What's the Latest Buzz? | June 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? VOLUME 5

june 2020


EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… 01 02 03 04 05 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 22 23 24



Hello and welcome to another edition of What’s the Latest Buzz! Happy end of first quarter! I hope everyone is doing great and spending time with the people you love. During this sensitive time, I hope you guys can shine bright, stay strong and fight for what you believe in. To those who have been vocal and shared your thoughts, thank you. There is beauty in educating yourself, even if you don’t share it publicly on social media. I hope you all take care of yourselves during this time and continue to find the motivation to serve. In this edition of What’s the Latest Buzz, I hope you guys can enjoy reading these articles created by the amazing officers of Whitney Key Club. I would also like to personally thank the Whitney Key Club cabinet and the Division 30 South Division Leadership Team for constantly working so hard during quarantine to keep our club and division active in quarantine. You guys hold a special place in my heart. <3 I hope we can continue to serve together no matter how far apart we may have to be. Stay safe, wear your masks, and stay 6-feet apart. SUN-cerely,

mich%e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Hello everyone, I understand that a lot of you may be overwhelmed with the transition to online settings, the presence of political and social movements, the burden of the pandemic, etc. Trust me I'm in the same situation as you all are, but I just wanted to come on here and give you all a friendly reminder that you are incredibly loved. Whitney Key Club still remains very active when it comes to its service hours and to me, a club with such passion and dedication is the motivating factor behind so many of my actions. Normally I write articles giving you guys a report of the month, but I thought that in these times a report wouldn't really help anyone and it would be much more heartfelt to receive a personal message. When I started this club 3 years ago I was a freshman, not shy, but definitely not present within the school. I stuck to my close group of friends and performed well in school, but beyond that, it was just me. I found a huge part of myself within this organization that I call my second home and it has given me so much foundation and so much experience that could never have been derived elsewhere. It has also given me a support system, a purpose, and the family which you are all a part of. I went to my first service event being close to only one person, Ayaan Ekram, who I still work very close with, and am amazing friends with, however through the years I have developed a strong relationship with a large amount of individuals inside Whitney and out. When I was younger, I went to a school where it wasn't really normal to put academics first, it wasn't normal to serve the community, and it definitely wasn't normal to be a female of my ethnicity striving to be more than the stereotypical prototype. I wasn’t normal. But in Key Club I found my niche, I found where I belong. Values and ideals that are very important to me, hold great importance in the eyes of others. Being selfless should be a natural-born trait, but unfortunately that is not the case. Overtime I have realized that, but I also realized that when you are part of an organization like Key Club you find others who make you believe in the good in people. It is all of you who have replenished that hope. In this term, if I fail at everything else, the one thing that I have set my heart up to do is make everyone feel accepted, and to make everyone feel like they have a sense of purpose. There is no greater feeling than knowing your worth and the power that you have to make change. These past couple of weeks have been very heavy to say the least, but you all have been the light at the end of my tunnel. Seeing the service that you all dedicate, your passions, and your willingness to overcome barriers is quite astonishing from any angle. So thank you Key Club. For everything.

maya +v-ez-h-mon ’20-’21 whitney kc president


a note from your LTG HI WHITNEY!! First of all I want to thank Michelle for letting me on here. And second of all I love all of you!! You probably already knew that because I’m always gushing about you guys during DCMs but I truly am thankful that you guys are part of Division 30 South. You guys remind me so much of my own home club, except I think you’re way cooler. It’s always a pleasure to work with the Whitney DLT officers, your club officers, and your president. Ever since I found out Maya had not one, but TWO houses, I knew that Whitney Key Club was in good hands. I hope you guys can still enjoy the virtual division events that we put up for you, even if they’re not as exciting as in-person ones. When we CAN have in-person events, I’ll be excitedly waiting to meet you all :>> Happy 1st Quarter!! PARTICIPATE IN THE DIVISION PTP BINGO!! AND SIGN UP FOR THE SUNS X NINJA PEN PALS!! AND GO TO JULY DCM!! Shinin’ With Service, Jennifer Vo

