What's the Latest Buzz? | April 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? april 2020





03 Editor’s Note 04 President’s Message 05 ’19-’20 Accomplishments 06 Progress Tracker 07 Looking Back at the ’19-’20 Term 08 New Term, New Beginning 09 Embodying Core Values in Quarantine 11 My Meaning of Key Club 12 QuaranTEEN Things To Do



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Fit or Not? How to Stay Sane During Quarantine! Living Life from a New Perspective This Upcoming Term… I Know It’s Random, How’ve You Been? Keeping the Spirit at Home Giving in Quarantine Service Week President’s Report: April Keep up with the Hive! Contact Us


EDITOR’S NOTE editor’s note WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEYYYY! I am so proud and delighted to announce that i will be serving as your Bulletin Editor or the 2020-2021 term! I will definitely miss capturing your friendly faces on camera at volunteer events, but I am so excited to see what our club can accomplish this term. Thank you all for a fun-filled 2019-2020 term, and here’s to another beginning! If you don’t already know me, my name is Michelle Kim, and I served as one of your Historian/Tech Editors this last term. You might have seen me around at events with a camera or one of my graphics on social media! I am so honored to serve on the Key Club cabinet for the second time, and I hope you guys enjoy the newsletters as much as I enjoy creating them! Although the circumstances as of right now are not ideal, I hope that reading through my newsletter will give you all some inspiration to keep giving back to the community during this difficult time. Please look forward to my monthly newsletters, and any updates throughout the rest of the term. I promise to put my utmost effort into my newsletters and create them with love and affection towards our club and its members. I hope that I can live up to Solyana’s legacy and create beautiful newsletters for our members every month. I hope you enjoy my very first newsletter for the month of April, quarantine edition. I am so excited for what this new term will bring us. I hope that we see each other soon! Stay safe everyone! Thank you all so much! SUNcerely,

michelle kim





Hey Whitney, my name is Maya Alvarez-Harmon and I am so excited for this term. Last year we did an outstanding job of delivering as a club and I hope to do the same this year. There have been some unprecedented changes that may hinder our ability to strive in these first couple of months, but I have full faith that when we return back to normalcy, we will be stronger and better than ever before. I wanted to introduce myself just that you guys are more comfortable in my ability to lead this club to new heights. I have been a part of Key Club ever since September of 2017, and ever since then I have dedicated an abundance of time and love into this club and I hope that you all do the same. It all started out with me being a general member just volunteering as much as I possibly could, then I became Director of Activities, then I became Secretary, and here I am now serving you all as your President (that seems so surreal to say). I hope that I can measure up to Josie Nieh who was absolutely incredible. I am so excited to see what this year brings and I can't wait to see you all as soon as this is all over.

Shining With Service,

maya alvarez-harmon



9,265.5 service hours by District Convention 170+ dues-paid members $1,781.21 raised for the Eliminate Project $1,925.87 raised for the Pediatric Trauma Program $4,296.18 raised for Operation Christmas $8,003.26 total raised this term Division 30 South Club of the Year Most Service in Division 30 South Cali-Nev-Hi Diamond Distinguished Club



Since the beginning of the term…

fundraising $91

service 375

Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis 7

looking back at the ’19-’20 term

What's popping, Whitney? My name is Ethan Hong and I proudly serve as your Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations for the 2020-2021 term. I am so HYPED to serve you all for another term! It gives me so much joy to serve all of you, and it empowers me to care for others and serve in my community. In my opinion, our last term was one of the best terms of my Key Club journey due to all the experiences I made and all the goals we surpassed as a club. Although our Banquet has been canceled this year, there are still so many great memories and achievements to look back on! I remember April DCM in 2019, the first Division Council Meeting of the term, and the fun activities we partook in. I recall Beach Boomba, where Key Clubbers across Region 3 came together to socialize at Huntington Beach. I fondly remember September DCM, the first DCM for some of our freshmen members! Of course, these memories would mean nothing were it not for all of you! It is the memories I have with Whitney Key Club that mean so much, and it wouldn't have been the same without its members. When it comes to achieving great feats, Whitney Key Club does not fail! Although Whitney High School was ranked the third-best high school in California this year by US News and World Report, Whitney Key Club still comes out as first! We served the most hours last term out of all the clubs in our Division, with over 9,000 hours of service to our community! In addition, due to our hard work in fundraising, we raised over $8,000 for our preferred charities! I am so proud of our accomplishments, and it goes to show that together, we can reach above the stars. It is thanks to the motivation and compassion you all possess that we have made such a stark impact on our community. Although we were not able to celebrate together physically at Banquet this year, I hope all of you reading this will have a chance to celebrate with me (from our own homes!) the memories made and the goals exceeded. It is essential to look back at the last term so we can see how to make this term the best one yet. I hope remembering our accomplishments will inspire all of you to continue your service safely from home and continue to make a difference in the community. I hope to talk to you all very soon!

