Fine Majolica For The connoisseur sTrawser aucTions wiTh nicolaus BosTon
Majolica & oysTer PlaTe aucTion saTurday ocToBer 28Th 2017
BUYING BUYING AT AT AUCTION AUCTION Majolica Auction Auction••November October 28, Majolica 22,2017 2014 LOCATION LOCATION Alderfer Auctions, 501 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, Alderfer Auctions, 501 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, Pennsylvania, 19440 19440 CONDITIONS CONDITIONS The Auctioneer, together with the consignor, have tried to The Auctioneer, together with the consignor, havearetried represent all items as to condition, however, all items to beto represent all items as to condition, however, all items are to be sold “AS IS”, “WHERE IS” and under NO circumstances may any sold “AS IS”, “WHERE IS” and under NO circumstances may any item be returned for a full or partial refund. item be returned for a full or partial refund. TERMS TERMS Cash, Master Card, Visa, Traveler’s Checks, Money Orders and Cash, Master Card, Visa, Traveler’s Checks, Money Orders and Cashiers Checks. Personal Checks ONLY when accompanied with Cashiers Checks. Personal Checks ONLY when accompanied with a letter of credit from your bank. NO exceptions. An additional a letter of credit from your bank. NO exceptions. An additional 3% buyers premium will be added to all credit card or paypal 3% buyers premium will be added to all credit card or paypal payments. payments. BUYER’S PREMIUM BUYER’S PREMIUM The buyer’s premium The buyer’s premiumis is20%. 20%.The Thepremium premiumwill willbebecharged chargedon onallall purchases. Online internet bidding buyer’s premium is 25%. purchases. Online internet bidding buyer’s premium is 23%. PREVIEW PREVIEW Preview will bebe Friday, October Preview will Friday, October2730from from11am 11amtoto7pm 7pmand andSaturday, Saturday, October 28 at 7:30am. You may also preview the catalog October 31 at 7:30am. You may also preview the catalogonline online at www.strawserauctions.comthen thengogototo“Auctions” “Auctions”and andthen then “Online Auctions”. “Online Auctions”. AUCTION TIME AUCTION TIME The auction will begin Saturday, am. The auction will begin Saturday,October October2831atat10:00 10:00am. BIDDER REGISTRATION BIDDER REGISTRATION Floor bidders can register Floor bidders can registeranytime anytimethe theday dayofofpreview/auction. preview/auction. TELEPHONE BIDDING TELEPHONE BIDDING You YouMUST MUSTpre-register pre-registerforfortelephone telephonebidding biddingatatleast least48 48hours hours prior totothe prior theauction. auction.The Theminimum minimumopening openingbid bidon onany anyitem itemfor for telephone bidding telephone biddingis is$5000.00. $5000.00.
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Strawser Auctions Presents
Fine Majolica for the Connoisseur October 28th 2017, Alderfer Auction Center, Hatfield, PA
Welcome to Strawser Auctions Annual ‘Fine Majolica For The Connoisseur’ 2017 Catalogue. Michael Strawser, President of Strawser Auction Group and founder of the Majolica International Society, together with the World’s premier Majolica authority, Nicolaus Boston are very proud and excited to be able to offer for sale, 430 lots of Museum Quality Majolica including 240 lots from the respected and published Connecticut based collection of Donna & David Reis. Over 20 years ago, Donna and David Reis, set out to build a World Class Majolica Collection, concentrating on the very finest quality, ‘only one known’ examples and where possible, pieces that were exhibited at the major 19th century World fairs. Sourcing from auction houses and respected Majolica dealers, taking first class advise from Joan Stacke Graham and Nicolaus Boston, the Reis’s collection grew to become one of the finest in the World. Some of the highlights of our selection from the Reis Collection (and there are many) is the Important and Very Rare, Georges Jones Giraffe and Stag Centrepiece (lot 93) and the monumental Hugo Lonitz Swan Tureen (lot 145) which grace the front cover of our catalogue. Lot 129, the massive Minton Majolica Jardiniere supported by three putti, the body colored in a rare French Blue glaze, an example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862, is truly the ultimate Minton Majolica Exhibition Centrepiece. Delphin Massier, another area favored by the Reis’s, is represented in the catalogue, notably the rare pair of yellow orchid vases (lot 190) and the peacock and butterfly jardiniere on stand (lot 188). The work of the celebrated company, Hugo Lonitz, Black Forest style Majolica was a keen favorite of the Reis’s and one of the very first collectors to recognize the excellent quality and charm of this German manufacturers work. Lots 146-157 are all wonderful examples. Also included in this year’s catalogue are many very rare and important pieces sourced from collections around the World, notably the most wonderful Hugo Lonitz Monumental figure of a Hawk (lot 146), possibly the finest example of this company’s work and one of only two known examples. Worthy of a mention are the two very rare Minton Majolica Palissy Ewers on Stands designed by Hamlet Bourne after a 16th century original the red ground example being exceptionally rare. (lots 119 & 121) Michael and Nicolaus hope that this year’s catalogue, pleases you, excites you and encourages you to be part of this year’s exciting event. We encourage prospective buyers to contact us with any questions for any of the 430 lots, we will be delighted to answer your enquiries, with a combined Majolica experience of over sixty years, we are confident that our advice is second to none. Michael and Nicolaus will be delighted to meet you personally at the Alderfer Auction Center, Hatfield, Pennsylvania on 28th of October. We wish you the best luck, and hope that you will be successful in adding to your collections from ‘Fine Majolica For The Connoisseur’ 2017. Warmest regards, Michael and Nicolaus
‘Fine Majolica For The Connoisseur’ 2017 is available to view online and in full detail at
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1. Rare Wedgwood Majolica Cachepot on Stand c. 1875, Straight sided mottled green, yellow and cobalt blue cobalt, the cachepot supported on three yellow ball feet. H. 9” $300-$500 2. Rare Wedgwood Majolica Chinese Style Vase c.1875, Mottled green and dark grey with yellow lion and ring handles, 7” $100-$200 3. Excellent Quality Wedgwood Majolica ‘Doric’ Pitcher c.1875, Mottled yellow, brown and cobalt blue with gilt mask and pewter lid, 8 ½”. $100-$200 4. Wedgwood Majolica Humidor c.1875, Mottled turquoise and cobalt blue body with celadon rope forming the handle, 5½” $100-$200 5. Two Wedgwood Majolica ‘Flowering Rush’ Pitchers c.1875, Cobalt blue body with bands of stylised leaves and flowers, 8 ¾” and 6 ½”. Donna & David Reis Collection $450-$650 6. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Narcissus’ Vase c.1875, cobalt body decorated with Narcissi, all supported on three bulb feet, 8” $200-$300
7. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Mayo’ Basket c.1875, Cobalt blue with brown arched handles tied with turquoise ribbon, 8 ¼”w, Donna & David Reis Collection $200-$300 8. Wedgwood Majolica 3 piece ‘Stanley’ Pattern Butter Dish’c.1875 Cobalt blue with panels of stylised daisies, 7 ¾” Donna & David Reis Collection $300-$400 9. Wedgwood Majolica Dessert Plate Designed by Joseph Theodore Deck c.1875, Heron and dragonfly in marshes all within a trellis frame. 10. Rare Wedgwood Three Piece Butter Dish Butter Dish c.1875, Turquoise panels of spliced flowers, leaves and butter churns, 7”. Donna & David Reis Collection $200-$300
11. Wedgwood Majolica Argenta ‘Partridge’ Tureen c. 1875, Floral swags and game birds, two partridges forming the handle, 13”w, 8”h $400-$600
12. Rare Wedgwood Bulb Pot and Cover c.1870, Polychrome rectangular body with three spout lid, female mask heads to corners, all supported on four dolphins a top a cushioned base. $500-$700
13. Two Wedgwood Majolica ‘Ocean’ Pitchers c.1875, Turquoise with shell and coral decoration, 7 ¾” and 6” $200-$400
14. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Ocean’ Cup & Saucer c.1875, Turquoise with shell decoration $60-$80
15. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Ocean’ Bread Tray c.1875, Cobalt blue with barrel, coral and waves decoration, 13”. $300-$500
16. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Ocean’ Sardine Box c.1875, Cobalt blue with barrel, coral and waves decoration with orange rope handle. Donna & David Reis Collection $600-$800
17. Wedgwood Majolica Sardine Dish c.1875, Cobalt blue basket with orange rope border, the lid surmounted by coral and shell twist handle. Donna & David Reis Collection $400-$500
18. Three Wedgwood Majolica Neo-Classical Tiles c. 1870, Cobalt blue decorated with vine and lions head below a yellow shaped top edge, 7 ½”. $300-$500
19. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Boucher’ Vase c.1875. Cobalt blue amphora hung with laurel swags supported on the backs of two putto aside gardening tools atop a shaped pedestal base, 11”h, 10”w. See illustration ‘Art Journal 1878’ Paris Exhibition. $600-$900
20. Very Rare Wedgwood Majolica ‘Monkey’ Centrepiece c.1875, Cobalt blue circular bowl decorated with monkeys in branches all supported by a large monkey atop a circular pedestal base, 9 ½”w, 10”h. $2000-$2500
21. Rare & Desirable Wedgwood Majolica Three Piece ‘Punch and Judy’ Tea Set c.1875, All items turquoise, oval shape and modeled with ‘Punch’ figural handles, ‘Judy’ under the teapot spout and ‘Toby’(dog) surmounting the teapot and sugar bowl covers. $3000-$5000
22. Rare Wedgwood Majolica Argenta ‘Punch and Judy’ Teapot c.1875, Oval shape and modelled with ‘Punch’ handle, ‘Judy’ under the spout and ‘Toby’ ( dog) surmounting the cover. $300-$500
23. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Dragon’ Kettle Designed by Hughes Protat c.1875, Cobalt oval body with dragon handle, the head forming the spout, 7 ½”h, 9”w. $800-$1200
24. Wedgwood Majolica ‘Pekin’ Kettle C.1875, mottled cobalt, turquoise and yellow with arched handle, a yellow ball forming the cover finial, 5”. $200-$300
25. Wedgwood Majolica Aesthetic Movement Kettle c. 1875. Cobalt oval body decorated with white bamboo leaves, 7”h, 8 ¾”w. $500-$700
26. Very Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co. Majolica Planter c.1875, Polychrome, modeled with hen and chicks aside a tree trunk forming the plant holder, 6 ½”h, 11”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $2000-$3000
27. Very Rare Large T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co. Majolica Ewer c.1875. Polychrome, circular panel to back and front, one depicting a Saint Bernard dog, the other, a whippet, 14 ½”. Only known example. See Illustration of Brown Westhead Moore & Co. products depicting a similar ewer shown Paris Exhibition 1878. $1200-$1500
Reverse of Lot 27 28. Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Planter c.1875, Polychrome, modelled as a large owl perched on a rectangular wooden fence container decorated with acorns, 13”h, 8 ½”w. Donna & David Reis Collection See Illustration of Brown Westhead Moore & Co. products depicting a similar ewer shown Paris Exhibition 1878. $1500-$2000
30. T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Pitcher c.1875, Cobalt, snow drop and ferns leaves with pewter lid, 8” $200-$300 31. Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Box & Cover, C.1875, Square, yellow basket body, fern surmounting the cover, a yellow butterfly forming the handle, all supported on branch and blossom to each corner, 8 ½”w, 5”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
29. Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Preserve Dish & Cover c.1875, Yellow basket body with cobalt collar, strawberry plants all supported on three upright branches with red ribbon, 8”w, 4”h. $300-$500
32. Very Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Crab Pate Box & Cover c.1875, Modelled s a pink crab, the back forming the cover and a shell twist, the handle, 7 ½”w, 2 ½”h. $1200-$1500
33. Very Rare T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Box & Cover c.1875, Modelled as a white rabbit sat on a rocky ground with ivy leaves, 5”h. Only known example. Donna & David Reis Collection $2000-$2500
34. A Very Rare, Excellent Quality, T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Moon flask c.1875, Lavender decorated with a large pale yellow orchid and bright green leaves all upon twig supports, 9 ¾”. Only known example. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
35. T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co Majolica Spoon Warmer c.1875, modeled as a turquoise egg upon leaves and a rocky ground pedestal base, 8 ½”w, 5”h. $300-$500
36. Rare Victoria Pottery Company Majolica Aesthetic Movement Tete’a’Tete c.1875, Cobalt hexagonal body decorated with bright yellow sunflowers, comprising, teapot, cream jug, sugar bowl & cover, slop bowl & two cups & saucers. $800-$1200
37. Victoria Pottery Company Majolica Salad Bowl c. 1875, Modeled turquoise conch shell with a deep pink interior all supported on red coral, 9 ¼”d $200-$300
38. Twelve Rare Alcock & Co. Majolica Dessert Plates c. 1860, Decorated with strawberry leaves and blossoms all in earth tones, 9”. $1200-$1500
38a. Four Rare Alcock & Co. Majolica Shaped Dessert Serving Dishes c.1860, Decorated with strawberry leaves and blossoms all in earth tones, 9 ¼”. $400-$600
38b. Two Rare Alcock & Co. Majolica Oval Dessert Serving Trays c.1860, Decorated with strawberry leaves and blossoms all in earth tones, 11”. $200-$400
39. English Majolica Hunting Theme Game Tureen & Cover c.1875, Polychrome oval body decorated with leaves and stag heads, the cover surmounted with game bags, gun and a large yellow French horn forming the finial, all supported on an oval pedestal base. ( Maker unknown ), 13½”w, 8”h $600-$900 40. Rare Thomas Forester (attributed) Umbrella Stand c. 1880, modeled as a large upright bull dog wearing a red collar sitting on it’s hind legs upon a turquoise cushion, 22”. $800-$1200
41. Very Rare & Impressive Adams & Bromley Jardiniere on Stand c.1870 after a design by John Thomas. The polychrome jardiniere modeled as a circular bowl resting on the shoulders of four caryatids with lion paw feet, the polychrome square sectioned canted corner pedestal with lion head terminals, all supported on four large lion paw feet. Impressed ‘JT’ monogram, 46”h, 26”w. (Together with a 19th century slate platform). $600-$900
46. Minton Majolica ‘Cherub & Vine’ Pitcher c.1855 c.1855, after a parian original, cobalt, cherub and vine decoration with twisted branch handle, 9”. $300-$400
42. Two Minton Majolica ‘Tower’ Jugs c.1865. Polychrome, modeled as merry makers in Medieval costume dancing around a grey, ivy clad, tower, the lid surmounted with a jester head finial, 13”. $600-$900
47. Minton Majolica Pompiien Jug c.1860 Polychrome, squat bulbous body, panel of stylised swirling blossoms and tendrils, NeoClassical design to neck, 6”. $200-$300
43. Minton Majolica ‘Taviners’ Jug c.1865. Polychrome, the sloping straight sided body decorated with a group of Taviners all in Mediaeval costume, 10”. Donna & David Reis Collection $400-$600 44. Minton Majolica Commemorative ‘Shakespeare’ Jug c.1865, Celebrating the 300th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s birth, 11”. $300-$500 45. Minton Majolica Loving Cup & Cover, c.1860 (after a design for the Art Union), Brown glaze, decorated with vine leaves and grapes, two entwined branch lug handles, the lid surmounted with two entwined cherubs, all atop a circular cushioned base, 11”. $300-$500
48. Royal Worcester Majolica Sweetmeat dish c.1865 Polychrome, shell bowl, turquoise interior, triple dolphin pedestal stop a trefoil pedestal base, 7” ( rare yellow base ) $300-$400
