Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Greg L. Helsmoortel, Town Supervisor 2010/11; 2014 Kelly Myers, Town Supervisor 2012/13 Jimmy Bruno, Town Board Liaison 2010-2013 Bill Schirmer, Town Board Liaison 2014 Commissioners: Josh Randall, Chair 2010-2014 (deceased but fondly remembered) Michael Sullivan Smith, vice-Chair 2010-2013 Stephen Shafer, vice-Chair 2014 Barry Benepe, Chair 2014 Susan Puretz Myles Putman (until 2012) Stefan Yarabek (from 2014) Audrey Klinkenberg, Town Historian (ex officio)
Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York PREFACE AND FOREWORD “Honoring the Past and Looking into the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, NY" seeks to raise public awareness of historic preservation through an approach that encourages the understanding of styles and details from four major landmarks of Saugerties: the Kiersted House, the Saugerties Lighthouse, the Main-Partition Streets Historic District and Opus 40. This technique places each of these landmarks in the context of its historic period, relates this period to styles and details of the houses built during that time, identifies characteristics of this environment through guidelines, and then ties them together under the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation.
Bill Murphy, Mayor Patrick Landewe, Village Board Liaison Review Board: Richard Frisbie, Chair Michael Fanelli Dave Minch Michael Sullivan Smith (until 2013) Jonathan Shapiro (after 2013) Brian Wilson
At the same time, this organization suggests an overall approach to historic preservation in the larger community and at the same time presents guidelines specific enough for Certificate of Appropriateness design review purposes. In addition, details of the history of Saugerties will be interspersed throughout thereby creating a bicentennial keepsake for every citizen of Saugerties and the general public. A final section of this publication covers the law and the responsibilities and operations of the Historic Preservation Commission of the Town and the Historic District Review Board of the Village, for which this is a joint project. Honoring the Past and Looking into the Future Every community is unique. Each has its own flavor; its identity. Saugerties' identity is felt where its past and present come alive in the houses that dot its scenic landscape, in the welcoming look of businesses, in the careful maintenance of public spaces and in the loving attention paid to traditions and landmarks. This conveys a palpable sense of pride; a positive Identity.
Written and designed for the Town of Saugerties Historic Preservation Commission and Village of Saugerties Historic Districts Review Board by Michael Sullivan Smith; edited by Susan Puretz; reviewed by the Certified Local Government program of the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation; published under two grants from the NYS OPRHP Certified Local Government program. Copyright 2011 Revised 2014
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Saugerties' identity is steeped in history. Threads of the high points of nearly every important period in American history can be found in Saugerties. The goal of this booklet is to identify these high points of history by illustrating how to preserve the Saugerties landmarks that relate to them. Our premise is that through identification, we will further civic pride in Saugerties. This booklet is a tribute to the former and current homeowners who have preserved the architectural styles and construction details of past generations. It is not the Town or the Village but individual property owners who have kept our historic identity safe for future generations. It is their individual efforts that you will see on these pages. It is these individuals we thank for lighting our way to the more personal encounter we all share as "our Saugerties identity.�
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S PREFACE and FOREWORD - 1 INTRODUCTION - 3 The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (Secretary's Standards) - 4; The Kiersted House Example - 5; General Guidelines for references accepted for Town and Village landmark declarations of historical significance - 7; Recognized Research Documents - 7
THE HISTORY WE HAVE PRESERVED - 7-56 Early Documentary History - 7; Our earliest structures - 8; The Kiersted House - a Colonial Model - 10; Colonial Period Stone Houses - 11; Early Entrepreneurship in Saugerties - 14; Preservable assets from the Town's first decades - 16; Foundation of Saugerties' 19th century growth period - 20; Preservation of Saugerties' 19th century growth period - 27; Preservation of Saugerties Mercantile Period - 33; The National Register Listing - 37; Preserving our grand estate and village homes - 40; The Historic Landscape of Saugerties - 48
GUIDELINES FOR THE KIERSTED HOUSE MODEL - 10-19 Guidelines for Walls - 10; Guidelines for Foundations - 12; Guidelines for Chimneys - 12; Guidelines for Roof Form - 12; Guidelines for Roofing - 13; Guidelines for Dormers - 13; Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts - 13; Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation - 14; Guidelines for Windows and Doorways - 14; Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches - 16; Guidelines for Fire Exits and Handicapped Access - 16; Guidelines for Decks and Terraces - 17; Guidelines for Fences and Walls - 17; Guidelines for Outbuildings - 18; Guidelines for Walks Roads and Parking Areas - 18; Guidelines for Signs - 19; Guidelines for Light Fixtures - 19
GUIDELINES FOR THE SAUGERTIES LIGHTHOUSE MODEL - 20-32 Guidelines for Walls - 20; Guidelines for Foundations - 23; Guidelines for Chimneys - 23; Guidelines for Roof Form - 24; Guidelines for Roofing - 24; Guidelines for Dormers - 24; Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts - 25; Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation - 25; Guidelines for Windows and Doorways - 26; Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches - 27; Guidelines for Fire Exits and Handicapped Access - 29; Guidelines for Decks and Terraces - 29; Guidelines for Fences and Walls - 30; Guidelines for Outbuildings - 31; Guidelines for Walks Roads and Parking Areas - 31; Guidelines for Signs - 32; Guidelines for Light Fixtures - 32
GUIDELINES FOR THE MAIN/PARTITION MODEL - 33-47 Guidelines for Walls - 33; Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation - 34; Guidelines for Foundations - 36; Guidelines for Chimneys - 36; Guidelines for Roof and Roof Element Form 37; Guidelines for Roofing - 37; Guidelines for Dormers - 38; Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts - 38; Guidelines for Windows and Doorways - 39; Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches - 40; Guidelines for Fire Exits and Handicapped Access - 29; Guidelines for Decks and Terraces - 41; Guidelines for Fences and Landscape Walls - 42; Guidelines for Outbuildings - 42; Guidelines for Streetscapes - 43; Guidelines for Walks Roads and Parking Areas - 31; Guidelines for Signs - 44; Guidelines for Light Fixtures - 47
GUIDELINES FOR THE OPUS 40 MODEL - 48-56 Guidelines for recognizing the historic significance of land - 49; Guidelines for Waterfronts - 49; Guidelines for Settings - 50; Guidelines for Burial Grounds - 51; Guidelines for Roads, Streets and Trails - 52; Guidelines for Sidewalks. Curbs and Tree Lawns - 53; Guidelines for Historic Stone Structures - 54; Guidelines for Quarry Sculptures - 55; Glossary of local landscape terms - 56
APPENDIX - 57-69 Criteria for historic significance in Saugerties - 57; Preservation Section of the Village of Saugerties Zoning Code - 57; Saugerties Town Preservation Ordinance - 63; Frequently Asked Questions for explaining the basics of preservation law - 64
Photos of properties taken from the Town of Saugerties Historical Resource Survey, 2005
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
INTRODUCTION Leading the way Look at the photos and drawings at the right; each one has a history which was instrumental in “leading the way�. The Kiersted House was included in The Daughters of the American Revolution's visionary documentation of all the early stone houses in Saugerties for the American Bicentennial in 1976. Charles Steele, Mayor of the Village, lived in and restored the Kiersted House setting the model for future restoration projects. Dr. Frank Daniels, the next owner, followed that lead which ended up with the Kiersted House qualifying for the National Register in 1998 and, in the same year, the home of the Saugerties Historical Society. The Saugerties Lighthouse and its nature trail access are the result of a steadfast community of volunteers who had a vision of preserving a national landmark. Ruth Reynolds Glunt placed the Lighthouse on the National Register in 1978 and the Lighthouse restoration was completed in the early 1990's. The Central Business District of the Village has been, since 1982, a National Register Historic District because of the vision and persistence of one citizen's passion for preservation and we thank Cliff Steen for that. Opus 40, a National Register landmark, not only includes the world famous land art sculpture but also the Quarryman's Museum. Assembled by Harvey Fite to preserve the total environment of his work of art, it is a blend of natural and folk history. Each of these structures, in their own way, led to regulations designed to protect and preserve them, thereby protecting and preserving Saugerties History. For example, the Village of Saugerties established a Historic Review Board in 1986 and the Town of Saugerties the Historic Preservation Commission in 2004. Their strong local laws to protect their historic assets have rewarded the village and town with federal and state status as Certified Local Governments. Yet, with all this community involvement, it is not groups nor laws, commissions or boards, or even federal, state, or local recognition that preserves the historic identity of
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (Secretary's Standards) 1. A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its site and environment. 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. 3. Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings, shall not be undertaken. 4. Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved. 5. Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved. 6. Deteriorated historic features shall be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature shall match the old in design, color, texture, and other visual qualities and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features shall be substantiated by documentary, physical, or pictorial evidence. 7. Chemical or physical treatments, such as sandblasting, that cause damage to historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. 8. Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures shall be undertaken. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.
Saugerties. All these institutions can do is provide example and guidance to those that have independently made their own decisions to honor our past by preserving their historic homes and buildings. We credit, admire, and respect those individuals and groups for their actions which have enhanced the whole community. Producing Guidelines Between the Village and the Town there are hundreds of historical structures. As early as 1978, the Village had surveyed over 200 structures within its borders and 84 of these received National Register of Historic Places designation as the Main-Partition Streets Historic Business District in 1982. The Town surveyed almost 180 structures within its geographic boundries and published details on 155 of these in the Historical Resources Survey of March, 2005. More recently, eight individual historic property owners in the town and village have had their properties placed on the National Register of Historic Places by their own initiatives. With this publication, the Town Historic Preservation Commission and the Village Historic Review Board, have now developed preservation and design guidelines for the various periods and styles that had been documented in the two surveys of the historical buildings in Saugerties. These guidelines address the way the site, shape and architectural/structural details are best preserved to maintain the look of a period identified with Saugerties' past. In creating these guidelines, we incorporated the recommendations of the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation commonly referred to as the Secretary's Standards - SEE SIDEBAR, PAGE 4. With the Secretary's Standards as the foundation, we have added observations of "best practices" found in our own community, and developed a manual that will service Saugerties. In general our guidelines cover the materials, paint color, and restoration techniques for the siding, roof, masonry, windows, shutters, doors and porches of properties appropriate to their periods. The walls, fences
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
and trees related to the landscaping of the site are also included in these guidelines. Additionally, for the commercial area of the Main-Partition Streets Historic District, we have added guidelines for signs, awnings, lighting and the possible appropriate reversal of inappropriate details. While these guidelines are being published as recommendations for non-designated properties, they are mandatory for our designated landmarks. Setting our own standard The logic of the Secretary's Standards is easy to understand. Applying procedures for making these standards work is not. Every community is different and an old historic community like Saugerties has a broad range of historic influences, each with its own "feel", that present many different choices. To make these choices easier, we have adopted a strategy of using period landmark examples. To have Saugerties-specific standards is especially appealing in an historic community where the application of these is evident in the historic character of homes and places of business. In these pages we attempt to put the preserved structures that define our past in perspective. We show how a selected group of four properties exemplify the Secretary's Standards and how they have led the way to the creation of our community standards. Thus, we have arbitrarily divided our 300 plus year community history into 4 periods: Colonial (agricultural), Early Industrial, Mercantile, and a hybrid which we label as "Historic Landscapes." These periods are not discrete and sometimes stretch and sometimes overlap. In these guidelines we have selected as examples of each historic period, four properties that are National Register designated and are accessible to the public. The periods and examples are: The Colonial Period mainly defined by our earliest stone houses: The Kiersted House The Early Industrial Period emblematic of the many mid19th century residences in the town and village: The Saugerties Lighthouse The Mercantile Period defined by the Village's late-19th
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The Kiersted House Example Numbers 1, 2, and 3 of the 10 Secretary's Standards deal with preserving changes to a landmark. Using the Kiersted House as an example, #1 suggests that since the Kiersted House was an historic home, its best use would be as a residence; however, it goes on to say that if its current usage is removed from its "historic purpose" (e.g. to be used as a gallery space, business, or a society meeting place), then there should be no change to the "defining characteristics of the building, site and environment" that make it identifiable as a former residence. The Secretary's Standard #2 reiterates the importance of retaining an "historic character" by emphasizing that a property must be preserved with the character defining historic architectural materials; we find that the Kiersted House meets that criterion. Standard #3 states "Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place and use". This standard insures that the building remains a record of its specific history, and does not allow “conjectural elements” or elements from other houses, to be added. Because the Kiersted House meets that standard, visitors can be certain what they experience today is the same door and latch that Dr. Kiersted placed his hand on and opened; and the same threshold that he stepped over after walking, perhaps over the same stepping stones and under even the same ancient black locust trees that are the same distance from that old wagon road that is today’s Main Street. Meeting these three Secretary's Standards is a goal that all owners of historic houses should aspire to and the Kiersted House sets this standard for the whole community. But even the Kiersted House is not a perfect "physical record of its time" as there have been changes. None of the stone houses of Saugerties have survived without some updates or expansions. Each of their owners over the past three centuries sought to make their homes more comfortable and look more "contemporary". Nearly every stone house has had at least one horizontal expansion, or a second floor, a Federal era decorative fan window, or a Victorian era porch added during its long life. These historic changes follow the patterns of growth of the community and tell a story as instructive and captivating as the parts of a house that have never changed, exactly as Standards#1, 2 and 3 recommend when they state they “shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and use”. For example, in Saugerties we can see the upgrading or addition of windows as the appeal of bluestone lintels locally produced became popular, replacing earlier, possibly cruder materials and forms. Additionally, in Saugerties we have examples of stone houses built at different points in Saugerties history. The Brink house on the town’s southern border and the Eligh/Kocherthal house on the northern one probably date from the late 1600's and were vernacular, owner-built farm houses. Whereas the architect-designed Winston Mansion dates from the early 1920's and a Depression-era stone house built by WPA-trained stone masons represent “recent” structures. Among these vastly different stylistic
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
periods, in general, it is the vernacular look that is most common and best characterize the look of the stone house of Saugerties. The vast majority of these were built in the decades of the 18th century that mark the period of the Kiersted House that we have chosen as our model. Secretary's Standard #4 recognizes that "most properties change over time" and that any change that has "historic significance in its own right shall be retained and preserved." In the case of the National Register Trumpbour Farmstead, an original 1750's stone house, the official listing even allowed inclusion of two later period houses built on the same farmstead property, recognizing them as contributing to the "acquired historic significance" of the overall landscape as a landmark. Accordingly, with Standard #4 and the remaining six standards, all of which address what is recognized as "historic" and what is acceptable in the maintenance of historic properties, we can confidently rely on the Kiersted House as a reference for all acceptable change for buildings from that era. In general we can count on the Kiersted House's authenticity to set the standard for anyone looking for guidance in dealing with an historic design appearance or for rehabilitation guidance for their own property, regardless of whether it is a stone house or not. Our guidelines using the Kiersted House as the Standard example of that period, maintains the look and feel of an historic Saugerties colonial era environment. Stone houses are very durable which is why they are still around as they remind us of what the less durable houses of the colonial period in Saugerties probably looked like. So whether a house is frame or stone, the pitch of the roof, placement of windows, dormers and entries, and the trim at openings and roof lines were likely the same. It is such details that define this period and upon which we base our guidelines for preservation. The Kiersted House and other stone houses and their settings are the best indicators of what should be an acceptable standard for rehabilitations of current structures or proposed new buildings that will fit into any neighborhood lucky enough to have a stone house. Saugerties actually has several "tribute" or "homage" stone houses found throughout the township. These are more recently constructed while being built to a standard chosen to reflect the look of the stone houses of earliest Saugerties. These houses confirm the principle that a sensitive design using the scale, materials, and color of the original as their model adds to the value of the new construction and thus to the quality of the community. One further comment; the many Dutch and English style barns throughout Saugerties that generally accompanied the farmhouse on the property should not be overlooked when it comes to adhering to preservation standards. The ones that survive are often relics of the later agricultural period and, as functional structures, often replaced deteriorated ones from the 18th century but with a functional style that retained the same look and occupied the landscape in the same way. Needless to say, the purpose of the stone house would be lost significantly if the remaining barns of the roadsides and the rural open setting of Saugerties' agricultural era were lost.
and early 20th century buildings: Main-Partition Streets Historic District Historic Landscapes span all periods: Opus 40, recognized as an inspired sensitivity to the altered land form, shows how to properly treat the scenic, artistic and archaeological elements along our land and water byways. Using the above mentioned Kiersted House as an example, the Sidebar demonstrates the incorporation of the Secretary’s Standards into the creation of our unique Guidelines – thus merging historical considerations and the community sensibility of Saugerties. (SEE SIDEBAR). Standards and guidelines benefit a historic community like Saugerties. They give a consistent way of explaining why something of historic significance should stay the same or not be changed. They are the way we encourage a uniform preservation ethic throughout the community. They set the tone of our intentions. This publication tries to make preservation easy to do by giving clearly defined, published and acknowledged standards and guidelines. That is our purpose.
The Trumpbour Homestead 1732 stone house is the centerpiece of the National Register of Historic Places historic landscape Trumpbour farm.
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
The History we have Preserved Early Documentary History
he earliest record of a non-native presence in Saugerties is in 1609 with the voyage of Henry Hudson. Documentation continues through 131 years of the Colonial Period and into the early years of the United States, from the 1688 charter of the "Corporation of Kingston" to our separation as the new Town of Saugerties in 1811.
The very first extant record is a survey of our natural resources and description of our native population found in the journal of Hudson's voyage. The next record is from 1683 when the confluence of our Purchas’s Pilgrimes Chap. XVI Journal of Robert Juet of Limehouse Sawyer Kill and the Hudson River is made the boundary point between the original counties of Ulster and Albany. The property that occupies this location on the river, Anchorage Farm, was designated a landmark of the Town of Saugerties on December 17th 2007. The area that would become Saugerties was first mentioned in the Andros Treaty of 1677 as lands previously granted to "the Sawyer"; however, there is no record of this grant.
1909 Half Moon Tricentennial replica with Overlook on horizon
General Guidelines for references accepted for Town and Village landmark declarations of historical significance 1. Declaration of historical significance of the cultural environment of places and structures must use references to publically accessible records 2. Up-to-date lists of names and locations of recognized resources accepted for documenting historical significance of a property within a municipality must be available through that municipality
Records earlier then 1677 seem to indicate a population 3. Only publicly available and locally recognized records that are electronically published and electronically may have built near the Plattekill on Saugerties' southern searchable or are available in the Saugerties Public border. In documents of the time this was variously called Library Local History Reference Room are acceptable as resources referenced when making positive or negative "precinct of Kingston" and "dead mens bones". In these early declarations of historical significance. records, mill sites and compound locations called "innsteads" were recorded as on "the footpath to Recognized Resource Documents Albany" implying, if not settlement, continuous traffic northward across Publications: The Pearl 1875 Leon Barrett & Edward Jernegan - digitized in pdf on Essential Saugerties CD at the Saugerties, at this early date. Saugerties Public Library
The first recorded deeds for land overlaying the present Town of Saugerties are the Meales and Hayes patent in 1686 and the Kingston patent in 1687, granted by James II, King of England.
History of Ulster County 1881 Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester - Saugerties section digitized in searchable pdf on Essential Saugerties CD at the Saugerties Public Library History of Kingston, New York 1888 Marius Schoonmaker - Downloadable in pdf from the Library of Congress web site History of Saugerties 1901 Benjamin Myer Brink - digitized in searchable pdf on Essential Saugerties CD at the Saugerties Public Library or downloadable from Gutenberg Project in various formats from internet
Records: Deeds, wills, leases and surveys on file in record books of Ulster County Clerk at the Records Room of the Ulster County Office Building, Fair Street, Kingston NY and County Archives, Ulster County Records Center at 300 Foxhall Avenue in Kingston, NY Town of Saugerties Historic Resources Survey March 2005 Volumes 1 & 2, copies in Saugerties Public Library and Saugerties Historical Society. Digitized version available in History Atlas of Saugerties at Saugerties Public Library
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Colonial era stone houses from the 2005 Town of Saugerties Historic Resources Survey
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
The first record of a settler is in a 1687 deed from the Meales and Hayes patent for land near the mouth of the Esopus Creek. This deed documents a well established homestead had already existed there preceding the patent. It catalogues a house, water conveyances to a mill, and herd pens and shelters. The remains of a roadway first described in a 1712 deed that referenced the location of this 1687 homestead was designated a landmark of both the Town and Village of Saugerties October 18th, 2010. The roadbed is located on the property of the Esopus Creek Conservancy and is part of the Carriage Road designation.
Detail of John Kiersted 1825 survey of road crossing at Esopus Bend to lower Main Street
It is to the documents of the early 18th century that we turn to in order to identify the historical significance of structures built then, still standing today, that are of preservation interest.
2005 Survey Landmark
The best use of early records is for mapping sensitive cultural sites for environmental review of proposed land developments, thus these 17th century records are of locations that may be of archaeological interest.
Our earliest structures
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
he early 1700's saw an exponential increase of settlement on land that is Current photo of the Kocherthal/Eligh House now inside the Town of Saugerties. Documents from late 1710 place a large colony of Palatine refugees settled in the area now known as West Camp. The Kocherthal/Eligh stone house at West Camp was designated a landmark of the Town of Saugerties, June 24th, 2004.
#25 Period photo of Mynderse House
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
A 1712 deed from part of the 1686 Meales and Hayes patent to John Persen, was for land in the area of the future Village of Saugerties in trade for his house in the village of Kingston. The well maintained Mynderse stone house built by John Persen is a surveyed but undesignated landmark in the Village of Saugerties. A 1719 deed from the same
Current photo of the Evert Wynkoop House
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Colonial era stone houses from the 2005 Town of Saugerties Historic Resources Survey
1686 Meales and Hayes patent sells land in the area of the Winston Farm to Evert Wynkoop. The Evert Wynkoop stone house was designated a landmark of the Town of Saugerties, May 14th 2004. The Palatines migrated from Kaatsbaan Church in 1731 Kaatsbaan Church in 1865 photo West Camp, which is near the Hudson, to the lands toward the base of the nearby Catskill Mountains. Their many rural stone houses served as shelter and protection in these "wild" lands. These settlers built a stone church in 1731 at Kaatsbaan on the Kings Highway -- midway between their new homesteads and West Camp. The records of the families of this church give an idea of how many stone houses must once have been in this northern part of Saugerties. The Kaatsbaan Church was designated a landmark of the Town of Saugerties, December 27th 2004. In this early period the Kaatsbaan Church and Palatine settlements were all located north of the Ulster County border, in the original Albany County. If deeds existed at that time they were not part of the local record. In 1753, at the time of the French and Indian War, the Town of Kingston annexed these Albany County settled lands (now located in the northern area of Saugerties) in order to enlist their inhabitants' in its militia. Deeds and leases were recorded at that time. This annexation remained in dispute through the period of the Revolution and up to the time that the borders of the new Town of Saugerties were placed fully within Ulster County. The Revolutionary War burning of Kingston in October of 1777 made the outlying communities into relief centers for the affected Kingston population for a brief period of time during the winter of 1777-78, the same bitter winter as Valley Forge! One focal point of resettlement was centered around the tavern of
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2005 Survey Landmark
Kaatsbaan Church in 2005 survey photo
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
Dr. Kiersted’s house from Brink’s Early History of Saugerties, 1901
Capt. Egbert Schoonmaker house from 1978 Village survey
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Colonial era stone houses from the 2005 Town of Saugerties Historic Resources Survey
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
2005 Survey Landmark
The Kiersted House - a Colonial Model
he 1727 Kiersted House is one of the National Register listed1727 DuBois/Kiersted Stone House Saugerties Historical Society earliest of these stone houses in Saugerties. It is listed on the National Register, and is currently the home of the Saugerties Historical Society. Today, the Kiersted House, its lawns and adjacent open space perfectly embrace that heritage of our Colonial past. This property's unchanged 2005 Survey Landmark #148 character, located close to the village center, is today as much a symbol of our earliest beginnings as it was throughout all of Saugerties' periods of cultural growth and physical expansion and thus is fitting to be the model for all colonial period preservation in Saugerties. 2005 Survey Landmark
Unbroken roof surface Multiple chimneys Symmetrical gabled expansion (Typically post-1750)
(These guidelines approach appropriateness in new construction based on whether the architecture will be harmonious with the characteristic style of its immediate environs. Both derivative architecture and compatible contemporary architecture are appropriate so long as they are carefully crafted as not to upstage or to disrupt a neighborhood's ambiance. The objective is to maintain continuity with the past and to protect and enhance the heritage as a whole.) Multiple entries (mother-daughter) Guidelines for Walls During the early colonial era defense specifications for frontier houses required them to be built of stone with full basements. The majority of surviving stone houses have expanded beyond this specification. Indicators of their original structure such as seams and mating lines and base-level entries are important for establishing age in historic houses and should remain visible and in good repair. The original locations and sizes of window and door openings in stone walls should not be covered, resized or filled. Corbeled heads above window or door openings in stone walls are evidence of early construction and should not be restructured. If repairs to or bracing of window openings and lintels is seam of original house Merging section necessary, it should be undertaken in a manner that Mating (random stone courses) (interim pre-center hall entry) leaves the stone as the primary visual element. Steel
wall-integrated chimney (replaced here) Asymmetric gable end wall (Typically pre-1750) Corbeled opening header Limited number of windows Roof edge trim flush to walls
Cantilevered forebay shelter (Typically pre-1750) Ground-level banked cellar entry (backfilled here)
Dormers breaking roof surface (typically late 19th century)
Later expansion house 12 over 8 windows (more formal stone shaping) (late 18th century)
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Most intact specimen of early 18th century vernacular stone forebay farm house, Ricks La., Veteran
2005 Survey Landmark
Abraham Post, located on the river road to Albany. Just east of Post's tavern was a stone house built in 1727 by Hezekiah DuBois, later to become the home of Dr. Christopher Kiersted. A little further north on that road was the stone house of Egbert Schoonmaker and, on the river, was the stone house of Myndert Mynderse (mentioned earlier). These stone houses and the no longer standing frame houses and tavern of the large Post family, formed the core of what would become the Village of Saugerties.
Colonial Period Stone Houses
tone houses are the only thing we have that can tell the story of this early colonial period. Their presence has been frozen in time and thus Random course wall with original presents a partial picture of the way ground level basement entry intact their 18th century residents ate, slept, worked, and, unceremoniously, built a community. Stone house examples that can be dated from the early to mid decades of the 18th century are found along the Kings Highway, along river roads south and north of the Village of Saugerties, in Veteran and running west toward Woodstock, and also in the Saxton Flats. Many of Saugerties' early 18th century stone houses are preserved in near original form. These are all 1 ½ story with functional basements. Those in rural settings were built into banks with an exposed basement entry. They usually had a full length porch a level above the ground as their main floor entry. When first built they were designed for livestock to be sheltered in the basement and provisions stored in the garret; an all-purpose shelter for all the family's possessions.