Alanna Chan|’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor 8


New Beginning

A new term means a new beginning and trying new things. Back in September 2019 during Club Rush, I joined Key Club because it seemed fun, but I had no idea how far I would get involved in this club. I volunteered of course, but I hadn’t really found a deep appreciation for this club until earlier this year in 2020. I will admit, there are not many things that I am passionate about, but I can confidently say that Key Club is one of them. Now that brings me to today, and serving as one of the 2020-2021 Historian/Tech Editors. Trying new things. This whole Key Club cabinet experience is something new that I will be trying this year and I’m excited to see what I can make out of it. This includes all sorts of events and responsibilities, like Fall Rally South, Rose Bowl Float decorating, DCON, many more DCMS, taking pictures as my job entails, handling the social media accounts, and creating graphics that publicizes to all our members. But most of all, I’m looking forward to being able to meet new people and serve the community. This new term has already started quite different, being quarantined and all. But, that doesn’t stop us. We just had our service week from home in the third week of April and those working at the division level have helped us with new ways of still staying active within the club and our community. I am grateful to try out these new things and to be able to work with these people that are working hard to make sure we can continue serving during this tough time. That’s something I want to highlight, how even when times get tough, there’s a way to persevere through it. I wish that I got more involved in this club from the start, but now I’m going to make the most of it. So now I advise you that if you’re thinking about joining this club with even the littlest of interest, do it. Or even if you’re already a member, but you might not participate as much, take this as a “push” to do so. Feel free to also take this ambitious attitude to further occasions in your regular life. You don’t know what will happen when you try something new and it could be the beginning of something more.

Embodying Core Values in Quarantine


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities ___________________________________________________________ Although we all have to stay home during this unfortunate time, we should still remember all the key club core values. These core values are very significant and they remind you to be hard-working and kind-hearted each day. As a result, it is very important to incorporate the core values into your daily lives even during the quarantine!

Caring: To be caring is to treat others the way you want to be treated. Being caring is very important since it is thinking of others before yourself. This can apply to fellow Key Clubbers, your family, or other people in the community. Being caring is really important since it teaches people outstanding virtues such as patience, understanding, and loyalty. An easy way to be caring is to participate in Key Club events! Although there haven’t been that many events recently due to the quarantine, we recently had a service week which was amazing. There was also a project for our whole division to color pages which would be given out by a non-profit organization. These were easy ways to be caring in the community although we had to stay at home. Another way to be caring is just to help your parents or siblings. Throughout the day, you can ask your family if they need any help and assist them. You show you are caring since you are taking time out of your own day to help other people around you. Inclusive: To be inclusive is to welcome people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. Inclusiveness is very important since you are treating everyone equally. If you want to be more inclusive, you should talk to new people! There are several Key Club members in our school, division, and district which you can talk to. Key Club offers several opportunities to meet new people, such as DCMs, DCON, socials, and much more. Even though it might be hard to meet new people during this time, you can still make new friends by calling or texting! We recently had an online DCM where you could've met several different people. This was a great way to try and bond with other members of Key Club! Another way to try and be more inclusive is to welcome the current 8th graders. 8th graders might be thinking of joining Key Club the next school year during club rush. Therefore, it is very important for us to welcome them and answer any questions they might have. You might even make a new friend during the process! Although getting to know a new person might be terrifying, it is completely worth it at the end.

