What's the Latest Buzz? | November 2020

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What’s the Latest Buzz? VOLUME 5

november 2020


EDITOR’S NOTE in this issue… november

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WHAT’S POPPIN’ WHITNEY!! HAPPY DECEMBER!! I’m so happy for the upcoming holiday season and I hope you guys are too! As always thank you for reading my newsletters, it means a lot to me :’) This issue includes a new fundraising section specially made for you guys to be up to date with every fundraising opportunity. The upcoming months will have many opportunities for you to serve your community at home, from service projects to socials to fundraisers. I hope you all participate and give back especially during the holidays. We served a total of 904 hours this month, and there are many more opportunities this month! Be sure to look out for the emails from our Directors of Activities for more service opportunities, and also sign up for Lock-In! Thank you for reading this message and enjoy the rest of the newsletter! As always I have to give a big shoutout to our lovely cabinet members who always take the time to make such amazing articles. Be sure to look forward to my next newsletter in a month! SUN-cerely,

mich%e kim

’20-’21 bulletin editor


Want to be featured in my next newsletter? Email me a Key Clubrelated article to michellemkim6@gmail.com!


Hey Buzzin Bees, As you know Key Club's Annual Operation Christmas is HERE! This year, things are going to be a little bit different but nonetheless I know that Whitney Key Club will do its very best to provide families with what they truly deserve throughout the holiday season. What is Operation Christmas? In simple terms it is a partnership with the Salvation Army, where Whitney is assigned certain families to “adopt”. Once we adopt these families, it is our responsibility to provide them with food, gifts, and monetary donations. How is it going to work this year? Instead of Key Club representatives going to each of the homerooms to collect monetary donations, all clubs will be coming together to raise funds with fun and engaging club activities. What ways can I help fundraise? There are so many ways that you can play an active role in helping these families this season. 1. Whitney Key Club has its 7 Leaves Fundraiser the ENTIRE THANKSGIVING BREAK, and you can go one day, or the entire week! 2. You may send donations to Maya through Venmo to @Maya-Alvarez-Harmon and make sure to note in the Memo Section that your donation is for Operation Christmas! 3. You can continue to support Maya’s Makes! 1. For the Holiday Season I will be making digital portraits as well as continue to sell stickers. Half of the proceeds will be donated to the Pediatric Trauma Program meanwhile the other half will go to Operation Christmas. Your money will go to two great causes at once, AND you may give the gifts of stickers, digital prints, or even wallpapers to your friends, family, or your teachers! Teacher grams are now for sale as well! 4. You can also play an active role by asking family members to donate to Operation Christmas. Even by asking 3 or 4 people you would have greatly helped raise money for our Adopted Families! As you can see, Operation Christmas is a long held tradition at Whitney High School and there are so many ways that you can help raise money. Give the gift of a joyous Christmas to those who need it the most! I know we can do it! I miss you all and can't wait to see what we can do as a Club!

maya +v-ez-h-mon

’20-’21 whitney kc president





Got some candid shots of you serving your community? Send them to michellemkim6@gmail.com to be featured in my newsletter! 3














Enter our Raising Cane’s Gift Basket Giveaway! With gift certificates, coupons, a lunch bag, and a cute stuffedanimal dog, this gift basket is definitely worth it! You can enter the giveaway with just a $3 donation (per entry). All proceeds will go to the Pediatric Trauma Program! WHEN: November 1st - December DONATION: Save lives and Venmo the $3 donation @Maya Alvarez-Harmon.


Missing Boba afterschool? Come out to our 7 Leaves Fundraiser, which is every day from November 22 December 7. Buy your favorite drinks and help children in need! All proceeds go to the Pediatric Trauma Program! WHEN: November 22 - December 7 WHERE: 7 Leaves on 12154 Artesia Blvd, Artesia, CA HOW: Go into the store or use the drive thru to place your order. Don’t forget to show them the flyer when you place your order!


Whitney Key Club will be having a fundraiser at Rubio’s on December 19th! Come out to contribute to the Pediatric Trauma Program! WHEN: December 19th, 11 AM - 5 PM WHERE: 12751 Towne Center Drive Cerritos, CA HOW: Order online at rubios.com and enter promo code “RubiosDonates” or go in store and show them the flyer!



