Maintenance Mania makes its return to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association on Tuesday, November 8. This year, however, we are upping the energy and excitement and moving to a new location! Our new location - Fowling Warehouse Cincinnati - is lo cated off I-71 at Ridge Road and has plenty of room for our Maintenance Mania compe tition as well as 15 reserved lanes for fowling for our attendees to enjoy throughout the evening.Tocompete in Maintenance Mania, click here or con tact Michele at the Apartment Association by emailing Michele@gcnkaa.org or calling 513-407-8612.
NAA’s 93,000 members and all the additional people who work for our member companies can create a powerful voting bloc that lawmakers will take seriously when we speak with a loud and unified voice.
Sponsorships are available, so please click here for more details.
If you are not competing in Mania but are ready for a couple of hours of pin-bonking, pigskin-hucking, beersloshing fun, then register today by clicking here.
The Apartment Party represents a new political perspective for the rental housing industry, one that transcends individual party affiliation. Regardless of your personal political views, as someone who works in the rental housing industry, it is essential that our industry, speaks loudly and with a unified voice. See page 15 for more information on the Apartment Party. As a member of NAA and the Apartment Party, it is important that you make sure that you’re registered to vote. As part of the Apartment Party launch, NAA is pushing the #NAAVotes initiative to ensure that all NAA members are registered to vote in the upcoming November elections. Visit the NAA Votes campaign page (click here) to check your registration status and register to vote if you have not yet done so.
A big thank you to Towne Properties for stepping up as our Event Sponsor again this year. Additional sponsorships are still available, ranging from as little as $150 to $1500. For more information on sponsorships, click here. With thanks to AssuredPartners, every par 3 hole hosts a hole-in-one contest for $5,000. Be sure to stop by holes 2, 8, 12, and 17 to test your luck. Also, be sure to stay for lunch! We have $1000 in cash giveaways to raffle off and all golfers are automatically included.
The Fall Golf Classic benefiting the Industry Defense Fund tees off on Thursday, September 29 at Elks Run Golf Course on Cincinnati’s east side. Registration opens at 8 am with the scramble starting at 9 am. Golfers will enjoy breakfast, lunch, beverages and 18 holes at one of the finest golf courses in the Greater Cincinnati area. Foursomes are currently sold out. If you are interested in reserving a foursome, please contact Michele at the Apartment Association to get placed on the wait list. Please be sure to include your golfer names AND their email addresses so we may send updates to everyone as needed.
The November midterm elections are going to be pivotal for the future of housing policy, and that is why the National Apartment Association (NAA) is introducing the Apartment Party.
The GCNKAA will use all net proceeds from this outing to meet our commitments to the National Apartment Association (NAA), Apartment Association of Kentucky (AAK) and the Ohio Apartment Association (OAA) government funds as well as provide financial backing for Pat Crowley, GCNKAA Vice President of Governmental Affairs, and the legislative committee’s political needs. Thank you to all our members for continuing to support us. We can’t wait to see you in person at Elks Run in September!
Diamond Sponsors

2 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 memberProud of ©2022 Lowe’s. LOWE’S, the Gable Mansard Design and Lowe’s Pro Supply are trademarks or registered trademarks of LF, LLC. 3448909 SLEEK AND DEPENDABLE With its clean, modern design, the Hisense 18-cu ft top-freezer refrigerator is slim enough to fit 30-in wide spaces to give your kitchen a touch of designer style. Features: • LED lighting brightens the interior, helping you find what you’re looking for. • Gallon-storage door keeps frequently used items within easy reach. • The moisture fresh crispers provide optimum conditions for storing your produce. • Easy-to-control display allows you to quickly select the desired temperature for each compartment. BLACK WHITE STEELSTAINLESSLOOK Color Options: Learn more at LowesProSupply.com The centerpiece to any kitchen

We’re Energy Alliances, one of Ohio’s first energy advisers. For more than 30 years, we’ve been helping customers unlock the hidden potential of their energy spend. Today we work with more than 30 municipalities – including the City of Cincinnati –and businesses ranging from restaurants and property owners to manufacturers and schools Nearly a half-million people rely on us, and we manage the purchase of more than a billion dollars of energy every year. Trust and value. Powerful words. Words our clients use to describe us Nothing makes us prouder Call us today and start uncovering how a professional, experienced, leading energy adviser can be an integral part of your management team GCNKAA member since 1985
Energy is critical to what you do. But it ’s not the only thing you do. You need an adviser that can unlock the possibilities of strategic energy purchasing without creating more work. A partner that will be there after the lights come on.

4 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 MELISSA JOY Village Green Mgmt Vice mjoy@villagegreen.comPresident Mark Arnold, Royal Finish Associate Council 1st Vice President Lloyd Cobble, CIG Communities Brian Fullenkamp, Legacy Management Jeff Greenberger,Greenberger & Brewer, LLP ToddParliamentarianHignite,Hearth Home Communities Lisa Isham, CMHA Gerry Johnson, Rent Path Associate Council President Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities Oksana Lukjanenko, Denizen Management Mike Markus, BRG Apartments Jordann Morgan, Fath Properties Ann Padgett, ePremium Insurance Agency Associate Council 2nd Vice President John Recob, Towne Properties Elizabeth Werner, Stoneridge Properties Rebecca McLean, Executive Vice President Pat Crowley, VP of Governmental Affairs Michele Klusman, Director of Communications & Programs; Apartment Advantage Editor Rick Holste, Director of Membership Sales Zach Jameson, Accounting, Database & Office JamesCoordinatorCombs,Education & Social Media Coordinator Susan Peck, AA Outreach Coordinator Nicole Metz, Membership Coordinator and Office Administrator 2022 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE GCNKAA PAST PRESIDENTS 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS GCNKAA STAFF JUSTIN SEGER HILLS JustinS@hillsinc.comTreasurerProperties Apartment Advantage is a monthly publication of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236; phone (513) 407-8612; fax (513) 407-7868. For up-to-date information check out our website: www.gcnkaa.org. Office Hours: Monday Through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Ad deadlines are the first of the month for the next month’s issue. Placement of articles and ads is limited to pre-set space and dimensions of the Apartment Advantage. Submissions may or may not be used and placement is at the discretion of the editor 2021...Don Brunner 2020...Don Brunner 2019...Jud Oscherwitz 2018...Jud 2007...Becky2008...Brian2009...Brian2010...Brian2011...Jeff2012...Maria2013...Maria2014...Rusty2015...Rusty2016...Stacy2017...StacyOscherwitzWaltonWaltonLykesLykesStantonStantonMarchFullenkampHendy,CPMHendy,CPMAlejandrino, CPM 2006...Marc Cameron, CPM 2005...Marc Cameron, CPM 2004...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP 2003...Gary Sanzone, CPM, CAPS, CAM, NALP 2002…Jim Ruh 2001…Jay Ingram, CPM ADVERTISING RATES 2022 ADVERTISING DEADLINES Ad rates are for full color ads. Link from your ad to your website is included. Ads must be submitted as a press quality pdf file or high resolution jpg sized as listed above. Business Card $95 Quarter Page $115 Half Page $145 Full Page ............................................................................................. $165 Inside Front ......................................................................................... $209 Back Cover $219 The following advertising rates are for full year contracts. Six month contracts are also available. Call Patty at 513 407-8612 for more information. October 2022 September 1, 2022 November 2022 October 3, 2022 December 2022 November 1, 202 January 2023 December 1, 2022 February 2023 January 2, 2023 March 2023 February 1, 2023 April 2023 March 1, 2023 May 2023 April 3, 2023 June 2023 May 1, 2023 July 2023 June 1, 2023 August 2023 July 3, 2023 September 2023 August 1, 2023 2000…Roy Wergers 1999…Roy 1998…RobertWergersJ.Wahlke, CAPS 1997…Terry Sievers 1997…Dave Lockard 1996…Jim Cohen, CPM 1995…Jim 1992…Bernie1993…David1994…MarkRuhRobinsonNollWessels ** 1992…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS ** 1991…Jay O. Ingram, Jr., CPM 1990…Ronald Bommer 1989…John 1988…RobertCobeyJ.Wahlke, CAPS 1987…Robert J. Wahlke, CAPS 1986…Charles Berling 1985…Joseph Fullenkamp, CAPS 1984…John Stalnaker 1983…Jerry A. Molique, CPM, CAPS 1982…Harry Fath **Apartment Association of N. KY merged with GCNKAA CRAIG COFFMAN Uptown Rental Properties ccoffman@uptownrents.comSecretary TONYA PETERSEN Miller Valentine Group tonya.petersen@mvg.comPresident

8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 5 SUNDAY EDUCATION EVENTS 5 New Member Orientation, 5 pm 6 NextGen Happy Hour, 5 pm 13 DE&I Panel, 2:30 pm 18 General Membership Meeting 5:30 pm 1811425 2417103272013619125 22158121147 231692 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AdvantageApartment Deadline, 5 pm COMING UP IN OCTOBER 2022 28 SEPTEMBER2022 6 Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT), 8:30 am 13 Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT), 8:30 am 17 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM), 8:30 am 18 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM), 8:30 am 19 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM), 8:30 am 20 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM), 8:30 am 21 Certified Apartment Manager (CAM), 8:30 am 26 Social Media How-To, 10 am 27 Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT), 8:30 am Comm,Executive7:30 am Board of Directors 8:30 Holidayam 10:30CommitteeCheersam 26 29 11 Fall Golf Committee, 10 am 11 Associate Council, 11 am 11 Trade Show Committee, 12 pm 12 NextGen Committee, 9 am 12 Education Committee, 10 am 12 DEI Committee, 11 am 12 Membership Committee, 12 pm 13 Legislative Committee, 8:30 am 18 Executive Committee, 7:45 am 18 Board of Directors, 8:30 am 18 Holiday Cheers Committee, 10 am 25 Social Media Committee, 9 am COMMITTEES Comm.NextGen9 am Ed Comm., 10 am DE&I Committee 11 Committee,Membershipam12 pm Social Committee,Media9 am Committee,Legislative 8:30 am Fall Committee,Golf 10 am Associate Council 11 am Liability Multifamilyin Housing 9 am It’s Fair Housing, Not Fear Housing, 9 Outreacham Board of Directors, 9 am IRO Forum, 5 pm EPA 608 Certification 9Courseam 30 EPA 608 Certification 9Courseam Fall Golf Classic 9 am Certificate for 8:30(CAMT)TechniciansMaintenanceApartmentam


