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Building A Better You

Get Off Your Lazy Butt – How To Motivate Yourself Posted by Michael Kyle on Apr 10th, 2015 no comments

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How To Motivate Yourself – Is There A Secret To This? So you have a list of things that you need to get done but you don’t know how to motivate yourself to get started. Does this sound like you? I seem to have this problem more often than not. You have every intention of completing each task. Heck, you wrote it all down. You’ve scheduled time for it but still here you sit, thinking about it but putting it in motion is a whole different story.

Ways To Motivate Yourself 1. Tell yourself a true lie. Create a story about yourself that puts in the light of an amazing person. Think about who you want to be and imagine yourself as that person. This is the start of a mindset that will teach you how to motivate yourself.

2. Get out of the box. It’s time step away from the box and envision a Do you need professional PDFs for your application or on your website? Try the PDFmyURL API!

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future of enrichment and satisfaction. Too often you look at where you have been and only see the same limitations in your future. Great motivational energy occurs when you get out of that box and realize that the possibilities for creative ideas are infinite. To create the best possible future for yourself, don’t try to look at it from a box containing your own past. Create your future from scratch. 3. Find Your Passion. When you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, you will probably find it hard to stay motivated. That is why it is so important to go about reaching your goal in a way that draws you closer and closer to it. Finding what you are passionate about is pretty simple. One way to learn how to motivate yourself by using what you are passionate about is to create a plan that includes other things you care about and enjoy doing. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight but lack the motivation to do so, have a buddy join you and help hold each other accountable to stick to the plan. 4. Don’t Get Stuck in the Comparison Trap. This is an easy thing to fall into even if we are trying not to. Comparing yourself or your work to somebody else’s. Think about this for a moment. The first thing you do after you plant flowers outside your home is to compare it to your next door neighbor.When you find yourself in this situation where you start to compare your achievements with the next person, stop yourself and make it a comparison between yourself today verses yesterday. 5. Ask Yourself “Why?” Why is it that you have set something in place? If it is a personal goal that you want to achieve. Why is it that you want this? You must really dig into this and get a complete understanding of what you want so when times get tough you will have this to fall back on.Make sure you know what results you will get by achieving this goal. What will be affected by this and what will it mean to you?

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6. Write Down Your Goals. When you take the time to write down your goals, you will have it as a reminder and it becomes a great way to motivate yourself to get things done. You want to have these goals located where you are going to see them often.Post your goal list throughout your home. Post it next to your computer, on the bathroom mirror and on the refrigerator to name a few places. You will see this many times throughout the day and get the motivation to get things done. 7. Tell Others What Your Goals Are. When you have your goals set up and posted when you will see them often, share them for someone that you trust. This serves as sort of an extra push to make sure you stick with it. You are essentially telling your friend that these are my goals and I want you to help me stick to them.As you learn how to motivate yourself and get closer to reaching your goals, having that extra cheer from your friends will go a long way towards helping you to keep moving forward. This is a very effective motivation method. Have you ever tried this one? Do you need professional PDFs for your application or on your website? Try the PDFmyURL API!

8. Read Inspiring Quotes. What better way to get your mind working properly and to get you inspired to tackle your goals than by reading some inspirational quotes. This is a must when learning how to motivate yourself. Reading the words of successful people and what got them there is very inspiring and will impact you quickly.Make this a part of your daily routine. Along with reading your goal list, make it a habit to take in some inspirational quotes from the leaders. You will start to see yourself in these quotes and see that you can accomplish your dreams. Start this today and see how fast your mindset starts to change. 9. Take Responsibility. It seems that somewhere during our formative years we were conditioned to put the blame on someone else for the things we do wrong. Is this something we were conditioned to do or a learned habit. When you put the blame on someone else, the person that is damaged the most is you.Instead take full responsibility for your actions. By doing this you will begin to see that you can change things in your life and better yourself. You will find out that you are the only one that can change your behavior and better yourself. 10. Gain Strength from Motivational Speeches. Along with reading motivational quotes watching motivational speakers is a great way to learn how to motivate yourself. You can take these motivational speakers with you when your are driving, running or at the gym.This can have such a positive effect on your mindset. Make this a part of your daily routine along with reading motivational quotes. You will soon be pumped to accomplish your goals. Check out this motivational video.

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How To Motivate Myself – Conclusion The biggest takeaway from this post is to stay positive and stay focused. You are always going to have times when you are lacking motivation. It’s how you deal with it that will determine whether or not you will succeed at what you do. Try to stay away from focusing on your faults or failures. Look at each failure as an opportunity to improve yourself. Keeping a positive mind will help you get more done than if you dwell on the past. Keep everything in perspective and don’t let what other people accomplish change your direction. You are the only one who can change yourself and your future. Following these motivation techniques have really help change the way I see and do things. How about you? What things have you done that taught you how to motivate yourself? I would like to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

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