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Internet Marketing For Beginners – Online Marketing Training Posted by Michael Kyle on Mar 27th, 2015 no comments
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Internet Marketing For Beginners When I first started building my online business I wished that I had taken a course on Internet marketing for beginners. That would have helped me to avoid a lot of the mistakes that I made. Sadly enough I see this happening every single day with the new marketer coming online. There are some common mistakes that a lot of newbie marketers make that with a little research can be avoided. I made the same mistakes and want to help those just starting to avoid them. I decided to make a list and address the most common mistakes I see new Internet marketers make and to help cut down the learning curve.
How To Do Internet Marketing The #1 thing that you must do as a marketer is to find a mentor. This needs to be one of the first things that you do. You have two choices when learning how to do Internet marketing. You can either try to learn Internet marketing for beginners on your own with all of the frustrations and probable failure that it includes or you can find someone that has what you want and learn from him/her. Your chances of success have just increased drastically when you find a mentor and model what they are doing. When you have this step completed you are ready to learn your craft. If you follow my advice to the following questions I get often you will be further along then most others just starting out.
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1. “If I join your business, will I make $5000 in the next 30 days?” I have no idea if you will make that much money in 30 days or if you ever will. I don’t know your work ethic, time limitations, the ability to be coached on the business and other factors. Anyone that tells you that you will make a specific dollar amount is lying to you and you need to run as far away from that person as possible because someone that guarantees your income to get you to join them doesn’t have your best interest in mind. As with any Internet marketing for beginners course, I can show you how to access the tools and training needed to produce those income results. It is then up to you to Let your visitors save your web pages as PDF and set many options for the layout! Get a download as PDF link to PDFmyURL!
put that into action in your own business and make it happen. I can mentor you and show you what I do to make the income I do but your results will be a direct reflection of your actions. Make sure that you work on your mindset and realize that you are building a real business and it will take time and money. You will need to invest in your education which in turn will make you a better business owner and mentor to others.
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2. “Why am I not making money yet? I’ve had 1000 hits to my link and no sales?” One thing that you will learn with Internet marketing training is that cheap traffic is garbage traffic. Before starting any type of paid advertising you MUST learn and understand how it works or you may lose a lot of money in the process. Not all traffic is created equal. Unfortunately there are some unethical traffic providers out there that seem to pray on the new person lacking Internet marketing for beginners training. When you are ready to invest in paid traffic, pick one method, learn it and start off slow. Don’t throw $500 on a solo ad if you have no idea what it is or how it works.
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Along those same lines, if you see someone offering 1000 clicks for $20, don’t buy it because it’s junk emails you will get. I spent money on this when I started and I had an autoresponder full of emails that was unresponsive and bounced. To answer this question in a few words I always tell my new team members to get the training on paid traffic, learn one method and start out with small traffic orders to test. If you are starting with solo ads you will need to test a few based on testimonials and sales proof and see how responsive the list is after they optin to your list. Remember that you may not get any initial sales from a solo ad. That does not mean that it was a bad one. You should have a follow up sequence plus your daily emails sent to them to turn them into a customer. Work with your up-line as they probably will have a list of solo ad providers that produce good results. 3. “How should I market my business?” This is a question I get very often. Unfortunately it comes from new members that don’t take the time to go through the orientation process once they sign up. When you join my business, you will have a series of setup videos to watch on Internet marketing for beginners . This the first thing you need to do in your new business as it teaches you how to get everything set up to get your business up and running. After you set up your business you go right to the training videos which teach you how to market your business. You will have training on some free and paid methods. Let your visitors save your web pages as PDF and set many options for the layout! Get a download as PDF link to PDFmyURL!