This section contains articles and information concerning the Board of Directors and Association policies.
By Tonya Petersen, President Tonya Petersen Miller Valentine to accommodate up to 1000 guests! Come one, come all and cele brate the season with us. You will not want to miss the new venue, sit-down dinner, and exciting new events for the evening. Looking ahead to 2023, Trade Show booths are already on sale. We will once again host this full day of education and net working at Sharonville Convention Center on Tuesday, March 14. Early bird pricing is available, and our Associate members can pick and reserve their booth now. Don’t miss out on this great network ing event. As I think about the years of serving GCNKAA and in volvement for 2022, I knew exactly who my Attitude of Gratitude would go to for September. This individual dedicates her time to the serving on the board of directors - not only for GCNKAA, but also for the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO). Her heart of serving has prompted her leadership in chairing many events and committees. Jordann Morgan with Fath Properties is a pillar in multifamily housing, and I am grateful she chooses to serve our industry and GCNKAA! Jordann has chaired the 5K4Rent, the Membership Committee, serves on the Holiday Cheers commit tee, and has recently accepted chairing our 2023 Awards Program. Five characteristics of servant leadership are: valuing people, hu mility, listening, trust, and caring. When I review these character istics, I instantly think of Jordann and the impact she is making
Hello Membership! I hope every one enjoyed the Holiday weekend. As we close out the summer and move to ward 2023, I’m excited what the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) has going on for our membership.Septemberbrings education courses to the association including Liability in Multifamily Housing on September 7; EPA 608 Certification on September 9 and September 16; It’s Fair Housing, Not Fear Housing on September 22 and CAMT starts on September 30 and runs through November 11! We also have an IRO Forum scheduled for September 22 as well as the Fall Golf Classic Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund on September 29! Our golf outing’s are certainly an exciting event offered by GCNKAA and attended by many. Keep in mind, these outings are created to network with our peers and represent our companies in a professional manner. I look forward to a safe and beautiful day on theThecourse!year 2022 has been one of change for GCNKAA. Why

The 2022 Nominating Committee will submit the names of candidates to serve on the GCNKAA Board of Directors for the 2023 2025 Term. (According to the GCNKAA bylaws Article I Section 2.a. Primary Membership is open to any person, firm or corporation that subscribes to the Code of Ethics of the Association and who is engaged in the business of construction, ownership and/or management of multi family housing for sale or rent.) We currently have four (4) seats that are up for re election. All applications must be received in the GCNKAA office by 5:00 pm, on Friday, September 9, 2022 If you are interested in pursuing a seat on the Board of Directors, please submit this application to the GCNKAA offices. If you have any questions, please call Rebecca McLean at the Association office at 513 407 8612 General Information:
Experience: Please briefly describe your current job responsibilities: _____________________________ Please briefly describe your past experience in multifamily housing: _______________ Are you currently serving on any other Committees?__________________________________________ If yes, please list name(s) of the organization(s): Organizations or associations you are currently affiliated with or have been affiliated with in the past: Additional Information: Why are you interested in serving on the Board? What do you see as the major local and state issues that affect our industry?
List any skills or experience you possess that you feel would be beneficial to the Board:
Signature Date:_ Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Kenwood Executive Center | 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 | Cincinnati, OH 45236 Phone 513 407 8612 | Fax 513 407 7868 | rebecca@gcnkaa.org
Article VII Government. Section 5. In the event a member of the Board of Directors should be absent three consecutive times, or four times in a calendar year from regularly stated meetings of the Board of Directors, or three times in a calendar year from general membership meetings, it shall be considered as a resignation from the Board of Directors unless a valid excuse is presented to and accepted by the Board at the following regularly scheduled Board Meeting. All Board Members must sit on a committee and report to the Board of Directors as necessary
Friday, September 30, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
This course is perfect for anyone who is managing liability for a property or properties. Objective: Introduce and discuss liability
James Combs
• Type I – Persons who maintain, service, or repair small appliances must be certified as Type I technicians.
By James Combs, Education and Social Media Coordinator
• National Statistics • A Brief History of Fair Housing • The 7 Federally Protected Classes • Accommodations & Modifications • Service Animals • Current Issues • Advertising & Marketing Guidelines • Who is Liable?
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
UPCOMING SEMINARS Liability in Multi-Family Housing Presented by Dan Pike
The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky is an approved provider for this EPA course thru the ESCO Institute! Attend this class if you need to obtain the EPA Type I, Type II, Type III, or Universal HVAC certification. This class is a review of the New EPA 608 course workbook or as a refresher course in preparation for the exam administered during the second day.
• Interior / Exterior Maintenance & Repair Thursday, November 3, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
issues as they relate to multifamily owners and operators to raise awareness of common challenges and best practices. Material to emphasize the following:
• Heating Maintenance & Repair Thursday, October 13, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
Brain Power
It’s Fair Housing, Not Fear Housing Discrimination in the sale or rental of housing is not as rare an occurrence as one would hope or expect in this day and age. A discrimination lawsuit can end up costing you and your company valuable time and money. By providing employees and vendors with Fair Housing training, you are able to greatly reduce the risk of a costly lawsuit. This highly interactive program will include:
Certificate for Maintenance Technicians (CAMT) Earning your Certificate for Apartment Maintenance Technicians (CAMT) validates your knowledge, enhances your reputation and credibility, boosts your confidence and earns you respect. You will receive training across all the fields listed on the right to give you a wide range of knowledge & ability. These mod ules can be taken as a whole or individually. Dead line to register is September 16! Scholarship are available. Visit www.gcnkaa.org for more information. All classes will be held at the Apartment Association CORT Education Center located at 7265 Kenwood Road. See module schedule below
• Electrical Maintenance & Repair
Friday, September 9 from 9 am to 1 pm AND Friday, September 16 from 9 am to 4:30 pm Apartment Association CORT Education Center 7265 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati
• Type III – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dis pose of low-pressure appliances must be certified as Type III technicians.
• Plumbing Maintenance & Repair Thursday, October 6, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
Don’t wait until the 21st to get in on all the great upcoming education! The back half of the year is going to be busy here at the GCNKAA. The lineup of education covers all the basis from leasing to main tenance, HR to exec, and more! Of course there are some great free offerings all the time that we would love to see everyone take advantage of. Before you know it, now it’s December… Below you are going to find all the latest upcoming opportunities to grow your educa tion. Education strives to be reflective of our member’s needs. We are always listening to feedback from our members and looking for new ideas all the time. If there are topics or material that you would love to see offered please reach out to james@gcnkaa.org.
• There have been significant cost increases to Liability pre miums (both General Liability, and Excess Liability) within the multi-family industry
• Appliance Maintenance & Repair Thursday, November 4, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5 • Review & Test Day Friday, November 11, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
Apartment Association CORT Education Center 7265 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati EPA 608 Certification
• Air Conditioning Maintenance & Repair Thursday, October 27, 2022 | 8:30 am to 5
• Type II – Persons who maintain, service, repair, or dis pose of the medium-, high-, or very high-pressure appli ances (except small appliances, MVACs, and MVAC-like appliances) must be certified as Type II technicians.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
• There have been Significant increases in claim costs (Slip-Falls, Assault/Battery, Pool Incidents, Automobile TheAccidents)moreawareness you have about this topic the better pre pared your communities will be to manage exposure!

• The Complaint Process • How to Comply • Resources • Questions and Answers
Electrical Maintenance September 30, 2022 @ Apartment Association Offices Plumbing Maintenance October
October 13 from 2:30 pm to 5 pm Kenwood Country Club, 6501 Kenwood Road, Cincinnati
@ Apartment Association Offices HVAC II Air Conditioning October 27, 2022 @ Apartment Association Offices Interior/Exterior Maintenance November 3, 2022 @ Apartment Association Offices Appliance Maintenance November 3, 2022 @ Apartment Association Offices IMPROVE YOUR MAINTENANCE SKILLS ALONG WITH RESIDENT SATISFACTION, NOI AND PROPERTY VALUE.
GCNKAA’s education and NextGen programs offer great exposure through sponsorship. Seminars and course modules can be sponsored for as little as $150 and comes with many benefits. Sponsorship funds help the association provide extra amenities to the attendees. 6, 2022 2022
DE&I The newly formed DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)committee with in the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) set out with the goal to model inclusion and embrace diverse backgrounds and perspec tives of those with whom we work and exist to serve. The committee understood that this topic can seem scary to approach for some - especially those who have very little information about it. From that thought, our DE&I Panel on Sharing Perspectives was born. Come one and come all as these panelists will discuss DE&I from the ground level to the top, from the primary member to the associate member. All of these discussions will conclude with a Q&A session where no question is off-limits. This event is completely free! This session will provide you with information on the importance of ally ship and leadership in the workplace and give you unfiltered access to ask the questions you have regarding DE&I to a group of panelists submersed in the multi-family industry and the topic of DE&I. This event is CEC qualified and will count for 2 CECs! Join us after the event for a free happy hour!
Thursday, September 22, 2022 9:00 am to 12 pm Assured Partners Offices 5905 East Galbraith Road Suite 5000 Cincinnati, OH 45236
If you are interested in getting involved with the Education or NextGen Committee and help plan all of the great education op portunities, join us for our monthly meetings! Contact me at 513407-8612 or james@gcnkaa.org for details and invitations.
@ Roto Rooter Services Co. HVAC I Heating Systems October 13,
All classes are from 8:30 am to 5 pm at the Apartment Association / Cort Education Center in the Kenwood Executive Center, 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236, unless otherwise noted. Full course is $850 per person or $150 per module. Non-member rates double 513.407.8612JAMES@GCNKAA.ORGWWW.GCNKAA.ORG

Apartment Association Outreach, Inc . 7265 Kenwood Rd. Suite 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236 513.407.8612 Fax 513.407.7868 www.gcnkoutreach.org
PROPERTYNAME WORK/PROPERTYNAME ADDRESS WORK TELEPHONE NUMBER CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS OWNER/MANAGEMENT CO. EMPLOYER PHONE REGIONAL/DISTRICT/PORTFOLIO MANAGER __________________________________ EMAIL PHONE NUMBER APPLICANTS HOME ADDRESS 1. How long have you been employed in the multi family housing industry? 2. Please list any degrees, designations, licenses or certifications you have. (High School, GED, etc.) 3. List any activities, if applicable, you have been involved with through GCNKAA. ______________________ Please attach one (1) current professional letter of recommendation for the scholarship from your supervisor.
The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. announces Education S cholarships available for fall 2022 classes. The CAM series begins Monday, October 17th , valued at $899.00. All applicants must hold a valid High School diploma , or the equivalent, and must be currently employed by Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association members. Careful consideration is given prior to awarding the Education Scholarship , with special emphasis placed on an individual’s commitment to the industry, general industry knowledge and overall character. CAM Scholarship applications must b e received, on or before, Monday, September 19, 2022 . The recipients of the CAM scholarships will be notified by Wednesday, September 28th Applications may be mailed to AAO, 7265 Kenwood Road Suite 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236, emailed to susan@gcnkaa.org or faxed to 513.407.7868. All information submitted is strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by the scholarship judge s.

