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Water and waste system
The UEA Enterprise Centre is a great example of a passive house that incorporates eco-friendly solutions for water supplies. Here are some more details about the specific watersaving features of the building:

Rainwater harvesting system: The roof of the building is designed to collect rainwater, which is then stored in a tank and used for non-potable purposes such as flushing toilets and watering plants. This helps to reduce demand for clean water and also helps to prevent storm water runoff.
Water-saving solutions:
The building is equipped with watersaving fixtures such as low-flow toilets and faucets, as well as waterefficient appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. These help to reduce water consumption and save energy.
Rainwater & greywater recycling: In addition to the rainwater harvesting system, the building also has a greywater recycling system that treats wastewater from sinks and showers and recycles it for use in toilet flushing. This reduces the amount of clean water that is used for nonpotable purposes.
Refuse & recycling provision:
The building has a comprehensive waste management system that includes recycling bins and waste reduction measures. This helps to reduce the amount of waste that is sent to landfills and promotes sustainable practices.
Flood protection:
The building is designed to be resilient to flooding and incorporates measures such as raised floors, flood gates, and drainage systems to protect against flood damage.
This helps to reduce the risk of property damage and ensures that the building can continue to operate during extreme weather events.