Elegant Embellishments: Featuring the RenLu Collection

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Elegant Embellishments: Featuring the RenLu Collection New York I September 21, 2020

Elegant Embellishments: Featuring the RenLu Collection New York | Monday September 21, 2020 at 10am

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Chronology NEOLITHIC CULTURES Cishan-Peiligang Central Yangshao Gansu Yangshao Hemadu Daxi Majiabang Dawenkou Songze Hongshan Liangzhu Longshan Qijia

c. 6500-5000 BC c. 5000-3000 BC c. 3000-1500 BC c. 5000-3000 BC c. 5000-3000 BC c. 5000-3500 BC c. 4300-2400 BC c. 4000-2500 BC c. 3800-2700 BC c. 3300-2250 BC c. 3000-1700 BC c. 2250-1900 BC

EARLY DYNASTIES Shang c. 1500-1050 BC Western Zhou 1050-771 BC Eastern Zhou Spring & Autumn 770-475 BC Warring States 475-221 BC IMPERIAL CHINA Qin 221-207 BC Han Western Han 206 BC-AD 9 Xin AD 9-25 Eastern Han AD 25-220 Three Kingdoms Shu (Han) 221-263 Wei 220-265 Wu 222-280 Southern dynasties (Six Dynasties) Western Jin 265-316 Eastern Jin 317-420 Liu Song 420-479 Southern Qi 479-502 Liang 502-557 Chen 557-589 Northern dynasties Northern Wei 386-535 Eastern Wei 534-550 Western Wei 535-557 Northern Qi 550-577 Northern Zhou 557-581 4 |


Sui 589-618 Tang 618-906 Five Dynasties 907-960 Liao 907-1125 Song Northern Song 960-1126 Southern Song 1127-1279 Jin 1115-1234 Yuan 1279-1368 Ming Hongwu 1368-1398 Jianwen 1399-1402 Yongle 1403-1424 Hongxi 1425 Xuande 1426-1435 Zhengtong 1436-1449 Jingtai 1450-1456 Tianshun 1457-1464 Chenghua 1465-1487 Hongzhi 1488-1505 Zhengde 1506-1521 Jiajing 1522-1566 Longqing 1567-1572 Wanli 1573-1620 Taichang 1620 Tianqi 1621-1627 Chongzhen 1628-1644 Qing Shunzhi 1644-1661 Kangxi 1662-1722 Yongzheng 1723-1735 Qianlong 1736-1795 Jiaqing 1796-1820 Daoguang 1821-1850 Xianfeng 1851-1861 Tongzhi 1862-1874 Guangxu 1875-1908 Xuantong 1909-1911 REPUBLICAN CHINA Republic 1912-1949 People’s Republic 1949-

The Ren Lu Collection 潤廬品金

The RenLu Collection is a love story. A collection of scholars works of art, furniture, sculpture and jewelry accumulated through years of acquiring one special object at a time. Each one a token of my father’s devotion and love for my mother — or at least that was his justification. My father is well known as a designer, with impeccable taste, and as a creator of fine objects and furniture. He is also an avid student of Chinese antiques and is always curious how they were created, what motivated the maker, and how individual personality and character is portrayed through the pieces. What most people do not know about him is his love for Chinese gold jewelry. His passion started during his business trips to China to work on his contemporary collections. This passion soon became his favorite pastime. Since he is a “maker” himself he was acutely aware, and in awe, of the intricate detail and work in the jewelry. He would be delighted and find joy in the whimsy and characteristics of each piece. He justified his collecting passion by saying they were birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, and holiday gifts for my mother - any reason to buy another special piece. Few people have seen or know about this collection. My father is a very private person, and that both insulates him and fosters a blissful naiveté of pure pleasure for my parent’s collection. From the craftsmen who create and communicate with their hands to the scholars that study the objects, those are the people with whom my father has an easy rapport. He is uncomfortable in the spotlight and would much rather be in a lively discussion with craftsmen problem-solving and creating. He is able to ancient techniques to create modern pieces that are relevant yet steeped with history. And in doing so, he is considered an internationally renowned designer. My father was raised in a family that revolved around art, and making art is what he knows best. His father, Ming Chiao Kuo, was a calligraphy artist whose paintings are in the permanent collection of the Vatican Museum and the Natural History Museum in Taiwan. His applied art (cloisonné) was collected by museums and also given as diplomatic gifts to foreign visitors by Madame Chiang Kai-shek. Family friends included people like Li De (artist/professor), Mo Tian (artist), Max Chi Wai Liu (watercolor artist), Li Lin Can (vice director of National Palace Museum), Ma Bai Sui, and my grandfather’s mentor Jiang Zhao He who my grandfather lived with for 3 years before he left Beijing. This collection is my father’s way of sharing part of himself with others, his quirkiness, whimsy, joyfulness, and amazement at life - through the stellar objects that live in this collection.

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潤盧收藏講述了一個愛情故事。收藏中的每一件文人畫、家 具、雕塑、珠寶首飾都是我父親在經年歲月中為我母親精挑細 選而得,以此作為他們鹣鲽 情深的見證。至少他是這麼解釋的。 我的父親是一位以品味超卓,能工巧匠而聞名的設計師。同時 他也是一位對中國古董癡迷而恭敬的爱好者。每件藝術品的創 作過程,背後的創作動機,以及透過它們流露出的匠人迥異的 個性和氣質通通都令他著迷。但很少有人了解我父亲對中國金 飾的熱情。有一次我父親去中國處理他当代艺术 品收藏的一些 相关事宜,卻意外發現了對中國金飾的喜愛。從此以後收藏金 飾很快發展成他最喜歡的消遣活動。由於他本人也是“匠人” 的緣故,我父親總能敏銳地注意到首飾中精巧繁複的細節,并 對之充滿珍愛甚至敬重之情。每一件首飾體現出的奇思妙想 都使他由衷感到快樂。他總以給我母親送禮物為由不停地收 藏獨特的首飾,生日、結婚紀念日、節假日,任何一個機會都 不會錯過。這個收藏幾乎無人知曉。我父親為人十分低調而注 重私密,這使他與世隔絕的同時也成全了我父母間純真而甜蜜 的幸福。 從以手工製品托物言志的匠人,到研究這些物件的學者,我父 親都能與之相談甚歡,相處融洽。但他不喜歡成為聚光燈下的 焦點,相較而言,與工匠進行一場解決問題或構思設計的討論 反而更使他自在愉快。他能用傳統的技法創造出飽含歷史韻味 又不失現代功能的設計,因此他被認為是一個享有國際盛名的 設計師。 我父親在一個充滿藝術氛圍的家庭中長大,因此藝術創作是他 最擅長的。他的父親郭明喬是一位書法藝術家,作品收藏於梵 蒂岡博物館和台灣自然歷史博物館中。他的景泰藍作品也被若 干博物館收藏,并曾作為外交禮物被蔣中正贈與各國友人。往 來的好友也大多是藝術家,包括李德(藝術家/教授),莫田 (藝術家),劉其偉(水彩畫家),李霖灿(原台北故宮博物 院副院長),馬白水等。蔣兆和曾是我爺爺的導師,搬到北京 之前兩人曾朝夕相處了三年之久。 潤盧收藏中這些如恆星般閃耀的藝術品,一件件都講述著我父 親的故事,講述著他的古怪,他的異想天開,他的快樂以及他 對生活的驚歎。



Elegant Embellishments In the ‘Tributes of Yu’ chapter of the Book of Documents it is thus recorded: “Its articles of tribute were three types of metal (gold, silver, and copper)”. Legend has it that more than four thousand years ago, in the era when Yu was separated into nine states, the metallic tributes from the areas along the Huai and Yangzte rivers were said to be separated into three levels of quality. Since early times then, China has held the commodities of gold and silver as symbols of wealth and identity, and the collection of gold and silver decorations as the exclusive provenance of the nobility. The fifty lots of gold and silver forming the ‘Elegant Embellishments’ collection is comprised of hair ornaments, earrings, necklaces, bangles, ‘ear cups,’ belt hooks and mat weights. Especially noteworthy within the ‘Elegant Embellishments’ collection are the early gold and silver decorations, rarely seen on the market. Because of the scarcity of the commodity itself, in addition to the intricacy, complexity and virtuosity of the artistic creativity of their accomplished artisans, gold and silver objects have historically been held in high esteem by the imperial family and the aristocracy, serving variously the functions of currency, reward, tribute, and objets d’art—their preservation a valuable witness to their historical and cultural legacy. Due to many varied reasons, though the early gold and silver decorations have a high cultural and economic value, they have always been a somewhat neglected category. The most readily visible of these older types of gold and silver are for the most part found in the collections of cultural institutions, inaccessible for the private collector. The accumulation of pieces forming this dedicated ‘Elegant Embellishments’ collection was both via a lengthy process over an extended period of time as well as via occasional chance encounters of serendipity. When I was in college, I helped my father, painter Kuo Ming Chiao in the business of cloisonné. During its production I was brought in contact with the field of Chinese artistry and handicrafts. It was specifically the craftsmanship of gold and silver items from the Spring and Autumn, and Warring States periods through the Eastern and Western Han that struck me as particularly interesting and inspired me towards their collection and research. In the ‘Elegant Embellishments’ auction, Lot 300, A rare inlaid gilt bronze belt hook, Warring States, and Lot 308, A fine and rare inlaid bronze garment hook, Warring States/Western Han period, one can see that the production technology of these pieces is adapted and extrapolated from techniques for soldering and casting bronzes. Engraving, gold and silver inlay, and gilding are notable features of gold and silver from this era. The decoration and form of the Song dynasty gold and silver pieces trended towards more simple elegance. The patterns and subject matter of Lot 316, A pair of gold ‘bird’ earrings, and Lot 324, A pair of gold bracelets took their inspiration from the natural world. The appearance of these shapes and motifs was closely linked to a renewed aesthetic and artistic focus in the Song dynasty upon mood and feeling. Objects of the Ming and Qing dynasties were cast in forms solemn, sumptuous and resplendent, redolent of a notably imperial aura. Lot 318, A pair of gold ‘figural’ earring pendants, moves with a rustic simplicity, whereas Lot 335, A gold ‘dragon bracelet, is an exquisite technical tour de force, elegant and stately.