49. Royal Worcester Majolica Posy Vase c.1865 Polychrome, pale yellow nautilus supported on cobalt coral all upon a circular pedestal base decorated with shells and coral, 9” ( rare cobalt coral ) $300-$400
50. Royal Worcester Majolica Sweetmeat dish c.1865 Polychrome, shell bowl, turquoise interior, triple dolphin pedestal stop a trefoil pedestal base, 5 ¼”. $300-$400 51. Rare Royal Worcester Majolica Posy Vase c.1865 Polychrome, modeled as a swan in water, a cattail pedestal supporting a nautilus shell, 8 ½”. $700-$900
52. Royal Worcester Majolica Posy Vase c.1865 Polychrome, nautilus surmounted by a lizard all supported on red coral all upon a circular pedestal base decorated with shells and coral, 9½”. $500-$700 53. Rare Royal Worcester Majolica Posy Vase c.1875 Polychrome, modelled as a convolute supported on red coral all upon a shell encrusted sea blue circular base, 7”. $250-$300 54. A Very Rare Royal Worcester Majoica Bowl c.1875 Modeled as a bowl of conch and spiral twist shells all supported on three dolphins atop a trefoil pedestal base, 9 ½”w, 6 ½”h. ( Very rare pastel pink coloring ) $2000-$2500
56. Very Rare Royal Worcester Majolica Spoon Warmer c.1875 (only known example ) Polychrome, conch shell surmounted by a lizard, pink coral support, 5”. $300-$400 57. Very Rare Royal Worcester Renaissance Revival Mermaid Pitcher c.1875 Straight sided cobalt body, panel of mermaid ands shells above stylised dolphins, Neptune mask spout, dolphin forming the handle, 10”. $400-$600
55. Two Royal Worcester Majolica ‘Hops’ pitchers c. 1875, cobalt blue, hops and leaves, branch handle, 8 ¼” and 4 ½”. Donna & David Reis Collection $300-$400
58. George Jones Majolica Shell Planter c.1875 modelled as a turquoise shell, pink interior, supported on white coral all upon a brown rocky ground, 12”w, 8”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200 59. George Jones Majolica Shell Planter c.1875 modelled as a turquoise shell, pink interior, supported on pink coral all upon a brown rocky ground, 12”w, 8”h. $800-$1200 60. George Jones Majolica Shell Planter c.1875 modelled as a white shell, pink interior, supported on white coral all upon a brown rocky ground, 12”w, 8”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $300-$400 61. Very Rare George Jones Majolica Shell Spoon Warmer c.1875, ( only known example ) white and pink shell supported on red coral all upon a brown rocky ground, 6”. $600-$900
62. George Jones Majolica Shell Bowl c.1875, white and pink circular shell, turquoise interior, supported on white coral all atop a circular brown rocky ground, 8 ¾”w, 5”h. $200-$400
63. George Jones Majolica Pond Lily and Fish Stick Stand c.1875, Straight sided, turquoise, pond lily and fishes, 21”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$2000
64. George Jones Majolica Dolphin and Shell Centrepiece c.1875, yellow conch vase supported by a three entwined dolphins pedestal resting on three lavender shell serving dishes all upon green shell support, 10”h, 12”w. $700-$900
Very Rare George Jones ‘Underwater’ Pattern
65. Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Underwater’ Cachepot c.1875, seagulls against a cobalt sky, fish, crabs, and shells against ocean blue with a brown rocky sea bed, 7”w, 6 ½”h. ( Only two known examples ) Donna & David Reis Collection $3500-$4000
66. Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Underwater’ Pitcher c.1875, seagulls against a cobalt sky, fish, crabs, and shells against ocean blue with a brown rocky sea bed, 7”. Donna & David Reis Collection $3500-$4000 67. Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Underwater’ Pitcher c.1875, seagulls against a cobalt sky, fish, crabs, and shells against ocean blue with a brown rocky sea bed, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $4000-$5000
68. Very Rare Minton Majolica Merman and Mermaid Compotes c.1860, After a design by John Thomas Modeled as a merman and a mermaid supported by a turtle and holding a shell bowl above their heads, 12 ½”. ( Only one of two known pairs) The design of these compotes is identical to the figures atop the majolica fountains designed by John Thomas at the Royal Dairy, Frogmore, Windsor, UK and of elements of the monumental Minton Majolica Fountain ( London International Exhibition 1862 ) $1500-$2000 69. Rare Minton Majolica Shell Posy Vase c.1875, modeled as an upright scallop supported by sea weed all upon a rocky pedestal base scattered with small shells, 7”. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
70. Pair of Minton Majolica Merman Compotes c.1875 Each modeled as a merman supporting a shell bowl, all supported by an oval pedestal base, 14 ½”h. $1200-$1500 71. Rare Minton Majolica Shell Spoon Warmer c.1875, Modeled as a volute shell supported on red coral feet, 5”. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
72. Pair of Minton Majolica Dolphin and Nautilus Vases c.1860, Each modeled as a nautilus supported by an entwined dolphin pedestal all atop an oval pedestal base, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $2200-$2500 73. Very Rare Minton Majolica Mussel Shell Tureen on Stand c.1865,( only known example ) Modeled as a closed mussel shell on seaweed supports, the cover surmounted with red coral and seaweed forming the handle, all atop an oval stand, the handles and feet formed with seaweed and red coral. $3000-$4000 74. Excellent Quality and Color Minton Majolica Crab Meat Tureen and Cover c.1865, the cover modeled as a red crab on a bed of seaweed, a frond of seaweed forming the handle and all upon an oval stand designed with twelve serving compartments, alternating in cobalt and orange and with rope twist borders, 15 ½”w. $2000-$3000 75. George Jones Conch Shell Spoon Warmer c. 1875, Modeled as a turquoise nautilus atop brown rocky ground. $300-$500
76. Very Rare Large Minton Tabby ‘Cheshire’ Cat c.1870 Modeled as a tabby cat with glass eyes all upon an oval green and orange pedestal base, 13 ½”. The inspiration for this cat was probably the Cheshire Cat from Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’, published in 1865. $2000-$4000 77. Very Rare Minton Majolica Match Striker c.1860, ( one of only two known ), the match holder formed as a pair of leather riding boots and the striker, as a boot scraper, all upon on a green and brown mottled shaped pedestal base, 4 ½”. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
77a. Brownfield Majolica Match Striker c.1875, Modeled as a pair of black boots to hold matchers all upon a circular pedestal base with an unglazed panel to the front as the match striker.
78. Minton Majolica Cat Milk Pitcher c.1875, Probably Designed by Paul Comolera, naturalistically modeled as a tabby cat, seated on its haunches, trapping a mouse under its right paw, its tail forming the handle. shape no 1924. Height 10”. Comolera is best known for his large models of animal and birds which were often based on life studies. He is also recorded producing smaller domestic animals. According to Joan Jones, Minton page 138-139 “His own loved Persian cat was the inspiration for the Majolica cat jug”, also see Comolera biography, ‘Dictionary of Minton’, 1990, Paul Atterbury, Maureen Batkin, page. 261) For a similar example see ‘Majolica figures’ Helen Cunningham 1997, page 28. $2000-$3000 79. Very Rare Minton Majolica Pine Cone Inkwell & Cover c.1865. Modeled as an upright pine cone with an attached branch forming the pen holder, the cover surmounted by a bird forming the handle, all upon a green leaf tray, 6”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $3000-$3500
79a. T.C. Brown Westhead Moore & Co. Fox & Grapes Pitcher c.1875, fox & flowers against a cobalt ground, the top section turquoise with vines on a yellow trellis. The design inspired by the Aesop fable ‘The Fox & The Grapes’. 80. A George Jones Majolica Bee Skip Stilton Dish & Cover c.1875, modeled as a yellow straw bee skip atop a square wooden stand, 14”h, 10”w. $2000-$3000 81. George Jones Majolica Butterfly Patch Box & Cover c.1875, the shaped box with bark ground decorated with leaves and blossoms, the lid modelled and painted as a naturalist butterfly resting on a leaf. $1200-$1500
82. Very Rare George Jones Majolica Owl Match Striker c.1875, ( one of only two known examples ), modeled as white and grey owl holding a yellow basket resting on a brown rocky ground, all above a circular pedestal base with an unglazed edge to form the striker, 4 ž�. $300-$500 83. Very Rare George Jones Majolica Basket & Branch Strawberry Server With Spoons c.1875, Modeled as a yellow basket weave bowl and cream and sugar holders all supported on a branch frame bound together with leaves and tendrils, together with a leaf and blossom serving ladle, sugar sifter and cream spoon. Donna & David Reis Collection $1800-$2200
84. Minton Majolica Pigeon Pie Tureen and Cover c.1875, Modeled as a circular yellow basket, the cover surmounted by a white pigeon resting on grasses and all supported by three grey pigeons and a frame of undulating branches and leaves, 11”h, 13”w $1500-$2000
85. Minton Majolica ‘Gun Dog’ Game Tureen c.1875 Shape no. 964. Modelled as an oval cream ground basket and cover, holly leaves to the sides, the holly branches forming handles at each end, an oval cartouche to each side, one depicting a running hare, the other, a running pheasant, the lid with a large gun dog laying across a gun and hunting bag to form the handle and all supported by four paw feet. Pg. 49 Karmason Stacke, 12”w, 7”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
86. Rare Minton Majolica Boars Head Tureen and Cover c.1865, after an 18th Century Chelsea Porcelain original, modeled as the head of a grey boar, the top half forming the cover, 15”w, 10”h, (lacking stand). Only a handful of the boars head tureens are known. An example with stand included in the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia. $3000-$5000
86a. Large Minton Majolica ‘Gun Dog’ Game Tureen c.1875 Shape no. 964. Modelled as an oval cream ground basket and cover, holly leaves to the sides, the holly branches forming handles at each end, an oval cartouche to each side, one depicting a running hare, the other, a running pheasant, the lid with a large gun dog laying across a gun and hunting bag to form the handle and all supported by four paw feet. Pg. 49 Karmason Stacke. $1200-$1500
87. A George Jones Majolica Partridge Tureen & Cover c.1875, the cobalt oval base decorated with rabbits in grasses and ferns, with double twig handles to each end, the lid designed as a bed of leaves, a partridge forming the handle, with liner, 11”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1800-$2200
88. Very Rare George Jones Majolica Tureen & Cover c. 1875, (only known example ), the oval turquoise base decorated with hunting nets and game birds, the cover surmounted by a bed of ferns, the handle formed as a young boy nesting next to a large dog, 11”w, 8”h. $2000-$3000
89. George Jones Majolica Tureen & Cover c.1875, the oval turquoise base decorated with hunting nets and game birds, the cover surmounted by a bed of ferns, the handle formed as a recumbent fox with a goose under his front paws, 11�w, 8�h. $1200-$1500
90. Rare George Jones Majolica Box & Cover c.1875 Modeled as a cobalt blue cushion with orange rope trim, a small white dog forming the handle to the cover, the turquoise interior with compartments, two with fitted baskets and a lid to a central well, 10”w, 5 ½”h. This design come in three different versions, this example with the fitted interior lid and baskets is very rare. $1200-$1500 91. George Jones Partridge Tureen c.1875, the turquoise oval base decorated with rabbits in grasses and ferns, with double twig handles to each end, the lid designed as a bed of leaves, a partridge forming the handle, 14”w, 8”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $1800-$2200
91a. George Jones Majolica ‘Full Nest’ game pie dish cover, c.1875, the turquoise oval base decorated with rabbits in grasses and ferns, with double twig handles to each end, the lid designed as a bed of leaves, a partridge surrounded by her chicks forming the handle, 14”w, 8”h. $3000-$5000
92. Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Doe’ Tureen and Cover c.1875 The cobalt circular base decorated with a running design of swirling leaves framing images of stags, hounds and cherubs blowing hunting horns, the ivy and leaf covered lid with a recumbent doe forming the handle with liner,10 ½”w, 7 ½”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $2200-$2500
93. A Very Rare & Important Large George Jones Giraffe & Stag Centrepiece c.1875, modeled as a giraffe and stag standing beneath a turquoise bowl decorated with branches and leaves all omitting for a tree trunk central pedestal, all upon a circular earthy ground pedestal base, 14”h, 14”w. Forming the centrepiece of the rare George Jones ‘Continents’ compotes ( Africa, Australia, Asia, Europe ), there are only three examples of this piece are known. Donna & David Reis Collection $25,000-$30,000
94. A Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘America’ Centrepiece c.1875, Impressed ‘America’ to the foot rim, Modeled as two buffalo beneath a turquoise bowl decorated with branches and leaves all omitting from a tree trunk central pedestal, a gofer emerging from a small burrow, all upon a circular earthy ground pedestal base, 10”h, 10 ¾”w. One of four of the rare George Jones Majolica ‘Continents’ compotes depicting Africa (lions), America (buffalo) , Asia (camels), Europe (Deer). $14,000-$16,000
95. A Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Africa’ Centrepiece c.1875, Impressed ‘Africa’ to the foot rim, Modeled as a lion and lioness beneath a turquoise bowl decorated with branches and leaves all omitting from a tree trunk central pedestal, a lizard emerging from a small burrow, all upon a circular earthy ground pedestal base, 10”h, 10 ¾”w. One of four of the rare George Jones Majolica ‘Continents’ compotes depicting Africa (lions), America (buffalo) , Asia (camels), Europe (Deer). $14,000-$16,000
96. Six Rare George Jones Majolica Pineapple Cups and Saucers c.1875, modeled after 18th Century, Wedgwood `& Wheildon Ware pineapple patterns, the cup and saucers decorated naturalistically as pineapple. $600-$900 97. George Jones Majolica ‘Running Rooster’ Teapot Cover c.1875, Modelled as a running rooster, the head forming the spout and tail forming the tail, a tuft of feathers along the back back forming the cover and all supported on an oval earthy ground. Pg. 121 Dawes, 11”w, 6 ½”h. $2000-$3000 98. A Rare Large George Jones Majolica ‘Monkey’ Pitcher c.1875 The flat sided cobalt blue body decorated with wild roses and a monkey forming the handle, 7” $800-$1200 99. A Rare and Complete George Jones Majolica ‘Monkey’ Tea Set. c.1875, All pieces with cobalt ground and decorated with orange blossom, the teapot and cream pitcher with monkey handles. The tea set comprising of: teapot and cover, cream pitcher, sugar bowl and cover, two cups and saucers, tea tray. $3000-$5000
100. A Minton Majolica ‘Blowfish’ Teapot and Cover c. 1875. Modelled as a fantastic fish with a brown spout emerging from its mouth, supported on green waves and with a brown seaweed handle surmounted by a sea snail, the cover with a spiky dorsal fin forming the finial, 7”h, 9”w. $3000-$4000
101. Minton Majolica ‘Monkey and and Rooster’ Teapot and Cover c.1875. The cobalt blue ovoid body with a decorated circular shield, the tail formed as a monkey holding reigns and driving a rooster to the front forming the spout, a snail forming the handle of the cover. Pg. 152 Joan Jones, 9”w, 6”h $2000-$2500
102. Minton Majolica ‘Monkey’Teapot and Cover c. 1875. Modeled as a monkey clutching a yellow coconut, the tail forming the handle and bamboo forming the spout. Pg.151 Joan Jones, 8 ½”w, 6”h $1200-$1500
