On Thursday, September 19, GCNKAA will host the Association’s 18th Annual Fall Golf Classic benefiting the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund. This year’s Fall Golf Outing will once again be held at Elks Run Golf Course on the east side of the city. Registration will open at 8 am with the scramble teeing off at 9 am. All net proceeds of this outing will be used to meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide backing for the legislative
committee’s political needs.
Foursomes are currently sold out; if you would like to be added to the wait list, email michele@gcnkaa.org. Sponsorships are still available.
The Fall Golf Outing Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund offers several sponsorship opportunities for all our members. As a vendor, a sponsorship gives you the chance to get your company name out in front of 136 decision makers in the multi-family housing industry. As a Primary Member, sponsorship shows your support of the legislative efforts of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. After all, all net proceeds directly benefit our Industry Defense Fund which is used to fight or support vital legislation at the local, state and federal levels. Hole sponsorships are sold out but we still have several other sponsorships available. For more details, see page 19 inside this newsletter or visit www.gcnkaa.org/events .
Don’t miss your chance to reserve space for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) 2025 Trade Show scheduled for Tuesday, March 11 at Sharonville Convention Center. Early bird pricing of $750 per booth is available through October 1. After October 1, the price per booth increases to $800 per booth.
The annual GCNKAA trade show will be the marquee networking event in multifamily housing in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky area. Associate members have the opportunity to promote their products and services to more than 450 community member attendees.
This fun - yet professional - themed event features more than 80 booths that fill up Sharonville Convention Center with the sound of excitement and making great connections.
Revised education opportunities, expanded leadership forums, the VIP Preview Hour and a plethora of sponsorship opportunities will guarantee to get your company name and information out in front of your current and potential customers.
To reserve your booth, click here.
Watch for the Trade Show Prospectus to launch in early August.
Enhance leasing compliance and delivery with the NAA Click & Lease. Available in all 50 states, DC, and Canada, more than 3000 property management companies, representing 25,000 properties and 8 million units all use the lease. Below are some of the reasons why:
• Compliant: You are protected. NAA Click & Lease packages are the industry standard and are reviewed annually by attorneys across the nation.
• Convenient: You gain efficiencies. Our lease is compatible with most PMS, enabling a simple experience from start to finish. And you get access to the largest library of customizable lease forms that are flexible to fit your needs.
• Cost-Effective: You save money. NAA’s nationwide network of legal counsel does work to keep forms up-to-date, saving you from in-house legal teams.
• Compliant Forms: Lease forms are automatically updated through an annual review and an ongoing form compliance oversight at the local, state and national level when laws and regulations change.
• PMS Integration: The multi-user platform integrates with most property management software.
• Online & Paperless: Fully automated application and leasing process, including fully embedded eSignatures.
• Simple Application: Simple, online rental application helps keep information in one place and optimizes the application process for prospective residents.
• Customizable Database: Users can setup a lease database that stores information for each community in your portfolio.
• Litigation Defender Insurance: Triggered whenever a plaintiff challenges a provision of the NAA Click & Lease Form. (Contact NAA for Terms and Conditions). For more details, click here.
