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Day 4 - Final Critique with another student groups, Final Feedback
We returned to our original location to destroy the construction. Each screw and nut was replaced, and the wire and timber used for braces were deposited in a separate garbage box.

We got a privilege to compare the final design with other group. After that we share the thought with our friend and make a final conclusion. We realised that the same ideas has been tasted on the various structures and gave a different outcome.

Since the mortise joints were loose, generating gaps in our joints produced structural issues. The timber batons we used were bent and cupped, making it difficult to make a consistent frame. As a result, some joints were tight while others were lax. This taught us that every piece of wood functions differently; the straighter the wood, the closer it was cut to the centre.
The 4 Days Mudchute Workshop was a great experience that gave me a lot of practical knowledge. I am glad that I could spend these 4 days on honest, productive work because now I can use the experience in creating new architectural drawings.