Legendary Leaders Premiere Edition

Page 26



The gift within.

Carina Reeves – pg 23-24

Can combat training techniques serve you in your business success?

JR Spear – pg 25-26

Embracing your intrinsic talents in the face of societal norms.

Brandi Van – pg 29-30


A message from the editor

Welcome to the premiere edition of Legendary Leaders Magazine. We are excited to showcase outstanding individuals leading the way in their industries. This magazine is about more than seekers of financial success; it is resilience, boldness, sheer determination, and the will to see their vision and scale every hurdle to achieve the dream.

There is a common denominator amongst the pathfinders within these pages. They don’t give up. You will read about battle-scared survivors, energetic goal-seekers, and those with the grit and stamina to withstand the challenges.

We celebrate all the magnificent characteristics our trailblazers and trendsetters exhibit to shine a brilliant light on their eminence. They seek not the riches of wealth, but the treasures of health, independence, happiness, faith, and fulfillment of their passions.

We appreciate you as a reader, follower, and student of life. Please share with others who seek gratification and a bit of zest in their soul.

We welcome your feedback, inquiries, and interest in article submissions.

Seek the Sweet Life,



© 2023 Legendary Leaders Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained within the articles of Legendary Leaders Magazine are the opinions, experiences, and research of the individual authors. They are not intended to replace medical or other professional advice.
Martin Salama 1-3 Shiraz Baboo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Zondra Evans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 Dr . Wendy Labat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-10 Catharine O’Leary 11-12 Nicole Mashingaidze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14 Joric McLean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16 Vicki Mizel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-18 Lemonade Legend Library . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Sara Nakamura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-22 Carina Reeves 23-24 JR Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-26 Angel Tuccy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27-28 Brandi Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29-30 Jaclyn Whitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31-32
Table of Contents

From Worrier To Warrior: Unleashing The Power Within

Martin Salama is our feature article in our premier edition of Lemonade Legend: Showcasing Trailblazers and Trendsetters. He exemplifies the qualities we spotlight–resilience, leadership, innovation, courage, humility, and confidence. He is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, Life Coach, and he adopts the philosophy of Living Incredibly Full Everyday!

Lemonade Legend (LL): Martin, you have had fantastic success with your book, Worrier to Warrior, published in June 2023, making the #1 spot in Anger Management the day it was released. Tell me how you got to where you are now as a coach and bestselling author.

Martin: The journey from what I call me being Martin 1.0 to the book being published began in 2008 during the financial crisis. That entire spring had been one disappointment after another trying to hold a multimilliondollar building project together while the world was falling apart. Everything—and I mean EVERYTHING—that could go wrong to make the project fall apart did.

I remember seeing the headlines in the newspapers about the financial chaos unfolding, but it wasn’t real to me until I was on the phone with an investor pulling out of the project. My chest tightened. I could feel my muscles tense for the blow even before he said, “We can’t risk it. I’m sorry.”

The world was talking about the financial markets imploding, but the words still didn’t fully sink in. Even when I turned to my now ex-wife and said, “That’s it. We’re out of options. That was our last hope to keep the project alive,” I still didn’t believe it was over. It felt like a horrible dream. I had myself convinced something would miraculously happen to fix everything. I was in a fog.

To make matters worse, in my denial of the situation and rationalizing that everything would be okay if this thing or that thing fell into place, I put my personal holdings up as collateral for the project.

I remember my son running to tell me the car was being towed. My house was foreclosed on; my investments were liquidated; my relationships became broken and tense (if they survived). I went from being on top of the world and having projections saying soon I’d be able to touch the stars to wondering where I would sleep.


LL: That must have been devastating. How did you work your way back from what felt like a crushing defeat?

Martin: For a year, I was stuck in a dark, hazy, heavy depression. Everything looked vague and slightly out of focus—like the sun had dimmed, and everything I saw was leached of color.

This fog lasted until October 2009, when I realized I needed to figure out how to claw my way out of the colorless void I had crashed into. I had to find a way to get moving again—to build momentum and pull myself back into the sunlight.

Without realizing it, I began using techniques that would later appear in my book, Worrier to Warrior, to move my life forward again. First, I evaluated where I was. Then I looked at where I wanted to go. One season of my life had ended, and over the course of the winter of 2009, I realized I wanted to reinvent myself as a life coach in the next season of my life. I jumped into life coach training the next spring. The more I learned, the more I unraveled thoughts, emotions, and feelings from early in my life to when I lost everything. This process helped me realize that I hadn’t been true to myself for decades. Instead, I had been subverting my desires and beliefs to suit others. Ironically, doing this created more distance in my relationships and perpetuated the inability of others in my life to communicate what THEY wanted. At the same time, it stifled my ability to recognize my needs.

As I untangled all this, I realized I was my worst enemy, lying to myself to make sense of my decisions. In Worrier to Warrior, I call this process using “Rational-Lies™ .” Interrupting this process and rewriting the beliefs and behaviors that lead to RationalLies™ is a cornerstone of my coaching practice.

continued on next page 2

LL: I really like that perspective. It can be easier to create Rational-Lies™ than to do the work to figure out the reasons behind the actions and stay true to ourselves. It sounds like you have a deep passion for helping your clients through this process. How do you distinguish yourself in the crowded industry of coaching?

Martin: Through the process of what I was working through, I got to a point where I started to like myself again and even love myself. I loved everything I was doing. I have ADHD, and I was doing a 10-minute guided meditation one day. My mind kept slipping into the thought of “when is this going to be over?” In the middle of trying to slow my brain down for a minute and be present for the meditation, I had this download of information tying all the tools I was using together into one approach. At this moment, The Warrior’s L.I.F.E. code was born, and I fell in love with the ideas that came to me. I wanted to show people how to follow the same process that saved my life. To accomplish this, I turned the word life into an acronym, Live Incredibly Full Everyday. What I do is show people no matter where they are in their life, it’s their mindset that needs to shift from scarcity to abundance. But on a deeper level, from self-conscious to self-aware, so many people think they’re self-aware, but after a conversation with me, they recognize they are self-conscious.

LL: That’s such a great origin story. Now I’m wondering if I’m as self-aware as I thought. It makes sense to have expert help digging through some of these deep issues. Who is your ideal client?

Martin: Successful women entrepreneurs with over a decade of experience in business who are not afraid to invest in themselves and their businesses to become warriors in their businesses and life so that they can get to the next level. That means increasing the ROI of their income streams and creating a positive culture in their business from the top down. I’ve always connected better with women than men. Perhaps it’s because I grew up with four older sisters.

Men want to know about the bottom line. They want to see how you are going to make them more profitable. Women want to know, how will you make me more successful? Even though there is profit with success, it’s also about emotions, energy, and satisfaction. I give my clients practical ways of getting to their goals. I guide them to dig deep into their emotions and thoughts so they understand what they need to be successful. What kind of unique culture do they need to create what works for their leadership style?

