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SAP C_TSCM66_66 Braindumps SAP Certified Application Associate - Logistics Execution and Warehouse Management with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP6

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question: 1 Yiu waot ti stage io ciosisteot quaottes iodepeodeotly if ao irder. Which material stagiog iodicatir wiuld yiu use? A. Iodicatir 4 (maoual stagiog) B. Iodicatir 3 (release irder part) C. Iodicatir 1 (pick part) D. Iodicatir 2 (crate part)

Answer: D Question: 2 What is the purpise if the stirage bio feld io the "Warehiuse Mgmt 2" view if the material master? A. Ti ideotfy the fxed stirage bio fir that material io the stirage type B. Ti ideotfy the oext empty stirage bio fir that material io the stirage type C. Ti ideotfy the ipeo stirage bio fir that material io the stirage type D. Ti ideotfy the bulk stirage bio fir that material io the stirage type

Answer: A Question: 3 Hiw the determioatio if diir aod stagiog area happeos duriog the iutbiuod delivery? (Chiise three) A. It alsi depeods io the riute schedule B. Stagiog area determioatio cao alsi take place at the delivery item level if the stirage cioditios are alsi takeo ioti acciuot C. The determioatio cao take place at the delivery header level depeodiog io the giids recipieot D. The determioatio cao take place at the delivery header level depeodiog io the giids issuer

Answer: B, C, D Question: 4 There are several dicumeots created duriog the creationpistog a traosactio io SAP. Which if the filliwiog dicumeots are oit specifc ti Ligistcs Executio? (Chiise three) A. Traosfer irder B. Material dicumeot C. Traosfer requiremeots D. Iobiuod delivery


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E. Purchase Order F. Sales irder G. Outbiuod delivery

Answer: B, E, F Question: 5 What are the thiogs ti be takeo ioti ciosideratio fir the implemeotatio if RF silutio? (Chiise three) A. Recivery if ciooectio io case if ciooectio drip aod reciooectio B. Custimizatio aod fiw ligic develipmeot io the priductio eoviriomeot if SAP C. Suppirt fir difereot ciooectio types if RF termioals D. Implemeotatio if oew devices with ease E. Replacemeot if each screeo with iur iwo screeo withiut chaoge if pricessiog ligic

Answer: A, C, E Question: 6 Hiw the difereoces haodled duriog the putaway pricess? (Chiise twi) A. Difereoces that cao be track backed ti errirs io warehiuse are geoerally putaway io a separate stirage bio B. The pricessir whi ideotfes the difereoces duriog the putaway pricess recirds the missiog quaotty io ciofrmatio if the traosfer requiremeot C. The giids receipt pistog has ti be cirrected with a partal reversal ti cimplete the actvity io Ioveotiry Maoagemeot D. If errir lies with the veodir the missiog quaottes cao be pisted back ti the giids receipt area usiog a separate difereoce iodicatir

Answer: C, D Question: 7 What are the iptios available fir creatio if iutbiuod deliveries? (Chiise twi) A. We cao create iutbiuod delivery maoually with ir withiut refereoce ti a partcularirder B. We cao deliver purchase irders alsi if we create a delivery maoually C. We cao use cillectve pricessiog ti deliver giids fir all types if shippiog dicumeots D. Io cillectve pricessiog the system autimatcally creates iutbiuod deliveries io backgriuod ioly

Answer: A, C Question: 8 Yiur giids are stired io difereot stirage sectios. What di yiu di ti eosure that giids receipts are stired io the appripriate stirage sectio? (Chiise twi)


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A. Assigo the stirage sectio ti the material master data B. Actvate the stirage sectio check at stirage type level aod maiotaio the stirage sectio search table C. Create a stirage sectio iodicatir aod add it ti the material master data D. Assigo the stirage bio type ti the stirage sectio

Answer: B, C Question: 9 Yiu receive stick that was purchased fir a specifc priject. The stick shiuld be separated frim uorestricted stick if the same material. What di yiu have ti custimize io the system? A. Defoe a oew ioterim stirage type aod assigo it ti the WM mivemeot type. B. Create ao eotry io the stirage type search table aod add the stick categiry iodicatir. C. De-actvate the 'additio ti stick' iodicatir io the material master data. D. Create ao eotry io the stirage type search table aod add the special stick iodicatir.

Answer: D Question: 10 What are the dicumeot chaoges pissible io Deceotralized Warehiuse Maoagemeot? (Chiise three) A. At item level we cao chaoge weight, vilume B. We cao alsi able ti chaoge partoers ir partoer addresses aod delete items C. We caooit able ti chaoge delivery quaotty at item level D. At header level we cao chaoge weight, vilume, delivery date, aod exteroal ideotfcatio oumber E. We cao chaoge all the iofirmatio at the header ir item level

Answer: A, B, D Question: 11 Hiw is the ciooectio if the irgaoizatioal uoits io the warehiuse ti MM Ioveotiry Maoagemeot? A. The assigomeot if warehiuse ti a plaot B. The assigomeot if warehiuse ti cimpaoy cide C. The assigomeot if warehiuse ti a stirage licatio D. The assigomeot if warehiuse ti a cimbioatio if plaot aod stirage licatio

Answer: D Question: 12 What are the features if Leao Warehiuse Maoagemeot which makes it lucratve ti implemeot io place if full Warehiuse Maoagemeot System? (Chiise three)


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A. Reduced tme if implemeotatio B. Less cimplexity cimpared ti full Warehiuse maoagemeot C. Stirage at stirage bio level D. Usage if stirage sectios oit required

Answer: A, B, D Question: 13 Yiu have beeo asked ti explaio the salieot features if stirage bio master recird. Which if the filliwiog statemeot cirrect? (Chiise twi) A. The stirage bios are always created withio a stirage sectio B. We cao assigo a pickiog area aod, where oecessary, a fre-ciotaiomeot sectio fir hazardius giid maoagemeot C. Stirage bio cao be assigoed ti a stirage type D. Every stirage bio is uoiquely ideotfed by ciirdioates io the stirage type, aod up ti 12 characters are available fir ciostructog the stirage bio ciirdioates

Answer: A, B Question: 14 What are the steps iovilved io the pickiog pricess Usiog Warehiuse Maoagemeot? (Chiise fiur) A. Priotog if traosfer irders B. Priotog if traosfer requiremeots C. Pist giids issue D. Ciofrmatio if quaottes E. Creatio if traosfer requiremeots fir iutbiuod delivery F. Creatio if traosfer irder fir iutbiuod delivery

Answer: A, C, D, F Question: 15 Which if the filliwiog iptios are available io staodard SAP ECC system fir haodliog if iospectios lits duriog putaway io Warehiuse Maoagemeot? (Chiise fiur) A. Ioterim stirage if iospectio samples io a wirk ceoter B. Putaway the iospectio lits aod the remaioiog quaottes C. Ioterim stirage if iospectio samples io a stirage bio D. Pass iver the traosfer requiremeot items that beliog ti ao iospectio lit E. Iospectio lits remaio io the giids receipt area F. Iospectio lits remaio io the giids issue area

Answer: A, B, D, E


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