Sacred Heart of The Burren
There’s a Constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret (For Carolus Linnaeus, Prince of Bottany, “innocue vivito numen adest” “live righteously; the deity is present”) There’s a constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret To name but a few East Alvar Vickleby in June Is a gardener delight of Early Marsh Orchid & Fly Orchid With splendid thick carpets of early Purple Orchid Yellow Elder Flowered & Green Winged Orchids Burnt Orchid & side by side like chums tiny Musk & Butterfly Orchids. Shining bright like a chain of maidens in different spark hues Orion Leo Scorpius Sagittarius Ursa Major Pisces Capricornus Cassiopeia & Ursa Minor Cygnus Bootes, Aquila Lyra, Canis Major, Auriga, Draco Delphinus, Centaurus, Leo Minor, Sagitta, Corona Borealis. It is the thin soil stratum from the Ice Age that makes Orchid rich Habitat. Stars glistening beautiful blossoming meanings like Apus a bird of Paradise or Aquarius the Water Bearer Or Aquila the Eagle or Ara the Alter Or Cygnus the Northern Cross Aries the Ram whose fleece became the Golden Fleece. & Cygnus means Swan see him in The Milky Way With Lyra Latin for Lyre placed in the night sky To soothe anger & bring joy & Pisces Latin for Fish of the sky With Ursa Minor a small Bear little Dipper. It is the thin soil stratum from the Ice Age that makes Orchid rich Habitat. There’s a constellation of Flora in Stora Alvaret To name but a few East Alvar Vickleby in June Is a gardener delight of Early Marsh Orchid & Fly Orchid With splendid thick carpets of early Purple Orchid Yellow Elder Flowered & Green Winged Orchids Burnt Orchid & side by side like little chums tiny Musk & Butterfly Orchids.