not until he was 19 that he determined to leave home and become a monk. However, after a number of years of seeking the ultimate truth, the prince felt he had achieved nothing. How would he ever achieve enlightenment? Thus he began meditating on the west bank of the Nairanjana River outside the town of Uruvela, each day eating nothing more than a single grain of rice or sesame seed. After six years of austerity, the flesh of his body melted away and he became nothing but skin and bones. Although he had subjected himself to such mental discipline and physicalhardship, he had yet to attain the enlightenment he sought. He then accepted food and began his practice anew. Finally, while meditating on a rock covered with Reineckea plant under the shadow of a Bodhi tree, he vowed to not rise until he had achieved omniscience. On the 49th day he entered deep meditation and realized theTruth and achieved moksa (deliverance). He could see the past, present, and future, and had achievedpure wisdom; the highest universal knowledge of awareness. At this time the prince was 30 years old. According to Wang Shixiang, gilt lacquer was applied to the entire body of (the statue). The gilt lacquer was then given a coat of transparent lacquer, after which gold leaf was added. This was the so-called, “lacquer covered gold leaf”. Gray primer paintwas lightly applied tothe brows and mustache to give the appearance of hair. This is a technique that must be recorded. (c.f. Self Cherished Treasures of Twin Pine Studios, p.57) This gilt lacquered wood figureis Hindu in appearance. Like a person of profound wisdom, he sits comfortably in deep thought. Lean of frame, he is visibly in deep meditation, with half-closed eyes. He has curly hair, long eyebrows and a mustache. With earlobes that extend almost to his shoulders, and a high-bridged and straight nose, he has the look of a king. His bony chest gives an impression of insufficient flesh, and his tendons and veins are apparent to the eye.Garbed in a red silk robe, his fingers are interlaced, with the left palm resting on top of his right hand, and both hands resting on his raised right knee, while his left leg is tucked in front of him. Statues of this style are one of the most eagerly sought after categories of Chinese sculpture by the world’s major art museums. They signify the perfect fusion of Buddhist image and Zen style. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples –Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012) Cat. 14, pp. 90-93.

HK$ 2,400,000-3,000,000 US$ 307,700-384,700 元-明早期  木胎金髹释迦苦修像 释迦牟尼的俗名是悉达多太子。他的父亲为净饭王,在太子出生后不久即请了当时最负盛名的修道者阿 私陀来占相。阿私陀称其相貌出众,长大将为转轮圣王,如选择出家,则可成为一位觉者。净饭王忧心 太子不愿继承王位,因此供他过着极尽奢华的生活,然而却不能阻止他关心众生之苦。悉达多要求出城 探访,见到了老病死的景象,十九岁时决定出家。经过数年的寻道修学,太子仍感到毫无成就。要如何 才能真正悟道呢?他於尼连禅河西岸的优楼频罗村外开始静坐,仅日食一米或一麻。六年苦行使其身形 消瘦如柴,太子体会到空乏其身亦非悟道之途,於是开始进食。最终,他在菩提树下大石上敷了吉祥草 静坐,立誓不成正觉,誓不起座。经过了四十八天,在第四十九天入定,豁然开悟,成就了无上正等正 觉。这正是在太子三十岁的那一年。 王世襄在《自珍集》中写过一尊金髹木雕雪山大士像,「全身通饰金髹,打金胶,贴金箔,上罩透明 漆,即所谓『金箔罩漆』。只有眉髯在木底上略施本色漆灰,增加毛髪毵毵之感,此技法不可不记。」 此尊释迦苦修像以相似的技法呈现了智者闭目坐禅的形象。释迦身形嶙峋,肋骨线条明显,双手交叠置 於右膝,左腿屈,卷髮长眉带须,双耳垂,鼻硕挺,身披红帛,有王者气势。这类造像是世界各大美术 馆争相收藏的重要中国雕塑之一,此作更是禅宗造型融入佛教造像之最佳结合。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2012)展品14,90-93页。

3334 Late Ming Dynasty Standing Gilt Wood Figure of Guan Di H 76 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 39, pp 168-171. Provenance: Aquired at Sotheby's Park Bernet in the early 1970's.

HK$ 480,000-550,000 US$ 61,500-70,600 明晚期  木胎金髹关公立像 关公信仰遍布台湾、中国、港澳、日韩以及部分南洋地区,可说是家喻户晓,纵横中国千年历史,儒 家、道教、佛教这三教都崇敬之。在佛教中关公是伽蓝菩萨 ,也即寺庙的守护神,与韦驮菩萨并列佛 教的大护法;在民间盛行的道教中,将其尊为关圣帝君、伏魔大帝等,并被奉为护法四帅之一,地位 崇高;儒家视关公为武圣,崇尚其忠义精神。对关公的崇拜还传播到藏地,藏传佛教中宁玛派称其为 格萨尔王,噶举派称「噶玛汉神」,格鲁派章嘉国师认定关公为智能护法,因此清乾隆时期藏传系统 的唐卡与造像中经常可见关公身影。不论汉地还是西藏,关公身后不断加官进爵直至清顺治帝将其封 圣,可谓身居庙堂之高;而民间对于关公,或拜其韬略,或拜其忠勇,可谓受飨四方。 此尊关公帝君立像身着龙袍,右手捻鬚,左手拾起衣袖下摆。红脸,丹凤眼,双鬓,须髯飘逸、长及 腹,身型硕大高健,是典型的福建沙县风格。明清时期的木雕以福建沙县作品最为卓越,其高度的造 型能力及精妙细腻的粉线描绘工艺将人物神态表现尽致,并将刻工延伸至侧身及后背,具有独特的地 域性风格。 出处:原购于1970年代早期纽约苏富比旗下的Parke-Bernet拍卖公司 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品18, 104-107页。

3335 early Qing Dynasty A Gilt Wood Figure of Bodhisattva, Commissioned by the Imperial Court H 121 cm. The building of the Chengde Summer Mountain Resort began in the 42nd year of Kangxi Reign (1703), and continued through the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng to Qianlong, requiring 89 years to complete. It was a place where the Qing emperors could administer government affairs while escaping the summer heat of the capital. Located 180 kilometers from Beijing and covering an area of 5.64 square kilometers, the resort is a large complex consisting of imperial palaces, gardens, and majestic temples. The construction of this summer palace was intended, among other things, to pacify the ethnic minorities occupying the frontier lands beyond China’s Great Wall and to achieve their political goal of keeping peace in the realm of the Qing Empire. The “Eight Outlying Temples” at the Mountain Resort refers to eight Tibetan Buddhist temples located northeast of the Resort. These were constructed, one after the other, between 1713 (the 52nd year of Kangxi Reign) and 1780, (the 45th year of Qianlong Reign). During the Qing Dynasty, the Lifan Yuan (Board for National Minority Affairs) was in direct charge of 40 temples, of which 32 were in Beijing, and 8 in Chengde. Because Chengde is geographically located outside of Beijing and the Great Wall, these temples in Chengde are referred to as the “Eight Outlying Temples”. They include: Puren Temple, Pushan Temple, Puning Temple, Anyuan Temple, PutuoZongcheng Temple, Shuxiang Temple, XumiFushou Temple, and Guangyuan Temple . These Eight Outlying Temples contain the same imposing majesty as the Potala Palace of Lhasa, the majestic Tashilhunpo Monastery of Shigatse, and the elegance of Shuxiang Temple of Mount Wutai. Moreover, viewers are able to see the structure of Guerzha Temple of Ili in Xinjiang, and the largest wood statue of “Guanyin with 1,000 hands and eyes.” This temple complex is a collection of buildings that display the finest architectural techniques and artistic achievements of the Han Chinese, Manchurian, and Mongolian cultures. In December, 1994, the Eight Outlying Temples and the Mountain Resort in Chengde were both officially designated as World Heritage sites. Commissioned by the imperial court, this Qing Dynasty Seated gilt wood figure of bodhisattva very probably came from either the Qing court, or one of the eight outlying temples of Chengde. It might have been formerly located in one of the eight outlying temples, which were larger and therefore more suitable for the display of sizeable objects. This bodhisattva was gilted with gold leaf over a red lacquer undercoating. A mixture of lacquer and lime was applied to the linen, tightly wrapped around the wood substrate, revealing the superb quality of the procedure. The process of applying all these materials; lacquer, lime, linen, gold lacquer, and gold leaf, was meticulously conducted, which would not have been the case had the work not been commissioned by the imperial court. This is especially evident in the open face, where a single glance reveals the combined characteristics of Han Chinese, Manchurian, and Mongolian styles. This kind of facial expression is unique to works produced during the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong periods when the power of the empire was at its zenith. This shows the importance the Imperial Court attached to ethnic harmony and the lengths they took to ensure it. With her headdress affixed on her high coiffed hair, the bodhisattva’s long earlobes are adorned with large earrings extending down to her shoulders. Behind her headdress, two metal streamers spring up along each side of her head. With a physique as robust as a Mongolian warrior, the bodhisattva is seated in a lotus position, her upturned feet adorned with tassels. Her left thumb and her index finger touch to form a mudra similar to the Vitarka-Mudra and Dhyana-Mudra. Her fingers and palms display a sense of strength, which together with long fingernails, convey the grace of a bodhisattva and a feminine elegance. The contours of her garment flow freely, giving an air of majesty and dignity. The base is a beautifully decorated lotus pedestal, with one lotus bloom facing upward and one facing downward. The two lotus blooms of this carefully crafted pedestal can be taken apart and joined together. When measured with the bodhisattva, the entire unit totals 121 cm. in height. This seated bodhisattva commissioned by the imperial court indeed emits immense majestic power. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat.21, pp.124 - 129. Note: Another story has it that the Eight Outlying Temples actually referred to twelve temples. However, only eight of them were inhabited by lamas and were located outside the Gubeikou Great Wall, hence the term, “Outlying Temples”. These twelve temples are: Luohan Temple, Pule Temple, Anyuan Temple, Puning Temple, Puyou Temple, Guangyuan Temple, XumiFushou Temple,PutuoZongcheng Temple, Shuxiang Temple, and Guangan Temple.

HK$ 2,400,000-3,500,000 US$ 307,700-448,800

清早期  御製木胎金髹菩萨像 承德避暑山庄始建於康熙四十二年(西元1703年),耗时八十九年建成,历经康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,为清 代皇帝避暑和处理政务的场所,距北京仅有180公里,由皇帝宫室、皇家园林和宏伟壮观的寺庙所组成,占 地564万平方米,也是清帝为了安抚塞外边疆少数民族,以及巩固国家统一之政治目的而修建的一座夏宫。 外八庙为避暑山庄东北部八座藏传佛教寺庙的总称,始自康熙五十二年(西元1713年),终於乾隆四十五年 (西元1780年),陆续建成。清朝时,承德与北京共有四十座直属理藩院的寺庙,京城三十二座,承德八 座,因承德地处北京与长城以外,故称外八庙,包括溥仁寺、溥善寺、普宁寺、安远庙、普陀宗乘之庙、殊 像寺、须弥福寿之庙、广缘寺。这八庙涵盖了拉萨布达拉宫的气势、日喀则扎什伦布寺的雄伟、五台山殊像 寺的风采,访者还能一睹新疆伊犁固尔扎庙的身影,及世界最大的木製千手千眼观世音像,集结了汉、满、 蒙三大民族建筑技术与艺术成就的精华。1994年12月,外八庙与承德避暑山庄皆正式被列为世界文化遗产。 此尊清代金髹木胎观音菩萨坐像应来自清朝皇家寺庙或承德外八庙,因其体型硕大,适合陈设於大型寺庙 中。菩萨全身施以金箔,底层髹以朱漆,漆灰混合施於麻布上,附着质地良好,漆、灰、布、金漆、金箔多 层工序,精细严谨,若非御製不会如此。开脸尤其一目可识,结合了汉满蒙三族血统特色。这样的脸相为康 雍乾颠峰时期所特有,表现出清朝皇室对民族融合之用心及重视。 菩萨高华冠,高髮髻,双耳垂肩,配戴两只耳璫雕琢精美,华冠后方两侧宝缯,双盘跏趺,足边饰有缨络, 左手食指捻拇指,似安慰印与禅定印,手指、手掌有力,且有长形指甲,显出菩萨之美韵,女性之柔感。衣 饰线条流畅,高贵端重,底座华丽,为仰覆双层莲瓣台座,工整大气,莲花两瓣可分、可连,整器与菩萨共 逾121公分高,气势摄人。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品21,124-129页。 注:

外八庙其实是十二座寺庙,有一说是因其中八座寺庙住有喇嘛,又皆位於古北口外,故统称「外八 庙」。这十二座寺庙分别是:罗汉堂、普乐寺、安远庙、普宁寺、普佑寺、广缘寺、须弥福寿之 庙、普陀宗乘之庙、殊像寺、广安寺。

3336 Qing Dynasty A Huang Yang Wood Zen Stick L 146 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples –Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2012 ) Cat. 37, pp. 164-165.

HK$ 80,000-120,000 US$ 10,300-15,400 清  黄扬木禅杖 禅是禅那(梵语Dhyana)的简称,汉译为静虑或止观。禅宗始祖 是菩提达摩,盛於六祖惠能,在唐代中晚期是汉传佛教的主流之 一。禅宗可以说是一种减法哲学,消解思想的束缚,强调在日常 饮食坐卧中认识自性,简单而单刀直入。 黄杨木随形禅杖,总长近5尺,木质坚硬,手感极佳,色泽润 红,有另一树枝盘绕主干,以细藤三处节结,杖尾处为鹿角一 节,因鹿角质地硬韧、不裂、耐磨,可保护木质。禅杖为禅宗高 僧随身之物,亦为佛教圣物。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有 限公司,2012)展品37,164-165页。

3337 Qing Dynasty, Qianlong reign Seated Gilt Wood Figure of Guanyin H 111 cm.

HK$ 320,000-450,000 US$ 41,100-57,700 清乾隆  木胎金髹观音坐像 著名的观世音菩萨道场位於今浙江省舟山群岛普陀山之上,为中国佛教四大名迹之一。浙江 位於华中地区长江以北、黄河以南的富庶之地,自东晋时期佛教就已十分兴盛,到了隋唐以 后大幅发展,因此此地名刹寺庙不计其数。明清之际,佛教更为普及,从皇家、官员、士绅 到一般百姓皆深受其教义感召;这些佛教文物古迹可视为是时代之遗迹及见证。江浙一带地 区的佛教文物,受其地域条件及人文工艺传统影响而自成一格,著名者如南宋时代宁波地域 的佛画圣手,或现存於奈良或京都名寺中、於南宋至明代间从宁波输出的木雕造像,及各式 木刻板、佛经等。 到了明朝15世纪,佛教传入中国也已经有一千年了。在千年之中,更换了多少朝代,唯独佛 教不断不灭,且每一朝代的帝君,无不以佛立国,世代传承。到了明代,民间能匠巧手在制 作佛像时能融入地方特色,表现於佛、观音造像的脸部、身型或材料上,可见技术上已能游 刃有余。 此尊观音禅定坐像为木质金漆製,体型较大,本尊有60公分,含座约有110公分,显得极有 份量。底座为原装,亦相当难得。观音为高髮髻包头巾造型,双目闭起,弯月眉,鼻长挺 直,嘴角微扬;慈悯大悲的容颜被刻画得十分生动。从侧面看,头向前倾,呈现出由高处向 下俯视众生的姿态。观音结双盘跏趺坐,双手持禅定印,圆形木质莲花台座下似有南海卷起 的浪花,为典型浙江风格。

3338 Ming Dynasty A Seated Gilt Wood Figure of Cundhi with Twenty-two Hands H 67.6 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 16, pp94-97.

HK$ 420,000-500,000 US$ 53,800-64,200 明  木胎金髹凖提观音坐像 准提观音为佛教显宗与密宗的大菩萨,亦是观世音菩萨化 身之一。准提为梵语Cundi的音译,意为清净心地,因其 为莲华部诸尊之母,故称为准提佛母、七具胝佛母(梵文 中,「具胝」意为千万或亿)。又称准提菩萨,天人丈夫

观音等,为六观音之一。 准提观音形象为多目多臂,有六、八、十二、十八、 二十二、三十二、八十四臂等不同法相,时有一面三目或 三面六目,手执各式祥物、法器,如剑、镜、钵、杨柳 枝、宝珠、钺斧、如意幢等,手式则有合十、禅定式等。 金髹木胎製准提佛母,结跏趺坐於双层莲花台之上,一面 二十二臂,正面胸前双手合十,双手於下方持禅定式,另 外十八臂各施不同手式或持法器、法宝等,但有些配件已 佚失。头戴五方法冠,髮髻高耸,双目如下弦月半闭,似 沉思状。此件佛像雕工製作精细,刻画入微,神态自怡, 总高近70公分。如此繁复的大型木雕已属少见,保存亦完 好,依其工艺判断可能出自江浙一带,近宁波风格。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新 艺术有限公司,2013)展品16,94-97页。

3339 Tang Dynasty White Marble Torso of a Guardian King H 53.5 cm. Publication: Treasures from Chinese Buddhist Temples – The Multiple Manifestations of Buddha and Guanyin (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art, 2013) Cat. 31, pp 174-177.

