The project is fundedbythe European Commission. The content of the publica on reflects the views only of the author. The Na onal Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that maybe made of the informa on contained therein.
The project is funded by the European Commission. The content of the publica on reflects the views only of the author. The Na onal Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the informa on contained therein.
1 Introduction
Cultural Tales from the participants
Daily Tales from the participants
Youthpass ERASMUS +
Creating your own Fairy Tales Partner Organisation
7 Thanks to Anefore
TEIS - Tales Empowers Inclusive Societies
, ayouthexchangeprojectthatunitestalesforimprovingtheknowledge, skills, and competencies of its participants, partner organizations, and participating communities contributing to sustainable growth and ensuring equity, prosperity, and social inclusion in Europe and beyond. TEIS project is creatively tackling tales to meet the needs of social inclusion, solidarity, cultural dialogue, and tolerance in Europe, topromoteinclusionandequity.Theoverallprojectaimsatcommunity development, creativity, arts, and culture as well as the prevention of conflicts andpost-conflictrehabilitation.
1 T
The Fairytales Journey Begins
Duringthatdayweweresplitintoafewgroups.Wewerepreparing ourculturetalestoshowthemlatertoothergroups.Thoseactivities gaveusalotofconfidenceandimprovedourknowledgeofvarious cultures.What’smore,itwasoneofthefirstactivitiesontheproject TALES!
We get a remarkable chance to get along with each other, make friendsandimproveoursocialskills.Itwasagreatbeginningofthe week ahead full of surprises. I reckon all of us have been waiting for that day since we decided to be in! Thankfully, the facilitators Tugay from Turkey and Jonathan from Luxembourg were pre y helpful and kept supporting us by taking part in activities. It was an unforge able experience for all of the participants to be a part of the whole initiative and take a life lesson through non-formal education.
The Fairytales Journey Begins
It is said that Count Siegfried of the Ardennes, who was living in Koerich, was a keen hunter. On one of his hunting trips, he lost his way and ended up in the beautiful Alze e valley. While admiring the area and viewing the ruins of an old Roman castle on an ominous-looking cliff he heard a wonderful song, more beautiful than he had ever imagined, come from the rock. Siegfried looked around and soon saw a beautiful girl si ing high among the ruins of the old castle. It was Melusina of the Alze e valley. Exhausted from his trip and overwhelmed by the sight of such beauty, Siegfried fell asleep. He awoke the next day and headed backtoKoerich.However,hecouldnotforgetMelusinaandlonged to see the beautiful girl again and listen to her breathtaking song.
So, he returned to the Alze e valley day after day, and as if by miracle one day found himself face-to-face with the bewitching Melusina. Peeping through the hole, he saw Melusina lying in her Roman bath combing her long, blond hair and humming the most melodious tune. However, as he looked closer he soon realized that his wife’s feet were replaced by a disgusting, slimy fishtail.
Siegfried gasped in horror and Melusina, realizing what had happened, vanished into the cliff, never to be seen by Siegfried again. The Count instantly declared his love for her and asked for her hand in marriage. Melusina accepted Siegfried’s passionate offer, but she insisted on two conditions: firstly, she should never have to leave the cliff, and, secondly, she needed to be alone every Saturday.
The Count swore on his honor that he would meet those demands. For the marriage to take place Siegfried had to become the owner of the Bockfiels. He sold his land around Feulen in E elbrück to the Abbey of St. Maximin who, in turn, gave him the Alze e valley containing the rock that Melusina would not leave. Years passed and Siegfried was true to his word. He never interrupted his spouse on Saturdays; he never even asked what she was doing. However, as his friends became aware of the arrangement, they suggested Siegfried look, just once, to figure out what his beautiful wife would be doing in her room all Saturday. Alas, Siegfried couldn’t resist the temptation and he thought that one quick peek through the keyhole wouldn’t be a breach of vows. Today, it is still rumored that Melusina will show herself every sevenyearsandwaitforsomeonetofreeherfromtheAlze eRiver.
Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved his daughter so much. The relationship between the girl and her father is very strong because the queen died giving birth to the princess. She had a lonely childhood and she grew up only with his dad, and for the emperor. The most precious thing in life is his daughter, as the only surviving relative of the emperor is his daughter. While she was growing up an oracle visited the emperor . And that’s how it all started The oracle told the emperor that his daughter will die when she is 18. The emperor could not stand it. It was the emperor’s greatest fear. So he refused to believe him...
And they start to argue and the emperor orders the oracle to be killed. He then thought of building the tower to keep her away from the land to protect her from her early death. The emperor was terrified and could not believe the oracle but he wanted to protect his daughter. The emperor gathered all the architects in his kingdom and asked them to build the safest building in the world. After a long time of planning, the emperor finally decided on the safest building in the world. Which is in the middle of the sea. He ordered the tower to be built in the middle of the Bosphorus, after the construction of the tower, the princess put there she was occasionally visited by her father. On her birthday she was given a basket full of fruits by her father, when she was reaching the basket, a hidden snake was inside the basket and bit the princess and she died as the oracle had predicted.
Moral of the story: You cannot change the destiny
Thelegendofthe WawelDragon
A long time ago, when the Polish lands were ruled by King Krak, a dragon appeared in Krakow. It was a huge animal, with green skin, a long tail, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. The dragon made its home in a den beneath the castle and demanded that a cow be sacrificed to it once a week. If his whim was not met, he would kidnap people. A pale fear fell on the citizens of Krakow, but there were a few daredevils who claimed they could defeat the dragon. Unfortunately, none of them returned from their expedition to the monster’s den. Both the king and the subjects had already lost hope of rescue...
Every week the herds of ca le shrank painfully, as the dragon always demanded the priest animals. They worried what would happen once it had devoured all the cows. When it seemed that all was already lost and the people of Krakow were facing annihilation, a poor shoemaker appeared at Krak’s court.
- My lord, I think I am able to defeat the dragon tormenting you, he addressed the king, bowing low. The laughter of the knights resounded in the royal hall.
- Look at him, the daredevil has been found.
- Don’t you know that the dragon can’t be defeated by anyone?
-Hehasalreadykilledmanyoutstandingwarriors!Howcanyoucompare with them?
However,theKrak wasa wiseruler andknew that no chanceto breakfree from the dangerous beast should be wasted.
- Well, cobbler. Defeat the dragon and you will be lavishly rewarded.
He killed the ram, then stuffed it with sulfur and sewed it up thoroughly.Hethrewitonhisbackandheadedtowardthedragon’s den. As quietly as he could, he snuck to the very entrance, threw the stuffed ram and fled. Soon a dragon emerged from the cave, luredbythesmelloffreshmeat,andspo ingtheram,immediately devoured it. The sulfur hidden in the animal immediately took effect, making the dragon extremely thirsty. He threw himself in the direction of the Vistula and drank, drank, drank...It seemed that another moment and he would drink the entire Vistula! And then suddenly there was a huge bang. The dragon drank so much water that it just burst. The ingenious boy became a hero of the whole city, and the king rewarded him lavishly. And in Krakow, to this day, at the foot of Wawel Castle, you can see the Dragon’s Cave and the fire-breathing statue of the Wawel Dragon, commemorating the heroic deed of the shoemaker.
Thestor of Rapunzuel
Once, a witch stole a baby girl named Rapunzel and took her to a tall tower with no stairs or doors, but only a window...
Rapunzel had long hair, which the witch used to climb up the tower. One day, a prince, passed by the tower, heard Rapunzel sing. He also saw the witch climb the tower. When the witch went away, the prince climbed up the tower. Rapunzel and the prince met and fell in love with each other. Soon, the witch returned. She cut Rapunzel’s hair and left her in a desert.