I always advise people to do both ways of marketing. Using free methods such as social media and blogging take a little longer to build your list but with blogging you are getting very targeted traffic. My blog for example gets a lot of targeted leads for my business because I provide value content geared towards my niche which is the make money online niche. Your job is to get as many eyeballs to your site or affiliate link as possible. The more targeted eyeballs to your site the more sales you will make. 4. “Is it better to do paid advertising or free?” I touched on this in the previous question but to elaborate on it you want to use both methods of advertising. I always teach people to use a combination of both because that is more people seeing your site. Free methods take longer to get results but your leads are usually very targeted if you are advertising to your niche audience. If you have extra money that you can put into paid traffic then you definitely want to do that. Follow my advice on paid traffic from a few questions back. A good rule of thumb for paid advertising is to take 20% of your earnings and put back into advertising your business. If you can put more back into it then do it, but make sure to put at least 20% back into it. 5. “I’ve posted 2 ads on Craigslist and still no sales.” Almost every new Internet marketing business owner has this concern. They think that this is a trade one for one business. What I mean by that is that they post an ad on Craigslist or a message on Facebook and think they should see a sale for that effort. They want to trade one marketing effort for one sale. It doesn’t work like that as you will quickly find out. I was like that when I started because you are just so excited and anxious to get that first sale that it just drives you crazy and you think you are doing something wrong. You are not doing anything wrong. Sadly though a lot of people give up just before that first sales comes in. You will need to get your site out there in front of tons of people and keep putting it out there. You will get that sale but you must stick with it. When you get that first sale you will be so pumped about your business and then you really start to have an understanding how it all works and you get better and better at marketing your business and the sales should continue to come in. 6. “Should I sell my own product or one from someone else?” Let your visitors save your web pages as PDF and set many options for the layout! Get a download as PDF link to PDFmyURL!
Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. You can make a lot of money selling products on JVZoo, Clickbank and Clicksure to name a few. I prefer to sell Internet marketing training products that I purchased and use. This way while you are investing in yourself through different levels of training you can become an affiliate and sell these same training products to others for their own business growth and earn a 70% commission on each sale. Take this blog for example. I use this blog to put training out there for the make money online niche. I also sell this blog as an affiliate and earn a 70% commission on each sale. You can also put banners on your blog and sell whatever you want. Blogging is a great way to get very targeted traffic to your business. I will let you know how to get your own viral blogging system like this one and the training products that you can resell for up to a $3000 commission each at the end of this post. 7. “How do I sell when I don’t have a big subscriber list?” Every Internet marketing business got started without a list. Even the big gurus had to start at zero and go through the Internet marketing for beginners stage. As you market your business and start bringing in leads, you will want to message them daily through your autoresponder. You want to build a relationship with your subscribers whether your list is 5 people or 500 people. As they get to know, like and trust you they will be more willing to buy from you. In my opinion, you want to nurture your list even more when it is small because they will stick around. Then the more you email them the better you will get at it and by that time they will trust you and want to buy from you. Just remember that you don’t want to pitch your business to your list with every email. You want to send value content to them and only pitch your link to them 30% of the time. The other 70% should be training or some other value they can use. A good thing to do to help you become a good email marketer is to get on the mailing lists of those that are making the type of money you want. See how they market to their list and model that. Don’t take their content and just send it to your list though. You want to use it as a model but always write in your own style.
Online Marketing For Beginners These are the top questions I get on a day to day basis from people looking to start an online business. I have incorporated this blog post into my welcome package for my new team members. This can be used as an Internet marketing for beginners Let your visitors save your web pages as PDF and set many options for the layout! Get a download as PDF link to PDFmyURL!
question and answer piece. This post can also serve as a ‘what to expect’ for the new marketer. I hope you got value from this post as I enjoyed putting it together. If you could please comment below and share this with your friends if you think they can benefit from it, I’d greatly appreciate it. Click Here to see a related post to compliment this one. I mentioned earlier that I’d share with you how to get your own viral blogging system like this one and learn how to earn up to $3000 commissions reselling the training products. You can watch a video with all of the details by clicking below.
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Michael Kyle Thank you for reading my posts! If you would like to connect, reach out to me on Facebook.
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