Often women are dealing with gender-based discrimination, navigating male-dominated networks. Five years ago, I was blessed to marry an incredible woman. She is a high-level executive at one of the largest banks in the world, and she still deals with unconscious bias. When this happens, women may experience fear of failure, guilt, or self-doubt due to the unspoken—and often unrecognized biases that color how they are treated in the professional world. Women also tend to have more life roles, caring for children or aging parents. This is why life balance and self-fulfillment are so important. Profitability alone does not equal success. I work with the whole being, the pieces and parts of life, creating balance and gratification so my clients Live Incredibly Full Everyday!

continued from previous page 3 Order your copy of Worrier to Warrior on Amazon.com. CONNECT WITH MARTIN SALAMA: TheWarriorsLifeCode.com ConnectWithMartin.com Linkedin.com/in/martin-salama-cpc-eli-mp

Showcasing Trailblazers & Trendsetters


Lemonade Legend


Michelle Faust

Copy Editor

Michelle Faust

Graphic Designer

Aaron Tutunick - 2TUcreative.com

Project Manager

Carolyn Smith


Martin Salama

Shiraz Baboo

Zondra Evans

Dr. Wendy Labat

Catharine O’Leary

Nicole Mashingaidze

Joric McLean

Vicki Mizel

Sara Nakamura

Carina Reeves

JR Spear

Angel Tuccy

Brandi Van

Jaclyn Whitt

Media Consultant

Angel Tuccy

CONTACT US AT: Hello@LemonadeLgend.com

4 Sometimesyou havetoletgoof thepictureof whatyou thoughtyour lifewouldbe likeandlearn tofindthejoy inthestoryyou areliving.
Legendary Leaders Magazine

The Problem Was The Solution

I’ll never forget that day at the gym. I was 22 years old, studying medicine, and in the best shape of my life. I was a gym junkie; one day, I was doing a military press, and I felt pain in my right shoulder. I immediately realized this wasn’t muscle pain; this was something else.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Initially, the pain wasn’t bad, I thought it would be a simple annoyance to get through. Within months, I had intense pain in every joint in my body. I would spend days lying in bed in agony. There were nights when I sipped dinner through a straw because my jaw was so swollen and painful.

Everything was planned out, and then bam! That plan was gone, and I was left scrambling and dealing with emotions of anger, frustration, despair, self-judgment, and self-pity.

I tried different things to relieve the pain: medication, supplements, diet, even acupuncture, and yoga. Everything worked . . . for a little while. But the pain returned in full force.

It wasn’t until almost twenty pain-filled years later that I met the man who would change my perspective on how reality worked.

I flew to India to meet him, I thought he would do a laying on of hands and say, “Heal Shiraz. Heal!” Instead, he talked to me daily for two weeks. He was like a psychiatrist, gathering information.

He told me, “Shiraz, here’s the problem. You believe you’re responsible for everyone in your life.”

“No, I don’t,” I replied.

“I know you don’t think that consciously, but from everything you’ve told me, you formed this belief beginning at the age of eight.”

“But I don’t think I’m responsible for everyone — and what’s this got to do with arthritis?”

“Ah, you don’t want to be responsible for everyone.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah. Duh.”

“And when you’re lying in bed in pain, you don’t have to be responsible for anyone, and you don’t have to feel guilty about it; people see you struggling to get through the day, so they won’t ask you to take care of them. It’s the solution to a problem you don’t even realize you have.”

That knocked me off balance mentally. “That’s messed up,” I said.

“But that’s what most illnesses are,” he replied. “Solutions for problems people don’t realize they have.

I thought about it and then said, “Okay, if this is true, then all I have to do is say I’m not going to be responsible for anyone but me, and I won’t have arthritis anymore.”

He nodded. “Yes—IF you believe it deep down, then you won’t need the arthritis.”

I gathered my will, saying, “I’m not going to be responsible for anyone but me.”

And you know what happened at that moment? Nothing.

But when I woke up the next morning, I had no pain, no inflammation. I had more mobility, and I could even breathe better.

You don’t get rid of eighteen years of illness overnight. And yet I did. Now, the damage done to my body was still there. This is an important lesson: Sometimes you get miracles, and sometimes you get a journey. If you’re not willing to have the journey, you don’t typically get the miracles. You get more miracles when you’re willing to have both. Losing the arthritis was a miracle. The restoration of my body has been a journey—one I’m happy to be on.

Are you willing to go on a journey filled with miracles?

There was a track I walked every day, doing my “old-man shuffle” while others flew by. Even people in their sixties and


seventies would pass me. Now, I was passing everybody. I was weaving in and out, and they were looking at me with expressions of “What the hell?

When I got home, everyone was amazed. And get this: NOBODY asked me to be responsible for them. Why would they? It was a belief created by an eight-year-old.

I discovered it wasn’t only about illness. It’s the reason you don’t have the money you would like. It’s why you don’t have satisfying relationships or the clients you desire.

Your mind prioritizes the avoidance of emotional distress over physical circumstances. The three biggest emotions your mind tries to avoid are guilt, shame, and heartbreak. Arthritis was preferable to the guilt (unfounded as it was) I believed I’d experience.

If you’re worried you might feel shame for living a life of abundance while others are suffering, then your mind will make sure to limit your income. Knowing you MIGHT feel it is enough to trigger a physical response of “make less money.”

Are you okay with people having expectations of you because you have wealth? If so,you are unconsciously limiting your income.

Physical problems can actually be the solution to an emotional problem you’re not seeing. And it’s a problem you don’t want to see. This is important because it means it will be impossible to solve this problem on your own. You need someone else to spell it out for you. That’s why every solution I had for my arthritis failed. The longer that solution (drugs, diet, etc.) worked, the more guilty I felt for being able to help some people and not everyone. When I let go of the guilt, I let go of the problem.

Today, I am living the life of my dreams: traveling and hanging out in exotic places with amazing people; healthier than I’ve been in years; and attracting bigger, better opportunities!

Furthermore, when I work with others, doing belief shifting similar to what my mentor did with me, I get results in as little as five minutes. I’ve helped clients increase their income by ten times, get out of illness, find the love of their life, and even fill their events. Imagine how different your life could be if you dropped your limiting beliefs! Your dream life isn’t far away. You just have to believe.






Why Streaming Matters


If you’re struggling to build your brand and you haven’t gone live, that’s a problem. The world we live in today requires a brand to reach its customers beyond the normal means. Why? Because there’s never been a more crucial time for brands to reach their customers online. The same goes for individual entrepreneurs, influencers and anyone else trying to make an impact.

People are streaming more than ever! With over 80% of the population either looking for a streaming service to watch or streaming themselves, it’s no wonder there are so many streaming platforms to choose from. The people have spoken, and the demand is there. As a business, you want to put yourself in front of the people that could benefit from your products and services.


Streaming helps you be your natural self. Your audience wants you to be authentic, and when you are live and up close and personal, it allows you the opportunity to connect one-on-one with the person watching you.

When you go live before your audience, you have the opportunity to share your story in a way written content never could. Your story will help consumers know why you stand out from your competitors and why they should do business with you.

When you live stream, you’ll always have content that can be viewed or repurposed later.


If you want sustainable growth, brand awareness, and an advertising strategy that delivers the results you want, you can’t beat advertising on television. TV is the number one builder for brands and the leader in the time consumers spend on media each day (5 hours and 24 minutes).


• Increase your sales - small businesses see an increase in their sales after investing in television advertising.

• See real results - Over 70% of people take action after seeing an ad on television.

• Drive customers to your website - About 65% of people say television ads influence what they search for online. Your business should be among them.

• Tell your story - People feel a connection with a story that resonates with them.


The Zondra TV Network is a community with a desire to help you get your story out. Our network is designed to showcase your business on global TV. We do this in multiple ways: Advertising, Biz Talk, and Getting Ready to Produce.

Zondra TV Network was designed specifically for small business entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. Our team is passionate about providing an affordable platform for small businesses to scale and grow their business locally, nationally and globally. We realize that small business owners have limited advertising budgets, which limits their ability to go after their big dreams.

Zondra TV is a multiple International Award- Winning network available on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, AppleTV, Binge Networks, Toni TV (Australia), Comcast Cable and more. We are in 350 million homes globally, which provides you access to a greater audience


because we know that Exposure Marketing and Advertising is essential to growing your business. I often ask the question: “What is the difference between a well-known brand, like Stanley Steamer and your local neighborhood carpet cleaner? Stanley Steamer advertises like crazy on TV and other media outlets don’t.

Many small business owners believe that social media sites are the only platform to broaden their reach. The truth is, you do need social media, but there is so much more to consider if you’re focused on scaling and growing your business. Videos are a valuable, powerful way to tell your brand’s story, showcase your product or service, and engage with your target audience.

