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Lilies Flowers of Heaven & Another Heaven

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Starburst Quartz

Bottom floor ground depths The bed of a stream .

Retire, call it a day, rest Set in beds or transplant A grave, a hole dug in the ground To receive a coffin Then marked by a stone or mound . Vault tomb pit crypt Mausoleum, catacomb, burial chamber Resting place interment mound Barrow cromlech clay cairn Tumulus, dolmen, pine wooden shroud Cinerarium ossuary Sepulchre tomb vault bed . With Burren offering Spring Gentian, Birds foot trefoil & Mountain avens Our sacred flowers Taking the bare look off the Karst Tombs .


Lilies Flowers of Heaven & Another Heaven

Heaven & another Heaven is Ark of Peace with wall to ceiling Full of Lilies in bunches, bouquet wreaths garland chaplet Like miracle after miracle shown to me Giving off a Burren Floral Note of Heaven Scent . Lily of Genus Lilium, of Family Kingdom Liliaceae, Scientific Name Lilium Candidum Or Madonna Lily . Lily hue of Dove Peace & Freedom turning toward the White Light now We are all one we are all one Joy En-joy . Lilies are Flower of Heaven & Another Heaven .

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