Supervisor’s Title_________________________________________________________Date_______________ Applicant’s Signature________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Title___________________________________________________________Date___ This
The applicant has applied for an Education Scholarship through The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. The authorized signature below serves as acknowledgement that the individual applying has completed and submitted all paper work necessary to be considered as a possible scholarship recipient. This also serves as authorization from the APPLICANT’S supervisor/manager, that if the applicant is selected as a Scholarship recipient, they shall allow the time necessary to attend classes selected by recipient.
Scholarship Recipient Authorization Form
12 SEPTEMBER 2022 8
returned Authorized signature____________________________
SCHOLARSHIP AGREEMENT agree that all the above information is true and correc to the best of my knowledge. Additionally, I do hereby acknowledge that should I become a scholarship recipient, I am fully responsible for attendance of all classes. Scholarship is held by the individual and not the member company and is not transferable. Scholarship is valid only for the designation series bei ng offered in the fall of 2022 I acknowledge that if I do not complete the designation within the time specified, payment must be made to reimburse The Apartment Association Outreach , Inc. for the tuition within 60 days of the Enrollment expiration date.
Authorized Signature of Regional/District/Portfolio Manager_________________________________________ form must be completed by the applicant and his/her supervisor as part of the scholarship packet. Please refer to the fall Designation Course Schedule for complete class information. www.gcnkaa.org/education GCNKAA does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, national origin, sex, religion, color, handicap or familial status. For office use only Date
I, ___________________________________do hereby
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 13 EXPAND HORIZONYOURIndustryEssentials•LegalResponsibilities•MarketingPropertyMaintenance•HumanResourceManagementFinancialManagement•RiskManagementResidentExperienceOctober17,18,19,20,&218:30amto5:00pm Enhance your professional growth in the apartment industry by becoming a Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) and take your career to the next level. CAM training helps you manage your apartment community and team more effectively. The CAM curriculum is designed to maximize the experience of the on-site professional and clear the path for growth and recognition. In class, you will gain a new understanding of the challenges you frequently face. At the same time, you will have a new opportunity to share your experiences as a multifamily industry professional with other dedicated peers, establishing valuable contacts for the future and increasing your own experience level. A GREATER APARTMENTNORTHERNCINCINNATIKENTUCKYASSOCIATION YOU’RE ALREADY A SUCCESS. BECOME A CERTIFIED SUCCESS. ENROLL NOW FOR SPRING SERIES A designation for apartment management professionals. KENWOOD EXECUTIVE CENTER 7265 KENWOOD RD SUITE 100 CINCINNATI, OH 45236 P: 513.407.8612 F: 513.407.7868 WWW.GCNKAA.ORG The Certified Apartment Manager (CAM) Course COURSE INFORMATION Designation series must be completed within six months of declaring candidacy, including the exam. Candidates must also complete one year of apartment industry experience. PRICING INFORMATION For complete course, including all class materials and test fees, cost per person is $899 ($1499 for nonmembers). Cancellations received less than 10 days prior to start date will not be entitled to a refund. CLASS TIMES AND LOCATION All classes will be held at Jeffrey R. Anderson Real Estate Conference Room located at 3825 Edwards Road, Ste 200, in Cincinnati. See below for individual course times. Module dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Email James@gcnkaa.org for more information. + Registration Information (if registering more than one person, please make Phone:_______________Email:_________________________CommunityCompanyName:_____________________________________________copies)Name:_____________________________________Name:____________________________________ Payment Options ____Bill Me ____Payment Enclosed check #_____________ ____Charge the Credit Card Listed Below Cardholder Name:____________________________________ Card Signature:___________________________________________Expiration#_____________________________________________Date:___________Zipcode:__________CVC______ email james@gcnkaa.org for more information for more information on courses, visit gcnkaa.org/certified-apartment-manager-cam.html

This heading deals with housing & legal issues within the Governmental structure.
Details of the overall proposal are still being developed, but we expect this issue to heat up this fall. The Greater Cincinnati
14 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 Northern Kentucky Apartment Association (GCNKAA) will con tinue to monitor the situation and provide input to city council members and others. In 2021, voters rejected Issue 3, a charter amendment that would have forced the city to spend $50 million on affordable housing. It was soundly defeated with 73 percent of voters oppos ing the measure.
Get Social With GCNKAA! Stay active and current on all GCNKAA events Don’t miss a minute of activity at the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association! Like us on Facebook and Instagram, follow us on Twitter or visit our website at www.gcnkaa.org for all the latest updates on events, education or legislative efforts. And remember to use our hashtags: #GCNKAA #GCNKAAeducation #GCNKAANextGen. gcnkaagcnkaa@gcnkaagcnkaa1 snap or screenshot to add
Monitoring and fighting for or against legislative efforts at the local, state, and federal level takes time and money. Please con sider donating to either the GCNKAA Industry Defense Fund or to one of the many Political Action Committees (PACs) we have established for our efforts. For more details on any of these funds, contact either Rebecca (rebecca@gcnkaa.org) or Pat (pat@gcnkaa. org) at the GCNKAA office.
Housing advocates in Cincinnati have launched a push to enact an earnings tax increase that would generate an estimated $50 million a year for affordable housing.
A group known as Cincinnati Action for Housing Now is discussing a draft charter amendment for a 0.3 percent earn ings tax increase. The amendment would have to be approved by Cincinnati vot ers and could be placed on the ballot by Cincinnati City Council or though a peti tion drive, which could occur in 2023.
By Pat Crowley, Vice President of Governmental Affairs Crowley

NAA PAC Fundraiser
• Know where to vote – Visit the NAA Votes polling location campaign to learn more about your voting location, voting times, and to check your voter registration status.
• Plan ahead – If you won’t be able to vote in-person, vote ear ly! Visit vote.org to view a state-by-state list which breaks down early voting rules and regulations for each state. It is important to know your states laws when it comes to early voting to ensure you do not miss the cutoff date.
• Register to vote – By using the NAA Votes voter registration campaign you can register to vote online in just a few min utes.
Nope, this is not the party at the end of Apartmentalize. The Apartment Party represents a new political perspective for the rental housing industry, one that transcends individual party af filiation. Regardless of your personal political views, as someone who works in the rental housing industry, it is essential that our industry, speak loudly and with a unified voice. Members of the “Apartment Party” support elected officials who support the in dustry, whether by cosponsoring favorable housing legislation or consistently meeting with NAA members and local affiliates to discuss our priority issues.
• Vote by mail options – Certain states hold their elections par tially or entirely by mail (CA, CO, HI, NV, OR, UT, VT, WA) and it is important to know when you should be receiving your mail-in ballot, and when the cut off dates for vote sub missions are. Voting is an integral part of our democracy, and it is impor tant that our industry has its voice heard. Over the past few years, the rental housing industry has dealt with significant challenges Yet there have been lawmakers who have supported our priority legislation, and have worked with NAA, our affiliates, and our members to find solutions to complex housing issues. Please be sure to vote this coming November and support candidates and officials who have supported our industry and will continue to do so into the 118th Congress. For more details, click here.
Mesmerizing Mexico: Adventure Abounds in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for Six Days & Five Nights at the Bahia Cabo Hotel and Beach Club for Two, Including Three Days of Your Choice of a One-Hour Stand-Up
Support NAAPAC and choose one of 3 Dream Vacations: Bali's Breathtaking Beauty: Soak Up the Essence of Bali, Indonesia for Eight Days & Seven Nights at the Bali Double V Villa for Up to Six People, Including Round Trip Airport Transfers, Unrestricted Access to Finns Recreation Club, a Private Chef and an On-Call Driver with Private Luxury Vehicle Cruise the Caribbean's Turquoise Waters: The Tropical Trade Winds Will Guide Your Royal Caribbe an International Cruise to the Caribbean for Five Nights in a Veranda Stateroom for Two
Paddleboard Rental, Sunset Cruise or Snorkeling Trip and a $250 Gift Certificate to the Esquina Bar and Restaurant, Sur Beach House, Coffee Shop, Juice Bar or Pool Bar click here for complete rules or to purchase a ticket!

You can compete in one or all games, with your cheers and support everyone is sure to have a good time. Win or lose, you are destined to have a great time. Grab your spot by registering today! Click here to register to compete, attend, or sponsor!
• Food Sponsor - $200: Helps cover the cost of the food and includes two admissions.
• AO Smith Water Heater Installation • Frigidaire Icemaker Installation • Halstead Click-Lock Plank Installation • Kidde Fire and CO Safety Installation • Kwikset Key Control Deadbolt Test • Pfister Drain Installation • Race Car Competition
The event consists of several skill-based tables games based on common maintenance activities and a race car competition. Participants build their race cars prior to the event, aiming to have the fastest and most creative car built out of maintenance supplies.Allgames are timed to determine the fastest competitor in each game and overall. To view the competitor training videos click on the link for each game below.
Compete in Maintenance Mania® where you could earn the chance to compete for the title of National Champion*.
Maintenance Mania® is a national program offered by the National Apartment Association (NAA) and presented by HD Supply (HDS), where maintenance technicians compete against each other in various skill based games. In a matter of minutes, par ticipating attendees could win an all expense* paid trip to Atlanta for the NAA Education Conference in June 2023 where they will compete against the top 20 individuals nationwide. These top 20 individuals will receive *airfare, hotel accommodations and con ference registration courtesy of HD Supply.
16 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 Our House This heading contains membership, staff, committee information and events. Benefiting the Industry Defense Fund FALL GOLF CLASSICFALL GOLF CLASSICFALL GOLF CLASSIC Elk’s Run Golf Club SEPTEMBER 29 ARE YOU THE FASTEST TECHNICIAN AROUND? HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO PROVE IT!
SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION Maintenance Mania Sponsorships are a great way to make contact with maintenance technicians from the area and show your support for them. This event is high energy and encourages all levels of property management personnel to come and cheer on the contestants.•FowlingSponsor - $150: Sponsorship covers the cost of one fowling lane and includes one complimentary admission to the event.
• Beverage Sponsor - $200: Helps cover the cost of the food and includes two admissions.

