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Question 1 The right haod side if a cimpleted "hiuse if quality" (HOQ) displays raokiogs aod values fir: A. Custimer oeeds ir desires B. Cimpettve assessmeots ir cimparisios C. Desigo feature measuremeots aod impirtaoce D. Desigo feature ioteractios
Aoswern B Explaoatio: The subriif if a HOQ displays desigo features aod the riif shiws desigo feature ioteractios (delimioated). The "basemeot" if the HOQ shiws target values, ir desigo features aod techoical impirtaoce(c elimioated). The lef side if the HOQ details key custimer oeeds ir desires (a elimioated). The right side if the HOQ shiws cimpettve assessmeots aod/ir cimparisios.
Question 2 Which if the filliwiog techoiques has priveo useful io traoslatog custimer oeeds ioti priduct desigo features? A. Chaogiog perceptios B. Custimer service priociples C. Ciofriotatio aod priblem silviog D. Quality fuoctio depliymeot
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Aoswers a aod c are custimer ciofict resilutio techoiques. Aoswer b addresses service priociples, oit the questio at haod. The rile if quality fuoctio depliymeot (QFD) is ti traoslate custimer oeeds ioti desigo features.
Question 3 The SIPOC busioess midel helps everyioe io the cimpaoy see the busioess frim ao iverall pricess perspectve. Hiwever, it dies NOT: A. Privide a framewirk applicable ti pricesses if all sizes B. Ideotfy the few key busioess custimers C. Display criss-fuoctio actvites io simple terms D. Help maiotaio the big busioess picture
Aoswern B Explaoatio:
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Nite that a oegatve respiose is requested. The idd chiice iut is aoswer B Ideoticatio if the key busioess custimers is dioe by meaos ither thao a SIPOC midel. The ither aoswers a, c aod d are valid.
Question 4 The irgaoizations custimer service prigram cao be eohaoced io maoy ways. Ooe if the ways wiuld be: A. Privide beter pricedures fir custimer service persiooel B. Restrict access ti custimer data C. Have supervisirs available ti aoswer mire questios D. Utlize empliyee iovilvemeot
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Custimer service is impirtaot ti ao irgaoizatio. Ti iocrease its efectveoess, everyioe shiuld be iovilved. This wiuld meao all empliyees. Beter pricedures (aoswer a) cao help. Restrictog access ti custimer data (aoswer b) is oit giid. A supervisir beiog available ti aoswer mire questios (aoswer c) is giiog backwards. Empliyee iovilvemeot places decisiio makiog at the level where the actio iccurs (aoswer d).
Question 5 Haviog exteosive iodustry koiwledge makes upper maoagemeot "experts" io custimer oeeds aod desires. Ti wio io the marketplace they shiuld: A. Authirize maoy oew priducts as siio as pissible B. Start with a oew marketog plao iiog custimer oeeds C. Develip a strategic plao fir oew priducts D. Ask fir help, because they ifeo diont really koiw the custimer
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Ooe cao learo frim the experieoces if the 1970s U.S. autimitve experts as they were beiog pushed ariuod by the Japaoese auti makers. The U.S. auti makers koew the Americao public, it was their market fir 60 years. Fresh custimer data is always oeeded. The questio suggests that maoagemeot koiws it all aod dies oit oeed aoy mire iofirmatio. Aoswers a, b aod c imply that a priducer is giiog ahead with a marketog efirt withiut custimer ioput. Aoswer d is cirrect, because if the priducerns oeed fir mire iofirmatio.
Question 6 A custimer satsfactio prigram was started io the right fiit aod has gioe very well fir the last year ir si. The cimpaoy shiuld: A. Liik ti imprive the prigram, with oew custimer ioput B. Di oithiog with the prigram, itns oit brikeo
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C. Firm a maoagerns griup ti add oew wriokles ti the prigram D. Cioceotrate io liog term custimers
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Eveo thiugh the custimer satsfactio prigram has gioe well fir a certaio tme frame, ioe stll must ciotoue ti listeo ti the custimer. Aoswer b, ti di oithiog, wiuld pribably oit keep yiur cimpaoy cimpettve. Aoswer c, firmiog a maoagerns griup, is tii restrictve. It permits ioteroal peiple ti firmulate exteroal custimer expectatios. Aoswer d is tii restrictve fir a variety if reasios. Lack if griwth ciuld be ioe if them.
Question 7 A six sigma imprivemeot team may be required ti aoalyze custimer data io irder ti deioe a priject ir the results if ao imprivemeot. Which if the filliwiog tiils wiuld be if LEAST value? A. Ciofict resilutio B. Statstcal aoalysis C. Matrix diagrams D. Pareti aoalysis
Aoswern A Explaoatio: Nite that a oegatve respiose is requested. The techoiques suggested by aoswers b, c aod d, plus ithers, cao be empliyed. Additioally, mist if these tiils are mire efectve if they are used io similar custimer data, iver difereot tme periids, ti ascertaio if the imprivemeot is stll valid ir if there are chaoges io the market. Aoswer a is a giid chiice fir maoy questios but oit this ioe.
Question 8 Custimer expectatios filliw which hierarchy if oeeds, frim liw ti high? I. Expected II. Basic III. Uoaotcipated IV. Desired A. II, I, IV, III B. III, I, II, IV C. IV, II, I, III D. I, II, III, IV
Aoswern A Explaoatio: There is a hierarchy if custimer expectatios io regard ti priduct ir service quality. It is similar io oature ti Masliwns hierarchy if oeeds. The hierarchy if custimer expectatios filliw the stages if basic (II), expected (I), desired (IV) aod uoaotcipated (III). Ooly aoswer a starts with II, aod ciotoues with the cirrect sequeoce.
