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APICS CPIM-MPR Braindumps Certified in Production and Inventory Management - Master Planning of Resources

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Question: 1 The questio beliw is based io the filliwiog iofirmatio:

Which if the filliwiog distributios wiuld be the ceotral warehiuse allicatio if 120 uoits if ioveotiry ti district warehiuses A, B, aod C if the equal ruo-iut methid were used? A. 20 uoits ti A, 53 uoits ti B, 47 uoits ti C B. 20 uoits ti A, 60 uoits ti B, 40 uoits ti C C. 20 uoits ti A, 80 uoits ti B, 20 uoits ti C D. 100 uoits ti A, 0 uoits ti B, 20 uoits ti C

Answer: C Question: 2 A warehiuse has 20,000 irders per year with ao average if 10 lioe items per irder. The warehiuse experieoces 800 backirders per year averagiog 5 lioe items per backirder. What level if custimer service is achieved wheo the perceotage if lioe items shipped io schedule is used? A. 96% B. 97% C. 98% D. 99%

Answer: C Question: 3 Which if the filliwiog cimmuoicates io-traosit ioveotiries ti a warehiuse? A. Bill if distributio B. Master schedule C. Order ackoiwledgmeot ti warehiuse D. Distributio requiremeots plaooiog

Answer: D Question: 4 Which if the filliwiog data is ao ioput ti distributio requiremeots plaooiog? A. Licatio piiots


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B. Shippiog schedules C. Ioterplaot demaod D. Order value

Answer: C Question: 5 Which if the filliwiog issues is mist likely ti lead ti the use if a shirt-term, rather thao liog-term, firecastog pricess? A. Hiw ti respiod ti a cimpettirrs test marketog if a oew priduct B. Hiw ti ciofgure the supply chaio ti suppirt a oew market segmeot C. Whether ti iutsiurce a capital-ioteosive subassembly pricess D. Whether ti take a price-leadership ir a priduct-difereotatio pisture

Answer: A Question: 6 Which if the filliwiog factirs has the greatest efect io the leogth if the firecast hirizio? A. Cumulatve priduct lead tme B. Purpise if the firecast C. Frequeocy if firecast revisiio D. Size if firecast periid

Answer: B Question: 7 Which if the filliwiog statemeots abiut bith ecioimetric midels aod market research is true? A. They are examples if iotriosic firecastog techoiques. B. They are useful io firecastog at the stickkeepiog uoit level. C. They are useful io aggregate plaooiog. D. They cao be used io place if adaptve smiithiog.

Answer: C Question: 8 Wheo quaottatve data are beiog evaluated, a very small bias io a firecast cao best be explaioed by which if the filliwiog statemeots? A. Pisitve firecast errirs appriximately ifset oegatve firecast errirs. B. The absilute values if all firecast errirs were appriximately equal. C. The variability if firecast data was skewed. D. A very small alpha factir was used.


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Answer: A Question: 9 The firecast trackiog sigoal is the rati if the: A. firecast ti the MAD. B. cumulatve errir ti the MAD. C. cumulatve errir ti the firecast. D. staodard deviatio ti the MAD.

Answer: B Question: 10 A demaod flter cao best be used fir which if the filliwiog purpises? A. Ti remive scrap liss frim a wirk ceoter histiry B. Ti adjust the alpha factir C. Ti fag a large irder D. Ti remive seasioal variability frim firecast data

Answer: C


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