What's the Latest Buzz? | January 2021

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What’s the Latest Buzz?

january 2021



EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… january

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WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY!! WOW! To think I only have a few more newsletters to publish before the term is over :(. The feeling is bittersweet but I am so happy to be expanding and experimenting creatively through these newsletters. Thank you for reading up until now and please keep looking forward to the few newsletters I have left. Appointed cabinet applications are coming up soon as the term is slowly coming to an end, and I need a little successor! Apply to be Whitney Key Club’s Bulletin Editor to reach out to other members through your creative masterpieces you create every month! I hope that my newsletters can be a great influence to any of you to apply! SUN-cerely,

mich e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


One incredibly unprecedented challenging year later, and the 2020-2021 Key Club term is coming to a close. We have made so many memories in terms of online service events, online election procedures, online general meetings, etc. The point is we turned a very interactive and social friendly club into something that was able to still prosper online. This term has been so much different than anyone could have ever imagined but it is coming to a close, and with his close comes the opening of a new door. The January Conclave that took place on January 16th, 2021 was an unforgettable moment. For me personally it was my last Conclave that I would ever attend and it was the most unique yet. Even though it had to be an online setting, we were still able to hear from such an amazing group of qualified candidates from many different divisions, specifically Division 30 South. Christina Nguyen, a current Executive Assistant and Lieutenant Governor Elect went against two immensely qualified candidates, Maxime Segui and Nathan Mai. In the end Christina was elected our next Lieutenant Governor and has proven through her role as Executive Assistant that she has what it takes to bring the division to new heights. I am exceptionally proud of all of the candidates who ran, as well as thankful for all of the general members who attended. Aside from the election procedure that involves listening to the ideas of the candidates we were also able to learn more about the candidates individual goals through different caucus periods. There were also moments for delegates, like myself, to vote for the candidates that they felt would be most qualified and assist the club in many ways. For those of you who attended, it is a great honor to know that you attended Conclave even in the midst of a pandemic. You still played an active role in learning more about your future Lieutenant Governor's and being a part of the Key Club process. Be sure to congratulate all of the candidates who made it through Conclave as it is a daunting and scary task to take on however each and every one of them delivered. I strongly encourage all of you guys to make the best out of this next term even if it continues online and to attend the next Conclave if possible. Continue to be amazing and I miss you all very much.

maya v ez-h mon




’20-’21 whitney kc president







Got some candid shots of you serving your community? Send them to michellemkim6@gmail.com to be featured in my 3 newsletter!





