July 2023 GCNKAA Apartment Advantage Newsletter

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Set sail with the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association on Friday, July 14, 2023, as we join the BB Riverboats for an afternoon cruise along the Ohio River. We will board the River Queen at 1:45 pm and will leave the dock PROMPTLY pm. Included in your prepaid admission are appetizers, beer, soft drinks, bottled water, juice and entertainment.

We are sold out but have created a wait list for those who would still like to attend. If this list gets long enough, we may be able to change up to a larger boat to accommodate more members. If you would like to be added to the wait list, email michele@gcnkaa.org and let us know how many tickets you are interested in reserving should some become available.

Thank you to our Captain Sponsors including: Apartments.com, BRG Apartments, Calloway Cleaning & Restoration, Contractors Inc., Denizen Management, DMG Management, Fath Properties, HILLS Properties, Pinnacle Paving and Sealing, PPG, Rent, Rite Rug, Royal Finish, Sherwin Williams, Towne Properties, and Uptown


More than 152 golfers enjoyed a beautiful day on the links during the annual Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) Golf Outing at Aston Oaks Golf Club on Thursday, June 22, but after the sinking of the final putt, the team from Wallick Communities including Eric Hendy, Jonathon Stonebraker, Carson Hendy, and Dan Driscoll declared victory. Coming in second was the team from Jetz Service Company including John Gruen with Jetz, Tony Engel and Eric Engel with Sundance Property Management, and Lloyd Cobble with CIG Communities. Rounding out the top three teams was Greg Balster, Jonathan LeMay, Tom Calhoun, and Tyler Kizewic from Sherwin Williams.

Thank you to all our sponsors, especially Yardi, for stepping up as the Presenting Sponsor; DMG Management for sponsoring the golfer giveaways; and Assured Partners for sponsoring the Hole-In-One contests on all the par 3 holes. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive and none of this would be possible without the support of our members. For more photos, see inside this newsletter.

Rental Properties for all your support.

Thank you also to our current Anchor Sponsors including: ApartmentRatings & Satisfacts, Brandstetter’s KangaRoof, Dynegy, Greenway Waste & Recycling, Harrison’s Pro Tree Service, and ServPro of NW Cincinnati.

For more information, click here. For directions to BB Riverboats, visit http://bbriverboats.com/.


101 Riverboat Row, Newport From I-71/ I-75 Take exit #192 (Covington/5th Street). Follow 5th Street through Covington to end staying in the right hand lane. Turn left onto Garrard. Turn right onto 4th Street. Follow 4th Street across the small bridge into Newport. Turn left onto Columbia and follow to the end. Turn left on Riverboat Row. BB Riverboats is on the right.


A huge congratulations to Jacob Paff with Village Green Management for placing third overall at the National Apartment Association (NAA)

Maintenance Mania Championship Presented by HD Supply!

Jacob competed in the National Championship during the Apartmentalize Conference held in Atlanta, Georgia, in early June. The fastest twenty maintenance techs from around the country earned a bid to compete in this national competition with Jacob placing third overall.

Maintenance Mania® is a national program offered by NAA and presenting sponsor HD Supply (HDS), in which maintenance technicians compete against each other in various skill-based games. Jacob qualified for the National Championship as winner of Region III.

Please join us in congratulating Jacob!

And plan now to honor your local maintenance techs with the soon-to-be-launched Maintenance Legends. Limited details inside on this new program launching in August from NAA.

Diamond Sponsors

G C N K A A 2 0 2 3 F A L L G O L F C L A S S I C P R E S E N T I N G S P O N S O R E l k s R u n G o l f C o u r s e S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , 2 0 2 3 R E G I S T E R N O W A T W W W . G C N K A A . O R G Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund

Call us today and start uncovering how a professional, experienced, leading energy adviser can be an integral part of your management team

GCNKAA member since 1985

Energy is critical to what you do. But it ’s not the only thing you do. You need an adviser that can unlock the possibilities of strategic energy purchasing without creating more work. A partner that will be there after the lights come on.

We’re Energy Alliances, one of Ohio’s first energy advisers. For more than 30 years, we’ve been helping customers unlock the hidden potential of their energy spend. Today we work with more than 30 municipalities – including the City of Cincinnati –and businesses ranging from restaurants and property owners to manufacturers and schools Nearly a half-million people rely on us, and we manage the purchase of more than a billion dollars of energy every year.

Trust and value. Powerful words. Words our clients use to describe us Nothing makes us prouder




2022...Tonya Petersen

2021...Don Brunner

2020...Don Brunner

2019...Jud Oscherwitz

2018...Jud Oscherwitz

2017...Stacy Walton

2016...Stacy Walton


Village Green Mgmt Vice President mjoy@villagegreen.com

JUSTIN SEGER HILLS Properties Treasurer JustinS@hillsinc.com


Mark Arnold, Royal Finish Associate Council 2nd Vice President

Lloyd Cobble, CIG Communities

Brian Fullenkamp, Legacy Management

Jeff Greenberger,Greenberger & Brewer, LLP


Todd Hignite, Hearth Home Communities

Lisa Isham, CMHA

Gerry Johnson, Rent Associate Council President

Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities

Oksana Lukjanenko, Denizen Management

Mike Markus, BRG Apartments

Jordann Morgan, Fath Properties

John Recob, Towne Properties

Grant Saunders, Hays + Sons Restoration Associate Council 1st Vice President

Elizabeth Werner, Sandstone Properties


Rebecca McLean, Executive Vice President

Pat Crowley, VP of Governmental Affairs

Michele Klusman, Director of Communications & Programs; Apartment Advantage Editor

Rick Holste, Director of Membership Sales

Zach Jameson, Accounting, Database & Office Coordinator

James Combs, Education & Social Media Coordinator

Susan Peck, AA Outreach Coordinator

Nicole Metz, Membership Coordinator and Office Administrator

2015...Rusty Lykes

2014...Rusty Lykes

2013...Maria Stanton

2012...Maria Stanton

2011...Jeff March

2010...Brian Fullenkamp

2009...Brian Hendy, CPM

2008...Brian Hendy, CPM

2007...Becky Alejandrino, CPM

2006...Marc Cameron, CPM

2005...Marc Cameron, CPM

2004...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP

2003...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP

2002…Jim Ruh

2001…Jay Ingram, CPM

2000…Roy Wergers

1999…Roy Wergers

1998…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS

1997…Terry Sievers

1997…Dave Lockard

1996…Jim Cohen, CPM

1995…Jim Ruh

1994…Mark Robinson

1993…David Noll

1992…Bernie Wessels **

1992…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS **

1991…Jay O. Ingram, Jr., CPM

1990…Ronald Bommer

1989…John Cobey

1988…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS

1987…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS

1986…Charles Berling

1985…Joseph Fullenkamp, CAPS

1984…John Stalnaker

1983…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS

1982…Harry Fath

**Apartment Association of N. KY merged with GCNKAA

Office Hours: Monday Through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


The following advertising rates are for full year contracts. Six month contracts are also available. Call the GCNKAA office at 513 407-8612 for more information.