We’re not just talking infomercials; we’re talking about compelling, interesting, and emotionally engaging storytelling that can make your business come to life on TV.

We customize your advertising package so that it reaches your target audience with precision and speed at the most affordable price. If you have been struggling with acquiring the right exposure, look no further! Zondra TV will help you authentically expand your reach to local, national, and global markets.

It’s time to digitize your business so you can thrive in this digital age. Now is the time to build digital strength and greater visibility into your business strategy and include streaming TV, and yes, Zondra TV Network can show you how.

To learn more about Streaming TV, sign up for a FREE Informational the first Wednesday of every month. REGISTER HERE : zondratvnetwork. com/ZTVStreaming


How’s Your Financial Health?

Are you feeling the pain of inflation? Suffering from anorexic income, obese debt, or other financial ills? There is a focus on mental health, physical health, and even social health since the pandemic, but there is little emphasis on financial health. People confuse and conflate financial health with financial literacy. The difference is that you can be financially literate and still have poor, even fatal financial health.

I began my entrepreneurial journey almost four decades ago with no business experience and extremely limited financial resources. Back then, there was no internet or social media and the only thing you could do with a cell phone was make an expensive phone call. In order to be considered a viable business, you had to project a certain image. That meant having a brick-and-mortar building, employees, inventory, and all the overhead that goes with it. Otherwise, your company was perceived as a mom-and-pop operation not capable of business sustainability.

Maintaining that image was expensive. Bills had to be paid and payroll had to be met regardless of sales, revenue, and cash flow conditions. Even though I was financially literate, my lack of business experience affected both my personal and business finances. The worst financial ill I experienced during that time was mindset and knowledge deficiency. Working from a rookie entrepreneur’s perspective resulted in anorexic income, obese debt, foreclosure, repossession, and bankruptcy. This period was stressful and challenging but supplied much-needed experience and invaluable first-hand lessons to enhance my growth and development to become a savvy businesswoman.

Fast forward to 2014 when the government mandated that everyone have health insurance, I expanded my business to include insurance and financial services to tap into this potential lucrative business opportunity. Although I advised my clients based on their personal financial goals, I bought the same products I sold them as part of a marketing strategy. When they asked me what products and services I had and how they worked for me, I could honestly tell them from personal experience. It never crossed my mind that I would use most of these products.

In 2017 after getting a routine mammogram, the radiologist recommended that I have a biopsy. The results of the biopsy revealed malignant growth in my breast. The mention of a cancer diagnosis can be frightening, but a sense of peace come over me that let me know that this was not my death sentence. At my first appointment with the oncologist, she provided a thorough explanation of my diagnosed cancer and all the treatment options available to treat and conquer the disease.

Since this cancer was overly aggressive, I chose a vigorous form of treatment. The regimen included chemotherapy every three weeks for a year, five surgeries, multiple MRIs, CT scans, and various prescription drugs. Subsequently, I completed my therapy, rang the bell after my last chemotherapy infusion, and praised God for getting me through the difficult journey.

The costs of my medical care totaled almost $1.5 million. Can you imagine amassing this amount of medical expenses in addition to personal and business expenses while battling breast cancer? My medical insurance paid all of my medical bills. Additionally, the supplemental coverage I purchased as part of my marketing strategy paid me multiple, six-figure, tax-free, financial shots in


the arm that allowed me to focus on my recovery without having to worry about money. I was happy, healthy, wealthy, and in my comfort zone.

Looking back on the struggles, challenges, twists, turns, disappointments, and experiences I faced during my entrepreneurial journey and battle with breast cancer, continually confirms that all things work together for the ultimate good.

The Financial Cures System ©, a results-based program for financial mastery, was created from what could have been considered a failure and a death sentence but turned out to be a blessing and opportunity for me to share tools, strategies, information, and expertise to enable others to achieve their goals and optimize their financial health.

Now, I am on a crusade to empower others to take control over their finances, become financially free, build a financial legacy, create generational wealth, and live the life they desire.




Linkedin.com/in/dr-wendy-labat-34075b235/ www.thefinancialcures.com

“When you think right, speak right, and do right, things will flow right to optimize your financial health.”
– Dr. Wendy Labat

From Frustration To Fulfillment: Finding Success Outside The Corporate World

Life is a remarkable journey, filled with twists and turns. This is my personal journey of breaking free from corporate life and finding true fulfillment and success as an entrepreneur. A transformative path that allows me to reclaim control over my environment, embrace my passions, and create a business that lights me up. I discovered I needed to take the leap from the “security” of the corporate world and jump into a new world filled with challenges and roadblocks but with success beyond my wildest dreams.

I opened the boardroom door and saw one person in the room, the HR rep for the department; my heart sank. This was not good! I was going to be laid off… again.

It hit me. There was no such thing as job security. I had been searching for security and stability for 25 years and hadn’t found it. I had been chasing that elusive corporate dream job. The one that allowed me to work remotely, make my own schedule, and choose my own projects.

The promise of stability and a steady paycheck is appealing. After all, it was what everyone told me to do growing up. Go to school, get a good job, climb the ladder, retire. No one said anything about the merry-go-round of lay-offs, company closures, and political nightmares that I would need to deal with. I came to realize that this so-called stability came at the cost of my dreams, autonomy, and sense of fulfillment.

I worked for some amazing companies but always came away feeling like I wasn’t trusted to get the job done. I had to punch a clock, be where I was told to be, and work on what I was told to work on. It felt like I was still in school with no graduation in sight.

I found myself going through the motions of driving 3-4 hours, putting in a day’s work, rinse and repeat. I was a Stepford wife, and I wasn’t married!

The corporate perks and benefits that once seemed glamorous became empty gestures, failing to compensate for the lack of control and the growing discontent. I felt like I had to conform to being a robotic drone.

The rigidity stifled my creativity and suffocated my soul. I started to question where my ideal corporate job was. What was it going to take to find that perfect fit between what I wanted and what the corporation needed?

It took a long time to realize that I was chasing my dream in the wrong arena. I needed to start looking outside the corporate world. I was never the kid that dreamed of being an entrepreneur. That was my worst nightmare right up until my corporate existence became a bigger nightmare.

Fueled by a burning desire for change, I made the decision to break free from corporate life. It was a leap into the unknown, a leap that promised uncertainty but with the possibility of true fulfillment. In reality, the beginning phase was a lot more concern and less true gratification! I realized just because I made the leap; it didn’t mean I’d landed in a utopia of self-employed bliss.

I started small and safe. A side gig where I could make some cash to pay the bills. I had some savings that supplemented my income for a while. I was what I would now call a hobbyist, interesting and fun, but it was costing me money because I was running it like a lemonade stand instead of my primary source of income. It was time to stop messing about and learn what I could do to make my business a success.

This determination that changed my life sent me on a journey through masterminds, coaches, and courses to the 6-figure business I run now. The business I am passionate about, take very seriously, and love doing.


This path opened doors I never thought possible. I discovered a world where my intellect could flourish, I had the autonomy to make decisions, and I held all the control over who I worked with, where I worked, and when I worked. It is liberating to chart my own course and build something of my own from the ground up.

I have found joy in pursuing endeavors that align with my values, skills, and aspirations. I let go of the Job and jumped into creating a business that allows me to be creative, work with smart people, and have the lifestyle that I desire.

I have undergone a remarkable transformation. What once plagued me has been replaced with a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. I have found success by pursuing my passions and making a positive impact on others.

My business has become a platform for leveraging my unique strengths and talents. It allows me to create value for my clients and make a meaningful difference in their businesses. My journey continues to unfold. I am determined to empower others to break free from the frustrations that a lack of control can bring and discover the joys of running a business that you work on and not in. It is my mission to inspire and support others to build their businesses to flourish as they thrive.