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Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis/Member Relations Salutations, Whitney! The first month of 2021 has been a playground for change as we start ending the chapter of coronavirus and bring our next U.S. president to office. President Biden is not the only newly elected officer, however, as Key Clubbers were able to see the election process of next term’s Division Lieutenant Governors at Conclave 2021! This January, the seven divisions of Region 3 held Conclave, an event where Lieutenant Governor (LTG) candidates from each division held speeches and caucuses (i.e. a question-and-answer session) for all members to hear. Members of Region 3 had the ability to listen to the candidate’s qualifications, goals, and aspirations for the next term. It was an excellent opportunity to learn more about the leadership position of LTG and it is interesting to have an idea of what the members, all of you, will get to experience next year under the LTG-elect’s term! If you did not attend, I highly encourage you to attend next term’s Conclave, no matter if you are a shining officer or a proud member! Allow me to give my take on Conclave, specifically with our division: Division 30 South. For Division 30 South, there were three candidates for the position of LTG: Maxime Segui, Nathan Mai, and Christina Nguyen. I knew each of these candidates on a personal level and I knew each of them had the drive to become the next LTG. Maxime Segui had served as her club’s President last term and knew the struggle of a small club from experience. I knew she would put this experience into her work and be able to assist our division’s smaller clubs. Nathan Mai is a very spirited individual, being a part of last term’s D30S Fall Rally South Spirit Team and being a Division Spirit Coordinator this term. He addressed the struggle to fundraise for charities this term and emphasized the need for fundraising next term. I agreed with his diagnosis of this term’s performance, and I knew Nathan Mai would be able to reach the goals he would set. Christina Nguyen was a unique candidate in my eyes because she was a sophomore, unlike her junior opponents. In the last 3 Conclaves, I had seen the election process of Division 30 South’s LTGs, all being juniors/incoming seniors. Their seniority added to the likelihood of the division’s success as they had more experience. In no way, however, was Christina not qualified; She was more than qualified for the position of Lieutenant Governor. I served the last term as Division Executive Assistant, the next position in the line of leadership after the LTG. I played an important role in planning and running Division Council Meetings (DCMs), and it was one of these events where I met Christina. She was open to new people and talking to us leadership officers, and I could feel that she was a passionate member of Key Club. It was to my surprise when I discovered later that she was a freshman member at the time, already showing strong passion for the club one would expect from an older member of the club. There were few freshman members who were interested in attending DCMs, and she reminded me of myself when I was a freshman and attended so many DCMs because I enjoyed the activities and socializing with members from other schools. *Ethan’s Fun Fact: I have attended 36 total DCMs as of me writing this!* This term, her passion got her the position of Division Executive Assistant, the same position I had! Serving as the current Division Service Project Coordinator, I saw first-hand her leadership qualities and her love and drive for our division. At Conclave, she expressed her passion and yearn to become our next Lieutenant Governor, and I did not bat an eye against her. It is no surprise to me that Christina Nguyen won the election and will serve as Division 30 South’s Lieutenant Governor for the 2021-2022 Key Club term. Congratulations! As a senior member of Key Club, this was my fourth and final Conclave. I have had the pleasure of hearing countless speeches and caucuses from countless candidates and experiencing the election of four D30S LTGs. This event is dear to my heart as I find it to hold some history; I have seen remarkable Lieutenant Governors elected, serve, and retire. This Conclave, in particular, was my final look into next term’s potential success, and I am confident in the success of Division 30 South beyond my departure.


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising During the first week of January 2021, we had our Executive Board Election, where candidates ran for president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer for our upcoming Key Club term. This election is something that I myself took part in and was able to learn a lot from. Here are a few things I was able to take away from my journey running for the position of treasurer. In order for a member to become a candidate for the election, they must meet certain deadlines. We were required to go to an informational meeting where Maya, our president, explained the rules of the election as well as a list of things to be completed and emailed before then. First, we had to email the president and vice president and confirm that we want to run for a certain position on the executive board. Then, we were to finish our literature and questionnaires. It is always a great idea to talk to the current elect of the position you are running for, so you have a better idea of what you might want to do if you were to be elected. Literatures are essentially graphics that include information about the candidate and the candidate’s goals for the upcoming term. Before working on the literature, however, I decided to work on the questionnaire, a series of questions about the candidate’s goals and abilities, which really helped me figure out what I want to focus on in the upcoming term if I was to be elected as treasurer. After doing this, I was able to better structure my literature to include a small blurb about myself, some of my accomplishments, my experiences, my goals, and some pictures of me at Key Club events. Afterward, I filled out a service agreement and sent both this and my literature to our club advisor, Mrs. Palmer for a signature and approval. Then, I emailed all three documents to the president and VP. Another deadline that had to be completed was emailing our speeches. These speeches had to be two minutes or less, so I typed one up and revised so it met the time limit. This was the end of all submissions. The next steps were to prepare for the day of the election. For the day of the election, I practiced my speech several times until I grew comfortable with it. I then started preparing for the three minute long caucus, where members would ask candidates questions about their goals and plans for the upcoming term. To prepare for this, I googled sample key club election questions and used these to help me have a general idea of what I would say if someone were to ask me a certain question. After going over hundreds of questions multiple times, I felt I was ready for the day of the election. The night before, I made sure to pick out a formal dress to wear as well. During the election, candidates for a certain position were put into a break out room. For example, if a candidate running for treasurer was giving their speech and doing their caucus, the other candidates running for the same position were put into a breakout room. Once it was time for a candidate to go to the room where all the members were, they were given two minutes to say their speech. At this time, their literature is shared on the screen for all members to see and even base some caucus questions on. The caucus was after the speech and was three minutes long. Members asked me about four to five questions in that time. After all the treasurers went, members were asked to vote for their choice through a google form. To ensure that only members voted once, the votes were double checked afterward. This process was then repeated for the president, VP, and secretary candidates. After about three to four days, the votes were all counted, and we got to know who would lead the executive board for the next term. Even though I was not elected, I feel very accomplished, driven, and satisfied with my experience. After going through this journey, I now know this is something I can do again in the future. I definitely became more confident in my abilities to speak in a “room” full of people. I have also learned from my mistakes. During the election, I found myself giving longer answers, which unfortunately wasted a lot of time. I learned how important it is for me to be concise but informative in my answers so that I could talk about more of my plans and goals for the future. These are just a couple of things I experienced as a candidate for our executive board elections, and I hope this small insight motivates YOU to run as well in the future!