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The flavor and appearance of gold and silver varied from era to era, each with its own beauty. I first set foot in the field of Chinese antique collecting in 1979, acquiring numerous objects, directing my attention towards articles made from wood, gold and silver, as well as other miscellanea. Afterwards, I spent many hours crisscrossing America, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Mainland. During my travels I had numerous excellent teachers and helpful friends that provided lots of assistance, including Jan Stuart, Na Chih-Liang, Wang Shixiang. While I was interacting with them, I ceaselessly studied the materials, forms, and techniques of China’s classical artworks, gradually getting a sense of the Eastern philosophy inherent in the techniques and craftsmanship of the ancient artisans of these objects. In 1984, I founded a company in West Hollywood. Because of my continued research and collection of China’s ancient arts, my perspectives widened, and my business development process was greatly inspired. Regardless of an artwork’s material or region or date of manufacture, the prerequisite for the creation of any good piece of art is to recognize clearly the relation between old and new as well as the melding of Eastern and Western elements—this has been of extremely important significance in my search for design inspiration. After its policy of Reform and Opening, I traveled nearly everywhere searching for pieces I loved and that had their own artistic feel, the act of collection becoming my own systematic process, creating a farreaching influence upon my design. Of these objects, the collection of gold and silver was formed between 1979 and 2005. Very few pieces entered my care after that. The objects included in this ‘Elegant Embellishments’ sale were the best items chosen by me from the many years I spent collecting. Gold and silver are rare precious metals, especially gold which does not oxidize or decompose easily. Though a thousand years may pass, the work still shines like new, regarded as treasure to be passed through the generations. The soul of gold and silver collection is in the aesthetics of form and craftsmanship, these are the things most worthy of our attention. Gold and silver artifacts where the form and materials are both of equally high quality are not commonly seen. That I could briefly possess these perfect testaments to history gives me a heartfelt sense of gratitude and joy. The level of complexity and elegance of the craftsmanship, as well as its weight and color decide the price of a piece of gold and silver. However, to a collector, to evaluate a piece’s value, it is even more important to consider its cultural and historical significance. ‘A beauty’s necklace, a marquis’ kingly seal; all come dredged from sands and waves.’ I hope that these timeless masterpieces can continue to elegantly accompany modern man. ‘Gold and silver of luminous shine; brilliant beauty in all directions.’ ROBERT KUO


《尚書·禹貢》記載「厥貢惟金三品」——傳說四千多年前禹分 九州的時代,淮揚之地進貢的金屬已經分為三等。中國自古以 黃金白銀為身份財富象徵,金銀器更是專屬貴族的收藏。 「潤廬品金」專場五十組金銀器中,有發飾、耳飾、頸飾、臂 釧、耳杯、帶鉤、席鎮等飾件。比較特別的是,「潤廬品金」 專場彙集多件高古時期的金銀器,這在市場上很罕見。 因為金銀本身的稀缺性,加上能工巧匠繁複精絕的藝術創作, 金銀器歷來為皇家、貴族推崇,被賦予貨幣、賞賜、供奉、觀 賞等功能,是歷史文化珍貴的遺存和見證。 受很多因素限制,高古金銀器雖然文化價值、經濟價值很高, 但一直是偏冷僻的門類,大家能夠經常見到的金銀器,大多屬 於文博藏品,私人無法庋藏。 「潤廬品金」專場的這些藏品,也都是經過漫長的時間和偶然 的機緣才收集到的。我大學時幫父親郭明橋(畫家)經營景泰 藍,在製作過程中接觸到中國工藝美術的領域,對春秋戰國 和兩漢時期的金銀器製作工藝特別感興趣,有了研究和收藏 的發心。 從本次「潤廬品金」專場中的Lot 300:戰國銅鎏金包銀嵌寳 帶鈎、及Lot 308:戰國/西漢時期局部鎏金銅錯銀嵌松石雙獸 首帶鈎,人們能夠看出製作工藝是青銅器冶煉和鑄造工藝的移 植和延伸。鏨花、金銀錯、鎏金是這一時期金銀器的特色。 宋代金銀器在造型和紋飾上變得素雅。Lot 316的半月形鳥紋 金耳環、及Lot 324的金跳脫均為很好的範例。Lot316紋樣取 材於自然,這種造型風格的出現,與宋代以心境意緒為藝術和 美學主題的審美有密切的關係。 明清金銀器造型莊重,華麗繁縟,宮廷氣息濃厚。Lot 318的 人物金耳墜生動古樸; 而Lot 335:雙龍首金手鐲,技巧細膩 精工,雍容華貴。 金銀器在每個時期表現出的氣息和面貌很不一樣,各有各的

美。我從1979年開始涉足中國古代藝術品收藏,以木器、金銀 器、雜項為方向,積累了很多藏品。此後,我把很多時間用在 穿梭於美國、香港、臺灣、大陸之間,在這段旅程中,有很多 良師益友為我提供了許多幫助,Jan Stuart、那志良、王世 襄……在與他們的交往中,我通過對中國古代藝術品材質、造 型、工藝的不斷學習,逐漸摸索到古人製作器物的技巧和工藝 之中蘊含的東方哲學。 1984年,我在美國西好萊塢成立公司,因為持續研究、收藏中 國古代藝術品,開拓了我的視野,在創業過程中得到很多啟 發,不論材質、地域、年代,做好藝術品的前提是認清舊與新 的關係、東方與西方元素的融合,對我找尋設計靈感也有著非 常重要的意義。 中國改革開放後,我到各個地方找尋自己喜愛且具有藝術感的 藏品,形成了自己的收藏體系,對我的設計也產生了深遠的影 響。其中,對金銀器的收藏,時間從1979年到2005年,之後就 很少入手了。 本次「潤廬品金」專場中的器物,是從歷年來我收集到的藏品 中精選出來的。金與銀都是稀有的貴金屬,尤其是黃金不易氧 化腐蝕,歷經千年,仍新亮如初,被視為傳世之寶。 工藝、造型的美感是金銀器收藏中最為靈魂,最應值得關注的 東西。造型和品質俱佳的金銀器並不常見,我為能短暫擁有過 這些見證了歷史的美好器物,感到由衷的感激和歡喜。 金銀器工藝的複雜性及精美程度,重量及成色決定著一件器物 的價值高低。對藏家來說,考量其價格更要看器物本身所包含 的人文價值和歷史價值。 「美人首飾侯王印,盡是沙中浪底來。」希望這些穿越時空的 佳作,可以成為現代人優雅的陪伴。 金銀曜爍,美熠四方。 ROBERT KUO




300 A RARE INLAID GILT BRONZE BELT HOOK Warring States period The gilt bronze surface cast as a feline mask embellished with twisted sashes heightened with raised commas enclosing a circular plaque inlaid with six radiating clusters of degraded stone, and joined to a silver housed shaft terminating in a dragon-headed hook, the gilt underside supported by a broad stud. 4 1/4in (10.7cm) long US$6,000 - 8,000 戰國 銅鎏金包銀嵌寳帶鈎一件 For a closely related belt hook, see Inspired Metalwork: Precious Metal Objects in Early Chinese Art by Gisèle Croës (Brussels, 2005), p.54. Compare an inlaid belt hook from the Junkunc collection sold by Sotheby’s New York, 9 March 2019, lot 114. See also a belt hook of related shape, published in Julia White et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), p 110.

