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There’s a Constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret

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Starburst Quartz

There’s a Constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret

(For Carolus Linnaeus, Prince of Bottany, “innocue vivito numen adest” “live righteously; the deity is present”)


There’s a constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret To name but a few East Alvar Vickleby in June Is a gardener delight of Early Marsh Orchid & Fly Orchid With splendid thick carpets of early Purple Orchid Yellow Elder Flowered & Green Winged Orchids Burnt Orchid & side by side like chums tiny Musk & Butterfly Orchids . Shining bright like a chain of maidens in different spark hues Orion Leo Scorpius Sagittarius Ursa Major Pisces Capricornus Cassiopeia & Ursa Minor Cygnus Bootes, Aquila Lyra, Canis Major, Auriga, Draco Delphinus, Centaurus, Leo Minor, Sagitta, Corona Borealis . It is the thin soil stratum from the Ice Age that makes Orchid rich Habitat . Stars glistening beautiful blossoming meanings like Apus a bird of Paradise or Aquarius the Water Bearer Or Aquila the Eagle or Ara the Alter Or Cygnus the Northern Cross Aries the Ram whose fleece became the Golden Fleece .

& Cygnus means Swan see him in The Milky Way With Lyra Latin for Lyre placed in the night sky To soothe anger & bring joy & Pisces Latin for Fish of the sky With Ursa Minor a small Bear little Dipper . It is the thin soil stratum from the Ice Age that makes Orchid rich Habitat . There’s a constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret To name but a few East Alvar Vickleby in June Is a gardener delight of Early Marsh Orchid & Fly Orchid With splendid thick carpets of early Purple Orchid Yellow Elder Flowered & Green Winged Orchids Burnt Orchid & side by side like little chums tiny Musk & Butterfly Orchids .

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