If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be? For me, the answer is simple: a cabinet. With all of its simple elegance, impressive ability to hold objects of any size, and practical functionality, the cabinet is a classic embodiment of what it means to be a piece of furniture. However, the word “cabinet” holds other meanings—namely, being on an appointed board for a club… and guess what? Key Club cabinet applications are coming out soon and YOU should apply! This is definitely an awesome opportunity to be part of Key Club’s behind-the-scenes work and . If that’s not enough to convince you, here are 5 reasons why YOU should apply for Key Club cabinet: 1.





Gain valuable leadership experience. Being on Key Club cabinet will allow you to take initiative and be a part of unique, worthwhile projects, like Operation Christmas and Lock-In. You will be able to hone your communication and professionalism skills, develop better organization, and become a responsible, diligent individual. On top of that, there are plenty of opportunities for you to put your talents—be it graphic design, event planning, fundraising, or anything else—to good use. Get more involved in Key Club. Looking for ways to expand your knowledge of Key Club and increase your participation? Cabinet is the answer! As a Key Club cabinet member, you will be exposed to the ins and outs of how a nonprofit club operates on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, you’ll be able to amplify your impact on the community by actively contributing your ideas, and partaking in cabinet meetings and region-wide trainings. It is definitely a commitment, but it’s more than worth it. Meet new people and form friendships. Key Club is not just a service organization—rather, it’s a culmination of service, spirit, fundraising, and social networking! Through Key Club, you will be able to meet kind, caring, and hard-working Key Clubbers across the division, region, state, and even country or world! Make unforgettable memories. Key Club’s biggest, most notable events are Fall Rally and DCON, which take place annually with Key Clubbers across California (plus Hawaii and Nevada, for DCON). Beyond these events, you will be able to bond with cabinet and experience one-of-a-kind adventures as you progress in your Key Club journey. Grow as a person and build character. As a cabinet member, you will be able to tap into your passion for service and gain the confidence to speak in front of large crowds of people or communicate with adults. The duties of a cabinet member may be demanding at times, but in the end, your work ethic and time management skills will improve, thus shaping you into a better leader and student.

With all that being said, be sure to look out for an informational email regarding cabinet applications coming later in February. Key Club is truly a family of genuine, service-minded people who aim to build our homes, schools, and communities and connect with others. Ultimately, it is only up to you to make the most out of your Key Club experience; if you are on the fence about applying, just go for it! There is absolutely nothing to lose, and after all, “if you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it.” Good luck! <3


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary

Hello Whitney Key Club! As many of you may know, the 2020-2021 term is shortly concluding, but that doesn’t mean your Key Club journey has to end! During this term, I was fortunate enough to serve as one of your Director of Activities, and it has been one of the best opportunities I have taken. I have bonded with new people, served our community in numerous ways, adopted a variety of skills, and so much more. There are endless opportunities on Key Club cabinet, so I deeply recommend you all to apply! And for those of you who aren’t sure yet, here are some reasons why you should run for appointed board! 1.