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301 A RARE GILT BRONZE MODEL OF A SILKWORM Han dynasty The segmented body solid cast and supported on four paired legs on the dimpled body, the neck and lifted head further segmented and with three paired legs, large patches of gilding evident under the rich encrusted patina. 2 7/8in (7.4cm) long US$10,000 - 15,000 漢 鎏金蝅形銅飾一件 The worship of the silkworm can be traced to the Shang Dynasty ( 1600 – 1027 BCE ) when it was common to make human sacrifices during the silkworm ceremony. Representations of the silkworm are associated with the domestication, rearing of the silk worm, and the all-important silk weaving industry which was part of the essential economy of China. From the 3rd Century CE the spirit of the silkworm personified the Empress Xiling after which the spirit of the silkworm was worshiped in a special ceremony officiated by the Empress every year during the second half of the lunar month, with offerings of mulberry leaves and woven silk at a special altar set up in the silkworm temple or palace. See examples in the Minneapolis Museum of Art; Gift of Ruth and Bruce Dayton 96.55.1; J.J. Lally & Co., Chinese Works of Art May 27-June 18, 1998, no. 21,


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303 TWO GILT BRONZE BEAR-FORM SUPPORTS Han dynasty Each hollow cast and seated with left fore-paw on folded leg and right fore-paw on well-rounded thigh, each head downcast with gaping mouth showing large teeth and surrounded by a large ruff under pointed ears framing small eyes, the deep sockets and rounded belly cast to receive inlays, the back of each figure cast with a perforated lug for attachment. 1 3/8in (3.5cm) high (2). 302

US$8,000 - 12,000 漢 铜鎏金熊形器足兩件

302 FOUR GILT BRONZE ANIMAL SCULPTURES Han dynasty Each hollow ornament cast in high relief with a recumbent panther or feline, the well-defined head resting on back haunches. Average length: 1 1/8in (2.8cm) Average height: 3/4in (2cm) (4). US$2,500 - 4,000 漢 銅鎏金獸雕四件 Hollowed Ornaments such as these were used as either mat weights with the addition of filler,or part of a horse bridle or saddle embellishments. For a related group, see Christie’s, New York, 16 March 2017, lot 851, from the Erwin Harris Collection, Miami, Florida.

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Bears were depicted in Chinese art at least as early as the Shang dynasty (c. 1600–c. 1050 BC). The bear imagery was popular during the Han Dynasty symbolizing heroic power and has been associated with legendary rulers. Bears are observed in Han art as integral supports for bronze, lacquer and ceramic vessels, as solid-cast bronze sculptural mat-weights, in molded ceramic tiles, in textiles and as carved jade and hardstone figures. For a fine inlaid example, see Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Gilt Bronzes from the Wessen and Other Collections (Eskenazi, Ltd., London, 11-25 July 1980) no. 22. See also a small gilt bronze bear mat weight sold at Christie’s New York, 17 March 2015, from the Robert Ellsworth collection, a closely related seated bear in the Cleveland Museum collection (acquisition number 1994.203), and a set of four Han bear support fittings in the National Museum of Korea, (acquisition number Bongwan 4799).



304 A JADE BIRD-FORM BELT HOOK Late Warring States/Early Western Han dynasty Raised on a large circular stud for attachment, elegantly carved with long tail feathers set off by a short neck and slender head turned back to form the hook, the stone a pale greenish-yellow with white alterations from burial. 1 3/8in (3.5cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000 戰國晚期/西漢早期 鳥形玉帶鈎一件 See a closely related bird-form belt hook published by J.J. Lally & Co., New York, June 1 to 25, 1994, catalog 41. Bronze examples of this type are illustrated in Bernhard Karlgren, Chinese Agraffes in Two Swedish Collections (Stockholm, BMFEA, 1966), no. 38, pl. 75. See also Sotheby’s New York, September 10, 2019, lot 238. 305 TWO PARTIAL GILT SILVER HANDLE FITTINGS Han dynasty Of a curving boat-form, each fitting decorated in gilt with angled geometric patterns to the exterior walls. 5 3/8in (13.7cm) long (2). US$2,000 - 3,000

306 306 AN INLAID GILT BRONZE BELT HOOK Warring States period The curved shaft set with a supporting boss under a central recumbent dragon head rendered in gilt and silver sheet set with turquoise separating a further dragon head on one end and a serpent-headed terminal on the other, the top ridge with turquoise inlay amidst areas of degradation. 8 3/8in (21.2cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000 戰國 銅鎏金包銀嵌松石雙獸首帶鈎一件

漢 漆耳杯錯金銀扣一對 Metal fittings of this shape were used to ornament the ear-shaped handles of lacquered vessels during the Han dynasty.


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307 A GILT BRONZE EAR CUP Han dynasty The concave oval dish raised on a shallow foot and worked with two small flanges on opposing long edges, the surface richly gilt. 4 1/8in (10.5cm)long; 1in (2.5 cm) high US$6,000 - 9,000 漢 銅鎏金耳杯一件 For a spectacular jade version of this type of vessel, see the Western Han example sold in our Hong Kong rooms,5 April 2016, lot 36. This shape (also called yushang), popular during the Western and Eastern Han dynasties, can be traced back to the Warring States period. Han examples in lacquer, rock crystal, and bronze have also appeared at auction. See also a Liao example from the Songzhutang Collection, sold in our same room on 30 May 2017, lot 59 .

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308 A FINE AND RARE INLAID BRONZE GARMENT HOOK Warring States/Western Han period Imaginatively cast on the crest with a mythical winged bixie, its long tail and open mouth joined to a curved shaft finely inlaid with silver and turquoise and terminating in gilt bronze hooks, one end in the form of a fantastic bear, the precocious animal standing on hind legs in a dynamic pose with front paws resting on powerful thighs and mouth agape, the opposing hook modeled as a dragon head with ears laid back flanking deep-set eyes, the whole with patches of green encrustation and supported by a knop for attachment. 8 3/8in (21.3cm) long US$20,000 - 30,000 戰國/西漢 局部鎏金銅錯銀嵌松石雙獸首帶鈎一件 There are two turquoise inlaid belt hooks of thin elongated shape published in Julia White et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999, pp. 109 and 111; the former dated to the Warring States period and the latter as Han. See the gold harness fitting with a bear design published in Simon Kwan and Sun Ji Zhongguo Gudai Jinshi [Chinese Gold Ornaments] (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Meishu Chubanshe, 2003), pp. 232233. Sun there notes that this artifact is likely related to recent archaeological finds excavated from the area of the modern city of Guangzhou.

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309 A GILT BRONZE BELT HOOK Warring States/Western Han period The curved shaft designed as the body of a long-tailed bird and elegantly cast with broad raised spirals tapering to a narrow beaked head set off by opposing c-shaped tail feathers US$2,500 - 3,500 戰國/西漢 銅鎏金鳥首帶鈎一件 310 A GOLD INLAID BRONZE GARMENT HOOK Han dynasty The tapered shaft finely inlaid in gold and silver in a geometric pattern of interlocking spirals and banded lozenges extending the length of the crest to the dragon-head hook, the underside showing traces of inlay on the large button for attachment. 4 1/2in (11.5cm) long US$2,000 - 3,000 漢 銅錯金銀幾何紋龍首帶鉤一件


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Belt hooks with this elegant and fluid geometric design can be found on Warring States and Western Han lacquer and painting. For a discussion of this, see a related example published in Julia M. White and Emma C. Bunker, Adornment for Eternity (Denver, Denver Art Museum, 1994), catalog no. 27, page 108. Compare also a similar example from the Kempe collection, sold at Sotheby’s London, 14 May 2008, lot 24, and published in Bo Gyllensvard, Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection (Stockholm, 1953), cat. no 78, and another published and exhibited in Ancient Chinese and Ordos Bronzes (Hong Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong 1990), cat. no 134.


311 A GILT BRONZE GARMENT HOOK Warring States period The curved panel cast as a powerful dragon head, the bulging eyes and curved horns forming the center of the crest under a narrow neck extending to a bird-head hook with open beak. 3in (7.7cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000 戰國 銅鎏金鳥形帶鈎一件 See a comparable hook published in Simon Kwan and Sun Ji Zhongguo Gudai Jinshi [Chinese Gold Ornaments] (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Meishu Chubanshe, 2003), pp. 224-225, no. 85. 312 A GOLD AND SILVER INLAID BRONZE BELT HOOK Han dynasty The plump shield-form body elegantly inlaid with two addorsed birds sharing a central ‘tail’, each head and claw finely executed in silver under gold inlaid bodies extending to flared ‘wings’ bordered in silver above a bovine head at the base, and upward to further silver talons at the narrow neck of the serpent head, the underside with extensive silver bands of geometric pattern inlaid under the domed stud, together with a ring of plain hammered silver. 3in (97.7cm) long (2).


313 A GILT BRONZE AXE-HEAD GARMENT HOOK Han dynasty Cast in the form of a flattened axe-head inlaid with fine gold in a geometric pattern of whorls and c-commas, and joined to the hook by a taotie mask carefully inlaid in gold along with the narrow shaft terminating in a dragon head hook, the details further accented in gold inlay, the reverse boss once inlaid and now covered with a malachite patina. 3 1/2in (8.8cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000 漢 銅錯金饕餮紋斧形龍首帶鈎一件 Several hooks from the Warring States period through the Han with repeating geometric inlay patterns reminiscent of the present lot are illustrated in Julia White et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), pp. 107-114. See notably the example described as a ‘garment hook’ on p. 113 with the wide body like that of the present lot. Compare a related example from the Sze Yuan Tang collection, sold at Christie’s New York, 16 Sept 2010, lot 862, and in the British Museum (acquisition number 1936,1118.113) dated Warring States to Han.