Diamond Sponsors
Village Green Mgmt President mjoy@villagegreen.com
JUSTIN SEGER HILLS Properties Vice President JustinS@hillsinc.com
MEGAN LAWHON PLK Communities Secretary megan@plkcommunities.com
Vinebrook Homes Immediate Past President rpmhousingpro@gmail.com
Mark Arnold, Royal Finish Associate Council 2nd Vice President
Lloyd Cobble, CIG Communities
Brian Fullenkamp, Legacy Management
Rod Herper, National Credit Systems Associate Council 1st Vice President
Todd Hignite, Hearth Home Communities
Lisa Isham, CMHA
Oksana Lukjanenko, Denizen Management
Mike Markus, BRG Apartments
Jordann Morgan, Fath Properties
John Recob, Towne Properties
Grant Saunders, Hays + Sons Restoration Associate Council President
Charles Tassell, Parliamentarian Cornerstone Redevelopment
Elizabeth Werner, Sandstone Properties
Rebecca McLean, Executive Vice President
Pat Crowley, VP of Governmental Affairs
Michele Klusman, Director of Communications & Programs; Apartment Advantage Editor
Rick Holste, Director of Membership Sales
Zach Jameson, Accounting, Database & Office Coordinator
James Combs, Education & Social Media Coordinator
Susan Peck, AA Outreach Coordinator
Nicole Metz, Membership Coordinator and Office Administrator
2023...Tonya Petersen
2022...Tonya Petersen
2021...Don Brunner
2020...Don Brunner
2019...Jud Oscherwitz
2018...Jud Oscherwitz
2017...Stacy Walton
2016...Stacy Walton
2015...Rusty Lykes
2014...Rusty Lykes
2013...Maria Stanton
2012...Maria Stanton
2011...Jeff March
2010...Brian Fullenkamp
2009...Brian Hendy, CPM
2008...Brian Hendy, CPM
2007...Becky Alejandrino, CPM
2006...Marc Cameron, CPM
2005...Marc Cameron, CPM
2004...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP
2003...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP
2002…Jim Ruh
2001…Jay Ingram, CPM
2000…Roy Wergers
1999…Roy Wergers
1998…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1997…Terry Sievers
1997…Dave Lockard
1996…Jim Cohen, CPM
1995…Jim Ruh
1994…Mark Robinson
1993…David Noll
1992…Bernie Wessels **
1992…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS **
1991…Jay O. Ingram, Jr., CPM
1990…Ronald Bommer
1989…John Cobey
1988…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1987…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1986…Charles Berling
1985…Joseph Fullenkamp, CAPS
1984…John Stalnaker
1983…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS
1982…Harry Fath
**Apartment Association of N. KY merged with GCNKAA
Office Hours: Monday Through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Ad rates are for full color ads. Link from your ad to your website is included. Ads must be submitted as a press
Ad deadlines are the first of the month for the next month’s issue. Placement of articles and ads is limited to pre-set space and dimensions of the Apartment Advantage. Submissions may or may not be used and placement is at the discretion of the editor
CRAIG COFFMAN Uptown Rental Properties Treasurer ccoffman@uptownrents.com Apartment Advantage is a monthly publication of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236; phone (513) 407-8612; fax (513) 407-7868. For up-to-date information check out our website: www.gcnkaa.org.
By Melissa Joy, President
Melissa Joy Village Green Mgmt.
It’s simply unbelievable to me that it is already August. Summer has flown by and, while it has been a beautiful season and I am excited for the upcoming fall festivities, I am dumbfounded at how quickly time is evaporating. I feel compelled to use my space and time with you this month to get personal and share a message from my heart. The year 2024 marks my 30-year anniversary in the apartment industry. Many of you heard my installation speech back in January and have been beyond supportive of my journey to becoming the GCNKAAA President this year. You’ve likely heard me say how the past few years have been the most challenging years of my career. I find myself looking around these days thinking, “How did I get here?!” I distinctly remember being the youngest person in the room for the first decade of my career. That never happens these days; I am often among the most ‘seasoned’ people in the room.
Fun fact about me- I’m a numbers person and associate nearly everything with numerical value. For example, 30 years equates to 10,950 days; 1590 weeks; and 62,400 work hours. How did I get to the point of my career where I have worked that many hours?! Quite literally, I got here one day at a time. One challenge, one opportunity, one prospect, one resident, one team member interac
This section contains articles and information concerning the Board of Directors and Association policies.
back at the nearly 11k days I’ve spent doing what I love. Every day has been an opportunity to gain experience and get one step closer to where I am meant to be. Why am I sharing this, you ask? I wish someone would have helped me understand earlier in my career that it will not likely be one big event that catapults you to where you’re supposed to be. It’s a culmination of all the things that cross your path along the way that give you the opportunity to demonstrate your experience, consistency, and readiness for opportunities that lie ahead. Had I known and appreciated this reality, I think I could have been more present and appreciative of each seemingly ordinary day (if there is such a thing in property management).