Ger any-Thestor ofRapunzuel
Then,shethrewtheintobushesand blindedhim.Manyyearspassed, andtheblindprincewandered aloneandreachedthesamedesert. HeheardRapunzel’ssong, followedhervoice,andfound her.Rapunzel’stearsofjoyfell intotheeyesoftheprinceand healedhisblindness.Theprince tookRapunzeltohiskingdomand marriedher.
The Flying Dutchman was a sea captain who once found himself struggling to round the Cape of Good Hope during a ferocious storm...
He swore that he would succeed even if he had to sail until JudgmentDay. TheDevilheardhisoath,andtook himuponit;the Dutchmanwas condemnedtostayat seaforever. Hisonlyhopefor salvation was to find a woman who loved him enough to declare herselffaithfultotheDutchmanforlife—noma erwhat.Totopit off, he could only stop sailing once every seven years, to go ashore and search for that one true love. Following that stormy overture, we see a ship struggling to reach port in a sheltered cover...
Netherlands-Thestor ofDutchman
The captain is a Norwegian named Daland, who lives nearby with his daughter, Senta. Another ship appears — a gloomylooking vessel with black masts and blood-red sails. Its captain is a legendary Dutchman. His latest seven-year stint is up, and the ship enters the harbor so the Dutchman can go ashore and search for love. The two captains meet, and Daland tells the Dutchman about his daughter Senta. Thinking she might be the woman he’s looking for, the Dutchman offers Daland his entire fortune in return for an introduction. Daland agrees, and the two ships sail for Daland’s home. When Daland’s ship lands, the other women leave to greet the sailors, and Daland arrives at home with a man Senta has never seen before. He’s a Dutchman, and she immediately notices his resemblance to the picture on the wall. Daland leaves the two alone. When the Dutchman professes his love, Senta agrees to marry him. She swears she’ll be faithful to him forever, and the Dutchman dares to think that he has finally beaten the curse. In port, we again see two ships — the worn and gloomy ship of the Dutchman, and Daland’s bright, white-sailed vessel. From the shore, local women and the men from Daland’s crew call to the dark ship and, gradually, its crew appears.
They’re a grim collection of men who share their captain’s fate — to sail the seas for eternity. On shore, Erik comes to Senta. He reminds her of old times and begs her to reconsider her love for the Dutchman. When she refuses, he accuses her of infidelity. The Dutchman has been listening in secret. Assuming that he has lost Senta’s love, he returns to his ship and prepares to set sail. Senta is determinedtosavehimandfollows,whileotherstrytorestrainher. As his ship is leaving, Senta frees herself and climbs to the top of a bluff. The Dutchman’s ship crumbles and sinks. A vision of Senta andtheDutchmanisseenoverthewater,andthemusicrevealsthe story’s ending: Senta’s sacrifice has brought the Dutchman peace.
Once upon a time the King of High-Hill was bi en by a flea but seeing how handsome it was he did not have the conscience to sentence it to death. So, he started feeding it every day himself, until hebecame bigger than a sheep. The King then had him flayed and his skin dressed. Then he issued a proclamation that whoever could tell what this skin was should marry the Princess.As soon as this decree was made known the people flocked in crowds from all the ends of the world to try their luck.
At last, there came to this trial an ogre who was the ugliest being in the world, the very sight of whom would make the boldest man tremble and quake with fear. But no sooner had he come and turned the skin round and smelt it than he instantly guessed the truth, saying, “This skin belongs to the king of fleas.”Now the King saw that the ogre had hit the mark, and not to break his word he ordered his daughter to be called.
Shehad afacelikemilk androsesand was suchamiracleof beauty thatyouwouldneverbetiredoflookingather.AndtheKingsaidto her, “My daughter, you know who I am. I cannot go back from my promisewhethera king or a beggar. My word isgiven, I must keep it though my heart should break. But it never does to judge hastily. Havepatiencethenanddonotopposeyourfather;formyhearttells methatyouwillbehappy,forrichtreasuresareoftenfoundinsidea roughearthenjar.Whentheprincessheardthissadsayinghereyes grew dim, her face turned pale, her lips fell, and her knees shook.