Shawn Gilreath 4666 Riley Lane Cincinnati, OH 45227 (513) Realshawn.gilreath@svvre.com312-9008EstateBrokers
Si Vales Valeo Real Estate LLC
Government Strategies Group Charles Gerhardt
DO BUSINESS WITH A MEMBER The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association click here to access online directory Thank you to our 2022 Diamond Sponsors
A&H Properties
Vinebrook Homes Melissa Tilley 4856 Business Center Way Cincinnati, OH 45246 (855) melissa.tilley@vinebrookhomes.com513-5678
Heather Barrow 1333 Myrtle Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45206 (614) ahproperties1367@gmail.com286-7282
Core Spaces Kelly 11401GregoryCentury Oaks Terrace, Ste. 400 Austin, TX 78758 (513) kellyg@corespaces.com297-6251
700 Walnut Street, Ste. 450 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) Bipartisancgerhardt@govstrategies.com651-4100GovernmentRelations
Trinity Property Consultants Audrey Chestnut 2082 Michelson Drive, 4th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 (866) achestnut@trinity-pm.com926-7009
Munoz Brandz Leslie Kindig 8919 Rossash Road Cincinnati, OH 45236 (513) Screenleslie@munozbrandz.com535-2678Printing/Marketing
Gaslight Property Mgmt. Gidget McMeekin 310 Terrace Avenue Ste. 200 Cincinnati, OH 45220 (513) gidget@gaslightproperty.com861-6000
Lakeside Laundry Equipment Anne 26851HartzlerRichmond Road Bedford Heights, OH 44146 (216) Laundryhoward@alllaundryservice.com475-2040EquipmentSales,Rental and Service
WellsWay Management Brandon Wells 7212 Shadeland Avenue, Ste. 210 Indianapolis, IN 46250 (317) achestnut@trinity-pm.com884-3112
Tyler Dulworth 2110 Main Street, Ste. 302 Santa Monica, CA 90405 (424) Paymentinfo@domuso.com272-1562Processing

The Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association is a professional organization. Its staff and leadership take great pride in our ability to offer benefits, services, and network ing opportunities that assist those whom work in multifamily housing. It is, however, unfortunate that both staff members and key members of our leadership have received complaints re garding - or have personally witnessed - inappropriate behavior at recent events. These issues were thor oughly discussed at the August Associate Council meeting as well as the GCNKAA Board of Directors meeting. The overall consensus is that, while we want our members to
We do hope some of this inappro priate behavior was related to pent-up energy from the effects of COVID19 protocols and as we continue to ‘return to normal,’ these episodes will discon tinue. In the meantime, the board of directors and associate council have made the recommendation that any egregious violation of GCNKAA policies - or any policies of any facility we contract with for our events - will result in not being invited to any additional events.
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GCNKAA 2022 DIAMOND SPONSOR26 It’s not how you start, It’s how you Finish! www.Royalfinish.com888-737-1010 · Competitive Rates · Quality Service · State-of-the-art Products · Low Odor · Uniformed, fully screened Employees · Fully Insured · Warranty Work · Serving You Since 1990 Serving you in Cincinnati, Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington, Nashville, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin and San Antonio Royal Finish strives for the highest quality in both product and customer satisfaction. Call us today to schedule a transformation of your property. · Countertop, Cabinet and Bathtub resurfacing · Cabinet Door Replacement with Resurfacing of frames and boxes · Increase Rent/Occupancy · NEW look - Fresh Colors

2023 GCNKAA TRADE SHOW INFORMATIONEXHIBITORKIT Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100, Cincinnati, OH 45236 P: 513 407-8612 | F: 513 407-7868 | E: michele@gcnkaa.org | www.gcnkaa.org Early Bird Booth$750Rate through August 31

56.55.54. TNT Powerwash Lakeside EquipmentLaundry 63. Tri-Weh Carpet Cleaning & Restoration 64. Teasdale Fenton Carpet Cleaning & Restoration 65. CORT 66. ePremium Insurance 67.AgencyG&G Fitness Equipment 68. VMintegrated Nationwide Energy Partners 27.26. Hays + Sons Complete Restoration 28. National Credit Systems 29. Jetz Laundry Systems 30. McSwain Carpets & Floors 31. HelloSpoke 32. Rent Manager 33. AmRent 34. AB Contracting 35. RentVision 36. Go Keyless 37. Scherzinger Pest Control 2023 GCNKAA Trade Show Sharonville Convention Center Tuesday, March 14, 2023 | 5 pm - 7:30 pm Multifamily Utility Co. The Lake Doctorts 19. Charter Communications 20. KeyTrak 21. OdorXit 22. Pure Property Solutions 23. Conservice 25.24. Enter Enter Loading Dock Area and Sharonville Convention Center Concession Stand Booth Information Size: 8’ x 10’ Cost Per Booth $750 Before September 1; $800 Before February 14 $900 After February 14 VIP Sponsor Only Booth Includes Pipe and Drape 1 - 6’ Table and Skirt 2 - Chairs 1 - Booth Marker Wifi Access You May Order Additional Items Directly Through Our Contacts at Your Cost Carpet - $125* ElectricAdditional$79*6’Table - $50* Additional Chair - $6* See inside for ordering information. *Deadlines to order do apply. Prices after deadline will increase as noted on individual order forms. Prices subject to change90. BOOTHPRIZE 81. 74. Nationwide Energy Partners 75. Paramount Commercial Roo ng Extermital Pest Control 85. National Heating & Air 44. 26. 96.

Phone: (513) 407-8612 Fax: (513) 407-7868 michele@gcnkaa.org Booths will NOT be held without a full, signed con tract. Invoice will be sent upon receipt of contract Payment is due in full by February 14, 2023 All booths are 8’ x 10’ Booths are $750 from June 1, 2022, through August 31, 2022. Price increases to $800 from September 1, 2022, through February 14, 2023 | After February 14, 2023, booths increase to $900 Premium Booths are $850. See floorplan for premium booths Specially marked booths are only eligible for purchase with VIP sponsorship ONLY Booth price includes: Pipes, drapes, one 6’ table with skirt, two chairs, booth marker, wifi access. Electric not included in booth price. You may order electric through Academy Rentals form included in Exhibitor Kit and found online. Electric is available for $79* per booth through separate order through Sharonville Convention Center is $79 per booth if ordered prior to March 6; after March 6, electric is $150 per booth Carpet, additional table and/or chair is available for a separate charge through Academy Rental is 11 am to 3:30 pm on date of event ONLY! Tear down is from 7:30 pm to 10 pm date of event. that Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky
Specifically relating to the global COVID-19 pandemic, Vendor acknowledges the highly contagious nature of COVID-19 and voluntarily assumes the risk of exposure or in fection by voluntarily attending and exhibiting at the Tradeshow, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, disability, and/or death to Vendor.
GREATER CINCINNATI NORTHERN KENTUCKY APARTMENT ASSOCIATION CONTRACT AND SPACE RESERVATION FORM TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 | 5 pm to 7:30 pm Sharonville Convention Center – Sharonville, Ohio PLEASE PRINT/TYPE BELOW YOUR COMPANY NAME AND INFORMATION EXACTLY AS IT SHOULD APPEAR ON SIGNAGE AND EXHIBITOR LISTINGS Company: E-mail:Phone:City:Address:Representative:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________State:____________Zip:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE AND MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 Cincinnati, OH 45236
In addition to all other rules and regulations relating to the Vendor’s attendance at the Tradeshow, Vendor agrees to comply with All COVID-related procedures that may be implemented by the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association and Sharonville Convention Center, including, but not limited to, testing, mask-wearing and social distancing requirements and restrictions on certain activities that carry higher COVID-related risk, in order to protect as much as possible the health and safety of all Tradeshow Vendors. Failure to comply may result in the Vendor’s exclusion from the Tradeshow, and Vendor will not receive a refund of any fees.
• Set up
Booth Number Request 1st Choice_____________ 2nd Choice_____________3rd Choice_____________ Payment Check Enclosed Invoice Me Visa/MC/AmEx Name:_____________________________________ Card#__________________________________________ Exp. Date_________ Code ________Zip Code:____________________________________________________ Email Address for Receipt:_____________________________________________________________________ This offer incorporates the terms and conditions on the subsequent attached pages. Exhibitor understands
this application becomes a contract and is binding on both parties on the date last written below when accepted and signed by the
Vendor understands that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected by COVID-19 at the Tradeshow, or while traveling to or from the Tradeshow, may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of others who may attend the Tradeshow or their families, colleagues, or other with whom they may have contact. Accordingly, Vendor understands and agrees that this release includes any claims arising out of, relating to, or based on the actions, omissions, or negligence of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, and each of their employees, agents, and representatives, whether a COVID-19 infection occurs before, during, or after participation in the Tradeshow.
Booth Information •
Apartment Association (GCNKAA). All space is selected by the exhibitor on a first-come, first-served basis, and with GCNKAA’s space confirmation. All pre-planning correspondence from GCNKAA will be sent to the person listed above un less noted below. This document contains the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements. The terms of this document may not be changed except in writing and signed by the parties. Name: ______________________________________ Title:__________________________________________ Authorized Signature: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________ PRE-PLANNING CONTACT:_____________________________________ Phone: _________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Booth Number(s): _______ Accepted By:_________ Date:________________ Floorplan:__________ Website:_______ Amount Due:____________ Amount Paid: ________ Check #/CC App: ______ Confirmation: _______

