What's the Latest Buzz? | July 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? VOLUME 5

july 2020


EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… july

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What’s shining suns! It’s Michelle back with another newsletter! It is the beginning of August, and school starts in a few weeks, but Whitney Key Club has been going strong throughout quarantine and summer. This is all thanks to our wonderful and committed members, so thank you to all of those who constantly participate and take part in our activities! With the school year approaching, I hope we can reach out to new members and strive even higher. With the uncertainty that is Covid-19, I hope that you all make good decisions and stay safe for the well-being of yourself and for the well-being of others. I hope you also continue to participate in all club and division activities and get to know your fellow members. I hope you all enjoy this issue, which could only be completed with the help of the Whitney Key Club officers. I want to say a big thank you to cabinet for constantly coming up with such creative topics for our members to read and get motivation from. I wish everyone going back to school good luck! And if you made it up until here, thank you! SUN-cerely,

mich%e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


we grow stronger together Hey Key Club, how is everyone doing? I know that you all have mixed opinions about going back to school, but regardless I think that one thing we could all agree on is the fact that we miss being in the presence of others and making many more memories with our friends that will last a lifetime. Unfortunately with the annunciation of us staying at home it has definitely brought upon a lot of sadness, but I hope that you may find Key Club as a scapegoat for this. In the month of July we had so many service activities, and in August we will continue to provide these opportunities for you. We also had a general meeting which was extremely successful as well as our attendance at the July DCM. I just wanted to say that our progress and achievements in the month of June were absolutely amazing. As a club we served over 900 hours which is quite commendable. I can’t believe that even through the pandemic and the presence of a lot of different movements and everything going on in the world right now, that you could find the courage and compassion to serve your community. It is beyond extraordinary and I’m just so proud of everyone. I am so thankful that I get to be such a big part of this club, because this club is such a big part of me. In these coming months, I hope to see an influx of new members and current members really getting immersed into the club and learning a lot more. It would be really amazing to see so many new faces and have a lot more experiences with each and everyone of you. If you know any incoming freshmen who are interested in becoming a part of Key Club, please don’t hesitate to email me or anyone that you know who is affiliated with Key Club. I would absolutely love for our club to continue to grow with dedicated and passionate members. The more individuals who are putting in a lot of effort into the club, the better and stronger we can become. I want to keep this message short and concise, but all I want to say is continue to be you, continue to surpass my expectations. You are all stunning and amazing and I cannot wait to see you in person again.

maya +v-ez-h-mon ’20-’21 whitney kc president







07.25.20 - JULY DCM


fundraising THIS MONTH










Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising Hey KEY-UTIES!!!! I hope everyone is having a relaxing and safe summer so far!!! This month has been a whirlwind of opportunities for everyone to participate in and support Key Club. During this month, we hosted our first ever service month, which has been a huge success. By allowing all of our members to participate throughout the month whenever they want rather than within the confines of a week, we were able to have more people participate in a wider variety of activities that all helped give back to our community. I just wanted to tell you all about some of the specific activities that I have done so far and why participating in them is so important to the community as well as yourself. There were many different things that members could participate in, ranging from using certain web browsers to writing letters and notes for senior citizens. Some specific things I participated in were playing different online games that would donate based on the number of questions I got right. Specifically, I’m talking about Freerice and BeanBeanBean, and spent a lot of time trying to accumulate a bunch of points to maximize the amount of donations that would be made. While it was challenging at times to continue to stay focused, whenever I thought about who this would help and how answering these simple questions could help change someone’s situation, I was able to continue to stay on task. All of these websites that we provided as service opportunities for our members to take part in all have unique purposes and are all equally important in terms of making our community and our world a better place to live in. Personally, even though these are smaller-scale events, I still get a sense of happiness knowing that I am still making a difference to someone somewhere by taking part in this, playing the games and using the search engines. Even though we aren't able to physically meet up and work at an event, these activities are still very fulfilling and enjoyable to do. The scale of the event or activity shouldn’t matter as long as the community benefits in the end. Despite the fact that some people may think that these service events from home won’t have a large effect on our surrounding community, all of your efforts aren’t in vain. Given these crazy circumstances, we are limited in terms of what we can do to help, but all of the little things count and do have a positive impact on the people around us. By participating in online games, you are helping feed those who are struggling. By writing uplifting messages, you are helping make someone’s day and make them feel less lonely throughout this time of isolation. By thanking our first responders, you are helping remind them that their efforts aren’t in vain and that there are people who appreciate everything they are doing while risking their lives. It’s these small actions of kindness that go a long way and help unite our community so we can through this tough time together. So please remember that everything you are doing during this service month will positively impact someone somewhere even though you can't see that positive impact in person.


