Vote for your leaders at the General Membership
Dinner Meeting and Elections on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. This year, the party is once again at the Kenwood Country Club located at 6501 Kenwood Road beginning at 5:30 pm.
The Nominating Committee will present their recom mended slate of directors for the two open seats including Justin Seger with HILLS Properties and Liz Werner with Sandstone Properties. We also have ten candidates running for seven open seats on the Associate Council. Candidates for this year include: Heather Barrow with Rent Manager; Rod Herper with National Credit Systems; Gerry Johnson with Rent; Ann Padgett with ePremium Insurance Agency; Mack Pairan with Autom Security; Nathan Plantz with Qira; Christina Rivera with Contractors Inc.; Grant Saunders with Hays +Sons Complete Restoration; Eric Scherzinger with Scherzinger Pest Control; and Trinity Vanover with First Green Commercial Landscaping.
For a list of candidates, see the insert on pages 15 through 18 of this newsletter. It is one vote per company and only Associate Members may vote for Associate Council and only Primary Members may vote for the

Board of Directors.

There will also be a vote on a revision to the GCNKAA by-laws. Below is the recommended revision. Article VIII Election of Officers and Directors. Section 1 Nominations. e. Directors shall not be eligible for nomination or election nor may any Director serve any term after nine (9) twelve (12) consecutive years of service without a minimum one (1) year off. For the purposes of this section the Immediate Past President may serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors even if the Immediate Past President has served for nine (9) twelve (12)consecutive years but the Immediate Past President must serve the one year time off requirement after the Immediate Past President has fulfilled his term as Immediate Past President.
Voting is available by proxy. Votes must be on letterhead with an authorized signature and received by GCNKAA by Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at 12 pm. Votes can be emailed to or mailed to the Apartment Association offices at 7265 Kenwood Road, Suite 100, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236. Please remember, nominations will be accepted from the floor.

Cost to attend is $55 per person - or register yourself and your team directly online for $45 per person by clicking here.
Congratulations to the team from Belfor Property RestorationMark Swope, Mike Stiens, Joseph Heidelberg, and Aaron Johnson - for winning the GCNKAA 17th Annual Fall Golf Classic benefiting the Industry Defense Fund on Thursday, September 29 at Elks Run Golf Club.

Thank you to all our sponsors in cluding Presenting Sponsor Towne Properties and Event Sponsor DMG Management; as well as our hole-in-one contest sponsor Assured Partners. All funds raised at the fall golf classic directly benefit the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund. These funds help us meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide backing for Pat Crowley, GCNKAA Vice President of Governmental Affairs, and the legislative committee’s political needs. See inside for photo highlights.
A big thank you to all our members who supported our Political Action Committee (PAC) Fundraiser through attending our bourbon tasting at Capital Grille on September 15 or through donating to our PACs. We surpassed our goal of $15,000 by raising more than $22,000. More than 40 guests joined us to enjoy networking and four different types of bourbon paired with appetizers. A big congratulations to Lloyd Cobble with CIG Communities for winning the bottle of Blanton’s Bourbon!
As this is an election year, these funds are vital to show our support for political candidates who, in turn, show their support for the multifamily housing industry. If you would like to donate to one of our PACs (Ohio or Kentucky) contact the Apartment Association. Personal or LLC checks and credit cards are accepted.

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Village Green Mgmt
Vice President
Mark Arnold, Royal Finish
Associate Council 1st Vice President
Lloyd Cobble, CIG Communities
Brian Fullenkamp, Legacy Management
Jeff Greenberger,Greenberger & Brewer, LLP Parliamentarian
Todd Hignite, Hearth Home Communities
Lisa Isham, CMHA
Gerry Johnson, Rent Path
Associate Council President
Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities
Oksana Lukjanenko, Denizen Management
Mike Markus, BRG Apartments
Jordann Morgan, Fath Properties
Ann Padgett, ePremium Insurance Agency
Associate Council 2nd Vice President
John Recob, Towne Properties

Elizabeth Werner, Stoneridge Properties

Rebecca McLean, Executive Vice President
Pat Crowley, VP of Governmental Affairs
Michele Klusman, Director of Communications & Programs; Apartment Advantage Editor

Rick Holste, Director of Membership Sales
Zach Jameson, Accounting, Database & Office Coordinator
James Combs, Education & Social Media Coordinator
Susan Peck, AA Outreach Coordinator
Nicole Metz, Membership Coordinator and Office Administrator
Hendy, CPM
Hendy, CPM
Alejandrino, CPM
Cameron, CPM
Cameron, CPM
Ingram, CPM
2000…Roy Wergers
J. Wahlke,
Cohen, CPM
A. Molique, CPM,
O. Ingram, Jr., CPM
1988…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
J. Wahlke, CAPS
A. Molique, CPM, CAPS
Office Hours:
Apartment Advantage is a monthly publication of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment
Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236; phone (513) 407-8612; fax (513) 407-7868.

Apartment Manager (CAM)


Across the Board
By Tonya Petersen, PresidentHappy Fall all! The leaves are chang ing, air is brisk, and Fall Festivals are all over town! What a beautiful season of gorgeous fall color.
We closed out September with out standing education courses, an exciting IRO forum, and the Fall Golf classic. Thank you to all who participated as well as the Chairs and educators that made it happen.

This section contains

of Directors and Association policies.

fices to register for any of our upcoming events.

October brings the celebration of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awareness week from the National Apartment Association (NAA). The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) doesn’t miss a beat in this cel ebration and offers a DE&I Panel at Kenwood Country Club on October 11.
Earlier this month, we celebrated those new to the multifam ily housing industry with an informal New Member Orientation on October 5 and continued to find and prepare our future leaders with a Next Gen Happy Hour on October 6. We will cap the month off with our annual elections on October 18 and our Apartment
I am overjoyed by the participation of our membership, the outstanding education being offered, and our fantastic events thus far through 2022. This leads me to my Attitude of Gratitude for those who make it happen: our Diamond Sponsors! The per manency of the Association would not be possible without our shining Diamonds; my gratitude overflows to each of you! Your dedication to GCNKAA allows our market to promote multifam ily housing in a positive, professional light. Without each of you, we could not offer the educational courses, legislative support, awareness of our industry, networking opportunities and commu nity outreach. Thank you to, Calloway Cleaning and Restoration, Contractors Inc., Pinnacle Paving & Sealing, Rent., RiteRug Flooring, Royal Finish, Sherwin Williams, BRG Apartments, Denizen Management, Fath Properties, Hills Properties, Towne Properties, and Wallick Communities. I think about the definition of a Diamond, formed by pressure a solid el ement that is known as the hardest substance and most popular gemstone. The strength of each of our Diamonds crystallizes our industry, promotes extreme dedication and shines a light on the leaders in our market. A vast THANK YOU from me, our mem bership, the staff and the next generation of professionals as you

Brain Power
By James Combs, Education and Social Media Coordinator
This year in your trick-or-treating ad ventures someone dropped you a chance at an education coupon! Email James with your favorite thing about Halloween to claim this special discount offer.
The back half of the year is going to be busy here at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA). The lineup of education cov ers all the basis from leasing to mainte nance, human resources to executive level, and more! Of course there are some great free offerings all the time that we would love to see everyone take advantage of. Before you know it, it’ll be December…
Below you are going to find all the latest upcoming opportuni ties to grow your education. Education strives to be reflective of our member’s needs. We are always listening to feedback from our members and looking for new ideas all the time. If there are topics or material that you would love to see offered please reach out to
Certificated Apartment Manager (CAM)
Developed by the National Apartment Association Education Institute (NAAEI), the Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) course offers the highest standard of professional training for the on-site manager. Earning your CAM credential allows you to dem onstrate that you have the knowledge and ability to manage an apartment community and achieve the owner’s investment goals. The CAM credential positions you well for career opportunities and advancement. Dead line to register is October 10!
• Monday, October 17, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 pm
• Tuesday, October 18, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 pm
• Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 pm
• Thursday, October 20, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 pm
• Friday, October 21, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 pm
Classes will be held in person at the GCNKAA CORT Education Center located at 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Social Media: A 2022 How-To