US$4,000 - 6,000 漢 銅錯金銀鳥獸紋帶鈎及銀環各一件


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314 A GOLD INLAID BRONZE GARMENT HOOK Han dynasty Elegantly inlaid with a cut gold geometric pattern of continuous c-commas and volutes extending toward a well-modeled bird head, the design accented by silver wire inlays repeated on the sides and the raised boss. 6in (15.3cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000

315 TWO BRONZE ANIMAL-SHAPED ORNAMENTS Han dynasty The first a bird-form finial dingshi cast with a broad tail and crescentshaped body supported by a circular socket; the second a miniature vessel modeled as a crouching tiger resting on folded legs, its mouth open forming a spout and tail curled back joining a narrow curved handle, the body with incised details. finial 41/4in (10.8cm) long, 3 1/8in (7.9cm) high tiger vessel 4in (10.1cm) long; 2in (5.1cm) high (2).

漢 銅錯金嵌銀絲龍首帶鈎一件

US$3,000 - 6,000

For a Han example of an elongated hook with geometric pattern and turquoise inlay,see Julia White et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), p. 111. For a Warring states version, see ibid p. 107. Compare also a related Warring States example with elaborate gold geometric pattern inlay published in Simon Kwan and Sun Ji Zhongguo Gudai Jinshi [Chinese Gold Ornaments] (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Meishu Chubanshe, 2003), pp. 220-221.

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漢 動物形青銅飾物兩件 See an elaborately cast and inlaid bronze dingshi finial sold in these rooms on 16 March 2015 as lot 2001, and a finely detailed bronze example as 2002. The tiger-form vessel has its larger comparable in animal-form vessels. See a fine example of a larger type in J.J. Lally. Archaic Chinese Bronzes, Jades and Works of Art (June 1 to 25, 1994), no 59.


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316 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘BIRD’ EARRINGS, ERHUAN Song dynasty Each rendered in the form of a bird with an open beak, its curving body resembling the shape of a crescent moon, etched with stylized feathers, the tail thinning into a distinctive 几-form pin. 7/8in (2.2cm) wide from head to tail (2). US$3,000 - 5,000

317 TWO GOLD ‘CELESTIAL DEITY’ EARRINGS, ERHUAN 10th-14th century Each decorated with a deity seated on floating clouds holding a fruitlike offering in two hands, the figure’s head surmounted with a crown, framed by a halo with incised lines, the curving pin thinning towards its tip. 1 3/8in (3.5cm) long excluding pin (2). US$4,000 - 6,000

宋 半月形鳥紋金耳環一對 Simple crescent moon-shaped earrings represent one of the distinctive jewelry designs during the Song dynasty. For further discussion on this subject,refer to Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 1, p. 282. Compare a similar example in Ancient Chinese Gold Earrings, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection, Xu Xiadong (Hong Kong, Arts of Asia, 2006), vol. 36, no. 6, p. 75, pl. 10. Also, a related pair of earrings was referred in The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), The referred pair was found from a Northern Song Tomb dated to 1090 CE in Pengze, Jiangxi Province (Part II, pp. 216-217, no. D19).

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十至十四世紀 仙人雲紋金耳環一對 In Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), Yang Zhishui states that earrings carrying the images of young boys or celestial figures were favored during the Song and Yuan dynasties. The popularity of such themes continued into the Ming dynasty (vol. 2, p. 614). In his book Yang refers to two pairs of earrings, both featuring a figurine design, excavated from the same Ming burial site in Daqiangmen, Wuxi.One pair was made in gold, the other in gold inset with jade (p. 615, pl. 6.19.1 & 6.19.2). Refer to a set of eight small gold ornaments depicting the Eight Daoist Immortals, originally applied to a gold headband that belonged to a Ming dynasty princess. The figurines were unearthed in Jiangxi Province and published in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), pp. 470-471, pl. 311. Deity images were often utilized during the Ming dynasty to ornament gold jewelries. Compare also lot 318 in this sale, a pair of Ming dynasty gold ‘figural’ earring pendants. The figures are depicted in a lively and yet austere fashion, exhibiting some similarities with the style of the present earrings.

318 318 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘FIGURAL’ EARRING PENDANTS, ERZHUI Ming dynasty Each rendered as a female figure in layered leaf-form robes standing on a flower pedestal and carrying a basket on her back containing a lingzhi branch, identified either as the Deity of Medicine yaoshen or as Maonu, her rounded face framed by thick hair and surmounted with a large lotus blossom with a wire loop in the center for attaching a pin. 2in (5.1cm) high overall (2). US$8,000 - 10,000 明 人物金耳墜一對 A virtually identical pair of earrings was recovered from a Ming (Yongle period) burial in the Xu Da Family cemetery near Nanjing in the 1970s. The figure decorating the earrings is identified as the Yaoshen (Deity of Medicine) in Jin yu Yu (金與玉,2004). The earrings are also published and illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 2, p. 623, pl. 6.24. Yang Zhishui, author of the book, states that the depicted figure is in fact called Yujiang, known as Maonu (hairy girl) – an immortal known after the collapse of the Qin dynasty. The information related to Maonu is recorded in the Han dynasty book Liexian Zhuan (Biographies of Immortals). Compare also another example of an almost identical figure appearing on a hairpin, excavated from a Ming tomb in Qizhou County, Hubei Province, illustrated in The Golden China, Gold Artifacts of Ancient China, (Nanjing: Nanjing Museum, 2013), pp. 342-343. It is believed that there were inlaid beads on each of the flower petals above the figure’s head, now missing.


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319 A GOLD FLOWER HAIRPIN, ZAN Ming dynasty The tapering shaft with subtly beveled top and decorated with incised lotuses to the upper section, supporting a slightly tilted neck encircled by thin rings below an angled flower head and three sensitively rendered leaves. 5 3/4in (14.7cm) long US$2,500 - 3,500 明 花卉紋金簪一支 There are many different terms for hairpins in Chinese depending on the design, and how and where they are used for. Broadly, hairpins can be classified as zan (one-tined hairpins) and chai. (two-tined hairpins). zan can be found in use by both men and women, while chai is mostly reserved for women.


In Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), Simon Kwan and Sun Ji point out that the zan was more popular than chai during the Ming dynasty, when there exist a greater variety of shape and design on the shaft of the zan style hairpins (p. 100), such as featuring two beveled sides sloping from the central raised ridge as shown in the present example. Other zan hairpins with alike shaped shafts are illustrated on page. 101, pl. 213.

320 A GOLD ‘DRAGON’ HAIRPIN, CHAI Yuan dynasty The two-tined hairpin gently curved, cast and chased to the upper portions with two confronting dragons joined by a flower head, the prongs rendered thin and flat. 6 1/2in (16.5cm) long US$3,000 - 5,000 元 卷龍紋金釵一件


In Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), Simon Kwan and Sun Ji discuss the curving finishing seen on hairpins during the Yuan and early Ming dynasties, as well as the gold hairpins with coiled dragon design which is peculiar to the Yuan dynasty (pp. 458-460, pl. 299 and 300). In addition, a set of seven gold head ornaments, included a similarly decorated gold hairpin, excavated from a Yuan dynasty burial at Zhoujiatian in Huangpi, Hubei province, are illustrated in Ancient Chinese Cultures of Gold Jewellery and Ornamentation by Yang Boda (Arts of Asia, MarchApril 2008), vol. 38, no. 2, pl.58. Compare also similar examples in Radiant Legacy; Ancient Chinese Gold from the Mengdiexuan Collection by Jenny F. So (Hong Kong: The Chinese University, 2013), Part II, pp. 112–113, no. 3, and in Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection by Bo Gyllensvärd, (Stockholm, 1953), p. 121, pl. 63.

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321 A GOLD HAIRPIN WITH FLOWER DECORATION, TONGZAN 12th-14th century Worked in beaten gold sheet folded into a hollowed, slightly tapering shaft, the upper section with repoussé flowers and leaves between two key-fret bands, crowned with a flower head top further decorated with raised leafy blossoms. 8 3/4in (22.2cm) long US$8,000 - 12,000

321 (detail)

十二至十四世紀 花紋金筒簪一支 Compare a gold nail-form hairpin with floral design and dated to the Southern Song dynasty, illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 395, pl. 240. Simon Kwan and Sun Ji compare the illustrated gold hairpin to a similar example unearthed from the Zhu Family cemetery and dated to year 1197 in Jiangxi province. P. 394. In addition, Yang Zhishui described a related gold hairpin, excavated from a Yuan dynasty tomb in Hunan province, illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 1, pp. 176-177, pl. 3.15.5. In contrast to the Song hairpin, the shaft of the Yuan dynasty hairpin appears to taper more dramatically, and finished with a thinner tip.


