Vote for your leaders at the General Membership Dinner Meeting and Elections on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. This year, the party is once again at the Kenwood Country Club located at 6501 Kenwood Road beginning at 5:30 pm.
The Nominating Committee will present their recommended slate of directors for the five open seats including: Lloyd Cobble with CIG Communities; Craig Coffman with Uptown Rental Properties; Brian Fullenkamp with Legacy Management; Jordann Morgan with Fath Properties; and John Recob with Towne Properties.
We also have nine (9) candidates running for six open seats on the Associate Council. Candidates for this year include: Mark Arnold with Royal Finish; Adam Cupito with Pure Property Solutions; Tony Krebs with Chadwell Supply; Jonathan Locey with Donovan Energy; Jason Lonsbury with Pinnacle Paving & Sealing; Tim McWaters with ServPro of NW Cincinnati; Dennis Merkle with Advanced Turf Solutions; Ann
On Thursday, October 26, the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association will host the First Ever Maintenance Appreciation Night. This event gives us the chance to show our deep gratitude for all of the hard work and dedication the maintenance teams bring to work each and every day.
Not only do they tackle maintenance issues like changing locks, repairing leaky pipes, and servicing AC units on hot summer days, they also jump into action to go above and beyond for your customers.
Join the GCNKAA at our Maintenance Appreciation Night as we treat our service teams to food, drink, games, fun, camaraderie, and some good old-fashioned competition.
Admission for maintenance techs is free; all other admissions are $50 per person. Sponsorships are available for $200 and include 2 admissions.
Maintenance Appreciation Night is Thursday, October 26, 2023, from 5 pm to 7 pm at Fowling Warehouse, 2940 Highland Avenue, Cincinnati.
To register or reserve your sponsorship, please click here.
Padgett with ePremium Insurance Agency; and Patrick Wright with ServPro of East Central Cincinnati.
For a list of candidates, see the insert on pages 29 through 32 of this newsletter. It is one vote per company and only Associate Members may vote for Associate Council and only Primary Members may vote for the Board of Directors.
Voting is available by proxy. Votes must be on letterhead with an authorized signature and received by GCNKAA by Tuesday, October 17, 2023, at 12 pm. Votes can be emailed to or mailed to the Apartment Association offices at 7265 Kenwood Road, Suite 100, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236.
Register and pay online for $50 per person or pay later for $60 per person. Click here to register online.
Congratulations to the team from Pro Maintenance Group - Dave Estes, Clay Nickell (1-Tom Plumber), Pete Heile (napCincinnati), and Andy Frommeyer (AnyWeather Restoration) - for winning the GCNKAA 18th Annual Fall Golf Classic benefiting the Industry Defense Fund on Thursday, September 21 at Elks Run Golf Club.
Thank you to all our sponsors including Presenting Sponsor Towne Properties and Event Sponsor Qwikkit; as well as our hole-inone contest sponsor Assured Partners.
All funds raised at the fall golf classic directly benefit the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund. These funds help us meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), the Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide backing for Pat Crowley, GCNKAA Vice President of Governmental Affairs, and the legislative committee’s political needs.
See inside for photo highlights.
Diamond Sponsors
2 OCTOBER 2023 8
Call us today and start uncovering how a professional, experienced, leading energy adviser can be an integral part of your management team.
GCNKAA member since 1985
Energy is critical to what you do. But it’s not the only thing you do. You need an adviser that can unlock the possibilities of strategic energy purchasing without creating more work. A partner that will be there after the lights come on.
We’re Energy Alliances, one of Ohio’s first energy advisers. For more than 30 years, we’ve been helping customers unlock the hidden potential of their energy spend. Today we work with more than 30 municipalities – including the City of Cincinnati –and businesses ranging from restaurants and property owners to manufacturers and schools. Nearly a half-million people rely on us, and we manage the purchase of more than a billion dollars of energy every year.
Trust and value. Powerful words. Words our clients use to describe us. Nothing makes us prouder.
2022...Tonya Petersen
2021...Don Brunner
2020...Don Brunner
2019...Jud Oscherwitz
2018...Jud Oscherwitz
2017...Stacy Walton
2016...Stacy Walton
Village Green Mgmt Vice President
JUSTIN SEGER HILLS Properties Treasurer
Mark Arnold, Royal Finish Associate Council 2nd Vice President
Lloyd Cobble, CIG Communities
Brian Fullenkamp, Legacy Management
Jeff Greenberger,Greenberger & Brewer, LLP
Todd Hignite, Hearth Home Communities
Lisa Isham, CMHA
Gerry Johnson, Rent Associate Council President
Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities
Oksana Lukjanenko, Denizen Management
Mike Markus, BRG Apartments
Jordann Morgan, Fath Properties
John Recob, Towne Properties
Grant Saunders, Hays + Sons Restoration Associate Council 1st Vice President
Elizabeth Werner, Sandstone Properties
Rebecca McLean, Executive Vice President
Pat Crowley, VP of Governmental Affairs
Michele Klusman, Director of Communications & Programs; Apartment Advantage Editor
Rick Holste, Director of Membership Sales
Zach Jameson, Accounting, Database & Office Coordinator
James Combs, Education & Social Media Coordinator
Susan Peck, AA Outreach Coordinator
Nicole Metz, Membership Coordinator and Office Administrator
2015...Rusty Lykes
2014...Rusty Lykes
2013...Maria Stanton
2012...Maria Stanton
2011...Jeff March
2010...Brian Fullenkamp
2009...Brian Hendy, CPM
2008...Brian Hendy, CPM
2007...Becky Alejandrino, CPM
2006...Marc Cameron, CPM
2005...Marc Cameron, CPM
2004...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP
2003...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP
2002…Jim Ruh
2001…Jay Ingram, CPM
2000…Roy Wergers
1999…Roy Wergers
1998…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1997…Terry Sievers
1997…Dave Lockard
1996…Jim Cohen, CPM
1995…Jim Ruh
1994…Mark Robinson
1993…David Noll
1992…Bernie Wessels **
1992…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS **
1991…Jay O. Ingram, Jr., CPM
1990…Ronald Bommer
1989…John Cobey
1988…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1987…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS
1986…Charles Berling
1985…Joseph Fullenkamp, CAPS
1984…John Stalnaker
1983…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS
1982…Harry Fath
**Apartment Association of N. KY merged with GCNKAA
Office Hours: Monday Through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
The following advertising rates are for full year contracts. Six month contracts are also available. Call the GCNKAA office at 513 407-8612 for more information.
Ad rates are for full color ads. Link from your ad to your website is included. Ads must be submitted as a press quality pdf file or high resolution jpg sized as listed above.