The poor princess took the hand of the ogre, who dragged her off withoutanya endantstothewood,totheogre’shouseornamented allaroundwiththebonesofthemenwhomhehaddevoured.Think but for a moment of the horror of it to the poor girl. One day the princess and the ogre were taking a walk, and while the ogre was notpayinga ention,theprincesswascalled bysomeacrobats who were sad and crying. They didn’t have a lot of time to talk because the ogre was reaching them, so they just gave the princess a knife todefendherself.Thenightaftertheprincesswasableto cutoffthe ogre’s head with the big knife. Thereupon they took the head with great joy to the King, who rejoiced at the recovery of his daughter, for he had repented a hundred times at having given her to an ogre. And not many days after the princess was crowned queen.
Búkolla and the Boy A story from Iceland Translated in English by Hofsstaðaskóli, Gardabaer ,Iceland Once there was a man who lived with his wife in a co age...
They had one son, but they weren’t very fond of him. There were only the three of them in the co age. The couple also had a cow, which was all their livestock. The cow was called Búkolla. One day the cow had a calf, and the woman herself sat with her while she was delivering. When the cow had calved and had recovered, the woman dashed into the house. The man and his wife went out to look for the cow, and they searched for it both far and wide but to noavail.Ontheirreturn,they were ina foulmood andtoldtheboy to get out and not come within their sight again until he brought back the cow.
A long time ago on the market in Bagdad there was a tile shop, where you could find every type of tile ever existed. Delegations from all around the world came to the shop to buy the best tiles for their new castles. Once a delegation from a far away country came and bought tiles to tile the most beautiful castle ever existed.
Among the tiles they bought there was a small simple gray tile, nothing differentiated it from all the others. It couldn’t be used in the ballroom, or the bedroom of a king or queen. The only one thing that was different about this tile was that it had a very kind soul. Unfortunately, it ended up being tiled in a torture room, in a basement of that beautiful castle, where no sun light ever reached the ground. The small tile was tied down to the other unconscious tiles around with a thicklayer of cement, and couldn’t moveevena small li le bit. It was stepped on, the blood of people tortured was sometimes covering the whole tile, so it could barely breath.
It has seen the worse criminals of the kingdom being killed in the room, it has felt the blood of generals of foreigner countries, and politicalprisonersbeingtorturedtotheirdeath.Itlastedahundred years, then the next hundred went, followed by the next and the next one. All over the centuries the tile was trying to move just with the power of its mind, as it didn’t have legs, or arms. When it finally could move just for a millimetre, the happiness took the whole mind of the tile. It practiced every day and night, until one day it could move so far to make a torturer stumble over it and fall down on the ground. The tile started to do it more and more often, and as the ground was very slippery and all tiled by the tiles made of the hardest stones, the torturers were often dying. Years went over. One day the small tile could move so high that it lifted the wall of the castle, and the castle fall together. The stones covered the whole floor, the ruins of the once the most beautiful castle in the world were forgo en for years, and with them a small kindhearted tile in a very basement.
Many years later a group of modern archaeologists found the ruined remains of an old road in the middle of a deep forest. The excitement of the scientists couldn’t be described by words. That road led to the ruined castle hidden under the thick layer of soils. They worked hard to put the stones aside and finally found a basement and only one tile that survived the collapse of the castle. The experts named it the oldest tile in the world and immediately placed it in a transparent vessel made of glass. They started to show the tile in museums all around the world, and people were looking at it with excitement and interest in their eyes. The tile was firstly even a li le bit shy, so it changed its colour to red. But it finally could see the sun, enjoy the love inpeople’s eyes, and it was finally happy.