In closing, in honor of my birthday a few years back I decided to do something completely out of character - I got a tattoo. I’ve always loved how people express themselves but never considered myself “cool” enough or of the right body-type to have a tattoo. That being said, I have a life mantra that I felt needed to be memorialized. One of my favorite Broadway shows is called, “Rent.” (What are the odds, right ?!) The main song in this show talks about the fact that there are 525,600 minutes in a year and then challenges you to consider how you measure a year of life. The show’s grand finale is a song called No Day But Today. It says, “Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. No other path, no other way, no day but today.” I got a small tattoo on my wrist that says, “No Day But Today” to remind me that I have only the day at hand to do what matters - live and love.
The 2024 Nominating Committee will submit the names of candidates to serve on the GCNKAA Board of Directors for the 2025-2027 Term. (According to the GCNKAA bylaws Article I Section 2.a. Primary Membership is open to any person, firm or corporation that subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Association and who is engaged in the business of construction, ownership and/or management of multi-family housing for sale or rent.) We currently have four (4) seats that are up for re-election. All applications must be received in the GCNKAA office by 5:00 pm, on Friday, September 13, 2024 If you are interested in pursuing a seat on the Board of Directors, please submit this application to the GCNKAA offices. If you have any questions, please call Rebecca McLean at the Association office at 513 407-8612
General Information:
Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________
Please briefly describe your current job responsibilities: _______________________________________
Please briefly describe your past experience in multifamily housing: _______________
Are you currently serving on any other Committees?__________________________________________
If yes, please list name(s) of the organization(s):
Organizations or associations you are currently affiliated with or have been affiliated with in the past:
Additional Information:
Why are you interested in serving on the Board?
What do you see as the major local and state issues that affect our industry?
List any skills or experience you possess that you feel would be beneficial to the Board:
Signature Date:_________________
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Kenwood Executive Center | 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 | Cincinnati, OH 45236 Phone 513 407-8612 | Fax 513 407-7868 | rebecca@gcnkaa.org
Article VII Government. Section 5. In the event a member of the Board of Directors should be absent three consecutive times, or four times in a calendar year from regularly stated meetings of the Board of Directors, or three times in a calendar year from general membership meetings, it shall be considered as a resignation from the Board of Directors unless a valid excuse is presented to and accepted by the Board at the following regularly scheduled Board Meeting. All Board Members must sit on a committee and report to the Board of Directors as necessary.
Conflict Resolution Training
10 AM - 11 AM
You’ve moved up. Now what? 9/26/24
9 AM - 5 PM In Person
LIHTC Fundamentals 10/23/24
9 AM - 5 PM In Person
Maintenance For Managers 1/22/25
9 AM - 5 PM In Person
Maintenance Supervisors & Property Managers recommend to attend together! Begins September 13th 5 total class days
CAM (Certified Apartment Manager) EPA 608 - Oct Oct 25th & Nov 1st
Multimeter Basics
Appliance Electrical
HVAC: Electrical Troubleshooting
9 AM - 10:30 AM 10/29/24 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM 10/29/24 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Moisture and Indoor Air Quality 11/20/24 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Water Extraction Principles 11/20/24 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Mold Remediation Principles 11/20/24 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Maintenance For Managers 1/22/25 9 AM - 5 PM
Maintenance Supervisors & Property Managers recommend to attend together!
This heading contains membership, staff, committee information and events.
On Thursday, October 24, the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association will host the Second Annual Maintenance Appreciation Night. This event gives us the chance to show our deep gratitude for all of the hard work and dedication the maintenance teams bring to work each and every day.
Not only do they tackle maintenance issues like changing locks, repairing leaky pipes, and servicing AC units on hot summer days, they also jump into action to go above and beyond for your customers.
Join the GCNKAA at our Maintenance Appreciation Night as we treat our service teams to food, drink, games, fun, camaraderie, and some good old-fashioned competition. Fowling lanes will also be complimentary for all attendees...so pick your team and challenge others for a fun night.
Admission for maintenance techs is free; all other admissions
are $50 per person. Sponsorships are available for $200 and include 2 admissions.
Maintenance Appreciation Night is Thursday, October 24, 2024, from 5 pm to 7 pm at Fowling Warehouse, 2940 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati. Watch for more details to launch in August!