Leadership: To be a leader is to take initiative and to set an example for everyone in your club. A leader has to be inspiring, honest, and they have to   stand up for what they believe for. To be a great leader, you should take action by taking as many opportunities as you can. Adding on, strong leaders set direction, build an inspiring vision, and create something new and unique. Key Club offers several ways to become a leader such as being an officer in your club, division, or region. Recently, Division Leadership Team applications were released. Being part of the Division Leadership Team is a great way to be a leader. However, you don't need to hold an official position to be a leader. In fact, the best leaders are usually the people who step up to take an initiative even when they don't need to. To be a strong leader during the quarantine, you can stand up for a certain cause, start fundraising pages for certain charities, find other service events to help people out during this time, and much more! Overall, to be a strong leader, stand up and volunteer to do tasks even when you aren't required to and better yourself so that you can be an inspiring example for others!

Character-Building: Character is built by daily acts of kindness, integrity, and teamwork to grow communities and relationships. In my opinion, characterbuilding is the most significant since it incorporates all of the other core values. You are able to build character by being more caring, more inclusive, and being more of a leader. Character-building is important since it allows you to grow as a person and it allows you to become a better person. Although this core value takes the most effort, it is worth it at the end. An easy way to build character is to reflect on yourself and your past decisions. You can do this by having a diary or journal, meditating, or just taking a few minutes to reflect on each day. This is important since you can build character by reflecting on your past decisions or mistakes. Another way to build character is to admit faults. No one is perfect and everyone is bound to make mistakes. Instead of blaming things on others, you should realize your mistakes and learn from them. Lastly, you can set goals for yourself to build character. With all the free time right now, you can set short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Having goals are very crucial since they can help you achieve what you want in life. Overall, character-building is the most important since it allows people to become responsible, moral, and caring individuals.


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities 11


of key club _____________________________________________________________________________ Key Club in the name itself has an infinite amount of meanings. Everyone’s view varies and it is up to individuals and members to find their own Key Club meaning. As for me, Key Club means much more than just the motto, “Caring is our way of Life”, it means companionship, and above all, passion. Ever since joining Key Club, it has opened many doors to opportunities and taught me lessons that will never be forgotten. As a result, Key Club holds a place, dear to my heart. Companionship: Through being in Key Club for just the past year, it has taught me that service requires teamwork and companionship. Without working together, service is nearly impossible. Without the collaboration of the members, the coordinators, and many more, service events generally don’t exist. Aside from this, Key Club has taken me in as family. I have been able to meet so many new people that I can call friends. Being able to bond with other members at numerous service events is one of the pluses of attending events. Passion: While being in Key Club, it has helped fulfill my passion and love for volunteering. It is truly amazing being able to help out the community, giving back to all those around me. Serving the community is something I strive for every day as it brings a positive impact and a smile to those around us. I love being able to brighten up others’ day and see many other volunteers from Key Club serve with the same passion. As a result, within Key Club, the passion we serve with is projected through the service we perform. With all of my past experiences, I now see Key Club as a club with companionship and passion on top of the caring characteristics we possess. Although this may be the case, the meaning for key club for every single person is different. So, what does Key Club mean to you?

Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor 12

We are all in this together. Everyone is at home quarantining and even though we can’t go out that doesn’t mean that we can’t have fun. All this free time that’s been given to you is like the world's way of saying you should find a new hobby or be productive at home. Instead of sleeping your days away, make the most out of this coronacation!


1. Find a new hobby 2. Organize your room 3. Redecorate your room 4. Go online shopping 5. Go for a walk with your family 6. Make a workout routine 7. Organize your Spotify playlists 8. Make a vision board 9. Watch a Bob Ross video & paint 10. Have a self care day 11. Binge watch Netflix 12. Bake 13. Get TikTok famous 14. Make a YouTube channel 15. Clean out your camera roll 16. Reorganize your closet 17. Make a positivity jar and write a note everyday 18. Write your future self a letter 19. Have a movie night with your family 20. Camp out in your backyard 21. Try out new smoothie recipes 22. Learn how to cook a new dish 23. Start a blog 24. Build a blanket fort 25. Call your loved ones 26. Write a song 27. Make a diary 28. Play board games 29. Learn a new language 30. Have a pool day 31. Have a picnic in your backyard 32. Make an ASMR video 33. Play “who knows me better” with your family 34. Pull an all nighter 35. Make a bucket list for things you want to do when quarantine

Quarantine: Fit or Not?


