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Catalog cover designed by Stephen Wagner Catalog interior designed by Karen Gutfreund Copyright 2014 by Arc Gallery & Studios


About the Exhibition: DARK What is dark, what was hidden, what needs to be revealed? This exploration of "Dark" showcases the artists' creation of new and alternative realities, where the worlds of landscapes, figures, architecture, objects, and natural phenomena are emphasized or subverted, revealed or obscured and investigates the many layers that surround our traditional sense of the real. The artist’s dreams are brought to light from the dark.

About Arc Arc Gallery & Studios features ten newly renovated artist studios, a 1,000 sq. ft. art gallery, two smaller galleries and an art education center, along with the Kearny Street Workshop office, the San Francisco Artist Network office and VEGA Blue Bottle Coffee kiosk. Arc is located at 1246 Folsom Street, between 8th & 9th streets in San Francisco’s SOMA neighborhood. (Arc is 3 blocks from the Civic Center BART station on Market Street) Arc supports the making of quality art in all media, provides a nurturing environment for artists to create their work, builds a community of artists to encourage exploration of art, provides resources for the professional development of visual artists, and promotes appreciation of the visual arts in the city of San Francisco. Visit http://www.arc-sf.com


Juror’s Statement:

The works chosen for the exhibition Dark exemplify the range of approaches that contemporary artists deploy to make sense of human vulnerability and uncertainty. Though many of the submissions were noteworthy, I chose works that I felt investigated the theme most coherently (or poignantly). The act of rendering visible the difficult, the uncertain, and the unconscious helps the viewer understand how the precarious nature of life can look and feel. The world we live in often feels shaped by catastrophic events, (both internal and external) and a sense of looming crisis seems to provide the structure of feeling of our time. I felt that each chosen work, in its own way, examined this concept and created its own rules of engagement as an aesthetic experience between artist and viewer. Nancy Toomey Toomey-Tourell Gallery September, 2014


Kanako Abe Descent into a dream Paper, 10 x 12 inches, 2014 5

Jane Alexander

Elaine Alibrandi



Photograph on canvas, 20 x 24 inches, 2014

Oil, aluminum foil on hollowed-out canvas, 26 x 30 x 3 inches, 2013




Carrie Alter

Jack Androvich

Son Of A...


Oil on canvas, 24 x 18 inches, 2013

Archival digital photographic print, 8 x 10 inches, 2011




Kimberly Ayers Darkness Within Acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 16 x 20 x 1.3 inches, 2013 8

Jamie Azevedo Untitled Photography, 8 x 12 inches, 2014 9

Michele Benzamin-Miki

Chris Bolduc

Still Life

Acts of Transmutation

Pencil on paper, 25 x 17 x 2 inches, 2006

India ink, paper, 15 x 21 inches, 2014




Elizabeth Bowler Atomized Oil on canvas, 84 x 72 inches, 2013 online

Paige Bradley Wrapped Caly wraped in silk (photograph only), 20 x 10 x 5 inches, 2006 online


Paige Bradley Into the Light Bronze, 14 x 12 x 12 inches, 2005 12

Richard Bruce Untitled Acrylic on paper, 27 x 34.5 x 2 inches, 2013 13

Andree Carter

Artpaul Cartier

Banana Tree Shade

Idaho Malt

Canvas, paper, thread, paint, 24 x 24 inches, 2013

Photograph, 8 x 12 inches, 2014




Hagit Cohen

Philip Coleman

Morning Glory

Going Home

Archival pigment print, 30 x 40 inches, 2010

Pigmented ink on archival paper, 16 x 20 inches, 2011




Arthur Comings Mechanic's Dream Corrugated black plastic base, metal trim piece, found plastic clamshell, antique box, 25 x 15 x 2 inches, 2014 16

Jeannine Cook Mombretia Maze Goldpoint on paper, 3.5 x 5.5 inches, 2013 17

Robert Corwin Nensi Digital painting, 38 x 25.5 inches, 2014 18

Barbara Danin Nocturne Watercolor, 22 x 30 inches, 2013 19

Elaine M. Erne Bear Hug Graphite pencil on paper, 45 x 39 inches, 2012 20

Joe Enright

Danielle Eubank


South Africa

Canvas, 48 x 16 inches, 2014

Oil on linen, 48 x 42 inches, 2011




DebiLynn Fendley Necessary Adjustments Graphite on paper, 18 x 18 inches, 2013 22

Barbara Fisher Glimmer Oil, oil stick, chalk on wood panel, 16 x 16 inches, 2013 23