103. Rare Minton Majolica ‘Mushroom and Coconut’ Teapot and Cover c.1875. Modelled as a yellow coconut, with green leaf forming the spout, branch forming the handle and feet, the cover formed as a mushroom, 9”w, 5 ½”h $1500-$2000
104. Rare Minton Majolica Tete’a’Tete, c.1865. The teapot formed as yellow melon and with a mushroom cover, the cobalt ground creamer, the body decorated with leaves and blossoms and with a twig handle, all supported by three shell feet, the turquoise gourd shaped sugar bowl with a peaked cover with a snail and grass finial, the cup ( lacking saucer) with brown ground and decorated with white blossoms and leaves, all upon a large green leave tea tray with white blossoms, tray 14” $3000-$5000
105. Minton Majolica ‘Bamboo’ Teapot and Cover c.1875 The design attributed to Christopher Dresser. The oval straight sided cobalt blue body with a band of bamboo to the centre and twisted bamboo forming a high arched handle and spout, the domed cover with a small arched twisted bamboo handle, 8” $800-$1200
106. Minton Majolica ‘Chinese Actor’ Teapot and Cover c.1875. Modeled as a Chinaman clutching a mask, the spout emerging from its mouth, Chinaman’s pigtail forming the handle, the head forming the cover, 7 ½”w, 5 ¼”h $600-$900 107. Very Rare Copeland Majolica Serving Dish c.1875 Modeled as a bird perched on a nest of eggs, the two dishes formed as large leaves, 14”w, 5 ½”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $1000-$1200
108. Minton Majolica ‘Fox And Crow’ Vase c.1875, Modelled as a brown tree trunk with turquoise interior and a fox peering up at a crow. Inspired by the Aesop Fable ‘The Fox and the Crow’, 9” $1200-$1500 109. Rare Minton Majolica Rooster & Hen Flower Vases c.1875 Designed by John Henk, modeled as a rooster and hen both stood beside a wooden fence flower holder all upon an oval pedestal base, 13”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$5000
109a. Rare Minton Majolica Beehive Cheese Dish & Cover c.1870, the cover modeled as a yellow straw beehive with trailing blackberries, branch forming the handle, the base formed as a square canted platform supported by undulating branch, 13 ½�h Front Cover, Karmason Stacke, Donna and David Reis Collection $14,000-$18,000
110. Very Rare Pair of George Jones Hummingbird Wall Pockets c.1875, Each modeled as a turquoise basket weave cone, strawberry plants, humming birds and branch handle, 11 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$3000 111. Rare George Jones Majolica Preserve Jar & Cover, c.1875, cobalt body with fixed under plate decorated with strawberry plants, branch handles, the cover with three strawberries forming handle, 6 ½” $600-$900
112. George Jones Majolica ‘Doves’ Centrepiece c.1875. Modelled as an oval turquoise shaped bowl with pink interior, the body decorated with laurel swags bound with pink ribbon, all supported by two back to back white turtle doves, all upon a domed oval brown base with green leaves, 12”w, 7 1/2”h $1200-$1500 113. George Jones Majolica Camel Flower Holder c.1872 Design Registered 23rd December 1871. Modeled as camel, the flower holders formed as with turquoise parcels bound with yellow rope. All upon earthy ground atop an oval pedestal base. pg.46 Cluett, 9 1/2”. $1200-$1500
114. Very Rare Monumental Minton Majolica Renaissance Revival Jardiniere c.1875, Decorated on the Della Robbia colors, modeled as a large bowl decorated with pine cones and owls heads, supported by a triple column terminating in scrolls legs with female mask heads and laurel swags, all upon a trefoil stepped pedestal base, 32�h, 24�w. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$5000
115. Rare Minton Majolica Reformist Vase c.1875, Attributed to Christopher Dresser. The cobalt body with slanting sides decorated with two owls heads, all supported on four claw feet against a circular pedestal base, 8 ¼”. $400-$600
116. Copeland Majolica Renaissance Revival Vase c.1860 The polychrome shaped body with trumpet neck, decorated profusely with panels of strap work and masks, two shaped scroll handles, 14 ½” $300-$500
117. Copeland Majolica Jardiniere c.1860. The circular, flared, polychrome body decorated with panels of butterflies amongst fauna, all supported on a circular pedestal base, 15”d, 12 ½”h. $600-$900
118. Very Rare Minton Majolica Oriental Style Vase c.1875 Modeled as four polychrome stacked spherical jars each with lug handles. ( only known example ), 5 ¼”. $300-$500
119. Very Rare Minton Majolica Palissy Ewer & Stand c.1860, modeled by Hamlet Bourne, after a Palissy design, mask head below spout, a mermaid along the handle and Renaissance style cartouches and motifs around the cobalt body, the cobalt blue oval stand with a broad border of Renaissance style decoration with an oval cartouche to the centre, 12”h, 11 ¾”w. A similar Minton ewer on stand, Victoria & Albert Museum. Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$3000
120. Very Rare Red Ground Minton Majolica Palissy Ewer & Stand c.1860, modeled by Hamlet Bourne, after a Palissy design, mask head below spout, a mermaid along the handle and Renaissance style cartouches and motifs around the deep red body, the oval stand with a broad border of Renaissance style decoration with an oval cartouche to the centre. This red glaze is extremely rare and rarely seen as a body color in majolica. A similar cobalt Minton ewer on stand, Victoria & Albert Museum. $2000-$3000
121. Rare Minton Majolica ‘Flemish’ Jug c.1875 Modeled as two brown conjoined rings decorated with masks, the tall neck and spout all joined with a plain handle, all supported on a circular pedestal base, 12 ½”. $300-$400 122. Minton Majolica ‘Crystal Palace Art Union’ Ewer on Stand c.1860, 15”h, 10 ½”d. Designed after a Renaissance metal original, with Della Robbia style fruit panels and portrait panels to the body and a winged caryatid to the high handle, the base of flared flutes with stylised flower heads. The stand with a border of Della Robbia style fruit panels separated by 6 portrait panels of gentlemen and a central medallion depicting ‘Juno and a Peacock’, ‘Crystal Palace Art Union’ inscribed to a surrounding emerald green border, ewer 14”h, stand 10 ¾”d. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
123. Minton Majolica ‘Protat’ Ewer c.1860 Designed by Hughes Protat, the polychrome circular body modelled as a barrel with entwined grapevine handles, the shoulders each applied with four putti, monogram for Hughes Protat below, handle, 15”. Similar example illustrated Art Journal 1862. Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$800
124. Minton Majolica ‘Shell’ Ewer’ c.1860, Designed by Hughes Protat, the Renaissance style, the sides and pedestal foot with scallop shells, the pedestal foot also shell-moulded, a mermaid under the spout, a boy under the raised scroll handle, the neck moulded with fish scales, all richly coloured on a dark blue ground,HP monogram on handle, 14”. Donna and David Reis Collection 125. Minton Majolica ‘Askos’ Mermaid Wine Pitcher. c.1875, Classical Greco-Roman form, glazed in cobalt blue, mermaid handle flanked by putti holding ivy garland united with a horned and bearded mask to the front. Shape No. 1420’, 8”. Dawes p. 72, Joan Jones p.72 and Atterbury and Batkin p.243. $800-$1200
126. Minton Majolica Renaissance Revival ‘Bacchus’ Vase c.1875 The urn shaped French blue body molded with three satyr masks and festoons of pendant fruit, suspending rope-twist swags above gadrooned lower section supported by circular pedestal base, 13”. A monumental version was shown at the London International Exhibition 1862, Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition 1876. $400-$600 127. Rare Minton Majolica Beer Jug c.1855, Designed by Pierre Emille Jeannest, polychrome, the grey ground low bellied shape decorated with inebriated putti and surrounded by hop vines, the vine scroll handle with rams head terminal, all supported on an oval pedestal base. This shape, in silver, was exhibited as part of Elkington’s display at the 1855 Paris Exposition Universelle, 12”. $1200-$1500
128. Minton Majolica Figure ‘Science’ c.1875 Designed by Albert Carrier Belouse. Shape no. 367. Modelled as a draped putto holding a gold and dividers and stood in front of a pile of books and large cog, the circular pedestal base decorated with laurel and a plaque inscribed ‘Science’. 10” Donna and David Reis Collection $200-$300
129. Important Large Minton Majolica Jardiniere c.1860 Designed by Albert Carrier Bellouse, Shape no. 990, the large bowl applied front and back with a central ribbon-tied triple portrait medallion, the shoulder flanked by a ram’s mask handles suspending harvest garlands, supported by four seated cherubs on a circular plinth. Similar example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862, Paris Universelle 1878, 32”h, 32”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $12,000-$15,000
130. Large Minton Passion Flower Jardiniere & Stand c.1860,, the shaped cobalt body profusely decorated with passion flowers and leaves flanked by two lions head handles, the stand with wide border of leaves and flower buds, a band of white and gold bound with green ribbon to the edge. A similar example from the Royal Collection, can be seen in Queen Victoria’s bedroom, Osborne House, Isle of Wight, stand 18”d, jardiniere 20”w, 16 ½”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $1200-$1500 131. Rare Deep Pink Ground Minton Majolica Jardiniere & Stand c.1855,, upturned bell shape, lavender trellis , draped floral garlands & acanthus leaves, the circular stand, lavender trellis and laurel border bound with pink ribbon. A similar example was shown at the Great Exhibition 1851. The use of this deep pink ground is rarely seen on Minton Majolica. It is a color that is recognised as being from the earliest examples c.1851-1855. Jardiniere 13”w, 11”h, stand 13 ½”d Donna & David Reis Collection $1000-$1500
132.Very Rare, Large Minton Majolica Vase c.1870 Designed by Albert Carrier Bellouse, modeled as Flora, the Goddess of Summer, supporting a cobalt amphora sat upon a cornucopia brimming with brightly colored roses, atop a rocky ground & circular pedestal base. Signed ‘A.Carrier’ to rocky ground. A pair of porcelain examples can be seen in a 19th century photograph of the residence of Milton Slocum, Menlo Park, Ca., 27 ½” Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$2500 133. Rare Minton Majolica Renaissance Revival ‘Snakes’ Vase designed by Albert Stevens c.1855, cobalt body, coiled snake handles, circular pedestal base, 17”. $400-$600
134. A Rare Pair of Minton Majolica Hand Painted Wine Coolers c.1865, Probably painted by John Thorley, the compana shaped body with beautifully hand painted scenes of a lake view and of a country scene, flanked by two lions head handles, the partially fluted lower body above a circular pedestal base. Minton pieces painted by John Thorley were exhibited at the Paris Exhibition 1867, 8”h, 8”d Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$2000
135. Minton Majolica jardiniere c.1865, designed by Pierre Emille Jeannest, probably painted by John Thorley, four sided, caryatid and satyr to corners, circular panels of beautifully hand painted lake and countryside views, all supported on scroll feet. Shape no 602, 9 ½ The shape produced for the porcelain ‘Victoria Service’ purchased by Queen Victoria at the Great Exhibition, 1851. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
136. Very Rare Minton Majolica Pot Pourri C.1860 painted by Eduard Rischgitz, From The Marilyn Karmason Collection, circular body, domed pierced lid, hand painted Summer scene of grazing cattle. This rare shape attributed Christopher Dresser was introduced at the London International Exhibition 1862, for a porcelain example see Victoria & Albert Museum, 6 ½”d, 4 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection. $1000-$1500
137. Very Rare Minton Majolica Pot Pourri C.1860 painted by Eduard Rischgitz, From The Marilyn Karmason Collection, pink circular body & domed pierced lid, hand painted Summer scene of grazing cattle This rare shape attributed Christopher Dresser was introduced at the London International Exhibition 1862, for a porcelain example see Victoria & Albert Museum. Donna & David Reis Collection. $1000-$1500
138. A Very Rare and Large Pair of Minton Majolica Figural Putti ‘The Grape Bearers’ c.1855 Designed by Albert Carrier Belleuse. Shape No: 312, 313 One of only two pairs known. Each draped with vine and bear skins, one holding pan pipes and cymbal, the other, a tambourine, all stood upon a domed circular rocky ground, 16”. Designed to support a pole draped with bunches of grapes. The shapes designed for the porcelain ‘Victoria Service’ purchased by Queen Victoria at the Great Exhibition, 1851. Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$2500
139. Pair of Minton Majolica Putti Posy Holders c.1875 Designed Albert Carrier Bellouse. Each modeled as two putti draped with wheat and grasses and holding a rope handles, either side of a planked tub with a turquoise interior, all stood on a mottled green and purple rocky ground and supported by an cobalt pedestal base, 11” Donna and David Reis Collection $1600-$2000
140. Very Rare Pair of William Brownfield Majolica Figures c.1870, Polychrome, each modeled as a girl in 18th Century costume, one feeding a hound, the other feeding a lamb, all upon an oval rocky ground above a orange pedestal base, 9”. ( Only known examples ) $1200-$1500
142. Minton Majolica Sailor Tobacco Jar c.1875, modeled as a yellow coiled rope, a sailor drinking from a tankard forming the handle, 9”. $800-$1200
141. Rare Minton Majolica Boat Spoon Warmer c.1875, modeled as a row boat with female figure head, a boy at the rear holding a rudder, 6 ½”w, 4 ½”h. $200-$300
143. Large Pair of Rare George Jones Majolica Swan Jardinieres c.1875, turquoise body, modeled with swans in water, amongst lilies and cattails, 18 ½’d, 16”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$6000 144. Very Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Shell Spoon Warmer c.1875 Modeled as a pink and white conch, turquoise interior, atop a rocky ground above a circular cobalt pedestal base, 7”w, 4 ½”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $400-$500
145. Very Rare Monumental Hugo Lonitz Majolica Swan Tureen c.1875, beautifully modeled as a swan above an oval molded stepped pedestal base, the lid formed as feathers between the wings. Only four known examples including one in Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany. Donna and David Reis Collection $15,000-$20,000
146. Very Rare Monumental Hugo Lonitz Majolica Model of a Hawk c.1875, with glass eyes, perched on a rocky ground with ferns and branches on an entwined branch base, 24� The only other known example was sold at Christies, NY, 22 November 2011, realized $56,250. $30,000-$40,000
147. Very Rare Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Bird Posy Vase c.1875, Polychrome, the vase formed as a open tree trunk applied with ferns, ivy, mushroom, a Great Tit perched on the side, 6 ½”. One of only two known. Donna and David Reis Collection $1800-$2300 148. Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Planter c.1875, Modeled as a clump of grasses and cattails, a grouse with chicks to the front, all atop a rocky ground, 8 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$3500
149. Very Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica‘Hoopoe’ Planter c.1875, Modeled as an open tree trunk, turquoise interior, applied leaves, a large Hoopoe to the front all atop a rocky ground with scattered grasses, 9 ½”,( One of two known examples). Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$4500 150. Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Grouse Planter c.1875, Modeled as wheat and grasses, turquoise interior, a large house to the front, all upon a rocky ground with scattered grasses, 11”. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$2800