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322 A GOLD ‘DRAGON’ AIRPIN, CHAI Yuan dynasty The two-tined hairpin molded and chased with two coiled dragons topped with a flower blossom, the shafts hammered flat. 5 1/2in (14cm) long US$3,000 - 4,000 元 卷龍紋金钗一件 Compare two very similar gold hairpins excavated from a Yuan dynasty tomb belonged to the Huang Family in Yuanling, Hunan province, illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 1, p. 152, pl. 4.3.1 & 4.3.2. See also gold hairpins cast and chased with a twisted dragon design, illustrated in Radiant Legacy, Ancient Gold from the Mendexuan Collection, Jenny F. So (Hong Kong: The Chinese University, 2013), vol. 3, p.113, pl. C & D, as well as in Adornment for Eternity by Julia M. White and Emma C. Bunker (Denver Art Museum, 1994), p. 192, pl. 105, where the authors note that the “twisted gilt hairpins of this two-tined type have also been found in Inner Mongolia and appear to belong to a type that originated in the north and was brought to the south during the Yuan dynasty.” (p. 192).

322 (detail)

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323 A PAIR OF GOLD DRAGON-FORM BRACELETS, QIANZHUO Ming dynasty or earlier Each penannular-form bracelet with a solid, rounded shank flattening towards its terminals, with worn hammered details to present a pair of facing dragons. 2 5/8in (6.7cm) wide (2). US$7,000 - 9,000

324 A PAIR OF GOLD BRACELETS, TIAOTUO Song-Yuan dynasty Of circular form, each made from a long strip of gold sheet, one side hammered with two parallel grooves, the narrower ends wrapped with spiraled wire, terminating in loops surrounding the body of the bracelet to create a spring-like effect for expansion. 2 3/4in (7cm) diameter (2). US$8,000 - 12,000

明或更早期 雙龍紋金鉗鐲一對 The rudimentary format of the bracelets appears to have taken inspiration of the jue-form gold bracelets found as early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Jue(玦)is distinctive design better known in early Chinese jade carving characteristically presented in the form of a ring with a small break in the circumference. A group of gold jue-form jewelries excavated from Shang and Zhou tombs near Beijing are illustrated and discussed in Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), P. 41, no. 49, and pp. 136-137, pl. 137. Simon Kwan and Sun Ji point out that the measurements of this group of distinctive gold jewelries vary notably. It is believed that they could have been bracelets, earrings, or nose ring hoops. This group of penannular-form gold jewelries all feature a rounded shank and flattened termini but in a flared, ‘trumpet shape’. It is possible that the present pair of bracelets evolved from the early gold jue-form jewelries.

宋元 金跳脫一對 In Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), Yang Zineng mentions of a pair of related silver bracelets from the Song dynasty excavated from a site in Jiangxi (p. 327). He suggests that bracelets during this period could be divided into looser types versus tighter types. Aspects of the present lot suggest that it is one of the ‘looser’ types as he describes it. In Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), Simon Kwan and Sun Ji make note of a gold bracelet (tiaotuo), found in a Song dynasty burial site in Luoyang, which is nearly identical to the present pair, illustrated on p. 84, no. 161. Compare another related example in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection Part 1 (Art Museum. The Institute for Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), pp. 220-221, no. D23,


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US$2,000 - 3,000

326 A PAIR OF GEMSTONE-INSET GOLD EARRINGS, ERHUAN Ming dynasty The lavish pendant of each earring modeled with two plum flower heads below a butterfly-shaped design to the front and reverse, and paired by intricate tubes enmeshed with thin wires, each flower head and the butterfly adorned with a central ruby cabochon set within a high collar, the top surmounted with a long, elaborately curved pin rising between a pair of flanking leaves. 1 1/2in (3.8cm) long excluding pin (2).

明/清初 鍍金銀嵌寶石花形耳環一對

US$5,000 - 7,000

325 A PAIR OF GILT SILVER AND RUBY EARRINGS, ERHUAN Ming/early Qing dynasty The pendant of each earring modeled as a single flower head with a central ruby cabochon set within a roped collar surrounded by realistically rendered flower petals housing granulated balls, the curving flower stem issuing from behind served as the pin. 1/2in (1.3cm) diameter of pendant (2).

For additional gold ‘flower head’ earrings with inlaid precious stones, refer to Adornment for the Body and Soul, Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Emma C. Bunker and Julia M. White with Jenny F. So (Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, 1999), p. 301, pl. 145, and The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), Part II, pp. 462-463, no. G65. Gold earrings with inset gemstone decoration are seen in both the Ming and Qing dynasties. But generally, the earring pins from the Qing dynasty tend to be thinner and more delicate than the bolder and thicker pins shown in the present pair of earrings.

明 嵌寶石蝶趕梅花金耳環一對 Long wire pins and elaborate, layered gold work with sumptuous precious stone inlays are characteristic of Ming dynasty jewelry and was a style favored by the Ming Imperial Family. Similar examples were found in the Mausoleum of Ding Ling according to Zhong Guo (Beijing: 1989), pl. 126. The combination of a butterfly or a bee and flower blossoms on gemstone-inlaid jewelry belongs to a distinctive motif common during the Yuan and Ming dynasties, called feng die gan hua (bee and butterfly chasing flowers). For more information related to this prototype, refer to Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi by Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 2, p612-614. For detailed treatment and workmanship similar to the present pair of earrings, compare a gemstone-inlaid gold hairpin illustrated in The Golden China, Gold Artifacts of Ancient China, (Nanjing: Nanjing Museum, 2013), p. 330, p. 333, and p.345.

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327 A PAIR OF GEMSTONE-INLAID GOLD HAIRPINS, ZAN Late Ming/early Qing dynasty Each single-tined hairpin decorated with bamboo stalk pattern to the flattened shaft, branching into large filigree lotus blossoms and buds inset with red cabochon rubies and sapphires interspersed with lively leaves. 5 1/2in (14cm) long (2). US$6,000 - 8,000 明末/清初 金纍絲嵌寶荷花簪一對 Gold hairpins with branched flowers and embellished with inset gemstones were fashionable in the Ming and Qing dynasties. For more examples, refer to Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 3, pp 812-818, and The Golden China, Gold Artifacts of Ancient China, (Nanjing: Nanjing Museum, 2013), p. 350, p. 360, and p. 362. Similar pair of earrings is also published and illustrated in Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), Part II, pp. 568-569, no. H27.

327 (detail)


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328 AN IMPRESSIVE GOLD ‘LONGEVITY’ HAIRPIN, TONGZAN Late Ming dynasty Made by rolling a beaten gold sheet into a tapering shaft with an openwork lotus reserve between repoussé bands, the shaft slightly curved toward the top and terminated in a mushroom head with a pierced shou character between two additional shou roundels. 9in (22.9cm) long US$8,000 - 12,000 明末 蘑菇首壽紋金筒簪一支 According to Yang Zhishui, the distinctive shape of this hairpin, characterized by its long conical shaft gently angled toward a mushroom-form head, was fashionable during the Ming dynasty. This type of hairpins was generally used by men and was also made in other materials, including jade, agate, and amber. Compare a pair of gold hairpins of this type, unearthed from the Xu Da Family cemetery of the Ming dynasty in Nanjing, measuring 11.5cm, published and illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 2, pp. 438-439, pl. 5.43. The present example is distinctive for its unusually large size. See also a similar gold hairpin in Celestial Creations. Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Art Museum, The Institute for Chinese Studies, The Chinese University, Hong Kong 2007), Part II, pp. 396-397, no. G28.

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329 A CRYSTAL AND GOLD BEAD NECKLACE The crystal: Liao dynasty or later The bead crystals carved as flattened ovals, melon shape,or fishform set between hollow gold beads of various sizes linked to a cylindrical neck piece, wrapped gilt wire chain for suspension. 14 5/8in (37cm) long US$10,000 - 15,000 水晶金珠項鏈一條 水晶:遼或晚期 Emma Bunker cites in Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), that a Liao example of a rock crystal necklace with amber plaques found intact at Yemaotai (p. 155 and 163). Another Liao necklace with tubular gold spacers and rock crystal beads was sold at Sotheby’s London, 10 November 2010, lot 161. A set of rock crystal belt fittings dated Jin/Liao was sold at Christie’s London, 18 June 2002, lot 83. They noted there that ‘rock crystal and agate were among the most popular materials chosen as adornments by the Liao aristocracy, and often carved as ornaments or belt plaques.’ Compare also a gold and crystal necklace from the Ch. Deydier Collection, dated to the Liao dynasty, illustrated in Ancient Chinese Gold (Paris: ARHIS, 2001), Han Wei & Christian Deydier, p. 191, pl.481. 潤廬品金 ELEGANT EMBELLISHMENTS

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330 THREE GOLD HAIRPINS Two-tined hairpin chai: Tang-Song dynasty One-tined hairpins zan: Qing dynasty Including a two-tined hairpin split to the top into an arched, double saddle-form head rendered from a thin gold sheet, and two similar one-tined hairpins, each of slender tapering form, the top of the shaft slightly angled to a tripartite floral design. 3 3/4, 3 5/8, and 3 5/8in (9.5, 9.2, and 9.2cm) long (3). US$3,000 - 5,000 金並頭釵一件及金簪兩件 金並頭釵 唐宋 金簪 清


331 THREE GOLD HAIRPINS, CHAI Tang-Song dynasty All two-tined, including a Tang dynasty hairpin rendered in U-form, cast with a simple bridge-shaped head, and two hairpins of Tang-Song dynasty, each with long tapering prongs, connected to the top with a small saddle-form head. 3 1/2, 6 1/16 and 7 1/16in (8.9, 15.5 and 18.1cm) (3). US$4,000 - 6,000 唐宋 金折股釵三件 Compare a similar gold hairpin from the Tang dynasty with a bridgelike head, illustrated in The Golden China, Gold Artifacts of Ancient China, (Nanjing: Nanjing Museum, 2013), p. 318. It is stated in The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection that simple two–pronged hairpins were found in Sui tombs and an early Tang tomb in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province ((Hong Kong: Art Museum, The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), Part II, pp. 140-141. See also a gold hairpin with a double saddle-shaped head, dated to the Tang dynasty, illustrated in Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection by Bo Gyllensvärd , (Stockholm, 1953), p. 104, pl. 46.