Get ready for one of Whitney Key Club’s biggest service projects of the year: Lock-In 2020! In the 10th annual Lock-In, volunteers are “locked in” for 12 
 hours to participate in various service activities. Some of the service projects we have planned for you include making dog and cat toys, making sun plushies, creating origami, and more! This is a great way to rack up 12 whole service hours, bond with Key Clubbers through NEW games and icebreakers, and most importantly, help the community! WHEN: Wednesday, December 30th, 2020 from 6AM to 6PM WHERE: On Zoom From YOUR HOME! ADDITIONAL INFO: there is a $20 donation fee that needs to be paid through the webstore (CLICK HERE!) before December 18th

NOTES: Some of the service activities require materials not commonly found at home. We will be providing you with the materials for these activities (more details sent after you have signed up). RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/lockinsignups

MAYA’S MAKES Our President, Maya Alvarez-Harmon has started selling custom-made stickers to contribute to the Pediatric Trauma. A wide range of quality stickers are available so you can show off your Key Club Spirit and Among Us gaming skills all while paying a tribute to Kobe Bryant. Check out @mayasmakes on Instagram for more designs and to order your stickers today!

PREFERED CHARITIES & DRIVES SPOTLIGHT This month’s preferred charity/drive is the PEDIATRIC TRAUMA PROGRAM! I am sure that you all have heard of the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), but what is it? Here are a quick couple facts for you to quickly understand why YOU should contribute to PTP! • • • •

Pediatric trauma occurs when a child or infant experiences a severe injury. The result of the injury places the child into a state of pediatric trauma which, depending on the injury, can change the mental and physical abilities of the child forever. Within just the United States, only 39 pediatric trauma hospitals exist. Pediatric trauma research also receives ONLY 18 cents monthly from the federal government. The Pediatric Trauma Program, founded by the Kiwanis of the Cali-Nev-Ha District supports local hospitals and programs fighting against pediatric trauma and helps fund research for it. YOU can contribute by participating in any Key Club fundraisers designated to PTP.




As you may know, Whitney Key Club partners with the Salvation Army each year to hold our annual Operation Christmas to support families through the winter season. Many of these families do not have money and food to support their families through the winter months. The stress these families face is even greater due to the unprecedented times of the pandemic. This is where Whitney steps in. Until December 8th, Key Club will be collecting donations of money and food to provide these families with food and gifts during the holiday season. We encourage you to, please, donate what you can and ask everyone you know, whether it be family or friends, to donate as well. LINK TO CANNED FOOD LIST

How do I donate?

Collect canned food or other supplies listed on the flyer, then drop them off at the school office. Drop money off at the school office. If this is not possible for you, contact anyone on Key Club cabinet so we can work something out because every dollar counts.

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OPERATION CHRISTMAS - THE MONEY This month, we have a special drive - OPERATION CHRISTMAS! Operation Christmas is a partnership between the Salvation Army and Whitney Key Club, wherein Key Club raises money and collects non-perishable food to donate to low income families. These families are especially facing hardships during COVID-19, and thus it is our duty to assist them as much as possible.

Where does the money go? The money is used to buy gifts that the families request, such as clothing, kitchen appliances, and more. Any remaining money from the gifts is given in the form of a gift card to the families. The Salvation Army will receive the gifts we purchase and distribute it to the families we sponsor.

How can you help out? 1. 2. 3.


Venmo a donation of any amount to @Maya Alvarez-Harmon. Make sure to leave a note that you are donating to Operation Christmas! On November 30th, drop off your donation and non-perishable food to Whitney’s front office! Several of Whitney’s clubs will be hosting fundraisers in the next couple of weeks to raise money for Operation Christmas! You can participate in a variety of those fundraisers! - SAADHVI NARAYANAN - ’20-’21 TREASURER