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising The year is 2020, and we are currently in the middle of history. A year ago, most of us would probably not even know what pandemic meant, but now, we are right in the midst of one. It won’t escape our memories for years to come. Undoubtedly, COVID-19 will have a lost-lasting impact on every one of our lives, which will most definitely not be the same once we come out of this tragic event. There is a saying going around about how all of us will come out of quarantine either fit or not. As I mentioned earlier, we are a significant part of future history, and our actions after quarantine will define our generation. It is up to us to decide whether we want to set a precedent for future generations or be seen as an example of what not to do after a global crisis. What will be said about us in future history classes is entirely up to us, so let’s be a good role model for the future leaders of the world. While in quarantine, we aren’t really active members of society, as we are typically keeping to ourselves. However, we must take simple measures at home to ensure that we can go back to normal once COVID-19 is no longer a threat to us. Let us repair and not further harm our society while we have the ability to do so. Thus, it is incredibly important for us to engage our bodies not just physically but also mentally. Here are a few examples of some things to do in order to comfortably return to our lives after this global pandemic: 1.




Keep in touch with friends Chances are that you probably won’t see your friends for a long time, so feel free to facetime or even text your friends to fill them on about all the details they missed out on. When you meet them after quarantine, it will be as if nothing has changed. Besides, this is a great way to occupy your mind and vent out your feelings. Expand your horizons Talk to family and even old friends that you haven't kept in touch with. With a lot of time on your hands, you can rekindle old memories and further enjoy quarantine. Maintain a schedule Try your best to wake up and sleep at the same time every day. Studies show that waking up at a consistent time improves our sleep patterns. This is a great way to stay fit mentally and remain productive throughout the day. However, this schedule should not just extend to our sleep patterns; just like in school, we should designate times to eat, walk, and even do certain activities. That way, when we go back to school, we aren’t bothered by waking up early in the morning and going to each period. It’ll remain normal for us and will decrease the existing stress. Don’t compromise on academics Staying at home 24/7, we are bound to get a little off track at times. However, this should not be our norm. It is okay to get a bit distracted during school hours, but not all the time! Always try to do your assignments right when you get them, so you will have time for fun and so much more. By not procrastinating, your mind will be free from trouble, and you will definitely feel mentally fit. That way, you will be able to sleep at a reasonable time instead of catching up on sleep throughout the day. Finally, by staying on top of all your work, you will not be behind when we come back to school.

1. 2. 3. 14 4.

Learn about something new 
 Now that you have more time on your hands, pick up a book or read about something you never thought to learn about before. Now is your chance to increase your knowledge, coming out of this pandemic more enlightened than ever! Maybe you’ve wanted to learn about the stock market but never found the time to do so. Now's your chance to explore what's out there!


Take up a hobby Try to pick up some new skills while at home. Maybe you’ll even find your true passion. Teach yourself how to bake or even take up photography! Even the smallest things in your household can be made into an art piece with a camera. The internet is the best resource we have to figure out how we can effectively engage our mind. Sometimes, we need a hobby to let go of stress and worry.


Take hourly breaks Every hour, try to take a short break away from your computer screen. Stretch and walk around for a brief minute before going back to work. This will help engage your body by loosening up your muscles.


Do some yoga Yoga is the best way to achieve mental and physical stability. It helps improve our focus and find balance within ourselves. Instead of watching tiktoks all day, give both your body and mind a rest by doing some yoga. It is a great way to prevent you from being lethargic and instead helps you feel relaxed and active.


Play a sport If you are currently in a school sport, now is a great time to put more hours in and practice it. That way, when you come back, you’ll be better than before! For those who are not in a school sport, try one out. Maybe you’ll like it so much that you’ll be convinced to try out for the school team. Such physical activity helps improve your mood and even has positively lasting effects on your health.