Cockburn stone house original 1770 stone work
On the other hand, houses of this period with no level basement entry, found mostly on flat fields, were meant from the beginning to be part Kaatsbaan Church rear wall retains of a barn and stable complex. original 1732 stone work and date stones Typically they belonged to a second or third generation family with more of a business plan for land use. In these houses, their main floor was raised as high as a three step Dutch stoop. Some have "summer kitchen" additions but most have basements designed as kitchens and slave quarters. All of the stone houses from this
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Original 1740’s gable end of Evert Wynkoop House
as a hidden support below original stone is one approach that can be an acceptable repair. If it is necessary to patch or replace individual stones, such work should be completed with stone of the same type as predominates on the wall. Where brick work is repaired, used brick of a surface matching the original and intended for the same exterior placement, matching the original in size, shape, and color are appropriate. Exposed stone or masonry surfaces should remain exposed. Surfaces should never be covered with new materials such as vinyl, aluminum, dryvit, T-111, etc. Routine repair and maintenance of any masonry surface requires re-pointing that duplicates the historic condition. For example, the grout material and color, the tooling style of grout and color and type of masonry should all be consistent with the existing materials. Stone or masonry surfaces which have not been painted previously should not be painted. Painting will cover defining features such as stone type and color, joint profiles and bonding patterns and fills. Painting will also create an instant and continuing maintenance expense into the future. Some previously-painted surfaces should be re-painted. If owners wish to clean the paint from historic stone or masonry surfaces, this treatment should be undertaken only using the gentlest effective means possible. In no case should abrasive cleaning (i.e., sandblasting, waterblasting, blasting with nut shells, etc.) be used. Further guidance for cleaning is found in the U. S. Department of the Interior's Preservation Briefs No. 1, The Cleaning and Waterproof Coating of Masonry Buildings and No. 37, Removing Graffiti from Historic Buildings. A test patch should always be taken prior to beginning a major cleaning project, since the surface may not be suitable for cleaning due to its age or condition. Also replacement materials may have been installed that are better hidden with paint. Always inspect the building fully before beginning a cleaning project; window and door openings may have been altered and in-filled with materials that do not match the original and the building may look better re-painted than cleaned. Stone and masonry cleaning, particularly paint-stripping, must be undertaken in an environmentallyresponsible fashion. The paint on older buildings is very likely lead-based, and when removed should be disposed of properly. Later colonial and post-Revolution homes and stone house additions were H-frame structures using clapboard as the predominant siding material. Typically the spacing was quite narrow with an exposure of around 3 ½ inches but was often narrower on the bottom, started with a flat termite board and were adjusted so that a full clapboard would fall above and below window and door frames. Board and batten style siding was commonly used for barns and other outbuildings. Additions and alterations to existing structures should use building materials original to the structure. Board and batten siding is more appropriate for accessory buildings than a primary structure. Typically it is appropriate for vinyl or aluminum replacement siding to be used only if the details of the structure remain unchanged and if the structure is not a designated landmark. Routine repair of siding of any type should not alter the appearance of the structure. Because it is difficult to match the texture of adjoining materials when replacing siding, the repair of
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
existing siding with wood restoration products is encouraged. Replacement materials must match the color, texture, shape and pattern of existing portions. Siding products that are new to market such as cementaceous fiberboard siding are appropriate if they duplicate the original material in appearance and texture. New construction should incorporate building materials traditional to the neighborhood. The use of natural siding materials including clapboard and brick is encouraged. The use of aluminum and vinyl siding is discouraged on any new construction which has a prominent location. Guidelines for Foundations Saugerties' earliest foundations were of native limestone, bluestone and stone topped with brick. The ground level bank house with a raised front foundation is an important architectural element of the 18th century in Saugerties. The high foundation form remained popular through the 19th century for field and hamlet houses. Many of the most ancient houses have had foundation walls back-filled with their ground entries stepped in landscaping schemes. Reexposure of the lower walls can be highly appropriate in restoration of historic structures, and may actually help address moisture problems occurring in the basement or lower walls. If the design in a new construction calls for exposed foundation walls and/or raised basement stories, local building tradition dictates the use of brick facing or traditional stonework. Large exposed areas of concrete foundation are not considered appropriate. The same concerns should be taken with historic stone and brick foundations as with more visible components of historic structures. Further, care should be taken to keep them free from concentrations of excessive moisture. Use the same measures recommended for stone walls for cleaning and repairing. Guidelines for Chimneys Typically chimneys of the colonial period are red brick with straight, undecorated courses that terminate with a single step outward. Chimneys should be maintained in their original height, form and design. If a new chimney is constructed, it should match the existing chimneys in style and material. Non-masonry chimney stacks should not be used. Guidelines for Roof Form Typically eighteenth and early nineteenth century houses were built with a relatively steep pitch of about 8-12 inches in vertical dimension to every 12" horizontally. Many colonial era homes were side gable designs allowing this broad expanse of the roof to face the entry. The pitch of the roof is a defining element of these buildings. Appropriate roof designs will reflect that characteristic roof form in most colonial era Saugerties neighborhoods. The eaves or meeting of the roof to the walls at gable and side faces is relatively flush on Saugerties' colonial era homes. Early 19th century additions of box gutters for rain water collection is common in closely built neighborhoods where building sites relate to roads more than water source. Design of broad overhangs at gable ends are inappropriate. Either flush trim board edges or box gutters transitioned to the wall with broad frieze boards are appropriate for roof edges.
period are vernacular structures whose "style" is unique to Early 20th century photo and current restoration of an Ulster County once common 18th century timber-over-stone bank house Dutch building tradition. This tradition is easily identifiable by the random lay of the courses of their walls of rough limestone, called cliff stone for the random size it is found in, i.e., it was not quarried to size. The "texture" of the walls shows a distinct selection process in stone placement; not just in the arrangement of sizes, but in the arrangement of colors and mineral composition patterns of the face sides of individual stones. The most pristine of the preserved houses have undergone no restructuring of these original wall patterns; however, most stone houses have gone through some change over their long lives. The most common alteration, and one that compromised the original builder's wall composition, happened when original wood framed window openings were replaced with bluestone lintels and sills. The next most common modification is of the roof line with alteration of the gable ends. Changing the roof pitch while adapting the loft for living space and adding dormers was common in the late 19th century. The original roofs with open frames holding thatch were built to be replaced, and often were at regular maintenance periods. Because of this practice the typical stone house's style pays little attention to roof trim or gutters. They attach to the wall with a simple board, placed there only to keep the drafts out. For some stone home owners, the roof's regular maintenance change became an opportunity to add some contemporary style to the house. At that time, the roof would then become more
Early 20th century photo and current adaptive reuse of an early 19th century stone house
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Gabled summer kitchen rear wall shed extensions of Kiersted House
permanent usually indicating a period of prosperity after the Revolution. Many of the Saugerties stone houses have Federal elements, such as the Kiersted house's central fan windowed shed dormer.
Interiors of structures have always been versatile. By the time our earliest stone houses had reached the 20th century some may have been occupied by seven or eight generations of the same family. It is not unusual to find interior changes to beams, floor boards, rafters, and shakes at least once every sixty or seventy years. Thus it is rare to discover original fabric in an interior.
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The Petrus Myer house is on the 1763 Clinton map and re-styled in the early 19th century
The stone houses built in the late 18th and early 19th century were all two story structures with Georgian style symmetrical design and Georgian finishing details. In this period more dimensional, finished quarried stone was used. During this post-Revolution era, some of Saugerties' early stone houses underwent expansion to "keep up with the Jones'." Some were restructured to add a story, sometimes totally replacing the random course rough limestone front walls and corners with quarried stone. In extreme cases this modification has replaced the original vernacular structures to the point of obliterating all indications of their earlier date.
Guidelines for Roofing Historically, Saugerties' colonial homes typically would have had wood shingle roofs after the earliest use of less permanent materials. The preservation of existing wood roofs is encouraged. Howeve, wooden roofs were meant to wear out and be replaced with new wood and today, wooden roofs might not meet fire codes and are being found not to last as long as those made from older- old growth wood. For this reason the State Historic Preservation Officer is comfortable with the use of alternative materials that have the appearance of wood but may last much longer, be fire resistant and more economical for the property owner. The use of original roofing materials is encouraged where practical in restoration or replacement and the use of traditional materials characteristic to the neighborhood is encouraged in new buildings. In some instances, alternative roofing material may be acceptable as a practical replacement to the original roofing material. Architectural asphalt shingle colors are available from manufacturers that simulate the original wood material. Care must be taken in the choice of color in these simulated materials. Guidelines for Dormers Saugerties' early agricultural period houses typically did not have dormers. Lofts or garrets were functional storage areas and sometimes sleeping areas of a house. The first wide spread use of multiple gabled dormers occurred with the advent of the Federal style (Ca. 1790-1830). Also, you may find some shed roof dormers added as Dutch revival elements in the early 20th century. Many stone houses in Saugerties that did not have walls raised in Federal period restructuring had broad cross gable fronts added for a second floor. Dormers are important markers of the change of architectural styles and the growth of buildings to accommodate growing needs. Where historic and existing, their materials and stylistic details should be retained. In general both gable and shed dormers may be an appropriate way to use existing attic space. However, the addition of new dormers on existing architecturally significant roof surfaces is discouraged. Dormers may also be a useful way to reduce the apparent scale of new construction. If shed dormers are used they should be clearly subordinate to the primary roof form and best used on appropriately pitched roofs. Flush dormers (also called wall dormers) that are continuous with a wall below are discouraged. All dormer windows should match the predominant patterns and placement of the existing windows of the wall below. Skylights are inappropriate for colonial era structures and, if needed, should be relegated to parts of the house not visible from the street. A well-designed dormer, where appropriate, will serve the same purpose as well as increasing the living space. Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts Up until the turn of the century, water drainage systems usually consisted of diversionary rooftop devices built into the roof structure. Attached metal gutters that are appropriate for most historic structures in Saugerties are the half round style. The square metal form most commonly used today was introduced in the 1950's and is most appropriately used on
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
contemporary homes or as a replacement for similarly styled wood gutters. Green and brown are the most appropriate colors for these features as that will help them recede visually. Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation The trim and ornamentation of a building play an important role in defining its character. Historic houses often have purely decorative applied trim that may be found on windows, doors, porch columns, and eaves. Original existing trim and ornament should be preserved or repaired in keeping with the original design. Epoxy based wood restoration products can repair damaged or rotted wood quite nicely. Replacement of lost trim and ornament is encouraged, with appropriate historic documentation. The addition of trim and ornamentation for which no historic precedence exists is inappropriate. Trim and ornamentation on additions should display the characteristic use of trim and ornamentation found on the main house. In many instances this may be done in a more simplified fashion than the main structure. Trim on new buildings should be appropriate to examples withinthe neighborhood. Highly elaborate ornamentation is usually inappropriate for new construction. Guidelines for Windows and Doorways The proportion, rhythm, and relative symmetry of entrances and fenestration (the location, size, shape, pattern, and rhythm of windows and window openings) are basic design elements and major factors in identifying the characteristic style and building traditions of historic homes, an historic district and in the choice of windows at an appropriate new addition to a neighborhood. As styles progressed through history, windows became both larger and more frequent and doorways became more decorative. In time, windows became decorative in their own right balancing doorway details. By the middle of the nineteenth century, windows were grouped into decorative and projecting bays and by the end of that century into horizontal window bands. Addition and enlargement of window openings, enlargement of doorways and movement of door and window openings to adjust symmetry is the most frequently encountered and earliest change found in early stone and frame houses. When found to record local cultural transitions these changes are appropriate to retain in an historic property and should not be changed further. Typically Colonial and Federal era windows had a fixed upper sash and a moveable lower sash, known as a single hung sash. The windows consisted of multiple smaller panes of glass separated by wooden muntins. The earlier the window in general, the more the number of panes in a sash. Sash windows are described by the number of panes per sash. For example, 8 over 12 or 12 over 12 windows are characteristic of the Colonial and Federal Eras. By 1830 technology allowed larger panes of glass to be produced and one sees for the first time 6 over 6 windows and by 1850 2 over 2 windows. As styles evolved many homeowners of 18th and 19th century houses updated their windows with newer sash configurations with fewer panes. Colonial doorways had single or double (Dutch) doors without lights. 17th and 18th century doors consisted of
Corbeled stone header Frame header Frame jamb Window light Meeting rail
Sash 2-panel shutter
Muntin Bottom rail Gable dormer
Wood sill
Shed dormer
Parts of an 8-over-8 Kiersted House window
Fan window (20th century Colonial Revival) Bluestone lintel (mid 19th century) 12 over 12 window 8 over 12 window
Dutch stoop Corbeled header shed porch roof
Entry to the Kiersted House
Cut stone lintel with incised builder marks Frame header Transom light Transom mullion Transom bar Muntin Center stile Dutch door mating rails Panel Bottom rail Cut stone sill
Entry to the Wynkoop House Late 19th century photo of Post’s Tavern from Brink’s Early History of Saugerties
Early Entrepreneurship in Saugerties
y the 1790's a business district in what was to become the Village had begun to develop west of the Post Tavern and Kiersted House. On period maps one can see the north-south roads meeting those from the west, and all were heading towards the river. This confluence was on the edge of the farm lands where the level plain begins to drop down to the Esopus Creek's confluence with the Hudson River. The road from the west passing Post's and going to the river had been used by the Livingston's of Clermont since the 1740's. This route served to transport the products of their tenants in the Catskill Mountains to the river and ferrying to their warehouses on the other side of the Hudson. The Livingston's commercial traffic to the south with Kingston was also from this ferry point. As early as 1687 a road to Albany is noted as a landmark on the Meales and Hayes Sawyerkill patent here. In early deeds for farm lands around these crossroads the only business activity noted is in the name "Mill Road" so it
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would appear that from as early as the 1740's businesses here may have also supported millers at mills on the Esopus falls and their patrons. By 1790 Robert R. Livingston had begun acquiring land around the plateau's south and west edge and down the slopes to the Esopus Creek's mill sites. He had roads laid out and lots surveyed in the area of present-day Ulster, Livingston, Market and Main Streets. The first store was built here at the northeast corner of Market and Main around 1800 by John R. Livingston. A tavern on the other side of this intersection, run by Myndert Mynderse, had been there earlier. Early Malden town house occupying the same lot as on the original 1812 map for the village of Bristol
Between 1806 and 1816 Asa Bigelow, then George Gay and finally Jeremiah Russell, successively ran businesses Fiero house on Kings Highway is a typical frame in John Livingston's building The post-Revolution roadside residential/tavern structure and a proto-village began to take form around this location. On a survey map from 1825 by John Kiersted the area from Livingston Street down Market, Main, and Partition Streets is already divided into lots with a few residential houses pictured. In addition to this future Village of Saugerties location an early center of commercial activity was Glasco. The earliest turnpike crossing Saugerties was the "first branch" road, a spur of the Delaware and Hudson Turnpike In the early 19th century the 2nd and 3rd generation of the agricultural class chose to build the first totally residential structures close to the future village center of Saugerties
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vertical flush boards, mid to late 18th century doors had raised panels. On earlier Colonial and Federal era houses, the doorway was usually centrally located and was given the highest degree of ornamentation. Transom and side lights appear after 1780. Replacement of historic doors is discouraged. Repair of existing historic doors or replacement with new doors that duplicate the original design are the only appropriate actions. Restoration of original windows is encouraged where windows have been removed or where later replacements are historically inappropriate. Some exceptions include later replacements where the replacement itself is historically significant and represent a significant period in the building's history. Windows without historic precedence should not be added to existing primary architectural facades. In general the retention and repair of an existing historic window in lieu of replacement is strongly encouraged. Replacement of windows is appropriate if the historic windows are beyond repair or it is infeasible to appropriately weatherize or retrofit them for energy efficiency. They must, however, be in keeping with the design, configuration, size, setback, and all other qualities of the original window(s). Replacement of true divided lights with fake snap-in grills is inappropriate. Some window replacement products with insulating glass can use thicker muntins which can significantly change the window's appearance and be inappropriate for the style of house. In general, wood windows should be replaced with wood windows, and windows with factory applied paint (primer or finish) are preferred to vinyl or aluminum clad windows. New buildings should have fenestration and doorways located to reflect the characteristic proportions and rhythms of those of neighboring buildings. Similarly window and door openings in new additions should be spaced to reflect the characteristic proportions and rhythm of the existing building, though they may be diminished in scale to reflect the secondary importance of the addition to the main mass of the building. Storm doors and windows are appropriate additions for keeping homes warm. Used historically, they were typically built of wood and were replaced with wood framed screens for the warmer months. However, many of these features have been lost over time and replaced with metal "triple track" windows. New storm doors and windows should be of a plain, undecorated design, not conflicting with the primary window or door in design or configuration. It is best if meeting rails and other components of new storm window line up with those of the primary window. Homes typically were not designed for exterior shutters until the mid-19th century. For example, Colonial and Federal era houses did not typically space windows for exterior shutters. Shutters were originally used for protection from storms, sun and for privacy. Appropriate installation of shutters requires that if closed they would cover the entire window. Paired shutters should flank a single window and should be sized so that the pair of shutters are equal to the width of the window frame. Shutters come in different styles such as louvered or paneled. If installing shutters that are not replacing existing shutters, property owners should keep the
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
following guidelines in mind: If the shutters are not operable, they should be installed in a manner that imitates a hinged shutter. If louvered shutters are used, louvers should face upward in an open position. that brought goods to The style of shutter installed should be consistent with the Hudson River from the style of the house. For example elaborate Victorian the center of the state. shutters would not be appropriate on a Colonial home. The 1810 survey plan Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches 1812 Bigelow Homestead House, Malden-on-Hudson for Glasco names its Historically, entryways have been a major characterwith portico and federal entranceway facing river defining element of a home. The entranceway was often the streets Genesee, Delaware, Hudson and Hartford after the primary decorative feature of colonial era structures. starting point and planned destination of the turnpike in Commonly, early photographs of stone houses show simple Connecticut. Connecticut yankee businessmen and investors Dutch stoop entranceways, some in a mother-daughter division, or two entrances, two stoops to a front, while the were Glasco's proprietors and founders. It flourished until majority of their altered stone house counterparts received the Erie Canal created economies that drove all the turnpikes Victorian porches. Many early pre-industrial frame houses into decline. in Saugerties today retain their original simple entries. Throughout the Victorian era and into the early 20th Another early commercial village was Bristol. It was century, the porch remained a characteristic architectural founded by Asa Bigelow, another Connecticut yankee, in feature. Porches were often the most embellished 1812 as a factoring center for hides destined for the tanneries architectural element of a house and were added to provide at the top of the mountains. Bristol is present day Malden exterior living space, provide more protection for the entry, or update the architectural style of the building. Removing and the Malden turnpike is the road Asa Bigelow built to existing porches, particularly one not original to the house capture this tannery business. but added during the historic period is inappropriate. Doing so would strip the entranceway of a primary streetBy the end of the first quarter of the 19th century front characteristic. The preservation and restoration of Saugerties had developed four major land transportation porch detail is crucial and should be considered as part of routes and three tidewater shipping ports. Its early any appropriate design. The reconstruction of a lost porch commercial period is preserved in the churches, shops, is strongly encouraged, if historic documentation of the porch is available, If there is no such documentation schools and houses of these villages on the Hudson and of available, the new porch should be based on historic the hamlets that grew along those mountain turnpike routes. precedence for either the style of the building or for the Preservable assets from the Town's first decades most appropriate transitional improvement based on historic houses of the same period. For new structures, an n the spring of 1811 the Town of appropriately scaled and located porch can be an Saugerties began its life. Its earliest appropriate way to relate to the scale of a neighborhood and "fit in". inhabitants had farmed, herded cattle Porch additions to building types which traditionally did and cut wood on its soil for not have any porches should be limited to the rear side of many generations when large the building where possible and all such additions should parts of this territory were be compatible with the style and detail of the building. Depending on the style, a new porch roof pitch may considered as part of the reflect the main roof form of the building or may be shed common lands belonging to the or appear flat. Town of Kingston as a result of Enclosing an existing porch is generally inappropriate. If the Kingston patent of 1687. Up considering porch enclosure, it is recommended that this occur only at a side or rear elevation porch. If enclosing to 1804, the land to become such a porch the finished space should retain porch Saugerties had, relatively elements in place, constructing enclosure framing inside of speaking, very little privately porch columns and railings. Screening in a traditionally owned property. What was open porch requires sensitivity. The look of a temporary enclosure is preferable, such as screens or glazing that are owned were farmsteads either removed seasonally and retain the character of reversible close to the main road -- the enclosure by being placed within vertical and horizontal Kings Highway, or part of a framing members that align behind porch elements like 1811 corporate outline of the Town of Saugerties columns and railings so as not to visually interfere with or from the 1829 map of Ulster County damage decorative or unique historic building fabric. Guidelines for Fire Exits and Handicapped Access Exterior stairs to upper level entrances are generally inappropriate to the historic context and thus should be Page number
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concealed from public view and only used when no other practical approach meets the safety code. Such features handful owned by should reflect the detail and finish of the main structure. In additions, plans should provide an interior exit. Palatines who were Retrofitting for handicapped accessibility can either be pioneering along the surprisingly simple for some buildings, difficult to achieve Saxton Flats and toward in historic buildings, but new technology is always. Main the Woodstock Valley. entrances to historic buildings that might be negatively impacted by the requirements for full accessibility under The population was the American's with Disabilities Act accessibility Dutch “H-bent” barn framing of late colonial Saugerties hamlet cottage spread out. Less than a Guidelines (ADAAG) or New York State Code may receive special consideration, including greatly scaled down few dozen homes existed in the area we now access requirements, or barring that, relief from call the village, either near the mills at the accessibility if suitable alternatives to access or “Eyebrow” half story windows Esopus Creek falls or at the landings on programs is provided. the Hudson. South along the Glasco bluffs Where access ramps must be added to visible sides of a historic structure, they should be made as discrete and north at Bristol, river front as possible by reflecting characteristic details of the development plans were just beginning to main building. Often such ramps can be constructed attract settlement. Small clusters of stores as landscape terraces to further mitigate the visual where clove roads up through breaks in the mountain face impact on the architectural massing of the main structure. A ramp with a gradual rise of 1 foot per 22 linear feet is met the Kings Highway at Trumpbour's Corners, Kaatsbaan considered a sidewalk and does not require a railing. and Plattekill had stabilized as the centers of business and Guidelines for Decks and Terraces small inland settlements. While porches, stoops and door-yard entries are After the Town of Kingston in all traditional building elements of the colonial period, contemporary decks have little historic 1804 divided its common lands precedence. Residential terraces and patios that (which was known as the are at grade are appropriate landscaping Kingston Commons) and began to elements. However, new deck additions should be limited to the first floor and should be located sell lots, and even after enough out of public view. lots had been purchased to Guidelines for Fences and Walls establish a voting freeholder During the 1700's and 1800's most residences population in the area of the new used fences for animal control. Typically these Classic framing on Malden Turnpike late colonial Saugerties hamlet cottage town of Saugerties, few of these utility fences were of rough wood slats or rails and random-laid stone. Simple picket fences new property owners were were typical of the later 19th century and again of the 20th actually settling on their land. Most of the countryside lots century. More decorative fences typical of the mid-19th had been sold to those who were already established century when ornate iron work was fashionable are not appropriate for colonial-era settings. residents in the Churchland, Kaatsbaan or Saxton farmsteads Existing walls and fences should be preserved wherever or still resided in the village of Kingston. The population of possible. Restoration of existing historic fences and walls is the new Town of Saugerties remained unchanged well into always preferred to replacement. Where stone walls are the first decade of the Town's incorporation. reset or built new, they should follow the traditional drywall techniques used in original construction. Saugerties' founding fathers, in New fences should follow local traditions this initial decade, surveyed roads, appropriate to the period of the property and established a post office, and immediate neighborhood. New fences should not exceed 3 feet in height in any front yard and 6 organized the courts. Even though feet in height on back side and back yards. High the first town meeting was in masonry walls, barricade fences, and other large Kaatsbaan, nearly everything that imposing fence like structures are inappropriate happened after that was centered at because they are not characteristic of any period of Saugerties' history. Chain link fences are the corner of what would be Main appropriate only in industrial situations and not and Market Streets -- within a Early Colonial period timber framing insulation method using a clay and at primary public areas of residential and grass fiber pasteprogressively packed between clapboards outside and short walk of the Town's first commercial retail areas (there might be times split sapling lathe inside.The lapped clapboards creates a form that leaves the pattern in the photograph. when these are appropriate, if they are located outside of primary elevations and views). Vinyl fences are discouraged, as they typically have an appearance that is not in character with historic fencing in Page number
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The farm at Herrick’s Bridge still has the turnpike road bed between its barn and farmhouse
finish and detail. Planting for screening is only appropriate when needed to obstruct the otherwise unavoidable public view of an inappropriate structure or feature, such as ground mounted electrical transformers or HVAC equipment . Stockade fencing is only appropriate for this purpose on a case by case basis. Guidelines for Outbuildings Historic outbuildings such as garages, barns, sheds, carriage houses, and even greenhouses, are all considered important elements of an historic house setting. In designated historic properties historic outbuildings can be as important as principal buildings, requiring appropriate consideration in repair, maintenance and replacement of such things as garage doors, building windows, and trim. Existing historic outbuildings on designated properties are afforded the same legal protection from demolition as are principal buildings. The construction of a garage on a site where an automobile was not originally envisioned can have considerable impact on the site and the overall appearance of the historic setting. Typically, freestanding garages are preferred to ones attached to the primary building on site. Outbuildings should be placed so as to minimize their visual impact. Designs for such new outbuildings should reflect the style and especially the roof line of the principal building or the vernacular style common to such local structures of the period. The use of materials traditional in appearance to the period of the main historic structure such as wood shingles, wood clapboard, brick, or board and batten is recommended in new construction. The use of modern materials that look traditional can be perfectly appropriate here, such as cementious clapboard. Alternatively, outbuildings may be designed as a subtle visual counterpoint to the principal structure. For instance, the design may call for board and batten on the outbuilding in contrast to the formal clapboard of the principal building. The design and type of material used in new and replacement garage doors should match barn or carriage house style doors with wood paneled as an alternative. Again, fiberglass or other materials might be appropriate given that they have a traditional appearance. Guidelines for Walks, Roads and Parking Areas The appropriateness of pedestrian walkways, driveways, lanes and public road frontage as well as parking areas are a consideration when evaluating the visual historical setting. Generally parking areas are without historic precedence. If needed, off-street parking areas should be concealed from the road wherever possible and preferably should be located to the rear of the building. Parking areas in a front yard are typically inappropriate. If the only accessible entry for a public, cultural, or religious building is at the
supervisor, John Kiersted. Meetings and court were held at Myndert Mynderse's tavern, a building that still stands just two doors east of the present M&T bank. The map made of the area in 1825 shows the Mynderse tavern and also the farm lands all around the Main-Partition center and the location of all houses standing at this time. Not surprisingly, the names on these house lots and farmlands matched the elected officials of the Town since its founding. This clustering shows Saugerties as a society and economy firmly centered in agriculture. By the middle of this first decade an expansion was also underway in the countryside. New hamlets had sprung up and established ones were growing to support the heavy wagon traffic of the mountain tanneries and of the central New York agricultural products heading for the river. In addition to the three Old Kings Highway-centered hamlets, new ones included the hamlets at Shultis Corners, High Woods, Veteran, Blue Mountain, Quarryville, and Brett's Corners (the Saugerties side of Palenville). The houses and shops built in these hamlets were an indication of the first expansion of the newly established Town. Their builders were from the farm families already there and they used building techniques identical to those of their ancestors; thus their designs tended to have the same look and function as the stone houses they grew up in. Rather than stone, however, they tended to use the less long lasting kind of timber employed in their crop storage and stock shelters found throughout the Kingston Commons. This range of building practices can be seen on the Snyder Farm, designated a Saugerties landmark on February 20, 2006. In addition to the stone house, currently still occupied by a Snyder, its barns and outbuildings are preserved applications of the earliest frame construction methods of the town's farming community. An 1855 family history
Barn on the Snyder Farm
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published in 1905 documents generations of Snyder family carpenters active throughout the entire "growth" period of the town. The pure relationship of the bank-style vernacular stone house of the landmark Snyder farm with its working setting and structures made it a preservation priority as an interpretive treasure of Saugerties' early town history. Hamlet structures were commonly one rod deep by two rods wide and a rod high at the peak. The rod (16 ½ feet) was handy for all measurement as it was the standard used for surveying in the then land-based culture. A house would most likely have had an earthen floor basement below ground level with walls built up of dry laid stone and packed inside with clay-based daub. The basement would have contained a cooking hearth. The chimney was typically local brick and ran up the inside of the eastern most gable with the entry centered on the eave side to the west of the chimney side. The house would have been covered with unpainted clapboards packed on the back side with the same clay daub, and loose-lathe covered and smooth-plastered with a lime/horsehair paste. Wide frieze boards across the eave side and then up the gables with, later, broad box gutters made to catch rain water added, were the only stylistic elements aside from the simple framing of the windows and door. These trim elements were actually more for function than design since they sealed the overhangs and other mating edges from pests. These early details can be obscured or entirely replaced with later materials and details, as seen in many examples with later Greek Revival proportioned and style eave and cornice trim. This was a common thing, as the owner would update their house to stay in fashion or show off their taste and wealth. Echoes of the simple origins of this style from the founding decade of the Town continued in use for nearly half a century. While many of the earliest stone houses went through their additions upward and outward these remnants of the comfortable proportion of the humble farm house kept this traditional building form popular in the face of the massive change the agrarian founders would experience in the second quarter of the 19th Century.
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primary elevation, it may be possible to locate limited parking nearer that entrance, with appropriate screening and/or paving surfaces. Other parking should be held away from the primary elevation(s). Wide curb cuts are not appropriate and parking areas should be accessed by as narrow a driveway as is practical. Paving materials which contrast with the adjoining roadway are preferred so as to provide a visual break in both texture and color. Asphalt may be acceptable as appropriate materials for parking areas but the use of more textured paving materials is encouraged especially for larger parking areas. Textured paving materials include gravel, brick pavers, granite paving blocks or cobblestone. Other "green" paving might also be appropriate, including pierced pavers that allow grass to grow through them. Both public road and interior site sidewalks should use the material of the locality, bluestone, in common 30" x 40" square-cut slabs in keeping with the characteristic neighborhood tradition. Curbs should be bluestone as well. It might be acceptable to use bluestone-tinted concrete if traditional materials are not appropriate due to location or other considerations. Parking which remains visible from the public right-of-way should be suitably screened with landscaping. Landscaping may also help reduce the apparent size of parking areas. Sidewalks and roadways which fall in the public way should be installed in a manner that is sympathetic to the period of the property. Guidelines for Signs Signs are encouraged to reflect local historic precedence but pretense to antiquity is discouraged where no such traditions exist. Carved and painted wooden (or materials that mimic wood) signs attached to wooden posts are encouraged for business use. In most cases zoning regulations will dictate the size and location of signs. In cases where the Town commission and Village Review Board set conflicting standards for signage, the stricter standards prevail. Outdoor advertising signs should reflect the historic traditions of signs for the building and district. For rural sites the historic character is better maintained if multiple sign types and locations are used instead of a single larger sign. The style of the sign should reflect the style of the building to which it is attached or the prevalent style of the neighborhood. Internally lit translucent plastic signs and flashing signs are inappropriate. Guidelines for Light Fixtures Lighting fixtures should be appropriate to the historic context of the building. Outdoor lighting fixtures on residential and commercial buildings must be directed downward and at the object or surface requiring illumination and apply lighting only of sufficient intensity to identify it without reflection. Seasonal and festive lighting should be appropriate to the scale of the historic structure and enhance its setting. Flashing and scrolling electronic displays are inappropriate to an historic setting.
Restored mid 1800’s High Woods 3 bay H-bent constructed quarryman’s cottage
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Foundation of Saugerties' 19th century growth period
he Colonial Period in Saugerties ended when in 1824 Henry Barclay started developing water powered milling industries where the Esopus Creek meets the Hudson River. Saugerties greatest inventory of structures meriting preservation are from this early Industrial Revolution-based growth period. Factory workers, dock workers, masons, merchants, civil engineers, teamsters and assorted craftsmen arrived in large numbers, mostly from Ireland and England. The large and sudden The Jeremiah Russell house with street corner Greek revival pedimented gable facing Ulster Avenue and Federal eave side entry facing Market Street has Italianate additions, all showing population growth provided the impetus for a the influences of the entire growth period of Saugerties housing boom which led to the incorporation of the Village GUIDELINES FOR THE SAUGERTIES of Saugerties in 1831. This growth also had a domino effect LIGHTHOUSE MODEL on the surrounding countryside. Hamlets began to prosper as Guidelines for Walls Village demand for fuel supplies, agricultural products, and During the Federal period (1790 to 1830) and the Greek other merchandise produced in the rural areas increased. Revival period (1830 to 1850) multi-storied brick and frame structures were introduced to the local building vocabulary. The majority of surviving examples are found in the immediate village area and along major travel routes. Period indicators such as symmetry of wall openings, gable exposure to road front and ornate entryways centered or to one side should be retained with these original forms openly visible and in good repair. Window and door openings should not be resized or filled. The original locations and sizes of window and door openings should not be covered by porches unless one is retained as an addition from an historic era. Original porches are found on few Federal and Greek Revival houses in Saugerties as they were not typical of that period. Frame houses of this period used clapboard as the siding material. See guideline on page 11 for maintenance and restoration of early original clapboard materials. Shingle siding is inappropriate for period restorations of Saugerties' pre-1890's housing stock. Cross-cut clear pine clapboards in up to 16 foot lengths are the most authentic materials if they can be obtained, although for new construction or entire replacement, new cementious clapboard materials can be appropriate.