a note from your EAs What’s good Whitney?! With already a quarter What’s Poppin’ Whitney key Club! into the term, it’s crazy how this term has already As we enter a new quarter, I hope that you are been flying by so fast :(( Okay so I know that’s SUPER as excited as I am! If you don’t know me, my name is CHEESY, so I’ll get to the actual message: Christina Nguyen and I serve as one of your Executive Assistants from Oxford Academy. As all the execs If you don’t already know me, my name is have claimed, and I will too, Division 30 South would Daniel Boulom and I’m from Savanna Key Club! not be here today without whitney Key Club and I do Michelle forc- I mean ASKED me to write a special praise and admire all of the work that you guys do! note for her newsletter, which I gladly accepted! We all look forward to see what you guys have Each one of you, whether officer or member, are so planned and will achieve this term :)) I can’t wait to admirable and well GAHHH there’s just so much to meet or see you guys again in person! Nonetheless, love about your club. :’( You all make Division 30South don’t be afraid to reach out to me if you have any what it is, and I cannot give enough praise! I’m kinda questions or just want Jennifer blackmail LOLOL But shy lowkey and a bit awkward but when this until then, stay healthy and happy quarantine is over and this pandemic is serving! :)) gone, I’ll be eagerly waiting to meet and befriend you all! SUN-cerely Christina Nguyen P.S. if you’re reading this newsletter that D30S Exeutive Assistant means you’re SUPER COOL omg I wanna be friends with you please Also, please sign up for July DCM D M m e ! M y I n s t a g r a m i s and bring your friends too :DD And if @danboulom B) you read all the way to the end of this note, thank you for tolerating if Shinin’ With Service, it was cringey. Daniel Boulom D30S Executive Assistant 3











Ayaan Ekram | ’20-’21 Vice President On June 20th, officers from all over Region 3 attended the Officer Training Conference to learn how to serve their home clubs and Key Club in general. Officer Training Conference is an event in which Lieutenant Governors from all over Region 3 teach Key Club officers about their respective positions in Key Club and how to complete their tasks in the most effective manner. From teaching presidents how to serve their club all the way to reviewing the graphic standards a publicist in the club must follow, the workshops helped leaders gain the skills necessary to complete their responsibilities in Key Club. Officer Training Conference is truly one of the best events of the year as it gives Key Club officers the tools necessary to effectively serve their home clubs and complete their tasks assigned to their positions so they can make the best club for their general members to be in. This training conference also allowed for the Region to set forth expectations and responsibilities for different officers of Key Club to ensure that leaders are capable of serving in their position. The Officer Training Conference was also a way for our District to communicate event dates for the Cali-Nev-Ha District in order to ensure that officers were aware of all future Key Club events. This would allow officers to plan out the year accordingly for their respective home clubs. In addition, all officers were made aware of the service hours and fundraising goals for the term in order to work with their own clubs to contribute to the success of the District and Key Club International as a whole. Following the Officer Training Conference was June DCM. This DCM was a short DCM in which we reflected on past events and learned of upcoming division activities. Furthermore, Whitney Key Club was awarded as fifth shining club of the month as a recognition of the dedication and hard work of our members. Congratulations to all of Whitney High School Key Clubbers for this award as you have truly worked hard to serve the community, even while you are at home. After the announcements, we played a Kahoot game which simply tested our trivia knowledge of music as a fun way to end the DCM and the four hour training conference for officers. Although Officer Training Conference is only for officers, other training conferences take place throughout the year that are open to general members. These conferences allow people to learn about Key Club and different positions throughout the club. I encourage everyone to attend training conferences if they plan on applying for a cabinet or DLT position or simply want to learn more about Key Club. One of the best opportunities to attend training workshops is during District Convention at the end of the term as members are able to attend around eight different workshops and learn from leaders of the Cali-Nev-Ha District. It is a great opportunity and an amazing life experience.