When people are in the marketing funnel for your business or apartment, having a professional-looking pres ence online can often be an early filter at which people use to qualify entities in their decision making process. Join us for this 1-hour virtual seminar to get started effectively using social media in your business! The seminar is via zoom.
Wednesday, October 26
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Financial Bootcamp
A better understanding of financials will allow you to more effectively execute your current job responsibilities, identify areas of improvement at the ground level, and prepare you for roles with increased responsibility. We highly recommend this course for CAM, CAS and CAPS credential candidates who need to prepare for the coursework and exam. This course was designed to sharpen the math skills critical to many apartment industry positions.
Friday, November 4
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
7265 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236
The newly formed DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) committee within the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) set out with the goal to model in clusion and embrace diverse back grounds and perspectives of those with whom we work and exist to serve. The committee understood that this topic can seem scary to approach for some - especially those who have very little infor mation about it. From that thought, our DE&I Panel on Sharing Perspectives was born. Come one and come all as these panelists will discuss DE&I from the ground level to the top, from the pri mary member to the associate member. All of these discussions will conclude with a Q&A session where no question is off-limits.
This event is completely free! This session will provide you with information on the importance of ally ship and leadership in the workplace and give you unfiltered access to ask the questions you have regarding DE&I to a group of panelists submersed in the multi-family industry and the topic of DE&I.

This event is CEC qualified and will count for 2 CECs! Join us after the event for a free happy hour!
October 11 from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Kenwood Country Club, 6501 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati
If you are interested in getting involved with the Education or NextGen Committee and help plan all of the great education op portunities, join us for our monthly meetings! Contact me at 513407-8612 or for details and invitations.
GCNKAA’s education and NextGen programs offer great exposure through sponsorship. Seminars and course modules can be sponsored for as little as $150 and comes with many benefits. Sponsorship funds help the association provide extra amenities to the attendees.
Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Course

Designation series must be completed within six months of declaring candidacy, including the exam. Candidates must also complete one year of apartment industry experience.
For complete course, including all class materials and test fees, cost per person is $899 ($1499 for nonmembers). Cancellations received less than 10 days prior to start date will not be entitled to a refund.
All classes will be held at Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estate Conference Room located at 3825 Edwards Road, Ste 200, in Cincinnati. See below for individual course times. Module dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Email for more information.
Government & Housing Legalities

The National Apartment Association (NAA) is pushing for the key bills in the industry’s federal agenda to be voted on before the end of the year.
NAA’s government affairs team has indicated that it is unlikely the bills will be considered individually and instead are likely to wind up attached to a larger omni bus appropriations bill that would be con sidered after election day in November.
Pat Crowley
GCNKAA is supporting two major bills that are part of the NAA agenda.
The Yes In My Backyard (YIMBY) Act encourages com munities to eliminate discriminatory land use policies and remove
This heading deals with housing & legal issues within the Governmental structure.

barriers that prevent needed housing from being built around the country by requiring Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients to report periodically on the extent to which they are removing discriminatory land use policies and implement ing inclusive and affordable housing policies detailed by the bill.
Overall, the YIMBY Act increases transparency in land use, zoning, and housing decisions; sheds light on exclusionary po lices; and ultimately encourage localities to eliminate barriers to much-needed housing.
The Choice in Affordable Housing Act - commonly referred to Section 8 reform - is focused on voluntarily incentivizing partic ipation in the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program.
GCNKAA is continuing outreach to area members of Congress, seeking their support and co-sponsorship of the bills.

Our House

This heading contains membership, staff, committee information and events.

Maintenance Mania® is a national program offered by the National Apartment Association (NAA) and presented by HD Supply (HDS), where maintenance technicians compete against each other in various skill based games. In a matter of minutes, par ticipating attendees could win an all expense* paid trip to Atlanta for the NAA Education Conference in June 2023 where they will compete against the top 20 individuals nationwide. These top 20 individuals will receive *airfare, hotel accommodations and con ference registration courtesy of HD Supply.
Maintenance Mania Sponsorships are a great way to make contact with maintenance technicians from the area and show your support for them. This event is high energy and encourages all levels of property management personnel to come and cheer on the contestants.
• Fowling Sponsor - $150: Sponsorship covers the cost of one fowling lane and includes one complimentary admission to the event.
• Food Sponsor - $200: Helps cover the cost of the food and includes two admissions.
• Beverage Sponsor - $200: Helps cover the cost of the food and includes two admissions.
Compete in Maintenance Mania® where you could earn the chance to compete for the title of National Champion*.

The event consists of several skill-based tables games based on common maintenance activities and a race car competition.
Participants build their race cars prior to the event, aiming to have the fastest and most creative car built out of maintenance supplies.
All games are timed to determine the fastest competitor in each game and overall. To view the competitor training videos click on the link for each game below.
• AO Smith Water Heater Installation
• Frigidaire Icemaker Installation
• Halstead Click-Lock Plank Installation
• Kidde Fire and CO Safety Installation
• Kwikset Key Control Deadbolt Test
• Pfister Drain Installation
• Race Car Competition
You can compete in one or all games, with your cheers and support everyone is sure to have a good time.
Win or lose, you are destined to have a great time. Grab your spot by registering today!
Click here to register to compete, attend, or sponsor!

ARC Abodes
Ian McLean
2755 Mansion Place
Crestview Hills, KY 41017 (859) 630-5207
CSC Crescent Ridge Realty LLC
Jadit Tejada-Castro
2300 Woodhill Court
Crescent Springs, KY 41017 (970) 710-2966
Royalty Management
Luke Tiettmeyer
1839 Beacon Street
Cincinnati, OH 45230 (513) 203-6281
Joe Goodwin
250 Fillmore Street Denver, CO 80206
Dry Patrol
Julie Chapman
711 Business Parkway
Carlisle, OH 45005 (513) 705-9730
Mold and Water Damage Remediation

Hilt Custom Carts
Jacob Scherr
8435 US 42 Florence, KY 41042 (859) 409-8151
Golf Cart Sales and Service
Houchens Insurance Group
Tyler Monger
2734 Chancellor Drive
Crestview Hills, KY 41017 (859) 341-0202
Keith Hatchett
1648 Taylor Road, Unit 102
Port Orange, FL 32128 (615) 579-1745
Insurance - Renters

The Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) has begun in stallment billings for Private Employers for the July 1, 2022 rate year. Your premium payments for the rate year are based on the installment schedule that you selected. In July of 2023, you will receive your annual Payroll True Up Report from the BWC, where you will report your actual payroll for the July 1, 2022 rate year. If your actual payroll was lower than the BWC’s estimate of your payroll, you will receive a refund on your premium. If your actual payroll was higher than the BWC’s estimate of your payroll, you will pay additional premium based on your higher payroll.
To determine your estimated payroll for the July 1, 2022 rate

billing when the BWC sends the annual True Up Report in July of 2023.
You have the ability to review the estimated payroll that the BWC is using for your business, and request a change to your estimated payroll, if needed. In doing so, the BWC will adjust future Premium Installment Payments to reflect the new estimated payroll. This could help limit any surprises that may occur when you receive your annual Payroll True Up Report in July of 2023. If you have more than one active policy with the Ohio BWC, you will want to review all estimated payroll amounts for each policy.