18. SEVERABILITY In the event any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable then neither the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor other applications of the provisions involved shall be affected thereby.
By signing the Exhibit Space Application and Contract, the Exhibitor agrees to abide by these Rules and Regulations and all amendments thereto and the deci sions of Show Management. For purposes of this Agreement, the terms “GCNKAA” shall mean the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association, “ex hibit hall” shall mean the Sharonville Convention Center, and “Exhibitor” shall mean any company, firm or person who has applied for or been allocated any space at the Exhibit Hall.
A. All property of the Exhibitor remains under its custody and control in transit to and from exhibit facility, during installation and removal, and while it is within the confines of the exhibit facility. Neither GCNKAA, the service contractors, the management of the Sharonville Convention Center nor any of the officers, staff members, or directors of any of the same are responsible for the safety of the property of Exhibitors from theft, damage by fire, accident, vandalism or other causes. The Exhibitor expressly waives and releases any claim or demand he may have against any of them by reason of any damage to or loss of any property of the Exhibitor. B. Exhibitor understands that neither GCNKAA nor any sponsor carries business interruption and property damage insurance coverage for loss or damage of Exhibitor’s property. The Exhibitor agrees to obtain adequate insurance during the dates of the trade show, including move-in and move-out days, and shall be prepared to furnish a certificate of insurance to GCNKAA.
F. Exhibitors are not allowed to conduct any activities that could be considered an illegal lottery under Ohio law.
I. Sharonville Convention Center prohibits the use of glitter, confetti guns, fire works and helium balloons inside their facility.
The Exhibitor specifically recognizes and acknowledges that GCNKAA will sustain losses if the Exhibitor cancels its exhibit space after it has been assigned and confirmed by the GCNKAA. Due to the difficulty of determining said losses, the Exhibitor agrees to pay the following amounts as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, all cancellations must be received in writing. Booth cancellations received after November 1, 2022, and prior to February 14, 2023, will be issued a refund minus a $100 administrative fee. Booth cancellations after February 14, 2023, will forfeit all booth fees and will be responsible for full booth payment. Upon cancel lation by the Exhibitor, GCNKAA has the right to resell the space and retain all revenue collected.
GCNKAA assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the services performed or materials delivered by official show contractors or other suppliers to the show, their personnel, or their agents.
6. INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL GCNKAA reserves the right to fix the time for the installation of the booth prior to the show opening and for its removal after the conclusion of the show. Installation of all exhibits must be fully completed at least 30 minutes prior to the opening of the Show. Failure to adhere to this requirement could restrict Exhibitor’s entry into any future shows produced by GCNKAA. Any space not claimed by 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, may be resold or reassigned without refund. All exhibits and booth materials must be removed by 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.
5. USE OF DISPLAY SPACE A. Restrictions on Space Rental: Exhibitor may not sub-let, sub-divide or assign his space nor any part thereof, nor purchase multiple booths for the purpose of subletting or assigning to third parties, nor permit in his booth non-exhib iting companies’ representatives without the express written permission of GCNKAA. Only companies or individuals that have contracted directly with GCNKAA shall be allowed on the show floor as an Exhibitor. Failure to comply with this provision shall be sufficient cause for GCNKAA to require the imme diate removal of the exhibit and/or the offending Exhibitor at the expense of the Exhibitor. Failure to comply may also result in forfeiture of all further rights to exhibit at future shows sponsored by GCNKAA together with all fees paid. GCNKAA may lease any space so forfeited to another Exhibitor and retain all revenues collected.
B. Exhibitor shall design and maintain the general theme and tenor of show.
8. EXHIBITOR APPOINTED CONTRACTORS (EAC) Any exhibitor using an EAC agrees to notify GCNKAA of such appointment and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless GCNKAA, the exhibit facility, and their re spective officers, directors, staffs, employees, and agents and all official contrac tors from any and all liability or losses for any act, complaint, damage, or loss to any other Exhibitor, the exhibit hall, the property of any contractor or any consequential damages arising out of any such act of loss from the time the independent EAC first arrives at the hall until the final move-out is complete. The Exhibitor further agrees that GCNKAA may prohibit the EAC from working in the hall if the EAC does not ful ly comply with all rules and regulations set forth for them at this event. Any Exhibitor using an EAC agrees to advise its EAC of all rules and regulations.
17. WAIVER Waiver by either party of any term or condition or breach shall not constitute a waiver of any other term or condition or breach of this agreement. The rights of GCNKAA shall not be deemed waived as specifically stated in writing and signed by an authorized representative of GCNKAA.
3. BOOTH ASSIGNMENTS Booth selection by Exhibitor is available on a first-come, first serve basis and there is no first right of refusal. GCNKAA’s confirmation of requested booth space is final and shall constitute an acceptance of the Exhibitor’s offer to occupy space. Confir mation will be made only after receipt of the Exhibitor Agreement and the appropri ate booth fees. After confirmation, space location may not be changed, transferred, or canceled except upon written request and with the subsequent written approval of GCNKAA. Not withstanding the above, GCNKAA reserves the right to change location assignments at any time, as it may, in its sole discretion, deem necessary.
E. The use of inflatables (or ‘bounce houses’) is restricted without approval from GCNKAA, Sharonville Convention Center, and/or neighboring exhibitors.
G. Electrical equipment that is not UL approved may not be used in the exhibit hall. No wiring, installation or spotlights or other electrical work shall be done except by the electrical contractor authorized by GCNKAA or exhibit hall.
J. Live animals (except service animals) and firearms are prohibited inside SCC.
A. All demonstrations, sales activities, and distribution of circulars and promotion al material must be confined to limits of the Exhibitor’s booth.
GCNKAA has full power to interpret and enforce all regulations of the show and the power to make amendments and/or further regulations, orally or in writing, that are considered necessary for the proper conduct of the show. Such decisions shall be binding on Exhibitors. All Exhibitors agree to be bound by terms of GCNKAA’s agreement with the facility in which the show is held.
7. EARLY REMOVAL OF EXHIBITS NOT ALLOWED No exhibit shall be packed, removed or dismantled prior to the closing of the Show without written permission from GCNKAA. If the Exhibitor acts in breach of this provision, it shall pay as compensation for the distraction to the Exhibition’s ap pearance, an amount equal to one-half of the total space charge for the Exhibitor’s allocated area, in addition to all sums otherwise due under this Agreement.
H. Approval for distribution of food items must be obtained by the Sharonville Convention Center prior to the event.
16. CONFLICTING MEETING AND SOCIAL EVENTS In the interest of the entire Show, the Exhibitor agrees not to extend invitations, call meetings, or otherwise encourage absence of members, Exhibitors, or invited guests from the educational sessions or exhibit hall during the official hours of the sessions or show. Hospitality suites may not be reserved without prior approval of Show Management.
The Exhibitor agrees that his exhibit shall be admitted into the Show and shall remain solely on strict compliance with all the rules herein described. GCNKAA reserves the right to reject, eject or prohibit any exhibit in whole or in part, or any Exhibitor with or without giving cause. GCNKAA’s liability for rejection without giving cause shall be limited to a refund to the Exhibitor of the amount of rental unearned at the time of ejection. However, if an exhibit or Exhibitor is ejected for violation of these rules or any other stated reason (with cause), no return of rental shall be made. Exhibitor shall not exhibit any merchandise other than that specified in the application.
4. SPACE RENTAL Exhibitor fee includes a 8’x 10’ exhibit space, materials to define exhibit space (pipe & drape), a two-line sign showing Exhibitor’s company name and booth number, one 6’ table with skirting, two chairs and wifi access. No signs or advertising de vices shall be displayed outside the exhibit space other than those furnished by GCNKAA. Booth displays not to exceed nine (9) feet in height across the back. No backdrops or booths higher than five (5) feet in height are permitted along the sides of the booth. Booth displays cannot block neighboring booths. Electric, carpet, additional table and chairs, and landlines are available at Exhibitor cost through separate contracted vendor.
In the event that any unforeseen occurrence shall render the fulfillment of this Agreement impossible by GCNKAA, the parties shall mutually amend or terminate the agreement at GCNKAA’s option. The Exhibitor hereby waives any claim against GCNKAA for damages or compensation. GCNKAA may return a portion of the amount paid for space after deduction of any amounts necessary to cover expens es incurred in connection with the show. Such expenses include, but are not limited to all expenses incurred by GCNKAA as a result of contracts with third parties for services or products incidental to the show, and all overhead expenses attributable to the production of the show. No monies will be returned should the dates or lo cation of the show be changed by GCNKAA, but Exhibitor will be assigned space that the Exhibitor agrees to use under these same rules and regulations. GCNKAA shall not be liable in the event the show is interrupted, canceled, moved or dates changed except as provided herein.
D. Exhibitors are prohibited from displaying any devises or objects in the booth that exceed the height of the back wall (9 ft.) without prior written approval from GCNKAA and the exhibit hall. No backdrops or booths higher than five (5) feet in height are permitted along the sides of the booth. Booth displays cannot block neighboring booths.
B. Exchange of money or consummating the sales of goods or services on the exhibit floor is prohibited. Orders may be taken for future delivery only C. Exhibits which include the operation of musical instruments, radios, sound motion picture equipment, public address systems, or any noise-making ma chines must be operated so that the noise resulting from there will not annoy or disturb adjacent Exhibitors or their patrons. Exhibitor represents and warrants that no musical work protected by copyright will be staged, produced or, other wise, performed via either “live” or “mechanical” means, or by or on behalf of Exhibitor, unless Exhibitor has previously obtained written permission from the copyright owner’s designee (e.g., ASCAP, BMI, or SESAC) for such use.
ph: 513-326-6466 | fax: 513-772-5745 | sccinfo@cityofsharonville.com 11355 Chester Road | Sharonville, OH www.sharonvilleconventioncenter.com45246-4002 Service Order Form Please fill in and return form via fax, email or mail Event Information Full Name of Event Event Date(s) Booth # Firm Name Phone # Fax# Address City State Zip Email AuthorizedAddressBy (Print) Signature Date Electric Connections Rates quoted for electrical connections cover only the bringing of service to the booth in the most convenient manner and do not include any special wiring. All wiring and electrical work on exhibitor’s display will be charged on a time and material basis. All equipment must be properly tagged and wired with complete information as to type of current, voltage, phase cycle, horsepower, etc. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to avoid overloading circuits. All connections will conform to the National Electrical Code, City Code and Building Regulations. Electrical power for lights and displays will be turned on one hour prior to show opening and turned off at show closing. If power is required before or after these times, special arrangements must be made with the SCC Maintenance Engineer. *All requests received less than 7 days prior to show move in will be charged at floor order rates* Electrical Connections (Lights, VCR, Etc.) 120 Volt, Single Phase, 60 Hz Ac (Labor Included) Motor & Special Electrical Service Connections Indicate Voltage Required for All Electrical Service Quantity Requirements List Equipment – Lights, CPU, VCR’s, Etc. – 120v. AdvanceOrder OrderFloor Total Outlets to 1000 watts (10 amp) (1 plug-in) $79 $150 Outlets to 2000 watts (20 amp) (2 plug-ins) $99 $200 Quantity Requirements Nameplate Information AdvanceOrder OrderFloor OvernightAdd50% Total Voltage Amps Watts Per Leg Voltage Amps Phase Neutral 208v 1ph 30 3500 $125 $250 100 11000 $190 $380 208v 3ph 30 3500 $150 $300 60 7000 $225 $450 100 11000 $285 $570 460v 3ph 30 13000 $285 $570 Extension Cord (Rental Only) $25 $50 Power Strip (Rental Only) $25 $50 (All prices include labor rates. Standard labor will be charged for cord cap changes.) Electric Connections Total $ Labor Rates Labor will be charged in 1-hour increments. (Minimun charge– 1 hour) Description Laborer Electrician Maint Engineer Regular Hours $25 per hour $50 per hour Holidays $50 per hour $75 per hour Booth Vacuuming $25 per day Banner Hanging $35 per hour (Advanced payment required for all services.) Labor Total $ Print
Telephone Service Request must be received at least one week prior to event. Hard Wired Internet Connection: $125 per line Dedicated Telephone Line Installation: $125 Charge for Outside Line Private Hard Wired SSID/Network: $250 *Requires advance notice of 5 business days Number of Lines Requested To Be Used As: Modem Direct Call Line Booth or Room Number Compressed Air (Portable Compressor Available On West Wall Only) 90-100 lbs. PSI (Prices Based On 1/4” Line) Request must be received at least one week prior to event. NOTE: If pressure is critical, exhibitor should contact the Sharonville Convention Center Maintenance Engineer. Phone Connections Total $ Compressed Air Connections Total $ Quantity Description Advance Order Floor Order Total Service Charge for 1st connection $100 $200 Each additional connection $100 $200 24 Hour Service Required? No Yes (If yes, add 50% to Compressed Air Total) Water and Drainage (Available on West and North Wall Only) NOTE: Pressure may vary. No guarantee can be made of minimum and maximum pressures. If pressure is critical, exhibitor should contact Sharonville Convention Center Maintenance Engineer. Water (Cold) Minimum pressure, 45 PSI; maximum pressure, 60 PSI (Prices based on 1/4” to 1/2” line) Drainage 3/4” Drain Line Available One-Time Water Fill, Including Drain Quantity Description Advance Order Floor Order Total Service Charge for 1st connection (Drain Not Included) $105 $210 Each additional connection $105 $210 Quantity Description Advance Order Floor Order Total Service Charge for one-time fill and drain (up to 500 gallons maximum) $100 $200 Each additional 500 gallons $100 $200 Quantity Description Advance Order Floor Order Total Service Charge for 1st connection $85 $170 Each additional connection $85 $170 Size of Water Line Required: Water and Drainage Connections Total $ Payment Information Order form and advanced payment must be received 7 days prior to show move-in to qualify for advanced order rates. For floor orders – payment in full must be made prior to services being rendered. Payment accepted in the form of check, money order or credit card. SERVICE ORDER CHARGES DETAIL: Electric $ Labor $ Telephone $ Compressed Air $ Water/Drainage $ Total $ Please Check One: Check/Money Order Enclosed Charge Total Amount to Credit Card Credit Card Information: Card Number Exp. Date Security Code Cardholder’s Name Cardholder’s Signature Master Card Visa American Express Discover
4. Complete payment information: credit card
2. Your Pipe & Drape booth includes one (1) 6 ft. covered and skirted table, two (2) chairs and a booth ID sign. Use this form to order additional equipment.
All credit cards accepted: Name on Card Credit Card Type CVV# CardCard#Expiration Date Card Billing Address, State & Zip 5. Complete information, sign
fax this form: Your Company Name City/State/ZipAddressPhone#Fax#ContactPersonEmailYOURBOOTH # Signature Date
P: (513) 772-1898 | F: (513) 322-4473
1. Complete form below and fax to (513) 322-4473 or email to Cindy at critchie@academyexpo.com by the DEADLINE for dis counted prices. Academy will email or fax a contract and charge slip to confirm receipt of your order. After the deadline, the higher standard prices apply and the equipment is limited as indicated below.
30” Round Standard Table with White Linen 30” Round TALL Table with White Linen Any size, plain table (Indicate size: ) Folding Chair, black Deluxe Convention Chair Padded, Burgundy 6’ x 18” Table, covered & skirted (show colors)
4’ x 24” Table, covered & skirted (show colors) Carpet, per Single booth space-(show colors) Carpet Padding, per Single booth space $70.00 X $60.00 X $75.00 X $80.00 X $55.00 X $60.00 X $35.00 X $ 7.00 X $14.00 X $55.00 X $50.00 X $125.00 X $50.00 X $100.00$250.00N/AN/AN/A$14.00$70.00N/AN/A$160.00$150.00$120.00$140.00 (Show color skirting is black, with a white table cover. Show color carpet is black) only. &
Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association Trade Show March 14, 2023, at the Sharonville Convention Center
8’ x 30” Table, covered & skirted (show colors) 6’ x 30” Table, covered & skirted (show colors)
Subtotal $ Tax (7.8%) $ 3% CC Fee $ Total Due $
6’ TALL Table (40”) cover/skirt (show colors) 8’ TALL Table (40”) cover/skirt (show colors)
3. Complete the following area if you want to rent any ADDITIONAL equipment: PRICESDiscounted
8. Academy will store and deliver your container(s) to your booth at the meeting site. We are not responsible for any un packing, repackaging, setup or breakdown of materials.
10. Fax this completed, signed form to (513) 322-4473 with your credit card information: CREDIT CARD TYPE CREDIT CARD EXP DATE CREDIT CARD# NAME as it appears ON CARD CVV# BILLING ADDRESS BILLING STATE/ ZIP Person responsible for this information and its execution: Name Title Date Questions? Contact Cindy Ritchie by phone# 513-772-1898 or email: critchie@academyexpo.com Academy Expo Greater Cinti & NKY Apartment Assn. “Company Name & Booth Number” 116 Marion Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Phone (513) 772-1898 Fax (513) 322-4473
1. You are responsible for contacting a carrier and scheduling your shipment to us. Shipments are NOT accepted at the show site, unless pre-scheduled with Academy. Drayage charges apply.
3. Payment must be made by credit card. All credit cards accepted.
4. Total number of containers (#): 5. Rates: $ 1.00 per (Minimumpoundpayment required $25.00 for 1-25 lbs.) Total weight of packages shipped to Academy (lbs) : Total amount due ($):
2. Clearly address each container to:
9. ***Affix your carriers PREPAID shipping return labels & our “Return Drayage Form” to your returning packages, then CALL your carrier to schedule a pickup from our warehouse on either Thursday, March 16 or Friday, March 17, 2023.
6. Your ContactYourInformationCompany Name: Company Address: Company City/ State/ Zipcode: Phone ContactFaxE-MAIL:Number:Number:Person:YourBooth#:
7. DEADLINE: All material must arrive on or before Monday, March 6, 2023 Shipments received after the deadline will incur a $125.00 late fee.
pre-paid shipping labels to each of the packages you are returning, with this form and call your carrier to schedule pickup from Academy Expo. be sure to complete this form and attach it, with your pre-paid shipping labels, to your boxes to ensure a prompt return. Contact Cindy Ritchie by phone# 513-772-1898 or email: critchie@academyexpo.com Academy Expo, 116 Marion Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 PH# (513) 772-1898, FAX# (513) 322-4473
**** Please
ZIP: # of boxes PLEASENameApproximatereturnedtotalweight.ofCarrierattachyourcompleted,
GREATER CINCINNATI NORTHERN KENTUCKY APARTMENT ASSOCIATION TRADE SHOW BOOTH INFORMATION TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 2023 | 5 pm to 7:30 pm Sharonville Convention Center – Sharonville, Ohio PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FOR YOUR BOOTH AND RETURN TO GCNKAA BY THE DEADLINE OF TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2023. Company: _________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Nametag Order Information • We would like for all booth exhibitors to have a nametag. We will provide one for you or you are welcome to wear your company nametag. Attendee Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Attendee Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Attendee Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Attendee Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Booth Number(s): _________ Accepted Date:____________________By:______________ Nametags Complete: ______________ Inclusion on Game Card: ___________ EXPO GAME INCLUSION • There is no charge for you to be included in the Expo Game. • All exhibitors are automatically included on this game card UNLESS you opt out. • Please be aware that by being included in the expo game, all game participants will need a signature from a company representative at your booth during the show. _____I DO want to be included on the game card _____I DO NOT want to be included on the game card

Food Sponsors
FOOD SPONSORS: $300 each Returning to the 2023 trade show is free food from 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm. will inclusion on pieces and signage at the 2023 trade show. For primary and associate members. SPONSORS: $300 each Due to its success, will once again distributing the attendees. inclusion on and on this For
GCNKAA Tote Bag to the first 500
Logo sponsors receive
promotional pieces
company logo
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
associate members only BAG SPONSORS: $500 each Bag sponsors will receive inclusion on promotional pieces and your company logo on the event ‘swag bag.’ For primary members only. FOUR OPPORTUNITIESSPONSORSHIPYOUNEEDTOSECURETODAY! VIP $1000SPONSORSHIP:Each;Limitof18 •Premier Booth in VIP Row •Carpet provided for your booth •Floor decal in front of your booth signaling you as a VIP •Different color pipe and drape for your booth •Admittancespace into the last few minutes of the executive forum to be introduced as a VIP sponsor • Admittance to the VIP ‘lounge’ area for a 30 minute cocktail networking event with the attendees of the executive forum and other key decision makers •Use of VIP ‘lounge’ to meet privately with clients or potential customers outside of the trade show floor throughout the main show •GCNKAAhours is currently researching affordable ways to collect attendee information to be forwarded to all VIPs. •10 drink •Companyticketslogo on event invitations •Full page ad in March 2023 Apartment •CompanyAdvantagelogo on floorplan •Signage throughout facility •Company logo on bag •1 Grand Prize Drawing at their booth . Yes! I want to be a sponsor for the 2023 GCNKAA Trade Show! Company Name Address Contact Name VIP FoodLogoBagAmount Due Invoice Me Credit CardEnclosed Please select your type of sponsorship and payment information below Card Number Expiration Date Security CodeBilling Zip Code Name on Card

Do you have to ship your booth to the GCNKAA trade show? Sharonville Convention Center does not accept any shipments, however, shipments can be sent to Academy Rentals. Upon receiving your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact Academy Rentals at 513-772-1898, email critchie@academyexpo.com or complete the order form inside this trade show exhibitor information kit. Fees do apply and this must be paid for separately through Academy Rentals. Please note their pricing deadlines. A Return Drayage Form can also be found inside this kit. GCNKAA is not responsible for your ordering, payment or any materials shipped.
STEP 3: STEP 4: For More Information: GCNKAA | 7265 Kenwood Road, Ste. 100 | Cincinnati, OH 45236
Reserve your booth and submit your complete booth contract to the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association. You can fax this information to 513 407-7868 or email directly to michele@gcnkaa.org.
Order electric and other services from Sharonville Convention Center. Upon receiving your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact the Sharonville Convention Center at 513-326-6466 or use the Service Order Form found inside this booklet to order your electric and/or other addi tional hook-ups for your booth. This must be ordered and paid for separately through Sharon ville Convention Center. Please note their pricing deadlines. GCNKAA does not supply electric and is not responsible for your ordering and payment.
STEP 1: STEP 2: Order additonal tables, chairs and carpet for your booth. Sharonville Convention Center is not carpeted and the exhibit hall has a concrete floor. Upon receiv ing your booth confirmation email from the GCNKAA, contact Academy Rentals at 513-772-1898, email critchie@academyexpo.com or complete the order form inside this trade show exhibitor information kit. This must be ordered and paid for separately through Academy Rentals. Please note their pricing dead lines. GCNKAA does not supply additional tables, chairs or carpeting and is not responsible for your ordering and payment.
P: 513 407-8612 | www.gcnkaa.org
Upon receipt at the GCNKAA offices, a confirmation email will be sent to the trade show representative listed upon contract. Booth price of $800 includes one table, two chairs, pipe and drapes and booth sign ONLY. The price will increase to $900 per booth after February 14, 2023.