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising Hey everyone!!! I hope you guys are enjoying your well deserved summer breaks right now! I just wanted to talk with you guys about the Officer Training Conference and DCM that happened this month since they were both lots of fun. It was my first time attending an Officer Training Conference and to be honest, I was really nervous and excited because I wasn’t really sure what to expect and how everything would play out. After going through both sessions that they offered, I came out with a lot of tips and advice that would help me work better in my position as a Director of Fundraising. Because of my position, I attended the Treasurer and Fundraising sessions that the LTGs had set up for us, and they were really informative and gave me many ideas for possible fundraising ideas that we could have this year even during quarantine or whatever type of hybrid year we have when school starts again. All of the people who presented at the conference were extremely helpful and kind when it came to answering questions and listing any ideas they had for us to use during our term. Even though we weren’t able to meet up in person and be able to learn from them physically, they still made sure to prepare very detailed presentations that went over everything that we would possibly need to know, which I was really grateful for. As someone who tends to get really shy and quiet around people I don’t know, I appreciated all of the LTG’s efforts to break the ice between all of the attendees and make the atmosphere as inclusive and comfortable as possible despite the online setting. This experience was not only a great learning one but a fun one as well. I was able to learn a lot more about my position and what I need to do in order to effectively get my job done to help better the club overall. After the conference was over, we went straight into the June DCM, which was also really fun and enjoyable. Even though I was still tired from waking up “early” (on weekends I don’t usually get up earlier than 11 but for the OTC I had to make sure I was checked in by 9:30), I was still able to have an amazing time at both the Officer Training and the DCM. During that time, we went over the old and new business as usual as well as officers and members of the month and shining clubs (which we got 5th for). I know that if we keep on working and do everything we can to serve during the service weeks we host, we will be able to get 1st shining club again so make sure to participate in everything you can!!! After going over all of the technical stuff, we ended up playing a Kahoot game where we had to guess different song titles based on small snippets of music that we listened to. The majority of the songs were from TikTok, so it was really interesting to see the skewed results of those who use TikTok and those who don’t. These two events were great learning and fun experiences that I would suggest for everyone to try and participate in. Since you need to be an actual officer in order to attend the OTC, you should try to apply for cabby this upcoming term and see what all the hype is about for yourself ;) For DCMs, I would suggest to always go because they not only give updates on whatever projects we’re working on at the time, but they allow you to meet and interact with people from different schools within our district even if it is online. I hope you guys are all having an amazing summer break even if you’re stuck at home and I can’t wait to (hopefully) see you all at school when it starts again!


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Ever since the quarantine started, we have sadly not been able to go to outside service events. To make up for that, we have had at-home service weeks each month! During these service weeks, we had had several exhilarating events where we were able to do lots of service to aid others during these tough times. However, it would be so amazing if more members could volunteer during these events. So here are three reasons why you should participate in the next service week! 1.

Something to do during this quarantine During this quarantine, there hasn’t been that much to do, and a lot of people have been bored at home. Most people have lots of free time since we can rarely go outside. Therefore, participating in service week would be a great way to pass your time. You will be able to have fun and do something interesting while doing service at the same time! Adding on service week is a week-long event, which means that there will be so many events for you all to participate in. There will be days where you will make cards, days where you will make graphics, days where you will exercise outside, and there are so many more opportunities for you all! Overall, our Key Club service weeks are such an amazing way for everyone to pass time since there are so many events you all can participate in! 2.

Give back to the community while staying at home With Key Club, you can still give back to the community while staying at home! During this quarantine, so many people, such as frontline workers and soldiers, have been helping us. They have been risking their lives just to help and aid all of us. Therefore, with service week, you can help us support them and make their days! During service week, we do so many events that help these frontline workers and our community, such as making cards, posting graphics online, and so much more. Although it isn’t the same as our past service events, these events can help so many people around us! As a result, participating in service week would be spectacular since you would be helping so many people across the globe. 3.

Every volunteer counts! Every volunteer who participates is significant since each one helps us aid different types of people. No matter how big or little the work is, each volunteer helps immensely. Each volunteer helps brighten so many people’s days with all of the events we do. From making beautiful cards to posting online graphics, each volunteer is able to help so many people in the community without even knowing it! Therefore, it would be marvelous if more members would volunteer during service week since you will be able to bring smiles to so many people. To conclude, every volunteer counts since each one makes a real difference in other people’s lives!