True success has come from following my passions, aligning myself and my business with the best clients and peers, and following my dreams and achieving them. I hope to inspire others to take the leap, pursue their dreams, and create a life where they never have to search for an escape route!

You have the power to shape your destiny. Let the resentments of the past be the fuel that propels you toward a future filled with happiness, success, and more fun than you could have imagined!

Cheers to not chasing the dream, but living it.





Embarking On An Adventure: Triumph Over Adversity

Picture this: it was the year 2004, and there I was, feeling the exhilarating rush of adrenaline as I loaded up my trusty Volvo with everything I could fit and ready to set off for Arizona with my spirited 7-year-old son. The idea was spontaneous, but our hearts were full of hope and excitement. Little did I know that this daring adventure would become the crucible that shaped the course of my life.

My son’s boundless optimism was infectious. He believed that once we reached Arizona, the desert air would usher in a transformation, a chance for him to reinvent himself entirely. And, you know what? Children have this uncanny ability to sense the power within them, to right the world’s wrongs in their innocent way. Everything in his limited world felt focused on becoming the best version of himself. For me, this journey was a refuge from a life that had dealt me a demanding hand - my marriage had crumbled, and my once-trusted business partner betrayed me, leaving me feeling used and foolish. I yearned for a fresh start, far away from everything I knew.

So, with an unbridled pioneering spirit, we landed in sunny Arizona, ready to claim our stake. The initial days seemed like a dream; my son thrived in his new surroundings, and I wasted no time finding a job and starting a new business. Life was on the upswing, and I even made a fantastic friend who later became my business partner. But, as life often does, it threw us a curveball. 2006 the mortgage lending industry began to crumble, long before the 2008 crash. The challenges were relentless; lenders folded, and the real estate market stagnated. My business took a beating, and I was drowning in debt and over-leveraged. It was an uphill battle, and even though my partner stood by me, it was far from easy. I lost my home once again, and those dark months were a struggle for survival. Basic amenities like electricity and water became luxuries, and I had to send my son back to my parents for a while.

When I thought life couldn’t test me any further, fate dealt me the cruelest blow. My family called while they were on vacation at Disney World, but the news they brought shattered my world - my 10-year-old sister had passed away in her sleep from a heart attack. The pain was unimaginable, and I felt like I had hit rock bottom. My spirit broke, and hope seemed like a distant memory.

But let me tell you something about life; it’s unpredictable and full of surprises. Amidst all the chaos and sorrow, love found me again. I remarried, and my husband became my rock, supporting me through thick and thin for over 17 years. Yet, the scars of past traumas were deep, and I lost the drive to pursue my passion for entrepreneurship. I became a stay-at-home wife, slowly losing myself in the process. But, after over a decade of soul-searching, spiritual healing, and painstakingly rebuilding my confidence, I emerged as a resilient phoenix, reigniting my passion for business.

This journey taught me an invaluable lesson - failure is not the end, but a stepping stone toward growth. And so, I urge you not to let your dreams languish on the sidelines for too long. The world needs the unique gifts only you can offer.

In the last four years, more challenges have come my way. My husband’s health took a hit with a heart attack and two strokes, and I experienced the profound loss of cherished family members, including my dear mother. Our business had its ups and downs, and our children faced their share of struggles. But, this time, I refuse to give up. I’ve discovered that pursuing my passion is vital for my well-being.

That’s why I founded Visionaries in Action - a name that embodies our unwavering commitment to moving forward, taking action, and never surrendering to procrastination. No matter what obstacles come our way, we stand firm, driven by our vision. I’m now a partner in several companies, from real estate development to a nonprofit serving seniors and young adults transitioning from


foster care. With teams and partners supporting these other ventures, I can focus on my current business and passion: helping solopreneurs and visionaries gain clarity, create strategic plans, and hold themselves accountable to those plans.

So, here’s to embracing life’s adventures, for within each triumph over adversity lies the true essence of our untamed spirit, ready to shape our destinies and inspire the world. This is the heart of Visionaries in Action - an unyielding testament to resilience and the indomitable human spirit. Let’s march forward, together, driven by our dreams and the courage to bring them to life.





The View From Portugal

Slowly, I sip the last of my espresso and bite into a pastel de nata. These gooey egg custard tarts have become a morning staple and always make for fun conversation with my cardiologist. I look up and watch the boats cruising up and down the Tagus River. My eyes glance to the right, offering clear views of the April 25th Bridge and Christ the King statue. Not a bad spot to grab a light breakfast and contemplate the day ahead. Welcome to my home in Lisbon, Portugal.

How did I end up in Portugal? This is the most common question asked by friends and family. The answer is simple. My wife and I share a love for European culture, history, and food. Most of our big trips were to cities like Dublin, Paris, London, Rome, and Athens. As luck would have it, my wife received a transfer opportunity from her employer to move across the pond. The opportunity to live in Europe and be so much closer to the travel destinations we love was a no-brainer. Goodbye USA, hello Europe.

The move has not come without challenges. We left our family and friends back in the States, and we miss them dearly. Thankfully, international flights operate daily from Lisbon, meaning we can see those we love easily. Six months after landing in Lisbon, the pandemic rocked us and the world. Through that trying time, we learned how different the political and social climate is in Portugal. My wife and I accepted these challenges head-on. We knew some of what we were getting into, and with the rest, we crossed those bridges as we came to them.

What is life like in Portugal? The pace is slow. Imagine everyone, and I mean everyone, is on vacation time. It is relaxing and less stressful than being back home, except when you need something done in a hurry. Hurry and fast are two words rarely spoken here. What I appreciate most about living abroad is the lack of “noise.” By noise, I mean the politics, the movements, the selective outrage intended to divide people instead of bringing us together. It is good to live in a place where I don’t get sucked into those black hole discussions.

What is our future in Portugal? Well, if the last six months are any indicator, our future will involve more travel! We have been blessed to visit Malta, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and the UK, in recent months. Croatia, Greece, Poland, and Turkey are in our sights for the next six months. We are going to keep boarding planes, trains, and buses, as long as our bank account stays in the black.

I want to wrap up this article by making a plea to the reader. On many occasions, our family, our job, or our finances throw a monkey wrench into our dreams of travel. Life gets in the way. It becomes easy to sit back and say, “Someday, I will get there.” I want to be gentle with my next sentence. Someday may never come, and by the way, the clock is ticking. So, book that trip. Hit the road for a week to explore parts unknown. Start knocking off your bucket list of places to visit. Go, see, and do while your mind and body are able.

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Science, Miracles, And Inner Power

My first writing started when our mother requested handwritten letters or poems for Mother’s Day when I was 8, and my brother was 11. When my brother was sixteen, he shined with Mad Magazine-type writings that made us laugh until we cried.

To practice, in 8th grade, I woke at 7 am on school days to write for half an hour. Years later when attending college my mother threw out my journals when she moved from Dallas to Denver. I still wish I had those journals to see what I was thinking and feeling in those days.

I took creative writing courses in my junior year but I was constantly criticized and it scared me to do more than college papers or stories.

It wasn’t until almost 20 years later, in graduate school for psychology, that I signed up to write a book for one of my courses. I’d always wanted to write a book, but I lacked the confidence. When I saw the stacks of papers I’d written in graduate school (almost two a week for 1.5 years), I figured a book might be easier.

I wrote about teaching people with Alzheimer’s memory training and getting positive results. I knew then the brain could regenerate, but science was saying it couldn’t. Now neurogenesis is a popular hot topic, but in 1998 - 2001 when I talked about it, people thought I was a “little touched.” I knew inside I was right, and it was just a matter of time.

