Art Signifikant 2018

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Insider Art Knowledge + Collecting Experiences

Petrina Hicks, Blue Bird, 2018

Petrina Hicks, Peaches and Velvet, 2018

Art Signifikant members visited the studio of Warren Macris and previewed the new works of Petrina Hicks, learning about the importance of the collaboration between the artist and master printer.

Art Signifikant is a gallery membership program unlike any in this country, a complete gallery and collecting experience. Art Signifikant is an opportunity for new and experienced collectors to develop conversational confidence and a greater level of art understanding. The heart of Art Signifikant is art education, focused evenings with artists and talks by art professionals, art tours and artist studio tours. ALLIANCE PART N E RS Art Month Sydney / belle / Christie’s Education / Four Pillars Gin / Kelly + Partners / Leonard Joel / Sullivans Cove Whiskey / Sydney Contemporary / The Sydney Art Store MAJO R SP O NSORS

From Coast to Escarpment; Spirit Worlds of Maningrida VIP Preview. Cover and inside photo: Jodi Barker.

A RT S IGNI F I KA NT M E M B E R SH I P I NC LU D ES : Membership events

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M E M B E RSH I P Annual membership $350 | Double membership $500 Join with a friend or significant other and enjoy a special double membership rate. If you would like the freedom of bringing a guest or want to gift a membership just ask. A P PLY For an Art Signifikant application form please contact: James Dorahy, Program Director: 02 8353 3500 +61 433 300 725

Robert Malherbe, Michael Reid, 2018. Finalist Archibald Prize 2018 Art Gallery of NSW

Art Signifikant members enjoyed an exclusive tour of the studio of Robert Malherbe in May 2018. Studio visits and focused evenings with artists are a highlight of the program.

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