DebiLynn Fendley

Ron Geibel

Three Little Pigs

Everything is Perfect 1

Graphile on paper, 12 x 18 inches, 2014

Porcelain, 11.5 x 5 x 5 inches, 2014




Ron Geibel Nascent Porcelain, wood, chrome hardware, spray glitter, 34 x 12 x 11 inches, 2013 25

Stanislav Groz Incomprehension Oil on linen, 28 x 48 inches, 2013 26

Bea Guttman

Benjamin Hersh


The Fall

Ink on linen, 49 x 37 inches, 2010

Red wine, ink, birch wood, 12 x 12 inches, 2013




Fred Holle

Martha Markline Hopkins


Corinthian White

Bristol paper, 2 ply, 18 x 24 inches, 2008

Acrylic on shaped canvas, 24 x 24 x 4 inches, 2013




Mary Hood Watch and Wait Paper and ink, 12 x 20 inches, 2014 29

Sandra Hunter

Brenda Hurst


Not Yesterday

Digital print overlaid with text on clear acrylic sheets, 18 x 12 inches, 2014

Gesso, acrylic, on wood panel, 8 x 8 inches, 2013 online



Paul Jermann February 21, 2014 Cut newspaper on plywood panels, 48 x 96 inches, 2014 31

Diane Kaye Heart of Darkness Archival pigment print, 25 x 25 inches, 2014 online


Maria Kazanskaya Mask 6 Ink on Arches paper, 30 x 22 inches, 2013 33

Myles Kleinfeld

Myles Kleinfeld



16 color digital ink jet print, 36 x 24 inches, 2013

16 color digital ink jet print, 24 x 36 inches, 2013




Ute Kuschnereit

Helen Leroy-Adler

Alien Self

Portland I

Archival photo paper, 16 x 20 inches, 2012

Acrylic on canvas, 30 x 30 inches, 2012




Noah Levin Koi Nocturne 11 Oil on wood panel, 10 x 25 inches, 2002 online

Andrew Lindsay Waterfall Of Tears At The Funeral Of My Friend's Daughter Acrylic and epoxy resin on canvas 20 x 20 inches, 2014 online


Drew McSherry Dark of Light Charcoal on paper, 19 x 25 inches, 2014 37

Tina Medina Chicomoztoc-Origines Watercolor, gouache, metallic powder, acrylic on wood, 24 x 24 inches, 2013

John Melvin Cancer-US Digital, 40 x 40 inches, 2014 online



Pamela Mooney

Liz Morrison



Oil on canvas, 11 x 15 inches, 2014

Sumi-e ink and Acrylic, 15 x 15 inches, 2013




Liz Morrison (a) Muse Sumi-e ink and acrylic, 15 x 15 inches, 2013 40

Sagan Newham Bound I Charcoal on paper, 30 X 44 inches, 2012 41

Jesse Payne Cloaked Graphite on black paper, 19 x 15 inches, 2013 42

Connie Murray

Lindsey Pearson



Mannequin, colored glass, found objects, paint 36 x 36 x 64 inches, 2014

Archival inkjet print, 16 x 20 inches, 2014 online



Bill Petersen

Dominic Quintana

Distraction Aided Their Escape


Graphite on paper, 10 x 12 inches, 2013

Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 inches, 2009




Jenifer Renzel The Styx Found objects, ephemera, 2-part epoxy clay, natural findings, mummified squirrel, 19 x 17 x 3 inches, 2014 45

Brian Row

Brian Row

In Transition

The House of Solitude

Mixed media, 12 x 12 x 12 inches, 2013

Mixed media, 24 x 12 x 12 inches, 2014




Aaron Thomas Roth

Melissa Shanley

Figure On Sidewalk

My Favorite Time of Day For Houseboat Exploration

Heat transfer collage melted onto 300 lb Arches watercolor paper, 15 x 15 inches, 2013 online

Polychrome photograph infused into aluminum panel, 20 x 24 inches, 2013 online


Sima Schloss Fissured Id Mixed media, 8 x 5 inches, 2013 48

Amy Siqveland Sunlit Church: Dark History Digital, 20 x 15 inches, 2014 49

Amanda Strain Offering Mannequin, glass, grout, found objects, acrylic paint, resin horns, 58 x 22 x 46 inches, 2014 50

Roi Tamkin Grip B&W Silver Gelatin, 16 x 20 inches, 2012 51

Joni Marie Theodorsen

Joni Marie Theodorsen

Untitled- black watercolor (3)

Untitled- black watercolor (5)

Watercolor on paper over panel, 60 x 33 inches, 2011

Watercolor on paper over panel, 60 x 33 inches, 2012




Joni Marie Theodorsen Untitled- black watercolor (4) Watercolor on paper over panel, 60 x 33 inches, 2011 53