It started as a one-lane mashup of football and bowling while tailgating at the 2001 Indy 500. Today, Fowling is quickly turning into a national sensation. Give it a try and you’ll see.
It’s as easy as throwing a football at ten bowling pins until someone knocks them all down. BONK™. Drink. Repeat. For more details on how to play and the rules involved, click here.
Tannya Roumimper
6324 North Chatham Avenue Suite 104 Kansas City, MO 64151 (816) 647-1500
Equity Team Property Mgmt.
Mark Thompson 11427 Reed Hartman Highway Cincinnati, OH 45241 (513) 444-4010
General Contractors / Maintenance Service
JLBS Construction
Ron Allen 10151 Hague Road Indianapolis, IN 46256 (317) 316-7271
General Contractors / Bath & Kitchen Renovations
· Countertop, Cabinet and Bathtub resurfacing
· Cabinet Door Replacement with Resurfacing of frames and boxes
· Increase Rent/Occupancy
· NEW look - Fresh Colors
On Thursday, September 19, GCNKAA will host the Association’s 18th Annual Fall Golf Classic benefiting the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund. This year’s Fall Golf Outing will once again be held at Elks Run Golf Course on the east side of the city. Registration will open at 8 am with the scramble teeing off at 9 am. All net proceeds of this outing will be used to meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide backing for the legislative committee’s political needs.
Foursomes are currently sold out; if you would like to be added to the wait list, email michele@gcnkaa.org. Sponsorships are still available.
The Fall Golf Outing Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund offers several sponsorship opportunities for all our members. As a vendor, a sponsorship gives you the chance to get your company name out in front of 136 decision makers in the multi-family housing industry. As a Primary Member, sponsorship shows your support of the legislative efforts of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. After all, all net proceeds directly benefit our Industry Defense Fund which is used to fight or support vital legislation at the local, state and federal levels. Hole sponsorships are sold out but we still have several other sponsor-
ships available. Sponsorships are limited and are listed below:
Presenting Sponsorship – $3000
Event Sponsor - $1500
Dinner Sponsorship – $500
Lunch Sponsorship – $350
Hole Sponsorships – $350 (limit of 18)
Snack Bag Sponsorship** - $250 (limit of 1)
Beverage Sponsorship – $275
Putting Green Sponsorship – $150
Driving Range Sponsorship - $150
Bag Drop Sponsorship - $350
Due to liquor license, no outside alcohol will be permitted at Elks Run Golf Course.
All sponsors receive signage at the outing, pre-event marketing exposure and public acknowledgement of sponsorship during dinner the day of the outing. Hole and beverage sponsors also have the unique all-day opportunity to create a memorable impression and build relationships at their sponsored hole/station. Dinner sponsors will also get the opportunity to give a one-minute speech during dinner. All sponsors are also invited to donate door prizes or give-aways to all participants.
Click here to reserve your sponsorship today.
The National Apartment Association has launched their Summer Sweepstakes to raise funds for the NAA PAC. With a mere $25 entry, the winner of the sweepstakes will have the option to enjoy sun and sand for the family on the beach in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands; escape for the mountains for a tranquil trip for two in Whitefish, Montana; or a $2500 gift card. Details of the package options, how to enter and all restrictions are below.
Five Days/Four Nights for the Family
Relaxing Trip to St. Croix at The Buccaneer Golf and Beach resort for two adults and two children, including snorkeling and paddleboard lessons and a Buck Island Reef Snorkel trip.
Five Days/Four Nights for Two
Wander the land and the slopes in Whitefish, Montana, for two at Kandahar Lodge, including a $500 Gift Card toward skiing or other activities.
• Contest open to all members of NAA and its affiliates, and their spouses*
• $25 per entry or five (5) for $100 (Personal contributions only, no corporate/company contributions!)
• Last day to enter is Monday, September 30, 2024
• Winner will be announced on October 1, 2024 (winner does not need to be present)
* NAA Employees, NAAPAC Trustees and members of the NAA Board of Directors (or their spouses) are not eligible for the contest.