151. Rare Pair of Hugo Lonitz Majolica Basket Vases c.1875,, Each modeled as a yellow conical wicker basket with applied hummingbird, supported on a frame of entwined branches and ivy leaves forming a triform base, 11”. Donna and David Reis Collection $2800-$3200
152. A Very Rare Monumental Hugo Lonitz Majolica Basket Centrepiece c.1875 Modeled as conical wicker basket with applied hummingbird supported by three branch and ivy triform stand, three further baskets with a large grouse lower down, 23”. ( one of only two known examples) Donna and David Reis Collection. $4000-$4500 153. An Excellent Quality Pair of Hugo Lonitz Majolica Flower c.1875, Each modeled as an oak tree with leaves and acorns Holders c.1875 supporting a separate bark and oak leaf planter, one pedestal with two grouse, the other with a grouse and chicks, 15 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$5000 c.1875, modeled as an 154.Hugo Lonitz Majolica Flower Pot Holder c.1875 oak tree supporting a pot holder of leaves and acorns, two grouse to the front, cattails to the rear, 13”. Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$900 c.1875. Modeled 155. Very Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Oil Lamp c.1875 as an oak tree and two grouse atop an earthy ground, cattails to the rear, all supporting a bark and oak leaf oil chamber and cover, original brass burner ( funnel and shade replaced), 17”. Donna and David Reis Collection $3000-$3500
156. Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Mirror c.1875, the rectangular frame formed from bound branches and profusely covered in ivy leaves with a hummingbird to the top edge and to the sides and a lizard studying a bird’s nest full of eggs below the oval mirror, 22�h. $1500-$2000
157. Rare Hugo Lonitz Majolica Mirror c. 1875, the rectangular frame formed from bound branches and profusely covered in ivy leaves with a hummingbird to the top edge and to the sides and a lizard studying a bird’s nest full of eggs below the oval mirror, 22�h. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$3000
Charles Jean Avisseau c. 1855 157a. A Spectacular & Very Rare Charles Jean Avisseau Majolica ‘Art of the Earth’ Palissy Grotto c.1856, polychrome, modeled as a naturalistic forest floor scene, depicting a snake, lizard and frog climbing on rocks around a watery hole with lilies, ferns and grasses, a gnarled branch and oak leaves to the rear, a tablet to the front inscribed ‘Avisseau a tours 1856’, 6 ½”h, 10”w. This grotto represents the finest quality of 19th century Palissyware. Jean Charles Avisseau is recognised for rediscovering Bernard Palissy’s lost secrets 250 years after Palissy’s death. Together with his his brother-in-law, Joseph Landais, he was the pioneer of the 19th century Palissy Revival. Exhibiting at the Great Exhibition, 1851 and the Paris Exhibition, 1855, Avisseau’s work received great acclaim and patronage being celebrated as the true 19th Century Palissy Revivalist. Donna and David Reis Collection $8000-$12000
158. Rare Jean Charles Avisseau Majolica Paper Weight c.1855, modeled as a frog resting on a rocky ground, 6�w. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
The George Jones Palissy Ewer
From ‘Monographie De L’ouvre De Bernard Palissy, Delange’, 1862
159. Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Palissy’ Ewer c.1875 after a Bernard Palissy 16th Century original from the Soulage Collection, Cobalt, decorated with leaves, shells and lizards, a looped snake forming the handle all supported on a circular pedestal base with applied shells, 17 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $3000-$4000
From ‘Monographie De L’ouvre De Bernard Palissy, Delange’, 1862
160. George Jones Majolica ‘Covered Claret Beer Jug’ c.1875, shape no. 3228, Example exhibited: Vienna 1873, the cobalt body decorated with turquoise panels, one depicting a fox and hare, the other a hound and partridge, a riding crop forming the handle, a pewter mounted cobalt lid with fox finial, 14”. Inspired by a 16th century Palissy ewer $600-$900 161. George Jones Majolica ‘Claret Beer Jug’ c.1875, shape no. 3228, Example exhibited: Vienna 1873, the cobalt body decorated with turquoise panels, one depicting a fox and hare, the other a hound and partridge, a riding crop forming the handle, 10”. Inspired by a 16th century Palissy ewer $400-$600
George Pull Palissy Ware
162. Excellent Quality Rare George Pull Majolica Palissy Dish c.1860, design inspired by stained glass decorated in cobalt, green, yellow and white, 10”. Probably after a Palissy 16th century original Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$800 163. Excellent Quality Rare George Pull Majolica Palissy Reticulated Dish, c. 1860, the cobalt reticulated centre and border with white and yellow daisy heads. After a Palissy 16th century original from the Soulage Collection. $700-$900 164. Excellent Quality Rare George Pull Majolica Palissy Reticulated Dish c.1860, the green reticulated centre and border with white and yellow daisy heads, 11 ¾”. After a Palissy 16th century original from the Soulage Collection $600-$800
166. Very Rare George Pull Majolica Palissy Ewer c.1860, mask head below spout, a mermaid along the handle and Renaissance style cartouches and motifs around a cobalt body. After a Palissy 16th century original: Victoria & Albert Museum $800-$1200
165. Excellent Quality Rare George Pull Majolica Palissy Reticulated Dish c.1860, continuous band of looping cobalt laurel forming panels decorated with Renaissance motif, 11 ½” After a Palissy 16th century original from the Soulage Collection $600-$800
167. Monumental Exhibition Quality Thomas Sargent Majolica, Palissy Lobster Dish c.1875, oval mottled cobalt and brown ground, central bowl of fern, water, mussels, shells, and a huge lobster, the wide border with. Snake, lizard, turtle, moth, crab, frog and shells, 26” x 18”. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$6000
168. Monumental Alfred Renoleau ‘Palissy’ Plaque Signed and dated 1929. Modelled as an oval dish coloured in earth tones, a large pike across the centre, a fish, feel, crayfish and shells around, 27” x 18”. Alfred Renoleau whose workshop was in the turret of a castle, died in 1930 at at the age of 76, this plaque being dated 1929 was possibly one of his last works. $2000-$3000
169. Monumental Pair of Majolica School of Paris Palissy Style Vases c.1870,, cobalt bodies with applied moth and ivy with Madusa head to centre between two arched branch handles entwined with large snakes, all supported on a circular pedestal base, 22� $3000-$5000 170. Very Rare Monumental Choisy Le Roi Majolica Statue of a Classical Maiden c.1875,, probably modeled by `Louis Carrier Bellouse, maiden wearing blue drape, vine in her hair, pouring from a large amphora into a small dish, all upon a circular pedestal base with vine and grapes. (Only known Example) Donna and David Reis Collection
171. Lonchamp Majolica Crayfish Platter, c.1890 square canted corner dish with a wide border of seaweed and a crayfish, a large crayfish to the cream ground centre, 14 ½”. $400-$600 171a. Lonchamp Majolica Palissy Style Fishes Plaque, c.1875, the large oval dish with grey sand border with shells, the centre with fishes in water. 16” x 10” $400-$600 172. Large Raphael Bordalo Pinhiero Majolica Lobster Plaque c.1890, the brown circular plate with a large red lobster on a bed of large green lettuce leaves, 16 ½”. $800-$1200 173. Excellent Quality Alfred Renoleau Majolica Palissy Style Wall Plaque c.1895, rectangular tray of yellow wheat piled with brightly glazed fish and two shells, 17” x 12”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1800-$2200
173a. Large Jose Cuhna Majolica Palissy Fishes Plaque, c. 1875, pale yellow circular platter scattered grasses, a wide brown border with fish and crustaceans all centered by four large fish, 15”. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$800 174. Large Jose Cuhna Majolica Palissy Fishes Plaque c.1875, brown circular platter, scatted grasses, moth and beetles to a wide border, centred by three fish and an eel. For a similar example see front cover of ‘Portuguese Palissy Ware’ Marshall Katz, 15 ½”. Donn and David Reis Collection $700-$800 175. Jose Francisco de Souza Majolica Palissy Plaque c.1875, shaped edge, green grass, a large grey fish acrosds four smaller fish glazed in yellow and red, 8 ¼”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200 175a. Monumental Manuel Mafra Majolica Palissy Vase & Cover, c. 1875, the brown ground ginger jar shape decorated with large applied lizards, moths, beetles, branches, leaves and berries with large coiled snake twin handles, the cover surmounted by a large fighting lizard and snake forming the handle, 27”. $1200-$1500
176. Pair Manuel Mafra Majolica Palissy Vases c.1875 Each with green grass bodies, grey lizard to front and rear either side of two small frogs, large coiled snakes forming the handles, 7 ½”. $300-$400 177. Large Manuel Mafra Majolica Frog Wall Pocket c.1875 modeled as a open mouthed green frog, hanging holes to the rear, 12”h, 8”w. $100-$200 178. Pair of Raphael Bordalo Majolica Palissy Style Wall Plates c.1890, each, brown, white and olive green mottle, border of mussels, shells and seaweed, 7 ¾”. Donna and David Reis Collection $300-$400 179. Jose Cuhna Majolica Palissy Plaque c.1875, circular, green grass with moths, shell and small lizard, a larger lizard emerging from a grotto biting the head of a large snake, 11”. $600-$900 180. Large Rare Manuel Mafra Majolica Wall Plaque c.1875, Brown ground, bunches of white blossoms bound with a blue ribbon tied in a bow, 12”. Donna and David Reis Collection $300-$500
181. Small Leon Brard Palissy Wall Hanging c.1875 The shaped oval blue and white dish centred by a pink lobster, 7 ¾”. Donna and David Reis Collection $150-$200
183. Rare Leon Brard Palissy ‘Fishes’ Wall Plaque, c.1875, the blue and white shaped plate with a bed of fish, crab and mussels, 13” Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$900
182. Rare Pair of Hugo Lonitz Majolica ‘Hanging Game’ Wall Appliques c.1880, one modelled as a grouse, the other as a snipe, 13” x 9 ½” $800-$1200
184. Rare Leon Brard Palissy Fishes Wall Plaque c. 1875, the shaped, oval, blue and white dish with a red snapper, skate and shell, 9 ¾. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900 185. Rare Leon Brard Palissy ‘Walnuts’ Wall Plaque, c.1875, the blue and white shaped plate applied with six walnuts, 9”. Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$700
186. Rare Leon Brard Palissy Fishes Wall Plaque, c.1875, the blue and white shaped plate with a three fish upon green leaves 10 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$900 187. Rare Leon Brard Palissy Fishes Wall Plaque, c. 1875, the blue and white shaped plate with three fishes and a crayfish upon green leaves, 13”. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900
188. Stunning Monumental Dolphin Massier Majolica Butterflies and Peacock Jardiniere on Stand c.1880 The polychrome pedestal modeled as a large peacock perched against a waisted column formed of tall grasses and reeds all upon a circular faux pink marble pedestal base, the jardiniere formed as a cream colored Grecian style bowl applied with orchids, all surmounted by three large open winged butterflies, 52�h, 21�w. Donna and David Reis Collection $7000-$9000
189. Stunning Monumental Dolphin Massier Majolica Butterflies and Peacock Jardiniere on Stand c.1880 The polychrome pedestal modeled as a large peacock perched against a waisted column formed of tall grasses and reeds all upon a circular faux pink marble pedestal base, the jardiniere formed as a cream colored Grecian style bowl applied with orchids, all surmounted by three large open winged butterflies, 64�h, 28�w $8000-$12000
190. Monumental Pair of Very Rare Delphin Massier Majolica Orchid Vases c.1880, each modeled as a bright yellow orchid, green leaves forming the support, 15�. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$3000
191. Very Rare Delphin Massier Majolica Wall Plaque c.1880, depicting the beginning of a new day, the circular body with a yellow winged rooster and deep green waves forming a frame for a scene of sunrise above a sea, 16�. $600-$900 192. Rare Jerome Massier Majolica Heron & Frogs Jardiniere on Stand c.1880,, the pedestal formed as a heron stood before a waisted pedestal of tall grass and reeds all upon a faux marble pedestal base, the jardiniere colored as pond above grass and arum lilies with several applied green frogs, 48�h. Donna and David Reis Collection $2500-$3000
193. A Striking Life Size Choisy Le Roi Majolica Cockatoo Vase c.1875 Designed by Paul Comolera, c.1875, modeled as a grey and golden open winged cockatoo perched between two bamboo canes forming the flower holders, all upon an oval olive green, earthy ground base, 18 ½”w, 17”h. Impressed ‘Comolera’. $1200-$1500 194. Choisy Le Roi Majolica Rooster Planter c.1880, Designed by Louis Carrier Bellouse, formed as a large crowing rooster upon a grassy ground stood before a grey stone wall to form the flower holder. Impressed ‘Louis Carrier Bellouse’, 15” $800-$1200
195. Rare Pair of Choisy Le Roi Majolica Rooster & Hen Planters c.1880, Designed by Louis Carrier Bellouse, the rooster modeled as a crowing rooster above a feed bowl, the hen peering down at a fly on a cobalt feed bowl, both afront a stone wall plant holder and upon an earthy ground, Both impressed ‘Louis Carrier Bellouse’, rooster 21 ½”, hen 15”. Donna and David Reis Collection $5000-$6000
196. Choisy Le Roi Majolica Rooster Planter c.1880, Designed by Louis Carrier Bellouse, formed as a large crowing rooster upon a grassy ground stood before a grey stone wall to form the flower holder. Impressed ‘Louis Carrier Bellouse’, 15”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
197. Rare & Excellent Quality Large Size Delphin Massier Majolica Wishing Well Planter c.1880, Modeled as a wishing well with water buckets suspended on a metal chain, all surmounted by several small birds, all upon an earthy ground, 25 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$3000
198. Delphin Massier Majolica Parrot Vase c.1880, Modelled as a brightly colored parrot perched on a branch between two bamboo shoot flower holders all upon an earthy ground, 11 ½”. $200-$400
199. Delphin Massier Majolica Budgerigars Vase c.1880, modelled as four brightly colored budgerigars perched on a branch between two pink cylindrical flower vases all upon an earthy ground, 13 ½”w, 7 ½”h. $300-$500 200. Delphin Massier Majolica Budgerigars Vase c.1880 Modelled as a pink baluster shape vase with two applied brightly colored budgerigars, 12 ½”. Donna and David Reis Collection $400-$500 201. Rare Delphin Massier Majolica Swallows Vase c.1880 Modelled as brickwork chimney surmounted by four swallows, 9”. $400-$600
202. Rare Monumental Sarreguemines Majolica Mermaid Centrepiece c.1880, modeled as a large yellow and brown scallop shell with mermaid terminal, a cherub sat to one end, supported on the shoulders of two back to back mermen in waves, all upon a brown shaped oval pedestal base, 26”h, 26”w. $1200-$1500
203. Pair of Fives Lille Majolica Convolvulus Wall Pockets c.1880, each modeled as a large purple convolvulus flower with applied butterfly, all against a back plate of green leaves, 14”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