To review your payroll, you can log in to your BWC account

The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is composed of up to two hundred and fifty (250) delegates from the NAA’s ten regions. AOD is NAA’s largest business meeting of the year, where all NAA and NAAEI Boards, Committees and Task Forces meet, and the new incoming volunteer leadership is installed.
The 2022 Assembly of Delegates meeting will take place inperson at the Hilton Norfolk The Main in Norfolk, Virginia. NAA is committed to the health and safety of our members and staff and will continue to monitor and follow guidance from health agencies as we look forward to seeing everyone in November!
Pre-Registration to the 2022 Assembly of Delegates is com plimentary for all attendees who register by November 9, 2022. There is a $50 registration fee for registrations received AFTER November 9.
Questions? Please contact Latasha Perry at Lperry@naahq. org or 703-797-0698
Registration includes all NAA/NAAEI committee meet ings, Chairman’s Welcome Reception, Awards Brunch and Post Installation Reception. The Installation Dinner is a paid ticketed event.

NAA Refund Policy: Cancellation requests must be received
in writing. Requests received on or before October 14, 2022 are entitled to 100% refund less a $25 administration fee for tick ets purchased. After October 14, 2022 there will be no refunds. Refunds will not be issued on unused tickets.
Hilton Norfolk The Main
Wake up to views of the Elizabeth River in downtown Norfolk. You will be just steps away from restaurants, arts and shopping. Enjoy fresh air and cold brews at Norfolk’s first rooftop garden bar, and historic details and curated art throughout the hotel.
Call 1-800-445-8667 – group code: NAA.
Room Rate: $ 185 + tax/night
Cut-Off Date: October 14, 2022
After this date rooms will be accepted on a space- and rateavailable basis only. Cut-off date only guarantees rate – it does not guarantee availability – please book your rooms early.
Rooms are reserved for registered attendees of the 2022 Assembly of Delegates. You must be registered prior to making your hotel reservation. Only one (1) hotel reservation will be al lowed per registered attendee. NAA has the authority to cancel any duplicate hotel reservations or those that are not registered for the conference with or without prior notification.

HeatHer Barrow, rent Manager
Heather is currently serving on the GCNKAA Independent Rental Owners (IRO) Committee, the NextGen Committee, the Fall Golf Committee and the Holiday Cheers Committee. Outside the GCNKAA, Heather is involved in the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA) Membership Committee.
When asked about running for the Associate Council, Heather states that she believes volunteers are the backbone of the Apartment Association. “I want to continue to learn from my fellow GCNKAA members and be an active participant on the Council, committees and events. I believe serving on the Associate Council is the best way to network and build relationships within the Association. When we work together, all boats rise.”
In regard to issues affecting the Associate Members of the GCNKAA, Heather says the main issue, like in many other industries, is staffing. There is also a demand for apartments that has not been seen in several years.
“I have six years of property management experience including office/commercial, storage, and residential. I own and manage 16 units in the Pleasant Ridge and Walnut Hills neighborhoods. Additionally, I worked for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Cincinnati for four (4) years where I specialized in event planning and management, volunteer management, fundraising, and corporate relations.”
rod Herper, national Credit SySteMS
Rod is currently serving on the Associate Council. He also serves on the Business Exchange Committee, Fall Golf Committee, Holiday Cheers Committee, Trade Show Committee, and as co-chair of the Summer Golf Outing Committee for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. Outside of the GCNKAA, Rod is involved in the National Apartment Association (NAA) and many local associations in the industry around the country. Rod is also a Champion for Outreach. He has previously served on the Membership Committee.
Rod stated he wanted to run for Council because, “I enjoy giving back to the association for my business partnerships with members. It keeps me updated on changes in the industry and I want to see the GCNKAA continue to grow. It’s a great association!”
When asked what he felt were the biggest issues facing our associate members, he replied that he felt a big issue was members not getting involved and expecting business from members without putting the time and effort in to build relationships.
Rod concluded by listing that he is a member of many other associations around the country and can share what they are doing and news from other markets. He has been in the industry for more than 17 years and has a large network of partnerships to reach out to for help and sponsorships.
JuStin Seger, HillS propertieS
Justin Seger is responsible for all operations at HILLS Properties. In his 17 years in multifamily housing, he has climbed the ladder and has held most on-site or multi-site positions in the industry. Prior to joining HILLS Properties, Justin worked with Crawford Hoying and TGM Associates. He has been with HILLS Properties for more than 5 years.
Justin currently serves on the GCNKAA legislative committee as well as both the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Board of Directors and the Apartment Association Outreach Board of Directors. He is also active with several other local Apartment Associations including the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK), Greater Lexington Apartment Association, and the Indiana Apartment Association.
“We are facing unprecedented times in our industry,” Justin stated when asked why he was interested in running for the board of directors. “I look forward to continuing the momentum at the GCNKAA.”
When asked about local and state issues affecting multifamily housing, Justin responded, “The possibility of rent control and staffing challenges are the two items that currently have me the most concerned.”
Justin summarizes, “As a decision maker at HILLS, I am used to solving problems and leading a team.”
liz werner, SandStone propertieS
Liz is an independent rental owner with 40 rental units. She selfmanages all her properties and is responsible for all aspects of property management. She has been the owner and manager of Stoneridge Properties LTD and Sandstone Management LTD for 28 years.
Ms. Werner currently serves on the board of directors and is the chairman of the GCNKAA Independent Rental Owners (IRO) council. She is also a member of the National Apartment Association (NAA) Independent Rental Owners (IRO) council as well as a member of the NAA Membership Committee. She has also served as Vice President of the Fair Housing Mediation Service and served on the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) Board of Directors.
She states, “I am currently serving on the GCNKAA Board and have enjoyed helping independent rental owners obtain new information as well as represent their interests and issues to the Board.”
When asked what local and state issues are affecting our industry, Liz responded the two biggest are federal, state, and local mandated regulations as well as the lack of affordable housing.
“My experience with the multi-family housing industry and organizations has given me the ability to represent the perspectives and issues that affect independent rental owners.”

gerry JoHnSon, rent
Gerry is currently serving on the Associate Council. He also serves on the GCNKAA Board of Directors as Associate Council President; is co-chair of the Trade Show Committee for the sixth year; and cochairing the Holiday Cheers Committee for the seventh year; and also serves on the Business Exchange Committee. He has previously served on the Membership Committee and chaired the Summer Golf Committee. Outside of the GCNKAA, Gerry is also involved with the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA), the Indiana Apartment Association (IAA), and the Northwest Ohio Apartment Association (NOAA). He is also the current NAA Liaison for Region III.
When asked why he wanted to run for the Associate Council, Gerry responded, “I am interested in continuing to serve because Council provides me an opportunity to take a leadership role in our business and work to make improvements and learn more about how to improve our association.”
Gerry continues about the major issues affecting the associate members of the industry, stating, “The biggest issue facing Associate members in our business is staying connected and involved. The pandemic has changed our industry forever and our members have to adapt. The Association provides a great outlet to assist with this issue.”
“I feel I can provide leadership and experience to the Associate Council and the organization as a whole. I have worked on every committee at some point during my 16-year membership with the GCNKAA. In addition, I have chaired several events over the years. I will continue to work hard to make sure all of our associate members get the best value for their membership. My communication skills, good relationships in the industry, and my willingness to lead people to a common goal will benefit the Associate Council and all its efforts.”
ann padgett, epreMiuM inSuranCe agenCy