Saugerties' explosive development coincided with one that New York City was experiencing as a result of the opening of the Erie Canal. The Hudson River instantly became the center of American commerce. The heirs of Robert Livingston -- who once had monopoly rights to steam transport on the Hudson -- owned most of the land in the present village area and all of the mill sites on the Esopus Creek's falls. Henry Barclay's purchase of all the land along the south edge of the Esopus and his subsequent partnership with Robert L. Livingston, made it possible to dam the creek, lay out a water works and mill sites, and plan the lots of a village many times the size of the small crossroads hamlet diagramed in John Kiersted's 1825 map.
The style of the majority of post industrialization houses in Saugerties is The George Taylor House is the oldest remaining a blend of Greek Revival and early frame house in the Saugerties Village Italianate. Frame houses from this National Register Historic Business District period tend to have heavy geometric elements at wall edges and narrow exposures of clapboard material.
Saugerties rapidly became known as a hotbed of inventiveness and a showcase of progressive industry. Barclay, in 1827, after creating the most sophisticated water power distribution system of its day, imported the first machine to produce roll to roll paper to be installed in America. A young Moses Y. Beach, who had invented a process for preparing material for making paper, came to Saugerties to work with Barclay. He set up his own machine as well as Barclay's
Frame structures can often have a history of being re-sided in the later decades of the 19th century. In Saugerties the Page number
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imported 60 inch Fourdrinier papermaking machine, thus putting the paper mill into production by 1828. A second 62 inch Fourdrinier was imported in 1829 making Saugerties not just the only place in America where paper was machine-made, but the largest producer of paper in America. Moses Y. Beach left in 1834 to co-found the New York Sun and later the Associated Press. Beach Street is where his house still stands -- right up the street from the firehouse of the fire company he helped form in 1833. These structures are both in the local Overlay Historic Industrial District of the Village of Saugerties. The focal point of this overlay district is the building currently occupied by the Knights of Columbus fraternal organization at the corner of Burt and Barclay Streets. This 1825 building was among the first structures to go up after Henry Barclay's arrival. Its purpose was to house guests in comfort. These guests were the technicians, engineers, businessmen and investors that came as a result of Barclay's water power developments and innovative processing technology. The pattern of hospitality represented by this building inaugurated a tradition that would be emulated by the hotels of Saugerties and be recognized as one of Saugerties' greatest attributes by the end of the century.
1875 photo of pre 1840 painting of the house of Henry Barclay (demolished 1855)
Current photo of the John Kearny house built at the same time as the Barclay house
The Lead Mill orginally built prior to 1830 by an Eldridge as agent to Robert L. Livingston for whale oil processing
predominant siding in use was "novelty" or "German" boards that had the same 3 ½ inch exposure as the original, functioned as shiplap with a coved top face of the board to lap under the board above. Either beveled clapboard or these period replacement sidings are appropriate for restoration work as long as it reflects the siding removed. It is not typically appropriate to use multiple types on the same wall but is acceptable for different types to be used on non adjacent walls. The scale of the siding material must always allow the edge of window and door frames and their hoods to dominate. If it is necessary to patch or replace boards, such work should be completed with materials of the same type as predominates on the wall. Surfaces should never be covered with new materials such as vinyl, aluminum, dryvit, T111, etc. When removing non-historic siding from wood buildings to expose historic siding care should be taken to plan for the repair of the original material after the non-historic siding is removed. Wood surfaces that are deteriorated should never be painted or otherwise covered without first identifying and treating the causes of any deterioration. All previously-painted wood surfaces should be scraped, sanded, and cleaned of debris prior to painting. New wood should be back-primed (painting the surfaces which are not to be visible) prior to installation. Deteriorated wood should be repaired using epoxy wood repair products or "dutchmen" whenever possible.
If paint failure is evident at historic clapboards, always identify and treat the source of the problem before beginning a painting project. It might be caused by moisture inappropriately entering the wall from a roof or gutter leak or excess humidity from an interior space such as The Iron Mill in an 1831 colored engraving used for promotion to attract investment a bath or kitchen. These situations should be in other water power sites addressed, or paint failure will occur again. All surfaces should be dry and properly prepared prior to In the mid-1830's this historic industrial overlay district painting. Careful scraping and hand-sanding will assure sat at the center of Barclay's planned panorama: river and that the surfaces are free of loose paint and other materials. Also it is extremely important to remove all dust or dirt from the surface as this will impact proper paint adhesion.. Caulk all joints carefully; caulking not only provides for a more uniform painted surface but can also seal leaks and create a more energy efficient building. Prime all surfaces prior to painting; surfaces of new wood that will not be exposed should be "back-primed" prior to installation in order to assure maximum durability. Never remove paint from wood wall surfaces by abrasive methods. Sandblasting will damage the wood irreparably and water-blasting subjects the surface to an unusually high volume of moisture and can cause long term moisture infiltration problems. Ideally, oil-based paint should be The size of the Paper Mill by the 1880’s Page number
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A perfect specimen of a preserved early 19th century residence applied over oil based paint, and latex over latex; oil over latex will fail and should not be used. Clear finishes and stains are not typically appropriate for historic buildings. Pressure-treated wood is recommended only for non-visible locations (porch joists, etc.); if pressure-treated wood has been used for a project, it should be painted using appropriate colors and following the manufacturer's recommendations. Take all necessary precautions relative to lead paint in accordance with state and local regulations. Property owners are urged to use historically appropriate paint colors and to place the colors on the building (lights and darks) as they would have been placed historically. Sources of information on appropriate paint color selection and placement are available from the Town Historic Preservation Commission and Village Historic Review Board. Brick is a dominant material of the early industrial period in Saugerties' Village area. Brick of this period is that of the "unstamped" type (irregular pre-factory production common brick). Brick of a size, shape, texture and color matching the original made for the same exterior
Classic pedimented gable
Classic raking cornice with stepped molding Egg and dart trim transition to raking frieze board Keystone fluted elliptical pediment fan vent Boxed dentils Classic horizontal gable cornice with steps Trimmed Frieze board surround Flush Architrave surround Fluted Pilasters Louvered shutters Tie-back irons 4 inch reveal painted clapboard siding Revealed trim 6 over 6 windows
Molded and finial-capped square posts Speared pickets
Jeremiah Russell House General Guidelines for Treatment of Historic Masonry 1. Historic mortars were often softer because of their high lime content and lack of Portland cement. New mortar should be soft enough to prevent damage to historic masonry materials. Work will be appropriate providing it occurs only where mortar is missing or deteriorated. Because mortar saws and grinders can damage historic brick or stone, mortar shall be removed only with handheld, non-power tools. New mortar should match the original in color, texture, tooling, size and profile of joint. The following mortar mix is recommended for 19th century construction: 1 part white Portland cement 3 parts Type S hydrated lime 6 parts sand with no admixtures For 20th century construction, slightly harder mortars may be appropriate and the following mix should be considered. 1 part white Portland cement 1 part Type S hydrated lime 6 parts sand with no admixtures 2. When repointing at parapets, at grade, or other areas exposed to harsh weathering conditions, it may be appropriate to use a more durable new mortar. Please note that this mix should not be used at other locations. In addition, mortar saws should not be used as they can damage historic brick or stone. The following mix is recommended: 2 parts white Portland cement 3 parts Type S hydrated lime 6 parts sand with no admixtures 3. Harsh chemical or high-pressure washing can damage the protective outer coating of historic masonry. Cleaning should remove surface dirt using the gentlest methods possible. Work will be appropriate providing only non-ionic neutral pH detergents (not chemicals), non-metallic brushes or scrapers, and water pressure no greater than 150 pounds per square inch (psi). 4. Moisture trapped under inappropriate coatings can cause excessive masonry damage in freeze-thaw cycles. These coatings prevent the natural passage of moisture from within the wall and aggravate most existing moisture problems. Work will be appropriate providing acrylic sealers, cementitious paints and other nonbreathable coatings are not applied to historic masonry surfaces.
mountain views, churches and stylish homes on a street grid symbolizing community stability, all looking down on an industrial complex that guaranteed financial rewards for anyone willing to partake. Two other luminaries that shared this earliest vision for Saugerties' future were John Simmons and Charles Ripley. They were developers of two other industrial processes of the early Industrial Revolution that was introduced to America for the first time in Saugerties. John Simmons brought the "puddling" process for purifying iron to Saugerties, presaging the steel industry. The strength and durability of Saugerties' bar and plate from Simmons process and rolling technology made the Saugerties' Ulster Iron Works a prototype for all advanced metal processing businesses by the 1840's. John and his brother Edward and their families all arrived from England during the half decade after 1826 and remained influential members of the community for the rest of the century. Charles Ripley was the inventor of processes for making white lead used for paint and putty. His lead mill was the only mill on the north side of the Esopus and was housed in
(From the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation, State Historic Preservation Office)
placement as the original, are appropriate for repair or replacement. Period bricks from the same structure should be reused. Repointing of early brick must never be done with mortars that cure harder than the brick. This will compress the face
Profiles of joints found in typical early brick walls
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of the wall causing flaking and decomposition. See below for appropriate mortar mixes. 20th century stone work
a massive stone building built by Robert L. Livingston prior to 1830. Ripley set up lead manufacturing there in 1833, however, operations ceased at the stone mill before the Civil War but continued up the Esopus at Glenerie falls on the southern bounds of the Town. A large community with school and church grew up around the lead manufacturing business there. No sign of that community or the mill remains today.
Never pressure-clean masonry buildings with deteriorated mortar joints. This will allow water to penetrate the wall during the cleaning process. Repoint joints prior to pressure cleaning. Masonry cleaning should never take place when the possibility for freezing weather exists.
18th century stone work Decorative Federal fan window added when Kiersted House frame gables enclosed in stone
Cross gable roof with modified mansard transition of the Saugerties Lighthouse’s design
The entry for the Clarkson estate was from Dock Street and the cobblestones of the drive to the house were still there until the present development on the property (2011). The Clarkson stone house was preserved intact as the office of the Cantine Mill until it burned with the mill in 1978. Ripley Street leads to the site where the house stood.
Rake edge molding Rake edge crown Fly facia
Fly soffit Rake frieze molding Rake frieze Rake edge return molding Return soffit Frieze molding Low relief dentil brackets Frieze board return
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For every stone house in Saugerties there are hundreds of frame or brick houses with stone basement walls laid up to the same quality standard as the fully stone house. Of these, many retain full walk-in basement levels as a design feature. These foundation walls are as important to Saugerties' architectural heritage as their full stone house wall counterparts and should be kept visible and in good repair to show off their texture and composition. Early development of local sources of lime allowed lime mortars to be used for making stone foundations weather tight. A thick whitewash of lime mortar was traditionally applied at normal maintenance intervals as a sacrificial coating. This was most important on a stone foundation wall close to ground moisture. A thick coating of lime mortar tinted a color is commonly found on both high stone and brick foundation walls. This is still the best way to prevent dampness from penetrating into the basement and is the most appropriate maintenance procedure. Traditionally, a new coat was not necessary until the old has weathered away. The mottled look of rough stone surfacing from the fading coating is as acceptable for an accurate period look of a house as a newly coated surface. Saugerties' foundations progressed from native limestone to bluestone and to stone topped with brick and all brick. In the design of houses following the hillside lots of the village, high foundation walls and/or raised basement stories were common. Local building tradition in the countryside often had a preference for use of building sites dug into banks which often had stonework exposures. In contemporary construction large exposed areas of concrete foundation are considered appropriate when they emulate this banked house look.
Guidelines for Chimneys
Return facia Edge box bevel Cornice edge crown Edge box facia Edge box soffit
For routine masonry repair and maintenance see page 11.
Guidelines for Foundations
On the ledge above the stone mill Robert L. Livingston built a large estate house around 1832, also of stone, for his daughter Adelaide Clarkson. The Clarkson's stay was but a short two years because the village growth had overtaken the Unfortunate inappropriate chimneys on otherwise important specimen of Revival/Italianate mix suitability of this location as an estate. However, the legacy that survived was that all the level area at the base of Partition Street and the entire beach front along the north side of Barclay's Pond continued to be known as the Clarkson Grounds well into the twentieth century.
The Main-Partition area continued to retain its
Masonry cleaning should be undertaken when temperatures will be upwards of 50 degrees for at least 3 days after cleaning.
1830 period classic cornice return
Chimneys should never be removed from, have their location moved, or be newly added to, period structures. They are an historical design feature. Chimneys of the majority of the nineteenth century are red brick with straight, undecorated courses that terminate with a single step outward. Chimneys should be maintained in their original height, form and design. If a chimney is reconstructed, it should match the period chimneys of the house in style and material where it is exposed above the roof line. Non-masonry chimney stacks should not be used. House styles that traditionally did not have external chimney walls should avoid these. The removal of inappropriate metal and cinder block external chimneys
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
previously placed on houses of architectural significance is highly encouraged.
Guidelines for Roof Form Typically early nineteenth century houses were built with a relatively shallow 5 on 12 pitch with the gable at the entry side in the Greek revival style. This progressed toward steeper pitches in mid-century when ell and tee-plan side gables came into style. The 8 to 10 on 12 pitch of the roof on the many colonial era side gable stone houses that had full scale cross dormer additions added to put the gable over the entry way locally set this trend. The steeper pitch front gabled roof continued as a design factor even after the Italianate style added its characteristic shallow and flat roof forms to local home styling. Saugerties homes many times added the Italianate cornice bracket to its roof eaves and gable rakes. An understanding of the design logic of the period should support any decision on appropriate care of the roof and its related elements on historically significant houses. The design of eaves at gable and side faces had the functional purpose of maximizing the collection of rainwater for domestic use the larger surface areas of the steeper roof form made available. In general, box guttered cornices ornamented with moldings and scrolled Italianate brackets transitioning to the wall via broad frieze boards is appropriate for the roof edge for this broadly recognized architectural feature in Saugerties. These features should never be removed and it is recommended that those that have been altered restore their lost roof edge features if historic documentation of the features exist.
Guidelines for Roofing Roofing materials have changed dramatically over the life span of the average historically significant Saugerties home. Typically roofs are re-shingled every 20 years with current materials, 30 to 50 years with historic materials, and with slate and metal roofs associated with much longer periods of use, existing materials are often are found to be original. roofing materials can be very character defining, and should be replaced in kind it at all possible or at least in appearance. There are some excellent replacement materials on the market that have the appearance of historic materials at either a lesser material or installation cost . Since the roof is the first line of defense for a house, maintenance of the roof surface is the highest priority task of the conscientious homeowner. For new buildings, care should be made to use materials having the appearance of the traditional materials characteristic to the neighborhood.
Guidelines for Dormers Multiple gabled dormers added with the advent of the Federal style and shed roof dormers added as part of the as Dutch Colonial revival elements are common in Saugerties. Many stone houses in Saugerties that did not have walls raised in Federal period restructuring had broad cross gable fronts added essentially making a complete second floor. The look of the heavily trimmed, steep pitched, broad roof defines the form of the industrial period domestic
prominence as the nucleus of commerce in Saugerties mainly because it was the location of the store of Jeremiah Russell, the dominant merchant of the period, and the terminus of his 1828 Woodstock and Saugerties Turnpike. Most of the early activity and expanding population were around the mills. That was separated from this business district by the dammed Esopus Creek and broad pond that powered the mills. In 1831 Henry Barclay had a bridge built across the Esopus to support real estate interests on the other side that washed away and was replaced in 1840 by the longest single span Burr arch bridge in New York. In the process of building the 1831 bridge another industry and population explosion was sparked. Supplying the building material for the bridge supports Formal window linels and Greek Revival entry started the bluestone industry. of a West Saugerties hamlet house The builder of these support structures, Silas Brainard, quarried stone for this construction and afterward purchased the land the material came from. Brainard then began to sell the bluestone for sidewalk flagging and it became known as North River Bluestone. Within the next quarter century Unique stone framing on side lights of Jeremiah Russell Turnpike house bluestone quarries spread throughout Saugerties and all along the base of the Catskill Mountains into Pennsylvania. After the Civil War, supplying bluestone for sidewalks became a multimillion dollar industry in Saugerties. The Jeremiah Russell Turnpike House marks the location of Brainard's first commercial
Multi-family Italianate row house of the post-Civil War village expansion
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bluestone quarry and was designated a landmark of the Town of Saugerties on September 18th, 2006. For the first two decades following the Town's formation, Saugerties' rugged land of bluestone ledges and outcrops was considered low in value. With the commercialization of bluestone the availability of this land for speculative quarrying quickly attracted an influx of prospectors. Beginning in 1833 Jeremiah Russell, Saugerties' most successful merchant and developer of the Woodstock and Saugerties Turnpike, entered the personal banking business. He began purchasing for lease and also financing mortgages on the most promising land for quarrying; his clients were, for the most part, recently arrived Irish immigrants. As a result, within a couple of years, the hamlets around the most productive quarries began to have populations that would make the numbers in the countryside exceed those of the new village. Jeremiah Russell served as Town Supervisor for many terms and was elected to State and National office, serving in the New York State Legislature in 1842 and in the twenty-eighth Congress of the United States. Traffic from both the increasing population in the village area and from the growing population in the countryside coming to do their shopping in its business district placed a proportionate demand on the new village's infrastructure. A feel for the pattern of expansion
In general both gable and shed dormers may be an appropriate way to add existing attic space, however the addition of dormers is discouraged on the front face of the house. Dormers are, however, a highly appropriate way to reduce the apparent scale of new construction. As such they should be clearly subordinate to the primary roof form and used only on appropriately pitched roofs. Flush dormers that are continuous with a wall below are discouraged. All dormers should be windowed to echo the predominant patterns of the wall below. Skylights, if needed, should only be placed on parts of the house not visible from the street.
Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts Up until the turn of the century, water drainage systems usually consisted of diversionary rooftop devices built into the roof structure. Early 19th century additions of box gutters were a common feature of hamlet and village houses and the practical application of rainwater collection remained a factor of roof design in the village of Saugerties until the advent of a public water supply in the 1890's. In houses of the entire 19th century roof rainwater and even dew run off was always directed to internal cisterns. There was little need to be concerned with protecting exterior walls from roof run off. Today, care must be taken to keep walls free from this source of concentrations of excessive moisture. Discharge areas for down spouts should be a minimum of six feet from a foundation wall. Compact soils and grass should slope away from the foundation and extend to a point lower then the basement floor level if possible. If not possible, a sump or catch basin to make a low point is an acceptable alternative. Attached metal gutters that are appropriate for most structures are the half round style. The square metal form most commonly used today was introduced in the 1950's and is most appropriately used on contemporary homes or as a replacement for similarly styled wood gutters. Green and brown colors are appropriate.
Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation The bracketed cornice with broad frieze boards following the rake of the gable is a typical feature of the post Civil War Italianate style of Saugerties
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architecture of Saugerties. These homes did not historically have turrets, towers, cupolas or dormers but used the clean geometry of their unbroken roof surfaces to show style. Dormers and cupolas are found on the few earlier Georgian and Federal-styled houses and in later additions to update older colonial period houses in the later part of the century. These are appropriate in that they reference a Federal period style and are markers of changes made in the historic Colonial Revival era. Their materials and stylistic details, especially the Federal fan windows are highly visible architectural elements that should be retained and maintained.
The trim and ornamentation of a building play an important role in defining its character. Historic houses often have purely decorative applied trim that may be found on windows, doors, porch columns, and eaves. This trim and ornament can be applied or it can be integral to the structure. For instance, barge boards are applied
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
decoration while window hoods are an actual support component of the wall. Some serve both purposes. Soffit brackets are decorative but they are actually both supporting eaves and transferring compression from the soffit to the frieze board to brace the wall. Removal of the brackets removes a highly significant period identifier from the building and can compromise the structural integrity of the building; removal of the barge board is removing a highly significant period identifier from the building. Both are inappropriate treatments. The range of window lintels alone in its stone, brick and frame houses tells Saugerties' history. The axed bluestone lintels in the pre-1800 brick Cockburn house presage the bluestone industry. The corbeled brick headers of the Beach house recall the structuring of the first mills while the precise arches of The Mill repeat the sturdy pattern of a thousand window openings ubiquitous in the town and village. The paired protruding quoined arches of the lighthouse windows and doors pretend in brick to be the iron hoods of Saugerties' fashionable townhouses. All of this original existing trim and ornament should be preserved or repaired in keeping with the original design in order to preserve Saugerties' historic identity. Epoxy based wood restoration products can repair damaged or rotted wood quite nicely. Replacement of lost trim and ornament is encouraged. Replacement should match the most commonly found preserved examples of other homes from the same period in the same neighborhood. The addition of trim and ornamentation for which no historic precedence exists is inappropriate and detrimental to the community standard. Trim and ornamentation on additions should display the characteristic use of trim and ornamentation found on the main house. In many instances this may be done in a more simplified fashion than the main structure. Trim on new buildings should be appropriate to the neighborhood. Highly elaborate ornamentation is usually inappropriate for new construction.
Guidelines for Windows and Doorways A generalized discussion of historically correct window and door forms and guidelines for repair and appropriate replacement of doors, windows and shutters is found on pages 14 and 15. Guidelines for window and door components of historically significant structures are essentially the same across all architectural periods represented in Saugerties but are more specifically relevant to houses and commercial properties of Saugerties' major growth period in the middle quarters of the 19th century. Later, historic changes to earlier structures that can be documented with regard to stylistic updates of door and window elements that occurred during this growth period are appropriate to retain as references to the changing cultural environment over this industrialization period. In restoration projects it is recommended that obviously inappropriate changes made to historically significant structures during periods later than this period of influence be replaced using, as much as possible, period photos and appropriate period examples of the surrounding neighborhood as references.
The lower end of West Bridge Street is typical of earliest development of planned residential streetscapes in the village of Saugerties that began in the early 1830’s
of services can be found in the earliest minutes of the Village government after incorporation in 1831. In its first five years of existence decisions on crosswalks around Market and Main Streets and widening of access and sidewalks along Main and Partition Streets show the pedestrian focus of a vibrant and highly commercialized Main-Partition business district well before 1840. The record specifies an early application of "flagging" for crosswalks and sidewalks and even a dimensional standard for curbstones and hitching posts. In this same period roads and streets were laid out on a route roughly from Cross Street to West Bridge Street to relieve the business district of traffic congestion which occurred once the first bridge was operative after 1832. By the 1850's a commercial map of the Typical Greek Revival/Italianate cross style village shows the of the Saugerties post Civil War growth period Main-Partition corridor fully developed after a decade of substantial investment in building.
Classic Italianate residencial complex of high Saugerties growth period without cross Greek revival features of the earlier common Saugerties style
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Preservation of Saugerties' 19th century growth period
ithin a short 20 years, from 1830 To 1850, Saugerties had set the pace for a building boom. The prosperous upper class built sophisticated homes in the styles of the era; the healthy middle class constructed more traditional styles of sturdy shops and houses; and, the workers established themselves in modest housing. More massive structures such as churches of all denominations and mills were built and, earthwork projects such as dams, Farmhouse on pre-quarrying farmland raceways, bridges, docks, and at the head of Hummelville Road a lighthouse in mid-river made permanent changes to Saugerties and its landscape. Up until the post-WWII building boom the houses built during this mid 19th century period represented the majority of the Italianate villa in once-expansive farmland south of village housing stock in Saugerties. The hamlets and roadsides of this period were dotted with many small houses of a form and appearance now referred to Brick Greek Revival/Federal-influence homestead main house off Old Stage Road as the Quarryman's Cottage. In their classic, unaltered condition the vast majority of these houses give a great deal of historic texture to village streetscapes. These quarrymen and factory worker homes have a very special character and style which is
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Rare Greek Revival store with Dutch cross course brick laid on bluestone water table band
The opening framework of doors and windows, whether plain or decorative, defines original architectural character and must be retained as elements of a buildings period integrity. Likewise, the proportional balance of the window and door components within their framework must be retained for each complete unit to work within the full architectural integrity of the building. Original doors and windows can rarely be replaced. Their materials were originally chosen for durability and often reflect the 150 to 200 years of the age of the building they occupy. Period sashes and window frames were designed for maintenance. Even complete restoration of a period window is more economical than replacement with a product of inferior materials. It is never appropriate to use factory-made replace windows or doors in any house built before factory production of window and door components began in the second quarter of the 20th century. Contemporary standards for energy efficiency generally give a high grade to the materials and structures of century-old sashes and window boxes based on their mass and sealing characteristics. The traditional storm window, especially when upgraded with low-e glass, prevents more air infiltration with greater thermal retention than is typically possible in a factory-made replacement window. Therefore, it is never appropriate to replace historically original windows and traditional weatherization techniques for reasons of greater economy or energy efficiency. Work to fanlights, sidelights, pilasters, entablatures, columns, as well as the window sashes and doors these woodworking features frame involves the skill of the professional woodworker. While it is not the place of the Commission or Board to make recommendations of those that best perform these skills it is highly appropriate for those that have employed these professionals to their satisfaction to make such recommendations. Always ask for and confirm references before having any period woodworking maintenance, repair or restoration done on a period house. Also, always consider that a proper paint job will require some woodworking repair so also confirm the painter's references relative to preservation experience.
Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches As the average house grew to two and a half floors and windows were enlarged, houses almost universally grew bay windows and sitting porches, in keeping with the fashions and styles of the time. The characteristic bay window placed to the side of the house replaced light diminished by the broad roof of the porch shading the frontfacing windows. The stylistic elements of porch and bay window migrated outward from the village side street to the countryside farmhouse. As the boarding house economy developed in the later decades of the 19th century porches became dominant features of even the most simple of house designs and verandas rising to three and four floors became the identifying feature of both the rural guest house and village hotel. Porches on historic buildings are often the dominant element of the faรงade. When they were constructed their form, details, and decorative elements were often intended to complement or update the style of the building so
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
maintenance and good repair of the porch is central to the overall preservation of the house. Porches consist of decks, steps, balustrades, columns, entablatures, and roofs and they were often the most embellished architectural elements of a house. It is inappropriate to remove existing porches because doing so would strip the building's primary elevation of its primary characteristics. The reconstruction of a lost porch is strongly encouraged if its appearance can be discerned from historic and/or remaining physical documentation. If it is known that a porch once existed, but conclusive documentation of it is not discoverable, it may be appropriate to construction a proch reflecting the historic in form, but not detail. This would return a building to an appropriate appearance without "faking" historic detail.
Porches, verandas and sunrooms nested into historical viewshed location in Saugerties’ Historic Industrial zoning overlay district in view from harbor
generally identified by low pitched side-gabled roofs with broad cornices, often with half windows facing front, though some in the village have gable fronts.
The earliest of these houses are exemplified by the George Taylor house on Partition Street in the village and the When porches were not original to the earliest houses, but added during the 19th century, they are now part of the Bristol Plat house in Malden. The purest examples of the history of the structure and should not be removed simply Quarryman's Cottage are found in the High Woods hamlet -because they reflect a later style. However, the replacement along the Glasco Turnpike and down Fite Road opposite of original elements or features appropriate to the style and Opus 40. They were built age of a building is normally encouraged, when those features have been replaced with clearly unsuitable in the period memorialized substitutes. and well documented by Porches remain one of the most visible house elements Harvey Fite in his and play a significant role in its appearance and that of Quarryman's Museum the streetscape. They can act as an extension of a home collection at Opus 40. Opus providing a welcoming feeling for visitors. 40 was designated a Unfortunately porches today are often one of the most altered components of a building frequently because The Field House is an 1830’s expansion of an 18th landmark of the Town of century stone house viewed from Saugerties’ Hudson shore they are not properly maintained or they are viewed as Saugerties on September potentially enclosable space. Because of the importance 26th, 2006. porches play in the perception of historic buildings and streetscapes, original materials and details should be preserved as long as possible. Typically areas covered by a porch roof tend to require less maintenance; however, steps, railings, and roofs are usually exposed to the weather and might require additional maintenance. One of the best ways to preserve wood porch features is regular painting. If a component is deteriorating, repair or replacement in kind is recommended as part of the porch's regular maintenance. There are very well designed and proportioned porch materials in modern, decay resistant materials now on the market. These would be appropriate for new construction such as replacing a missing porch, or replacing a highly deteriorated porch in entirety. Porches were meant to be open exterior spaces. Enclosing a front porch is a radical change to the building and its visual perception from the streetscape. Enclosing an existing porch so as to destroy its intended appearance is generally inappropriate and thus strongly discouraged. See page 16 for additional guidelines on porch enclosure. It is important that documentation be found when replacing a missing porch. This can be physical evidence that a porch was present or documentation that shows or describes a porch. Look for shadows on the wall or trim from roofs, posts or railings. Look for evidence of nailing patterns on siding or repairs to masonry walls. Look for historic photos
The mansion houses of the wealthy built during this period were completely the opposite from the quarryman's cottage. These (Beach House) Informational text structures were built in the on descriptive illustration best settings, that is, where there were the views so Constructed at the same time as the first mills in the treasured by the Hudson late 1820’s, this Greek revival style house has a colonnaded porch overlooking the Hudson River. River School painters. Few of these mansions survived the curse of their unique sites -as the original large houses were so often razed and even larger, newer styled ones were put up in their place. The exceptions that survive show that they did in fact influence the look of the "updated" Saugerties quarryman's cottages, and include the Field House on Lighthouse Drive, the Beach House on Beckley Street, Trinity Church, what is now the
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Knights of Columbus hall, the John Kearny house and the Jeremiah Russell house. These are all classic examples of the Greek Revival style. Prior to 1824 and before Barclay's arrival, nearly everything in Saugerties was constructed of either frame or stone. Barclay, the brick structure of his mills, and skilled masons changed that. Brick structures that can be dated to the last half of the 1820's are: the 1827 Reformed Church on Livingston Street, the Lutheran Church on the Turnpike, and the Russell and McCarthy store (Village Apothecary) on Market Street. As the decade of the 20's drew to an 1850’s Greek Revival influenced Blue Mountain Road farmhouse end, town houses, with 1890’s Queen Anne style wrapping porch and balcony multi-residence houses and the first stores of brick began to appear along Main Street. Nearly all of these show their early style as side gabled, two story designs. Some rare brick structures of an earlier date, but difficult to confirm, include the Cockburn mansion house referenced as existing in an 1813 will and thought to have been built before Verandas of the 1870’s G. W. Washburn farmhouse in a famous 1967 Holiday Magazine photo of the Saugerties artists colony, Group 212 the Revolution. There is also documentation of a brick store built in Malden in 1814. Considering that the brick courses are laid in the Dutch style on the Russell and McCarthy store on
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Classic wrapped Victorian porch on Italianate-featured cross form Kaatsbaan farm house
or drawings. Compare porches on neighboring buildings of similar type, design, style and date of construction. Look in attics, basements, garage or storage areas for original components. Look for evidence of former porch piers or foundations in landscape. Ask long-term neighbors or prior residents if they remember a porch on the house.