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332 A GOLD-MOUNTED WHITE JADE PENDANT Qing dynasty The white jade carved in openwork and incised line with a central cash design surrounded by seven flower petals, mounted with a gold bee with two spiral antennae each terminated with a small pearl, the body of the bee inset with a large ruby cabochon above a pair of leaves inset with additional pearls. 2 1/4in (5.7cm) diameter of jade US$3,000 - 5,000 清 白玉鑲金嵌珍珠紅寶石飾牌一枚 Ornaments such as the present example would be used either as garment appliques or personal adornment such as those attached to pins to form hairpins during the Qing dynasty. Compare similar examples published and illustrated in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (The Art Museum, The Institute for Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong 2007), Part II, pp. 446 – 449, as well as in Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong, Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), Simon Kwan and Sun Ji, p. 494, no. 336.


333 A GOLD HAIRNET ORNAMENT, DIANSHI Qing dynasty Skillfully worked in delicate filigree technique to display three bats surrounding clouds and encircled by auspicious ruyi cloud scrolls, backed by wires and four central ruyi collars soldered with two thin tubes for attachment. 2 1/8 x 2 7/8in (5.4 x 7.3cm) US$3,000 - 5,000 清 祥雲蝙蝠紋金鈿飾一件


Hair ornaments with sumptuous filigree design were favored during the Qing dynasty. They were often attached to a wire and silk-woven hairnet called ‘dianzi’ worn by females in elite families. A piece such as the present example may have originally had inlay work of kingfisher feather. For discussion and additional examples of gold filigree hair ornaments used to decorate dianzi, refer to Chinese Gold Ornaments by Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 106, and pp. 546-547, pl. 184.


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334 A PAIR OF GEMSTONE-INLAID GOLD EARRINGS, ERHUAN Late Ming/early Qing dynasty Each modeled in the shape of two blossoms below a butterfly-like design, the inlaid cabochons of green and pink tourmaline and pearl bead set within high collars, surrounded by delicate and layered filigree work resembling chrysanthemum petals, mounted with an elaborate S-shaped pin. 1 5/8in (4.1cm) long excluding pin (2). US$4,000 - 5,000 明末清初 金鑲寶蝶趕菊耳環一對 The earring style of the present example was favored by the Ming Imperial Family and is similar to those found in the Mausoleum of Ding Ling according to Zhongguo (Beijing: 1989), pl. 126.

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Compare a pair of almost identical earrings with inlaid precious stones,each designed as two chrysanthemum heads arranged vertically below a butterfly, unearthed from the Zou Lingren Cemetery from the Ming dynasty in Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 2, p. 613, pl. 6.18.1 & 6.18.2. See also similar earrings with shorter pins, dated to the Yuan dynasty, illustrated in Adornment for the Body and Soul, Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Emma C. Bunker and Julia M. White with Jenny F. So (Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, 1999), p. 293, pl. 135, and in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2007), Part II, pp. 454–455, no. G59.

335 A GOLD ‘DRAGON’ BRACELET, SHOUZHUO Qing dynasty, 18th/19th century The hollowed bracelet designed with two confronting dragons, the inner side of the shank left plain, and stamped with a maker’s cartouche, reading ‘Deyuan’, the exterior with meticulously chased details depicting the scaly body of the creature undulating through clouds, each dragon head with a wide open mouth, revealing its teeth and tongue, its mane rendered in densely incised lines. Outer diameter: 3 1/8in (7.9cm) Inner diameter: 2 5/8in (6.7cm) US$8,000 - 12,000 清 十八/十九世紀 雙龍首金手鐲一支 Yang Zhishui cites in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi(Beijing: Gugong, 2014) that bracelets with dragon head ends can trace their origin to the Yuan dynasty, saw development through the Ming dynasty, and provided inspiration to later bracelets in the Qing dynasty (vol. 2, p.635). Compare similar examples illustrated in Collection of Beijing Palace Museum (Beijing, 1992), pl. 263, and in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Art Museum, The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong 2007), Part II, pp. 628–629, no. H65.


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336 A PAIR OF GOLD EARRINGS AND FOUR GOLD ORNAMENTS Gold earrings: Qing dynasty, 19th century Each earring constructed as a large blossom with three layers of granulated balls suspending a flower-decorated crescent and teardrop-shaped leaves, the reverse of the bloom mounted with a loop, holding a thin curving pin; the bird-shaped ornaments each portrayed as a goose in flight rendered with a hollowed body and outstretched wings with hammered and pinched details, and pierced at one end for mounting. Earrings: 1 5/8in (4.1cm) long excluding pin ‘Bird’ ornaments: 1 1/4 x 1 1/4in (3.2 x 3.2cm) (6). US$4,000 - 6,000 瓔珞花卉半月紋金耳環一對及飛雁鳴春金飾四枚 金耳環:清 十九世紀 The subject matter of the earrings suggests that the pair could be made for the Muslim community.

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337 A PAIR OF OPENWORK GOLD BEADS Liao dynasty Each of spherical profile, formed by twelve curvilinear loops and two circular rings connected together with tiny granulated beads. 1/2 x 3/4 x 5/8in (1.4 x 1.9 x 1.6cm) dimensions of each (2). US$2,000 - 3,000 遼 金項珠兩枚 Gold beads such as these would be used in necklace during the Liao dynasty. Compare a group of five similar gold beads illustrated in Adornment for the Body and Soul, Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Emma C. Bunker and Julia M. White with Jenny F. So (Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, 1999), p. 237, pl. 104. See also Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), pp. 366-367, pl. 217.


338 A PAIR OF TWISTED GOLD BRACELETS, QIANZHUO 19th century or later Of penannular form, each executed from a solid strand of gold, finished in a twisted rope design. 2 7/8in (7.3cm) wide (2). US$8,000 - 12,000 十九世紀或晚期 金紐絲鉗鐲一對 Bracelets with similar design but carved from jade were also fashionable during the Qing dynasty. Compare a white jade rope-twist bangle, dated to the 18th century, sold in our Hong Kong rooms, 28 May 2019, sale 25664, lot 83.


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339 A GOLD AND AMBER HAIRPIN, BAOTOULIAN ZAN 18th/19th century The slender needle-shaped shaft topped with a carved amber finger citron held by layered ruyi collars and floral design finely worked in filigree technique, all above an open lotus. 6 5/8in (16.8cm) long overall US$3,000 - 5,000 十八/十九世紀 金纍絲嵌琥珀佛手抱頭蓮簪一件 A group of similarly designed hairpins has been identified and the applied design is described as baoshi baotoulian. They belong to the zan hairpin style category, characterized with a tapering thin shaft and crowned with a bead, carved or plain, held by flower petals. The overall design is both simple and lively. Two examples from this category are recorded and illustrated in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 3, pp. 826-827, pl. 8.42.1 & pl. 8.42.2: one excavated from a Qing dynasty tomb in Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, the other in the Collection of the Forbidden City Museum.


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Similar hairpins had also been excavated from Ming burial sites. Compare a closely related example illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 483, pl. 323. See also a group of hairpins of this type from the Carl Kempe Collection, dated to the Ming dynasty, illustrated in Chinese Gold and Silver in the Carl Kempe Collection by Bo Gyllensvärd (Stockholm, 1953), p. 120, pl. 60, 61, & 62.


340 AN AMBER PLAQUE 10th-14th century The brilliant orange red amber carved with the Hehe twins standing together under a broad lotus leaf. 2 x 1 5/8in (5.1 x 4.2cm) US$3,000 - 4,000 十至十四世紀 琥珀刻人物飾件一枚 For a lengthy discussion and numerous examples of the role of carved amber decorations in the Liao dynasty, see Emma Bunker et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The Univ. Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), pp. 152-201. Though most of the examples discussed are of plants or animals, there is a figural group of demons reminiscent of the present lot published as plate 193.