Ad rates are for full color ads. Link from your ad to your website is included. Ads must be submitted as a press quality pdf file or high resolution jpg sized as listed above.


Ad deadlines are the first of the month for the next month’s issue. Placement of articles and ads is limited to pre-set space and dimensions of the Apartment Advantage. Submissions may or may not be used and placement is at the discretion of the editor

November 2023




April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

Apartment Advantage is a monthly publication of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236; phone (513) 407-8612; fax (513) 407-7868. For up-to-date information check out our website: www.gcnkaa.org.

4 JULY 2023 8
Business Card $95 Quarter Page ....................................................................................... $115 Half Page ............................................................................................. $145 Full Page $165 Inside Front $209 Back Cover $219
July 2023 June 1, 2023 August 2023 .............................................................................. July
3, 2023
September 2023 August 1, 2023 October 2023..................................................................
1, 2023
October 2, 2023
December 2023
November 1, 2023
2024 December 1, 2023
January 2, 2024
2024 February 1, 2024
March 1, 2024
April 1, 2024
................................................................................. May
1, 2024
CRAIG COFFMAN Uptown Rental Properties Secretary ccoffman@uptownrents.com TONYA PETERSEN President rpmhousingpro@gmail.com
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 5 SUNDAY EDUCATION EVENTS 24 IRO Social, 5 pm 2 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 6 13 20 5 12 19 7 14 21 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Apartment Advantage Deadline, 5 pm Holiday Break ~ Office Closed ~ COMING UP IN AUGUST 2023 26 JULY 2023 25 Fair Housing Unlocked, 9 am 24 31 27 8 Membership Committee, 9 am 8 Associate Council, 12 pm 9 NextGen Committee, 9 am 9 Education Committee, 10 am 9 DEI Committee, 11 am 10 Legislative Committee, 8:30 am 15 Executive Committee, 7:45 am 15 Board of Directors, 8:30 am 15 Prestige Awards Comm, 10:00 am 17 Fall Golf Committee, 2 pm 22 Social Media Committee, 9 am 24 AAO Board, 11 am COMMITTEES Membership Comm, 9 am Associate Council 11 am NextGen Committee, 9 am Education Committee, 10 am DE&I Committee 11 am Independence Day ~ Office Closed ~ 28 29 Executive Comm., 7:30 am Board of Directors, 8:30 am Prestige Awards Committee, 10 am Social Media Committee, 9 am Summer Golf Committee 12 pm Media Relations & Crisis Training 1 pm NextGen Happy Hour 5 pm Fall Golf Committee 2 pn Legislative Committee, 8:30 am BB Riverboat Cruise 2 pm

Across the Board


Greetings! I hope you’re enjoying your summer. It’s hard to believe we’re already in the seventh month of 2023. Time certainly flies when we’re having fun! I wanted to update you on some upcoming events and share the success of the recent National Apartment Association (NAA) Apartmentalize in HotLanta, which was truly outstanding. The city was flooded with more than 12,000 attendees, setting yet another new record! With nearly 2,000 exposition booths and excellent educational seminars, it was both overwhelming and exciting.

Now, let’s shift our focus to our local events. We have two popular seminars coming up in July and August. First is Media Relations and Crisis Training on July 19. This course is designed to provide assistance in dealing with today’s hyper-connected world through media and public relations, communication strategies, and crisis management. Then on August 26, we have Fair Housing Unlocked: Attorney-Led Training. Presented by Solomon Parini from Willis Law Firm, don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to enhance your company’s fair housing practices, protect against potential legal risks, and foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment for your residents. For more information on these classes

section contains articles and information concerning the Board of Directors and Association policies.

on Friday, July 14. We have other opportunities for networking and education throughout August. Check the calendar for details.

At the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, we have long recognized the importance of community. While we work hard to deliver content, programs, and resources, we know and celebrate the fact that the real value and energy in our association happens in small groups, at a table, at the back of the room, before and after the “official” meeting. We see the laughter, the nods of agreement, the caring, notes being scribbled or added to phones, the reassuring hands on shoulders, and the warm handshakes that are all evidence that connection and community are being built. We know that is the true value of what we offer that no online community, no digital course, or podcast could ever offer. Our members feel like family. We invite you to join our family for the summer and beyond.

Now, let’s express our gratitude for July. I want to acknowledge Abbie Huffman from Rookwood Properties and our Region 3 RVP. The success of our association at the NAA level relies on the hard work put in by our Regional Representatives. She takes our ideas and ensures that we have a voice at the NAA level. She works behind the scenes, keeping us informed and connected to our fellow regional associations. The NAA Apartmentalize success owes a lot to the hard work of all the Regional VPs. I’ve had the privilege of working with Abbie in many different capacities through the years and she is amazing as a representative of our

Tonya Petersen Miller Valentine


The 2023 Nominating Committee will submit the names of candidates to serve on the GCNKAA Board of Directors for the 2024-2026 Term. (According to the GCNKAA bylaws Article I Section 2.a. Primary Membership is open to any person, firm or corporation that subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Association and who is engaged in the business of construction, ownership and/or management of multi-family housing for sale or rent.) We currently have four (4) seats that are up for re-election. All applications must be received in the GCNKAA office by 5:00 pm, on Friday, September 15, 2023. If you are interested in pursuing a seat on the Board of Directors, please submit this application to the GCNKAA offices. If you have any questions, please call Rebecca McLean at the Association office at 513 407-8612

General Information:


Company Name:_______________________________________________________________________

Street Address:________________________________________________________________________


Phone Number: Fax:


Please briefly describe your current job responsibilities: _____________________________

Please briefly describe your past experience in multifamily housing: _______________

Are you currently serving on any other Committees?__________________________________________

If yes, please list name(s) of the organization(s):

Organizations or associations you are currently affiliated with or have been affiliated with in the past:

Additional Information:

Why are you interested in serving on the Board?