Jerrick Wu | ’20-’21 Director of Activities Technology has grown to become a huge part of our daily lives. Whether it is contacting others, typing an essay, or even researching, technology has become the main source we are turning to. Especially during this pandemic, one of the things we refer back to the most is our technology. We use it every day for school, contacting friends, and even scrolling through social media. However, many are struggling to keep up with the fast-paced growing technology or even simply calling their loved ones. As a result, Technior, an event striving to help local seniors citizens with their technology, has decided to start hosting virtual classes. Through this, volunteers can continue assisting seniors with the technical problems they are experiencing in this digital age even during the pandemic. They are often stuck at home with their devices, lacking the ability to use them to their full potential. As a result, as volunteers, we can not only assist them with problems that they have but teach them neat tricks that they can use to make their lives easier. As for me, I have been volunteering at Technior ever since 7th grade, and it is the best experience yet. Not only do you feel the joy of helping people out, but you are also able to chat with them and learn lessons you will never forget. All the seniors are very sweet and you get to build an unforgettable bond. As a result, I strongly suggest that each and every one of you give it a shot and volunteer at some classes. These are all virtual classes held through Zoom and will take place every Tuesday starting December 1st, from 2 - 3 PM. Make sure to check out our recent emails for more information regarding how to sign up and the meeting link. There is a limit for volunteers so make sure to sign up quickly to guarantee a spot! See you soon and happy volunteering!


Eileen Rodriguez | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity During the month of November, Division 30 South held their monthly Division Council Meeting. DCMs are where our division, consisting of Whitney High School and 12 schools nearby us, come together to get key club updates, such as fundraising and upcoming events, and to see other members get recognized for all the effort they've put into Key Club. For the month of November, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, the DCM was known as Division 30 South’s Keys-Giving. The November DCM took place from 3:30-4:30 on the 21st. It began with our pledges and then continued on to talk about fundraising and all that different schools are doing to raise money and awareness for PTP. The Pediatric Trauma Program is one of our division’s main charity focuses and is based on helping children overcome trauma. We then talked about upcoming events and continued on to recognition. This month, Key Club was awarded Second Shining Club of the Month! By 4:00, all the updates and recognition had been completed and we had started a service activity. For this DCM’s service activity, we wrote letters of love to seniors. Personally, I decided to give my letter a hint of Thanksgiving spirit and talked about all there is to be grateful for in the world. As our division was busy making our letters, we listened to music and enjoyed the presence of other dedicated Key Club members. This DCM was only an hour long but we all got a lot done and not only got updates and spent time with D30S but we also got the opportunity to do a service activity. If you did not have a chance to experience this year’s Keysgiving be sure to come out for our division’s December DCM!


Ethan Hong| ’20-’21 Director of Kiwanis/Member Relations Hi Whitney! I hope everyone has had a nice November and a safe Thanksgiving. I also hope all the seniors are still standing after an important month for college applications! There were many things to reflect on last month and many things to be thankful for. I, for one, am very thankful to all who attended November DCM! The theme of this division council meeting was “Keysgiving at Home,” where members were able to join a virtual meeting and see other members from Division 30 South. We had a nice meeting and talked about past and future events, including upcoming fundraisers to support the Pediatric Trauma Program! After that, one of our Division Spirit Coordinators, Nathan Mai, led a riddle activity, where members entered in the chat the answers to riddles given by Nathan. This activity was fun and interactive, and I enjoyed it very much! The last part of the DCM was a service activity where members could write cards to different individuals. As one of your Division Service Project Coordinators, I helped to explain the activity and how to record your hours for your secretary to mark. This event was unique as there were two different places you could send cards to! The first option was an event called “Letters of Love,” where members could write a letter to an elder who might be lonely this holiday season. The second event was writing Thanksgiving Cards to special-needs individuals. Both of these events were called upon so not only do members have the opportunity to write to either or, but both groups of people will have some Thanksgiving cheer this month. This concluded the DCM, and it was quite memorable! The next Division Council Meeting is planned to be on December 19, 2020, so be sure to look out for an email and RSVP to attend. DCM’s are lots of fun and you would not want to miss out; I hope to see you then!


