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Coping Strategies For Stress – Is It Killing You? Posted by Michael Kyle on Mar 30th, 2015 no comments
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Coping Strategies For Stress You know that thumping in your head that you get when you can’t think of anything but the long dreaded day you are going to have tomorrow? What about that pit in your stomach that makes you feel like you could throw up today’s lunch?
Recent Posts Coping Strategies For Stress - Is It Killing You?
We all wish we could have better coping strategies for stress in our arsenal. In a perfect world you would be able to look stress in the eye, give it a half hearted smirk and kick it the curb. Of course we are not wired that way so we need to find other ways of coping with stress. Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
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As you read this post keep in mind that this is for informational purposes only and is not intended to treat or cure any condition associated with stress. See your doctor before starting any exercise regimen or making any other drastic changes in your life.
What Is Stress? Stress can mean different things to different people. Stress is the body’s reaction to harmful situations. These situations can be either real or perceived as real. When you feel threatened your body has a chemical reaction that allows you to deal with this threat to avoid harm to yourself. This is known as the threat response or more commonly known as fight or flight.
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What happens to your body in this fight or flight mode is an increase in heart rate, muscles tighten, heavier breathing and your blood pressure rises. Your coping strategies for stress or what stresses you to begin with may differ completely from the next person. What stresses you out and sends you into a panic may have no effect on the next person and vice versa. Some people simply handle stress better than others.
What’s causing you to stress out so much? Almost everything you do in life can have some sort of stress attached to it. Although some stress is easy to deal with, there is always going to be that stress that pulls you down. The first thing you need to do is to figure out where the stress is coming from. Finding the source of your stress isn’t always easy because the source is not always obvious. Your thoughts and behaviors may be more to blame than you realize. If you are the type of person that puts off everything until the last minute like I used to be, then you know that feeling you get in your stomach the night before a big project is due at school or work. You know that feeling sucks yet here you are again the night it’s due scrambling to put something together half-assed and before you know it it’s 3am and you need to wake up in 4 hours. Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
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Believe it or not one of your coping strategies for stress in your life may be your own denial of it. I know what you’re thinking. “I’m feeling the stress so how could I be denying it?” Are you attributing your stress levels to it just being one of those days? It’s always like this around this time. Or it’s always like this at home. Maybe you think your stress level is normal or you put the blame on someone else and their behavior. This is something that you will need to figure out in your own world and see just what is causing you to stress out.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Stress? The most common physical symptoms often reported by those experiencing excess stress include changes in sleep or sleep patterns and disturbances. Gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches and worsening of pre existing conditions too. No part of the body is immune to the effects of stress. Everything from the way you think to the way you act can be affected by your stress levels. I bet just by reading what you have so far on this post you are thinking about the different ways that stress is negatively impacting your life. Am I right?
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Coping With Stress At Work No doubt one of the coping strategies for stress that you have on a regular basis is that from your job.. You know the feeling when you get to work only to find out that 3 of your co-workers called in sick and you just received 3 times the work load for the day. Coping with stress at work is always a hard task because you are required to keep that happy look on your face but inside you want to rip the face off of the next person that calls your name. The type of stress that comes from your job can be a little harder to diffuse but there are things you can do to lighten it a little bit. Taking a break and putting on headphones and listening to your favorite music can Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
put a band aid on your stress making it a little easier to deal with. Depending on your job, asking for a change of workload or station change can put a fresh look on things. Although these are just small things they can help with your overall stress.
Good And Bad Strategies For Coping With Stress There are many ways to deal with your stress, but are you making the right choices? There are good and bad ways to deal with it. Let’s look at a few of each.
Poor Stress Relieving Techniques 1. Yelling or taking your stress out on others. The only thing you’ll lose here is friends. 2. Smoking and Drinking. That drink you have after work can turn into a real problem if you don’t watch it. 3. Procrastination. This is hard for a lot of us to overcome but is definitely a big added stress in our lives. 4. Staying in bed or sleeping too much. 5. Avoiding our friends and loved ones. 6. Over medicating yourself to deal with the stress. 7. Ignoring problems. 8. Overeating. 9. Dwelling on negative things. 10. Compulsive spending or shopping.