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities As many of you know, Whitney Key Club has been hosting many online service weeks/months in response to the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, we always provided a variety of unique and intriguing service activities for volunteers to participate in at home. These are very easy to be a part of with just a few steps to follow. 1. Email and Sign Up At the beginning of each month make sure to check for any emails regarding the upcoming service month/week with a list of all of the upcoming service activities. In these emails, you will be able to find descriptions and details for each event. After finding the ones you would like to participate in, you’ll find a link in the email for a signup sheet. Sign up with all of the information in the respective tabs and you would be ready to participate and volunteer! 2. Participate All of the activities will be very easy to partake in and we encourage each and everyone one of our members to do so. Follow the steps within the email for each specific event and volunteer accordingly. Make sure to have fun and enjoy while helping out the community. Feel free to take selfies along the way to document your experiences! 3. Proof

Lastly, you MUST submit proof to a Google Drive to receive hours. This can be done either taking a picture of your work and if online, a screenshot and posting it in the drive. The link can also be found in the emails we send out. In addition, the CNH has made hours to be given according to the number of hours a volunteer is engaged in a service activity. As a result, please time and acknowledge the amount of time each project takes you by renaming the pictures of proof to the number of hours you volunteered. You can refer to examples on the drive for instructions! We really encourage all of you guys to stay home during times like these and participate in our upcoming service months at home!

To receive emails for future service events, contact our Directors of Activities Jerrick Wu and/or Ayush Shah or anyone else on cabinet to add you to the email list!


Anastasia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Coordinator

What's poppin Whitney! If you participated in our July Service Month you might be familiar with one of our service projects, Exercise Your Influence. For those who are unfamiliar with this service project it is one that encourages exercise amongst our members through apps such as Charity Miles and AtlasGo which help donate to various charities. Many tend to use the app solely just for service hours but I highly encourage all of you to continue working out and using these apps to help these various charities. Walking or running around the neighborhood could get a little boring so here are some alternate exercises that are more fun and can still be used in apps such as Atlas Go. •

Yoga ◦ Want a more relaxing form of exercise? Well then yoga is perfect for you! If you are new to Yoga I highly recommend watching Yoga with Adrienne. Yoga is very helpful when it comes to breathing techniques as well as stretching. Overall if you want to exercise at a slower pace Yoga is perfect for you. Dancing ◦ Maybe Yoga isn’t your thing and you’d rather exercise at a faster pace, well then I suggest dancing. Dancing is the perfect substitute for running and other forms of cardio. If you love to freestyle you can turn on your favorite songs and make up your own dance. But for those who have trouble figuring out certain moves you can also dance by playing Just Dance, watching music videos, or even following YouTubers such as Matt Steffanina. Swimming ◦ Got two left feet but still want a good cardio exercise? If you have a pool at your house then Swimming is the perfect form of exercise. Swimming a couple laps in your pool is the perfect way to beat the heat as well as exercise. Roller Skating ◦ Don’t have a pool but instead a pair of roller skates? Then I suggest learning how to roller skate. Roller skating is really popular now and if you have a spare pair of skates I highly recommend getting into roller skating. Not only is it a great form of exercise but it is also a cool new hobby you can say you learned during quarantine. Hiking ◦ Let’ say you don’t have a pool or roller skates but your family is willing to let you out well then Hiking is the perfect option. There are many beautiful local hiking spots in Southern California and if your parents allow you to then I recommend going on Hikes. When going on Hikes it is EXTREMELY important to practice social distancing and always wear a mask. Hiking is very difficult and challenging but in the end is worth it. It is definitely a fun form of exercise especially if you are with your loved ones.

