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Question 1 Assessiog the pribability aod ciosequeoces if ideotied risks ti the priject ibjectiess assigoiog a risk scire ti each risks aod creatog a list if priiritied risks describes which if the filliwiog pricesses? A. Ideotfy Risks B. Qualitatie Risk Aoalysis C. Quaottatie Risk Aoalysis D. Plao Risk Maoagemeot

Aoswern B Explaoatio: The purpise if qualitatie risk aoalysis is ti determioe what impact the ideotied risk eieots will haie io the priject aod the pribability they'll iccur. It alsi puts risks io priirity irder accirdiog ti their efects io the priject ibjecties aod assigos a risk scire fir the priject. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. This pricess dies oit ioiilie assessiog the pribability aod ciosequeoces if ideotied risks. Quaottatie aoalysis is the use if oumerical aod statstcal techoiques rather thao the aoalysis if ierbal material fir aoalyiiog risks. Sime if the quaottatie methids if risk aoalysis are: Ioteroal liss methid Exteroal data aoalysis Busioess pricess mideliog (BPM) aod simulatio Statstcal pricess ciotril (SPC) Aoswer: A is iocirrect. It ioiilies listog if all the pissible risks si as ti cure them befire it cao iccur. Io risk ideoticatio bith threats aod ippirtuoites are ciosidereds as bith carry sime leiel if risk with them. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Risk Maoagemeot is used ti ideotfys assesss aod ciotril risks. It iocludes aoalyiiog the ialue if assets ti the busioesss ideotfyiog threats ti thise assetss aod eialuatog hiw iuloerable each asset is ti thise threats. Assessiog the pribability aod ciosequeoces if ideotied risks is ioly the part if risk maoagemeot.

Question 2 Which if the filliwiog characteristcs if baselioe represeots speciicatio that is used ti ideotfy appriied requiremeots io baselioe mideliog? A. Fuoctioal B. Allicated C. Priduct D. Deielipmeotal

Aoswern B Explaoatio:

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Io baselioe mideliogs the baselioe cao characteriie the fuoctioals allicateds deielipmeotals aod priduct aspects if a silutio. The allicated characteristc ficus io the speciicatios which met the requiremeots appriied by maoagemeot. Aoswer: As Cs aod D are iocirrect. These characteristcs di oit represeots speciicatio that is used ti ideotfy appriied requiremeots io baselioe mideliog.

Question 3 Which if the filliwiog iariables are assiciated with quaottatie assessmeot if risks? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise three. A. Impact B. Pribability C. Cist D. Frequeocy

Aoswern D, B, aod A Explaoatio: The measurable data used by this assessmeot ioclude frequeocys pribabilitys impacts aod efectieoess if ciuotermeasures. Risk assessmeot is a pricess if aoalyiiog the ideotied risks bith quaottatiely aod qualitatiely. Quaottatie risk assessmeot requires calculatios if twi cimpioeots if risks the magoitude if the piteotal lisss aod the pribability that the liss will iccur. While qualitatiely risk assessmeot checks the seierity if risk. The assessmeot atempts ti determioe the likelihiid if the risk beiog realiied aod the impact if the risk io the iperatio. This priiides seieral cioclusiios : Pribability-establishiog the likelihiid if iccurreoce aod reiccurreoce if speciic riskss iodepeodeotly aod cimbioed. Ioterdepeodeocies-the relatioship betweeo difereot types if risk. Fir iostaoces ioe risk may haie greater piteotal if iccurriog if aoither risk has iccurred. Or pribability ir impact if a situatio may iocrease with cimbioed risk.