Ayaan Ekram| ’20-’21 Vice President

On November 28th, Whitney Key Club held our annual Kiwanisgiving to spend some time serving the community with our amazing Kiwanis club. If you didn’t know, Key Club International is a part of the Kiwanis International organization and is actually the largest and oldest student-led service club for high school students. Each year, Whitney Key Club and John F. Kennedy Key Club joined together to spend the day with our sponsoring Kiwanis Club, the Kiwanis Club of La Palma. This year, we were joined by members of Circle K, the college branch of the Kiwanis organization, to spend the day getting to know people from all parts of our Kiwanis family. The Kiwanisgiving was a little different this year due to the pandemic. Usually, we would have food, do a few service projects, and spend time getting to meet the different members of the Kiwanis Club of La Palma. This year, sadly, we had to celebrate through Zoom. Nevertheless, we still had a lot of fun. Throughout the event, members were put into breakout rooms where they spent time getting to talk to one another while also coloring artwork for the Color A Smile Organization. Members were able to bond with one another and learn more about the Kiwanis Organization and Circle K from members in those clubs. At the same time, members were able to serve the community by spreading joy through the pages they colored that would be sent to troops overseas, senior citizens, and more. The project was a lot of fun and allowed for Key Clubbers to get the opportunity to get to know more about Kiwanis International through conversations with other branches of the organization. Overall, Kiwanisgiving was extremely fun. Although we could not attend in person, it was truly one of the most enjoyable experiences of the year. My personal favorite aspect was getting to know about Circle K and meeting college students as it showed me that Key Club and service is not limited to high school. If you get the opportunity again, I urge you to attend events like Kiwanisgiving as the Kiwanis family is huge and you are certain to make new friends at every event.


Ayush Shah | ’20-’21 Director of Activities

What’s poppin Whitney Key Club? Another month has gone by in a flash, and there were so many opportunities for you all to participate in this past month. We have had our first general meeting of the year, our November DCM, a variety of fundraisers, and so much more! However, we know a lot of stress can come with all of these unique events, so we decided to have our own game night to help you all relax and have fun before our Thanksgiving break started! On November 20th, from 3-5 P.M., Whitney Key Club held their own game night, which went out very smoothly and successfully. These 2 hours were filled with so much fun and exhilaration due to the fact we had a variety of games to play, with some of them including Among Us, Spyfall, a scavenger hunt! We were also getting ready for the holiday spirit by listening to Christmas music. Plus, everyone was having fun and interacting with each other. From talking about what everyone is doing over Thanksgiving break to arguing about what colors are assigned with each subject, there were several topics everyone was discussing, which made the event a lot more enjoyable. Continuing on, there weren’t too many technical difficulties throughout the game night. Although moving people to breakout rooms was a hassle, our treasurer, Saadhvi Narayanan, did a spectacular job of making sure everyone was in their proper room. As well as this, all of these proceeds from this game night fundraiser will continue to go to PTP, also known as the Pediatric Trauma Program. PTP is one of Key Club’s most important preferred charities since, with our donations, we are able to reduce the number of children who are killed or injured by trauma. With all of your help, out of our whole division, we were able to raise the most money for PTP so far. Therefore, I want to thank each and every person in our club since, without you, we wouldn’t be able to raise money for this wonderful cause. All in all, this game night was truly remarkable since all of our members who came were able to relax and have fun with their friends to start off their Thanksgiving break, as well as help an important cause! Also, if you weren’t able to make it to this event, don’t worry! We will have several upcoming fundraisers you all can participate in, so make sure to keep checking your emails! I hope to see you all at future events and fundraisers, and I hope you all continue to stay safe and healthy!