Leadership Experience Being on Whitney Key Club cabinet means that you will have to be a role model for new and existing members in our club! You are to set an example and be someone the rest of the club can look up to. This means that through being on cabinet, you will have endless opportunities where you will learn valuable leadership and communication skills that you will be able to use beyond high school. You will have opportunities where you can lead the club, inspire members to serve the community, and so much more. Plus, you will learn how to carry out tasks, meet deadlines, and talk to new people. All of these skills will aid you in the long run, so I hope this inspires you to become interested in running for cabinet. Become More Involved Becoming more involved with our club, division, and district is something significant that is bound to happen when you are on the appointed board. You will be able to meet leaders from different levels of Key Club during training conferences, DCM’s, and so much more! From this, you will be able to seek guidance from other Key Club leaders. During this past term, I was able to apply skills that I learned from division and district leaders during different conferences. As well as this, you will be able to become more inclusive with members. During our club events and division events, you will be able to bond and inspire new members to become more passionate about Key Club. Overall, as an officer, you will have opportunities to inspire others, as well as seek guidance from other officers around you. Personal Growth Throughout the term, as an officer, you will be able to grow as a person and build character. This past term, I was able to strengthen my use of the Key Club 4 values in my daily life. I was able to become more of a leader, become more inclusive with new members, serve with acts of kindness, and make myself better by learning from my mistakes. Just like this, you all will have the same opportunities to grow as individuals. Through leading events and taking initiative, you will become more outgoing and confident, and you will be able to push yourself out of your comfort zone, Making an Impact Being on cabinet also means that you will be able to make an immense impact on Whitney Key Club. You will be able to hold unique events, come up with ideas to implement during the new term, and so much more! There are several opportunities throughout the whole year where you can come up with ideas to make this club the best it can be! For example, as Director of Activities, you can hold a different event that no one has held before to promote service, or as a historian, you can find unique ways to publicize events to receive better turnouts. Just like these, there are countless ways you can make an impact through cabinet, so I definitely recommend you apply and take this opportunity!




On that note, you don’t need to be on the appointed board to acquire all of these opportunities. Key Club is all about you and how you want to make a difference, so I encourage you to take on every opportunity and participate in as many events as you can, even if you aren’t on the appointed board!


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

HI SUNS! I hope you’re enjoying the first newsletter of the year! For the new year, people often set resolutions and goals to “start over” and better themselves for a new start. I wanted to share my goals and how I plan to keep myself in check for the new year with you all. Starting with one thing I strive to achieve for 2021, I want to work on my productivity and organize the tasks I need to do in a more efficient way. I have already started working on this, with the assistance of an app/web browser called Notion. Notion allows you to have a dashboard where you can arrange lists, calendars, make databases, and so much more. Many people have recently started using this platform, and there’s a fruitful amount of tutorials and step-by-step guides on Youtube to get started if you’re interested. What I love about Notion is how you can customize your own workspace and make it yours! Currently, I have multiple categories such as a to-do section, collection of cooking recipes, and resources or links that I use frequently. I have seen people manage their budgets, take coordinated notes, and overall just plan their days through this app. Another thing I’ve wanted to start to do is stretch every morning and night. Yoga has gotten some attention recently, and there’s many benefits to it. For me, I want to take the time to reflect on myself and relax whenever I begin/end my day. Sometimes, we “work, work, work” without taking a break we might need. Overworking ourselves can be just as bad as not getting anything done. These two goals can be pretty cliche, but are things I believe are attainable. It is important that we seek something within reach, or we might not have the motivation to do it at all. If we say we are going to do something we believe is impossible, we may think, “What’s the point of doing it anyway?” when it comes down to it. Take baby steps towards a larger goal. You might even reward yourself each time you get a step closer. With that being said, stay optimistic and do not doubt yourself! We all have “off-days” and that isn’t a bad thing. Don’t let that one day limit you: focus on the next day and move on from it. Believing you can do it is half the battle, and the other half is doing it. Keeping yourself accountable is also notable for this concept of reaching your goals. Did you know most people do not write down their goals? Starting there already gets you one step further, as you have identified what you want to do and have set it into course. You can also keep yourself accountable by telling someone else! For example, I have told my mom about some of my goals and she has told me hers. We plan to stay on track of things this way. By doing this, not only is there someone that can push you to keep going, but you have confirmed to your own mind that you are trying to achieve that certain task, similar to writing it down. And even if you don’t reach that “endpoint”, enjoy the journey it took you to get there! You can learn so many things through the process alone, and it’s not always about the destination. Stay positive through it all, and cheers to a bright 2021!