Group2 HolyCow!
In the 22nd century in India, there was a cow named Krowa. She is now known as the holy mother of all cows and humans from all over the world...
She lived for centuries on the banks of the holy river Ganges. And by drinking the holy water, she grew stronger, wise, and eternally young. She traveled up and down in Indian valleys.And wherever she went. She was treated with utmost dignity. It was only when she went to the holy river’s estuary.
When she had another cow about slaughterhouses butches and people eating cows. She had to do something about it. She Mooooooed so loud that her calls were heard in all of Bangladesh andneighboringlands.Afterthat,theycow-createdandestablished a Cow-grass. In the following years, all the humans left Moondia, and all theother countries slowly degradedinto barren wastelands with no water, no plants, and no animals.
One day a young starving and exhausted cowboy came to the holy cow’s house. The boy rang the bell and collapsed on the doorstep. He was rescued and fed by the holy cow. The cowboy described in detailallthehorriblethingspeoplegothroughoutsideofMoondia. The Holy Cow was again appalled by the suffering other beings have to put up with. She let the young cowboy se le among cows, live with them, share food, tell stories and see for himself that a cow and a cowboy are not that different from each other. And so with time more and more humans were let into Moondia as cows learned to accept their once oppressors. With each coming year, more and more people came.
First dozens, then thousands, and at last millions of hungry, sunburned, and thirsty people sought asylum among the “Cowmooonity”!
There came so many that there was no more space to live, no more holy water to drink, and no more milk to drink. And so the only way to save more lives was for the Holy Cow to sacrifice herself and give up all the holy water stored in her to restore the exploited lands to create one Cowpire for all to live in.
Once upon a time, a king was si ing on his throne, hearing people arguing from his window about differences between them. So, one day he decided that it was time to solve this problem. He called the most famous wizard of the kingdom and asked him to make everyonethesamesoitwouldbeeasiertocontrolthem.Asaresult, everybodylosttheircolorandeverythingthatmadethemdifferent. Everyone became identical to each other. Centuries passed by and nothing changed.
Everyone remained with the same ideas and same values and started wearing dark clothes because with the values they even lost their emotions until the magic started fading. People who changed their color needed to hide because they would have been persecuted. A boy decided not to hide anymore, he wanted to fight for his differences, so he had the idea to create a secret group (gate) with everyone who understood that being different wasn’t a problem. The plan was to steal the wizard’s book to find a way to reversethemagicthathemade.Withthebook,theyfoundoutthey needed a stick froma magic tree which can be found only in a dark forest full of monsters. They fought with crocodiles, giant eagles, and other kinds of monsters. In the end, they were able to find the stick and faced the king.
He was forced to leave the kingdom and set it free with all his colors. People realized that even with all their differences, they were just the same but with different personalities and colors.
Once upon a time, there was a penniless minstrel who tried to reach out to the queen to obtain her favor. After he arrived at the queen’s palace, he was mad with disdain and disgust because of hissocialbackground,andthereforekickedoutofthepalace.What the queen and the court didn’t know was that the minstrel’s lyre was magic: when he played it for someone, he could discover their darkest secrets. So he wasted for the queen outside the palace and started playing for her, which led him to find out that she was an impostor who had killed the real queen to take her place. Later on, he managed to reach out to her and revealed that he knows her secret, then he demanded to become her husband and, therefore, the king.
When a poor farmer arrived at the palace with his family to ask for the rulers’ favor, the minstrel - turned into the king - refused to help them, but as the magic lyre could be played only by those who deserve it, it turned into dust as soon as he mistreated them, andhelosthispowerandadvantageover thecourt,whofoundout that he was blackmaılıng the queen and that she was an impostor. It turned out that the actual queen was the farmer’s daughter (as he rescued her before she died), who let the minstrel and the fake queen remain at the palace as her servants.