Guidelines for Fire Exits and Handicapped Access Adaptive Reuse of historic structures for commercial applications or for multiple living spaces requires compliance to safety codes and accessibility laws. Entries and access points related to the conditions of such use should not detract from public's view of the architecturally significant features of the building. The most appropriate positioning of handicap access ramps is where the new features do not impact the primary elevation(s) of the structure. The appropriate position for fire exits and separate second floor entries is to the rear away from primary elevations. Where access ramps must be added to visible sides of a historic structure, they should be made as discrete as possible by reflecting characteristic details of the main building. Often such ramps can be constructed as landscape terraces to further mitigate the visual impact on the architectural massing of the main structure. Such features should reflect the period and general streetscape of the neighborhood. In all additions to historic structures that provide for a separate living space, plans should provide an interior exit appropriately positioned for present or future handicap access that conforms to the general guidelines for the historic property.
Guidelines for Decks and Terraces Outdoor leisure activities centered on porches, verandas and balconies have precedence for historic preservation and new construction because Saugerties' growth period in the 19th century overlapped the growth of the Hudson River School of painting's focus on the same scenery that is available throughout Saugerties. Because of this precedence there were few designs and locations of architecturally significant houses that are not today endowed with sufficient outdoor gathering facilities for any contemporary need. At the end of this period houses were often surrounded on all sides with verandas, particularly those built at locations with distinctly different views in all directions. This concept of architectural function is encouraged for continuing the tradition of a house's conspicuous display of an appreciation for the natural environment. If traditional outdoor entertaining features are found to have been removed from the publically visible facade of the house it is highly appropriate to rebuild them in a style matching that of what is missing. More contemporary decks added to homes with historically significant styles should be placed at the rear with any part that could be visually related to the period structure from the front screened by hedges or appropriate trellising. In general, residential terraces and patios that are at grade are appropriate landscaping elements. Deck additions should be limited to the first floor and should be located
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
out of public view. Any deck being considered should be visually integrated with the main building. Partial roof coverings as well as railing design can help with the visual integration of the deck and main building. Framed latticework around the under deck area will help tie the deck to the building as well as give visual support.
Market Street, this also could have been built prior to 1820.
In the 1840's a fusion of the late Federal, Greek The 19th century was a period in which great The Sheffield book and envelope manufacturing buildings in a period illustration reprinted for the 1911 Town bicentennial value was placed in ownership of the land and its Revival, and early Italianate resources. Early private property delineations styles began to emerge as the made up of wall, fence and ditch lines with both public and common style that is familiar private road courses following them are still evident in the along our streets and country rural landscape. As landmarks these have a special roads to this day. The genesis significance to Saugerties. Often they can be used to locate age old activities and dwellings referenced in ancient of this stylistic fusion can be surveys, deeds and contracts and are the only physical seen in the Jeremiah Russell evidence remaining of the earliest uses and ownership of house where, unlike earlier the land. An appreciation of our cultural heritage requires Federal stone houses (e.g. the that these sentinels of the past remain blended naturally into the landscape. It is inappropriate to bury, excavate, Kiersted House discussed divert or rebuild stone walls, drainage ditches and related previously), the gable and not access road surfaces. the eaves faced out to the Where stone walls and boundary fences are site street. This unique blend of enhancements built during the same period as a dwelling of the stylistic trends of the period significance, their careful maintenance as straight, mansions and quarryman's well painted and structurally intact historical assets is The west wall of “The Mill� with three floors of 21 arches each in their original 1887 condition strongly recommended. During the majority of the 19th cottages can be seen as the century in Saugerties farms, industrial sites and major hallmark of nearly the entire nineteenth century period's commercial and transportation interests coexisted, sharing stock of Saugerties' historic houses. It is a style, unique to the same landscape, often separated only by the most Saugerties, and owes its origins largely to the introduction of practical of physical barriers. Where a house relates to this certain formal elements specific to brick construction into period the architectural elements of the landscape should reference this level of relationship with fencing that defines the look of residential structures. This followed brick's road separation, plantings that define lane courses and expansive use in the building of local mills. Guidelines for Fences and Landscape Walls
walls that relate to fields or ridge lines. Barriers that restrict land-form visibility and ornate estate-style entryways are inappropriate for the period. Existing walls and fences should be preserved wherever possible. Restoration of existing historic fences and walls is always preferred to replacement. Where stone walls are reset or built new, they should follow the traditional drywall techniques used in original construction.
Simple picket fences were common in the later 19th century in the close built hamlets and village side streets. New fences should follow local traditions appropriate to the period of the property and immediate neighborhood. New fences should not exceed 3 feet in height in any front yard and 6 feet in height on back side and back yards. High masonry walls, barricade fences, and other large imposing fence like structures are discouraged because they are not characteristic of any period of Saugerties' history. Chain link fences are appropriate in industrial situations and not in residential and commercial retail areas. Vinyl fences are discouraged. Planting for screening is only appropriate when needed to obstruct the otherwise unavoidable public view of an inappropriate structure. Stockade fencing is inappropriate for this purpose.
The look of the vernacular stone and frame house was based on the fact that openings were not in need of a frame. It took only three courses of stone to bridge a normal opening with a corbel. Likewise in local frame houses, the internal post support of the roof left wall openings with no need to supply a support function. But to support a wall above an opening in a brick wall a heavy design element had to be added such as a brick arch, a stone lintel or a carved hood. This introduced the opening as a design element. The second design element from brick construction that influences this style is found in the roof's eave line. The massive stone ledge of a stone house was a surface that a roof could simply sit on. A frame house was constructed with the joists of the ceiling mortised a few feet down from the roof ledge to solidify the wall. In both cases the roof's eaves
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Guidelines for Outbuildings Outbuildings have a consistent presence throughout every period of preservation interest in Saugerties. Whether as a summer kitchen, a barn, a stable or a garage they share with each period site their own form of symbiotic significance. General guidelines for care, maintenance and replacement of outbuildings is covered on page 18.
The managers’ homes lined the edge of Barclay’s Heights allowing views level with the stylish office tower of the new mill building below
were made fairly flush with the walls because the roof sat on the top ledge of the wall. But a brick structure's roof needed an element called a frieze board that capped the wall's top edge to keep the weight of the roof from pressing the wall outward. Thus brick construction imposed a new awareness of the window and door openings and the weight of the roof's edge as stylistic elements throughout the community. These elements are heavy lintels, stepped brick arches, or decorative The repetition of the windows continuing into the courtyard entry of the Sheffield envelope factory pediments over window and door openings, together with broad frieze boards framing the gable and eave sides with heavy scroll brackets under deep overhangs where broad-faced box The amount of light in the Sheffield building made gutters are supported. working conditions state-of-the-art for the period This generally defines the "feel" of the functional components of the common Saugerties style. The symmetry and form of the door and window openings also linked the homes of this period to the look of the massive mill buildings of the day. The earliest photographs of these lost mill structures confirm details
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It should be recognized that sites of functional buildings often preserve valuable evidence of daily life lost to their residential companions. Changes in style and living conditions would befall the residence while the stable retained its same use decade after decade. Whenever it is necessary to replace or adaptively reuse the site or former site of an outbuilding, or any early building for that matter, care should be taken to remove and preserve any artifacts related to human activities there over its long use.
Guidelines for Walks, Roads and Parking Areas General guidelines for walks, roads and parking areas are found on pages 18 and 19. More specifically, the period under consideration here is the period of Saugerties involvement with bluestone and this material not only related to sidewalks and roadways in Saugerties but in nearly every city of this period in the country. Bluestone did not become a broadly recognized paving material until the late 1830's but Saugerties was already showing off bluestone sidewalks, crosswalks and curbstones by 1834. It has some of the earliest applications of bluestone paving that can be documented. It is inappropriate to remove historic bluestone sidewalks or entry walkways from any frontage within the Town or Village of Saugerties. It is inappropriate to permit bluestone pavers to remain unset or heaved to the point of being a danger to the public or at risk of cracking. It is typically never appropriate to replace bluestone slabs with patio stones, concrete pavers, formed cement or brick. In the rare case that replacement is necessary care must be taken to assure that the same quality and color as predominates in the neighborhood is used. Always use craft-quarried local material whenever possible when a match is required. Saugerties has virtually no examples of non-local bluestone in its streets and residences except for unfortunate installations permitted under misinformed renewal project contracts. Until 1873 there were two types of roadway in Saugerties: those maintained as continuous-surfaced 2 rod wide beds privately owned as turnpikes; and, the 12 foot wide commons exemptions maintained by the property owners of the land they crossed as rights of way. Saugerties' turnpikes were used extensively for the heavy hauling of bluestone and were improved as tram roads by applying rails commonly called Belgium Bridges to prevent rutting. After 1873 when municipalities became responsible for commons roads, bluestone wagon traffic was limited to these improved turnpike roads. The early roads of Saugerties are the most publically accessible remains of our heritage. They are also where
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
educational materials are most commonly found in the form of State historical markers. It is inappropriate for any agency or individual to adjust the course of an historic road or pathway as defined by its inclusion in the Beers Atlas of Ulster County of 1875 without performing an historic engineering survey and documenting any remaining historic material for the record. Saugerties has a unique thread of title with much of its land ownership originated with deeds issued from one source with common wording. Exempt rights to trespass were made to memorialize the common access even at times of private ownership. New owners delineated these exempt routes and they became known as Kingston Commons Roads. By title right it is impossible to land-lock or make private property legally inaccessible in any region of Saugerties originally part of a class of the Kingston Commons. As a guideline for appropriate stewardship of these rights and/or legal obligations, established commons roads should never be built upon, utilized for any purpose that may block passage or increased in their original course to a width beyond the 12 foot right of the exemption to utilize them beyond their ancient intent. It is a responsibility of surveyors, lawyers and sellers to document any information they have on the location of these routes for prospective purchasers.
The Saugerties Lighthouse is designed with all the best features of the Saugerties Italianate style
Guidelines for Signs In past years billboard signs were prevalent on Saugerties' rural roadsides. A famous local irony was the attractive nuisance status of the billboard on Route 212 that everyone parked under and climbed for photographing from its top the beauty of the Overlook and Plattekill mountain front. Everyone sensed it was inappropriate to block such views but it took Ladybird Johnson and Highway Beautification to give that sense of appropriate behavior the status of law. Local zoning ordinances now make it inappropriate to display oversized and distracting signs that block the ability to appreciate the commonplace attractions of our roadsides with advertisement in a natural setting. Setbacks and size limits are the restrictive details in the law that address this consideration.
The box cornice that crowns the lighthouse’s walls is a typical feature found throughout Saugerties
The hood-looking arch lintels above paired, common-silled windows are Italianate features
The typical roadside display of individuality is the rural mailbox. These serve a duel purpose by also marking the address of the home they serve. The appropriate manner of choosing the size and style of a mailbox or driveway marker is to match the local choice for road sign lettering.
found among the many residential examples remaining from the same time. "The Mill" on East Bridge Street, the only surviving example of the early mills, was rehabilitated in 1999. It used best building practice approaches while repurposing its original 1887 shell, as a federally supported senior housing project within the Overlay Historic Industrial District. The fabric of the original 1887 building has been faithfully preserved as a highly visible point of comparison. Saugerties' second lighthouse was built in 1869 at the height of this fusion style's development. Its multiple gables utilizing massive roof edging and its windows with massive brick arched and quoined hoods make it a good example of the design found in the post Civil War masonry and frame building boom in Saugerties, and a fitting marker as our river gateway.
The appropriate use of temporary signs such as location markers for real estate offerings and campaign signs during election periods is to have an assigned sales person or political volunteer periodically maintain the placement and straightness of the sign.
Guidelines for Light Fixtures Lights celebrate. Seasonal lights welcome visitors to the warmth of a home. Pride in a home is displayed in the way internal and external lighting shows off its form in a night time setting. As with signs, with lighting, less is more. Glare can annoy motorists and neighbors. Light pollution is when light is aimed into the distance or at the sky. Appropriate use of lighting requires conscientious control over fixtures to replace broken diffusers and misdirected beams.
Modified 5 bay facade of the west-facing side looks like a typical post Civil War Saugerties residence
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Date Pediment
Preservation of Saugerties Mercantile Period
niquely separate from the preservation themes of the greater part of the Village and Town are those of the buildings that defined Saugerties as an important 19th and early 20th century mercantile center.
Parapet Cornice Frieze panel Window hood (lintel) Window sash Upper story columns Window sill Signboard (fascia) Transom windows
Guidelines addressing the Village of Saugerties Main-Partition Streets National Register Historic District relate to the architectural significance and preservation imperatives of not only these commercial buildings but also the homes of the 1850's to early 20th century era in the Town and Village of Saugerties. This was a period of extensive expansion in the business district and streets surrounding the village's center and around the river, railroad, and automobile transportation routes that together played a part in making Saugerties a thriving mercantile community. The period is represented roughly by structures from the pre-Civil War, Second Empire style William Russell residence on Market Street, the Whitaker Block on Main Street and the J. O. Winston Mansion/Saugerties Farm complex completed in the early 1920's. Mostly, this section of the guidelines relates to the broadly popular late-Victorian ornamented appearance that is the hallmark of the Historic Business District's brick and iron front stores that attract commerce and tourism to present-day Saugerties.
Guidelines for Walls Preservation guidelines for the historic village business Major display pane district commercial buildings deals with the facades, or street-facing walls. These facades have three major Lower window panel components: !storefront - the first story; Recess double doors !upper facade - the second story and above; Recess windows !cornice - the decorative feature typical of the top or roof line. Following the Civil War the village business district Each of these elements is important to the character of the became a thematic attraction for photographers and as a result individual building as well as the historic district and should be maintained in accordance with these guidelines. we are fortunate to have their legacy to inform us. From these In addition, any new construction added or existing photographs we can follow the village's transition from a mix building restored within the historic district should have of residential structures and early multi-story commercial these three elements as distinct design components compatible with neighboring historic structures. buildings into the streetscape known today as the MainThe residential buildings of the period generally have the Partition Streets Historic District. same stylistic divisions, mainly the porch entry level, the decorative window framing of the story above, and the The buildings of the village center's earliest growth period ornate edging of the gables and roof line in general. The have been, as in every area of prime commercial real estate in guidelines for these components are essentially the same as America, largely replaced or modified in cycles that reflected those that govern the business district's buildings. The materials of the walls of the business district range examples of business growth and changes in architectural from iron to brick and include a number of early woodtaste. Thus few commercial businesses from the pre-1875 faced examples. In general the character of the commercial period remain in Saugerties; some that are in those 1875 district's individual walls is made up of a sidewalk-level pattern of storefronts featuring glass and recessed door. photographs are gone a decade later. But The entire district is unified by an overall impression of from these photographs a glimpse individual but contiguous buildings forming a silhouette of of an earlier Main decorative cornices and pediments at their tops. Street is The storefront level is a continuous pattern of entries consisting of display-glass window-wall fronts above low preserved; bulkheads immediately against broad bluestone sidewalks. an era of A small number of storefronts are products of mid 20th shops with century updates but most retain original details from the last quarter of the 19th century. townhouse-style This continuous line of sidewalk-facing building fronts entries, two steps up, to defines the streetscape of the Village and creates a "street massive bluestone platforms wall". This relationship must be maintained in any replacement of a storefront or construction of a new surrounded by decorative iron building. Extension beyond the plane of fronts, or setback railings. We can infer that a more from this "wall", are both inappropriate. This applies to levels above the entry as well. The primary retail entrance is historically a recess that South side of Main Street from the second issue of The Pearl, February, 1875. narrows in width from a broad opening between flanking display windows to either single or double doors. Stores of the turn of the century had single doors with large glass panes. The recess differentiates the commercial entry from Page number
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secondary building entries that accesses the upper floors, which were made to be architecturally flush with the front wall. Various forms of pilasters and moldings relate the streetlevel to the upper story architectural elements, in the same personal place of general style. This defines the stylistic period and age of the building. In general, the storefront level should retain business, more like a the architectural character of the building above. Those parlor, was the norm that have this remaining should keep it in good repair. from the Main-Partition Those that are replacing previous un-historic updates are encouraged to restore their storefront to conform to the district's beginnings in period of their building. Never "early up" a storefront with the 1830's to just before such elements as "lumberyard colonial" detailing like the period of these pedimented frontispiece entrances, coach lanterns, pent roof overhangs, wood shakes, non-operable shutters, and photographs. small-paned windows. These did not exist historically in the It appears from these historic business district. Photographic or other documentation must be uses to guide any storefront photographs that the restoration work. commercial store fronts Avoid use of materials that were unavailable when the of this early period used storefront was constructed; this includes vinyl and aluminum siding, anodized aluminum, mirrored or tinted Newspaper cut from 1890’s of Merritt store as seen in detail bluestone extensively. It in The Pearl photo shown in previous page streetscape glass, artificial stone, and brick veneer. In general, do not is found not just in steps coat or cover surfaces that have never been painted or and platforms but in the massive columns and spanning "protected". lintels and sills of their facades. This form not only used The walls of mercantile buildings that face the buying public were built to show off the quality of the local materials but also showcased the locally merged Greek establishment as well as the goods inside. Generally, the Revival and Italianate styles of storefront in the period. Saugerties business district was built with the best materials available for the period. Individual In 1875 photos, buildings were made to last. They are an notably of a building average century and a quarter old and for well shown on Partition over half that time were kept in top shape by their original owners. When kept-up and in Street's east side just one good repair, using appropriate materials and lot from the corner of techniques, these sentinels of our past will last Main, and in another two another century or more. For routine masonry repair and maintenance see page 11. For lots east of the Main and cleaning and restoring period masonry see James Street corner, we page 22. Replacing and repair of brick should see commercial buildings be done in accordance with methods and materials covered in previous sections of these in Saugerties village guidelines. showing off the native The most challenging situation that a historic bluestone material. The commercial building can find itself in usually East side of Partition Street from the third issue of The Pearl, March, 1875. stems from the demands business promotion only remaining example and modern services place on their walls. Electric, phone of this is in the Bigelow Bluestone office building in Malden and cable wire hangers, projecting sign supports and meter where the column forms of this style that stand out in an boxes all find ways to stress facade materials and decorative features that were designed for an era before 1880's photograph remain after its mid 20th century these existed. In general, it is inappropriate to place adaptation for residential use. fasteners in bricks. They should be set into mortar joints and the openings (not the brick surrounding them) sealed Within the Village historic business district there are 84 against moisture entry. If fasteners must be at areas of separate landmark designations. Over three quarters of these ornamentation they should only be placed into seams or were documented photographically between the 1875 joints and never into carved or molded faces. Unfortunately, these actions are mainly those of service publication of "The Pearl" and the 1905 publication of the contractors and done without the knowledge of building Saugerties portion of "Picturesque Ulster". These owners or the appropriate authorities. It is important that publications plus numerous post cards and unpublished once damage is discovered from such abuses, it be corrected immediately. Guidelines for Trim & Ornamentation The period of significance for Saugerties' historic commercial district saw the introduction of metal elements Page number
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photographs are our principal references for understanding the developmental history of the landmark district. This photographic record preserves a way of life and a record of the district remarkably different from that represented in today's The Seamon Bros. building of 1882 is typical of the great architect-designed buildings of the Historic District built environment. Most striking are buildings that were once within the footprint of the existing historic business district a century ago but that are not there today. At the extreme south end of the Partition Street side of the district the Maxwell House hotel is gone and at the Market Street corner of Main the Russell Block building is gone. Across from the Russell Block was the Maxwell Opera House, which was completely remodeled when the building was converted into a bank. These three buildings were the center of Saugerties at that time representing the tradition of housing guests in style and entertaining them with scenic outdoor pursuits and evening cultural gatherings that had matured a half century before. The original role of the village as a cultural center is not the theme of the National Register Historic District. Rather, it is the physical representation of a process that gave us the buildings as they exist today. As such, it is fortunate that we have the photographic record to fill in this lost phase of the village's life. The oldest structure still standing in the historic district is on Partition Street. Originally a residence thought to be the same one From the 1911 Saugerties Centennial program
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for both structural and applied architectural ornament. Saugerties Village has some significant metal-front buildings in the business district. The houses along the immediate side streets also have many metal features as part of their facades. The following guidelines for these metal features apply most specifically to their preservation. (For trim and decorative components crafted of wood see page 26): !Do not move or remove architectural features that define the historic character or integrity of a building. Common metal architectural features include window hoods, doors, stairways, railings, cornices, roof cresting, finials, columns, lanterns, canopy hoods, and fences. !Sanding, priming, and painting should be used to address small patches of deterioration. More extensive damage may require limited replacement to match exactly. !Replace only those portions of metal features that exhibit significant deterioration. All sound portions should be left intact. Replacement should be patched, spliced, or reinforced using an accepted preservation method. If in-kind replacement is not available, a visually and physically compatible substitute may be used. !Do not remove deteriorated metal features and replace them with elements that do not have the same visual characteristics. Do not remove or replace sound historic features. !Do not expose (remove coatings such as paint, etc.) from metal features that require protection from the elements. Conversely, do not apply paint coatings to metals that were historically meant to be exposed, such as copper, bronze or stainless steel. !Corrosion of metal reinforcements in concrete, as well as displaced masonry in buildings with internal metal lintels over doors and windows, is a sign of water infiltration and should be remediated and repaired promptly by a trained professional. !The reconstruction of any missing metal feature should be based on historical, pictorial, or physical evidence. If no evidence is available, features should be a compatible new design, rather than a falsely-historical reconstruction. !Any new metal features, if appropriate, should be compatible in size, scale, material, and color with the historic building. !Do not place incompatible metals together without a protective barrier, as this can result in galvanic corrosion. For example, copper can corrode cast iron, steel, tin, or aluminum. !Photographically document architectural features that are slated for reconstruction prior to the removal of any historic fabric. !Clean metal features only where such cleaning will not damage historic color, texture, or patina. Any cleaning treatment should use the gentlest means possible and first be tested in an inconspicuous location to determine any possible adverse effects. !Clean soft metals (tin, lead, copper, zinc) using appropriate chemical methods. Blasting methods will damage and pit their surfaces. !Clean hard metals (cast iron, wrought iron, steel) by scraping with a wire brush to remove corrosion and paint buildup. If additional cleaning is required, lowpressure grit blasting may be used.
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
!Reapply an appropriate paint or other coating system to previously painted metal after cleaning. Failure to do so will result in accelerated corrosion of the metal or alloys. !Each type of metal requires specialized treatment. Have metal on historic buildings identified by a qualified material conservator or metal contractor to ensure the appropriate cleaning treatment is followed. Use only those cleaning treatments that are appropriate to the type of metal being cleaned. The most distinctive ornamental features characteristic of the historic business district are found in the pattern of parapets and pediments that mark its skyline (see Roof Element Form). In most of the buildings of the historic business district these and the window and door trims are the only non masonry elements. Guidelines for Foundations Foundations can present archaeological clues to the origins of a structure. In most buildings of the post-Civil War era lower levels were still utilized as occupied space and their foundations were exposed to the height of the required windows. Both residential and commercial buildings of this period had raised entries with porches to get above the foundation and access the main floor. The basement was typically occupied for support functions such as cooking, laundry and some light manufacturing, and often as living space for support employees. There are period advertisements for businesses that occupied basement spaces in this era. By the late 19th century the introduction of modern utilities from under the street caused basements to become associated with the mechanical functions of the building. The paving of streets and the parallel raising of sidewalks also covered foundation details of many of the older buildings. For many buildings the division feature between the basement and walls, the water table, became the ground level and entries became sidewalk-level or one step up. Any remaining exposure of a foundation in the historic district, especially if solely or partially of stone, should show their materials and should not be covered with stucco or parge layers. Guidelines for Chimneys In the age before central heating the chimney was a symbol of comfort. Homes displayed the affluence of their owners with the numbers of, and quality craftsmanship of, chimneys. The mercantile period of Saugerties' growth saw ornate chimney brickwork blossom. The patterns, inlays and caps as well as the pipes that mount the chimney top were all made of the most durable materials of their day and should be retained. Keeping a chimney in good shape is simply a matter of keeping the immediate masonry at the roof line sound. The roof at the chimney must remain structurally sound and not be allowed to settle. The flashing at the chimney and roof drainage where a chimney is at an edge must divert runoff away from masonry. Chimneys should never be removed from, have their location moved, or be newly added to period structures. They are an historical design feature. Chimneys should be maintained in their original height, form and design. If a chimney is reconstructed, it should match the period chimneys of the house in style and material where it is exposed above the roof line. Non-masonry chimney stacks should not be used. The removal of inappropriate metal and
Main Street looking east Main-Partition Streets National Register Historic District, Saugerties New York
shown as belonging to George Taylor on the 1920’s Kiersted map of 1825, it was first reliably recorded as being there when its shed was purchased in 1834 for housing the ladder unit of the fire company (image on page 20). th
The newest structures relative to the late 19 century period recorded in these photographs are two that flank the ends of the south side of Main Street; one at the Partition Street corner and the other at the James Street corner. A centennial publication from 1911 documents the prominence of these recent additions. Another prominent structure in that publication was the Orpheum theater (1909), also in the district. Only a few locations in the historic district had noncontributing structures at the time of the National Register th listing: two 19 century residential buildings with mid 20th century brick store front additions, two (now converted) gas stations, a lot with a utility building, and a mid 20th century commercial building. Since these buildings are within the designated district these non-contributing structures are
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cinder block external chimneys previously placed on houses of architectural significance is highly encouraged.
subject to the same review as contributing buildings if any changes or rehabilitations are proposed. The goal is not to make them look as if they are historic, but rather to ensure that any alterations to them do not negatively impact the historic district. Since designation in 1984, there have been only a few losses in the district. One listed structure, a carriage barn has been dismantled and removed, leaving a parking lot, and one was destroyed by fire, replaced by a shed addition and surface parking. It is noteworthy and instructive, though, that a building at the north corner of Jane at Partition was rebuilt to its historic two story form identifiable from 1875 photos after losing its early 20th century third floor addition to fire in the early 1990's.
The National Register Listing
ome of the historic district's character comes from existing historic iron storefronts, period markers that were once the last word in style for progressive shops of the 1880's. Unfortunately, a number of other such elements were lost in downtown redevelopment and urban renewal schemes.
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Guidelines for Roof and Roof Element Form Typically, mid- to late-nineteenth century commercial buildings have flat to gently sloping roofs that are not visible as a stylistic feature. However, the transition elements that define the pediment or parapet face of the roof and the accompanying dormer and cupola forms of this period are of great interest (see Dormers). Due to the early adoption of the ornamental roof line in Saugerties, these forms are valued as a defining feature of the historic business district as a whole. One of the earliest commercial buildings, the Whitaker Block, possesses a pediment that echoes the style of residential houses of the period. Dormers became framed window elements on nearly vertical mansard roof-line transitions beginning in the late 1840's and this commercial building has one of the most intact examples of this style. The Whitaker block and several of the more elaborate houses on close-by side streets show that this style was popular before the third quarter of the 19th century. The roof element is a signifier for the social structure of the mercantile period of Saugerties. In this period the space under the roof, or the garret of the building replaced the basement as living space for the support employees of the household. The building design choices of the affluent displayed multiple elaborate gables and dormers to provide light and air to these spaces as well as serve as decorative features. As times changed, many of the residences that sported these features lost them to renovation. The principle visual element of the roof line of the mid-century to fin-de-siecle period in Saugerties is the pattern of ornate trim seen forming a single architectural band capping the building. This begins in the 1850's with the shape of a slate shingled mansard face. It transitions after the Civil War to a punctuation of the design and placement of dormer or gable faces surrounding the roof. The final form is in the pedimented front of the commercial building's parapet of the late Victorian era showing off the name of the proprietor. Every element of this cap is designed for one complete effect. From the early Second Empire look to the later Victorian this look emphasizes the drama of the roof; the crowning and completing of the building. Details such as metal rails and finials, sills and gutter spouts and slate patterns need to be preserved to maintain the integrity of this effect. The cap or pediment level of the Whitaker Block building supplies a highly visible catalog of components for achieving this result. Guidelines for Roofing Maintenance of the roof surface is the most important task of the conscientious building owner. Though not seen by the public, the condition of parapet walls behind the pediments and the top surfaces of corniced overhangs is integral to the preservation of these historic features. The same can be said of the decorative roof edge features of almost every home in Saugerties from this period. Keeping these
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
intricate layers of built-up molded and carved wood, metal, and other materials from dampness-caused rot, rust and peeling depends on roofs inspected annually and appropriately repaired by professionals.