Alanna Chan| ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

2020 has proven to be a doozy for us all. However, 2021 marks the start of a new year, a new year to make the most out of it. As a result, here is what you should do in 2021 to maximize your Key Club journey. Service: Key Club provides numerous opportunities for volunteers to partake in many service events throughout the year. Whether these are in person or online, all the service performed goes a long way to help others. Especially during the pandemic we are currently experiencing, our Director of Activities have continuously put out service months. These consist of 10s of service events members can engage in. This proves a great opportunity for you to continuously serve the community even during these tough times. Meeting Others: This year is a great chance to meet others all while in the comforts of your home. Attend DCMs, general meetings, online service events. Unmute your mics, talk to others. There is no better opportunity to get to meet others so easily than now. At DCMs, you get the chance to be put into breakout rooms with key clubbers from all around the division. Talk to them, get to know them, as you all share the same passion for service and helping the community around us. In addition, if in-person events return, attend them and talk to others. Challenge yourself to make a new friend every service event you attend and possibly even those you are helping. Key Club is beyond serving others but truly a family, making friendships and bonds that will last. Opportunities: With the 2020-2021 term coming to a close, YOU have the opportunity to run for appointed board this next term. Personally, this was one of the best experiences ever and a decision I will never regret. As a result, keep an eye out for an email listing all the requirements and the process to apply! In addition, you also have the chance to run for the Division Leadership Team. The DLT is in charge of making sure the division as a whole runs smoothly while helping plan events for the whole division! With all that has happened this past year, we stayed strong and excelled. As a result, I cannot wait for what is in store for this next year and all that we will accomplish!


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Each Key Club event you go to will provide you with a different experience, each more unique than the last. There is also a large selection of events to choose from, ranging from DCMs, to general meetings, to our most recent event, Conclave. At each Key Club event you meet new people, learn even more about Key Club, and leave you with the most memorable memories. DCMs are typically division events, although at times we partner up with other divisions so that we have a wider range of people and we can bond even better with our neighboring members. Division council meetings are monthly events where all members of the division come to one place. It is the most friendly and welcoming environment where you can meet a variety of new people who share the same passions and hobbies as you do. General meetings tend to have less people because instead of having people from all over the division, which includes other schools, it is simply a meeting within our school club. This way you get updated on what is happening in our school’s Key Club. Events are a way to stay updated about what goes on in Key Club, whether it is at a club, division, or even at a higher level, you may get information on fundraisers, service events, and recognition awards. Getting this information can help you stay involved and up to date. Going to these events helps you continue to be a part of Key Club and there is so much you can learn at each. Conclave, an event where next term’s Lieutenant Governors are elected, is an unforgettable experience in itself. Not only is it a way to find out who will be leading your division next year, but you also get to meet people for our region, which includes not only our district but many of the districts around us. It is a way to see the inner workings of Key Club, to watch the elections process, and an extremely fun way to stay involved. Not only do we have these informational events but events such as fall Rally South are places where members can go to show their Key Club Spirit and have a good time with the people around them. I would say that all of the Key Club events must be attended at least once in your lifetime, Conclave, DCON, Fall Rally South, because none of them are the same as the others and the memories you make will last you a lifetime. Not only can you make friends with the many other members you will be introduced to but you also learn so much about how Key Club works and how you can be a bigger part of it. It’ll keep you up to date and entertained at the same time and each event is a must. Stay involved Key Clubbers!