We understand that the farmer saved the real queen and protected herfromthefakequeen.Whentheminstrellosthislyre,everything became clear. Power is power in the right hands. The minstrel wanted to become king but didn’t earn his title fairly and rapidly got corrupted by that power.
Thestor ofUniqua
Once upon a time, a king was si ing on his throne, hearing people arguing from his window about differences between them. So, one day he decided that it was time to solve this problem.
He called the most famous wizard of the kingdom and asked him to make everyone the same so it would be easier to control them. As a result, everybody lost their color and everything that made themdifferent.Everyonebecameidenticaltoeachother. Centuries passedbyandnothingchanged.Everyoneremainedwiththesame ideas and same values and started wearing dark clothes because withthevaluestheyevenlosttheiremotionsuntilthemagicstarted fading.
Unig a-amer aid
People who changed their color needed to hide because they would have been persecuted. A boy decided not to hide anymore, he wanted to fight for his differences, so he had the idea to create a secret group (gate) with everyone who understood that being different wasn’t a problem. The plan was to steal the wizard’s book to find a way to reverse the magic that he made.
With the book, they found out they needed a stick from a magic tree which can be found only in a dark forest full of monsters. They fought with crocodiles, giant eagles, andother kinds of monsters. In the end, they were able to find the stick and faced the king.
Hewasforcedtoleavethekingdomandsetitfreewithallhiscolors. People realized that even with all their differences, they were just the same but with different personalities and colors.
LovembourgCit Tale
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Lovembourg. Lovembourgwasthemostpowerfulkingdomintheworldbecause of one thing, true love. This island got its power from the true love in the heart of the people. Lovembourg had a protector of love, King Balenciaga. This kingdom can’t be destroyed until someone has a true love for the king.
One day JoJo, the king of Iceland visited Lovembourg and even though Balenciaga was a spoiled king, they got along so well. They fell in love. They got to like each other a lot, but JoJo had his kingdom just like King Balenciaga, so he had to go back to his people.
Iceland was waiting for the return of their great and loved king, as JoJo spent 9 days with him. King Balenciaga was so worried about losing JoJo and if he truly loves him, he got corrupted by his thoughts before JoJo returned to Iceland, the king decided to seek desperately for help as his best friend, Katya the duchess of the Singles suggested him something.
-My dear, I know the person who can help you! Go to the middle of the forest and climb the highest mountain Wundagore, on the top you will find Ulyana, the scarlet witch. She knows the solution to every problem.
For that the king answered:
-Ooh la la! I need to find her my dear, thank you so much.
He finds the witch so easily; it looked like she was looking for him and not the other w… He didn’t want to go anywhere but near king Balenciaga, didn’t want to do anything just look at Balenciaga all day long. The king was happy and had no more fear in his heart. Hours went by, then days when one morning the bracelet opened. The witch was ready and waited for this day all this time. She enchanted all the people in Lovembourg to fall in love with JoJo, hoping that JoJo will fall for it, because if he has no true love towards the
King of Love then the kingdom is weak and the most vulnerable. Jojo was strong despite that he knewthatking Balenciaga kepthim next to himself with magic, he didn’t even look at anyone. He was just sad and disappointed because with a free mind he realized what happened.
LovembourgCit Tale inDudelange.
Balenciaga had a very big remorse in his soul because of what he did, he knew it wasn’t right. The spell only lasted 3 hours, more and more beautiful girls and boys cameafter each other to try their best to mesmerize him but he didn’t fall in love with anyone. The witch was boiling from anger so decided to make something even bigger. She saw JoJo’s past and used more powerful magic this time.JojowasinthegardenofthePalacewhenheheardsomebody calling his name:
-JoJo comes back to me, I am your love, and you are to me...
It was a beautiful girl from his past, his wife who died years ago. She looked exactly like the last time he saw her. She didn’t treat him well and broke his heart but his love for her never ran out completely.
Thefeelingoft st...