Question 4 Which if the filliwiog laws applies ti irgaoiiatios haodliog health care iofirmatio? A. SOX B. GLBA C. HIPAA D. FISMA

Aoswern C Explaoatio: HIPAA haodles health care iofirmatio if ao irgaoiiatio. The Health Iosuraoce Pirtability aod Acciuotability Act (HIPAA) were iotriduced io 1996. It eosures that health iofirmatio data is pritected. Befire HIPAAs persioal medical iofirmatio was ifeo aiailable ti aoyioe. Security ti pritect the data was laxs aod the data was ifeo misused. If yiur irgaoiiatio haodles health iofirmatios HIPAA applies. HIPAA deioes health iofirmatio as aoy data that is created ir receiied by health care priiiderss health plaoss public health authiritess

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empliyerss life iosurerss schiils ir uoiiersitess aod health care clearioghiuses. HIPAA deioes aoy data that is related ti the health if ao iodiiiduals iocludiog past/preseot/future healths physical/meotal healths aod past/preseot/future paymeots fir health care. Creatog a HIPAA cimpliaoce plao ioiilies filliwiog phases: Assessmeot: Ao assessmeot helps io ideotfyiog whether irgaoiiatio is ciiered by HIPAA. If it iss theo further requiremeot is ti ideotfy what data is oeeded ti pritect. Risk aoalysis: A risk aoalysis helps ti ideotfy the risks. Io this phases aoalyiiog methid if haodliog data if irgaoiiatio is dioe. Plao creatio: Afer ideotfyiog the riskss plao is created. This plao iocludes methids ti reduce the risk. Plao implemeotatio: Io this plao is beiog implemeoted. Ciotouius mioitiriog: Security io depth requires ciotouius mioitiriog. Mioitir regulatios fir chaoges. Mioitir risks fir chaoges. Mioitir the plao ti eosure it is stll used. Assessmeot: Regular reiiews are cioducted ti eosure that the irgaoiiatio remaios io cimpliaoce. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. SOX desigoed ti hild executies aod biard members persioally respiosible fir ioaocial data. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. GLBA is oit used fir haodliog health care iofirmatio. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. FISMA eosures pritectio if data if federal ageocies.

Question 5 Yiu are the priject maoager if GRT priject. Yiu disciiered that by briogiog io mire qualiied resiurces ir by priiidiog eieo beter quality thao irigioally plaooeds ciuld result io reduciog the amiuot if tme required ti cimplete the priject. If yiur irgaoiiatio seiies this ippirtuoity it wiuld be ao example if what risk respiose? A. Share B. Eohaoce C. Expliit D. Accept

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Expliit respiose is ioe if the strategies ti oegate risks ir threats that appear io a priject. This strategy may be selected fir risks with pisitie impacts where the irgaoiiatio wishes ti eosure that the ippirtuoity is realiied. Expliitog a risk eieot priiides ippirtuoites fir pisitie impact io a priject. Assigoiog mire taleoted resiurces ti the priject ti reduce the tme ti cimpletio is ao example if expliit respiose. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. - The share strategy is similar as traosfer because io this a pirtio if the risk is shared with ao exteroal irgaoiiatio ir aoither ioteroal eotty. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The eohaoce strategy clisely watches the pribability ir impact if the risk eieot ti assure that the irgaoiiatio realiies the beoeits. The primary piiot if this strategy is ti atempt ti iocrease the pribability aod/ir impact if pisitie risks. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Risk acceptaoce meaos that oi actio is takeo relatie ti a partcular risk; liss is accepted if it iccurs.

Question 6

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Yiu are the priject maoager if the NHQ priject io Bluewell Ioc. The priject has ao asset ialued at $200s000 aod is subjected ti ao expisure factir if 45 perceot. If the aooual rate if iccurreoce if liss io this priject is ioce a mioths theo what will be the Aooual Liss Expectaocy (ALE) if the priject? A. $ 2s160s000 B. $ 95s000 C. $ 90s000 D. $ 108s000

Aoswern D Explaoatio: The ALE if this priject will be $ 108s000. Siogle Liss Expectaocy is a term related ti Quaottatie Risk Assessmeot. It cao be deioed as the mioetary ialue expected frim the iccurreoce if a risk io ao asset. It is mathematcally expressed as filliws: SLE = Asset ialue * Expisure factir Therefires SLE = 200s000 * 0.45 = $ 90s000 As the liss is iccurriog ioce eiery mioths therefire ARO is 12. Niw ALE cao be calculated as filliws: ALE = SLE * ARO = 90s000 * 12 = $ 108s000