The possibilities are endless and when exercising you aren’t stuck to just one form of exercise. So before you delete Charity Miles or AtlasGo think about how much fun you had exercising and how much more fun you could have after discovering more exercises. It is important that you continue serving even if service hours aren't offered, remember you aren’t just volunteering and serving for hours but instead volunteering and serving for the betterment of our community. So the next time you encounter a service project ask yourself how can I continue to serve even if hours aren’t awarded.


Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President

Each month Whitney Key Club joins other Key Clubs around the area for our Division Council Meeting known as a DCM. Due to quarantine, Division 30 South has been unable to hold in-person DCMs and has therefore begun holding virtual DCMs. This month, DCM was a game night in which members were put into groups of around 10 people to spend some time together playing virtual games and getting to know each other a little better.

Watch the full replay on YouTube now!

As always, the DCM began with the meeting portion in which the Division Lieutenant Governor and Executive Assistants went over the old events and upcoming events for the division. One upcoming deadline discussed was the deadline to apply for the District Visual Media Team. The application is due by August 14th and I suggest anyone who is good at digital media or simply interested in getting more involved with Key Club apply as this is an extremely special and worthwhile opportunity. After these messages, the division recognized members and clubs for exceptional work this month. Whitney Key Club was awarded First Shining Club of the Month. Congratulations to all of Whitney Key Club as your dedication to serve our club and community has made our club extremely successful. I urge you all to keep on serving throughout the term as I know our club can reach new heights through your hard work and dedication. After the meeting portion of the DCM, members were put into google groups of about 10 people for a game “night." From 3pm to 4pm, members were able to play games such as spyfall, skribbl.io, uno, and agar.io. These games not only allowed for members to spend some time with other people, but they also allowed for members to get to know each other better and make some new friends. I can honestly say that DCM was an amazing experience this month as it allowed for me to finally have some form of socialization with other people and have fun in general. I even had the honor to meet three amazing people from Oxford Academy that, if I had not met them during this game night, I likely would have never spoken to otherwise. Overall, DCM was extremely fun. I urge everyone to sign up for the next DCM on August 29th from 3pm to 4pm. This DCM is on a Saturday and will be on Youtube Live making it possible to join from anywhere while practicing social distancing so it will be extremely easy to join. I’m excited to see all of you at future DCMs and watch as you all make our club even better than it is today.


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started, we have been having all of our events online, and we are trying our best to have exhilarating events where we can do service while having fun! However, with everything going on in the world currently, some people might not know about all of the events and service activities we are doing. Therefore, here are some helpful tips so that you can stay updated and active in the club!



Try your best to read all of the emails sent by our cabinet. Although your inbox is probably filled with a handful of emails from different clubs and organizations right now, it is really important you read each email since each one has a sole purpose. We are having several service events, general meetings, DCM’s, and so much more! As a result, it is crucial that you go through the emails we send so that you are aware of all of the information.


Try to check the Activities Spreadsheet and our social media frequently. On the spreadsheet, all of the events are listed, and there is a link with all of the descriptions. Therefore, if you haven’t seen the email, this can help update you about all of our service events for the month. As well as this, you should check the Whitney Key Club social media, @whitneyhigh_keyclub, since a lot of our Key Club events are posted on there.


Another great way to keep Key Club spirit is to read the astonishing newsletters put together by our wonderful Bulletin Editor. These newsletters show a recap of everything our club has done in the month in a unique and interesting way. In these newsletters, there are different articles that can help you with Key Club, help you pass time during the quarantine, and so much more! Therefore, make sure to read through these amazing newsletters each month since you will not regret it!


Lastly, you should have a Key Club buddy/friend who will help you throughout your Key Club journey. This past year there were instances where I forgot to sign up for an event, and my friends reminded me to. Just like this, there can be times where you forget to read an email or forget to sign up on the spreadsheet. Therefore, it is really important that you have someone who will keep you up to date about all of our club meetings and activities. And if you don’t know anyone that well in the club, don't worry! There will be several socials, DCM’s, meetings, and so much more where you can meet someone new!

Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Nobody could have seen 2020 turning out like this. With the pandemic and OLAH it has been hard to stay motivated and organized. However in this upcoming school year, especially since we’ll be doing online learning it is going to be exponentially more difficult to stay on top of your tasks. There are a few things that you can easily do to make this new school year one of your best. 1.

Be physically and mentally ready to learn - Studies show that what you wear can affect your attention towards a certain task. If you are physically and mentally prepared for school you will feel a stronger need to be productive.