What do you see as the major local and state issues that affect our industry?

List any skills or experience you possess that you feel would be beneficial to the Board:

8 JULY 2023 8
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Kenwood Executive Center | 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 | Cincinnati, OH 45236 Phone 513 407-8612 | Fax 513 407-7868 | rebecca@gcnkaa.org Article VII Government. Section 5. In the event a member of the Board of Directors should be absent three consecutive times, or four times in a calendar year from regularly stated meetings of the Board of Directors, or three times in a calendar year from general membership meetings, it shall be considered as a resignation from the Board of Directors unless a valid excuse is presented to and accepted by the Board at the following regularly scheduled Board Meeting. All Board Members must sit on a committee and report to the Board of Directors as necessary

Brain Power


Education and Social Media Coordinator

Hi GCNKAA Friends! This month’s education article is being brought to you by the education mascot Benny the polar bear. Benny doesn’t want you to miss July’s Crisis Media Class! This is also a great time to look ahead at Fair housing in August. In the fall we will be offering national credentials for Leasing, Property Managers, and Maintenance Professionals so stay tuned as the dates for those three programs come online!


Certified Apartment Manager (CAM)

Earning your CAM credential allows you to demonstrate that you have the knowledge and ability to manage an apartment community and achieve the owner’s investment goals. The CAM credential positions you well for career opportunities and advancement.

All classes will be held on the dates listed below from 9 am to 5 pm at the Apartment Association offices located at 7265 Kenwood Road, Suite 100, in Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236.

• Thursday, October 5, 2023

• Thursday, October 12, 2023

• Thursday, October 19, 2023

• Thursday, October 26, 2023

• Thursday, November 2, 2023


Media Relations & Crisis Training

We live in an era of omnipresent social media platforms, 24/7 news cycles, public desire for instant access to information and smartphone ownership by every citizen, tenant, employee, and owner across the spectrum. This course is designed to provide assistance to GCNKAA members in dealing with today’s hyper-connected world through media and public relations, communication strategies, and crisis management.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

GCNKAA Office, 7265 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OH 45236

Fair Housing Unlocked: Attorney-Led Training

Gone are the days of having an instructor give “I am not an attorney” disclaimers before the start of their session. The GCNKAA is bringing you information direct from the field! Presented by Solomon Parini from Willis Law Firm, don’t miss this invaluable opportunity to enhance your company’s fair housing practices, protect against potential legal risks, and foster a more inclusive and welcoming environment for your residents.

Friday, August 26, 2023

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

GCNKAA Office, 7265 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OH 45236


Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain regulated substances be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques. Technicians are required to pass an EPAapproved test to earn Section 608 Technician Certification.

• Type I – Persons who maintain, service, or repair small appliances must be certified as Type I technicians.

• Type II – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of the medium-, high-, or very high-pressure appliances (except small appliances, MVACs, and MVAC-like appliances) must be certified as Type II technicians.

• Type III – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of low-pressure appliances must be certified as Type III technicians.

Friday, October 27, 2023, from 9 am to 1 pm

Friday, November 3, 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm

GCNKAA Office, 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100, Cincinnati


If you are interested in getting involved with the Education or NextGen Committee and help plan all of the great education opportunities, join us for our monthly meetings! Contact james@gcnkaa.org for details and invitations.

GCNKAA’s education and NextGen programs offer great exposure through sponsorship. Seminars and course modules can be sponsored for as little as $150 and comes with many benefits. Sponsorship funds help the association provide extra amenities to the attendees.

James Combs
DE&I COMMITTEEE Pride Parade June 2023 Cincinnati

Government & Housing Legalities


Two members of Cincinnati City Council have filed a motion directing the city’s administration to draft a report on the long-awaited Tenants Bill of Rights.

may act in bad faith and pass on potential auxiliary fees or other costs onto their renters, and recommend ways in which this can be counteracted through city incentives,” the motion reads.

In the motion, council members Meeka Owens and Seth Walsh said seeking the report - which the administration has 90 days to deliver - is “part of the ongoing effort to expand renter protections through the Cincinnati Tenants Bill of Rights.”

According to the June 13 motion, the administration is to “provide a report that assesses the administrative feasibility of implementing additional renter protections through the city’s available development incentives, including the Residential and/or Property Tax Abatement Program.”

The motion indicates that the following protections will be addressed in the report:

• Limiting rent increases for residential real property over a 12-month period.

• Just/good cause for eviction.

• Relocation services and fees.

• Fee limitations, including for pets, late rent, renter applications and other fees associated with renting.

• Increase the time for notice for a rent increase.

• Full compliance with the city’s rental registry requirements.

• Regulate the term of a lease to require an offer of a yearlong lease unless the tenant requests otherwise.

“We further move that the report consider whether landlords

The GCNKAA is continuing meetings and conversations with members of council to offer suggestions, input and concerns over the proposed ordinance.

Council members Owens and Walsh also issued the following statement in introducing their motion:

“The benefits and incentives that the city provides for development are pivotal to increasing and preserving the available housing supply at all levels. However, we should also be considering ways that these incentives can be leveraged to offer the maximum possible protections for the tenants who live within those developments.”


From fair housing to flood insurance, energy to the environment, the 535 members of the US Senate and House of Representatives play a huge role in shaping the policy and economic climate for the apartment housing industry.

NAAPAC is the bi-partisan political action committee that supports Congressional candidates who represent good government and understand the needs and concerns of the apartment housing industry.

NAA is prohibited from using general account funds to contribute to federal elections. That means NAAPAC is the only vehicle through which NAA and its members may participate in the political process. NAAPAC may only accept personal contributions from members of the NAA and its affiliates.

To donate - or for more information - click here.

10 JULY 2023 8
This heading deals with housing & legal issues within the Governmental structure.
Make Your Voice Heard DONATE TO NAAPAC Click here! (Make sure you include GCNKAA as your affiliate)

Our House

This heading contains membership, staff, committee information and events.


The National Apartment Association (NAA) recently announced that they were ending the Maintenance Mania National Championship program after the 2023 Apartmentalize Conference. While that program is concluding, NAA and HD Supply are thrilled to announce their new program, MAINTENANCE LEGENDS™. This new program will shine a spotlight on the maintenance heroics we’ve all seen and heard about. It will give the rental housing industry the chance to celebrate the Maintenance Professionals going above and beyond every month.


Three monthly winners will receive prizes up to $5,000 retail value. Submit your maintenance story for a chance to win.