Raffle, Mystery Bags and raffle ticket items.If you would like to donate an item, please contact Michele at the Association office by emailing mi chele@gcnkaa.org or calling 513-4078612. If you would like more informa tion, contact either Michele Klusman or a member of the Holiday Cheers Committee.Ifyoudo not have an item to do nate or the time to buy something to donate, we can go out and purchase items for you. Cash dona tions are acceptable and will be used to buy items for the benefit in your company’s name. This is one event that will not be pos sible without the support of all our members and the surrounding community. Through the help of the Holiday Cheers Committee, spearheaded by Gerry Johnson with Rent and Tonya Petersen with Miller Valentine Group, this is an event that will be a huge suc cess. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allow able by law. Due to the preliminary work of setting up all the items on an online auction site, kindly have your donations into the GCNKAA office by Monday, October 31. Registration for the Holiday Cheers Party will open soon!
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 39 Same great people. Same great service. Jetz Service welcomes Cincinnati Coin Laundry customers with loads of options for multi-family laundry rooms, including: jgruen@jetzservice.com JOHN GRUEN (513) 542-9800 Coin, Card and Mobile-Activation In-unit Domestic Equipment Favorable Lease Terms 24/7 Emergency Service LAUNDRY MATTERS JETZSERVICE.COM Replacement & Repair of All Types of Roofing and Gutters 11099 Deerfield Road, Blue Ash, Ohio 513-791-7400 Serving Greater Cincinnati Since 1900 GCNKAA PACs What They Can Do For You GCNKAA Political Action Committee (PAC) dollars can and do make a difference. Influence at the local, state and national government levels would not be possible without your contributions. If you have not already done so, please invest in GCNKAA’s PAC. Our recommendation is $1 per unit. Contact Pat Crowley at 513 407-8612 for more information.
The 25th Annual Holiday Cheers Benefit is a fundraiser benefiting the Apartment Association Outreach Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedi cated to assisting residents with rent payments during times of personal emergencies or crisis. Monies raised during the Benefit will help fund the Rent Assistance programs of various local agencies including: Free Store Foodbank Citizens Active In Northside (CAIN)•Jewish Family Service and Santa Maria Community Services Each year, the Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. supports these programs with annual payments of more than $148,000 per year. With the current economy, these funds are more important than ever to support our local community and the efforts of our fellowAgainorganizations.thisyear, this fundraiser will be a hybrid event with portions held online and other portions happening live at the Holiday Cheers Party at the Savannah Center in West Chester. All members and the general public will have a full week of bidding opportunities for silent auction items beginning on December 1 and will culminate on December 8 with the live auction, Rapid

A Night Out for Outreach: Please mark your calendars for October 29, 2022, for our A Night Out for Outreach event. We are excited to hold our event at The Anderson Pavilion and we will be utilizing The Carousel for cocktail hour! A special THANK YOU to Justin and Jill Seger who are our co-chairs for this wonderful night. A VIP Wine & Bourbon Tasting Hour has been added this year with limited tickets! Don’t forget to register!
Saturday, October 29, 2022 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Charitable Organization Apartment Association Outreach, Inc.
Megan Lawhon with limited visitors and interaction. We played Bingo and served our seniors lunch. We are grateful for the opportunity to spend time with these wise individuals and hopefully brighten their day. We are going to host one more senior event before the holidays. Stay tuned for more details! Our backpack and school supply drive was a monumental suc cess, delivering $15,000 worth of school supplies and backpacks to FOUR schools during the first week in August! Special THANK YOU to Susan Peck who organized this entire event. What a success! Year-to-date, our AAO Board has approved $86,000 in Rent As sistance payments and $60,000 to our Food Pantry partners through the end of August. We are exceptionally proud to contribute to those in need and to be able to partner with these organizations that work tirelessly to help others. These donations help fund more than 20 food pantries and four key social service partners for rental assistance: the FreeStore Food Bank, Jewish Family Service, CAIN, and Santa Maria Community Services. The work these organizations do to assist those in need is astounding.
Lastly, we are looking forward to our Champions for Outreach partners to continue their contribution for 2022 and 2023. This ex ceptional program that began in 2021 is what allowed our board to financially contribute to so many wonderful partners that serve needs within our community such as: rent assistance, food pantries, senior communities, and much more! To date, we have received more than $250,000 of our pledged funds! Wow! Without the Champions’ sup port, we could not continue to serve our community in the capacity we are able. On behalf of our board, we are exceptionally grateful. I am proud of the service that ALL of the Board members and staff provide as well as for their continued support of utilizing our funds to help those in need. We would like to thank our entire membership and our Champions for Outreach sponsors for your continued financial support of Outreach and our efforts to help those in our community who deserve our assistance.
SAVE THE DATE Contact the GCNKAA office at 513-407-8612 or michele@gcnkaa.org for details on how to get the most out of your advertising dollars.
40 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 Is everyone ready for football season? I am so excited to cheer on our beloved home town team, as well as kick butt in my two fantasy leagues! In total transparency, this is my first year ever doing a fantasy football team and I decided to do two, not just onehaha! I am excited and looking forward to the comradery with family and coworkers. And for those of us with kiddos, I can speak for myself - with a sigh of relief - to be back in a routine and a sense of normalcy. Here’s to a great school year for all!
We have been busy at the Apartment Association Outreach (AAO) division for the past few months. We had more volunteer events at Childhood Food Solutions helping to bag lunches for an area in need. Our next event will be on September 21 if anyone is looking to volunteer! It is always rewarding to see so many hands working together to make light work for those we serve. In addition, we hosted a senior event on August 12 at Riverview Bluffs, a MVAH Partners community. It is always such a pleasure to serve the elderly community as they suffered so much during the height of COVID
By Megan Lawhon, PLK Communities, Outreach President A 501(c)(3)

8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 41 FAMILYSEGERFOUNDATION Platinum Sponsor ($20,000) Gold Sponsor ($10,000) Silver Sponsor ($5,000) MARCH FAMILY Midwest Multifamily Capital Markets THE FAMILYMcLEAN To become a Champion For Outreach, please contact Rebecca McLean, Megan Lawhon, Jeff March. Rebecca@gcnkaa.org - megan@plkcommunities.com - jmarch@brgapartments.com

42 SEPTEMBER 2022 8 Event Chairs Justin & Jill Seger Hills Properties - Amount Enclosed: $____________ Checks payable to “The AAO” Please mail your donations to: The Apartment Association Outreach - 7265 Kenwood Rd, Ste 100,Cincinnati, OH 45236 ______Lead Horse $2,500 ______Pony Up $1,000 ______VIP Tasting $50 per person Name: _____________________ Company Name: _______________________ Email: _______________________________ Phone: ___________________ Pony Up Sponsor $1,000 4 Tickets to the main event – open seating Company Logo included on AAO Website Company name listed in the event program* Company Name listed in event digital presentation *Deadline is 10/7 to receive all sponsor benefits The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. is very excited to announce our eleventh annual A Night Out for Outreach. The event will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2022 at our NEW location, The Anderson Pavilion. Enjoy a fantastic evening with many industry leaders and friends in attendance. Cocktails begin at 5:30 pm followed by a sit down dinner at 6:30 pm. Please support this Outreach event and help our neighbors in need of assistance. These 6 programs are Rent Assistance, 20 Food Pantries, School Supplies, Educational Scholarships, Senior Events and Emergency Fund are supported by The Apartment Association Outreach, Inc. Event Opportunities All donations made to the Apartment Association OUTREACH, Inc, are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Please contact Susan Peck, Outreach Administrator, with interest at 513.407.8612, susan@gcnkaa.org. Name on Card:___________________________________________________________________ Card Number: ___________________________________________________________________ Exp Date: _______________ Security Code: _______________ Zip Code: _________________ Lead Horse Sponsor $2,500 6 Tickets to the main event – open seating Company Logo included on AAO Website Recognition in GCNKAA Newsletters 1/8 page company logo in the event program* Company Logo included in event digital presentation *Deadline is 10/7 to receive all sponsor benefits VIP Wine & Bourbon Tasting Hour $50 Per Person (4:30-5:30pm) This elegant VIP event provides our guests the opportunity to sample a wide variety of premier wine and bourbon tastings, and bid on auction items, all in support of the AAO. EVENT OPPORTUNITIES CHECK PAYMENT CREDIT CARD PAYMENT
“We hear from residents, ‘If you didn’t accept pets, I wouldn’t live here,’” says Alison Mack, Manager of Marketing and Property Development, Drucker + Falk (D+F). Studies show that pets enhance wellness and people’s en joyment of their home, adds Brian Hawthrone, Vice President, Operations at Cardinal Group Management. “So we make our policy as compassionate as possible so residents who wish to have a pet can have one without financial burden or unreasonable rules and regulations.”Petpolicies have evolved as pet ownership has grown and ppgpaints.com
The rental housing industry contin ues to balance attracting and retaining animal-loving residents with keeping the peace and mitigating potential problems. Think your rental community’s gone to the dogs, cats and birds? You’re right.
About two-thirds of U.S. households have at least one pet, and that holds true for rental housing residents, according to Apartments.com. And since March 2020, 12.6% of households have added a pet. Welcoming pets has become a major selling point for apartment communities.
Trend Setting
This heading contains information on Management & Leasing. laws have adapted. The rental housing in dustry is balancing how to attract and re tain animal-loving residents, on one hand, and how to keep the peace and mitigate po tential damage (and damages) on the other.
Applying to live at a community is a resident’s first exposure to a community’s pet policy—if it’s presented with the lease materials.Since early 2020, Asset Living has utilized a third-party platform to standard ize the process, capture unauthorized pets and collect potentially lost revenue for management clients in 40 states. Plus, the platform “is easier because it doesn’t feel person al,” says Stacey Lecocke, Executive Vice President of Operations, who oversees Asset Living’s student housing division. Applicants using the tool categorize themselves as having a pet, no pet or an assistance animal. Those with no pet are logged as such on their ledger and work orders. Data that applicants enter on one or more pets results in a score that “may mean varying fees and deposits based on risk” specific
© 2022 PPG Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The PPG Logo is a registered trademark of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc. PPG829060 01/22 VISIT OUR STORES IN THE GREATER CINCINNATI–NORTHERN KENTUCKY AREA! Contact your local representative today. MICHELE LEPORE | 513-356-7572 | mlepore@ppg.com With over 135 years of providing solutions across all industry segments, PPG has the right products and services for your job. INPARTNERYOURPAINT
By Ellen Ryan, Courtesy of Industry Insider