Have a clean organized working space - It is also important to have a clean organized learning space so that you don’t get distracted while working.


Make a schedule with breaks - It is also important to create a working and efficient schedule for yourself. With OLAH students sit in front of a screen for hours on end. It is important to remember to rest your eyes and take breaks so that you are better rested and therefore better focused when learning.


Get rid of all distractions - Getting rid of distractions is necessary to get things done on time and put in your best effort. Your phone should be in a place that is not easily reached from where you are sitting and you should be focused on one tab at a time.


Have a learning mindset - However even after using all of these tips the most important thing to do is prepare your mind to learn. You have to have a positive growth mindset so that you are eager and prepared to learn.

This next school year will be a struggle for students and for teachers alike. It is something new and we are all figuring it out as we go. However if you work to make this school year efficient and effective it could be a great year.


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary With summer officially in full swing, it can be quite tempting to schedule outings with your friends, dine in at restaurants, go shopping, or even take a trip to the beach, especially with the rising temperatures. Even so, regardless of whether or not it’s summer, COVID-19 still exists—and is still very much a threat. You may have been lucky enough to avoid catching the virus, but keep in mind that this pandemic has affected over 3.1 million people and killed more than 130,000 in the United States alone, not to mention their grieving loved ones. That being said, here are a few crucial considerations to remember as you make smart, safe decisions throughout this summer and beyond (Source: CDC). 1. 2.


4. 5.

Stay at least 6 feet apart from people who do not live in your household. Follow social distancing guidelines and avoid close contact with others, especially with those who are at a higher risk of getting very sick. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus, so stay wary. Wear a mask or cloth face covering in public settings and when around people who do not live in your household. Make sure that your mask covers your mouth and nose at all times, in order for your mask to actually be effective. If you are uncertain of whether or not you need to wear a mask, just wear it’s better safe than sorry. Wash your hands often. Do so for at least 20 seconds with soap under running water. It is especially important to wash your hands in the following situations: Before eating or preparing food ◦ Before touching your face ◦ After using the restroom ◦ After leaving a public place ◦ After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing ◦ After handling your cloth face covering ◦ After changing a diaper ◦ After caring for someone sick ◦ Otherwise, if soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. These may include phones, light switches, doorknobs, desks, handles, tables, and faucets. Doing so will help stop the spread of germs! Monitor your health. Always be alert for symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc). If you feel sick and experience any symptoms, take the necessary precautions to protect yourself and those around you, including self-isolation and taking your temperature. Follow CDC guidelines if you think you may have COVID-19, and if possible, get tested.

Ultimately, the best way to prevent illness is to avoid exposure to the virus altogether. Try to limit public outings, and if you do have to travel outside, be sure to wear a mask and social distance. Be mindful and considerate of others at all times and always make health a priority before you leave the house. Together, we can take preventative measures to help keep ourselves and our friends, family, neighbors, and strangers safe!


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor We all come to a point where we may feel either unproductive or overworked. Especially right now, we might find ourselves always wanting to sit on the couch and open up a bag of chips. Maybe scrolling through social media a bit too. There’s also many of us who want to take on numerous different hobbies with all the free time, but that could be the start to a downfall as well. So, self care is important! If you’ve read my other articles, you know that I love emphasizing taking a break. This is because sometimes we need a breather to forget about any worries or stresses. With that being said, however, that does not mean a break every five minutes. Of course it’s different for everyone, but only take them when necessary. Next, you might want to start a new hobby! Many people I know have started cooking/baking, sewing, working out, learning new languages, learning how to play instruments, and much more. It’s great to want to try new things but with that, do it slowly and ease into it. There’s no point in taking up something new when you’re going to forget about it and move onto something else. SLEEP! Don't lie, I know many of us sleep late and also wake up late. I am also guilty of this sometimes! What that could mean though is that we spend half of the potentially productive day sleeping. That, or we sleep late and wake up normally with barely any hours of sleep. Also for ourselves, it may affect us not only mentally, but physically as well. Being tired throughout the day, feeling lazier, and not being in the “active” mood is possible. By sleeping earlier, you can wake up earlier, feel “refreshed” when you wake up, and notice the effects it has on your own well-being and body. Go outside. That sounds like a demand (haha), but it is very beneficial! Spending all day and night cooped up in your house isn’t good for you, and I think we all know this. Nonetheless, sometimes we forget this so it’s important to note! Get some Vitamin D and go for a walk/run, do some gardening, or simply just soak up the Sun! Next: don’t be afraid to reach out to new people and make new friends. Remember, you’re not the only one stuck at home. There are many people who also want someone to talk to, and it’s a great way to make more friends. Socializing with others (at least once in a while) is something crucial to our lives, so what better way is there to do it than to get to know someone better? Going along with that, family bonding! Take the time out of your day to spend time with your family. You’re together almost the whole day, so make sure you make good use of that time. Who knows what will happen? Not only will you be able to get closer to them, but also maybe learn about some things you didn’t know about them before! There are many other ways to take care of yourselves, like eating healthy, but these are just a few! I hope these were helpful and talk to you guys again next month. :)