I had been teaching memory training since 1983 and became a consultant for the San Diego City Schools Gifted Program, teaching memory training to K through 12 for five years until their funding was lost. I developed amazing recall and a visual creative memory from teaching and practice. I continued teaching all walks of life, including CEOs’, bankers, computer companies, colleges, and business people. In January 1999, I was injured by a big rig truck slamming into me, causing a brain injury. At that time, no one at UCLA knew how to help me. I was given three different diagnoses and none in my mind were accurate. Finally, I met Dr. Harold Toomin, who said to me, “You developed amazing memory abilities from your memory system, now you need to use it to get better. That is exactly what I did. I found out that Los Angeles Unified School District has an Older Adult Memory Program. I called to say, “I can teach this, I have a wonderful memory system. They agreed, and I eventually expanded to 9 classes two hours a week for 2 ½ years. That became the inspiration for my first book, “Love Remembers.”

I couldn’t have done it without the support of Holly Prado, my writing teacher, her writer’s group met in her home weekly. I wrote with Holly for ten years. I still struggled with my brain injury, but she encouraged me. “Just get it on the page and edit later.” She was so considerate and kind it gave me the confidence to try. It took two years to write, and another year to edit, until I was confident for Holly to edit. As my brain healed, my writing improved. In all, it took me eight years to write. The book is perfect, and I’m so proud of it. It compiles 26 years of my research, practice, and teaching memory training.

The first part of the book is of patient stories. The second half is the memory program I teach with the same slides and verbiage I used to teach seminars. Part 2 is another program I taught called Passion Quest - Finding the Work You Love and Loving the Work You Do. It’s a program to help people redesign and recreate a new life for themselves using visual pictures. I am so proud to offer my book and programs to help others heal too. In early April 2020, when the pandemic hit, I received a phone call from a doctor at Mount Sinai saying that my brother was dying from Covid and was near death. The doctor felt it too risky for me to travel to him and


advised me to keep him company over videophone while I watched him die. I said, “I don’t think so. I am aware of the risks. I don’t want him to be alone, and I don’t want to be without him. It’s just us, our parents are deceased. I’m coming.”

He was happy and relieved to see me. He took my hand and said, “I need you to feed me the nutrition to help my immune system fight this virus.” I said, “Okay,” and went to work. I called our genius mentor, Dr. Timothy A. Binder, in Montana and he knew all the right nutritional supplements and homeopathics for Gary to take. I also got him Kate Farms Nutritional drinks to fortify him. Immediately, after taking the pills and the drink, Gary made a Popeye sign and I knew we were on the right track. After 10 days of doing this, he got off hospice. However, once off hospice I was no longer allowed to see him. Per policy, I could see him only if he was dying. Dr. Binder suggested I put the nutrition in drinks, meet the nurse downstairs, and have her take them to him. I did that for another 3 weeks, and miraculously he was cured of Covid! He moved to rehabilitation to re-learn to hold his head up and walk again after having been in bed for 28 days. There were ups and downs, but overall we were so happy.

My friend Rod who had been a true supporter all this time encouraged me to write a book about this journey. He called me for 13 weeks until I finally mustered up the courage to write a book about saving my brother. I wouldn’t have done it without the push. I’m proud to hear people say they like the book and it’s a real page-turner. It’s called “A Sister’s Love.” You can find it at www.savingbrotherfromcovid.com.

CONTACT INFORMATION: www.brainsproutsmemory.com www.loveremembers.net

Telling stories at the heart of our community., The world needs stories, almost as much as nourishment, shelter, and companionship. Legendary Library 19 By Michelle Faust and The Lemonade Crew Sometimes our biggest fears come to life —the tumor is malignant, you are going to prison, or you get that dreaded phone call in the middle of the night. When the worst kind of news arrives it rocks your world. Finding that glimmer of hope to go on may seem impossible. Well, you’ve arrived at the right place. Welcome to The Lemonade Stand, where nineteen brave women share their stories to surround you with grace. The Lemonade Stand is a true-story anthology—a legacy we are proud to carry forward with a unique “twist.” Courage and vulnerability are at the heart of each story. Triumph waits at each story’s end. Consider this book to be a beacon of light for those in the dark. No matter how harrowing the ordeal, know that health, joy, and success do return and are waiting on the other side of calamity. You are not alone! The powerful stories in this book will prove that to you. In each chapter, these courageous women transparently share a time when their world turned upside down, and how they turned themselves right side up again, showing up with dignity and grace. These accounts are shining examples of how you can turn lemons into lemonade. María Tomás-Keegan Producer & Host of Tips for the Transition To get your Lemonade Stand Heart Word t-shirt, see the order form in the back matter of the book. The Lemonade Stand is an amazing and moving collection of stories from women who have had to endure and overcome unimaginable circumstances. The stories are inspiring and a testimony to the strength of the human spirit and determination. - Lauri Erickson, DEPTH Speaking Lemonade Leaders Notpictured:John Weiman and Michelle Faust Karianne Munstedt Photography and Tina Krebs. Unique Photo Illustrations Book 3 in The Lemonade Stand series is about paths. A path can be many things, falling down the rabbit hole to the madness of Wonderland, following the yellow brick road searching for wisdom, courage, and love. A passage from one belief to another more insightful one. A path takes us physically, emotionally, spiritually, or intellectually from one place to another. Our stories aren’t about the beginning or the end but the journey. The bumps, detours, and cracks that swallow us up. The demons, creatures, and ghosts who challenge our beliefs and directions that sometimes stop us in our tracks. Imagine a tapestry with knots, frays, and disjointed patterns on one side. Turn it over, and you have a beautifully woven piece of art or a disco ball with a brilliant display of light produced from shattered glass. We are creators of our beauty if we believe in ourselves, God, and the goodness of the people we keep in our corner. What is your path? And what will it reveal to you? What purpose will you discover by understanding the journeyman in you? Eleven authors have opened their hearts to you with a raw vulnerability of truth. Our authenticity sets us free. We believe that truth, love, and courage will change humanity and the world, one story at a time. “It’s beautiful, Michelle. You are doing really good work in the world, and I’m glad I can support you.” – Jack Canfield, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series The Path from Sour to Sweet By Michelle Faust and the Lemonade Leaders 3
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The Shattered Cup Of Coffee

I feel heavy, unable to drag myself out of bed, weighed down by the strain of stress; my tank is empty. I am mentally paralyzed, clueless about how to regain control of my life. Exhausted, overwhelmed, and burnt out, I don’t know what to do!

Not long before this, I was living the dream. I had a successful career, a long-term relationship, and a cozy new home for my aging dog. From the outside, my life seemed perfect, and for a while, I believed it was true. However, everything changed with a simple cup of coffee.

Grueling hours compelled my work colleague and me to take a coffee break to ease our aching bodies. This seemingly ordinary moment would alter the course of my life. As my co-worker sipped her coffee, I stepped out to take an urgent phone call. Getting back, I witnessed a scene that shook me to the core—my boss was berating my friend for taking a quick reprieve. She was a tenacious, dedicated mother of three, and I could see the despair in her eyes.

I was distraught and in a daze because the call I took delivered the devastating news that my beloved dog had passed away from her aggressive cancer. In that instant, a realization struck me like a lightning bolt—I had prioritized work over my family for years, sacrificing things that truly mattered.

The trajectory of my life flashed before my eyes. I saw chaos and uncertainty. The anxiety of tiptoeing around the demands of my overbearing boss passed down from his tyrannical overseer, expectations of 60+ hour work weeks working 12 days straight as a norm, and nothing ever being good enough. I had worked tirelessly to achieve my degree and climb the corporate ladder, driven by family and societal expectations. But now, faced with the consequences of my choices, I couldn’t bear the thought of living out my career, cowering in fear and regret in this environment, silently yearning for peace.

Inside that seemingly picture-perfect outside, my hair was falling out, I suffered from panic attacks, and digestive issues plagued me for nearly five years. My relationship had lost its spark, I was underwater financially, and now my dog has died! I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and burnt out; this was my breaking point.