HK$ 240,000-300,000 US$ 30,800-38,500 唐  白石力士身躯 唐朝(公元 618-907 年)是中国历史上国力最强盛的朝代之一。公元 618 年李渊称帝,成为唐朝开国君主,建都 长安(今西安)。李世民於 627 年登基,开创了著名的贞观之治。唐高宗以后,武则天一度迁都洛阳,以周代唐, 史称武周(690-705 年间),直到 705 年唐中宗恢复大唐国号,还都长安。唐朝共经历 289 年,20 位皇帝,在诗歌、 科技等领域中开创伟业,声名远播海外,并与南亚、西亚及欧洲均有往来。当时长安为世界最大的城市,丝路也 达到鼎盛时期,有许多人慕名前来朝拜,外来使节亦空前的多。虽然唐代以道教为国教,尊崇《老子》、 《庄子》、 《文 子》、《列子》等道教经典,但因中国与印度来往密切,也有佛学高僧(如玄奘)西去取经,多部佛经被译为中文。 从留存的名刹古迹、石窟来判断,唐代佛教很兴盛并在民间及宫廷受到重视。 天王力士乃是释迦牟尼佛的主要护法之一。常见的力士造型通常头骨较大,脖颈粗,双目凸出有神,宽鼻厚唇, 呲牙咧嘴,身披天帛,上身袒露,下着羊肠裙。一般都是成对,龙门石窟的主墙外即可见到这样的作品。 此件白石力士右手弓着提起衣摆,筋骨肌肉线条明显,胸肌厚实,腹肌成排,力量无穷,不容侵犯。虽头首、右臂、 双足佚失,但身躯依然气势威猛,有力拔山河之姿,为唐代力士风格之最佳参照。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏——陀仪观相》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2013)展品31,174-177页。

3340 Northern Qi Dynasty White Marble Figure of Standing Amitabha H 104 cm. From the period of 5th to 1st B.C., creating statues of the Buddha was considered an act of blasphemy against Buddha. As a devout Buddhist, Ashoka, Emperor of the Maurya Empire, venerated Buddha by using symbolic motifs, such as pagoda, bodhi tree, or pedestal, rather than a tangible image of the Buddha. It was not until the time of Kanishka, Emperor of ancient India’s Kushan Empire and a lifelong devotee of Mahayana Buddhism, that the making of Buddhist statues began to flourish. Influenced by Greek artistic style, realistic statues depicting the traits of God and Man replaced symbolic representations of Buddha. Two Buddhist art centers therefore came into existence: one, Gandhara, was located in the northwest (modern day west Pakistan and Afghanistan), while the other was Madhura, located on the upper Ganges in the central area (modern day central and northern India). In the 1st century (67 A.D.), Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty dispatched emissaries to the Western Regions to obtain Buddhist sutras. Upon completion of their mission they returned to China along the Silk Road, and in this manner Buddhist art found its way into Central Asia and China. This explains why early Buddhist statues were all executed in the style of the Western Regions. It was not until after the Eastern Jin Dynasty that a Buddhist sculpture distinctly Chinese in style slowly emerged. By the Northern Wei Dynasty, Emperor Xiaowen’s push to spread Han culture was reflected in the style of Buddhist art. Stone sculpture from the Northern Wei embodies an air of solemnity and gracefulness that sets them apart. This art style became increasingly refined and mature throughout the Northern Qi period, and represents the zenith of Chinese stone sculpture. Examples of this finely crafted sculpture can be found among temple ruins in Hebei, Shanxi, and Shandong. The British Museum collection contains a gigantic white marble Amitabha dating from the Sui Dynasty. At a height of almost 6 meters, it is heir to the graceful style Buddhist statues from the Northern Qi period, and as such, is an important example for reference. It is a common claim of academics that the Northern Qi limestone statues discovered in Qingzhou, Shandong, display a masterly degree of workmanship unmatched by statues from different regions, even though they may be of the same era. However, the present exhibit item, a white marble statue, is sure to challenge this point of view. For the craftsman, carving white marble is much more challenging than working with some relatively softer material, such as Qingzhou limestone. This pure white statue is completely devoid of any blemishes. The material is hard and solid. The square countenance of this Amitabha is open and conveys a sense of solemnity, compassion, and bliss. With eyebrows executed in relief fashion, eyes downcast, and a straight high-bridged nose, he projects an air of awe-inspiring majesty. The hair is spiral-shaped and neatly arranged, but the ears have been damaged. The head and body were at one time severed but have since been restored. His snugly fitting garments have been crafted insinuous lines. A knot is seen on his left shoulder but regrettably both hands are missing, which, if intact, would have formed the Varada Mudra and Abhaya mudra. The feet, too, are missing, though the back is smooth and unscarred. Handsome and well proportioned, the sophisticated style of this carefully crafted work constitutes a perfect example of the superior workmanship of Northern Qi. Publication: Treasures from Chinese B u d d h i s t Te m p l e s Absolute Enlightenment (Taipei, Ping Fine Chinese Art & Co., 2012) Lot 27, pp.134 -137.

HK$ 1,950,000-2,800,000 US$ 250,000-359,000

北齐  大理石释迦牟尼佛立像 於公元前5世纪至公元前1世纪时期,制造佛像曾被视为亵渎佛陀,当时孔雀王朝的阿育王笃信佛教,以 佛塔、菩提树或是说法座来代表佛陀,而非具体法相。佛教造像的兴盛则起因於当时古印度贵霜帝国君 主迦腻色伽王一世推崇大乘佛教,并受到希腊艺术影响,雕刻不再以象征符号代替佛陀,而改以写实方 式来刻绘人神合一的雕像,因而孕育了二大佛教艺术中心,一是位於西北部的犍陀罗(Gandhara,今巴基 斯坦西以及阿富汗地区)另一则是位於中部恒河上游地区的秣菟罗(Madhura,今印度中北部)。印度佛教 艺术於公元1世纪(67年)汉明帝派遣使者至西域取经遂透过丝路传入中国及中亚地区,早期佛像为西域风 格,自东晋之后,中国风格的佛像才逐渐发展出来,到了北魏,孝文帝推行汉化的政策也反映在佛像艺 术上。北魏时期的石雕造像独具庄严清秀的气质,这种艺术风格在北齐时更为精致而成熟,为中国石刻 的一个高峰,河北、山西及山东地区寺庙遗址皆可发现工艺水准极高的作品。大英博物馆中有一尊隋代 的巨型白石阿弥陀佛像,高近六米,亦承袭了北齐佛像的优美样式,是一件可作参考的重要藏品。 学术界经常提及北朝山东青州地区造像工艺之精湛,并称同时期不同地区的造像都不如山东的石灰岩造 像,但此件白石製北齐佛造像应可改观此论。此外就刻工而言,青州石灰岩属较易刻製的石材,白大理 石则更具挑战性。展品释迦牟尼佛立像石质白净无暇,质地坚硬细密。开脸端正庄严,慈悯喜悦,眉型立体, 眼垂,鼻直挺,神态威仪。髮髻卷结堆积,耳有残损,头与身断后重修,衣饰流畅有型,左肩上有绳结为系, 手掌佚失,原应施与愿印与无畏印。双足以下佚失,后背平顺无缝,身型挺拔。工艺严谨,风格洗练, 应是北齐时代高级工艺之代表作品。 出版:《中国佛教寺庙宝藏—自在妙菩提》(台北:藏新艺术有限公司,2012)展品27,134-137页。

3341 Ming Dynasty Figure of Seated Bhaisajyaguru (Medicine Buddha) H: 36.5 cm.

HK$ 250,000-350,000 US$ 32,100-44,900 明  铜药师佛坐像 明代金铜造像华丽而大气,在铸造、鎏金、身形比例等方面都有着很高的工艺水平。 永乐时期的宫廷造像就是最佳的典范,铜质好、胎体薄,打磨凿工精湛,将永乐 金铜佛造像带向了宫廷佛像艺术的一个巅峰。 此尊药师如来坐像,製造工艺属於中原地区,可能亦受到永宣宫廷工艺之影响。 铸造胎体适中,铜质细致,手头较沉,比例匀称,与永宣时期的外型比例极为相似。 髮髻规整有序,方圆脸,耳大及肩,鼻梁挺俊,嘴唇双阴线。身上服饰衣纹凿工流畅, 衣帛贴身,宽肩束腰,腰挺、胸阔,结双盘跏趺坐。右手指捻诃梨勒果,左手执 持药器。台座上下莲瓣立体有型,丝毫不逊色於永宣时期的莲瓣工艺。药师如来 极少见,此尊未有鎏金,推测原本应为漆金,但金彩早已佚落,如今通体青绿, 呈青蟹色,自然形成的绿色光泽,令人感到更加古雅。此尊药师如来坐像应出自 15 世纪中期之中原京城地区汉藏风格的造像精品。

3342 Qing Dynasty Kangxi Reign A Gilt-Bronze Figure of Sakyamuni Buddha H: 21.3 cm.

HK$ 380,000-450,000 US$ 48,800-57,700 清康熙  铜鎏金释迦牟尼佛 清代藏传造像,首推康熙时期之宫廷造像。康熙在位六十载,在治理新的王朝同时,受到孝 庄太皇太后的影响,既是一位明君,亦是一位虔诚的佛教徒。当时以黄教为国教,京城里面 无不追从。孝庄太皇太后应是一位带领者。每逢大寿,康熙都会善尽孝心,会动用宫廷力量 造出精美佛像来供奉。 康熙宫廷金铜造像之特点——铸造精良,鎏金饱满,凿工精细流畅,是后期清代工艺所不及 的。此件铜鎏金释迦牟尼佛高21公分,是典型康熙时期宫廷作品。以出色工艺铸造,胎厚适 宜。因铜质精炼而手头沉重,压手。原装封底,佛本尊所着天衣上布满流畅的阴刻线条,无 比华美与庄严。莲花瓣富於立体表现,朵朵强硕有力——这是康熙造像的特点之一。鎏金澄 黄亮丽,打磨甚佳。释迦牟尼佛左手持钵,右手执触地手印,降伏魔众。前额以珍贵材料嵌 饰白毫。此尊法相尊严,为典型康熙宫廷供佛。

3343 Ming Dynasty Gilt Bronze Figure ofPadmapani Bodhisattva H 54 cm. Reference: The Art of Buddhist Sculpture, Cultural Relics Press, Beijing, 2013, p.117.

HK$ 1,200,000-1,500,000 US$ 153,900-192,300 明  铜漆金莲花手菩萨 莲花手菩萨是观世音菩萨的另一个称号。西元6~10世纪时,在古印度斯瓦特地区很流 行莲花手菩萨之自在式坐姿造型,或是一脚弯曲,另一脚支撑於地的随意式立姿造型。 到了12~15世纪时期,莲花手菩萨造像更是广见於尼泊尔、西藏,慈悦的开脸,丰盈多 姿身躯,极盛一世,之后这样的造型风格也在中原流传开来。救度六道众生的菩萨,造 像大多以持莲花为标志,以立姿为首席,坐姿造型亦深受喜爱及重视。大多数莲花手菩 萨来自藏地或尼泊尔、印度,此尊莲花手观音则是出自汉地。 此作品尺寸较大,高54公分,精炼黄铜製。铜胎厚度适宜,整体铸造精良,打磨及细节 处理十分到位。华冠五叶后有一小化佛,刻画精细。双目静思,鼻梁挺拔,嘴角微扬, 宽肩细腰,腰部略由右向左扭转,身披棉帛,胸前、手臂及腕上饰有缨络手环及钏带。 左手中指和拇指相捻成说法印,右手则安放於右膝施与愿印,坐姿呈右舒相,右脚掌踏 一莲花,台座上的莲花瓣立体精致,两旁另开两朵小莲花。此等大尺寸造像及工艺水 平,非官家不可企及,应为中原地区汉藏风格莲花手观音之精品。 参考资料:《佛韵──造像艺术集粹》(北京:文物出版社,2013年),117页。




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probably a work by the artist in whole or in part. * “Studio of ...”/ “Workshop of ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s qualified opinion a work executed in the studio or workshop of the artist, possibly under his supervision. * “Circle of ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s qualified opinion a work of the period of the artist and showing his influence. * “Follower of ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but not necessarily by a pupil. * “Manner of ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s qualified opinion a work executed in the artist’s style but of a later date. * “After ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong) ‘s qualified opinion a copy (of any date) of a work of theartist. * “Signed ...”/“Dated ...”/“Inscribed ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong) ‘s qualified opinion the work has been signed/dated/inscribed by the artist. * “With signature ...”/ “With inscription...”/ In Poly Auction (Hong Kong) ‘s qualified opinion the signature/inscription appears to be by a hand other than that of the artist. * “With date ...” In Poly Auction (Hong Kong)’s qualified opinion the date on the item was not executed on that date. * This term and its definition in this Explanation of Cataloguing Practice are a qualified statementas to authorship. While the use of this term is based upon careful study and represents the opinion of specialists, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) and the consignor assume no risk, liability and responsibility for the authenticity of authorship of any lot in this catalogue described by this term, and the Limited Warranty shall not be available with respect to lots described using this term.


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第十七條 保險免責

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拍賣品宣傳,推廣活動中的安排及所應支付費用的標準; (四)某拍賣品是否適合本公司拍賣; (五)拍賣日期、拍賣地點、拍賣條件及拍賣方式等事宜。

第十條 未上拍拍賣品

因自然磨損、固有瑕疵、內在或潛在缺陷、物質本身變化, 自燃、自熱、氧化、鏽蝕、滲漏、鼠咬、蟲蛀、大氣(氣候 或氣溫)變化、濕度或溫度轉變或其它漸變原因以及因 地震、海嘯、戰爭、敵對行為、武裝衝突、恐怖活動、政變、 罷工、社會騷亂等不可抗力及核輻射及放射性污染對拍 賣品造成的任何毀損、滅失,以及由於任何原因造成的 圖書框架或玻璃、囊匣、底墊、支架、裝裱、插冊、軸頭 或類似附屬物的毀損、滅失,不在保險理賠範圍之內。

第十八條 保險賠償

第二章 關於賣家

賣家與本公司簽署委託拍賣合同且將拍賣品交付本公司 後,若因任何原因致使本公司認為某拍賣品不適合由本 公司拍賣的,則賣家應自本公司發出通知之日起三十日 內取回該拍賣品(包裝及搬運等費用自負),本公司與賣 家之間的委託拍賣合同自賣家領取該拍賣品之日解除。 若拍賣人未在上述期限內取走拍賣品,則本公司與賣家 之間的委託拍賣合同自上述期限屆滿之日即告解除。若 賣家在委託拍賣合同解除後七日內仍未取走拍賣品,本 公司有權收取儲存費、保險費及其他合理支出,本公司 亦有權以本公司認為合理的方式處置該拍賣品,處置所 得在扣除本公司因此產生之全部費用後,若有餘款,由 賣家自行取回。

第五條 委託程式

第十一條 拍賣中止

第二十條 佣金及費用

賣家委託本公司拍賣其物品時: (一)賣家若為自然人,必須憑政府發出附有照片的身 份證明文件(如居民身份證或護照)並與本公司簽署委 託拍賣合同; (二)賣家若為法人或其他組織的,應持有效註冊登記 文件、股東證明文件或者合法的授權委託證明文件,並 與本公司簽署委託拍賣合同; (三)賣家與本公司簽署委託拍賣合同時,即自動授權 本公司對該物品自行製作照片、圖示,圖錄或其它形式 的影像製品。

第六條 賣家之代理人

代理賣家委託本公司拍賣物品的,應向本公司出具相關 委託證明文件。包括: (一)若為自然人的,必須持有有效身份證明; (二)賣家的代理人若為法人或者其他組織的,須持有 有效註冊登記文件、股東證明文件; (三)經合法程式做出的授權委託書。本公司有權對上 述檔以合法的方式進行核查。

第七條 賣家之保證

賣家就其委託本公司拍賣的拍賣品不可撤銷地向本公司 及買家保證如下: (一)其對該拍賣品擁有絕對的所有權或享有合法的處 分權,對該拍賣品的拍賣不會侵害任何第三方的合法權 益(包括著作權權益) ,亦不違反相關法律、法規的規定; (二)其已盡其所知,就該拍賣品的來源和瑕疵向本公 司進行了全面、詳盡的披露和說明並以書面形式通知本 公司,不存在任何隱瞞或虛構之處 ; (三)若委託拍品由外地進口香港,賣家應保證符合來 源地法律,並且進出口手續完成並以書面形式通知本公 司; (四)如果其違反上述保證,造成拍賣品的實際所有權 人或聲稱擁有權利的任何第三方提出索賠或訴訟,致使 本公司及 / 或買家蒙受損失時,則賣家應負責賠償本公 司及 / 或買家因此所遭受的一切損失,並承擔因此而發 生的一切費用和支出。

第八條 保留價

除本公司與賣家約定無保留價的拍賣品外,所有拍賣品 均設有保留價。保留價由本公司與賣家通過協商書面確 定。保留價數目一經雙方確定,其更改須事先徵得對方 同意。經賣家授權之拍賣標的未成交之後,拍賣方有權 以其保留價在該次拍賣會後出售,賣家須向拍賣方支付 佣金。在任何情況下,本公司不對某一拍賣品在本公司 舉辦的拍賣會中未達保留價不成交而承擔任何責任。

第九條 本公司的決定權

本公司對下列事宜擁有完全的決定權: (一)通過拍賣品圖錄及 / 或新聞媒體及 / 或其它載體 對任何拍賣品做任何內容說明及 / 或評價; (二)是否應徵詢任何專家意見; (三)拍賣品在圖錄中插圖、拍賣品展覽及其它形式的