Alanna Chan | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor

Your ultimate holiday survival guide is here, and it’s here to unlock all of the things you need for an amazing one! We all know the feeling when the October/November/December months roll around, and usually it’s filled with lots of excitement. However, with that comes busy schedules, chaos, and on top of that, it’s hard to see our loved ones because of the current state we are living in! So to help with all of the thoughts that may be bouncing in your head, here’s some ideas for you and things to do! Let’s start off with Key Club: Socials among clubs/division events! This is a great way to meet new people from schools near • us and can keep up the cheerful spirits with people who also want to have lots of fun! Support fundraisers! • Operation Christmas! (One of our club’s major events during this time of the year, ◦ donating necessities to those in need!) Food Fundraisers! (You have to eat at some point, so you might as well do so while ◦ helping support PTP! There’s been quite a variety that have been happening.) Lock-in! An event that happens annually, this year virtually, where we can all participate in • numerous service events and make great memories doing it. Save the date for December 30th! For all of these events, it’s important to stay informed (through emails, our Instagram/Facebook handles, checking our website) to know that they’re happening! With your friends/loved ones you may not be able to see: Host a “Friendsgiving”/”Friendsmas” on Facetime, Google Meets, Zoom, etc. • Play online games! (Among us, Trivia Kahoots, Skribbl.io) ◦ Have a presentation night! This idea has been trending lately, and it can spark some ◦ humor among you all! (your friend group as Disney Princesses, why certain colors belong with certain school subjects, etc.) Netflix Party! If you and your friends all have Netflix, Netflix Party is a Chrome extension that allows • all of you to watch the same movie/TV series easily. Simply check in with them/thank them for all that they do! They’ll appreciate it, trust me. And • after all, it is the season of “thanks” (though you should do it all year)! With your family: Game/movie night! Bust out those board games, run a movie marathon, and overall just bond • with your family members! It’s a great way to have fun with them by laughing, getting competitive, and just spending time together. Get some fresh air together/go for walks! Of course we have to go outside sometimes; it’s part of • our nature. What better way to do it than with some company? Decorate a Christmas tree! Just because things might not feel so “jolly”, doesn’t mean you can’t • make it that way! Decorate your house with Christmas decor, and maybe even a tree! I’m sure there must be some ornaments and stockings somewhere. You can even make your own decorations! Paper snowflakes, ornaments made of family ◦ memoirs/glitter, popcorn garlands, and more! Bake/cook together! During the holiday season, baking is pretty popular because of all the • delicious seasonal foods! Pumpkin spice, candy cane/peppermint, gingerbread cookies, yum! It’ll be loads of fun to create something together, especially something you can all eat after! With all of that being said, keep up the holiday spirit! Just because we’re in quarantine doesn’t mean we can do the things we usually do but safely. Spread cheer and the holiday spirit as you encounter new adventures every day! Use this key to prepare yourself for the holidays!


Emily Thang | ’20-’21 Secretary

Finally, it’s the most wonderful time of the year: the holiday season! With festive lights, family celebrations and feasts, and presents galore, Christmastime brings along joy, love, and hope each year. Not to mention, gift giving is always in full swing, whether it be to your friends, family, or even strangers who need it the most. Help spread the holiday cheer and be a selfless friend for all as you channel your inner Santa Claus. Here are 5 ways YOU can get into the holiday spirit this year—Key Club style: 1.





Give back through Operation Christmas! This year, Key Club’s annual Operation Christmas Drive will be taking place virtually, in which we will be collecting monetary and non-perishable food donations to sponsor families in need. Any and all donations, no matter how small, are greatly appreciated, especially during this pandemic. Look out for more information regarding how to make monetary donations and food contributions to Operation Christmas! Participate in Lock-In. Each year, Whitney Key Club hosts a 12-hour-long service extravaganza in which members engage in service projects, bonding, fun games with friends, and more! Lock-In is one of Key Club’s most memorable events of the year, and this year, it will be taking place on December 30th from 6 AM-6 PM over Zoom. Sign-ups are out right now, so be sure to RSVP! Bake some goodies. Cookies? Cakes? Pies? Brownies? Yes please! Have fun whipping up recipes and satisfy your sweet tooth with your favorite holiday baked goods. Decorate your baked treasurers with red and green frosting, chocolate, peppermint, sprinkles, or whatever you want; the possibilities are endless! I mean, c’mon—who doesn’t like food? Watch Christmas-themed or classic holiday movies. What’s Christmas without some good ‘ol films? Snuggle up on your couch and grab some snacks while you enjoy iconic rom-coms, animations, or family holiday movies that remind you of snow, warm fireplaces, and good feelings. Create a Christmas playlist, filled with your favorite holiday songs, and jam out whenever you want to get yourself into the Christmas mood. Here are a few of my personal favorites: All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (of course!) • It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas - Michael Buble • Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande • Last Christmas - Wham! • That’s Christmas to Me - Pentatonix • Snowman - Sia • Mistletoe - Justin Bieber • It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Andy Williams • Underneath the Tree - Kelly Clarkson • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas - Sam Smith • Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree - Brenda Lee •

Happy holidays, Whitney Key Club! We hope you can join us in spreading the holiday cheer through Operation Christmas and Lock-In. Be sure to stay safe as you spend quality time with your family, and remember to look out for each other. Sending lots of love and joy your way! ♡