Monthly winners will get airfare, lodging, and access to 2024’s Apartmentalize Conference in Philadelphia in June.


In June 2024, 25 additional winners will be selected for a free certification including the Certificate for Apartment Maintenance

Technician (CAMT), Certified Pool Operator (CPO), EPA 608 Certification, and more.


Monthly winners will have a chance to win big during the 2024 Apartmentalize Conference. The overall grand prize is a new Ford truck.


Are you, or do you know, a maintenance tech or property manager that goes above and beyond for their tenants? Time to turn those stories into Legends! Each month, in addition to the story with the most fan votes, our panel of judges will pick two favorites, for a total of 3 winners.

The GCNKAA will release more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, gather your maintenance techs and start working on your story submissions as we want to highlight as many local maintenance professionals as possible. Full event details will launch August 1, 2023.

Learn more at www.maintenancelegends.com.

Paid trip to NAA

Apartmentalize 2024

Monthly winners to get airfare, lodging, and access to 2024's event in Philadelphia.

Free Training Certifications

In June 2024, 25 additional winners will be selected for a free certification. CAMT, CPO, EPA, and more.


to $5,000 in


O ered by our sponsors.

A Shot at our Grand Prize

Monthly winners will have a chance to win big.

Learn more at www.maintenancelegends.com



Kyle Mashy Property

Cathy Mashy

3645 Wilshire Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45208 (310) 686-8548



Grunder Landscaping

Angel Galbraith

1900 Old Byers Rd Miamisburg, OH 45342


(937) 847-8000

Landscaping Design & Installation & Care Realtor.com

Jennifer Marvin 12103 73rd Place Northeast Lake Stevens, WA 98258

(805) 223-9413

jennifer.ladd@move.com Marketing Services

Welcher Cleaning Service

Ivan Espinal 92 Belmont Court Florence, KY 41042 (347) 750-9764


Apartment Turns; Cleaning & Janitorial Services

Zoom Drain of Cincinnati & Southern Ohio Lannae Greene 7897 Ohio 73 Hillsboro, OH 45133 (513)301-2815


Drainage/Foundation Repair; Plumbing

12 JULY 2023 8 Looking to Join a Committee? NEXTGEN | EDUCATION | DE&I | TRADE SHOW | SUMMER GOLF


It’s been years in the making, but the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Prestige Awards are making their return on Friday, April 19, 2024. Some final details are still being worked out but we wanted to give you a ‘heads up’ on how to best prepare to spotlight the excellence of your company, your community, or your industry peers.

The deadline to enter the categories below is FEBRUARY 2, 2024, so plan now to make sure you have ample time to get the best photos to make your community stand out. Think about landscaping, amenities, renovations, and more.

More details regarding where and how to submit your entries will launch soon so be sure to watch your email!


Best Company Logo - Any owner or property management company is eligible. Judged on theme, typeface, overall graphic, design and execution of the logo in various applications (digital presence, signage, other collateral). Submit copy of logo as jpg or pdf file, as well as no more than two corresponding digital images of logo in use.

Best Community Logo - Any community is eligible. Judged on community name, theme, typeface, overall graphic, design and execution of the logo in various applications (digital, signage, other collateral). Submit copy of logo as jpg or pdf file, as well as no more than two corresponding digital images of logo in use.

Best Renovation or Property Update - Judged on overall design and execution of the renovation project. Submit total budget cost and total number of units, floor plans and no more than four photos depicting before and after renovation.

Best Property Management Company - Judged on maintenance program, resident retention, employee incentives, associate incentives/recognition, training/education programs, and support of local Association Activities. Submit a typed written essay no longer than three pages, a 30-second video on why your company deserves this award, and one photo of management company, headquarters or staff.

Best Independent Owner Property (Under 200 units) - Judged on overall presentation of the community. Submit floor plans, site plans, and any other supporting materials and no more than three photos.

Best Owner or Property Management Company Website – Entry must be a corporate website which is not part of an apartment internet advertiser. Judged on ease of use, content of information, links to apartment communities, employment and investment opportunities. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the website. Submit no more than three photos of the website and pro-

motional pieces. Also include internet address for viewing during judging.

Best Community Website – Entry must be a community website which is not part of an apartment internet advertiser. Judged on ease of use for current and potential residents, content of information, links to community amenities, and content of information. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the website. Submit no more than three photos of the website and promotional pieces. Also include internet address for viewing during judging.

Best Property Management Company or Community Social Media Plan – Entry will be judged on how all the pieces of your social media campaign fit together. Judges will look for creativity, innovation, sound communication skills and results. Winner must be successfully executed across two or more platforms. Submit no more than three photos, any promotional pieces and addresses for your social media sites along with a one page overview of your social media plan including results.

The following categories have been broken down into Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 according to the following criteria:

• Category 1: Property built and between 2019 and 2023 including properties still under construction

• Category 2: Property built and fully delivered between 2009 and 2018

• Category 3: Property built and fully delivered before 2008

Best Floorplan - Judged on overall layout, use of space, lighting, miscellaneous architectural features. Submit a copy of the floorplan as well as no more than three photos.

Best Landscaping - Judged on use of the site, overall design and layout, use of hardscape, flowers, trees, shrubs, etc. Submit no more than eight photos of the overall community.

Best Amenity Package - Judged on overall design, layout, marketing tools, furnishings, etc. Category includes: clubhouse, pool, fitness center, and other resident amenities. Submit no more than eight photos and corresponding digital images.

Best Decorated Model - Judged on use of color, texture, furniture, accessories, and window treatments. Submit no more than eight photos and link to virtual tour is applicable.

Best Specialty Housing Community – Geared toward student, military, senior, or LIHTC Communities. Judged on overall presentation of the community. Submit floor plans, site plans, brochures and any other supporting materials. Submit no more than 8 digital images including amenities, model and landscaping. Include property web address if applicable.


Best Associate Company Logo - Judged on name, theme, logo


typeface, overall graphic design and execution of the logo in various applications (brochure, signage, other collateral). Submit logo as high quality pdf or jpg file and no more than two photos depicting applications of logo.

Best Associate Company – Judged on commitment to customer service, client relationships and satisfaction, overall presentation of company, employee incentive/training programs, support of local Association activities and community outreach programs. Submit written essay no longer than three typed pages, a 30-second video on why your company deserves this award, up to 2 letters of recommendation from customers, and one photo of company, representatives, or building, etc.