ELECTIONS WILL BE HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2022 to the animal, Lecocke says. For service animals and emotional support animals—for which no fees are charged—the tool requires proper legal documentation (including a proper prescription). If the platform finds the request invalid, the animal is declared a pet, and standard procedures apply. Pet owners pay about $20 a year for the process, gaining a certification usable at grooming stores and elsewhere. Asset Living gains, too, because the process is a financial plus with ownership groups.
“The first year, we had six instances in a 400-unit community,” says Mack, adding that often the culprit was a child, dog walker or babysitter, not the owner of record. Word of mouth has kept inci dents to near zero since.
No company wants to be the subject of recent headlines such as “Pet alligator dies in Claymont apartment fire” and “A 425-Pound Tiger Living in a Harlem Apartment? Yes, It Happened.” Such oc currences are rare, but an equitable pet policy can help prevent them.Being pet friendly—from hosting yappy hours and pet cos tume parties to offering cat and dog treats in the rental office—can encourage a sense of openness and trust that leads to community harmony and less hiding of animals (exotic or otherwise).
“Pets can increase mood and happiness, and we want our residents to be happy,” says Amanda Rast, Asset Living’s Vice President of Communications. “We want to keep them safe, too. There’s a balance.”
If a petless resident tries to adopt, “the SPCA will reach out to the community first to be sure it’s okay,” says Mack. Otherwise, most new pet owners happily bring their Fido or Fluffy by the man agement office for a coo and registration. The most common way unregistered pets are discovered is during maintenance visits. If a resident is recorded as petless and a nose pops out from under the bed, the resident may be warned or fined.
D+F sends a congratulatory note on “your new family mem ber” and an invitation to catch up on paperwork. (The pet policy is an addendum to the lease, so everyone signs it upon moving in, says Naturally,Mack.) policies insist that owners pick up after pets. Not everyone does, though, which leads to unhealthy, unsafe and unat tractive common areas. Third-party providers like the one that is used at many D+F properties can be leveraged to connect uncol lected dog waste to a (ir)responsible human. Upon enrolling the dog with the property, the owner swabs the dog’s cheek to add its DNA to the provider’s database. If waste is found, staff sends a sample to the company, receives an ID and fines the owner $50 to $350. If there’s a second offense, staff may ask the owner to remove the dog.
Ellen Ryan is a freelance writer.
Because laws and norms change, regular updating is necessary. Asset Living reviews its policy at least quarterly, Cardinal Group at least twice yearly. D+F doesn’t review on a schedule, but being active in all associations in the states where it’s located, it keeps up on legislative news and makes changes accordingly.
Pets in multifamily housing are nearly always limited by type, breed, weight, number and so on. Certain dog breeds are consid ered aggressive—“they may or may not be, but insurance sees it that way,” says Mack—and weight is a stand-in for potential noise on upper floors. Noting that many animals do better in pairs, the Humane Society of the U.S. recommends not restricting residents to one pet. Cardinal Group allows two total from among cats, dogs, fish and birds. D+F likewise refuses “exotic” animals, though certain snakes, amphibians and reptiles are allowed (one per unit). Where pets can be outside the residential unit varies. At D+F properties, pets are forbidden at the pool, fitness center and laun dry room and need to be leashed outdoors. Cardinal Group allows leashed animals “pretty much everywhere on the property” except at the pool area or gym, says Hawthorne; “for the most part, people are pretty understanding” in case of conflict and simply separate the parties.TheHumane Society offers a sample pet policy that includes several notable restrictions: Pets shall not be kept, bred or used for any commercial purpose; cats, dogs, rabbits and ferrets must be spayed or neutered; pets must not roam free or be tethered; cat litter may not go down toilets; pet bedding, toys, etc. must be laundered in pet-only washers and dryers (if applicable).
44 SEPTEMBER 2022 8
Housing providers need to follow a litany of laws regarding reasonable accommodation requests for emotional support animals. Leverage NAA resources to help shed light on the current state of the law as they relate to emotional support animals, including the newly updated NAA Emotional Support Animal Toolkit. This ebook informs industry professionals on their fair housing obliga tions related to reasonable accommodations for animals in housing and helps housing providers navigate fraudulent requests for emo tional support animals.
| www.careworkscomp.com | info@careworkscomp.com © 2 0 1 5 C a r e W o r k s C o m p WHAT IS GROUP RETROSPECTIVE RATING? A performance based program where BWC certified group sponsors pool businesses of like industry, that meet strict safety and claims management criteria and practices As claim costs are controlled, the group members receive premium rebates Plan savings are often greater than traditional group rating plans COMPREHENSIVE SAFETY SERVICES We offer on site safety and program evaluation at no additional cost to help ensure and optimize savings BEST IN CLASS CLAIMS SERVICES ¢ Rates & Payroll Underwriting ¢ Industrial Commission (IC) and Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Hearing Representation ¢ Claims Management ¢ Reporting UNEMPLOYMENT CONSULTATION Review and consult with our industry experts on unemployment claim issues For more information, contact CareWorksComp’s Julia Hall toll free, at 1 800 837 3200, ext 51576 or via email at julia hall@careworkscomp com This is Not Your Grandfather’s Group Rating Program: Group Retrospective Rating Have you looked at your group retrospective rating options?
Different demographics can react differently to color choice, interior finishes, amenities, apartment logos, taglines and online presence. Whether you’re targeting young professionals with an active social life, college students wanting out of the dorms, new families with young children or active adults facing an empty nest — each is looking for something different out of renting and will therefore be attracted to different brand elements.
Without cohesion in all aspects of a multifamily development, a brand’s identity can be muddied. Before construction begins, de velopers and owners have determined the property’s identity, their target audience and their ideal brand perception. Since the brand has therefore been established well before development starts, all teams in the process should be on the same page. Architects and interior designers should fully understand how the building itself can support the identity, tone and ideal resident.
Modern-day renters want their living space to feel as much like home as homeowners do. Now that so many residents are 1-800-837-3200
5. START STANDING OUT With the vast amount of multifamily properties popping up in urban cores and suburban destinations, it’s becoming much harder to differentiate. By creating a cohesive multifamily brand from the beginning and bringing it to life in new ways through development and design, you will be well positioned to make a powerful impact to the community and surrounding neighborhood.
Graphic designers on the project should be able to iterate the concept through print and online presence in a way that will stand the test of time. It’s important that from the beginning, the prop erty is being built to support what the brand stands for. A strong multifamily brand should connect from the exterior into the interi ors and finishes, all the way to its online presence.
When it comes to luxury apartment communities, establishing a strong brand identity is crucial. With so many high-end develop ments hitting the market, it’s important to set apart the individual ity of each. However, the challenge many properties face is finding the balance between overtly lavish and approachably luxurious. To avoid coming across pretentious, it is helpful to bring in a per sonal, artistic touch to the brand, or steer in the direction of classic, timeless and relaxed.
By Ashley Tyndall, Director of Business Development for Criterion.B
8 APARTMENT ADVANTAGE 45 renting by choice, there are new ways to stand out as a multifamily property aside from location, amenities, and price. How do you connect emotionally to your resident through a brand? Bring your property’s personality to life through the brand voice — make your mission to create experiences rather than fill units. Look at why residents are choosing to rent and where they are in their life stage, and work to address their emotional needs.
How can you ensure your branding meets the demands of the multifamily housing marketplace? Why is multifamily branding so important? The term “brand” has evolved over the years, and in today’s highly competitive world, brand simply refers to the way the public perceives your entity. People have brands, businesses have brands, properties have brands — whether they’re carefully crafted or not. This can be factual perceptions (it’s an apartment building in downtown Chicago) or emotional ones (it’s vibrant, romantic or trustworthy).
For example, luxury high-rise LVL 29 in Plano, Texas’s Legacy West established its brand direction and personality well before the groundbreaking. LVL 29 was built to bring a new es sence and standard to living, one that carries clear tones of sophis tication and timelessness through sleek and modern elements.
Before diving deep into the multifamily branding process, it’s important to have a clear persona that will drive the direction and style from construction to online conversions. A persona is a semifictionalized character based on the interests, lifestyle and person ality of your ideal residents. Understanding your persona inside and out will allow all aspects of the brand to connect and resonate with your target audience.
When applying this concept to the multifamily market, prop erties must aim to guide the perception of their brand so it isn’t determined solely by their audience. In such a dense multifamily market, strategic branding is more important than ever. Branding matters before a brick is ever laid. So how can you ensure your branding meets the demands of the market?

During the 2022 Apartmentalize session, “A Smart Home Trilogy to Optimize Operations and Teams,” industry experts dis cussed the ways those three smart home technologies have em powered teams, maintained occupancy and built ROI.
Smart locks, thermostats and leak detection sensors comple ment the functionality of one another to a degree that amplifies the individual value of each. Working together, they optimize selfservice touring functionality, improve HVAC and energy conser vation, and enhance overall asset protection.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 5:30 PM FOWLING WAREHOUSE, 2940 HIGHLAND AVENUE, CINCINNATI $50* PER PERSON | SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE *Competing in Maintenance Mania is free. Free admission for all maintenance techs.
Smart thermostats enable residents and management teams alike to optimize energy consumption. Operators can program thermostat settings on vacant homes for optimal energy use and create temporary settings during scheduled tours to preferred cli mate conditions. They can do the same for offices, common ar eas and amenity spaces during off hours to create a more efficient overall community. Leak detection technologies generate alerts at the first sign of water intrusion, limiting or preventing costly repairs. Considering the average water leak costs $1,800 just for repairs – not factoring in the cost of resident displacement and temporary relocation, rent loss or concessions – the cost prevention capabilities of leak detec tion systems are tremendous.
Smart home technology is revolutionizing how renters live and how operators conduct business. While each smart home solu tion has its own intrinsic benefits, operators are seeing exponential returns when they implement a select trio of products together.
Smart locks, thermostats and leak detection sensors comple ment the functionality of one another to a degree that amplifies the individual value of each.
46 SEPTEMBER 2022 8
While the term “smart home” indicates an ability to work in dependently, it is the collective potential of fully integrated locks, thermostats and leak detection that is changing multifamily. Smart home solutions must fully integrate with one another and property management systems, but they also must play nicely with associ ates and Bevanresidents.White, Director of Marketing for RAM Partners, said his company requires full access to their tech partners’ support teams during initial implementation. “We have our partners walk us through how to talk about the product with residents and how to best show residents how to use it,” White said. After being fully immersed in a strategically deployed smart home environment, residents and team members alike won’t settle for anything less, driving both resident and employee retention, along with occupancy and NOI. The result is a boost property per formance and asset value at the point of sale, delivering measur able ROI at all levels of the property lifecycle.
“When you bring that all together, this is the new standard that you’re seeing in the industry,” said SmartRent Chief Operating Officer Demetrios Barnes. “What we’re learning is that in some markets, this is a requirement. If you’re not there yet, it’s time. It’s not just about the rent lift anymore; it’s all of that additional savings.”From a value proposition standpoint, all three smart home products stand solidly on their own.
By Doug Pike
In addition to sheer convenience for residents, smart locks are tremendous time savers for property teams. Instead of physi cally providing access to guests, vendors, maintenance teams and residents who forgot their key codes, associates can remotely pro vide access. Smart access control systems also enable operators to customize self-guided touring experiences by granting prospects temporary access to certain areas of the community.

Get Involved.
The success of the programs GCNKAA offers is contingent on our sponsors. We offer sponsorships for all our events ranging from $100 to $5000. This is a quick, easy and inexpensive way to get your company name in front of 1000s of potential customers. Advertise If getting involved in a committee or sponsoring an event is more than you can currently handle, GCNKAA also offers advertising opportunities in our annual membership directory and monthly digital newsletter. Take A Class Whether you are a leasing agent, maintenance technician, owner or associate member, we have a class for you. To see the complete list of courses available this year, visit www.gcnkaa.org.
TEAMING WITH GREATER CINCINNATI NORTHERN KENTUCKY APARTMENT ASSOCIATION PRODUCES GREATER RESULTS. We are here to help you grow in the multifamily housing industry. With a staff with over 50 years combined experience in our industry, ask us how we can help you! CONTACT US AT 513 407-8612 TO GET INVOLVED!
Sponsor Programs
Becoming a member of the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Apartment Association is just the first step toward success in the multifamily housing industry. Move your business forward by getting involved.....
Join A Committee GCNKAA runs with the help of several committees. The easiest way to learn the ropes is to join a committee and attend the monthly meetings. Meeting others with similar interests is the first step to networking and meeting new contacts. 1 Attend Our Events GCNKAA hosts several events throughout the year starting with the Officers Installation Dinner in January and concluding with our Annual Holiday Cheers Party and Charity Benefit in December. Be sure not to miss the trade show in March or the golf outing in June!