205. A Rare Julius Dressler Majolica Hen Egg Cruet c.1890 Modeled as a hen, the turquoise feathers forming the bowl and egg cup holder, the head and tail forming the handles, ten egg cups modeled as turquoise feathers above a circular stemmed support, 16”. $400-$600
204. Onnaing Majolica Art Nouveau Tulips & Iris Centrepiece c.1890, modeled as a central green flower holder topped with purple Iris, three angled tulip vases lower down, all upon three lily pad dishes forming the base, 17 1/2” $400-$600
206. Sarreguemines Majolica Dolphin Vase c.1880, modeled as a turquoise cornucopia entwined by a large cobalt and gold dolphin and cattails all above a green circular pedestal base, 14”. $250-$300
207. Very Rare & Excellent Quality Willem Schiller Majolica Ewer c.1875, modeled as the head of a blackamoor, the neck and spout formed as a green, yellow, brown mottle head dress with a band of jewels and shells, the base support formed as a necklace of feathers, 11”. $300-$400 208. Rare Monumental Johan Moresch Majolica Convolvulus Floor Vase c.1880, modeled with a central large yellow and pink convolvulus flower vase, three separate flower vases further down upon on a piled earthy ground applied with large green leaves, all supported by a circular black pedestal base, 30”. $500-$700 209. Very Rare Monumental Willem Schiller Majolica Donkey Flower Holder c.1875, modelled as a donkey with two yellow basket weave panniers above an earthy ground, all supported on an oval deep brown pedestal base, 17 1/2”l, 14”h. $600-$900
210. Rare Pair of Minton Majolica Donkey Wall Appliques c.1890, each modeled as the head of a donkey against a green leaf backplate with applied oranges with branch hanging hooks, 9” $400-$600 210a. Pair Menton Majolica Lemons & Oranges Wall Appliques c.1890, one modeled as two lemons and blossom, the second with two oranges and blossoms, both against a green leaf backplate, 10 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection. $300-$400
211. Menton Majolica Lemons Wall Applique c.1890, modeled as four lemons and blossom against a green leaf backplate, 12 1/2”. $400-$600 212. Very Rare Large Galle Floor Jardiniere c.1890, The bell shaped body profusely decorated with brightly glazed leaves and blossoms painted in the barbotine style against a cream ground, the neck , collar and cat head handles glazed in black, all upon a splayed support of molded branch, 16”h, 18”w. $300-$500
213. Rare Portuguese Majolica Fish Teapot & Cover c.1875, Probably Manuel Mafra, modeled as a large fish, in waves, a smaller fish forming the spout, a wave forming the handle, 11 1/2”l, 7”h. $600-$900
214. Brownfield Majolica Fish Teapot & Cover c.1875, polychrome, modeled as a fish emerging from the water, waves forming the spout and handle, 7 1/2”w, 5”h. $800-$1200 215. Brownfield Majolica ‘Face & Pigtail’ Teapot & Cover c.1875, modeled as a flattened head decorated with a sprig of leaves and blossoms, pigtail forming the handle, branch forming the handle to the cover, 8”w, 3 1/2”h. $1200-$1500 216. Manuel Mafra Majolica Monkey Teapot and Cover c.1875 modeled as a monkey sitting on a coiled snake whilst holding it’s head to form the handle, the tail forming the handle, the cover formed as a tricorn hat, 9 1/2”. $400-$600
217. Very Rare Willem Schiller Majolica Monkey & Dog Lamp c.1875, modeled as a performing monkey in costume supporting a coconut, a performing dog at his feet, all under a brass double light fixture, all upon on a cobalt cushion with turquoise tassels, all supported on a circular cushioned pedestal base,16�. $300-$500 218. A Humorus Thomas Sargent Majolica Box & Cover c.1875, modeled as a grinning monkey holding a ladle aside a large lidded cauldron above burning branches, a screaming cat trying to escape from the cauldron, all above an earthy circular pedestal base, 8�. $300-$400
218a. B&L Gesetz Majolica Delivery Man Decanter c.1890, Modeled as a man dressed in blue jacket, brown trousers, a basket of groceries over his arm, clutching a bottle of Cognac, cheese and a letter to his chest, his peaked hat forming the lid, 12” $200-$400
222. B&L Gesetz Majolica Hymn Singer Decanter c.1890 Modeled as a singing woman in plain late 19th century dress, holding sheet music for the hymn ‘Kriegs-Ruf’ (call to war), the bonnet forming the lid, 12”. $200-$400
219. B&L Gesetz Majolica Fisherman Decanter c.1890, Modeled as a pipe smoking fisherman wearing a blue jacket, brown trousers, a fishing net slung over one shoulder, his black rain hat forming the lid, 12 1/2”. $200-$400
223. B&L Gesetz Majolica Decanter c.1890, modeled as a woman in late 19th century dress clutching an umbrella, her bonnet forming the lid, 13 1/2”. $200-$400
220. B&L Gesetz Majolica Policeman Decanter c.1890, Modeled as a monocled man with folded arms wearing a cobalt uniform with gold braid, his peaked cap forming the lid, 12”. $200-$400
224. Rare B&L Gesetz Majolica ‘Mushroom Lady’ Decanter c.1890, modeled as an elegant woman dressed in a cape and long skirt forming the shape of a closed mushroom, her mushroom shaped bonnet and head forming the lid, 13”. $200-$400
221. B&L Gesetz Majolica Decanter c.1890, modeled as a woman in late 19th dress clutching an umbrella, her bonnet forming the lid, 13 1/2”. $200-$400
225. Very Rare Krause Majolica Giraffe Decanter c.1890. Modeled as a giraffe dressed as a very smart gentleman wearing a checked tail coat with a red cravat, stiff white collar and a top hat, 13”. $1500-$2000 226. German Majolica Mother Goose Vinegar Bottle c.1910, modeled as a goose dressed in a shawl and bonnet, ‘Vinegar’ painted across the body, the head forming the bottle, 11”. $200-$400
228. B&L Gesetzl Gesch Majolica Rooster Footman Decanter c.1890, modeled as a rooster in waiting dressed in a footman’s outfit, 13”. $600-$900 229. B&L Gesetzl Gesch Majolica Hunting Hound Decanter c.1890 Modeled as a hound in hunting outfit with a gun slung over his shoulder and a duck whistle in his mouth, 13”. $300-$500
227. A B&L, Gesetzl Gesch Majolica Duck Coachman Decanter c.1890 Modeled as a duck in a green top hat and a green coachman’s coat, 12 1/2”. $600-$900
226 228
230. Rare Minton Majolica Tulipiere c.1875 The cobalt body modeled with five flower holders with snowdrops and leaves omitting from an oval pedestal base, 7 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $900-$1100 231. Very Rare Minton Majolica Bud Vase c.1875, The cobalt blue trumpet shape body with trailing leaves and blossoms, the base formed as a flower bulb, 7 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
232. Minton Majolica Milk Pitcher c.1875 Cobalt body with white blossoms and leaves, green stem handle surmounted by a snail, all supported on snail feet, 5”w, 2 1/2”h. $100-$200 233. Very Rare Minton Majolica Bud Vase c.1875, The cobalt trumpet shaped body with applied leaves and blossom, all supported on a circular fluted pedestal base, 9”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
234. Very Rare Pair of Minton Majolica Tulipiere c.1875, each modeled with five white flower holders, the green lower body with brightly colored grasses emanating from the oval pedestal base, 7 1/2” Donna and David Reis Collection $1800-$2200
235. Minton Majolica Rabbits Bon Bon Dish c.1875. modeled as two back to back white rabbits amongst ferns and foliage beneath a pale green leaf forming the dish, all supported on a aubergine colored shaped pedestal base, 9 1/2”w, 4 1/2”h. $800-$1200
236. Very Rare George Jones Majolica ‘Acanthus’ Vase c.1875, straight sided, the cobalt body with large upright acanthus leaves, a gold rope twist to the top and bottom edge, 3 3/4”. Donna and David Reis Collection $300-$400
237. George Jones Majolica `Cherry Blossom’ Jardiniere c.1875, the cobalt body with branches of cherry blossoms and blue tits, brown wicker to the top edge and the base,10 1/2”h, 12”w. $600-$900
238. Very Rare Joseph Holdcroft Majolica ‘Radish’ Triple Vase c.1875, modeled as three cobalt ground upright radishes around a green stem column, all supported on a grey triform base, 5 1/2”. $200-$300
239. George Jones Majolica Magnolia Cachepot c.1875, the cobalt body with brown moths and large white and pink magnolia plants emanating from undulating branch supports, 9”h, 10”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$800
240. Rare Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Basket Jardiniere and Under Plate c.1875, the cobalt basket weave body with wild roses emanating from the top edge, all supported on branches to the underside, the under tray formed and twisted cobalt branch, 12”h, 12”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$800
241. Pair of George Jones Cyclamen Vases c.1875 Each modeled as a cobalt woven upright basket with applied cyclamen plants emanating from three bulb feet, all supported on a circular earthy ground base, 8�. Donna and David Reis Collection $3500-$4000
242. Rare Large & Impressive George Jones Majolica Moon Flask c.1875, the cobalt body with large white orchid flowers emanating from clusters of bulbs forming the feet, the neck with a collar of stylised leaves, 15�. $1200-$1500
243. George Jones Majolica Lily of the Valley Cachepot on Stand c.1875, the square cobalt body with gold trim, profusely decorated with lily of the valley, the plain cobalt stand with gold trim, 9”. Donna and David Reis Collection. $700-$900
244. George Jones Majolica Christmas Pitcher with Pewter Lid c.1875, the plain cobalt body with Santa Claus mask below the lip, holly and mistletoe emanating from a twisted brach handle, all under a pewter lid, 6 1/2”. $400-$600
245. Excellent Quality Three Piece George Jones Majolica Butter Dish and Cover c.1875, the domed cobalt ground cover with primroses and leaves with butterfly finial, the cobalt base and stand with primroses and leaves, 7 3/4”d, 6”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $1400-$1600
246. Excellent Quality Three Piece George Jones Majolica Butter Dish and Cover c.1875, the domed cobalt ground cover with primroses and leaves with butterfly finial, the cobalt base and stand with primroses and leaves, 7 3/4”d, 6”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$900
245 112
247. Rare Graduated Set of three George Jones Majolica Iris & Lily Pitchers, c.1875, each with cobalt ground decorated with irises, pond lilies, grasses and leaves, the branch handle bound with gold ribbon, 7”, 6 1/4”, 5 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
248. George Jones Majolica Strawberry Plant Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the cobalt basket weave cover and stand decorated with strawberry blossom and leaves, 10 1/2”d, 8”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200 249. Rare George Jones Majolica Acanthus Butter Dish c.1875 c.1875, The cobalt cover and stand with stiff, upright acanthus leaf with gold rope trim, the cover with a recumbent cow finial, 7 1/2”d, 4”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
251a 250. George Jones Majolica Pond Lily Dessert Set c.1875 Comprising of 6 plates, each modeled as a circular green lily pad with a white blossom, 8”. $400-$600
253 251. Rare George Jones Majolica Lily & Cattail Posy Vase c.1875, modeled as a green lily pads forming a bowl with pink interior, supported by a cattail pedestal, all upon four lily pad feet, 5 3/4”. $500-$800 251a. Minton Majolica Circular Lily Serving Tray c. 1875, the circular tray decorated thoughout with lily pads and cattails with a central white lily blossom flower head forming a posy holder, 15 3/4” $300-$500
252. Two Minton Majolica ‘Lily Pad’ Pitchers c.1875, the bulbous body modeled as three plump upright lily pads and a lily blossoms against a pink ground, the handle formed as a looped brown stem and all resting on a circular pedestal base, 8” and 6 1/4”. Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$900 253. Two Minton Majolica ‘Lily Pad’ Pitchers with Pewter Lids c.1875, the bulbous body modeled as three plump upright lily pads and a lily blossoms against a pink ground, the handle formed as a looped brown stem and all resting on a circular pedestal base, 8 1/2” and 6 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1200-$1600
254. A Large and Impressive Minton Majolica Salmon Server c.1875, the oval tray decorated with large lily pads with a wide border of cattails. A similar example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862, 24” x 15”. Donna and David Reis Collection $4000-$5000
255. A Matched Pair of George Jones Majolica Hummingbird & Fern Wall Pockets c.1875, Each modeled as a pocket formed of large green folded leaves, with an attached humming bird, the back plate formed of fern, 13”. Donna and David Reis Collection $3500-$4000
256. George Jones Majolica Three Piece Blue Tit Muffin Dish on Stand c.1875, brown earthy ground, scattered with strawberry blossom, the lid surmounted by a blue tit forming the handle, 7”d, 5”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200 257. Rare George Jones Majolica Blue Tit Preserve Jar c.1875, brown earthy ground ovoid body with holly leaves, surmounted by a blue tit forming the handle, all above undulating branch supports, 6 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
258. Complete George Jones Majolica Blue Tit Strawberry Dish and Spoons c.1875, the dish with rounded ends formed of planked wood and strawberry plants, branch trestle bound with strawberry plants surmounted two blue tits reaching down to a cluster of strawberries, all supported on four branch legs, two cream and sugar pots formed as a coopered barrel, the cream spoon and sugar sifter, the bowls as leaves and central blossom, twisted branch handles terminating with a blossom, large ladle formed as leaves, the handle bound with blue ribbon. $2000-$3000
259. George Jones Majolica Swallow & Nest Pitcher c.1875, the pitted earthy ground body forming the nest surmounted by a large swallow forming the handle, 7 1/2”. $600-$900 260. George Jones Majolica Picket Fence & Daisy Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the turquoise domed cover decorated with daisies, wheat, blackberries, bees and a picket fence, branch forming the trestle handle, the unde rplate with a border of picket fence, wheat and daisies, 12”h, 12”d. Donna and David Reis Collection $1800-$2200 261. Rare George Jones Butterfly Muffin Dish c.1875 The domed turquoise lid with primrose plant, a white butterfly forming the handle, the under plate with a border of primrose plant and gold trim, 11 3/4”d, 8”h. Donna and Daivd Reis Collection $1500-$2000
262. George Jones Majolica Sauce Dish c.1875, Formed as a green leaf bowl surmounted by a large white dove, branch and pink berries forming the handle and supports, 5 1/2”w, 3”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $200-$300
265. Pair of Minton Majolica Grape Baskets c.1875. Each formed as a yellow basket topped with vine branch and grapes and forming the square sectioned handle, 6 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
263. George Jones Majolica Ring Stand c.1875 Modeled as a white dove supporting a green leaf with the stem held in the beak, all supported on gnarled branch, 3”. $200-$400
266. Minton Majolica Pigeon Centrepiece Bowl c.1875, the bowl decorated with trellis topped with a running band of daisies, leaves and pink ribbon, all supported by branch and three large fan tailed pigeons, 13 1/2”w, 6”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $900-$1200
264. Excellent Quality T.C.Brown Westhead Moore & Co. Majolica Grapes Pitcher c.1875, modeled as a large bunch of purple grapes, the neck and spout formed as vine leaves, branch forming the handle, all supported on crossed branches, 7 1/2”. $200-$300
267. Very Rare Minton Majolica Hanging Bird Nest Planter, c.1875, formed as a brown bird nest with green leaves, all supported by thick yellow rope bound with ivy and forming a high arched handle, a loop of stem forming the hanging hook, 16”h, 7”w. $600-$900