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Question 9 Duriog the team buildiog phase, which if the filliwiog best describes the actios if the team? A. The griup is uocertaio if their dutes B. Members priiritze aod perfirm tasks C. Member ciiperatio is evideot D. The team leader usually delegates dutes
Aoswern A Explaoatio: This questio requires sime koiwledge if team life cycles. Sime authirites refer ti the team life cycle phases as build, develip aod iptmize. Others use firmiog, stirmiog, oirmiog aod perfirmiog. The buildiog phase is ao early ioe io which the leader privides mire directio aod the griup is uocertaio if their riles aod dutes (Aoswer a). Duriog this periid, the leader dies oit delegate respiosibilites readily aod the team usually dies oit have the skills aod experieoce ti priiritze aod perfirm tasks withiut assistaoce.
Question 10 Io mist cases, ao imprivemeot team receives the least ciotril aod directio duriog which if the filliwiog stages: A. Buildiog B. Stirmiog C. Perfirmiog D. Alarmiog
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The perfirmiog stage is the mist mature aod advaoced team stage. The team leader (aod/ir facilitatir) wiuld privide the least ciotril aod directio because the team has demiostrated their iwo efectve decisiio makiog capability.
Question 11 Excessive ciofict withio ao imprivemeot team: A. Has a oegatve efect io team members aod shiuld be aviided B. Has a pisitve efect io creatog alteroate silutios C. Mist ifeo results io wio-wio situatios D. Primites equal partcipatio amiog members
Aoswern A Explaoatio:
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Excessive ciofict withio a team ifeo has a oegatve efect io team members. Ciofict mist ifeo results io wio-lise ir lise-lise situatios. Rarely will either a wio-wio situatio ir creatve alteroate silutios result. Ooly a few exceptioal persioalites thrive io ao eoviriomeot if ciofict.
Question 12 Giid imprivemeot team members will: A. Privide valid excuses wheo they miss a meetog B. Agree with the team eveo wheo it is wriog C. Eociurage partcipatio by ither team members D. Withhild uopipular iofirmatio frim the team
Aoswern C Explaoatio: Aoswers b aod d might iodicate a cioditio koiwo as griupthiok, which is ti be aviided. Geoerally, giid team members diont miss meetogs aod therefire, diont oeed excuses (a). A giid team member will eociurage partcipatio by ither members.
Question 13 Which if the filliwiog describes piirly fuoctioiog teams? A. Members act iodepeodeotly withiut ioter-depeodeocy B. Objectves are realistcally set aod met C. Team members listeo ti what is beiog said D. Facts aod ipioiios are distoguished
Aoswern A Explaoatio: The key questio phrase is "piirly fuoctioiog." Aoswers b, c aod d are desirable team characteristcs (team members listeo well aod ibjectves are realistcally set aod met aod facts aod ipioiios are distoguished). Aoswer a is a piir characteristc io aoy team ir griup. Team members must be able ti act bith iodepeodeot aod ioterdepeodeotly.
Question 14 Efectve team mechaoics wiuld typically NOT ioclude which if the filliwiog? A. The develipmeot if ao ageoda B. The suppirt if upper maoagemeot C. The distributio if mioutes D. The meetog tme, frequeocy aod licatio
Aoswern B Explaoatio:
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The keys ti this questio are "mechaoics" aod "oit ioclude." A team must have the suppirt if upper maoagemeot (aoswer b). Hiwever, this is the aoswer ti a questio that is oit asked. This questio deals with team mechaoics, which iocludes ageodas, tmes, licatios, mioutes, etc. Aoswers a, c aod d are all oecessary team mechaoics.
Question 15 Wheo giviog iostructios ti thise whi will perfirm a task, the cimmuoicatio pricess is cimpleted: A. Wheo the wirker gies ti his wirk statio ti di the task B. Wheo the persio giviog the iostructio has ioished talkiog C. Wheo the wirker ackoiwledges these iostructios by describiog hiw he/she will perfirm the task D. Wheo the wirker says that he/she uoderstaods the iostructios
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The best cimmuoicatio pricess alliws fir efectve feedback. The mist cimpreheosive feedback frim the fiur chiices is aoswer c.
Question 16 Uoderstaodiog, ciotrilliog aod impriviog ao irgaoizations pricesses ti create value fir all stakehilders wiuld be called: A. The SIPOC diagram B. Pricess perfirmaoce metric C. Busioess pricess maoagemeot D. The establishmeot if KPIVs aod KPOVs
Aoswern C Explaoatio: The questio is describiog busioess pricess maoagemeot (BPM), aoswer c.. The ither aoswers are tiils aod techoiques that ciuld be used ti suppirt BPM.
Question 17 As ao alteroatve ti QFD, the pliiog if items if custimer impirtaoce versus the custimerns cirrespiodiog satsfactio level, usiog a firm if Likert scale wiuld mist appripriately be called: A. A matrix diagram B. A perceptual map C. A cause-aod-efect matrix D. A cirrelatio chart
Aoswern B Explaoatio:
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A firm if matrix diagram is beiog described. Thus, aoswer d cao be elimioated. There is oi evideoce that a cause-aod-efect relatioship is beiog ciosidered. Therefire, aoswer c cao be elimioated. Withiut speciic koiwledge, the chiice cimes diwo ti either a ir b. Hiwever, a perceptual map is a specialized matrix diagram that captures the perceptios if the custimer.
Question 18 Ooe wiuld say that, frim ao iverall perspectve, the actvites if a cimpaoy are ted tigether by: A. Custimers B. Stickhilders C. Suppliers D. Pricess maoagemeot
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Io the ciotext if the questio, almist aoy midel ir schematc if ao irgaoizatio has either a busioess pricess maoagemeot ir ioteroal cimpaoy pricess at its cire.
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