如出現下列情況之一,本公司有權在實際拍賣前的任何 時間中止任何拍賣品的拍賣活動: (一)本公司對拍賣品的歸屬或真實性持有異議; (二)第三方對拍賣品的歸屬或真實性持有異議且能夠 提供異議所依據的相關證據材料,並按照本公司規定交 付擔保金,同時願意對中止拍賣活動所引起的法律後果 及全部損失承擔相應責任; (三)對賣家所作的說明或對本規則第七條所述賣家保 證的準確性持有異議; (四)有證據表明賣家已經違反或將要違反本規則的任 何條款 ; (五)本公司認為應當中止的其他任何原因 ; (六)無論何種導致拍賣中止,如本公司得知賣家寄售 之拍品涉及權屬或其他爭議時,本公司有權暫不予辦理 退貨手續,待爭議解決後再予辦理相關手續。

第十二條 賣家撤回拍賣品

賣家在拍賣日前任何時間,均可向本公司發出書面通知, 撤回其拍賣品。但撤回拍賣品時,若該拍賣品已列入圖 錄或其它宣傳品已開始印刷,則賣家應支付相當於該拍 賣品保留價之百分之二十的款項及其它各項費用。如圖 錄或任何其它宣傳品尚未印刷,也需支付相當於該拍賣 品保留價之百分之十的款項及其它各項費用。因賣家撤 回拍賣品而引起的任何爭議或索賠均由賣家自行承擔, 與本公司無關。

第十三條 自動受保

除賣家另有書面指示外,在賣家與本公司訂立委託拍賣 合同並將拍賣品交付本公司後, 所有拍賣品將自動受保 於本公司的保險,保險金額以本公司與賣家在委託拍賣 合同中確定的保留價為準(無保留價的,以該拍賣品的 約定的保險金額為準。調整拍賣保留價的,以該拍賣品 原保留價為準)。此保險金額只適用於保險和索賠,並 非本公司對該拍賣品價值的保證或擔保,也不意味著該 拍賣品由本公司拍賣,即可售得相同於該保險金額之款 項。

第十四條 保險費

拍賣成交後,除非賣家與本公司另有約定,賣家應支付 相當於落槌價百分之一的保險費。如拍賣品未成交,賣 家也應支付相當於保留價百分之一的保險費。

第十五條 保險期間

如果拍賣品拍賣成交,保險期限至拍賣成交日起第三十 日(含成交日)終止或買家領取拍賣品之日終止(以二者 中較早者為準)。如果拍賣品拍賣未能成交,則保險期 限至本公司發出領回拍賣品的通知之日起三十日屆滿為 止。

第十六條 賣家安排保險

如賣家以書面形式告知本公司不需投保其拍賣品,則風 險由賣家自行承擔。同時,賣家還應隨時承擔以下責任: (一)對其他任何權利人就拍賣品的毀損、滅失向本公

凡屬因本公司為拍賣品所購保險承保範圍內的事件或 災害所導致的拍賣品毀損、滅失,應根據香港有關保險 的法律和規定處理。本公司在向保險公司進行理賠並獲 得保險賠償後,將保險賠款扣除本公司費用(佣金除外) 的餘款支付給賣家。

第十九條 競投禁止

賣家不得競投自己委託本公司拍賣的物品也不得委託他 人代為競投。唯本公司有權代賣家以不超過保留價之價 格參考競投。若違反本條規定,賣家應自行承擔相應之 法律責任,並賠償因此給本公司造成的全部損失。 除賣家與本公司另有約定外,賣家授權本公司按落槌價 之百分之十扣除佣金,同時扣除其它各項費用。儘管本 公司是賣家的代理人,但賣家同意本公司可根據本規則 第四十九條的規定向買家收取佣金及其它各項費用。

第二十一條 未成交手續費

如果某拍賣品的競投價低於保留價而未能成交,則賣家 授權本公司向其收取未拍出手續費及其它各項費用。

第二十二條 出售所得款項淨額支付

如買家已按本規則第四十九條的規定向本公司付清全部 購買價款,則本公司應自拍賣成交日起三十五日後將出 售所得款項淨額以港幣方式支付賣家。

第二十三條 延遲付款

如本規則第五十一條規定的付款期限屆滿,本公司仍未 收到買家的全部購買價款,則本公司將在收到買家支付 的全部購買價款之日起七個工作日內將出售所得款項淨 額支付賣家。

第二十四條 賣家稅項

賣家所得的出售所得款項淨額應向政府納稅,如有關法 律規定本公司有代扣代繳義務的,本公司將依照法律規 定執行,賣家應協助辦理所有手續,並承擔相應稅費。

第二十五條 協助收取拖欠款項

賣家在委託本公司拍賣其物品的同時,被視為授權本公 司有權代賣家向買家追索相應拖欠價款。如買家在拍賣 成交日(含成交日)起七日內未向本公司付清全部購買價 款,本公司除有權按照本規則第五十八條之約定向買家 追索其應付的佣金及其他各項費用外,亦有權在本公司 認為實際可行的情況下,採取適當措施(包括但不限於 通過法律途徑解決)協助賣家向買家收取拖欠的款項。 上述約定並不排除賣家親自或委託任何第三方向買家 追索相應拖欠款項的權利,亦不賦予本公司在任何情況 下代賣家向買家追索相應拖欠價款的義務。本公司在任 何情況下不應因買家未能支付購買價款而向賣家承擔相 應責任。

第二十六條 本公司有權決定

本公司有權接受賣家授權(由賣家支付費用)並視具體 情況決定下列事項: (一)同意購買價款以特殊付款條件支付; (二)搬移、貯存及投保已出售的拍賣品; (三)根據本規則有關條款,解決買家提出的索賠或賣 家提出的索賠; (四)採取其他必要措施收取買家拖欠賣家的款項。

第二十七條 拍賣品未能成交

(一)拍賣後交易 由本公司與賣家重新商議確定委託拍賣品的保留價並 代為出售,本公司支付賣家不少於以新的保留價出售時 應支付的出售所得款項淨額。 (二)重新上拍

佣金及費用標準以原委託拍賣合同約定為準。 (三)取回拍品 賣家應自收到本公司領取通知之日起三十日內取回該拍 賣品(包裝及搬運費用自負),並向本公司支付未拍出手 續費及其他各項費用。超過上述期限,本公司有權收取 儲存費、保險費及其它合理支出,本公司亦有權以公開 拍賣或其他出售方式按本公司認為合適的條件出售該拍 賣品,並有權從出售所得款項淨額中扣除第一次拍賣中 賣家應支付的未拍出手續費及其他各項費用及再次拍賣 該拍賣品的所有費用,將餘款支付賣家。

第二十八條 風險承擔

無論是未上拍或未能成交的拍賣品,賣家均應對其超過 本規則規定期限未能取回其拍賣品而在該期限後所發 生之一切風險及費用自行承擔責任。自本公司向賣家發 出領回拍賣品的通知之日(含通知日)起第三十日,或自 委託人按本規則約定領取拍賣品之時(以先到者為準), 未上拍或未能成交拍賣品的一切風險及費用由賣家承 擔。如賣家在本規則規定期限內要求本公司協助其退回 拍賣品並經本公司同意,拍賣品自離開本公司指定地點 後的一切風險及費用由賣家承擔。除非賣家特別指明並 預先支付保險費,本公司無義務對拍賣品在離開本公司 指定地點後予以投保。如賣家要求本公司協助以郵寄、 快遞或其他通過第三方的運輸方式退回其拍賣品,一旦 本公司將拍賣品交付郵寄、快遞、運輸部門、公司或其雇 員分支機搆,則視為本公司已退回該拍賣品,同時應視 為賣家已領取該拍賣品。

第三章 關於競投人與買家 第二十九條 競投人及本公司有關出售拍賣品之 責任

(一)本公司對各拍賣品之認知部分依賴於賣家提供之 資料,本公司無法及不會就拍賣品進行全面盡職檢查。 競投人知悉此事,並承擔檢查及檢驗拍賣品原物之責任, 以使競投人滿意其可能感興趣之拍賣品。 (二)本公司出售之各拍賣品於出售前可供競投人審看。 競投人及 / 或其代理人參與競投,即視為競投人已在競 投前全面檢驗拍賣品,並滿意拍賣品之狀況及其描述之 準確性。 (三)競投人確認眾多拍賣品年代久遠及種類特殊,意 味拍賣品並非完好無缺。所有拍賣品均以拍賣時之狀態 出售(無論競投人是否出席拍賣)。狀況報告或可於審 看拍賣品時提供。圖錄描述及狀況報告在若干情況下可 用作拍賣品某些瑕疵之參考。然而,競投人應注意拍賣 品可能存在其他在圖錄或狀況報告內並無明確指出之 瑕疵。 (四)提供予競投人有關任何拍賣品之資料,包括任何 預測資料(無論為書面或口述)及包括任何圖錄所載之 資料、規則或其他報告、評論或估值,該等資料並非事 實之陳述,而是本公司所持有之意見之聲明,該等資料 可由本公司不時全權酌情決定修改。 (五)本公司或賣家概無就任何拍賣品是否受任何版權 所限或買家是否已購買任何拍賣品之版權發出任何聲 明或保證。 (六)受本規則第二十九(一)至二十九(五)條所載事 項所規限及本規則第三十條所載特定豁免所規限,本公 司應基於(1)賣家向本公司提供的資料;(2)學術及技 術知識(如有);及(3)相關專家普遍接納之意見,以合 理審慎態度發表(且與本規則中有關本公司作為拍賣代 理的條款相符)載於圖錄描述或狀況報告之明示聲明。

第三十條 對買家之責任豁免及限制

(一)如本公司視拍賣品為贋品,將落槌價連同買家佣 金退還予買家。 (二)受本規則第二十九條之事項所規限及受規則第 三十(一)及三十(五)條所規限,本公司無須: (1)對本公司向競投人以口述或書面提供之資料之任 何錯誤或遺漏負責,無論是由於疏忽或因其他原因引致, 惟本規則第二十九(六)條所載者則除外; (2)向競投人作出任何擔保或保證,且賣家委託本公司 向買家作出之明示保證以外之任何暗示保證及規則均被 排除(惟法律規定不可免除之該等責任除外); (3)就本公司有關拍賣或有關出售任何拍賣品之任何 事宜之行動或遺漏(無論是由於疏忽或其他原因引致) 向任何競投人負責。 (三)除非本公司擁有出售之拍賣品,否則無須就賣家 違反本規則而負責。 (四)在不影響規則第三十(二)條之情況下,競投人向 本公司或賣家提出之任何索賠以該拍賣品之落槌價連同 買家佣金為限。本公司或賣家在任何情況下均無須承擔 買家任何相應而產生的損失; (五)本規則第六條概無免除或限制本公司有關本公司 或賣家作出之任何具欺詐成份之失實聲明或有關本公司


第三十一條 拍賣品圖錄及其他說明

為便於競投人及賣家參加本公司舉辦的拍賣活動,本公 司製作拍賣品圖錄,以文字及 / 或圖片的形式,對拍賣 品之狀況進行簡要陳述。拍賣品圖錄中的文字、估價, 圖片或其它形式的影像製品和宣傳品,僅供競投人參考, 並可於拍賣前修訂,不表明本公司對拍賣品的真實性、 價值、色調、質地有無缺陷等所作的擔保。

第三十二條 圖錄之不確定性

因印刷或攝影等技術原因造成拍賣品在圖錄及 / 或其它 任何形式的圖示,影像製品和宣傳品中的色調、顏色、層 次、形態等與原物存在誤差者,以原物為準。本公司及其 工作人員或其代理人對任何拍賣品用任何方式(包括證 書、圖錄、幻燈投影、新聞載體等)所作的介紹及評價, 均為參考性意見,不構成對拍賣品的任何擔保。本公司 及其工作人員或其代理人對上述之介紹及評價中的不 準確或遺漏之處不承擔責任。

第三十三條 保留價及估價

凡本公司拍賣品未標明或未標明無保留價的,均設有保 留價。保留價一般不高於本公司於拍賣前公佈或刊發的 拍賣前最低估價。如拍賣品未設保留價,除非已有競投, 否則拍賣官有權自行決定起拍價,但不得高於拍賣品的 拍賣前最低估價。 在任何情況下,本公司不對拍賣品在本公司舉辦的拍賣 會中未達保留價不成交而承擔任何責任。若拍賣品競投 價格低於保留價,拍賣官有權自行決定以低於保留價的 價格出售拍賣品。但在此種情況下,本公司向賣家支付 之款項為按保留價出售拍賣品時賣家應可收取之數額。 估價在拍賣日前較早時間估定並非確定之售價,不具有 法律約束力。任何估價不能作為拍賣品落槌價之預測, 且本公司有權不時修訂已作出之估價。

第三十四條 競投人之審看責任

競投人及 / 或其代理人有責任自行瞭解有關拍賣品的實 際狀況並對自己競投某拍賣品的行為承擔法律責任。本 公司鄭重建議,競投人應在拍賣日前,以鑒定或其它方 式親自審看擬競投拍賣品之原物,自行判斷該拍賣品是 否與本公司拍賣品圖錄以及其它形式的影像製品和宣傳 品所描述相符合,而不應依圖錄及影像製品和宣傳品的 描述做出決定。

第三十五條 競投人登記

競投人為個人的應在拍賣日前憑政府發出附有照片的 身份證明文件(如居民身份證或護照)填寫並簽署登記 文件並提供現時住址證明(如公用事業賬單或銀行月結 單);競投人為公司或者其他組織的,應在拍賣日前憑有 效的註冊登記文件、股東證明文件以及合法的授權委託 證明文件填寫並簽署登記文件,領取競投號牌。本公司 可能要求競投人出示用作付款的銀行資料或其他財政 狀況證明。

第三十六條 競投號牌

本公司可根據不同拍賣條件及拍賣方式等任何情況,在 拍賣日前公佈辦理競投號牌的條件和程式包括但不限 於制定競投人辦理競投號牌的資格條件。 本公司鄭重提示,競投號牌是競投人參與現場競價的唯 一憑證。競投人應妥善保管,不得將競投號牌出借他人 使用。一旦丟失,應立即以本公司認可的書面方式辦理 掛失手續。 無論是否接受競投人的委託,凡持競投號牌者在拍賣活 動中所實施的競投行為均視為競投號牌登記人本人所 為,競投人應當對其行為承擔法律責任,除非競投號牌 登記人本人已以本公司認可的書面方式在本公司辦理了 該競投號牌的掛失手續。

第三十七條 競投保證金

競投人參加本公司拍賣活動,應在領取競投號牌前交納 競投保證金。競投保證金的數額由本公司在拍賣日前公 佈,且本公司有權減免競投保證金。若競投人未能購得 拍賣品且對本公司無任何欠款,則該保證金在拍賣結束 後十四個工作日內全額無息返還競投人;若競投人成為 買家,則本公司有權可用該保證金作為支付拍賣品購買 價款的款項。

第三十八條 本公司之選擇權

本公司有權酌情拒絕任何人參加本公司舉辦的拍賣活動 或進入拍賣現場,或在拍賣會現場進行拍照、錄音、攝 像等活動。

第三十九條 異常情況緊急處理



第四十條 以當事人身份競投

除非某競投人在拍賣日前向本公司出具書面證明並經本 公司書面認可,表明其身份是某競投人的代理人,否則 每名競投人均被視為競投人本人。本公司只會向競投人 收取款項。

第四十一條 委託競投

競投人應親自出席拍賣會。如不能親身出席或由代理人 出席,可採用書面形式委託本公司代為競投或電話競投。 本公司有權決定是否接受上述委託。 委託本公司競投之競投人應在規定時間內(不遲於拍賣 日前三個工作日)辦理委託手續,向本公司出具填妥的 本公司委託競投表格,並應根據本規則規定同時交納競 投保證金。 委託本公司競投之競投人如需取消委託競投,應不遲於 拍賣日前二十四小時書面通知本公司。

第四十二條 委託競投的競投結果

競投人委託本公司代為競投的競投結果及相關法律責 任由競投人承擔。 競投人如在委託競投表格中表示以電話等即時通訊方 式競投,則應準確填寫即時通訊方式並妥善保管該即時 通訊工具,在本公司受託競投期間,競投人應親自使用 該即時通訊工具,一旦丟失或無法控制該即時通訊工具, 應立即以本公司認可的書面方式變更委託競投表格中填 寫的即時通訊方式。 在本公司受託競投期間會盡適當努力聯絡競投人,而該 即時通訊工具所傳達之競投資訊(無論是否競投人本人 或競投人的代理人傳達),均視為競投人本人所為,競 投人應當對其行為承擔法律責任,除非競投人本人已以 本公司認可的書面方式變更了委託競投表格中填寫的即 時通訊方式。但在任何情況下,如未能聯絡,或在使用 該即時通訊工具的競投中有任何錯誤或遺漏,本公司均 不負任何責任。

第四十三條 委託競投之免責

競投人競投成功後,即成為該拍賣品的買家。買家應支 付本公司佣金。拍品門類:中國及亞洲現當代藝術 及 珠 寶鐘錶 ,按每件拍賣品落槌價首港幣 1,000,000 元 之 18%,及逾港幣 1,000,000 元之部份則以 15%計算 ; 拍 品門類:中西名酒珍釀,按每件拍品落槌價之 18% ; 其 餘拍品門類按每件拍品落槌價之 15%計算,同時應支付 其他買家負責的各項費用。且本公司可根據本公司業務 規則的規定向賣家收取佣金及其他賣家負責的各項費 用。