The first semester of school has ended! Congratulations to everyone on completing your finals and your first full semester of virtual school, despite the many challenges we faced during this time. You may be exhausted from studying and the work that you have had this year, but we still have one more semester to go. Therefore, I encourage all of you to make sure to stay motivated and energized during this next semester by taking some time for activities you enjoy doing. #1: Socializing virtually! Although we must maintain social distancing, that does not mean we cannot socialize with other • people. Make sure to spend some time through Facetime, Zoom, or Google Meets with your friends and peers. You can play different games such as Among Us or Charades or even watch a movie. A huge way to socialize is to attend Key Club events. At almost every Division Council Meeting, • social, and game night, you will have the chance to get to meet new people and spend time away from the stresses in life. #2: Draw, Paint, and Doodle! Art is a great way for you to release stress. You can simply doodle whatever comes to your head or • follow online tutorials. If you don’t enjoy drawing, you can print out coloring sheets and simply color or paint them. No matter the form of art, just let your creativity soar. Such will allow you to destress so that you will be energized and focused on your schoolwork. #3: Watch something purely for entertainment! Spend some time watching a movie or T.V. show, or even listening to music or a podcast. Simply • spend time interacting with the media you enjoy and relax. Suggestions: The Office, Friends, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, New Girl, The Flash, Supergirl, ◦ Arrow, Sister Sister, Criminal Minds, Avatar the Last Airbender, Stranger Things Make sure to check the rating of the shows before you watch them

#4: Spend some time with your family! Time with your family is time you will NEVER get back. Take time out of your day to talk with your • family, play a game, or just watch a movie together. These memories will be great treasures in your life. Create a family tradition. • Eat dinner together. ◦ Each member of the family can make a different dish. Make it a “healthy” ▪ competition to see who can make the tastiest dish. Exercise together. ◦ Plan a Saturday Movie Night. ◦ Create a Friday Game Night. ◦ All in all, make time for yourself. Make sure to spend the second semester studying hard, but also keep yourself motivated by reducing your stress. Little activities, such as those stated above, can make a huge difference to help you stay energized throughout the year, especially you Seniors. As a final note, congratulations to everyone on completing first semester, and let’s make second semester one to remember.


Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President

Saadhvi Naryanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer So many memories have been made this Key Club term despite the Coronavirus pandemic. While I could thank millions of people who have helped me along my Key Club journey, I mainly have to thank my fellow cabinet members, who are all so supportive of me and always wish me the best. So, to all my fellow cabinet members, here is a thank you to you. I sincerely appreciate what all of you have done, and I apologize if I have missed anyone. MAYA: Maya, thank you for being an inspiration to me since day one. You have always been so calm and composed, motivating me to push my stress away at the face of a problem. You are absolutely self-driven and I know that you will go far in your life! I hope to stay in touch with you as you continue your journey! AYAAN: Hey Ayaan! Despite all the jokes and banter, I hope you know that you are someone I deeply respect. From the day you talked to me at DCM to guiding me as a Director of Fundraising and Treasurer, you have given me so much knowledge that I could never be thankful enough for. I know for a fact that your cheerful spark and constant perfection will get you to Stanford and way past that! EMILY: HEY TWIN! I am so glad to be serving alongside you in the upcoming term. You always have great ideas (I am looking forward to planning out more paloozas :) ) and are so dedicated to this club. I will always strive to be the Key Clubber you are, and I know you have a great future ahead of you. AYUSH: Hey Ayush! I am so excited to work with you for the next term! You are extremely talented and are so on top of everything, and I know that you will succeed in your Key Club journey! Just - for the sake of the Pediatric Trauma Program - don’t eat the money. JERRICK: Jerrick, “whaddup cuzzin”. Your personality change definitely startled me, but I am excited to work with you regardless! I admire that you get things done immediately and always do everything to perfection. Let me know when you are ready to co-found the Feed the Ayush charity! KATIE: KATIEEEEEEE!!!!!! I am so glad to have been able to work with you this whole term. You are such a good friend and so understanding. Throughout my no-english moments, my apps. are hard moments, and even my headache moments, I know I can always count on you. You have such a chill vibe, and I look to emanate that every single day. Thank you for always being there for me and for being such an amazing DOF! I hope to stay in touch with you Trojan! ANIKA: Hey Anika! From the moment you ended your interview, I knew you would be an amazing DOF and you even surpassed that. You are an inspiration to me through your work ethic and dedication to this club, as well as the professionalism you carry yourself with. I try to match your perfectionism every day, but I never near what you have done. I know that this election did not work out for you, but you broke barriers within yourself - and that is truly what matters. I want to see you apply for Club, Division and/or District next year, because I know you can do it. You deserve to be there, and I am glad to be with you every step of the way. You are so strong, and keep inspiring people throughout your journey in Key Club!