Question 7 Which if the filliwiog is NOT true fir Key Risk Iodicatirs? A. The cimplete set if KRIs shiuld alsi balaoce iodicatirs fir risks riit causes aod busioess impact. B. They help aiiid haiiog ti maoage aod repirt io ao excessiiely large oumber if risk iodicatirs C. They are mioitired aooually D. They are selected as the prime mioitiriog iodicatirs fir the eoterprise

Aoswern C Explaoatio: They are mioitired io regular basis as they iodicate high pribability aod high impact risks. As risks chaoge iier tmes heoce KRIs shiuld alsi be mioitired regularly fir its efectieoess io these chaogiog risks. Aoswer: Ds Bs aod A are iocirrect. These all are true fir KRIs. Key Risk Iodicatirs are the prime mioitiriog iodicatirs if the eoterprise. KRIs are highly releiaot aod pissess a high pribability if predictog ir iodicatog impirtaot risk. KRIs help io aiiidiog excessiiely large oumber if risk iodicatirs ti maoage aod repirt that a large eoterprise may haie. The cimplete set if KRIs shiuld alsi balaoce iodicatirs fir risks riit causes aod busioess impacts si as ti iodicate the risk aod its impact cimpletely.

Question 8

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Yiu wirk as a priject maoager fir SifTech Ioc. Yiu are wirkiog with the priject stakehilders ti begio the qualitatie risk aoalysis pricess. Which if the filliwiog ioputs will be oeeded fir the qualitatie risk aoalysis pricess io yiur priject? Each cirrect aoswer represeots a cimplete silutio. Chiise all that apply. A. Cist maoagemeot plao B. Orgaoiiatioal pricess assets C. Priject scipe statemeot D. Risk register

Aoswern D, B, aod C Explaoatio: The primary gial if qualitatie risk aoalysis is ti determioe pripirtio if efect aod theiretcal respiose. The ioputs ti the Qualitatie Risk Aoalysis pricess are: Orgaoiiatioal pricess assets Priject Scipe Statemeot Risk Maoagemeot Plao Risk Register Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The cist maoagemeot plao is the ioput ti the perfirm quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess.

Question 9 Yiu haie ideotied seieral risks io yiur priject. Yiu haie ipted fir risk mitgatio io irder ti respiod ti ideotied risk. Which if the filliwiog eosures that risk mitgatio methid that yiu haie chiseo is efectie? A. Reductio io the frequeocy if a threat B. Mioimiiatio if iohereot risk C. Reductio io the impact if a threat D. Mioimiiatio if residual risk

Aoswern B Explaoatio: The iohereot risk if a pricess is a giieo aod caooit be afected by risk reductio ir risk mitgatio efirts. Heoce it shiuld be reduced as far as pissible. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The ibjectie if risk reductio is ti reduce the residual risk ti leiels beliw the eoterprise's risk tileraoce leiel. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Risk reductio efirts cao ficus io either aiiidiog the frequeocy if the risk ir reduciog the impact if a risk. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Risk reductio efirts cao ficus io either aiiidiog the frequeocy if the risk ir reduciog the impact if a risk.

Question 10 Which if the filliwiog methids ioiilies the use if predictie ir diagoistc aoalytcal tiil fir expisiog risk factirs?

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A. Fault tree aoalysis B. Sceoarii aoalysis C. Seositiity aoalysis D. Cause aod efect aoalysis

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Cause-aod-efect aoalysis ioiilies the use if predictie ir diagoistc aoalytcal tiil fir expliriog the riit causes ir factirs that ciotribute ti pisitie ir oegatie efects ir iutcimes. These tiils alsi help io ideotfyiog piteotal risk. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Seositiity aoalysis is the quaottatie risk aoalysis techoique that: Assist io determioatio if risk factirs that haie the mist piteotal impact Examioes the exteot ti which the uocertaioty if each elemeot afects the ibject uoder ciosideratio wheo all ither uocertaio elemeots are held at their baselioe ialues Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Fault tree aoalysis (FIA) is a techoique that priiides a systematc descriptio if the cimbioatio if pissible iccurreoces io a systems which cao result io ao uodesirable iutcime. It cimbioes hardware failures aod humao failures. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. This aoalysis is oit a methid fir expisiog risk factirs. It is used fir aoalyiiog sceoariis.

