Modern and dynamic faculty Support of student individuality and uniqueness Intensive work with talented students Practice-oriented study programmes with high graduate employability Close cooperation with graduates and professionals Support of research and creative activities Study stays and internships abroad
About the Faculty The Faculty of Humanities was established in 2007, and with more than 3,000 students it ranks among the largest faculties at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The Faculty has a stable structure and unique study programmes as well as specialized courses which are to help students in their future careers. The Faculty is a respected workplace in the fields of English and German Philology, Social Pedagogy, Pre-School and School Education, Andragogy and Non-Physician Health Care Programmes. The Faculty is in close contact with many departments with similar focuses on education, research and publication, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. Education and research are provided by: DEPARTMENT OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES LANGUAGE CENTRE DEPARTMENT OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CARE SCIENCES RESEARCH CENTRE OF FHS
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures focuses on education, research and creative activities in the field of English and German Philology. The study is interdisciplinary and aims at the education of professionals in the fields of English and German Business Administration. The department actively collaborates with the Faculty of Management and Economics of the University regarding various management courses. The combination of philological knowledge of the English and German languages and knowledge concentrating on business administration enables the graduates to communicate professionally in multilingual and multicultural environments of domestic and international companies and institutions, and enables employment in philologicallyoriented professions. The study also includes compulsory corporate internships where the students enter genuine business environments, apply their knowledge and abilities from the studied subjects, and prepare for their future careers. The department prides itself on publishing an annual conference proceedings on Anglophone studies, Zlín Proceedings in Humanities, which is regularly included in the Web of Science database due to its professional quality.
Language Centre The Language Centre ensures education in nonphilological programmes of the Faculty of Humanities and other faculties at TBU in Zlín in the English, German, Russian, French, Spanish and Chinese languages. The professional language education follows specific requirements of the faculties and focuses on further preparation of graduates for the labour market. Apart from education in bachelor´s and master´s programmes, the Language Centre also develops professional language competences of postgraduate students at other TBU faculties. The Centre combines traditional teaching methods with modern, activation methods, and supports education through e-learning. Within the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Language Centre offers a wide variety of paid language courses for University students, professionals and the general public, with no regard to age and profession. By this the Centre helps to improve professional development and competitiveness in the labour market.
Department of Pedagogical Sciences
Department of School Education
The Department of Pedagogical Sciences focuses on the development of social and professional competences related to the fields of social pedagogy and andragogy. The department prepares professionals in the area of social welfare and education in both state and private sectors. Emphasis is placed on increasing socio-pedagogical competences of students during their compulsory practical training in social and educational facilities.
The Department of School Education prepares qualified pedagogical specialists in the field of preschool and school pedagogy, and secondary school teacher training in specialized subjects. The objective is to develop competences of future teachers at nursery, elementary and secondary schools as well as at specialized state and private institutions. The study includes compulsory practice training at pre-schools and schools, including the TBU Nursery School Qočna. The establishment of this facility was initiated mainly by the Faculty of Humanities and the Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme.
The department educates professionals who work in human resources of state administration, in the nonprofit sphere, local administration, budgetary and semibudgetary institutions, educational and cultural fields. Graduates are often employed in the field of geriatric care due to the aging of the population. The Department of Pedagogical Sciences runs a branch of the Czech Pedagogical Society and cooperates with the Association of Educators in Social Work. It also contributes to the Social Pedagogy journal, published by the Research Centre of the Faculty.
The graduates of specialized master´s degree programmes acquire theoretical knowledge in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, didactics and other disciplines necessary for the teaching of specialized subjects at secondary schools and higher secondary schools. The department offers a Lifelong Learning Programme in didactics for upper elementary, secondary, higher secondary school teachers in order to teach specialized subjects.
Department of Health Care Sciences
Research Centre of the FHS
The Department of Health Care Sciences educates students in health care programmes focused on nursing, midwifery and health and social care. The aim is the theoretical and practical preparation of highly qualified and fully competent professionals who are able to work at state and private health and social care institutions.