Ann currently serves on the NextGen Committee (co-chair), Education Committee, and the Social Media Committee for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. Outside the GCNKAA, Ann is also currently serving on the National Apartment Association (NAA) Technology Committee, serves as the NAAPAC Ambassador, and NSC Liaison to Association Executive Council (AEC). She has previously served as a member of the NAA NextGen Committee, NAA Operations Committee, NAA Marketing and Communications Committee, NAA Budget & Finance Committee, and the NAA IRO Committee. In addition, she has volunteered on committees for IAA and VAMA. She is an NAA Lyceum graduate and holds her Certified Apartment Supplier (CAS) designation.
When asked why she was interested in running for Associate Council, Ann replied, “I am passionate about the rental housing industry and feel blessed to have spent 19 years in this multifamily housing family. As an active member of GCNKAA, I see the positive impact this association has on our community, our businesses, and colleagues.”
Ann continued, responding, “These last two years have been challenging for us associate members, and for me and my business, it reaffirmed the importance of our association memberships and the value they bring to our company. As an industry supplier, I believe it is my responsibility to help encourage the health of our organization
and I see being part of the Council as a key to success.”
Ann concluded by discussing her skills and experience that would be beneficial to the GCNKAA stating, “I have been an active member of the NAA NSC for more than 12 years and I believe I bring a lot of value from that exposure to our local supplier members.”
MaCk pairan, autoM SeCurity
Mack is new to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association but has already joined several committees. He currently serves on the NextGen Committee, the Holiday Cheers Committee, the Business Exchange Committee, and the Membership Committee.
“Seeing the impact that GCNKAA has had in my business and the businesses of others in the association has been astounding. I would be honored to be a part of that impact in any way that I can. I also want to be a voice for Associate Members and to push for any resources they need,” Mack stated.
When asked about what issues are affecting our associate members, Mack replied GCNKAA does a great job of helping and encouraging Associate members to be a part of the events in the community. He states he would push for more educational opportunities around sales, marketing, operations, or any other topic that Associate Members would deem necessary to better serve our Primary Members.
Mack concluded, “In 6th grade, I started a non-profit when I realized at a food pantry in Northside a family of five would only receive 2 rolls of toilet paper a month. I wanted to help because I knew my family of five would go through a lot more than that in a month. Over the course of a couple of years, I was able to collect more than 10,000 items for the food pantry. The skills I learned there of seeing a lack of resources, having the initiative to create change, coming up with a solution, and rallying people around the cause are the same skills I want to bring to the Associate Council.”
natHan plantz, Qira
Nathan currently serves on the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I) Committee for the GCNKAA. Outside of the GCNKAA, he is active with the Downtown/Main Street Revitalization Project in Brookville, Indiana.
“I’ve been actively a part of GCNKAA for more than 4 years and currently serve on the DE&I committee. I have spent my entire career in real estate and the rental industry and want to give back,” Nathan responded when asked why he was interested in running for Associate Council.
When asked about obstacles facing the associate members of GCNKAA, Nathan discussed rising rents and occupancy rates that are really helping some vendors while hurting others.
When asked about his skills that would be beneficial to the Associate Council, Nathan responded, “I am heavily involved in Security Deposit Legislation and financial relationships between primaries and residents. I have been in many successful proptech startups and work very well in a fast-paced and collaborative environment and love projects.”
CHriStina rivera, ContraCtorS inC.
Christina is currently serving on the GCNKAA Education Committee and is involved in Outreach programs. She is also involved

in the Louisville Apartment Association (LAA) and the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA).
When asked why she wanted to serve on the Associate Council, Christina stated she wanted to be a “valuable member behind the wheel of an amazing association, play a key role in strategizing, be an impactful voice, contribute to the bottom line and to thrive and grow through continuous engagement.”
Christina states that all members must work to grow the association by recruiting new members outside of scheduled association events. Members must divide and conquer workload and responsibilities.
Christina lists her current and previous committee experience as well as her being a part of a company that continues to financially and socially contribute to multiple associations as benefits to her serving on the Council.
grant SaunderS, HayS + SonS reStoration
Grant currently serves on the Associate Council and is co-chair of the Fall Golf Committee. He is also involved with the Legislative Committee, Business Exchange Committee, Summer Golf Committee, and Trade Show Committee. Grant has been involved with the GCNKAA for more than 10 years. Outside of GCNKAA, Grant is also involved with BOMA and the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA).
“We value the GCNKAA and the relationships it has helped us build to grow our business,” Grant responded when asked why he was running for council. “Being on Council allows me the opportunity to help support the success of GCNKAA and to give other associate members that same chance.”
When asked what he felt were the major local and state issues affecting the associate members, Grant replied, “The biggest issue is making sure that associates have access to network with other associates and to build relationships with primary members that allow their businesses to succeed.”
Grant concludes, “Having served on Council previously, I feel familiar with the cooperation needed to allow things to run well. As a leader at Hays + Sons, I understand the balance needed between building relationships while maintaining financial success.”
eriC SCHerzinger, SCHerzinger peSt Control
Eric currently serves on the Associate Council and is co-chair of the Business Exchange Committee. He is also involved with the Legislative Committee. Outside of GCNKAA, Eric is involved with the Board of Directors for the National Pest Management Association; has previously served on the Associate Council for the Columbus Apartment Association (CAA) and the board of directors for the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA); PAC Chair for Ohio Pest Management Association; the Marketing Committee for the Goering Center for Family Business; previously on Emerging Leaders Council for National MS Society; and past president of the Future Pest Managers of Ohio and BOMA.
“The Associate Council is an excellent opportunity to serve the apartment industry as it provides the opportunity to be part of decisions that will improve and enhance the businesses of my fellow associate members as well as the primary members of the GCNKAA,” Eric responded when asked why he was running for Council. “I have
been involved with the Associate Council since 2013 and say with confidence that this group has never been stronger... from important changes to support we provide to our group of members to the incredible success of the events supported and hosted by Council.”
When asked what he felt were the major local and state issues affecting the associate members, Eric replied, “The major issues affecting the associate members is getting more involvement constantly. Also having the primary members look to associate members first when they need a vendor is vital. I think this has improved due to events like the Business Exchange, but it is an ongoing problem.”
Eric concludes, “I am currently on the Council and feel like I have contributed and have been actively involved as well with other activities with the GCNKAA. I think also being involved with all the groups I listed above gives me the ability to bring ideas from those other groups that can benefit the GCNKAA. I look forward to continuing to work with this great group to help our association continue to thrive.”
trinity vanover, FirSt green CoMMerCial landSCaping
Trinity is currently serving on the Associate Council. He also serves on both the Summer Golf Committee for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. Outside of the GCNKAA, Trinity is also involved with CAI and BOMA.
When asked why he would like to run for the Associate Council, he responded, “To help others understand the organization and what it can do to help your business as well as to continue to learn more about the industry.”
Trinity feels the major issue currently affecting the associate members of the GCNKAA is finding opportunities for primary members to meet more with associate members at our events.
Trinity is a business owner and has been in the industry for more than 10 years and has served on the associate council for the past ten years.
GCNKAA Elections Voting By Proxy
You can cast your vote by proxy through October 18, 2022, at 12 pm. One vote per company. Only Primary Members may vote for the board of directors and only Associate Members may vote for the Associate Council. Email your vote of up to 7 names on your letterhead with authorized signature to


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It’s not how you start,


Cost Per Booth
Before September 1;
Before February 14
After February 14
Sponsor Only

and Drape
Table and Skirt
- Chairs
- Booth Marker
You May Order Additional Items Directly Through Our Contacts at Your Cost

Table -
Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association

Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 407-8612
(513) 407-7868
Booth Information
• All booths are 8’
• Booths are $750 from June 1, 2022, through August 31, 2022. Price increases to $800 from September 1, 2022, through February 14, 2023 | After February 14, 2023, booths increase to $900
• Premium Booths are $850. See floorplan for premium booths
• Specially marked booths are only eligible for purchase with VIP sponsorship ONLY
• Booth price includes: Pipes, drapes, one 6’ table with skirt, two chairs, booth marker, wifi access. Electric not included in booth price. You may order electric through Academy Rentals form included in Exhibitor Kit and found online.
• Electric is available for $79* per booth through separate order through Sharonville Convention Center *electric is $79 per booth if ordered prior to March 6; after March 6, electric is $150 per booth
• Carpet, additional table and/or chair is available for
Set up is 11 am to 3:30 pm
charge through Academy Rental
may be
not limited to, testing, mask-wearing and
the health and safety of all
By signing the Exhibit Space Application and Contract, the Exhibitor agrees to abide by these Rules and Regulations and all amendments thereto and the deci sions of Show Management. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “GCNKAA” shall mean the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, “ex hibit hall” shall mean the Sharonville Convention Center, and “Exhibitor” shall mean any company, firm or person who has applied for or been allocated any space at the Exhibit Hall.
The Exhibitor agrees that his exhibit shall be admitted into the Show and shall remain solely on strict compliance with all the rules herein described. GCNKAA reserves the right to reject, eject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any Exhibitor with or without giving cause. GCNKAA’s liability for rejection without giving cause shall be limited to a refund to the Exhibitor of the amount of rental unearned at the time of ejection. However, if an exhibit or Exhibitor is ejected for violation of these rules or any other stated reason (with cause), no return of rental shall be made. Exhibitor shall not exhibit any merchandise other than that specified in the application.
Booth selection by Exhibitor is available on a first-come, first serve basis and there is no first right of refusal. GCNKAA’s confirmation of requested booth space is final and shall constitute an acceptance of the Exhibitor’s offer to occupy space. Confir mation will be made only after receipt of the Exhibitor Agreement and the appropri ate booth fees. After confirmation, space location may not be changed, transferred, or canceled except upon written request and with the subsequent written approval of GCNKAA. Not withstanding the above, GCNKAA reserves the right to change location assignments at any time, as it may, in its sole discretion, deem necessary.
Exhibitor fee includes a 8’x 10’ exhibit space, materials to define exhibit space (pipe & drape), a two-line sign showing Exhibitor’s company name and booth number, one 6’ table with skirting, two chairs and wifi access. No signs or advertising de vices shall be displayed outside the exhibit space other than those furnished by GCNKAA. Booth displays not to exceed nine (9) feet in height across the back. No backdrops or booths higher than five (5) feet in height are permitted along the sides of the booth. Booth displays cannot block neighboring booths. Electric, carpet, additional table and chairs, and landlines are available at Exhibitor cost through separate contracted vendor.
A. Restrictions on Space Rental: Exhibitor may not sub-let, sub-divide or assign his space nor any part thereof, nor purchase multiple booths for the purpose of subletting or assigning to third parties, nor permit in his booth non-exhib iting companies’ representatives without the express written permission of GCNKAA. Only companies or individuals that have contracted directly with GCNKAA shall be allowed on the show floor as an Exhibitor. Failure to comply with this provision shall be sufficient cause for GCNKAA to require the imme diate removal of the exhibit and/or the offending Exhibitor at the expense of the Exhibitor. Failure to comply may also result in forfeiture of all further rights to exhibit at future shows sponsored by GCNKAA together with all fees paid. GCNKAA may lease any space so forfeited to another Exhibitor and retain all revenues collected.
B. Exhibitor shall design and maintain the general theme and tenor of show.
GCNKAA reserves the right to fix the time for the installation of the booth prior to the show opening and for its removal after the conclusion of the show. Installation of all exhibits must be fully completed at least 30 minutes prior to the opening of the Show. Failure to adhere to this requirement could restrict Exhibitor’s entry into any future shows produced by GCNKAA. Any space not claimed by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, may be resold or reassigned without refund. All exhibits and booth materials must be removed by 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
No exhibit shall be packed, removed or dismantled prior to the closing of the Show without written permission from GCNKAA. If the Exhibitor acts in breach of this provision, it shall pay as compensation for the distraction to the Exhibition’s ap pearance, an amount equal to one-half of the total space charge for the Exhibitor’s allocated area, in addition to all sums otherwise due under this Agreement.
Any exhibitor using an EAC agrees to notify GCNKAA of such appointment and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GCNKAA, the exhibit facility, and their re spective officers, directors, staffs, employees, and agents and all official contrac tors from any and all liability or losses for any act, complaint, damage, or loss to any other Exhibitor, the exhibit hall, the property of any contractor or any consequential damages arising out of any such act of loss from the time the independent EAC first arrives at the hall until the final move-out is complete. The Exhibitor further agrees that GCNKAA may prohibit the EAC from working in the hall if the EAC does not ful ly comply with all rules and regulations set forth for them at this event. Any Exhibitor using an EAC agrees to advise its EAC of all rules and regulations.
A. All demonstrations, sales activities, and distribution of circulars and promotion al material must be confined to limits of the Exhibitor’s booth.
B. Exchange of money or consummating the sales of goods or services on the exhibit floor is prohibited. Orders may be taken for future delivery only
C. Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound motion picture equipment, public address systems, or any noise-making ma chines must be operated so that the noise resulting from there will not annoy or disturb adjacent Exhibitors or their patrons. Exhibitor represents and warrants that no musical work protected by copyright will be staged, produced or, other
wise, performed via either “live” or “mechanical” means, or by or on behalf of Exhibitor, unless Exhibitor has previously obtained written permission from the copyright owner’s designee (e.g., ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC) for such use.
D. Exhibitors are prohibited from displaying any devises or objects in the booth that exceed the height of the back wall (9 ft.) without prior written approval from GCNKAA and the exhibit hall. No backdrops or booths higher than five (5) feet in height are permitted along the sides of the booth. Booth displays cannot block neighboring booths.
E. The use of inflatables (or ‘bounce houses’) is restricted without approval from GCNKAA, Sharonville Convention Center, and/or neighboring exhibitors.
F. Exhibitors are not allowed to conduct any activities that could be considered an illegal lottery under Ohio law.
G. Electrical equipment that is not UL approved may not be used in the exhibit hall. No wiring, installation or spotlights or other electrical work shall be done except by the electrical contractor authorized by GCNKAA or exhibit hall.
H. Approval for distribution of food items must be obtained by the Sharonville Convention Center prior to the event.
I. Sharonville Convention Center prohibits the use of glitter, confetti guns, fire works and helium balloons inside their facility.
J. Live animals (except service animals) and firearms are prohibited inside SCC.
The Exhibitor specifically recognizes and acknowledges that GCNKAA will sustain losses if the Exhibitor cancels its exhibit space after it has been assigned and confirmed by the GCNKAA. Due to the difficulty of determining said losses, the Exhibitor agrees to pay the following amounts as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, all cancellations must be received in writing. Booth cancellations received after November 1, 2022, and prior to February 14, 2023, will be issued a refund minus a $100 administrative fee. Booth cancellations after February 14, 2023, will forfeit all booth fees and will be responsible for full booth payment. Upon cancel lation by the Exhibitor, GCNKAA has the right to resell the space and retain all revenue collected.
In the event that any unforeseen occurrence shall render the fulfillment of this Agreement impossible by GCNKAA, the parties shall mutually amend or terminate the agreement at GCNKAA’s option. The Exhibitor hereby waives any claim against GCNKAA for damages or compensation. GCNKAA may return a portion of the amount paid for space after deduction of any amounts necessary to cover expens es incurred in connection with the show. Such expenses include, but are not limited to all expenses incurred by GCNKAA as a result of contracts with third parties for services or products incidental to the show, and all overhead expenses attributable to the production of the show. No monies will be returned should the dates or lo cation of the show be changed by GCNKAA, but Exhibitor will be assigned space that the Exhibitor agrees to use under these same rules and regulations. GCNKAA shall not be liable in the event the show is interrupted, canceled, moved or dates changed except as provided herein.
GCNKAA assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by official show contractors or other suppliers to the show, their personnel, or their agents.
A. All property of the Exhibitor remains under its custody and control in transit to and from exhibit facility, during installation and removal, and while it is within the confines of the exhibit facility. Neither GCNKAA, the service contractors, the management of the Sharonville Convention Center nor any of the officers, staff members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of Exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes. The Exhibitor expressly waives and releases any claim or demand he may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the Exhibitor.
B. Exhibitor understands that neither GCNKAA nor any sponsor carries business interruption and property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor agrees to obtain adequate insurance during the dates of the trade show, including move-in and move-out days, and shall be prepared to furnish a certificate of insurance to GCNKAA.
GCNKAA has full power to interpret and enforce all regulations of the show and the power to make amendments and/or further regulations, orally or in writing, that are considered necessary for the proper conduct of the show. Such decisions shall be binding on Exhibitors. All Exhibitors agree to be bound by terms of GCNKAA’s agreement with the facility in which the show is held.
In the interest of the entire Show, the Exhibitor agrees not to extend invitations, call meetings, or otherwise encourage absence of members, Exhibitors, or invited guests from the educational sessions or exhibit hall during the official hours of the sessions or show. Hospitality suites may not be reserved without prior approval of
Show Management.
Waiver by either party of any term or condition or breach shall not constitute a waiver of any other term or condition or breach of this agreement. The rights of GCNKAA shall not be deemed waived as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of GCNKAA.
In the event any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable then neither the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor other applications of the provisions involved shall be affected thereby.
P: (513) 772-1898 | F: (513) 322-4473
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Trade Show March 14, 2023, at the Sharonville Convention Center
1. Complete form below and fax to (513) 322-4473 or email to Cindy at by the DEADLINE for dis counted prices. Academy will email or fax a contract and charge slip to confirm receipt of your order. After the deadline, the higher standard prices apply and the equipment is limited as indicated below.
2. Your Pipe & Drape booth includes one (1) 6 ft. covered and skirted table, two (2) chairs and a booth ID sign. Use this form to order additional equipment.
3. Complete the following area if you want to rent any ADDITIONAL equipment: Discounted
8’ x 30” Table, covered & skirted (show colors)
6’ x 30” Table, covered & skirted (show colors)
6’ TALL Table (40”) cover/skirt (show colors)
8’ TALL Table (40”) cover/skirt (show colors)
30” Round Standard Table with White Linen
30” Round TALL Table with White Linen
Any size, plain table (Indicate size: ) Folding Chair, black Deluxe Convention Chair Padded, Burgundy
6’ x 18” Table, covered & skirted (show colors)
4’ x 24” Table, covered & skirted (show colors) Carpet, per Single booth space-(show colors) Carpet Padding, per Single booth space
$70.00 X $60.00 X $75.00 X $80.00 X $55.00 X $60.00 X $35.00 X $ 7.00 X $14.00 X $55.00 X $50.00 X $125.00 X $50.00 X
After Deadline PRICES
$140.00 $120.00 $150.00 $160.00 N/A N/A $70.00 $14.00 N/A N/A N/A $250.00 $100.00
(Show color skirting is black, with a white table cover. Show color carpet is black)
4. Complete payment information: credit card only. All credit cards accepted:
Name on Card
Credit Card Type CVV#
Card Expiration Date
Card Billing Address, State & Zip
5. Complete information, sign & fax this form: Your Company Name
Subtotal $ Tax (7.8%) $
3% CC Fee $ Total Due $
1. You are responsible for contacting a carrier and scheduling your shipment to us. Shipments are NOT accepted at the show site, unless pre-scheduled with Academy. Drayage charges apply.
2. Clearly address each container to:
Academy Expo
Greater Cinti & NKY Apartment Assn. “Company Name & Booth Number” 116 Marion Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215
Phone (513) 772-1898 Fax (513) 322-4473
3. Payment must be made by credit card. All credit cards accepted.
4. Total number of containers (#):
5. Rates: $ 1.00 per pound
(Minimum payment required $25.00 for 1-25 lbs.)
Total weight of packages shipped to Academy (lbs) :
Total amount due ($):
6. Your Contact Information
Your Company Name:
Company Address:
Company City/ State/ Zipcode:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Contact Person:
Your Booth#:
All material must arrive on or before Monday, March 6, 2023
Shipments received after the deadline will incur a $125.00 late fee.
8. Academy will store and deliver your container(s) to your booth at the meeting site. We are not responsible for any un packing, repackaging, setup or breakdown of materials.
9. ***Affix your carriers PREPAID shipping return labels & our “Return Drayage Form” to your returning packages, then CALL your carrier to schedule a pickup from our warehouse on either Thursday, March 16 or Friday, March 17, 2023.
10. Fax this completed, signed form to (513) 322-4473 with your credit card information:
NAME as it appears ON CARD CVV#
Person responsible for this information and its execution:
Name Title Date
Questions? Contact Cindy Ritchie by phone# 513-772-1898 or email:
# of boxes returned Approximate total weight. Name of Carrier
PLEASE attach your completed, pre-paid shipping labels to each of the packages you are returning, with this form and call your carrier to schedule pickup from Academy Expo.
Questions? Contact Cindy Ritchie by phone# 513-772-1898 or email:
Academy Expo, 116 Marion Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 PH# (513) 772-1898, FAX# (513) 322-4473
**** Please be sure to complete this form and attach it, with your pre-paid shipping labels, to your boxes to ensure a prompt return.

$1000 Each; Limit of 18
•Premier Booth in VIP Row
•Carpet provided for your booth
•Floor decal in front of your booth signaling you as a VIP
•Different color pipe and drape for your booth space
•Admittance into the last few minutes of the executive forum to be introduced as a VIP sponsor
• Admittance to the VIP ‘lounge’ area for a 30 minute cocktail networking event with the attendees of the executive forum and other key decision makers

•Use of VIP ‘lounge’ to meet privately with clients or potential customers outside of the trade show floor throughout the main show hours
•GCNKAA is currently researching affordable ways to collect attendee information to be forwarded to all VIPs.
•10 drink tickets
•Company logo on event invitations
page ad in March 2023 Apartment
logo on floorplan
throughout facility
logo on bag
Grand Prize Drawing at their booth
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
FOOD SPONSORS: $300 each
Returning to the 2023 trade show is free food from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. Food Sponsors will receive inclusion on promotional pieces and signage at the 2023 trade show. For primary and associate members.
LOGO SPONSORS: $300 each
Due to its success, we will once again be distributing the GCNKAA Tote Bag to the first 500 attendees. Logo sponsors receive inclusion on promotional pieces and company logo on this bag. For associate members only
BAG SPONSORS: $500 each Bag sponsors will receive inclusion on promotional pieces and your company logo on the event ‘swag bag.’ For primary members only.

Reserve your booth and submit your complete booth contract to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. You can fax this information to 513 407-7868 or email directly to Upon receipt at the GCNKAA offices, a confirmation email will be sent to the trade show representative listed upon contract. Booth price of $800 includes one table, two chairs, pipe and drapes and booth sign ONLY. The price will increase to $900 per booth after February 14, 2023.
Order electric and other services from Sharonville Convention Center. Upon receiving your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact the Sharonville Convention Center at 513-326-6466 or use the Service Order Form found inside this booklet to order your electric and/or other addi tional hook-ups for your booth. This must be ordered and paid for separately through Sharon ville Convention Center. Please note their pricing deadlines. GCNKAA does not supply electric and is not responsible for your ordering and payment.
3: STEP 4:
Order additonal tables, chairs and carpet for your booth. Sharonville Convention Center is not carpeted and the exhibit hall has a concrete floor. Upon receiv ing your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact Academy Rentals at 513-772-1898, email or complete the order form inside this trade show exhibitor information kit. This must be ordered and paid for separately through Academy Rentals. Please note their pricing dead lines. GCNKAA does not supply additional tables, chairs or carpeting and is not responsible for your ordering and payment.
Do you have to ship your booth to the GCNKAA trade show? Sharonville Convention Center does not accept any shipments, however, shipments can be sent to Academy Rentals. Upon receiving your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact Academy Rentals at 513-772-1898, email or complete the order form inside this trade show exhibitor information kit. Fees do apply and this must be paid for separately through Academy Rentals. Please note their pricing deadlines. A Return Drayage Form can also be found inside this kit. GCNKAA is not responsible for your ordering, payment or any materials shipped.

The 25th Annual Holiday Cheers Benefit is a fundraiser ben efiting the Apartment Association Outreach Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to assist ing residents with rent payments during times of personal emergen cies or crisis. Monies raised during the Benefit will help fund the Rent Assistance programs of various lo cal agencies including:
• Free Store Foodbank

• Citizens Active In Northside (CAIN)

• Jewish Family Service and

• Santa Maria Community Services
Each year, the Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. supports these programs with annual payments of more than $148,000 per year. With the current economy, these funds are more important than ever to support our local community and the efforts of our fellow organizations.
Again this year, this fundraiser will be a hybrid event with portions held online and other portions happening live at the Holiday Cheers Party at the Savannah Center in West Chester. All members and the general public will have a full week of bidding opportunities for silent auction items beginning on December 1 and will culminate on December 8 with the live auction, Rapid

What They Can Do For You
Raffle, Mystery Bags and raffle tick et items.
If you would like to donate an item, please contact Michele at the Association office by emailing mi or calling 513407-8612. If you would like more information, contact either Michele Klusman or a member of the Holiday Cheers Committee.
If you do not have an item to do nate or the time to buy something to donate, we can go out and purchase items for you. Cash donations are acceptable and will be used to buy items for the benefit in your company’s name. This is one event that will not be possible without the support of all our members and the surrounding community. Through the help of the Holiday Cheers Committee, spearheaded by Gerry Johnson with Rent and Tonya Petersen with Miller Valentine Group, this is an event that will be a huge success.
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allow able by law.
Due to the preliminary work of setting up all the items on an online auction site, kindly have your donations into the GCNKAA office by Monday, October 31.
Registration for the Holiday Cheers Party will open soon!

The Apartment Association
By Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities, Outreach President
I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful change in temperature and the beautiful fall season that is upon us! It has been gorgeous outside, and I, for one, am thankful we actually get to experience this season, versus going from hot to cold, as we know happens in Cincinnati.
Megan LawhonWe have been busy at the Apartment Association Outreach, and rather than share all the specifics of our contributions, I would really like to focus on our upcoming event, A Night Out for Outreach!
A Night Out For Outreach Please mark your calendars for October 29, 2022! A Night Out for Outreach is at The Anderson Pavilion in Downtown Cincinnati. We will be uti lizing The Carousel for Cocktail Hour! I am so excited to enjoy an evening with others who share a passion for giving back, and who will be supporting our partners in need. This event helps to financially
support Rent Assistance needs within our community, twenty Food Pantry partners, Senior Events, Educational Scholarships, Backpack Supplies, and Emergency Funds. We could not do all of this without YOU! Please join us for a wonderful evening while connecting with industry colleagues, friends, community members and more, to sup port this incredible organization. A special THANK YOU to Justin and Jill Seger, our co-chairs for this wonderful night.
A VIP Wine & Bourbon Tasting Hour is new this year with limited tickets. Sponsorship opportunities are available! Don’t forget to register as soon as possible! Contact Susan at the GCNKAA office for futher details or to get registered.
I am proud of the service that ALL of the Board members and staff provide, as well as their continued support of utilizing our funds to help those in need. We would like to thank our entire membership in advance, as well as our Champions for Outreach Sponsors, for your continued financial support of Outreach and our efforts to help those in our community who deserve our assistance.

Event Opportunities
Event Chairs
Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. is very excited to announce our eleventh annual A Night Out for Outreach. The event will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at our NEW location, The Anderson Pavilion. Enjoy a fantastic evening
many industry leaders and friends in attendance.
5:30 pm
by a sit down dinner at 6:30 pm. Please
help our neighbors in need of assistance.
6 programs are Rent Assistance, 20 Food Pantries, School Supplies, Educational Scholarships, Senior Events and Emergency Fund are supported by
Apartment Association Outreach, Inc.
Lead Horse Sponsor $2,500
Tickets to the main event – open seating Company Logo included on AAO Website Recognition in GCNKAA Newsletters
page company logo in the event program* Company Logo included in event digital presentation
is 10/7 to receive all sponsor benefits
Pony Up Sponsor $1,000
Tickets to the main event – open seating
Logo included on AAO Website Company name listed in the event program*
Name listed in event digital presentation
VIP Wine & Bourbon Tasting Hour $50 Per Person (4:30-5:30pm)
elegant VIP event provides our guests the opportunity
sample a wide variety of premier wine and bourbon tastings, and bid
auction items,
of the AAO.
contact Susan Peck, Outreach Administrator, with interest at 513.407.8612,

Trend Setting
This heading contains information on Management & Leasing.


One- and two-bedroom apartment rents have reach new highs. According to the latest National Rent Report from Zumper, the median national rent for one-bedrooms is at $1,503, while twobedrooms are at $1,845—the former hitting a new record for the ninth straight month.

The gap between median rents for one- and two-bedrooms has also closed year-over-year (YoY), marking the closest they have been since May 2022. The two data points had relatively moved in lockstep over the past year.
“The rental market has been very supply constrained for the past five quarters, but there has been a significant shift back towards equilibrium in the past quarter,” said Zumper CEO Anthemos Georgiades in a release. “Occupancy rates and the pace of rent increases are now falling in many major metros as renter demand softens and fear of recession kicks in, with many renters deciding to stay put or trade down on the most expensive options.”
New York City continues to have the highest rent for median one-bedrooms at $3,950. San Francisco ($3,100), Boston ($2,890) and San Jose, Calif. ($2,770), stayed put in the top 10. San Diego, Los Angeles, Oakland and Santa Ana were the other California markets in the top 10. While the month-to-month increase in New York was only half a percentage point, the year-over-year increase is pushing 34%. Chesapeake, Va., and Tulsa, Okla., were also
among the markets with at least a 30% increase YoY.
Meanwhile, two-bedroom rents in New York ($4,410) have jumped 40% YoY, but only 0.2% month to month. While some mar kets have a large difference between one- and two-bedroom rents, some do not, e.g., Providence, R.I.; Nashville, Tenn.; WinstonSalem, N.C.; Laredo, Texas; St. Louis; and Cleveland are among the cities that have less than a $100 difference between the two medians.
Courtesy of Sedgwick
One of the keys to a safe work place is evaluating, identifying, and eliminating hazards. There is a stepby-step process available called the “Hierarchy of Controls”. The hier archy of controls can be an effective tool to reduce the frequency and or the severity of injuries at your workplace and ultimately help reduce workers’ compensation costs. This 5-step pro cess was created in the 1950’s and is still used today.