Anika Kasula | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising The internet has always been a place where people can learn and connect to a multitude of individuals. However, in recent years, it is associated a lot more with hate and negativity. People nowadays believe that one should expect hate when putting themselves out to the internet, but looking back, I can’t help but question why. A lot of people are cyber bullied for their appearance or even the smallest mistakes they have made. In most situations, this hate is never properly justified, and negativity thus fuels the internet. Many people have a misguided mindset toward hate in general. For centuries, humans have gone through civil wars and have experienced many internal conflicts (mostly caused by jealousy), so it may seem as if hate comes with being a functioning member of society. The only problem is that back then, there was no internet to connect millions of people with each other. Therefore, it was very common for misunderstandings to get in the way of people uniting. Now, we have the internet, which has the ability to do the exact opposite. It has such amazing potential and is a beautiful tool that can truly revolutionize the way we see society. We now have the ability to understand so many other people and get an insight into how they feel about certain topics. However, we as humans are wasting this potential to be one unified world. We are not trying to understand but are rather trying to find faults in others. Oftentimes, jealousy gets in the way, but why should it? Obviously, the world is not perfect, but if each person can do their part to celebrate others, then we may have a chance of achieving the abstract idea of world peace. Maybe this idea does not have to be abstract any longer. There will indeed be those individuals who choose to hate, but if the majority reverts to spreading positivity on the worldwide platform known as the internet, we as a society can only get stronger. One of the main reasons why people choose to hate others is for the sole purpose of entertainment. Conflict is probably the only source of entertainment humans have, whether this be in movies, shows, or games. An interesting movie is one with a good plot, which means an incredible conflict. People seem to be so bent on stirring the pot because doing so often does not affect them personally. We seem to have forgotten that the internet is not a fake place. Behind the screens are people just like us, each with their own feelings and mental health. No one puts their whole life on the internet, so oftentimes, people are hating on the narrative of an individual rather than the individual themself. The two are often mistaken for each other, so the toxicity and negative comments can truly mess with their mental health, and they often doubt themselves. The internet does not allow people to make mistakes, which makes it incredibly difficult for people to grow and learn. If only we take a step back and try to put ourselves in someone’s shoes will we make the internet a more positive and attractive place for everyone. Rather than treating the internet like a game, we have to start realizing that it is indeed starting to become a very real part of our lives. Thus, we shouldn’t comment hateful things toward anyone because although we may not be caught, we are contributing to the negativity and toxicity of society. Do your part to make the world a better place and don’t take advantage of your right to free speech.


You can praise and offer constructive criticism but please don’t hate to the point where it impacts someone’s mental health. Let us use the internet like it was meant to be used, 
 and let’s take full advantage of the fact that it is literally a tool to connect the whole world together. We have a change of unity and greatness, so please do your best to be an internet superhero by spreading positivity on the internet. Here are some examples of things you can do: • •

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Comment positive messages on others’ posts This can really make someone’s day ◦ Stand up for/to others When someone blatantly hates on another individual or group, educate and ◦ stand up to them Unfollow negative accounts Giving such accounts more attention will only increase hate on the internet ◦ Report bullying and hate Help small businesses and entrepreneurs Give them a follow ◦ Share their posts ◦ Buy their products ◦ Give advice rather than hate Critique but do not criticize ◦ Spread positive content Bring awareness on current events Take constant breaks from your screen

There is so much good in the world, so please do not let jealousy or a lack of entertainment guide you in the wrong direction. If you are in need of entertainment, play some games or watch an interesting movie, but do your best not to bring negativity to the world around you. Let’s be stronger and make life enjoyable for everyone around us. Be an internet superhero.