To purchase your entries for the Summer Sweepstakes, click here: https://razmobile.com// c29fb/sweepstake?campaignId=3352
The travel package is non-refundable and subject to availability. Certificates/gift cards cannot be replaced. Passport required for travel outside the U.S. A minimum 30-day advance reservation is required. Travel is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. American Express Gift Card may be used toward purchases within the U.S. only.
NAAPAC is the political action committee of the National Apartment Association. Only members of the NAA and its affiliates may contribute to NAAPAC. Contributions to NAAPAC are used in connection with federal elections. NAAPAC contributions are not tax-deductible. All contributions to NAAPAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a calendar year. No purchase is required to enter. To enter without purchase, please send a 3x5 index card with your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address to NAAPAC Sweepstakes, 4300 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 800, Arlington, VA 22203. Void where prohibited.
By Pat Crowley, Vice President of Governmental Affairs
The National Apartment Association (NAA) has launched a national grassroots campaign to oppose the Biden Administration’s proposal for a five percent corporate rent cap - which the NAA is accurately labeling rent control.
“Implying that rent control will solve the nation’s housing crisis is the easy way out,” the NAA said in a statement. “Rent caps, more commonly known as rent control, are failed policies that don’t work –research has shown it, the lack of affordability in rent-controlled jurisdictions reinforces it and statements from countless economists across generations and the political spectrum are crystal clear. We need leaders to stop playing politics with our housing supply.”
NAA has launched a “Say No to Rent Control!” campaign and is asking industry members to contact members of Congress to oppose the Biden Administration plan.
“Rent control has proven unsuccessful in every jurisdiction where it has been tried,” said Jim Wilson, the NAA’s AVP of Political Affairs & Stakeholder Engagement. “By forcing owners and managers to make difficult choices with limited revenue, rent control ultimately hurts the residents it is supposed to help.”
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association
(GCNKAA) members can take action and contact U.S. House and Senate members by going to https://naahq.quorum.us/campaign/64679/.
“Despite President Biden’s prominent and direct attacks on the rental housing industry, the National Apartment Association and our 97,000 members continue to put in the work to house America’s 40 million renters, build communities at all price points and fight for policies that ensure we have enough housing for generations to come.”
NAAPAC is the bi-partisan political action committee that supports Congressional candidates who represent good government and understand the needs and concerns of the apartment housing industry.
If you are in housing, you are in politics. From fair housing to flood insurance, energy to the environment, the 535 members of the US Senate and House of Representatives play a huge role in shaping the policy and economic climate for the apartment housing industry.
It takes not only the collective power of the NAA, but also the work of individuals at the grassroots level to make sure we, as an industry, are at the table and not “on the menu” when important policy decisions are made.
To donate, click here.
This heading contains information on Management & Leasing.
By Rommel Anacan, Multifamily
You know that sinking feeling you get when you experience symptoms that might be wrong with your health, but you also don’t want to see your doctor about it?
Maybe it’s because you’re too busy, you’re worried about the cost, you’re afraid of what your doctor will say, or you think it’ll get better on its own.
Well, just as a lot of medical issues won’t get better on it’s own, the same thing is true with leadership issues...especially if you’re seeing the symptoms that the leadership “health” in your company is poor!
What are the common symptoms that your leadership development needs attention?
One: Poor Communication
Poor communication can look like frequent misunderstandings and confusion among the team; lack of clarity in instructions and expectations, leading to poor performance; and the feeling that everyone in the “boat” is not rowing in the same direction.
Two: Internal Conflict
If you’re seeing an increase in complaints, tension, passive
aggressive comments and behavior, decreased morale, disengagement and reduced cohesion, that is a tell tale sign that the team needs attention immediately. This often happens because there is a disconnect between the leader and the team; there is disconnection between the leader and the team; there are unresolved issues that the leader has not dealt with; or the leader doesn’t know what to do to handle internal conflicts.
If you walk into a community and you just feel the NEGATIVE AIR, and you can cut the tension with a knife, that’s a symptom it’s time to do something.