The chart identifies the preferred way to control a hazard from the most effective which is elimi nation. Then the order follows the next preferred method using Substitution, then Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls then the least effective, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Let’s take a deeper look into each “Hierarchy of Control”.
1. Elimination – This is where the hazard is removed. This can be achieved by either changing the work process like removing a sharp or heavy object. As you can see this is the preferred control method because it completely re moves the hazard from the employee.
2. Substitution – The second preferred method relies on substituting the hazard with a safer alternative. For ex ample, eliminating a chemical by using those made from eco-friendly or plant-based products. If you choose substi tution be sure to review and understand the new potential risks of the product, if there are any.
3. Engineering Controls – This option prevents or reduces the hazard from coming into contact with the employee. Some examples of engineering controls are workspace or equipment modification, creating protective barriers or in stalling ventilation.
4. Administrative Controls –
This option for reducing workplace hazards relies on work practices that reduce duration, frequency, or inten sity of the job. Examples include work process training, job rotation, adequate rest breaks or adjusting line speeds.
5. Personal Protective Equipment –
The last option which is the least ef fective is PPE. This is where employ ees are required to wear items, such as safety glasses, gloves, hearing protec tion, hard hats, and respirators. Many times, PPE will be used temporarily while other controls are under development.
Before implementing the “Hierarchy of Controls”, you must first identify the hazards. A good way to achieve this is to create a team with areas of expertise (Maintenance, Department Managers/ Supervisors, Employees, EHS, etc.). Once the hazards are iden tified, the team should discuss the “Hierarchy of Controls” and identify the most effective means of dealing with the hazard. Then, work your way down until you find a solution. Remember to pe riodically re-evaluate the control method as new technology may allow you to implement a more effective control means.
For more information, please contact Sedgwick’s Andy Sawan at 330.819.4728 or
October 29, 2022
- 8:30pm
By Ashley Tyndall, Criterion B.Here’s how to really know who your custom ers are.
It’s critical to know and understand your prospective residents — and regularly assess their wants and needs. The multifamily indus try is constantly chang ing — and so too are its residents. This is why it is only natural to change the way you lease as well, adapting to the circumstances and environment of today.
What’s the best way to get to know your audience? By creat ing a buyer persona.
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on interviews, market research and real data about your existing or target audience.
Because of marketing technology’s powerful ability to target specific audiences, you can even use your personas to help maxi mize your multifamily pay-per-click (PPC) and Facebook lead form ads.
A buyer persona also allows you to build a more compelling brand that will connect and resonate with your prospective resi dents’ lifestyles. By knowing your audience, you will understand their wants, needs, pain points and values, which you can then uti lize to market to them accordingly. This will, in turn, help you cre ate a foundation on which your multifamily brand will be built on.
Do you know who your customers are? Where they work? Where they shop? What are their interests?
While these questions might seem unimportant, they are es sential characteristics to know to understand your prospective renters’ purchasing decisions. A well-defined buyer persona helps target marketing efforts toward the right people, at the right time.
These personas capture the demographics, motivations, be haviors, problem areas, and professional/personal drivers of your ideal customer. Knowing this information helps you create con tent, design amenities, and understand the type of customer service needed to attract residents.
A brand persona can also help establish credibility and trust with your audience — two critically important aspects of landing a new lease. If the potential resident can see that you understand their interests, goals, challenges and communication preferences through your messaging, the likelihood of them engaging (and leasing) with your property is significantly higher. You want your brand to be able to personally speak to the audience in a relatable way.
Not sure where to start? Interview your current residents! Incentivize them with freebies, giveaways or discounts on rent in exchange for 30 minutes of their time to answer some basic demo graphic questions about their lifestyle, work life, hobbies, etc.
You then use this information gathered in interviews to create
a semi-fictional representation of your ideal resident. This persona will help you cater your marketing efforts to the right audience and in the right way.
Consider the following when building a buyer persona:
• Memorable name
• Job titles and responsibilities
• Demographics such as age, ethnicity, family status, educa tion, etc.
• Goals you want to accomplish on your website
• Pain points (Why is it so easy for residents to leave? What are they struggling with? What are some of the things that frustrate them about the apartment industry?)
• Technical experience
• Work environment (Do they work a standard 9 to 5 job? Busy stay-at-home mom? Are they on their feet all day in a fast-paced workplace? Is their office located in a large highrise downtown?)
• Photos (Using realistic pictures, rather than celebrities or stock photography, is always best.)
Once you have developed your buyer persona, make sure to update your property’s values, goals and mission statement to re flect it. These brand pillars are the core of any successful marketing strategy and should be communicated in your content regularly as some audiences deeply connect with philanthropy. This can also help define your purpose as a brand and personify your property.
After establishing your persona and a strong brand position, it’s time to get your message out to your audience through every marketing channel, from your website and social media to your property signage and resident communication.
Create content that will resonate with your audience. Here are a few recommended tips:
• Keep it fresh and relevant — Communicate the information in a unique way or in a way that connects to what is currently happening in the world.
• Make it compelling — Make sure the information you share is relevant, engaging and compelling.
• Make it shareable — Your content should include informa tion that not only interests your audience but that would per suade them to share it with others.

In order for a brand to successfully build relevant and purpose ful messaging that engages with customers, it must be targeted and focused on how it communicates with them. Keep in mind who they are and what they are looking for from an apartment commu nity. If you can communicate with your audience in an engaging way, this could ultimately generate more opportunities, leads, and leases.
Ashley Tyndall is Director of Business Development for Criterion.B.BUILD A BETTER LEASING EXPERIENCE WITH CENTRALIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY

Centralized leasing has become quite the multifamily buzz word, but operators have different perspectives of what it actually means. What exactly is being centralized?
Traditionally, centralized staffing has referred to having a cen tral physical office, but today it includes a combination of staffing, physical spaces and technology systems. Most operators agree it means moving tasks and processes from onsite to other people, regardless of location, that are specialized in specific processes or customer touchpoints. This allows operators to free up resources to better focus on tasks that require an onsite presence and provide better one-on-one customer service.
According to panelists at the Apartmentalize 2022 session, “Build a Better Leasing Experience with Centralization and Technology,” defining centralized leasing is an important clarifi cation that must be made within an organization.
“Venterra Realty’s Vice President of Asset Management and I were misaligned on the concept of centralized leasing for eight months and did not realize it,” says Stephanie Gonzalez, Vice President of Property and Customer Innovation at Venterra Realty. “I’m talking about removing tasks that don’t need to be done on site and having them done elsewhere. He was thinking about a physical central location. We were talking about two different things, but it does mean both.”
“Our centralized leasing is under one roof,” says Wendy Rae Walker, Vice President and COO of TAM Residential. “We have
one person for five communities and one manager over all of them. They handle incoming phone calls for leasing, ILS leads, email leads, some virtual video tours, setting appointments for in-person or self-guided tours and some prospect follow-ups.”
With different centralized landscapes, technologies, challeng es and key takeaways, there isn’t just one definition of centralized leasing. It is a people and a process thing much more than a tech nology thing, and it ultimately helps renters get through the leas ing process much faster – which is exactly what modern renters want. And it helps better assist customers when onsite teams are significantly downsized.
“There are also market forces at play, and the labor market is super tight,” said session moderator Brent Steiner, Founder and CEO of Engrain. “You can’t hire people fast enough. Large REITs are also centralizing, which moves the needle on expectation. It’s no longer taboo to talk about.”

Self-guided tours were the gateway to centralized leasing, but centralization can also be multiplied throughout different points in the customer journey that leads to better customer service and in creased satisfaction. Consumer behavior in general is driving this concept, and renters want an instant response to their needs.
“Centralized leasing is really about meeting customers where they’re at and providing them the instant gratification they desire,” Walker said. “Leasing teams don’t have to wear as many hats any more, and they can really focus on residents and give them the time they need.”
Some of the new technologies operators have implemented, like AI and automation, are also setting a new standard of gratifi cation through personalization. Personalization is critical when it comes to driving customer service and customer satisfaction re sults.
While some challenges exist with centralization, like getting buy-in from onsite teams and training, there are numerous ben efits to sales and operations. Venterra Realty saw a 36% to 53% increase in sight unseen leases and a two-day decrease in the de cision to lease time. Centralized leasing is helping operators fill vacancies and lower exposure.
“It’s all about the right response at the right time and rout ing people to the right solution at the right time to provide better service,” Gonzalez said. “AI and automation can handle a lot of prospect questions that come in, and not every person wants to speak to another human being – they just need an answer. Let AI or automation handle that and let our human resources handle the prospects that need either critical thought or empathy.”
One of the key takeaways is being mindful of the balance be tween technology and humans. It’s important to get this right, and the balance will depend on the market and its renter demograph ics. Tip the scale too far in one direction and operators may lose customers. But get the balance just right, and centralization im proves the speed of service and creates efficiencies for prospects, residents and leasing teams.
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