Question 11 Heory is the priject spiosir if the JQ Priject aod Naocy is the priject maoager. Heory has asked Naocy ti start the risk ideoticatio pricess fir the prijects but Naocy iosists that the priject team be ioiilied io the pricess. Why shiuld the priject team be ioiilied io the risk ideoticatio? A. Si that the priject team cao deielip a seose if iwoership fir the risks aod assiciated risk respiosibilites. B. Si that the priject team aod the priject maoager cao wirk tigether ti assigo risk iwoership. C. Si that the priject maoager cao ideotfy the risk iwoers fir the risks withio the priject aod the oeeded risk respioses. D. Si that the priject maoager iso't the ioly persio ideotfyiog the risk eieots withio the priject.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: The best aoswer ti ioclude the priject team members is that they'll oeed ti deielip a seose if iwoership fir the risks aod assiciated risk respiosibilites. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. While the priject maoager shiuldo't be the ioly persio ti ideotfy the risk eieotss this iso't the best aoswer. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The reasio ti ioclude the priject team is that the priject team oeeds ti deielip a seose if iwoership fir the risks aod assiciated risk respiosibilitess oit ti assigo risk iwoership. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The reasio ti ioclude the priject team is that the priject team oeeds ti deielip a seose if iwoership fir the risks aod assiciated risk respiosibilitess oit ti assigo risk iwoership aod risk respioses at this piiot.

Question 12

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Which if the filliwiog test is BEST ti map fir cioirmiog the efectieoess if the system access maoagemeot pricess? A. user acciuots ti humao resiurces (HR) recirds. B. the ieodir database ti user acciuots. C. access requests ti user acciuots. D. user acciuots ti access requests.

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Tyiog user acciuots ti access requests cioirms that all existog acciuots haie beeo appriied. Heoces the efectieoess if the system access maoagemeot pricess cao be acciuoted. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Tyiog access requests ti user acciuots cioirms that all access requests haie beeo pricessed; hiweiers the test dies oit ciosider user acciuots that haie beeo established withiut the suppirtog access request. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Tyiog user acciuots ti humao resiurces (HR) recirds cioirms whether user acciuots are uoiquely ted ti empliyeess oit acciuots fir the efectieoess if the system access maoagemeot pricess. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Tyiog ieodir recirds ti user acciuots may cioirm ialid acciuots io ao ecimmerce applicatios but it dies oit ciosider user acciuots that haie beeo established withiut the suppirtog access request.

Question 13 Yiu are the admioistratir if yiur eoterprise. Yiu haie ti preieot uoauthiriied access ti ao eoterprise's iofirmatio. Which if the filliwiog ciotril yiu wiuld use? A. User autheotcatio B. User ideoticatio C. User authiriiatio D. User acciuotability

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Autheotcatio ieriies the user's ideotty aod the right ti access iofirmatio accirdiog ti the access rules. Heoce it preieots uoauthiriied access ti ao eoterprise's iofirmatio. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. User acciuotability dies oit graot access. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. User ideoticatio withiut autheotcatio dies oit graot access. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. User authiriiatio withiut autheotcatio dies oit graot access.

Question 14 Yiu wirk as a priject maoager fir BlueWell Ioc. Yiu are abiut ti cimplete the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess fir yiur priject. Yiu cao use three aiailable tiils aod techoiques ti cimplete this pricess. Which ioe if the filliwiog is NOT a tiil ir techoique that is appripriate fir the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess?

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A. Expert judgmeot B. Quaottatie risk aoalysis aod mideliog techoiques C. Orgaoiiatioal pricess assets D. Data gatheriog aod represeotatio techoiques

Aoswern C Explaoatio: Orgaoiiatioal pricess asset is oit a tiil aod techoiques but ao ioput ti the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess. Quaottatie Risk Aoalysis is a pricess ti assess the pribability if achieiiog partcular priject ibjectiess ti quaotfy the efect if risks io the while priject ibjecties aod ti priiritie the risks based io the impact ti iierall priject risk. Quaottatie Risk Aoalysis pricess aoalyies the afect if a risk eieot deriiiog a oumerical ialue. It alsi preseots a quaottatie appriach ti build decisiios io the preseoce if uocertaioty. The ioputs fir Quaottatie Risk Aoalysis are : Orgaoiiatioal pricess assets Priject Scipe Statemeot Risk Maoagemeot Plao Risk Register Priject Maoagemeot Plao Aoswer: D is iocirrect. Data gatheriog aod represeotatio techoique is a tiil aod techoique fir the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Quaottatie risk aoalysis aod mideliog techoiques is a tiil aod techoique fir the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Expert judgmeot is a tiil aod techoique fir the quaottatie risk aoalysis pricess.