第五十條 稅項

買家向本公司支付的所有款項均應是淨額的,不得包括 任何貨物稅、服務稅或者其他增值稅(不論是由香港或 其他地區所徵收)。如有任何適用於買家的稅費,買家 應根據現行相關法律規定自行負擔。

第五十一條 付款時間

拍賣成交後,除非另有約定,否則不論拍賣品之出口、進 口或其他許可證之任何規定,買家應自拍賣成交日(含 成交日)起七日內向本公司付清購買價款並安排提取拍 賣品。若涉及包裝及搬運費用運輸及保險費用、出境費 等,買家需一並支付。

第五十二條 支付幣種

所有價款應以港幣支付。如買家以港幣以外的其他貨幣 支付,應按買家與本公司約定的匯價折算或按照本公司 選擇之銀行於買家付款日前一個工作日公佈的港幣與該 幣種的匯價折算。本公司為將買家所支付之該種外幣兌 換成港幣所引致之所有銀行手續費、佣金或其他費用, 均由買家承擔。

第五十三條 所有權轉移

即使本公司已將拍賣品交付給買家,買家仍未取得拍賣 品之所有權,直至買家付清購買價款及買家欠付本公司 的款項為止。

第五十四條 風險轉移

鑒於委託競投是本公司為競投人提供的代為傳遞競投 資訊的免費服務,本公司及其工作人員對競投未成功或 代理競投過程中出現的任何錯誤、遺漏、疏忽、過失或 無法代為競投等不承擔任何責任。

競投成功後,拍賣品的風險於下列任何一種情形發生後 (以較早發生日期為準)即由買家自行承擔: (一)買家提取所購拍賣品; (二)買家向本公司支付有關拍賣品的全部購買價款; (三)拍賣成交日(含成交日)起七日屆滿。

第四十四條 委託在先原則

第五十五條 提取拍賣品

若兩個或兩個以上委託本公司競投之競投人以相同委 託價對同一拍賣品出價且最終拍賣品以該價格落槌成 交,則最先將委託競投表格送達本公司者為該拍賣品的 買家。

第四十五條 拍賣官之決定權

拍賣官對下列事項具有絕對決定權: (一)拒絕或接受任何競投; (二)以其決定之方式進行拍賣; (三)將任何拍賣品撤回或分開拍賣或將任何兩件或多 件拍賣品合併拍賣; (四)如遇有出錯或爭議時,不論在拍賣之時或拍賣之 後,有權決定成功競投者、是否繼續拍賣、取消拍賣或 將有爭議的拍賣品重新拍賣; (五)拍賣官可以在其認為合適的水平及競價階梯下開 始及進行競投,並有權代表賣家以競投或連續競投方 式或以回應其他競投人的競投價而競投的方式,代賣家 競投到底價的金額; (六)採取其合理認為適當之其他行動。

第四十六條 不設保留價

就不設保留價的拍賣品,除非已有競投,否則拍賣官有 權自行斟酌決定開價。若在此價格下並無競投,拍賣官 會自行斟酌將價格下降繼續拍賣,直至有競投人開始競 投,然後再由該競投價向上繼續拍賣。

第四十七條 影像顯示板及貨幣兌換顯示板

本公司為方便競投人,可能於拍賣中使用影像投射或其 他形式的顯示板,所示內容僅供參考。無論影像投射或 其他形式的顯示板所示之數額、拍賣品編號、拍賣品圖 片或參考外匯金額等資訊均有可能出現誤差,本公司對 因此誤差而導致的任何損失不承擔任何責任。

第四十八條 拍賣成交

最高競投價經拍賣官落槌或者以其他公開表示買定的 方式確認時,該競投人競投成功,即表明該競投人成為 拍賣品的買家,亦表明賣家與買家之間的拍賣合約之訂 立。

第四十九條 佣金及費用

買家須在拍賣成交日(含成交日)起三十日內前往本公 司地址或本公司指定之其他地點提取所購買的拍賣品。 買家須自行負責於風險轉移至買家後為所購拍賣品購 買保險。若買家未能在拍賣成交日(含成交日)起三十日 內提取拍賣品,則逾期後對該拍賣品的相關保管、搬運、 保險等費用均由買家承擔,且買家應對其所購拍賣品承 擔全部責任。逾期後,即使該拍賣品仍由本公司或其他 代理人代為保管,本公司及其工作人員或其代理人對任 何原因所致的該拍賣品的毀損、滅失,不承擔任何責任。

第五十六條 包裝及付運

本公司有權決定是否接受買家要求,提供代為包裝及處 理的服務。如果本公司工作人員應買家要求代為包裝及 處理購買的拍賣品,上述包裝及處理僅應視為本公司對 買家提供的服務,因此發生的任何風險及損失均由買家 自負。在任何情況下,本公司對因任何原因造成的框架 或玻璃、囊匣、底墊、支架、裝裱、插冊、軸頭或類似附 屬物的損壞、滅失不負責任。 如買家要求本公司協助以郵寄、快遞或運輸方式領取其 所購買的拍賣品 (包裝及郵遞、運輸費用由買受人負擔) , 一旦本公司將拍賣品交付郵寄、快遞、運輸部門、公司或 其雇員 / 分支機構,則視為本公司已交付該拍賣品,同 時應視為買家已按正常程序領取該拍賣品,此過程中的 風險由買家承擔,除非買家特別指明並負擔保險費外, 在郵寄、快遞、運輸過程中一般不予投保。對於買家指 定或本公司向買家推薦的包裝公司及郵寄、快遞、運輸 部門或公司所造成的一切錯誤、遺漏、損壞或滅失,本 公司不承擔責任。

第五十七條 進出口及許可證

買家須自行負責取得任何有關拍賣品進出口、瀕臨絕種 生物或其他方面之許可證。未獲得任何所需之許可證或 延誤取得該類許可證不可被視為買家取消購買或延遲 支付購買價款之理由。本公司不承擔因不能填妥或呈交 所需出口或進口貨單、清單或文件所產生之任何責任。 如買家要求本公司代其申請出口許可證,本公司則有權 就此服務另行收取服務費用。然而,本公司不保證出口 許可證將獲發放。本公司及賣家概無就任何拍賣品是否 受進出口限制或任何禁運作出聲明或保證。

第五十八條 未付款之補救方法

若買家未按照本規則規定或未按照與本公司協議之任 何付款安排足額付款,本公司有權採取以下之一種或多 種措施: (一)拍賣成交後,若買家未在拍賣成交日(含成交日) 起七日內支付購買價款,於競投登記時支付的競投保證 金不予退還,同時還應按照本規則規定承擔相應責任; 買家以同一競投號牌同時拍得多件拍賣品的,拍賣成交 後若買家未按照規定時間支付任一拍賣品購買價款,則 全部競投保證金不予退還,同時還應按照本規則規定承 擔相應責任; (二)在拍賣成交日(含成交日)起七日內,如買家未向 本公司付清全部購買價款,本公司有權委託第三方機構 代為向買家催要欠付的全部或部分購買價款; (三)在拍賣成交日(含成交日)起七日內,如買家仍未 足額支付購買價款,本公司有權自拍賣成交日後第八日 起就買家未付款部分按照日息萬分之三收取利息,直至 買家付清全部款項之日止,買家與本公司另有協議者除 外; (四)在本公司或其他地方投保、移走及儲存拍賣品, 風險及費用均由買家承擔; (五)對買家提起訴訟,要求賠償本公司因其違約造成 的一切損失,包括因買家遲付或拒付購賣價款造成的利 息損失; (六)留置同一買家在本公司投得的該件或任何其他拍 賣品,以及因任何原因由本公司佔有該買家的任何其他 財產或財產權利,留置期間發生的一切費用及 / 或風險 均由買家承擔。若買家未能在本公司指定時間內履行其 全部相關義務,則本公司有權在向買家發出行使留置權 通知且買家在該通知發出後三十日內仍未償清所有欠付 款項的情況下處分留置物。處分留置物所得不足抵償買 家應付本公司全部款項的,本公司有權另行追索; (七)本公司有絕對酌情決定權撤銷或同意委託人撤銷 交易,並拒絕該逾期付款買家提出的付款請求、提貨請 求,並保留追索因撤銷該筆交易致使本公司所蒙受全部 損失的權利; (八)經徵得委託人同意,本公司可按照本規則規定再 行拍賣或以其他方式出售該拍賣品,並由本公司酌情決 定估價及保留價。原買家除應當支付第一次拍賣中買家 及賣家應當支付的佣金及其各自負責的其他各項費用並 承擔再次拍賣或以其他方式出售該拍賣品所有費用外, 若再行拍賣或以其他方式出售該拍賣品所得的價款低 於原拍賣價款,原買家應當補足差額; (九)將本公司在任何其他交易中欠付買家之款項抵銷 買家欠付本公司關於拍賣品之任何款項; (十)本公司可自行決定將買家支付的任何款項用於清 償買家欠付本公司關於拍賣品或其他交易之任何款項; (十一)拒絕買家或其代理人將來作出的競投或在接受 其競投前收取競投保證金; (十二)向賣家透露買家之資料,以使賣家可展開法律 訴訟,以收回欠款,或就買家違約申索損害賠償及申索 法律費用。

第五十九條 延期提取拍賣品之補救方法

若買家未能在拍賣成交日(含成交日)起七日內提取其 購得的拍賣品,則本公司有權採取以下之一種或多種措 施: (一)將該拍賣品投保及 / 或儲存在本公司或其他地方, 由此發生的一切費用(包括但不限於自拍賣成交日(含 成交日)起的第三十一日起按競投人登記表格的規定計 收儲存費等)及 / 或風險均由買家承擔。在買家如數支 付全部購買價款後,方可提取拍賣品(包裝及搬運費用、 運輸及保險費用、出境費等自行負擔); (二)買家應對其超過本規則規定期限未能提取相關拍 賣品而在該期限屆滿後所發生之一切風險及費用自行 承擔責任。如買家自成交日(含成交日)起的三十日內仍 未提取拍賣品的,則本公司有權在通知買家後,以公開 拍賣或其他本公司認為合適的方式及條件出售該拍賣 品,處置所得在扣除本公司因此產生之全部損失、費用 (包裝及搬運費用、運輸及保險費用、出境費、儲存費、 公證費等)後,若有餘款,則由買家自行取回,該餘款不 計利息,拍賣成交日後兩年尚未取回的餘款在扣除相關 開支(包括法律費用)後由本公司存入香港法庭。

第六十條 有限保證

(一)本公司對買家提供之一般保證:如本公司所出售之 拍賣品其後被發現為贋品,根據本規則之條款,本公司 將取消該交易,並將買家就該拍賣品支付予本公司之落 槌價連同買家佣金,以原交易之貨幣退還予買家。 就此而言,根據本公司合理之意見,贋品指仿製品,欺 騙作品出處、原產地、日期、產出年數、年期、文化或來 源等各方面,而上述各項之正確描述並無收錄於目錄內 容(考慮任何專有詞彙)。拍賣品之任何損毀或任何類 型之復原品及 / 或修改品(包括重新塗漆或在其上塗

漆),不應視為贋品。 謹請注意如發生以下任何一種情況,本保證將不適用: 目錄內容乃根據學者及專家於銷售日期獲普遍接納之意 見,或該目錄內容顯示該等意見存在衝突;或於銷售日期, 證明該拍賣品乃贋品之唯一方法並非當時普遍可用或認 可或價格極高或用途不切實際;或可能已對拍賣品造成 損壞或可能(根據本公司合理之意見)已令拍賣品喪失 價值之方法;或如根據拍賣品之描述,該拍賣品並無喪 失任何重大價值。 (二)本保證所規定之期限為相關拍賣日後五年內,純 粹提供給買家之獨享利益,且不可轉移至任何第三方。 為能依據本保證申索,買家必須 : 在收到任何導致買家質疑拍賣品之真偽或屬性之資料 後一個月內書面通知本公司註明拍賣品編號、購買該拍 賣品之日期及被認為是贋品之理由; 將狀況與銷售予買家當日相同,並能轉移其妥善所有權 且自銷售日期後並無出現任何第三方申索之拍賣品退還 予本公司。 (三)有關東南亞現代及當代藝術、中國油畫以及中國 書畫,雖然目前學術界不容許對此類別作出確實之說明, 但本公司保留酌情權按本保證但以拍賣日後一年內為限 取消證實為贋品之東南亞現代及當代藝術、中國油畫以 及中國書畫拍賣品之交易;已付之款項按本條規定:退 還予買家,但買家必須在拍賣日起一年內向本公司提供 證據(按本條第(二)、(四)款規定的方式),證實該拍 賣品為贋品; (四)本公司可酌情決定豁免上述任何規定。本公司有 權要求買家索取兩名為本公司及買家雙方接納之獨立 及行內認可專家之報告,費用由買家承擔。本公司無須 受買家出示之任何報告所規限,並保留權利尋求額外之 專家意見,費用由本公司自行承擔。

第四章 其他 第六十一條 資料採集 、錄影

就經營本公司的拍賣業務方面,本公司可能對任何拍賣 過程進行錄音、錄影及記錄,亦需要向競投人搜集個人 資料或向第三方索取有關競投人的資料(例如向銀行索 取信用審核)。這些資料會由本公司處理並且保密,唯 有關資料有可能提供給本公司、本公司的分部、附屬公 司、子公司以協助本公司為競投人提供完善的服務、進 行客戶分析,或以便提供符合競投人要求的服務。為了 競投人的權益,本公司亦可能需要向第三方服務供應商 (例如船運公司或存倉公司)提供競投人的部份個人資 料。競投人參與本公司的拍賣,即表示競投人同意上文 所述。如競投人欲獲取或更改個人資料,請與客戶服務 部聯絡。

第六十二條 保密責任

本公司有義務為賣家、競投人及買家保守秘密,並根據 香港法律和本規則維護賣家、競投人、買家和本公司的 正當權益不受侵害。

第六十三條 鑒定權

如果本公司認為需要,可以對拍賣品進行鑒定。鑒定結 論與委託拍賣合同載明的拍賣品的狀況不符的,本公司 有權要求變更或者解除委託拍賣合同。

第六十四條 版權

賣家授權本公司對其委託本公司拍賣的任何拍賣品製作 照片、圖示、圖錄或其他形式的影像製品和宣傳品,本公 司享有上述照片、圖示、圖錄或其他形式的影像製品和 宣傳品的版權。有權對其依法加以使用。未經本公司事 先書面同意,買家及任何人不得使用。本公司及賣家均 並未作出拍賣品是否受版權所限或買家是否取得拍賣 品之任何版權的陳述及保證。

第六十五條 免除責任

本公司作為賣家的代理人,對賣家或買家的任何違約行 為不承擔責任。在賣家或買家出現違約行為的情況下, 本公司有權根據自己的判斷決定向賣家或買家披露另一 方的名稱和地址,使受到損害的一方得以通過法律訴訟 獲得損害賠償。但是,本公司在向賣家或買家披露該等 資料之前,將採取合理步驟通知將被披露資料的一方。

第六十六條 通知

競投人及買家均應將其固定有效的通訊地址和聯絡方 式以競投登記文件或其他本公司認可的方式告知本公 司,若有改變,應立即書面告知本公司。 本規則中所提及之通知,僅指以信函或傳真形式發出的 書面通知。該等通知在下列時間視為送達: (一)如是專人送達的,當送到有關方之地址時; (二)如是以郵寄方式發出的,則為郵寄日之後第七天; (三)如是以傳真方式發出的,當發送傳真機確認發出


第六十七條 可分割性

如本規則之任何條款或部分因任何理由被認定為無效、 不合法或不可執行,本規則其他條款或部分仍然有效, 相關各方應當遵守、執行。

第六十八條 法律及管轄權

本規則及其相關事宜、交易、因依照本規則參加本公司 拍賣活動而引起或與之有關的任何爭議,均受香港法律 規管並由香港法律解釋。本公司、買家及競投人等相關 各方均須服從香港法院之唯一管轄權。

第六十九條 語言文本

本規則以中文為標準文本,英文文本為參考文本。 英文文本如與中文文本有任何不一致之處,以中文文本 為準。

第七十條 規則版權所有

本規則由本公司制訂和修改,相應版權歸本公司所有。 未經本公司事先書面許可,任何人不得以任何方式或手 段,利用本規則獲取商業利益,亦不得對本規則之任何 部分進行複製、傳送或儲存於可檢索系統中。

第七十一條 適用時期

本規則只適用於本次拍賣,本公司可不時更新本規則, 競投人和買家參與另一次拍賣的時候應以當時適用的業 務規則為準。

第七十二條 解釋權


the right to sell such Lot at the Reserve after such auction and the Seller must pay the Commission to the Auctioneer. In no circumstance shall the Company bear any liability for failure to sell the Lot at the Reserve at the auction held by the Company.

condition of business


CHAPTER I GENERAL RULES ARTICLE 1 POLY AUCTION (HONG KONG) LIMITED AS AGENT Unless as otherwise stated, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited acts as the Seller’s agent. The closing agreement for sale of a Lot shall be a contract between the Seller and the Buyer. These Conditions of Business and all other terms, conditions and notices contained in the catalogue, announced by the Auctioneer or provided at the saleroom shall constitute the provisions agreed among the Seller, the Buyer and/or Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited as auction agent.

ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION In these Conditions of Business, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below: (1)“Company” means Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Limited; (2)“Seller” means any natural person, legal person or other organization that consigns a Lot(s) within the scope of these Conditions of Business to the Company for auction. In these Conditions of Business, a Seller shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context; (3)“Bidder” means any person, company, body corporate or other organization who or which considers, carries out or attempts to bid in anyway. In these Conditions of Business, a Bidder shall include any of its agents unless as otherwise specified herein or required in a particular context; (4)“Buyer” means the Bidder whose bid or offer for a Lot is recognized by an Auctioneer as the highest bid for that Lot in an auction held by the Company, including the principal on behalf of which such Bidder acts; (5)“Buyer’s Commission” means any commission that a Buyer shall pay to the Company calculated at the rate specified herein of the Hammer Price for the Lot that such Buyer purchases; (6)“Lot” means any item consigned by a Seller to the Company for auction and so auctioned in any auction, in particular, any item numbered in any catalogue with certain description; (7)“Auction Date” means the date on which an auction is formally held, as announced by the Company in its public notice. In case of any discrepancy between the actual date and the announced date of an auction, the actual date shall prevail; (8)“Sale Date” means, in an auction held by the Company, the date on which the auctioneer concludes a contract for sale between a Seller and a Buyer by way of hammer striking or any other customary manner publicly confirming the sale; (9)“Auctioneer” means any person designated by the Company to moderate a particular auction; (10)“Hammer Price” means the price for a Lot at which the Auctioneer decides to sell the Lot by striking the hammer or the agreed sale price in the post-auction sale; (11)“Proceeds of Sale” means the net amount due to the Seller, being the Hammer Price less the Buyer’s Commission, all expenses and other amounts payable to the Company by the Seller; (12)“Purchase Price” means the total amount payable by the Buyer for his/her/its purchase for each Lot, including the Hammer Price, the Buyer’s Commission, other Buyer’s Expenses and all Buyer’s Expenses arising from its failure to perform its obligations;

(13)“Buyer’s Expenses” means costs and expenses in relation to sale of the Lot by the Company, including but not limited to insurance policies, packing, moving, storage, custody for the Lot, any expenses of testing, investigation, queries or authentication related to the Lot at the request of the Buyer or any additional costs and legal expenses to bring claims against a defaulting Buyer; (14)“Reserve” means the confidential minimum selling price for the Lot that the Seller has confirmed with the Company; (15)“Estimate” means the estimated selling price of a Lot written in the catalogue or other descriptive materials, excluding the Buyer’s Commission; (16)“Storage Fee” means the storage fee payable by the Buyer to the Company according to these Conditions of Business. In these Conditions of Business, where the context requires, words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

ARTICLE 3 SCOPE OF APPLICATION All parties participating in any auctions organized by the Company, including the Seller, the Bidder, the Buyer and all other related parties (including but not limited to the agents of the Seller, the Bidder and the Buyer) shall be deemed to accept in full and bound by these Conditions of Business, and shall comply with them in such auctions, enjoy the rights and perform the obligations provided herein. Any Bidder who bids in an auction organized by the Company, whether in person or by authorizing an agent to bid on his/her/its behalf, whether by raising the paddle, by absentee bids, by phone or by any other means, shall be deemed to have accepted these Conditions of Business in full. Any dispute among the parties to auctions organized by the Company shall be settled in accordance with these Conditions of Business.

ARTICLE 4 SPECIAL NOTICE Bidders and Buyers participating in any auctions organized by the Company shall carefully read and be abided by these Conditions of Business; Bidders and Buyers shall read the provisions limiting the Company’s liabilities and disclaimers contained in these Conditions of Business carefully. Bidders and/ or their agents have the responsibilities to review the original Lot in person, and bear legal liabilities for their acts of bidding the Lot. Upon the Auctioneer confirms the Bidder’s bid by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner publicly indicating confirmation of the purchase in any auctions organized by the Company, the contract for sale regarding the Lot shall immediately enter into force and the Bidder shall become the Buyer of the Lot. The Company, the Seller and the Buyer shall acknowledge the sale of the Lot and its closing, enjoy the rights and assume the obligations provided by applicable laws and/ or these Conditions of Business. Any party that fails to perform obligations shall bear its/his/her corresponding legal liabilities. The Company may amend these Conditions of Business for a particular auction by posting announcements at the auction site or making an announcement at such auction through an Auctioneer.


ARTICLE 5 CONSIGNMENT PROCEDURE When arranging for the consignment of the Seller’s Lot to the Company for auction: (1) The Seller must present a valid identity document with photo issued by the government (e.g. resident identity card or passport) if the Seller is a natural person and sign a consignment auction contract with the Company; (2) A valid cer tificate of incorporation, proof of shareholding, or a legal authorization document shall be required if the Seller is a legal entity or any other organization, which shall sign a consignment auction contract with the Company. (3) When the Seller signs a consignment auction contract with the Company, the Company shall be automatically authorized to make pictures, illustrations, catalogues, or other video images of the Lot.

ARTICLE 6 THE SELLER'S AGENT When arranging for the consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, the Seller’s agent shall submit to the Company the relevant authorization certificates including: (1) A valid identity document if such agent is a natural person; (2) A valid certificate of incorporation and proof of share holding if such agent is a legal person or any other organization; and (3) A power of attorney duly executed. The Company has the right to examine the aforesaid documents in a lawful manner.

ARTICLE 7 THE SELLER'S WARRANTIES The Seller hereby makes irrevocable warranties to the Company and the Buyer with respect to the Lot it consigns to the Company for auction as follows: (1) The Seller has absolute ownership or legal right to dispose of the Lot. The auction of the Lot will not prejudice any legal interest (including copyright interest) of any third party, and will not violate the provisions of relevant laws and regulations; (2) The Seller has, to the best of its knowledge, made full and complete disclosure and description to the Company with respect to the origin and any flaw of the Lot and notified the Company in writing, without any concealment or fabrication; (3) If the Lot being consigned shall be imported into Hong Kong, the Seller shall guarantee the compliance with the laws of its origin, and ensure the completion of the export and import procedures and notify the Company in writing; and (4) If the violation of the above warranties causes the actual owner of the Lot or any third party who claims to have right to bring any claim or action and causes the Company and/or the Buyer to suffer losses, the Seller shall compensate for all losses suffered by the Company and/or the Buyer as well as all expenses and costs incurred as a result.

ARTICLE 8 RESERVE Unless as otherwise agreed upon by the Company and the Seller, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. The Reserve shall be determined by the Seller and the Company in writing through consultation, and no modification of the Reserve shall be made without the prior consent of the other party after it is determined by both parties. Following the bidding failure of the Lot authorized by the Seller, the Auctioneer shall have

The Company may decide the following matters at its absolute discretion: (1) Explanation and/or appraisal of any aspect of any Lot through the catalogue of the Lot and/or news media and/or other carriers; (2) Whether to consult any expert or not; (3) The illustration of the Lot in the catalogue, the exhibition of the Lot and other forms of publicizing the Lot, the arrangement in the promotional activities as well as the standards of payable expenses; (4) Suitability of a Lot for auction by the Company; And (5) Other matters such as the date of auction, the place of auction, the conditions of auction and the manner of auction.

ARTICLE 10 LOT NOT AUCTIONED After the Seller has signed the consignment auction contract with and delivered the Lot to the Company, if for any reason the Company believes that the Lot is not suitable for auction by the Company, the Seller shall collect the Lot within thirty days from the issuance date of the Company’s notice (fees for packaging and transportation shall be at the Seller’s own expense). The consignment auction contract between the Seller and the Company will terminate on the date when the Seller collects the Lot. If during the above-mentioned period the Seller fails to collect the Lot, the consignment auction contract will automatically terminate upon the expiration of such period. If within seven days after the termination of the consignment auction contract the Seller does not collect the Lot, the Company shall have the right to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, and to dispose of the Lot in a way the Company deems proper. The Seller is responsible for the collection of, if any, the amount obtained from the disposal after deducting all the fees and expenses incurred by the Company.

ARTICLE 11 SUSPENSION OF AUCTION The Company has the right to suspend the auction of any Lot at any time before the actual auction under any one of the following situations: (1) The Company has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot; (2) Any third party has an objection to the ownership or authenticity of the Lot and can provide relevant evidence materials as to the basis of such objection, pays a security pursuant to the Company’s requirements and is willing to take the corresponding liabilities for the legal consequences and all losses caused by the suspension of auction; (3) The Company has an objection to the explanation of the Seller or the accuracy of the Seller’s warranty mentioned in Article 7 hereof; (4) Any evidence proves the Seller has violated or will violate any provisions of these Conditions of Business; (5) For any other reason, the Company believes that the auction of such Lot shall be suspended; or (6) Whichever situation causes such suspension, if the Company is aware of any ownership or other dispute in relation to the Lot being consigned for auction, the Company shall have the right to refuse to return such Lot until the dispute is settled.

ARTICLE 12 THE SELLER'S WITHDRAWAL OF LOT The Seller may withdraw the Lot at any time prior to the Auction Date by issuing a written notice to the Company. In the case that the Lot has been listed in the catalogue or other public materials and they have begun to be printed at the time of the withdrawal of the Lot, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 20% of the Reserve

of the Lot and all other expenses. In the case that the catalogue or other public materials have not been printed, the Seller shall pay an amount equal to 10% of the Reserve of the Lot and all other expenses. Any dispute or claim arising out of the Seller’s withdrawal of the Lot shall be borne by the Seller and has nothing to do with the Company.

ARTICLE 13 AUTOMATIC INSURANCE Unless as otherwise instructed by the Seller in writing, all Lots will be automatically covered under the insurance policies purchased by the Company after the Seller enters into the consignment auction contract with the Company and delivers the Lots to the Company. The insured amount shall be based on the Reserve agreed by the Seller and the Company in the consignment auction contract (if there is no Reserve, it shall be the agreed insured amount of the Lot; if the Reserve is adjusted, it shall be the original Reserve of the Lot). The insured amount is only applicable to insurance and claim for compensation, is not the Company’s warranty or guarantee for the value of the Lot, and does not mean that the Lot can be sold for an amount equal to the insured amount through any auction by the Company.

ARTICLE 14 INSURANCE PREMIUM If the Lot is sold, the insurance premium payable by the Seller shall be 1% of the Hammer Price unless as otherwise agreed by the Seller and the Company. If the Lot is not sold, the Seller shall as well pay the insurance premium at 1% of the Reserve.

ARTICLE 15 INSURANCE PERIOD If the Lot is sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate at the earlier of the seventh day after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and the date when the Buyer collects the Lot. If the Lot is not sold in the auction, the insurance period shall terminate upon the expiry of thirty days after the Company issues the notice on the collection of the Lot.

ARTICLE 16 INSURANCE BY THE SELLER In the event that the Seller notifies the Company in writing not to insure the Lot, it shall undertake all the risks and the following liabilities at any time (unless as otherwise ruled by an arbitration institution): (1) To compensate for any claim or action brought by any other parties against the Company with respect to the damage or destruction of the Lot; (2) To compensate the Company and/or any other parties for all losses suffered and all expenses incurred because of the damage or destruction of the Lot caused by any reason; and (3) To notify the compensation related provisions herein to any insurer of the Lot.

ARTICLE 17 INSURANCE DISCLAIMER The damage or destruction of the Lot caused by natural wear, inherent flaws, internal or potential defects, change of substance itself, self-combustion, self-heating, oxidation, corrosion, leakage, rat-bite, worm-bite, change in the atmosphere (climate or air temperature), change in humidity or temperature, or other gradual changes or caused by force majeure such as earthquake, tsunami, war, hostile action, armed conflict, terrorism, coup, strike and social riot, or nuclear radiation or radioactive pollution as well as the damage or destruction of book frames, glass, drawers, bottom pads, trestles, mountings, insert pages, scroll heads or other similar accessories caused by any reason are not within the scope of insurance indemnity.

ARTICLE 18 INSURANCE INDEMNITY Any damage or destruction of the Lot caused by incidents or disasters covered by the insurance purchased by the Company for the Lot shall be handled in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong on insurance. The Company shall pay insurance indemnities after deducting the

Company’s expenses (other than the Commission) to the Seller after the Company obtains such indemnities from the insurance company.

ARTICLE 19 BIDDING PROHIBITION The Seller shall not bid for the Lot consigned to the Company by himself/herself/itself for auction, or authorize any other person to bid on his/her/its behalf. Only the Company has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller at a price not more than the Reserve. The Seller shall bear all legal liabilities and compensate for all losses caused to the Company if the Seller violates this Article.

ARTICLE 20 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES Unless as otherwise agreed upon by the Seller and the Company, the Seller shall authorize the Company to deduct 10% of the Hammer Price as Commission and at the same time deduct other expenses. Despite the fact that the Company is the Seller’s agent, the Seller agrees that the Company may collect the Commission and other expenses from the Buyer in accordance with provisions in Article 49 hereof.

ARTICLE 21 SERVICE FEE FOR UNSOLD LOT In case the Lot is not sold because the bidding price is lower than the Reserve, the Seller shall authorize the Company to charge the Seller a service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses.

ARTICLE 22 PAYMENT OF PROCEEDS OF SALE Where the Buyer effects full payment of the Purchase Price to the Company in accordance with the provisions in Article 49 hereof, the Company shall pay the Proceeds of Sale to the Seller thirty-five days after the Sale Date in Hong Kong dollars.

ARTICLE 23 DEFERRED PAYMENT Where the Company does not receive the full payment of the Purchase Price from the Buyer upon the expiry of the payment period under Article 51 hereof, the Company will pay the Proceeds of Sale to the Seller within seven working days after receipt of full payment of the Purchase Price from the Buyer.

ARTICLE 24 SELLER TAXES The Seller shall pay taxes to the government for the Proceeds of Sale obtained. If the Company has the obligation to withhold and pay taxes according to the provisions of the relevant laws, the Company will follow the provisions of the laws. The Seller shall assist in handling all the formalities and bear the corresponding taxes and expenses.

ARTICLE 25 ASSISTANCE IN COLLECTION OF OUTSTANDING PAYMENT The Seller shall, at the time of its consignment of the Lot to the Company for auction, be deemed to have authorized the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller. Where the Buyer fails to fully pay the Purchase Price within seven days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company shall have the right to demand the Commission and other Buyer’s Expenses according to the provisions of Article 58 hereof. In addition, the Company shall as well have the right to take appropriate measures (including but not limited to resorting to legal proceedings) to assist the Seller in collecting such outstanding payment from the Buyer where it is deemed by the Company to be practicable. The above provision does not exclude the Seller’s right to demand in person or authorize any third party to demand the outstanding payment from the Buyer and does not obligate the Company to demand the corresponding outstanding payment from the Buyer on behalf of the Seller under any circumstance. This Company shall not bear the corresponding liability for the Seller because of the Buyer’s failure to pay the Purchase Price under any circumstance.

ARTICLE 26 THE COMPANY'S DISCRETION The Company shall have the right to accept the Seller’s authorization (at the Seller’s expenses) and may determine the following matters as the case may be: (1) To agree on special conditions of the payment of the Purchase Price; (2) To remove, store and insure the sold Lot; (3) To settle claims brought by the Buyer or the Seller in accordance with the relevant articles hereof; and (4) To take other necessary measures to collect the outstanding payment owed by the Buyer to the Seller.

ARTICLE 27 UNSOLD LOT In the event that the Lot is not sold, the Company may choose any one of the following actions: (1) Private sale after the auction The Company may re-negotiate with the Seller on the revised Reserve and sell the Lot in private sale, and pay the Seller the Proceeds of Sales adjusted based on the revised Reserve. (2) Re-auction The Company may re-auction the Lot. The Commission and expenses scale set out in the previous consignment auction contract remains applicable. (3) Collection of the Lot The Seller shall take back the Lot within 30 days upon receipt of the Company’s notice on collection (fees for packaging and transportation shall be paid by the Seller) and pay the Company the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses. The Company shall, upon expiration of such time limit, be entitled to charge the Storage Fee, insurance fees and other reasonable expenses, and to sell the Lot through public auction or other means of sale according to the conditions the Company deems appropriate. The Company shall also be entitled to deduct the service fee for unsuccessful auction and other expenses payable by the Seller in the first auction as well as all expenses for re-sale of the Lot by auction from the Proceeds of Sale before paying the remaining amount to the Seller.

ARTICLE 28 RISK ASSUMPTION The Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the time limit prescribed herein if the Seller fails to take back the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot within such the time limit. The Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses of the Lot not auctioned or the unsold Lot at the earlier of the thirtieth day after the Company issues a notice on collection of the Lot to the Seller (including the notice date) and the time when the Seller collects the Lot in accordance with these Conditions of Business. Where the Seller requests Company to assist it in the return of the Lot within the time limit provided herein and the Company so agrees, the Seller shall assume liability for all risks and expenses that occur after the Lot leaves the place designated by the Company. Unless the Seller specifically gives an indication and pays insurance premium in advance, the Company has no obligation to insure the Lot for any period after its departure from the place designated by the Company. Where the Seller requests the Company to assist it in returning the Lot by means of post, express delivery or other third-party transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have returned the Lot and the Seller shall be deemed to have collected the Lot upon the Company’s delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices.