Find some time to work out Even if you’ve never done it before, working out is a great way to see your strengths and find out how hard you can push your body for the better. An amazing fitness inspiration, Chloe Ting, mapped out a whole schedule for people to follow in order to become physically fit. She creates videos on YouTube for us to follow along and work out. This would be a way more effective way to spend time on YouTube instead of sitting on your bed or couch all day.

It is important for us to take care of ourselves during these unusual times. Let’s not forget to be mindful of those who have unfortunately come across this virus and show gratitude toward those who are trying to repair the situation. It would be in our best interests to stay at home, wash our hands, and prevent touching our faces to stop the spread of the coronavirus. I truly hope you take all of these tips into consideration and come out of this pandemic feeling healthier than ever!


HOW TO STAY SANE DURING QUARANTINE Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary

Online school, pajamas, sleeping in, and increased screen time—the new reality of life. Sounds all too familiar, right? Being wrapped up in the confines of quarantine, oftentimes we may lose track of time and easily get sucked into hours upon hours of phone usage. Without the structure of school in our lives and the constantly changing circumstances around us, how are we supposed to keep track of everything going on? How do we stay organized? Well, good news: with a little bit of motivation and a sprinkle of will power, we can do it! Here are some ways you can handle the stress and stay sane during quarantine: 1.





Set goals and reminders for yourself. Utilizing a planner, setting reminders on your phone, or making to-do lists are great ways to ensure you don’t slack off. Hold yourself accountable to the goals you set for yourself (just make sure they’re realistic)! Create daily schedules. What do you want to accomplish today? How will you accomplish it? Waking up each day knowing exactly what you want to do will give you a sense of purpose and add structure to your quarantine days. Take breaks! Quarantine can sometimes feel like a never-ending cycle of homework, eating, and sleep, so it’s important that you take time for yourself to relax and decompress from the workload! Be sure that your breaks aren’t overly long, though… Exercise. While the idea of sweating and physical activity may not sound fun (I can personally attest to that), it’s absolutely worth it and will make you feel better! Go ahead, stay active and follow that YouTube workout, whether it’s a simple full-body workout or Chloe Ting’s “2 Week Shred Challenge”! Talk to your friends/family. Staying in touch with the people who mean the most to you will reflect positively on your well-being, and perhaps even your work ethic! By chatting with friends in the same classes as you, you might find the determination within yourself to get up and do your work.

Despite the uncertainty of these unusual times, we can still manage to stay connected, caring, and supportive of one another. We may not be together physically, but we can be there for each other online. After all, social distancing doesn’t mean we have to isolate ourselves from messaging our friends or video calling our loved ones. Remember: we’re all in this together. Stay safe!



Life from a

new perspective Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity Hello, fellow key clubbers! As we all know, we are required to spend the rest of this school year within our home as a result of COVID-19, because of this, our time together physically has unfortunately been cut short. But this is not something that will stop our own personal growth, limit our connections with the ones we love, and most importantly starting off the term with a positive attitude. With that being said, it is important to have a balance between our physical, emotional, and mental health, especially during this time. Some ways I have been able to remain positive and keep myself entertained have included bring out an old Wii, and bonding with my sister, making crafty projects with my mom, taking part in the 4/20 - 4/24 service week, and overall trying to improve my routine. Although those are not the only things people are limited to do! Other people have taken on the actions of calling loved ones, working out, spending more social time with family, and trying to utilize this time to reflect and become a better version of themselves to show to the world once our isolation is over. Even though a lot of activities outdoors may be greatly missed, there is an endless amount of options for things people can do inside to keep everyone safe; reading, meditating, stretching, drawing, watching a movie, committing small acts of service at home and so much more! Not physically interacting with others may be hard, but it is something necessary for us to do now so we can all be together in the future without worrying. Right now the world has to face something that is very scary to think about and it may not feel like an actual part of our reality, but it is and we have to accept that fear of ours to do our part. The best way to tackle this is by remaining positive that we will get through this, it will be over soon we hope so we all have to hold on tight and work together for this to come to an end, stay safe bees <3

Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity 17

THIS UPCOMING TERM… Key Club is a home to around 267,000 students worldwide. In just the CNH district there are almost 45,500 members. This means that the district we take part in, the largest district in the world, has a significant influence globally. Each year, we recruit new members, and turn them into determined, motivated volunteers. Our members turn from friends to family and volunteering becomes a major part of all of our lives. This club allows us to not only meet new people at Whitney, but to also connect with people at neighboring schools that share the same passion we have, which is to change lives and make a difference. This upcoming term I hope that Whitney Key Club becomes a home to many incoming 9th graders or anyone else that wants to join, and I hope that we can help them benefit many others. Key Club makes it possible for anyone to change the lives of so many, whether they may be in need of food, clothes, or even just need an extra hand to help. This term I hope that Key Club continues to spread its influence and encourage others to reach out and help those in need. I strive to make an impact on other people, to encourage and motivate them, and to spend more of my time invested in making the future brighter. This year we’ve served 37,845 hours and raised over tens of thousands of dollars to donate to multiple programs and positively affect many people. However, I feel as though next year we can aspire to do even better and raise even more. I believe that next year this club will be able to bring more awareness to the organizations that we help and inspire many more students to take the time to help those around them. Our club gives us an unlimited amount of opportunities to also make tons of memories. We get to experience making a difference in the lives of others but we also get the chance to have our own unique experiences. We also get the chance to grow individually, we gain leadership skills, we have the opportunity to speak up and participate, and we are surrounded by many who help us grow into better people. Key Club is a home and an amazing environment and I hope that this upcoming term we can influence and impact the lives of many more.

Katie Phail| ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising 18

I Know It’s Random, How’ve You Been? Hey Everyone!!!! I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy during this time and that you're not too stressed out from school! I am SUPER excited to be one of your Directors of Fundraising for this upcoming term and can’t wait to meet and get to know all of you guys at different events! One thing I’m really looking forward to this term is bonding with everyone and making as many memories as I can at different service projects. As this is my last year at Whitney, I wanted to make the best of it by spending time with a bunch of bright and bubbly people while still having a positive impact on our community. I really love the energy our cabinet brings and their pure enthusiasm for giving back, so I can't wait to continue to work with and get to know all of them this term. While we can’t be with anyone in person right now, I can’t wait to see all of you in person soon! Even though it can be really boring staying inside all the time, there are many different things you can do to still stay productive! During my time in quarantine, I have started baking and cooking a lot more for my family so my parents don’t have to do as much. I’ve made a lot of yummy desserts (like cookies, cupcakes, and brookies) and other things like fried rice and mac n cheese. I’ve also been trying to exercise on a regular basis so I can “try" and get a summer bod by walking around my neighborhood and looking up workouts online (I don’t know how effective it’s been though hehe). I’ve also started bullet journaling again and am working on making a personal planner for myself to use during my senior year (because we all know that's going to be a CRAZY year). I haven’t gotten that far with all of the homework I’ve had from teachers, but after APs I’m hoping that I’ll have a lot more time on my hands to do little things that I actually enjoy. I hope everything is going well for you guys and that you’re not getting too bored!!! Hope to see you all soon!!!


Keeping the Spirit at Home

Asia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Chair

What’s poppin' Whitney! It’s me Asia, your new Spirit Chair for the 2020-2021 term! I am so excited to work with you all and increase the spirit in our home club. I hope you guys are all staying happy and healthy and staying in the positive key club spirit. Unfortunately we all aren’t able to see one other face to face and I know at times things are starting to get very difficult but that shouldn’t stop us from keeping the spirit at home! So here are a few ways we can keep the spirit at home: 1.