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

Key Club is the largest student-led, volunteering organization in the entire world and is welcome to anyone in high school! And here is why you should join: 1. Family While joining Key Club, you are met with a family you are traveling with for your years in high school. You have the opportunity to bond with many members and students from all grades. You build connections that provide many with much advice from upper graders. These relationships are built through our various events, meetings, and even bonding activities. Adding on, if one joins cabinet, all of the members create a tight bond and friendships that last. As one of the core values is inclusiveness, we strive to welcome everyone and leave no one behind! As for me, through volunteering at multiple events, I have had the opportunity to bond with many members, from our club and even other schools, that I now call a friend. 2. Opportunities While embarking on your Key Club journey, many doors will open into endless opportunities. These include volunteering at events ranging from helping those in need to helping host elementary school events, which all have an impact on people around us. It provides the possibility of investing back towards the community in a way no better. Aside from this, Key Club is a platform where many are able to meet and get to know new people at every event. This helps create bonds that will become everlasting. Ever since I was little, I have always strived towards volunteering and giving back. Since joining the club, it has blessed me with endless possibilities to do so. As a result, I encourage all of you to do the same. 3. Lessons All throughout your Key Club journey, you will be taught many lessons that will go a long way. These range anywhere from life lessons to leadership skills. During events, you hear many stories and learn many life lessons from the less fortunate and even older seniors. These prepare you for the near future and always prove beneficial. Adding on, you learn to become a leader. It teaches leadership in the community and how to stand up for what is right and to incorporate the core values of Key Club. Personally, I have learned the values of inclusiveness, character-building, leadership, and caring. Through your career in Key Club, you are sure to ride through a journey in which you will always look back upon. As a result, make sure to look out for a bright yellow sun during Club Rush to join Key Club!


Saadhvi Narayanan | ’20-’21 Treasurer

I remember asking those who I knew one day this question: “What is Pediatric Trauma?”. One looked at me oddly and walked away. The others simply said "I don’t know.”. It did not seem a concern to them, but it would be in the near future. What is pediatric trauma? Pediatric trauma, the leading cause of death in children and young infants, occurs when a child or infant experiences a severe injury. Depending on the injury, a child may be forced to endure mental and physical disabilities. After experiencing this children are said to only have a 25% chance of survival after experiencing trauma. Doctors fear to confront Pediatric Trauma, for it may not even be able to be cured. Within the past year, over 175,000 children have experienced pediatric trauma from injuries and over 9,000 were killed. This balances to the rate of 1 child taken for every hour. What is the problem? Recent graphs and studies show that the fight to stop pediatric trauma is poorly supported. Within just the United States, only 39 pediatric trauma hospitals exist. Adding to this, pediatric trauma research receives 18 cents from the federal government. This, once again, is small compared to the 17 dollars cancer research receives. Without the financial support, there is no way to provide the medical support needed for the young children to recover, such as scans, treatment, and more. How can you help? We may not be able to physically save lives in a hospital, but we can help aid in research by donating. Donating to organizations that support the Pediatric Trauma, such as the Pediatric Trauma Program, can assist the children. This money goes toward building hospitals and funding research. One can also prevent accidents by practicing general safety rules, such as wearing helmets during bike rides, walking on the crosswalks and keeping off the road, and even alerting others when their safety is jeopardized.


Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Just a couple weeks ago, school ended, and now all of the free time that we had previously has multiplied. When school was in session we would find excuses to stay in our rooms and “work," however now it's summer and we all must find ways to keep ourselves entertained. Even though many of us have gotten slightly lazy over quarantine it is important to keep your priorities in check. Bond with Family: Being stuck at home, though boring 75% of the time, has a couple of perks. Other than giving you enough time to binge watch all your favorite shows, you also have many opportunities to get closer with your family. There are a variety of things to do, even during quarantine. This can include movies nights, baking together, going on a picnic, taking a walk, backyard camping, or play games such as Charades, Monopoly, or Trivia. These are all perfect ways to get closer to each member of your family. Stay in Touch: I know personally, quarantine has separated me from a few of my friends but also brought me closer together with many. Though it’s more difficult to maintain close relationships when you can’t see people face to face or in person, there are still a variety of things you can do to keep in touch with the people that are important to you. There is a wide range of platforms that you can use to communicate with your friends such as FaceTime, instagram, Netflix party, Houseparty, and many more. Though there may not be much to talk about during these times, it's important to remind people that they matter to you and that you are there for them. Be Involved: Quarantine gives you time to do a lot, but there is nothing more important right now than staying involved whether it may be in your community or even in Key Club. Key Club still offers amazing ways to do community service even though we are in quarantine. This includes making masks, answering questions to donate food, or making cards to send to soldiers and first responders. Now that we have an abundance of time, there is no better time to take part in these activities. We want to continue making a difference, especially at times like this, and it is very important to continue to be an active member of your community.


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

I don’t know about you but my daily routines during quarantine have been so different than my usual routines. I've been sleeping at 6am and waking up at 3pm and just eating junk food, watching Netflix, and sleeping late. When school was still going on, I worked on my assignments and deadlines for other activities besides schoolwork and took so many naps. To be honest, I haven’t been that productive during the past week and a half since school ended. Since I’m going through this and improving myself I thought I should share how I’m choosing to do that. SLEEP SCHEDULE: I’ve been getting 9 hours of sleep but I don’t sleep until I see the sun come up which is usually at 6am when the whole house is already asleep and I want to change that. I think the first step I should take is waking up at a reasonable time before 11am and starting my day out early in the morning so I can make the most of it. Staying up late watching Netflix isn’t exactly how I wanted to spend summer and waking up at an earlier time to do more things before the sun sets is the next best thing since the corona virus is keeping us all inside. EXERCISE: I haven’t been doing anything involving fitness and exercise since summer started and I have been eating so much junk food during quarantine so I want to start going on walks around the neighborhood when I wake up in the morning and clear my head and get some fresh air at the same time. I’m going to try to do 10 minute yoga sessions each day and just try to relax. I also want to start changing what I eat and drink a lot more water. I want to try to drink a gallon of water each day for a week and see results. I will definitely refrain from eating too much junk food and start eating a healthy breakfast with fruits in the morning and eat dinner before 8. AT-HOME ACTIVITIES: All I’ve been doing really is binging a lot of shows on Netflix like Criminal Minds, Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy, and the Vampire Diaries. I finished all 3 seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender in a day and a half with almost no sleep hahaha. Besides watching Netflix, I’m going to start spending my days doing more activities since coronavirus isn't over and we should all still try to stay inside as much as possible. I’m going to work on bullet-journaling and painting more. I also want to build a blanket fort and have a movie night with my siblings. I want to try to do more baking at home and learn new recipes. I think an at-home spa day with my mom would be fun too. I especially want to start to redecorate my room and paint it. Lastly, I want to start a positivity jar where I write one thing that makes me happy each day and start to fill it up!


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary Moving into July, it’s already been a whopping 4 months since March 13th, the last in-person day of school before Google Classroom and Zoom calls took over, before the world shut down, and before social distancing was necessary and masks became an everyday essential. With everything that is going on around us and the uncertainty that the pandemic brings, adjusting to this “new normal” can often be stressful and even anxiety-inducing at times—this is exactly why self-care is crucial to maintaining a healthy mindset and keeping your mental health in check. However, self-care is not strictly limited to face masks and spa sessions; it can be as simple as monitoring your thoughts, or even concentrating on your breathing. Here are 5 ways to self-care during quarantine: 1.