CHAPTER III THE BIDDER AND THE BUYER ARTICLE 29 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BIDDER AND THE COMPANY IN RESPECT OF THE LOT 1. The Company’s perception of all Lots partly relies on the information provided by the Seller, the Company is unable and will not carry out comprehensive inspection of all Lots. Bidders are aware of this and bear the responsibilities of inspecting and testing the original Lots so that Bidders will be satisfied with those Lots in

which they may be interested. 2. All Lots for sale by the Company are available for viewing by Bidders. By bidding, Bidders and/or their agents are deemed to have carried out thorough examination of the Lots, and are deemed to be satisfied with the conditions of the Lots and the accuracy of their description. 3. Bidders acknowledge that various Lots are dated long time ago and of special categories, implying that the Lots are not perfect and not free from defects. All Lots are sold “as is” at the time of the auction (whether or not Bidders attend the auction). Condition reports may be provided when during the viewing period. Under certain circumstances, catalogue descriptions and condition reports may be used for reference about certain defects of the Lots. Nevertheless, Bidders should pay attention that the Lots may have other defects not clearly stated in the catalogue descriptions and condition reports. 4. Regarding the information about the Lot provided to Bidders, including any forecast information (written or verbal), catalogues and other reports, commentaries or estimated values, such information are not statement of facts, but rather are statements of the opinion that the Company holds. Such information can be altered at the sole discretion of the Company from time to time. 5. The Company or the Seller has not made any declaration or warranty as to whether any Lot is subject to any copyright or whether the Buyer has bought the copyright of any Lot. 6. In accordance to the matters contained in Article 29 (1) to 29 (5) of the Conditions of Business and the special exemption contained in Article 30 of the Conditions of Business, the descriptions in the catalogue and in the condition reports are written in a reasonably prudent manner (and such should be in line with those terms of the Conditions of Business regarding the Company serving as Auction Agent) based on (1) the information provided by the Seller to the Company; (2) academic and technical knowledge (if any); and (3) generally accepted opinions of the relevant experts.

ARTICLE 30 THE COMPANY'S EXEMPTION AND RESTRICTION OF RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE BUYER 1. If the Company considers the Lot as forgery, it shall return the Hammer Price and Buyer’s Commission to the Buyer. 2. Subject to the matters contained in Article 29 of the Conditions of Business and the rules in Article 30 (1) and 30 (5) of the Conditions of Business, the Company shall not: (1) be responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided by the Company to the Bidder verbally or in writing, no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons, with the exception of provision contained in Article 29 (6) of the Conditions of Business; (2) make any guarantee or warranty to the Bidder, excluding any implied warranty and rules other than the expressed warranty that the Seller has entrusted the Company to make to the Buyer (with the exception of those responsibilities that cannot be discharged according to the stipulations of laws); (3) be accountable to any Bidder for any actions or omissions of the Company regarding the auction or the sale of any Lot (no matter whether this is caused by negligence or other reasons). 3. Unless the Company owns the Lot to be sold, it shall not be responsible for any breach of the Conditions of Business by the Seller. 4. Without affecting Article 30 (2) of these rules, any claim for compensation that the Bidder makes to the Company or the Seller shall be limited to the Hammer Price and the Buyer’s Commission of the Lot. Under no circumstances shall the Company and the Seller bear any consequential losses incurred by the Buyer. 5. Article 30 of the Conditions of Business does not exempt or restrict the responsibilities of the Company regarding any misrepresentation with fraudulent element made by the Company or the Seller, nor the responsibilities of

casualty or death caused by negligent acts or omissions of the Company or the Seller.

ARTICLE 31 CATALOGUE AND OTHER EXPLANATION OF THE LOT The Company shall prepare a catalogue of the Lot to briefly introduce the conditions of the Lot with words and/or pictures to facilitate the Bidder and Seller to participate in the auction held by the Company. The words and Estimate in the catalogue of the Lot, pictures, other images as well as public materials are only references for the Bidder and may be revised before auction. The Company provides no guarantee for the authenticity, value, tone, quality or flawlessness of the Lot.

ARTICLE 32 UNCERTAINTY OF CATALOGUE In case that the tone, color, graduation and shape of the Lot shown in the catalogue and/or any other illustrations, images and public materials differ from those of the original Lot due to printing, photography or other technical reasons, the original Lot shall take precedence. Any introduction and appraisal of any Lot made by the Company and its employees or its agents in anyway (including the certificate, catalogue, slideshow and news media) are only opinions for reference and do not constitute any guarantee for the Lot. The Company and its employees or its agents shall undertake no liability for any inaccuracy or omission in the aforesaid introduction or appraisal.

ARTICLE 33 RESERVE AND ESTIMATE Unless otherwise indicated, all Lots are offered subject to a Reserve. Normally, the Reserve is not higher than the lowest Estimate announced before the auction or published before the auction by the Company. If a Reserve has not been set for a Lot, unless there has already been bidding, the Auctioneer, in his or her discretion, may decide the starting price, but this shall not be higher than the lowest Estimate of the Lot before the auction. Under no circumstances shall the Company bear any liability when the bids for a Lot do not reach the Reserve. If the bids are lower than the Reserve, the Auctioneer, in his or her discretion, may sell the Lot at a price lower than the Reserve. However under such circumstances, the amount that the Company shall pay the Seller shall be the amount that the Seller would receive as if the Lot was sold at the Reserve. The Estimate is estimated at an earlier time before the Auction Date, it is not a confirmed selling price, and is not legally binding. Estimates cannot be used as a forecast of the Hammer Price of the Lot, and the Company has the right to revise from time to time the Estimate already made.

ARTICLE 34 BIDDERS' INSPECTION RESPONSIBILITY The Bidder and/or his/her/its agents shall have the responsibility to learn about the actual conditions of the Lot and shall be legally liable for his/her/its bid for a certain Lot. The Company strongly advises the Bidders to personally inspect the original Lot they intend to bid for before the Auction Date by authentication or other means. Bidders shall judge by themselves whether Lot complies with the descriptions in the Company’s catalogue of the Lot and other images and public materials, rather than relying on the catalogue, images and public materials to make decisions.

ARTICLE 35 REGISTRATION OF BIDDERS If the Bidder is a natural person, before the Auction Date, he/she shall fill in and sign the registration documents with an identity document with photo issued by the government (such as resident identity card or passport), and provide proof of the current address (e.g. utility bill or bank statement); if the Bidder is a company or other organization, before the Auction Date, it shall fill in and sign the registration documents and collect a paddle with its valid certificate of incorporation and

proof of shareholding and legitimate authorization document. The Company may request the Bidder to present proof of bank details or other proof of financial conditions for payment purposes.

ARTICLE 36 PADDLE The Company can announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedures of arranging paddle for the Bidder according to different auction conditions and auction methods etc., including but not limited to the qualification and conditions for the Bidder to arrange a paddle. The Company solemnly reminds that a paddle is the only proof for the Bidder to participate in the auction at the venue. The Bidder shall keep it properly and shall not lend it to others to use it. If it is lost, it shall immediately handle the loss report formalities in a written form recognized by the Company. No matter if the person holding a paddle has been appointed by the Bidder or not, his or her bidding acts at auction are considered as having been made by the registered person himself, and the Bidder shall bear the legal responsibilities for the acts of the former, unless the Bidder himself has already submitted a written report to the Company regarding the loss paddle.

ARTICLE 37 AUCTION DEPOSIT When a Bidder participates in an auction of the Company, he/she shall first pay the auction deposit before collecting the paddle. The amount of the auction deposit will be announced by the Company before the Auction Date, and the Company has the right to waive the auction deposit. If the Bidder fails to buy the Lot and he does not owe the Company any sum, then that auction deposit shall be returned to the Bidder in full without interest within 14 working days after the end of the auction. If the Bidder succeeds in buying a Lot, the auction deposit shall automatically be converted to the payment of the Purchase Price of the Lot.




If a Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid, the auction results and the related legal responsibilities shall be borne by the Bidder. If the Bidder indicates in the Absentee Bid Order that it bids by instant communication methods such as telephone, it shall fill in the instant communication method accurately and keep the instant communication instrument properly, during the period in which the Company is appointed to bid, the Bidder shall use that instant communication instrument itself. In the case when the instant communication instrument is lost or it cannot be within control, the Bidder shall immediately use a written form recognized by the Company to change the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order. During the period the Company is appointed to bid, it shall make appropriate efforts to contact the Bidder, the bidding information transmitted by that instant communication instrument (whether or not it is transmitted by the Bidder personally or the Bidder’s agent) shall be considered as transmitted by the Bidder itself, and the Bidder shall bear legal responsibilities for the actions taken by it. Unless the Buyer itself has changed the instant communication method filled in the Absentee Bid Order by a written method recognized by the Company. Nevertheless, under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any unsuccessful contact or errors or omissions in the bidding process using that instant communication instrument.

To facilitate Bidders, the Company may use image projector or other forms of display boards in the auction. The contents shown are for reference only. It is possible that there are differences in the information such as the amount, reference number of the Lot, images of the Lot or reference foreign currency etc. shown in the image projector or other forms of display boards and the Company shall not bear any responsibilities for any losses caused by such differences.

ARTICLE 43 DISCLAIMER OF ABSENTEE BID Since absentee bid is a free service of transmitting bidding information that the Company provides to the Bidder, the Company and its employees shall not bear any responsibilities for unsuccessful bidding or any errors, omissions, negligence, fault or inability to bid on its behalf during the bidding process.


The Company has the right to forbid anyone from participating in the auction organized by the Company or entering the auction site, or taking pictures or shooting videos at the auction site at its discretion.

If two or more Bidders appointing the Company to bid on their behalf have bid the same price for the same Lot and eventually that Lot is sold at that Hammer Price, then the one who first submitted to the Company shall be the Buyer of that Lot.



If any abnormal event occurs at the auction site, the Company has the right to take emergency actions. If any dispute arises at the auction site, the Company has right to mediate and settle it.

ARTICLE 40 CONFIRMATION OF BUYER'S IDENTITY The Bidder must take good care of his/her/its paddle and be cautious not to lose it. The Bidder shall not lend his/her/its paddle to others, or the Bidder shall assume all legal liability for others’ act of bidding for the Lot using his/her/its paddle.

ARTICLE 41 ABSENTEE BIDS Bidders shall attend the auction in person. If a Bidder or its agent cannot attend in person, it can appoint the Company in writing for the Company to bid on its behalf. The Company has the discretion to accept or not accept the above appointment. Any Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid shall handle the appointment formalities within the period stipulated (no later than three business days), and produce a completed Absentee Bid Order to the Company, and at the same time pay the auction deposit according to the Conditions of Business. If the Bidder who has appointed the Company to bid needs to cancel the absentee bid, it shall notify the Company no later than 24 hours before the Auction Date.

The Auctioneer has the right at his absolute and sole discretion in the following matters: 1. Refusal or acceptance of any bid; 2. Carrying out the auction in such a manner as he may decide; 3. Withdrawal of any Lot, dividing it for auction separately, combining any two or more Lots for auction; 4. If there are errors or disputes, no matter if they occur during or after the auction, he shall have the right to decide the successful Bidder, whether or not to continue the auction, to cancel the auction or place the Lot under dispute for auction again; 5. The Auctioneer may open and carry out the bidding at a level with bidding increments that he considers suitable, and has the right to bid on behalf of the Seller up to the amount of the Reserve, either by placing consecutive bids or by placing bids in response to other Bidders; 6. Adoption of other actions that he considers as appropriate.

ARTICLE 46 NO RESERVE For those Lots without a Reserve, unless there has already been bidding, otherwise the Auctioneer, under his own discretion, may decide the starting price. If there is no bidding at such a price, the Auctioneer will, at his own discretion, lower the price and continue the auction until a Bidder starts to bid, then he will continue the auction at that price and then continue up from that amount.

ARTICLE 48 SUCCESSFUL BID The fact that the Auctioneer confirms the highest bid of a Bidder by striking his/her hammer or in any other manner of publicly confirming the sale shall indicate the conclusion of a sales contract for the Lot between the Bidder and the Seller.

ARTICLE 49 COMMISSION AND EXPENSES After the Bidder has succeeded in bidding, it will become the Buyer of that Lot. A buyer’s premium will be added to the Hammer Price and is payable by the buyer as part of the total purchase price. The buyer’s premium is 18% of the hammer price of each lot up to and including HKD 1,000,000; and 15% of the excess of the hammer price above HKD 1,000,000 for Chinese and Asian Modern & Contemporary Art and Jewels & Watches. It is 18% of the hammer price of each lot for Chinese & Western Wine and 15% of the hammer price of each lot for the rest categories and at the same time other Buyer’s Expenses, and recognizes that the Company can charge the Seller the commission and other Seller expenses according to provisions of the Consignment Agreement.

ARTICLE 50 TAXES All the monies that the Buyer pays to the Company are net amounts, which shall not include any tax on goods, tax on services or other value added tax (whether levied by Hong Kong or other regions). If there is any tax applicable to the Buyer, the Buyer shall bear it itself according to the provisions of the relevant laws currently in force.

ARTICLE 51 PAYMENT TIME After the Lot is successfully sold in an auction, unless otherwise agreed, regardless of any stipulations of the export, import or other permits of the Lot, the Buyer shall fully pay the Purchase Price within 7 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), and collect the Lot. If packing, moving costs, and insurance expenses, expenses related to export are involved, the Buyer shallpay them altogether.

ARTICLE 52 PAYMENT CURRENCY All monies shall be paid in Hong Kong dollars.If the Buyer pays in another currency other than Hong Kong dollars, it shall convert it at the exchange rate agreed between the Buyer and the Company or at the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars and that currency type on the previous working day announced by such bank as selected by the Company. All bank handling fees, commission and charges incurred by the Company for converting the foreign currency paid by the Buyer into Hong Kong dollars shall be borne by the Buyer.

ARTICLE 53 TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP Even if the Company has delivered the Lot to the Buyer, the Buyer has not yet obtained the ownership of the Lot. This shall pass onto the Buyer only when the Buyer has fully paid thePurchase Price and all monies that the Buyer owes the Company.

ARTICLE 54 TRANSFER OF RISKS After the bidding has succeeded, the risks ofthe Lot shall be borne by the Buyer itself after the occurrence

of one of the following events (whichever earlier): 1. The Buyer has collected the Lot; or 2. The Buyer has fully paid the Purchase Price for the Lot to the Company; or 3. The expiry of seven days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date).

ARTICLE 55 COLLECTION OF THE LOT Risk and responsibility for the lot passes to the Buyer at the expiration of thirty calendar days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date). or on collection by the Buyer, if earlier. After thirty calendar days, all expenses incurred, including but not limited to storage, moving, insurance will be for the account of the Buyer. Although the Company shall use reasonable efforts to take care of purchased Lot and suggest handlers, packers or carriers, the company is not responsibleto any person to whom we have made are commendation for the acts or omissions of the third party concerned.

ARTICLE 56 PACKING, HANDLING AND MOVING If the employees of the Company pack and handle the Lot bought on behalf of the Buyer according to the latter’s requirements, this is considered as a service provided by the Company to the Buyer and the Company has the discretion to decide whether to provide this service, if any losses arise there from, the Buyer shall bear them itself. Under no circumstances shall the Company be responsible for any damage of the glass or picture frame, box, backing sheet, frame case, mounting, inserts, rolling rod or similar auxiliary objects caused by any reasons. Where the Buyer requests the Company to assist it in collecting the purchased Lot (the packaging, mailing and transportation expenses shall be paid by the Buyer) by means of post, express delivery or transportation, the Company shall be deemed to have delivered the Lot and the Buyer shall be deemed to have collected such Lot according to the normal procedure upon the Company’s delivery of the Lot to the post, express delivery and transportation entities, companies or their employees/branch offices. The risks arising from this process shall be borne by the Buyer. Unless as Buyer gives a clear indication and pays insurance premium, no insurance isprovided in the process of mailing, express delivery or transportation generally. The Company shall undertake no liability for any error, omission, damage or destruction caused by the packaging company and post, express delivery and transportation entities or companies designated by the Buyer or recommended by the Company to the Buyer.

ARTICLE 57 IMPORT, EXPORT LICENSES AND PERMIT The Buyer shall be responsible for obtaining any import and export licenses, permit for endangered animals or other aspects related to the Lot. Failure or delay in obtaining any permits required shall not be deemed as a reason for cancelling the purchase or delaying in paying the Purchase Price. The Company shall not bear any responsibilities for the failure to properly fill in or submit the required import or export documents. If the Buyer requests the Company to apply for the import and export licenses on its behalf, the Company has the right to charge service fees for this service. However, the Company does not warrant that the import or export license will be issued. The Company and the Seller has not made declaration or warranty in respect of whether or not any Lot is subject to import and export restrictions or any embargo.