268. Pair Minton Majolica Trumpet Vases c.1875 Each modeled as tall fluted trumpet form, cobalt body wrapped in applied plant, one with convolvulus, the other with foxgloves, all supported on a rocky ground circular pedestal base, 10 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection. $3000-$3500
269. A Rare Minton Majolica Tile Planter c.1875, Formed as 8 6” tiles decorated with brightly colored wild flowers, ferns and grasses against a turquoise sky, all with a pelmet of orange gothic ornament, all framed in an American Aesthetic Movement wooden frame, 26”w, 12”h, 10 1/2”d. Donna and David Reis Collection $600-$900
270. Pair of Matched Minton Majolica Jardiniere on Stands c.1875, the jardinieres, turquoise glazed decorated with bands of Greek key and wave pattern with an egg and dart top edge, the circular pedestal base with swirling flutes, all upon a turquoise quatrefoil pedestal with four bacchanalian masks above a band of egg and dart, all supported by four acanthus scroll feet, 22 1/2”h, 17 1/2”w. Examples of the jardinieres were shown at the London International Exhibition 1862 . $2000-$3000 271. A Very Rare Pair of Minton Majolica Rococo Double Branch Candlesticks c.1875, Each modeled as two putti supporting a double branch turquoise cornucopia, the drip pans formed as a band of brightly colored blossoms, the candle holders with wheat and grasses, a central column support of tree trunk, all supported upon a plain circular pedestal on a square, canted corner base, 15 1/2”. (only known examples) Donna and David Reis Collection $2200-$2500 272. George Jones Majolica Punch Bowl c.1875, The turquoise bowl with a running band of holly and berries, Supported by a large figure of Mr Punch lying on his back, legs crossed and outstretched arms, all upon an earthy ground circular pedestal base, 11”d, 8 1/4”h. $3000-$4000 273. Minton Majolica Rococo Centrepiece c.1875, modeled as a pierced trefoil shaped bask with high arched green stemmed handle bound with pink ribbon, all supported on the backs of three draped putto, all upon a trefoil stepped pedestal base, 12”h, 11 1/2”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$2500
274. George Jones Aesthetic Movement Majolica Java Sparrow Jardiniere c.1875, the bulbous turquoise body with a shaped top edge, applied with large applied brightly colored lilies and Java sparrows amongst leaves, folded plump green leaves forming the supports and feet, 13 1/2”h, 14”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $2000-$2500
275. Large Minton Majolica Lily Jardiniere on Stand c.1860, the bell shaped body formed as large over lapping green lily pads decorated with large bright white pond lily blossoms with pink edges, three green stems forming the supports, the stand modeled as large overlapping pond lily leaves, 16”w, 10 1/2”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
276. Pair of Minton Majolica Lily Jardinieres on Stands c.1860, the bell shaped body formed as large over lapping green lily pads decorated with large bright white pond lily blossoms with pink edges, three green stems forming the supports, the stand modeled as large overlapping pond lily leaves, 9”w, 6 1/2”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $1600-$2000
278. Very Rare Minton Majolica Three Piece Pond Lily Tureen c.1855, the circular body, cover and stand, decorated as overlapping green pond lily pads with large white blossoms, the domed lid with a large white closed lily head forming the handle, 6 1/2”w, 4 1/2”h. Designed for the Art Union. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
277. Very Rare Minton Majolica Three Piece Pond Lily Tureen c.1855, the oval body, cover and stand, decorated as overlapping green pond lily pads with large white blossoms, the domed lid with a large white closed lily head forming the handle, 9 1/2”w, 5 1/2”h. Designed for the Art Union. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
George Jones display London Exhibition 1871
279. A Very Rare George Jones Majolica Primrose Cachepot c.1870, the plain turquoise bell shaped body with three large bunches of primrose plants, the stems forming the feet, 8 1/2’h, 8”w. (Only known example) An example shown at the London Exhibition 1871 & Vienna 1873. Donna and David Reis Collection $1000-$1300
280. Minton Majolica Oriental Style Pomegranate Vase, c.1875, bulbous shape with tall neck, the body of deep purple and amber with large applied pomegranates issuing from a large square section branch handle, 12”. Similar example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862. $300-$400 281. Minton Majolica Oriental Style Wild Rose Vase, c.1875, bulbous shape with tall neck, the body of deep purple with applied wild roses issuing from square section branch handle, 10”. $200-$300
282. Rare Pair of Large Minton Majolica Putto Candlesticks c,1865, one modeled with a tight bunch of cattails, the other with wheat, the leaves forming the drip pan and decorating the cobalt bell shaped candle holder, all supported on the head and shoulder of a putti with turquoise sash belt with applied taper holder, all on an earthy ground upon a circular stepped pedestal base, 15 1/4”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
283. Rare Pair of Large Minton Majolica Putto Candlesticks c,1865, one modeled with a tight bunch of cattails, the other with wheat, the leaves forming the drip pan and decorating the cobalt bell shaped candle holder, all supported on the head and shoulder of a putti with turquoise sash belt with applied taper holder, all on an earthy ground upon a circular stepped pedestal base, 14 3/4”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
284. Very Rare Minton Majolica Putto Centrepiece c.1860, the column modeled as four draped putto holding a long laurel and ribbon garland, around a central pedestal, a large deep pierced bowl with panels of Palissy ornament above, all supported on a large circular stepped pedestal base with three scroll feet with lion heads, 16”h, 14”w. From a design for the porcelain ‘Victoria Service’ purchased by Queen Victoria at the Great Exhibition 1851. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
285. Very Rare Minton Majolica Flower Basket c.1865, modeled as a bell shaped pierced trellis topped with a band of daisy heads, leaves and pink ribbon, supported on a backs of three winged cherubs connected by laurel garlands, all supported on a platform base with three scroll feet, 10”h, 8 1/2”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$1800 286. Rare Pair of Minton Majolica Putto Candlesticks c.1860, the opposing designs, each modeled as a cobalt fluted pedestal, bell shaped candle holders, with two draped putto dressing the column in a laurel garland, all supported on a stepped oval base with three scroll feet, 12 1/2”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1800-$2300
287. Minton Majolica Cherubs and Dove Bowl c.1860, modeled a two kneeling wing cherubs holding laurel swag, either side of two white doves supporting an oval shaped bowl with trellis top, all above a shaped pedestal base, 11 3/4”w, 8 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection. Similar example illustrated in the Art Journal 1862, example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862. $700-$900
288. Minton Majolica Cherubs and Dove Tazza c.1860, modeled a two kneeling wing cherubs holding laurel swag, either side of two white doves supporting an oval shaped faux agate shallow bowl, all above a shaped pedestal base. The bowl and pedestal base highlighted with 22ct gilding, 11”w, 6 3/4”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $200-$300 289. Minton Majolica Cherubs and Dove Tazza c.1860, modeled a two kneeling wing cherubs holding laurel swag, either side of two white doves supporting an oval shaped faux agate shallow bowl, all above a shaped pedestal base, 11”w, 6 3/4”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $200-$300
289 290. Large Minton Majolica Cherubs & Trellis Centrepiece c.1860, the oval bowl with a trellis edge, the brown body with bands of acorns and oak leaves, four seated winged cherubs facing outwards above scroll feet, 24”w, 17”d, 5 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$1800
291. Very Rare Square Minton Majolica Daisy & Trellis c.1860, the cobalt body with ochre trellis topped with daisy c.1860 heads, leaves and pink ribbon, the stand with daisy heads, leaves and pink ribbon. (only known example), 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $600-$800
292. Large Minton Majolica Daisy & Trellis Jardiniere on Stand, c.1860, the brown bell shaped jardiniere and stand with ochre trellis, daisy heads, leaves and pink ribbon, 10 3/4”h, 12 1/2”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $600-$900 293. Minton Majolica Daisy & Trellis Jardiniere on Stand, c.1860, the brown bell shaped jardiniere and stand with ochre trellis, daisy heads, leaves and pink ribbon, 7 1/2”h, 8 3/4”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $500-$800
294. Large Minton Majolica Figural Putti Centrepiece c.1860 After a design by Albert Carrier Belleuse,modeled as a putto draped in vine leaves and bear skin and holding a tambourine, supporting a pierced trellis bowl atop topped with a running band of daisies, leaves and pink ribbon, all stood upon a circular rocky ground with pedestal base, 16 1/2”h, 10 1/2”w. Donna & David Reis Collection.See lot 138 for similar figure. $1500-$2000 295. Large Minton Majolica Figural Putti Centrepiece c.1860 After a design by Albert Carrier Belleuse,modeled as a putto draped in vine leaves and bear skin and holding a tambourine, supporting a trellis bowl atop topped with a running band of daisies, leaves and pink ribbon, all stood upon a circular rocky ground with pedestal base, 16”h, 10 1/2”w. Donna & David Reis Collection. See lot 138 for similar figure. $1500-$2000
296. Minton Majolica Pierced Pigeon Centrepiece Bowl c.1875, the pierced bowl decorated with trellis topped with a running band of daisies, leaves and pink ribbon, all supported by branch and three large fan tailed pigeons, 13 1/2�w, 6�h. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
297. Large Minton Majolica ‘Marine’ Wine Cooler c.1865 c.1865, Designed by Albert Carrier Bellouse, the turquoise campana shaped body modeled as shell, supported by two entwined bearded mermen, the tails forming the pedestal support, all upon a circular pedestal base, 16 1/2”h, $800-$1200 15”w. 298. Minton Majolica Mermaid Centrepiece c.1875 The oval bowl formed as shell, supported by an outwards facing mermaid with draped laurel swags to each end, the fish tails forming the pedestal support above a turquoise shell dish, all upon a circular pedestal base, 17 1/2”w, 9 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection. A larger version was exhibited $1000-$1500 at the Paris Exhibition 1878
299. Minton Majolica Shell and Putto Planter c.1870, Probably Designed by Albert Carrier Bellouse modeled as a large nautilus shell surmounted by a draped putto holding a liar, all supported on a domed rocky ground base scattered with seaweed and shells, 18”h, 13”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $1200-$1500 300. Pair of Minton Majolica ‘Shell Carriers’ c.1860 Designed By Albert Carrier Bellouse, modeled as a two putti draped with vine and wheat either side of and supporting a shell with seaweed handles, all upon a mottled green and purple mottled rocky ground above a pedestal base, 11”h, 11”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $2000-$2500
301. George Jones Majolica ‘Biaritz ‘ Plate c.1875, modeled as a central panel depicting a man holding a woman, both in bathing costumes paddling in the sea, all framed within a wide brown seaweed border with scattered shells and green seaweed, 9 1/4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1000-$1250 302. George Jones Majolica ‘Shrimper‘ Plate c.1875, modeled as a central panel depicting a girl shrimper in the sea, a sail boat on the horizon, all framed within a wide brown seaweed border with scattered shells and green seaweed, 9 1/4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1000-$1250
304. George Jones Majolica Duck Sardine Dish & Cover c.1875, the turquoise rectangular body decorated with fish ans seaweed, white coral forming a support to each corner, the cover with a duck in water with a fish in it’s bill. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
303. George Jones Majolica Shell Twist Sardine Dish & Cover c.1875, turquoise body decorated with green and pink seaweed, with a skirting of shell and rope, the cover with large scallop shell and coral surmounted by shell twist handle. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
305. George Jones Majolica Three Piece Fishes Pate Box on Stand c.1875, modeled as basket with coral fronds, the base with twin rope handles, the cover modeled as a large fish forming the handle above a bed of fishes, seaweed and sea, 9 1/2�w. Donna & David Reis Collection $1200-$1500 306. Rare George Jones Majolica Two Piece Sardine Dish & Cover c.1875, modeled as brown basket, stand with twin rope handles, the lid covered in fish ands seaweed within a brown rope twist border. Donna & David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
307. Rare George Jones Majolica Two Piece Sardine Dish & Cover c.1875, modeled as brown basket, stand with twin rope handles, the lid covered in fish ands seaweed within a brown rope twist border. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200 308. George Jones Majolica Three Piece Acanthus Sardine Dish c.1875, the turquoise body and stand with stiff upright acanthus leaf and gold trim, the lid with three large fish over a bed of seaweed, the central fish forming the handle. Donna & David Reis Collection $200-$300
309. Minton Majolica Laurel Leaf Jardiniere c.1860 the turquoise body decorated with bands of Greek key and wave pattern with an egg and dart top edge, the circular pedestal base with swirling fluters, 12 1/2”h, 15”w. Donna & David Reis Collection. A similar example shown at the London International Exhibition 1862. $700-$900
310. Minton Majolica ‘Marochetti’ Garden Pot on Stand c.1860, Designed by Baron Carlos Marrochetti, the cobalt body with twin rams head handles, below a band of egg and dart to the top edge, a band of laurel to the foot rim, the stand with an egg and dart border, 13 1/2”h, 16”w. Donna & David Reis Collection. An example with the addition of laurel and blossom swags shown at the Great Exhibition 1851. $500-$700
311. Large French Majolica Wall Plaque c. 1880 1880, high relief, modelled as head of a hound against a cobalt medallion and an ochre border, impressed mark to front “MM”, 17”. $400-$600
Side view of Lot 311
312. Copeland Majolica Renaissance Revival Box & Cover c. 1865, polychrome, canted cornered box with panels of winged cherub masks and laurel swags, the cover with panels of musical instruments, the handle formed of pink laurel scrolls, 5”w, 4”h. $100-$200 313. Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Chinaman Teapot & Cover c. 1875, the brown coconut body surmounted by a Chinaman in cobalt jacket and yellow trousers, the head forming the cover, green bamboo forming the handle and spout, 7 1/2”w, 5”h $400-$600 314. Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Box & Cover c.1875, The square cobalt body decorated with a design of a squirrel and prunus blossom, an owl with outstretched wings above a golden ball to each corner forming the feet, the cover with a square sectioned branch handle above an Oriental motif, 8” $400-$600 315. Copeland Majolica Lotus Pitcher in the Egyptian Taste c.1875, the sides modeled as four cobalt arched panels framing a stylised lotus plant , interspersed with brightly colored high palmettes against a square sectioned neck with grey panels of stylised flower heads, 7 1/2”. $200-$400 316. Copeland Majolica Lotus Pitcher in the Egyptian Taste c.1875, the sides modeled as four cobalt arched panels framing a stylised lotus plant, interspersed with brightly colored high palmettes against a square sectioned neck with grey panels of stylised flower heads, 6 1/2”. $200-$400