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

I know this summer is definitely not what any of us were hoping for or wanting, but it is what it is, so we should make the best of it and use our free time to do service events! This month, key club is doing something different and we are giving you guys a list of service events to do in your own time and turn it all in by July 29th, at the end of the month. Service events are not only a good way to spend your time, but you are helping your community and getting volunteer hours at the same time! I know that many of us don’t have the motivation to do work especially since we have been getting used to staying inside and that’s made us all tired. However, service events are such good opportunities to really help out and try to do something since there are many issues in the world going on right now. Service events are a little way we can show that we care and are doing things as key clubbers to help the community! On top of service events, here’s some shows on Netflix that I recommend if you want to pass the time! They’re so good I swear :)) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Criminal Minds Gossip Girl Outer Banks Grey’s Anatomy The Vampire Diaries The Originals Legacies Avatar: The Last Airbender The Flash Supergirl Stranger Things A Series of Unfortunate Events CHEER Black Lightning Glee It’s Okay To Not Be Okay The 100 Dynasty Reign Lucifer

Movies on Netflix: • • • • •


Clueless Soul Surfer Bratz Dear John The Edge of Seventeen

Ethan Hong | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

Good day, Whitney! It’s already halfway through summer break (oh no!) but I hope you all have had some fun and safe activities to keep you entertained. I spent my summer watching many YouTube videos as well as Avatar: The Last Airbender for the first time (fun fact: it’s REALLY good hehe). I have not been able to go outside much, however, and I dearly miss being with my friends at Key Club events. I miss you guys so much! I want to reemphasize the importance of communicating with others: Being with people and talking with others is healthy! With coronavirus limiting contact, social isolation has taken a toll on everyone’s mental well-being. It gets quite lonely at home, and as a social butterfly, I yearn to be with others. Luckily, there are still ways I can talk with my friends from home! Here are some ways that you can, too: •

Create a messaging group chat with friends! Having a group chat allows you and your friends to be able to communicate as a group instead of a one-on-one conversation, which can get boring. Try to keep the group chat active, so your friends can get comfortable and know that they can always rely on that group to talk with them whenever they feel lonely. Send letters via mail to friends! Ask your friends for their addresses so you can send them mail. You can write to wish them well, tell funny jokes, whatever you please (nothing offensive, of course). You can also decorate them with stickers or add some arts and crafts in the envelope. Receiving letters from friends can be quite exciting! Play games with friends virtually! If you are a person who plays online often, maybe you’re already playing with friends! If you are not, do not worry. There are games you can play with your friends that you may already be familiar with, such as skribbl.io. Schedule a time all your friends are available to play with them! Schedule video calls with friends! I find video calls to be the second best way to be with people, the first being in-person. You can really talk to your friends and see them in real time, which I find to be really neat. I love seeing my friends smile and laugh along with me when we talk. Personally, this is my favorite way to stay in touch with friends this summer.

These are some ways everyone can keep in touch without jeopardizing the safety of yourself, your family, or your friends. Of course, nothing beats physical communication, which is why I wish that all of you continue having a safe summer and beyond, so we can stay healthy until we meet again in-person. Maybe we can even give each other hugs! :)))


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity Hello key-uties, I hope you are all doing well during this time! Although this may not be the 2020 summer we had all hoped for, there are still other ways to have fun and stay safe. There is a wide variety of things to do, from tie-dyeing shirts to making animal pillows, there is no limit to your imagination. Even though we can get lazy from time to time and choose to endlessly scroll on Instagram or TikTok, it is important to enjoy what is left of summer and get creative! Here are some good ideas on what you can do: 1.