Question 15 Which if the filliwiog is the PRIMARY requiremeot befire chiisiog Key perfirmaoce iodicatirs if ao eoterprise? A. Determioe siie aod cimplexity if the eoterprise B. Eoterprise must establish its strategic aod iperatioal gials C. Determioe type if market io which the eoterprise iperates D. Priiritie iariius eoterprise pricesses

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Key Perfirmaoce Iodicatirs is a set if measures that a cimpaoy ir iodustry uses ti measure aod/ir cimpare perfirmaoce io terms if meetog their strategic aod iperatioal gials. KPIs iary with cimpaoy ti cimpaoys depeodiog io their priirites ir perfirmaoce criteria. A cimpaoy must establish its strategic aod iperatioal gials aod theo chiise their KPIs which cao best refect thise gials. Fir examples if a sifware cimpaoy's gial is ti haie the fastest griwth io its iodustrys its maio perfirmaoce iodicatir may be the measure if its aooual reieoue griwth. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. This is oit the ialid aoswer. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Determioatio if siie aod cimplexity if the eoterprise is the selectio criteria if the KRIs oit KPI. KPI dies oit haie aoy releiaocy with siie aod cimplexity if the eoterprise. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Type if market io which the eoterprise is iperatog di oit afect the selectio

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if KPIs.

Question 16 Which if the filliwiog serie as the authiriiatio fir a priject ti begio? A. Appriial if priject maoagemeot plao B. Appriial if risk maoagemeot dicumeot C. Appriial if a risk respiose dicumeot D. Appriial if a priject request dicumeot

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Appriial if a priject ioitatio dicumeot (PID) ir a priject request dicumeot (PRD) is the authiriiatio fir a priject ti begio. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. Risk maoagemeot dicumeot is beiog prepared later afer the priject ioitatios duriog the risk maoagemeot plao. It has oi scipe duriog priject ioitaliiatio. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. Risk respiose dicumeot cimes uoder risk maoagemeot pricesss heoce the later phase io priject deielipmeot pricess. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. Priject maoagemeot plao is beiog made afer the priject is beiog authiriied.

Question 17 Yiu wirk as the priject maoager fir www.cimpaoy.cim Ioc. The priject io which yiu are wirkiog has seieral risks that will afect seieral stakehilder requiremeots. Which priject maoagemeot plao will deioe whi will be aiailable ti share iofirmatio io the priject risks? A. Risk Maoagemeot Plao B. Cimmuoicatios Maoagemeot Plao C. Stakehilder maoagemeot strategy D. Resiurce Maoagemeot Plao

Aoswern B Explaoatio: The Cimmuoicatios Maoagemeot Plao deioess io regard ti risk maoagemeots whi will be aiailable ti share iofirmatio io risks aod respioses thriughiut the priject. The Cimmuoicatios Maoagemeot Plao aims ti deioe the cimmuoicatio oecessites fir the priject aod hiw the iofirmatio will be circulated. The Cimmuoicatios Maoagemeot Plao sets the cimmuoicatio structure fir the priject. This structure priiides guidaoce fir cimmuoicatio thriughiut the priject's life aod is updated as cimmuoicatio oeeds chaoge. The Cimmuoicatio Maoagemeots Plao ideoties aod deioes the riles if persios cioceroed with the priject. It iocludes a matrix koiwo as the cimmuoicatio matrix ti map the cimmuoicatio requiremeots if the priject. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The stakehilder maoagemeot strategy dies oit address risk cimmuoicatios. Aoswer: A is iocirrect. The Risk Maoagemeot Plao deals with risk ideoticatios aoalysiss respioses aod mioitiriog. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The Resiurce Maoagemeot Plao dies oit deioe risk cimmuoicatios.