Foramomentortwo,hethoughthehallucinates,butitwasallreal, hertouchedherhug,butthistimeitdidn’tfeelthesameasbefore... Hedidn’tfeelanythingbecausehisheartwasoccupied.Hepushed her away and ran back to the palace. Seeing that nothing works the scarlet witch decided to go and get the crown by herself. She flew over the Palace and started to destroy its walls. They didn’t know who they face now. She entered the palace and caught JoJo and Balenciaga, she tied them up, took the bracelet, and asked a question:
-Choose Balenciaga! Your kingdom or the bracelet? U can keep the bracelet and be with Jojo forever in love but then you must give me the kingdom, I’m sick and tired of living in the mountains in a cold 11 square meters cave with 34 flatmates! I don’t even have a double bed or my bathroom and I can’t sleep at night because they party all the time. I deserve a kingdom! I can rule be er than you! All I want is my palace in Lovembourg.
-Sending all the most beautiful boys and girls or his lost wife after him instead of myself was mercy.
-All this for a boy you met 10 days ago Balenciaga? So, choose! The bracelet or the kingdom?
The King answered:
For goodness’ sake! Why do you want my kingdom? I don’t understand but you know what my dear?
I don’t need the kingdom if he truly loves me. But please promise me you will take care of my people.
At that moment JoJo saw how much he liked him, so forgave everything, the witch got the kingdom and promised him to be a good Queen, King Balenciaga and JoJo moved to Iceland and he helped JoJo to lead his kingdom and they lived a beautiful life happily ever after...
The Daily Tale.
On the 23 rd ofAugust the project „Tales Empower Inclusive Societies“ started in Dudelange, Luxembourg. The young people from 7 different countries arrived ready to work on the topics of solidarity and building trust between communities through European tales and storytelling. The first day’s activities were focused on ge ing to know each other and introducing the ins and outs of the youth exchange. Participants also had a chanceto express theirdreams,fears andexpectations about the project. In the evening the first activity related to the cultural exchange took place...
During the inter cultural dinner the participants presented traditional dishes of their home countries and had an opportunity to work in their national teams preparing the food in the venue‘s kitchen.
-Ulyana Hilabtsova
It all started on the beautiful morning of August 23rd. We fused with a fun name-recall game and learned our hobbies. Rules, gossip, penalties, portrait drawing game with imaginary friends, and inter cultural dinners were just the beginning. Each day we are woken up with positive energy games or exercises. We got to know each other be er through group activities, party games, and evening festivities. -Said.
Storytelling & Posters
To make more connections and create meaningful relationships, as a follow-up to storytelling, participants were asked to share their favorite national tales as part of a country-based group.
The activity consisted of two main parts: rehearsal and performance. In termsofrehearsal, they were providedwitha variety ofcostumes, forroles such as a prince, an angel, and a devil to name but a few. National groups were invited to dress up as their character in the story they were about to perform.
During the rehearsal, participants presented stories using music and voiceover in addition to the costumes to make them more interesting and clearer to the public. When it comes to actual performance, once the groups were completely ready to play their national stories, they were taken to Luxembourg city to perform what they had prepared so far for locals. Seven theatrical performances drewthe public’s a ention, and in the end, the audience applauded them as they were impressed.
- Javid Safarov
On the 24th of August The Erasmus youth group was split into groups which received a task of designing a poster that summarized stories from different countries. To finish the task, the groups presented their storyboards that were very unusual but also really fun. Following a similar format, newly reformed groups created a poster defining the word culture. Despite many differences between participants and cultures it turned out that the idea of a culture, the role of a story in it and even some parts of our cultures have a lot in common.
-Paweł Ciasnocha
It’s different cultures that make the world go ‘round at the end of the day.
Performing Luxembourg City
The 26th of August started with a trip to Luxembourg. The participants wenttoParcdeVilleandperformedfairytalesinfrontofamostlychildren and parent crowd.