317. Minton Majolica ‘Askos’ Mermaid Wine Pitcher. c.1875, Classical Greco-Roman form, turquoise body, mermaid handle flanked by putti holding ivy garland united with a horned and bearded mask to the front. Shape No. 1420’, 8”. Dawes p. 72, Joan Jones p.72 and Atterbury and Batkin p.243. Donna & David Reis Collection $1400-$1600 318. Minton Majolica ‘Askos’ Mermaid Wine Pitcher. c.1875, Classical Greco-Roman form, turquoise body, mermaid handle flanked by putti holding ivy garland united with a horned and bearded mask to the front. Shape No. 1420’, 8”. Dawes p. 72, Joan Jones p.72 and Atterbury and Batkin p.243. Donna & David Reis Collection $1400-$1600 319. Minton Majolica Cherub & Mask Centrepiece c.1870, the oval turquoise bowl with a shaped top edge with a bearded mask against a lavender cartouche with draped laurel swag joined to a putto at each end, all supported on an oval pedestal base, 16”w, 7”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$1800 320. Pair of Minton Majolica Bell Jardinieres c.1860 each modeled as a turquoise bell shape body decorated with large white blossoms and leaves, supported by three scroll feet with fleur-delis terminals, all upon a turquoise pedestal base with a large flower head to the centre and scattered smaller flowers and leaves around, 14”h, 11”d. Donna & David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
321. Rare Minton Majolica Square Cachepot c.1865, plain turquoise body with a green and maroon column with gold ball finial to each canted corner, all supported on four scroll feet, 10”. $300-$500 322. George Jones Majolica Putto Bon Bon Dish c.1875, modeled as a turquoise planked bowl draped with vine and grapes, supported by two drunken cherubs lying on their backs with lion skin pillows, all above an oval cushioned pedestal base scattered with vine leaves, the foot rim with branch, 8”w, 4 1/4”h. $400-$600 323. Rare Large Minton Majolica Basket Planter on Stand c.1870, the oval turquoise basket jardiniere with pink interior and gold trim, the stand with turquoise basket weave border with gold trim and a pink centre, 25 1/2”l, 7 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $300-$400
324. Copeland Majolica Faun Centrepiece c.1875, the oval cobalt blue bowl with shaped top edge, a green and brown mottle cartouche to either side, a large faun at each looking into the bowl and holding a bunch of grapes, all upon a shaped oval stepped pedestal base supported by four paw feet, 16”w, 10”h $300-$500
325. Rare Large Copeland Majolica Maiden & Basket Centrepiece c.1865, modeled as two kneeling draped maidens supporting a shallow oval basket weave bowl hung with laurel garlands, two small basket dishes to either side below, all supported on a shaped rectangular pedestal base with laurel garlands and scroll feet, 14”w, 11”h. $400-$600
326. Copeland Majolica Putto & Basket Centrepiece c.1860, modeled as two draped putto holding an oval wicker basket upon an earthy ground scattered with vine and grapes, all supported on a shaped oval pedestal base, 15 1/2”w, 10 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $500-$700
328. George Jones Majolica Putti Bon Bon Dish c.1875 Modeled as a draped kneeling putti supporting a brown planked bowl decorated with vine and grapes, all upon a brown rocky pedestal base, 8 3/4”h. $300-$500
327. George Jones Bacchus Tray c.1875 The shaped turquoise dish decorated with a large chestnut leaf, cherry blossom issuing from a pile of branches forming a bed for a draped putti eating from a bunch of grapes, 10”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $600-$800
329. Large Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Stork Stick Stand c.1875, modeled as a large stork stood on one leg with a eel in beak in front of a stick holder formed as large leaves and cattails, all upon a rocky ground supported by a green and brown mottled pedestal base, 32”h. $1200-$1500 330. Rare Pair of Joseph Holdcroft Heron & Stork Mantle Vases c.1875, the stork stood on one leg with an eel in it’s beak, the heron also stood on one leg, with a fish in it’s beak, both in front of a stick holder formed as large leaves and cattails, all upon a rocky ground supported by a green and brown mottled pedestal base, 15 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $1500-$2000
331. Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Sardine Dish c.1875, the cobalt body with attached under tray decorated with swimming fish, the tray with pond lily to each corner, the cover surmounted by a duck with a fish in it’s beak upon grass forming the handle. $400-$600
332. Very Rare Large Joseph Holdcroft Majolica Serving Tray c.1875, the leaf shaped turquoise tray decorated with large leaves and white flowers issuing from the handle, 12 1/2”. $250-$300
333. Rare Joseph Holdcroft Fern & Leaf Dish c.1875, the oval shaped pink tray with large green leaves and fern, with a branch border forming handles at each end, 12” $200-$300 334. Rare Majolica Hen & Basket Tureen c.1880, maker unknown, the cover modeled as a hen sat over eggs on a bed of grass, the base of brown basket weave, 9 1/2”w, 7 1/2”h. $600-$800 335. Rare English Majolica Duck & Basket Tureen c.1880, maker unknown, the cover modeled as a white duck, the base of brown basket with a top edge of pink, 9 1/2”w, 7”h. Donna & David Reis Collection. $700-$900 335a. Rare English Majolica Hen & Basket Tureen c.1880, maker unknown, the cover modeled as a hen sat over eggs on a bed of grass, the base of brown basket weave pink top edge, 9 1/2”w, 7 1/2”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $700-$900
336 338. George Jones Majolica Orchid Pitcher c.1875, the pitted brown and green mottle body decorated with large green leaves and orchids issuing from a green leaf handle, 8”. Donna and David Reis Collection $500-$700
339. Rare George Jones Majolica Wild Rose Bud Vase c.1875, the straight sided pitted brown and green mottled decorated with wild roses and leaves, an attached rose bud to the side, 5 1/4”. $200-$300 340. George Jones Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875 The pitted green and brown mottled body decorated with large wild roses and leaves, with a large branch handle, 7”. Donna and David Reis Collection $250-$300 341. Rare George Jones Wild Rose Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the straight sided cover with pitted brown and green mottled body decorated with wild roses and leaves, all surmounted by a branch handle, the base with pitted brown and green mottle and a large green leaf across the centre, 10”h, 12 1/4”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $1000-$1200
335b. George Jones Majolica Orchid Pitcher c.1875, The pitted brown and green mottle body decorated with large green leaves and orchids issuing from a green leaf handle, 5 1/2”. Donna and David Reis Collection $300-$500
342. Minton Majolica Tree Trunk & Ivy Planter on Stand c.1860, modeled as a tree trunk clad in ivy with a turquoise centre, the stand with brown bark and a turquoise interior, 8”h, 8 1/2”w. Donna and David Reis Collection $300-$400
336. George Jones Majolica Warbler Bird and Nest Menu & Posy Holder c.1875, modeled as a swooping warbler against a birds nest with cattails forming the posy holder, a furrow to the domed earthy ground forming the menu card holder, 5 1/2” $400-$600
343. George Jones Majolica ‘Park’ Pitcher c.1875, The straight sided green and brown mottled body with splayed foot rim decorated with large chestnut leaves and blossom issuing for a branch handle, grasses and frogs to the foot rim, 5 1/2”. $300-$400
337. George Jones Majolica Warbler & Nest Vase c.1875. Modeled as a tall bird nest supported with leaves and cattails, a warbler bird to the side swooping down towards a moth upon an earthy ground base, 9 1/2”. $600-$900
344. Minton Majolica Strawberry Plant Cachepot on Stand c.1865, the brown pitted, straight sided body and tray decorated with strawberry plants and blossoms, 8”. Donna and David Reis Collection. $200-$300
344 343
344a. Rare Copeland Majolica Crab Tureen a& Cover c.1865, the oval cobalt dish with crab claw handles and scattered shrimp and seaweed, the cover formed as a brightly glazed crab above fishing net, a loop of yellow rope forming the handle, 12”w. $600-$900 344b. Rare Large Copeland Majolica Basket Flower Holder c.1860, modeled as a bright yellow basket with high arched handles bound with pink ribbons, 12”w, 9”h $400-$600 344c. Very Rare Minton Majolica Three Piece Christmas Pudding Tureen c. 1865, modeled as a bright yellow straight sided barrel with a running design of holly leaves and berries all between two cobalt bands, the cover with holly and a knob handle, the stand with a cobalt border and holly leaves, 12 1/2”d, 8”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $2500-$3000
344d. Large Rare Raphael Bordalo Majolica Pinheiro Horse Chestnut Plaque c.1890, border of brown mottle, French blue centre with applied horse chestnuts and leaves, 18�. Donna and David Reis Collection 500-$600 344e. George Jones Majolica Magnolia Cachepot c. 1875, the turquoise body with brown moths and large white and pink magnolia plants emanating from undulating branch supports. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900
345. George Jones Majolica Half Stilton Acanthus Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the straight sided turquoise body and under plate decorated with stiff green acanthus leaves, both with gold rope trim, the cover surmounted by a recumbent cow handle, 12”d, 8”h. Donna and David Reis Collection $800-$1200
346. George Jones Majolica Half Stilton Acanthus Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the straight sided pink body and under plate decorated with stiff green acanthus leaves, both with gold rope trim, the cover surmounted by a recumbent cow handle, 12”d, 8”h $800-$1200
347. George Jones Majolica Acanthus Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the straight sided pink body and under plate decorated with stiff green acanthus leaves, both with gold rope trim, the cover surmounted by a recumbent cow handle, 12”d, 11 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $1200-$1500
348. George Jones Majolica Acanthus Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the straight sided turquoise body and under plate decorated with stiff green acanthus leaves, both with gold rope trim, the cover surmounted by a recumbent cow handle, 12”d, 11 1/2”h. Donna & David Reis Collection. $1200-$1500
349. Rare Pair of George Jone Majolica Acanthus Posy Vases c.1875, the straight sided turquoise body decorated with stiff green acanthus leaves and grasses with gold rope twist top edge, 5 1/2”. Donna & David Reis Collection $400-$600
349a. Rare George Jones Three Piece Majolica Acanthus Butter Dish on Stand c.1875, the pink ground, dish, cover and stand all decorated with stiff upright green acanthus leaves and grasses, branch forming the handle, 7 1/2”w. $600-$900
350. Rare George Jones Majolica Acanthus Tureen & Cover c.1875, the pink ground dish decorated with stiff upright green acanthus leaves and grasses, the domed pink lid with grasses, a large pheasant forming the handle, 11”w, 6”h. $1200-$1500 351. George Jones Majolica Acanthus Pitcher c.1875, The straight sided pink ground body decorated with stiff upright acanthus leaves and wheat, gold rope twist to top edge, foot rim and branch handle, 8 1/2” $250-$300 352. George Jones Majolica Acanthus Butter Dish on Stand c.1875, the turquoise ground, dish, cover decorated with stiff upright green acanthus leaves and grasses,, a recumbent cow on a bed of leaves forming the handle, 7 3/4”d, 4”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900
353. Rare George Jones Majolica Orchid & Iris Planter on Stand c.1875, the straight sided turquoise body decorated flour-de-lis and two large arched panels of brightly colored orchids and iris against a lavender ground, the stand with a running band of fleur-de-lis, 8 3/4”h, 8”d. $700-$800
355. Rare George Jones Majolica Chestnut Mug c.1875, The pink ground decorated with a large chestnut leave and blossoms, the branch handle bound with turquoise ribbon, 4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $600-$700
357. George Jones Majolica Butterfly and Wheat Bread Tray c.1875, the circular shaped turquoise body with two large sheafs of wheat and a butterfly, with a brown thick basket border, 12 1/2”. Donna & David Reis Collection $400-$500
354. Rare George Jones Majolica Orchid & Iris Planter on Stand c.1875, the straight sided turquoise body decorated flour-de-lis and two large arched panels of brightly colored orchids and iris, the stand with a running band of fleur-de-lis, 8 3/4”h, 8”d. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$800
356. George Jones Majolica Orchid & Iris Pitcher c.1875, the turquoise body decorated with brightly colored orchids, iris and green leaves, the branch handle bound with yellow ribbon, 7 1/2”. $300-$400
358. George Jones Majolica Daisy & Dock Leaf Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the turquoise cover decorated with large sprays of daisies and dock leaves, branch forming the handle, the dish with a turquoise border with scattered leaves, 10 1/4”d, 7”h $800-$1200
359. Two George Jones Majolica Strawberry Dessert Plates c.1875, the turquoise body with strawberry plants and blossoms to the border, 8” $200-$300
360. Two George Jones Majolica Strawberry Dessert Plates c.1875, the turquoise body with strawberry plants and blossoms to the border, 8” $200-$300
361. Very Rare George Jones Majolica Palm Dessert Plate c.1875, The lavender ground oval body decorated with a large green palm, the border with a running band of green leaves all framed in brown twig, 9”. $400-$600
362. Minton Majolica Strawberry Plate c.1875, The cream ground shell shaped body decorated with strawberry plant with a turquoise ground cream well, 8” $200-$300
363. George Jones Majolica Chestnut Dessert Plate c.1875, the pink ground body with a large green chestnut leaf, 9” $200-$300
364. George Jones Majolica Chestnut Dessert Plate c.1875, the turquoise ground body with a large green chestnut leaf, 8 1/4”. $100-$200
365. Rare English Majolica Matchbox & Cover c.1875, Brown body with a running band of hare and countryside with a green pedestal base, the cover with four match sticks, partridge and a hare and a wide border of green tree tops, the striker to the underside of the cover, 5”. Donna & David Reis Collection $500-$600
366. George Jones Majolica Dogs Bowl c.1875, the mottled, green and brown oval bowl with a brown dog handles at each end, all supported on an oval pedestal base, 12”l $300-$500
368. George Jones Majolica Acorn Matchbox & Cover c.1875, the oval brown ground decorated with acorns and oak leaves, with a gold fluted border, the striker to the underside of the base. 4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350 367. George Jones Majolica Acorn Matchbox & Cover c.1875, the oval brown ground decorated with acorns and oak leaves, with a gold fluted border, the striker to the underside of the cover, 4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
369. George Jones Majolica Salmon Tureen c.1875, Modeled as an oval brown basket base, the cover with a large salmon on a bed of ferns forming the handle, 19”l $700-$1000
371a. Minton Majolica Wilbraham Tray c.1870, modeled as green leaf with acorns, the handle formed as a blue tit, all upon branch supports.