Katie Phail | ’20-’21 Director of Fundraising

HEY BEE-UTIFALS!!! I hope you’re all not too stressed with everything right now (my heart goes out to all the seniors <3)!!! I know that I, personally, have been increasingly busy over these past few weeks with all of my deadlines coming up, but I have been trying to manage everything as best as possible, so I thought that I would share some tips with you guys to help you stay organized and focused as well as help you manage your time well without feeling too overworked or stressed. The main method that I use is called the Pomodoro technique, which I first learned about in an Officer Training Conference that was hosted by Key Club (which is why you guys should try to attend them if you can, they give you a bunch of good tips that don’t just pertain to volunteering). The first step of the Pomodoro Technique is to make a list of things that you need to do. I usually do this the night before and check on Google Classroom for any assignments that are due as well go over anything that I have to do for clubs and other extracurriculars. While it may seem like a hassle, it really helps me sort which things are the most important and need to be done first, so I would really suggest making a list the night before. The next steps are to set a timer for 25 minutes and work for those 25 minutes uninterrupted. By setting a deadline for myself with the timer, I feel more of an urgency to get my tasks done, which helps me become more productive with my time. I usually set my phone on nighttime mode during this time so I won’t get distracted by notifications and just focus on getting my work done. I sometimes listen to music while doing homework, but if I do, I listen to music that’s on a playlist so I don’t have to think about changing the music and breaking my focus. At the end of the 25 minutes, stop and write down everything you did and take a five minute break without thinking about your work. This will help you relax a bit and let your mind take a break and freshen up. After the short break, get back to work and repeat the previous steps with the 25 minute work interval, recording your progress, and the short breaks. At the end of the fourth round of repeating these steps, take a longer break for 15-30 minutes instead of five minutes. This is just to make sure that your mind won’t get too overworked and let you unwind for a longer period of time. If you want to, you could get other chores or tasks you need to do at home during this time to further increase your productivity, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to or don’t have anything to do at home. Continue repeating these steps with the longer break every four rounds until you either finish your work or it’s the end of the day. This method has been really helpful for me these past couple of weeks since I’ve gotten a lot busier with both school and extracurriculars, so by being able to have allotted time for different tasks and things I need to get done, I’ve been able to become more efficient with my time and be able to spend more time on more important things like my college apps. I hope this method works out for all of you and that you’re able to be a little less stressed by using this method!!!


Itzel Huerta | ’20-’21 Director of Publicity

Hello Buzzing Bees! Hopefully everyone has been getting more of a hang of school by now, and if not, we have Thanksgiving Break to save us temporarily. It’s good to have a little bit of happiness and cheer to share with others and ourselves especially during these times and we can do that through many ways. One amazing example of that is the Key Club x Arts2Cure Event on November 13th. This event was such a great opportunity for everyone to relax, have some fun, and do something sweet to spread some positivity to our beloved Whitney staff to show our appreciation. As COVID has changed student’s lives for the past year, it has also greatly impacted the teachers as well. Transitioning from a traditional classroom’s way of teaching to suddenly doing it all online can be a tough challenge especially for teachers who aren’t very tech savvy. So it is important to show them how much we appreciate and acknowledge their efforts to make class as manageable as they can. And just like how we may or may not need a little bit of joy during these times, this event was perfect to thank them for everything they do and bring them a little bit of happiness. After school, people from both clubs had the opportunity to join on the call at 3 pm, after people who had signed up joined on the call, Arts2Cure cabinet went over some instructions and examples of artwork before starting. Everyone was able to sign up for which staff members or teachers or departments they wanted to send some art to. Once everyone was done going over the information, we split into two rooms so that there was an even amount of people in each room. After everyone was settled into a room, they were able to start working on their artwork. Through out the whole time people had a chance to talk among each other while they worked or just listen to some music as we went along. Even though there may not have been a whole lot of interaction with each other during this time, everyone was still able to vibe and relax. Once the hour was over, everyone was able to show off their works of art and a link was sent out so we could turn them into the teachers/staff it was dedicated to. Even though there weren’t many things to do that required much interaction, sometimes just doing your own thing on a call with somebody else is enough for people because they know somebody is there for them. It is important to not only consider other people during these times, but also yourself. The best way you can spread happiness is by feeling that happiness yourself because once you do, all of that natural energy and positivity can be contagious to everyone around you. So I hope all of you have been doing well so far and remember to take some time for you time. Until next time bees! <3


Elizabeth Hoang | ’20-’21 Historian/Tech Editor HEY SUNS! We all know that Thanksgiving is right around the corner! Thanksgiving means food, a lot of food. I wanted to share some baking recipes for you to make goodies and treats for your family and loved ones to show your thanks and appreciation for them. Especially right now when everyone seems to be stuck in this never-ending cycle of waking up, working, eating, and going back to sleep to do it all over again, I think that sending your thanks in the form of a little treat is just what everyone needs! Remember to tell your loved ones just how thankful you are for them! It’s not everyday that we celebrate the things we’re thankful for with a turkey. Mini Pumpkin Pies Ingredients: • 2 pie crusts homemade or store-bought • ½ cup (100 grams) brown sugar • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon • ½ teaspoon ground ginger • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg • ⅛ teaspoon ground cloves • ¼ teaspoon salt • 1 cup (250 grams) pumpkin puree • ¾ cup (180 ml) evaporated milk • 1 egg lightly beaten Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies: • 1 cup pumpkin puree • 1 cup granulated sugar • ½ cup vegetable oil • 1 large egg • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 2 teaspoon baking powder • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • ½ teaspoon pumpkin spice • ½ teaspoon fine sea salt • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1 teaspoon milk • 1-2 cups chocolate chips