Do things that you enjoy. Take time for yourself to engage in stress-lessening activities that YOU find joy and comfort in. Whether it’s creating art, listening to music, watching a movie, or talking to your friends (and everything in between), do whatever makes you happy. Relax, have fun, and engage in your favorite hobbies because you deserve it! Breathe. Literally, just breathe. Whenever you find yourself in distress, concentrate on your breaths and engage in deep breathing. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold the breath for 7 seconds, then exhale slowly for 8 seconds. Repeat the process until you feel better, as this will help calm you down and slow down your heartbeat. You can also find alternative breathing exercises online, in which you can sync your breaths to a moving visual! Move. Staring at a screen or sitting in a chair all day can take a toll on your well-being, so make sure that you take breaks every once in a while. Take your eyes off any bright screens and look at objects that are at least 20 feet away from you in order to rest your eyes. Get up, stretch, and walk around the house. If you want to go the extra mile, walk/run around your neighborhood or the local park (pun intended)! Sleep. Despite the urge to continue watching your favorite TV show or keep scrolling on your phone, you should still strive to get 8-10 hours of sleep per night (even though it’s summertime). If you want, take short naps when needed, or even meditate for a few minutes to ease your mind. Being well-rested will fuel your body to get through the day! Eat well. Along with sleep, nutrition is absolutely vital to being physically and mentally healthy. Make sure you drink lots of water each day and eat your fruits and veggies because what you eat significantly impacts your health, especially in the long run. Take care of your gut, and your gut will take care of you!

Remember that we are currently living in a global pandemic and movement, so it’s okay to feel anxious, overwhelmed, angry, or scared at times. Your feelings are completely valid, and you are allowed to feel however you feel. Be kind to yourselves, practice self-care, and stay safe, Whitney Key Club! <3


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

With quarantine happening, many of our events have been moved online. This isn’t limited to Key Club, but school and other extracurriculars that others might be involved in. It is definitely a new thing to us all, and a shift many of us might not have been prepared for. When school closed, we all had to adjust to doing our work at home and learning at home. I’ll be honest: for me, I thought it was great. I was able to do my work in the beginning of the week and it felt like we had less work than before. Not only that, but being able to sleep in longer in the morning was a huge plus. Of course, these things vary among different people and depend on the teacher. However, I know that this pleasurable experience I had was not shared with everyone. Others may have had more trouble not learning in person, more prone to procrastination, and many other personal factors. Starting the 2020-2021 Key Club term being stuck at home was difficult to say the least. Many events were cancelled: both the division and our home club banquets, DCON, regular outside service events, and our monthly DCMs. It seemed like we were extremely limited and it would be a rough start. However, we were able to persevere through it. We held our own service weeks with events that Key Clubbers were able to do at home, watched DCMs through Zoom/Youtube, and all the information that needed to be shared was spread. In fact, we just had our June service week, which was the third one we’ve had during this quarantine. The inspiration for this article actually comes from a recent event that happened: our Officer Training Conference. This event was well planned out and went really smoothly. The advantages of the technology we had helped run this conference over Zoom. There were multiple breakout sessions with workshops that allowed us to learn new things that may be helpful to us during our time as officers. I was really impressed with the cleanliness throughout the meeting despite the online circumstances. That’s enough time of me simply talking about my experience; I wanted to share some things about how I got through all of these online occasions. Though we are not in school currently, we may be doing the same virtual learning when we go back in the fall. When this happens, I encourage you to take advantage of all the resources that you are given from your teachers. This is something that I started doing from the beginning, and it really helped me throughout. Because we can’t see our teachers in person, sometimes we don’t know if there’s more content we should know, or if we're learning “too much”. This might sound silly, but I know I wasn’t the only one who was thinking this when tests were coming up. So take the initiative to check Google Classroom, absorb all the information given, and don’t be afraid to email your teacher! Online learning is new to them too, and I’m sure they’d love to communicate to help our learning go smoother. I didn’t forget Key Club! When it comes to Key Club, there are many events that are happening but sometimes can only be known about through social media or our emails. Because of this, it is crucial to be on it when checking for new service opportunities or events. I’m sure you don’t want to miss out when something is happening! With that being said, keep serving the community from home until we can all see each other again in person.


Anastasia Estrella | ’20-’21 Spirit Coordinator

What’s poppin’ Whitney! School’s out and because we’re still in Quarantine you might find yourself having more free time than usual. If you have already participated in Whitney and/or Division service projects and you still got nothing to do during your summer break? Well grab your friends, start up a zoom call and enjoy playing these icebreakers us Spirit Coordinators came up with! For Small Groups Got a smaller friend group don’t worry here are some fun games you can play over Zoom for groups ranging from up to 10 people 1. Personal Kahoot 1. Have one friend create a Kahoot asking for every player to submit 3 truths and 1 lie. Then each player gets to guess the lies of one another until every lie is guessed for each player. This game is a fun one to get to know each other better and can guarantee laughter. The spirit coordinators found a personal Kahoot a success with our previous DLT meeting! 2. “Guess that” Kahoot 1. Kahoots are so much fun while playing with a smaller group, through the variations of Kahoots you can play, Kahoot games can be personal and bring friendships closer together. An icebreaker planned by the Spirit Coordinators that we intend to utilize in the future is a “Guess that” Kahoot. The options are limitless with this Kahoot. For a more humorous Kahoot you and your friends could play a “Guess those lips” Kahoot or a “Guess those toes” Kahoot. To get one another better you could do a “Guess each other’s favorite song” Kahoot. A “Guess that song” Kahoot was previously planned for the June DCM by Spirit Coordinator Nathan Mai but to make the Kahoot more personal you could add a twist. For Bigger Groups Got a massive friend group but no one can decide what games to play don’t worry these previously used ice breakers have been a huge success with big crowds! 1. Soulmate 1. On a zoom call make sure everyone turns their camera on! One participant will be “looking” for their soulmate and one participant will be conducting the search. The one conducting the search will constantly name two items the soulmate searcher then chooses which item they prefer and those who disagree will turn off their camera. The game ends when one last person has their camera on and is deemed a “soulmate”. During Whitney’s general meeting an altered version of soulmate was played and was extremely fun. 2. Love Box 1. A huge hit from Officer Training Conference this past weekend Love Box is a game in which one participant creates an anonymous google form in which the recipients are able to send anonymous love notes or just anonymous notes in general. Remember to stay safekey! The possibilities for games over Zoom are limitless! If you ever find yourself really enjoying an ice breaker you played during a general meeting or DCM don’t be afraid to play them with your friends and family. Ice breakers do seem very intimidating at first and it is normal to be shy when you first start to play ice breakers but remember the whole point of icebreakers is to have fun. We the Spirit Coordinators create and use ice breakers to bring everyone together and to have fun so the next time you hear that it is time for an ice breaker be active, play, and have fun!


Ethan Hong| ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations

Hello bees! Can you believe it’s summer already? I certainly can not fathom how long it has been since I’ve seen all of you. Summer has just started, but I am already so excited to see you all in person for the upcoming school year! With that being said, I hope that all of you stay healthy and safe during this summer, especially with coronavirus still looming over us. If we want to come back this fall, we need to do our part and help stop the spread. Here are some tips to stay safe: 1.

Wash your hands! Remember to scrub for 20 seconds with soap, between fingers and under fingernails, too. This small act can do so much when it comes to spreading germs on surfaces or becoming infected by touching your face. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. This can eliminate coronavirus, but note that soap and water is the best way to clean your hands!

2.Wear a mask! COVID-19 is a respiratory disease; it easily spreads through the air and is spread by respiratory particulates. Wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth can make an extreme difference. You should wear a mask whether you are infected or healthy, as the fabric will help stop coronavirus from coming in and coming out.


1. 2. 3.

Social distance! To prevent the spread, stay 6 feet (2 meters) apart from others. This marks how far most particles possibly containing coronavirus travel. In addition, standing farther than 6 feet gives an even smaller chance of contracting the virus. The safest you can be is away from possible coronavirus carriers. In addition to social distancing, try to stay home, which is likely safer than outside.

These small tips may keep you healthy and safe until a vaccine is approved, which then you will be able to live COVID-19 free! Remember, though, that social distancing does not mean breaking contact with others. Although we are physically distant, we should still socialize with each other. Communication is important to remind ourselves we are here for each other and we are in this together. I hope we can physically be together when the school year starts and I hope to see you all very soon!