Ad deadlines are the first of the month for the next month’s issue. Placement of articles and ads is limited to pre-set space and dimensions of the Apartment Advantage. Submissions may or may not be used and placement is at the discretion of the editor
January 2024
February 2024
March 2024
January 2, 2024
April 2024 March 1, 2024
May 2024
June 2024
July 2024
August 2024
September 2024
May 1, 2024
June 3, 2024
July 1, 2024
Apartment Advantage is a monthly publication of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236; phone (513) 407-8612; fax (513) 407-7868. For up-to-date information check out our website:
4 OCTOBER 2023 8
Business Card $95 Quarter Page ....................................................................................... $115 Half Page ............................................................................................. $145 Full Page $165 Inside Front $209 Back Cover $219
1, 2023
2023.................................................................. October 2,
2023 December 2023 November 1, 2023
................................................................... December
1, 2023
February 1, 2024
April 1, 2024
August 1, 2024
CRAIG COFFMAN Uptown Rental Properties Secretary
TONYA PETERSEN Vinebrook Homes President
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 5 SUNDAY EDUCATION EVENTS 2 PAC Fundraiser, 5:30 pm 8 NextGen Multifamily Feud, 4:30 pm 14 NAA Assembly of Delegates San Diego, CA 15 NAA Assembly of Delegates San Diego, CA 16 NAA Assembly of Delegates San Diego, CA 16 IRO Forum, 5:30 pm 1 2 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 3 10 17 24 31 9 16 23 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 6 13 20 27 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Apartment Advantage Deadline, 5 pm COMING UP IN NOVEMBER 2023 OCTOBER 2023 3 EPA 608 Certification Course 8:30 am 6 Doing The Inevitable Right: Eviction Refresh, 11 am 30 Certified Apartment Manager 9 am 8 NextGen Committee, 9 am 8 Education Committee, 10 am 8 DEI Committee, 11 am 9 Legislative Committee, 8:30 am 14 Membership Committee, 9 am 14 Associate Council, 11 am 20 Holiday Cheers Comm, 3:30 pm 21 Executive Committee, 7:30 am 21 Board of Directors, 8:30 am 21 Prestige Awards Comm, 10:00 am 28 Social Media Committee, 9 am COMMITTEES NextGen Committee, 9 am Education Committee, 10 am DE&I Committee 11 am Prestige Awards Committee, 10 am Executive Comm., 3:30 pm Board of Directors, 4:30 pm GMM Elections 5:30 pm IRO Planning Committee, 10 am Social Media Committee, 9 am Certified Apartment Manager 9 am Maintenance Appreciation Night, 5 pm Legislative Committee, 8:30 am Certified Apartment Manager 9 am EPA 608 Certification Course 8:30 am Holiday Cheers Committee, 9 am Membership Committee, 9 am Associate Council 11 am Certified Apartment Manager 9 am
Across the Board
By Tonya Petersen, President
Happy Fall all! The leaves are changing, air is brisk, and Fall Festivals are all over town! What a beautiful season of gorgeous fall color.
We closed out September with the outstanding Fall Golf Classic and fabulous Night Out For Outreach. The Fall Golf Classic helped raised funds for the Industry Defense Fund while the Night Out supported the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) and their rental assistance programs. Thank you to all who participated as well as the Chairs and educators that made it happen.
October is a great month to show your support for your onsite staff. Several education courses are planned, including the Certified Apartment Manager designation course. This offers your team members the opportunity to advance in their multifamily housing careers. Another great opportunity to show your support for the onsite staff is our First Ever Maintance Appreciation Night on October 26 at Fowling Warehouse. Maintenance Techs get free admission into this event where they can enjoy networking with peers, food, drinks, and compete in plenty of fun games to try to win the Grand Prize.
This section contains articles and information concerning the Board of Directors and Association policies.
We are also hosted our annual Elections on October 17 at the Kenwood Country Club. This is your opportunity to vote for your leadership for the upcoming years. For complete details on the candidates, see the Voter Guide inside this issue.
I am overjoyed by the participation of our membership, the outstanding education being offered, and our fantastic events thus far through 2023. This leads me to thank our Diamond Sponsors once agains for their ongoing support! The permanency of the Association would not be possible without our shining Diamonds. Your dedication to GCNKAA allows our market to promote multifamily housing in a positive, professional light. Without each of you, we could not offer the educational courses, legislative support, awareness of our industry, networking opportunities and community outreach. Thank you to, Calloway Cleaning and Restoration, Contractors Inc., Pinnacle Paving & Sealing, Rent., RiteRug Flooring, Royal Finish, Sherwin Williams, BRG Apartments, Denizen Management, Fath Properties, Hills Properties, Towne Properties, and Uptown Rental Properties. The strength of each of our Diamonds promotes extreme dedication and shines a light on the leaders in our market. A vast THANK YOU from me, our membership, the staff and the next generation of professionals as you are making an impact for all!
See you at our next event!
Tonya Petersen
Brain Power
By James Combs, Education and Social Media Coordinator
It’s close to midnight and Education is lurking in the dark… Welcome back to the monthly education article! To finish out the year every education article will show the remaining 2023 offerings. We’ll also give you the heads up on NextGen. The back half of the year is when we begin crafting the 2024 education slate so reaching out to with any ideas of trainings you want to see in 2024!
cept small appliances, MVACs, and MVAC-like appliances) must be certified as Type II technicians.
• Type III – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of low-pressure appliances must be certified as Type III technicians.
Friday, October 27, 2023, from 9 am to 1 pm
Friday, November 3, 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm
GCNKAA Office, 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100, Cincinnati
James Combs
Section 608 of the Federal Clean Air Act requires that all persons who maintain, service, repair or dispose of appliances that contain regulated substances be certified in proper refrigerant handling techniques. Technicians are required to pass an EPAapproved test to earn Section 608 Technician Certification.
• Type I – Persons who maintain, service, or repair small appliances must be certified as Type I technicians.
• Type II – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of the medium-, high-, or very high-pressure appliances (ex-
Doing the Inevitable Right: Evictions Refresh (1 CEC)
It is inevitable that at some point in your career you will encounter an eviction situation. This won’t exactly be a how-to seminar, but rather a class to give you all the context, best business practices, and fair housing guidelines so that when you do bring in legal representation you have crossed all your T’s and dotted all your I’s.
• Evictions: A to Z, including how to anticipate/avoid common resident defenses before ever filing any eviction.
• The importance of proper notice in all evictions
• General review of the eviction process, including court,
8 OCTOBER 2023 8 ELEVATE YOUR CAREER! HVAC EPA 608 CERTIFICATION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27 | 9 AM - 1 PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3 | 9 AM - 5 PM GCNKAA O ice | 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 | Cincinnati
writs, setouts, and appeals.
• Dispelling some common landlord myths in evictions, including those commonplace in the industry.
Monday, November 6, 2023 | 11 AM to 12:00 PM
Disaster Preparedness - 2023 (3 CECs)
Do you respond well or do you respond poorly? This course has been specifically crafted to help attendees be the prior. You’ll get diverse instruction from multiple angles; property management, emergency services, insurance, and more! Learn what you need to do to protect yourself, others, and the asset that you are managing. • Event, background, and goals.
• Define “Disaster” and identify key stakeholders in any given event.
• Plan and prepare prior to the event for best result.
• Execute crisis management plan with meaningful, purpose drive response to limit damage.
• Restore operations to pre-event capacity and improve plan to address future events.
Friday, December 8, 2023 | 9 Am to 12 PM
GCNKAA | 7265 Kenwood Road Cincinnati 45236
If you are interested in getting involved with the Education or NextGen Committee and help plan all of the great education opportunities, join us for our monthly meetings! Contact for details and invitations.
GCNKAA’s education and NextGen programs offer great exposure through sponsorship. Seminars and course modules can be sponsored for as little as $150 and comes with many benefits. Sponsorship funds help the association provide extra amenities to the attendees.
The Certified Apartment Manager (CAM)
Enhance your professional growth in the apartment industry by becoming a Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) and take your career to the next level. CAM training helps you manage your apartment community and team more effectively. The CAM curriculum is designed to maximize the experience of the on-site professional and clear the path for growth and recognition. In class, you will gain a new understanding of the challenges you frequently face. At the same time, you will have a new opportunity to share your experiences as a multifamily industry professional with other dedicated peers, establishing valuable contacts for the future and increasing your own experience level.
Industry Essentials
Financial Management
Property Maintenance For Managers
Risk Management
Legal Responsibilities
Human Resources
Resident Experience
Classes are held on Thursdays beginning October 5 through November 2, 2023, from 9 am to 5 pm at the Apartment Association offices in Kenwood.
Visit for more details.
Our House
This heading contains membership, staff, committee information and events.
The Assembly of Delegates (AOD) is composed of up to two hundred and fifty (250) delegates from the NAA’s ten regions. AOD is NAA’s largest business meeting of the year, where all NAA and NAAEI Boards, Committees and Task Forces meet, and the new incoming volunteer leadership is installed.