That coffee break scene was my life-changing turning point. A surge of energy, fueled by an indescribable force within, propelled me forward. I couldn’t stand idly by while my friend was belittled and mistreated. In a burst of courage, I stepped in, my voice unwavering and strong. It was a defining moment—an act of defiance against a system that had held power over me for far too long. I shed the skin of the people-pleasing, shy, passive Sara everyone knew me as. It was time to stand up for the little people, including myself. It was time to reclaim my voice and my worth. I imagined throwing down that cup of coffee as it shattered into a million pieces. I quit!

Quitting my job that day was a leap into the unknown. However, cleaning up the pieces of the mangled mess was worse. I was staring into the face of a financial crisis, emotional turmoil, and hardship. I felt like a failure, sinking into a deep depression and contemplating giving up. I felt no one cared, not even me. But amidst the darkness, I found a flicker of hope. I realized that staying true to myself and addressing the underlying issues in my life was the key to finding inspiration.


During my time of self-reflection, I discovered what was most important to me - my family, my health, and my happiness. I made a conscious choice to prioritize them above all else. I no longer wanted to be trapped in a job that didn’t align with my values or be in a relationship that brought me no joy. I refused to sacrifice my well-being for the sake of societal expectations. Determined to create a future I could be proud of, I made a bold decision to embark on a new path.

I embraced a practice of well-being, channeling my passion for helping others using newfound skills of education and mindfulness methods. Eventually, I became a massage therapist, personal trainer, motivational mentor, and bestselling author. Enthusiastically, I found my calling as a consultant, guiding hundreds of individuals toward emotional and physical well-being. The shattered cup of coffee that symbolized my broken world became the foundation of the “I.C.A.R.E.” system, which I teach alongside my beloved new spouse and business partner through private sessions and our award-winning book, “Stressed Out and Don’t Know What To Do?” The principles of “I.C.A.R.E.” serve as a compass, helping individuals navigate their challenges and live an inspired life.

“I” represents the importance of Introspection and going within yourself to find the answers.

“C” emphasizes the need to Contain your current problem.

“A” signifies Awareness—the key to personal growth and transformation.

“R” stands for Realigning your priorities for your best outcome.

“E” encourages making decisions that Energize you.

I discovered my inner strength through the “I.C.A.R.E.” system and transformed my life. Now, as a coach, I guide others on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I help them find their “cup-shattering” moments—the turning points that awaken their higher potential. Incorporating “I.C.A.R.E.” into their lives teaches them to prioritize themselves, embrace their authenticity, and create a fulfilling and inspired life.

It’s never too late to break free from the shackles of exhaustion, overwhelm, and burnout. Take the courage to confront your challenges head-on, put yourself first, embrace the “I.C.A.R.E.” system, and let the broken pieces of your past become the stepping stones to your inspired future.





You Are A Gift: What It Means To Love Yourself First

In the thick heat of the Mexican jungle, with the surf roaring in the distance, she whispered in my ear, “You are a gift” … and I wept as my heart cracked open and all the love I’d been yearning for rushed in.

It was one of those moments where everything changes.

I’d never been comfortable in my skin, not really. As a kid in elementary school I was too tall for my age with glasses and frizzy hair, and I was always going to cello lessons after school instead of sports and play dates. I was an only child and I had no idea how to connect with other kids, let alone handle being teased and mocked mercilessly.

In High School, I tried to figure things out, copying the cool kids as best I could, but I was still awkward uncomfortable me. The lesson I took away was that there was something wrong with me, and I needed to keep working to fix myself.

Of course, as an adult, I chose a partner who also thought I wasn’t good enough. The relationship was wonderful when it was going well, but it gradually deteriorated into the same fight repeatedly; he was right and I was wrong. I stayed in that relationship for ten years, trapped in my belief that every problem was my fault and that I was broken and needed fixing.

When I left the relationship I took a deep look at my part in the divorce, and it served me well. I went to every event I could find that talked about showing me the way to understanding myself and the world. Self-development? Yes, please! Subconscious belief shifting? I was in! If you’re reading this article, I’m sure you can relate to that hunger to understand how to navigate the world in a peaceful, kind way, that made sense, especially to yourself.

When the house sold, I had some money in my pocket and I found an online ad for a women’s retreat in Mexico that shouted in bold type that this experience was THE PLACE TO BE for embodiment, sisterhood, freedom, and bliss. It felt like an invitation that was just for me! Nothing about pushing yourself, nothing about requirements for where you’re supposed to get to, nothing about fixing yourself. NO! This was about FREEING yourself. Expressing whatever needed to be expressed. Weirdness welcome. Wounded parts welcome. ALL of you welcome.

The retreat delivered everything it promised and more. I learned to be in my body and spirit with deep listening, curiosity, and reverence. I learned to be in a calm presence with myself, and I learned to call Magic into my experience and go on incredible spiritual journeys.

Every day we had a different partner from the 40 women at the retreat, and on the fourth day, I was working with a young, wonderful woman with platinum blonde hair and an easy laugh. We explored our deepest desires in the practice together that day, and when it was my turn I remember waves of resistance coming up. I heard voices in my head that insisted I wasn’t enough, nobody really cared about me, I wasn’t worth the trouble, and that I’d never, ever, really belong.

I breathed into that resistance, and I breathed out fear and blame and rejection. Every wave was witnessing a part of me that had tried to keep me safe when things were hard. How my younger self had tried to make sense of feeling confused, rejected, and abandoned, and she had brought me these solutions that had WORKED… for a time.

When I was ready, I asked for Source to show me a new way of being in the world. The words slipped into my mind so quietly it felt like silently being handed a torch in the middle of the darkest night, and I heard, “You are a gift, sweet one, you are a gift.”

Asking the dear woman partnering with me in this practice to whisper these words in my ear, I surrendered to the sobs of release and reclamation. I was no longer in the way, a meddling troublesome burden that could never be good enough. I was a glorious


miraculous gift, held and loved in my body, as my soul was free to share my unique and beautiful self in the world.

The next two years were a whirlwind of learning, exploring, dating, and creating. I completed a year-long sex, love, and relationship program, started my online coaching business, received two marriage proposals, and met the man who is now my beloved partner in life and business. I thought what I had wanted was for my ex to understand, appreciate, and value me. But that wasn’t it at all. I needed that from ME. Loving yourself isn’t just a theory, a phrase you need to memorize. Self-love is an intimate EXPERIENCE of yourself, felt in your heart and skin and bones, a vibration of energy that you are connected to. Self Love is an essential shift to knowing who you are and being completely aligned with your body and energy.

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from this article, it’s this: when you come into alignment with yourself and your energy, body and soul, your whole life, including your relationships, will be like miracles in the middle of the Mexican jungle.

FREE ESSENTIAL LETTING GO PRACTICE: www.everydaygoddess.love






Navigating the Battlefield of Business: Lessons Learned

The element of surprise can be an invaluable weapon in military and business settings. When confronted with unexpected obstacles, it’s easy to feel helpless or disorientated. Yet, those effectively trained in combat arms know how to respond to these circumstances quickly and how to neutralize the threat at hand.

My military experiences have taught me how to successfully navigate war terrain and the field of entrepreneurship. My role as a civilian entrepreneur is to arm business owners with all the tools they need to be ready when unforeseen circumstances or obstacles arise. With my extensive knowledge in both arenas, I have developed survivor tactics that empower those that find themselves under attack.

While serving in Iraq, I went through various training scenarios that taught me how to respond efficiently when danger became a reality. Resilience and determination served me well when starting new businesses later in life.

On February 7th, 2007, I survived a suicide bombing at a walking checkpoint in Barwana, Iraq. When my unit was deployed, we had to stay focused on the mission and not allow distractions to get in the way. Lives depended on it. It was crucial for us to always remain alert and not get complacent.