370. Rare George Jones Majolica Leaves Serving Tray c.1875, modeled as a three yellow basket weave dishes each with a large green leaf, the triform handle formed of branch, 13”. $300-$400
371. George Jones Majolica Cucumber Sandwich Tray c.1875, modeled as a long oval tray of cucumber leaves and yellow blossoms, an attached small cucumber and yellow blossom to one end, 16 1/2”. $400-$600
371b. George Jones Majolica Ladle c.1875, the handle formed of green branch bound by vine and terminating in a pink blossom, the bowl formed as green leaves with a pink blossom.
372. George Jones Majolica Pineapple Dessert Plate c.1875, the green pineapple leaf body decorated with three large pineapples to the wide border, the centre of radiating yellow basket, 9”. $200-$300
373. George Jones Majolica Dog Bowl C.1875, the oval pink ground body decorated with green leaves and branches, a turquoise and yellow rope twist edge around the central bowl, 10”. $300-$500
374. George Jones Majolica Dog Bowl C.1875, the oval pale pink ground body decorated with green leaves and branches, a pale turquoise and yellow rope twist edge around the mottled green and brown central bowl, 10”. $300-$500
375. George Jones Majolica Strawberry Basket c.1875 The deep bowl with cream and sugar wells to each side, all decorated with strawberry plant against a turquoise and brown interior, a high arched branch handle bound with green tendrils, all supported on branch supports, 11 1/2”w. $400-$600
376. George Jones Majolica Thrush Strawberry Dish and Sugar Sifter c.1875, the shaped turquoise dish with an earthy brown centre, decorated with strawberry plant, two attached bird nests forming the sugar and cream receptacles either side of a thrush handle, the sugar sifter formed as green leaf bowl with blossom centre with a branch handle, 11”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $400-$600
377. George Jones Majolica Fox Grapes Tray c.1875 The pink ground dish with a large green leaf centre, a fox peering over the edge, the tail showing on the underside, 11”w. $500-$800
378. George Jones Majolca Strawberry Centre Bowl c.1875, The petal edged pink ground deep bowl decorated with border of strawberry plant around a mottled green and brown centre, all supported on a flared pedestal base with strawberry plant border, 11”d, 5 1/4”h. $400-$600
379. George Jones Majolica Apple Blossom Pitcher c.1875 the turquoise ground straight sided body decorated with apple blossom and leaves above a band of brown trellis, the handle formed of branch, 8”. $200-$300
380. George Jones Majolica Wild Rose Pitcher c.1875, The turquoise body decorated with large wild roses and leaves, the handle formed of branch, 8”. $200-$300
381. Cover c.187 George Jones Majolica Apple Blossom Cheese Dish & Cover c.1875, the turquoise bell shaped cover decorated with apple blossom issuing from a branch handle, all above a band of brown trellis, the plate with a wide border of brown trellis with gold edge, 11 1/4”h, 10”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900
382. George Jones Majolica Acanthus Butter Dish on Stand c.1875, the turquoise ground, dish, cover decorated with stiff upright green acanthus leaves and grasses, a recumbent cow on a bed of leaves froming the handle. 7-3/4“d, 4”h $700-$900
383. George Jones Majolica Napkin Strawberry Dish c.1875, the oval dish decorated with a turquoise napkin scattered with strawberry leaves, a receptacle ring at each end, the turquoise cream and sugar pots decorated with strawberry leaves, 14”. $300-$400
384. George Jones Majolica Lily Pad Strawberry Dish c.1875, the shaped dish molded as turquoise basket with a large green lily pad centre decorated with strawberry plant issuing from a double branch handle, the cream and sugar holders formed as white lily blossoms, 11”w. $300-$400
385. Minton Majolica Four Tiered Revolving Oyster Stand c.1875, modeled as four tiers of oyster shell compartments separated by fronds of seaweed, the handle formed of two entwined fish, all supported on a circular shaped cushioned pedestal base decorated with green seaweed against a brown ground and a green foot rim, 10”h, 12 1/2”w. $3000-$4000
386. Rare George Jones Majolica Two Tier Oyster Server c.1875, modeled as a central column of green seaweed supporting a lower seven well tray and an upper three well tray terminating in a loop of seaweed forming the handle, each well lavender well with seaweed edges, 9”h, 11 1/2”w. Donna & David Reis Collection $2500-$3000
387. Very Rare Minton Majolica Revolving Oysrer Server c.1875, modeled as a large green and purple mottled circular tray, the border formed as twelve oyster serving compartments, around a radiating green central medallion with a stylised flower head centre, all supported on a circular pedestal base with a border of pink and white shells, 15 1/2”d, 4”h. Donna & David Reis Collection $3000-$4000
388. Rare Minton Majolica Six Well fish Oyster Plate c.1865. Each well modeled as a large fish radiating from a brown and cobalt blue mottled central well and separated by green sea weed, 11”. Donna & David Reis Collection $800-$1200
391. Rare Griffen Smith and Hill, Etruscan Majolica Six Well Oyster Plate c.1880, The circular pink ground plate with a rope twist border, with six white oyster shaped wells resting on a bed of seaweed, with a central pink well, 10”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$2000
389. Rare Wedgwood Basket & Shells Five Well Oyster Plate c.1875, The circular shaped grey basket weave dish with five oyster compartments, each scattered with brightly colored shells, a grey central well with an orange border, 9”. $400-$600
392. Minton Majolica Seven Well Majolica Oyster plate c.1875, modeled as a circular plate with six mottled green wells and a cracker well, each separated by a small yellow flower head against a cobalt ground, the mottled purple and cobalt central well with a cobalt border, 10”. Donna & David Reis Collection $300-$400
390. Rare Griffen Smith and Hill, Etruscan Majolica Six Well Oyster Plate c.1880, The circular pink ground plate with a rope twist border, with six white oyster shaped wells resting on a bed of seaweed, with a central pink well, 10”. Donna & David Reis Collection $1500-$2000
393. Wedgwood Majolica Argenta Ocean Oyster Plate c.1865, the five shell shaped wells, two brown and pink, two white and yellow and one white, decorated with fronds of seaweed, all floating on sea waves around the central sauce well, 9”. $700-$900
394. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
400. Minton Majolica Six Well Malachite Oyster Plate c.1875 Modeled as a circular plate with malachite wells separated by shells and seaweed, the circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$800
395. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
401. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
396. Minton Majolica Six Well Pink Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with pink wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
402. Minton Majolica Six Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
397. Minton Majolica Six Well Pink Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with pink wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
403. Minton Majolica Six Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
398. Minton Majolica Six Well Pink Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with pink wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
404. Minton Majolica Six Well Mottled Oyster Plate c.1875 Modeled as a circular plate with green and brown mottled wells separated by shells and seaweed, the circular green central well surrounded by conch shells, 9” $250-$350
399. Minton Majolica Six Well Pink Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with pink wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
405. Minton Majolica Six Well Cobalt Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with cobalt wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
406. Minton Majolica Six Well Cobalt Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with cobalt wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
412. Minton Majolica Nine Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells, the brown circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $300-$400
407. Minton Majolica Six Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
413. George Jones Majolica Six Well mottled Oyster plate c.1865 modeled as six green and brown mottled shell wells with shells and seaweed radiating from a central raised well in the form of a white shell, 8 3/4”. $400-$600
408. Minton Majolica Six Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
414. George Jones Majolica Six Well mottled Oyster plate c.1865 modeled as six turquoise shell wells with shells and seaweed radiating from a central raised well in the form of a white shell, 8 3/4” $400-$600
409. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. Donna & David Reis Collection $250-$350
415. George Jones Majolica Six Well mottled Oyster plate c.1865 modeled as six turquoise shell wells with shells and seaweed radiating from a central raised well in the form of a white shell, 8 3/4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$800
410. Minton Majolica Six Well Pink Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with pink wells separated by shells and seaweed, the turquoise circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
416. George Jones Majolica Six well mottled Oyster plate c.1865 modeled as six green and brown mottled shell wells with shells and seaweed radiating from a central raised well in the form of a pink shell, 10 1/4”. Donna & David Reis Collection $700-$900
411. Minton Majolica Nine Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells, the brown circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $300-$400
417. George Jones Majolica Six well mottled Oyster plate c.1865 modeled as six green and brown mottled shell wells with shells and seaweed radiating from a central raised well in the form of a pale pink shell, 10 1/4”. $700-$900
418. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
421. Holdcroft Majolica Six well oyster plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with six mottled green and brown shell shaped wells separated by cobalt blue panels with a brown and pink twisted shell and white coral, the circular pink central well with a yellow border, 10 3/4” $400-$600
424. Simon Fielding Majolica Shell & Coral Majolica Oyster Plate c.1875, the circular turquoise ground plate modeled with 6 multi coloured oyster shells separated by grey seaweed, turquoise central sauce well, 9” $300-$400
419. Minton Majolica Six Well Celadon Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with celadon wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9” .$250-$350
422. Holdcroft Majolica Six Well Oyster Plate c.1875, modeled as six turquoise wells with yellow borders against a brown ground, separated by daisies, the circular pink central well with a yellow border, 9 1/2”. $400-$600
425. Adams & Co. Majolica Six Well Oyster Plate c.1875, The cobalt ground circular plate with yellow border, six oyster shaped wells alternating pink and green, an amber central well, 10”. $200-$300
423. Holdcroft Majolica Six well oyster plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with six mottled green and brown shell shaped wells separated by cobalt blue panels with a brown and pink twisted shell and white coral, the circular turquoise central well with a yellow border, 10 3/4” $400-$600
426. Simon Fielding Majolica Shell & Coral Majolica Oyster Plate c.1875, the circular turquoise ground plate modeled with 6 multi coloured oyster shells separated by grey seaweed, turquoise central sauce well, 9”. $300-$400
420. Minton Majolica Six Well Turquoise Oyster Plate c.1875 modeled as a circular plate with turquoise wells separated by shells and seaweed, the green circular central well surrounded by conch shells, 9”. $250-$350
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*This is an overpass, not an exit.
From Allentown Rt. 309 South to Souderton Exit (Rt. 113). Right on Broad St. 4 miles to Cowpath Rd. Left on Cowpath approx. 4 miles to Fairgrounds Rd. Right on Fairgrounds.
From PA Turnpike N.E. I-76 to 476 (Northeast Ext.). Turnpike North to Exit 31 (Lansdale). Exit 31 Left on Rt. 63 to first light. (Lansdale) Left at light. (Forty-Foot Rd.) 2 miles to Funk Rd. Left on Funk, right on Fairgrounds.
To Montgomeryville and Rts. 309 & 202
From Philadelphia Rt. 309 North to Montgomeryville. Left on Rt. 463 (Cowpath) 4 miles to Fairgrounds Rd. Left on Fairgrounds.
For Directions Call (215) 393-3033
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