Learn some new cheers a. What better way to keep the spirit at home then to learn the universal key club cheer as well as the cheer we share with our division and our region. Being in Key Club you’ve probably heard of the famous question “How do you feel?†and many of you already know how to respond but for you new bees who aren’t aware you respond with: i. “I feel good oh I feel so good! UH (pelvic thrust) I feel fine! All of the time! ABOOGA! ABOOGA! ABOOGA, BOOGA, BOOGA! (Throw your fist over your head during ABOOGA and turn as you yell) b. Sometimes when reciting this cheer you might hear others call out “REMIX”, well there are two important remixes to learn with this cheer; the Division 30 South Remix and the Region 3 Remix i. Division 30 South Remix: “Hold up, solar hour, feel the wrath of solar power! Suns out (flex one arm)! Guns out (flex both arms)! We’re shining bright without a doubt! HYUAH (lower flex) ii. Region 3 Remix: Hold up, wait a minute! Orange County’s all up in it, serving so fanatically, Who are we? Region 3”





Participate in current events within our home club and division a. Just recently our very own Whitney Key Club held its first Service Week of the term and hopefully you all participated in some or even all of the service projects we planned, hopefully getting that extra volunteer hour. However that is not where the service ends our very own division has a service project that anyone can do at home, all you have to do is color a smile; key clubbers have the opportunity to print numerous coloring pages from our division linktr.ee and color in those pages in exchange for service hours, this service project is super easy and anyone can do it so visit our very own division instagram page for more information. Lastly, our very own division is having a dcm on April 29 in which I highly encourage you all to be a part of, the dcm will be conducted via Zoom and it's a great way to keep up that spirit from home! Read our newsletter a. For obvious reasons I understand that you guys are already fulfilling this task because you are already reading the newsletter. Reading the newsletter is a great way to keep the spirit at home, it provides you with current updates with our cabinet as well as our club and what is going on within our club. It also gives you a taste of key club from the comfort of your own home! Stay Positive a. And Last but certainly not least, the most important way to keep the spirit at home is stay happy and positive! I know at a time like this it does get hard to stay positive but just like Wishful Wednesday I hope you guys find your own ways to stay positive and find the light in this time of darkness. There are numerous ways to stay positive during this time and I hope you all practice them! I wish you all the best and I hope you all are happy and healthy!


giving in Quarantine Saadhvi Narayanan| ’20-’21 Treasurer

In 2019, there was once a large picture in a beautiful golden frame. It had a blue sky, so blue and fresh that I saw it everywhere. There were flowers blooming, spilling their scent across the canvas. Yet nothing was more gorgeous than the young children running in the field of flowers, soaring like airplanes to places no one has seen before. The picture shattered in 2019. It was replaced by the image of hospitals and increasing death rates with the notable header “Coronavirus”. Coronavirus, or known by its shorthand “COVID-19”, has ravaged the world. Not only has it brought death and impacted the families of those who have lost their loved ones, but it has left the world in a lockdown. People are limited to their homes, unable to set foot outside the door without the fear of falling to the virus’s wrath. In such conditions, even the wealthy are limited. This led to this grave thought: If the wealthy are restricted, what will happen to the unfortunate? People who used to receive food donations and lived from only them can no longer receive food. They cannot sleep in homeless shelters, because they may catch the virus from others. In fact, they are increasingly susceptible to the virus, for they may experience malnutrition. They need to receive the help they once did, and this has been increasingly possible with the help of organizations that have arranged for food distribution sites. But those organizations cannot feed everyone, which is where we must come in. We can easily donate and offer our services and play our part in helping another be saved from homelessness and the coronavirus. 1. Contribute online! There are several pages such as GoFundMe, Facebook, and others (make sure they are legitimate fundraisers) that are connected to charities that provide supplies and money to the homeless or unfortunate. Any amount donated is a great help and will save lives across the world.


2. Canned Goods With safety precautions such as masks and gloves, you can drop off canned goods at local food distribution sites that accept them. Make sure they are new and give them a good wash before you donate them. 3. Thinking Locally There may be several people in your neighborhood who have been impacted financially during the coronavirus. They may have been laid-off of work and do not have an income. Offer to give these people some change you can spare or even bring them canned food that has been wiped down once in a while.