341 A WHITE JADE-MOUNTED SILVER BOX Late Qing dynasty The thin box of ruyi head outline, its exterior incised with pleasant leafy flowers, the underside stamped ‘CHINA’, ‘STERLING’, and an undecipherable mark, the hinged cover mounted with a conforming white jade plaque carved in openwork depicting flowers and longtailed birds flanking a double-happiness character above an auspicious bat. 4 3/16in (10.6cm) wide US$5,000 - 7,000 晚清 嵌雙喜白玉鎖如意銀盒一件


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342 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘DRAGON-FISH’ EARRINGS, ERHUAN Qing dynasty Each hollowed dragon fish carefully rendered in pierced openwork and spiraling wire, the fins and tails in repoussé work, with an open mouth, spiky back, its lower chin suspending a curving wire and topped with a tiny lobed tray probably meant to hold a pearl. 1 5/8in (4.1cm) wide (2). US$2,000 - 3,000 清 纍絲魚化龍金耳環一對


The Chinese word for fish ‘yu’ is identical in pronunciation to that of abundance, making the image a rebus for wealth. The design of the earrings is based on the Chinese interpretation of the sign Capricorn (mojie) itself derived from the Hindu makara (sea dragon) and absorbed into the Chinese repertory through the influence of the invading Hunnish tribes of Xiongnu, one of the ancestral tribes of the later Liao Dynasty. Earrings in dragon-fish form appeared in many varieties during the Qing dynasty. Qing examples can be distinguished from the earlier periods by virtue of their spiky back, openwork body and the decorative clouds. Compare dragon-fish earrings illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 551, pl. 386, and from the Betty Lo and Kenneth Chu Collection, illustrated in Adornment for Eternity (Denver Art Museum, 1994), White J.M and Bunker E.C., P. 158, pl.71.

343 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘BAT’ EARRINGS, ERQIAN Qing dynasty Each decorated with a carefully cut and chased bat soldered to the flattened hoop with beaded edges that narrows to a wire pin for threading through the earlobe. 1 1/8in (2.8cm) diameter (2). US$2,000 - 3,000 清 蝙蝠紋金耳鉗一對 Yang Zhishui states in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014) that during the Qing dynasty a new style of earrings came in fashion, known as erqian (vol. 3, p. 842). A erqian is a type of hoop earring without a pendant; any decorative design is being applied directly to the hoop. Compare a similar pair of Qing dynasty gold earrings with a bat design illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji, (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 533, pl. 371.

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344 A PAIR OF GOLD BRACELETS, QIANZHUO Liao dynasty style Of oval C-form, each made from a gold strip narrowing to paired snake head termini, the exterior finished with two banded ridges framing a slightly raised belt incised with flowers and leaf scrolls against a ground filled with small punched circles resembling the scaly body of a snake. 2 7/8in (7.3cm) wide (2). US$9,000 - 12,000 遼代風格 蛇形花紋金鉗鐲一對 Compare Liao bracelets similar to the present example, published in Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Emma C. Bunker and Julia M. White with Jenny F. So (Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, 1999), p. 236.


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345 TWO GOLD HAIRPINS, ZAN Late Qing dynasty Including a bianzan made in the shape of a flat weaving shuttle, the central waist un-decorated, separating four registers of chased flowers on each side, curving toward two double-gourd finials, the underside with two cartouche marks, reading ‘Yuzhen’, and ‘zujin’ (pure gold); the second a dingzan hairpin with a tapering shaft widening and curving to one end, decorated with the image of an additional hairpin and framed with granulated bands. 3 1/2 and 2 1/8in ((8.9 and 5.4cm) long (2). US$2,000 - 3,000 晚清 花紋金簪兩件


Both bianzan and dingzan were distinctive types of hairpin widely used by women during the Qing dynasty. bianzan was used to underpin the hairdo, whilst dingzan was applied vertically to strengthen and stabilize the chignon.For more information and illustrated examples of this type, refer to Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 3, pp. 798-800. Compare also a similar gold bianzan with a floral design, illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments by Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), p. 526, pl. 365.

346 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘LANTERN’ EARRINGS, ERHUAN Ming dynasty style Each hollowed earring made by skillfully folding a beaten gold sheet into two globular sections with faceted sides, and mounted between delicate lotus petals, the base rendered as a lotus pod with tiny openings, with an elaborate S-shaped pin pulling from the top layers of a flower head and leaves. 1 1/2in (3.8cm) high excluding pin (2). US$4,000 - 6,000 明式 燈籠形金耳環一對 Lantern-form earrings are discussed by Yang Zhishui in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol.2, p. 626 and p.629. See two elaborately designed lantern-form gold earrings illustrated in vol. 3, p. 849, pl. 8.63.1 and pl. 8.63.2. Compare also a pair of gold and crystal lantern-form earrings from the Ming dynasty, presented as lot 356 in this sale.

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347 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘DRAGON’ HAIRPINS, TONGZAN Qing dynasty The head of each dynamic dragon rendered in intricate pierced work and delicate wiring, and crowned with a silver-gray pearl between a pair of scrolling horns, its hollowed, elongated body serving as the pin, executed in a repetitive openwork pattern. 5 3/4in (14.7cm) long (2). US$5,000 - 7,000 清 纍絲龍首紋金通簪一對 Simon Kwan and Sun Ji suggest in Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003) that openwork ‘dragon’ hairpins with hollowed shaft were fashionable during the Ming and Qing dynasties. This hairpin style is known as tongzan (p. 564). For further discussion and illustrated examples of this type, refer to Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 3, pp. 828-829. Compare also, related examples in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection Part 11 (Art Museum, The Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University, Hong Kong. 2007), pp. 572–573, no. H29, and in Collection of Beijing Capital Museum (Beijing 2004), pl. 272.

347 (detail)


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348 A GOLD BRACELET, QIANZHUO Liao dynasty Hammered from a strip of gold, the C-shaped bracelet gently tapering toward each end, and terminated in a carefully rolled scroll, the outer side with three conforming ribs, enclosing two bands of delicately engraved acanthus leaves against a typical punched background. 2 3/4in (7cm) wide US$4,000 - 6,000 遼 花紋金鉗鐲一支


A slightly more elaborate pair of this general shape from the Liao dynasty was published in Emma Bunker et al Adornment for the Body and Soul: Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The University Museum and Art Gallery, 1999), p236. Compare also, a Liao bracelet similar to the present example illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments by Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003), pp. 382-383, pl. 231. Kwan and Sun suggest that the Liao continued stylistic developments dating to the Tang dynasty. See the Tang prototypes published in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi, Yang Zhishui (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol. 1, p. 129.

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349 A PAIR OF GOLD ‘DOUBLE-GOURD’ EARRINGS, ERHUAN Ming dynasty style The two rounded sections separated by a small, pearled ring at its waist, and hammered into eight panels to the side walls, each framing chased scrolling patterns, the base of the gourd decorated with a cash design, the top capped by a lotus leaf with a long S-shaped stem cleverly serving as the pin. 3/4in (1.9cm) high excluding pin (2). US$2,000 - 3,000

350 A GOLD BRACELET,QIANZHUO Ming dynasty or later The shank of the simple C-shaped bracelet gently widening toward two nail-form termini. 3 3/16in (8.1cm) wide US$8,000 - 12,000 明或晚期 金鉗鐲一支

明式 葫蘆形金耳環一對 The double-gourd motif carries many important, auspicious meanings in the Chinese culture including fertility, immortality, prosperity and high social status. The image appears in many forms of art throughout the Chinese history. Yang Zhishui states in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014) that the gourd-form earrings are a commonly seen design during the Ming dynasty. Such design was developed from the Yuan dynasty prototype (vol. 1, pp. 601-609). Examples of related form are seen in Adornment for the Body and Soul, Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection, Emma C. Bunker et. al. (Hong Kong, the University of Hong Kong Museum Society, 1999), pp. 282-283, pl. 124 & 125. Compare also a pair of gold ‘double-gourd’ ear pendants from the Carl Kempe Collection, sold at Sotheby’s, Hong Kong, 11 April 2008, lot 2324,


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Property of Various Owners

351 A SMALL SILVER ‘LOTUS’ BOWL Song/Yuan dynasty The deep bowl finely formed as a graceful open lotus, its gently sloping side walls carefully indented and cut out to present eight lotus petals rising from a circular foot ring, enclosing a skillfully rendered blossom well fitted in the floor of the bowl and on the base. 1 1/2in (3.8cm) high US$5,000 - 7,000 351

宋/元 蓮花小銀碗一件 Although no other identical examples of this type have been recorded, bowls and cups designed in an open flower shape appear to have been popular during the Song and Yuan dynasties. Compare a gold bowl cut out in the form of an open chrysanthemum, published and illustrated in the exhibition catalog Imperial Gold from Ancient China, Christian Deydier (London, Oriental Bronzes Ltd., 1990), p. 42, pl. 14. Refer also to a parcel gilt flower-form silver cup, dated to the Song dynasty and reminiscent of the present example, illustrated in Ancient Chinese Gold, Han Wei and Chritian Deydier (Paris, Les Editions D’art et D’histoire, 2001), p. 183, pl. 456. A more elaborate silver cup in the form of a lotus flower is known in the Zhejiang Museum Collection in Jiangsu province. In addition, floriform is an important design motif that often appears on ceramics from both the Song and Yuan dynasties.