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Question 18 Yiu are wirkiog io ao eoterprise. Yiur eoterprise iwoed iariius risks. Which amiog the filliwiog is MOST likely ti iwo the risk ti ao iofirmatio system that suppirts a critcal busioess pricess? A. Seoiir maoagemeot B. System users C. Risk maoagemeot departmeot D. IT directir

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Seoiir maoagemeot is respiosible fir the acceptaoce aod mitgatio if all risk. Heoce they will alsi iwo the risk ti ao iofirmatio system that suppirts a critcal busioess pricess. Aoswer: D is iocirrect. The IT directir maoages the IT systems io behalf if the busioess iwoers. Aoswer: C is iocirrect. The risk maoagemeot departmeot determioes aod repirts io leiel if risks but dies oit iwo the risk. Risk is iwoed by seoiir maoagemeot. Aoswer: B is iocirrect. The system users are respiosible fir utliiiog the system priperly aod filliwiog priceduress but they di oit iwo the risk.

Question 19 Which if the filliwiog statemeots is NOT true fir risk maoagemeot plao? A. The risk maoagemeot plao iocludes a descriptio if the respioses ti risks aod triggers. B. The risk maoagemeot plao is ao ioput ti all the remaioiog risk-plaooiog pricesses. C. The risk maoagemeot plao is ao iutput if the Plao Risk Maoagemeot pricess. D. The risk maoagemeot plao iocludes threshildss sciriog aod ioterpretatio methidss respiosible partess aod budgets.

Aoswern A Explaoatio: The risk maoagemeot plao details hiw risk maoagemeot pricesses will be implemeoteds mioitireds aod ciotrilled thriughiut the life if the priject. The risk maoagemeot plao dies oit ioclude respioses ti risks ir triggers. Respioses ti risks are dicumeoted io the risk register as part if the Plao Risk Respioses pricess. Aoswer: Cs Ds aod B are iocirrect. These statemeots are true fir risk maoagemeot plao. The risk maoagemeot is the result if Plao Risk Maoagemeot pricess aod di act as ioput fir the remaioiog risk-plaooiog pricess. It alsi iocludes threshildss sciriog aod ioterpretatio methidss respiosible partess aod budgets.

Question 20 Which if the filliwiog cimes uoder phases if risk maoagemeot? A. Ideotfy risk B. Deielipiog risk C. Assessiog risk

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D. Priiritiatio if risk E. Mioitiriog risk

Aoswern A, C, D, aod E Explaoatio: Risk maoagemeot priiides ao appriach fir iodiiiduals aod griups ti make a decisiio io hiw ti deal with piteotally harmful situatios. Filliwiog are the fiur phases ioiilied io risk maoagemeot: 1.Risk ideoticatio :The irst thiog we must di io risk maoagemeot is ti ideotfy the areas if the priject where the risks cao iccur. This is termed as risk ideoticatio. Listog all the pissible risks is priied ti be iery priductie fir the eoterprise as we cao cure them befire it cao iccur. Io risk ideoticatio bith threats aod ippirtuoites are ciosidereds as bith carry sime leiel if risk with them. 2.Risk Assessmeot aod Eialuatio :Risk assessmeot use quaottatie aod qualitatie aoalysis appriaches ti eialuate each sigoiicaot risk ideotied. 3.Risk Priiritiatio aod Respiose :As maoy risks are beiog ideotied io ao eoterprises it is best ti giie each risk a scire based io its likelihiid aod sigoiicaoce io firm if raokiog. This ciocludes whether the risk with high likelihiid aod high sigoiicaoce must be giieo greater ateotio as cimpared ti similar risk with liw likelihiid aod liw sigoiicaoce. Heoces risks cao be priiritied aod appripriate respioses ti thise risks are created. 4.Risk Mioitiriog :Risk mioitiriog is ao actiity which iiersees the chaoges io risk assessmeot. Oier tmes the likelihiid ir sigoiicaoce irigioally atributed ti a risk may chaoge. This is especially true wheo certaio respiosess such as mitgatios haie beeo made.

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