LIZZY: Hi hi Lizzy! You are so talented! Every time I look at your graphics, I am always in shock. But more than that, you have so much spirit and cheer within you that, no matter my mood, always cheers me up. Keep being you Lizzy, because your talent and personality will inspire so many people around you! ALANNA: Hey Alanna! You are so talented in the mystic-arts of digital paint-ography. I will never have your skills! I wanted to thank you for always encouraging me and for showing me how capable I am of many things. I hope to see you with 500 M views on Youtube someday! EILEEN: Hey Eileen! I know this term wasn’t the best it could have been, but thank you for always stepping up and taking initiative! I know you will go far with your dedication to this club and strong work ethic! ITZEL: Hi Itzel! Thank you so much for being you! You have always been so kind to everyone, offering them compassion when they most needed it. Keep being you, and keep spreading love in the world! ETHAN: Hey Ethan! Thank you for always shining so bright in both service and spirit! When anyone thinks of Key Club, they definitely think of you, as you have always been a role model. Your constant service and spirit, not to mention dedication to the club and its members, has inspired me to serve this club to the best of my abilities. I am so glad to have been able to know you throughout my years in Key Club, and I know you will reach great heights. MICHELLE: Hi Michelle! Where do I start? I’ll have to be brief because then it’ll make it difficult for you to edit 500 pages. Anyways, I want to thank you for being both my friend and for inspiring me throughout Key Club. Every time you were standing up, cheering, and serving with a smile, you pushed me to be a more active Key Clubber. I know for certain that I wouldn’t be who I am now without you. So thank you! ASIA: Hey Asia! Although I wasn’t able to get to know you as much because of the pandemic, I know that you are so spirited and capable of almost anything! Keep shinin’ with service and spirit! ELU: Elu, you have always been an inspiration to me. Working alongside you in cabinet for 2 years has been an absolute honor. Everytime I see you, I see you with a smile and happily serving this club. No matter what, you always shine, and I know you will go farther than anyone else. Thank you for always supporting me! ASHLYN: Hey Ashlyn! You may be last on this list, but you certainly are not the least. You have so much passion for Key Club and are so inclusive. Everytime I worked with you, I have always felt at home. You are so kind and have so much to offer. I look forward to continuing my Key club journey with you! Once again, thank you all so much! I am so glad to have worked with you this year! I know all of you will go so far and will continue to be leaders for the future. <3


HEY BEE-UTIFALS!!!!! I hoped you all are enjoying being done with comps and first semester!!! Take this time to really relax before things start getting super busy as the semester starts!!! I know that sometimes things can get really stressful, but you should always make sure to take time for yourself to just breathe and relax. With the end of a stressful semester, I wanted to talk about the different ways you can relax whenever you are really stressed out or busy and need a quick breather to get your mind off things!!! The first thing I would suggest is to go rinse off your face with cold water for a couple minutes. This will allow you to get up and walk around a bit. It will also help you wake up with the refreshness of the cold water. I do this a lot when I notice that I’m getting distracted a lot or if I’m starting to doze off since getting up and walking around will wake me up, even if it’s for a short while. Another way to help you stay alert is to get up and stretch a bit. I know many people say this, but it truly does help with staying alert and it also helps with relieving stiffness that comes from sitting all day. Another method I would suggest is to start a bullet journal or just a place to write down your thoughts in general. I found this method really helpful because we often have so many thoughts running through our heads that it’s hard to stay focused on a specific task. It also helps with venting your feelings and thoughts without needing to talk to another person. By writing down what you are feeling, you can get those thoughts out of your head without being judged by anyone and feel less burdened by that overall. I try to find time everyday to write down how I felt throughout the day and anything that I was anxious or stressed about to prevent my inner feelings from being bottled up. I found that this helped a lot as I was able to clear my mind and was able to better focus on everything I had to do. I hope that you all find some of these methods helpful when you’re having a tough day and need a small break from that constant cycle!!! I know that there are a bunch of different ways for taking your mind off of stressful things, but these are the two that I use the most often. I hope you guys can all be a bit less stressed this semester and relax as summer (and hopefully an end to Covid) approach soon!!!