If you’re feeling frustrated that your managers can’t make decisions without asking you about it; or they over think every decision; or seem to be unable to make any kind of decisions, it is because they either don’t know how to make the decision, or are afraid of making the wrong decision, or both! This a surefire sign they could use a little (or a lot) of help and support to help them make good decisions out of bold confidence.
Finger pointing, covering up, deflecting, defensive responses, not taking ownership are classic (and common) signs that leaders need even more development and growth.
The bad news is the symptoms do NOT go away by themselves. (Even if you think they should!)
The good news, if you provide training and coaching to help your management team become better leaders, you WILL see results.
So, if you’ve seen one, some or all of these classic symptoms of leadership dysfunction, it’s time to focus on helping your team of leaders get “healthy” so that everyone can be happy!
The share of young adults living with their parents has increased, highest since 1940s.
There are more young adults aged 25-35 living with their parents than any time in the past eight decades. According to Apartment List, 17% live with their parents as of 2022, compared to under 10% in the 1960s-80s and also 17% in 1940.
The share of adults living with their parents decreases as a person’s age increases— which can be witnessed across generations. The share drops fairly significantly for Millennials, who continue to come of age on the older end. More than one in four Millennials lived at home at age 25, while only 9% lived at home at age 35. Meanwhile, Gen Z is on the opposite end of the spectrum, just starting out for some— 30% of Gen Z 25-year-olds live at home.
Markets that are more cost-prohibitive have a higher market share of young adults living at home. Between 2000 and 2022, the 50 largest U.S. metros witnessed an increase of young adults living at home.
over 135 years
By Justin Seger, HILLS Properties, Outreach President
It seems like we say this every year, but summer is flying by. It’s hard to believe that it is August already and many of us are gearing up for “Back to School” and football season.
July was a busy month for the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO). Our Board of Directors met last month to begin the process of refining our Strategic Plan, attempting to tackle a few organizational issues, and forecast out the next ten years. More importantly, dedicated volunteers were able to spend some time with one of our incredible partners - The Roll Hill Community Center.
In preparation for school starting this month, we provided 50 backpacks filled with school supplies for local high school students in need. In addition to the backpacks and helping with food bagging, we were able to surprise the organization’s dedicated founder - Lisa
Hyde-Miller of Childhood Food Solutions - with three laptops and two printers that will be available as a resource for students and families at the Community Center.
And finally, don’t forget to save the date for our Annual A Night for Outreach on Saturday October 12 at the Hyatt Regency in Downtown Cincinnati. This year the event features cocktails, dinner, and an auction. As always, proceeds from the event will benefit our Outreach Partners and help further our goal of having a positive impact in the community. It’s not too late to RSVP, or join our other generous sponsors for the evening. To register or secure a sponsorship email Susan@gcnkaa.org or see page(s) 25 and 26 of this newsletter. We look forward to seeing everyone in October!
Thank you to our current Silver Sponsors
• Megan and Brian Lawhon
• ePremium Insurance Agency
• Forcht Bank
• Sandstone Properties
The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. is very excited to announce our thirteenth annual A Night Out for Outreach. The event will take place on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at the Hyatt Regency Cincinnati Hotel. Enjoy a fantastic evening with many industry leaders and friends in attendance. Cocktails begin at 5:00 pm followed by a sit down dinner at 6:30 pm. Please support this Outreach event and help our neighbors in need of assistance.
Megan & Brian Lawhon PLK Communitites
Our six programs are: Rent Assistance, twenty Food Pantries, School Supplies, Educational Scholarships, Senior Events and Emergency Funds.
$2,500 Sponsor
6 Tickets to the main event – open seating Company Logo included on AAO Website
Recognition in GCNKAA Newsletters
Company Logo included in event digital presentation
*Deadline is 9/1 to receive all sponsor benefits
$1,000 Sponsor
4 Tickets to the main event – open seating Company Logo included on AAO Website
Company Name listed in event digital presentation
*Deadline is 9/1 to receive all sponsor benefits
Platinum Sponsor ($20,000)
Gold Sponsor ($10,000)
Silver Sponsor ($5,000) THE McLEAN FAMILY
To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Justin Seger, Susan Peck. Rebecca@gcnkaa.org - justins@hillsinc.com - susan@gcnkaa.org