Rearrange your room As boring and lame as this sounds, I’m pretty sure many people have felt the urge to move stuff around in their house ever since quarantine has been going on. Changing things up like repainting your room, throwing stuff out, and moving furniture around can allow you to achieve the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction with a better workspace to be in. Draw and paint There are so many ways to try and do these things, whether it’s through pencil, watercolor, pastel, oil paint, or even digital drawing, there are things lots of people can do to have fun. It doesn’t matter if you are an artist or not, everyone can enjoy it and create some really amazing things while doing so. Embroidery Even though it may seem boring and tricky at first, embroidery is one of the great things people can do if they want to stay focused, pass time quickly, and add some life to boring things. All that is needed is a needle, a couple of threads, and some fabric, people can do this on curtains, shirts, sweaters, and pretty much any other surface. Sculpting This is something people of all ages can enjoy anytime. Whether they have polymer clay or play dough, anyone can make little figurines of whatever they desire such as birds, bunnies, flowers, really anything they desire! These can be fun small gifts to make any time. Baking and cooking This may already be well known as many people have turned to make homemade banana bread, but this is a great way to explore ideas through food. Whether it is a simple cake from a store-bought box or complex pasta made from scratch, anyone can enjoy making and snacking on a yummy treat after. Playlist Music is something I think a lot of people can turn to when they just want to escape reality and enjoy the moments in life. Making playlists for oneself or other people could be a fun way to sort out and put feelings together. It’s also a great way to pass time or just feel like the main character. Gardening Whether you have a green thumb or not, anyone will mostly be guaranteed to have a good time outside with nature. Taking time to step outside to feel the wind and leaves can help a lot with getting your mind off of things especially during this time.

Although these were only a very small portion out of all the endless things, don't be shy to try new things and do anything that can get your creative juices going! Even though this isn’t how we hoped to spend our summer, we can look at the brighter side of things and do what we can. Be safe, wear your mask, make sure to social distance, and stay shining bees!!!


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising Ever since my seventh grade year in Whitney High School, I have heard the most amazing things about our Key Club. It held and still holds such a high reputation in our school. I knew that Key Club was something I would strive to be a part of in my high school years. What I did not know about, however, was that there was a similar program for middle schoolers like me at the time. Towards the end of eighth grade, I realized that our school also had Builders Club, which is a helpful stepping-stone for Key Club, Circle K, and the Kiwanis Program. Though I had missed out on that opportunity in middle school, I realized that it is never too late to join the Kiwanis community. During my freshman year, I started to find a family in Key Club. I attended my first Key Club event in the summer of eighth grade and realized that it was more than just a school club; it was a peek into a very large, international organization that aims to help children like me around the world. At my first event, I met students from D30S and D30N, both of which oversee about 20 different key clubs. That was when I knew I was getting into something that would present numerous opportunities for Key Clubbers like myself, who aim to help as many people as they can. My experience with community service has been a long one. I have been a girl scout for about six years, and it has always been important for our troop to help those in our community. When I realized that I could reach out to a wider group of people through Key Club, my interest was truly piqued. That was when I realized that I wanted to be a part of its legacy, so I decided to try out for the cabinet of Whitney’s Key Club. I was truly grateful when I was chosen to be a director of fundraising. Through this position, I have learned so much and have been able to improve my communication skills. Most importantly, I have truly found a second family, which continues to become stronger every day. Now there are many reasons why I would encourage other high schoolers to be a part of this program. For one, there are plenty of opportunities for you to build relationships outside of your circle. I remember signing up to volunteer at the OC Fair. I did not really know anyone, but all the Key Clubbers and non key clubbers volunteering were so kind. This was probably the first time I met someone from outside my circle. We had a splendid time getting to know each other. Though we do not still keep in touch, I was able to learn more from this Key Clubber and vice versa. They say that our experiences and the lessons we take away from others are what shape us. The friendship I built with this fellow key clubber is something that I will never forget, and it has motivated me to find similar friendships in the long run. One of the most important things for me as a Key Clubber is the feedback I receive from those I help. Many times, a mere thank you or a smile lightens up my day. I have truly learned a lot about the world and the different lenses people view the world. For example, I remember going to the senior center and helping some of the members there at Technior. The seniors there had so much wisdom to impart on me, and they were so appreciative of me helping them. From them, I learned how life should not be taken seriously and that sometimes, high schoolers like myself overthink almost everything. As cliche as it may sound, I did realize that life is not a race to the top but a journey. I hope that like these seniors, I, as a Key Clubber, will be able to share my experiences with others. For all the future Key Clubbers out there, I hope that you have the same and if not, better experiences than me.