Seven national fables were performed: “Maiden’s Tower” from the Turkish team, “The Wawel Dragon” from the Polish team, “The Flea” from the Italian team, “The Flying Dutchman” from the Dutch team, “Rapunzel” from the German team and” Bukotla” from the one-man Iceland team. Everyone has prepared their tales with great care and passion. The performances were filled with laughter from both the stage and the audience.
The experience has enhanced participants’ public performance skills, through the exercise the performers and the local crowd have been given a chance to partake in a variety of cultures through fairy tales.
In the afternoon the participants had time to enjoy the beautiful Luxembourg City and exchange cultures further. They tried local foods and a ractions, explored local landmarks, museums, and the annual funfaircalled“Shueberfouer”.TheItalianandTurkishteamsate“Doner” from turkey and tried Italian “Gela o” as a part of the cultural exchange in the city.
Fariza Amankeldikyzy
Inter-cultural nights
Participants, of course, need some free time. They come together and find an opportunity to get to know each other. It is the best way to learn something about new cultures and to make friends.
Therewasplentyoftimeforsocializing,withcoffeebreaks,groupactivities, travel, and also close relationships founded during the project. People danced and made heart-warming conversations around the bonfire. Coffee breaks were also fun and productive. People could find time to gather ideas, clean their minds and freshen themselves for the next activities. Lots of caffeine helped with energy levels as well. As a result, we had fun in our free time and it was the best part of the project without any doubt.
Ahmed Kendirli
We had fun...
Being so many people from different countries, there are lots of things that can be shared between us. That’s why every day the intercultural nights are organized, where each group can show their homeland and its peculiarities. Watching cultural and historical videos, sometimes funny ones are usually the main activity, followed by each country bringing a typical game that everyone can play and enjoy. These nights are also a way to come closer to people and create a bond in just 9 days.
Francesca Romana Aureli
Youthpass is a European recognition instrument for identifying and documenting learning outcomes that are acquired in projects under the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programs. Youthpass promotes individual reflection and awareness about learning and helps to make learning outcomes visible for the learners themselves as well as for others. It aims to reinforce reflective practices in youth work and solidarity activities, thereby enhancing their quality and recognition. It also supports the continuedpathwaysofyoungpeopleandyouthworkersandraises the visibility of the value of European engagement.
All participants of the projects approved under the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programs are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate, and thus recognized for their non-formal learning outcomes.
The responsibility to issue the Youthpass certificates to the participants/volunteers, incasetheywishto receivethem,lies with the organization that signs the contract for the Erasmus+ grant.
Since its launch in 2007 till September 2019, more than 1.000.000 Youthpass certificates have been issued. On behalf of the European Commission, the SALTO Training and Cooperation Resource Centre has been in charge of the development and implementation of Youthpass since 2005.
What is the Youthpass for ?
WhilecreatingtheirYouthpasscertificatetogetherwithasupport person, project participants are given the possibility to describe what they have done in their project and which competencies they have acquired. Thus, Youthpass supports the reflection upon the personal non-formal learning process and outcomes.
As a Europe-wide recognition instrument for nonformal learning in the youth field, Youthpass strengthens the social recognition of youth work.
YouthpasssupportsactiveEuropeancitizenshipofyoungpeople andyouthworkersbydescribingtheaddedvalueoftheirproject.
Youthpass also aims at supporting the employability of young people and youth workers by raising their awareness of and helping to describe their competencies, and by documenting their acquisition of key competencies on a certificate.
More information
Youthpass website: h ps://
Examples of certificates: h ps:// demo-certificates/
Hanbooks: h ps:// handbooks/
This booklet was created by participants from the project “Tales Empowers Invlusive Societies” in Dudelange, Luxembourg.
Graphic & Design made by Michal Larysz
The project is fundedbythe European Commission. The content of the publica on reflects the views only of the author. The Na onal Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that maybe made of the informa on contained therein.