Sacred Heart of The Burren
Bottom floor ground depths The bed of a stream. Retire, call it a day, rest Set in beds or transplant A grave, a hole dug in the ground To receive a coffin Then marked by a stone or mound. Vault tomb pit crypt Mausoleum, catacomb, burial chamber Resting place interment mound Barrow cromlech clay cairn Tumulus, dolmen, pine wooden shroud Cinerarium ossuary Sepulchre tomb vault bed. With Burren offering Spring Gentian, Birds foot trefoil & Mountain avens Our sacred flowers Taking the bare look off the Karst Tombs.
Lilies Flowers of Heaven & Another Heaven Heaven & another Heaven is Ark of Peace with wall to ceiling Full of Lilies in bunches, bouquet wreaths garland chaplet Like miracle after miracle shown to me Giving off a Burren Floral Note of Heaven Scent. Lily of Genus Lilium, of Family Kingdom Liliaceae, Scientific Name Lilium Candidum Or Madonna Lily. Lily hue of Dove Peace & Freedom turning toward the White Light now We are all one we are all one Joy En-joy. Lilies are Flower of Heaven & Another Heaven.