Best Associate Website – Judged on ease of use and content of information. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the website. Submit no more than three photos of the website and promotional pieces. Also include internet address for viewing during judging.

Best Social Media Plan – Entry will be judged on how all the pieces of your social media campaign fit together. Judges will look for creativity, innovation, sound communication skills and results. Winner must be successfully executed across two or more platforms. Submit no more than three photos, any promotional pieces and addresses for your social media sites along with a one page overview of your social media plan including results.


Sapphire Grand Achievement Award - Awarded to the organization that scored the highest average points by entering in the following categories: Best Logo, Best Model, Best Website, Best Floorplan, Best Amenity Package and Best Landscaping. The Grand Achievement Award will be presented in Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3.


• Best Leasing Consultant – Either on-site of off-site

• Best Multi-Site Manager – 2 or more communities with up to 1500 units

• Best Multi-Site Manager – 2 or more communities with greater than 1501 units

• Best Associate Member – Management

• Best Associate Member – Non-Management such as an account executive or sales representative

• Best Maintenance or Groundsperson – Either on-site or off-site

• Best Maintenance Supervisor or Director

• Best Community Assistant Manager – Responsible for one property

• Best Community Manager – Responsible for one property

• Best Administrative Assistant – either associate member or property management company

• Best Independent Rental Owner (IRO) - Owner with less than 200 total units

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14 JULY 2023 8
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19 GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR EXTERIOR RENOVATION INTERIOR RENOVATION STRUCTURAL RENOVATION SYSTEM UPGRADES Your true partner in providing a better place to call home. On site project management, no interruption to business, competitive and complete estimates, responsive service department MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROJECT CONSULTING EMERGENCY RESPONSE Call for a free estimate at no obligation 615-254-6099 CONTRACTORSINC.COM MULTIFAMILY & COMMERCIAL RENOVATION CONTRACTOR Contractors Inc serves clients in the Midwest, Southeast, Mid-South regions with the latest technologies, a single point of contact, major regional footprint, and service-oriented approach.
GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR 20 It’s not how you start, It’s how you Finish! www.Royalfinish.com 888-737-1010 · Competitive Rates · Quality Service · State-of-the-art Products · Low Odor · Uniformed, fully screened Employees · Fully Insured · Warranty Work · Serving You Since 1990 Serving you in Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin and San Antonio Royal Finish strives for the highest quality in both product and customer satisfaction. Call us today to schedule a transformation of your property. · Countertop, Cabinet and Bathtub resurfacing · Cabinet Door Replacement with Resurfacing of frames and boxes · Increase Rent/Occupancy · NEW look - Fresh Colors
GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR 22 We live in a digital world that is constantly evolving and changing... For more info, call Gerry Johnson at 859.307.1790 or email gjohnson@rentpath.com. RentPath delivers best-in-class solutions that help you maximize revenue at all stages of the renter journey. Whether it is a new technology or new ways to leverage existing technologies and platforms, our ability to digitally attract in-market renters rests on our ability to stay ahead of the game. © 2022 RentPath Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved Cutting-Edge Intelligent Assistance to Quality & Convert Leads Online Reputation & Social Media Management Ready-Made Search Engine Marketing Hassle-Free Social Media Marketing




On Thursday, September 21, GCNKAA will host the Association’s 18th Annual Fall Golf Classic benefiting the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund. This year’s Fall Golf Outing will once again be held at Elks Run Golf Course on the east side of the city. Registration will open at 8 am with the scramble teeing off at 9 am. All net proceeds of this outing will be used to meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide backing for the legislative committee’s political needs.

Foursome cost is $800 each and includes per person: round of golf at the golf course, breakfast, late lunch, 2 beverage tickets, snack bag, and automatic inclusion into Hole-In-One contests.


The Fall Golf Outing Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund offers several sponsorship opportunities for all our members. As a vendor, a sponsorship gives you the chance to get your company name out in front of 136 decision makers in the multi-family housing industry. As a hole sponsor, you also get the chance to take it one step further and meet and greet all golfers on your tee box. As a Primary Member, sponsorship shows your support of the legislative efforts of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. After all, all net proceeds directly benefit our Industry Defense Fund which is used to fight or support vital

legislation at the local, state and federal levels. Sponsorships are limited and are listed below:

Presenting Sponsorship – $3000

Event Sponsor - $1500

Dinner Sponsorship – $500

Lunch Sponsorship – $350

Hole Sponsorships – $350 (limit of 18)

Snack Bag Sponsorship** - $250 (limit of 1)

Beverage Sponsorship – $275

Putting Green Sponsorship – $150

Driving Range Sponsorship - $150

Bag Drop Sponsorship - $350

Due to liquor license, no outside alcohol will be permitted at Elks Run Golf Course.

All sponsors receive signage at the outing, pre-event marketing exposure and public acknowledgement of sponsorship during dinner the day of the outing. Hole and beverage sponsors also have the unique all-day opportunity to create a memorable impression and build relationships at their sponsored hole/station. Dinner sponsors will also get the opportunity to give a one-minute speech during dinner. All sponsors are also invited to donate door prizes or give-aways to all participants.

Click here to reserve your foursome or sponsorship today.


DATE: Friday, July 14, 2023 - Rain or shine!

TIME: Cruise from 2:15 pm - 5 pm; Check-in at 1:45 pm

PRICE: $65* per person or take advantage of our package deals

Includes: Appetizers | Beer | House Wine | Soft Drinks | Water | Entertainment

Diamond Sponsors
Register yourself and your team online to get the discounted rate of $55 per person!* *(Does not include sponsorship packages)
Presenting Sponsor


The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association is currently accepting applications for both the Associate Council and the GCNKAA Board of Directors. If interested, please fill out the application on page 8 of this newsletter (for the board) or this linked application (for our associate members) in its entirety and return to the Apartment Association (attention of Michele) no later than Friday, September 15. All responses will be published in the October issue of the Apartment Advantage. Elections will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.

The Board of Directors candidates are selected by the Nominating Committee and run as a slate. For more information on this process, please contact the Apartment Association office.

The Associate Council is the voice for the Associate Members of the GCNKAA and its fourteen council members hold very prestigious seats. Membership on the Council is limited to one representative per member company. If you are interested in running for one of the seven (7) available seats, please keep in mind that there is an attendance policy in place for all representatives to ensure associate members have consistent representation at meetings. For more information on the attendance policy for the Associate Council, email michele@gcnkaa.org.

