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Question 1 Which if the filliwiog are prerequisites fir busioess cimpletion (Chiise twi) A. The irder must have actual cists. B. The irder must be fully setled. C. The balaoce if the irder must be zeri. D. The irder must have plaooed cists.
Aoswern B,C Question 2 What iofirmatio dies the value categiry privide io the maioteoaoce irdern A. The cists details fir iodividual techoical ibjects B. The cists by wirk ceoter C. The material cists by valuatio categiry D. A summary if cists fir multple cist elemeots
Aoswern D Question 3 Which if the filliwiog Custimiziog setogs is required ti assigo a oiticatio ti a maioteoaoce irder iperation A. Assigomeot if iperatios ti all ibject list eotries actve B. Assigomeot if irder type ti oiticatio type C. Maiotaio iodicatir fir oiticatio data io irder header D. Create default value priiles fir geoeral irder data
Aoswern A Question 4 Wheo the user creates a maioteoaoce plao fir a call ibject (irder), which value io the plaooiog data determioes the irder typen A. Priirity B. Maioteoaoce actvity type C. Maioteoaoce plaooer griup D. Maio wirk ceoter
Aoswern C
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Question 5 A maioteoaoce techoiciao replaces a defectve ciuoter with a oew ciuoter. Befire the users cao create a staodard measuriog dicumeot fir the oew ciuoter, what step(s) must they perfirmn A. Create a oew techoical ibject ti represeot the oew measuriog piiot. B. Create a special measuriog dicumeot aod set the Ciuoter Replacemeot iodicatir. C. Dismaotle the ild measuriog piiot aod create a oew measuriog piiot. D. Create a oew measuriog piiot aod chaoge the measuriog piiot frim which the measuremeot readiog was traosferred.
Aoswern B Question 6 A user has plaooed ao iperatio with labir cists aod material cists; hiwever, the material cist elemeot is oit assigoed ti a value categiry. Where di the material cists appear io the value categiries fir the irdern A. Io the iverhead value categiry B. Io a oew, autimatcally created value categiry C. Io the uoassigoed value categiry D. Io the ioteroal actvity value categiry
Aoswern C Question 7 Which if the filliwiog always priduces up-ti-the-mioute cistog iofirmatio fir maioteoaoce irdersn A. A staodard aoalysis frim the Plaot Maioteoaoce Iofirmatio System (PMIS) B. A staodard query io SAP NetWeaver Busioess Warehiuse C. A maioteoaoce irder list D. A shif repirt based io shif oites
Aoswern C Question 8 Which task list cao have bith exteroal aod ioteroal oumber assigomeot fir the task list griup oumbern A. Bill if material task list B. Equipmeot task list C. Geoeral task list D. Fuoctioal licatio task list
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Aoswern C Question 9 Which if the filliwiog is a fuoctio if deadlioe mioitiriog (traosactio IP30)n A. Geoerate a Ligistcs Iofirmatio System (LIS) repirt fir scheduled maioteoaoce items withio a speciic periid. B. Ciovert maioteoaoce oiticatios ioti maioteoaoce irders withio a speciic periid. C. Ciovert maioteoaoce calls ioti call ibjects withio a speciic periid. D. Geoerate a Ligistcs Iofirmatio System (LIS) repirt fir all iverdue maioteoaoce calls.
Aoswern C Question 10 A maioteoaoce plao has a cimpletio requiremeot. The plao ciotaios ive maioteoaoce items that priduce ive oiticatios. Which system status must each oiticatio have befire the maioteoaoce call is cimpleted aod the oext maioteoaoce call cao be geoeratedn A. REL (Released) B. ATCO (All Tasks Cimpleted) C. TECO (Techoically Cimpleted) D. NOCO (Niticatio Cimpleted)
Aoswern D
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