Does detoxification really work

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Does Detoxification Really Work? While many misinformed or, more accurately, uninformed journalists and health professionals may tell you otherwise, the resounding answer is yes. Th e approach taken in Th e 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan helped give me my life back. Many of my clients with whom I use detoxifi cation therapy share the same feeling. Ronnie stopped suff ering from chronic back pain that she had endured for over six years within one month; Norm had severe fi bromyalgia that relented within one month; Jane needed more extensive detoxifi cation but was able to stop using depression medication after several months of cleansing, and her moods have been substantially improved; Connie’s debilitating fi bromyalgia totally subsided within one month; Kirk is free from seasonal allergies and sinus problems that had bothered him most of his life after just one month of cleansing; and Darla’s high blood pressure normalized in two months. Others who have tried it have  | The -Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan

experienced weight loss, increased energy, the easing or elimination of arthritic symptoms, and much more. Research shows that detoxifi cation works. Various detoxifi cation approaches were used in the studies that follow, but all had statistically signifi cant results. In one study, conducted at the Center for Conservative Th erapy in Penngrove, California, 174 patients who were suff ering from hypertension participated in an eleven-day fast. By the end of the study, 90 percent of the participants achieved a blood pressure reading of 140/90—substantially improved over their starting blood pressure. Th e people who had the worst hypertension at the beginning of the study had the most signifi cant improvement in blood pressure. Many were able to eliminate their blood pressure medication. Forty-two of the patients were able to maintain the improvements after the study concluded. 1 In a Norwegian study, researchers found that fasting may help alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Twenty-seven arthritic patients adhered to a four-week detoxifi cation program followed by strict vegetarian diets. After one year, the patients reported signifi -

cantly less pain, stiff ness, and swelling, as well increased strength and better health.2 Laboratory experiments also found that short-term detoxifi cation may even help you live longer.3 During one study, researchers at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, Japan, found that mice that fasted for four consecutive days every two weeks had a signifi cantly longer lifespan than the mice that ate a typical diet.4 Th e National Institute on Aging found that detoxifi cation increases a person’s lifespan as well as or better than caloric restriction. 5 Still more research has shown that periodically fasting for short periods of time lowers LDL (the “bad”) cholesterol, boosts insulin sensitivity, stimulates the release of growth hormones, reduces the rate of viral infections, helps protect the brain from excitotoxins (a category of synthetic food ingredients, characterized by a dangerous Chapter : The Gentle Detox Solution | 

combination of amino acids that overstimulate the nervous system—examples of excitotoxins includ MSG and aspartame), and improves the quality of sleep, concentration, vigour, and emotional balance.6 Th ese are just a handful of the studies that show detoxifi cation works. More studies are needed to prove the benefi cial eff ects of detoxifi cation, but I am convinced more time and money will result in additional studies that show how promising detoxifi cation can be. Th ose of us who actually try it, don’t need the studies to confi rm the diff erence in how we feel. With Th e 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan, the results of cleansing all your body’s detoxifi cation organs will positively surprise you. The more toxins youhave, the more likely you will experience some minor symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, or minor body aches; however, they will be short-lived and will soon be replaced with feelings of energy and a reduction of aches and pains you may be living with.

Drink plenty of purifi ed water (at least eight to ten cups (250 mL

cups) per day). Add CellfoodR (see resources) to three cups per day.

Th is is essential throughout the program because it helps to fl ush out the many toxins that will be stirred up and eliminated from fat stores and organs in your body 

It is important that you eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables on

this program. 

Limit your consumption of sweets.

Fruit is the most cleansing of all foods. Th roughout this program, you will be eating plenty of fruit.(Be aware that soft drinks, sweetened juices, fruit punch, and other beverages contain concentrated sweeteners that are not permitted on this program.)

Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs

Exercise regularly away from high-traffi c or high-pollution areas.

Rebounding not only offers a good cardiovascular workout, it helps the lymphatic system to fl ow, resulting in fewer toxins.

I also recommend a brisk thirty-minute walk every day, five days a week, preferably outdoors so you can get some fresh air.

Eat only fresh foods. Avoid all processed, packaged, or fast foods.

Do not eat fried foods. Th at includes french fries, onion rings, potato chips, nachos, etc.

Avoid margarine and hydrogenated fats like the plague. Dairy products include butter, milk, yogurt, sour cream, cheese, and cottage cheese. Be aware that dairy | The -Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan products disguise themselves in many other foods such as

baked goods, pasta sauces, desserts, and soups. 

Refrain from eating wheat products. Wheat, even whole wheat, is very acidifying and can counter the benefi ts of the program.

Here is a summary of some of the important foods to eat and healthy practices to incorporate into your life: • Drink plenty of purifi ed water (eight to ten cups per day minimum) • Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables (organic as much as possible) • Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming • Exercise regularly away from high-traffi c or high-pollution areas • Eat only fresh foods; avoid all prepared, packaged, or fast foods

Michelle’s Top 25 Cleansing Foods Almonds; Apples;Artichokes 朝鮮薊(形似百合果的綠果), 洋薊;Avocados; Bananas;Beets 甜菜;Blueberries;Cabbage 高麗菜;Carrots;Celery and Celery Seeds;Cherries;Cranberries;Flaxseeds and Flaxseed Oil;Garlic;Grapefruit; Kale 羽衣甘籃;Legumes 豆莢;Lemons;Olive Oil;Onions;Raspberries 樹梅 與覆盆子;Seaweed;Spinach;Watercress 荳苗;Watermelon SUPPLEMENTING YOUR CLEANSING EFFORTS • A high-quality multivitamin and mineral every day • A high-quality full-spectrum digestive enzyme with every meal • A potent fl ora supplement every morning • A high-quality green food supplement daily • CellfoodR, a natural oxygen and nutritional supplement

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