Mini Pumpkin Pies 
 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. 2. On a lightly floured surface, roll the pie crusts out to ⅛" thickness. Using a 3.5-inch cookie cutter (or cup) cut out 18 circles from the pie crusts. Re-roll any scrap pieces of pie dough as needed to cut out the circles. 3. Place each circle of pie crust in 18 cavities of 2 standard 12-count muffin pans. Gently press the dough down and around the sides. Transfer the muffin pans to the refrigerator while you make the filling. 4. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, whisk together the brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, cloves, and salt until well combined. Then whisk in the pumpkin puree, evaporated milk, and egg until fully combined. 5. Remove the muffin pans with the pie crusts from the refrigerator. Spoon the pumpkin pie filling evenly between all 18 pie crusts in the muffin pans (about 2 tablespoons per pie crust). 6. Bake at 400°F for 16-20 minutes or until the tops of the mini pumpkin pies are set and the crust is lightly golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack for 30 minutes, remove from the muffin pan, then place on the wire rack to finish cooling. Once cooled, place in an airtight container and transfer to the refrigerator to chill for at least 3 hours. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies: 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a baking mat. Set aside. 2. Combine pumpkin, sugar, vegetable oil, vanilla and egg in a large bowl. Mix until smooth. 3. In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, ground cinnamon, pumpkin spice and salt. If you'd like a fluffier cookie, dissolve the baking soda with the milk and stir into the wet ingredients. 4. Add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture and mix just until combined. Finally stir in chocolate chips and stir just until combined. Do not over mix. 5. Drop cookies on by the spoonful about 2 inches apart, or use a medium cooke scoop. Add a few extra chocolate chips to the tops if desired. 6. Bake for 10-13 minutes, or until a toothpick comes clean and the bottoms are lightly brown. Check one and bake 1-2 more minutes if the center is not quite done. 7. Remove from oven and allow to cool on pan for 5 minutes and then transfer to a cooling rack. These taste even better the next day.


Keep up with the Hive! linktr.ees

https://linktr.ee/whitneykeyclub https://linktr.ee/d30ssuns

upcoming dates!




CONTACT US social media whitneyhigh_keyclub Whitney Key Club! whitney_keyclub

cabinet President | Maya Alvarez-Harmon mayaharmon2003@gmail.com Vice-President | Ayaan Ekram ayaanekram@gmail.com Secretary | Emily Thang emsunnysunshine@gmail.com Treasurer | Saadhvi Narayanan saadhstar@gmail.com Bulletin Editor | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Director of Activities | Jerrick Wu jerrickwu7@gmail.com Director of Activities | Ayush Shah ayush98365@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Itzel Huerta itzel.huerta1510@gmail.com Director of Publicity | Eileen Rodriguez eileen.rodriguezsalehi@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Anika Kasula anikakasula@gmail.com Director of Fundraising | Katherine Phail katherinephail@yahoo.com

Director of Kiwanis and Community Relations | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Alanna Chan alannamchan@gmail.com Historian/Tech Editor | Elizabeth Hoang elizabeth.hoang8@gmail.com

division leadership team Executive Assistant | Michelle Kim michellemkim6@gmail.com Service Project Coordinator | Ethan Hong ethanhong2003@gmail.com Fundraising Task Coordinator | Elu Loquias eluloquias@gmail.com Division Historian | Ashlyn Wong ashlynwong01@gmail.com Division Spirit Coordinator | Anastasia Estrella asia.estrella.3@gmail.com

advisors Kiwanis | Ms. Jan Jensen sokkerjan@gmail.com Club |Mrs. Stacy Palmer stacy.palmer@abcusd.us


thank you for reading! BEE GREEN AND DO NOT PRINT!



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