351 (detail)

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352 A FINE GOLD ‘FLOWER’ HAIRPIN, CHAI Southern Song dynasty The tapering shafts of the two-tined hairpin richly decorated to the upper portion in high relief with various flowers and leaves against a punched ground, all above bands of vertical lappets and triangle patterns, the top finished with an oval chrysanthemum blossom detailed with tiered radiating petals. 7 7/8in (20cm) long US$8,000 - 12,000 南宋 花紋雙股金釵一件 Compare a pair of gold hairpins from the Southern Song dynasty, illustrated in Adornment for Eternity, Julia M. White and Emma C. Bunker (Denver Art Museum, 1994), p. 184, no. 96. In the exhibition catalog, the authors refer similar hairpins, excavated from a Southern Song tomb in a suburb of Fuzhou, published and illustrated in Wenwu (Beijing, 1977, issue no. 7), p. 10, pl. 29. Another example published in Wenwu 1984, issue no. 5, p. 83, pl. 5.


See also two closely related gold hairpins illustrated in Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith: The Cheng Xun Tang Collection, Vol. I (Hong Kong, 2007), pp. 184-185, no. D03, and three smaller gold hairpins illustrated in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji, (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Art Publication Ltd., 2003) pp. 396-397, no. 242.

352 (detail)


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353 A PAIR OF AMBER AND GOLD EARRINGS, ERHUAN Liao dyansty, circa 1100 Each crafted with an ovoid bead formed by gold curvilinear loops housing a gold bauble suspended from a long wire threading through an amber and a fluted gold bead, and terminating into a U-shaped hook. 1 3/8in (3.5cm) long excluding pin (2). US$5,000 - 7,000 遼 約十一世紀前後 金珠琥珀耳環一對

354 A PAIR OF GOLD AND CARNELIAN EARRINGS, ERZHUI Ming dynasty, 16th/17th century Each designed with a carnelian flower bud capped with gilt silver work decorated with two pairs of opposing flower heads inset with small gemstone beads, probably garnets, and topped with a plum flower blossom with a long curving stem threading through a small loop, serving as the pin. 1 3/8in (3.5cm)long excluding pin (2). US$6,000 - 8,000 明 十六/十七世紀 紅玉髓花心金耳墜一對


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355 A PAIR OF GOLD CUPS Ming dynasty, circa 1600 The side walls carefully hammered into eight lobes, rising from a slightly flayed foot ring, and finished with a conforming, rolled lip rim. 1 3/8 in (3.5cm) diameter 2 1/2 in (6 cm) high (2). US$25,000 - 35,000 明 約十六世紀前後 花瓣形金杯一對 Compare a related example of a single gold cup published and illustrated in The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), part II, pp. 518 – 519, no. G99.


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356 A PAIR OF GOLD AND CRYSTAL EARRINGS, ERHUAN Ming dynasty, 16th century Composed of two faceted orbs of rock crystal mounted in a petalled lantern crest and cap, suspended from U-shaped gold clasps. 1in (2.54cm) long excluding pin US$8,000 - 12,000 明 十六世紀 燈籠形金穿水晶耳環一對 Lantern-form earrings are discussed in detail by Yang Zhishui in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Beijing: Gugong, 2014), vol.2, p. 626 and p. 629. This format of earrings was also made in other materials, including jade and gold combination, pearl and gold combination, or solid gold during the Ming dynasty. Compare a jade and gold filigree lantern-form earring unearthed from a Ming tomb in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, illustrated in vol. 3, p. 1067, pl.6.29.1. See also a closely related pair of earrings in Chinese Gold Ornaments, Simon Kwan and Sun Ji (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Arts Publications Ltd, 2003), p.508, no.348, #4.


357 A PAIR OF GOLD EARRINGS,ERQIAN Late Ming/early Qing dynasty Of penannular-form, each designed as a pair of dragons facing each other with a pearl balanced between them. 7/8in (2.2cm) long US$2,000 - 3,000 明末清初 雙龍戯珠金耳鉗一對 For a closely related pair, see Simon Kwan and Sun Li Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Arts Publications Ltd, 2003), p. 551, no. 387, and The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection. (Hong Kong: Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), part II, p. 464, #G66.


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358 A GOLD PERFUME HOLDER, POMANDER Song/Jin dynasty, 11th/12th century Crafted from a sheet of gold, pierced and decorated in repoussé and chasing technique, the teardrop-shaped container composed of two halves with one side fitting tightly into the other, meant to hold fragrant leaves or scented material and to be suspended from either a belt or attached to a shawl. 3 3/8in (8.5cm) high US$10,000 - 15,000 宋/金 十一/十二世紀 鏤空金香薰盒一件 Compare similar examples published in Adornment for Eternity (Denver Art Museum, 1994) by Julia M. White and Emma C. Bunker. p 186, no. 98, and in Adornment for the Body and Soul, Ancient Chinese Ornaments from the Mengdiexuan Collection (Hong Kong: The university Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, 1999), Emma C. Bunker, Julia M. White, and Jenny F. So, p. 289 no.131.

See also a pomander excavated from a woman’s tomb in Nanjing in 1980 published in Wenwu (Beijing: 1982.3), pl. 3 no. 1, and in Zhongguo meishu quanji (Beijing: Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, 1988) by Yang Boda, vol. 10, p. 41, pls. 86 & 87. A gold pendant of similar form decorated in openwork with a phoenix and peony design, excavated in 1980 from a Northern Song tomb at Mufushan, Nanjing, and now in the collection of the Nanjing Museum, is illustrated in Compendium of Chinese Works of Art, Arts and Crafts 10: Gold, Silver, Glass, and Cloisonné (Beijing: 1987), p. 41, nos. 86 and 87, with description on p. 25, where the author states that this type of pendant was worn on a silk cord or necklace and used as a pomander. Another similar gold ‘twin phoenix’ pendant is illustrated in the catalogue of the special exhibition organized by the Art Museum of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, entitled Celestial Creations, Art of the Chinese Goldsmith: The Cheng Xun Tang Collection, (Hong Kong: 2007), Vol. I, pp. 224–225, described as a scarf pendant and attributed to the Song dynasty.


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359 A PAIR OF FILIGREE EARRINGS, ERQIAN Qing dynasty, 18th century Each composed of intricate floral filigree surface in a gold frame mounted at one end with a bat and flower terminal centered with a small ruby cabochon. 1 1/8in (2.8cm) high US$6,000 - 8,000 清 十八世紀 金纍絲嵌寳蝙蝠紋耳鉗一對 For a closely related pair, see Chinese Gold Ornaments (Hong Kong: Muwen Tang Fine Arts Publications Ltd., 2003), Simon Kwan and Sun Li, pp. 548-549, # 385, and in The Art of the Chinese Goldsmith, The Cheng Xun Tang Collection (Hong Kong: Art Museum, Institute of Chinese Studies, The Chinese University Hong Kong, 2007), part II, pp.610 – 611, #H53.


360 AN ELABORATE GOLD HAIRPIECE Qing dynasty, 18th century Consisting of twelve chains of pomegranate and fruit suspended from an elaborate hair piece of flowers, birds and cloud scrolls rendered from fine gold wires joined to a two-prong pin. 5 1/2in (13.3cm) long US$12,000 - 18,000 清 十八世紀 吉祥花果紋金發飾一件


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361 A PAIR OF GOLD PHOENIX HAIRPINS, FENGCHAI 10th-14th century Each bird with uplifted wings and long tail plumage, standing on a flower-head platform issuing from a curving stem splitting into two prongs through a rolled leaf with indented detail. 5 1/4in (13.3cm) long

361 (detail)

US$30,000 - 40,000 十至十四世紀 綉羽鳴春金釵一對 Yang Zhishui states in Zhongguo Gudai Jinyin Shoushi (Bejing: Gugong, 2014) that some decorative designs on gold jewelry during the Song and Yuan dynasties could be inspired by known paintings or embroidery work. Among the examples given in the book is a hairpin decorated with a long-tailed bird on a flower-head excavated from a Yuan tomb in Hunan province, comparable to the present example. These bird images seem to closely echo the motif depicted in an embroidery work from the Song dynasty now in the Palace Museum Collection. (vol. 3., p. 912, pl. 9.18 & pl. 919).

361 (detail)


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362 A FINE AND RARE GOLD ‘PHOENIX’ HEADBAND Mid-late Qing dynasty The deeply arched band cleverly designed as three hinged segments, decorated with graceful lotus flowers framed by fine openwork borders, the top of the band adorned with nine carefully rendered models of phoenix worked in filigree technique, the back of each phoenix inset with a ruby cabochon and a pearl, its wings skillfully wired to create a dynamic effect, separated by eight pleasant blossoms each with layered filigree petals and surmounted with a central pearl bead. dimensions?? US$180,000 - 220,000 清中晚期 嵌珍珠寶石金鳳冠一件 While there appear to be no published examples of this type, the superb quality of the hairpiece suggests use by the Imperial Court; the subject matter suggests it was made for informal use or used most likely by a bride during the wedding ceremony or for important court event. The symbol of the phoenix was associated with the Empress. In the official portrait of the Empress Xiaozhuangwen (1613 -1688) she is seen to be wearing a differently designed crown decorated with phoenix each holding pearls.

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