Since my return from Iraq in 2007, I have established several successful businesses related to the fields of fitness, martial arts, marketing, advertising, and business consulting. Like most rooky entrepreneurs, I made mistakes early on and found myself ambushed from almost every angle.

I felt helpless. I didn’t know how I would pay bills and care for my family. I was lost with no compass to move forward. Eventually, I came to recognize an invaluable lesson: ambushes can occur anywhere and with any business at any time. They materialize without warning and often unexpectedly. These pitfalls can leave us scrambling for responses or lead us to make hasty decisions out of fear and worry.

By drawing parallels between military operations and entrepreneurial endeavors, I examined their similarities and created strategic preparations and planning as key components of a successful outcome.

By identifying potential threats and challenges, both military leaders and entrepreneurs can develop comprehensive plans to tackle various situations whilst remaining prepared for uncertainties along the way.

This proactive approach equips people with essential knowledge, strategies, and abilities required for successfully navigating complex environments while increasing effectiveness and likelihood of success.

Understanding one’s mission before going into combat provides individuals with clarity of purpose, direction, and focus. This enables effective decision-making, planning, and coordination during operations.

Leaders need to understand their mission so that all personnel understand their objectives and goals clearly. This helps eliminate confusion or miscommunication that could have dire repercussions during difficult situations.

Entrepreneurs know the value of having a clear mission This articulates a company’s purpose, values, and long-term objectives. A well-defined understanding of one’s mission also helps entrepreneurs prioritize the tasks and projects at hand. It equips them to conduct resource allocation successfully and accomplish overall objectives.


When employees understand the purpose and goals of a business, their teams and departments can work together more efficiently and without hindrance. Being mission-oriented and focused encourages a culture of teamwork, innovation, and problem-solving that ultimately results in enhanced business results.

By targeting specific issues or threats early in training and development, military training becomes more functional and practical. This leads to improved preparedness and performance on the battlefield. This principle applies to entrepreneurs in business as it emphasizes the significance of targeted training to address potential risk areas or obstacles within their environment.

When entrepreneurs employ similar strategies, It creates a space in which they can design and implement sustainable training programs. Such targeted training can enhance decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability within an organization.

Identification of threats and problems related to training helps entrepreneurs focus their resources on areas with the greatest potential for development. Amid resource limitations, it is important to allocate both time and money towards meeting the most pressing challenges while prioritizing risks and opportunities with maximum potential for the growth of their business. Always have a plan. It ensures that personnel are well-equipped with the optimal skills and knowledge needed for the business battlefield. Not having a plan can have dire effects on all parties involved.

In conclusion, we illustrate the value of being prepared for an ambush and following the ICE method (Identify; Create; Execute). By taking a structured approach, entrepreneurs can effectively face any unexpected challenges that may emerge in their respective fields. The ICE method encourages adaptability and resilience as well as instills the confidence needed to navigate ever-evolving landscapes successfully. As we close this article I encourage you to, apply all you have learned as part of a pursuit for success and excellence.


Email: JR@BLNTeam.com






A Little Bit Of Hustle And A Lot Of Faith

The 5-year anniversary of what I like to call “My Pivot” happened recently. Before that, I was living “the dream,” at least, it looked like it to those around me. I was running a successful business network, I was the on-air talent for two daily radio talk shows, and my husband and I were empty nesters, going into that magical phase of rediscovering each other, and life was grand. On the inside, I was miserable. The radio station was suffocating me. The toxicity of human resource protocols, a really objectionable work contract, and an environment that was sucking the life right out of me had completely killed my joy in life. I felt trapped. I was scared at work, I was constantly arguing with my co-host, and I didn’t see any way out. Then, 5 minutes before I was scheduled to go on the air, I was called into my producer’s office and handed a cardboard box to fill with my personal items. The station had “made a change,” I was escorted out of the building, and in the next 24 hours, everything with my image, name, or voice was erased, as if I had never existed. My phone was ringing off the hook; people were sending messages, desperately trying to find out where I was and what happened. I had a regular following of my daily shows, and just like that, the radio dial couldn’t land on me. The next week was a flurry of activity, trying to rebound and figure out what to do next. I was told I couldn’t leave broadcasting and needed to stay on the air, that I wouldn’t be able to build any business without the exposure of media.

Despite what I was told, I knew that God had released me from my contract, and I was being given an opportunity to spread my wings and fly. I didn’t know HOW, but I knew that I was meant to be victorious. I had already been a successful businesswoman, hosted an award-winning radio show, was a bestselling author, and had connections that I could turn to for help. My husband was fully supportive of my dreams. I reached for the stars and contacted Bill Walsh, a top business coach who was hosting small business workshops around the country.“ Bill, do you think there is a need for someone to teach media skills to scale their businesses?

I was devastated by the dismissal but excited about the opportunity to reinvent myself. Colleagues told me that I would struggle to start a whole new career and business from scratch, let alone as a solopreneur, but I felt as if I had been given a gift from heaven to build up a brigade of business owners who needed a platform to share their voices in the saturated marketplace.

I was embarrassed to share my story, I had always projected an image of success and confidence. But I felt guided to help others who were experiencing the same pain of rejection. I refused to let it defeat me. I turned to my faith and to my husband to find the strength to process and rediscover what I was truly passionate about. My husband whisked me away to spend a weekend in the mountains writing out my business plan. In that one weekend, we walked through the woods, spent time enjoying the snowy scenery, and I recorded my first digital course, Media Mastery.

One weekend. Removed from the stress, the “what if’s,” and the deceptions I formed in my head. I turned on the kitchen timer, wrote out some bullet points, and recorded the first 12 sessions, having faith that “something was better than nothing.” I didn’t let my fears, or the need for perfection, hold me back. I was on a mission and determined to kick start my new career with an aggressive marketing plan of traveling and speaking to small businesses all over the country. Partnering with companies like Powerteam USA and The Small Business Expo, I spoke on over 100 stages that first year, building up a national network of clients, friends, and media connections.

Vedette Global Media was perfect for my company name, Vedette is French for “star of the show.” We help businesses and individuals gain media exposure through various platforms, including radio and TV shows, podcasts, press releases, and magazines, essentially becoming the celebrity in their industry.


Despite the challenges we faced, I was surrounded by people who helped me stay positive and focused. I traveled every week to a new city, accompanied by my husband, Jay. Our marriage had already been put to the test once, and I wasn’t optimistic that our relationship would survive with me traveling, so Jay came with me. We felt like honeymooners visiting new cities, trying new things, and relying on each other for strength and courage. Jay ended up selling his fire & security company so he could travel with me full-time. We traveled all across the country, living out of a suitcase, and refused to give in to despair as we figured out the world of public speaking and growing a virtual business from the road. Our hard work paid off, and after months of effort, I created one of the most comprehensive media courses, along with a 3-day boot camp, with clients and media connections all across America.

The experience inspired me to write another book, “Get Discovered, Using Media Interviews & PR TO Grow your Business, Book & Brand”. The book is a guide to help organizations leverage the distribution of media and publicity for sharing their message and stories. It’s an inspiring story of resilience, faith, and determination that I’m proud to know has touched the lives of many who have read it.

I never lost my positive attitude and the belief that I am meant to be victorious. I hope that my story inspires others who are struggling with their own challenges to keep going and let nothing hold them back.

Five years strong, and I continue to see new opportunities on the horizon as we poise to scale to the next level. We’ve added a new social media channel, one of the fasting-growing podcast networking groups, and we continue to collaborate with visionary partners to grow and serve our community in unique and exciting ways. Zondra Evans, CEO of Zondra TV Network, was my first client when I broke out on my own, and since then, she and I have walked together to build up our companies, face our challenges and growing pains, but most importantly, celebrate sweet success together! Zondra’s digital streaming platform is poised to be one of the top television networks across the globe, with partners in Southeast Asia, Australia, Canada, and America. Already, her distribution includes 300 channels. I’m so proud of the relationship we have together, and she is a shining example of the power of media distribution.