The listing's statement
Guidelines for Dormers of significance notes the Dormers and cupolas are found on the few early Georgian and Federal-styled houses of building on the corner of Saugerties and in later19th and early 20th Partition and Jane Streets; century of the Colonial Revival era and this building has retained additions to authentic colonial structures that followed this trend. Their materials and its original balcony iron stylistic details are highly visible work and original store architectural elements, especially with front glass and entry. The Federal-style fan windows. current condition is Newly built homes of this historic period either had turrets, towers or cupolas as virtually identical to its architectural components or had dormers Jane Street at Partition, March issue of The Pearl, 1875 1875 photo in The Pearl. integrated into their designs. The fashion of late 19th century architecture was to have an asymmetrical The significance statement also notes the district's range roof form decorated or shingled in a unique pattern to of craftsmanship and style, pointing out dated metal show off the individualistic character of the home and its pediments and ornate cornices of brick buildings in the owner. As these are roof surface elements they are susceptible to Victorian style, and compares these to the "Dutch course" weathering more than other parts of the structure. brickwork and oval pediment-framed window of the early Preservation requires particular attention to the valleys century Greek Revival style store of what was then Lamb's where surfaces and roof lines meet the main roof. Due to exposure, trim and moldings around edges and window Hardware on Market Street (now the Village Apothecary frames require more attention than similar components on image on page 27). main walls of the house. Where decorative materials have been applied such as slates and shingles or where Also decorative iron castings, grills, or crowns are set in highlighted in the masonry, care must be taken to make sure these remain statement are the securely fastened into the main architectural surface. The character of all the buildings of this period in brick livery stable Saugerties mirrors the character of the historic business behind the Grand district and just as the signature element of the commercial Hotel, a similar rows of buildings is their ornate caps, the houses of the business owners also have their comparable rooftop brick building attractiveness. The two of these together in one village west of Partition, setting gives the full effect of a sidewalk to skyline a brick carriage experience for visitor and resident alike and should be maintained at a high level as a sign of community pride. structure Guidelines for Gutters and Downspouts The village of Saugerties was planned in conjunction with the engineering that brought it water powered mills and population in the 1830's. The residential water supply and sewer infrastructure were well defined by the time the earliest commercial buildings were being designed and thus, the majority of the village began with internal and external drainage functions linked to a common underground support system. Development logically followed the streets that carried this infrastructure. Only homes along the old side streets to the south and the post civil war streets to the north retained the more rural cistern and gravity tank systems that took advantage of rainwater runoff. The buildings have roof to ground gutter-downspout systems. Understanding the function of roof-to-street drainage systems is one of the most important homeowner duties and one of the primary concerns in preservation of a period house or building. The original slopes, drainage channels and downspout plumbing of a structure should be maintained as it was originally designed in systems that
(possibly the 1842 fire house) on Jane Street and the frame carriage barn (now gone) behind Lamb's. These show the importance of the 1882 Seamon Bros. Building corner Main and James streets transportation heritage of the village and its early connections with the countryside and river boat landings.
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originally emptied into storm sewers. In rural systems where previous cistern-based systems now link to sewer drains, the sealing of the old features must also be checked frequently. Backup-caused internal wall and foundation dampness due to malfunction or code-based adaption can be the cause of hidden deterioration. Where downspouts meet the ground, deterioration of the foundation as well as basement flooding can occur if the outlet is not diverted. The discharge areas for down spouts should be a minimum of six feet from a foundation wall. Compact soils and grass should slope away from the foundation and extend to a point lower then the basement floor level if possible. If not possible, use of a sump or creation of a catch basin to make a low point is an acceptable alternative. 1954 aerial photo of historic district area with all historic fabric intact
In general the National Register significance statement recognized the range of architectural styles and communityrelated uses of the designations in the listing as representative of the historic character of the district. But even those outside the overall period of significance, i.e. updated storefronts on the otherwise fine examples of these preserved buildings, add a different level of historical interest. Those renewal-period changes blend in with the number of well preserved classic Mesker-style iron fronts, continuing the general sidewalk-level streetscape of plate glass conformity. This "feel" of the business district, common to all the downtown development schemes of the 20th century, is recorded as an evolutionary process starting with the first application of plate glass in the 1850's in Saugerties' Main-Partition Historic District. Some highly notable examples of Italianate and Victorian storefronts, some retained, others restored, match the periods of their building's architecture exactly. The Village has a revolving loan fund to encourage rehabilitations like these, and tax incentives on both the local, state, and national levels can be utilized at designated properties that carry out this level of appropriate improvement. However, it is the broad range of building styles and types transitioning over a long period of continuous commercial use that is the theme of this 84-designation district National Register listing. Because special consideration was paid to this long use relative to the history of the village and town as the business district's significant contribution, the preservation priority for the district is retention and restoration of each individual structure's historic identity. This character is considered in discussions of criteria and standards applied when reviewing the appropriateness of any change being planned.
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Guidelines for Windows and Doorways The dominant street-level feature of the historic business district is the large plate glass display windows and full glass panel doors found on the storefronts. Historically, this expanse of glass began to be technically possible in the earliest period this section of the guidelines addresses; the 1850's. Large window openings in residences filled with 2 over 2 windows (the same configurations being used on the upper floors above storefronts), are representative of this period. In residences, paired windows allowing large amounts of light into the house added a distinct design element to the street-facing facade of the Italianate style. The stores of Main and Partition Streets show off some of the earliest application of internal iron for supporting the broad openings for newly available larger size of glass. The oldest buildings with this form of construction are from the immediate post-Civil War years. The windows in photographs of the early 1870's Russell Block building (lost to fire) are proportioned to twice the height of a man, span five feet and support three stories above. The most extreme example of this introductory era of glass is represented by the support that allows the curved window at the corner of Main and Partition. Correct window and door forms and guidelines for repair and appropriate replacement of residential doors, windows and shutters is found on pages 14 and 15. A discussion of the benefits of retaining original door and window frame components is found on page 26 and 27. Relative to commercial settings, doors in the historic district should be consistent in design with the general period of the district. Generally, this calls for a single plate glass panel above a kick panel dimensioned to match the common 19 inch bulkhead base of the display window(s). Appropriate replacement doors, when needed, should match this glass-to-frame proportion. Earlier recessed doorways contained double doors of this proportion and the later more massive single doors typically maintained this same proportion of glass. Narrower doors for secondary entrances followed the same design. It is highly important to maintain original doors as they can be costly to replace even with contemporary materials. Upper story windows are an important element in the rhythm of architectural details that makes the business district interesting and picturesque. The mid-century form of the Davis block filling the south east corner of Main and Partition streets and the Exchange Hotel diagonally opposite, contrast to the taller buildings of the post Civil war period in the size and spacing of their upper story windows. The massive brick construction with often
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
overstated iron-front support pilasters allowed large open spaces filled with windows in the upper stories. The history of our reach for verticality is seen in the variety of window spacing found in the Historic District. The single most inappropriate activity that can take place in the historic business district is the blocking of a display window. The business district is a three-dimensional setting. It is defined as much by the inside of the buildings reading as a void as it is the facades, sidewalk and street. A storefront window's function is to show off the inside. The door is recessed to provide additional show space as well as provide some protection for an entering patron. If in the pattern of stores that line a commercial streetscape, one window is covered; papered over or curtained; all the attractiveness of the setting is lost. The transparency of the main panes of the storefronts are the soul of the commercial experience. In no instance should a storefront be permanently in filled. Guidelines for Entranceways and Porches A detail common to the storefronts of nearly all buildings of all periods in the historic business district is the lower cornice immediately over the storefront. This simple element is responsible for the harmony of the sidewalklevel of the commercial streetscape. It sets the scale for the storefront at sidewalk level, creating a sense of proportion for the stroller. Often the lower cornice's base is the mounting point of an awning. Awnings are a traditional entry element for the storefront and add color and diversity to the streetscape. Only traditional awnings made of cotton or canvas and in traditional colors and the patterns found on period photos are appropriate. Whenever possible the awning color should be coordinated with the color of the building, storefront or the major signage. Contemporary curved or "Marquee" awnings are inappropriate for the theme of the historic business district. Awnings above the entryway on the upper facade and on residential structures of historic significance are appropriate only if based on precedent. For the residential home this is the period of the porch. When guidelines dealt with the porch in the previous sections they addressed later, non-original porch additions made to homes. Many times these porches were used as an "update" to the house's original style, and may have been a replacement to an earlier, sometimes smaller porch or a new feature altogether. Pages 27 and 28 carry the general guidelines for caring for these porches. These guidelines will look at the porches built to be integral to the structure and design of the house. Because of the importance porches play in the perception of historic buildings and streetscapes, the original materials should be preserved as long as possible. Typically areas covered by a porch roof tend to require less maintenance; however, steps and railings are usually exposed to the weather and might require additional maintenance. Regular painting is generally the best means of preservation. Should components of the porch be missing or so deteriorated that replacement is necessary, it is always appropriate to match detail, if not material, when repairing or replacing. Wood putty materials capable of being sculpted and/or paintable moldings of synthetic materials are options. It is, today, possible to find synthetic materials to replace a detail originally made of old growth wood. However, it is always more logical to repair details carved of old growth wood because nothing will prove more
Preserving our grand estate and village homes
he business district's showcasing of Saugerties' late 19th century mercantile strength is reflected in the expressions of individuality that its wealthier residents brought to the stylistic choices for their homes. The gilded era's preference that the wealthy have a country seat on the banks of the Hudson River brought the alreadyarrived and the up-andcoming that gathered around them to Saugerties. House building starting in the 1890's through the 1920's surrounding Saugerties' business district and on estate lands along its river edge became a competition to show off the best in refined taste for those on, or wishing to be on, the social calendar. In the last half of the 19th century the generation that founded the industries that provided the native wealth of Saugerties had passed on. Their heirs and those attracted to the extravagance their inheritances permitted brought a new order to the village and countryside. The iron mill's smoky and loud The Judge Davis house on John Street, built around 1882, remained in the family until sold to the American Legion in the 1950’s. Inside were the original architect’s drawings (top) and photographs of the house as it changed over the years.
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reputation had been lost to Pittsburgh but its reputation for making Saugerties a place of profitable investments had lost none of its glow. In this age a place with a railroad and steamboat connection close to the grand estates on the Hudson was a good place to invest an architect's skill and a trend begun among the entrepreneurs of New York City to seasonally socialize in Saugerties. Not surprisingly, many of these new part-time residents had amassed their wealth Bright Bank remained intact as an estate throughout the proprietorship of Henry Barclay, Blaise Lorrilard, John Sheffield, Robert Main and from mechanical and finally Edwin Jan Van Etten before a short period as Dale’s Sanitarium. Now the grounds and manor house are being restored by the Hensons. manufacturing-related enterprises and intellectual properties related to technological pursuits. The clustering of these like-minded entrepreneurs that had its origins in the pursuits of Henry Barclay continued a strong attraction to the parlors of Saugerties. An example of the way this attraction played out in one specific set of events is instructive. This begins in the greenhouse of the village mansion of G. W. Washburn, the second largest operator of tug boats on the Hudson from solely hauling the bricks of the Washburn Brothers brick yards. His interest in scientific plant breeding sparked an interest in cattle breeding for which he consolidated dozens
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durable. The hallmark of the porch is decorative detail. Cornicework scrolls, turned railings and intricate angle and finials may be a painter's nightmare but are the "class" part of the house. The porch of the period was generally integrated into the house design by defining the angles and entrances of its ground level. Sometimes it was made to look as if it buttressed the walls and visually supported the variety of volumes designed into the roofline's many dormers and cross gables. The porch and roof together gave the designer or builder the opportunity to make the house an individual expression. The homes that have retained this individuality intact are architectural treasures. See page 16 for guidelines that address porch enclosure. Guidelines for Decks and Terraces In the Historic District the issue of decks and terraces relates to deep set-backs and open lots. There are currently two outdoor eating areas in the historic district in such lots and, if you count up all the open lots and side carriagewaysized alleys, there's a potential of half a dozen more. While it is preferred that open space be used for infill construction matching the continuous sidewalk-fronting storefront pattern of the historic district's theme, interim use of open space for commercial enterprise is encouraged provided it matches zoning and planning codes. An appropriate use of open space will frame and scale any set-back primary or auxiliary structure on the lot or, if none exists, then the viewshed that the lot's use opens to the sidewalk or streetscape. The business occupying the open space has the same responsibilities as other businesses that have historic buildings to maintain. It is the responsibility of the developer of the space to assure that the view featured by the use of their space as a commercial setting is appropriate for all the patrons of the historic district to view. It is inappropriate to either block or ignore a backdrop setting that is open to view from the historic district. Since businesses utilizing open spaces are generally seasonal, the appropriate way for the business to maintain its premises off-season is to remove all indications that there is a business; furniture, signs, etc. Any sense of abandonment of the property or another use such as visible storage is inappropriate. An appropriate preparation of the lot for its seasonal use will consider the way it looks off season to the other historic district businesses and visitors. The function of an outdoor eating or display area requires a level surface. Bluestone slabs provide the most appropriate surfacing as this continues the theme of the sidewalk into the establishment. While other paving systems may be used such as brick and patio pavers, it is never appropriate to use asphalt or plain concrete. Regardless of the material used, the addition of bluestone as an accent material in edging, wall or entry walkway is encouraged. This use in the historic district follows a well defined use of terraces as verandas nested into garden schemes that arrived in this period alongside the popularity of landscaping. Most larger houses had formal gardens with accompanying sitting areas for enjoying the views. These, in the back yards of the Village, and stepping down the slopes of the country estates, often have to have their materials periodically resurrected from their slow sinking into the earth. Often, after years of neglect, they have to be totally rediscovered and excavated. This is well worth the effort. The saving of a sunken stone pathway or a sod-
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
covered patio is archeology well worth undertaking. What can be pried up with a crowbar is far more valuable than what may have come to mind to place over it, and likely valued at three times the price if it could be bought. It is not only appropriate, but practical, to dig up and re-set the bluestone slabs that surround every house of the area. Guidelines for Fences and Landscape Walls There are general recommendations for fences that are historic as well as those that may be proposed. The Town has a zoning code addressing the height and location of a fence and these guidelines for historic precedents guide appropriate material and form to fit with an historic setting. Whenever the stricter rule applies, that rules. Fences are territorial symbols and carry that baggage. However, as a rule, it is appropriate to keep fences neighborly. In the case of the Historic Business District, the Village does not appear to have a zoning code covering fences so the guidelines that will be appropriate within Town code will be for district application overall. In the historic business district "stockade", split rail, chain link and rough sawn slab fencing are generally not appropriate for use in any setting that is visible from the sidewalks of Main, Partition, James, Jane, First, or the stretches of John, Market or Livingston streets that are in district bounds. The period of significance for the historic business district is also the period for which we have the earliest photographic documentation. From this it is recognized that fencing was commonly used along side streets to separate lawns from sidewalks and streets. The common picket fence in all its varieties lends charm to the period streetscapes of these early photos. Therefore, it is not only practical, but historical, that lots with set-back structures or that are currently parking lots would blend into the historic district by having a picket fence in line with the other building storefronts of the street. A single curb-cut should be defined for each parking lot and the remainder of its frontage appropriately fenced. All fences must be in good repair, upright, straight and painted; maintained just as if they were the storefront on the next sidewalk frontage. For screening objects from view, or when permitted for privacy, a trellis with or without plantings is the only appropriate structure allowable over three feet in height. Guidelines for Outbuildings More than in all the previous eras, auxiliary buildings were common in the late nineteenth century. These ranged from the immense ice houses on the river and warehouses along the railroad lines to the egg and dairy production structures of the country side. As the area passed into the age of the automobile, the back yard utility shed took on the appearance of the estate's carriage house and the carriage house on the estate sprouted greenhouses and breeding barns as well as garages. Many of these have since fallen to fire or decay or have been converted into dwellings. The few that remain intact are a source of great interest. As with all buildings of the period, these are built of old growth lumber and wherever this is repairable, it should never be replaced. Seldom are these structures built on more than stone piers. If the ground does not build up over the piers and the sills remain ventilated, and if the roof is kept intact to keep moisture from the interior, the walls should remain structurally sound. In some cases, as in railroad stations, these structures are built solidly enough to have been moved intact. Some were built as containers
of properties in the 1880's to create the 300 acre Shagbark Farm in Pine Grove. A generation later his heirs Kingsmead is the 1920’s manor house of J. O. Winston. It was made into a sold the farm to country club hall in 1951 and has been unoccupied since 1958. Edwin Cadwell, a leverage buyout kingpin of his day, who auctioned the prize breeders. The best were purchased by J. O. Winston, a principal contractor for the construction of the Ashokan reservoir, the water supply for New York City just to our south, for his own scientific breeding interests on his thousand-acre Saugerties Farm (ca.1920). By 1922 Winston's large architect-designed bluestone mansion and farm building complex was an intellectual center. Meanwhile, the Shagbark farm was developed into a retreat and colony by the guru of positive thinking and friend to every successful entrepreneur of the Gilded Age, Napoleon Hill, as a place for ideas to find receptive and nurturing company. This same progression of events was being repeated on land along the river, on other ancient farms along the base of the mountains, and in most places that had not had their quality disrupted by bluestone quarrying or brick making. Many of the mansions built on the large estates of this period are gone. However, there are remnants of this period's influence everywhere in the character and identity of Saugerties. The Augusta Savage Studio and House is one, and is listed on the National Register. The house and school of the artist Abraham Champanier was designated a landmark of the Town in 2009. The mansion house and grounds of the Winston Farm are National Register Eligible and their significance is extensively documented by the Historic Preservation Commission. The Anchorage Farm,
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and are as strong as a sealed box. The garages in the village and the livery stables behind the original hotels are examples of the historic fabric of the town.
designated as a landmark of the Town, has recorded as part of its significance that it served as a gathering place for learning. But every side street in the village of Saugerties shows a house that is obviously influenced by the period of gentrification between the 1890's and the 1920's. Preservation of these unique structures is key to preserving the character and history of this period of Saugerties.
The Pre-Civil War brick Whitaker Block is the predecessor to the Russell Block on the corner of Market street and other wide front, multi business buildings and department stores of the Golden Age of merchandising.
With architect-designed “Blocks� attracting customers from the newer styled estate and townhouses, by the turn of the century shopkeepers began to place cast iron Mesker and less expensive press tin facades on buildings that hid the massive iron framing needed for full glass street level show windows.
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Guidelines for Streetscapes The walks, roads, and parking areas of this section are mainly those found in the historic business district and adjacent streets and sidewalks. Their guidelines reflect activities of not just the private property or business owner but the village, county and state interests in the road systems that lead to and pass through the district. A priority of these guidelines is the preservation of Saugerties' relationship with bluestone, bluestone's use in sidewalks in Saugerties, and the understanding of how that history makes bluestone a significant physical identifier of Saugerties' heritage. Bluestone did not become a broadly recognized paving material until the late 1840's but Saugerties was already showing off bluestone sidewalks, crosswalks and curbstones by 1834, some of the earliest such applications of bluestone that can be documented. Thus, it is highly inappropriate to remove historic bluestone sidewalks or entry walkways or platforms from any frontage within the Town or Village of Saugerties. It is also inappropriate to permit bluestone sidewalk slabs to remain un-set or heaved to the point of being a danger to the public or at risk of cracking. And it is never appropriate to replace vintage quarried local bluestone slabs with concrete or asphalt. In the rare case that replacement is necessary care must be taken to assure that the same quality and color as predominates in the neighborhood is used. Always use craft-quarried local material when a match is required. Parallel to the preservation of our bluestone heritage is the preservation of the village historic district's general streetscape as a historic transportation hub. It is a unique representative of a period of historic progressions spanning river and turnpike to railroad and automobile-improved roads and, as a consequence, it is still the site of the convergence of two federal highways and two state highways whose traffic directly effects the historic district. As far as experiencing the streetscape as it exists, side spaces between buildings should be clear and clean. Any visible off-sidewalk landscaping, such as retaining and barrier walls, should be constructed of traditional materials; brick or stone and not railroad ties. Plant material should be obviously planned and maintained if visible from the street. In the historic business district trees should be located and/or maintained so they do not directly block store signage. "Street furniture" is encouraged, provided such items are compatible with the character of the district. All such furniture should be either "period" or simple, modern in design, constructed for long term outside use and be safe.
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Guidelines for Signs Signs are more regulated in local zoning law than they are in preservation law. In the main, the zoning deals with specifics of size, placement, visibility and permanency; measurable and enforceable through fines. No one should plan, or contract with a sign maker, to make a new or replacement sign without getting a sign application approved from the Building Department of the municipality where the sign will be erected. The sections of the Village and Town zoning codes on signs are included in the Appendix. The Building Inspector deals with the measurable side of a sign application; the particulars of supports, coverage of walls and windows, illumination and the mechanics, glare or number of neon signs; all firmly stated in the zoning laws. The Village Building Inspector is responsible for this both within the historic business district and in all other districts in the Village. The Town Building Inspector is responsible for them in the Town. In the districts of the Village zoned "historic" a separate application for a Certificate of Appropriateness (CofA)is required from the Historic District Review Board. This is for approval of the aesthetic elements of a sign. A decision is made based on the appropriateness of the sign's colors, scale, style and graphic representation. The CofA decision deals more with the subject of the sign. It is required ahead of the Building Department's review for all sign applications within the historic districts. The professionals that sit on the Historic Review Board often advise the applicant on issues related to the Building Department's interest in order to expedite that review. The specific need for a Certificate of Appropriateness for signs within the historic business district of the Village has over the years made these signs a perfect subject for guidelines that support the overall fabric of graphic signage in the whole town and village. Appropriately designed signage helps attract business. The historic character of Saugerties is one thing that sets it apart from countless other places. The historic business district is the business center of "Historic Saugerties". Especially here, a sign for an establishment is part of the total promotion of the "Historic Saugerties" image that attracts business patrons to all of Saugerties. What is appropriate here is appropriate for signage in general. The period theme of the historic business district is broadly placed. Between the 1870's and the 1920's there is ample photographic documentation of businesses in the buildings of Saugerties Village and in the country in general. Any type, design or image style common to this span of time is a good source of inspiration for a sign. Regardless of the theme of the business, graphics invoking earlier periods such as would be used in Nantucket or Plymouth would be inappropriate as would something totally contemporary. Samples and descriptions of a proposed sign's colors and method of application that shows how the design meets the size and material restrictions of the sign code, is what must be submitted to the Review Board for a CofA to be discussed. If possible a photo montage showing the scale of the sign to the building itself should be submitted. All commercial sign makers provide such a computer image to their customers now. For the review board the following general instructions apply to signs: !The horizontal signboard on the fascia below the lower cornice of the historic storefront should always be Page number
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
There are eighty five structures listed in the Main and Partition Streets National Register historic district and each is, in addition to a period structure, a store front, with some buildings having multiple businesses. The signs on the preceding page and this one each had to receive a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Village of Saugerties Historic District Review Board before it could be added to a designated historic landmark in the business district.
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used for the sign if it is part of the architecture. Wall signs not placed in this area cannot be placed where they obscure any architectural element or window. !Projected signs should be similarly styled and proportionate to neighboring signs. Their height, maximum dimension and distance from the street is governed by the zoning code for signs (see Appendix) !If just a symbol is used to represent the business; a large scissors for a barber or a large boot for a shoe store; or a permanent sidewalk display of a traditional symbolic item; an Indian to signify a tobacco store or a barber pole for that business; this is considered part of the signage area and is appropriate so long as the scale meets the restrictions of the sign code and the object is compatible with the theme of the district in the opinion of the Historic Review Board. !The respective zoning codes should be consulted for the different allowable signage requirements in the different zoned districts of the Town and Village. !For the historic districts the calculation is that for every linear foot of individual frontage of a store a total sign area of one and a half square feet is allowed. That means ten feet in width allows fifteen square feet in sign space. !The proprietor of a store seeking a CofA must make certain that there is area left over in this calculation for minor signs that may be needed later. Also, lettering on awnings and window appliquĂŠs count as sign area. The signage for an average store applying for a CofA will fill an allowable 30 square feet with a hanging sign of 12 sq. ft., a window graphic on the main pane of 10 sq. ft., and a door number and awning valance band of 5 sq. ft. !The only areas of the awning appropriate for lettering are the valance side flaps and banner front. The name of the business, street number or business slogan are commonly found in these areas. This lettering counts toward the allowable square footage of signage for the store frontage. !Glass-applied window graphics in white stand out against a store interior and attract attention to the interior display. A window-applied sign should be no larger than 25% of the total pane size. It is important to recognize the purpose of the display window and design the sign to be airy enough to not distract from the merchandise within. !Window signs that are not permanently affixed are regulated by the zoning law. The Review Board prefers that visibility through windows in the business district be as clear and open as possible. Beyond a permanent window graphic no more than 15% of any single pane of glass should be blocked. No more than two temporary signs are recommended per door or window and no more than two for the whole business. !A sandwich board is a temporary sign that does not count toward the allowable square footage for signs. The maximum allowable sandwich board by code, however, is 9 sq. ft. and its maximum height is four feet. Sandwich boards must be placed inside when the store is closed. !The sandwich board message must be permanently applied
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
to a durable surface and its design approved and have a CofA. Blackboard paint in an approved border that includes a permanent message header is an appropriate device for menus or special promotions. Tack spaces and taped paper are inappropriate uses of sandwich boards. !Temporary signs and banners used for special, short term promotions and only displayed during the business day are appropriate in the town in general provided they match zoning restrictions, and in the business district if they do not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, do not obstruct the permanent signage for the business or its neighbors and do not cover the historic fabric of the store or its neighbor. !Free standing signs are only appropriate for stores in the business district with a set back. In most other sign applications around the town free standing signs are restricted by zoning in size and height. It is recommended they match the period of the structure they are supporting and be as sensitive as possible to the overall historical theme of the Town. !Boards containing directories of multiple businesses in the same building; as in upper floor offices or in divisions of a mall; should be placed as close to eye level as possible and match the same size, height and placement restrictions as similar areas of signage for the zone they are in. !The area of signage for upper floor business directories visible from the street counts toward the overall allowable signage area of the building. !The faded signs on the sides of buildings that are in some cases over a hundred years old are landmark signs. It is inappropriate to either remove, obscure, or restore these landmark signs. It is inappropriate to place a new sign directly on the side or material of a building, regardless of the size or purpose. The following guidelines can help in designing an appropriate sign for the historic district: !In the design the name of the establishment is the principle size element of the sign. Business logos should equal no more than 25% of the name element's size. All the identity graphics together should occupy no more than 60% of the sign board. An outline or edging of the signboard or decorative framing or corner work is encouraged in all designs. !The sign lettering appropriate for the historic business district is a serif style. A good designer can work within this style and still create a unique business signature. !It is considered good design sense to limit a sign to three colors. In the historic business district the colors should be chosen to coordinate with other signs on the street and with the paint scheme of the building the sign is on. !Dark color backgrounds with light color lettering and accents are recommended to make the sign stand out from the ornateness of the long line of building fronts on the street !Metal leaf is appropriate for signs in the historic district. Fluorescent colors and colors that "glow" are inappropriate. Lighting should illuminate the total sign form and not accent or spotlight a single area. !All lighting should be concealed in molding or within a hood. Sign illumination sources must not spill light to
he middle of
these three rare maps lists all the business operations within the Village of Saugerties when these maps were made. In the third quarter of the nineteenth century Saugerties Village was the largest population center and the highest capitalized community in the region. These maps herald in the era that built the historic buildings of the village. Village featured on lower right corner of Tilson and Brink 1853 map of Ulster county
Village featured preeminently on center of left side of French’s1858 map of Ulster county
Village map engraved nearly this same size by Leon Barritt for the final issue of The Pearl, 1875
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
other parts of the building or site or produces a distracting glare to motorists and pedestrians. !Back lit signs are prohibited in the historic business district. Neon is limited to window displays only, must be no larger then 2 square feet in area and must be off when the business is closed. No blinking or marquee motion signs are permitted in the business district. Establishments with liquor licenses may have one approved neon display of a maximum 2 square feet per each main pane of its storefront. !Plastic signboards and vacuum form signs are inappropriate. Faux-carved signs are inappropriate. Formed or cast letters are appropriate provided they do not extend more than six inches from the signboard. Signboards must be of a durable grade marine quality plywood or of a similar weather resistant material. !Metal framing and hangers for signs and hardware are best painted or anodized a matte black color or be of a natural black material.
Clovelea is a locally designated landmark of the Village of Saugerties
Guidelines for Light Fixtures The theme of a business district and village setting assumes lighting and light fixtures. Saugerties had electricity at an early period but it appears there was little need for lighting up the night. The street photos from the 1905 "picturesque Ulster" show only three lamp posts in all the pictures and they appear to be still using gas. Many outdoor light fixtures are available designed for this appearance or for the large globe bulbs common for giving the early electrification look. Correct use of outdoor lighting requires spacing lights to give an even coverage of a street or residential landscape setting by illuminating the ground only as far as the next area of light and spreading the light no higher than what is necessary for ground-level visibility. Light that reaches higher by direction or reflection has an inappropriate glare. It is neighborly to extinguish outdoor lighting when not in use. Only exterior lighting designed specifically for night time safety and security of pedestrians, on public streets, should be always lit. It is inappropriate for a business property that is closed to have its signage and window displays lit.
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Drawing of Clovelea that first appeared in the New York World in 1889
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Digital reconstruction of Clovelea by architect Scott Harrison
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
The Barclay Pond with the Hudson River in the background in the 1950’s before the open farmland of Barclay Heights was made into residential subdivisions and while the mills were still in operation.