The Research Centre of the Faculty of Humanities is an independent scientific research workplace. It focuses on general and applied research in the field of school education and out-of school activities, and it also participates in research in the field of philology and non-physician health care programmes in agreement with the professional specialization of the Faculty.
Practical training uses interactive digital technologies and modern simulators, which significantly increases students´ professional preparation for the reality of clinical practice. Students´ compulsory training takes place in various clinical settings and is supervised by highly qualified professionals. The department also supports volunteering activities of students in health and social care institutions in state and private care system. Students also participate in volunteering activities of the Faculty. Within the Lifelong Learning Programme, the Department of Health Care Sciences offers specialized courses, seminars and workshops for professionals and offers lectures for members of the University of the Third Age at TBU in Zlín.
The Research Centre plans and undertakes national and international research projects. It develops long-term and steady international partnerships so as to cooperate in mutual international, comparative and human-oriented research. The Centre also provides research data analyses for other educational facilities and socially-oriented institutions. The Centre offers the doctoral degree programme in Pedagogy, study course Pedagogy which is the final tertiary degree offered in the area of education at TBU in Zlín. The graduates are also educated by highly qualified professionals from other departments. The Centre publishes a peer reviewed journal Social Education, which sets out to map the history and current development of social pedagogy in our country and abroad. The journal also provides theoretical and empirical data about the ongoing as well as completed research studies and issues in social pedagogy.
Science and Research The Faculty of Humanities engages in scientific research in the fields of English and German philology, pedagogy and non-physician health care programmes. The Faculty is involved in numerous national and international projects, and it also engages in specific University research. The emphasis is placed on team and interdisciplinary cooperation within the Faculty and the University as well as on international cooperation. The Faculty regularly organizes scientific seminars, workshops, conferences and symposiums that contribute to the dissemination of knowledge among professionals from domestic and foreign educational institutions.
Research ENGLISH AND GERMAN PHILOLOGY • Pluralism in Literature and Culture • Stereotypes and strategies in discourse
PEDAGOGY • Self-regulation in learning and behaviour of children, youth and adults • Support of junior researchers at the University • Socio-cultural diversity in education
NON-PHYSICIAN HEALTH CARE PROGRAMMES • Hospice and palliative care with emphasis on the pre-terminal and terminal stages • Lifestyle and reproductive health of the population • Health and social care in theory and practice
Lifelong Learning The Faculty of Humanities actively participates in the Lifelong Learning Programme. It offers long-term, accredited educational programmes of philological and pedagogical specialization. It also offers short-term language courses, specialized health care and education-focused activities for students, University employees, professionals and the general public.
Cooperation with Practice The Faculty closely cooperates with its graduates and other professionals so as to prepare students for their future careers and to increase their work potential. Numerous professionals participate in the education of specialized subjects, they are involved in supervising and reviewing theses, and they cooperate with the Faculty in organizing and implementing students´ compulsory practical training. Professionals also attend seminars, workshops and courses organized by the Faculty, which enhances their practical knowledge and skills.
Volunteering Given their professional orientation the students and employees of the Faculty engage in numerous volunteering activities. They cooperate with various volunteer centres and institutions and thus develop their pro-social skills, responsibilities and other competences necessary for their future practice.
The Faculty organizes or co-organizes many volunteering events. Students and employees annually participate in blood drives and charity bazaars, whose proceeds go towards medical supplies and equipment for those in need.
International Relationships The Faculty of Humanities has extensive international contacts. Students have unique possibilities to travel and study abroad. Also students from partner institutions have the opportunity for semester-long study stays at the Faculty. A great contribution comes from short-term lecturing stays of teachers from abroad and lectures of foreign professionals at international conferences held by the Faculty. The Faculty, its departments and the Research Centre also participate in various international projects. International applicants can complete the bachelor´s degree programme Philology, with a degree in English for Business Administration, offered in English.
Photos: Lenka Odstrčilová, TBU archives Graphics and pre-press: Michal Kupilík Printed by: Profi-tisk group s.r.o., Olomouc 2013 Contacts: Faculty of Humanities Tomas Bata University in Zlín Mostní 5139 760 01 Zlín Czech Republic Tel.: +420 57 603 2008 E-mail: