Ethan Hong| ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis and Member Relations
Hello bees! Can you believe it’s summer already? I certainly can not fathom how long it has been since I’ve seen all of you. Summer has just started, but I am already so excited to see you all in person for the upcoming school year! With that being said, I hope that all of you stay healthy and safe during this summer, especially with coronavirus still looming over us. If we want to come back this fall, we need to do our part and help stop the spread. Here are some tips to stay safe: 1.
Wash your hands! Remember to scrub for 20 seconds with soap, between fingers and under fingernails, too. This small act can do so much when it comes to spreading germs on surfaces or becoming infected by touching your face. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol. This can eliminate coronavirus, but note that soap and water is the best way to clean your hands!
2.Wear a mask! COVID-19 is a respiratory disease; it easily spreads through the air and is spread by respiratory particulates. Wearing a mask covering the nose and mouth can make an extreme difference. You should wear a mask whether you are infected or healthy, as the fabric will help stop coronavirus from coming in and coming out.