(for a glossary of terms go to the end of this section.) These guidelines for preservation of historic landscapes are concerned with the "eye-level" character of Saugerties visible from its heritage byways. They use as a reference the National Register site Opus 40 and the many historic dry laid stone elements and quarry settings of the town. The goal is to establish the physical and scenic integrity of historic stone features, and the adaptive reuse of bluestone that are visible from the roads, village streets and waterside of Saugerties. Views, plantings, furnishings (fences, lamp posts, refuge containers, mailboxes, postings, etc.), walkway orientation, and other landscape topics along with bluestone's architectural uses have been covered in the guidelines in each of the previous three sections. This section's guidelines have the specific purpose of reinforcing the broad concept of heritage landscape identity rather than being concerned with issues of individual period property preservation. Guidelines for recognizing the historic significance of land In order to raise the awareness and respect for the local historic landscape, it is important that our educators and public employees be knowledgeable about it. Fortunately, targeted overviews of local culture, history, and environment statements are part of public improvement projects, planning initiatives or academic curriculums. Thus every publicly financed activity can use this community benefit as its justification. The following guidelines put these basic understandings of the historic landscape in perspective for the public and for public servants and outsiders that may be contracted to perform work upon the historic landscape of Saugerties. Guidelines for Waterfronts Local preservation of both the historically significant viewshed of the Hudson River and the Saugerties waterfront is important to the region, state, and nation. All of the Saugerties shoreline is designated and is contained within the boundaries of the Ulster North and the northern extent of the Estate District Scenic Areas of Statewide Significance (SASS). This 1993 designated area extends a mile and a half on average inland along ten miles of the west shore and from the high water mark on the west shore to about a mile inland on the east side of the River. The Saugerties' landscape is a focal point when viewed from Clermont, Montgomery Place, the Amtrak passenger line, and from boats on the river. While an ever expanding kayak and small craft boating public take advantage of the Saugerties waterfront and shoreline, attractions such as the Glunt Nature Preserve leading to the Saugerties Lighthouse offer overland access to these views. The nature trail between Glasco and Barclay Heights on the Dominican Sister's property, public access sites for boaters at Glasco and Malden mini waterfront parks, and the village waterfront park, as well as undeveloped State park grounds at Bristol Beach, Eves Point and Turkey Point, all give visual as well as physical access to the Hudson River. Additionally,
The Historic Landscape of Saugerties
he three previous sections covered designed and vernacular buildings from the colonial, early industrial and mercantile periods. Their guidelines
related to preserving the style and material integrity of architectural elements that remind us of the significant periods of Saugerties history. The settings of these structures, as part of the visual history of the town and village, dealt with elements that contribute to the preservable landscape characteristics of those particular periods. However, there is much in the village and rural landscape of Saugerties that is not architectural in form that equally conveys the message of our significant heritage. Saugerties is rich in the durable remains of water powered mills, large stock farms, river front and railroad side commerce, recreational and resort attractions, and its ubiquitous bluestone quarries. These catch the eye as curious ruins and unusual landforms in the rural landscape and are echoed by similar curiosities embed in the streets and forgotten corners of the urban village. It is just as much due to the individual respect and care for the retention of these historic landscape elements as it is to the preserved period homes and business structures, that we owe our common pride in this community's heritage. Saugerties is actually one large archaeological site. A keen eye can The open fields of the Winston Farm were cultivated as an Indian plantation before 1684 and remained as open in 1994 for the 25th Anniversary of the Woodstock Festival as in this 1954 aerial photo, and look the same to this day.
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
access to the Esopus Creek via the Barclay Pond Village beach gives kayakers a level, wide, and placid three mile long inland waterway with scenery that actually attracted interest far before the Hudson River School of painters famously took note of the rest of our scenic wonders. Policy 24 guidelines of the Federal Coastal Management Act that are specific to scenic resources apply to this entire waterfront area. make out signs of man's past relationship to the land when These guidelines state, among other considerations, that: 1. Dredging, filling or bulkheading in the tidal waters of the Hudson viewing the alterations in the present landscape be they: River is restricted; 2. new highways, power lines, and signs cannot be placed within the view shed; 3. existing patterns of vegetation roadbeds; building foundations; boundary walls; wharves; must be planned to screen new construction and that development must be clustered to fit into the screened area; 4. visible elements dams; or, burial grounds. Centuries-old survey maps show of the cultural landscape must remain and be kept in their original landmarks of that time that today are just seen as scale in proportion to the natural landscape; 5. removal or clear cutting vegetation that screens otherwise discordant features from “disturbances” in the land casually passed by every day, their view is inappropriate; and 6. blocking a view of either the river or mountains from a public thoroughfare in the scenic corridor with a origins unknown, but just for that reason gaining our structure or plantings is discouraged. While preserving the beauty of this scenery is our responsibility so attention. also are the historical structures within these settings, which perhaps are of greater importance because of their identification History catches the eye along our roadsides because nearly with our past. It is highly recommended that any ruin or ancient pilings, docks or anchorage be retained, maintained, and kept every road in Saugerties is historic, from the Kings Highway visible. Features pointed out as significant in the SASS designation of 1703, to the more recent such as open grounds of estate properties, the pattern and scale of “Catskill Thruway” of 1951. hamlet houses, and the wall of industrial ruins along the Esopus Our ancient roads and should be kept groomed and clear of streets were our screening. Landmarks such as chimneys and wharves that appear on community's commercial navigation charts need special attention. circulatory system along It is important that not only the public but particularly real estate developers which our historic recognize the effects dissonant elements would have on our scenic viewshed. homesteads and clustered The discordant nature of the sewage treatment plant and the storage service areas were built. All buildings at Glasco that sit directly on The rock cut gate of Barclay’s canal at Jane Street was pictured inside a gate house in the Cultural Resources Survey for the East Bridge Street Force Main study in 1979. The house had the river bank are the only ones our roads served as major been lost and the site covered in refuse for this 2008 photo. Today the gates too are gone and mentioned negatively in the SASS this 1825 early Industrial Revolution landmark is filled with quarry rubble. transport routes for the designation for over ten miles of coastal area boundary. products of colonial saw mills, nineteenth century quarries, Prospective property developers should plan accordingly so that no modification or damage is done to the geological forms, and the visitors to our turn-of-the-century – up through the vegetation or structures that are significant to the scenic quality of this designated resource. Fortunately, no impairment of a view in 1940's – resorts, boarding houses, and art colonies. They've this Significant Area of Statewide Significance is permitted under law. seen a lot and reveal a lot. Guidelines for Settings Saugerties is within the Hudson River Valley National Heritage The road courses themselves reveal Saugerties history. They Area (NHA). Be it private landscapes as they are viewed from public vantage points, or public spaces, whether parks or the follow a characteristic pattern of stone walls that mark a village streets, these are our venues for experiencing the "sense of place" of Saugerties. Landmarks such as stone walls are the survey of lot lines laid out as right angle rectangles and boundary demarcation elements of this long settled landscape and squares of twenty-four and sixty-six degree orientation. The are highly emblematic of its development. Likewise, the backdrop of highly visible quarries, water routes, and overland roads are vestiges of right-of-ways built into the deeds of transportation roads are milieus identifiable with its economic heritage. Preservation of these significant settings conveys the these hundreds of Kingston Commons lots. Kingston impression of a community proud of its heritage and is the purpose of this section of guidelines. Commons lots make up the entire western half of Saugerties The geometry of a landscape is a pattern of open spaces and the enclosures that divide them. The guidelines in previous sections of this manual have encouraged the retention and maintenance of perimeter markers such as traditional fences, like wrought iron for townhouses and pickets for dooryard gardens of cottages, and stone walls in rural settings. Where such boundary enclosures over time become lined with trees they become natural landscape features that should be maintained but not allowed to become
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Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
Seamon Park had begun to be overgrown in this 1964 aerial photograph as farm lands became residential subdivisions and the Schoonmaker house Dutch Barn was removed to place a gas station.
and their boundary demarcations are all made of stone cleared overgrown or spread. An open space foreground bounded by mature vegetation to the side defines a view's perspective on from each lot of land. These walls and roads mark a spacial distant scenery and is an attractive roadside setting that can be marred by an imbalance of overgrowth. We suggest that if the organization and character of a landscape planned as a grid in frontage on a road is tree lined and there is a distant view, a well maintained low fence wall, cropped vegetation and boughs the first decade of the nineteenth century that can be seen from trimmed to no less than normal eye level is appropriate for roadsides. nearly every road and walking trail in Saugerties today. Because we place a high value on open space and vistas as contributing to our sense of place, it is our position that the Because of this old network of roads, transportation has screening of them, using either dense shrubbery or tall fencing, is highly inappropriate. Privacy screening placed within view of a played a central role in the growth of Saugerties and it is from roadway or street should only be in the distant back of properties the vistas of its roads that one can trace its historic where privacy is appropriate. For concealing refuse containers or utility boxes that must be accessible, the use of planned plantings development all the way from the period when they connected is encouraged. The two heritage public spaces of Saugerties were located for their to sail and steam on the river, onward to railroad and interstate views: Seamon Park for its high promontory; Cantine Field for the sense of wide open space that comes from its original farming use. highways. Each advancement has brought growth to the Their use echoed the function of their setting: Seamon Park for views and most recently for gardens and paths through shady and enterprises of Saugerties and their stature in the context of the open elevations; Cantine Field for accommodating crowds of spectators. Preservation of the feel of their original settings allows broader history of the region and state. Indeed, it would not be their history to be part of the contemporary experience. a stretch to say that the features that appear in the rural historic In Saugerties, these flats that define Cantine Field extended from the Gat all the way to the Great Vly, flanked by the route 9W ridge landscape of the roadside and waterfront of Saugerties tell the and Canoe Hill and was open farmland throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The high school, the Kiwanis arena, story of the growth of this nation. HITS, and nearby minor housing developments over the past half century have impacted the openness of Cantine Field. These Every road and street, and even the remnant roads in the discordant elements might have been mitigated by allowing the built environment to scale itself to the line-of-sight expanses countryside, and nearly the whole of Saugerties' shoreline on expected for these open flats. While we cannot mandate correcting prior development, future structures over one story in the park's the Hudson river had their earliest improvements follow the viewshed are out of context with its traditional open setting and should not be approved. This same "open feel" applies to the transport of bluestone. Bluestone quarrying provided the viewshed from the Winston Farm's fields. The quality it possesses as a potential event venue should be considered in reviewing the largest livelihood of Saugerties for nearly a century. There are design and scale of commercial development along Routes 212 and 32. signs of bluestone everywhere in Seamon Park's distinction as the highest point on the the landscape of Saugerties. Its banks of the Hudson River has lost the advantage of its views due to the maturing of trees that have grown about wharfs, foundations, retaining its slopes. Since its primary purpose was the attractions of that promontory, historic preservation for this public and boundary walls and its space would emphasize a return to its open views. As a noted tourist attraction Seamon Park might be an ideal tombstones are bluestone. There location to introduce the concept of the historic landscape of Saugerties through a promotion of the are quarries with natural looking cultural history of Seamon Park relative to its river viewshed. but manmade hills made of The newest public park has one of the most significant historical settings. The Waterfront Park at the foot of East Bridge Street is a grassy embankment of earth spread over the remains of the demolished waterfront mills that once drove the economy of Saugerties. It is The open flats of the historic Sawyerkill Patent area of the town in a late 1940’s areial photo where surrounded by a zoned historic overlay and is the Cantine Field continues the same public access for recreation that went back to the post Civil War era. centerpiece of a waterfront revitalization district that follows the SASS Esopus Creek subunit coastal area Page number
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
bluestone as well as elegant sculptural environments made of bluestone. Saugerties is world famous for the bluestone that is here and that it shipped across the country. Bluestone is in the abutments of long-gone covered bridges we see when we cross our many waterways. Culverts of bluestone still carry water under our roads. It covers wells and drainage channels. It is our sidewalks and basement floors. Bluestone forms the
gth of the historic 1878 Long Dock out into the Hudson River and builds out the shoreline occupied by the many giant ice houses of a century ago. Bluestone’s association with Saugerties’ roads begins in 1831 when it was transported from Centerville to the banks of the Esopus and made into the supports for the first bridge there. From that time on, it has changed landforms both here and abroad. Bluestone is in nearly every historic house that lines Saugerties roads. Pieces of bluestone not large enough to be marketed as a sidewalk
The land form of Saugerties is what designers call an elegant solution. With routes through the Catskill escarpment just eight miles from tide water at the Hudson River and all the water resources of the mountains draining toward perfect mill sites it had everything needed to be a center of nineteenth century innovation and enterprise.
slab, window or door lintel, step or porch platform or curb or tram stone became the finely crafted walls of foundations and boundary and retaining walls. Bluestone was the most easily accessed local
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boundary. Its viewshed has a restored 1888 mill building, the intact ruins on the original site of the 1826 Barclay paper mill, two of the only remaining 19th century steamboat warehouses left on the Hudson River, and the waters of a picturesque industrial harbor that has been documented, photographed and painted for close to two centuries. While views from the water are governed by the Policy 24 Coastal Management Act guidelines (referenced under "Waterfronts"), the public's awareness from land requires special attention. Historically this is an area developed for parallel docking and used as a turning point at the end of the Esopus shipping channel. It is recommended that the waterfront locations of heritage stone yards, ferry, steamboat and barge moorings identifiable in the many period photographs and other visuals be maintained. Recent expansion of moorage and floating docks with multiple berths extending into the viewshed is not historic to this setting. The demolition and removal of waterfront historical structures documented in the district surveys and the use of the resultant open space for parking of machinery and storage of unused and derelict watercraft is inappropriate under all existing guidelines. Guidelines for Burial Grounds Burial grounds, as elements of the rural historic landscape, are often the only remaining marker of a settlement, community or ancient homestead. They attract, for example, visitors interested in tracing genealogy or wanting to experience the "environment" of old cemeteries. In Saugerties, a community that has headstones that date to Palatine arrivals of 171011 and which represent names that have become common in the greater population of the United States, local burial grounds have become destinations. By law, family members have a right to access the resting place of their ancestors and care for the grounds. Any deed to the land upon which a burial ground exists excludes that earth and right-ofway to it from the normal property rights of the owner. Large burial grounds are recognized as a "commons" of the community. Cemeteries that developed around churches and municipalities often were planned as contemplative landscapes and as such are often places visited by more than just the relatives of the deceased. Smaller burying grounds adjacent to roadsides are a part of the historic feel of the countryside and are available to be visited by those curious about history. Because of this easy public availability, the traditional function of maintenance and care of burial grounds speaks to the fundamental character of a community. It is appropriate to handle vandalism, litter, and overgrowth in burial grounds on private property, the same as if the cemetery grounds were public parks. They should be groomed as parks and policed as parks. This should be a routine maintenance and protection responsibility under the management of the respective departments of the Village and the Town of Saugerties. Guidelines for Roads, Streets and Trails In 1835, James Eights, fresh from a geological study of the Erie Canal in 1829 and the first scientific expedition of discovery organized by the U. S. government in 1831, did a groundbreaking geological study that followed a line from the Catskill peaks through the Glenerie breaks and on to the Hudson River below Glasco. He speculated from his observations that a catastrophic break and flood happened at Glenerie, draining what he called "Lake Albany" and that the resulting ancient, dry clay bed of the lake represented an ideal transportation corridor through Saugerties. His speculation was confirmed by railroads in the 1880's and, in the 1940's, the building in Saugerties of one of the first sections of the longest superhighway of its day; the New York State Thruway. Saugerties has three east-west roads that date to the age of turnpikes and three north-south roads that all have interstate histories; the earliest of the three interstate roads, the Kings Highway, being the oldest in the United States and the New York State Thruway our youngest. Each of the six roads have regional,
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
State or National historic significance either because of the precedents their creation set or the record created by their use over time. The post-WWII building of the eight mile Thruway section between Saugerties Village and just south of Catskill was a "first" for many design, civil engineering, and landscape architectural innovations that became standard for all 480 miles of the Thruway and all interstate highways that followed. In just the four miles that this early section traversed within the Town of Saugerties, there are five overpass bridges, two interchanges, three waterway diversions. In addition, the paving process set the pace and methods of construction that are all now historic. It is important to remember that these accomplishments date back to the late 1940's. This section, which opened to traffic July 4, 1951, meets the age criteria for landmark status. As much as the Thruway in Saugerties represents speed, the counterpoint on the rest of our roads is the retention of the pace associated with their long historic use. The curvilinear courses of the paved rural roads of Saugerties echo the many pathways that crisscrossed the countryside a century ago and are still marked on many maps as roads never improved for automobile traffic. Many of these are fragments used as private lanes and drives while others have been incorporated into residential developments. The latter's meandering feel probably influenced the design of the newer streets -- controlling the pace and circulation of traffic and making the placement of house settings feel more rural. It is because these new roads have limited sight distances, they necessitate slow speed limits, thus unintentionally calling attention to the historic landscape elements whether driving, cycling or walking past them. Our recommendation is that the berms of primary, secondary, and sub-development roadways be made broader when and where there are historic features that can attract attention. Highway Department attention to the topography of road berms is encouraged. Close guardrails and sharp cuts into embankments are discouraged as is indiscriminate removal of trees in favor of utility lines. Roadside access ways are historically significant components of rural road use. Roadside landscape features such as plantings and stone retaining walls that convey the rural experience are encouraged to be retained or duplicated when new road projects are undertaken. An awareness of the historic significance of road fragments and their backgrounds and the historic structural elements that remain is encouraged. When ancient road beds are used for drives or lanes a sympathetic approach to improvement through the use of traditional materials as well as hewing to the original course is encouraged. A century of use in the pre-automobile era may have required structures such as culverts, incline and slope retaining walls, and even early forms of paving such as tramway surfacing, many of which are now hidden in the natural landscape. These archaeological artifacts might be disturbed, covered over or replaced in current usage and as such we would highly recommend that there be consideration to either reclaiming or reconditioning them in lieu of replacement -- particularly where they are subjected to light residential traffic. For work done to the heritage routes of the Town, and to the streets of the Village, the Highway Departments are encouraged to consider preservation issues and provide basic civil archeology training for their personnel. Additionally, recognition and recording of subterranean features that may be unearthed doing road work adds to our understanding of local history. The use of historic documents such as sewer, water and fire cistern maps is encouraged for any project undertaken in the streets of the village. Retention of heritage civil engineering is not always possible when updating or repairing infrastructure but the Commission and Review Board can help in evaluating, surveying, and recording any archaeological elements, especially when removal and replacement involves environmental impact issues in federally funded projects. Guidelines for Sidewalks. Curbs and Tree Lawns Sidewalks, curbs, and tree lawns are a part of the real estate of an individually owned village parcel but are viewed as common areas
building material. The dimensional “waste� stone abundant at the quarries and free for the taking, was continually being transported along the roads of Saugerties to be used for every construction purpose imaginable. Everyone for over five generations knew how to build with bluestone. The source of this 1930’s era diversion wall for the quarry drains at the Centerville cut, south side of Rt. 212.
bluestone left true
landmarks; hundred foot high quarry walls and rubble mounds that can be clearly identified on Google birds eye aerial views. These form a vertical strip from the bottom to the top of the town's center on to the face of the Catskill Mountains. It is no mistake that the orientation of the Kingston Commons lots and the roads they birthed follows the West abutment for old Saugerties and Woodstock turnpike covered bridge over Plattekill, north side of Rt. 212
topography of bluestone
ledges to this rise of the Catskill escarpment at Saugerties. Our archaeological remains from the period of bluestone quarrying and transport are as permanent as the stone itself. No matter how long ago the bridge was replaced or the wood parts of the building fell down or the stone fenced farm field or the quarry returned to forest, what was built from or quarried into the stone remains. And every place these curious forms of stone are visible, they draw the imagination toward the history of Saugerties. Often Opus 40 is the image that begins this evocation. Opus 40 is the reason stone landscape elements attract
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and, as such are shared with the public. Their proper care is not a municipal responsibility but it is generally subject to a use and upkeep ordinance. Regarding Curbstones and sidewalks, they should never be made of, or be replaced by, modern, non-traditional materials. Saugerties has used native bluestone materials throughout its entire history, with village records of 1832 documenting the earliest application of specifications for bluestone sidewalks, curbing, and crosswalks for any municipality in the country. If a tree roots have lifted slabs, they must be mortised back or the slabs reoriented. For safety, sidewalks should be reset when any meeting of one slab to another is lifted more than a half inch. When resetting, the slab should be lifted toward, and vertically supported at, its curb side, and the new bed material sloped toward the curb so when it fans as the slab is lowered a drainage slope is The ruins of the mill pictured in the 1880’s on page 21 has the stone walls of the maintained. Proper drainage prevents frost intrusion and slab original mill of 1826 with their drive wheel sluiceway openings intact. This movement. Sidewalk slabs should never cross drive or parking lot abandoned site is an archaeological treasure of the early Industrial Revolution. entries. Where sidewalks do cross a vehicular entry, brick should be used as a replacement and laid to the same level as the attention in Saugerties. What Opus 40 has accomplished sidewalk. Vehicles should never be driven onto sidewalk slabs and the sidewalk slabs should always be separated from vehicular with bluestone makes every other built stone form as iconic disturbance by a standard height curb. Most importantly, try to retain all historic bluestone sidewalks. If replacement is necessary, of Saugerties as a “hex sign� is of the Amish region of replace in-kind, utilizing local materials similar in appearance and composition to what is replaced. Pennsylvania. Regarding curbs: The curbing along Saugerties streets has been pressed to below its standard height from years of automobile Opus 40 is internationally recognized as a work of art and is overrides. Since many of these ancient curbstones predated automobiles by a half century or more, local planners never the model for heritage art, culture, and landscape anticipated this "abuse". As these stones have their tops pressed closer to street level, salt etches their fine seams and in some cases appreciation for all that aspire to this artistry in and out of they have flaked. The integrity of the stone is normally good and so the curbing can be easily reset. To correct, we advise digging to the Saugerties. Whereas this popular acclaim culminated in its base of the first stone of a property frontage and prying it up to 1998 designation as a State and National Historic landmark, expose the base edge of the next length, and so on to the last, to remove the curbing. The base of the clean-edged trough left is then rare for a modern landscape artwork, locally, Opus 40 is filled to the desired level with crushed stone and the curbing is then snugly returned to its previous place. Never use pebbles or celebrated as part of a tradition. Its creator, the sculptor run-of-bank material for fill as these products have a chemistry when wet that prevents bluestone from drying. This curb Harvey Fite, also built his studio house, and a museum maintenance chore is the responsibility of every parcel owner in the village. building to hold his collection of tools and household Side streets are historically designed with "tree lawns" for shade tree planting between the street curb and the pedestrian walkway. artifacts of the quarrying era, out of native materials -- just Additionally, the village's commercial district had tree lawns on which sign posts were also placed until streets were widened in the as many of his High Woods neighbors had. The location of 1940's. Trees should not be taken down for the convenience of Opus 40 is central to where a half dozen roads converge in a utilities or because they are a bother to the property owner. Keeping old trees in good health, planting replacement trees, and community that was a center of rural life when Fite arrived keeping tree lawns green is encouraged. As an important part of the historic land and streetscape, shade trees and trimmed tree in the 1930's. The entrance to Opus 40 retains the same lawns are encouraged. Guidelines for Historic Stone Structures narrow road width it had Stone walls are traditional boundary markers, and not, as most people think, containment structures. A when it continued on to stone wall is rarely over thigh high, thus any large scale stone structures are likely the remnant of a service dozens more quarry long forgotten function and should be identified and cataloged by the Commission or Review Board. sites still operated by his Stone walls are obvious enough to stand out on neighbors in these waning aerial photograph. Many are recorded on USGS topographic maps. The local stone walls that are a years of the bluestone era. pastoral form of boundary marker should be recorded particularly if they delineate ancient Studies have been done boundary lines such as the lot divisions of the Kingston Commons. Ones that are old markers of concerning the care of Opus property lines are likely the same ones in a deed or survey map of a hundred years ago, so should never At the site of nearly every quarry the forest has reclaimed can be found wind be removed or moved. New stone walls placed shelter hunting blinds of stacked rubble left from over a hundred years ago. along the edge of a designed landscape create a logical, poetic and picturesque element and, as a separation from a neighbor in a residential setting, are traditionally respectful. As such, they are encouraged as a new structure that emulates an
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historic function. An old stone boundary wall with sections that have settled should be repaired by rebuilding. First, digitally record the faces, then disassembling the section, reform the foundation layer and finally replace the original stone restored as close as possible to the pattern, color and texture to what was digitally recorded. Structures that have been subjected to shatters 40 that reference, for want of a from tree-falls or other collusions or are broken for underground comparable example, the utility installations should strive to be returned to the same texture, color and pattern as before the damage. Structures subjected to protected man made environments backfill or a buildup of natural litter over time should either have the earth and/or litter hoed back and removed or, if the intrusion of ruins, scenic settings, and has changed the entire level of the land for the full length of the wall, be systematically rebuilt using the same procedure as if the public parks which include whole wall had settled. The stone color, texture and pattern of a heritage wall are qualities that should be retained. Never add to roadway design and care of open the height of an ancient wall with new material, use new material for face repair, or repair a dry laid wall with mortar. spaces. These studies all have Whether a heritage stone structure (as distinct from a stone wall) is in a ruin or is still supporting a road or culvert its placement implications for the Saugerties’ and purpose is of great historic significance. Ruins are often the center of a scenic attraction. The ruins of the mills and waterworks of past centuries and the structures of bridge supports, road bank supports, and culverts all applied bluestone for their construction even before there was a quarrying industry. Their protection permits an invaluable window into the past and their visibility along road and water routes emphasizes and encourages the value curiosity plays in community identity. Historic stone structures laid for retaining or support are often architectural or engineering artifacts and were built to specifications well documented during their construction. These "old" methods of construction and the type of material to be used are broadly available and if followed today assure a longer life and continued functionality of the structure then a similar application of a more contemporary material and construction Harvey Fite’s Opus 40 began (top) as a sculpture park. Its original design guided views toward Fite’s techniques offer. When large trees are integrated into the scenery traditional art. In the end the park became the art and the internal views and entire six acre environment close to the wall of a ruin the pressure from roots may cause (middle and bottom) became the work of art. The quarry bed and walls exposed on the lower right side of the aerial photograph are what the quarry beds look like throughout the town. bulging of the wall but in all probability they've been growing long enough to already be directed away from the mass of the wall. Trees just beginning to grow out of the wall or near its edge should environment of mountain trails and vistas, river kayaking be removed. No tree should be allowed to develop a firm footing within six feet of a presently functional earth supporting stone and shoreline vistas, winding motor routes and private structure. No stone structure related to such an identifiable historic function as suggested by this guideline should be demolished, roadside places, and these studies form the basis of our disassembled for reuse of its building materials or intruded upon by modern development. guidelines for preserving the rich archaeological As important as the historic stone walls or stone structures, are environment of Saugerties. the bluestone quarries. They serve as a form of interpretive landscape demonstrating how operating quarries were workplaces where products were prepared for an international market for over There are, of course, other lasting landscape elements of a century. Maintaining a safe way to encounter these historic stone that are not bluestone. Though bluestone predominated industrial and civil engineering archaeological sites is in the public interest. Likewise, the mounds and backfills of heritage once quarries opened after the 1830's, a hundred and fifty quarries all vary in the quality of material they offer and this material should not be considered as mined when applied years of building in landscape constructively. These mounds are being recycled and the building potential of this material should never be settings took place before degraded by industrially processing it into chips as a form of recycling. Additionally the use of it as land fill is highly that. An example of the discouraged. There are standards for the quality of bluestone that cover its color, density, structure and linkage of road, land form, chemical resistance as a historic material and local business activity for selecting material that meets these and community that is central standards is encouraged. Quarrying, however, is recognized as a regulated activity and is not a subject of to the historic landscape of these guidelines. This guideline only references the local Saugerties is the large level stockpile of rubble and its local use. Tribute or heritage homage landscape environments A wall at a pool in the Washburn Creek visible from Rt. 212 created by the author as part of a three-quarter featuring a new wall should apply only material from a acre sculptural reclaiming of an 1840s quarry reusing the rubble mounds that previously filled this stream. local rubble source. If practical, weather-exposed stone from the surface of rubble mounds should be selected for wall faces. Random size stones add interest and an authentic character, as does irregular face, shape, and gap of the stone. Square-cut cap stones should be avoided unless the setting
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Record of damage from Tropical Storm Irene to sculpture under construction, August, 2011; restored in 2012.