Good Stress Relieving Techniques 1. Limit the amount of time you spend with people that add stress to your life. Obviously there are times you can’t avoid this. 2. Avoid situations that give you added stress such as heavy traffic. Take a different route. 3. Go for a good run to clear your head. Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
4. Exercise or go to the gym. 5. If the evening news, politics or certain programs raise your stress level, turn off the television. 6. Practice meditation and prayer. 7. Learn to express your feelings. Don’t keep them bottled up. 8. Plan your schedule and do your best to stick to it. This may be hard if you are a procrastinator. 9. Focus on the positive things in your life. 10. Look at a stressful situation as opportunity to better yourself or change something for the better.
This short video talks about the positive effects of Transcendental Meditation.
What are the long term effects of too much stress? Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
Everyone has a little stress in life as there is no way to avoid it. Having a little stress and dealing with it properly is nothing to worry about. It’s when you have added stress on top of existing stress or chronic stress, that hasn’t been dealt with is where you can run into problems. There are many health issues that can arise. Conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke to name a few. You can develop mental problems such as depression and anxiety or personality disorders. Sexual dysfunction or lose of sexual desire can occur. You can develop skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. You can have permanent hair loss too. If you use food as a way to deal with stress you could become obese and have all of the problems that come with that as well. I bet you are seriously evaluating your stress levels by now? I know I am!
Does Stress Affect Men Differently Than Women? I knew that men and women deal with stress differently but I wasn’t aware of the difference in the early identification of cardiovascular risk and hormonal changes. Check out this short video. This was an eye opener for me. How about you?
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What you can do right now to get your stress level in check The first thing to do is to relax and try to clear your mind. You need to figure out what are the leading causes of the heavy or chronic stress in your life. Take out a pad and pen, or open a notepad on your computer so you can jot down what you come up with. If there are certain days where you have more stress than others start with those days. What you want to do is write down the things that are causing you a lot stress. Ask yourself what you can do to lessen or eliminate that stress. Do this for each one you have written down and come up with a coping strategies for each. As you go through and write them down you will see that the stress levels and how you deal with them will start to become easier. When I looked at my own stress, I found out that my biggest contributor to my stress level was ME. I was the type like I mentioned earlier that would blame others, make excuses for my actions or lack thereof and attribute my many stresses to it just being the way it is, especially when it came to work. What did you come up with?
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You want to use ongoing techniques I mentioned to take and keep control of your stress levels. Here is a recap.
Go for a morning or evening run to clear your mind. Start and keep a healthy diet. Keep a positive attitude. Look at what stresses you and turn it into a challenge you can conquer. Exercise regularly. Manage your time and make time for fun activities. Get a good nights sleep each night. Avoid any type of self medication. Seek counseling if needed. Start a gym membership and go at least 3 times a week. Spend time with your friends and loved ones. This one alone can positively impact your life. Click here for a post on personal development planning that I think you find helpful too. Do you need professional PDFs? Try PDFmyURL!
In closing I would like to say that I hope you got some really good tips from this post and will implement them into your life. I know it was a real eye opener for me when I finally decided to take charge of my stress. You are always going to have those days that you just wished you could start over and not get out of bed, but it is how you deal with those days and the stress that they create that will make all the difference to your life and to your health. I can’t wait to hear what you come up with and how you deal with your stress. I’m sure that you have other strategies for coping with stress that I don’t have listed. Please put them in the comments so others can put them into practice. One of the best things I found to help with stress levels is blogging. Being able to write about anything I want has helped me deal with things that I may never have talked about before. What’s also really cool about blogging is that you get to interact with people that may be going through the same things or have similar problems and they can comment back to you and get a discussion going about something you may never have talked about. Let me know your thoughts in the comments and if you’d like to get your own viral blogging system just like mine, check out the box below for more information. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.
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