ARTICLE 58 REMEDIES FOR NON-PAYMENT If the Buyer fails to make full payment according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business or any payment arrangements agreed with the Company, the Company has the right to adopt one or more of the following measures: 1. After the Lot is sold, if the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the auction deposit paid at the

time of bidding registration shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time bear the relevant responsibilities according the provisions of the Conditions of Business; if the Buyer has bought a few Lots with the same paddle, after the Lots are sold, if the Buyer has not paid the Purchase Price of any of the Lots within the time stipulated, then the entire auction deposit shall not be refunded, and it shall at the same time bear the relevant responsibilities according the provisions of the Conditions of Business; 2. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Prices in full to the Company within 7 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to appoint a third party organization to collect the entire or part of the Purchase Prices that the Buyer owes; 3. If the Buyer fails to pay the Purchase Price in full within 7 days from the Sale Date (includingthe Sale Date), the Company has the right to charge interest at 0.03% per day on the unpaid portion starting from the 8th day after the Sale Date until the day on which the Buyer has fully paid the monies, with the exception that the Buyer has otherwise agreed with the Company; 4. The Buyer shall bear the risks and expenses of taking out an insurance policy, moving and storing the Lot in the Company or other places; 5. To sue the Buyer, demand for compensation for all the losses due to the breach of contract by the Buyer including the interest loss caused by the delay in payment or refusal to make paymentsby the Buyer; 6. To retain that or any other Lot that the same Buyer has bought via the Company, and anyother properties or rights to property of the Buyer that the Company holds for any reasons, all the expenses and/or risks incurred during the retention period shall be borne by the Buyer. If the Buyer fails to perform all its duties concerned within the period specified by the Company, the Company has the right to issue a lien notice tothe Buyer and dispose of the items under lien if the Buyer has not yet fully paid all outstanding amounts within 30 days after the issue of that notice. if the items under lien are insufficient to offset all the monies payable by the Buyer to the Company, the Company has the right to claim them; 7. The Company has sole discretion to cancel the sale or agree that the Consignor can cancel the deal, and reserve the right to claim all the losses suffered by the Company due to the cancellation of that deal; 8. The Company can place the Lot for auction again or sell it by other means according to the provisions of the Conditions of Business with the consent of the Seller, and the Company reserves the right to decide the Estimate and Reserve. The original Buyer shall pay the commission and other Buyer’s Expenses and the Seller in the first auction, and it shall bear all the costs of the second auction or the sale of the Lotby other means. If the price obtained from the second auction or the sale of the Lot by other means is lower than the original auction sum, the original Buyer shall pay the shortfall; 9. To offset any monies related to the Lot that the Buyer owes the Company by any sums that the Company owes the Buyer in any other transactions; 10. The Company can decide to use any monies paid by the Buyer to repay any sums that the Buyer owes the Company in any other transactions; 11. To reject any bids made by the Buyer or its agent at future auctions, or to obtain auction deposit before accepting any bids; 12. To disclose the information of the Buyer to the Seller, so that the Seller can start a law suit to recover the outstanding amount, or claim damages and claim legal fees for the breach of contract by the Buyer.

ARTICLE 59 REMEDIES FOR DELAY IN COLLECTING THE LOT If the Buyer fails to collect the purchased Lot 7 days after the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), the Company has the right to adopt one or more measures below: 1. All costs (including but not limited to the storage fee

calculated and charged according tothe provisions of the Bidder Registration Order starting from the 31st day from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date) and/or risks for the taking out of an insurance policy and/or storing the Lot in the Company or other places shall be borne by the Buyer. Only after the Buyer has paid the full amount of the Purchase Price, it can collect the Lot (packing and moving costs, insurance expenses, expenses related to export shall be at the Buyer’s expense); 2. The Buyer shall bear all the risks and expenses incurred after the deadline as stated in the Conditions of Business if it cannot collect the Lot concerned within that deadline. If the Buyer has not yet collected the Lot within 30 days from the Sale Date (including the Sale Date), after notifying the Buyer, the Company has the right to sell that Lot in a public auction or by a method and with methods and conditions that it considers suitable. Any proceeds after thededuction of all the losses, expenses (packing & moving costs, insurance costs, expenses related to export, Storage Fee, and notarial expenses etc.) incurred by the Company from the disposalshall be taken back by the Buyer; such balance is non-interest-bearing. If the Buyer fails totake the proceeds back two years after the Sale Date, the balance shall be deposited to a Hong Kong court by the Company after deducting the relevant expenses (including legal fees).

ARTICLE 60 LIMITED WARRANTY 1. The Company provides general warranty to the Buyer: If the Lot sold by the Company is later found to be counterfeit one, the Company will cancel that deal according to the terms of the Conditions of Business, and will return to the Buyer in the currency of the original deal the Hammer Price together with the Buyer’s Commission that the Buyer has paid to the Company for the Lot. In this regard, based on the reasonable opinion of the Company, counterfeits refer to frauds in various aspects such as the source, place of origin, date, production year, duration, culture or sources etc. of the article, and the correct description of the above points have not been recorded in the contents of the catalogue (any special terminologies are taken into consideration). Any damage and/or any type of restored item and/or repaired items (including repaintingor painting on top of it) of the Lot shall not be considered as counterfeit. Please pay attention that if any of the following situations happens, this warranty shall not apply; The contents of the catalogue are based ongenerally accepted opinion of academics and specialists on the selling date, or contradictions in opinions are shown in the contents of the catalogue; or On the selling date, the only method of proving the Lot is a counterfeit is not a method which can be used in general; which is recognized; which is extremely high price; the usage of such method is impractical; or this method may have caused damage to the Lot or may (according to the reasonable opinion of the Company) have already caused the Lot to lose value; or If the Lot has not lost any material value from the description of the Lot. 2. The deadline in this warranty is 5 years fromthe Auction Date concerned, these benefits are exclusively enjoyed by the Buyer, and shall not be transferred to any third party. In order tomake claims based on this warranty, the Buyer shall:-(1) notify the Company in writing withinone month after the receipt of any information which leads the Buyer to doubt the authenticity or attributes of the Lot, specifying the reference number of the Lot, date on which the Lot is purchased and reasons for which it is considered as counterfeit; (2) return the Lot to the Company in the same conditions as it was on the date of sale, and the proper ownership of it is transferrable, plus there are no claims from any third party after the Sale Date. 3. Regarding S o utheastern Asian m o de rn a n d contemporary art, Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink painting, althoughat present the academic sector does not permit the making of definitive statements, the Company reserves

the discretion to cancel those deals of Lots which are proved to be counterfeit southeastern Asian modern and contemporary arts, Chinese painting and Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink paintings within one year after the Auction Date based on this warranty. Paid sums shall be returned to the Buyer according to this term, however the Buyer shall provide evidences (based on the methods provided forin clause 2 and 4 of this article) to prove that the Lot is counterfeit within one year from the Auction Date; The Company can, at its discretion, decide to waive any of the above provisions. The Company has the right to demand from the Buyer two independent specialist reports which are recognized by the specialist sector concerned and which are accepted by the Company and the Buyer at the expense of the Buyer. The Company shall not be subject to any report presented by the Buyer, and retains the right to seek additional expert opinion at the expense of the Company.

CHAPTER IV MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE 61 OBTAINING INFORMATION, VIDEO TAKING In connection with the operation of the auction business of the Company, the Company may make audio recording, video recording of any auction process, and need to collect personal information from the Bidder or ask for the information of the Bidder from third parties (such as asking for credit review from banks). Such information will be handled and kept confidential by the Company. However the information concerned may be provided to the Company, its divisions, affiliates and subsidiaries in order to assist the Company to provide comprehensive services to Bidders, carry out client analysis, or in order to provide services that meet the requirements of the Bidder. For the sake of the interest of the Bidder, the Company may also provide some personal information of the Bidder to third party service providers (such as cargo liners or storage houses). By participating in the auction of the Company, the Bidder agrees to all previously stated disclosure. If the Bidder would like to obtain or amend his personal information, please contact the customer service department.

ARTICLE 62 CONFIDENTIALITY The Company shall be obligated to keep confidentiality for the Seller, the Bidder and the Buyer and protect the legitimate rights of the Seller, the Bidder, the Buyer as well as the Company according to these Conditions of Business and the laws of Hong Kong.


the Seller or the Buyer at its own discretion so that the damaged party may receive compensation for damages through legal proceedings. However,prior to the Company’s disclosure of such materials to the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall take the reasonable steps to notify the party whose materials are to be disclosed.

ARTICLE 66 NOTICE The Bidder and the Buyer shall inform the Company their permanent and effective correspondent address and contact methods in the bidding registration documents or by other methods recognized by the Company. If there are changes, they shall inform the Company in writing immediately. The notices mentioned in the Conditions of Business only refer to written notices sent by letter or fax formats. A notice shall be deemed as served at the following moment: 1. If it is served by hand, when it reaches the address of the party concerned; 2. If it is sent by post, then it is the seventh day after it is posted; 3. If it is sent by fax, then it is the moment the outgoing fax transmission is confirmed by the fax machine.

ARTICLE 67 SEVERABILITY If any terms or parts of the Conditions are confirmed as void, illegal or cannot be executed, other terms or parts of the Conditions are still valid, the parties concerned shall be abided by and execute them.

ARTICLE 68 LAWS AND JURISDICTION The Conditions of Business and the related matters, transactions, any disputes caused by or inconnection with the participation in the auction activities of the Company pursuant to the Conditions of Business shall be subject to Hong Kong laws and shall be interpreted by Hong Kong laws. The Company and the Buyer and the Bidder shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Hong Kong courts.

ARTICLE 69 LANGUAGE The Chinese version of the Conditions of Businessshall be the standard texts; the English version is for reference only. Should there be any discrepancy between the English version and Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail.


The Company may authenticate the Lot if necessary. In case of any discrepancy between the authentication conclusion and the conditions of the Lot in the consignment auction contract, the Company shall have the right to request modification or rescission of the consignment auction contract.

The Conditions of Business is prepared and revised by the Company, the copyright concerned belongs to the Company. Without the prior written approval of the Company, no one shall use any methods or means to use the Conditions of Business to obtain business benefits, and shall not make duplication, of any parts of the Conditions of Business.



The Seller authorizes the Company to produce photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in other forms of the Lot that it has appointed the Company to place for auction, the Company is entitled to the above photos, illustrations, catalogue, video products and advertising materials in other forms of the Lot, and has the right to use them. Without prior written consent of the Company, the Buyer and anyone shall not use them. The Company and the Seller have not made any statement and warranty as to whether the Lot is restricted by copyright or if the Buyer has obtained any copyright of the Lot.

ARTICLE 65 EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY Being an agent of the Seller, the Company shall assume no liability for any breach of contract by the Seller or the Buyer. In case of the breach of contract by the Seller or the Buyer, the Company shall have the right to decide to disclose the other party’s name and address to

The Conditions of Business is only applicable for this auction. The Company may update the Conditions of Business from time to time, when the Bidder and the Buyer participate in another auction, the then applicable Conditions of Business shall prevail.

ARTICLE 72 RIGHT OF INTERPRETATION The right of interpretation of these Rules shall belong to the Company.





—、閣下參與競投登記時須填寫競投牌登記表格並提 供有關身份證明文件,繳納保證金,以辦理登記手續。

一、拍賣成交後,買家應支付落槌價連相應於該落槌 價之適用佣金。拍賣成交日(含成交日)起七日內, 買家應向本公司付清購買價款並提取拍賣品。

I. When you register to bid in an auction, you must fill in the Bidding Registration Form, provide the relevant identity document, and pay a deposit in order to handle the registration formalities. 二、競投登記時須提供之文件 : 1. 個人:政府發出附有照片的身份證明文件(如居民 身份證或護照),及現時住址證明(如身份證明文件 未有顯示現時住址),如公用事業賬單或銀行月結單。 2. 公司客戶:公司註冊證書以及股東證明文件。 3. 代理人:代理人的身份證明文件 , 代理人代表的競 投人士 / 單位之身份證明文件 , 以及該人士 / 單位簽發 的授權書正本。敬請注意 , 保利香港拍賣不接受第三 方付款 - 此規定亦適用於代理人。如閣下代表他人參 與競投,保利香港拍賣僅接受委託人之付款。 4. 新客戶以及未在北京保利國際拍賣有限公司成功競 投拍賣品的客戶,須提供銀行發出之信用證明。建議 首次參與競投的新客戶於拍賣會前至少 3 個工作天前 辦理登記,以便有充足的時間處理登記資料。 II. Documents that must be provided when completing the bidding paddle registration: (1) Individuals: identity document with photo issued by the government (such as resident identity card or passport) and proof of current address (if the current address is not shown in the identity document), e.g. utility bill or banks tatement. (2) Corporate clients: a certificate of incorporation and proof of shareholding. (3) Agent: identity document of the agent, identity document of the bidding person/company that the agent represents, original signed authorization letter from that person/ company. Please note that Poly Auction (Hong Kong) does not accept payment from a third party and this also applies to agent. If you participate in the bidding on behalf of others, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) only accepts the payment of the principal. (4) New clients and those clients who have not yet successfully bought Properties from Beijing Poly Intemational Auction Co., Ltd. must provide credit proof issued by banks, and must complete the registration at least three business days before the auction so that there will be enough time to process the registration.

三、因閣下是首次參與競投,如未獲得我方認可的註 冊客戶推薦,保證金為港幣 500,000 元。如閣下打算 競投高估價拍賣品(在圖錄內或電子圖錄內標有〇符 號之拍賣品),保證金為港幣 1,000,000 元。保利香 港拍賣可要求競投高估價拍賣品的準競投人完成預先 登記程序及交付保證金或其他由保利香港拍賣決定之 更大金額的保證金及任何財務狀況証明 , 擔保或及其 他由保利香港拍賣可全權酌情決定要求的抵押作為參 加保利香港拍賣競投的保障。 III. If this is the first time you participate in bidding with Poly Auction (Hong Kong), and you have not been recommended by a registered client endorsed by us, the deposit will be HK$ 500,000. If you intend to bid on a “Premium Lot”(i.e., a lot marked 〇 in the printed catalogue or the digital catalogue), the deposit will be HK$1,000,000, and in either case, you must deliver to Poly Auction (Hong Kong) such necessary financial references, guarantees, deposits and/or such other security as Poly Auction (Hong Kong) may in its absolute discretion require for your bid. 四、所有保證金必須以電匯或信用卡 / 銀聯卡以港幣 付款(閣下必須親自使用您名下的信用卡 / 銀聯卡)。 如閣下未能投得任何拍賣品 , 保利香港拍賣將安排在 拍賣結束後十四個工作日內退回閣下已付的保證金 (不包含利息)。如閣下成為買家,保利香港拍賣有 權可用該保證金作為支付拍賣品購買價款的款項。任 何涉及退款的兌換交易損失或費用,將由閣下承擔。 IV. All deposits must be paid in HK dollars by telegraphic transfer or credit card/Union Pay Card under your name in person. If you have not successfully bid any Property, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) will arrange to return the deposit (without interest) that you had paid within 14 days after the end of the auction. If you are a buyer, Poly Auction (Hong Kong) canuse the deposit to offset any amount of purchase price of the lot(s) bought by you. Any losses or expenses on foreign currency conversion involved in the refund will be borne by you. 五、本公司有權要求競投人提供財務狀況證明、擔保、 存款證明,或本公司可絕對酌情要求競投人為其有意 競投的拍賣品提供的其他抵押。本公司保留調查競投 人資金來源的權利。 V. Our company has the right to demand the Bidder to provide proof of financial conditions, guarantee, proof of bank deposit and/or our company can demand, at its absolute discretion, the Bidder to provide other collateral for the Property that the latter intends to bid. Our company reserves the right to investigate the sources of funds of the Bidder.

I. In addition to the Hammer Price, the Buyer agrees to pay the applicable commission in respect of such Hammer Price. Payment must be made within 7 calendar days (including the day of Sale) from the day of sale. This applies even if the Buyer wishes to export the lot and export licence is (or may be) required. 二、自拍賣成交日(含成交日)起的第三十一日起, 買家須為本次拍賣會未領取的拍賣品支付儲存費,每 件每月港幣八百元。儲存不足一個月者,亦須繳付整 月儲存費。儲存費不包括其他額外費用,如保險、包 裝和運輸費,其他額外費用將會另行收取。 II. Where Properties are not collected within 30 calendar days (including the day of sale) from the day of sale, the Buyer must pay the monthly storage fee of HK$800 per lot starting from the 31st day. For storage of less than one month, one whole month’s storage fee will be charged. All other additional expenses such as insurance, packing & transport costs will be charged separately. 三、本公司接受以下幾種付款方式: 電匯 付款方式最好以電匯的方式直接轉入本公司的銀行賬 戶。請將匯款指示連同您的姓名及競投牌號或發票號 碼一起交予銀行。 戶行:香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司 戶名:保利香港拍賣有限公司 號碼:004-848-360475-838 收款銀行代號 : HSBCHKHHHKH 銀行代碼 : 004 戶行:交通銀行股份有限公司香港分行 戶名:保利香港拍賣有限公司 號碼:027-536-9-311-5318 收款銀行代號 : COMMHKHH 銀行代碼 : 027 III. Our company accepts the following types of payment: TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER Payment should preferably be made by telegraphic transfer directly to our company’s account. Please include your name and paddle number or invoice number with your instructions to the bank. Bank: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited Account Name: Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Ltd. Account No: 004-848-360475-838 SWIFT: HSBCHKHHHKH Bank Code: 004 Bank: Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch Account Name: Poly Auction (Hong Kong) Ltd. Account No: 027-536-9-311-5318 SWIFT: COMMHKHH Bank Code: 027 信用卡 / 銀聯卡 買家如以信用卡、銀聯卡方式支付購買價款,則需承 擔相當於付款金額一定百分比的公司行政費,且買家 本人須持卡到本公司辦理。本公司接受信用卡付款之

上限為港幣 1,000,000 元(每一場拍賣),但須受有 關條件與條款約束。 CREDIT CARD/UNIONPAY CARD Our company accepts payments by credit cards/ UnionPay up to HK$1,000,000 per auction sale. The Buyer must bear administration fees at a certain percentage of the amount paid according to the rules of the bank. 支票 本公司接受個人支票與公司支票,但請留意買家須於 支票承兌後方可提取拍賣品。本公司不接受旅行支票 付款。 CHEQUE Our company accepts personal and company cheques,but please be reminded that the purchases will not be released until such cheques have been cleared. Traveler’s cheques are not accepted. 現金 如以現金或銀行本票繳付款項,則可立即提取拍賣品。 惟本公司恕不接受以一筆或多次付款形式用現金支付 超過港幣 80,000 元或同等價值外幣之款項。 CASH If payment is made by cash or cashier order, the purchases will be released immediately. However, our company does not accept sums exceeding HK$80,000 (or its equivalent in other currencies) in cash in a single or multiple payments. 四、所有價款應以港幣支付。如買家以港幣以外的其 他貨幣支付,應按買家與本公司約定的匯價折算或按 照本公司選擇之銀行於買家付款日前一個工作日公佈 的港幣與該貨幣的匯價折算,並以本公司所發出之單 據上所列之匯率為準。本公司為將買家所支付之該種 外幣兌換成港幣所引致之所有銀行手續費、佣金或其 他費用,均由買家承擔。 IV. If the payment made in a currency other than Hong Kong Dollars, we shall charge the Buyer for any currency costs incurred. This will include bank charges, commissions for converting the currency. The exchange rate of Hong Kong Dollars and that currency will be the rate quoted by such bank as selected by the company, in Hong Kong on the date of payment. 五、本公司將向競投登記表格上的姓名及地址發出售 出拍賣品的賬單,且登記的姓名及地址不得轉移。 V. Our company will issue an invoice of property sold under the name and address on the Bidding Registration Form and the registered name and address should not be transferred. 六、本公司不接受除買家外的任何第三方付款。此項 規定亦適用於代理人。如代理人代表他人參與競投, 僅接受委託人的付款。除接受買家付款外,本公司保 留拒收其他來源付款的權利。 VI. Our company does not accept payment from a third party other than the Buyer. This applies to the agent as well. If the agent participates in the auction on behalf of others, we only accept payment from the principal. Other than accepting payment from the Buyer, our company reserves the right to reject payments from other sources.