Lauren Toomer

Michael Vintege

Dual Ry

Creepster 2

Graphite on paper, 30 x 22.5 inches, 2011

Photo, 18 x 24 inches, 2014




Kris Waid-Jones

Jon Wessel


Default Blue

Cast bronze with wood and fabric base 45 x 15 x 15 inches, 2014

Archival ink on paper, 39 X 36 inches, 2014 online



Jordan Weintraub Untitled Colored pencil on black Stonehenge paper, 22 x 30 inches, 2012 56

Jordan Weintraub Obedient NuPastel and Conte Crayon on black Stonehenge paper, 39 x 53 inches, 2014 online


Corinne Whitaker

Sheila Winner


Pink Fur

Digital painting on aluminum, 36 x 36 inches, 2013

Oil on canvas, 16 x 20 inches, 2009




ARTIST INDEX Kanako Abe, San Francisco, CA. page 5 Jane Alexander, San Francisco, CA. page 6 Elaine Alibrandi, Concord, MA. page 6 Carrie Alter, Chapel Hill, NC. page 7 Jack Androvich, San Rafael, CA. page 7 Kimberly Ayers, Livermore, CA. page 8 Jamie Azevedo, Santa Clara, CA. page 9 Michele Benzamin-Miki, Warner Springs, CA. page 10 Chris Bolduc, Kettle Falls, WA. page 10 Elizabeth Bowler, San Francisco, CA. page 11 Paige Bradley, Carmel, CA. page 11, 12 Richard Bruce, Cold Spring, NY. page 13 Andree Carter, Los Angeles, CA. page 14 Artpaul Cartier, San Francisco, CA. page 14 Hagit Cohen, Berkeley, CA. page 15 Philip Coleman, Philomath, OR. page 15 Arthur Comings, Fairfax, CA. page 16 Jeannine Cook, Townsend, GA. page 17 Robert Corwin, Chicago, IL. page 18 Barbara Danin, Ambler, PA. page 19 Joe Enright, San Francisco, CA. page 21 Elaine M Erne, Philadelphia, PA. page 20 Danielle Eubank, Tujunga, CA. page 21 DebiLynn Fendley, Arkadelphia, AK. page 22, 24 Barbara Fisher, Asheville, NC. page 23 Ron Geibel, White Plains, NY. page 24, 25 Stanislav Groz, San Francisco, CA. page 26 Bea Guttman, Walnut Creek, CA. page 27 Benjamin Hersh, San Francisco, CA. page 27 Fred Holle, San Carlos, CA. page 28 Mary Hood, Tempe, AZ. page 29 Martha Markline Hopkins, Fairhope, AL. page 28 Sandra Hunter, Simi Valley, CA. page 30 Brenda Hurst, Los Angeles, CA. page 30 Paul Jermann, San Francisco, CA. page 31 Diane Kaye, Aptos, CA. page 32 Maria Kazanskaya, Menlo Park, CA. page 33 Myles Kleinfeld, Pacifica, CA. page 34

Ute Kuschnereit, Sunnyvale, CA. page 35 Helen Leroy-Adler, Sausalito, CA. page 35 Noah Levin, San Francisco, CA. page 36 Andrew Lindsay, Novato, CA. page 36 Drew McSherry, Salinas, CA. page 37 Tina Medina, Dallas, TX. page 38 John Melvin, San Rafael, CA. page 38 Pamela Mooney, San Francisco, CA. page 39 Liz Morrison, Columbus, OH. page 39, 40 Connie Murray, Redding, CA. page 43 Sagan Newham, West Lafayette, IN. page 44 Jesse Payne, Brazil, IN. page 44 Lindsey Pearson, Nashville, TN. page 43 Bill Petersen, Sacramento, CA. page 44 Dominic Quintana, Astoria, NY. page 44 Jenifer Renzel, San Jose, CA. page 45 Aaron Thomas Roth, Tucson, AZ. page 47 Brian Row, San Marcos, TX. page 46 Sima Schloss, NYC, NY. page 48 Melissa Shanley, San Francisco, CA. page 47 Amy Siqveland, Minneapolis, MN. page 49 Amanda Strain, Redding, CA. page 50 Roi Tamkin, Atlanta, GA. page 51 Joni Marie Theodorsen, Oakland, CA. page 52, 53 Lauren Toomer, San Mateo, CA. page 54 Michael Vintege, Temecula, CA. page 54 Kris Waid-Jones, Phoenix, AZ. page 55 Jordan Weintraub, Portland, OR. page 56 Jon Wessel, San Francisco, CA. page 55 Corinne Whitaker, Palo Alto, CA. page 58 Sheila Winner, San Jose, CA. page 58


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