Record of damage to National Register historic sculpture Opus 40 in 2012; restoration projected for 2015
outcrop of limestone on the Kings Highway that the settlers of the Palatine immigration chose as a central meeting place. This was called the Kaatsbaan because it resembled a large ball court (it has been told that the Indians actually used it for their ball games). It is here that the first structure to be only used for religious worship was built in Saugerties and the large farming community that grew around it hosted the first meeting of the town in this rural community setting when it was formed in 1811. Pre-European archaeological interest in rural historic farm field and shoreline landscapes has uncovered stone of a different sort. Tools and arrowheads show that a sizable number of watercourses and natural meadows were hunted, fished and cultivated here as far back as 14,000 BCE. These ancient sites often occupied the same landscape as the drainage canals made when vlys, or bogs, were converted from grazing to cropping fields in the late 19th century and account for the collections of prehistoric artifacts and popular stories their discovery inspired then. Most notable historically for the engineering interest they
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emulates an estate character. Larger stones unevenly spaced are common as tops for native stone walls. These better survive the frost. A wall that is too tightly spaced and has too sheer a vertical face not only looks contrived but often heaves or slips from frost more noticeably then a looser laid wall. Guidelines for Quarry Sculptures Because of the influence of Opus 40, abandoned quarries that attract artistic interest are one of Saugerties' greatest cultural assets. John Beardsley, the preeminent scholar on contemporary land art, stated that Opus 40 "manifests... the desire to participate in the creative reclamation of landscape." These guidelines, based on studying Opus 40, address creative projects in heritage quarries and "backyard" aesthetic dry laid stone structures. Both fall under the general definition of the National Park Service as "cultural landscapes" based on their emulation of Opus 40. In Opus 40, one sees the subtractive process that has left a quarry with its own aesthetic and the additive process, where the sculptor returns material from that quarry to make the site a work of art. The Secretary's Standards for Rehabilitation, in a free interpretation of quarry sculptures as "additions necessary to the development of a compatible new use", ensure that the historic character of these properties is maintained. By that position, the Secretary's Standards recognize all bluestone quarry sites as local 19th century cultural assets and we treat them as such in these guidelines. These guidelines for use of heritage quarries provides no encouragement to use quarry faces as surfaces for painting or carving but highly encourages sculptors to use the techniques of dry laid construction, for example by the Dry Stone Walling Association and other craft preservation organizations, to create durable structures that reuse historic materials residing on their property. Basic to these recommendations are: clearing to a bedrock base before beginning any construction; using rubble material laid in the full volume of all constructions and not dump-filled between laid up faces; not using "blast" or waste hard pan as construction or fill material; eliminating trees and shrubs and the earth that supports them as well as discouraging all invasive growth from inclusion within dry laid forms; avoiding "facing" of a bedrock quarry wall with a faรงade of laid stone; and, never applying mortar. In Saugerties a view of the original bedrock strata is always encouraged. This supplies an "interpretive geology" relationship to the art. Recommendations: 1. Documentation of design, site preparation and work toward the finished sculpture should be kept as interpretative material useful for supporting future analysis and maintenance. In addition, the National Park Service recommends repeat photography to "interpret the nature, rate, and direction of change in a cultural landscape, to evaluate the cause(s) of perceived change, and to establish new photographic records for future analysis of change." This includes aerial photographs when possible. The archives of the Town of Saugerties Historic Preservation Commission are offered as a repository for this material. 2. The continuous observation of the natural, outdoor environment of quarry sculptures is recommended as a function of site management. Invasive growth, litter and damage associated with visitors should be annually assessed and mitigated. 3. It is recommended that copies of an annually updated management log and photo record (possibly created by the Historic Preservation Commission for designated land-art landmarks) be submitted. 4. Because Opus 40 and Harvey Fite, its creator, are the motivational forces for a school of quarry sculpture art, we would hope that all material that documents the sculptor's life, plans and the involvement of others while building Opus 40 should be archived and available for research. Further, as an example of best practices the Board of Opus 40, Inc. is encouraged to be an open and available source of information for future quarry sculptors by making available, for example, its various forms that assess its standardized maintenance procedures, maintenance plans, emergency plans, inspection processes, and professional advisors,
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
as well as sharing its experience with incorporation and other related issues. We close this section by stressing that historical features or heritage landscapes located in the Town and Village of Saugerties that are visible from a public byway, whether it be the river, a town road or a village street, should be treated as a part of our historic identity and maintained with pride and care. Glossary of local landscape terms bank - A natural deposit of material, as in a clay bank or a sand bank; sometimes used in association with ownership, as in Cole Bank berg - A hill or rise (Plantasie Berg, Hoogeberg) binnewater - an oxbow of a kill left isolated after a closure but retaining the same water table as the main stream, remaining filled with water bluffs - level rises of farm fields running parallel to the river forming as a glacial plateau (Saugerties Bluffs; Glasco Bluffs) clove - A break in a ridge or the face of the mountain usually associated with a watercourse (Plattekill Clove; Kaaterskill Clove) and traditionally used for a road's incline to a higher level cut - A quarry or a road directly through or inclined or stepped up a barrier ridge (Centerville cut) drain - A ditch used to release trapped water in a depressed area such as a tidal marsh, a quarry zone, a sunken meadow or a vly (Quarryville drains) flat - A shallow in the river that surfaces at low tide and is surrounded by deep channels (Green Flats; Middle Flats) or a level stretch of farmland between ridges (Saxton Flats) gat - a valley or land lower then a surrounding level; a ravine (the Gat is the lower Partition street section of the village, often misspoken as "the gut") kill - A steadily flowing stream or small river; the smallest kills are killitjes long dock - Extension of a road from the shore to the channel of the river to facilitate ferry or deep watercraft access to land transportation meadow - A low marshy area along the shoreline of the river or a woodland opening where bedrock is close to the surface, useful mainly for cattle grazing mound - Waste material from quarrying deposited behind a quarry cut or at the base of a quarried ridge parclo B2 - Designation for duel partial cloverleaf interchanges with two individual loop ramps used for entry and directional ramps used for exit quay - A stone retaining wall adjacent the deep water at an estuary or river side used for parallel docking of large water craft rack - A straight line-of-sight course for navigation on the river; also called a reach (Lang Rack, Bristol Reach); called a streak on land reeks - Natural cliff falls or mounded rubble from quarrying ridge - Small cliffs running parallel to the mountain face and river that direct the course of streams and roads and are the location of quarries rift - Bedrock base in a stream channel that is a firm crossing place for a ford streak - A straight line-of-sight road with no obstructions; called a reach or rack on the river wall - A dry-laid stone boundary delineation or foundation; the "Great Wall of Maniteau" is the escarpment to the Catskill Mountains imagined as a wall valletje - A filled oxbow or flood plain of a stream with high banks vly - A natural spring-fed meadow where water is trapped between rock strata; a bog or swamp; many are called "great vly" (Myers Great Vly; The Great Vly)
Stone reservoir dam of Barclay’s 1825 waterworks visible in The Mill parking lot.
garner are the built landforms of the waterworks, platforms and wharfs made for the mills of Saugerties. All the functional land changes for the mills of the 1820's entail stone structures. Until 1858, when the stone dam across the Esopus washed away, refrigerator-size blocks of cut stone, still visible at the raceway wall, defined every location that water was retained or directed for use by the mills. This industrial archeology landscape is among the earliest significant tidewater clusters of Early Industrial Revolution landmarks in the entire mid Hudson region. The focus of the mills on Saugerties' riverfront location nearly two centuries ago is what attracted the present intersection of three major state and federal highways, a railroad and the New York State Thruway to be concentrated in one small village and its immediate environs. All of these roads followed the courses of ancient pathways turned carriage roads and then made into some of the earliest improved automobile routes. Every modern road in Saugerties follows the courses of ancient pathways turned carriage roads and then made into some of the earliest improved automobile routes. Today's patterns of traffic through the village follow the same courses that were determined by fords and ferrying points used when the first stone houses were built here in 1725. These roads and streets and the miles of remnant roads in the countryside are all sites of historic landscape archaeological interest. Durable landscape environments that are publicly visible or accessible offer the means for promoting heritage pride. Every owner of one of these historical landforms in the town and village of Saugerties plays a part in transmitting their own particular view of history. With the use of responsible preservation guidelines they lead by example thereby putting our community's best foot forward.
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n 2004, the Town Board of Saugerties passed a Historic Preservation Ordinance, Local Law No.3 of 2004; "An Ordinance related to the establishment of landmarks or historic districts in the Town of Saugerties". As part of the Historic Preservation Commission's Powers and Duties, Section 4A of that Law requires "Adoption of criteria for the identification of significant historic architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of historic districts." In an effort to satisfy Section 4A, the Historic Preservation Commission has created the following document. It classifies Saugerties historical legacy into 20 categories. Each category represents a recognized and adopted criterion of Saugerties unique architectural, archeological and cultural landmarks.
ID CRITERIA 1. Roadways The local turnpikes and public roads are rich in historic fabric. They are among the earliest and longest in use in the state. During a major improvement program of the 1930's which among other improvements straightened parts of the Malden and Saugerties & Woodstock turnpikes, and other roadbeds, there were many sections that were bypassed ,e.g., "Old 212" and "Old 32", or abandoned to be annexed to adjacent property. Those sections left Saugerties with the remains of early road construction and engineered infrastructure rarely preserved. These sections are historic because they were the earliest "tram" roads, built for transport of bluestone from the local quarries and later were the earliest macadam-surfaced roads in the state. Remains visible at the many stream crossings and drainage culverts of these ancient roads are historically significant. 2. Commercial Buildings on Roads All our roads have historical significance as links to places where work occurred. The blacksmiths and feed stores and rest stops at crossroads and stream crossings represent some of the oldest local businesses. These businesses were responsible for the upkeep of the road and bridges that brought customers to their doors. Nearly 120 miles of roads were already in use by 1811 when the town was formed. Some stone house business locations date from as early as the middle of the eighteenth
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ยง 210-20. Historic districts. [Amended 10-20-1986 by L.L. No. 5-1986; 3-16-1987 by L.L. No. 2-1987] A. Purpose. It is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the protection, enhancement and preservation of buildings of historic, architectural, and cultural value is necessary to promote the economic, cultural, educational, and general welfare of the public. Inasmuch as the identity of a people is founded on its past, and inasmuch as the Village of Saugerties has many significant historic, architectural, and cultural resources which constitute its heritage, this section is intended to: (1) Protect and enhance the landmarks and historic districts which represent distinctive elements of Saugerties' historic, architectural, and cultural heritage; (2) Focus attention on and foster civic pride in the Village's historic resources; (3) Stabilize and improve property values in designated historic districts; (4) Protect and enhance the Village's attractiveness to visitors and the support and stimulus to the economy thereby provided; and (5) Strengthen the economy of the Village by preserving its historic assets and thereby ensure the harmonious, orderly, and efficient growth and development of the Village. B. Historic District Review Board. (1) There is hereby created a Review Board to be known as the "Village of Saugerties Historic District Review Board." (2) Membership. (a) The Review Board shall consist of five members to be appointed, to the extent available in the community, by the Mayor as follows: [1] At least one shall be an architect or engineer; [2] At least one shall be an historian or member of the Saugerties Historical Society or a similar group concerned with preservation of the Village's heritage; [3] At least one person shall be a person with professional involvement in real estate or building construction or renovation; and [4] Two other residents of the Village. (b) All members shall have a known interest in historic preservation and architectural development within the Village of Saugerties and shall take such steps as are practical to become better trained in these areas. The Mayor shall designate an appointee to fill any vacancies within 60 days of such position becoming vacant. Such appointee shall serve the balance of the unexpired term. (3) Review Board members shall serve for a term of three years, with the exception of the initial terms which shall be one member for one year, two members for two years, and two members for three years. (4) The Chairman and Secretary of the Review Board shall be elected by and from among the members of the Review Board. (5) The powers of the Review Board shall include: (a) Employment of staff and professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Review Board, with the prior approval of the Village Board. (b) Promulgation of rules and regulations as necessary for the conduct of business. (c) Adoption of criteria for the identification of significant historic, architectural, and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of historic districts additional to those stated in Subsection C below. (d) Conduct of surveys of significant historic, architectural, and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the Village. (e) Designation of identified structures or resources as landmarks and historic districts. (f) The making of recommendations to the Village government concerning the acquisition of facade easements or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purpose of this section; and with the approval of the Village Board, acceptance on behalf of the Village government of the donation of facade easements and development rights. (g) Increasing public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing and participating in public education programs. The
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
members of the Board may attend programs which further the education regarding renovation and historic preservation. (h) Making recommendations to Village government concerning the utilization of state, federal or private funds to promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within the Village. (i) Making recommendations to the Village Board concerning the modification or deletion of existing historic districts. (j) Approval or disapproval of applications for certificates of appropriateness pursuant to this section. (6) The Review Board shall meet monthly, but meetings may be held at any time on the written request of any two of the Review Board members or on the call of the Chairman or the Mayor. There shall be at least four meetings per year. (7) A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of three of the Review Board's members, but not less than a majority of the full authorized membership may grant or deny a certificate of appropriateness. (8) All meetings shall be open to the public. C. Designation of landmarks or historic districts. (1) The Review Board may designate an individual property as a landmark if it: (a) Possesses special character or historic or aesthetic interest or value as part of the cultural, political, economic or social history of the locality, region, state or nation; or (b) Is identified with historic personages; or (c) Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style; or (d) Is the work of a designer whose work has significantly influenced an age; or (e) Because of a unique location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood. (2) Districts. (a) The Review Board may designate a group of properties as an historic district if it: [1] Contains properties which meet one or more of the criteria for designation of a landmark; and [2] By reason of possessing such qualities, it constitutes a distinct section of the Village, even though not all of the buildings within the proposed district meet one or more of the criteria for designation of a landmark. (b) The boundaries of each historic district designated henceforth shall be specified in detail and shall be filed, in writing, in the Village Clerk's office for public inspection. (3) An owner may petition the Review Board for designation of property as a landmark or for inclusion in an historic district. If the owner has not petitioned the Review Board for designation of the property as a landmark or for inclusion in an historic district, notice of a proposed designation shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner as listed on the Village tax rolls of the property proposed for designation. The notice shall describe the property proposed and announce a public hearing by the Review Board to consider the designation. Once the Review Board has issued notice of a proposed designation, no building permits shall be issued by the Building Inspector until the Review Board has made its decision. (4) The Review Board shall hold a public hearing prior to designation of any landmark or historic district. The Review Board, owners, and any interested parties may present documentary evidence at the hearing which will become part of a record regarding the historic, architectural, or cultural importance of the proposed landmark or historic district. The record shall include the application and any subsequent modifications. The record may also contain staff reports, public comment, or other evidence offered outside of the hearing. If the applicant desires a stenographic transcript of the testimony taken at such hearing, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to arrange for the presence of the stenographer and to bear the cost of such expense. (5) The Review Board shall approve, deny, or approve the designation with modification within 45 days from its receipt of the completed application. The first such public hearing on an application must be held within 45 days from the date of receipt of the completed application, in which case the
century and their owners were the leading citizens and politicians of the era. 3. Agricultural Sites on Roads Cultivated land, ancient barns and many stone farmhouses line our roads. They are reminders of the original working character of the land. These farms, for two and one-half centuries fed the local population whether they were village businesses or later workers in the mills, the quarries and the river. Only in the past fifty years have most of those fields returned to forest, their identities as pasture or farmland noticed only in stone walls in the overgrowth. 4. Stone Walls An 1803 survey divided the previous Kingston Commons ownership of most of the local land into a geometric grid of hundreds of lots. This document's effect is marked on the ground by hundreds of stone walls in the countryside. These define the corners and directions of that 1803 survey and are thus significant historically. Fortunately, some of these stone walls are visible along our roads and are excellent reminders of our heritage environment. They endure because not only are they shared property markers but specific provisions in the State Education law protects them from being moved or removed. 5. Estate Settings In the beginning the largest parcels of land were owned by related families cooperatively farming. As agriculture became less profitable, the land went through division.The first divisions were for bluestone quarrying and other specialized uses on marginally tillable land. Countering subdivisions, tracts were sometimes bought and joined back together by the wealthy to establish farms as scenic environments. These late nineteenth and early twentieth century period of consolidations are historically significant because records of land transactions allow us to verify past ownership and occupancy. 6. Industrial Sites The village of Saugerties is the site of some of the earliest Industrial Revolution manufacturing in the Hudson Valley. These industries are historical because they were the first to introduce many technologies into America, such as the first machine produced paper. These innovations attracted many entrepreneures who
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proceeded to develop local water power resources which then expanded into a multitude of small scale economic opportunities and their own cottage industries. As white lead, gunpowder, and brick manufactures applied local supplies of cider vinegar, firewood, charcoal, potash, barrels and other materials to their processes competitive business practices built an economy significantly advanced from the agrarian and craftsman base of the period. The identification and interpretation of both the sites and the occupations of this early manufacturing activity shows how Saugerties' economic development heritage incubated and thrived. 7. Bluestone Quarry Sites Quarrying is a prime historic example of local economic opportunity at work. A local and regional demand for stone for foundation walls, curbs and sidewalks expanded into the development of a multi-million dollar flagging stone industry that impacted Saugerties for a century. Quarry cuts and their accompanying rubble mounds are abundant. They form both an historic landscape and a unique rural character. The National Register site Opus 40 exemplifies both the historic and artistic significance of quarries. Unintentionally, quarrying has left the land as an attraction that inspires imaginative artistic works, still offers economic opportunities while at the same time is recognition of its historic antecedents. 8. The Railroad The course of the railroad and its four depots in Saugerties is historically significant. When the route was developed in 1878 as a north extension of the Wallkill Valley Railroad linking Kingston to Athens, it displaced and diverted many of the Town's traditional roadways. Remnants of the overpasses and crossings built in 1882 for these roads are along the railroads path freezing in time this ancient road transportation corridor. It is possible to trace routes and observe structures of the Kings Highway and Catskill Road by the train rail bed that otherwise were totally lost in places where the carriage road bed has been adapted to the automobile. 9. The Thruway From 1949 until 1953 the first length of all the NYS Thruway was constructed in Saugerties. On July 4th
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Review Board shall approve, deny, or approve the permit with modifications within five days of the completion of the public hearing or hearings. (6) The Historic District Review Board shall notify the Village Clerk of any building designated as a landmark or area designated as an historic district. The Village Clerk shall then cause the Official Zoning Map to be amended to reflect such designation, as provided in ยง 210-10 of this chapter. D. Certificate of appropriateness for alteration, demolition or new construction affecting landmarks or historic districts. (1) No person shall carry out any exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, demolition, new construction or moving of a landmark or property within an historic district, nor shall any person make any material change in the appearance of such a property, its light fixtures, signs, sidewalks, fences, steps, paving or other exterior elements visible from a public street or alley which affect the appearance and cohesiveness of the historic district, without first obtaining a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic District Review Board. (2) The Village Building Inspector shall be responsible for administering and maintaining records of the applications for a certificate of appropriateness, whether or not they are accompanied by an application for a building permit. The Village Building Inspector shall have the same enforcement capability with respect to a certificate of appropriateness that the Inspector may exercise with respect to a building permit. E. Criteria for approval of a certificate of appropriateness. [Amended 5-2-1988 by L.L. No. 1-1988] (1) Criteria for approval of a certificate of appropriateness for alteration, demolition or new construction affecting landmarks or historic districts. (a) In passing upon an application for a certificate of appropriateness, the Historic District Review Board shall not consider changes to interior spaces, unless they are open to the public, or to architectural features that are not visible from a public street or alley. (b) The Review Board's decision shall be based upon the following principles: [1] Properties which contribute to the character of this historic district shall be retained, with their historic features altered as little as possible; [2] Any alteration of existing properties shall be compatible with its historic character, as well as with the surrounding district; and [3] New construction shall be compatible with the district in which it is located. (c) The Review Board shall consider the following factors: [1] The general design, character and appropriateness to the property of the proposed alteration or new construction. [2] The scale of proposed alteration or new construction in relation to the property itself, surrounding properties, and the neighborhood. [3] Texture, materials, and color and their relation to similar features of other properties in the neighborhood. [4] Visual compatibility with surrounding properties, including proportion of the property's front facade, proportion and arrangement of windows and other openings within the facade, roof shape, and the rhythm of spacing of properties on streets, including setback. [5] The importance of historic, architectural or other features to the significance of the property. [6] Any other factors relating to historical or architectural considerations deemed pertinent to the objectives of this section. (2) Criteria for approval of a certificate of appropriateness for signs. [Amended 7-19-2010 by L.L. No. 2-2010] (a) Any exterior sign or any interior sign intended to be visible from a public street or alley which shall be erected or replaced after the adoption of this section shall require a certificate of appropriateness. The relettering, repainting, decorating or normal maintenance of any existing sign shall be permitted. However, any sign removed for any other purpose or removed for more than one year and not replaced within that one-year period shall be deemed permanently removed and may be replaced only after
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
the owner has secured a certificate of appropriateness in accordance with this section. Relettering, repainting, or redecorating as the result of a change in ownership and subsequent change in business name shall be deemed permanent removal of the former business sign and may be replaced only after the owner has secured a certificate of appropriateness. (b) No internal illumination or backlit sign will be permitted. Only nonilluminated or externally illuminated signs shall be permitted. (c) No external neon signs shall be permitted. Interior neon window signs promoting alcoholic beverages shall be permitted in premises serving or selling alcohol. One neon sign is allowed for each major window pane. Exception: Each place of business is allowed to have one fixed, nonblinking "open" sign not to exceed two square feet. This sign may be lit only during business hours and may either show "open" or an icon representing the type of business. Illumination may be by neon, LED or similar light source. Note that the aggregate area of all signs cannot exceed the limit in Subsection E(2)(e). (d) Sandwich boards are allowed under Chapter 165, Streets and Sidewalks, § 165-10, Display of goods, wares or merchandise for advertising purposes. Sandwich boards may not exceed nine square feet per face and may not exceed four feet in height. Since they are not permanent, the sign area does not count toward allowable area for signage. The width and placement of the boards and displays must allow five feet of unobstructed pedestrian passage on the sidewalk. They must be removed from the sidewalk during the hours on which the business is closed. Overall design of the boards must be approved by the Historic Review Board. Inflatable or other nontraditional displays are not permitted. (e) Awnings are regulated under Subsection E(1)(c)[1], [2] and [3] and Subsection E(2)(b), (e) and (f) Chapter 165, § 165-8. All awnings are reviewed for compatibility with the requirements of the Historic District. Traditional cotton or synthetic canvass in stripes or solid colors is allowed. Awnings must be of traditional shape (not curved). Awnings may have lettering which will be counted as part of the allowed total area of signage. Lettering must not be internally illuminated. Awnings shall be seven feet from the lowest part to the ground. (f) All lettering styles and color schemes shall be appropriate to the character of the historic district. (g) The aggregate area in square feet of all signs, both interior and exterior, visible as part of the facade of any one wall shall not be greater than 11/2 times the length, in feet, of such wall. (h) Where a sign consists of lettering painted directly onto glass, the size of the sign shall be considered the area between the height and width of the lettering at its maximum height and width, i.e., that area which would be created by a "rectangular frame" around the lettering. (i) Examples of appropriate sign designs are included as Appendix A. Editor's Note: Appendix A, Appropriate Signs Already in Use in the Village, is included at the end of this chapter. F. Certificate of appropriateness application procedure. (1) Prior to the commencement of any work requiring a certificate of appropriateness, the owner shall file an application for such a certificate with the Historic District Review Board. The application shall contain: (a) Name, address and telephone number of applicant, plus existing blue sheets, if any. (b) Location and photographs of property. (c) Elevation drawings of proposed changes, if available. (d) Perspective drawings, including relationship to adjacent properties, if available. (e) Samples of color or materials to be used. (f) Where the proposal includes signs or lettering, a scale drawing showing the type of lettering to be used, all dimensions and colors, a description of materials to be used, method of illumination and a plan showing the sign's location on the property. (g) Any other information which the Review Board may
1951 the "Catskill Turnpike" was opened from Saugerties to Catskill, and on December 16th 1953 the roadway south to Kingston from Saugerties was opened. This is historically significant because along with the construction of the Kingston Rhinecliffe Bridge in 1954, the region attracted large corporate businesses and Saugerties started to become suburbanized. Thus the decade of the 1950's brought competition that caused the decline of the century and a quarter-old employment structure which was centered on manufacturers located in the village as well the village being the center of commerce. 10. Our River Frontage The most enduring symbols of our river front heritage are the Lighthouse and the Long Dock. These are both defined by mile long land features extending into the Hudson. The Long Dock has historic connections and identities with river, railroad and land transportation. It was built in 1878 to decrease congestion at the village wharfs and support a shorter ferry route across the river to the east shore and the NY Central railroad. Its historic significance is as a model of cooperation between business interests and the government resulting in legislation which permitted the Town to add land for this purpose. It is thus an early experiment in private-public partnership in support of economic development policy. 11. Waterfront Commercial Sites The wharfs and warehouses along the miles of river frontage are historic workplaces. In early years all roads led to the river and everything that was transported on them was transferred to boats or barges. The shoreline is historic because agricultural produce, brick, stone, ice and locally manufactured products reached markets by river transport. Stevedoring, crewing and wharf construction and maintenance were the work of specialized laborers who made their homes by the river. Many of these homes and the river workplaces are still extant and are historically significant. 12. The “Villages” The villages and hamlets closest to the river are unique in their land division and development history. In the first decades of the 19th century streets and lots were laid out in Glasco, Saugerties Village (nee Ulster) and Malden (nee Bristol). These plans are historically noteworthy because residential lots were located away
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from valuable tillable land but on steep inclines that required substantial adjustments for building and street placement. These early urban planning methods like the structuring of the dwellings and design of the infrastructure for streets and utilities, demonstrate the extent to which the Saugerties community expended resources and made investments in order to create viable and valuable living environments. 13. Planned Communities The concept of a model community has been a constant theme in local Saugerties history. Late nineteenth and early twentieth century artists colonies, bungalow colonies, and resorts brought the idea of sharing scenic views and common facilities to both land ownership and commercial development. This particular vision is bookended by the historic 1831 incorporation of the Village of Ulster (later renamed Saugerties) to manage the large population brought in by the mills on one end and the equally historic suburban housing developments of the 1960's created to manage the demands of another population explosion brought by improved transportation and large corporate employers. The designs and locations of planned community sites are documented in histories and in promotional material, e.g. Shagbark and Barclay Heights. They are historically significant for the growth they brought to the local economy and the social changes they gave rise to. 14. Planned Resource Development Local environmental locations where there was development of the natural resources present are inseparable from the larger historical heritage. Water for drinking supply, power generation and navigation along with the clay, shale, bluestone and limestone resources of the earth, all played a significant part in local history. Planned, once active, and currently existing reservoirs, ponds, dams, raceways, canals, pits, quarries, jetties and dikes that can be viewed from public places are as much heritage viewsheds as any scenic vista and are significant for their interpretive views of the past. 15. Institutional Places Saugerties has been a trading center since Henry Hudson's time. It is the nearest that the tide water of the Atlantic comes to the interior of the continent. Every
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deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed work. (2) No building permit shall be issued for such proposed work until a certificate of appropriateness has first been issued by the Historic District Review Board. The Building Inspector shall refer any application for a building permit on property within the historic district or on landmark property to the Historic District Review Board within five days of receipt by the Building Inspector. (3) The Review Board shall approve, deny, or approve the permit with modification within 45 days from its receipt of the completed application. The Review Board may hold a public hearing on the application at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present their views. The first such public hearing on an application must be held within 45 days from the date of receipt of the completed application, in which case the Review Board shall approve, deny, or approve the permit with modifications within five days of the completion of the public hearing or hearings. (4) All decisions of the Review Board shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, and a copy filed with the Village Clerk's office for public inspection. The address used for such notification shall be the address of the applicant as shown on his application for the building permit. The Review Board's decision shall state the reasons for denying or modifying any application. G. Hardship criteria. (1) An applicant whose certificate of appropriateness has been denied may apply for relief from landmark or historic district designation on the grounds that designation is working a hardship upon him. (2) In order to prove the existence of hardship in order to permit demolition, the applicant shall establish that: (a) The property is incapable of earning a reasonable return as a long-term capital investment, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible; (b) The property cannot be adapted, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, for any other use which would result in a reasonable return; and (c) Diligent efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed. (3) In order to prove the existence of hardship in order to permit alteration not in keeping with the architectural character of the district, the applicant shall establish that: (a) The property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible; (b) The property cannot be adapted, in keeping with the architectural character of the district, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, for any other use which would result in a reasonable return; and (c) Diligent efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed. H. Hardship application procedure. (1) After receiving written notification from the Historic District Review Board of the denial of a certificate of appropriateness, an applicant may commence the hardship process. No building permit or demolition permit shall be issued unless the Review Board makes a finding that a hardship exists. (2) The Review Board may hold a public hearing on the hardship application at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present their views. (3) The applicant shall consult in good faith with the Review Board, local preservation groups and interested parties in a diligent effort to seek an alternative that will result in preservation of the property. (4) All decisions of the Review Board shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, and a copy filed with the Village Clerk's office for public inspection. The Review Board's decision shall state the reasons for granting or denying the hardship application. I. Enforcement. All work performed pursuant to a certificate of appropriateness issued under this section shall conform to any requirements included therein. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect periodically any such work to assure compliance. In the event work is found that is not being performed
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
in accordance with the certificate of appropriateness, or upon notification of such fact by the Historic District Review Board, the Building Inspector shall issue a stop-work order and all work shall immediately cease. No further work shall be undertaken on the project as long as a stop-work order is in effect. J. Maintenance and repair required. (1) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature of a landmark or property within an historic district which does not involve a change in design, material, color, or outward appearance. (2) No owner or person with an interest in real property designated as a landmark or included within an historic district shall permit the property to fall into a serious state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration of any exterior architectural feature and which would, in the judgment of the Historic District Review Board, produce a detrimental effect upon the character of the historic district as a whole or the life and character of the property itself. (3) Examples of such deterioration include but are not limited to the following: (a) Deterioration of exterior walls or other vertical supports. (b) Deterioration of roofs or other horizontal members. (c) Deterioration of exterior chimneys. (d) Deterioration or crumbling of exterior stucco or mortar. (e) Ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roofs, or foundations, including broken windows or doors. (f) Deterioration of any feature so as to create a hazardous condition which could lead to the claim that demolition is necessary for the public safety. K. Violations. (1) Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a violation and the violator shall be subject to the penalties set forth in ยง 210-47. (2) Any person who demolishes, alters, constructs or permits a designated property to fall into a serious state of disrepair in violation of this section shall be required to restore the property and its site to its appearance prior to the violation. Any action to enforce this subsection shall be brought by the Village Attorney. This civil remedy shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any criminal prosecution and penalty under Subsection K(1) above. L. Appeals. (1) Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Historic District Review Board relating to hardship or a certificate or appropriateness may, within 30 days of the date of receipt of the decision, as shown on the receipt for certified mail, file a written application with the Village Board of Trustees for review of the decision. (2) The Village Board may overrule the Review Board at a regularly scheduled meeting at which an opportunity to comment on the appeal is afforded to all interested parties or any member of the public. A majority of the Village Board must be in favor of overruling the Historic District Review Board in order to overrule the Historic District Review Board. In deciding whether or not to overrule the Historic District Review Board, the Village Board shall consider the same criteria used by the Historic District Review Board and the same record of the case provided to the Historic District Review Board. Any new issues, additional information or considerations must first be referred to the Historic District Review Board for its initial determination.