Lighting Up The Universe

I couldn’t believe my grandmother was about to die. It was a stormy day in mid-July, and I could hear the thunder crackling outside as I looked down at my frail Nunny. Imagining life without her was an unbearable pain. Happy memories swarmed through my mind as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I glanced around the room at my family members, who were all feeling the same way. Sobs and sniffles filled the hospice room as we all held hands, surrounding our family’s matriarch in disbelief that it was our final goodbye.

As she took her last breath, I felt a strong feeling in my stomach I’d never felt before. It felt as if a magnet was inside me, pulling me up to the ceiling. Although I wanted to be looking down, viewing my grandmother for the last time, this pull I felt to look above the bed was an incredible force I couldn’t ignore.

When I looked up at the ceiling, I instantly realized what this magnet represented. I was feeling my grandmother’s soul leave her body. It was an unbelievable feeling, light and jovial, one I’ve never felt since. Furthermore, it was a breathtaking sight.

Imagine a kaleidoscope with the most magnificent colors you’ve ever seen. Magentas, royal blues, brilliant silvers. These radiant colors were forming a large star, pulsing in and out like a beating heart. At this moment, the way I viewed death changed forever.

My intuition reassured me my grandma was at peace. I could feel the warmth from her angels’ hugs welcoming her into the spirit world. I could sense her soul was calm and tranquil. I knew she was on a journey to an amazing new place where struggles no longer exist. I also perceived this would not be the last time I saw, or spoke with her. And I ended up being right.

Although I knew I was clairvoyant from a young age, I had convinced myself I wasn’t strong enough to control or develop my ability. I had seen a few ghosts here and there, but I tended to ignore them. However, after this magnificent experience, I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I knew I had a unique skill, and it was meant to be shared with others.

I started to read books, watch television shows, and listen to podcasts on the supernatural and paranormal to start my spiritual journey. Through my research, I was gaining knowledge on the topic, but I was finding there were no classes, no college degrees, and no clear path to learning how to develop my talent. Since the topic was taboo, I didn’t feel comfortable talking to anyone about it for fear they would ridicule me or think I was crazy, I became extremely frustrated.

After years of research, I finally found a medium who was also a mentor. I jumped on this opportunity and was ecstatic to get started. I met with her once a month. She taught me what I needed to know, gave me homework to do, and provided me with exercises to work out my psychic “muscle.”

Within a few short months, I was a psychic and a medium. I was able to communicate and receive messages from Spirits, and I was able to communicate with my grandma again. It was amazing how quickly I was able to make this transformation once I found someone who could tell me exactly what I needed to do based on their experience. It made me wonder why there wasn’t a class on this and why it was so hard to find someone to teach me.

Then it struck me. I wanted to be a mentor, the best mentor possible, so no one else would have to go through their journey alone. I wanted it to be easy to find, so people’s journeys could be accelerated. I wanted to be their starting point, their path, and their coach, cheering them with every step.


I now offer a signature mentorship program called “Jump-Start Your Psychic Abilities.” I teach it one-on-one or in a group setting, virtually, so I’m able to help people all over the world. I teach the exact path someone needs to develop their psychic gifts.

The program is filled with videos, exercises, homework, and Q and A sessions so that I can help as much as possible; my clients never feel stuck. Once someone joins the program, they have a like-minded community that is accepting, loving, and nonjudgmental. We celebrate our wins together and encourage each other along the way.

It’s amazing to see the transformation my clients go through by following my program. This is my true passion, and I know this is my highest purpose in life. A light worker is someone who brings light into this world. I am creating light workers, and It absolutely fulfills my being.

If you’re reading this, and know you have psychic abilities but aren’t sure how to develop them, I invite you to join my program. It would be my honor and privilege to show you how bright your light can shine.






Exit Strategy

As the doctor drove the cortisol needle into the tendon of my hand, all I could think was, “I need to find a new job.” And not just because of the recurring issue with trigger finger. After years of chiropractors, massage therapy, physiotherapy, and naturopaths, it was clear my body was telling me to stop working as a painter. But with a wife and kids to provide for, I couldn’t just quit. I needed an exit strategy. Easier said than done. At 55, and with my health conditions, I had limited options. I continued to drag myself out of bed and do whatever it took to make it to the weekend when I’d have just enough time to start recovering so I could do it all over again.

My wife, Jaclyn, was running off her feet at this time. She home-schooled our youngest (who was a teenager struggling with depression after the pandemic), taught life skills to our other son (who had autism and a goal of living independently), cared for two adult individuals with special needs (they lived with us in our home), and put a lot of effort into cooking foods that would help manage my inflammation while pursuing her career as a screenwriter. There were times I hated to ask, but sometimes I desperately needed a neck massage.

When I was younger, I thought I’d be in a different place at this point in my life. At my age, I should have a stable career, own my own home, and be ready to travel the world with my wife once the kids are grown. But life has a way of changing your plans. Depression wasn’t something I wanted to admit to, but it was clearly becoming my reality. Jaclyn and I talked about different options. Jaclyn even went to the extent of offering the idea of me retiring and leaving the responsibility of earning an income entirely on her shoulders. I was blessed to have her support, but there had to be another way.

We searched online for a business opportunity that I could dive into wholeheartedly, that wouldn’t require too much capital or a learning curve. We found a few, but none of them felt like something I could embrace as a long-term goal. The thought of being an entrepreneur was exciting, but it seemed more doable if I had a partner. One day, Jaclyn shared with me an idea she had that would support screenwriters like herself, saying, “If I’d had something like this, I could’ve saved a lot of time and money!”

The more I thought about it, the more I could see the potential for Jaclyn’s idea; an online peer review festival for screenwriters to get feedback that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. As the conversation continued, we discussed how we could address the obstacles. The biggest one being financial. We were living month to month and couldn’t afford for me to quit so I could focus on building the business. “Let’s sell everything and move to Mexico,” we joked. And the more we thought about it…

A few months later, people were walking out of our house with personal property that no longer belonged to us. Furniture, appliances, and anything that could be posted online for sale. For us to pursue being entrepreneurs, we’d need to take a huge risk; quit our jobs, sell everything, and head to Mexico to be digital nomads. On October 10, 2022, we boarded a plane with our youngest son and headed to Mexico. Our other son, on the autism spectrum, chose to stay in Canada and live independently.


In the months that followed, Jaclyn pursued screenwriting full-time, our son finished his final course to graduate high school, and I built the website for Family Friendly Screenwriting Academy. It wasn’t long before we expanded our services to include screenwriting boot camps, workshops, courses, and mentorship programs. Each day that I wasn’t painting, my body improved. Now, instead of being serenaded by an alarm clock in the morning, I’m serenaded by roosters and locals calling out to sell their bread, coffee, and tamales. We weren’t just living somewhere we could afford to live while we built our business; we were also on an adventure of a lifetime. All in. No exit strategy. No regrets.





ANGEL TUCCY Media Exposure Specialist

One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs, business owners, and authors have is getting more people to say “I’ve heard of you”. You know that you have a great product, service or program, and you just need more people know you exist! You’re working your tail off to meet more people, to gain more social followers and build your email list. If they only knew about you, they’d buy from you. This is the power of publicity.

Grab your FREE media guide & media starter kit on how to create guaranteed unlimited publicity. Visit www.MakeYourBigImpact.com

I teach my clients how to get more media exposure so that they can make a bigger impact in the world, become micro-celebrities in their space and gain more followers. It’s not rocket science, but it does require a strategy of positioning yourself as a trusted resource and being prepared when the media comes calling.


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