The members of the Associate Council are primarily responsible for the annual Trade Show, General Membership Dinner Meetings, Canned Good Drive, Furniture Give-Away and the Auction. A lot of time and effort go into being on the Associate Council, but the results are advantageous to all companies and individuals involved.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Michele Klusman or Rebecca McLean at 513 407-8612.

Good luck to all our candidates!

24 JULY 2023 8 SAPPHIRE SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS COPPER SPONSORS Friday, April 19, 2024 Savannah Center | West Chester visit www.gcnkaa.org for sponsorships details
A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 2 4 |


• 2 reserved tables for 10

• 5 Free Entries

• Digital program ad placement (full first page)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program

• Full page ad in the Apartment Advantage newsletter for 3 months

• Company name on website

• Company name on all marketing materials

• Sapphire sponsorship award

• 2 minute speech during ceremony


• 1 reserved table of 10

• 3 Free Entries

• Digital program ad placement (full third page)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program

• Full page ad in the Apartment Advantage newsletter for 2 months

• Company name on website

• Company name on all marketing materials

• Platinum sponsorship award

• Company name/logo on cocktail hour napkins


• 1 reserved table of 10

• Digital program ad placement (full page)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program

• Company name on website

• Company name on all marketing materials


• Digital program ad placement (half page)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program


• Digital program ad placement (quarter page)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program


• Digital program ad placement (business card size)

• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program


• Recognition slide during awards program

• Sponsor listing in program

Payment options for Silver Sponsor level and above –1st half payment due on or before 09/30/2023 and 2nd half payment due on or before 1/31/24

Friday, April 19, 2024


5533 Chappell Crossing Boulevard | West Chester To secure your sponsorship or


Don’t miss your chance to reserve space for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) 2024 Trade Show scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 at Sharonville Convention Center. Early bird pricing of $750 per booth is available through August 31. After August 31, the price per booth increases to $800 per booth.


Besides the opportunity to meet and greet 600 to 800 industry peers during our trade show, here are additional reasons you won’t want to miss out!

1. New Floorplan. Minor changes have been made again to the floorplan to encourage better foot traffic as well as accommodate more booths. This year the booths remain 8’ x 10’. All booths include pipe and drape, one table, two chairs, booth sign and wi-fi. Premier booths are an additional fee. Other booths are reserved for VIP Sponsors. Electric, carpet and additional tables and chairs can be ordered separately through Sharonville Convention Center or Academy Rentals.

3. Expanded Education Rooms. By creating more education seminars that accommodate more students, we can guarantee a larger attendance of property managers, leasing agents and maintenance technicians when the trade show opens. At the end of these seminars, seminar attendees will flow onto the trade show floor where you have the opportunity to talk with each and every one.

4. More Sponsorship Opportunities. By creating new sponsorship levels, we enable you to get more bang for your sponsorship buck. Whether through signage, verbal recognition or company listing on gcnkaa.org and in the Apartment Advantage, we will find a way for you to get involved whether you have one employee or one thousand. We have also added several more benefits to the VIP Sponsorship including premier booth space. Watch for more information to follow regarding sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships range from $300 for a logo or food sponsorship to $1000 for VIP Sponsorship.

Booths are available on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to reserve a booth, visit www.gcnkaa.org after July 24 and download the floorplan and booth contract. Review the available booth space, select your booth and either reserve your booth online or complete your contract with your top three selections, and return back to michele@gcnkaa.org.

If you have any questions, we are here to help! Give us a call at 513-407-8612.


• Booth price includes table, 2 chairs, pipe and drapes, booth marker. Carpet, electric, additional tables and chairs can be ordered separately through Sharonville Convention Center and Academy Rentals for an additional cost. All orders for carpet, electric, additional tables and chairs need to be placed directly through Sharonville Convention Center or Academy Rentals and NOT through GCNKAA. See Exhibitor Kit for more detailed information.

• Booths are sold on a first come first serve basis.

• Each booth is 8’ deep x 10’wide.

• Booths are $750 each through August 31; $800 from September 1 through February 27; $900 after February 27. Select booths are reserved for VIP Sponsors.


1. After July 24, click here for the latest floorplan of the 2024 trade show booths as well as the contract. Please note that – as changes happen on a daily basis – this version of the floorplan may not be completely up-to-date.

2. Look at the floorplan and decide which booth you would like, then simply either:

• Visit www.gcnkaa.org and go to the event calendar to reserve your booth online. Available booths will be listed on the registration page. Log in, complete your selection and submit your request immediately.

• OR fill out the booth contract, complete with your first three (3) booth choices and fax back to 513 407-7868. Michele will follow up with you to let you know which booth is available.


• After you have selected your booth with the Apartment Association, you must either forward GCNKAA a signed contract or remit full payment to reserve that booth.

• We will hold all booths for 14 days without signed contract or payment.

• You may pay for your booth with check or credit card or call the office for an invoice.

• We cannot hold a booth longer than 14 days without contract or payment. After those 14 days, if we do not receive a contract or full payment, GCNKAA will contact you for payment or contract. If no response, GCNKAA may release the booth you selected.

• Full payment of all booths must be received by February 27, 2024.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Apartment Association.

28 JULY 2023 8 SUMMER GOLF OUTING June 22, 2023

The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc.


What an amazing time for the city of Cincinnati: Taylor Swift concert, FC Cincinnati, and the enthusiasm around our Cincinnati Reds! I hope everyone is experiencing the joy of summer with longer evenings, quality time with friends and family, and participating in some of the many wonderful events our beloved city has to offer.

It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to share that, with thanks to your generosity, we sent another $21,500 for Rent Assistance to our four social service partners: FreeStore Foodbank, Jewish Family Service, Santa Maria, and CAIN (Churches Active in Northside). One of our partners personally picked up the check because he has so many families in need and he did not want to wait for mail delivery! To date, we have distributed $129,608 through our six Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) programs. All of our programs are funded from Outreach partnerships and generous donations, which in turn, help thousands of individuals and families within our communities.

One of our other giveback opportunities within Outreach is to host Senior Events at varying communities within the Greater Cincinnati and Norther Kentucky area. We have had the pleasure of partnering with Central Parkway Place and have scheduled another one at The Valley Active Senior Living in August. We serve lunch to

these wonderful individuals and spend time listening to their stories which is such a treasure. What a gift it is to be able to connect with these individuals in-person, brighten their day, and spend some quality time making them smile.

In addition, AAO has sponsored multiple Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Scholarships as well as scholarships to Gateway Community & Technical College. We are proud and honored to help support individuals on their career path to success.