The 2023 Assembly of Delegates meeting will take place in-person at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront in San Diego, California. NAA is committed to the health and safety of our members and staff and will continue to monitor and follow guidance from health agencies as we look forward to seeing everyone in November!
Pre-Registration to the 2023 Assembly of Delegates is complimentary for all attendees who register by November 7, 2023. There is a $50 registration fee for registrations received AFTER November 7.
Registration includes all NAA/NAAEI committee meetings, Chairman’s Welcome Reception, Awards Brunch and Post Installation Reception. The Installation Dinner is a paid ticketed event.
NAA Refund Policy: Cancellation requests must be received
in writing. Requests received on or before October 16, 2023 are entitled to 100% refund less a $25 administration fee for tickets purchased. After October 16, 2023, there will be no refunds. Refunds will not be issued on unused tickets.
Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Rising above the San Diego Bay and steps from the Gaslamp Quarter and Petco Park, Hilton San Diego Bayfront is the signature SoCal resort. Enjoy a tailored, urban coastal experience with bright and unparalleled views in every guest room, relaxing amenities, and locally-inspired dining.
To make your reservation, click here.
Cut-Off Date: October 16, 2023
After this date rooms will be accepted on a space- and rateavailable basis only. Cut-off date only guarantees rate – it does not guarantee availability – please book your rooms early.
Rooms are reserved for registered attendees of the 2023 Assembly of Delegates. You must be registered prior to making your hotel reservation. Only one (1) hotel reservation will be allowed per registered attendee. NAA has the authority to cancel any duplicate hotel reservations or those that are not registered for the conference with or without prior notification.
10 OCTOBER Vote For Your Leaders GCNKAA October GMM & Elections Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 5:30 pm Networking Kenwood Country Club | 6501 Kenwood Rd. $50* per person *if register directly online and pay in advance.
Fite Cleaning Services
Brittany Fite
50 E Rivercenter Boulevard, Ste. 418 Independence, KY 41051 (270) 305-1501
Cleaning and Janitorial Services
iShine Cincy
Jacob Gilbert 8153 Red Mill Drive
Beckett Ridge, OH 45069 (5 13) 824-2023
Gutter and Window Cleaning / Pressure Washing
NKY Gutter Cleaner
Rob Thomas
2416 West 13th Street North Wichita, KS 67203 (859) 907-9011
Gutter Cleaning / Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning
Surface Experts of East Cincinnati
Brian Major 8105 Camargo Road Cincinnati, OH 45243 (513) 713-1836
Bathtub and Tile Refinishing / Cabinet and Countertop Repair
The National Apartment Association (NAA) recently announced that they were ending the Maintenance Mania National Championship program after the 2023 Apartmentalize Conference. While that program is concluding, NAA and HD Supply are thrilled to announce their new program, MAINTENANCE LEGENDS™. This new program will shine a spotlight on the maintenance heroics we’ve all seen and heard about. It will give the rental housing industry the chance to celebrate the Maintenance Professionals going above and beyond every month.
Three monthly winners will receive prizes up to $5,000 retail value. Submit your maintenance story for a chance to win.
Monthly winners will get airfare, lodging, and access to 2024’s Apartmentalize Conference in Philadelphia in June.
In June 2024, 25 additional winners will be selected for a free certification including the Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technician (CAMT), Certified Pool Operator (CPO), EPA 608
Certification, and more.
Monthly winners will have a chance to win big during the 2024Apartmentalize Conference.The overall grand prize is a new Ford truck.
Are you, or do you know, a maintenance tech or property manager that goes above and beyond for their tenants? Time to turn those stories into Legends! Each month, in addition to the story with the most fan votes, our panel of judges will pick two favorites, for a total of 3 winners. Candidates can submit their story from October 1 through October 21 at
Voting will be open to the general membership beginning October 22 and will close October 31. It is one vote per person.
Learn more at
October 2023 Prizes
Always dreamed of seeing the Yankees play? Done. Want to see the Raiders in their new stadium? Done. The three monthly winners will each receive a travel allowance for the sporting event of their choosing
Tickets to the Game of Your Choice
•Mid-level tickets to the sporting event of the winner’s choosing
Round-Trip Airfare for Two
Hotel Stay for 2-3 Nights
•Dependent upon sporting event selected
Prepaid Gift Card
How To Become a Maintenance Legend
Hard work, dedication and 3 easy steps can make you a Maintenance Legend!
Provide Your Info
Fill out our form with your name, address, affiliate association & more.
Tell Your Story
Tell us all about you or your Legend's actions and why they deserve to win.
Submit Your Photo(s)
Every maintenance pro deserves to be recognized.
Three monthly winners will receive prizes up to $5,000 retail value. Submit your maintenance story for a chance to win.
12 OCTOBER 2023 8
A P R I L 1 9 , 2 0 2 4 |
• 2 reserved tables for 10
• 5 Free Entries
• Digital program ad placement (full first page)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Full page ad in the Apartment Advantage newsletter for 3 months
• Company name on website
• Company name on all marketing materials
• Sapphire sponsorship award
• 2 minute speech during ceremony
• 1 reserved table of 10
• 3 Free Entries
• Digital program ad placement (full third page)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Full page ad in the Apartment Advantage newsletter for 2 months
• Company name on website
• Company name on all marketing materials
• Platinum sponsorship award
• Company name/logo on cocktail hour napkins
• 1 reserved table of 10
• Digital program ad placement (full page)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Company name on website
• Company name on all marketing materials
• Digital program ad placement (half page)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Digital program ad placement (quarter page)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Digital program ad placement (business card size)
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
• Recognition slide during awards program
• Sponsor listing in program
Payment options for Silver Sponsor level and above –1st half payment due on or before 09/30/2023 and 2nd half payment due on or before 1/31/24
Friday, April 19, 2024
secure your sponsorship or for more information:
5533 Chappell Crossing Boulevard | West Chester To
It’s been years in the making, but the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Prestige Awards are making their return on Friday, April 19, 2024. Some final details are still being worked out but we wanted to give you a ‘heads up’ on how to best prepare to spotlight the excellence of your company, your community, or your industry peers.
The deadline to enter the categories below is FEBRUARY 2, 2024, so plan now to make sure you have ample time to get the best photos to make your community stand out. Think about landscaping, amenities, renovations, and more.
More details regarding where and how to submit your entries will launch soon so be sure to watch your email!
Best Company Logo - Any owner or property management company is eligible. Judged on theme, typeface, overall graphic, design and execution of the logo in various applications (digital presence, signage, other collateral). Submit copy of logo as jpg or pdf file, as well as no more than two corresponding digital images of logo in use.
Best Community Logo - Any community is eligible. Judged on community name, theme, typeface, overall graphic, design and execution of the logo in various applications (digital, signage, other collateral). Submit copy of logo as jpg or pdf file, as well as no more than two corresponding digital images of logo in use.
Best Renovation or Property Update - Judged on overall design and execution of the renovation project. Submit total budget cost and total number of units, floor plans and no more than four photos depicting before and after renovation.
Best Property Management Company - Judged on maintenance program, resident retention, employee incentives, associate incentives/recognition, training/education programs, and support of local Association Activities. Submit a typed written essay no longer than three pages, a 30-second video on why your company deserves this award, and one photo of management company, headquarters or staff.
Best Independent Owner Property (Under 200 units) - Judged on overall presentation of the community. Submit floor plans, site plans, and any other supporting materials and no more than three photos.
Best Owner or Property Management Company Website – Entry must be a corporate website which is not part of an apartment internet advertiser. Judged on ease of use, content of information, links to apartment communities, employment and investment opportunities. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the website. Submit no more than three photos of the website and pro-
motional pieces. Also include internet address for viewing during judging.
Best Community Website – Entry must be a community website which is not part of an apartment internet advertiser. Judged on ease of use for current and potential residents, content of information, links to community amenities, and content of information. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the website. Submit no more than three photos of the website and promotional pieces. Also include internet address for viewing during judging.
Best Property Management Company or Community Social Media Plan – Entry will be judged on how all the pieces of your social media campaign fit together. Judges will look for creativity, innovation, sound communication skills and results. Winner must be successfully executed across two or more platforms. Submit no more than three photos, any promotional pieces and addresses for your social media sites along with a one page overview of your social media plan including results.
The following categories have been broken down into Category 1, Category 2, and Category 3 according to the following criteria:
• Category 1: Property built and between 2019 and 2023 including properties still under construction
• Category 2: Property built and fully delivered between 2009 and 2018
• Category 3: Property built and fully delivered before 2008
Best Floorplan - Judged on overall layout, use of space, lighting, miscellaneous architectural features. Submit a copy of the floorplan as well as no more than three photos.
Best Landscaping - Judged on use of the site, overall design and layout, use of hardscape, flowers, trees, shrubs, etc. Submit no more than eight photos of the overall community.
Best Amenity Package - Judged on overall design, layout, marketing tools, furnishings, etc. Category includes: clubhouse, pool, fitness center, and other resident amenities. Submit no more than eight photos and corresponding digital images.
Best Decorated Model - Judged on use of color, texture, furniture, accessories, and window treatments. Submit no more than eight photos and link to virtual tour is applicable.
Best Specialty Housing Community – Geared toward student, military, senior, or LIHTC Communities. Judged on overall presentation of the community. Submit floor plans, site plans, brochures and any other supporting materials. Submit no more than 8 digital images including amenities, model and landscaping. Include property web address if applicable.
Best Associate Company Logo - Judged on name, theme, logo
typeface, overall graphic design and execution of the logo in various applications (brochure, signage, other collateral). Submit logo as high quality pdf or jpg file and no more than two photos depicting applications of logo.
Best Associate Company – Judged on commitment to customer service, client relationships and satisfaction, overall presentation of company, employee incentive/training programs, support of local Association activities and community outreach programs. Submit written essay no longer than three typed pages, a 30-second video on why your company deserves this award, up to 2 letters of recommendation from customers, and one photo of company, representatives, or building, etc.
Best Associate Website – Judged on ease of use and content of information. Also judged on promotion and advertisement of the
Sapphire Grand Achievement Award - Awarded to the organization that scored the highest average points by entering in the following categories: Best Logo, Best Model, Best Website, Best Floorplan, Best Amenity Package and Best Landscaping. The Grand Achievement Award will be presented in Category 1, Category 2 and Category 3.
• Best Leasing Consultant – Either on-site of off-site
• Best Multi-Site Manager – 2 or more communities with up to 1500 units
• Best Multi-Site Manager – 2 or more communities with greater than 1501 units
• Best Associate Member – Management
• Best Associate Member – Non-Management such as an ac-
eciation Night Thursday, October 26 | 5 pm - 7 pm Fowling Warehouse $50 per person / Free Admission for Maintenance Techs Food | Networking | Games | Fowling | Beverages
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GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR 18 EXTERIOR RENOVATION INTERIOR RENOVATION STRUCTURAL RENOVATION SYSTEM UPGRADES Your true partner in providing a better place to call home. On site project management, no interruption to business, competitive and complete estimates, responsive service department MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROJECT CONSULTING EMERGENCY RESPONSE Call for a free estimate at no obligation 615-254-6099 CONTRACTORSINC.COM MULTIFAMILY & COMMERCIAL RENOVATION CONTRACTOR Contractors Inc serves clients in the Midwest, Southeast, Mid-South regions with the latest technologies, a single point of contact, major regional footprint, and service-oriented approach.
19 GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR It’s not how you start, It’s how you Finish! 888-737-1010 · Competitive Rates · Quality Service · State-of-the-art Products · Low Odor · Uniformed, fully screened Employees · Fully Insured · Warranty Work · Serving You Since 1990 Serving you in Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin and San Antonio Royal Finish strives for the highest quality in both product and customer satisfaction. Call us today to schedule a transformation of your property. · Countertop, Cabinet and Bathtub resurfacing · Cabinet Door Replacement with Resurfacing of frames and boxes · Increase Rent/Occupancy · NEW look - Fresh Colors
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GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR 22 SERVICING APARTMENT COMMUNITIES ACROSS: Unbeatable flooring prices Next-day installation available Huge in-stock selection Ohio Kentucky Indiana Illinois North Carolina Georgia South Carolina Tennessee Virginia Florida Pennsylvania Durable Tennant Friendly Floors PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DIVISION Rite Here. Rite Now. ™ (513) 942-0010
23 GCNKAA 2023 DIAMOND SPONSOR The LARGEST Apartment Renter NETWORK. The MOST Accurate Rental DATA. © 2017 CoStar Realty Information, Inc.
Don’t miss your chance to reserve space for the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) 2024 Trade Show scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 at Sharonville Convention Center. Booth cost is $800 thorugh February 27, 2024. After February 27, the price increases to $900 per booth.
Besides the opportunity to meet and greet 600 to 800 industry peers during our trade show, here are additional reasons you won’t want to miss out!
1. New Floorplan. Minor changes have been made again to the floorplan to encourage better foot traffic as well as accommodate more booths. This year the booths remain 8’ x 10’. All booths include pipe and drape, one table, two chairs, booth sign and wi-fi. Premier booths are an additional fee. Other booths are reserved for VIP Sponsors. Electric, carpet and additional tables and chairs can be ordered separately through Sharonville Convention Center or Academy Rentals.
3. Expanded Education Rooms. By creating more education seminars that accommodate more students, we can guarantee a larger attendance of property managers, leasing agents and maintenance technicians when the trade show opens. At the end of these seminars, seminar attendees will flow onto the trade show floor where you have the opportunity to talk with each and every one.
4. More Sponsorship Opportunities. By creating new sponsorship levels, we enable you to get more bang for your sponsorship buck. Whether through signage, verbal recognition or company listing on and in the Apartment Advantage, we will find a way for you to get involved whether you have one employee or one thousand. We have also added several more benefits to the VIP Sponsorship including premier booth space. Watch for more information to follow regarding sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorships range from $300 for a logo or food sponsorship to $1000 for VIP Sponsorship.
Booths are available on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to reserve a booth, visit after July 24 and download the floorplan and booth contract. Review the available booth space, select your booth and either reserve your booth online or complete your contract with your top three selections, and return back to
If you have any questions, we are here to help! Give us a call at 513-407-8612.
• Booth price includes table, 2 chairs, pipe and drapes, booth marker. Carpet, electric, additional tables and chairs can be ordered separately through Sharonville Convention Center and Academy Rentals for an additional cost. All orders for carpet, electric, additional tables and chairs need to be placed directly through Sharonville Convention Center or Academy Rentals and NOT through GCNKAA. See Exhibitor Kit for more detailed information.
• Booths are sold on a first come first serve basis.
• Each booth is 8’ deep x 10’wide.
• Booths are $750 each through August 31; $800 from September 1 through February 27; $900 after February 27. Select booths are reserved for VIP Sponsors.
1. After July 24, click here for the latest floorplan of the 2024 trade show booths as well as the contract. Please note that – as changes happen on a daily basis – this version of the floorplan may not be completely up-to-date.
2. Look at the floorplan and decide which booth you would like, then simply either:
• Visit and go to the event calendar to reserve your booth online. Available booths will be listed on the registration page. Log in, complete your selection and submit your request immediately.
• OR fill out the booth contract, complete with your first three (3) booth choices and fax back to 513 407-7868. Michele will follow up with you to let you know which booth is available.
• After you have selected your booth with the Apartment Association, you must either forward GCNKAA a signed contract or remit full payment to reserve that booth.
• We will hold all booths for 14 days without signed contract or payment.
• You may pay for your booth with check or credit card or call the office for an invoice.
• We cannot hold a booth longer than 14 days without contract or payment. After those 14 days, if we do not receive a contract or full payment, GCNKAA will contact you for payment or contract. If no response, GCNKAA may release the booth you selected.
• Full payment of all booths must be received by February 27, 2024.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the Apartment Association.
The 26th Annual Holiday Cheers Benefit is a fundraiser benefiting the Apartment Association Outreach Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to assisting residents with rent payments during times of personal emergencies or crisis. Monies raised during the Benefit will help fund the Rent Assistance programs of various local agencies including:
• Free Store Foodbank
• Citizens Active In Northside (CAIN)
• Jewish Family Service and
• Santa Maria Community Services
Each year, the Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. supports these programs with annual payments of more than $148,000 per year. With the current economy, these funds are more important than ever to support our local community and the efforts of our fellow organizations.
Again this year, this fundraiser will be a hybrid event with portions held online and other portions happening live at the Holiday Cheers Party at the Savannah Center in West Chester. All members and the general public will have a full week of bidding opportunities for silent auction items beginning on November 30 and will culminate on December 7 with the live auction, Heads or Tails Raffle, Mystery Bags and raffle ticket items.
If you would like to donate an item, please contact Michele at the Association office by emailing or calling
513-407-8612. If you would like more information, contact either Michele Klusman or a member of the Holiday Cheers Committee.
If you do not have an item to donate or the time to buy something to donate, we can go out and purchase items for you. Cash donations are acceptable and will be used to buy items for the benefit in your company’s name. This is one event that will not be possible without the support of all our members and the surrounding community. Through the help of the Holiday Cheers Committee, spearheaded by Abbie Huffman with Rookwood Properties and Jud Oscherwitz with Towne Properties, this is an event that will be a huge success.
All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law
Due to the preliminary work of setting up all the items on an online auction site, kindly have your donations into the GCNKAA office by Wednesday, November 1.
Registration for the Holiday Cheers Party will open soon!
Heads or Tails - Nature is My Office Pest Control
Mystery Bags - CASTO, Molloy Roofing, Deck The Walls - Rookwood Properties, Rent Manager
~ Includes 4 admissions to event
~ Signage for the Heads or Tails table
~ Company logo on event web banner
~ Company logo on promo pieces
~ Full color, full page ad in Apartment Advantage newsletter for two months
~ Signage for the Mystery Bags table
~ Company logo on event web banner
~ Company logo on promo pieces
~ Full color, half page ad in Apartment Advantage newsletter for two months
~ Video post to Facebook
~ Social Media posts also on Instagram and LinkedIn
~ Full color, half page ad in Apartment Advantage newsletter for two months
~ Video post to Facebook
~ Social Media posts on both Instagram and LinkedIn
~ Social Media posts on both Instagram and LinkedIn $1000 EACH limit ree $600 EACH $500 EACH
26 OCTOBER 2023 8
September 21, 2023
28 OCTOBER 2023 8 Engage with an expert at:
VOTER GUIDE GCNKAA Elections Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 5:30 PM | Kenwood Country Club ASSOCIATE COUNCIL CANDIDATES MARK ARNOLD Royal Finish PATRICK WRIGHT ServPro of East Central Cin. CRAIG COFFMAN Uptown Rental Properties TONY KREBS Chadwell Supply ANN PADGETT ePremium Insurance Agency ADAM CUPITO Pure Property Solutions TIM MCWATERS ServPro of NW Cincinnati BRIAN FULLENKAMP Legacy Management JASON LONSBURY Pinnacle Paving & Sealing LLOYD COBBLE CIG Communities BOARD
JOHN RECOB Towne Properties JORDANN MORGAN Fath Properties Vote For Your Leaders. See inside for details! JONATHAN LOCEY Donovan Energy DENNIS MERKLE Advanced Turf Solutions
Mark arnold, royal Finish
Mark is currently serving on the GCNKAA Associate Council as 2nd Vice President, currently sits on the GCNKAA Board of Directors, is a co-chair of the Holiday Cheers Committee, and serves on both the summer and fall Golf Outing Committees. Outside the GCNKAA, Mark is involved with the Friends of Butler County Youth Shooting Sports Banquet, the Safari Club International Banquet Committee, and is a Badin High School Head Coach.
When asked about running for the Associate Council, Mark states that he wants “to represent all my fellow vendors that make this industry great.”
In regard to issues affecting Associate Members of the GCNKAA, Mark says the main issue, like in many other industries, is staffing and creating partners to fulfill this. He also states that all the new fees, inspections, and laws that are targeting our industry is also a concern.
“I have 37 years of experience in this industry, starting on the primary side then the last 25 as a vendor. I can bring new ideas from other markets and from outside our industry.”
adaM Cupito, pure property solutions
Adam is not currently serving on any committees for the GCNKAA but is hoping to get more involved. Outside of the GCNKAA, Adam is involved with coaching youth sports.
Adam stated he wanted to run for Council for networking opportunities and to help the organization grow in the local market.
When asked what he felt were the biggest issues facing our associate members, he replied that he felt a big issue was the ability to network with the primary members and becoming suppliers for certain portfolios.
Adam includes his outgoing and positive attitude, along with his excellent communication skills, as skills that will benefit the Associate Council.
tony krebs, Chadwell supply
Tony is currently serving on the Associate Council. He also serves on the Holiday Cheers, Membership Committee, and both Golf Committees for the GCNKAA.
When asked why he wanted to run for the Associate Council, Tony responded, “I’ve been involved with the multifamily housing industry since 1980. It’s been my life.”
Tony continues about the major issues affecting the associate members of the industry, stating that securing work and contracts has been difficult. He continues that regarding membership, new members need to understand that it takes three years to become established in the association. “Typically, if you stay involved for three years, you will be a member for life,” he concludes.
Tony lists his timeless industry knowledge as a key benefit he brings to Associate Council. “I’ve been around and, more importantly, involved forever.”
Jonathan loCey, donovan energy
Jonathan is not currently serving on committees for GCNKAA but is looking to get more involved. Outside GCNKAA, he is involved with CREW, ULI, 2030 District, Green Umbrella, Covington Business Council, Cincinnati Regional Chamber, Greater Cincinnati Auto Dealers Association, and Community Association Institute.
When asked why he was interested in running for Associate Council, Jonathan replied, “I feel I can make a difference within the organization by utilizing my current experience as an associate member to help foster a better working relationship between primary and associate members through engagement and voicing associate member concerns.”
Jonathan continued, stating that creating events where associate members get to meet the key decision makers within the primary organization is a major issue of our industry.
Jonathan concluded, “I have experience working with boards and councils back in college. I was elected VP of Membership Education. I also have been involved in the apartment community since birth, as I have worked in construction, architecture, design, distribution, and project management. I have a general background in LEED, Energy Star, and other Green Projects as well.”
Jason lonsbury, pinnaCle paving & sealing
Jason is currently serving on the Associate Council. He also serves on the Membership Committee and is a co-chair of the Education Committee.
Jason wants to continue serving on the Associate Council as he enjoys helping and growing the association and benefits of membership.
When asked about what issues are affecting our associate members, Jason replied that Associate members are caught combating between quality products vs low price when it comes to primary members seeking bids.
Jason is an owner of Pinnacle Paving and Sealing and has experience in the quoting process as well as skills with construction/ asphalt management.
tiM MCwaters, servpro oF nw CinCinnati
Tim is not currently on any GCNKAA committees but is hoping to become more involved through the Associate Council. Outside of the GCNKAA, he is involved with Christ Church Cathedral Vestry, Helm Building Fund Raising in Lexington, Kentucky.
Tim states that he wants to run for Council to help with planning events and working on projects, as well as actively assisting in said projects. He is also interested in meeting and getting to know new people in the organization and networking.
Tim has strong communication skills, years of business management and sales and fund raising experience.
dennis Merkle, advanCed turF solutions
Dennis currently serves on the Associate Council. He is also a member of the Holiday Cheer Committee, the Summer Golf Committee, and the Fall Golf Committee. Outside of the GCNKAA, he is a former member of the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA) Board of Directors.
“I have served on Council for several years and would like to continue to be of service to the Industry. I would like to continue to assist the Associate Members and help them maximize their involvement in the GCNKAA,” Dennis responded when asked why he was re-running for Associate Council.
When asked about obstacles facing the associate members of GCNKAA, Dennis replied, “The toughest issue I see facing Associate
members is developing a relationship with decision makers in the industry. It can be difficult to break in with decision makers as they have current relationships with vendors. It is about perseverance, being a resource to the Primary members, and being involved in the GCNKAA.”
When asked about his skills that would be beneficial to the Associate Council, Dennis included bringing the skills of intent listening, open communication, and fresh ideas to the Council.
ann padgett, epreMiuM insuranCe agenCy
Ann currently serves on the Associate Council for the GCNKAA. She is also involved with the GCNKAA NextGen Committee (cochair), the Education Committee, and the Social Media Committee. In 2023, Ann also served as NAA PAC Ambassador, served on the NAA Technology Committee, the National Supplier Council (NSC) Officer-At-Large, and the NSC Membership TaskForce. She is an NAA Lyceum graduate and holds her Certified Apartment Supplier (CAS) designation.
When asked why she was interested in running for Associate Council, Ann replied, “I am engaged and invested in the industry both locally and nationally. I want to serve as a way to give back to the industry, the community and the association. It helps me stay up on the hot topics and issues facing our customers, and it gives me an opportunity to grow my network while building new skills.”
Ann continued, responding, “As an associate member, I find it increasingly challenging to build meaningful relationships. The owner/ operator members have an increased set of tasks/responsibilities to
keep up with and are valuing their time differently. It is not as easy to reach new companies and make new connections as it was 10-15 years ago.”
Ann concluded by discussing her skills and experience that would be beneficial to the GCNKAA stating, “I am outgoing, organized and connected with lots of associations across the country exposing me to ideas that we can bring to our association. I am also passionate about creating future leaders and look forward to growing the supplier community.”
patriCk wright, servpro oF east Central CinCinnati
Patrick currently serves on the GCNKAA Membership Committee and the Business Exchange Committee. Outside of GCNKAA, he is also involved with the Honorable Order of the Blue Goose.
When asked why he was interested in running for Associate Council, Patrick replied he wanted “to help increase membership by involving myself in what makes the organization strong and brings value to future members.”
When asked what he felt were the major local and state issues affecting the associate members, Patric replied, “Challenges associated with poor craftsmanship leaving property owners at risk with their tenants.”
“I have an extreme ability to see things from other points of view,” Patrick concluded when listing his skills that would benefit the Associate Council.
lloyd Cobble, Cig CoMMunities
Lloyd Cobble is responsible for leading all aspects of the day-to-day operations of CIG’s portfolio of properties, including wholly owned and third party managed properties. He leads branding and culture initiatives for the company, including employee benefits, team building, training and selection and implementation of new technology. He has more than 20 years of experience in multifamily property management over multiple properties types and markets, including market rate, subsidized housing, condominium conversions, student housing and mixed use developments.
Lloyd currently serves on the GCNKAA Board of Directors and has joined the Holiday Cheers Committee. He is also active with the Greater Dayton Apartment Association (GDAA), Brighton Center, Darlington Farm HOA, Welborne Manor HOA, YouthBuild Dayton and holds a State of Ohio Real Estate Broker’s License.
When asked why he is interested in serving on the Board of Directors, Lloyd replied, “To give back to the industry and help
promote the professional development of existing industry members and to advocate for the industry to be a chosen career path.
He feels increasing legislation, barriers to development and increased costs are the major issues currently affecting the multifamily housing industry.
Llloyd summarizes, “As a decision maker at CIG Communities, I am strong in team building and accounting.”
Craig CoFFMan, uptown rental properties
Craig Coffman is involved in all functions of Uptown Rental Properties. He is directly responsible for all of the accounting, risk management, human resources and underwriting functions. He also helps to oversee the operations side of the business.
Craig has been directly involved in multifamily housing operations and investment for the last 18 years. He has grown their business from under 500 units to more than 3,000 units. They now own and develop student and conventional multifamily assets.
Craig has served as the summer golf outing committee co-chair for the past five years and is currently the co-chair for the membership committee. He also serves on the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) Board of Trustees. Outside of the GCNKAA, Craig has also been a member of the UC Real Estate Center’s REEAC (Real Estate Executive Advisory Committee) since 2013 and has been the chairman since 2018.
“I feel it is important to give back to our industry. I also enjoy the networking and connections I continue to make. The connections made through the Association help members hear across the board from others and how they are handling situations and how they are adapting. GCNKAA continues to do a great job of facilitating these interactions. I believe we are in for challenging times in our individual businesses and the regulatory front. This will continue as local and state budgets continue to be in crisis mode. We can help to ensure that we are watching out for our members and communicating what is being proposed and enacted in various local and state areas.”
“My background is different from many of the other board members. My background is on the finance and acquisitions side of the business. Although I’m involved in parts of our management actives, my daily work is not directly tied to operating assets. I believe I bring a different voice and hopefully different perspective to what is important to our members.”
brian FullenkaMp, legaCy ManageMent
Brian Fullenkamp oversees the multifamily family division at Legacy Management and is responsible for the company’s growth. He has been with Legacy Management for 28 years and involved in the multi family housing industry. Of those 28 years, he has been involved with the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association for 23 years, including serving on the board of directors and as a past president. Brian currently sits on the board of directors and is co-chair of the legislative committee.
When asked why he wanted to continue to serve on the GCNKAA Board of Directors, Brian replied, “To be able to give my time back to an association that has helped me as a business owner much over the last 20 years and to be able to use my knowledge to help in the every day issues that arise that threaten the livelihood of our industry.”
Brian concludes, “I have been on the GCNKAA board for 10 plus years. I then took a break for a few years which renewed my interest for helping our organization to the best of my ability. This is done through my experience and knowledge of the multifamily industry in the Greater Cincinnati area.”
Jordann Morgan, Fath properties
Jordann Morgan directly oversees 5 properties (1,893 units) and also oversees a regional manager with 6 additional properties (2,019 units) that reports to me. She is involved in all high-level decisions impacting operations for the full Ohio and Kentucky region of Fath Properties. She has been employed by Fath Properties for close to 20 years. In addition to her current role, she has held the following positions in the course of her time with Fath; leasing consultant, assistant manager, co-manager, property manager, regional manager and senior regional manager.
Jordann currently serves on the GCNKAA Board of Directors and is
the co-chair of both the NextGen Committee and the Prestige Awards Committee. She has also previously served as the AAO 5k-4-Rent chair for 2022 and 2023. Outside of the GCNKAA, Jordann is also involved in the Lakota PTO.
“I am interested in continuing to serve on the GCNKAA Board for several reasons. I feel it’s crucial to continue recruiting and mentoring new associates in our field as well as providing the opportunity for continuing education. I enjoyed my time on the membership committee and would like to continue recruiting new members to join our association. I feel you are able to have insight on legislative issues while serving on the board. I would also like to continue serving in order to assist with events such as the Prestige Awards,” Jordann responded.
“I have concerns about the “Tenants Bill of Rights” and what negative consequences that could pose for owners,” Jordann continued in discussing what she sees as the major local and state issues impacting multifamily housing.
Jordann summarizes, “I feel that I have excellent organization skills and have proven to be successful in fundraising efforts. I’m a team player and work efficiently to get tasks completed..”
John reCob, towne properties
John is the Executive Vice President of Towne Properties where he oversees Towne’s Apartments Division which includes 12,000 units in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and North Carolina. He has been with Towne Properties for 14 years overseeing a wide range of property types with a lot of emphasis on valued add projects. Before Towne, John was self-employed which included brokering, appraising, rehabbing, and owning properties in Clifton and Walnut Hills.
“I want to make sure Towne Properties stays committed to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. Since I haven’t been too involved to this point, I feel I can bring a fresh set of eyes.”
When asked what he felt were the major state and local issues affecting the multifamily housing industry, John replied, “Making sure local and state municipalities don’t tax or fine the good operators and owners for their deficiencies in their budget.”
His self-employment for 20 years prior to joining Towne Properties will allow him to bring a different perspective to the board of directors and help him relate better with the associate members.
pm. One vote per company. Only Primary Members may vote for the board of directors and only Associate Members may vote for the Associate Council. Email your vote of up to 6 names on your letterhead with authorized signature to
GCNKAA Elections Voting By Proxy
Government & Housing Legalities
This heading deals with housing & legal issues within the Governmental structure.
By Pat Crowley, Vice President of Governmental Affairs
A charter amendment on the Cincinnati November 7 ballot would raise taxes to fund affordable housing if approved by the city’s voters.
The proposed Issue 24 amendment from Cincinnati Action For Housing Now would use a 0.3% city earnings tax to raise a claimed $40 million to $50 million a year to fund affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income residents.
NAAPAC is the bi-partisan political action committee that supports Congressional candidates who represent good government and understand the needs and concerns of the apartment housing industry.
NAAPAC, by pooling the individual contributions of NAA and affiliate members, is the only vehicle through which NAA and its members may participate in the political process. NAAPAC may only accept personal contributions from members of the NAA and its affiliates.
Pat Crowley
Backers of the amendment collected enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot after a majority of Cincinnati City Council refused earlier this year to place it before voters.
In recent remarks to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval said he opposes the charter amendment.
Be sure to support our efforts on the legislative front by donating to on of our Political Action Committee (PAC) funds: the Ohio PAC, the Kentucky PAC and the NAA Pac. A bourbon tasting fundraiser is scheduled for November 2 at Capital Grille. See page XX for details.
Any funds collected are disbursed directly to the campaign of a candidate or incumbent member of Congress. This “hard money” donation is heavily regulated and monitored by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Pictured right and below: Cincinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval spoke at the GCNKAA Management Forum in late August.
Make Your Voice Heard DONATE TO NAAPAC Click here!
sure you include GCNKAA as your affiliate)
The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc.
By Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities, Outreach President
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of the wonderful fall season that is upon us! A reprieve in temperature has been nice, football is on, fantasy leagues are back, the Reds had an incredible run, and all is right with the world.
We have been busy at the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) for the past few months; however, our largest event, A Night Out for Outreach, just took place on Saturday, September 23 at the Anderson Pavilion!
What a gorgeous evening we had to come together and share in this special event, celebrating the contributions made to AAO, which all go back to supporting our community. First and foremost, a sincere THANK YOU and heartfelt appreciation, to Susan Peck. Susan plans this event with the help of others; however, she is at the helm ensuring everything is thought of, prepared for, and ready to go! Thank you to Rebecca McLean for her leadership and support of not only to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA), but AAO as well. And finally, a special THANK YOU to Justin and Jill Seger who were our co-chairs for this wonderful night for the second year
gcnkaa1 @gcnkaa gcnkaa gcnkaa snap or screenshot to add
in a row. We appreciate your commitment and support to AAO and pursuing donations and financial commitments to continue our cause.
The Anderson Pavilion was a wonderful location and the staff did an amazing job. The Carousel for cocktail hour was lovely, especially with the remarkable view off the balcony! I was so excited to enjoy an evening with others who share a passion for giving back and celebrate their philanthropic hearts supporting our partners in need. This event helps to financially support Rent Assistance needs within our community, twenty Food Pantry partners, Senior Events, Educational Scholarships, Backpack Supplies, and Emergency Funds. We could not do all of this without YOU!
Lastly, to all of our partners, THANK YOU for the incredible support, love and commitment you give to our community. We are in awe of your giving hearts, your DRIVE, and your willingness to step into the hard to help those in need.
I am proud of the service that ALL of the Board members and staff provide; as well as, their continued support of utilizing our funds to help those in need. We would like to thank our entire membership and our Champions for Outreach sponsors for your continued financial support of Outreach and our efforts to help those in our community who deserve our assistance.
Get Social With GCNKAA!
active and current on all GCNKAA events
Don’t miss a minute of activity at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association! Like us on Facebook and Instagram, follow us on Twitter or visit our website at for all the latest updates on events, education or legislative efforts. And remember to use our hashtags: #GCNKAA
34 OCTOBER 2023 8
A 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization
Megan Lawhon
#GCNKAAeducation #GCNKAA
N NextGen.
Platinum Sponsor ($20,000)
Gold Sponsor ($10,000)
Silver Sponsor ($5,000)
To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Megan Lawhon, Jeff March. - -
SEGER FAMILY FOUNDATION MARCH FAMILY Midwest Multifamily Capital Markets
Trend Setting
By Paul Willis,
Content Director LinnellTaylor Marketing
It’s no secret that fraudsters are becoming more sophisticated. Websites are dedicated to producing fake paystubs, fabricated IDs and additional altered documentation that can help nonqualified applicants get into an apartment home.
These applicants, naturally, are the most likely to default. That can lead to costly evictions, turn costs and legal fees.
Fortunately, the industry has the tools to fight back. Panelists discussed some of the ways to limit modernday fraudsters—and perhaps cut them off before they get started— at the 2023 Apartmentalize express session, “Don’t Trust, Verify: Optimizing Your Income Verification Processes.”
“We all know market rents are climbing, and desperate times call for desperate measures,” said Richard Grover, Senior Vice President of Compliance for Richman Property Services. “So, people are coming up with any way they can to squeak into our properties, and that’s a problem in the industry.”
Richman’s portfolio consists of both market-rate and affordable housing, so the company observes fraud from both sides of the spectrum. On the market-rate side, applicants are aiming to overinflate their income via fake paystubs, altered bank account
This heading contains information on Management & Leasing.
statements of fake employment verification. Additionally, they’ll aim to represent themselves as someone else, sometimes using synthetic ID, in which parts of real identities are combined to create a fictional identity.
On the affordable side, applicants will undersell their income in hopes of looking like they are below the financial threshold to qualify for a discounted home.
As such, Richman has built-in ID verification and income verification software into its property management system. The income verification platform requires applicants to log into their bank account, scans for deposits, then enables teams to cross-reference the numbers with the income information supplied by the applicant. To combat income fraud on the affordable side, Richman has an in-house compliance team that is trained to recognize the warning signs.
This removes the task from the onsite teams, which panelists agreed is the first step in any successful fraud-limiting efforts. They also noted that the various industry tools available will only be successful with an efficient game plan.
“Tech by itself isn’t a solution to limit fraud,” said Manjit Sohal, VP of Product Management for Experian. “It has to be ac-
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companied by a process, and most often the process has to come first.”
Amy Weissberger, Senior Vice President of Morgan Properties, is well-versed on the types of old-school and new methods used by scammers. Overseeing a portfolio of 95,000 apartment homes, she’s seen it all.
“What I hear from our site teams is that people are using other people’s information, they’re using business accounts instead of their personal accounts to show an increased income, and they are getting increasingly good at creating fraudulent paystubs,” Weissberger said. “We also see cases from where parts of the submitted employment information is falsified.”
Morgan Properties has been piloting income verification software and an ID verification platform, the latter of which prevents applicants from moving on if they cannot successfully identify themselves. As such, the percentage of move-ins with potential fraud indicators has significantly dropped at the pilot communities. The company also has a designated associate in charge of screening and is constantly monitoring the changing environment for new types of fraud.
Fraudsters will continue to get better. But the industry will continue pushing back.
Paul Willis is a Content Director for LinnellTaylor Marketing.
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Courtesy of Jessica Fiur, Multihousing News
It’s October, which means it’s officially spooky season! (But it’s not holiday season yet. Are you listening, my neighbors who just put up your Christmas lights?) This also means that it’s the perfect time to start planning some Halloween events for your residents. And, sure, you could just put out a bowl of Reese’s peanut butter cups and call it a day, and everyone would be happy. Ecstatic, even. But why not take the time to try something different, have a some fun and be a little extra, in the best way? Plus, you’d be helping with resident retention and getting great content for your social media pages, which you can use in future marketing campaigns. And did I mention, candy?
Here are a few new suggestions for Halloween apartment events for your residents:
• Host a themed costume contest. This year, there are only three acceptable choices, as listed below. I will be taking no further questions at this time.
• Barbies (and Kens)—Barbies can be from the movie, but bonus points for more obscure dolls. (I’m looking at you, Rappin’ Rockin’ Barbie and Butterfly Art Ken!)
• Taylor Swift eras
• Characters from Wednesday, especially if you incorporate Thing
• Host a themed costume contest for the onsite team. Residents can vote on the winner. Again, the theme must be one of the ones listed above. I don’t make the rules.
• Create creepy cocktails. Make sure they have spooky names! And include virgin options, so everyone can enjoy.
• Put out tons of inflatable Halloween decorations or 10-ft skeletons. Lean into the tackiness! Encourage residents to take pictures with all the blow-up spiders, witches and Michael Myerses.
• Have a pumpkin tossing contest. It’s a thing. Just make sure it’s not near any windows.
• Make candy wreaths. Renters can put them up on their apartment doors! Here’s a video on how to make them.
• Have a pet costume parade. This is adorable and mandatory.
• Offer hayrides. And of course serve apple cider doughnuts. (This is more “fall” than “Halloween,” but I’ll allow it.)
• Play some Halloween team games. For example, who can make their teammate into the best toilet paper mummy?
• Light a campfire and take turns telling spooky stories. Firepits or fake indoor fires are perfectly fine to use.
• Have a Halloween cookie contest. The victor eats the spoils.
• Go door to door and collect everyone’s candy corn, and throw it out. It’s an important public service.
Looking to Join a Committee?
38 OCTOBER 2023 8
With Halloween only a couple days away, it is time to get ready for the holiday and make a plan to ensure everyone enjoys a safe celebration. The spooky holiday screams for safety as kids of all ages get ready for a sugar loaded fright fest.
As a landlord or property manager, you cannot always count on your tenants to take the necessary steps to make sure your property is safe for the high traffic, evening event. Whether you manage a single-family home a multi-unit complex, help your tenants and visitors have a safe and fun Halloween by taking the following precautions to safeguard your property.
Keep Outdoor Areas Well Lit: While a dimly lit hallway might add to the spook factor, you will be much better off ensuring your property is well lit. Beyond front doors and entry ways, make sure stairways, walkways, and parking areas have adequate lighting. A well-lit dwelling will make trick-or-treaters feel more comfortable and will also deter vandalism from Halloween pranksters.
Remind Tenants about Fire Safety: It wouldn’t be Halloween without a few brightly lit jack-o-lanterns and luminaries but they can easily get forgotten or overturned. Remind your tenants about your open flame policies and make sure smoke alarms on your property are working properly. An easy alternative to open flames are battery-powered, flameless candles.
Keep Common Areas Clear: Cobwebs, carved pumpkins
and tombstones help set the scene but make sure they aren’t in the way of a clear walkway. Bulky costumes, masks and unsteady children are a recipe for disaster if any obstacles cross their path. Make sure decorations are kept to the sides of any high traffic passage and remind tenants to pick up any loose debris that might have been neglected.
Keep pets enclosed: Strange noises and unfamiliar visitors can make pets feel anxious. Remind your tenants to put their pets in a back room during the festivities to prevent them from getting out or acting aggressive.
Remind your Tenants about Renters Insurance: Remind your tenants about the benefits of renters insurance as low cost protection in case a scared dog bites a trick-or-treater, a vandal destroys any belongings, or a bad guy steals something during a Halloween party.
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It seems counterintuitive that training is often the first thing to go when companies need to trim expenses. It is no secret that a well-trained team is a crucial building block, yet 57% of human resources professionals say that it is among the first budget cuts.
With a potential downturn looming, that’s a disconcerting thought in multifamily. If anything, a recession represents the time when organizations should increase training, marketing and employee retention efforts, according to panelists at the 2023 Apartmentalize session, “Recession Proof Your Company with Marketing and Learning.”
The overriding premise is that high-performing employees are even more crucial to maintain in lean times, and a discontinuation of learning opportunities could push them away.
“The cuts often come from the top, and I think there’s a misconception of what’s happening at the bottom of the company,” says Krista Washbourne, VP of Learning and Development for Bainbridge. “And if people making the decisions are disconnected, it can be a big problem. Almost every piece of research I’ve ever read indicates that learning and growth opportunities—and having the ability to receive promotions—are among the top three needs of every employee.”
To that end, a study of 2,500 businesses by the Association of Talent Development shows that companies with well-developed training programs achieve 24% higher profit margins and experience 218% higher revenue per employee. Inadequate training also helps answer why employees leave. The panel noted that associates are more willing to jump into the unknown of a new job than settle for “fine.”
“You have to nurture talent to survive,” says Jennifer Staciokas, Executive Marketing Director of Property Management for Western Wealth Capital. “And it’s important to lock down your really good talent, because the talent pool is very slim right now. My team tells me that when a position becomes open, especially in maintenance, we’re lucky to get even one or two candidates within the first few days the ad is listed.”
Staciokas noted that team member surveys can serve as a critical component to help build robust training procedures that fit the company. Training that is customized rather than cookie-cutter will yield healthier results.
Stephanie Puryear Helling, Coach, Consultant, Speaker and Trainer of SPH Services, supports the idea of team member surveys—albeit with an important distinction. She says companies must take action with the results, because “doing nothing with the surveys is worse than not doing them at all.”
Cutting marketing initiatives is another common knee-jerk reaction during a downturn, but as with training, it’s not necessarily a smart move. A McGraw Hill study found that companies that maintained or increased their marketing efforts during a downturn experienced an average sales growth of 256% afterward. Maintaining marketing also can separate companies from their peers.
“It puts businesses in a unique position to get ahead, especially when everyone is jumping out of marketing,” says Dee Wilson, Founder of Deep Marketing. “You tend to get more for less, because if you’re ahead of the game, everybody is going to be playing catchup with you later.”
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Towne Properties EVENT SPONSOR Qwikkit HOLE SPONSORS 1. Calloway Cleaning & Restoration 2. 3. Junk Shot and Doorstep Detail Valet Trash 4. Intersolutions Staffing 5. ServPro of East Central Cincinnati 6. Belfor Property Restoration 7. CORT 8. CertaPro Painters of Cincinnati & NKY 9. ServPro of NW Cincinnati 10. Pinnacle Paving & Sealing 11. Dynegy 12. Sherwin Williams 13. Fresh Coat Painters of South Dayton 14. Teasdale Fenton Carpet Cleaning & Restoration 15. Contractors Inc. 16. Hays + Sons Complete Restoration 17. Rent Manager 18. PPG Paints SNACK BAG SPONSOR Hays + Sons Complete Restoration
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