保 利 香 港 拍 賣 有 限 公 司(“ 保 利 香 港 拍 賣 ”)

競投牌編號 :

競投登記表格 客戶編號



個人名義競投 姓

公司名義競投 名


身份證 / 護照編號



被授權代表身份證 / 護照編號

地址 城市







□中國及亞洲現當代藝術 □中國古董珍玩

□中國當代水墨 □珠寶及鐘錶

閣下曾否於北京保利國際拍賣有限公司拍賣登記競投? □有

□中國近現代書畫 □其他



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主要業務聯繫方式: 中國古董珍玩部 總經理:李移舟 E-mail: 瓷器、工藝品 高級業務經理:李嘉偉 業務經理:麻 正(明清紫砂) 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082136 玉器、漆器、珐瑯器 高級業務經理:付瀅蓉 業務經理:李 瑩 業務助理:許 昂 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082230 古琴、家具、鼻煙壺 高級業務經理:鄭 陽 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082136 E-mail: 國石、現當代藝術陶瓷 高級業務經理:黨志新 陰懿萍 學術顧問:陳海波 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082182 銅鏡 高級業務經理:郭 靖 E-mail: 業務經理:張毅博 E-mail: 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082450 古董珍玩海外拓展 主 管:宮 諍 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082175 天珠、沉香、藏傳佛教藝術 聯系人:姜彎彎

現當代藝術部 總經理:賈 偉 E-mail: 當代藝術部 高級業務經理:李小雯 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082192 經典藝術部 高級業務經理:鮮 彤 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082431 業務助理:周彬芮 聞 真 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082564

聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082186 E-mail:

高級業務主管:罗戈弟 高級業務經理:袁 昉





公司地址:北京市東城區朝陽門北大街 1 號新保利大厦 3 層 台灣代表處 黃宏任 婁仲元 電 話:886- 225224080 傳 真:886- 225222595 地 址:台北市中山區中山北路 二段 39 巷 6 號 5 樓 (晶華酒店旁) E-mail:

日本代表處 風見治子 吳駕晟 電 話:81-3-6278-8011 傳 真:81-3-6278-8012 地 址:東京都中央區銀座 2 丁目 12-4-601Duplex 銀座 2/12 1040061 Email:

法国(France) 聯繫人:曾錦武 電話:(33) 617805335 電郵

美國代表處 紐約代表處:黃 健 電話:1-212-273-0822 地 址:Bar Building, 36 West 44th Street, New York 洛杉磯代表處:黃 正 電 話:1-408-838-8819 E-mail: 舊金山代表處:王 凱 電 話:1-650-483-2166 加拿大常年徵集電話:1-888-207-9395


香港、北京保利圖錄預訂 CATALOGUES *圖錄預訂可聯系全球各地代表或以下合作單位: 韓國 (Korea) (韓國)首爾拍賣有限公司(油畫) Seoul Auction 98 Pyeongchang-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, Korea, 110-846 電話:(822) 3950330 傳真:(822) 3950338 新加坡 (Singapore) 斯民國際藝苑(油畫) SooBin Art Int'L 10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark Lobby C, # 04-90 Lobby E Singapore 408564 電話:(65) 68372777 傳真:(65) 63397767 印尼 (Indonesia) Fang Gallery 芳藝術(油畫) The Plaza 27th Floor,Jl.M.H.Thamrin Kav28-30,Jakarta 10350 Lndonesia Tel: (62) 2129923311 Fax: (62) 2129923311 濟南 Jinan 中寶齋(書畫 古董) 山東省濟南市馬鞍山路2-1號山東大厦一層 電話:(86-531) 86953009 榮寶齋青島經銷店(書畫 古董) 青島市閩江三路12號 電話:(86-532) 88080822 傳真:(86-532) 88080833 厦門 Xiamen 謙記古美術館 厦門市湖濱中路100號白鷺洲東公園C幢 電話:(86-592) 2209995 傳真:(86-592) 5320009 太原 Taiyuan 晋寶齋(書畫 古董) 山西省太原市迎澤大街376號 電話:(86-351) 4034756 傳真:(86-351) 4034962

大希堂(書畫 古董) 山西省太原市迎澤大街248號 南宮文化樓201室 電話:(86-351) 4085383 傳真:(86-531) 4180191 宜興 Yixing 江蘇保利典當行(書畫) 江蘇省宜興市太隔橋北側綜合樓 電話:(86-510) 68995988 傳真:(86-510) 68995988 江陽 Jiangyang 劉家大院文化產業有限公司 江蘇省江陽市板橋南處 傳真:(86-510) 68970068 南京 Nanjing 江蘇畫店(書畫) 南京市王府大街朝天宮2號2樓 電話:(86-25) 83719611 傳真:(86-25) 83719611 小玲瓏山館(書畫) 南京市秦淮區應天大街388號 1865創意產業園D3幢二層 郵編:210000 電話:(86-25) 51885928 傳真:(86-25) 51885938 電郵 泓雅堂(書畫) 南京市中山北路8號紫峰大厦1805室 郵編:210008 電話:(86-25) 84461185 傳真:(86-25) 83719611 德嘉藝苑 Hangzhou 杭州市吳山路40號 郵編:310006 電話:(86-571) 87088880

成都 Chengdu 杜甫草堂詩書畫院(書畫) 成都市草堂路杜甫草堂博物館 郵編:610072 電話:(86-28) 87336795 廣州 Guangzhou 榮和堂(書畫) 廣州市越秀區盤福路79號傾城酒店十樓 電話:(86-20) 81749713 福州 Fuzhou 福州畫院—墨園(書畫) 福建省福州市于山路2號 電話:(86-591) 83333867 83366176 傳真:(86-591) 83337963 西安 Xi'an 亮寶樓 西安雁塔區雁引路35號(書畫 古董) 電話:(86-029) 82069868/75/78 電郵 河南 Henan 鄭州市城南路187號 碧潭畫苑 電話:(86-0371) 66379799 電郵

郵品錢蔽部 總經理:桑貫宇 E-mail: 高級業務經理:李君傑 業務經理:王 超 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082195 E-mail: 古董珍玩季拍部 總經理:李 屾 E-mail: 業務經理:文明遠 王井森 業務助理:侯 羽 范博涵 趙富餘 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082176

現當代藝術拓展項目部 業務經理:李雅璐 何文君 楊 帆 李 宇 田 恒 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082367/2533 藝術與設計部 業務經理:項 吉 業務助理:劉豐鳴 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082191 E-mail: 中國近現代書畫部 高級行政經理:郭 玉 行政經理:黃純純 行政助理:王 威 聯繫方式:(86-10) 64082437/2181 E-mail: 總監:李思莫 E-mail:


劉曉洋 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082186 E-mail: 高級業務主管:乔亞寧 業務經理:章之昊 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082691 E-mail: 業務經理:胡志明 聯繫方式:(86-10) 64082172 業務顧問 ( 當代水墨三十年專題 ):王 驍 業務經理 ( 當代水墨三十年專題 ):祁文郁 聯繫方式:(86-10) 64082691

保利貴賓部 總經理:李思莫 E-mail: 高級業務經理:胡志明 業務經理:陳安琪 王 浩 業務助理:石 穎 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082172/2159 網址 中國古代書畫部 業務總監:楊 曦 E-mail: 高級業務經理:王 健 霍文才 業務經理:任 星 李修燕 孟兆波 學術顧問:劉金庫 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082436/2435 中國當代水墨部.紫砂及現代工藝品部 總經理:安 蓓 E-mail: 高級業務經理:王建偉 陳 京 肖明芳 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082183 綜合文化部 總經理:安 蓓 E-mail: 高級業務經理:陳 京 電 話:(86-10) 64082316 古籍文獻部 總經理:孟

郵品錢币:常芳明 銅鏡:閻曉飛 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082162

中國書畫季拍部 E-mail: 負責人:罗漢松 古代書畫季拍部 業務經理:王高偉 業務助理:虞昌書 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082449 近現代書畫季拍部 業務經理:李奪倫 于振蘭 孟 超 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082158 當代水墨季拍部 高級業務經理:胡天璧 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082179

財務部 財務總監:劉士彬 財務部副主任:沈良軍 帳務結算: 宋秋紅:(86-10) 64082166 王佳瑩:(86-10) 64082161 董立仁:(86-10) 64082413 周 謙:(86-10) 64082130 帳務查詢: 馮 欣:(86-10) 64082123 陳 劍:(86-10) 64082138 張念玲:(86-10) 64082160 發票及稅票業務: 田麗麗:(86-10) 64082727 李冰倩:(86-10) 64082626 銀行業務查詢: 佟 璐 陶 蕊:(86-10) 64082180 法務顧問 : 侯婷婷:(86-10) 64082453 財務傳真:(86-10) 64082150

名酒及資產拍賣部 總經理:陳零初 E-mail: 高級業務經理:藍 晨 業務助理:王春華 柴詩軼 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082185 科技古董部 E-mail: 高級業務經理:藍 晨 業務助理:王春華 柴詩軼 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082125

宣傳部 珠寶鐘表尚品部 總經理:王 婷 高級業務經理:唐利偉 陳

E-mail: 業務經理:陳智萌

業務經理:周 沫 易 曉 業務助理、美編:李秋萌

聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082197

業務助理:任芝義 業務助理:邢家赫 行政秘書:馮成龍 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082137/2432

中國書畫國內徵集聯繫 業務聯繫:靳東方 聯繫電話:(86-10)64082186 E-mail: 中國書畫國際徵集服務部 海外客户上拍咨詢,上拍進度查詢, 投訴及建議請您直接與我們聯繫。 業務聯繫:靳東方 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082186 E-mail:

庫管部 總經理:祖世龍 計算機及證書:劉 琨 攝像:霍 健 中國書畫:黃 慧 古董珍玩:牛吉剛 范 疇 現當代中國藝術:徐 程 古籍文獻:郭 蒙

郭 晟

宣傳主管:劉 靜 宣傳經理:高樹豐 姜 珂 汪毅青 吳 婷 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082153 辦公室 行政總監:陳零初 行政主管:王 莉 行政經理:劉 超 吳 堯 趙 京 陳 珩 范曉龍 前臺接待:胡向國 張婧雅 聯繫電話:(86-10) 64082127

北京保利 2014 春季拍卖会拍品征集中 征集截止至 4 月 10 日,希望得到您的支持! 预展时间:5 月底 预展地点:全国农业展览馆 拍卖时间:6 月初 拍卖地点:北京四季酒店

扫描二维码添加北京保利拍卖官方微信平台 敬请专注北京保利拍卖官网

















With over 2,500 square feet, the spacious and sunlit Poly Gallery is planning extraordinary and significant exhibitions without geographical or cultural confines. From the new generation of Chinese artists to the ancient masters, all worthwhile masterpieces will be introduced to Hong Kong. Poly Gallery will host a variety of exhibitions and cultural events throughout the year, such as private auctions, previews and lectures, to encourage interactions between our team of specialists and clients. This will serve as a continuation of Poly Auction Hong Kong's business beyond the traditional biannual auctions. We believe this will also create an open art platform for art collectors to exchange cultural ideas and enjoy outstanding works of art year round. As the leading auction house in Mainland China, Poly Auction Hong Kong and Poly Gallery are proud to establish their permanent presence in Hong Kong. Together with our team, we are ready to lead you through a remarkable journey of art.





置地2,500多平方呎,既寬敞又採光良好的保利藝術空間將充分利用這個場所擧辦各種優越、不分地域及文化界限的展覽。無論 是新晉中國畫家或是古代藝術大師的作品, 這個藝術空間都會將它們一一在香港市場呈獻。 保利藝術空間亦會舉行不同的展覽 及藝文活動, 如私人拍賣,預展和講座等,以鼓勵及促進專家和客人之間的交流互動。除了每年的春秋二拍, 我們深信保利藝 術空間會爲收藏家帶來一個全年四季都開放的藝術交流平台。 為 作為中國內地首屈一指的拍賣行,保利香港拍賣及保利藝術空間很高興能在香港穩建業務基地,並期待與專家團隊帶給您煥然一 新的藝術旅程。

Poly Gallery +852 2303 9878

7/F., One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm (Close on Saturday and Sunday)

Running Brook 野ćš? ¡ 120Ă—120cm ¡ Oil on canvas ĺ¸ƒé?˘ć˛šç•Ť ¡ 2013 (Details ĺą€éƒ¨ Running Brook 野ćš? ¡ 120Ă—120cm ¡ Oil on canvas ĺ¸ƒé?˘ć˛šç•Ť ¡ 2013 (Details ĺą€éƒ¨)

ਿä ‡â›Šá´’ ŕ­źŕŞžäśˆ䢝ಞኋ㿳 ARCHAIC GLORY - Exhibition of the Shang & Zhou Dynasty Bronze Wares

á´ž á°› April 4, 2014 - April 8, 2014





1. 2.

垪蚤喝懡 垪蚤喝懡 ć´Şĺ‡Œĺ€‹ĺą• ć´Şĺ‡Œĺ€‹ĺą• ֟Ⓠφ á°›ᾢÓ‚ŃŒă°…â€ŤŢŁâ€ŹÎ´ ξ㥀㰅૷ ă—„ŕľ ă?†ăŒşÖŠŕźĄá—?θ á’Ş á´ž á°›θă?žă˛•

Provenance: 1. Collection of Zouroku II (1854-1932) 2. Christie’s New York, Rockefeller Plaza, 19 September 2006, Lot 145

7/F, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 俉â‘&#x;ä 䊈䚃 ă˛?ཚਔᔓ๤ áľ? â ƒ +852 2303 9853

co-organized by co-organized by

ASPIRATION ASPIRATION Hong HongLing LingSolo SoloExhibition Exhibition 15 15- -22 22May May2014 2014 Poly Gallery PolyOne Gallery 7/F., Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong 7/F., One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong +852 2303 9878 +852 2303 9878 Monday - Friday 10:00am - 6:00pm Monday - Friday and 10:00am - 6:00pm (Close on Saturday Sunday) (Close on Saturday and Sunday)

保利香港 2014 年春季拍賣及預展 Poly Auction Hong Kong 2014 Spring Auctions & Previews 4 月 4-7 日 | 香港君悅酒店 4-7 April | Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

中國古代書畫 · 中國近現代書畫 · 璀璨珠寶 · 中國及亞洲現當代藝術 · 珍貴鐘錶 「豹變」— 東亞百年風雲遺藏 · 「海會應真」佛教藝術專場 · 中國古董珍玩 中國當代水墨 [I] — 中國當代經典水墨 · 太璞如琢 — 崔如琢精品專場 [II] · 中國當代水墨 [II] — 中國當代新水墨 · 中西名酒珍釀 Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy · Fine Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy · Important Jewels Chinese and Asian Modern & Contemporary Art · Important Watches · A Historical Collection of East Asian Politics and Arts in Early 20th Century The Grand Gathering of Enlightened Beings · Chinese Ceramics & Works of Art Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings (I) - Contemporary Chinese Classical Paintings · Glossiness of Uncarved Jade - Special Auction of Cui Ruzhuo (II) Chinese Contemporary Ink Paintings (II) - New Chinese Ink Paintings · Chinese and Western Wine

查詢 Enquieies : +852 2303 9899 | |

Lot 3316

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