Anika Kasula| ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising The pandemic has likely helped a lot of people catch up on sleep, so chances are that breakfast has not been a part of their daily routines. However, it is imperative that we remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Thus, to motivate each and every one of us to wake up before it is time for us to eat lunch, we should try different breakfast recipes. Here is one that I recently tried out and loved: This recipe has its fair share of proteins, carbs, and amino acids. It comprises French Toast, Greek Potatoes, and Fruit Juice. French Toast • Ingredients: 2 Eggs ◦ 2 Slices of Bread ◦ 1 tsp. Garlic Salt (alt. Table Salt) ◦ 1/2 tsp. Pepper ◦ 1/2 tsp. Cinnamon ◦ 1/2 tsp. Chilli Powder (optional) ◦ Vegetable Oil ◦ • Preparation: 1. Beat the eggs in a bowl. 2. Add garlic salt, pepper, cinnamon, and chilli powder to the eggs. 3. Whisk the mixture for about a minute. 4. Put some vegetable oil on a pan. 5. Place a slice of bread on the oiled pan on low heat. 6. Heat the bread for 10 seconds on each side. 7. Soak the bread in the beaten eggs for about 10 seconds. 8. Place the soaked bread on the pan on medium heat. 9. Keep flipping until both sides are a golden brown. 10. Repeat with the second slice of bread, • Serve: Cut each slice of french toast into two triangles and serve with either maple ◦ syrup or ketchup. Greek Potatoes • Ingredients: 2 potatoes ◦ 2 tbsp. of Garlic Cloves ◦ 1 tsp of salt ◦ 1/2 tsp of pepper ◦ 1/2 tsp of oregano ◦ 1 tbsp of oil ◦


 Wash and then cut the potatoes into cubes (do not peel off the skin!). ◦ Wash the diced potatoes ◦ Place the potatoes in a ziploc bag. ◦ Add the oil, garlic cloves, salt, pepper, and oregano. ◦ Shake the contents of the bag until thoroughly mixed. ◦ Preheat your oven to 350°F. ◦ Place the seasoned potatoes on a baking tray and bake for 40 minutes. ◦

Fruit Juice • Ingredients: 1 Slice of Watermelon ◦ 1 Orange ◦ 1 Apple ◦ 7 Grapes ◦ Preparation: • 1. Cut the slice of watermelon into cubes. 2. Peel the orange. 3. Cut the apple into slices. 4. Blend the watermelon cubes, peeled orange, apple slices, and grapes with five ice cubes for two minutes. 5. Serve! This meal is extremely delicious and is a great breakfast to enjoy with your family! Therefore, next time you plan on sleeping in, think of the amazing food you’re missing out on.


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Hello Key Clubbers! As we are finally reaching summer during quarantine, there is now even more time left for us to try new things at home. As everyone had begun their baking spree, here’s one more simple recipe to add to the tobake list featuring crepes!!! Ingredients: • ¼ teaspoon salt • ½ cup of milk • ½ cup of water • 1 cup all-purpose flour • 2 eggs • 2 tablespoons butter, melted Steps: 1. First, you want to get a large mixing bowl and pour the flour end eggs. As you whisk those first, then you start to gradually add the milk and water. Continue stirring until the ingredients so far are combined. After that, then add in the salt and butter and continue mixing until everything is smooth. 2. Put some oil on a frying pan and heat it a little over medium-high. Then our some ¼ of the crepe mix onto the pan and tilt it circular motions so that the batter spreads evenly on the surface. 3. Allow the mix to sit for about 2 minutes until the bottom becomes a light brown. With a spatula loosen the bottom and flip it on the other side and allow it to cook. After it is cooked from both sides, you can then take it out with a spatula and fold it into a smaller triangle. Quarantine has given everybody a chance to try and discover more about themselves, baking is just one of the many ways people have stayed creative. Don’t be scared to step out of your box and take a leap of faith in unexplored places, have fun bees!


service week highlights message monday

salute fathers sunday


truthful tuesday window wednesday support a nurse saturday

food friday

tree planting thursday


JUNE recognition


5th shining club of the month

Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates! z

JULY DCM JULY 25TH | 3-4 PM | YouTube Live/ Google Groups



CONTACT US social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com


Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mr. Yen Tseng yen.tseng@abcusd.us

thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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