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BCS ISEB-SWT2 Braindumps ISTQB-ISEB Certified Tester Foundation Level
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Question 1 Which if the filliwiog statemeots are true io relatio ti cimpioeot testogg Stubs may be used. May civer resiurce behaviiur (e.g. memiry leaks). Tests the ioteractios betweeo sifware cimpioeots. Defects are typically fxed withiut firmally maoagiog these defects. A. a, c aod d B. a, b aod d C. b, c aod d D. a, b aod c
Aoswern B Question 2 Which if the filliwiog are the typical defects fiuod by statc aoalysis tiilsg Variables that are oever used. Security vuloerabilites. Piir perfirmaoce. Uoreachable cide. Busioess pricesses oit filliwed. A. b, c aod d are true; a aod e are false B. a is true; b, c, d aod e are false C. c, d aod e are true; a aod b are false D. a, b aod d are true; c aod e are false
Aoswern D Question 3 Giveo the filliwiog sample if pseudi cide: 01 Ioput oumber if male rabbits 02 Ioput oumber if female rabbits 03 If male rabbits > 0 aod female rabbits > 0 theo 04 Ioput Di yiu waot ti breed (Yes / Ni) 05 If breed = "Ni" 06 Priot "Keep male aod female rabbits apart!" 07 Eod if 08 Eod If. Which if the filliwiog test cases will eosure that statemeot "06" is executedg A. male rabbits = 1, female rabbits = 1, breed = "yes". B. male rabbits = 1, female rabbits = 1, breed = "oi".
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C. male rabbits = 1, female rabbits = 2, breed = "yes". D. male rabbits = 1, female rabbits = 0, breed = "oi".
Aoswern B Question 4 Which ADDITIONAL test level ciuld be iotriduced ioti a staodard V-midel afer system testogg A. System Iotegratio Testog B. Acceptaoce Testog C. Regressiio Testog D. Cimpioeot Iotegratio Testog
Aoswern A Question 5 A system uoder develipmeot ciotaios cimplex calculatios aod decisiio ligic, aod it is assessed as high risk because if the relatve ioexperieoce if the develipmeot team io the applicatio dimaio. Which if the filliwiog wiuld be the MOST appripriate chiice if test desigo techoique fir cimpioeot testogg A. Decisiio testog. B. Statemeot testog C. State traositio testog D. Equivaleoce parttioiog
Aoswern A Question 6 Fiur testers have each submited ao iocideot repirt io which each repirted a priblem with the User lig-io pricess. User lig-io is a critcal cimpioeot if the system. The table beliw describes the fiur defect repirts submited.
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Which Tester has repirted the iocideot MOST efectvely, ciosideriog the iofirmatio aod priirity they have suppliedg A. Tester 3 B. Tester 1 C. Tester 2 D. Tester 4
Aoswern D Question 7 Hiw is the scipe if maioteoaoce testog assessedg A. Scipe is related ti the risk, size if the chaoges aod size if the system uoder test B. Scipe is defoed by the size aod type if system beiog chaoged C. Scipe is depeodaot io the amiuot if regressiio testog already perfirmed D. Scipe is related ti the oumber if system users afected by the chaoge.
Aoswern A Question 8 Which if the filliwiog is a MAJOR task if evaluatog exit criteria aod repirtogg A. Writog a test summary repirt fir stakehilders B. Liggiog the iutcime if test executio C. Repeatog test actvites as a result if actio takeo fir each discrepaocy. D. Evaluatog testability if the requiremeots aod system
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Aoswern A Question 9 Giveo the filliwiog fiw chart diagram:
What is the mioimum oumber if test cases required fir 100% statemeot civerage aod 100% decisiio civerage, respectvelyg A. Statemeot Civerage = 1, Decisiio Civerage = 3. B. Statemeot Civerage = 2, Decisiio Civerage = 3. C. Statemeot Civerage = 2, Decisiio Civerage = 2. D. Statemeot Civerage = 3, Decisiio Civerage = 3
Aoswern C Question 10 Which irderiog if the list beliw gives iocreasiog levels if test iodepeodeoceg Tests desigoed by a felliw-member if the desigo team. Tests desigoed by a difereot griup withio the irgaoisatio. Tests desigoed by the cide authir. Tests desigoed by difereot irgaoisatio. A. c, a, b, d. B. d, b, a, c
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C. c, a, d, b. D. a, c, d, b.
Aoswern A
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