While only three are listed above, you can take the time to open up your mind and find new creative ways to donate in this time of need! Remember, everyone can use a helping hand anyway. By being that helping hand, you are helping save the world in your own way.


service week  

Ayaan Ekram| ’20-’21 Vice-President This past month has been one of the most difficult that we have experienced as a nation. The Covid-19 Virus has caused our school to close and all our activities to be cancelled. This year, we have no prom, no Open House, and no International Day. However, Whitney Key Club refuses to let this virus stop us from serving the community. From April 20-24, Whitney Key Club hosted its very first at-home service week. We were able to promote the health of the community, spread positivity in a saddening time, and express thankfulness to those around us. On Monday, April 20, the first day of service week began and members of Whitney Key Club were asked to use materials they had at home to make masks. Some people used scarves, shirts, socks, and other pieces of clothing to make masks for their entire family. This activity helped members prevent the spread of diseases by covering their mouths. By simply creating masks for their families, Whitney Key Club members were taking a step to protect the health of themselves, their families, and their communities. Another option for this day was to make calls to nursing homes. People living in nursing homes during this time get minimal contact, so by calling nursing homes, members were able to bring happiness to the elderly of the community. During this time, teachers are working extra hard, learning how to teach us virtually. As always, teachers rarely get the appreciation they truly deserve. Therefore, on Tuesday, members were asked to film videos for their teachers to express their gratitude for all the hard work and dedication their teachers have had throughout this entire year. This event has allowed for a huge compilation of teacher appreciation videos to be created, giving teachers the gratitude they deserve. Wednesday was a more open activity. During this time of sadness and isolation, everyone could use a little bit more positivity. As a result, on Wednesday, members were asked to spread positivity through social media. This day was extremely special. Members posted pictures of their friends with heartwarming messages, inspiring quotes, and encouraging notes telling people to stay safe and positive during this period of time.


Thursday was another day to show our thankfulness. During this pandemic, first responders, nurses, restaurant workers, and more are working hard to serve our communities despite the potential harm they may be putting themselves in. Nevertheless, they continue to work every day in order to ensure we are safe, healthy, and fed. Therefore, by making cards and posters for these amazing people, members showed their gratitude for the true heroes of this time. Lastly, on Friday, members were asked to answer questions on freerice.com. For every question answered correctly on freerice.com, the website donates 10 grains of rice to those in need. Each member was asked to answer at least 50 questions in order to donate at least 500 grains of rice. Even though members cannot leave their homes, they can still feed those in need abroad through this website. Service Week this month was a huge success. It proved that the Coronavirus will not stop Key Clubbers from working hard to change the world for the better, in any way possible. I encourage all those who have missed out on this opportunity to participate in any other service project at home during this quarantine. It is an amazing way to pass the time and help those who are in need.  


President’s Update: April The month of April was a pretty hectic month needless to say, we have had to overcome some quite large obstacles, but I am so pleased with how supportive and how dedicated you all have been. Unfortunately, fundraising did come as a bit of a difficulty this month, but in order to compensate we tried to incorporate service in anyway feasible. This month our club had very minimal activity however we came out with a bang in our Service Week. We were able to serve the community in a variety of ways by making masks, calling local nursing homes, spreading positivity through social media, sending appreciation videos to teachers, etc. The participation in each of these events was overwhelming and I am so grateful to all of you for continuing to serve your community even in these unusual circumstances. Aside from our service week, something else really special happened during the month of April. We had a virtual District Convention in order to honor some of the individuals who have received recognition for their efforts as well as clubs who get outstanding recognition. This year, Whitney Key Club was recognized as a diamond distinguished club, which only 1% of clubs receive! This is absolutely amazing, but at the end of the day it would not have been achieved without all of you and your continued dedication towards this club each and every day. Whitney Key Club also had a Distinguished Secretary, Treasurer, and President. Last but most definitely not least, our division, D30S was recognized as raising the most funds for the Pediatric Trauma Program. With that being said, I think it's important for me to take time and just reflect on what amazing members you all truly are. If you're reading this and you have been actively participating in club events, thank you. Thank you for always being there and supporting such great causes, and thank you for making our club as amazing as it is. I look forward to communicating with all of you guys in this coming month, I plan to introduce more Service events and hopefully host a fundraiser if that is possible, but until then continue all of the hard work and I miss all of you guys.


Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!


MAY DCM May 23rd | 4-5 PM



social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com

Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynxukulele@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mr. Yen Tseng yen.tseng@abcusd.us

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