Finally, we have ordered backpacks and school supplies - totaling more than $14,000 - to be delivered in August to four schools in our community! This is just another amazing way to help support our youth and their academic journey.

A Night Out for Outreach: Please mark your calendars for September 23, 2023, for our A Night Out for Outreach event. We are excited to hold our event at The Anderson Pavilion and we will once again be utilizing The Carousel for cocktail hour! A special THANK YOU to Justin and Jill Seger who are our co-chairs again for this wonderful night. Thank you also to our first two Pony Up Sponsors: Forcht Bank and Rent Manager.

I am proud of the service that ALL of the Board members and staff provide, as well as their continued support of utilizing our funds to help those in need. We would like to thank our entire membership, as well as our Champions For Outreach sponsors, in advance for your continued financial support of Outreach and our efforts to help those in our community who deserve our assistance.

A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
Megan Lawhon
Get Social With GCNKAA! Stay active and current on all GCNKAA events Don’t miss a minute of activity at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association! Like us on Facebook and Instagram, follow us on Twitter or visit our website at www.gcnkaa.org for all the latest updates on events, education or legislative efforts. And remember to use our hashtags: #GCNKAA #GCNKAAeducation #GCNKAANextGen. gcnkaa1 @gcnkaa gcnkaa gcnkaa snap or screenshot to add

Platinum Sponsor ($20,000)

Gold Sponsor ($10,000)

Silver Sponsor ($5,000)


To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Megan Lawhon, Jeff March. Rebecca@gcnkaa.org - megan@plkcommunities.com - jmarch@brgapartments.com

30 JULY 2023 8
SEGER FAMILY FOUNDATION MARCH FAMILY Midwest Multifamily Capital Markets
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 31 Saturday, September 23, 2023 5:30pm - 8:30pm SAVE THE
Wear your Semi-Formal Attire. Main Event Tickets, from 5:30 - 8:30pm are $175 per person. Open parking at Central Riverfront Garage (124 East Mehring Way) Sponsorships available: Lead Horse Sponsor $2,500 (6 guests) or Pony Up Sponsor $1,000 (4 guests). To be a sponsor, please contact Susan Peck, susan@gcnkaa.org. 513.407.8612. Join us, along with our Event Chairs, Jill & Justin Seger with Hills Properties, as we celebrate our 12th Anniversary of A Night Out for Outreach. Enjoy a fantastic evening with many industry leaders and friends in attendance. Event proceeds will benefit our six Outreach Programs! ...Cocktails begin at 5:30 pm Sit down dinner at 6:30 pm .

Event Opportunities

The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. is very excited to announce our twelfth annual A Night Out for Outreach. The event will take place on Saturday, September 23, 2023 at The Anderson Pavilion. Enjoy a fantastic evening with many industry leaders and friends in attendance. Cocktails begin at 5:30 pm followed by a sit down dinner at 6:30 pm. Please support this Outreach event and help our neighbors in need of assistance.

Our six programs are: Rent Assistance, twenty Food Pantries, School Supplies, Educational Scholarships, Senior Events and Emergency Funds.

Lead Horse Sponsor $2,500

6 Tickets to the main event – open seating

Company Logo included on AAO Website Recognition in GCNKAA Newsletters

Company Logo included in event digital presentation *Deadline is 9/1

Pony Up Sponsor $1,000

4 Tickets to the main event – open seating

Company Logo included on AAO Website

Company Name listed in event digital presentation

*Deadline is 9/1 to receive all sponsor benefits

32 JULY 2023 8
Properties - Amount Enclosed: $____________ Checks payable to “The AAO” Please mail your donations to: The Apartment Association Outreach - 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste 100,Cincinnati, OH 45236 ______Lead
person Name: _____________________ Company Name: _______________________ Email: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________
Event Chairs Justin & Jill Seger Hills
Horse $2,500
Up $1,000
Ticket $175 per
All donations made to the Apartment Association OUTREACH, Inc, are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please contact Susan Peck, Outreach Administrator, with interest at 513.407.8612, susan@gcnkaa.org.
Name on Card:___________________________________________________________________
Number: ___________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________ Security Code: _______________ Zip Code: _________________
receive all sponsor benefits EVENT

Trend Setting



After a global pandemic, the rise of remote work, ballooning home prices and a cost-of-living crisis, many people can no longer afford to buy a home. Others have come to value the flexibility that comes with not being tied to one place long term.

The fact is that renters have fundamentally changed – and they now comprise more than one-third of the U.S. population.

And yet, some would argue that rental housing industry operations haven’t changed very much. Though technology has advanced exponentially in the past few decades, property managers and residents are experiencing the same pain points they always have.

Compounding this problem is a reduced workforce at leasing offices. Much like hospitality teams recovering from the pandemic, onsite teams are still thin, making it even harder to operate and more important to streamline processes.

Proptech companies have been thinking about this problem, believing that by exploring untapped opportunities in technology and commissioning research into the psychology of renters, the property management industry can evolve in several important ways.

That would be a game changer for renters, yes, but it would also transform the experience of housing providers and property managers. Happier, more comfortable residents mean more on-

This heading contains information on Management & Leasing.

time payments, fewer damages and repairs, reduced turnover, lower workforce costs and more positive word-of-mouth referrals.


Attracting and retaining residents now goes beyond what the physical building offers. For some, a beautiful pool, common area and abundance of elevators and parking spots are no longer considered luxuries – they’re industry standard. And those amenities, while important, fail to help renters where it makes the biggest impact: Their pockets.

Property managers are now in the position to offer additional amenities in the form of tech solutions that consider their residents’ budgets and lifestyle preferences. In the coming years, this could be what will keep occupancy rates high and make it easier for property managers to manage and run their businesses.


The public perception of pay-later plans has evolved. Previously, most consumers using these programs did so because they couldn’t afford to cover a lump sum and needed a financial lifeline. Now, however, consumers of all kinds are choosing paylater programs for flexibility.

It’s a trend that accelerated during the pandemic, which

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changed consumer priorities and adjusted the way many people get paid as they increasingly took on consulting, part-time jobs and gig work. No longer bound to rigid monthly or biweekly pay periods, these consumer preferences clash with the traditional schedule of rent being due on the first of the month.

During times of economic uncertainty, consumers facing a $3,000 bill would rather pay a small fee for the convenience and peace of mind of dividing the lump sum, even when they have enough money in their account to cover the whole bill.