Saadhvi Narayanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer I stared at the small 4 by 7 card left on my doorstep. Its pink cardstock paper caught my eye against the brown tiles that made the front step. Big bubbly letters surrounded in white text shouted “HOPE Breast Cancer Awareness”. I picked it up, turning back inside only to say “Dad, the truck is coming soon. We need to put out the clothes this time.”. When the truck did come, it was at 8 AM, when I was sweating over my history test at school and my parents at work. We never remembered the truck nor the clothes bag after that, or until the next time we noticed pink cardstock on our doorstep. There was not anything memorable about this experience. It was not our first donation, nor was it our most liberal one. This was the very issue. We do not remember. We do not know what we donated. We do not know who exactly we donated to. We do not know if what we donated will really make a difference. Christine King emphasizes these points in her article, “When Charities Aren’t So Charitable”. She raises the point that many charities are, in fact, scams. Of course there are charities that are scams in the way one may think. These “charities” dial a random list of phone numbers and present a rehearsed speech about their “charity” and ask for donations, when in reality it is a ploy to keep the money for themselves. Similarly, they may be websites, “mail-only” organizations, or etcetera. However, the scams she speaks of are hidden behind flyers and advertisements and are mostly evident through the charity’s numbers. There are two numbers that King stresses reveals a lot about the charity. One is how much a charity donates to its cause. Contrary to what we may think, the percentage is quite low, with some charities donating even less than 10% of their total profits. The second is how much money is put toward advertisement and publicity for their charity. For example, creating ads, sending letters, and making calls can all cost money. If the charity puts more money into “marketing” (so to say) than what they gain from it (to later donate to the charitable work), an issue is evident - the charitable work is not receiving as much as it could be. “Putting the two numbers side by side can reveal a charity’s efficiency…" writes King. If the first number is high and the second is low (along with perhaps high profits overall), we know that a charity is worthwhile to donate to because of the fact that much of the proceeds go toward the charitable cause. (King mentions in the article that is not always true because of the way mission statements are phrased and other reasons.)


Reading this article made me think back to the HOPE Breast Cancer Awareness truck. I did not know how much it was actually donating to its charitable cause. I did not know how much of my donation would even matter. This is not to say that I did not believe the organization was not fulfilling its mission; on the contrary, I fully believed they did. However, it made me doubt the decision to donate to that particular charity. I took King’s advice on choosing your charities carefully. In fact, I made a short list of my interpretation of her words on them as well: 1.

2. 3.

Two charities may have the same cause, but one might actually donate more than the other. Don't be afraid to say no to the one that donates less! (This does not mean it is a bad charity. It simply means that there may be other places to donate at which your donation counts more). Charities do have money! So, is your money going to make a difference in the total they have? Research your charity. What do they do? What do their two big numbers look like? (Check their IRS reports).

The last piece of advice she wrote (in my words) was as follows: 4.

You do not need to give to every charity.

As a charitable person, this last one shocked me. I have always donated to every charity I knew. However, King made me realize that it is good to give to the charities you feel strongly about. I did not really know at the time. While serving as the Treasurer for Key Club this term however, I know that the Pediatric Trauma Program, the Eliminate Project, March of Dimes, and Children’s Miracle Network top my list. Not only do they present admirable numbers, but they give what I wish to give to the world. And amid all the numbers, scams, and pink cardstock papers, that is what truly matters the most.



JULY recognition


1 st shining club of the month




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upcoming dates!

AUGUST DCM AUGUST 29TH | 3-4 PM | YouTube Live


CONTACT US social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com


Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mr. Yen Tseng yen.tseng@abcusd.us

thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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