(References within code) ยง 210-46. Enforcement C. Legal action by enforcement officer. If an unlawful condition or use is found not to have been properly remedied or made to comply with the provisions of this chapter by the expiration of the reasonable time period granted by the enforcement officer, then the enforcement officer is empowered to immediately institute any appropriate action, charge, or proceedings in the proper legal court for the prevention, cessation, or discontinuance of any condition, use, occupancy, or act, in, on, of, or around any building, structure, or tract of land and for the prosecution of any owner, occupant, or offender. D Legal action by taxpayers. If the enforcement officer fails or refuses to proceed with any action in accordance with Subsection C within a ten-day period following written request by any taxpayer so to proceed, then any three or more taxpayers of the Village of Saugerties residing or owning property in the district
occupant here, from native to European, has engaged in the exchange of one thing for another. The reason for the earliest paths and earliest structures was trade. This history is embedded in the consignment houses', factories', private banker's and government official's involvement in every aspect of the economic life of the community. Places of barter, exchange and record keeping are historic because they institutionalize every transaction we use to qualify what we regard as historically significant today. 16. Marketplaces The public space that is most historic is the market area of the village of Saugerties. It grew from the continuous support of a hundred years of settled population centered on the mills. Populations around other work places also developed their own commercial centers that are historically significant. All of them began as places of temporary produce stands and carts that later evolved into small clusters of buildings with their merchandise and professional merchants. Market places with early post office addresses appear on the earliest maps, in gazetteer listings and in newspaper advertisements. Many larger residences in hamlet areas were built as early front-parlor markets. These are more historically significant as local landmarks then ordinary residences because they evolved into the commercial and social fabric that defined the village and hamlets. 17. Public Houses The front parlors of roadside residences were also often used as taverns and were often the central gathering place of a locality. Histories of the late nineteenth century contain mention of dozens of earlier taverns along with the progression of their ownership. The Articles of Confederation were signed in the Post Tavern. The charter of the Town was signed at the home of Christian Fiero, also a tavern. Town meetings were held in the Mynderse Tavern. Taverns are thus historically significant because of their associations with events in the political organization of the community. Many of the stone houses in Saugerties that are along the main roads were once taverns. 18. Public Recreational Sites The views of the mountains and the river encouraged shared appreciation of the outdoors from the earliest times. An economy based on visitors attracted to
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overlooks, hiking trails and related outdoor activities is embedded in local history. Recreational rowing clubs, sport fields, viewing towers, horse racing rinks, scenic paths, and swimming beaches have been supported as membership or commercial enterprises for both residents and visitors since the earliest days of industrial development. Residents of large estates, the common citizen, and the vacationer equally enjoyed horseback riding and early automobile and bicycle touring on the many public roads into the mountains. Parks for sports activities at these historic places, some now publicly supported, carry on traditions introduced over a century and a half ago. The locations of all these outdoor activities are historically significant to our heritage environment. 19. Public Gathering Places Churches, lodges, schools, theaters, and even undeveloped land are significant as historic gathering places. For example, the large level bedrock outcrops in 1715 was the site of the Kaatsbaan's first Sabbath and a large farm field of the Winston Farm in 1994 became the site for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Woodstock Festival. Because of the relationship of the founding Dutch population to the Dutch Reformed Church, the part religious persecution played in the large Palatine immigration, and the way the cosmopolitan temperament of their skilled workers was encouraged by the first industrialists, many historically significant sites relate to worship. At one such site (Trinity Church) can be found the world renowned William Morris stained glass window. All of this is historically significant locally, regionally and even internationally. 20. Burial Grounds Ancient burial grounds associated with a single family, a settlement, or a local church are found throughout Saugerties. Some are on roads, but many are lost in the woods on private land, only accessible by now abandoned pathways. Finding out about these "lost" burial sites occurs in strange ways. For instance, the one for the Wynkoop family is only known because of a listing by Congress as the last resting place of an officer in the Revolutionary War. All cemeteries and burial grounds are protected by law and it becomes the responsibility of the community to make sure their
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wherein such condition or use in violation of this chapter exists or in an adjacent district and who are jointly or severally aggrieved by such violation, may institute such appropriate action, charge, or proceeding in like manner as such enforcement officer is authorized ยง 210-47. Penalties for offenses. [Amended 8-16-2010 by L.L. No. 4-2010] A violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a misdemeanor and shall be subject by a maximum fine of $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. Each week of continued violation shall constitute a separate additional violation. If more than one provision is violated, each provision violated shall be considered a separate misdemeanor, each liable to maximum penalties as herein specified. ยง 210-10. Official Zoning Map. The location and boundaries of the zoning districts established in ยง 210-9 are shown on the map entitled "Official Zoning Map of the Village of Saugerties." Said map together with everything shown thereon and all amendments thereto is hereby adopted by reference and accompanies and is declared to be an appurtenant part of this chapter. Said map indicating the latest amendments shall be kept up to date in the office of the Village Clerk for the use and benefit of the general public.
TOWN OF SAUGERTIES HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE Local Law #3, 2004, amended as Local Law #3, 2008, as amended, 2011 Historic Preservation Ordinance AN ORDINANCE related to the establishment of landmarks or historic districts in the Town of Saugerties; herein after, the "Town". Section 1. Legislative Intent. Pursuant to Article 5, Sec 96-a, and Article 5-K, New York General Municipal Law; Article 4, Parks, Recreation and Historical Preservation Law; and National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, it is hereby declared as a matter of public policy that the protection, enhancement and perpetuation of landmarks and historic districts are necessary to promote the cultural, economic and general welfare of the public. The Town has many significant and interrelated historic resources that constitute its heritage. These include architectural and cultural properties, archaeological sites, cemeteries as well as important land and maritime transportation routes and the remains of early industrial, commercial, agricultural, recreational and artistic sites. Inasmuch as the identity of a people is founded on its past, this article is intended to: A. Protect, enhance and promote the landmarks and historic districts which present distinctive, informative and educational elements of the historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural heritage of the Town; B. Focus and stimulate attention on and foster civic pride in the historic accomplishments and resources in the Town; C. Protect and enhance the attractiveness of the Town to residents and visitors, thus supporting and providing stimulus to the local economy; and D. Ensure the harmonious, orderly and sensitive development of the Town. Section 2. Commission Established. There is hereby established a commission to be known as the "Historic Preservation Commission of the Town of Saugerties," hereinafter referred to as the "Commission." Section 3. Membership; Terms of Office; Officers; Meetings; Quorum. A. The Commission shall consist of five members who shall be appointed by the Town Board. Four (4) of the five (5) members shall be residents of the Town of Saugerties. One (1) of the five (5) members of the Commission may be a nonresident of the Town. Persons who have demonstrated significant interest in and commitment to the field of historic preservation, evidenced by involvement in a local historic preservation group, employment or volunteer activity in the field of historic preservation, or other serious interest in the field, shall be eligible for appointment as members of the Commission. The Town Historian shall be an ex officio member of the Commission. B. Commission members shall serve for a term of four years, with the exception of the initial term of one of the members which shall be one year, one which shall be two years, one which shall be three years, and two which shall be for four years. C. A Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be elected by and from among the members of the Commission.
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
D. The Commission shall meet at least every two months but meetings may be held at any time on the written request of any two of the Commission Members or on the call of the Chairperson or the Supervisor. E. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of three of the Commission's members, but not less than a majority of the full authorized membership may render a decision regarding landmark status or grant or deny a Certificate of Appropriateness. Section 4. Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the Commission shall include: A. Adoption of criteria for the identification of significant historic architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and for the delineation of historic districts; B. Conduct surveys of significant historical, architectural, archeological and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the Town; C. Designation of individual landmarks and creation of historic districts; such designation to be subject to disapproval supported by findings by the Town Board within 45 days of enactment of the designation and filed as approved if no action is taken in this time. D. Approval or disapproval of applications for Certificates of Appropriateness pursuant to this ordinance. E. Increasing public awareness of the Town's historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing, publishing and distributing educational and promotional information and participating in public education programs; F. Promulgation of rules and regulations as necessary for the conduct of its business; G. Making recommendations to Town Board concerning the use of state, federal or private funds to provide information on and promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts with the Town; H. Making recommendations to the Town Board regarding appropriate zoning laws protecting historic, architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and to the Planning Board regarding applications for site plan review or subdivisions of real property containing landmarks or within a historic district; I. Making of recommendations to the Town Board concerning acceptance of donations or the acquisition of facade easements or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purposes of this ordinance; J. Recommending acquisition of a landmark property by the Town Board where its preservation is essential to the purposes of this ordinance and where private preservation is not feasible; K. Employment, with Town Board approval, of staff and professional consultants as necessary to carry out the duties of the Commission; Section 5. Designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts. A. The Commission may propose an individual property for designation as a landmark if it: (1) Possesses special character or historic or aesthetic interest or value as part of the cultural, political, economic or social history of the locality, region, state or nation; and/or 2) Is identified with historic personages; and/or 3) Embodies the distinguishing characteristics of an architectural style; and/or (4) Is the work of a designer whose work has significantly influenced an age; and/or(5) Because of a unique location or singular physical characteristic, represents an established and familiar visual feature of the neighborhood; and/or (6) Is listed on the State and/or National Registers of Historic Places, or which is the subject of a pending application for listing. B. The Commission may designate a group of properties as an historic district if it: (1) contains properties which meet one or more of the criteria for designation as an individual landmark; and, (2) by reason of possessing such qualities, constitutes a cohesive historic area of the Town. The boundaries of each historic district designated henceforth shall be specified in detail and shall be filed in the Town Clerk's office for public inspection. C. Requests for designation of an individual landmark or historic district may be initiated by any person or organization on forms provided by the Town Clerk.
markers and locations are preserved. A large attraction of an historic place like Saugerties is the record it preserves of its past. Genealogical visits by current generations of families that started out in Saugerties or the Hudson Valley is a common reason for a "tourists" visit. *** In closing, it is important to keep in mind that the purpose of landmark designation in Saugerties is to honor and preserve the physical representatives of these categories. These examples are the standard of reference the Commission uses when qualifying the historic significance of buildings, remains of structures and sites being reviewed for landmark status. Access to new, more powerful sources of information continues to place an obligation on the Commission under 4A of the Powers and Duties of the Ordinance. The examples given here attend to the currency of 4A, which is subject to periodic review and change. The second of the Powers and Duties in the Historic Preservation Ordinance is: 4B) Conduct surveys of significant historical, architectural, archaeological and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the Town. The survey presently used by the Commission was completed March, 2005 under a Preserve New York Grant Program that was initiated in 2003 before the Historic Preservation Ordinance and the formation of the Commission. A more comprehensive survey applying the above examples to identify landmarks and districts would provide a more representative inventory for supporting the activities of the Commission under the remaining Powers and Duties in section 4 of the Ordinance.
about the Town Ordinance
Why does Saugerties have an Historic Preservation Ordinance? NYS Municipal Law requires Towns to have a Master Plan to guide the application of their Zoning Ordinance. Saugerties enacted a Comprehensive Plan for this purpose on December 22, 1999. One main feature of the Plan, Goal #4, focused on preservation of the unique historic character of the Town. The history of the town was singled out as a quality-of-life asset to be
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considered when assessing any future development. Saugerties has one of the fullest ranges of history in all of New York State. It has been the site of events ranging as far back as the Discovery by Henry Hudson to the British fleet in the Revolutionary War; from early manufacturing in the Industrial Revolution to the Woodstock Festival's 25th Anniversary in the late 20th century. People seek to live and work in interesting places. The Comprehensive Plan recognized that preservation of the tangible representatives of Saugerties' past is important for attracting and retaining both private and public investment in the town. Goal #4.7 of the Comprehensive Plan was a recommendation that Saugerties pursue the benefit of becoming a Certified Local Government. This required the Town to have a survey of its historic assets, a preservation law and a qualified commission to designate and oversee preservation of the historic assets of the Town of Saugerties. In 2003 an Historic Preservation Ordinance was drafted to codify these concepts of the Comprehensive Plan into law. This ordinance was made a local law in 2004. This law charges a Commission with the responsibility of evaluating the town's historic assets and designating official landmark properties and landmark districts of the Town. A 2004-2005 survey funded by the Preservation League of the State of New York documented over 180 properties eligible for landmark status under State and National Register criteria in the Town of Saugerties, 60 of which were stone houses. Nearly 100% of the assets recorded in this survey were maintained by deeply caring and responsible owners in conditions sensitive to their historical importance to the town.
What does the Historic Preservation Commission do? The intent of the Historic Preservation Ordinance is twofold; to provide an educational and regulatory resource for the preservation of historic properties in Saugerties and to provide professional support and advice as to the proper preservation of properties to the owners of designated landmarks. The Commission serves this function by designating landmarks during informational public hearings and by providing an ongoing oversight over the preservation of designated properties through issuing Certificates of Appropriateness for any proposed work that may be necessary. It also serves as a resource to owners of undesignated historic properties for preservation advice and related information.
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D. Notice of a proposed designation shall be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested to the owner(s) of the property or properties proposed for designation appearing on the most recent real property tax rolls of the Town. This notice shall describe the property proposed and announce a public hearing by the Commission to consider the designation. Timely notice of this public hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the Town. The Commission shall make every effort to hold the public hearing within 12 days after the date this notice is published. Simultaneously with the mailing of such notice to the owner(s), the Commission shall cause a copy of the same to be delivered to the Building Inspector and to the Assessor for their respective review and comment. Once the Commission has issued notice of a proposed designation, the Building Inspector shall issue no building or demolition permits nor shall any material change be made to the appearance of the property until the Commission has made its decision. Notice of this restriction shall be worded in these transmittals to the Building Inspector and Assessor. E. The Commission shall hold its duly advertised public hearing on the date set forth in the notice prior to designation of any landmark. Testimony or documentary evidence at the hearing by the Commission, owner(s) and any interested parties shall become part of a record regarding the archaeological, historic, architectural or cultural importance of the proposed landmark or historic district. The Commission shall make a decision in writing within 62 days of closing of the public hearing and send by certified mail with return receipt requested a copy of its decision to the owner(s) of the property or properties and also deliver copies to be filed with the Town Clerk, with the Building Inspector and with the Town Assessor. The Commission's decision shall state the reasons for granting, modifying or denying a landmark designation. F. The Commission shall prepare and forward to the Ulster County Clerk for recording a notice of each property designated as a landmark or as part of an historic district. Section 6. Designation of Historic and Scenic Transportation Routes. Nothing in this ordinance shall preclude the Commission's designation of roads and/or maritime transportation features of the Town which meet the criteria set forth in Section 5. Once designated, the Town Board shall solicit the Commission's advice on their proper care, landscaping and construction, which advice shall be incorporated into standards used by the Highway Department. The Commission may be delegated to act as liaison with the State, County and Federal departments during construction and maintenance of maritime routes and Town designated historic and scenic roads. Any proposed changes, other than maintenance, to privatelyowned designated historic roads shall first be submitted to the commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness. The purpose of such designation is to maintain continuity with adjoining properties, alignment, unimpeded width of a minimum of 12 feet and existing surface materials. Section 7. Certificate of Appropriateness A. No person shall carry out any exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, demolition, new construction or moving of a building designated as a landmark or any property within a historic district, nor shall any person make any material change in the appearance of such a property, its light fixtures, signs, sidewalks, fences, steps, paving, major landscape feature or design or other exterior elements, including exterior lighting, which affect the appearance and cohesiveness of either the landmark or of the historic district, without first obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Commission. B. The Town Building Inspector shall be responsible for administering and maintaining records of the applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness, whether or not they are accompanied by an application for a building permit. The Building Inspector shall have the same enforcement capability with respect to a Certificate of Appropriateness that the Inspector exercises with respect to a building permit. C. No fees shall be collected for a Certificate of Appropriateness application. D. Before acting on any application for a variance, special use permit, site plan, building permit, demolition permit, sign permit or subdivision the Building Inspector shall first consult a current list of all properties designated as individual
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
landmarks or as contained within historic districts to determine the requesting property's status. Requests affecting a landmarked property or any property within a historic district under this ordinance or a structure or premises listed in the National Register of Historic Places shall be referred promptly by the Building Inspector to the Commission for its recommendations in order to facilitate the review process and for a Certificate of Appropriateness, if necessary. Section 8. Criteria for Approval of Certificate of Appropriateness. A. This ordinance does not regulate or apply to interior spaces. A Certificate of Appropriateness is not required for interior alterations. At the request of an owner of property which has been designated as a landmark or which is located in an historic district, the Commission may consult and advise on changes to interior spaces if they are open to the public on a regular basis. B. The Commission's decisions on all applications for Certificates of Appropriateness for building exteriors shall be based upon the following principles: (1) Historic properties shall be retained with their historic features altered as little as possible. (2) Any alteration of existing property shall be compatible with its historic character, and with the historic character of surrounding properties, if any. Changes that may have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a building, structure or site and its environment. These changes may have acquired significance in their own right, and this significance shall be recognized and respected. Contemporary design for alterations and additions to existing properties shall not be discouraged when such alterations and additions do not destroy significant historical, architectural or cultural material and such design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. (3) New construction shall be compatible with the historic character of its surroundings. C. In determining compatibility, the Commission shall consider the following factors: (1) The general design, character and appropriateness to the property of the proposed alteration or new construction; (2) The scale of proposed alteration or new construction in relation to the property itself, surrounding properties, and the neighborhood; (3) Texture, materials, form, massing, size, rhythm, spacing, structural elements, proportion, illumination and color and their relation to similar features of other properties in the neighborhood; (4) Visual compatibility with surrounding properties, including proportion of the property's front facade, proportion and arrangement of windows and other openings within the facade, roof shape, and the rhythm of spacing of properties on the streets, including setbacks, yards and landscaping; and (5) The importance of historic, architectural or other features to the significance of the property. Section 9. Application Procedure for Certificate of Appropriateness. A. Prior to the commencement of any work requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness, the owner shall file an application for such certificate with the Building Inspector. The application shall state, where appropriate: (1) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant; (2) Location and photographs of property; (3) Detailed description of proposed changes; (4) Perspective and elevation drawings, including relationship to adjacent properties; (5) Samples of color and/or materials to be used; (6) Where the proposal includes signs or lettering, a scale drawing showing the type of lettering to be used, all dimensions and colors, a description of materials to be used, method of illumination and a plan showing the sign's location on the property; or (7) Any other information which the Commission may deem necessary in order to visualize the proposed work. B. No building permit, demolition permit or other required permit shall be issued by the Building Inspector for such
Since there are relatively few historic houses in the town that are in need of designation by the Commission in order to save them, the Commission's role is more to see that the integrity of the well maintained resources of the Town are not undermined by unsympathetic development in their respective historic settings. Stone houses and other early examples of architecture from past centuries in Saugerties are generally now purchased specifically to be either restored or preserved in their restored state. Such properties have been good investments for their owners because they retain their values relatively insulated from the normal fluctuations of the real estate market. They often also command a premium when sold. Many of the historic assets of the town are farm-oriented. In the past decades this farm context was often lost when there was development of the farmland for modern housing, changing the historic setting and the overall historic fabric of the town. It is therefore also a responsibility of the Commission and the intent of the ordinance to provide the oversight that will enable both development and historic landmark to coexist in a setting sensitive to the needs of both. The Commission works with the planning board when a designated property or lands that relate to it are being developed in order to guarantee that the style and orientation of the housing is sensitive to the retention of the historic setting.
How does a property become a landmark? Designation of a property as a landmark of the Town is both an honor and a responsibility. Many owners who have invested much time and expense in a restoration would like this effort to be officially recognized through an historic designation. There is a form available from the Town Clerk that is used to begin this process. In some cases a request will be made for the Commission to designate an historic property that is in disrepair or is threatened in some other way. In those cases, the Historic Preservation Ordinance can be applied to prevent its loss to the Town and any citizen of Saugerties can submit the request form. The requestor need not own the property and the Commission need not have permission of the property owner to proceed with hearings on a request or to make a designation official. A third way that a property may proceed toward designation is for the Commission to select it from the 2004-2005 survey of the historic buildings of the Town. The Commission does this more to officially recognize the Town's inventory of historic structures then to show any need for oversight.
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What gives this Ordinance the right to designate without the property owner's permission? The purpose of the Saugerties Historic Preservation Ordinance is to maintain the historic character of the town. The Commission is mandated by the ordinance to act to designate when the town is threatened with the loss of an important historic asset. This may not always be in the best interest of the property owner. Prior to the 2004-2005 survey, three of the town's important stone houses appearing in the 1976 DAR publication, "Stone Houses of Saugerties", disappeared without any need for even a demolition permit. Their owners clearly felt that the location and setting of the older structure was more suited to the new home that replaced it. It is the spirit (and requirement) of the Historic Preservation Ordinance of the Town of Saugerties to prevent this from ever happening again. The main difference between local landmark laws and the laws that support the State and National Registers of Historic Places is this legal right to designate an historic asset without the permission of the current property holder. This is because it directly benefits the needs of a local population; it is a "home rule" law. Despite this difference the designation of a local landmark is NOT a "taking" of property. The only change in the owner's private property status is the Commission's oversight of any change made to the characteristics that have been recognized as historic during the designation process. A local Historic Preservation Ordinance is just like any other local maintenance law. The building department has laws to enforce the maintaining of a property for safety. The police department has laws to maintain order. Saugerties' Historic Preservation law is to preserve (maintain) the historic assets of the town. As enacted and as referenced in its preamble, the purpose and powers of the Historic Preservation Ordinance of the Town of Saugerties are the same as those of hundreds of other local preservation ordinances around the United States whose designations and oversights of historic properties have withstood legal challenges right up to the Supreme Court.
Is age the only thing that qualifies a property for a historic designation? There are many centuries-old properties in Saugerties. Not all can make the cut to qualify for designation under the criteria of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Saugerties has a very comprehensive record of its history. It is fortunate to have been a
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proposed work on a landmark property or a property within an historic district until a Certificate or Appropriateness has first been issued by the Commission. The Certificate of Appropriateness required by this article shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any permits the Town may require or any other laws or regulations. The Building Inspector shall refer such permit application for a landmark property or a property within an historic district to the Commission within 10 working days of receipt or by such other deadline established by the Commission. C. The Commission shall approve, approve with modifications, or deny a Certificate of Appropriateness on such permit within 62 days from receipt of the complete application. During this time the applicant or applicant's representative may meet with the Commission to consider alternative designs if needed, advice on technologies, available restoration skills and possible financial assistance. The Commission may also hold a public hearing on the application at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents and opponents of the application to present their views. D. All decisions of the Commission shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail, return receipt requested, and also a copy shall be filed with the Town Clerk and the Town Building Inspector for public inspection. The address used for such notification shall be the address of the applicant as shown on the application for the building permit. The Commission's decision shall state the reasons for granting, modifying or denying any application. E. Certificates of Appropriateness shall be valid for 12 months after which time the owner must reapply if the work on the certificate has not commenced. Section 10. Compliance with State Environmental Quality Review Act. The Historic Preservation Commission shall comply with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act under Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and its implementing regulations. Section 11. Enforcement. All work performed pursuant to a Certificate or Appropriateness issued under this ordinance shall conform to any requirements included therein. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to inspect any such work to assure compliance. In the event work is found that is not being performed in accordance with the Certificate of Appropriateness, or upon notification of such fact by the Commission, the Building Inspector shall issue a Stop-Work Order and all work shall immediately cease. No further work shall be undertaken on the project as long as a Stop-Work Order is in effect. Any non-conforming work shall be removed unless approved by the Commission. Section 12. Maintenance and Repair Required. A. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance and repair of any exterior architectural feature of a landmark, a property under consideration for landmark designation, or a property within an historic district which does not involve a change in design, material, color or outward appearance. B. No owner or occupant of real property designated as a landmark or included within a historic district shall permit the property to fall into a serious state of disrepair so as to result in the deterioration of any exterior architectural feature which would, in the judgment of the Commission, produce a detrimental effect upon the character of a landmark or a historic district as a whole or the life and character of the property itself. Examples of such deterioration include: (1) Deterioration of exterior wall or other vertical supports. (2) Deterioration of roofs or other horizontal members. (3) Deterioration of exterior chimneys. (4) Deterioration or crumbling of exterior stucco or mortar. (5) Ineffective waterproofing of exterior walls, roofs or foundations, including broken windows or doors. (6) Deterioration of any feature so as to create a hazardous condition that could lead to the claim that demolition is necessary for the public safety. C. The Commission shall conduct periodic surveys of buildings designated as landmarks to determine that they are not in a state of disrepair and that no alterations have been made in the features described in preceding sections of this article without the owner having first obtained a Certification
Honoring The Past and Looking to the Future: Guidelines for Identification and Preservation in Saugerties, New York
of Appropriateness. Assistance of the Building Inspector may be requested as required in such surveys. Section 13. Hardship Criteria for Demolition. An applicant whose Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed demolition has been denied may apply for relief on the ground of hardship. In order to prove hardship, the applicant shall establish that: A. the property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible; B. the property cannot be adapted for any other use, whether by the current owner or by a purchaser, which would result in a reasonable return; and C. efforts to find a purchaser interested in acquiring the property and preserving it have failed. Section 14. Hardship Criteria for Alteration. An applicant whose Certificate of Appropriateness for a proposed alteration has been denied may apply for relief on the ground of hardship. In order to prove existence of hardship, the applicant shall establish that the property is incapable of earning a reasonable return, regardless of whether that return represents the most profitable return possible. Section 15. Hardship Application Procedure. A. After receiving written notification from the Commission for the denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness, an applicant may commence the hardship process. No building permit or demolition permit shall be issued unless the Commission makes a finding that a hardship exists. B. The Commission may hold a public hearing on the hardship application at which an opportunity will be provided for proponents of the application to present their views. C. The applicant shall consult in good faith with the Commission, local preservation groups and interested parties in a diligent effort to seek an alternative that will result in preservation of the property. D. All decisions of the Commission shall be in writing. A copy shall be sent to the applicant by certified mail and a copy filed with the Town Clerk's Office for public inspection. The Commission's decision shall state the reasons for granting or denying the hardship application. If the application is granted, the Commission shall approve only such work as is necessary to alleviate the hardship. Section 16. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Historic Preservation Commission related to hardship or a Certificate of Appropriateness may, within 15 days of the decision, file a written application to the Town Board for review of the decision. Reviews shall be conducted based on the same record that was before the Commission and using the same criteria. Section 17. Penalties for Offenses. A. Failure to comply with any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed a violation, and the violator shall be liable for a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $250 for each day the violation exists. B. Any person who constructs, alters, demolishes or permits a property designated as a landmark to fall into a serious state of disrepair in violation of this article shall be required to restore the property and its site to its appearance prior to the violation. Any action to enforce this article shall be brought by the Town Attorney, who shall be entitled to recover, in addition to the fine, all costs and expenses incurred by the Town in pursuing compliance with this article. C. This civil remedy shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any criminal prosecution and penalty. Section 18. Separability Should any section, paragraph, division, phrase or provision of this ordinance be judged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such judgement shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged as invalid or unconstitutional. ADDENDUM TO HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE TOWN OF SAUGERTIES GLOSSARY OF TERMS ALTERATION - Any act or process that changes one or more exterior or designated interior features of a landmark. ARCHITECTURALLY SIGNIFICANT STRUCTURE - An architecturally significant structure is one which represents a rare or early example of a design that has become a widely known style associated with a particular architectural period. CONSTRUCTION - Any act of erecting an addition to an existing
part of the Corporation of Kingston since 1687 and to have had the benefit of the first 125 years of its history documented in that body's records. In addition, the 19th century record is fully available in the chronicles of the many industries that had their beginnings here. Thus, a property must have played a significant part in this record to be a landmark more relevant to the history of the Town than any other available candidate of comparable age. In the Historic Preservation Ordinance there are five criteria that qualify a property to be a landmark and only one has to be met for a designation. It must be proven conclusively that the property meets one or more of the criteria. In the criteria the architecture, local prominence, historic owner or State/National Register status are the principal factors under consideration. The Commission, by law, is made up of five volunteers, each having demonstrated knowledge of local history, architecture, and archaeology. In addition, the Commission has access to many professionals in the field of preservation that it may call to testify during the designation hearing for a property. This public hearing also draws on the comments of the neighbors and other citizens of the town. Only after a complete record of the evidence is collected does the Commission make its decision to designate.
Why should a designated property be taxed differently from any other? The taxes on a landmark property are the same as any other property comparable in living area and lot size. Designated landmarks are, however, given tax relief on improvements made to them that would typically raise their assessed value. For any improvement for which they must come before the Commission for a Certificate of Appropriateness there is a 10-year phase-in of the full taxes on the related re-assessed value. This is most important in regard to properties in need of major restoration efforts. The investment can be substantial. This 10-year break is a small way that the law allows the Town to thank the owner for providing this enormous community service. The restoration and preservation of designated historic properties adds social and economic benefits to the community. It is rare that the owner of any property in Saugerties is not aware of its relationship to an historic property in its neighborhood. Every hamlet and side road of Saugerties sports an emblem of an earlier era that a newer dwelling is proud to share its identity with. This proximity not only improves the value of their home but also helps to provide a sense of place and community that can only be possible when living in an historic setting.
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How does an owner of a designated property know what can and can't be done to it? The preservation ordinance relates only to exterior architectural or landscape aspects of a designated property that are visible from public spaces and interior spaces of a designated property that are open to the public. Any work requiring a building permit must, in the case of a designated property, also have a Certificate of Appropriateness (C of A) issued from the Commission before the building permit can be issued. The Commission is required to do a review of the work for the requested C of A at the next regular meeting after the request is submitted. The building inspector will supply the C of A forms to any applicant requesting a building permit on a designated property. It is strongly recommended that the applicant contact the Commission chair before submitting the forms to discuss the project being planned. This will expedite the review process. There are guidelines that the Commission uses when dealing with what is appropriate and what is not. These are applied to architectural elements such as the roof and windows. They also cover landscape elements such as stone walls and tree lines that do not require a building permit to change. Because of the variety of historic aspects of particular properties, the Commission is responsible for specifically enumerating those of an individual property in its designation documentation. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain these designated features and contact the Commission with any request for change. The law gives the Commission the power to have changes reversed if done without a C of A.
structure or the erection of a new principal or accessory structure on a lot or property. CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS - A permit issued by the Saugerties Commission for Historic Preservation allowing exterior alteration, restoration, reconstruction, demolition, new construction or moving of a building designated as a landmark or any property within a historic district. A certificate of appropriateness is required before any material change is made in the appearance of a landmark property or a property within a historic district. FACADE EASEMENT - A type of preservation easement derived from the charitable donation to an organization that is exempt from tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c) (3). A legal agreement designed to protect a significant historic archaeological or cultural resource in which the historic property owner is assured that the buildings facade (front) will be maintained, protected and preserved forever. FORM - The shape and structure of a building as distinguished from the material of which it is composed. HISTORIC DISTRICT - Any area containing a significant concentration of structures, landscape features, sites or objects having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance which are contextually united. LANDMARK - A designation which may include any structure, landscape feature, site or area having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance. MASSING - The architectural relationship between the various masses or volumes of a building, including proportion, profile, volume relationship and contour. REPAIR - Replacement in kind or refurbishment of materials on a structure. RHYTHM - The regular recurrence of similar features in a building. SPACING - The distance between any two objects in a usually regularly arranged series.
Must the property owner follow the guidelines of the Commission? A full seven pages of the ten page Historic Preservation Ordinance addresses the rights of the property owner. Should the guidelines of the Commission present a hardship to the owner the law allows the property owner to seek an appeal from the Town Board.
The Town and Village clerks offer their respective applications for a Certificate of Appropriateness for properties designated local landmarks or that are within an historic district.
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