Consumers are becoming increasingly accustomed to having pay-later options. Almost every e-commerce platform is including a payment installment option to help customers and attract more consumers. Property managers could adapt by offering renters the option to pay rent in smaller installments, while third-party proptech companies serve as an intermediary in the process, handling the initial upfront payment, shouldering the risk and charging the resident a small fee.


Security deposits give property managers a critical layer of protection against unpaid rent or utilities and damage that goes beyond normal wear and tear. But the large lump sums that are typically required to sign a lease (often one or two months of rent along with the rest of the move-in costs) are becoming unattainable for some renters as they navigate today’s affordability crisis.

Property managers can adapt by offering security deposit alternative programs, in which proptech companies assume the financial risk by managing deposits while residents pay a low monthly fee. The alternative solutions can help properties get coverage for a higher amount than the security deposit, which can help reduce the overall bad debt of the portfolio. Another benefit is that any disputes that arise over property damage can remain between the proptech company and the resident.

This can also reduce the workload for property management companies and free up staff to focus on specialized tasks. Managing security deposit funds is time-consuming, and every state has its own guidance on how to manage them. Some require deposits to be held in escrow, some require a letter about the deposit to be sent to residents within a certain number of days. That means researching a renter’s new address and sometimes even chasing money that’s owed. Multiply that by a community of 300 people with 50 moveouts, and that equals a lot of work.

Property managers can adapt with tech solutions that allow onsite teams to spend their energy on other tasks while security deposit management runs in the background.

Proptech solutions can empower renters and streamline the property management process because offering renters a way to reclaim control of their finances shouldn’t have to come at the expense of their relationship with the property owner, nor the owner or management’s interests.

More than 6 million units and 25,000 properties across the U.S. use NAA Click & Lease. Accelerate & Simplify Your Leasing Today naahq.org/lease Features Integrates with all PMS software Online & paperless Minimize liability Increased bottom line Simple online rental application Customizable databases


Director of Business Development for Criterion B.

Resident experience is the hot topic in the multifamily housing industry these days, and for good reason: When you’re able to achieve a positive resident experience, you’re also able to achieve more renewals and new leases.

Importantly, a huge part of creating a positive resident experience is fun resident events. However, it can be difficult for your property to host regular, planned events; often, it’s normally not a question of whether your team wants to do events, but rather a lack of time, ideas or budget.

To help you fill out your resident event calendar for the spring and bring a spark of joy to your community, here are five easy, affordable and unique ideas:


Organize a planting day in the community garden or a designated area on the property. Provide gardening tools, seeds and soil to residents who wish to participate. You can also invite local experts to provide gardening tips and advice. Take photos of residents planting and gardening together and share them on social media and your community website.


This idea is a cool twist on a classic resident event. At least a week before the potluck, have your residents submit the recipes for the dish they will be bringing and compile them all into a spring

cookbook. Then, give a copy to each of your residents at the end of the potluck. Not only will your residents enjoy time together and a yummy dinner but also receive a special token they can take home and enjoy for years to come.


This is a great spring-themed craft and activity that is inexpensive and will get residents to come out and participate. This is because it is both a low-commitment and high-value event. For residents, there’s nothing better than free home decor that will take under 30 minutes to get. Plus, it also creates an opportunity to do a community-wide giveaway for the home decor that gets the most


APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 35 ppgpaints.com © 2022 PPG Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. PPG829060 01/22 VISIT OUR STORES IN THE GREATER CINCINNATI–NORTHERN KENTUCKY AREA! Contact your local representative today. MICHELE LEPORE | 513-356-7572 | mlepore@ppg.com With over 135 years of providing solutions across all industry segments, PPG has the right products and services for your job. YOUR

likes on social media after you share them all.


Organize a Spring Fling party in the community center or common area. Include activities such as face painting, balloon animals, a bounce house and carnival games. Provide refreshments and snacks and encourage residents to bring their families and friends. Share photos and videos of the event on social media and your community website.


Spring is the perfect time to clean out clutter and declutter homes. Host a community yard sale in your apartment community’s parking lot or common area. Advertise the event on social media, post flyers around the property and promote it on your community website. Encourage residents to participate by offering incentives like waived rent fees or prizes for the best-decorated booth.


Host a spring clean-up day in the apartment community. Encourage residents to participate by providing free garbage bags, gloves and refreshments. You can also organize a contest for the most creative trash pick-up team and offer prizes such as gift cards or free parking spaces.


Spring is the perfect time for food festivals. You can host a BBQ, a taco festival, a pizza party or any other food-related event that you can think of. Encourage residents to bring their favorite

Have you looked at your group retrospective rating options?

dishes while you provide entertainment and refreshments. Share photos and videos of the event on social media and your community website.


Spring is a wonderful time to engage your residents and market your apartment community. These event ideas can help you create fun and memorable experiences that your residents will enjoy, while also attracting potential renters to your property.

While it might feel a little unnatural and “promotional”, try to view every resident event as a marketing opportunity — take photos and videos, create stories, make TikToks, and share, share, share!

36 JULY 2023 8 1-800-837-3200 | www.careworkscomp.com | info@careworkscomp.com © 2 0 1 5 C a r e W o r k s C o m p WHAT IS GROUP RETROSPECTIVE RATING? A performance-based program where BWC-certified group sponsors pool businesses of like industry, that meet strict safety and claims management criteria and practices As claim costs are controlled, the group members receive premium rebates Plan savings are often greater than traditional group rating plans COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY SERVICES
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For more information, contact CareWorksComp’s Julia Hall toll-free, at 1-800-837- 3200, ext 51576 or via email at julia hall@careworkscomp com This
Contact the GCNKAA office at 513-407-8612 or michele@gcnkaa.org for details on how to get the most out of your advertising dollars.
18th ANNUAL PRESENTING SPONSOR Towne Properties HOLE SPONSORS 1. Calloway Cleaning & Restoration 2. Apartments.com 3. Junk Shot and Doorstep Detail Valet Trash 4. Intersolutions Staffing 5. 6. 7. CORT 8. CertaPro Painters of Cincinnati & NKY 9. ServPro of NW Cincinnati 10. Pinnacle Paving & Sealing 11. Dynegy 12. Sherwin Williams 13. 14. 15. Contractors Inc. 16. Hays + Sons Complete Restoration 17. Rent Manager 18. PPG Paints
Rent. Rite Rug Royal Finish BREAKFAST SPONSORS Jetz Laundry Service TNT Services

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