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

Hello buzzing bees!!! Congratulations to everyone who just finished comps :D Now that not only are we starting a New semester, but a New Year as well! So there is a new opportunity to start fresh with everything and open up to new possibilities. One of these things you can try is by challenging yourself to be more creative and do more arts and crafts! Due to quarantine, there may not be as many opportunities to get out and have fun, but there are still lots of ways to enjoy yourself while also growing. So here are some of the best things you can do this time of year! 1.




Take a Virtual Class Since many people now stay at home a lot more than they used to, there have been various online classes offered through out the months to keep people entertained! This has ranged from our usual online school to zumba classes and to other extra curricular classes like dance and such. It may be a bit awkward at first trying to figure something out on your own while there is a random stranger on the other side of the screen, but unless you give it a shot it could result in you finding your new favorite hobby or discovering a secret talent! It could also lead to unbreakable bonds through the experience of learning something new and fun with other people. Start a Business Due to the fact that a lot of things have happened within the past months, starting a business would not only give you the chance to artistically challenge yourself and give your mind some fun, but also donate the money you make to any cause you like! (Like Maya Makes for PTP) This really does give you an opportunity to help out within your community while doing something you may end up loving. Have Online Art Dates with Friends Since we aren’t able to go out as much anymore, that meant that the time we got to see our friends in person has definitely decreased by a lot :( But a good way to keep in touch with them while also staying crafty is by having an Online Art Date with them! This can vary from making glass paintings to embroidering sweatshirts for each other. It may seem like a cheesy thing to do, but sometimes the small things are the best. Paint/Redecorate on your walls Since we have all been stuck in our rooms for much more time than we did before, sometimes we’re left with having the option to only stare at our walls, and I’m pretty sure some of us may have gotten tired of them at this point. One way to shake things up a bit it by remodeling your room! This can mean either painting the walls a new color, moving around furniture, adding more decorations like plants or lights. All of these sorts of things get you inspired and up and moving!

Of course, these are only a couple of the endless options you have to do. Especially during these times it’s important to continue having high spirits and step onto new possibilities with an open mind. Hopefully you all will take some of these into consideration and enjoy yourselves at during the beginning of a New Semester, you deserve it! Until next time buzzing bees <3


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Happy 2021! It’s your co-historian, Lizzy here! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! It’s a new year and why not start off the new year with trying new things? What makes a better New Year’s resolution than finding a new hobby? There are so many hobbies out there and I don’t know about you, but I think it’d be fun to try to find one that you absolutely love! Make/sew/thrift your own clothes Learn how to cook/bake Painting Drawing Knitting/Crocheting Start a blog Find new music Reading Gaming Journaling Style outfits Learn calligraphy Try new workouts Practice meditation Learn a language Photography Make collages Learn how to code Gardening Scrapbooking Solving puzzles Creative writing Dancing Singing Songwriting Learn magic tricks Learn origami Do your makeup/try new looks Learn about astrology Learn new hairstyles Learn how to play an instrument (ukulele, piano, guitar, drums) Try a new sport (basketball, volleyball, soccer, football, biking)

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees

https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!




social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com


CONTACT US Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us

thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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