What's the Latest Buzz? | April 2020

Page 20


Keeping the Spirit at Home

Asia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Chair

What’s poppin' Whitney! It’s me Asia, your new Spirit Chair for the 2020-2021 term! I am so excited to work with you all and increase the spirit in our home club. I hope you guys are all staying happy and healthy and staying in the positive key club spirit. Unfortunately we all aren’t able to see one other face to face and I know at times things are starting to get very difficult but that shouldn’t stop us from keeping the spirit at home! So here are a few ways we can keep the spirit at home: 1.

Learn some new cheers a. What better way to keep the spirit at home then to learn the universal key club cheer as well as the cheer we share with our division and our region. Being in Key Club you’ve probably heard of the famous question “How do you feel?†and many of you already know how to respond but for you new bees who aren’t aware you respond with: i. “I feel good oh I feel so good! UH (pelvic thrust) I feel fine! All of the time! ABOOGA! ABOOGA! ABOOGA, BOOGA, BOOGA! (Throw your fist over your head during ABOOGA and turn as you yell) b. Sometimes when reciting this cheer you might hear others call out “REMIX”, well there are two important remixes to learn with this cheer; the Division 30 South Remix and the Region 3 Remix i. Division 30 South Remix: “Hold up, solar hour, feel the wrath of solar power! Suns out (flex one arm)! Guns out (flex both arms)! We’re shining bright without a doubt! HYUAH (lower flex) ii. Region 3 Remix: Hold up, wait a minute! Orange County’s all up in it, serving so fanatically, Who are we? Region 3”

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